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OAOAST Syndicated 7/13/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***The Heavenly Rockers W/Quiz, Abdullah Abir Nerdly, and Holly Vs The Love Doctors***

Tough odds faced The Love Doctors in Syndicated’s opening contest. These odds seemed almost insurmountable at the start of the match with The Rockers’ outside help providing the distraction needed for double teams. Several near falls occurred at the start of the contest, as The Love Doctors were overpowered by the double teaming. Dr.Anderson got his team back in the contest after he reversed a Logan Mann pile driver into a back body drop. From there he and Pigley took turns working over Logan, using a high impact and high flying offensive attack. But the good fortune only lasted for so long; Synth got the referee’s attention allowing Quiz to blast Pigley with a big boot. From there it was all Heavenly Rockers, as the duo targeted Pigley’s neck. The match was on the verge of a finale until the good doctor countered a Percussion DDT attempt by Synth. A hot tag was made to Dr.Anderson and the Windy City native proceeded to clean house. Problematically, he soon had to deal with Quiz and Abdullah Abir Nerdly.  With Holly distracting the referee, the two men became a tag team of their own. But miscommunication spelled their doom as Quiz took out Abdullah with a big boot and was then double lariated over the ropes.  Things permanently worsened for the Rockers as Logan walked right into a Gurney To The Centre Of The Earth for a major upset!

Winners: The Love Doctors, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview Lorelei DeCenzo, Alix’s ex girlfriend.  As you can imagine this did not go well, with Alix accusing Lorelei of still holding onto the matchbook she used to burn Atlanta during the Battle of Atlanta. Lorelei found this absurd and rightly so, as the Battle of Atlanta occurred in 1864, more than a century before Alix was born, and it took more than a matchbook from a strip club to burn the city down! As usual Maya got things back on track by asking about Christian Wright’s match with Simon Singleton at the South Beach Spectacular. Lorelei claimed that The Enterprise was happy with Alfdogg’s decesion, regarding it as the fair thing to do. Maya questioned if they had any other choice but to be happy. Lorelei responded Alf would’ve felt ramifactions had they found the contest to be unfair towards CW. Lorelei derided Simon as being dead weight in The Enterprise during his tenure. Maya disagreed with this, and defended her Uncle Simon. Lorelei countered that Simon always rode someone’s coattails and he’s using Christian, just like he used the entire Enterprise, to make a name for himself.

Battlebowl match

Tim Cash is the first name drawn from the bin, followed by "Virgin Island Thunder" Victor Perez.  They seem satisfied to be paired up, but that was not the case for their opponents, Thunderkid and Denzel Spencer!  Before Denzel could even get to the ring, TK charged him in the aisle, and the two brawled all the way to the ring.  Cash and Perez tried to intervene, to no avail, as the two rivals were more concerned with fighting each other than with winning their Battlebowl qualifier.  Finally, more referees ran out and convinced the two to start an actual tag match.  

Tim Cash & Victor Perez vs Thunderkid & Denzel Spencer

It didn't last long, as TK quickly miscued and floored Denzel with a clothesline, triggering another brawl.  Both men shoved the referee to the mat, at which point Cash and Perez stepped in and dropkicked the two into one another, with Denzel falling to the outside as Cash schoolboyed TK and got a quick three-count to advance.

WINNERS: Tim Cash & Victor Perez

Following a singles chat line commercial, a video package highlighting last week's Battlebowl match on HeldDOWN~! aired, then a promo Colombian Heat cut on Mr. Dick and Malaysia for bailing when things got hot, which led to our next match.

***Colombian Heat vs. Mr. Dick***

Heat went on the offensive early, scoring a series of nearfalls. MD gained the advantage thanks to outside interference from Malaysia, but Heat fought back. The match swung back in MD's favor for good after Heat missed a frog splash, which MD followed with the Roughrider (STF) for the win.

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