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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 7/7/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

Battlebowl match

Vinny Valentine's name is the first out of the bin, and he saunters to the ring as Christian Wright's name is drawn next, much to Vinny's delight.  Quiz marches down to the ring as the first half of the opposition, followed by Mariachi, who is the lone wrestler with fan approval in the match.  He starts the match with Vinny, and bewilders him with high-flying moves, then tags in Quiz who overpowers Vinny until Wright lands a well-timed cheapshot, allowing Vinny to tag him in.  Quiz tags Mariachi at the same time, however, and Mariachi lands a couple quick moves before Wright takes over on him.  Wright and Vinny control him for the next few minutes, before Vinny whiffs on his big legdrop from the top, allowing Quiz to get the hot tag, and unload with power moves on both participants.  After a few near-falls, Mariachi tags in and hits both guys with a bodypress off the top, as the Burrough Boys run down and sacrifice themselves to Quiz, preventing Mariachi from making a tag, which allows Wright to capitalize and land the Stock Market Crash for the victory.

WINNERS: Vinny Valentine & Christian Wright



Highlights were shown of a house show match between Krista Isadora Duncan and Dos. The highlights were fairly non descript (for a Krista match!), but the true moment of interest came when Krista pile drove Dos. The pile driver snapped Dos’ neck, leaving him in incredible pain. The match had to be stopped and Dos had to be carted off in a stretcher.  Maya provided an update that Dos’ had a fractured neck and would be out an indefinite period of time.

Thunderkid vs Denzel Spencer (Taped Fist match)

Both men come to the ring taping their fists up, and beat themselves bloody.  TK gets the first major edge, overpowering Denzel for several minutes.  Denzel came back with a frenzy, hitting several trademark moves, until the referee is inadvertently knocked to the mat.  TK pulls a chain from his tights, and tapes it around his fist, then KOs Denzel as the referee comes to, scoring the pin.

WINNER: Thunderkid (leads 2-0)

Alix and Maya sat down to interview Holly.  This was not a particularly pleasant interview as Holly decided to smoke around notoriously anti-smoking Maya.  However, Maya put up with Holly’s smoking while Holly proceeded to proclaim she’s unstoppable. Holly informed the fans that no one could beat her and that the other women were just wasting their time. Maya said Jade could beat her, and that caused Holly to puff smoke in her face. This wasn’t a wise idea, as Maya sprayed Holly with a fire extinguisher!  

Syndicated Meet and Greet


Spencer Reiger

Best body in the OAOAST
Me, of course. People magazine even said so. Look it up if you want.

Favorite movie
Music for lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. I'm no sissy though, I can still kick your ass. But that movie gets me all choked up, inside.

First summer job
My parents made me get some lame job at an Amusement Park one summer to learn "responsibility". I had to run one of those stupid game stands where you try to throw the ball into the bottle. I nearly got in a fight over a dumbass Bugs Bunny stuffed animal, there was no way that guy got the ball anywhere near that bottle, but he still wanted his gay toy.

Celeberity Crush?
I don't have crushes. What do I look like a thirteen year old girl? People have crushes on me. If you're forcing me to pick someone Zoe Saladana or however you say her name is the hottest chick out there.

Krista Isadora Duncan & Baron Windels vs Reject & Mr. Dick

Krista and Baron show much better continuity than Reject & MD for obvious reasons, and are able to take control of Reject in the early going.  Reject is sent into the ropes, then hooks them and tags himself out, yelling at MD to "get his ass in there and make himself useful".  MD is angered, and prepares to lay one on Reject, but stops himself after remembering the threat of suspension from Alfdogg.  He instead shouts insults at Reject, who shoves him from the apron, and Baron rolls him up, but Reject dives in and breaks up the count.  They manage to take advantage when Reject low-bridges Baron from the apron, then tosses him into the steps as MD ties up the referee.  Reject then tags in, and ties up the referee once again, as Malaysia holds Baron on the floor, allowing Melissa to deliver a kick to the abdomen.  Baron is in trouble for a few minutes, but hits a big clothesline on Reject and tags Krista.  Krista cleans house (figuratively speaking), until falling victim to a double-team, before Malaysia slides a chair into the ring.  MD grabs the chair, as Melissa distracts the referee, and swings for Krista, but his Reject instead!  MD acts unconcerned, and starts to leave the ring, but then dives to make the save as Krista covers.  Krista and MD then brawl on the outside, as Baron works over Reject in the ring.  Baron charges Reject in the corner, but Reject throws him into the corner shoulder-first.  MD throws Krista into the stairs, then rolls back inside...where Reject hits him with the Eulogy!  He hesitates, then does the same to Baron, onto the chair, before rolling MD on top for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Reject & Mr. Dick

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