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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The Great Angle Bash 2010

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.


This is America...

We fade in on a scene of classic Americana. Its an outdoor BBQ where kids run playfully through the yard, teenagers toss a football back and forth, housewives talk amongst themselves, and men share a beer. Everyone is in high spirits except the man who storms through the back gate, Mister Dick.

:Anger: This is your America?  Fuck your America!

Mister Dick kicks over the BBQ pit, causing frightened gasps to erupt from the party goers.

This is my America.

DJ Khlaed's All I do is win plays along with the video

We see an overhead view of a highway empty except for a gang of motorcycles rushing down the pavement. The fearsome legion is led by a leather bound Mister Dick.

The OAOAST ring is our scene with Baron Windells leveling an opponent with a lariat.

Inside a dingy, darkened arena, a brutal underground cage fight is underway. The two brawlers slug it out with animal ferocity.

Within the OAOAST ring Krista strikes down an opponent with a KIDology.

On the streets of Sunset a furious auto race occurs. The two souped up sports cars fly down the pavement with maniac speed.

Back inside the OAOAST ring, Mister Dick executes the lethal Jackhammer on a faceless foe.

Inside a strip club, topless dancers writhe and grind to the delight of well paying patrons.

Reject executes a Eulogy inside the OAOAST ring

An exchange of money for a duffle bag, no doubt containing drugs, occurs in a warehouse loaded with heavily armed goons in suits.

ThunderKid executes a Thunderbolt DDT onto a luckless opponent.

That's my America.

We go inside of the state of the art, luxurious Cowboys Stadium. Throughout the massive venue, fans are on their feet, screaming their love for various OAOAST superstars as well as shouting their anticipation for the upcoming event. None of them hold signs, however, because I decided to ban that weird redneck shit.


Welcome to the 2010 Great Angle Bash on pay per view presented by AT&T!

Our view switches to that of Sofa Central, where Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman, both wearing Cowboys jerseys, are encased by excited and enthused fans.

Folks, welcome to Cowboys Stadium! I’m Michael Cole joined by the Coach Jonathan Coachman. I can hardly hear myself talk over the roar of this sold out audience!

Mikey, I don’t think anything can compare to this level of excitement. The noise level is off the charts!

Its an Anglemania atmosphere here in Dallas, with an Anglemania worthy mainevent with Mister Dick putting up his world title against Baron Windells.  Let’s go backstage to Terry Taylor.

We find Terry standing backstage in the locker room area.

Thanks, guys. I just talked with Baron Windells and he said he has 100 friends and family members here to watch this match along with all his supporters in the OAOAST Galaxy. He says he’s going to lay it all on the line and leave everything in the ring. Mister Dick on the other hand has no friends and family making the trip to Dallas, instead relying on support from Malaysia and Genevieve Duncan.

Thanks, Terry. Folks, that’s not our only major match on the card. We also have Chicks Over Dicks defending their tag team titles against Reject and ThunderKid in a first ever dumpster match.

This was Alfdogg’s idea, and I give him much respect for trying something new and making history here in the Big D!

Folks, lets get the 2010 Great Angle Bash underway!
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"I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
And I've been waiting for this moment
For all my life, oh lord
Oh lord."

Nonpoint's version of "In The Air Tonight" is greeted by boos as the figures of V.I.C.E head out from the back to start the show. Psyched up, Bosley rants and raves, a bundle of energy. Behind him, much calmer, CPA puffs away on a big Cuban sigar and providing the back-up for The Bos tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your opening contest of The Great Angle Bash 2010, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by CHRISTOPHER PATRICK ALLEN! From Miami, Florida... weighing two hundred, sixty five pounds... he is one half of V.I.C.E... DETECTIVE TTAAAAAAAAANNGGOOOOOOOOOOO... BBOOOOOSSSSSSLLLLLEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY!!!


Bosley slides into the ring and starts yelling at the sold-out crowd, adrenaline threatening to burst out of his eyeballs.

This past Thursday on HeldDOWN, Bosley and CPA were after two things. Getting to beat someone up and being paid for the priviledge. And they targetted the fifteen thousand dollar "King's Ransom" on the head of Nathaniel Black, with a vicious sneak attack...

Approaching his rental car, Black opens up the door... but the moment he does, V.I.C.E pounce!


Bosley and CPA stomp Black up against the car and RAM his head back against the side of the car, with a THUD! And again!

Get the door!

Dragging Black's body towards the driver's seat CPA steps back and allows Bosley to SLAM THE DOOR SHUT on Black's upper body!



Black falls back against the side of the car, leaving him open for some more kicks and stomps. The V.I.C.E squad haul Black back to his feet and guide him towards the car beside them, before HURLING him forward, sending Black bumping over the trunk and to the concrete over the other side.


V.I.C.E round the car and stalks towards Black ready to finish him off...

...when suddenly, there's a loud whistle from behind them. V.I.C.E turn around and see, moving towards them, the figures of THE LAST KINGS OF SCOTLAND, with their spiked clubs flung over their shoulders and smiles on their faces!

Aye! C'mon then lads... let's party!

Faced with the club-weilding Scots and a recovering Black, Bosley and CPA look at each other and realise they're in trouble.

Not now. Go!

Forceful enough to even get through to Bosley, CPA thumbs behind him and V.I.C.E quickly leave in that direction.

And if not for The Last Kings Of Scotland's intervention, CPA and Bosley might have spent tonight counting their money instead of facing up to this match.

Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time for that. There's no need for a sneak attack tonight. Bosley's got Nathaniel Black one on one, in the ring. Sounds to me like a great opportunity to cash in on that ransom.

As Bosley stews in the ring watching the replay, "Chelsea Dagger" finally hits to bring out his opponent. Who just happens to be almost as fired up as Bosley is.

And, weighing two hundred, thirty eight pounds... from London, England... NNAAAATTHHHHAAAANNIIIIIEEEEEELLLLLLLL... BBLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAACCKK!!!!


Black jogs to the ring and slides right into the heart of the battle!

Whuh-oh, here we go!


Bosley gets the jump on Black sliding in but the advantage doesn't last long. Getting to his feet, Black is up and trading shots with Bosley, in an all-out slugfest!

Look at these two go!

Two of the roughest and toughest in the whole OAOAST, you had to figure it'd get ugly real quick.

Getting the upperhand, Black stops and dishes out a European uppercut to Bosley. And a second one. Shot off the ropes, Bosley gets pushed up into the air and kicked right in the midsection on the way down! Black then steps behind and looks to put the Crossface Chickenwing on almost immediately, but Bosley scrambles for his life and makes it to the corner.

I didn't think it was possible, but this King's Ransom may have made Nathaniel Black even angrier. And even more dangerous!

Black goes after Bosley in the corner, but the burly Detective gets a boot up into the face.


As Black staggers backwards, Bosley follows up with a clothesline and goes for the cover...




Mounting his opponent Bosley rains down with some closed fists, earning him a warning from the referee... and a kick in the stomach by Black, from his back, when that warning distracts him. Black is right back up and traps Bosley in the corner, unloading with some bodyshots. As Bosley's guard drops Black then goes upstairs and starts unleashing the Black Hammer, clubbing Bosley back and forth across the head with his forearms!


Bosley must be wondering if these fifteen thousand dollars are really worth it at this point.

Wringing the arm, Black whips Bosley into the opposite corner and follows in with a clothesline. Off the ropes Black tries to catch Tango coming out with another one, but Bosley ducks and kicks Black in the gut. After a slap to the back of the head, into the ropes goes Bosley. Only for Black to surprise him with a headbutt to the gut! Bosley doubles up and Black delivers a knee to the side of the head, then goes for the pin...




Black picks Bosley back up and hits the Half Nelson Backbreaker! Cover...




Chewing on his cigar a little more now, CPA encourages Bosley to get it together.

I'm sure somewhere, Landon Maddix is wat...

King Landon Maddix.

...I'm sure Landon is watching.

King Landon. Don't make him come out here and correct you himself.

Black dishes out some forearms in the corner and whips Bosley across. This time Bosley stops himself from hitting the turnbuckles though, getting a foot on the middle buckle. Bosley catches Black coming in with a back elbow, then runs Black face-first with the ALPHADog!

Yeah! I'm sure King Landon loved that!




Waving Black back up, Bosley lays in wait.

Here we go, Bos. Think of the money, baby!

As Black reaches his feet, Bosley takes aim with the roundhouse kick... but Black ducks! A boot doubles up Bosley. Black then delivers a forearm. Taking it on the chin, literally, Bosley fires right back with a right hand. And that seems to wake up Black, who smashes Bosley with another forearm and dares him to bring it on. Another right hand from Bosley, leads to another forearm from Black. Rocked a little, Bosley steps forward and boots Black right in the face! But Black shakes it off and comes back with a headbutt!

They are going toe to toe... and I think that headbutt might have shaken up the Detective!

Dazed, Bosley takes a moment to recover and then gives Black a knee to the gut.


I think Bosley's done trying to trade shots with Nathaniel Black. Smart move.

Bosley turns and hits the ropes, but Black raises a foot and catches Bosley in the face this time! Staggered, Bosley falls back into Black, who sets up for another Half Nelson Backbreaker. Bosley uses a judo throw to escape though, then tags Black with a big right hand.

My boy Bosley ain't done. He ain't never done hitting people, Cole. That's what Bos lives for!

Booting Black, Bosley sets him up with a suplex... and drops Black face-first with the NYPD-DT!! Leg hooked...




Nearfall for Bosley, but I have to ask, is just winning this match going to win Bosley the fifteen thousand dollars? Landon said he wanted Black to be gotten rid of, not just pinned.

What do you think CPA's out here for? First you pin him, then the fun begins.

I see.

Looking to get the party started Bosley sets himself again, waiting on his English opponent. Getting a little antsy he starts yelling and shouting, as Black finally gets back up. And Bosley finally unleashes the roundhouse kick...

...but misses again! Black ducks and quickly hooks Bosley up, for a second Half Nelson Backbreaker!! Holding onto the arm Black lifts Bosley back to his feet, spinning him around. And with a spin of his own, he meets Bosley on the way back round with the BLACK LARIAT!!


Big clothesline, that could do it!




Black gets right back to his feet and cuts a thumb across his throat, signalling for the end.

Hold onto your money, King Landon!

As Black waits for Bosley to get back up though, suddenly CPA appears on the apron.

Wait a second, there's CPA...

Black spots CPA out of the corner of his eye and knocks him him right off the apron with a clothesline!


And there goes CPA!

Turning his attention back to his opponent, Black sees Bosley running at him and swings out with a clothesline. Bosley ducks underneath the line though and leaps to the middle rope, springboarding back with a flying back elbow! Bosley quickly rolls over and hooks a leg...




Great agility from the 6'5, 265 AMOG. But not enough.

Come on ref, there's a ransom at stake here. Pick up that count and you might get a cut of the cash!

Both men get back up, with Bosley up first and stalking behind his opponent. As Black gets up Bosley then pounces, grabbing Black's arms from behind. He turns Black over, looking to administer Justifiable Homicide... but Black slips free and goes for the Crossface Chickenwing!


Before Black can get the hold locked in though, Bosley manages to slip free as well. A clubbing blow to the back drops Black to a knee. Bosley pounds his chest in an Alpha Male kinda way, then goes to hook a front facelock. But Black slips right out of his grasp, right back in search of the Crossface Chickenwing again!


Has he got it this time? I think he has!

Come on Bos, fight! Fight for the King!

Bosley fights and fights, but his leg is swept from underneath him. Once down on one knee, it's an easy task for Black to lock on a bodyscissors and take Bosley down to the mat... leaving Bosley with no choice but to TAP OUT!!



Unlocking the hold, Black jumps to his feet and raises his fists in victory.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of this contest... NNAAATTHHHAAANNIIIIEEELLL BBLLLLAAAAAAACCKK!!!!!


Black finds the nearest camera and like a week ago, repeats his dare for anyone and everyone to "bring it on", showing no fear of the King's Ransom.

Nathaniel Black fends off the OAOAST's resident bounty hunters tonight. And the King's Ransom is not going to be paid out here in Dallas!

What a royal disappointment.

Leaving the ring Black is defiant in the face of the threat, fist raised in victory on his way back up the aisle.

A big win here tonight for Nathaniel Black. But, who lies in wait to chase the ransom next?
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Fade in on a darkened alley, a man sits on his knees, covered in blood, head held down in horror. Around him lie bodies, battered, broken, and bloodied.

I was once told I was destined for great things

Cut to an image of the man mounting another and raining down punches upon him.

Great things and unfortunate things.

The man’s arms are pinned behind his back as another proceeds to drive punches into his stomach.


We cut back to the man kneeling in the alley.

The shadow of the devil looms large.

The man is in a wrestling ring, attired in simple red trunks, and surrounded by roaring fans.

And I will die under it.

Another image this time of the man powerbombing someone out the ring and through the table.

But first my enemies will suffer.

The man screams a thunderous shout of victory.

That is my promise.

Coming soon to the OAOAST

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The audience spews forth a torrent of hatred as “Khyber Pass” floods through the arena. The Neon Lit entrance stage glows with multicolored hue as entrance doors spread apart to bring out Abdullah Abir Nerdly and Synth Abdul Jabbar. Wearing a red shorts with a tiger on the side, Abdullah performs a holy dance in hopes of winning the god’s favor.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of twenty minutes! Now making his way to the ring being accompanied by Synth Abdul-Jabbar, he weighes in at one hundred seventy pounds, from Damascus, Syria he is the SPEAKER FOR THE PROPHETS…..ABDULLAAAAAH ABBBBIIIIIIRRRRRR NEEEEEERRRRDDDDDLYYYYYYY!

This match happened to be made by Josie Baker as punishment for Morgan Nerdly. But when Alfdogg came into power he offered Morgan an option to back out. But little Morgan decided to keep her date with her elder brother and its going to be explosive.

Abdullah and Synth enter the ring and stand inside a trio of green, red, and blue spotlights. They drop to their knees and give thanks to god for bringing them victory over their despised enemy.


To un-explain the unforgivable,
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.
By streetlight this dark night,
A séance down below.
There are things that I have done,
You never should ever know!

And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.
And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.

As the audience comes to their feet with cheers charges of electricity fall upon the entrance stage. The neon American flag flashes blue, while the gigantic scoreboard fills with images of sizzling electricity. Finally a thunderous bolt of electricity smashes into the entrance stage. Shredding her way through the entrance doors is the former Women’s Champion, Morgan Nerdly. Wearing a pinstriped booty shorted romper, Morgan watches the audience with a nervous glance.

Morgan Nerdly has arrived in Dallas, Texas! And if anyone stands to benefit from a regime change its her.  

Morgan quickly shuffles down the entrance stage, her eyes staying glued on the floor and away from the mocking stares of Synth and Abdullah.


Can you hear me cry out to you?
Words I thought I'd choke on figure out.
I'm really not so with you anymore.
I'm just a ghost,
So I can't hurt you anymore,
So I can't hurt you anymore.

And now, you wanna see how far down I can sink?
Let me go, fuck!
So, you can, well now so, you can
I'm so far away from you.
Well now so, you can.

Morgan leans over the ropes in the center of the ring and offers the audience an innocent and childlike stare.

How can one man torment his sister the way that Abdullah has tormented Morgan?

How can one girl zap her own brother the way Morgan has zapped Abdullah?


Morgan wastes little time with pleasantries; the littlest Nerdly kid rushes across the ring and spears her brother to the ground.  The fans revel in the sight of Abdullah being battered with wild punches from the former women’s champion.

Fight back your holiness!

Eventually Abdullah is able to shove Morgan off him. Breathing heavy, he stumbles to a standing position near the ropes. His time to catch his breath is short lived as Morgan runs forward with a lariat. Her little arms strike big, knocking the speaker for the prophets over the ropes and to the outside. Morgan walks about the ring, trembling with both fright and fury. Suddenly she makes a move to the ropes and throws herself over them with a plancha that wipes out AAN!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans celebrate as Abdullah is mercilessly pounded by the teenage sensation.

This probably isn’t what Josie had in mind when she booked this match!

Yeah this might turn into the final insult for her!

Morgan rips herself away from Abdullah, and nervously rubs her arms. At the crowd’s urging, she picks up her elder brother and deposits him into the ring. Slowly, Abdullah finds his footing. Soon his strength comes to him and he’s able to battle at Morgan with a lariat. But Morgan ducks low and takes Abdullah onto her shoulders into a standing fireman’s carry.

Wow! That is superhuman strength by Morgan Nerdly! How is she doing that!

Abdullah doesn’t know and doesn’t care. He merely wants his freedom. He gets it due to a rake of Morgan’s bright blue eyes.  Free of Morgan, Abdullah pushes himself to the ropes. But when he comes back Morgan swings around him and takes him to the canvas with a sleeper drop!  Morgan then grabs onto the side of Abdullah’s head and begins violently slamming his skull into the back of the canvas! Refree Charles Robinson puts a quick stop to this, afraid Morgan might manage to kill her sibling.


These people make me sick. How can you want to see a man of the cloth maimed?

Morgan grabs Abdullah by the seat of his baggy shorts and yanks him off the canvas. She tags him with several forearms to the chest before whipping him into the ropes. Morgan’s platform heels than rush after him, only to find their owner elbowed away. With Morgan dazed for the moment, Abdullah backs up to the second rope.

Repent, sinner! Repent!

Abdullah then flies off the top rope with an axe handle smash! But Morgan counters it into an inverted atomic drop! She then takes Abdullah onto her shoulders. Taking advantage of his stunned state, Morgan drops him to the canvas with the Shock and Awe (F-U)!


The cheers are washed away by the sight of Synth pulling Abdullah out the ring. This deflates the audience, but elevates Abdullah to a plane of relieved happiness.

All ya’ll pipe down! Respect the covenant of god, broke bitches!

Synth walks Abdullah around the ring, discussing strategy with him as well as trying to revive him. Eventually Robinson grows sick of this charade and orders Abdullah  back into the ring.  At first Abdullah protests, but a threat of a DQ brings back within the squared circle. Morgan meets him with pair of punches, and then throws him into the ropes for an irish whip. The tiny girl makes a mistake of telegraphing a back body drop, and is hit with a knee to the skull for her folly. Abdullah chuckles at her error, and carries himself back into the ropes. He strides back expecting to hit an elbow smash. But Morgan stuns him with a rollup!


Abdullah untangles himself from the surprise pin. Quick to his feet, he throws a spinning elbow at Morgan. But she ducks behind him and grabs onto the side of his head. From there the cute Nerdly kid sitsout and executes the Electric Current (skull breaker)
Morgan just crashed Abdullah’s skull against hers! I wonder if that had any ill effects on her.

Morgan shakes off the groggy remnants of her move and pins her brother…



Abdullah throws his shoulder off the canvas.  Morgan nervously gets to her feet, and begins chewing on her hair. The crowd urge her to fight on, and fight on she does; the former police inspector takes off to the ropes. But her platform heels are caught by Synth!

Don’t think just cuz you little you can’t get got! Anyone can get got out in these streets!

The poster boy of wiggers everywhere has no business interfering with Morgan.

Thankful for Synth’s help, Abdullah sneaks up behind Morgan and clubs her in the back.

The wicked shall be punished!

Go on and do that damn thing, son!

Abdullah shoves Morgan into the corner and batters her with stomps to her midsection.  Deciding variety is the spice of life, he switches from kicks to shoulder charges.

Morgan’s frame is so small you have got to wonder how much damage she can actually absorb.

Abdullah peels Morgan away from the corner and whips her across the ring. Upon smacking into the turnbuckles Morgan is struck by a running shoulder charge from the speaker of the prophets. Morgan whimpers her pain, nearly sagging over to the canvas. Abdullah keeps her upright with a series of knife edge chops that burn through her exposed skin.

I ask again how can one man do what Abdullah has done to his own sister? Sickening.

Abdullah shreds Morgan away from the corner and guides her into the center of the ring. He snaps on a front facelock and then hooks onto the seat of her romper. From there he flings her backwards with a snap suplex. As Morgan grits her teeth in pain, the Syrian floats over for a cover…




ABDULLAH (spreading his arms and staring to the heavens)
The end of the beast is near, my children!

Abdullah waits for Morgan to rise then runs at her with a yakuza kick. The blow strikes Morgan in the jaw, and her face goes blank as she topples over to the canvas. On the outside Synth leaps into the air and pumps his fists in delight. Equally pleased is Abdullah, who goes for a pinfall…



Morgan throws her shoulder of the canvas!


Rising to her feet, Morgan is peppered by a storm of jabs from the strangely juking and jiving Abdullah.

What is he doing?

He’s got the holy ghost in him!

Abdullah points to the sky and thanks god before turning on Morgan and raking her eyes! The audience boos this illegal tactic and the referee admonishes it. Not listening to either party, Abdullah grabs Morgan into an inverted facelock. He then drops down and nails her with an inverted DDT! A cover then follows…



Morgan makes another kickout, causing Abdullah to question his strategy. Thus he takes a quick pow-wow with Synth to discuss his next course of action. After getting solid advice he returns to Morgan and picks her off the canvas. She’s thrown into the ropes, and bounces back to a lariat. However, she ducks beneath the attack to come up behind Abdullah. The speaker of the prophets whirls around to strike Morgan, but is caught by a kick in the ribs. Another kick follows, and then a third lands with pinpoint precision. Morgan then stretches out her tiny legs and kicks Abdullah in the face to complete the Lightening Kick!


Unsure what to do next, Morgan backs away from Abdullah to the ropes. But this becomes a problem as Synth leaps onto the apron and grabs hold of her golden hair. Morgan shrieks in pain, as Abdullah angrily gets to his feet. The holy man then charges at Morgan with raised fist. But Morgan drags herself away from Synth and the rockstar is knocked clear off the apron by Abdullah! The celebrates and Abdullah gasps in horror, while a trembling Morgan waits for him to turn around. He does so, walking right into a standing fireman’s carry! There’s no Shock and Awe forthcoming as Abdullah slithers down Morgan’s back for a roll up…



Morgan rolls herself out the pinning situtation. Both competitors roll to their feet where Abdullah draws first blood with a knee to Morgan’s midsection. He then takes off to the ropes, but returns to an inverted atomic drop! He hollers in pain, and begs Morgan for a reprieve. But Morgan isn’t feeling all that merciful and again takes Abdullah onto her shoulders.

Shock and Awe!

But Abdullah frees himself by elbowing the side of Morgan’s head.

The beast shall be slain! The Gate of Deliverance has opened!

Abdullah’s rarely seen finisher is set up when he hammerlocks Morgan. He then lunges forward with a lariat, only to be ducked once again.

He hasn’t hit anything tonight.

Abdullah once again lunges at Morgan, but finds himself taken onto her shoulders! This time there will be no escape for the man of the cloth; Morgan flips him over and smashes him into the canvas with the Shock and Awe! As the audience puts forth wild cheers, Morgan hooks Abdullah’s leg for the pinfall…





Your winner as a result of a pinfall…..MORGAN NERDLYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Insult to injury for Josie Baker and a great victory for Morgan Nerdly.

Morgan picks herself off the canvas, and stares wide eyed at her fallen brother.






Oh my!

Stop her before she kills him!

Morgan smiles sweetly after roasting Abdullah's skin to an extra crispy husk. Yet, there's little time for celebration, as Logan Mann and Quiz hit the ring with bloodshed perverting their minds.



This is outrageous!

Muttering to herself, Morgan exits the ring without so much as a second thought for her victims. Three paramedics swerve past her, eager to avoid being her next target. Unfortunately for them Morgan is in a killing mood, and she trails them into the ring.




Having seen enough, Coach procures a microphone to address Morgan. But ever the coward, he hides behind Cole as he speaks.

Hey, you crazy bitch! What do you think you're doing?


Tell yo mamas to close their stankin ass pussy! Now, as I was about to say, I don't care if you want to shock paramedics, or referees, or road agents. But you just zapped the only the rock n wrestling band that matters, and Kentucky Fried your own brother. Even the Colonel is shaking his head. You're crazy! You're crazy and your dangerous, and right now I want you to quit the OAOAST so others don't have to live in fear of using handicapped parking for the rest of their life if they piss you off. You don't deserve to be here! You deserve to be in a nut house!

You done fucked up now, nigga.

That comment draws Morgan's ire, and her eyes fill with rage. With one gigantic leap, her little body is over the ropes and onto the outside mats. Coach realizes he has indeed done fucked up now, and tries to use Cole as a shield. But Morgan rips shoves Cole away, and grabs onto Coach, dragging the screaming analyst over the announce table.


Morgan drops to her knees, and yells out in pain. Towering above her is SOPHIE, twirling a chair in her hands.

You got my sister fired! You got my sister fired!

Sophie rains down several more chair shots on Morgan's back, screaming her mantra over and over again. Finally security restrains Sophie but the damage has been done.

Folks, we have a wreckage of bodies all around the area.

Coach notices Morgan is down and comes up for air.

Yo where that ho at! I got a one-two combo for her little Canadian ass. Where that bitch at? I got jabs, I got crosses, I got uppercuts.

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Folks, up next, it's match #1 of the best-of-seven series for the Heartland title!  Let's get to the ring!

Master Blaster (Jammin') hits, and Denzel Spencer makes his way to the ring.

The following contest is the first match in a Best-of-7 match series for the OAOAST Heartland title!  It is a street fight, and it is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring, from Montego Bay, Jamaica, weighing in at 227 pounds...DENNNNNNZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL SSSSSSSSSSSPENCCCCCCCCCCCCERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

And folks, it will be Sandman9000 taking the place of the champion Thunderkid, who will team with Reject later tonight to challenge for the World tag team championships!

Spencer slides into the ring, and does his pyro stuff, then waits as the lights dim, then begin going crazy, as if a virus has infected them, randomly jerking around the arena, frantically changing colors and turning off and on. It’s as if a bad anime scene has come to life.

Loud scratching fills the airwave, as if a DJ has lost their mind and is attempting to break their equipment. In-between the rips, legitimate music kicks on, of a Southern, heavy metal nature.

I ask you please just give us/
Five Minutes Alone.”

The lights continue to dart and flash as the music leaves and the scratching continues, only to come back again, now of a hip-hop nature.

White America/
I could be one of your kids.”

The rap fades out and the scratching continues, at an even greater pace, until music comes back, now of a hardcore variety.

Final Prayer/
Final prayer for the human race.”

The music leaves once again and the scratches reach their apex, before the sound cuts out and the arena goes pitch black. A single spotlight appears on the stage, the only light in the darkened arena. People look towards the light, but see nothing. Then People = Shit by Slipknot hits.


The crowd goes insane as a figure punches through the curtains, wearing torn black jeans, a sleeveless black t-shirt, and two bandanas, one over his face and the other over his head. His hands are taped up, with a red "X" on the back of each of them.


Of course, Sandman himself a former Heartland champion, held the belt for two years, the longest single title reign in OAOAST history, and the reign was ended by Denzel Spencer!  So you know he'd love to pick up win here, for many reasons!

Sandman enters the ring and removes the bandanas, then attacks from behind as the bell sounds!


And Sandman not wasting any time here!

Sandman hammers on Denzel, then whips him into a corner, and charges, but Denzel gets the feet up!  He then comes out and catches Sandman with a clothesline!  Denzel then backs Sandman into a corner, and climbs to the middle rope, as the crowd counts along with his punches!











Sandman drops down and rolls out of the ring, and Denzel follows.  He hooks Sandman, and executes a suplex on the floor!

Well, Sandman tried to take the advantage early, but Denzel was able to withstand the onslaught, and now it's him who controls things in the early going!

Denzel rolls back inside, and Sandman follows, but Denzel drops a leg on him as he crawls in under the middle rope!

Sandman back out to the floor!

Denzel goes back outside, and kicks at Sandman on the floor, then rams him face-first into the steel steps!

And this one's going to the floor early!

Denzel then whips Sandman across ringside, where Sandman flips backwards over the timekeepers' table, tipping the table over, as Sandman lays in a mess including the table, the timekeeper, and the ringbell.

And even the timekeeper not safe in this one!

Sandman manages to grab a chair, and jams it into the gut of Denzel as he reaches for him, then gets to his feet, and gives him a shot across the back!

Sandman now with the advantage after coming up with that steel chair!

Sandman rolls Denzel in, then follows, and raises the chair overhead, but Denzel drills him in the gut from his knees, causing him to drop the chair.  Denzel gets to his feet and grabs the chair, then tosses it to Sandman, before dropkicking it into his face!  Denzel then grabs the chair, and legdrops it onto Sandman!  Cover...




Near-fall for Denzel, first pin attempt of the match!

Denzel stomps away at Sandman, who rolls out to the floor.  Denzel measures him, then leaps over the top rope.  He lands on his feet as Sandman moves out of the way, but then gets caught with a clothesline!

There ya go, Sandman!

Sandman delivers right hands, then charges Denzel, and both of them go tumbling over the guardrail into the crowd!

Into the crowd they go!

Sandman and Denzel slug it out into the crowd, with Sandman eventually getting the better of the exchange.  Sandman attempts a piledriver on the floor in the crowd, but Denzel blocks and backdrops Sandman onto the concrete!  Sandman rolls on the floor, with Denzel kicking him back towards the ring, then clotheslining him over the guardrail back into the ringside area!  Denzel picks up Sandman, and whips him into the steel steps!

And there goes Sandman, back-first into the steps!

Denzel finds a trashcan, and rams it into Sandman's head!

Trashcan right to the SKULL!

Denzel tosses the trashcan inside, then tosses Sandman back inside as well.  He then goes under the apron, and comes out with a BARBED-WIRE BASEBALL BAT~!


Denzel coming out with the big weapons now!

Denzel rolls inside, coming at Sandman with the bat, but Sandman tosses the trashcan into his gut.  He then grabs the bat, and waits for Denzel to get to his feet, before jamming that into his gut, as well!

Denzel bringing the bat into play, and it's backfired on him, Cole!

Sandman backs into the ropes, and comes at Denzel with the 2x4, but Denzel gives him a drop toe hold onto the trashcan!

Denzel able to dodge that bullet, though!

Denzel then gets to his feet, and executes a SCISSOR KICK onto the trashcan!  Cover...




Denzel grabs the bat, and waits for Sandman to get to his feet, then takes a big swing with the bat!


Sandman ducks, however, and lifts Denzel for a suplex, but Denzel jams the bat into his face, and falls on top!



NO!  Shoulder up!

And Denzel almost picked up the win right there!

Denzel hangs onto the bat, and rakes it across the face of the already bloodied Sandman.  Denzel then waits for Sandman to get to his feet, and drives the bat into his face, sending him through the ropes and to the floor!

Denzel with an aggression we rarely see from him here!  You can tell he really wants this first win!

Denzel hammers Sandman with right hands, and floors him with a spinkick.  Sandman roots around under the ring, and comes up with a kendo stick, attempting to conceal it as he comes to his feet, then drills Denzel right between the eyes!

Oh my, kendo stick to the SKULL!

Sandman tosses Denzel back inside, then grabs the bat and rakes it across Denzel's face, splitting him open as well.

Barbed wire raked right across the SKULL of Denzel!

Sandman then grabs the kendo stick and chokes Denzel with it.

Denzel being choked, the blood unable to flow to his SKULL!

Sandman then sets up a piledriver, but Denzel counters, and slingshots Sandman into the corner!

Denzel counters, as Sandman was about to drive his SKULL right into the mat!

Denzel then catches Sandman with a bulldog onto the bat!

And it backfires, as it's Sandman's SKULL driven into the barbed wire with that bulldog!




Shoulder up!

What a gruesome match!  If you remember, Coach, the last one-on-one match between these two ended only after a brick was broken right over Sandman's SKULL!

Coach raises a gun to his head, but Cole quickly snatches it from him.

Good thing there were no bullets in this gun, you could have sent one right through your SKULL!

Denzel springboards up to the top turnbuckle from the apron, and attempts a moonsault, but Sandman moves out of the way!

And Sandman out of the way!


...right there, Sandman really used his brains, which are located underneath his SKULL!

Just making sure!

Sandman rolls to the outside, and grabs a large sack.


A large sack.


Sandman rolls into the ring, and empties the sack, letting thousands of thumbtacks fall onto the mat!

Oh my God.

Sandman picks up Denzel, and sets up the ARCHANGEL'S WINGS~!!!!!11111, but Denzel blocks, and backdrops Sandman INTO THE TACKS!


Sandman into the tacks!  And you can see right there, the tacks sticking right into Sandman's SKULL!

Denzel lays a chair on the mat, and sets up Sandman for the CARRIBEAN COMPACTOR~!!!!!11111  However, as he lifts him up, Thunderkid rushes out to ringside and trips him up, with Sandman coming down on top!



NO!  Denzel gets a shoulder up!

No!  There's that damn Thunderkid, as Denzel had the match won, tripping Denzel up, causing his SKULL to drive right into the chair!

Sandman then picks Denzel up back into the tacks, and delivers the ARCHANGEL'S WINGS~!!!!!11111  Cover...





And Sandman has stolen the first match for Thunderkid!


So Thunderkid leads the best-of-seven series 1-0, a result of his replacement for this match, Sandman9000, getting the win here!

You know Cole, it's just like the Kobe-MJ comparison!  Like Kobe, Denzel may be goin' for them 'chips now, but, like MJ, Sandman is still the all-time big baller when it comes to the Heartland division!

As Sandman and TK walk off, a fan throws a beer at TK.

Beer cup, right to the SKULL of TK!

Oh, you are scum.

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Backstage in the Duncan family dressing room




sit with


Grandma er Genevieve we’ve got to talk...

Honey, I’ve told you time and time before, hardly anyone uses the term bastard in this day and age, so you shouldn’t feel too bad.

Not that! And who calls me a bastard?

Dad, Aunt Claire,  my friend Kristen, J-MAX, lots of people actually. Anyway, who cares about the bastard?


We have to talk about your friendship with Mister Dick.


We put up with a lot of weird things in the Duncan family. The edible underwear you gave us for Hannukah, bringing Alix to school for career day and having her try to recruit all the black kids to her chapter of the black panthers which only includes an oreo cookie with the icing taken out and a stray black cat. But by far the weirdest thing we have to put up with is your relationship with Jock!

No offense but its strange.

Honey, you think its strange to have a hot handsome man half your age catering to your every whim? Well, I guess you’ll be dying unhappy and alone.


Its not even the age thing! Because Jade still watches Sesame Street and I don’t make fun of her to her face. It’s a the guy is a jerk face thing! Didn’t you see what he did to Baron Windels at School's Out? His own best friend?

Did you know Baron Windells cut Jock’s breaks and poisoned his food, and called in a false rape charge all so he could defend the titles with Tim Cash? That doesn’t sound like much of a friend to me, honey.

You can’t believe, Mister Dick, Grandma. His name is Mister Dick for a reason, because he’s a gigantic dick.

Mmmmmm, I wouldn't mind finding that out for myself.

Eww, eww, ewww, my brain feels like its been doused in kerosene!

And what about mom, she hates Mister Dick with a passion!

Mom hates everyone with a penis besides the Indian from the Village People with a passion.

You should think about her.

Honey, I’ve been thinking about your ungrateful mother all her life! As a mother my entire life has been devoted to making her happy, and that’s no easy task when you have a child that lays open electrical lines in your bed when you wouldn’t buy her a Porsche for her sixteenth birthday.  I can’t live for my children anymore, despite my great apperance, I’m getting too old for that.  I need freedom, I need to be Genevieve again. Not Congressman Duncan’s wife, not Krista Isadora Duncan’s mom, not Maya and Jade’s drop dead sexy grandmother but Genevieve Duncan. Still drop dead sexy. I have to live for myself for once and Mister Dick makes me feel alive. That’s all there is to it, and I don’t want to hear anymore from either of you.


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As we go back to the arena, "The Church Of Hot Addiction" hits and brings out two-thirds of the World 6-Man Champions.

Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is a tag team match, set for one fall. Introducing first... being accompanied to the ring by QUEEN ESTHER! At a total combined weight of five hundred and thirty nine pounds... representing THE CUCARACHA KINGDOM! The team of "THE TRENDSETTER" JJJAAAAMMMEEEEESSSSSS BBLLLLOOOOONNDDEEEEEEE... and "THE SAMOAN WRECKING BALL" FFFFFAAAAAAAQQQUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!


Queen Esther tries to keep a dignified distance from the snarling beast Faqu, with Blonde leading the way. Holding his 6-Man Title in the air Blonde nods his head confidently, even if his face doesn't quite match.

An important match here tonight for members of the Cucaracha Kingdom. The Kingdom have had three men on their tails, ever since excommunicating them during the Landon/Esther merger of groups. One, Nathaniel Black. And the others, The Last Kings Of Scotland, who have really given the Kingdom all they can handle. King Landon has the hit out on Nathaniel Black, but he's relying on the members of his Kingdom, namely James Blonde and Faqu, to deal with the men from Scotland.

"Mother" by Danzig powers through the arena and the kilt-wearing, spiked club carrying Last Kings Of Scotland stomp out.

And, at a combined weight of four hundred, eighty eight pounds... from Scotland! DANNY BOY and SCOTTISH SCOTT... THE LLLAAAAASSSSTT KKIIIIIIIIIINNGGSSSSSS... OOOOFFFF SSSSCCOOOOOOOTTLLLAAAAAANNDD!!!!


Whirling their clubs over their heads, Danny Boy and Scottish Scott march to the ring and send Blonde bailing to the outside. Faqu doesn't budge though and as the Scots slide in, the big Samoan is ready and waiting.

Well Faqu is not going to back down!

That's because he's too stupid to back down. Get him out of there, James!

Tossing aside their clubs the LKOS square up to Faqu, who beats his chest and roars at them. They look at each other... shrug... and then bull forward with a double shoulder block!


The bell sounds as Faqu, having stayed on his feet from the first one, gets rocked with a second double shoulder block. Still he's up. So Scott and Danny back into the ropes... but Blonde grabs Danny's leg from the outside and clings on, leaving Scott to run solo and right into a clothesline!


Unable to shrug Blonde off, Danny is clubbed from behind by Faqu and he goes to work as Blonde slides in, quickly rolling Scottish Scott to the floor.

Aha! Smarts!

Faqu pounds away on Danny Boy in the corner, soon joined by Blonde. They kick and swat at Danny before sending him across the ring with a whip. After a couple of reversals to build up some momentum, Faqu is then whipped in by Blonde, for a big AVALANCHE! Blonde follows up with a corner clothesline, then hits a bulldog out of the corner for the cover...




Scottish Scott tries to get back in to help his partner, but the referee is trying to get some control and deems Danny the legal man and therefore, Scott illegal. Which allows Blonde to stomp away some more before making a very legal tag to Faqu.

The Kingdom able to isolate the smaller of the two Scotsmen and that should serve them well, because we know Scottish Scott can match power with the best of them.

Standing over Danny, Faqu decides to drop down and apply a choke.




Finally breaking the choke, Faqu jumps up and drops a headbutt on the prone Danny Boy. Cover...




Tag made again and Blonde gives the eyes of Danny Boy a hard raking with the sole of his boot. Scott complains to the ref, which gives Blonde an idea. That being, throw Danny Boy outside and let Faqu administer a beating while he goads Scott.


Blonde, as usual, doing a great job of letting his partner do all the work, while seeming like he's contributing.

Of course he's contributing! Look at him.

As Blonde stands and waves his arms around, Faqu rams Danny Boy back against the barricade and then delivers a wild headbutt.

Oh yeah. Look at him go.

Queen Esther instructs Faqu to throw Danny Boy back inside, before the referee can spot any of the outside assistance. Once back in, Danny is immediately pinned down by Blonde, looking to get the win...




Tag, Blonde holding Danny Boy for Faqu to hit a kick to the gut.

We know the Scots are tough. Don't count out Danny Boy yet. But, this hasn't been a great start.

Whipped to the ropes Danny is caught on the way back with a hard chop. Faqu rants at Scott for a second, as he prepares to go for another big headbutt drop... but Danny moves out of the way! A little shaken, Faqu is caught from the knees by two punches to the stomach. But Faqu suddenly lashes out, literally, with a BACKRAKE to cut Danny Boy off.

Ergh! Faqu just ripping at the flesh of Danny Boy, like an animal!

That's what he is, Cole. An animal.

No he's not. He's a human... albeit, a wild one, but a human nonetheless.

Faqu grabs hold of Danny and delivers a headbutt, going for the cover...




Faqu flattens Danny Boy back out and hits a legdrop! Another cover...



Another kickout!


Picked back up, Danny is whipped into a neutral corner. The Samoan Wrecking Ball backs up to the opposite corner, dragging his feet like a raging bull, snorting and growling. Suddenly the ball is let loose and Faqu goes charging in... to the turnbuckles, BUTT first, as Danny Boy slips out of the way!


Danny makes the crawl for his corner, leaving Blonde waving frantically for Faqu to get over and tag him. Faqu gets to his corner first. And zipping into the ring, Blonde manages to cut off the tag with a sliding dropkick!


Pleased with himself Blonde pushes his luck and suckers Scottish Scott into the ring, but almost pays for it as Scott bowls right through the referee in his rage! The ref recovers and Blonde escapes, dragging Danny Boy back to the Kingdom corner to dish out some more punishment.

Great tag team wrestling.

That's part of the reason why James and Faqu have been two thirds of the 6-Man Champions for most of the past two and a half years.

Bringing Danny out of the corner, Blonde snapmares him down and hits a kneedrop. The Trendsetter then goes to the middle rope, fist clenched... but gets distracted, at spotting KING LANDON parading down to the ring in full royal regalia!!



What does he want out here?

Who cares, he's the King! He can have whatever he wants! If he wants my shirt, you better believe I'm doing the rest of this show topless, because he's the King!

Landon saunters down to the ring, distracting everyone in the ring in the process. When he notices this, he gives the royal signal to continue. Still a little distracted, Blonde suddenly snaps back into life. And with a newfound determination to impress, Blonde balls up his fist and comes off the ropes with the Marty Jannetty Fistdrop...

...and promptly misses.


Well if the King was out here to offer some moral support, I think it just backfired!

Surprised by this turn of events, King Landon looks on blank-faced as Blonde goes around shaking his hand in pain. Danny Boy gets back up and Blonde ignores the pain, to try and cut him off. But Danny ducks under a wayward clothesline and dives to MAKE THE TAG!

And here comes the bigman from the Highlands, Scottish Scott!

Oh no!

Blonde turns around and has a look of shock on his face, just long enough for it to be wiped off with a big clothesline! Scott carries on moving, knocking Faqu off the apron. Another clothesline then fells Blonde. Whipping the Canadian into the ropes, Scott sets himself and picks him up with a Gorilla Press, parading Blonde around before slamming him hard to the mat!

The King sure picked a bad time to come out here.

As The Trendsetter begs off, Scott laughs a hearty, Scottish laugh. He picks Blonde up off his knees and proceeds to hurl him out of the corner, right the way across the ring with a gigantic hiptoss!!

James Blonde sure picked a bad time to start getting his BUTT kicked!

Picking himself up off the mat, Blonde is blasted with a shoulder tackle and pinned down by Scott...




Once Scottish Scott gets going, he's like a runaway train. You just can't stop him.

Unless you're some sort of wrecking ball, maybe?

Scott fights off Faqu, giving him a boot to the gut and sending him into a corner face-first. That has no effect on the hard-headed Samoan. So Scott gives him another boot and just tosses him outside.

Uh oh, maybe not.

Picking himself up again, Blonde staggers around aimlessly. The King and Queen try to warn him what's waiting behind, but it doesn't do him any good. Scott lifts him off his feet with a double leg and DRIVES him back into the turnbuckles with a Scottish Spear! Backing across the ring, the mohawked Scot then points a finger at the royal couple and dedicates one to them, as he charges into Blonde with the Flying Scotsman avalanche!!



James Blonde just got railroaded!

Staggering out, Blonde walks right into another clothesline and is covered...




Wow, just barely! I think the King thought that was it!

King Landon looks on with some concern as his prince is on his last legs. Calling to his partner, Scottish Scott double legs Blonde again and holds him in place, as Danny heads to the top rope. Suddenly, the King has seen enough. And he climbs to the apron to distract the referee!

Wait a minute...

Distracting the ref isn't all Landon succeeds in doing. He also distracts Scottish Scott, who drops Blonde to go after the King. Reaching over the referee, he snatches out and manages to grab Landon by his royal robe!


YEAH! Get him!

No, unhand him, that's the King Of The Ring!!

Queen Esther shrieks away, concerned for her King. But help is at hand as THE MARDI GRAS HELLFIRE CLUB hit the ring...

...and Lucius leaps up to push Danny Boy off the top rope, ALL THE WAY TO THE ARENA FLOOR!!!!


And now Rico and Lucius are out here, you've gotta be kidding me!

In the chaos, Scottish Scott doesn't notice until it's too late, Rico coming in from behind with the SCEPTER and jabbing him right in the back of the knee with it!! Scott collapses holding his leg and Rico sneaks out, aiding Lucius in a few kicks to Danny Boy before the MGHFC disappear like thieves in the night! At which point, the King composes himself and gets himself down off the apron.

It's a royal hit and run!


With Scott incapacitated, Blonde carries out the not exactly easy task of dragging the big Scotsman into the middle of the ring. As he does so, Faqu scales to the top rope. Blonde gets Scott in position and orders Faqu to drop the big one, which he does, flattening Scottish Scott with a gigantic FROG SPLASH!!!!


Faqu hooks a leg, as Blonde counts along in the background...





Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... the team of JAMES BLONDE and FFAAAAQQUUUU!!!!


The King and Queen look on from the aisle, King Landon with a smug look as he politely applauds. From the ring Blonde points to the royal couple and gives them a thumbs up.

They did it. It took five men, but they finally did it. The Cucaracha Kingdom finally getting one over on The Last Kings Of Scotland here tonight and I'd say I hope the King is proud of himself... but it's pretty clear, he is.

Faqu and Blonde stand over Scottish Scott, Faqu ranting and snarling, until Blonde glances over his shoulder and notices Danny Boy crawling back in the ring. With his hand on the spiked club. Not sticking around to find out the rest, Blonde quickly gets Faqu out of the ring. Blonde and Faqu retreat towards the King and Queen, who are all smiles. However the smiles disappear a little as Danny Boy points the spiked club their way, vowing revenge.

It may have taken the entire Kingdom to win this match tonight, but I don't think the entire Kingdom have heard the last yet of The Last Kings Of Scotland. Infact, they might have started a war they can't win.

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Feel Good Drag washes away Now I’m That Bitch and the audience lets their negativity be heard. Atop the entrance stage in front of the neon lit flag stands a wooden door. It doesn’t remaining standing for very long as Holly’s combat boots kick it down! The Angel of Death, clad in a plaid mini skirt and red bra, defiantly throws her fist into the air.

The following is a cage match for the OAOAST Women’s Title! Now making her way to the ring from Sin City, Nevada, she is a two time women’s champion, THE ANGEL OF DEATH….HOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY!

Holly stomps down the entrance ramp, pausing to give the finger to a fan she finds particularly annoying.

This is one of the final matches former OAOAST General Manager Josie Baker made and it’s a doozy, a cage match between Holly and champion Maggie Nerdly.  And it may very well be the last time these two meet in their summer long rivalary.

Holly takes a moment to survey the cage with wide eyes before she dives inside it. There she barks at the production people to bring Maggie “the (Beep) on out”


Paramore’s “CrushCrushCrush” follows Holly’s orders and ushers Maggie onto the neon lit entrance stage. Green and yellow lights swirl around the youngest Nerdly child who wears a black mini skirt a Twilight babydoll tee and holds a boquet of flowers. She throws up the RAWK hand singal with her free hand, and the overjoyed crowd returns the gesture.

And the champion…From Edmonton, Alberta, she is the OAOAST’s very own IT GIRL….MAAAAAAAGGIEEEEEE NEEEEEERDDDDDDLYYYYYYYYY!

Maggie hand slaps her away down the aisle as Holly watches her with hateful green eyes.

This could very well be the biggest match of Maggie’s young career, and quite possibly  the most dangerous.

I wouldn’t wanna be trapped inside a steel cage with Holly. Unless she’s naked, and even then I don’t know!


(beep) this!

With that declaration Holly immediately runs to the door and slams into it, almost as though she expected to run through it.

Open it! Now!

The referee on the outside does just that, and Holly’s eyes go brilliant from the sight of freedom. But that sight soon turns distant as Maggie throws her away from the doorway!


Landing near a cage wall, Holly sees freedom once again. Thus she leaps onto the third turnbuckle and begins scalling the steel to achieve it.  But Maggie grabs onto her third and yanks her off the turnbuckle! Holly lands on her combat boots and takes an angered swing at the cute Canadian. But Maggie ducks the attack and counters with the Deodorator!

Ow! (beep) that hurt!

Holly’s pain becomes the audience’s pleasure as Maggie begins battering her chest with knife edge chops. Beneath the yellow fishnet, red welts appear on Holly’s milky skin. Maggie then grabs her and throws her into the corner. The It Girl charges in and takes to the skies to nail Holly with a body splash! As Holly staggers out the corner, Maggie gives herself a high five.


The champion then latches onto Holly’s arm and sends her to the opposite corner. But Holly avoids a painful crash by leaping up to the third turnbuckle. Eager to regain her title, the challenger begins a frantic climb up the cage. However, Maggie is quick in her pursuit, and is next to Holly in a matter of seconds. Her hands find their way through Holly’s cherry colored hair, and soon Holly’s face is being bashed against the steel mesh.

Maggie just refuses to let Holly make an escape attempt.

Maggie sends Holly crashing back to the canvas with an arm drag! Holly lands with a brutal thud, and sends a stream of profanities in the air to cope with her misery.  Just as soon as she starts to rise, she’s forced back down to the ground by a beautiful elbow drop from the equally beautiful champion! As the fans cheer a pinfall is made and referee Charles Robinson makes the count…




Maggie scrapes Holly off the canvas, but does rather slowly. This allows Holly to gain her energy and she nails Maggie in her stomach with a knee strike. From there Holly peppers Maggie with stiff forearm shots. Weakening Maggie, Holly is able to capture her inside a front facelock.

Percussion DDT its coming up!

But, Maggie manages to shove Holly into the ropes. The Angel Of Death bounces back with a furious lariat! But is leveled by a shuffle sideick from the champion!  As soon as Holly hits the canvas, Maggie dives on top of her for a pinfall…



Holly pops her shoulder off the canvas.

Holly hasn’t been able to get anything going in this match.

The night is young, Mikey, the night is young.

Maggie brings Holly off the canvas. Yet once again Holly finds her strength and uses it to assail The It Girl with punches.  Feeling that she’s stunned Maggie with the proper sucession of attacks, Holly dashes to the cage wall and begins another climb.  She doesn’t get very far, however, before she’s yanked off by Maggie! This time Holly isn’t lucky enough to land on her feet and instead lands throat first on the top rope! Holly falls backwards, clutching her neck, and is promptly pinned by Maggie…



Holly makes another kickout, earning boos from the sold out audience.  She comes to her feet under her own power, but finds Maggie soon setting her up for a Northern Lights Suplex. The cute Nerdly kid then wows the audience and nauseates Holly with a backflip Northern Lights Suplex! The moment Holly touches the canvas, Maggie is on top of her for another pinfall…




Now its Maggie’s turn to begin climbing the cage, and she dos so with the roaring support of the audience. These cheers alert Holly that something is seriously a foul, and her eyes widen with horror as she spots Maggie ascending the cage wall. As such she gathers up her strength, runs forward, and dropkicks Maggie off the ropes.  The champion plummets downwards and catches herself on the ropes, etching a relieved smile onto Holly’s withered face. That smiles continues to widen as the challenger picks herself off the canvas and heads to ropes. When she returns, she surges forward and connects with a spear to Maggie’s thin midsection!

Dayum! Holly nearly speared Maggie right out the ring and into my lap. I would’ve loved that. Try it again!

Holly comes upright and slugs Maggie in the face. Maggie’s head snaps backwards and catches the steel mesh, causing her great pain. As such Holly repeats the attack several more times, laughing as she does so.  After the final strike, Maggie tumbles over to the canvas, her vision blurred and her head hurting. Holly takes off to the ropes and comes back with a baseball slide that drives her combat boots into Maggie’s stomach.

“OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the fans recoil in horror, as an injured Maggie rolls to the center of the ring. Holly quickly dives on top of her for a pinfall…



Maggie lifts her shoulder off the canavs.


Maggie tries to use the ropes to pull herself upright, but is quickly stomped down by Holly. Thinking her opponent grounded for the moment, Holly scampers to the cage door.

Open the god damn door!

Such a request is pointless however,  as Maggie crawls over to Holly and latches onto her leg like a little child. This does not sit well with a vexed Holly, and the challenger stomps on Maggie’s head with the underside of her boot.

Those combat boots might be the most dangerous weapons in the OAOAST and they’re entirely legal.

Holly runs over to Maggie and kicks her in the stomach, turning the youngest Nerdly girl onto her back. Running her fingers through he red hair, Holly mocks Maggie’s predicament. She then heads to the corners and enthuasitically begins ridding the top turnbuckle of its OAOAST logoed pad.  

I don’t think this is legal, Coach.

If Robinson hasn’t said anything it might as well be.

Holly yanks Maggie off the canavs by her highlighted hair and drags her into the corner. But her efforts to throw Maggie into the unprotected steel meet with failure as the champion blocks to the attack and begins punching her challenger in the face.

Come on, Maggie, give it to her!

Maggie backs Holly into the center of the ring, and it looks like she may have a permanent upperhand. But Holly boots her in the stomach and counters with an X-factor! To add insult to injury, Holly proceeds to happily rub Maggie’s face into the ring mat.

There’s no need for that kind of unlady like behavior.     

Holly is the definition of unlady like!

Proving this comment correct, Holly launches spit at referee Robinson on her way to the corner. After taking a deep breath she climbs  to the top rope and begins her ascension up the steel cage. But behind her, Maggie has made her way to the top rope.  Annoyed, Holly turns around and begins firing off left hands at her younger rival. But the baby of the Nerdly family counters by leaping  upwards and tossing Holly off the ring ropes with a hurricanrana!


Both Holly and Maggie winces in anguish as they lie sprawled out on the canvas. Maggie crawls on top of Holly for a crucial pinfall…




Maggie brushs aside her disappointment over the failed count and heads to the corner of the ring.  Moving to the turnbuckles, she uses the cage to pull herself to the very top.

Maggie might get out!

But, Holly is awake and aware of Maggie’s escape effort. She lurches across the ring, and climbs to the top rope to challenge Maggie. The It Girl is ready for her and slams her face into the steel edge.  Holly falls backwards, but comes down her feet. This doesn’t matter to Maggie, who throws herself at Holly with a body splash. But The Angel Of Death leaps into the air and counters with a dropkick that floors the champion! Both girls are exhausted and hurt, taking deep and labored breaths.  Holly rolls to the corner, and weakly pulls herself upright.

Get the (beep) up you (beep) (beep)!

Bone weary and tired, Maggie tries to use the ropes get her footing.


Get up!

When Maggie is fully upright, Holly charges across the ring with maniac fury. Unfortunately for her, Maggie runs across the ring with the same intensity. The two collide with the force and power of runaway trains. They fall back to the canvas, mortally weakened by the powerful attack.

Did you see the way they crashed into each other?

It was a hell of collision, Cole. I don’t know how either of them are still moving.

Maggie is the first to stir, and with heavy breaths spilling from her mouth comes to her knees.  Soon, Holly is doing the same, and finds her way upright. The two women trade weakened blows before Holly pushes herself off the ropes. As she comes back her bare leg is grabbed onto Maggie and she’s flapjacked into the air, and dropped throat first across top rope!

That did no favors to Holly, none whatsoever.

Maggie picks Holly off the canvas and chucks her into the ropes. The cables spit Holly back and she’s thrown head over heels by a hurricanrana! Holly gets to the canvas with surprising quickness, but is pounced on by Maggie. The champion sends the challenger into the ropes once more. However, she makes the mistake of telegraphing a back body drop and is kicked in the chest as punishment. With Maggie dazed, Holly bounces off the ropes. But as she comes back Maggie roars back to life and rolls her up for a pinfall…



Holly makes the kicout, and Maggie sits stunned at the result.

Maggie was just seconds away from retaining her women’s title.

No doubt, its been close all match long, Mikey.

The It Girl whips Holly into the corner, and follows her in with a corner splash attempt. But Holly gets her fishnet covered elbow up and wards her foe away.  Whipping her red hair out her eyes, Holly backs up to the second rope. She spits in Maggie’s direction before flying off with an axe handle smash. But Maggie counters with an impactful spinebuster!

Big move from a little girl!

As the audience roots her on, Maggie grabs hold of Holly’s exposed legs.  

No! Don’t you (beep) try it!

Not heeding Holly’s warning, Maggie bridges backwards and slingshots her into the cage! Holly stumbles backwards, carrying herself directly into a school girl.



Holly finds her way out the pinfall. Stricken with pain from the spinebuster, Holly crawls to the door in a desperate bid for freedom. But Maggie follows her escape trail and scrapes her off the canvas. She whips her across the ring, and nails her foe with a leaping body splash! Holly stumbles out the corner, mouth slack and eyes glazed. For this reason she can’t defend against the bulldog Maggie drops her with.  But Maggie can’t capatalize on her attack, too tired from the toll this match has taken on her.  This gives Holly the time needed to fight her way to her feet. When she does Maggie summons all her energy and gives charge. But Holly side steps her approach and Maggie crashes into the steel posts.

An unfortunate miss for the champion.

Its very fortunate if your name is Holly!

Holly captures Maggie inside a front facelock, and hooks onto her leg. The audience jeers, fully aware of what deadly attack is coming. Holly fufills their worst fears by swinging Maggie around and connecting with The Mirage!

There’s that swinging fisherman’s ddt.

Referee Charles Robinson drops to his knees to score the pinfall…



Maggie makes a miraculous kickout!


I don’t believe it, Mikey! I don’t believe it!

Come on! You know that was (beep) three!

Still seething at the referee, Holly limps to the corner. Her hands come onto the steel cage and she begins pulling herself towards victory.  But out the corner of her eye she spots Mags making a rise off the canvas.

Ah (beep).

Sensing that she’ll never escape with Maggie upright, Holly flips backwards with a body press. She slams into Mags with hard force, but her momentum carries her over and its Maggie who earns a pinfall…



Holly throws her shoulder off the canvas, depressing the GAB crowd. Equally frustrated is Maggie who sighs and shakes her head.    She tries to put her qualms behind her, as she brings Holly off the canvas. Maggie gets her into a hammerlock, and the crowd pops loudly for the upcoming Edmonton Is Happiness In Your Rearview Mirror (hammerlock DDT). But Holly uses her free hand to rake Maggie’s eyes!  As she laughs to herself over her cruel and illegal counter, Holly shoves Maggie to the ground. From there she brushes past Charles Robinson and makes her way to the cage wall.

I think we’re done here.
As the crowd implores Mags to stand up and stop Holly, The Angel of Death begins inching her way up the cage. Her trek is slow and painful, but its only a matter of moments before she’s at the top.  The problem is Maggie is right behind her, and much to the crowd’s delight, she grabs onto Holly’s hair and pulls back towards the ring.  

No! (beep) no!

Using all the strength in her little body, she is able to fully get Holly back into the ring.  Standing atop the third rope the two girls do battle, trading punches and viciously trying to maim the other.

Each superstar is dangerously close to falling to the ring. They have got to be mindful of that.

Holly begins firing off elbows into Maggie’s jaw. The It Girl is able to withstand the brutal shots for several seconds. However, repeated attacks weaken her and she’s knocked back down to the floor.  

Both these beautiful women letting it all hang out at the Great Angle Bash! Who will come out the OAOAST Women’s Champion?

Holly begins climbing up the steel cage, bringing immense dread and disgust to the audience’s heart. With each rung she surpasses, their boos grow louder and louder  until they drown out the arena. But they then subside and are replaced by hopeful cheers as Maggie begins crawling towards the door.

The race is on!

Maggie slogs her way through the doorway, and her eyes brighten with glee as her hands touch down on the blue ring mats.

Has Maggie done it? Has she retained the OAOAST Women’s Title?

No you have to get both feet out the cage!

Seeing Maggie halfway out the cage draws panic onto Holly’s face. Thusly she takes a  dangerous leap from her position on the top of the cage to the outside! Holly comes down in a tangled mess of plaid, leather, and fishnets as Maggie finally finds her way through the door.


Who won?

The crowd is as confused as Cole, but every single one of them pray and hope that Maggie is the victor.

Your winner as a result of an escape………….

Tell us! Tell us, you damned fool!

And new Women’s Champion…….HOLLLLYYYYYYYYY!

“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” the fans are enraged and beside themselves with anger and sadness.

Maggie buries her head into her hands and sobs, unable to come to grips with such a frustrating loss. Holly gathers up her belt, and raises it in defiance of the booing audience. She then shoves Cole out the way, and takes a seat at sofa central, catching a much needed breather and taunting the disappointed crowd.

Both feet have to touch the floor. Holly did it before Maggie, and we’re sitting next to the OAOAST Women’s Champion, and a three time champion at that.

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We find a suit clad Tony Brannigan and Terry Taylor sitting inside a press box.

Its key that Baron Windels comes out hot and feeds of the crowd. By the same token Mister Dick must weather the storm. The crowd is going to be quiet wild, they’re going to want to see a title change, and they’re going to be fully behind Baron Windels.  If Mister Dick wants to win, he’s going to have to survive the opening flurry set forth by Windels and the audience.

Timely help from Malaysia is also important. A DQ retains his title, so there’s really no reason for him not to make liberal use of Malaysia. And then there’s the wildcard in Genevieve Duncan, what role if any will she play in this match? Is she just a close personal advisor, or is she another weapon in Mister Dick’s arsenal?

We'll find out later tonight!

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Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a DUMPSTER MATCH for the ONE AND ONLY WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans come to their feet in anticipation for the gigantic affair. As Buffer speaks we find four trash cans locate at each end of the ring.

The rules are as simple, for a team to win they must put both members of the opposing tag team into a dumpster!

We’re about to make history with a first ever dumpster match in the OAOAST!

And its all thanks to Alfdogg!

::CUE:: Kansas-The Wall

The yellow lit saloon fills with yellow smoke, as the video towers fill with images of the Deadly Alliance’s greatest moments.  Reject and TK then sweep through the smoke with Melissa trailing behind them. The two men shake hands before heading to the ring.

Introducing the challengers, being accompanied by Melissa Nerdly, first from Green Bay, Wisconsin, he is the reigning Heartland Champion…..THUNDERKIIIIIIIDDDDDDD! And his partner from the Bronx, he is a two time OAOAST World Champion…..REEEEEEEEEJJJJJECCCCCCCTTTT!

Melissa leads her charges up the ring steps and opens the ropes for them.  TK bounces back and forth with arms raised, as Reject stands on the second rope with scornful eyes turned on the audience. He then sends Melissa to the back, not wanting her delicate eyes to witness the carnage he’s going to bring to Alix and Krista.

Folks, this is an intensely personal match for the one and only world tag team titles. One that has involved a lot of name calling and liberal use of actual garbage

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way, no way!
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend!


Hey, hey, you, you!
I know that you like me!
No way, no way!
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you!!
I want to be your girlfriend!

A red pyro fountain explodes to life, coming in contact with  a downpour of pink pyro. Yet both these impressive displays are overpowered by an explosion of yellow pyro. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders line the entrance stage, performing a high energy routine to match the bounce of the song and the thrill the audience feels. From parted entrance doors on the gigantic neon lit flag emerges COD, matching the cheerleaders’ sexy outfits. Krista swings Alix into her arms, and the gorgeous Latina turns over her shoulder and blows a kiss into the camera leading super imposed lips to pop up on screen.

And the champions…..

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

They hail from Los Angeles, California, first she is a two time 24/7 champion, a former United States Champion, and a multitime Angle Award winner……ALIX MARIA SPEEZZZZZIAAAAAA! And, her tag team partner. She is a best selling author and star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos! 2009's most searched superstar on Yahoo, 2009's highest trending OAOAST topic on Twitter, 2009's Angle Award winning Wrestler Of The Year, more famous than everyone else put together and multiplied by four! She is a former two-time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion... ladies and gentlemen, "MISS CALIFORNIA"... KKRRIIIIISSTTAAAA ISADORA... DDUUUUUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!! Together, they are AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS the incomparable... CCHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIICCKKSSSSSSSSS OOOOVVVEEERRRRRR DDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKKSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Whew! Catch your breath, Michael Buffer!

Krista shows off those much lusted after legs with her famous upside down rope hang, while Alix climbs to the second turnbuckle and informs the crowd to “Smoke weed everyday!”

Mikey, the Deadly Alliance owns three straight victories over Alix and Krista! No one can lay claim to that. These girls is looking flabby and sick right now, and the DA is about to deliver the knockout punch.

On a weekend where America's soccer team was defeated will America's Sweethearts meet the same fate?


Despite the opening bell Reject and ThunderKid refuse to take action, instead discussing strategy.

Hey, watcha talking about?

I believe they’re discussing what type of personal lubricant ThunderKid would find most enjoyable in their post match love session.


:lol: you’re the bottom, TK.

TK shoves Reject which draws an annoyed glare from the two time world champion. As “punishment” for the push, Reject makes makes TK start the contest against Alix.

That lubricant thing? Its not true.

Suuuuuuuurrrreeeeee, buddy, sure.

TK and Alix circle each other for several seconds before they step into a lockup. TK’s strength quickly wins over Alix and he switches onto a rear waistlock. Carrying her near the ropes, he attempts to dump her over into the trash can. But Alix kicks and thrashes and eventually worms her back down to the ground. This doesn;’t allow her to escape TK, however, as The Green Bay native takes her down and mounts her back.

Eeep! Help!

A big meaty muscular guy pressing his wood pecker into your backside? Just think how you used to escape your father!

Childhood memories come flooding back, and allow Alix to escape the hold with a slippery slide forward. Annoyed with her retreat, TK comes charging back at her, but Alix leapfrogs him and he runs to the ropes. Krista acts quick, and lowers the rope, causing TK to tumble over them and almost fall into the dumpster.

“BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the audience reacts to watching TK finagle his way back into the ring.  Back on his feet he comes under fire from a pair of knife edge chops from the bubbly brunette. Alix then grabs onto his arm to attempt and Irish whip. But TK reverses it and sends Alix to the ropes. She keeps herself from bouncing back by latching onto the top rope. This doesn’t, however, stop the Heartland champion from running after her. But Alix gets up her furry snowboots and kicks him away.  She then darts to him and wraps her tan legs around his neck to upend him with a hurricanrana! As the audience cheers this attack, Alix backs to her corner to tag in Krista.   As she enters Alix whips TK into the ropes, and drops him with a knee lift upon his return.  Things get steamy as Alix glides her glorious body up Krista’s with one delicate and sensuous stroke. Krista can’t keep her hands off Alix, and her fingers find their way around Alix’s silken baby oil slicked figure. The brunette beauty purrs with mesmerized delight, feeling the intense heat of Krista’s touch on her bronze skin. The girls then turn pleasure to pain with a double double stomp on TK!

Can you imagine what its like to have those heels and those heavy snow boots driven into you?

It ain’t as pleasant as watching them two freak each other!

As Alix leaves the ring, Krista tosses TK into the ropes. When he returns she smacks him with a dropkick that forces him backwards and tumbles him over the top rope near the dumpster!

ThunderKid is dangerously close to falling in!

But the Heartland Champion uses his grip on the bottom ropes to free himself from his peril. Pulling himself upright he strikes Krista in her toned stomach with a shoulder tackle. He then backflips over her into the ring.  There he grabs hold of Krista in setup for the fallaway slam. But Krista swings out to his side and nails him with a DDT! The audience delights in the attack, while Reject slams on the ring posts to try and  motivate TK. The Green Bay native slowly comes to his feet, and his pounced on by Krista. She takes hold of his arm and attempts an Irish whip. However, he reverses the hold and brings her in close with an elbow to her face. With his opponent stunned he’s able to grab onto her flowing blond hair and throw her back to the canvas.

Who has jokes now?!

Oooooh! Ooooooh! I have a good one! Richard Nixon, Captain Kirk, and the retard from Welcome Back Kotter walked into a Guatemalan Whore House….

While Alix continues to ramble, ThunderKid makes the tag to Reject. The R-Man enters the ring and snaps on a side headlock on Krista. The hold lasts for only a few seconds before Krista shoves him into the ropes. But Reject bounces back with alarming speed and flattens her with a shoulder tackle. Reject then runs the ropes once more, only to be leapfrogged by Krista. He bounces back to her and is struck down with a leaping body press from the fitness queen!


Reject picks himself off the mat and nails Krista with a throat thurst upon doing so.  Having weakened the blond bombshell Reject is able to lift her into the air in a press slam! He carries her close to the edge of the ring, and smile splits his face as he prepares to toss her into the dumpster. But Krista has other ideas, namely wheeling out the hold and landing on her heels. She then dropkicks Reject in the back, forcing him through the ropes and towards the dumpster. Suddenly alarmed, Reject kicks and whacks at Krista in effort to stay out the foul smelling canister. He meets with enough success to allow him to escape back into the ring.


The fans mood is improved somewhat as Krista grabs hold of Reject in a front facelock and applies the tag with Alix.

Okay, Ally, here’s the plan, I lift him for a vertical suplex, and you come off the top rope with a dropkick to his stomach.

Krista grabs onto Reject’s multicolored tights and begins lifting him into the air…until she realizes he weighs quite a bit more than she expected.

On second thought just kick him in the nuts.

Alix and Krista do just that to a great reception from the audience, but a furious tantrum from ThunderKid. While TK continues to spew his rage, Ally attempts an Irish whip on Reject. But the two time world champion has enough strength left to reverse it. Alix slides back into him in a wheel barrow setup. Reject takes the bait and lifts her into the air. Alix expects to hit a bulldog with minimal difficulities. But her plan goes awry when Reject counters into a full nelson bomb!

Ha ha! He outsmarted Alix, not like that’s a hard thing to do, but still.

Reject grabs hold of Alix’s bikini top and leads her off the canvas. He guides her to the ropes nearest the dumpster and hauls her over, landing her onto the ring apron. Alix isn’t safe in this position however as Reject uses his boot to attempt to shove her into the trash pit. But, Alix fights back with fast feet and finds her way into the ring.  Inside the squared circle, Reject continues his assault, this time by Irish whipping her into the corner. Alix smacks into the ring posts with such force that throws down to the canvas. This scene puts a small smile onto Reject’s face. He continues his bout of self satisfaction as he picks Alix up and guides her onto the third rope. Several slaps weaken her before Reject climbs through the ropes. The crowd murmurs in confusion as he ascends to the top rope and positions himself next to Alix.  He grabs hold of her in a waistlock and begins attempting to suplex her back into the trash can!

He could take both himself and Alix out with one move!

Or he could just send Alix flying back into the dumpster.

Fearing for her girlfriend’s health as well as her tag team titles, Krista runs to their location. With one mighty shove she rids the turnbuckles of both Reject and Alix before the R-Man can complete his dastardly plan. The referee warns Krista about her meddling.

Reject’s mom already left him in the dumpster once as a baby, I’d hate to see him wind back up there. I’m only trying to help!

Reject crawls to his corner and applies the tag with TK.  


TK whips Alix to the ropes, and upon her return gives her a back body drop that flings her over the ropes and into the trash can!


I said got dayum!

All ThunderKid has to do is close that lid and Alix will be eliminated!

But Alix summons all the strength in her slender body to crawl out before such a fate can befall her.  Upon entering the ring, she’s attacked by TK who locks her into a rear naked choke. Weakened from the back body drop Alix is unable to stage a proper comeback against the submission hold.

If TK can choke Alix out it’ll be easy to toss her into the dumpster.

Krista does everything in her power to get Alix out the hold: smacking the turnbuckles, rallying the crowd, clapping her hands, cupping her perfectly shapped breasts and winking at TK. That last one does the trick and the hold is weakened just enough so that Alix may get to her feet. There she begins whizzing elbows into TK’s ribs.  But the Heartland Champion counters her efforts by clubbing her in the back. He then throws her into a neutral corner with a whip, and charges after her. But Alix gets those snowboots up and TK stumbles away dizzied. The Hollywood Bad Girl then strides to him and leaps onto his shoulders for a hurricanrana! But TK rolls through! But Alix rolls through his roll through!

Shoot him!

I don’t have a gun.

You can borrow mine.

Uh, why don’t I just kick him really really hard?

Alix does precisely that, jamming her boot into the side of TK’s skull. The Green Bay native falls over onto his side, his face slack from the sudden knockout.


The two competitors begin crawling to their respective corners, where they meet the outstretched hands of their partners. Reject comes rumbling into the ring with a lariat aimed at Krista’s skull. But Miss California makes sure he learns that Blonds Never Pay a Cover!

Krista nails that version of the side effect!

Reject begins to sit up, but Krista runs the ropes and nails him in the face with a knee!


In celebration of being in Texas Krista does a little ho down dancing to the pleasure of the audience. She then turns her attention to TK and smacks him with a dropkick that sends him tumbling over the ropes and into the dumpster!

That ain’t good!

But, forced to deal with Reject Krista isn’t able to make any moves to shut the lid. She whips the R-Man into the ropes, and when he returns her well insured legs collide with his jaw with a spinning wheel kick.

Fucking spinning wheel kicks, how do they work?

Reject gets to his feet, and the dazed grappler carries himself right into a KIDology (codebreaker)!


Reject is saved from a trip to the dumpster, when his wingman rushes to blindside Krista! But Krista is well aware of his approach and drops to her stomach to drop toe hold him against the ropes. No more than two seconds after he collides with the ropes, does TK find himself in greater danger as Alix is running the ropes. But she can’t complete her attack as MELISSA trips her up.

Reject sent her to the back!

Like any good girlfriend she’s standing by her man.

She attempts to pull her out the ring, but the feisty Latina furiously kicks her away. With Melissa staggered, Alix scrambles to her feet. She then hooks onto the ropes and throws herself at Melissa with a plancha that takes her out!

Amazing agility by Alix Maria Spezia!

Elsewhere TK darts at Krista, who’s near the ropes. But Krista upends him and he flies over the cables before splattering on the outside mats.


Behind Krista, Reject has slowly made his way upright. Seething with a feral venom, he dashes at Krissy. But thanks to a timely warning from the fans Krista is keen to his arrival. As such she lowers the ropes and allows Reject to topple over to the outside mats.

We’re seeing a heck of a match here in Dallas at the new Cowboys Stadium!

Krista continues to wow the audience, this time by soaring over the top rope and taking out the Deadly Alliance with a shooting star press!


Yeah, that’s awesome but you still have to get Reject and ThunderKid into the trash can.

Alix gathers up Reject and painstakingly pushes him into the ring. Krista follows him inside and hooks the leg for a cover.

Uh, Krista.

Come on and count.


Getting a little tired of the whole pinfall thing.

It’s a dumpster match, there are no pinfalls.

Would you like to see the collection of tongues I’ve carved out of people who’ve made the mistake of correcting me?

Robinson says no and counts the pinfall…




Reject must’ve kicked out on instinct.

And he shouldn’t have had to, Mikey. You can’t change the rules mid match!

She’s Krista, she does whatever the hell she wants.

Krista scoops Reject off the canvas and attempts an Irish whip. But instead of bouncing back, Reject hooks his arms across the top rope. Krista grunts her frustration and then rushes to him. But he lowers his body and backdrops her over the ropes! Thanks to her great agility Krista is able to land on her high heels. However, she lands dangerously close to the dumpster and Reject begins blasting her with closed fists. Krista uses her long legs to quickly ward him off and push him back to the center of the ring. But she’ll find no advantage in that as TK runs across the ring to boot her to the ground.


TK makes faces at the audience as Reject begins attempting to kick Krista off the ring apron and into the dumpster.

This could be it for Krista, Mikey.

Never count Krista down or out.

Krista rolls back into the ring, allowing the audience to breath a sigh of relief. Noticeably perturbed is Reject who makes a tag to TK. Together they scheme up a dastardly double team. Reject sticks out his knee, and TK bodyslams her on top of it. Krista hollers out in pain, unable to get a hold of the anguish that spreads throughout her body. TK increases her misery by wrapping her up inside a surfboard! As Krista hangs on his knees, TK extends his hand to her throat and violently clamps down.

He’s choking her! He’s choking her!

Robinson realizes this and immediately pries Krista away from TK. This causes vexation in TK and he argues with the referee. Krista seeks to take advantage of this distraction and slogs her way to her corner. But TK excuses himself from his conversation and runs forward to stomp Krista in the head. He then grabs onto her well insured legs and drags her across the ring in order to make a tag with Reject.


No, Tony Romo sucks!


Reject slingshots Krista in an attempt to toss her over the ropes and into the dumpster. But Krista manages to hang onto the top rope, laying horizontally across it.  This bothers Reject a great deal, and he exercises his frustrations by running forward and punting her in the head. Much to his dismay, Krista falls back into the ring instead of out into the dumpster.


Reject bends over to pick Krista up, but she grabs onto his funky tights and throws him through the ropes. Caught of guard Reject tumbles over the ring apron and falls right into the trash can.

Close it Krista! Close it!

Krista does just that, reaching through the ropes and slamming the lid shut on Reject right as he starts to come to his feet.

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the stadium fans celebrate, not realizing that TK
has the referee distracted.

Oh, come on! What is this?

Good strategy, baby.

Reject hastily drags his carcass out his rotten grave and carries himself back into the battleground. This sets Alix off, and she throws a big enough fit to garner attention from Robinson. This of course brings TK back into the ring to set up a double team with his longtime partner. Together they hook Krista into a front facelock and then wheel backwards to drive her down with a vertical suplex. To keep things legal, Reject applies the tag with TK.  The Heartland Champion stuffs Krista between his legs, and then lifts her into the air for a brutal powerbomb!

Powerbomb her into the trashcan!

TK seems to think this is a good idea, and lifts Krista into the air for a powerbomb near the ropes. But at the height of the move Krista counters it into an X-factor that thrills the sold out stadium crowd!

Krista countered! She countered!

Damn, Reject and TK were on the verge of being one woman away from the tag team titles.

Krista crawls to her corner, trekking painfully across the ring. TK stirs behind her as Reject urges him to prevent a tag from being made. But, Krista moves faster than TK can recover and finally makes her way to tag Alix!


Whoooo-hoooo, Dallas, lets party!

Alix flies into the ring a spring board seated senton that drops TK to the canvas. She then rushes to his corner and grabs onto Reject’s singlet straps to throw him over to the ring. While Reject comes to grips with what just happened, TK clubs Alix in the back. She throws her into the ropes, expecting her to come back. But Alix leaps onto the third rope and returns fire with a springboard spear.

That chick just came Straight Outta Compton!

Reject scrambles to his feet, and attempts to get a read on Alix. But the quick Los Angelino is back onto the third rope and springboards back with another spear!


Alix watches TK leap upright with rage filling his eyes. She baits him and he comes charging at top speeds. Alix then lowers the ropes behind her, to force TK to careen over them! His awkward spill carries him right into the dumpster! The lid is quickly slammed shut by Krista!


ThunderKid has been ELIMINATED!

Now America’s Sweethearts just have to get Reject into the other dumpster.

Reject stands dazed and mortified in the corner,  disbelieving the fact that TK has found himself inside a dumpster. Alix is hunched over ready to strike, but with her girlfriend in a bent over position Krista has other ideas.  Krista forces Alix over and grinds herself against her girlfriend's luscious rear end, and Alix quickly starts to sexually fury behind Krista's tantaliizng movements….


Oh baby!

Krista gives Alix the go ahead and Alix is sent off running. But Reject strides forward to counter her attack. As such Alix slides into his arms, lifts herself up and tries to bring him down with a bulldog! But Reject counters by swinging Alix around and throwing her over the top rope. Much to the audience’s horror, Alix lands inside the trashcan. And its only seconds before the lid is being shut on her.

Hey, who turned off the lights!

Alix Maria Spezia has been…ELIMINATED!


Its sudden death now between Reject and Krista!

Krista grabs hold of Reject into a rear waistlock. But she can’t keep him locked down as he swings around with a lariat. But Krista counters with a kick to the stomach, and quickly executes Life In The Fab Lane.

A twist of fate for Reject!

As the audience cheers her last move, Krista begins scooping Reject off the canvas…EULOGY! NO! Krista counters by shoving Reject into the ropes. He bounces back with another Eulogy attempt this time connecting!


A smile as wide as the Atlantic ocean spreads across Reject’s face. He applauds himself and his deadly finisher as the crowd showers him with jeers. He then inexplicably heads to the top rope.

What is he doing?

Come on, R-Man, throw her in the dumpster and take home those tag team titles.

Reject would rather inflict more pain upon Krista, a fact he states as he orders her to her feet. It takes several seconds but Krista finally staggers upright. Unfortunately for Reject she falls right into the ropes and crotches the Bronx native. Reject hollers into the night, the pain quickly spreading through him.

Is Reject’s advantage lost?

Krista brushes her golden hair out her eyes as she climbs to the top rope to join Reject. There she’s met with a storm of elbows from the two time world champion. But the tag champ weathers the hurricane and subdues Reject with a trio of chops. She then leaps upward, wraps her gorgeous legs around Reject’s neck and bridges backwards with a hurricanrna aimed at the ring apron! Reject is tossed into the air, and as wide eyes follow his descent he sails forward before coming down into the trashcan! The audience explodes with glee and pleasure, and grows even louder when Krista shuts the lid on Reject.


Your winner and still OAOAST Tag Team Champions….CHICKS OVER DICKS!    


While the audience exchanges high fives, Krista immediately frees Alix from her prison.

From being trapped in a little ball in a tightly confined space, to being yanked out a hole by a really smart chick. Its like I’m being born!

The girls celebrate with post match hugs for both themselves and the front row audience.

Reject may have made a costly error going to the top rope. Once he hit the Eulogy all that he needed to do was deposit Krista into the dumpster, but he had to be a showboat and cost himself and ThunderKid the one and only world tag team titles.

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This is your Great Angle Bash main event! And it’s for the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! Are you ready?




Then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world… Ladies and gentlemen… LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO RRRRRRRRRRRUMMMMMMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

“Not Afraid” by Eminem cues and Baron Windels power walks to the ring.

Introducing first, the man who enters tonight the challenger but hopes to leave the champion…  from San Antonio, Texas, weighing 265 pounds, he is accompanied by fellow Citizen Soldier TIM CASH… “THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER” BBAAAAARRRRROOOOOOOOOONN WINDELS!!


BW receives pre-match instructions from the referee and then heads off to the corner where Cash psyches him up.

Baron Windels is certainly not afraid of the challenge that stands before him tonight. He’s out to show the world he’s more than just a tag team competitor like Mr. Dick dismissed him as.

But the reality is Baron Windels hasn’t competed regularly in singles competition in years. You gotta think his brain is still wired for tag competition.

“Motherfucker of the Year” by Motley Crue hits and Mister Dick and Malaysia are showered onstage by golden pyro.

And his opponent, accompanied by MALAYSIA… from San Antonio, Texas, weighing a hard 238 pounds… he is the reigning and defending OAOAST Heavyweight Champion of the World… MMMIIIIIIIIIIISSSSTTEEEERRRRRR DDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKK!!!


MD has the ref back BW away before he rolls in and takes a seat in the corner as GENEVIEVE DUNCAN claps in the background.

Hey, Krista's Mom!

Even she got a front row seat for this one. She's a big Mr. Dick fan.

That entrance sees Malaysia crawl on all fours to MD and remove the World title hung out of his short shorts with her teeth.

Savor that moment, Coach, because it could be the last time we see that on OAOAST television.

Senior official Earl Hebner displays the title overhead, then signals for the bell.  


BW and MD come face to face and exchange words. After some pushing and shoving MD fires the first shot, a cold hard slap that lights up the Lone Star Gunslinger’s face with rage. BW chases MD around the ring only to be stomped repeatedly sliding back in. Whipped to the ropes BW ducks a STIFF KICK and unloads with COWBOY BEBOP ELBOWS, then shoots MD in for a backdrop and clotheslines him outside.


MD calls time out to have a chat with Malaysia, but BW sticks half his body through the ropes and gives them a DOUBLE COCONUT!

And that guy’s supposed to be some hero cowboy? He just attack two people unprovoked!

Blame Mr. Dick for not paying attention to the match.

He called time out.

There are no time outs in wrestling. Everybody knows that.

MD is brought in the hard way courtesy of a suplex, then his face is pummeled by BW.  

Baron Windels is fighting like a madman, Cole.

After he was betrayed again by Mr. Dick I don’t blame him one bit.

MD escapes to the corner and calls for a truce, causing BW to shake his head as he moves in… but MD grabs the trunks and BW eats a mouthful of turnbuckle.

Baron Windels got suckered in there.

Following a series of sharp right jabs MD fires BW to the corner and charges in, only to have BW perform a BUTT BUMP off the middle rope!


The cover.




BW grabs a side headlock and is shoved off towards the ropes. He charges out the near side following a shoulder tackle and gets press slammed on the rebound. Elbow drop misses its mark and BW quickly wrings MD’s arm. MD knees BW in the gut and whips him to the corner for the Stinger Splash, but he’s caught in midair and slammed overhead courtesy of THE DEVIL’S ADDICTION!

The cover.




BW rams MD into the buckle, then climbs onto the middle rope where he fires away.



BW’s eyes widen as MD delivers an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline from hell!

The Cock Shock!

The cover.




MD stomps away on BW who begins to reach for a tag that isn’t there.

What did I tell you, Cole? Mentally Baron Windels is still wired like a tag wrestler.

That last blow obviously shook Baron Windels’ entire system.  


Cash rallies the crowd behind BW as MD continues to unload. MD whips BW to the ropes but telegraphs a backdrop that allows BW to leapfrog him and connect with a boomerang lariat!

MySpace Comeback!

The cover.




BW climbs up top but is distracted long enough by Malaysia for MD to deliver a massive FACIAL~! that knocks him to the arena floor. Cash rushes over to BW’s aid only to be turned around by the ref while Malaysia whips  BW with her CAT O‘NINE TAILS.

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

* WHAP *

Malaysia rolls BW back in and MD delivers a HEADBUTT TO THE GROIN he claims was to the abdomen when questioned by the ref.


Just Being a Dick is the Real American Prick.

In real time that move looked clean to me, Cole. Quit being such a little bitch.

MD sets BW on the top rope for a SUPERPLEX…

Don’t tell me Mr. Dick is going to use one of Baron Windels’ own moves on him.

Wouldn’t that be embarrassing?

…but BW shoves him to the mat, then IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME!

Windels caught Mr. Dick with the lariat. Could we have a new champion right here?

The cover.




Now it’s BW’s turn to set MD on the top rope for a SUPERPLEX, but MD rakes the eyes and suplexes him down face-first, then capitalizes with a TOP ROPE FAMEASSER!!

The ATM!

The cover.





How Baron Windels managed to kick out of that I’ll never know.

MD slaps on a vicious chinlock, then lays a verbal smack down on his former partner.



His concentration broken, MD falls victim to a jawbreaker. A combination of right hands and Cowboy Bebop elbows follow, then a whip in for THE BIG BOOT which causes MD to stagger into a RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP!

The cover.




BW positions MD for THE BRIGHAM YOUNG COCKTAIL DDT, but MD backdrops his way out of it and sets BW for THE JACKHAMMER.

Baron Windels put up a heck of a fight, Cole, but it just wasn’t enough.

This one isn’t over yet.

Indeed it’s not. BW floats over and drives MD into the ropes, then rolls back with him in a pinning combination.




BW executes a quick small package.




Baron Windels is giving Mr. Dick everything he’s got.

And he still can’t put him away because Mr. Dick has the heart of a champion.

MD reverses a whip and Malaysia trips BW, prompting him to drag her up on the apron.

What’s this brute trying to do, scar Malaysia for life? He already assaulted her once tonight.  

Give me a break!

BW motions to the crowd whether to punch or Cowboy Bebop elbow Malaysia. With the crowd split he decides to go in for a kiss, but he hears footsteps and moves. Luckily for Malaysia Mr. Dick is able to put on the breaks, much to the crowd’s disappointment.

Close call there, Mikey Cole.  

Following a quick embrace MD is spun around, but he ducks a big right hand that ends up smacking Malaysia!


You spoke too soon!

MD clubs BW from behind and hooks him in a FULL NELSON, causing BW to wrap his leg around MD to block the slam. BW then smashes his ass into MD's gut to break free, ducks a clothesline and places him in a SLEEPER!

When's the last time Baron Windels has ever used a sleeper?

It's been awhile, if ever.

BW cranks on the pressure as MD falls to one knee, then both knees. The ref checks for signs of life by raising MD's arm.

It drops once.


Three times!



Ladies and gentlemen, unbelievable! The winner and NEW OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion… “THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER” BBAAAAARRRRROOOOOOOOOONN WINDELS!!!!


B O O M ~!

Firework go off as Baron Windels is awarded the World title. Meanwhile, Malaysia assists Mr. Dick whose yet to realize he’s lost the championship.

Dick’s still on dream street, Cole.

Baron Windels caught him out of nowhere with that one. And our congratulations go out to the new champion.

I hate to say it, but yeah, congrats to Baron Windels. He snatched victory from the jaws defeat surprising Mr. Dick with the sleeper. Dick was so intent on not letting BW pin him 1-2-3 he almost surely didn't prepare for any submission holds.

BW poses on the turnbuckle with the title.

Ladies and gentlemen, we hoped you enjoyed the ninth annual Great Angle Bash and invite you to join us again live on pay-per-view for AngleSlam. For our entire broadcast team, Michael Cole saying goodnight from Dallas!


MD clubs BW from behind and hooks him in a FULL NELSON, causing BW to wrap his leg around MD to block the slam. BW then smashes his ass into MD's gut to break free, ducks a clothesline and places him in a SLEEPER!

When's the last time Baron Windels has ever used a sleeper?

It's been awhile, if ever.

BW cranks on the pressure as MD falls to one knee, then both knees. The ref checks for signs of life by raising MD's arm.

It drops once.


Three times!



Ladies and gentlemen, unbelievable! The winner and NEW OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion… “THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER” BBAAAAARRRRROOOOOOOOOONN WINDELS!!!!


The show closes with Baron Windels going around ringside celebrating with OAOAST Marks. His tag team partner Tim Cash leading the cheers.

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