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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 6/22/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***Baron Windels vs. Conquistador Dos***
In a final tune-up before his big title shot at the GAB, Baron Windels made easy work of the vodooo practitioner to pickup the W in 2:02 with the Brigham Young Cocktail DDT. During the bout comments from OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Mr. Dick aired in which he stated BW would be taken out behind the barn and put away for good.

Winner: Baron Windels



Favorite band?
The Adolsecent Astronauts. That's the name of the band I was in in sixth grade.

Who would you like to wrestle that you haven't wrestled before?
It would be an honor to step into the ring with Zack Malibu. He an inspiration as a person and as a performer.

If you weren't wrestling what would you be doing?
Most likely I'd still be an EMT

Favorite video game?
I don't play many video games, but I do have a soft spot for Tetris. Its certainly a brain teaser!

***The Love Doctors and Maggie Nerdly W/Morgan Nerdly Vs The Heavenly Rockers and Holly W/Quiz and Abdullah Abur Nerdly***
The contest started off as a hot brawl as all three performers took the fight to one another. Eventually things separated themselves into Synth Vs Anderson. Anderson took a heavy fight to Synth, frustrating The Rocker’s drummer. Several near falls were charged against Synth before he tagged out to Holly. The Angel Of Death fared no better against Maggie and was forced to retreat for a tag with Mann. Her husband continued The Rocker’s string of ill luck, being pummeled by Pigley. Only when Abdullah ran a distraction that allowed Quiz to big boot Anderson did the The Rockers gain control of the contest. They isolated Anderson and with Holly’s help were able to brutally beat him into near submission. But Anderson countered a Percussion DDT from Logan into a devastating spinebuster and made the hot tag to Doctor Pigley. From there the match returned to the hectic pace we saw at the onset with every contestant flooding the ring along with Morgan, Quiz and Abdullah. Despite the numbers advantage, The Rockers fell to their foes after Maggie pinned Holly off an Edmonton is Happiness in your rearview mirror.

Winners: Maggie Nerdly and The Love Doctors, via pinfall

With Alix preparing for her match against Reject, Maya was left to wear the serious wrestling glasses by herself and interview Mister Dick and her own grandmother Genevieve Duncan! Maya was none to pleased with her guests, and started off with rough questions, asking MD what he was using her grandmother for. Genevieve stepped in and said that Jock isn’t using her at all, rather she’s using him to feel young and alive once again. Mister Dick added that Genevieve is a trusted companion on the level of Malaysia. He stated her advice is priceless and her years of wisdom provide him with a fresh, and unique perspective on life. Maya followed that by throwing up!

***Alix Maria Spezia Vs Reject***

The meandering track of Final Ride by TRU plays to a heartfelt chorus of disgust. Onto a silver lit entrance way comes former world champion Reject along with ThunderKid. With intent and purpose driving his move, he strides down the entryway

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a televisied time limit of thirty minutes! Now making his way to the ring being accompanied by The Heartland Champion ThunderKid, from The Bronx, he weighes in at two hundred  thirty pounds, he is the leader of the Deadly Alliance….REEEEEEEJEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCCT!

Upon entering the ring, Reject ascends to the second rope. He stares at the audience with open hostility and they meet this glare with their own brand of hatred.

Reject is not a popular figure in the OAOAST, and dumping garbage on Krista’s lawn has made him a marked man for certain. And he paid for that by being thrown into a dump truck along with ThunderKid. And I’m sorry to say he still kind of smells!

Cue: "David Guetta ft. Akon-Sexy Bitch

"She's nothing like a girl you've ever seen before
Nothing you can compare to your neighbourhood hoe
I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful
The way that booty movin I can't take no more
Have to stop what i'm doin so I can pull up close
I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful"

A massive cheer flies from the stands as a Neon Lit bar named “Alix’s” slides onto the stage in front of the face’s tunnel. The patrons all look longingly at the beautiful body of Alix Maria Spezia that’s framed by the ultra sexy combo of white booty shorts and a faux fur white bikini. Alix’s dances for a short while, before accidently kicking one of the patrons in the face. Deciding that’s enough dance for the moment, Alix leaps off the bar. She blows a kiss into the camera and super imposed lips appear on the screen.


Reject stalks across the ring, his eyes narrowed, his fist clenched, and his mouth fixed into a snarl. Alix, on the other hand, is the model image of bubbly cheer as she skips down the entrance ramp. Her silver boa finds its way onto a very attractive blond in the front row. She then slides into the ring, and climbs to the top rope to flash the peace sign to her legion of admirers.


First time ever, Reject and Alix!

It’s a big match, Schiavone!

Alix swings a kick at Reject, but the former world champion intercepts her bare leg. He swings behind her and grabs hold of a rear waistlock, before tripping her up to take her down to the ground. This position does not please Alix in the slightest…

Ah! Rape! Rape! Rapist! Rapist!

I’m not trying to rape you.

His thingie is hard! Ewwwwww!

Alix frees herself from an attempted rape by wheeling out to Reject’s front. She snaps him inside a front facelock. However, she isn’t strong enough to keep him grounded and the R-Man forces his way upright.  He breaks free of her hold with relative ease and captures her inside an armlock. Alix mounts a mighty struggle against the hold, that meets with some sucesss; she frees herself and runs to the ropes. But as she returns Reject smacks her in the face with a dropkick! The two time world champion dusts off his hands to jeers from the audience. From there he attempts  a pinfall…



Alix pops herself out the pinfall. She gets pulled to her feet by Reject, who snaps on another arm lock.  Though he wrenches on the hold, he can’t keep Alix still; the bubbly brunette rolls through the hold and kips up into an armlock of her own! She doesn’t keep the submission applied for very long before she kicks out Reject’s legs. The R-Man drops to the canvas, his head smacking off like a basketball.

Yay me!

Giddy with her performance thus far, Alix hops on top of Reject for a pinfall…


Reject throws his shoulder off the canvas. He attempts to make a rise to his feet, but gets ensared inside a headlock.  Reject groans in pain, which draws little compassion from Alix.

You think that’s tough? Try being waterboarded by the CIA! Whole Noregea thing back in the 80’s I don’t really wanna talk about it.

Wishing to break free of his annoying competitor, Reject attempts to shove the spicy Latina into the ropes. But Alix drops to her knees and holds firm, refusing to yield to his effort.  Reject mounts another strenuous struggle and finally succeeds in depositing the beauty into the ropes. As she comes back he shoots an elbow forward and drops her to the canvas.

This is going to be an interesting match, because mechanically there isn’t a more sound wrestler in the world than Reject, and there’s probably no one faster than Alix.

Alix uses the corner ropes to find her footing. But she can not find any rest as Reject runs in and nails her with a body splash. Continuing his assault, he falls backwards and monkeyflips her to the center of the ring. But Ally Cat comes down on her furry snowboots.

Woah! Now that was cool!

Reject doesn’t seem to share similar sentiments and charges after her. Alix attempts a hiptoss but Reject blocks and shifts his bodyweight to try his own hiptoss. But midway through the air Alix curls up into a ball and monkey flips him away! Reject lands on the canvas and immediately rolls away…and keeps rolling and rolling until he finds himself on the outside.

We’re seeing some classic wrestling here with those two hiptoss attempts.

All my Juggalos, make some noise!


No? No one? Out dated reference? Well, we’ll leave that for another day.

Alix puts aside her embarrassment of being the only ICP fan in attendance and bounces off the ropes. When she nears the edge of the ring, she takes to the sky and flies forward with a corckscrew plancha! But Reject dives out the way and poor Alix endures a miserable crash into the thin ring mats.


Reject gives Alix little time to process the pain and failure and drags her off the feet. His arms go around her slender midsection and he runs forward to drive her back first into the steel steps. Alix wails in anguish, and the crowd shudders for her pain and suffering.

Fans, we’ll be back with more of this match after this commercial break.


Fans, we’re back on Syndicated and that stench you smell is coming from Reject.

We return from break with Alix trapped inside a rear chinlock. Her teeth are gritted and her fists are clenched, and her resolve for escape is strong. Her resillencey is rewarded when she’s able to fight to her feet. There she throws herself into her attack unleashing a flurry of elbows into Reject’s stomach. But her bout of offense is shortlived; Reject stabs her steel grey eyes. He then assails her with over hand punches that bulldoze her into a corner. She doesn’t stay there for long, however, before Reject tosses her across the ring. He then darts towards her and takes to the sky with a bodysplash. But Alix wards him away with the back of her elbow. As Reject stumbles away Alix runs after him. Unfortunatley for her she’s raised into the air and brought down to the canvas with a flapjack.

The speed of this match has been incredible so far.

Its moving at Alix’s pace, however, Reject might want to slow things down and get back to his game.

Alix clutches her sore mdisection and rolls away from Reject. But the Bronx native stalks her retreat and hooks her outside leg for the pinfall…



Alix throws her shoulder off the canvas, drawing disgusted grunts from Reject. As he argues with the referee Robinson he picks Alix up by her bikini top.  The former world champion launches the Hollywood Bad Girl into the ropes. She ducks bellows a lariat upon her return, but she rushes back into a back elbow from her opponent.  Alix tries to make a quick rise to the canvas, but is shoved back to the ground for a pinfall…



Alix frustrates Reject with another kickout. The fans salute her show of bravery with loud cheers, while Reject meets it with an annoyed hiss. To exercise his frustrations, he snatches Alix inside another rear chinlock.  He leans against Alix’s back, doing his best to suffocate and choke her. But Alix refuses to be brought down and hold strong in face of horrible odds.


Alix forces her way to her feet, which puts worry in Reject’s heart. He tries to tighten the hold, but her elbows to his stomach encourage the opposite effect. Soon the hold is broken and Reject is being pummeled with forearms from the tag team champion.

Alix is a strange girl, I don’t think she’s playing with a full deck, Tony.

You’re just now realizing that, Jess?

Reject hits Alix’s bare stomach with a knee. He then grabs hold of her wrist and throws her into the corner. As soon she hits the posts she’s forced to defend against a turnbuckle splash. And defend she does, using a raised snowboot to back Reject away.


With Reject dizzied in the center of the ring, Alix elevates herself onto the second rope.

Heat in the kitchen, pot on the stove, water getting boiled, dope being sold, snoopy in the hoopty, system overload, Alix been running this rap game since she was 20 years old!

Alix flies forward and smashes into Reject with a crossbody block! Robinson drops o his knees to count the resulting pinfall…





With her bubble gum pink lips forming a pouty smile, Alix summons Robinson close. She squeezes her mouth watering breasts together, forming one juicy mountain of gorgeous flesh. Robinson’s eyes revel in this magnificent sight of female beauty.

Next time its gonna be three, right, dude?


The boobilicious Alix gets up and swats Reject in the face with a leg lariat! Just for the hell of it she smacks her breasts, sending her lovely tits bouncing for the crowd’s delight.  Elsewhere Reject has used the corner ropes to pull himself up. Seeing this, Alix suddenly gets serious and rushes at him. Reject slides out the way, but Alix places her hands on both turnbuckle posts and avoids a near disastrious crash into the ring posts. Reject doesn’t seem to register this and runs after her. But Alix rushes the past him, and carries herself into the ropes. When she returns her beautiful legs flip him over with a hurricanrana as he stumbles out the corner.

Booty time!


Alix prepares to shake what her mama gave her, but much to the crowd’s immense disappointment she’s rolled up by the two time world champion…



Alix reverses the pinfall!



Reject rolls through the pin and comes to his feet. Alix quickly does the same and attempts a body slam. However she hasn’t the strength to lift him. Thus Reject is able to turn the tide of the match by striking her with a Mongolian chop.  As Alix staggers away, Reject smiles at her pain and moves to the ropes.  As he comes back Alix leapfrogs him. As he comes a back second time Alix makes another leapfrog attempt, but this time Reject catches her on his shoulders.

Uh-oh this is gonna be sucky!

It is indeed sucky as Reject falls backwards and strikes Alix with an electric chair drop! Reject quicly shoves Alix off him and hooks both her legs for a cover…



The Hollywood Bad Girl finds the strength needed to kickout.

The pace to this match just hasn’t slowed and we can only imagine what its going to be like when you throw ThunderKid and Krista into the mix at the Great Angle Bash.

Its going to be a wild one.

Reject hops to his feet and adjusts the straps on his trippy psychedelic tights. He then goes to the top rope, and gives a thumbs up to ThunderKid. Next he flies forward with a missile dropkick aimed at a now standing Alix. But Alix counters with a modified spinebuster, and leaps through his legs for a jackknife pin!



The referee almost makes a three count, but Reject reverses the pinfall…



Kickout! Reject stomps away from Alix, heading to the corner, where he can kick the ringposts in anger. But keeping his eye off Alix proves costly as she charges after him! But the Heartland Champion leaps onto the ring apron to provide a timely distraction.

Come on! Get him down from there!

ThunderKid working the ladies like any good wingman should.

One, two, three , four, TK’s mother is a whore! Five, six, seven, eight, what man won’t she masturbate! Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, I bet she’d screw a kiebler elf!


My mother is no crackwhore! Now, your moms, that’s a different story!

Reject flies off with another missile dropkick! But misses as Alix ducks the attack! She leaps onto the third rope, and as Reject comes to his feet connects with a springboard spear!

Straight out of Compton!

A crazy motherfucker named Alix from the gang called Niggas With Attitude!

Alix makes a crucial pinfall attempt….



Reject’s shoulder comes off the canvas. He tires to get to his feet, but is swatted down by a kick from Alix.

Now its booty time!


As promised Alix gets her fine Latina ass jiggling and shaking. Her hips undulate with incredible seduction, as the tempting flesh of her heavenly behind rolls and bucks in a beautiful rhythm. Its better when I have a gif. Anyway, Alix flings herself backwards and connects with a moonsault onto Reject’s chest.   But Reject rolls out the way! Thankfully Alix succeeds in landing on her snowboots. But her feet are caught by ThunderKid and Reject manages to strike her with the Eulogy!

There it is!

The fans hiss and jeer as a smiling Reject makes a pin attempt….



Foot on the ropes!

Not realizing this, Reject leaps up into a preemptive celebration. His mood is torpeodoed straight to hell when Robinson informs him it was merely a two count.


Reject hunches over and waits for Alix to rise, moving his arm back and forth across his face. When she finally does rise, he runs in for a Eulogy! But Alix shoves him into the ropes!  When he returns she sucks him into a rollup!




NOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE! ThunderKid has distracted the referee, earning tremendous hatred from the sold out audience.

So close! So very close but ThunderKid proving his use here tonight on HeldDOWN~!

What do you mean proving his use? He’s the Heartland Champion, he’s got plenty of use.

Reject stumbles back to a corner to catch a desperately needed breather. But he’s hounded by Alix who begins battering him with chops.

One chop! Two chop! Three chop! Four chop! Five chop! Ummm…..

Six chop, stupid!

Oh! Thanks! Six chop! Seven chop!

Realizing his mistake, Reject shoves Alix away. The Hollywood Bad Girl isn’t dettered and runs back to him. But he kicks her away, and goes to the top rope. He then flies forward and nails her with a missile dropkick!


Reject finally hit that missile dropkick!

Alix comes to her feet, clutching her sore head, dazed from the blow. However, she still has enough wits about to her to shove Reject to the ropes when he attempts a Eulogy!  Alix comes running in after him, but is brushed back by a raised elbow. Reject waits for her to stagger to the center of the ring, before running forward and rolling her to the canvas with a sunset flip!




Both competitors quickly roll to their feet, where Reject strikes with the Eulogy!

From out of nowhere!

As the audience douses the arena in disgusted heat, Reject hooks the leg for the pinfall…





The two time world champion leaps to his feet, and raises his arms in the air to celebrate his fantastic achivement. On the outside, ThunderKid claps his hands and informs the audience of his best friend’s greatness.

Your winner as a result of a pinfall….REJECT!


Winner:Reject, via pinfall

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