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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 6/16/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***Christian Wright w/Lorelei DeCenzo Vs Synth Abdul-Jabbar w/Quiz ***
With the friendship between The Heavenly Rockers and The Enterprise you knew this match wasn’t going to go as the bookers planned. Wright and Lorelei wasted no time in offering Synth the customary five thousand dollars cash in exchange for a forfeit victory. Synth was more than happy to accept, and even told them he’d only take four because they’re all such good friends.

Winner: Christian Wright, via forfeit

GREAT ANGLE BASH SHILL: Tony Brannigan ran down the current line-up before pre-recorded comments from Baron Windels and OAOAST World Champion Mr. Dick aired. BW dismissed the notion “he’s just a tag wrestler” by reminding MD he beat him 2 years ago at AngleSlam and plans on doing it again at the GAB. MD responded by saying it was a bull rope match and BW could never pin his shoulders to the mat for the 1-2-3, or pin Malaysia for that matter. Brannigan wrapped up the segment with a final plug for the GAB live on PPV, June 27.





Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview the Orange County Cobras and Molly Nerdly. What should’ve been a normal interview turned into Maya complaining about her mom to her dad. Apparently Krista won’t let her hang out with any boys unless they fill out a six page application, supply three professional references and subject themselves to a piss test! Even worse now that Maya has her driver lisence her mom is insisting that she have a tracking chip installed so that she may track her every movement. While Ned and Maya discussed Krista’s overbearing attitude, Molly and Simon tried to convience Alix that Simon does not have the Prince of Persia’s sands of time, and she can not use it to pause time and see Jessica Biel naked in the shower. Why is this? “Because Prince of Persia is a movie and I’m not Jake Gyllenhaal!” A frustrated Simon exclaimed.

****Tim Cash Vs Vinny Valentine***
Biff Atlas and Melody provided commentary for this match with Melody comparing Vinny to Quark the shady Ferngei from Star Trek. She said Vinny is most like a Ferengei because they both have butt heads! Vinny started out in control of this match, using a brawling offense to beat down Cash. But the Peroia native game back to trade blows with Vinny. He almost gained a three count on a pile driver but Vinny found the strength to kickout. The match spilled to the outside where Vinny took total control after bashing Tim Cash’s skull against the barricade.  Back inside the ring Vinny Valentine worked over his foe with several chinlock variations. He battered Cash with ground and pound, before heading to the top rope. A cross body block was reversed into a powerslam and from there Cash fought his way back into the contest. Vinny tried to mount a defense against Cash’s comeback, but fell victim to the Midwest Sling (texas cloverleaf)

Winner:Tim Cash, via submission
Mister Dick, Malaysia, and Genevieve Duncan provided commentary on Mister Dick’s greatest moments. Originally Josh Matthews was to do commentary but Mister Dick forced him out in favor of his “best friend the beautiful and sexy Mrs.Duncan.” Prominently featured in the greatest hits were Mister Dick’s various triumphs over Baron Windels. Also featured heavily was his tormenting of Krista. This oddly didn’t draw any criticism or concern from Mrs.Duncan. Instead she complimented Jock on having a “fine athletic competition with my daughter”. Mister Dick replied that if Krista had Genevieve’s class and grace, he’d never have “messed with the old hag in the first place!”

Mixed tag team match: Krista Isadora Duncan & Jade Rodez-Duncan vs Reject & Melissa Nerdly

Rules are stated that Reject can only be in with Krista, and Melissa can only be in with Jade.  Krista quickly gains the advantage on Reject, battering him into a corner, and he quickly tags out to Melissa, drawing big heat from the audience.  Melissa fares no better, as Jade batters her with knees in the corner, then whips her into the ropes and catches her with a front dropkick for a near-fall.  However, she backs into the ropes and Reject tussels her hair, distracting her long enough for Melissa to drive a knee into her back, sending her to the floor.  Reject rolls her back inside, and Melissa takes over with roundhouse kicks in the corner, then surprises the crowd with a nicely-executed double-underhook suplex, getting a near-fall.  However, she then gets a little cocky, and goes to the top rope, where Jade rolls out of the way of a splash, then gets back on the offense.  She sets up Melissa with the Californication, then picks her up and drops her with GOT IT FROM MY MOMMA~!  However, instead of going for the cover, she spots Holly attempting to run interference, and cuts her off, ramming her face into the canvas.  At the same time, Thunderkid sneaks around and pulls Krista off the apron, sacrificing himself to a beating at her hands as the referee puts Holly out, allowing Reject to sneak up behind Jade and drop her with the EULOGY~!  Reject drapes Melissa over the unconscious Jade, then taps the referee, who turns around and counts her out.  Alix slides into the ring, as TK escapes to join the victors, as Krista along with Alix check on her still-unconscious daughter.

WINNERS: Reject & Melissa Nerdly

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