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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 6/9/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***D*LUX w/Jade Rodez-Duncan and Maya Duncan-Blanchard -VS- The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club w/Queen Esther***
Tag team action pitted the ever-popular D*LUX against The Cucaracha Kingdom's Knights of the realm. D*LUX, lead by the sister-sister management team of Jade and Maya, got off to a strong start by running rings around poor Rico. Unable to keep-up, the Brazilian was forced to bail out of the ring and catch his breath. Fair enough. Except Rico looked like he'd just finished a half marathon, huffing and puffing like a madman. Lucius took over for his cardiologically-challenged tag team partner and fared a little better, long enough for Rico to give an assist from the outside to cut off Shayne. To the Queen's delight, Rico and Lucius put a beating to Shayne, at a pace that Rico could keep up with. Unfortunately, it wouldn't last. With the encouragement of Maya and Jade, Shayne was able to dodge and dive out of the way of some double teams from the MGHFC, making them look quite the fools before getting the tag to Tyler. Tyler ran wild on both the Knights, before joining up with Shayne to clean house with some patented D*LUX double team manoeuvers. Having almost beaten Lucius with the Opposites Attract, D*LUX set him up for the D*LUX Capacitor, only for Rico to interject. With the referee trying to restore some order with all four men going at it, opportunity would then present itself. The referee tried to put Shayne out, allowing Rico save Lucius with a clothesline behind the referee's back! Lucius then pulled a page from the King's playbook, with the Fro 2 Sleep, Rico keeping Shayne out of the way long enough for the 3 count to be scored and the Queen to celebrate a royal victory.

Winners: The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club, via pinfall

Alix and Maya put on their serious interview glasses to sit down and interview new OAOAST Women’s Champion, Maggie Nerdly! Maggie told the two she was incredibly proud to be the women’s champion, and that she owed it all to Morgan. She said without Morgan’s aid she’d never be able to overcome Abdullah’s meddling. Maya wondered if Maggie might be a little nervous about a steel cage contest against Holly at GAB. Maggie responded that she wasn’t nervous at all, and was looking forward to the affair. Alix believed that cage matches are more “Cracker tricknology used to enslave her people, and that title matches are used to keep their eyes focused on shiny objects and not the truth of the opressor’s world” Maggie didn’t know what to say and just sort of nodded politely.

HOT NEWZ this week: the announcement Mr. Dick would defend the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title against Baron Windels at the Great Angle Bash.

Tony Brannigan conducted a podium interview with Mr. Dick in which MD ran down the OAOAST's decision to award BW a title shot at the GAB. "The man's a tag wrestler, Brannigan. He hasn't competed regularly in singles competition in years. What makes him more special than Mariachi for example? There's a guy working his way up the card. If anybody deserves a title shot, it's him."

Mariachi appeared on the scene and cut a promo in Spanish. "In English, amigo" chimed MD, to which Mariachi replied: (in broken English, of course) "I want da belt!"

"He wants the belt" said Brannigan to a laughing MD. "Oh, that's rich" MD retorted. "Guess I can use the workout."

***Biff Atlas W/Melody Nerdly Vs Uno W/Dos***
A super powered brawler vs a voodoo powered luchadore? Only in the OAOAST! Making his return from an injury, Uno was eager to get the competition under the way. But first his partner cast a spell on Biff that prevented Biff from using his right arm! However, Biff has superpowers and superpowers>voodoo! Thus his free arm compensated to maul Uno.  After watching his partner be beaten by a one armed man, Dos was forced to cast a spell that prevented Biff from using his legs. This allowed for a quick pin until the spell wore off and Biff kicked out at 2.99999.  Dos continued to chant incantations that hampered Biff’s movements. That is until Melody stole his spell book to a huge reception! With Uno powerless, Biff was abloe to ground him with a DVD into a Michonoku Driver.

Winner:Biff Atlas, via pinfall.

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! This week:
OAO Tag Team Titles: Chicks Over Dicks Vs Citizen Soldiers
And the return of The House of Worship
This week!

***OAOAST World title: Mr. Dick © vs. Mariachi***

MD clearly entered the match overconfident and was put on the defensive early. No match for Mariachi's quick strikes the World Champion resorted to a low blow to turn the match in his favor. MD would be on the offensive for the next several minutes, passing up numerous opportunities to put away the flaming luchadore in order to send a message to his GAB opponent Baron Windels. A move that nearly backfired as Mariachi scored a nearfall after countering the Cock Block into a crucifix pin. MD would survive a last ditch Mariachi offensive and finish him off with the Jackhammer.

Winner: Mr. Dick

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