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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 5/12/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***Synth and Quiz W/Abdullah Abir Nedly Vs Mariachi and J-MAX***

The speed of the faces won out early on as Synth and Quiz couldn’t keep up with their high flying tacitcs. Poor Synth was the victim of several near falls and was ran ragged by the masked duo. Quiz fared no better and dropkicked out the ring numerous times by his arch rival Mariachi. Only a distraction by Abdullah Abir Nerdly allowed the heels to take control of the contest. They pummeled J-MAX, abusing him in the corner. A Pop Quiz (running powerbomb) would’ve put him away had Quiz not landed him right near the ropes. Eventually though J-MAX fought back against Synth and made the hot tag to Mariachi! The luchadore came in on fire using his speed to foil and confuse his rivals. Quiz and Synth fought back though with sharp doubling teaming. However J-MAX saved Mariachi from a double percussion with a dropkick to Quiz’s face and Mariachi rolled up Synth for the win!

Winner: Mariachi, as a result of a pinfall.

Afterwards Quiz grabbed the mic and threatened to smear Mariachi’s blood all over the arena the next time they fought.

Alix and Maya put on their serious about wrestling glasses to interview former Women’s champion Morgan Nerdly.  Morgan was more than a little nervous, which wasn’t helped by Alix sniffing her hair. Maya eased her into things with a few softball questions. Then she gradually brought out the harder questions such as if she’s jealous Maggie is getting a women’s title shot before her. Morgan said no and that she wished Maggie lots of luck. Maya also wanted to know if Morgan had any thoughts on Leon using her as a shield against Baron Windells. Morgan quickly clamed up and quietly requested the interview be brought to a close.

***Sophie W/Molly Nerdly Vs Lorelei DeCenzo W/Christian Wright***

Sophie began the contest by hurling Lorelei over the ropes to the outside. Sophie then gave chase and was cut down by a lariat from the larger woman. Lorelei abused Sophie on the outside for several minutes (FUCK A COUNT OUT) before tossing her back into the ring. A quick comeback was produced by Sophie as he walloped Lorelei with punches to the crowd’s enjoyment.  Sophie even scored a near fall off a scissors kick. At Molly’s urging, Sophie went to the top rope. But she took to long to play to the audience and was  thrown off by the powerful Lorelei. Lorelei then applied a body lock that Sophie had no choice but to submit to.

Winner:Lorelei DeCenzo, via pinfall.

A HeldDOWN~! preview was shown, focusing on the world title match between Ned Blanchard and Mister Dick


OAOAST World title: Mr. Dick © vs Denzel Spencer

That is, if MD can get past the Heartland champ in this title defense!  MD had the confidence wiped off his face early on, as Denzel cleaned his clock with various kicks and sent him bailing to the outside.  MD regroups and rolls back inside, only to once again fall victim to the speed of Denzel, who spent the next few minutes chopping the larger MD (LOL) down to size.  Eventually, MD overpowered Denzel and took control, hammering away on Denzel with clubbing forearms while tossing in various power moves.  Some of the crowd grew tired of MD's cocky antics (LOL, pt. 2), and began to rally Denzel back into the match.  Denzel fired away with chops and kicks, then got a near-fall with a missile dropkick.  Denzel scored with a scissor kick, then a guillotine legdrop from the apron, getting another near-fall.  The crowd was sensing a title change, and implored Denzel to go to the top once again.  He did, but MD caught him coming off the top with a big lariat, which left both men on the mat down and out.  MD recovered first, and began to go through his trademark offense.  Cock Shock and Stiff Kick both got near-falls, then MD scooped up Denzel for the Jackhammer, but Denzel slipped out and spun MD around, attempting to scoop him up for the Carribean Compactor, but MD blocked and went behind for a rear waistlock, which Denzel reversed, and executed a back suplex for a three-count!  Denzel thinks he's won the World championship, until the referee informs him that it was his shoulders that were down for a three-count, whereas MD got his up after two, thus retaining his title.

Winner: Mr. Dick

After the match, a disappointed Denzel approached MD and offered his hand in congratulations.  An unimpressed MD hesitated for a few seconds, then accepted the hand and slapped Denzel on the back as the crowd applauded.

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