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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 4/14/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







Brought to you by American Express

***Malaysia Nerdly -VS- Jessica Haynes***
An easy and, of course, enjoyable night of things for Malaysia. The OAOAST's most dominant straight female made light work of her out-matched opponent. Not quick work, though, Malaysia opting to drag things out after having the match seemingly won within the first 20 seconds. Malaysia stretched and beat on Jessica, soaking in every second. Only difference being, the crowd seemed to enjoy it as much as she did. Eventually Malaysia put poor Jessica out of her misery with a hard powerbomb, turned into the Inverted Boston Crab for the submission.

Winner: Malaysia Nerdly, via submission

Maya and Alix sat down for an interview with Lucius Soul and Rico DeJaneiro. It wasn’t so much an interview as it was an argument between Maya and The Hellfire Club. Maya complained that Soul and Rico cost her a perfect 4.0 average, and that she only got a B because she promised her Krista obessed teacher she could get him one of her mother’s bikinis. Rico and Soul doth protested! They claimed they were there to spread a message of hope from Landon Maddix to the youth that desperately needed it. Maya doth protested as well! She claimed that no one in a school who’s parents make an average of over $500,000 a year would follow someone who ran a company out of business then paraded around with said company’s title belts and pretended like nothing happened. Rico and Lucius refused to hear these insults and stormed off the set.

***Mariachi Vs Quiz W/Colonel Abdullah Abir Nerdly***

This is the feud that never ends! It just goes on and on and on until I get bored or the fed closes down. Why I envision a series of Anglemania matches between…oh yeah the match. Mariachi started out hot taking the fight to Quiz, and giving the big man a run for his money. But Quiz’s strength allowed him to seize the advantage and the two brawled about the ring with Quiz dominating. Mariachi’s speed paid dividens, however, as he was able to score several near falls on an alarmed Quiz. The Canadian slowed things down with a few basic submission holds. However, Mariachi refused to give in to the anguish. His resillencey earned him the opportunity to gain the upperhand, and he brought a flurry of attacks to Quiz’s doorstep. Eventually the match spilled outside, where Quiz’s power dominated over Mariachi. But the smaller grappler acted out desperation and drove Quiz through the announce table with a tornado DDT. This caused a DQ, but Mariachi celebrated as though he had won.

Winner: Quiz, via DQ

Backstage Felix Sturtter and Lindsay Gonzalez cut a quick promo on Christian Wright, Felix's upcoming opponent. Felix promised to end Christian Wright's unbeaten streak and to do so in record time. He claimed the only reason CW was undefeated was because he hadn't faced him yet. All that was set to change tonight, or today, or this afternoon or whenever the hell this program airs check your local listings for time and date plz.

***Christian Wright/Lorelei DeCenzo Vs Felix Strutter W/Lindsay Gonzalez***

Before the match CW offered Felix five thousand dollars in cash to lie down for the pinfall. Felix was incensed and refused the offer, but Lindsay interjected and excepted on his behalf. Bitches love them some cash, what can I say.  Wright was then able to advance his unbeaten streak for the low low price of five thousand dollars. What a baragian! He could’ve bought a car, a TV, a Blu Ray player, instead he bought a win over a lower midcarder.

Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall

Elsewhere backstage D*LUX and Jade tried to calm down Maya. She wasn't having any of it, however, as she ranted and raved about Rico and Lucius. She promised that once she was deemed old enough to wrestle, they'd be the first two people to get their ass kicked by her! Jade was the voice of reason and told Maya to let their mother and Alix take care of the Hellfire Club.

***James Blonde w/Faqu -VS- Danny Boy w/Scottish Scott***
The main event pitted The Cucaracha Kingdom's "Prince Of Panache" against one half of the team exiled from the Kingdom, The Last Kings Of Scotland. Fighting for the King's pride Blonde came out of the blocks quickly. And, failed, miserably. Danny Boy beat the tar out of Blonde for the first few minutes of the match, taking out some of his frustrations on King Landon's second in command. It took a desperate hangjob across the top rope to get Blonde into the match. At which point, the panache took over. Blonde preened and posed at every opportunity, preventing him from actually beating Danny Boy, merely having the upperhand for a while. The mohawked Scot predictably came back. At the finish, all hell would break loose. Blonde managed to lowbridge Danny Boy outside. But when Faqu started to move in to attack, Scottish Scott squared up to the Samoan and the two bigmen began to brawl around ringside! This massive battle brought out TONS of officials to try and break it up. With little success. All this served as a distraction to the match itself, until after a minute or two of non-action, Danny Boy rolled in, spun Blonde around and delivered a Back To Front Tombstone Piledriver to pick up the victory!

Winner: Danny Boy, via pinfall

With the match over, the task at hand became seperating the two wild savages at ringside, the crowd urging the officials to let them fight and Syndicated going off the air before any order could be restored.

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