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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 3/24/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!







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***Detective Bosley W/CPA Vs Tim Cash***

Bosley cut a promo claiming he’s all about money, bitches, and respect and therefore he’s the perfect candidate to win Money In The Bank. Timmy countered that Bosley was about lying, cheating, and never getting laid. This provoked Bosley who charged at Cash. The former EMT countered his old partner and the two traded strikes for several minutes. Bosley got an upperhand after dumping Cash to the outside. But once back in the ring, Cash’s superior technical skills won out. Bosley was able to regain control of the hotly contested bout after a low blow. He pounded on his one time friend for an extended length of time, taunting him with cruel words. The Justified Homicide (unprettier) was almost completed but Cash reversed it into a backslide. From there the two men raced towards the finish with near falls. But it was Cash gaining a submission win over Bosley to enter the MITB match. Cuz its 187 on a motherfucking cop

Winner: Cash, via submission

Post match did treat Cash so well as he was jumped and beaten down by Deadly Alliance members ThunderKid and Sandman. Baron Windells ran out to make the save, but the damage had been done.

Back in Los Angeles Alix and Maya caught up with Christian Wright. In protest for having to interview her old rival, Alix turned her back on The God Child.  Literally. Then she released swivel chairs are very fun and proceeded to swivel the entire interview. This left Maya to interview CW. The Enterprise member lauded the accomplishments of CMJ, causing Alix to snort in disgust at the mention of her US Title lost. Then she realized the swivel chair was still fun and started wheeing again. Wright promised that he’d capture the MITB briefcase and use it that very night regardless of who won the world title match. Maya touched on his unbeaten streak, wondering how anyone could remain unbeaten for the rest of their career. Insulted at such a question, Wright stood up and walked out the interview. Left to fill thirty seconds, Alix had to stop spinning and start talking. But dizzied, she dropped behind her desk and threw up!

***Orange County Cobras and Molly Nerdly Vs Can-Am Assassins and Lindsay Gonzalez***

You knew it’d be a bad night for the CAA when Lindsay began chewing them out before the match even began. This allowed Molly and crew to get a jump on their opponents. The CAA weathered the early and long storm brought on by the OCC’s. They were rewarded with the ability to isolate Simon Singleton in their corner. Singleton braved the ferocious attack brought on by his foes to make a hot tag with Blanchard. The three warriors collided in the ring for a furious brawl. But victory found its way to the OCC’s as Molly Nerdly hit the Final Cut Pro (final cut) for the finish.

Winner: Orange County Cobras, via pinfall.

Post match Lindsay continued to berate the CAA's for their performance. Bitches gettin in that work!

Back in Los Angeles, Alix and Maya interviewed Mo’Nique! The three girls talked Oscars and fashion for the majority of the interview.  Alix complained to the Golden Globe winner about the producer’s insistence she wear a hat for the show. “Why shouldn I wear a hat? Like, is my hair so bad? Look it makes my head look huge. Huge! Raise the hat? Dude, that doesn’t help! I look like the bride of Frankenstein. Why do ya gotta see my eyes!  What’s so friggin great about my eyeballs? The window to the soul? My soul is full of hatered, despair and loathing for my fellow humans. You don't wanna see through that window. Lower the shades, put down the blinds. Audience what do ya think? Do you totally love this hat? You like this hat? Really? Then fuck you. Kidding! Lots of Love!”

***Charlie Moss Vs Logan "Macho Macho" Mann W/Synth, Holly, Colonel Abdullah & Quiz***

Against all odds, Charlie Moss defeated Logan Mann after counting a Percussion DDT into a northern lights suplex. Moss was ambushed following the match by Synth and Colonel Abdullah, but he made quick work of them. The outcome was different when Moss ran into Heavenly Rockers head of security Quiz. Not even a superkick flush to the jaw could bring the big guy down. One big boot later and Moss was flat on his back with the Heavenly Rockers posing over him.

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