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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 2/10/10

Chanel #99

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Before the first match, the situation regarding last week's King Of The Ring Qualifying Match between Tyler Bryant and Thunderkid was cleared up. A replay of the beating Tyler took from Bohemoth and Tommy G was followed by exclusive footage during the resulting commercial break, which saw Thunderkid's hand raised in victory due to forfeit. This meant that Thunderkid and Tim Cash were the first two men to have advanced to the tournament itself on February 25th.

The Love Doctors were interviewed by Tony Brannigan about walking out on their partner Mariachi in last week's six man tag match. The duo said they had every right to walk out due to the danger Quiz posed. They said they couldn't afford to have the fine facial features mangled by the big man as that's how they make part of their income. They did however say they'd treat Mariachi to discounted medical care after Quiz destroyed him in the upcoming contest.

***Quiz W/Abdullah Abir Nerdly Vs Mariachi***
Mariachi showed little fear of Quiz, going right after him in hope of avenging his partner’s  destruction. The fiery Mexican unleashed wicked blows against Quiz that actually caused the big man to retreat to the outside. However once he came back inside the big man began to assert his dominance over the luchadore. Mariachi tried his high flying tricks on Quiz, but found that they couldn’t deck the muscle man. The Canadian then took full advantage of his size and strength and pummeled Mariachi. The luchaodre had a brief and spirted comeback, but was finally put down by the Pop Quiz (running powerbomb)

Winner: Quiz, via pinfall

The Last Kings of Scotland spoke with Tony Brannigan on their loss to Chicks Over Dicks. Queen Esther couldn’t believe they let her get molested by Krista. When Tony reminded Esther she was enjoying the whole thing, he earned himself quite the slap. The Scotty and Danny Boy earned themselves a pair of slaps for letting Tony insinuate that she was anything but pure as snow.

2010 King Of The Ring Qualifying Match
***James Blonde -VS- Colombian Heat***
The night's first qualifying match pitted one quarter of the 8-Man Tag Team Champions against Colombia's contribution to the OAOAST. Eager to impress after his recent slump in fortunes, Blonde took the fight to Heat early on. But Heat was much more willing to fight when the going was rough than his opponent, who was sent packing pretty quickly. Blonde eventually gained the advantage on Heat after a game of cat and mouse. The Trendsetter focused on Heat's neck, working him over, but found the Colombian full of heart and refusing to go down. A missed middle rope fistdrop allowed Heat back into the match, a house of fire. He cleared the ring of Blonde again but this time caught Blonde by surprise, with a crossbody from the top rope to the arena floor! Back inside Heat got a close nearfall from a Bong Hit, then set up for the Colombian Necktie. Blonde landed on his feet, almost stealing the win with a schoolboy with more than a handful of tights. The end saw Blonde set up for Illegally Blonde, only for Heat to spin out and quickly deliver the Colombian Necktie to score the victory and advance!

Winner: Colombian Heat, via pinfall

Backstage in the Deadly Alliance lockeroom, Mister Dick, former Texas A&M QB was tossing the football back and forth between Sandman and himself. ThunderKid sat on the sidelines trying to coax and apology out of Mister Dick for eliminating him from the Lethal Rumble. Mister Dick wasn’t having any of this, refusing to believe that ThunderKid wasn’t soon to eliminate him. ThunderKid refuted this claim, but Mister Dick continued to argue for it. The debate got heated enough that Sandman ha try and make peace, but not before Mister Dick chucked the ball at TK’s head!

2010 King Of The Ring Qualifying Match
***Denzel Spencer -VS- J-MAX***
A high-flying encounter was in store between these two men. However, Denzel had enough respect for J-MAX's aerial ability that he tried to keep the match on the ground. J-MAX's speed shone through early on, until Denzel managed to connect with a dropkick to the knee and force J-MAX to the mat. The Heartland Champion worked on the knee, wrestling a smart match. A match which J-MAX had to fight hard to get back into. The first chance he got, J-MAX managed to send Denzel to the floor though, then quickly take him out with a somersault plancha. Hobbled slightly, J-MAX was unable to keep the speed up for long. Denzel caught him up top and somehow only got 2 from a Top Rope Hangman's Neckbreaker which dropped the masked Brit on his head. Not to be dettered, Denzel picked up his own pace. He almost got caught out by J-MAX, who scaled the turnbuckles on the run and looked for a moonsault. But Denzel caught him over his shoulder, turning it into the Carribean Compactor and picking up the win.

Winner: Denzel Spencer, via pinfall

Which meant half the field for the 2010 King Of The Ring had now been finalised- Tim Cash, Thunderkid, Colombian Heat and Denzel Spencer.

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