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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 2/3/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!

Tony Brannigan conducted a podium interview with the One & Only World tag team champions, the LDC Moneygang and Enterprise CEO Theodore Moneymaker, who proudly declared the Enterprise is alive and well. Moneymaker also announced a reorganization within the group. He'll now manage CMJ and Spencer while Lorelei goes full-time with Christan Wright. Talk shifted to Anglepalooza and the LDCMG successful tag title defense, "Which I'm sure pains you and everybody in this arena to admit" said Reiger. He and CMJ proceed to run down the Christ Air Express, prompting the identical twin sensations to confront them onstage. The CAE expressed disgust at how the LDCMG originally won and since retained the tag titles, causing CMJ to ask if they shouldn't be off getting high somewhere to laughs from his Enterprise partners. "We already high" said MARV, "High on taking those belts away from you" finished MEL. The CAE then slugged the champions to Moneymaker's shock.

***Bohemoth -VS- Brett Gerrard and Corey Lee***
Rare boos greeted Bohemoth on his entrance to the ring. No longer referred to as The Meterosexual Monster by the ring announcer, the bigman was simply all business in this handicap match. The youngsters put up against him were allowed to be in the ring together at the same time, but it made no difference, as Bo fought off their early attack and started laying them to waste with clotheslines and big boots. Lee was almost snapped in two by a Cobra Clutch Backbreaker, Gerrard knocked senseless by a running Yakuza Kick. Making short work of his opponents Bohemoth then laid out Lee with the Spinebuster, slammed Gerrard on top with the Catatonic and pinned both at the same time.

Winner: Bohemoth, via pinfall

After the match Bohemoth decided to send a further message, by picking both his young opponents up and throwing them both over the top rope to the floor, one after the other. Bohemoth stood tall and looked down at the damage he caused. Before leaving, without any explanation for his actions two weeks ago.

Maggie Nerdly gave us an update on Moracca’s condition. It was reported that he had severe facial lacerations, a broken jaw, and a dislocated shoulder. Doctors expressed that he will be out of action indefinitely and were advising him not to return to the OAOAST ring.

***Mariachi, and The Love Doctors Vs Logan Mann, Abdullah Abir Nerdly, and Martin “Quiz” Andrews***

The OAOAST Galaxy was given its first look at the mighty Quiz as he teamed with his bosses Logan Mann and Abdullah Abir Nerdly. Eager to get revenge for his fallen lover, Mariachi was on fire, dominating Abdullah Abir Nerdly and frustrating Logan Mann. Tired of being ran ragged by the luchadore, Mann brought in Quiz. Mariachi’s eyes filled with hatred as he stared down the one who injured his partner. The luchaodre fought with all his strength but was little match for Quiz. Eventually Mariachi was forced to apply the tag to Pigley. But Pigley shook his head and hopped off the apron! Confused, Mariachi went to Anderson for an explanation. But Anderson also shook his head and hopped off the apron. The two men turned their back on their partner and retreated up the ramp. This left Mariachi to be punished by the Pop Quiz (running powerbomb) for an easy pinfall…

Winners: Logan Mann, Abdullah Abir Nerdly, Quiz, via pinfall

Baron Windells met with lead correspondent Tony Brannigan to discus The Lethal Rumble. Windells expressed how disappointed he was to lose the Rumble in such heartbreaking fashion. But he also noted that if he or Timmy Cash couldn’t win, he was happy for Mister Dick. He said Mister Dick earned his world title shot at Anglemania, and that he’ll be pulling for him when the match comes. BW also apologized for his tantrum after being eliminated, stating that his emotions got the better of him.

Not Good Enough To Be In The Rumble Six-Man Tag
***Charlie Moss, Simon Singleton and Shayne Brave w/Molly Nerdly, Jade Rodez-Duncan and Maya Blanchard-Duncan -VS- Synth Abdul Jabbar, James Blonde and Danny Boy w/Holly, Abdullah Abir Nerdly and Queen Esther***
A consolation prize for these six men who's partners were allowed into the Lethal Rumble at their expense. A high-proifle six-man tag team match on Syndicated!

...well, it's something.

Simon and Synth started things out, a preview of their two teams Anderson Cup contest this week on HeldDOWN. Everybody got a piece of the action early on, with the interesting collection of managers and valets making it a crowded match inside and outside of the ring. Synth's team eventually gained the advantage, after cutting off Shayne. Some of the teamwork was patchy. But made up for by Abdullah, who got in a few shots whenever possible from the outside. Team Synth kept Shayne isolated for most of the match but it was some indecision between Blonde and Danny Boy, an errant clothesline and then an accidental avalanche in the corner, that allowed Shayne to tag in Singleton. Maya cheered on "Uncle Simon" from the outside as he cleaned house. When the three on one became too much, Moss then came up to help the B.O.S.S out. As things broke down, Abdullah climbed to the apron, trying to distract Moss. Which earned Abdullah a fist to the face! Moss then got into it with Holly, which allowed Synth to attack from behind. They spilled outside and tensions boiled over, leading to Moss and Synth taking their fight up the aisle and brawling off out of sight.

That left it down to two on two. That made Blonde and Danny Boy's teamwork no better than before. Their attempted double suplex on Simon was countered by Shayne, who pulled his teammate down to safety for stereo dropkicks on their opponents. Sending him outside, Shayne took care of Danny Boy with a suicide dive. Leaving Simon Singleton alone, to finish off Blonde. Which he did, polishing him off with the Clapboard Legdrop.

Winner: Charlie Moss, Simon Singleton and Shayne Brave, via pinfall

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