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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 1/27/10

Chanel #99

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OAOAST Syndicated!

~A more conventional format for Syndicated this night as we head into Anglepalooza~

*** US Title Number one contenders battle royal: Detective Bosley Vs MARV Vs Nate Black Vs Jumbo Vs Colombian Heat Vs Danny Boy***

A varied and talented assortment of characters convened in a battle royal to determine who would get a US Title Shot on HeldDOWN~! Jumbo's girth made him a formidable foe as he eliminated Danny Boy in short order.  Colombian Heat fell victim to a low blow from Bosley to lead to his elimination.  MARV went out third thanks to a timely double team between Black and Bosley. But Bosley soon turned on his short-term partner and tossed him over the ropes. This left behind Bosley and Jumbo. Jumbo was quite a handful for Bosley, nearly eliminating him several times. But eventually Bosley was able to stun Jumbo with the Justifiable Homicide (unprettier) and dump him over the top rope.

Winner: Detective Bosley

Backstage we found Biff Atlas and Tim Cash discussing their chances of winning the Lethal Rumble Match on Sunday. Poor old Biff, he didn't seem so convident. Tim tried his best to give Biff some confidence and even offered that if they should come down to the final two, he'd throw himself out so that Biff could win. "Really?" asked Biff. "Well... no I just thought that would cheer you up hearing that... I'm nice, but I'm not that nice." replied Cash. As they walked along they happened upon Maggie Nerdly, who was having some problems adjusting an overhead light on her interview set, due to her small stature. Ever the gentleman, Tim reached up and with a little help from Biff, nudged the light into place. Maggie thanked them both and as they went on their way, Biff seemed confused at how pleased that made him feel. Tim remarked that "yeah, there's no nicer feeling than knowing you've helped someone in need". Which, for some reason, Biff seemed to think long and hard about as they continued walking.

*** Papa Nerdly's Little Girls (Maggie and Morgan) and Melody Nerdly Vs Lindsay Gonzalez, Lorelei DeCenzo, and Holly***

It was all Melody at the start of the contest, as Lindsay couldn't handle her unorthodox style.  Melody got sweet revenge on PRL's ex, leveling her with several video game inspired attacks. Lindsay begged out the match and brought Holly into it. Morgan and Holly went at it once again, with Morgan taking the upper hand.  Lorlei fared no better against her ex-best friend and took quite a thrashing from the women's champion. But the evil group of three was eventually able to isolate Maggie and do considerable damage.  They focused on her leg, causing her intense pain and anguish. But Maggie somehow gathered her strength to make a hot tag with Melody! All hell broke loose as the gorgeous ladies of the OAOAST went at it. Dives and brawling took Holly, Lorelei, Maggie and Morgan to the outside leaving Melody with Lindsay. Melody thought valiantly, but didn't find the same luck she had earlier against Lindsay. For that she was rolled up into a winning pinfall by Lindsay.

Winner: Lindsay Gonzalez, Lorelei DeCenzo, and Holly.

Coming back from break we found Morgan cornered by the Can Am Assassins and Lindsay Gonzalez. The CAA were wielding pipes, and were merely waiting on Lindsay’s word to unleash their weapons. Thankfully helped arrived for Morgan in the form of The LDC Moneygang who chased CAA off. Reiger, disgusted that he performed a good deed, announced he needed a shower to wash off the stench of goodliness.   

***Lethal Rumble Qualifying Match***
Vinny Valentine vs Deuce Deuce Bigelow

Deuce started off fast, hammering Vinny with clubbing forearms and flattening him with various power moves.  Deuce dominated the whole match and looked well on his way to an appearance in the Rumble, until the Burrough Boys hit the ring.  Deuce fought them all off, as Vinny pulled a chain out of his tights.  He took a swing from the apron, but Deuce ducked, and attempted to suplex Vinny back in.  However, Vinny popped him with the chain on the way over, landing on top and earning a trip to the Lethal Rumble.

WINNER: Vinny Valentine

Tony Brannigan conducted an interview with The Heavenly Rockers aboard their tourbus. As the bus rolled through the town, The Rockers twent on to put down their AC opponents Citizen Soldiers as well as Team Heyross. Brannigan accused Logan and crew of underestimating the talents of both teams. Holly churlishly informed Brannigan that there exists no team more talented then The Rockers. Brannigan disputed this claim, which led to him being kicked off the bus and left on the street!

Alfdogg & Denzel Spencer vs Thunderkid & Reject

Alf and Denzel were able to control the former tag team champions at the start, surprisingly, but Denzel was blindsided from the apron by Reject, allowing Thunderkid to take control with power moves.  For the next several minutes, TK and Reject controlled Denzel, showing why they held two tag titles together with various double team moves.  Denzel was finally able to tag in Alf after a miscue, and Alf cleaned house on both guys.  All four men got into a brawl eventually, with TK and Denzel spilling to the floor.  Reject went up to the top rope, but Alf tripped him up, and hit him with a top rope superplex.  He covered, but the referee was distracted by TK and Denzel, allowing Mr. Dick to slide in and break the count, hitting Alf with the belt.  MD holds the belt in Alf's face and taunts him, letting him know that it will be his after he wins the Lethal Rumble.  He then exits and Reject covers, but only gets two.  MD hops onto the apron and argues with the referee, as Reject sizes up Alf for the Eulogy.  MD then talks trash to the fans, as Alf blocks the Eulogy, and shoves Reject into MD from behind!  Reject then staggers into Alf, who trips him up and locks him in the Sharpshooter, which after a brief struggle from Reject, gets his team the win.

WINNERS: Alfdogg & Denzel Spencer

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