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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 1/6/10


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OAOAST Syndicated!

~NOTICE! This will not be your usual syndicated with jokes and interviews because I can't do all those, then turn around and do speeches and guest presenters for the Angle Awards coming up~

HOT NEWZ~! this week: the power struggle between Anglesault and Zack Malibu, including footage of their violent confrontation at the New Year’s Spectacular.

Tony Brannigan conducted a podium with the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club about their upcoming first round Anderson Cup bout against the Orange County Cobras. Rico said the AC would be a “piece of pie” since he and Lucius never get picked off first, a not so subtle reference to their luck with the ladies. Lucius went on to recount “a time not too long ago” when they beat down Simon and Ned “like a couple hoes who wouldn’t pay up. They might be the top seed, but we’re gonna be the ones pumping our seeds in they ass because we’re gonna [bleep] them up again!” That comment prompted an immediate rebuttal from the Orange County Cobras. “You talk big for a man with a tiny brain, Soul, and another body part according to the ladies” Simon said. “But since we’re gonna be one and done, save us the hassle of traveling all the way to Oakland for HeldDOWN? Let’s kick-off the Anderson Cup right now!”

The O.C. Cobras sprinted to the ring and removed their shirts, waving the MGHFC on inside. At first reluctant the adrenaline got the best of the MGHFC and they accepted the challenge.

***1st Round Anderson Cup Match: 1) Orange County Cobras vs. 8) Mardi Gras Hellfire Club***

All 4 men brawled in the ring to start the match. The O.C. Cobras took control of the bout following a miscue by the MGHFC and executed a number of double-team moves on Lucius Soul. But the tide turned in the MGHFC favor when Lucius reversed an Irish whip and Rico nailed Simon with a knee to the back. They’d dominate Simon over the next several minutes using every dirty trick in the book. It appeared the O.C. Cobras were on the verge of defeat when the MGHFC position Simon for their 3:10 to Hell double-team finisher, but Simon escaped Rico’s clutches and slammed Lucius onto Rico. Ned received the hot tag and ultimately the pin for his team after hitting the Slingshot Suplex on Rico.

Winners: Orange County Cobras

Maggie Nerdly shilled Anglepalooza from inside OAOAST master control. In addition to the World title Alfdogg/Reject and Lethal Rumble matches, it was announced the LDC Moneygang would defend their newly won OAO World tag team championship against The Can-Am Assassins. We then heard from the challengers in an interview Tony Brannigan conducted backstage following the New Year’s Spectacular.

STRUTTER: “Spencer Reiger, CMJ, forgive me for not offering my congratulations. As you might imagine, I’m still bitter over how you won those belts. REALLY BITTER! You stole something very precious from us, the right to be called champions plus the fame and fortune that comes along with it. *laughs* But you’re not the only ones who can play dirty, so can we. I recommend you don’t bring your Sunday’s best January 31 at Anglepalooza. Likewise for your whore-- I mean manager, Lorelei DeCenzo. You won’t like the way you look if you interfere again, baby girl. I guarantee it.”

***MARV W/MEL and Melody VS BOSLEY W/CPA ***

MARV controlled the early parts of the contest, after Bosley tried for several quick covers. The tide was turned however when MARV went for a spinrgboard dropkick and was spine bustered to the canvas. Bosley proceeded to work on MARV’s back, until the 420 superstar fought back with high flying attacks. The two traded blows back and forth with their respective partners and managers hanging on the edge of every attack. MARV seemed on his way to picking up the victory until Lindsay Gonzalez came down the entry ramp. She got into an argument with Melody that resulted in Melody being thrown into the ring steps! The referee became distracted by the attack, allowing CPA to enter the ring and nail MARV with The Gigaton Punch. Bosley made the cover for an easy three.

Winner:  Bosley, via pinfall

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