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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN 11/19/09

Chanel #99

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We come to the OAOAST Arena


Where Michael Cole and Johnathan Coachman sit at a desk decorated with various Thanksgiving props such as faux turkeys, corn crops, and cornocupias.

Michael Cole and Johnathan Coachman here tonight with you on HeldDOWN~! the number one rated show on Cable TV. Tonight is an explosive night with Alfdogg teaming up with United States champion Alix Maria Spezia against world champion Reject and former United States champion ThunderKid. And lets not forget or tag title contest with The Can Am Asssasins making their mark against champion Team Heyross! But right now we kick things off with a six man contest!


The rocking riffs of Family Force 5’s "Love Addict" boom into the arena. Multicolored spotlights trace a psychedelic path across the entry way, as the numerous video monitors flash with the steamy images of The Love Doctors. Unfortunately, it's Biff Atlas who walks through the entrance, to a loud GROAN. Luckily The Love Doctors themselves are not far behind and resuscitate the hearts of the female fans by performing their strip-tease routine.

The following contest of OAOAST HeldDOWN~! is a six-man tag team match, set for one fall. On the way to the ring... first, from Venice Beach, California. Weighing two hundred, twenty pounds... BBIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFF... AAAAATTLLLLLAAAAAASSSS!! And his tag team partners hail from Chicago, Illinois. DR. STEVEN PIGLEY and DR. MAX ANDERSON... THE LLOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE DDOOOOCCTTOOOORRRRRSSSSSS!!!


The de-labcoated Love Doctors slide into the ring and whip the crowd into a frenzy, as Biff is given some almost sympathetic slaps on the back from the fans.

Six man tag team actions, with The Doctors Of Love and the would-be superhero!

Only in the OAOAST. Unfortunately, I work for the OAOAST. So this is not a good thing.

"Clean shirt, new shoes
and I don't know what I am gonna do.
Silk suit, black tie,
I don't need a reason why.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
cause every girl is crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man."

Boos ring out for the arrival of the opponents, practically oozing "business". The smirking face of Christian Wright appears first, marching in front of his back-up for the night. Both puffing away on big expensive cigars and wearing blazers and suit pants, CPA and Detective Bosley look about as cool as back-up can look.

And introducing, their opponents. First, from Miami, Florida... the OAOAST's resident V.I.C.E squad... DETECTIVE TTTAAAANNGGOOOO BBOOOSSSSSLLLEEEEEYYY... and CHRISTOPHER PATRICK ALLEN, C... P... A!!!! And their tag team partner. Now residing in Washington D.C... weighing in at approximately 8 and 1/3 BARS OF GOLD~! He represents THE ENTERPRISE and is "THE NATURAL"... CCHHRRRIIIIISSSTTIIIIIIAAAAANN... WWRRRIIIIIIIIIIGGHHHHTT!!!!!


Wright walks ahead of his cackling buddies, briefcase in hand and adjusting his collar. He places the briefcase under his corner and begins to unbutton his shirt, while CPA and Bosley are busy stubbing out their cigars.

Christian Wright of the Enterprise, teaming tonight with two men who were of course once alligned with The Enterprise, CPA and Tango Bosley. Nowadays, class themselves as 'freelancers'. But still on some good terms with Moneymaker, or at least Moneymaker's money, and back teaming with Christian Wright tonight.

And what a team! V.I.C.E, always rolling hard, rolling real-deal. And CDub, on the big win streak! This is some money stuff here, for real.

Stripped off and ready to go, CW enters the ring with CPA and Bosley taking up their place on the apron.

Hot damn look at the Centennial Man! Even in a ring with male strippers he still shines the hottest...no homo.


Dr. Pigley starts out with Wright, a rematch from last week. And the Doctor gets the crowd clapping, which doesn't sit well with Wright. He commands them to quiet down as he enters a lock-up. Side headlock quietens down Pigley, Wright taking it to the mat.



Pigley throws his shoulder up and quickly fights back to his feet. Elbowing CW in the gut, Pigley manages to get free and shoves Wright off into the ropes, only to get knocked down with a shoulder tackle. Wright makes the "money fingers" gesture to the crowd, to boos, then hits the ropes again. Dropdown by Pigley and then a leapfrog keeps Wright on the move, before getting caught with a hiptoss!


Wringing the arm, Pigley tags in Dr. Anderson, who comes in off the top with a double axe to the arm. Anderson quickly wrings the arm out and brings Pigley back in to get a SECOND OPINION!~

You can't fault the teamwork of The Love Doctors, OAOAST veterans of about 5 and a half years.

A knee to the gut breaks up Pigley's armbar though and a tag is made to Detective Bosley. The brash musclehead rushes right into an armdrag though and the Docs tag in. A double irish whip sends Bosley off, setting him up for a double inverted atomic drop. The Love Doctors then back off the ropes...


...and blast Bosley with a double dropkick! Cover by Max...




Arm wrung again, a quick tag is made, this time to Biff! Stepping into the ring the mighty meathead clubs Bosley across the arm. Biff then starts clubbing Bosley in the chest with overhand forearms, slowly backing him across the ring.

Look at Biff go! Way to go Biff!

With Bosley seemingly worn down to a stop Biff turns on his heels and runs off the ropes. Bosley isn't as beaten down as he's making out though and chases after Biff, elbowing him in the face just as he connects with the ropes! Bosley waits for Biff to stagger off the ropes, then wows everyone with a jump spinning back kick to knock Biff down!


How about looking at the agility!? My man Bos got ups!

This crowd didn't appreciate it much. It really seems like they're warming to Biff. There's something strangely endearing and likeable about him, it's as if the crowd are willing him to succeed.

That's super-pathetic.

Bringing Biff over to the corner, Bosley tags in CPA and holds Biff wide open for a shot to the ribs. CPA measures Biff, dishing out a couple more bodyshots that drop him.

As much as you may want to see Biff succeed, you've got to think he should find some new targets, besides CPA and Bosley, to be trying to beat. And CPA and Bosley just seem to be enjoying themselves everytime they step in the ring with Atlas.

CPA lifts Biff back up, only to knock him back down with a headbutt. Wright calls for the tag and starts to put the loafers to Biff, before trapping him in a rear chinlock.

And now, the man who's vowed to go unbeaten until the end of time. Speaking of lofty goals.

The Centennial Man can do it, Michael. Unlike Biff he's got the talent to back those dreams up. He's The God Child!


The Love Doctors get the Milwaukee crowd chanting, trying to will Biff on. Hearing the chants, Biff looks as surprised as anyone.




Biff starts to fight back to his feet, causing those that weren't chanting to suddenly believe there might be some point to doing so. An elbow is buried into the gut. A second. And a third. Biff is free and hits the ropes. A well-placed knee looks to be his downfall. But somehow, Biff stops and blocks the knee to the midsection! Tripping a shocked Wright up, Biff takes both legs and starts to propel Wright up off the mat, taking him around the ring with the GIANT SWING!!


Just like Wonder Woman!


She used to spin around when she changed clothes...... I'm straight, okay!

Letting go of Wright, Biff lacks the equilibrium that Wonder Woman apparantly had and falls to the mat as well. Both Wright and Biff are dizzy and they look around for a while, trying to find their corners.

Who's going to get the tag first?

Despite all of the swinging, Wright gets the tag off to Bosley first... but Biff is there a second later, tagging in Dr. Max!


Max jumps in over the top and beats Bosley to the punch, rocking him with a flurry of right hands. Off the ropes, Anderson ducks a clothesline and rocks Bosley back with a running dropkick. A second dropkick puts Bosley on the ropes, literally. And a clothesline sends him up and over the top to the floor! Anderson quickly sets his sights, looking for a big dive, but turns around right into a goozle from CPA.


With Anderson by the throat CPA doesn't think to watch out for Dr. Pigley, who springs off the top and wipes him out with a dropkick!

Always helps to get a SECOND OPINION.

We already made that joke dumbass.

After a high-five The Love Docs set to work on CPA. Whipping the bigman off, they deliver the double inverted atomic drop again. Dr. Pigley then holds CPA in place, while Dr. Anderson comes off the ropes with the dropkick. Unusually the Lovematic Grampa isn't enough to put CPA down though, as he just staggers back to the ropes. Pigley and Anderson think quickly and nail CPA with a double clothesline. But still not enough to put him down. So they go to the gut. Two boots double up CPA, setting him up for a Double Flatliner. CPA still has quite the pulse yet though and with a big show of strength just closes his arms together, slamming Pigley and Anderson back-first into each other!

Woah! That's scary, right there!

The Love Doctors are then nailed with a double clothesline from Allen.

The Love Doctors just getting manhandled by CPA!

Bosley slides back in to help CPA out, as if he needed it. The illegal man, Pigley is tossed outside, leaving Dr. Max alone two on one. V.I.C.E look to send him to the ropes, but Dr. Max slides underneath the bottom rope. Confused, CPA and Bosley turn around to find Biff Atlas FLYING AT THEM WITH A DOUBLE CROSSBODY BLOCK!!!!





I don't believe it, Biff can actually fly!

Yeah, well, neither can he.

As Biff tries to take in his super-heroic feat, Wright sneaks up behind and blindsights him, tossing him outside to huge boos.

Haha, look, he flew again!

Wright dusts his hands, then turns around into a flurry from Dr. Anderson. Quick lefts and rights stun The Natural, before Anderson does a 360 and connects with a spinning backfist. Wright is stunned, so Anderson hits the ropes. A running forearm staggers Wright some more. When Anderson hits the ropes again though, V.I.C.E step out in front of their partner and save him by DESTROYING Dr. Anderson with a double spinebuster slam!!


That's what happens when you get messed up in V.I.C.E!

Job done, CPA and Bosley step aside and take care of Pigley and Biff on the outside. All this leaving Wright to pick the bones. Scooping Dr. Anderson up, Wright hooks him up and delivers the STOCKMARKET CRASH, flipping the beaten Anderson over...





Chalk another one up for the The Centennial Man, baby!

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... the team of V.I.C.E... and CCHHHRRRIIIISSSTTIIIAAAAANN... WWWRRRRRIIIIIIGGHHHHTT!!!


"Sharp Dressed Man" plays out again, as Wright stands over Anderson with his hands raised in victory. CPA and Bosley look up from the kicking they had been dishing out. And with the job done, they casually walk off to go party.

The undefeated streak goes on, Christian Wright continues to back up those complicated words.

Speaking of which.

Wright grabs a microphone and calls for hush.

From this day forth, I defiantely vow... no man, woman nor beast shall commit thine self to defeat!

Wright raises his arms in victory, as V.I.C.E look back, brows raised slightly


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Backstage in the locker rooms, we find Landon Maddix, sat on a bench reading the newest edition of OAOAST Magazine as he waits for someone. Yes, we have a magazine now. Landon flicks through, not bothering to read the articles, so apparantly it's not a particularly good magazine. His eyes are eventually drawn from the pictures as in her long, flowing ballgown Queen Esther appears, full of joy as always.

Are you ready for me?

Absolutely. Ready and raring to go. But, before we get going... are you sure you want to go through with this?

Indeed I am. I am completely at your mercy, sir. Do what you must!

(claps his hands together)
Okay then.

What should I do first?

Well... I think you're going to have to lose the gown. This is going to be kinda tricky otherwise.

Oh, of course! Allow me to go to my quarters and change into something more, "befitting".

Queen Esther courtseys to Landon and disappears into "her quarters", that being another part of the dressing room.

Cut back to Sofa Central.



...*ahem*. Not... sure what's going on there. But, we'll be back with more of... whatever it is... after this break. I suspect you won't be tuning out.


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Back from commercials, we find Queen Esther as we've never quite seen her before.

In a tracksuit.

Seriously, what did you think was going on? Quit skipping back and forth between this and downloading porn and concentrate. (If I have to, then you should too).

Wearing the most luxurious tracksuit you could probably find, mauve velour, Queen Esther nervously skips about, doing something kinda resembling warm-ups. She throws something that almost resembles a shadow-boxing punch, then looks somewhat worried she may have hurt THE AIR. Suddenly, a loud clap startles her, as Landon walks back in wearing his own, official Cucaracha Internacional tracksuit. Not quite so nice, blood red colour and Adidas brand with the badge covered up.

Okay, are we ready to start?

Most certainly!

Great. Okay, the first step is infact mental preparation. You have to prepare the mind before you prepare the body. Now, I hope you don't mind me asking a personal question. Were you involved in many fights as a youngster?

Oh, heavens no! Why, I couldn't think of anything worse than engaging in physical combats!

.....well, that could certainly be a problem. If it didn't work for Biff Atlas, it's not going to work for you. You're going to have to work on that. Mental preparation. You're going to have to really psych yourself up. Put aside all of your ladylike qualities. Make no mistake, you're going to have to be ready to fight.

Oh dear!

No no, it's okay. That's a good thing. Let's see... uhm... maybe some music? You know, to get the blood pumping.

Splendid idea! I do believe my father had a little ditty he hummed, whenever he went out hunting in the grounds. (raises an arm) This is my rifle! (raises other arm) This is my sword! Drop to your knees and pray to the Lord!

Landon takes this battlecry in, rubbing his chin.

...I was thinking more along the lines of some Jay-Z... but, whatever works for you. Right, let's start with the basics first. Are you familiar with the hammerlock?

I'm afraid not. Although, perhaps you should consult with my Last Kings. They would be more familiar with the fjords and inlets of Scotland than I.



Let me teach you the hammerlock.

Queen Esther looks quite excited. After all, she's learning! And learning is fun kids! Landon applies the simple hammerlock very slowly so that the Queen can take it all in, going behind and pulling up on the arm.


Oh, I'm sorry!

No no, do not apologise. For we are in the heat of battle! I am a warrior! Hear me roar world!

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. One step at a time here. The world can wait for another day. Now, once you're in this position, you've got to think about making an escape. There's a few ways you can go, so find the best one. Now, you want to keep a wide base, get your balance. You look up (Esther reaches up)... then to the side (Esther turns to the side)... and then you look down...

And wouldn't you know it, just as Queen Esther bends over, the door opens and Megan Skye walks in. Landon's eyes bug out and without thinking, he lets Esther goes and nudges her away from him. Esther takes a spill forwards onto all fours, her knees thudding off the floor.

Oh my, I did it! I have never felt so alive!

Megan just stares blankly at Landon, arms folded.

Go ahead. I'm listening.

It's not what you think! I was just trying to teach Queen Esther some moves!

Your kind gentlemen friend is teaching me the noble arts of hand to hand combat, and of self defence. I am alive!

It's true! That's what's happening... I think. Something like that, anyway. I missed a couple of words, but the jist of it seemed right.

Megan just shakes her head and sighs, perpetually frustrated with dealing with life. At least life with Landon.

Okay, one question. Why?

Well, that's why I called you. See, I spoke to Josie and she's made a match. With this eight on eight match at November Reign coming up, she wants to get something out there to give everyone a taste of what's to come. Like a preview. So, I suggested, why not do something different? There's eight guys on each side... but, why leave out the girls? Are you a sexist? Against women? Is that even possible if you are a woman yourself? Reverse sexism? Evidently she isn't, but these are questions that sprung into my head at the time. Anyway, she's made a match, next week on Syndicated. It's Molly and Melody against you... and Queen Esther! Isn't that great?

Megan takes one long, scolding look at Landon, before looking at Queen Esther. The eager Queen flashes a smile and waves at her tag team partner. This earns Landon another scolding look, before Megan turns away, muttering to herself...

...swear to God...

The door shuts behind Megan and Landon looks sheepish for a second, before turning back to Queen Esther, who's oblivious to any idea that there may be a problem.

Okay, let's try a headlock.

Look out Morgan Queen Esther is coming for your gold!


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Courtesy: OAOAST Syndicated

Jumbo goes for the XL Splash but his leg is grabbed by Lorelei, who slips a pair of brass knuckles to Spencer. Deuce spots the exchange and attempts to stop Spencer, only to get popped. The sound of Deuce’s body hitting the mat causes Jumbo to turn and he too gets walloped.

Spencer Reiger nailed Jumbo with the knucks!

It’s legal as a headlock if the ref don’t see it, Schiavone.

The cover.





Here are your winners, the team of COLIN MAGUIRE, JR. and SPENCER REIGER… THE LDC MMMOOOONNEYGANG!!

Laid out in the ring like beached whales, Deuce and Jumbo are outfitted in official Team Heyross windbreakers (available on OAOASTShop.com) and subjected to paint brushing. This brings out the real Team Heyross and all hell breaks loose as they and the LDCMG go at it. Shortly thereafter the Can-Am Assassins join the action, assisting the LDCMG in a 4 on 2 assault before it's thankfully broken up by OAOAST officials.

THIS HAS BEEN THE OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK presented by OAOASTShop.com, the place to be on Black Friday when all items are 20% off!

We cut to Tony Brannigan at our backstage interview area.

We are moments away from the first televised tag title match in months. But as you just saw, the situation between Team Heyross, the LDC Moneygang and Can-Am Assassins exploded over the weekend, prompting OAOAST officials to sign for November Reign an 8-man tag elimination match pitting Team Heyross, Deuce Deuce Bigelow and Jumbo against my guests at this time, the LDC Moneygang and Can-Am Assassins.

All 4 men plus Lorelei DeCenzo join Brannigan on the set.

I’m no religious man, but praise be! Listen to this Hot News, T: Instead of getting it on, now we’re all getting along.

Anybody care to clue me in on what that man’s talking about? I mean you 4 were ready to throw down last week!  

To quote a phrase, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Word. Give me some dap, bro.

Reiger extends his hand for a fist bump.


A’ight. I gotcha, homie. I’m not into public displays of affection either, just trying to make you feel at home. But to elaborate on our newfound mutual respect, we gotta thank Abdullah Nerdly for that. He got me and CMJ to come to peace with the fact we wouldn’t be the ones to dethrone Team Heyross. You see, that honor belongs to our teammates at November Reiger, Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera, the Can-Am Assassins, who tonight will defeat Team Heyross for the tag titles. Of course that means they’ll have to defend the belts against us next week, but we’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now we just want them to know we got their backs. Let us not forget at one time Team Heyross were notorious rule breakers.

The only thing that’s gonna be broken tonight is the hearts of Team Heyross fans everywhere. We going home with the gold!

Reiger gives a hearty thumbs up as the Can-Am Assassins exit.

NO HOMO 2010


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We return from break to an in ring shot of Michael Buffer ready to announce the forthcoming contest...

The following contest is for the ONE & ONLY WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!!

Fans and commentators alike are caught off-guard when “The World is Mine” by David Guetta hits.

We’ve got company -- uninvited company.

CMJ stands behind Spencer Reiger as New York’s Finest takes a seat at Sofa Central.

What a great surprise this is!

Isn’t CMJ going to join us also?

You ever heard of a 4-man booth, Cole? Let me answer that for you. No! Plus it’d be hell on the close captioning person. You think he wants to write a Boston accent? Hell no!

“Tom Sawyer” by Rush cues and the Can-Am Assassins emerge onstage to a chorus of boos.

Now let’s meet the participants. First the challengers, total combine weight 488 pounds… FELIX STRUTTER, KEN PANTERA… THE CAN-AM AAAASSSSAAAASSSSSINNNNSSSS!!!


Strutter and Pantera loosen up in the ring, stopping momentarily to stare at CMJ and Reiger, who again signals thumbs up.

Tonight the Can-Am Assassins go for the gold, but on Sunday night, November 29 at November Reign they’ll team with the LDC Moneygang in an 8-man tag elimination match announced earlier this evening against Team Heyross, Deuce Deuce Bigelow and Jumbo.

You saw what we did to the FBI -- Fat Boys Incorporated -- on Syndicated, Cole, and history will repeat itself at November Reign. Deuce and Jumbo will be eliminated before the match even begins, passing out just walking to the ring. Then it’ll be 4 on 2 and not even Team Heyross can survive those odds.

“Shine” by Collective Soul hits and red, white and blue pyro shoots off behind Team Heyross as they pose.



A brief staredown ensues between Team Heyross and the LDC Moneygang.

Worry about them, not us. You’ll get your shot next week.

The pre-match garb comes off and the bell sounds.  


Moss and Strutter lockup and Moss executes a pair of arm drags, then grabs a side headlock. Strutter whips Moss into the ropes, but Moss counters a hip toss with one of his own, followed by a dropkick.

The cover.



Strutter tags out.

Here comes the powerhouse of the team, Cole.

The man our guest Spencer Reiger called a “jacked up Chia Pet” last week.

And I apologize for that remark. Ken’s got a nice perm.

Pantera and Moss tie-up and Pantera displays his strength, shoving Moss back near the corner. Moss leans in for another lockup but surprises Pantera with a go-behind takedown, immediately popping to his feet to deliver a SUPERKICK! Benjamin receives the tag and Pantera is leveled by a TOP ROPE CLOTHESLINE!

The cover.




Quick tag by Team Heyross, who perform the old Midnight Express drop toehold/elbow drop combo.

The cover.




Moss rams Pantera into the buckle and tags Benjamin. They shoot Pantera in for a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE, and then catch Strutter with a DOUBLE BACKDROP!

I told you guys to watch out for Team Heyross breaking the rules. Look at these illegal double-teams.

Well they have until the count of 5 to get in and out.

They’ve been in long enough to get disqualified 5 times by now.

Benjamin attempts a spin wheel kick but Pantera swats him like a fly and connects with a clothesline. Strutter tags in and puts the boots to Benjamin, then hammers him in the corner and executes a RUNNING POWERSLAM!

The cover.




Strutter rams Benjamin into the buckle and tags Pantera, who delivers a series of shoulder thrusts. Pantera whips Benjamin in for a power slam, but Benjamin slides under and takes Pantera down in a sunset flip!




Spin wheel kick connects this time and Benjamin makes a quick cover.




Pantera kicks out again. Benjamin drives Pantera face-first into the knee of Moss. A tag is made and Benjamin sends Pantera in for the ride, catching him with a shot to the gut as Moss delivers a swinging neck breaker off the ropes.

As if once wasn’t enough, MORE illegally double-teaming by Moss and Benjamin. This isn’t fair to Felix and Ken. If that referee can’t do his job the OAOAST needs to find somebody that will. And I know just the guys.  

Moss covers Pantera as we hear somebody’s headset drop.


The count.




Reiger clobbers Moss with a STEEL CHAIR and the bell sounds.



Benjamin goes after Reiger but is ambushed by CMJ, then is blasted by a vicious CHAIRSHOT!

What great referees CMJ and Reiger make, huh, Cole?

Give me a break.

The referee gets shoved down as CMJ and Reiger continue to do a number on Team Heyross, until DEUCE DEUCE BIGELOW and JUMBO make the save.

What are these idiots doing out here?

They’re here to even the odds, that’s what.

Meanwhile, Felix Strutter is absolutely seething in the corner. He attempts to confront the LDC Moneygang but they blow him off, citing the arrival of Deuce and Jumbo.  

Did you see that?

Don’t you go trying to start trouble, Cole. I wouldn’t want to talk with those two crazy men in the ring.

Deuce and Jumbo tend to Team Heyross as the official decision is announced.

Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, as a result of a disqualification… and STILL your One & Only World Tag Team Champions… CHARLIE MOSS, QUENTIN BENJAMIN... TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!


Winter may be near, but things are only heating up in the OAOAST. Now, folks, November Reign is on the horizon and of course, it's the one time of the year you get to see the wrestlers of the OAOAST pitted off in teams, striving to survive. Big Survivor Series matches on tap. And one of the biggest in November Reign history, added this past weekend. It will be eight versus eight. Cucaracha Internacional and All The Queen's Men, taking on Citizen Soldiers, The Christ Air Express, Orange County Cobras and Los Diablos De Fuego. When your designated partner is eliminated, you are eliminated too, much like our traditional Thanksgiving Survivor Series matches. And with that in mind, let's send it back to Maggie Nerdly for me. Maggie?

What's up guys, it's your resident It Girl, Maggie Nerdly here, kicking it live in Milwaukee Wisconsin! And YEE-HAA, we're about to get all Texas sized up in this piece, my guests Timmy Cash and Baron Windels, come on in!

Citizen Soldiers walk in and Cash gives Maggie a gentlemanly handshake.

So, you guys have been having some problems lately with Landon and his crew... and now, at November Reign, you've got them in a super-ginormous eight on eight tag team Survivor Series Match! what's on your mind?

Maggie, let me try and explain this to you. See, I'm Texas born and Texas bred and damn proud of it. And where I come from, we do things a certain way. I was always brought up to say what I mean and mean what I say. I guess in Spain, or South Dakota, or wherever it is Landon actually comes from, things ain't like that, because Landon Maddix has gone back on his word. He told the world he'd put his team up against any four guys with those belts on the line, because they were the best. Well, we're still waiting. Seems like Landon's got a yellow line running down his back, just like that Spanish flag of his.

Sorry to interrupt Baron, but I have to agree. Landon did the unthinkable, Maggie... he made a promise and he went back on it. You know, me and Baron, we make a lot of promises. We make a promise to our great fans every time we go through those curtains, to do our best for them. We make a promise to abide by the rules, fight fair, with honour and integrity. We've made promises to some of the bravest, greatest children in this country we've had the great fortune of meeting through the OAOAST's extensive charity work, to keep them in our hearts every day. We don't break our promises, Miss Maggie.

So now, you're gonna be dealing with us and MARV and MEL until you finally come through on that promise, Landon. And if the so-called "Queen" and her group of hangers-on want to get in the way... well, we're just gonna have to deal with them too.

Baron and Cash leave.

Well, looks like the Soldiers are up in arms. I hear that! Alright, let's send it right on ba... HEY!

Suddenly dispossessed of her microphone, Maggie turns around... and freezes the moment she realises who's interrupted her. Glaring a whole right through the OAOAST's It Girl, LEON RODEZ looms over her, with Morgan Nerdly lurking in the background. More than enough reason for Maggie to run off before things get ugly. Leon continues to glare off at his former girlfriend, before pointing into the camera.

Let me ask you something, Josie? What are you expecting from me? Huh? I know you're watching this right now, not exactly surprised that I'm commandeering this time. I'm sure you expected it. Didn't you? For me to be on the warpath tonight? For me to be in a rage? Frustrated, because I can't find anyone to team with me... that Morgan can't find anyone to team with her... just as you expected. Some plan you had there. One, small, problem. You underestimated me. You think you're the only one... who can come up with a plan? You think that we'd run around obedientally in your little trap? And take our chances with what fate ends up leaving us with? We couldn't take that chance. There's many... many things in my life that as much as I'd love to... I can do nothing about. This?

A small smile forms at the edge of Leon's lips. Hardly joy. But as close as you'll get.

Josie Baker knew fullwell exactly what she was doing. She knew that we, the outcasts of the OAOAST, would never be able to assemble Survivor Series teams. Nobody would want to help us out. Nobody would care. So I've had to go over her head.

Leon holds up a piece of paper, gripped tightly in his hand.

What I have here is an order, from OAOAST upper management... that allows us to pick WHOEVER we want to team with us at November Reign. Anyone at all. Whether they want to, or not.

Tucking the microphone under his chin, Leon rummages in his pocket and grabs a pen. He then prepares to write something onto the papers.

So, with that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to the other members of my Survivor Series team... (*scribbles*) ...The Heavenly Rockers... (*scribbles*) ...Thunderkid... (*scribbles*) ...and, last, but certainly not least... the OAOAST World Champion, REJECT.

Popping the lid back on the pen, Leon screws the papers up and shoves them into his pocket without much care or consideration.

I'm sure we'll get along just great... for as long as we have to.

Leon storms off, with Maggie hesitating a second before following.

Wow, can you believe that Coach!? Not only has Leon Rodez forced the hand of the OAOAST to allow him and Morgan to hand-pick their November Reign team-mates, but what team-mates they are! The Heavenly Rockers, who have been at odds with D*LUX for months. Thunderkid, who had the US Title taken from him by Alix. And REJECT. The World Champion, who's not only going to have to be on opposing sides from Alfdogg, but also teaming with Rodez, who's World Title shot he interrupted at the Halloween Spectacular to become the champion in the first place!

I don't like the sounds of that team, Michael. Call me captain obvious, but... something's up, for Leon to wanna team with Reject. He's gotta have some kinda plan in his head. And I dread to think what.

Rodez, Reject, Thunderkid and The Heavenly Rockers against Alix, Alfdogg, D*LUX and one more, Sunday October 29th at November Reign!!


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Backstage near the always popular catering table, Josh Matthews stands with the beautiful but dangerous


J-Math, standing beside women’s champion Morgan Nerdly. Earlier tonight, your, um, companion, Leon Rodez, hastily named his November Reign team, but what I’d like to know is who you’ve selected for your team.

I don’t really know.

Surely you have some idea of who you want on your team. Someone brave, and strong, and handsome, like myself.

Everyone’s either a stranger, who thinks I’m some kind of freak, and anyone who isn’t is my sister and they already know I am a freak. People don’t wanna team with me, Josh.  I bet they’d sooner team with Charles Mansion.

That might not be so true. You just have to open up to them. Let your inner child flow, girlfriend!

I could open up to them, and all they’d see is a black black heart. I don’t have many friends. And the ones I do have are just voices in my head. Its better off if I go it alone.

They won’t allow that! Five on one?  No one will approve of that.

Josie Baker hates me. If she could get away with it, she’d have snipers camping outside my front door.  Anything that gets rid of me. I guess. I’m not wanted, Josh. I’m just wanted gone.  But I’m not afraid of getting hurt, or nothing. I’ve done…things to my body, that could shock the most hardened of mental health doctors. Anything Holly can do to me, would be a stroll down the yellow brick road.

Jade’ll help you!

Morgan and Josh turn around to find…




Stuffing their faces with donuts. Mom would not approve.

JADE (talking with mouth full and crumbs spilling out her lips)
Mmmmfffffmmffffff! Mmmmmmmffff!

Good god, Jade! That is why you’ll never have a husband.

Jade swallows hard and shoots a tough glare at Maya.

Not true. I had Bo as a boyfriend, and I dumped him by the way.

What a wonderful wild fantasy land it must be where that’s true! Morgan, now listen, I’ve got you a three time women’s champion! Three times!

Mmmfffffmmfffff…Its only one time. Mmmmmmfffff

Jade, its pro wrestling, there are only three guarantees; it’ll be homoerotic,  it will unfailingly promote ethnic stereotypes, and it will lie to and possibly destroy its own fanbase. Morgan she's all your's. Have a blast!

Why are you being nice to me?

You’re blond, good looking and depressive. You’re my mother! And get this, I hacked into the Human Resources computer to change Jade’s pay to an apple and a billy goat, and I read your file. You played ice hockey on men’s teams and wrestled on the men’s team in high school, and that was just a year ago. You’ve got a lot of guts, even if you don’t think so! I’m challenging you to be something more than Leon Rodez abused lap dog!

Maya hands a perplexed Morgan a cupcake.

Elsewhere, The Heavenly Rockers and Holly are conversing backstage, when they hear a knock on their door.

Who is it?

The door opens, and the Deadly Alliance enters the room.

What's up, guys?  Looks like we're gonna be partners.

Yeah, man, I can't believe Leon would pick you to be his partner!  After the past you guys have?

Yeah, I know.  I guess he figures since he's not getting a shot at my title, according to Josie, he may as well get on my good side.  Which is why I came down here.  I've got a little "team activity" for us.  Everybody huddle up.

Everyone in the room huddles up and discusses their plan.


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Reject, TK and Arturas are on their way to the ring, when Terry Taylor stops them.

Reject, Reject!  I just wanted to get your thoughts before your big tag team match.

My thoughts?  I'm thinking I may just go ahead and finish tonight what I started at the Halloween Spectacular.  Krista is on the shelf, without the World title, because of me.  You see, you should sympathize, Taylor.  You go through this stuff all the time with Krista and Alix.  You're a joke to them, just like everything!  It's all a big joke, all fun and games, all smiles and laughter, right?

Reject is right up in the visibly nervous Terry's face with a sarcastic smile on his face, which then turns to frown which is anything but.

Well, we'll see who's laughing when the night's over.

Reject, TK and Arturas then turn and walk towards the entrance again.

What do you suppose he means by that?

Tru’s slow moving “Final Ride” plays to a wealth of jeers. Sauntering out first is the Bronx hardened world champion Reject. The OAOAST World Title remains wrapped around the waist of his trippy red and orange tights. Behind him is knuckle cracking best friend, ThunderKid. Attired in black tights and black boots decorated with thunderbolts, TK gives Reject an enthuasitic and encouraging rub of the shoulders.  Arturas imposingly stands in the background, attired in a red singlet.

The following is a tag team contest scheduled for one fall with a time limit of thirty minutes. Now making their way to the ring, accompanied by ARTURAS, they are the DEADLY ALLIANCE….WORLD CHAMPION REJECT AND THUNDERKIIIIDDDDDD!

With a surly look clinging to his face, Reject stomps down the entrance ramp. TK looks only slightly less annoyed, as he high steps with the beat of the song.

Well neither Reject nor ThunderKid can be very happy about being forced to team with Leon Rodez in the mainevent of November Reign. I think Reject may be much more annoyed than even ThunderKid.

Lending creedance to Cole’s thoughts, Reject hastily shoves his title into the referee’s hand and climbs to the third rope. He stares at the crowd with fierece disdain, as TK bounces around the ring with arms raised in pride.

The Deadly Alliance is a stable of proud dudes, and having to align with Leon Rodez a long time enemey of their leader Reject, has gotta piss them all off.

Well, Leon certainly picked a formidable team, every single member on his team has held OAOAST Gold in some form or another.

Hey girl
Where's your drink?
We goin' all get real drunk tonight
Hey girl
I got bud we can all get fucked up tonight (get fucked up tonight)
By the end of the night
Imma have you drunk and throwing up (hey! )
By the end of the night
Imma have you so fucked up

Paraidiso Girl’s Patron Tequila booms into the arena and is met with a massive ovation from the audience. Rising onto the side of the entrance stage is a bar setting complete with patrons, and a neon pink sign that says “ALIX’S!” On top of the bar counter, attired in white booty shorts, and a white tube top is Miss Speiza herself. She wows the audience and the bar flys with some dirty dancing. She then hops off the bar and blows a kiss to the camera, leading super imposed red lips to appear on the screen.

And their opponent, first from Los Angeles, California…..she is the United States Champion…..ALIX MARIA SPEZIAAAAAAAAAAA!

Co-Captains teaming up tonight with Alix standing in the corner with Alfdogg for the first time in OAOAST history!

Alix meerily skips down the entrance ramp, high fiving the fans before she charges up the ring steps. She then flashes the peace sign, which is somewhat offset by her odd promises to “KILL WHITEY!”

Magnum Opus hits, and the crowd comes to its feet.

And we're set for the official return of Alfdogg to HeldDOWN~! after an absence of several months!

Alix waits in the ring and applauds as the music plays, but Alf does not emerge.  The music plays for several more seconds, and the crowd starts to get confused.

The fans awaiting the arrival of the former World champion...

Suddenly, the AngleTron reveals Alf being assaulted backstage by the Heavenly Rockers!

Wait a minute!  Logan and Synth, the Heavenly Rockers, with an ambush on Alfdogg!

Haha, this is great!  Maybe this is the group activity that Reject was talking about!

Alix is distracted in mid-ring watching the assault, when suddenly, Holly sneaks up behind her and jams a TASER into her midsection!

It's Holly!

Holly is in the ring, and she's got a taser!  Zapping Alix right in the guts!

Alix crumples to the mat after taking the taser for a couple seconds, then Holly applies it once again!

This is a heinous assault by the Deadly Alliance and the Heavenly Rockers!

Screams are heard from the fans, as D*LUX make their way to the ring!  They slug it out with TK and Reject, knocking them to the mat, then attempt a double dropkick on Arturas, but the big man swings his arms and BLOCKS both dropkicks!

Look at Arturas, the bear-man, blocking those dropkicks!

Arturas drives a foot into the face of Tyler, then flattens Shayne with a RUSSIAN SICKLE~!

That guy's a beast!

The rest of the DA jogs down to ringside, as do the HR's, dragging Alf along with them.

And now Alf being brought out, and all six of them could have taken turns punishing him back there for all we know!

Alf is tossed into the ring, where Sandman hooks his left arm as he lays on his side, and Holly drives the taser into his chest!

And now Alf takes the taser!

Reject scrapes Alix off the mat, and drops her with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111  He then motions Melissa down to count.




And that of course is not official!

Reject then signals MD, who signals Malaysia, who gets a sadistic grin on her face.

Malaysia's got that look in her eye!

Oh, no.

Malaysia climbs into the ring, and pulls out a CAT-O-NINE-TAILS!

And Malaysia with a giant whip!  This is getting uglier by the minute!

Officials run to the ring, but are quickly turned back by the DA.  MD lifts Alix off the mat with a front facelock, then raises her tube top up to expose her back.  Malaysia gets a firm grip on the whip, and begins to LASH THE BACK OF ALIX!

And Malaysia striking Alix with that whip!  You can hear the screams of mercy from the U.S. champion!

I know Malaysia can, look at her face!

Meanwhile, TK has pulled up the protective mat, where the Heavenly Rockers deliver a DOUBLE PERCUSSION DDT~! to Alf!

And a double DDT on the concrete for Alf!

The camera cuts to the ring, where Malaysia delivers a few more whips, then MD releases Alix.

And look at Alix, her back has been lacerated by that whip!

Reject then scrapes up the near unconscious Alix, and holds her up, saying words that can't be made out to her, before planting a huge kiss on her and letting her fall to the mat!

I think that was the Kiss of Death for Chicks over Dicks, Cole!

Reject said "we'll see who's laughing when the night's over", and Reject may be laughing, but this is nothing to joke about!  Is it possible that we will see the Kiss of Death at November Reign for one of these squads?

And just think, Cole, these guys still have Leon Rodez on their side for that night!


The DA, HR's and Holly all raise their arms as The Wall plays.  The camera cuts to Alf unconscious on the floor, then D*LUX laid out, then Alix's wounded back as she lays on her stomach on the mat, then her seemingly lifeless face, then pans up to the laughing Reject as we...


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