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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Halloween Spectacular III

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.



Halloween night in Sioux City, Iowa. And mere hours before they’re scheduled to compete in two gynormous title matches, OAOAST World Champion KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN and ALEX MARIA SPEZIA are out trick or treating with MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD.

I want candy!
(regular voice)
No health foods like caramel apples.

Mom, this is so embarrassing. We’re too old to be trick or treating. I mean, shouldn't you guys be preparing for your matches like Dad?

I’m the World Champion, sweetie. Leon Rodez has to beat me, I don’t have to beat him.

And all I need to do is get lucky…with a boy!

What about Jade? How’d she get out of this?

She’s a half-breed, honey. Just be sure not to tell her I said that. Once the tears start to flow the National Weather Service is forced to put out a flash flood warning! Oh, I kid. Jade's a good girl. Besides, thank your Uncle Terry for planting the idea in Alix’s head.

Thanks Uncle Terry.

We pan out to reveal TERRY TAYLOR alongside the girls, and the only member of the group actually dressed for Halloween.


Aahhrrr aahhrrr aaaaaahhhhhhrrrrr! You think I don’t regret that now? And why aren’t you guys dressed up? You promised you would.

And we did. Look, sweetie, I know you’re not hip with the culture, so allow me to give you the 411. I’m dressed up as my good friend, Academy Award-winning actress Charlize Theron.

And I’m Brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio.

I decided to keep it real and go as myself, TV’s Maya Duncan-Blanchard.

(chokes up)
My little baby, a star!

Then I guess we’re all good. For a while there I thought you guys were getting a laugh at my expense.

We’d never do that. Montage time!

On cue, a montage set to the Red Rooster theme plays (minus the opening crow) showing the gang going house to house collecting candy, with Taylor doing the old Rooster strut! The music stops when they reach the final house...on a hill. Suffice to say, it's a scary looking place.

Maybe we ought to head back to the arena. It is getting kind of late anyway.

Quit being such a fraidy cat. It's 7:01 and we've got a couple of hours to kill.

I'm with Maya. We should head back.

Nobody asked for your opinion. Just for that you can knock on the door.

Terry reluctantly accepts the task.


The door slowly opens and inside we find an army of GUATEMALAN ZOMBIE HOUSE BOYS.

Trick-or... :o
(throws Terry inside)
Take him! He's full of white meat!

Hey, wait a-- AGGGH!

Terry becomes chicken feed for the zombies, who then case after the gang down the street. Suddenly a large shadow casts over everybody.

I know I'm super famous, but for the paparazzi to take to the air just to follow me trick-or-treating with my family... Take that Brangelina!

Ballon boy lives!

No, it’s…

Raining men - Hallejulah
It's raining men - Amen

LOS DIABLOS DE FUEGO, or rather the flaming RAMBOS on this night, leap from a HOT AIR BALLON to wage war against the army of Guatemalan zombie house boys. Unfortunately it's with WATER PISTOLS and they're soon ravaged.

Well, I suppose Moracca and Mariachi can take comfort knowing a bunch of house boys went down on them before their death.

Moments after her remark, Los Diablos, now zombies themselves, kip up and...attack?

No, they reenact the famous “Thriller” dance routine with the house boys.

Oh, my God! I love this song!
(sings and dances)
Oh girls just wanna have fun. That’s all they really want! Some fun! When the working day is done, oh girls just wanna have fun. Oh girls just wanna have fun!


In other promotions all that would've taken 20 minutes. It just took us 3.

On that humorous note, the logo flashes across the screen as “Thriller” plays.  



Sioux City, Iowa

Past the smoked filled cemetery, we swoop over to the THANKSGIVING decorated Sofa Central. Cole and Coach both dressed as PILGRIMS.

And a Happy Halloween to all the great OAOAST Marks watching around the world! Michael Cole alongside Da Coach. We've already started thinking ahead to Thanksgiving, but tonight the OAOAST sends the month of October out with a bang.

We've got nothing but treats tonight, baby boy. But it's gonna be a trick for Krista, because I predict we'll have a new World Champion in Leon Rodez. While she's been out filming cute little show openings, he's been preparing for weeks.

That's one man's opinion. Also tonight, a big cage match between D*LUX and the Heavenly Rockers, Holly vs. Morgan for the Women's title, the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club face-off against the Orange County Cobras, Alix challenges ThunderKid for the U.S. title, and in our opening match...

Alfdogg gets exposed as the Teal Tiger and banned from OAOAST-related functions for life!

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Final Ride by TRU hits, and Reject makes his way through the curtain.

A lot of stake here in our opening match!  Let's go to the ring!

The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring, hailing from the Bronx, weighing in at 230 pounds...he is the leader of the Deadly Alliance...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

If Reject can claim victory over the Teal Tiger here tonight, and reveal him as Alfdogg, then Alfdogg will never be seen in any capacity in the OAOAST again!

Reject enters the ring, and poses for the crowd, drawing boos.  He then makes his way to his corner, as Eye of the Tiger by Survivor hits, and the Teal Tiger enters the arena.


And a Tiger win over Reject, would re-instate Alf as an active wrestler!

Tiger slides into the ring, and poses on the buckles, to cheers from the crowd.  He then jumps down, and removes his teal cape, staring across the ring at Reject.  The referee takes his cape, and calls for the bell.


Reject and Tiger circle the ring, then tie up.  Both men jockey for position, then Tiger is able to shove Reject back a few steps.

The Tiger perhaps with a small advantage in strength in this matchup.

Reject backs off for a few seconds, then moves in again.  They tie up, and Tiger grabs a side headlock.  Reject shoves him off into the ropes, but Tiger takes him down with a shoulderblock.  Tiger goes to the ropes, and Reject rolls to his stomach as he hops over.  Reject gets to his feet and attempts a hiptoss, but Tiger blocks and delivers one of his own!  Reject quickly bails and gains himself on the outside.

Nice counter by the Tiger, and Reject out to regroup!

Reject re-enters the ring, and ties up again.  Tiger grabs another headlock, but Reject shoves him into the ropes once again.  He tries a clothesline, but Tiger ducks, and rolls him up in a crucifix!




Reject gets to his feet, but Tiger catches him in a side headlock, taking him down to the mat.  Reject works his way to his feet, then backs Tiger into the ropes, driving a knee into his gut, then delivering a CHOP~!


Reject whips Tiger into the ropes.  Tiger ducks a clothesline, then catches Reject with a flying bodypress!




Reject shoves Tiger off, and Tiger rolls to the outside.  He gets back up on the apron, and drives his shoulder into Reject's midsection, then comes back inside with a sunset flip!




Tiger quickly catches Reject with another side headlock takedown!

Fast action here in the early going, and the Tiger just a little faster!

It's OK, it's early!

Reject works his way to his feet again, and backs Tiger into the ropes, delivering another CHOP~!


He whips Tiger across, then attempts a kick, but Tiger stops and catches the foot, then trips Reject up.  Reject begs off, but Tiger delivers a stomp to the midsection!  Tiger backs Reject into a corner, then sizes him up, delivering a CHOP~!


And another!


He attempts an Irish whip, but Reject reverses, then catches him with a hiptoss!  He goes to pick him up again, but Tiger kicks him off, then gets to his feet and executes a hiptoss of his own!  Reject retruns the kickoff to Tiger, then gets to his feet, and catches Reject with a drop toe hold!

Reject face-first into the mat!

Reject is dazed, as Tiger backs into the ropes, and clotheslines Reject to the floor!  Tiger waits for Reject to get to his feet, then catches him with a PLANCHA~!

Tiger flying through the air here on Halloween night!

Tiger picks up Reject, and rams his face into the apron, then rolls him back inside.  Reject begs off into a corner, and Tiger follows.  As the referee attempts to separate them, Reject reaches over and drills Tiger with a right hand!

And look at the cheap shot by Reject over the back of the referee!

Alf wouldn't let him out of the corner!  Tit-for-tat!

Reject stomps Tiger to the outside, then poses, drawing boos.

Hehe, I said "tit".

Reject follows Tiger to the outside, delivering a CHOP~!


Reject then sets up Tiger, and whips him into the steel steps!  Reject then rolls back inside and poses once again, to boos.  Tiger pulls himself to the apron, and Reject backs him into a corner, delivering a right hand...but Tiger fires back!

And the Tiger fighting back!

Tiger fires off rights, then attempts an Irish whip.  Reject reverses, then charges, but Tiger springs over, then rolls Reject up in a sunset flip!




Reject delivers a quick shot to the throat, and is admonished by the referee.

But Reject right back in control!

Reject puts his shin on Tiger's throat, and grabs the ropes, choking him as the referee counts.  He releases, then picks him up and rams him into a turnbuckle.  He then delivers a CHOP~!


Reject then brings Tiger out of the corner, and whips him into the ropes, executing a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!  Cover...




Reject whips Tiger hard into the corner, chest-first!

Tiger just had all the wind knocked out of him by those buckles!

Reject drops a knee, and covers...




Reject sets up an Irish whip.  Tiger reverses, but puts his head down, and takes a kick from Reject, followed by a dropkick!  Tiger falls to the outside, and Reject once again poses, to boos.

Reject well in control of this match, it looks like Alfdogg's time in the OAOAST could be in jeopardy!

Reject allows Tiger to climb back onto the apron, then pulls him back into the ring, and delivers a right hand...but Tiger fights back!

But look at the Tiger fight back again!

Reject goes to the eyes quickly, then whips Tiger across.  Tiger ducks a clothesline, and attempts a crucifix...but this time, Reject drops back on top of him!


What a counter!




But it's still not enough!

Reject executes a back suplex, then climbs to the top rope.  He sizes Tiger up, and attempts a MACHO MAN ELBOW~!!!...but Tiger rolls out of the way!

Nobody home for the elbow!

Tiger works his way to his feet, while Reject gets up favoring his elbow.  Reject attempts a spinkick, but Tiger ducks, and delivers a SUPERKICK~!  Tiger collapses to the mat, as well, and the referee begins a count...









Tiger sits up, then gets to his feet, catching Reject with right hands, and a CHOP~!


And another!


He whips Reject into the ropes, and catches him with a AA SPINEBUSTER~!  Cover...




Tiger follows up with a snap suplex, and a snap legdrop!  Cover...




Tiger whips Reject into a corner, then follows him in with a splash!  Reject staggers out, into a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!

And Tiger looks like he's going for the finish!

Tiger follows up with a T-BONE SUPLEX~!!  Tiger then grabs Reject's legs to set up for the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!!!11111, but Reject reaches the ropes.  As the referee tries to get Tiger to release, Reject shoves Tiger off, right into the referee!


The referee just went down!

Reject springs up, and catches Tiger with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

YES~!  Nice knowin' ya, Alf!

But there's no referee!

Reject covers, but indeed, no one counts.  Reject gets up, frustrated, then makes his way to a corner, and starts to undo the top buckle.

And Reject now going to work on that turnbuckle!

Reject removes the pad, then scoops Tiger up onto his shoulder.

Looks like snake eyes onto that unprotected buckle!

Reject charges into the corner, but Tiger slips behind the back, then attempts a back suplex, but Reject flips over, and rolls him up in a reverse sunset as the referee comes to...



But Tiger kicks out, sending Reject RIGHT INTO THE EXPOSED BUCKLE~!


Reject's dirty tactics backfire!

Tiger catches him with a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!, then climbs to the top rope...and hits him with a FROG SPLASH~!!!!!11111

NO!  No fair!






He got him!  The Teal Tiger wins!



Tiger celebrates on the buckles as Eye of the Tiger plays.

Reject tried to gain an unfair advantage, and it backfired big time!  The Teal Tiger wins!  Come home, Alf!  You are officially back in action!

He's already home, you twit, he's under the fucking mask!

Well, it doesn't matter now, because by rule, he can return, mask or no!  Already some big things happening here at the Halloween Spectacular!

Tag Team Action

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No sign of Halloween festitivies inside Josie Baker's office, all business as she monitors the show from her desk. She does get a Halloween fright though, as he door barges open. Permanent scowl on his face, Leon Rodez walks in, leaning over the desk and looming over Josie.

A word?

If it's quick.

I want to call in a favour. This match with Krista, tonight. I want to make it a little more interesting. No disqualifications. Anything goes. I'm sick of dealing with her. I'm sick of seeing her face. I want the chance to deal with her, properly, tonight without having to worry about losing for it. So, I trust you'll make it happen. After all, I know you're a fair minded person... and you'd just hate to get on anyone's bad side... if you know what I mean.

With a wry smile, Josie looks back up at Leon, not intimidated.

It's funny you should ask that. Because I got a little tip-off that you might come to me, asking for this. And I've already spoken to Krista about the possibility. Turns out, she's fine with it.


It is. But, there are a couple of catches. Catch number one is, no outside interference. Which shouldn't be too much of a problem, considering how well it worked last time. No Enterprise. No Mister Dick. And at the risk of getting on her "bad side, no Morgan. No-one. And the second catch... she wants this done with as well. So tonight, it's win or bust. You've had plenty of opportunities at Krista...

I've earnt plenty of opportunities.

You have. But they've run out. So if you don't win the World Title tonight, then you won't recieve another shot at Krista so long as she's the OAOAST World Champion. Understood?

Leon scowls down at the desk for a second, before glancing back up.

That won't be a problem.

Then it's settled. You've got your match.

Leon gives Josie a long, unnerving look, slowly backing away from the desk, before he turns and leaves.

Back to the ring and "Right Round" by Flo Rida cues and Queen Esther escorts her knights ringside.


The following tag team event is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing ALL THE QUEEN‘S MEN, at a total combine weight of 446 pounds... RICO DE JANEIRO, "SWEET" LUCIUS SOUL... THE MARDI GRAS HHHEEEEELLLLFIRE CLUB!!


Lucius busts a move as Queen Esther cheers him on, Rico in the background scratching his cheek with his bejeweled scepter.  

With the Anderson Cup a few months away, a win tonight over the Orange County Cobras would dramatically improve the chances of the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club securing a top ranking.

Yeah, this is a potential Anderson Cup Finals preview. No team has ever won back-to-back Anderson Cups, let alone reached the finals 2 years in a row. I don’t expect that to change, not if the Hellfire Club are entered.

“Scream” by Chris Cornell hits and the Orange County Cobras head down the aisle slapping hands like good baby faces.  

And their opponents, accompanied by MOLLY NERDLY! From Orange County, California, total combine weight 460 pounds, the 2009 Anderson Cup champions… SIMON SINGLETON and NED BLANCHARD... THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS!!!!


What an ovation for the former 3-time World tag team titleholders.

Reminds me of when I got introduced to the crowd earlier tonight.


The bell sounds and Lucius and Ned lockup. Knee to the gut doubles over Ned who gets whipped across, but he puts on the brakes and lands a kick, followed by a back elbow. The O.C. Cobras tag and execute a DOUBLE FEATURE FLAPJACK!

The cover.




Simon slams Lucius mid-ring and heads up top, but changes course and  wipes out Rico with a FLYING CLOTHESLINE!

Did that backfire on Rico or what?

Rico was only coming over to make sure Simon didn’t slip.

Sure he was.

Molly keeps close tabs on Queen Esther as Simon takes to the air again, decking Lucius with a MISSLE DROPKICK!

The cover.




Overhand chops stun Lucius against the ropes, but he manages to reverse a whip and Rico clubs Simon upside the head, causing him to stumble into a BACKHAND SLAP!


The Hellfire Club tag and Rico introduces Simon to the buckle. Rico works Simon over in the corner with punishing shoulder thrusts, then whips him off for a RUNNING HIGH KNEE!

The cover.




Rico invites Ned over for a chat but the Handsome Hustler doesn’t fall for that. Simon is rammed into the knee of Lucius and then WELCOME TO NAWLINS!

The cover.




Sweet Lu whips Simon to the buckle and charges in, but not before he pauses to comb his fro first, allowing Simon to move and hit a desperation back suplex!

Critical error by Lucius Soul.

Simon shakes off the cobwebs and tags Ned!


Late to prevent to the tag, Rico stands with his jaw dropped and hands up. After pretending he’d exit the ring, the King of Mardi Gras takes a shot at Ned who blocks the punch and unloads with a few of his own. Rico gets whipped in for a BAAAAAACK body drop and then SIMON dropkicks him outside. But Simon’s not down yet. He DIVES through the ropes and into Rico!

What action, Cole. Imagine what it’s gonna be like next month at November Reign.

Inside, Ned backs Lucius into the corner.


Suddenly THE LAST KINGS OF SCOTLAND hit ringside and lay out Simon, then flee like thieves in the night.  


What the heck?!

Ned continues to hammer Lucius, the attack on Simon unbeknownst to him. But a clubbing blow to the back by Rico grabs his attention. From the middle rope Ned is placed in position for THE MOUSTACHE RIDE.


Uh-oh indeed. The guys told me their Moustache Ride/swinging DDT combo is called 3:10 to Hell.

Ready for flight, Lucius becomes distracted when Molly hops on the apron and FLASHES him and Rico!!!



Err, I mean…  :bounce:

Rico drops Ned and hurls a pair of BEADS to Molly.

Oh, shit.

Lucius gets popped and thrown into Rico! Both men stagger to their feet and a DOUBLE COCONUT by Ned! The Handsome Hustler clotheslines Rico over the top and nails Lucius with THE SLINGSHOT SUPLEX!!

The cover.





Queen Esther throws her arms in the air and faints.



“Scream” cues and Molly helps Simon into the ring so they can celebrate with Ned. Simon grimacing in pain after the sneak-attack by the Last Kings of Scotland.

Tremendous victory for the Orange County Cobras here at the Halloween Spectacular.

The Hellfire Club got hosed, Cole.

What about the Last Kings of Scotland interfering on their behalf?

They were just returning the favor from last month.

Yeah, right. Stay with us, fans. The action resumes right after this time out.




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Now I'm that BITCH
Now I'm that BITCH
Now I'm that BITCH
Now I'm that BITCH
Now I'm that BITCH


The mash up machine kicks in full blast as Faith No More’s hard driving “Another Body Murder” comes over Livvi Franc’s “Now I’m That Bitch”. The fans rain down jeers as Holly steps into the cemetery. Her attire is that of a plaid red and black skirt, and a purple fishnet top to run over a black bra with skulls on both fronts. She snarls in disgust at the camera and then takes off for the ring.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a TV time limit of thirty minutes.  Now making her way to the ring is the challenger, from Sin City, Nevada, she is a former women’s champion and The Angel of Death……HOOOOLLLLLLLLYYYYY!

Holly's combat boots stomp up the ring steps and elevate her to the the second turnbuckle. While there she makes a belt motion and offers a smirk to the booing audience.

Holly is a former women’s champion and one of the meanest people in the OAOAST, if not the meanest. There is no longer a kind bone in her body.

The dizzyingly frantic symbols and the ripping adrenaline of

flow into the arena like a volcanic eruption.

“OHHHHHHHHHH!” the fans murmur, all to aware of the danger ready to descend upon the arena.

Here comes Morgan!


To un-explain the unforgivable,
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.
By streetlight this dark night,
A séance down below.
There are things that I have done,
You never should ever know!

And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.
And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.    

Bolts of electricity come screeching down onto the entrance stage and splatter into wild sparks. Every single video screen is filled with flashing beams of electricity. The one exception is the screen that lies above cemetery. It shows the numerous causalities that have marked Morgan’s rampages. The stage is encased in an evil blue light, and is attacked by a final bolt of electricity. As the smoke and sparks fly, the young champion walks onto the stage. She wears a pinstriped booty shorted romper and nervously chews on her hair. Preferring her over Holly or just lik angsty characters, a few fans cheer her arrival.

And the champion! She comes from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is a three time women’s champion….MORGAN NERDLYYYYYYYYY!

Morgan stalks down the entry way, her eyes glancing nervously at a crowd that keeps trying to touch and interact with her.

Morgan attempting to defend her title against a very fearsome adversary. And we have to wonder will Leon Rodez her, I guess partner, will he finally lay claim to beating Krista after suffering five losses against her since last summer?

Can you hear me cry out to you?
Words I thought I'd choke on figure out.
I'm really not so with you anymore.
I'm just a ghost,
So I can't hurt you anymore,
So I can't hurt you anymore.

And now, you wanna see how far down I can sink?
Let me go, fuck!
So, you can, well now so, you can
I'm so far away from you.
Well now so, you can.

Morgan gets into the ring and stands on the first rope, while leaning over the second. She casts a quizzical glance at the audience, almost childlike in its odd innocence.


Holly and Morgan circle the ring, each with hatred and violence sparked in their eyes. Holly adjusts her black and purple arm bands as her red lips curl into a sneer. Morgan’s face is locked tight into an expression of distrust and malice. But despite this Holly attempts to strike first with a lariat. But Morgan ducks the blow, and as soon as Holly turns around she begins tagging her with punches.

Don’t let the small body and cute face fool you. Morgan is as dangerous as they come.

The women’s champion attempts to whip Holly into the ropes. But Holly reverses that effort and sends Morgan into the cables. When they spit the little Nerdly girl backwards, Holly overtakes her with an arm drag. Down on the canvas, Morgan is trapped inside an armlock. Holly turns her face towards the crowd and hits them with repulsed type of stare.

Holly no fan of our many OAOAST Marks.

Who can blame her? They’re called Marks! Mark is another word for dupe, dumbass, fool, sucka and crony.

Morgan pushes herself to her feet, but the armlock is still applied. Holly adds further misery by grabbing onto Morgan’s golden hair and yanking it backwards. As the champion’s wide blue eyes stare at her, Holly unleashes a barrage of insults towards Morgan. These jabs, however, give Morgan life and she angrily begins rifiling her bare knees into Holly’s face. At that point Holly hasn’t any choice but to let her go.  Morgan takes a moment to catch her breath, bent over with hands on knees. Once recovered she grabs the back of Holly’s fishnet top and launches her into the corner post.  Morgan then comes charging towards her, but Holly flicks her elbow out to bat Morgan away. After taking a second to adjust her arm bands, Holly grabs onto Morgan’s arm and hits it with a single arm DDT!

Holly delivering that move with precision.

She learned from one of the best. Mister Logan Mann of the Heavenly Rockers.

The former women’s champion  pins the current one…



But Morgan  comes alive to kickout. She tries to stand up on her own will, but on all fours Holly’s steel toed boots kick her directly in her stomach. Morgan falls over to her back, whimpering in agony . Eager to make her feel more pain, Holly stomps at various limbs on her body. She makes extra sure to target Morgan’s arms, and Morgan clutches those limbs as a result. Once finished heaping anguish upon the troubled teenager, Holly grabs onto her arm and lifts her to her feet. But now, Morgan finds a sudden burst of life and begins firing away at Holly’s chest with knife chops. The blows hit so hard that they even tear at the fabric of Holly’s fishnet top.

Morgan is going to town on Holly! Look at the energy!

Holly eventually does the only thing she can do to end Morgan’s assault; she rakes her bright blue eyes. Morgan stumbles away, screeching in a noise that’s both horror and anger. Holly grins to herself, and then proceeds to strike Morgan’s left arm with strong kicks.

Those boots are as hard as a rock, Mikey. You step on Holly’s foot and chances are you’re gonna break your own foot.

Holly then grabs Morgan’s arm, twisting it around and finally slamming it on her shoulder. Morgan staggers away, her hand falling to her hurt limb. With the grin reappearing, the ravishing redhead bounces off the cables. But unfortunately  for her Morgan platform pumps catch her with a leaping dropkick! Holly tumbles over to the floor and Morgan attempts a pinfall…



Holly escapes the pinfall.


Ignoring the crowd’s reaction, The Angel Of Death leaps to her feet and begins trading punches with Morgan. The women’s champion catches Holly by surprise with a spinning back kick that knocks her totally off balance. Morgan whips her pretty hair backwards, before taking out Holly’s leg with a basement dropkick.

Morgan is bringing down Holly to her level.  Morgan is very petite, and its essential she keep her larger opponents grounded.

Ain’t nobody care about that shit. We just trynna enjoy some tities out here, son.

Can’t argue with that!  

Morgan grabs hold of Holly’s slim legs and carefully puts one in each arm. She then falls backwards with a slingshot that lands Holly right into the corner.  As Holly struggles to regain her breath and bearings, Morgan runs across the ring and nails Holly in the back of the head with a running knee. She then hooks Holly into an inverted facelock and drives her downwards with an inverted DDT! A pinfall quickly follows…



A kickout!

That was close to being it, this match almost ended, Coach.

Better not have, I haven’t fully enjoyed my tities yet.

Holly rises to her feet, snarling mad at Morgan’s resurgence. She blocks two left hands from the champion, and then shoves her into the far ropes. Morgan comes back and Holly strikes her  in her small stomach. After wiping her cheery hair out her eyes, Holly grabs onto Morgan’s arm and prepares for another single arm DDT. But Morgan rips her arm away from Holly, and takes a run of the ropes. But as she comes back to the viscious vixen, she’s thrown across the ring with an arm drag.

Holly is sinisterly targeting Morgan’s arm.

What’s so sinister about good strategy?

Its just the look in her evil eyes, and the cruelty in her heart.

Holly saunters towards Morgan and confirms Cole’s accusations of evil by stomping her HAND! Morgan shrieks at the top of her lungs, in terrible pain from Holly’s cheap shot. The misery continues to come as Holly drops a leg onto the champion’s arm.  Laughing over Morgan’s misfortune, Holly casually pins her…



Morgan raises her sore shoulder off the canvas as fast as she can manage.

If that had been Holly’s husband Logan, he’d be 30 seconds in to a raging tirade.

Only slightly cooler headed than her husband, Holly springs to her feet with disturbed glare at the referee.  She then brings Morgan up by the seet of her booty shorted romper. She leads Morgan towards the corner, and with one violent motion throws her shoulder into the iron posts. While Morgan wails in agony, Holly steps onto the ring apron. While there, she takes Morgan’s skinny arm and repeatedly slams it into the posts.

Oh my! This is just horrible to watch.

I can see down Morgan’s shirt, and brother, the milk is good!

Only when threatened with a disqualification does Holly cease her dirty play.  Upon stepping back into the ring, she drags Morgan towards its center and hooks her into  a front facelock. Her hands clutch Morgan’s booty romper and then lift her well into the sky. Holly then teeters sideways and crushes Morgan’s wounded arm on the canvas with a sideways suplex.

I hate to say it but very innovative offense from The Angel Of Death.

Holly lays her arm across Morgan for a pinfall and smokes an imaginary victory cigar….



Morgan throws her shoulder off the canvas and screams in pain from doing so. Unsympathetic to her plights, Holly returns to stomping Morgan’s arm.  She then pulls Morgan to her feet, and begins twisting her arm very painfully. Once done she slams Morgan’s arms onto her shoulder in an arm stunner.  

Holly is simply dissecting Morgan right now. Where is that fight we’ve seen from little Morgan so many times?

You said the keyword, Morgan is little, very little. A bigger more powerful person can bully her, no problem. And disrobe her, hint hint.

Holly takes to the ropes and rushes back to BE NAILED WITH A DIVING LARIAT FROM MORGAN!

Holly wasn’t expecting that!

Neither was I! Morgan got go and make me look all foolish as hell.

Holly is quick towards her feet, and her red lips part to express seething rage.  She charges towards Morgan only to be overtaken by a hurricanrana! Both lovely ladies come to their feet, and Holly makes another dash. But this time she’s cut down by a running high knee from the champion. Morgan then puts herself off the ropes, and comes back to land a knee drop onto Holly’s head. A pinfall is then attempted….



Holly kicksout the pinfall. The Angel Of Death is quickly to her feet, and is thrown under a barrage of punches form Morgan’s good arm.  Not willing to be beaten to a pulp, Holly pushes Morgan away.  Morgan promptly comes back, leading Holly to nail her with a back elbow. With Morgan reeling, Holly is able to latch onto her arm and throw her down to the canvas with an arm drag. Morgan tries to scamper away but is caught inside an armlock from the former women’s champion.

This could be a match ending submission right here. Who knows how much more Morgan’s arm can take.

Morgan cries in agony, tears ripping down her cheeks. This is all a splendid sight to Holly, who laughes at Morgan’s misfortunes.

Holly honestly may be seconds away from winning the women's title.

Morgan begins rallying herself to fight out the hold. Even with the immense pain she fights hard and furious in an effort to escape. Eventually she’s able to win her freedom and come to her feet. Holly tries to further tighten the hold, but Morgan succeeds in pushing them both closer to the ropes.

Both these lovely ladies dangerously close to the edge of the ring.

You know you gay when you describe a hot chick as “lovely”

With one mighty swing of her free arm Morgan succeeds in throwing them both over the ropes onto the mats bellow. The ladies crash in a heap and both their groans are picked up by ringside mics.

Oh my!

Oh shit!

Language, Mister Coachman.

Despite being on the defensive Holly is first to her feet with stomps aimed at Morgan’s badly hurt arm.

“ONE!” The referee begins his count.


Holly scrapes Morgan’s limp body off the mats and proceeds to chuck her into the guardrail.



Holly continues her violent stomping of Morgan’s limbs.


Ignoring the count in the background, Holly pulls Morgan away from the guardrail.

Holly has got to beware of the rising count.


The Angel Of Death then fires Morgan into the steel steps. Morgan again screams in pain as the anguish spreads through her entire body.



Chuckling to herself, Holly tosses Morgan into the ring. She then tries to follow her foe back into the squared circle. However, Morgan’s leg flashes out and her heels push Holly away!


Fuming with a hateful fury, Holly makes another dive for the ring. But once again Morgan somehow manages to swat her away with a flick of her legs. Holly falls backwards to the ground, barely able to get herself up in time to beat the ten count. She makes a dash for a part of the ring Morgan isn’t on. But she’s too late and the referee’s count reaches ten!


“No! No! No! No!” Holly yells, her body halfway in the ring.

Your winner and still women’s champion as a result of a countout…..MORGAN NERDLY!

Holly pounds the mat in frustration, “Unbelievable!“

Cage match: The Heavenly Rockers Vs D*LUX
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The fans have a compliant also, namely they don’t want to see the Heavenly Rockers! But that’s exactly who they get as the duo of Synth Abdul Jabbar and Logan Mann stride out to a cemetery that’s covered with roving multicolored spotlights. Logan wears sunglasses and a leather jacket with his name stitched on the back and long leather pants with a bloodied sword down the right leg and a crazed angel on the left. Synth keeps it simple with white tights, Arabic style boots, and blue lens snowboarding goggle. Together they pull out magic markers and write D*LUX’s name on one of the tombstones.

The following is a cage match scheduled for a time limit of sixty minutes.  Now making their way to the ring, from Sin City, Nevada, they are three time tag team champions and the only rock n wrestling band that matters, they are Synth Abdul Jabbar and Logan MACHO Macho  Mann, THE HEAVENLY ROCKEERRRRSSSSS!

Synth and Logan bang their heads as they walk down the entrance ramp surrounded by booing fans.

Now Maya, no Jade, no Holly, and no Abdullah. This is between four men who absolutely hate each other. And they've all been waiting a very long time for this moment, this match, this confrontation.

It’s a culture clash, Mikey, between hard rock and partying, and teeny bopper PG rated teen culuture.

As Logan and Synth enter the cage, “Makes Me Wonder” plays to a large pop from the fans. Dressed in red denim cargo pants and jean jackets, the much loved duo of D*LUX rushes onto the stage. They seem a little lost without their management team, but can still manage to whip the crowd into a frenzy. Perhaps most important of all…THEY HAVE CANDY!

And their opponents form Detroit, Michigan, they are “ Showtime” Shayne, “Tremendous” Tyler……D*LUUUUUXXXXXXXXX!

D*LUX rolls down the entry way, shaking hands, and passing out candy to the fans. Some of these fans decide to use them as projectiles to launch at The Rockers. Apparently the foolish fans don't notice there's a 15 foot cage guarding them!

This is one of the biggest matches of D*LUX’s career.  A cage match against three time tag team champions, The Heavenly Rockers. Winning this match may put them among the elite level teams in our sport.


Logan stomps about the ring as though he were a man possessed, cursing all those who lie outside the cage. Synth for his part merely points to Logan and yells “That’s what yer dealing with” at D*LUX

Logan Mann without a doubt has the shortest temper in the entire history of the OAOAST. Never have I seen a man so quick to be angered.

In this he has a right to be heated! His team has been harassed nonstop by D*LUX and their spoiled brat friends. I’d wanna pop some heads to if I was Logan.

D*LUX has enough of Logan’s lunacy and Synth’s taunting, and immediately attack the two rock n wrestling legends.  Their punches back The Rockers back to opposite corners. They keep their foes there for only a few seconds before Tyler whips Mann across the ring. Shayne slides out the way and The MACHO Macho Mann collides with his long time partner.


Mann stumbles out the corner, and finds himself thrown to the canvas with a sit down hip toss by Brave. The handsome teen idol then takes hold of his arm and twists him into  a la magistral cradle.  Referee Clem Buzzlefoxer counts the pin…



A kickout by Mann!

We almost had an early ending to this crucial cage match.

Mann is furious over what he feels his a slow count and lays into the elderly offical. But taking his eye off of Shayne was unwise; the pop superstar grabs him by the back and hurls  Mann into the cage. The crowd is delighted to see that and continue to cheer as Tyler shoulders Synth stomach against the turnbuckles.  With Synth weakened by those attacks, Tyler backs towards the center of the ring. He works the crowd up and then comes flying at Synth with a body splash. But the drummer rolls out the way, and Tyler takes a nasty crash into the turnbuckles.  Synth is forced to avoid more D*LUX’s attacks as  Brave comes charging in with a lariat! Synth ducks down and Tyler strikes his own partner directly in the chest.

Morons! That’s what they are. How you gonna come halfway across the ring and try to clothesline a guy who just avoided a body splash from two feet away?

Synth sees this as his golden opportunity to escape and begins crawling up the steel cage. This doesn’t sit well with D*LUX and the duo recover to yank him off the cage. Together they batter him with punches and kicks and then irish whip him to the far ropes. As he comes back Tyler attempts to floor him with a lariat. But Synth ducks that attack, only to run head first into a boot from Shayne. Fortunately Abdul Jabbar is saved from further beatings by Logan who comes off the top rope with an axe handle smash. Synth grabs onto Shayne’s arm and attempts to irish whip him. But the cute boybander reverses the hold and brings him into a short arm dropkick.


Logan charges forward and is promptly hurricanranaed away. Frustrated, he slams his fist against the mat repeatedly and howls at the referee.

This guy can get mad about anything!

Mann jumps to his feet and takes a mad dash towards Brave. The former HI-YAH tag champion leaps upwards and again hurricanrana’s the hot head. Mann winds up in a corner, but shrugs aside his injuries to begin climbing the cage from the turnbuckle.

Hurry, Logan! The quicker you get this over the closer you’ll be to victory over these clowns!

Logan barely makes it up a few inches before Brave springboards off the ropes and spears him to the ground.  Mann groans in agony, his body pounded by the pain.  The audience cheers loudly as the Detroit native makes the pinfall..





The fans poor mood quickly dissipates as Tyler Bryant returns to batter Synth with right hands to the back of the head. Abdul Jabbar rises past these strikes and lashes out to strike Bryant in the face with a goggle assisted headbutt. A second one follows and dumps Tyler against the ropes. Synth takes a run of the ropes on his own and comes back to body check Tyler into the cage. After Tyler sinks back to the canvas, Synth drags him him forward and attempts a pinfall…



A kickout by Tyler.


Less pleased is Mann, who goes into another one of his angered rage filled rants.  After being calmed down slightly by Abdul Jabbar, he assists his partner in bringing Tyler to his feet. Together they hook Tyler inside a front facelock and give the booing audience the finger twirl of doom. Seeing this the fans urge Bryant to fight his way out the hold.

These OAOAST Marks know exactly what that means!

Yeah it means Tyler’s match is over. No one survives the Percussion!

However the Percussion DDT never occurs thanks to Tyler countering with an impressive double northern lights suplex. The fans offer a large pop to that impressive showing. He then leaps to his feet and fires up the sold out audience.

The Rockers got tricked and Tyler Bryant got a treat!

Mann gets to his feet and takes another one of his mad runs at Bryant. But the boyband hottie elevates his foe onto his shoulders for a Samoan Drop. But Mann wiggles free of the hold and drops down safely to his blue boots. He then spins Tyler around and catches him with a snap Percussion DDT! The formerly joyful fans are now horrified at what they’ve seen.  Tyler’s head rings with pain and he makes zero movements..

Oh my, this might be it!

What do you mean might be? That dude is done and fried like Popeyes.

Love me some Chicken from Popeyes.

Mann hooks both of Tyler’s legs for a pinfall…



Shayne Brave breaks up the pinfall with a sliding dropkick to Mann’s face. As you can no doubt imagine, Mann throws his usual outrageous fit, dumping his anger on the elderly referee. Shayne manages to beat him away from Clem and chase him to the corner.  He climbs to the second rope and begins blasting his foe with powerful punches.






Logan regains his strength and grabs onto Tyler’s denim jeans. He prepares to launch him forward with a powerbomb but Tyler leaps from his shoulders and catches hold of the steel cage. After that amazing display of athleticism, the Tremendous One begins climbing the cage.

Tyler making his escape, and he’s got to be fast!

Tyler, however, is not fast enough as Logan and Synth both pull him down from the cage. Synth takes a wild fury fueled swing, but misses Tyler entirely and instead clocks his partner.


Ignoring Logan’s vulgar rant, Tyler focuses on attacking Synth. But he doesn’t have the striking ability to compete with Synth, as the drummer headbutts him away with his goggles.

There is something seriously wrong with him being aloud to wear SNOWBOARDING goggles in a wrestling ring, and then using those goggles to knock everyone out.

It’s a Halloween costume!

Its a Halloween costume 365 days of the year?

Synth begins a climb up the cage, using the ropes to boost himself up. But unaware to him, is Shayne taking position onto the second rope.  His arms circle around Synth’s paunchy waist, causing Abdul Jabbar to panic wildly. Synth tries to kick his way free, but Shayne succeeds in German suplexing him off the ropes!

“YEAAAAAAAA!” the audience pops as the two men crash into the canvas. Synth screams are loud and plentiful and a joy to the fans. Shayne hooks the legs for a pinfall….



Synth kicks out at the last possible nanosecond.


What OAOAST Mark doesn’t love these two kids? Their as exciting as any tag team in this sport.

Yeah, and their braincells are like dinosaurs. Extinct!

Shayne brings Abdul Jabbar to his feet and launches him against the ropes.  Coming back, Synth looks to hit his foe with a diving headbutt. But Brave counters with an amazing leg lariat! Another pinfall results…



Synth again kicksout. He rolls quickly to his feet, clutching his face and putting up his free arm as a shield.  Shayne doesn’t mind the defenses and throws out a superkick. Synth avoids the strike by spinning around but this carries him into a superkick by Tyler! The fans are overjoyed with the strike and continue cheering as Tyler tries for a fall…



Synth brings his shoulder off the canvas.

Somehow someway, Synth Abdul Jabbar is finding a way to survive two on one odds.

The teen heartthrobs hunch over, waiting for Synth’s rise. When he finally steps to his feet, he’s met with two superkicks screaming towards his face. Abdul Jabbar acts fast, and dives down to take them both out with chop blocks.

Look at the way Synth handles his business.  He’s got the Hit Me Baby One More Time coming at him, and he just drops down and smokes them both out. That’s a veteran for you.

The Vegas native picks Shayne up and throws him into the steel cage. As Shayne lies against the cage, Synth runs to the ropes. When he comes back, he leaps forward with legs extended and dropkicks him almost through the cage. Tyler falls backwards hanging himself in the ropes. This allows a recovered Logan to rush forward and strike him with his POWERFUL LEFT HAND!


Synth and Logan lift Tyler up off the canvas, and hook him into twin front facelocks. They raise him high into the sky, his feet pointing towards the rafters. From there they drop backwards and throw him back against the cage!

Brutal attacks by The Rockers, how much more can Tyler take from the Rock N Wrestling legends?


The crowds energy provides Bryant with some life and teen hottie begins fighting back against his aggressors.  He manages to knock Logan away with a discus punch, as Synth takes off to the ropes.  Synth rushes back to him, but is insantly dumped to the canvas with a Samoan Drop.

VINTAGE Tyler Bryant!

Tyler lays across Synth’s body for a pinfall…



Logan breaks up the pin count.


The OAOAST Marks sticking firmly behind D*LUX tonight at the Halloween Spectacular.

Logan grabs Bryant by the scruff of his neck and tries to lead him to the corner. But Bryant breaks free of his grip and shoves Mann into the corner. Before Logan can even move his way out the corner, Bryant leaps forward and crushes his back with a body splash. As Logan staggers out the corner, Tyler takes a run of the ropes. Once he reaches Mann he leaps forward and catches him with a Phantom Neckbreaker. The audience pops loudly as Mann is thrown against the canvas.

Ah! Logan, my brother, how you gonna let that one twenty pound dude sneak up on you? That ain’t hip-hop, homie!

Tyler hooks the legs for a pinfall…



Logan kicksout! Though free of Tyler’s pin, it weighs on his mind as he verbally cuts apart old man Clem for a fast count.

Come on! That’s an eighty five year old man you’re threatening. Show some class!

Class is overrated, winning is all that matters, and Clem is keeping The Rockers from winning.

Tyler starts to make his way up the cage, which prompts a grand reaction from the crowd. However, he can’t make it very far before Synth jumps onto the cage to confront him. The two begin trading blows with extreme fury.

High drama on the cage!

Synth and Tyler continue to bat it out as the crowd watches on the edge of their seats. Synth eventually wins out when he starts kicking at Tyler’s legs. Enough kicks cause Tyler to fall from the cage and crotch himself on the ring ropes!


I bet there’s a good eight thousand girls in this arena willing to massage that injury away.

Mann sees Bryant’s poor state as chance to go for the kill. He runs to the third rope, and then shoots forward to capture Tyler’s head. He falls backwards and spikes him into the canvas with a Percussion DDT!


YO~! That’s it! Its over!

Mann certainly hopes so as he goes for a pinfall…



TYLER AMAZINGLY KICKS OUT! The fans can’t believe it and let out the biggest pop of the contest.

Simply incredible, folks!

Wrath_by_Oktanas.gifswearing_by_8BitLoser.gif_frustrated__revamp_by_brokenboulevard.gTantrum_Emoticon_by_aussie_gal.gif_furious__by_Taimotive.gif_steaming__revision_by_Mrichston.gifI__AM__MAD__by_Lesslya.gif:angry:  :9mm: 1335.gif


Oh my!

Clem Buzzlefoxer has had enough of enduring Logan’s tantrums and bitter rants. This major straw breaks the camels well worn back and causes Clem to DQ’ the MACHO Macho Mann!



You heard me, sonny boy, now get out here before I whip out my whopping stick.

Your what?!

My penis!

Logan continues to throw a temper tantrum, swinging at the air and stomping on the ground. No one in the arena can quite believe they are witnessing a grown man devolve into an enraged maniac of immense proportions.

You can’t DQ someone in a cage match!

Repeated abuse of an official is not tolerated in any OAOAST contest. Logan and his anger have finally crossed the line and now he has to suffer the consequences.

Only after Clem threatens to DQ both rockers does Logan exit the ring, cursing at everyone within in earshot. When he reaches the outside he picks up the steel stairs and throws them at the cage. When the stairs hit the ground, Logan merely picks them back up and throws them back at the cage!

“NAAANAAA NAAANAAAA HEY, HEY, GOOD BYE” the oh so clever crowd sings.

Back inside the ring Synth is back to his feet, and horrified at what he’s just seen. But he hasn’t a moment to argue before Shayne Brave is upon him.  The boybander takes him with right hands before irish whipping him to the ropes. As Synth returns, Brave attempts a leg lariat! But Synth ducks beneath it, only to run right into a Yakuza Kick from Tyler!


The boys wait for Synth to scrape himself off the canvas. When he does, Tyler attempts to lift him into a samoan drop. But Synth counters by rolling up the Detroiter.



Tyler rolls through!



Synth rolls through and out the pin, jumping to his feet.  Unfortunately he’s met with an Inverted Atomic drop by Shayne. Only seconds later Tyler nails him with a second yakuza kick that saps all life out of him!

Synth just got his body rocked!

Tyler attempts a pinfall and the fans count along…





Your winner as a result of pinfall….D*LUX!

A big win for D*LUX here at the Halloween Spectacular!

A tainted win thanks to old crazy ass adult diapers Clem Buzzlefoxer! Put that horse out its misery, Clem done messed up again

The fans are extremely delighted with the favorable outcome and come to their feet to cheer. Mann, on the other hand, flops onto the ground and holds his hand over his head. He can not fathom for the life of him how his team was beaten by “pop sissies”. His latest fit is so bad that security has no choice but to escort him from ringside before he harms himself of the fans. D*LUX only shrug their shoulders and celebrate with Maya and Jade who have made their way into the ring.

Tonight on the OAOAST HOT NEWZLINE~!

Details on the ongoing legal situation involving the One & Only World Tag Team Championship.

Plus, the sudden departure of a “franchise” player.


It’s gossip so hot you gotta wear earmuffs when calling!

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The arena goes duck and  KISS’ powerful God Of Thunder explodes into the arena. As guitar riffs blare the venue is darkened. The graveyard lights up with a thick yellow smoke that’s highlighted by yellow spotlights.  Bursting through the smoke is ThunderKid  wearing black biker tights with lightening bolts down the side and black gloves with block boots with lightening bolts on the sides. He tosses his US championship over his shoulders and nods to himself before heading to the ring.

The following is a United States championship match scheduled for one fall with a time limit of forty minutes. Now making his way to the ring, from Green Bay, Wisconsin. He represents the Deadly Alliance, he weighed in at two hundred and fifty pounds, he is YOUR United States Champion….THUNDERKIDDDDDDDDDD!

ThunderKid strolls down the entrance ramp with title raised high. Seeing his pride and arrogance, the fans batter him with boos and vulgar insults.

Folks, lets take a look at how this match came about.

Denzel Spencer , Chicks Over Dicks, D*LUX Vs The Deadly Alliance and Leon Rodez

Towards the end of the contest TK has Denzel Spencer trapped inside a front facelock for the Thunder Bolt DDT, but before he can execute his finisher Alix sneaks behind him and pantes him!

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” scream an aghast audience. TK is equally worried and shamed and breaks his grip on Denzel. But this allows Denzel to hit the Carribean Compactor (Northern Lights Bomb) for a win!

We return to the arena where TK looks on in disgust at what transpired that awful day. The fans tease him over the ordeal, which only serves to further sour his mood.

ThunderKid is arguably the best technical wrestler in the sport today.  He’s a man of great pride, and commands respect from his peers. Obviously Alix did not show him due respect and as a result we have this United States title match.

“You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare”

While Beyonce’s dreamy “Sweet Dreams rolls across the arena, red and pink spotlights rove through the graveyard. Around these illuminations rest a red heart shaped bed with sparkling sheets. On top of this lies Alix Maria Spezia attired in the same outfit as the picture and holding those same frisbees. She sensually massages herself against the sheets, before spinning to a seating position. There she blows a kiss at the screen and super imposed red lips appear on screen.

And the challenger, she is from Los Angeles, California, she is a two time 24/7 champion and a four time tag team champion, she is The Hollywood Bad Girl ALIX MARIA SPEZIAAAAAAAAA

Two vastly different personalities at war here. ThunderKid is as we said a student of the game, arguably the best technical wrestler in the OAOAST, and Alix is almost as hard to defeat as Krista. In fact the only person who’s ever beaten her on one is Krista last year at Anglemania.

Don’t worry about ThunderKid, he relishes an opportunity like this. This is his dream to test his skills against someone nearly impossible to beat.

Alix struts her stuff down the entrance ramp, happily smiling and giggling at the audience. At the base of the entry way, she flings the frisbees to the audience, letting them fight over the souvenir. Alix then scampers up the steps and heads to the top rope to flash peace signs to the roaring audience. TK gazes at her with a silent fury as he slowly cracks his knuckles.


This is Alix’s first official crack at winning a singles title.

I guess Alix doesn’t want to be the Marty Jannetty of Chicks Over Dicks.

Huh? Who’s that?

How can you hear us from over there?

I dunno! How can I hear the screams of the children ThunderKID molested?


Rather than debate Alix, TK steps into her for a lockup.  They struggle for a moment until Alix grabs hold of his arm. TK tries to pull his way free but only meets with failure. Alix then scissors her legs around his waist and drags him to the ground in a pin…



TK pops his shoulder off the canavs. Angered, he quickly rolls to his feet and charges at Alix. But the speedy Latina side steps his strike and the US champion falls through the ropes. He lands on his face pressed against the mats, which draws great joy from the audience.

“I’m Alix, I’m great, I’m impossible to hate! He’s TK he’s annoying, so please chant boring!”

“YOU ARE BORING! YOU ARE BORING! YOU ARE BORING!” the audience shouts. TK is obviously annoyed and barks at a few audience members for their disrespect.  He rolls back into the ring, and immediately gets to his feet. Alix twirls around with a spinning kick, but misses the ducking champion. When she lands he reaches through her legs and pulls her down into a rollup…



Alix quickly spills out of the pinfall. TK gives her no moment to catch her breath and begins planting his boots into her back. Having weakened her with those strikes, the Green Bay native bounces off the far ropes. He charges back with a shoulder block, but Alix’s agility allows her to leapfrog him.  Stubborn to the very end, TK rushes back at Alix only to be struck down with by a spinning wheel kick! The tough competitor is quickly back on his feet, however. But he carries himself directly into a double knife edge chop from his challenger.

ThunderKid needs to compensate for Alix’s speed advantage and not be hit by these rapid fire strikes.

Alix leaps into the air and wraps her beautiful legs around his neck and rolls him through the air with a hurricanrana. As soon as they touch the mat referee Earl Hebner counts the pinfall…



“WAIT!” Alix shouts, ending the pin “You can see up my skirt. That’s ten dollars!”

“I don’t have ten dollars” TK responds blankly.


TK is ripped off the canvas by Alix, and his punishment is being flung hard into the ringposts. Air shoots through his mouth, a byproduct of his collision.

“DUH-DUH –DUH-DUH! CHARGE!” she shouts and then makes a dash to TK. She jumps into the air and proceeds to knee TK straight in the head. She then wraps her arm around his neck and rushes forward for a bulldog. But TK manages to stay upright by shoving her into the far corner. He then sprints forward and dropkicks her directly in the back.  As she staggers away from the ring posts, TK lifts her and throws her backwards with a fallaway slam. As soon as she hits the canvas, TK is on top of her for a pinall…



Alix gets her shoulder up, pleasing the audience.  She tries to crawl away to regroup and recover, but TK makes it annoyingly hard by driving his black padded boots into her side.  Despite this she’s able to reach the ringposts and pull herself upright.  But there’s no rest for her weary bones as the champion nails her in the face with repeated elbow strikes.  The referee has to separate him from Alix as she clings onto the ropes. TK is determined to inflict pain, however, and runs past the referee with arm raised for a lariat. But Alix slides beneath his attacking arm and he collides with the ringposts. TK squeals in a voice that's both anguish and anger as a result of his errant attack.

That miss hurt both pride and body.

TK’s a proud dude, he believes he’s the best, and he doesn’t accept failure in himself or others.

Alix runs in with a body splash, but TK ducks down and uses her momentum to launch her over the ropes. The bubbly brunette manages to come down on her white sneakers. This angers TK greatly and he swats at her with an elbow strike. The attack connects perfectly and nearly throws her off the apron. But she's kept aloft by TK's front facelock. From there he lifts her skinny body into the air, and timbers backwards to smash her into the canvas with a vertical suplex. He then floats over for a pin and counts along with the referee…



Alix again forces her way out the pinfall..


Noticeably less pleased, TK hooks Alix into a reverse chinlock. The pain is instant as TK wrenches harshly on her neck.  The crowd immediately begins to rally behind Alix, chanting her name. This allows Alix to speedily gather her strength and resolve. With both of those firmly in place, she makes a rise to her feet. But TK shows his superior skills; he shifts on her and begins blasting her toned midsection with hard punches. He then traps her inside a rear waistlock, and attempts to lift her into a back suplex. But the Hollywood Bad Girl slides around TK’s body and pushes him downwards for a lateral press…



TK rips his shoulder off the canvas, and holds a "Two" sign to the jeering fans.

ThunderKid hasn’t endeared himself to the OAOAST Marks. I believe they find him aloof and almost snobbish in a way.

When you work as hard as TK to be the best, its natural to look down on men who don’t put in that work like you do.

Alix and TK roll to their feet, where TK draws first blood with a boot to her ribcage. This allows him to irish whip her into the corner. She hits hard and a whimper escapes her lips. As she stumbles out the corner, the DA member throws himself off the ropes. Once he comes back he strikes her down with a diving forearm. He then hooks onto both her bare legs for a pinfall…



The fans pop as their heroine kicksout the pinfall. TK leaves her behind to squirm in agony, as he runs to the ropes. They spew him towards Alix and he jumps upward to come down with a leg drop across her throat. Alix wheezes and coughes, her face gone pale. TK takes this as a sign of defeat and pins her once more…



Alix again finds the will to kickout the fall. Grabbing onto her thick chocolate hair, TK brings her off the canvas. He attempts an irish whip but Alix is able to reverse it. However, TK reverses her reversal and strikes her in the stomach with a short armed knee strike.  While she wobbles in place, TK backs into the ropes and flings himself forward with a lariat. But Alix takes him and the audience by surprise with a spinning jumping roundhouse.  TK topples over to the canavs with his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

“Goodie! Goodie!” Alix cheers as she hooks onto TK’s right leg for a fall…



TK lifts his shoulder off the mat, drawing boos from the capacity crowd.  In spite of this, Alix is caught with a burst of adrenaline and begins shaking the ropes Ultimate Warrior style!

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” the fans sing as Alix runs back to TK and hits a double knee drop onto his stomach!

“YEAAAAAAA!” the fans cheer as Alix makes her second pinfall…



TK gets his foot on the ropes!

ThunderKid has to give thanks to the ropes, because they just bailed him out and may have saved his US title.

Breathing heavily and with eyes almost glazed over, TK makes an unsteady rise to his feet. Alix sees this and rushes forward to leap over his body with a sunset flip!



TK rolls himself off the pin, and quickly springs upright. There he stuns Alix with two quick European uppercuts.  After a moment to catch his breath, he then throws Alix into the ropes. Unfortunately for him she comes back to bowl him over with a crossbody block!


Clutching his sore chest, TK comes to his feet once again looking worse for the wear. Alix takes advantage of this by jumping onto his shoulders and wheeling him to the canvas with a hurricanrana.

“That’s another peak up my skirt. Ten bucks!” Alix exclaims, she then begins BOUNCING her BUTT on TK’s face “Twenty bucks, thirty bucks, forty bucks, fifty bucks, wooaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

TK rolls through and finds a pinfall of his own…



Alix rolls herself free of the jaws of defeat. They both hop upright with TK making a blind charge at the Los Angeles native.  But Alix catches onto his arm and sweeps out his leg to drive him downwards with a flatliner! TK hits with a damning thud, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. The fans let out a huge pop, as Alix attempts a pinfall!



Another kickout by TK! TK grumbles his frustration as both he and Alix make their way off the canvas.  She puts him on the defensive fairly quickly, striking at him with a superkick. But the champion grabs onto Alix’s sneaker and drops her to the canvas with an ankle lock!

Oh no! Oh no!

ThunderKid expects a quick submission, but he gets none of that as Alix easily shifts her body and manages to roll the champion up.

Could this be it?



THREE-NO TK KICKSOUT! The crowd sighes with sadness, having expected that to be the winning pinfall.

Both Alix and TK rolls themselves backwards, and stare at each other with sharply focused eyes. TK strikes first nailing her in the stomach with a swift kick. He then hooks her into front facelock, and calls for the ThunderBolt DDT!


He’s got it coming, Mikey!

Coach spoke too soon as Alix slides her hands through TK’s legs and turns him over into a pinfall…



But ThunderKid throws his shoulder off the canvas, putting the crowd in a state of disbelief.

ThunderKid could not have been expecting that!

TK comes back to his feet, and makes a charge at Alix. Though she tries to side step him, the champion succeeds in capturing her in another front facelock. This time his face holds firm determination as he refuses to meet failure once more.

Lightening is getting ready to strike!

Once again Alix foils his plans by effortlessly slipping out the hold. Before he can react to her escape, the brown haired cutie coils her arms around his head. From there she somersault forwards and falls down to twist TK’s back and neck to ground in a most painful manner.

Confessions of a Kristaholic!

Smiling giddily, Alix hooks onto TK’s leg for a pinfall. Now on their feet the audience counts along.






New champion! New champion! Alix is our new OAOAST United States Champion!

TK can’t quite believe what’s happened and complains to the referee over the crushing but fair defeat.

Your winner as a result of a pinfall and new United States Champion….ALIX MARIA SPEEEZZZZIAAAAAAAA!

The fans pour cheers from every corner of the arena in celebration of Alix’s victory. For her part Alix celebrates by chewing on the title.

“Do you see that? She’s eating my title!” TK whines to the referee.

“There’s chocolate beneath this gold!” She barks back, and continues chewing on the title.

“Oh maaaaaan! She’s eating it! She’s eating it! GAH!”

Well, for ThunderKid this is a shocking defeat, but for our OAOAST Marks it’s a wonderful event!

Grab the lotion... All Girl Costume Contest
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We return from break with the Deadly Alliance in their locker room.  Reject is pacing around, while everyone else is yelling incoherently.  Eventually, Thunderkid and Mr. Dick are face-to-face when Reject finally steps in.

Guys, GUYS!  Just calm down.

Everyone stops and catches their breath.

Now, I know times have been rough lately for the Deadly Alliance.  And tonight, it's probably at it's worst.  There's plenty of blame to go around...I didn't hold up my end tonight, either.  However, the night's not over yet.  And before it is...I'm going to make everything right.

Reject huddles up with the rest of the DA, then they all share a laugh.

Cut to a ring filled with the gorgeous girls of the OAOAST, Jade Rodez-Duncan, Maggie Nerdly, Queen Esther, Molly Nerdly, Melody Nerdly, and Melissa Nerdly. On the outside near an apple bobbing tub, sit the judges for the costume contest, Tim Cash, Josh Matthews, and Maya Duncan-Blanchard.  Hosting the event is a red rooster dressed Terry Taylor!

Alright, OAOAST Marks, are you ready for the first ever OAOAST Halloween Costume Contest? I bet you are! The boys had their fun on Syndicated now it’s the girls’ turn to get in on the action. Maggie, how about you start off.

Wearing a black robe Maggie steps forward.

Time to get this contest started right! Ya heard?


Maggie rips away her robe, revealing her skimpy costume.



I'm Krista at her MILFiest! I bet I look as hot as your mom, huh, Jade. You've probably seen her like this, I bet.

Far, far, far too many times for my mental health.

This would mark the first time I've seen Krista in her underwear without her poking me in the eye with a fork through the peep hole. Okay, next up we have this….giant cake?

Somehow Terry has failed to notice the giant cake sitting between he and Maggie.

Krista must’ve rigged this somehow. I open the top and get swallowed into a dimensional vortex. Or punched out by Chuck Lidell! Well I ain’t afraid of you Iceman! Bring it to me! Bring it to the rooster! I'll slap the taste out your mouth with my cock-a-doodle-doo!


Oh wow!!! An impressive costume contest debut, Miss DeCenzo!

You shouldn’t have expected any less for the Money Honey.

Melissa, why don’t you show us what ya got?

Obviously you should’ve started with me. But I I can't blame you for your insurmountable shortcomings any more than I can blame a prized heifer for not grasping advanced aeronautics. Save the best for second, and you’ll always come back for seconds.

Hey, did you just call youself sloppy seconds?

No! I just said-

It sounds kinda like you’re sloppy seconds. Oh, Reject kicked this chick to the curb, but she’s good for a small coke at Wendy’s and a quick screw in my backseat. That’s what this RAWK chick gets out of it. Ain’t no shame. Better than being thirsty thirds on a lonely Friday night.

Listen, “homegirl”

Maggie, Melissa-


My feelings! They are has wound!

Get ready for a show!

Dear me, Mother let you out the house dressed like that?

Hey, I’m still shocked mom even let her out the womb.


Oh I just love it to bits and pieces, you’re a Ninja Turtle! How wonderfully charming, Melissa!

Ninja….tur…..what? Are you blind? I’m a pickle!

To me, you look like a giant green dildo. Pardon my frankness.


I just don't understand why you'd want to be an oversized pickle

All aboard the fail boat!

Toot toot!

I don’t have to take any of this from you! You don't appreciate my creativity? Then fine, be like that! I’m out of here!

Melissa storms out the ring, talking to herself about the lack of respect shown for her innovative costume.  With Melissa out the way, Terry turns to Queen Esther.

And Esther you’ve gone as a maid?

Oh yes, I surely have! I was inspired by the staff at the hotel I am staying it. What a treat they are! Lucius likes to sometimes throw beef paties over the balcony to help provide commoners with something healthy to eat!


But every once in a while the patties hit the maids on the head! But they don’t complain though. They actually chant incantations….¡los bastardos putrefactos los cogen todos! That’s what they say. It's such a charming thing.

That’s no incantation, Esther. That’s merely Spanish for “rotten bastards fuck you all.”

Oh no! I can not take such vulgarities! I...I...I feel as I may faint!

Um….you need some fresh air…try standing on the third rope and see what that'll do for you.


How naive!


And, Molly what have you gone as?

Most people would expect me go as a film character or movie star. But tonight I pay homage to the working man and woman! The unsung heros of tomorrow! Those who’s blood sweat and tears provided the life force for this planet. The oppressed proletariat! The downtrodden and the mistreated! The frightened and the bullied! I dress for the freedom of-

Yeah, yeah, take it to your commune, Castro. Just tell us what you are!

Well, I’m a construction worker.

Hmmmmm…..that ring posts has been looking a little loose lately, I see you have tools, could you just drill it in?

My pleasure!

How naive!


Molly steps backwards, bringing Jade to the forefront

Jade if you’d do the honors.

Sure thing!

Jade disrobes to reveal a wonderfully low cut prom dress.

I'm a homecoming queen!

MAYA (in Jade's voices)
I'm only wearing a non skimpy outfit because I'm ashamed of my body!

Don't listen to your little sister. The fact that your mother keeps snipers on me at all hours of the days prevents me from expressing my true appreciation of your costume.

Thanks! I think, that’s a thanks.

Yes, let’s thank him for being one of the few men to gaze at your underdeveloped body.

Oh yeah?

Now, Lorelei, we’ll have none of that. Melody, how about yourself?

Melody rips off her robe to reveal this


Uh what are you?

OMG, do you even have to ask? LOL at that noob question! Were you living under a rock ten years ago and not playing the greatest playsation game of all time?  Final Fantasy VII? Hellooooooooo? Earth to Terry Taylor, come in Terry Taylor, come in. I’m Yuffie!

Knock knock!    

Who’s there?


Yuf who?

Yuffucked up, your costume sucks!


That's only the third time this week that's happened to Uncle Terry!

Distracting the crowd from the royal beatdown Terry incurs is Christian Wright who steps onto the entrance stage. Wright isn't exactly dressed festively, preferring to stand proud in an Armani three piece suit.


Oh great, Christian Wright. The Natural comes to speak.

Wright begins walking down the ramp as he speaks, ignoring the protests of the audience.

Enough ears have given audience to this lugubrious rollick.  It is time those with sets capable of receiving this televisual transmission as well as the gathered assemblage of OAOAST Marks were treated to a speech worthy of all Hallows eve, do you think not.

“YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” the fans chant as CW enters the ring.

I suck nothing beyond the air of sweet success that continually swirls around my humble person. But let us return to the subject presented by myself henceforth.

What’s the big idea, man?

The big idea as you have so rightly put it is an idea based on the core values of human existence. Survival of the fittest. The cold hard logic of Darwin’s theories lives in the very soul of an enlightened being. Me. With each passing victory gained by me in my stunningly profound and shockingly impassioned quest to slay defeat at its very core, I am proving survival of the fittest at its truest most raw moments. My interrupting you is merely little more than an extension of that scientific premise. With the exception of Lorelei, the lot of you trollops and simple gutter slugards, are the weakness consumed in my throughfare to ultimate victory.  You mean no more to me than what a gazelle means to a lion. You are but failures, born inferior, to be captured and devoured by the superior specimen of human mastery! Worship the greater lifeform or lie beneath its boot!


Tim Cash has heard enough, and gets up from his judges seat to confront Mister Wright.

Mister Wright, I can’t allow you to keep doing what you’re doing. I appreciate that you want time to talk about your winning streak, and I look forward to listening to you do just that. But currently we’re trying to have fun with a costume contest, and we’d appreciate it if you showed us the same respect we’ll show you when its your turn.

And who are you to command a god child?

Me? I’m only a humble man trying to save you from a clothesline.


Confused Wright turns around, and is smashed in the face by a Baron Windells lariat! The Natural tumbles over the top ropes, and lands inside the apple bobbing tub! Water and fruit flies free of the bucket, pushed out by the superstar that crashes into it.


Lorelei rushes to CW’s aid, while chastising BW for his sneak attack on CW. The rest of the girls, however, are delighted over CW's ordeal and celebrate with the judges and Baron.

It seems everyone is a winner! Or everyone except for the undefeated Christian Wright, who chalks up a loss tonight without even wrestling!

Next on TSM

Hulk Hogan is...


On The Pit in Canada

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Krista hangs herself alluringly off the ring ropes and blows a kiss to the camera, as normal, but suddenly spots a figure looming towards her. Not waiting for the bell, Leon rushes forward, trying to knock Krista down in her vulnerable position. Krista thinks quickly though, reaching up and hooking Leon's head, then hanging his neck across the top rope!


Krista, not hanging around... well, she was, but not now, this match is underway!


Climbing back to the apron, Krista leaps to the top rope and catches the reeling number one contender with a soaring Springboard Dropkick! Leon is turned over onto his stomach and quickly rolls outside, regretting his fast start to the match. But Krista has her tail up and tracks after him.

And as we found out earlier, no disqualifications, anything goes in this one. They can take this fight wherever they please.

Krista catches up to Rodez and dumps him over the barricade, apparantly wanting to take the fight into the crowd. She hops the barrier with the referee in tow, trying to convince them to go back to the ring. Krista ignores this advice, slamming Leon's face into a row of chairs. The rabid fans cheer Krista on, as she and Leon barge their way down the row. Krista throwing shots to the back, Leon just trying to get away.

These fans getting an up-close and person view of our main event. Nobody does action like the OAOAST!

And nobody does lawsuits like us either! So don't even think about it, people.

Able to reach the other side of the crowd, after much hassling, Leon stops and lies in wait. As Krista picks her way past the last fan, she walks into the path of a kick. But she manages to catch the foot! Krista quickly trips Leon's other leg out from underneath him. Although he protects his head from hitting the concrete, Leon is still in trouble, Krista draping his leg on the nearest chair and delivering a big splash across the exposed limb!!


Oh! Right to the knee, Krista doing some big damage!

You're not kidding, 'big damage', she broke the chair!

Far from being annoyed at having his chair wiped out, the possibly intoxxicated fan picks up the remains of his seat and waves it in the air jubilantly. Krista vows to get away from this maniac as fast as she can and throws Leon back over the barricade, to ringside.

And Krista may have done lasting damage to the left leg of Rodez, here in the early moments of the match. Look at Leon, favouring that knee. He's hurt.

Krista has the time to make a seductive climb over the barricade, offering fine views of peaks and mountains to her onlookers. And by peaks and mountains, I mean... well, you get the point. Rodez crawls away, backing up, dragging his sorry leg behind. His pleas for a timeout amuse Krista and she ponders it, for a moment, before attacking the leg with stomps!

Only a great actor could be that bad of an actor.

With Leon curled up in pain, Krista skips away merrily and heads up the ring steps. There she waits, until Leon picks himself up.

What does Krista have in mind here?

Casually leant up against the ring post like she's waiting for a bus, Krista finally notices Leon has gotten back up. And she takes off from the top step, wiping out Rodez with a flying thesz press type move, bouncing his head off the arena floor! With a wink to camera, she rolls back inside with her World Title belt and breaks into an impromptu photo shoot with the belt, as Leon lays hurt outside.

"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"

This is VINTAGE Krista! Hurt your opponent, then take some time to soak up the adulation.

Well she should get all the pictures she can, while she can. Because after tonight she might not be the World Champion any longer. Remember what Leon said. Souls of dead people and all that crap.

I think the soul may have been beaten out of Rodez already in the early going.

As referee Charles Robinson checks on Leon's knee, Krista calls an end to her posing and slides herself back outside. After dismissing the referee, she picks Leon up and rolls him into the ring. Leon limps away from the ropes as Krista again lies in wait. Still without a care in the world, Krista hums the theme to Hannah Montana to herself (the curse of having teenage children!) while she waits. As Leon picks himself up, Krista leaps to the top, flying in with another springboard. Leon ducks his head and gets out of Krista's way this time, Krista able to bail out in mid-air and land safely on her feet. But as she turns around, Rodez is waiting with the World Title in hand...


OH NO! The World Title, right to the face! And Krista may be out!


Leon falls to his knees, his face still grimaced in pain. He tries to shut it out though and rolls over, hooking up on Krista's near leg with the cover...





Krista kicks out!

Yeah but she got her bell rung right there. And now, Leon's got the chance to start picking her apart.

Krista rolls her way over to the ropes, aware she needs some help to get back up. Limbing after her, Leon turns Krista up against the ropes...



...and lays into the beloved breasts with a knifedge chop.



...and another one. Hooking the head, Leon then turns Krista around again and forces her eyes against the ring ropes.

Ugh, would you look at this... just trying to rake Krista's eyeballs out!

Krista manages to fight Leon off, but is left temporarily blinded. Her wild swings are swatted away and she's knocked down with a clothesline. Leon limps, trying to keep his movement to a minimum. And he drops an elbow. Rolling out of the ring, Rodez scowls at Krista, then scowls at the crowd, before going under the ring and producing a pair of trash can lids.

Alright, let the fun begin.

Sliding the metal discs inside, Leon goes back under the ring. And this time he emerges with a kendo stick.

A unnerving look in the eyes of Leon Rodez. He's got something in his mind. Something bad.

Leon rolls back inside, using the stick to prop himself up. Krista picks herself back up as screams fill the air. Which being Halloween, she doesn't pay much notice to. Before she knows what awaits her, the World Champion is suddenly trapped. Rodez pens her in a corner and slowly lowers the kendo stick over her head and against her throat, trying to choke Krista out! Fear fills Krista's eyes and she quickly starts to panic as her airway is cut off by the bamboo stick. Almost emotionless, Leon pulls back, dropping Krista to one knee.

Look at that look. Careless. Almost mercinary like, as he tries to choke the life out of Krista!

Feeling herself going out Krista realises she has to act. She grips onto the kendo stick and tries to pull it away from her throat. Able to get herself the smallest amount of breathing space, but using a lot of energy, Krista then reaches back and dispatches Leon with a self-defence hip throw.


Krista escapes, but she's not safe yet!

Rolling to his feet Leon takes a wild swing with the cane before Krista can recover... but Krista manages to duck underneath and roll Rodez up...




Leon weilds the cane again, but before he can strike Krista goes low, a basement dropkick to the injured knee sending the kendo stick and the number one contender flying.

And now, it's Krista going after that kendo stick. With intentions just as bad as Leon had.

Or she'll just do some wacky dance with it or something.

Retrieving the cane, Krista waits for Leon to stand and targets the knee with a swipe!

You wish!

Yeah, me and Leon both. Ouch!

Leon hobbles away as he's struck across the leg with another cane shot. And another. Before a third finally takes him off his feet. Krista threatens to beat Leon while he's down, but decides instead to break into a Rihanna tribute dance with the kendo stick-ick-ick, hey.

Oh sure, now she dances. Now she's crippled somebody, that's the time to dance!? This woman needs locking up!

After wowwing the crowds, Krista takes aim again. Like a baseball bat, she winds up with the kendo stick, ready to take Leon's head off with a home-run swing. Rodez manages to duck though, clubbing Krista across the back before she can recover. With Krista hunched over Leon then slips his head underneath her and lifts the World Champion up onto his shoulders, in an electric chair. Leon reaches up, trying to hook Krista head. Apparantly forgetting about the kendo stick in Krista's hands, which she jams into the top of his skull. Krista then brings the kendo stick down across the head with a scything shot, staggering Leon and allowing her to hook a victory roll...




Still Krista has the stick and she bounces off the ropes...


...striking Leon right over the head with a hard cane shot!!

Right between the eyes! What a shot!

Cover by Krista...




Looking to get away, Leon rolls out of the ring nursing his head and his knee now.

Boy, Leon has taken a whuppin' from that cane. Krista is dishing out the punishment in ways that most men probably dream of her doing. Only, you know, for real.

She's a sado-masochist's dream, is what you're saying?

Right now she is.

Krista climbs out to the ring apron and raises the kendo stick over her head, leaping down with another strike over the top of the head of her challenger! The stick is now splintering and Krista decides to throw it away. Grabbing Leon, she throws him head-first into the ring apron before searching for another weapon. That being a steel chair.

You think Leon is regretting making this no disqualifications yet?

Backing up against the guardrail, Krista takes careful aim... and THROWS the chair, clean into Leon's face!!


How about now?

Leon topples to the ground and Krista casually picks the chair back up, ever so carefully placing it in the ring. Only then does Krista notice Leon on the floor and makes a loud, cartooney "whoops" gesture.

I guess Leon must have got caught in the line of fire.

Oh, I guess so, right. Sure.

Throwing Rodez back inside Krista heads towards the top rope, making another showy gesture. This time, the gesture of showing her ass. Nice. As Krista reaches the top though, Leon is back up. And looking to pay Krista back, he hurls the chair at her. However Krista simply catches the chair and remarks "thanks", annoying Leon to no end. Krista quickly turns her back on her challenger and takes flight, looking to wipe him out with a chair-assisted moonsault. Leon runs underneath it... but Krista lands capably on her feet and again throws the chair back into Leon's face!

Oh come on!

Leon stumbles out of the corner and walks right into Blondes Never Pay A Cover (Side Effect), Krista making the cover...




As Leon rolls away from his tormentor, Krista takes a moment to try and scare the crowd by leaping forward and screamin, before making it clear she's just playing.

Well, it is Halloween.


Once Krista is through kiddin', she goes to grab Leon again...

...but gets jammed in the gut with the edge of the steel chair! Krista groans in pain, as Leon jams the chair forward again, this time BELOW the gut, causing Krista to collapse and curl up in a ball.


Did you see that!? He hit her right below the belt! What kind of a move is that!?

Hey, he might be doing the woman a favour. She's already got two teenage kids and she ain't gettin' any older.

With Krista in a heap, Leon props himself up using the steel chair...


...and then uses it as a weapon, SLAMMING it across the exposed back of the wicked World Champion!


And a second time!

I think she done pissed him off, Michael.

Leon stops swinging the chair and rubs his face, his nose noticeably swollen from the chairs he's taken to the face. Scowling down at Krista, he moves around her body and places a foot on the back of her head, pinning her down as he raises the chair up again...


...and BLASTS Krista right in the base of the spine!

Completely unprotected shots with that chair, Krista is unable to defend herself from these vicious shots. That shows you what kind of a man Leon Rodez is. Attacking a defenceless woman with a chair.

Oh here we go with the moral highground again. Every time Krista's down, she's a poor defenceless woman. Yet when she's on her feet and doing the same thing, we're all supposed to love her. Question. If you're so two-faced, why do you have to wear that one all the time. Cos it's all fugly.

Pacing around Leon glares at the referee, warning him off from intervening. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't. And Krista is left to suffer, as Leon pins her down again. Sitting on Krista's back he keeps the slender World Champion pressed down, unable to escape, as he opens up the steel chair. A couple of digs in the ribs force Krista to surrender one of her arms and Leon traps it between the chair, closing it shut. Krista growls in pain, but the worst is yet to come, as Leon turns 90 degrees and starts to pull the legs of the chair up, trapping Krista in a chair assisted armbar!!


Ugghh! He's trying to break her arm! He's trying to break Krista's arm, Coach! Defend this!

The top of the chair presses into Krista's shoulder and she screams in pain, as her arm is ripped at by the stoic Fallen Idol.

My God, this is disgusting!

She'd better tap, Cole. If she doesn't tap, he'll rip that shoulder right out. Don't think he wouldn't.

Krista screams her lungs out as her shoulder is forced right to it's threshold, but she refuses to actually submit and end the match. Steely eyed, Leon pulls back one more time. The crowd are almost too shocked by what they're seeing to cheer for Krista and there's an uneasy feeling, as Krista cries out in pain one more time. But still she doesn't quit.


Leon turns around, demanding to know why the referee hasn't called for the bell. When he shrugs and tells Leon that there's been no submission, he snarls. Setting the arm down, Rodez measures and STOMPS down on the chair, trapping Krista's arm inside!!

There goes the elbow.

With Krista left writhing in pain Leon walks across the ring, boos raining down on him. Frustrated, he starts ripping at a turnbuckle pad, exposing the steel ring underneath.

And now what has Leon got in mind? As if what he just did wasn't enough!

Tossing away the pad Leon stands over Krista and watches her squirm for a few seconds. He then reaches down, dragging her up by the hair. Krista's arm still hangs limply inside the chair but Leon kicks it away, done with that form of torture for now.


Leon hisses at the crowd for a moment, chastising them for their disrespect. After putting the fans in their place he drags Krista up by her bad arm. He sets her up for a single arm ddt, trapping her arm beneath his. He pauses on the move however and this costs him dearly as Krista is able to painfully flip him to the canvas with a fireman’s carry. This victory is shortly erased, however, when Leon springs to his feet. Face simmering with anger, he scrapes her cheek with a boot that throws her to the canvas. He stands tall above her, his eyes regarding her with disgust and hatred.

Just an evil man, just a truly evil person.

Leon wraps his arms around Krista’s legs and then bridges backwards to throw her towards the corner. She wows and pleases the audience by landing atop the second rope. Leon realizes her escape, and though frustrated, runs in after her.  That’s when Krista flies backwards with a cross body block that shoves him to the ground. The referee counts a resulting pinfall….





Leon is quickly back to his feet, and uses those very same feet to drive stomp after stomp towards her arm.  Once down tormenting her, he rips her off the canvas. Next, he latches onto her sore arm and throws her into the ropes. But as she returns she leaps forward and catches him in the jaw with Triple H high knee. The number one contender topples over, blood and spit shooting from his mouth. He lands hard and that’s when Krista dives atop him for a pinfall….




Neither Krista nor the crowd is happy with the count, but Krista has no energy left to voice her opinion.  Instead she painstakingly brings Rodez off the canvas. But Leon suddenly shoots to life and slams his forehead into her nose!

Oh come on! The only way that move could be any dirtier is if he was wearing Synth’s goggles.

Those are prescription goggles.

They don’t prescribe Snowboarding goggles!

Leon takes to the air and slams a dropkick into Krista’s arm. This move staggers her into the ropes, which entangle her into a nasty trap.  Seeing her perilous position, Leon grabs onto her arm and leaps over the ropes to violently crack it against the ropes! Krista falls over to the canvas, her mouth spewing pained screams. Leon continues to apply the misery by  leaping over the ropes and coming down on her arm with a leg drop!  He then pulls her farther away from the cables in order to make a pin attempt…





What resiliency shown by our world champion!

How much longer is she gonna be world champion though?

Leon staggers to his feet, and brings Krista up along with him. He stuns her with a succession of jabs, before taking off towards the ropes. But when he returns Krista shocks him with a flourishing roundhouse kick. The blow doesn’t floor Leon, but it keeps him dazed. This lets Krista leap into his chest and hit the KIDology! The fans erupt with cheers, thinking the match to be over. Krista feels the exact same and goes for the pin…



Foot on the ropes!

Hahaha these idiots out here thought she had him. No sir, no way.

Exhausted and deeply wounded, Krista can barely find the will to bring herself upright.  She sags against the turnbuckle pads, waiting for her challenger to make his rise.  When he does, she surges forward! Leon leap frogs her and she takes a run off the ropes. On her return he throws out a forward kick. But she catches his boot and gives him a 180 twirl. Beofre he can even think of turning around, she captures him with a half nelson face crusher! A pinfall is then attempted….




Having used her bad arm for the face crusher, Krista is in terrible pain. Rodez can plainly detect this, and formulates a plan. He comes off the ropes and slams a basement dropkick into her shoulder. She falls over, nearly weeping from the incredible amount of pain she’s under. Leon makes a small smile for himself and then attempts the pin….



Krista again kicksout!


Leon is disgusted with both referee and audience, and curses at them both as she gets to his feet. He continues to jaw jack with the fans even as he’s climbing the to top rope.

What’s this?

It’s a 450 splash as Leon comes dazzlingly off the top rope to crunch down on Krista’s extended arm.


What was that?!

I think it may be broken! I think her arm may be broken!

The fans now look worried over their heroine's safety. He blank expression and oddly twisted arm don't help ease their hearts any

This isn’t good.

Leon obviously would love to pin Krista at her weakest moment, but can’t do so as the referee hovers over to assess her broken arm.

That sound…that noise…you’re right, Coach, this isn’t good at all.  

Leon has had enough of the referee coddling Krista and shoves him aside. Unfortunately for him, he’s also shoved aside, when Alix clocks him in the back of the head with her US title!

Take that, meanie!


Where did she come from?

It is no DQ.

But how’d she get here so fast? Its like one second broken arm, next second a nigga’s getting his dome piece knocked backwards.

Its easy come, and easy go for Miss Spezia, as the US Champion retreats through the crowd.

Now both competitors are motionless, one maybe has a concussion and the other clearly has a broken arm. We might very well see a draw here at the Halloween Spectacular.

We might very well see a riot. These crackas and niggas didn't sell off their food stamps to buy tickets so this could end in a draw!

As Leon and Krista continue to lay motionless on the mat, Final Ride hits.

Now what's going on?

Reject walks through the curtain with his briefcase.

Reject is coming down to the ring, but why?

He's got the briefcase, Cole!  Remember, he said he was going to make everything right!

Reject powerwalks down the aisle, and motions to the referee to step outside.  They huddle up with Michael Buffer.

Apparently Reject is going to join this match, using his Money-in-the-Bank contract!

He's cashin' in, and both of his opponents are out of it!

Leon starts to stir on the mat, as Reject hands the briefcase to Buffer, and slides into the ring along with the referee.

Ladies and gentlemen...this contest, is now a TRIPLE THREAT MATCH, for the Heavyweight championship of the WORLD!

As Leon pulls himself to his feet, Reject strikes, hitting him with a EULOGY~!!!!!11111

A Eulogy for Leon! Reject is gonna do it here!

Reject then pulls Krista to her feet, and scoops her up onto his shoulders.

And now Krista, with one arm, being dragged off the mat for more!

Reject pauses for the crowd to see, then spins Krista around into a EULOGY~!!!!!11111

Here it is, Cole!

Reject hooks a leg and leans back...







And we've got a new World champion!  A huge shocker at the Halloween Spectacular!

Reject rolls off of Krista, and comes to his knees, raising his fists to his sides.

Ladies and gentlemen...the winner of the match...and NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW OAOAST Heavyweight champion of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD...

The referee hands Reject the belt, and raises his hand, then Reject gets to his feet, and poses on the buckles.

Reject said he was going to make everything right, and he has!  He is the World heavyweight champion!

The Deadly Alliance rushes to the ring to congratulate Reject with high-fives, and Arturas lifts the new champ onto his shoulders, turning to all sides of the ring for everyone to see.

What a week for the R-Man!  His Yankees are a win away from #27, and now he's the OAOAST World champion!

Arturas lets Reject down, just in time for Melissa to jump into his arms and embrace him.  Reject spins her around, then gives her a deep kiss.

Aah, a Kodak moment!

Reject and Melissa then wave goodbye to Krista as trainers help her out of the ring.

And Krista fought valiantly, through a bad arm which appeared to be broken near the end of the match!

The camera cuts to the aisle, where Leon is seen staggering to the back.

And unfortunately for Leon Rodez, he comes up short in another shot at the title.  And this time, he wasn't even defeated.

Black and gold confetti and balloons pour from the ceiling, as the DA continues to celebrate.

An unbelievable finish to an unbelievable night.  Reject, the new OAOAST World champion, has made everything right, just like he promised!  For the Coach, I'm Michael Cole, we'll see you next time!

Reject stands on the buckles and holds the belt into the camera as we...


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