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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN 10/15/09

Chanel #99

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New song! New song!


We come to the OAOAST Arena


Where Michael Cole and Johnathan Coachman sit at a desk decorated with various Halloween props such as pumpkins, orange and black streamers, and standups of mummies and vampires.

Welcome to Houston, Texas everybody, sight of this week's HeldDOWN~! The action promises to be hot this week as we head into Halloween Spectacular! And we open things up with a big time match between Holly and Jade Rodez-Duncan!

The cameras pan back, revealing the OAOAST Women's Champion Morgan Nerdly settling into the guest commentator's chair. Not so much settling, as nestling into it. Tucking her knees up to her chest, she puts the headset on and sits sadly staring ahead, curled up.

And as you can see, we're being joined here for this opening contest by our Women's Champion, who will be scouting her next challenger come the Halloween Spectacular. Morgan, thanks for joining us.

MORGAN (softly)
You're welcome.

Not getting much conversation, Michael just shrugs to Coach.

"Now I'm that BITCH
Now I'm that BITCH
Now I'm that BITCH
Now I'm that BITCH"

The OAOAST mash-up machine gets another workout as Livi Franc’s "Now I’m That Bitch" turns into Faith No More’s "Another Body Murdered" as red, gold, and orange spotlights flood the arena. With a permanent scowl fixed on her face, Holly stomps her black combat boots through the entrance. And she scowls. The Heavenly Rockers follow Holly out, with Abdullah there to help keep a volatile Logan in check.

The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first. Accompanied to the ring by the only rock n' wrestling band that matters, THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS... and "The Speaker For The Prophets" ABDULLAH ABIR NERDLY. From Las Vegas, Nevada. She is "THE ANGEL OF DEATH"... HHHOOOOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY!!!


Holly climbs up the ring steps and into the ring, fixing her scowl now on Morgan. A smirk breaks through the smile and Holly makes a belt motion. With The Heavenly Rockers and Abdullah making their way around the ring, Morgan shies even deeper into her chair.

Holly trying to intimidate our guest here. They will do battle at the Halloween Spectacular on October 31st.

Morgan remains unnervingly quiet, looking up at Holly pounding her palm threateningly with her fist.

"Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name

Boys call you sexy (What's up, sexy)
And you don’t care what they say
See, every time you turn around
They screamin' your name"

The lights flash purple and often as "When I Grow Up" by The Pussycat Dolls hits to excited cheers. Bounding out onto the stage Jade gets swept up in the excitement and plays to the crowd. Which, unbeknownest to her, Maya mocks behind her back. A slightly embarrassed Jade subtely warns Maya she'll pay for that later, while showing off the famous Duncan "fixed smile to the crowd" as she, Maya and D*LUX head to the ring.

And introducing her opponent! Accompanied by D*LUX and her co-manager sister, MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD!! She hails from Los Angeles, California... "LITTLE MISS CALIFORNIA"... JJJAAAAAADDEE... RRROOOOOODDEEEEEZZZZZZZ - DDUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAANN!!!!


As Jade skips down to the ring, Morgan looks on with disgust.

Two former Women's Champions doing battle here in our opening contest on HeldDOWN. And both women well supported here tonight...

Woah momma yeah!

...by their respective tag teams, D*LUX and The Heavenly Rockers.

Oh. Right.

Jade and Holly square up in the middle of the ring, Holly quickly putting a downer on Jade's good mood. The referee separates them and Holly motions to Morgan to watch closely.


As Holly and Jade circle, D*LUX get the Texans in attendance clapping. Logan flips out, screaming for some quiet (irony, see), and has to be calmed down by Synth and Abdullah Abir.

There goes Logan again. That man has some serious anger issue... oh...

Michael looks nervously to his right, where Morgan glances his way.

Let's just concentrate on the match, shall we.

Please do Michael. Please.

Jade and Holly lock up, jockeying for position. Using her superior power Holly manages to back Jade up against the turnbuckles, drawing in the referee to call for a clean break. Holly looks like she's going to co-operate for a second, but then shoves the ref aside and slams her combat boot into Jade's midsection. More stomps work Jade down into the corner and Holly walks away with a smirk on her face.

Holly, one of the most ruthless women in the OAOAST. She just likes hurting people. Simple as that.

Walking back over Holly grabs a hold of Jade's blond hair, jerking her head back cruelly. After getting a look at Jade's fearful eyes, Holly then takes Jade out of the corner, whipping her over with a hairmare! Jade sits up holding her back, allowing Holly to take aim with a stomp to the spine. Cheered on by an over-excited Logan, Holly then places Jade in a painful camel clutch type move, only relying on another pull of the hair.


Holly lets Jade go, noticing Morgan's eyes intently fixed on her. She stares back and then pulls back on the hair of Jade again.


Another break just in time from Holly, who applies a legal chinlock.

Holly doesn't seem to be too concerned about facing you Morgan, despite your track record. Infact, she demanded this match at the Halloween Spectacular.

People shouldn't cross me, Michael. They... they just shouldn't do it... I...

Morgan, troublingly, trails off. Meanwhile, Jade fights back to her feet and starts fighting out of the chinlock, only to take a knee to her ribs. A clubbing blow to the back knocks Jade down to her knees and her little sister, now feeling worried, tries to encourage her. Jade is knocked back down by another shot though, Holly in total control.

Jade's getting taught a lesson here. Holly's the original woman ass-kicker of the OAOAST.

Backing off the ropes, Holly takes aim and throws a boot at Jade's head... but Jade manages to sneak out of the way and roll Holly up with a schoolgirl!




Quickly back up Holly boots Jade in the stomach again and regains control.

Holly shouldn't be concerned with our guest tonight though. Jade was Women's Champion for seven months. She's not someone you want to overlook.

Yeah and who was it that beat her? Our guest, Morgan Nerdly! Infact she may even be a better Women's Champion! Please don't hurt me!

Holly throws Jade face first into the turnbuckles and starts burying more boots into the stomach. A blatant choke then has to be broken up by the referee. Complying, Holly backs away into the opposite corner of the ring, waiting for Jade to resurface. Once Jade is back up Holly then comes charging, leaping in looking for an avalanche, only for Jade to move out of the way!


Hope returns to the crowd and to D*LUX, as Jade grits her teeth and starts firing back on Holly with repeated forearm smashes in the corner. An irish whip sends Holly across the ring and Jade follows, leaping at The Angel Of Death and flipping her overhead with a monkey flip!

Jade fighting back, how many times have we talked about the heart and determination of this young girl?

Firing up Jade runs at Holly with a clothesline and goes for a cover...




Jade waves Holly back to her feet and goes to hit the ropes, but is suddenly brought to a stop when ABDULLAH ABIR grabs her wrestling shoe from the outside!


Hey, come on!

The crowd hiss their displeasure, as Holly capitalises on the distraction, kneeing Jade in the back and sending him sprawling through the ropes to the arena floor. Jade lays in a heap in front of The Heavenly Rockers and Abdullah, prompting D*LUX and Maya to run over and protect her. The referee quickly jumps out between the warring tag teams before anything can happen, ordering everyone back to their corners.

What a big man that adopted brother of yours is, interfering against woman and then hiding behind his friends when somebody confronts him.

My family are cowards. All of them.

Holly leaves the ring to dump Jade back inside, as order is restored. She forces Jade away from the ropes and quickly goes for the cover...




Holly applies an abdominal stretch on the seated Jade, cruelly digging her elbow into Jade's exposed ribs, causing her to squeal in pain.

I have to ask, Morgan, are you worried about Holly? Or are you looking forward to the Halloween Spectacular.

I... really don't like this time of year.

...I see.

The Houston fans are whipped up by D*LUX and Maya and start to encourage Jade back to her feet. With her arm still being tugged on, Jade gets back up, but still finds herself in an uncomfortable position and is kneed in the side before she can do anything. Holly clubs Jade in the back a couple more times, before hitting the ropes and carrying herself back with a Spear! Cover...




Holly traps Jade in the hold again, demanding she submit.


Holly has really worked over Jade's ribs, you can see her struggling for every breath.

MORGAN (inquisitively)
Why do these people like her?

Uhm... well, she's a nice girl and a gutsy competitor.

Jade starts to fight back up again, but Morgan remains unimpressed.

MORGAN (angrier)
Why... do these people like her!?

I... I don't know.

She's just like all of them. She's the same. They're all the same. All of them!

Morgan takes her headset off and throws it onto the table, staring at the ring with wide-eyes. The commentators look at each other nervously and try to move on.

Elbowing her way out of Holly grip, Jade starts firing away with forearms again. And she starts rocking Holly, staggering her up against the ropes. With Holly good and dazed, Jade turns on her heels and runs to the ropes. Holly steps off the ropes, but walks into a front dropkick to the chest! The force rolls Holly back to her feet, now winded herself. Pulling herself back up, Jade hits the ropes again and dishes out a second front dropkick.



Determination back, Jade hits the ropes one more time, only for Holly to step to the side and leave Jade to hit the mat empty-handed.


Ouch. Holly, too smart for that.

As Jade gets back up, Holly scoops her off her feet and delivers a sidewalk slam, hooking the leg...




Only two, as Morgan Nerdly continues to look on.

Not exactly a high energy guest, was she?

I think she has some things on her mind. And I don't wish to know what they are.

Holly brings Jade back to her feet and calling for the finish, she underhooks the arms, ready for the Angel's Wings. Fighting it with all she has left Jade is able to block though and eventually counter, backdropping Holly overhead! A cheer goes up, but Jade falls to a knee and it's clear she's still hurt. Despite the pain though, she manages to run the ropes and catches Holly standing back up, hooking her with the SWEET DREAMS!!


Hook of the leg by Jade...




So close for Jade, what an effort this is turning into from her, as the number one contender's momentum is starting to slip away!

Weary as she is, Jade is still gutsy and encourages Holly to get back up. When she does Jade is waiting. Jade paws her with an open left hand. Then paws her with an open right. With a guttural shout, Jade then pulls a 360... but Holly ducks the clothesline and lifts Jade up into a fireman's carry.

Uh-oh! Got caught!

Holly carries Jade into the middle of the ring and throws her forward, right across the knee with a gutbuster!!

OH, right back to the ribs!

Here it comes Michael, Holly's signalling for the end.

All the wind knocked out of her, Jade is left unable to stand, completely doubled over in pain. Holly quickly hooks the head, then the leg, before twisting violently and dumping Jade on her neck with the Rodeo Driver! Tyler and Shayne wince on the arena floor and are then knocked to the ground, as Logan and Synth pounce from behind!

Come on, there's no need for that!

Got to stop them interfering and breaking the count.

D*LUX were going to do no such thing!

Holly smirks as she sees Maya run away in fear, then fixes her smirk on Morgan as she forces Jade's shoulders to the mat...





And Holly picks up the win, as she looks ahead to the Halloween Spectacular.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... HHOOOOOOOOOLLLLYYYYYYYYY!!!!


Holly shoves Jade aside and walks across the ring, making sure Morgan gets a good look at her hand being raised in victory. Chewing on her hair, Morgan's eyes gaze vacantly up at The Angel Of Death as she stands victorious. Meanwhile, Logan and Synth get in a few last stomps on Tyler and Shayne, happy with their work as well.

I tell you what, I wouldn't cross Morgan with a loaded shotgun. But if I were her, I'd be real worried right now. More worried than usual. Because Holly looks uber-dangerous right about now.

She'll get her shot in just over two weeks and lord only knows what's going to happen in that one. And look at The Heavenly Rockers, smiles on their faces. They look like they just won a match, nevermind Holly, after that unprovoked attack on Tyler and Shayne.

They were about to make a move into the ring, I swear it.

With a smug expression on her face Holly leaves the ring, joining in the celebrations with Logan and Synth at ringside. Maya is left standing at ringside, looking on sadly as her big sis' and her teenage tag crushes all lay hurt in and around the ring. And at the announce table, Morgan shifts uncomfortably in her chair.

Well, we'd like to thank Morgan for joining us... but... maybe now's not a good time.
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Backstage, Vinny Valentine, Deadbeat Dave, and Tony Tourettes are seen playing UNO.  Dave puts a card down, then Vinny looks at his hand, and picks up another card from the deck.  Tony then slams his last card into the pile.



That was my last card!

Wait...you didn't say Uno!  You don't win!

TONY (picks up deck)
LIKE HELL I DON'T!  I got rid of all my cards!

You gotta say Uno, man.  That's the rule.

And if you don't, you have to draw two more cards, so pick 'em up, bitch!

Tony ponders this for a second, then throws the deck of cards in Vinny's face.


Suddenly, a knock on the door.

LUTHER (off-screen)
Somebody order a large pepperoni dick wit' a pizza on top?

Luther hops through the door, holding a pizza box over his pelvic area.  Fortunately, the box is still closed.

Man, what the f...

Luther turns into the corner, then tosses the pizza box down and zips up his pants.  He then slaps Waldo in the head.

This ain't Jade's locker room, foo!

Waldo laughs while rubbing his head.  Mariano and Quincy walk into the room, as well.

It ain't funny, nigga!  I just wasted that pizza, too.

VINNY (chuckling)
Just give it to Tony, he'll probably eat it!

Tony lunges over the table for Vinny, causing it to fall forward and spill him on his face.

You v-squared, you got the shit or what, mang?

Vinny pulls out a big bag of discolored marijuana.

Man, what the fuck is that shit?  Cheap-ass white boy, we ain't gettin' lit on that shit!  Look, all the stems n' shit's in dere!

Hey, don't call me cheap, Mr. Most Likely to take his prom date to McDonald's!  I don't see any of you carrying no grass!

See, you wrong there, homie!  It just so happens, I brought my backup stash, just in case you screwed this up.

Mariano pulls out the sack.

Way to think, baby!


The BB's sit down.  Waldo sits down next to Dave.

Nigga you musty!  You like the missin' Teletubby, Stinky Winky!

Or 'dat old president, Abe Stinkin'!

It's alright, once we light this shit up, you won't even notice it.

Off-screen, the door opens.

BIFF (off-screen)
Hey!  pizza!

...help yo' self, man!

Everyone at the table laughs as they roll up joints.

Family friendly fun, here on HeldDOWN~!



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“Living in America” by James Brown hits and REV. AL… Oops, wrong promotion. In the OAOAST that music belongs to the ultra patriotic All-American Boys tag team! They march out to images of true Americana flashing on the video screen and pyro, lots of pyro.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from the Hearts of the American people, they fight for truth, justice and the American way… FREEDOM and LIBERTY… THE ALL-AMERICAN BOYS!!


Liberty proudly waves Old Glory while Freedom shakes hands and kisses babies.

We’re about set to go with tag team action. The All-American Boys vs. the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club.

Basically a tune-up for the Hellfire Club, although they already look sharp heading into their match against the Orange County Cobras at the Halloween Spectacular.

If by sharp you mean ambushing Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard two weeks ago on OAOAST Syndicated. Speaking of the O.C. Cobras, they’re standing by with these pre-recorded comments.


A small box swoops across the screen and settles in the upper left hand corner. There Simon and Ned stand in front of a grey backdrop.

MOLLY (Off-screen)
And action!

Lucius, Rico, you two douche bags have done a lot of talking in recent weeks. The last couple of times we’ve been in the ring together you’ve left us laying. Next time we meet it’s gonna be face to face. So it’s either put up or shut up, and I can tell you right now we plan on shutting you up.

Halloween night, it’s gonna be no treat for the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club.

And cut! That’s a wrap!


Oh, how cute. Molly’s directing promo spots now.  I wonder who she had to put out for to land that gig.


"Right Round" by Flo Rida cues and Queen Esther escorts her knights ringside.



Rico places his bejeweled scepter in the corner and the MGHFC are ready for action.


The bell sounds and Rico starts with Freedom. Knee to the gut doubles Freedom over and a big right knocks him off his feet. Rico proceeds to put the boots to Freedom and then cheap shots Liberty. The King of Mardi Gras whips Freedom to the buckle and tags Lucius.  

Watch this, Cole.

Soul combs his ‘fro and then lets go with a CORNER YAKUZA KICK! Freedom stumbles out into THE POUNCE~!!!

The cover.




Playtime isn’t over yet. Lucius shoves Freedom near the All-American Boys corner and invites Liberty inside. A proud American, Liberty doesn’t back down. But upon entering the ring he’s struck by a running knee to the side of the head!

Some host Lucius is. He invites Liberty in and then does that? Come on.

Lucius whips Liberty to the corner for his trademark SOUL BROTHER SPLASH! A tag follows and Rico delivers a BACK SUPLEX FROM THE MIDDLE ROPE! The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club then finish Liberty off with THE MOUSTACHE RIDE/SWINGING DDT combo!

What do you call that?

I don’t know, but it’s devastating.

The cover.





Here are your winners, the team of “SWEET” LUCIUS SOUL and RICO DE JANEIRO… THE MARDI GRAS HELLFIRE CLUB!!


The Hellfire Club’s hands are raised in victory as Queen Esther cheers her men on.

Is this what we’re gonna see at the Halloween Spectacular? The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club victorious?


No, we’re gonna have to find out Halloween night. We'll also find out if we have a new world champion as well as a new women's champion. It's going to be an explosive, exciting and possibly scary sight, and its live on TSM and The Pit!


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Backstage Terry Taylor is with




Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing beside OAOAST World Champion, Krista Isadora Duncan! Krista you had pretty tough last week, haven’t you?

Hey, dude, back off! She saw those Mark Jacobs pumps first and even if she had to club a few women with her purse, threaten bodily harm against their first born, and wave a switchblade in front of her face to get them, they’re still her’s!

Perhaps my two master degrees have finally failed me and I’m lost in a sea of miscommunication but I think, just a hunch, he’s talking about Leon Rodez attacking me last week and not my attempted battery and assault. I mean its only a guess, why would a wrestling announcer ask me about something that occurred in a wrestling ring? Why, I ask you, why?

Ya know, you could’ve just said “I think he’s talking about something else”

I could’ve, but I keep our relationship in tact by undercutting your self esteem. Terry I put up with a lot of things. I deal with your repeated attempts to dress in costume and convience Alix that you’re the house underwear inspector. I deal with three different girls each running up my credit card bill for ludicrous purchases.

How am I supposed to take over western Los Angeles with a sea monkey army if I don’t buy sea monkeys?

I live next door to Denise Richards-

And that bitch is crazy!

See, honey, my life is a constant exercise in tolerance and self control. But what I will absolutely never ever in my 28 years of life-


You heard me, penis jockey! What I won’t tolerate is some ex-pornstar who once humped a woman dressed in a banana costume for actual consumption by viewers, attacking me, blindsiding me with a steel chair.  The pain was nothing short of horrific. But private exotic dancers and Grey Goose have made great strides in the pain killing department.

They’re even better than doctors! Does your doctor let you swipe credit cards through her g-string like the stripper did? My pediatrician did, but for some reason he had to stop practicing due to some silly court order about not being allowed around children.

Eeeeeeek! Attention passengers we will be changing our subject immediately, please return to your seats. Terry, I will not under any circumstances allow Leon Rodez to go unpunished for attacking me last week.

Even if he bought you cupcakes?

Even if he brought me cupcakes squeezed between Jessica Biel’s breasts.  Leon wants to talk about suffering? Because he lost a professional wrestling title belt? Because he recruited at least 12 of the dumbest human beings to ever waste oxygen and skin on this green and blue earth to try and beat a woman who is near invincible? He’s suffering because his nice guy act has tumbled to the ground, and looks like the ruins of Paris after a world war two bombing? He wants suffering? I’ll give him suffering. How about giving up your first born daughter to adoption? How about your mother making you promise to never admit or acknowledge your sister? How about your teenager love dying in a car accident? How about being hospitalized twice for suicide attempts?  How about the father of your second child totally abandoning you and leaving you to raise your daughter by yourself when you’re still college? How’s that for suffering, Leon? Do you want to suffer like that? Is that the experience you want to feel? What I felt? What your slave Morgan feels? What your minor little issues can never ever compare to? Then fine. If that’s what you want that’s exactly what I’ll give you at Halloween Spectacular.  That’s a promise.

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It's almost Halloween! And clearly, some OAOAST superstars are already in the mood for Halloween, namely Los Diablos De Fuego. The devilish luchadors are decked out in full devil costumes. All pink, leather devil costumes. Where you would buy such a thing is not something I wish to think too deeply about. Giggling to themselves, Moracca and Mariachi scamper down the halls creating mischief, as devils are known to do. On their way down the hall, they spy Jumbo and Deuce Deuce Bigelow hanging out. Excitedly they point over and sneak up behind Jumbo, catching him in mid bite of a slice of chocolate cake...


:o ..MMF..HYURGH!!

As Jumbo starts choking on the cake, Moracca and Mariachi start humping at his legs, before scampering off in search of more people to spook. And leaving Deuce to perform the heimleich on his choking friend.


Spying another target, Los Diablos titter. OAOAST broadcast colleagues Tony Brannigan and Maggie Nerdly chat, blissfully unaware of the fact they're being watched. And as Big Tone works his ravishing charms on The It Girl...


...he's shocked to be ambushed and MOLESTED!


Brannigan, still burly after years out of the ring, manages to throw Los Diablos off of him and turns around with a snarl on his face. Los Diablos do a double-take, then take off, as Brannigan thinks about giving chase. He thinks better, not quite so nimble after years out of the ring. And he turns back to find Maggie laughing at what happened.

Meanwhile, Los Diablos carry on with their mischief. Still delighted with their brush with T-Bod, Los Diablos giggle like a pair of enfatuated schoolgirls as they head down the halls. As they do, Morgan Nerdly heads the other way, deep in her own mixed-up thoughts. Los Diablos hear footsteps and without looking, they leap out at the oncoming person...



:huh: :huh:

Not seeing the fun in this light-hearted spooking, Morgan hits the floor and curls up into a ball, her eyes panicked. Clearly terrified the Women's Champion shakes like a leaf, convinced she's in some kind of immediate danger from these two devils. Moracca and Mariachi quickly realise that this isn't part of their fun and look at each other, confused. Beginning to get worried, the pink devils then take off, leaving poor Morgan a quivering wreck on the floor.

Ya'll niggas done fucked up now!


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"Clean shirt
New shoes
And I dont know where I am goin to.
Silk suit
Black tie,
I dont need a reason why.
They come runnin just as fast as they can
Coz every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man."

A large chorous of boos fill the air and brings the disliked duo of Christian Wright and Lorelei DeCenzo sliding through the entrance doors.  Both are dressed as sharply as the song indicates with Wright in pleated khaki pants and a cashmere blazer, and Lorelei in a sparkling strapless evening gown with one leg cut out.  Together they hold hands and turn their nose up at the Texas fans.

The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first... representing THE ENTERPRISE! He is accompanied by Lorelei DeCenzo Now residing in Washington D.C. He weighs in at approximately '8 and 1/3 BARS OF GOLD'... The Financial Analyst of The Enterprise, this is "THE NATURAL"... CCHHHRRRIIISSTTIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAANN... WWWWRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGHHHHHHTT!!!!


The Natural all set to meet J-MAX here on OAOAST HeldDOWN live from Houston, Texas!

Wright hands his valued briefcase to Lorelei for safe keeping. He rounds across the ring, leaping up to the apron and sliding down to the turnbuckles. Removing his suit, he climbs atop the turnbuckles with one foot on the second and another on the third. There he makes the money fingers to boos from the crowd.

Witness by Roots Manuva hits and a nice pop comes from the Texas fans. The entrance doors shoot apart and J-MAX hops his way into the stage. He turns to the video screens blaring his image, and points to them with a confident swagger.

And his opponent for Birmingham, England, he weighs 181 pounds…..he is J-MAAAAAAAXXXXXX!

J-MAX raises his hands in salute to a cheering audience as he bops his way down the lighted floor panels of entrance stage

Both these men lost their beat the clock challenges and both looking for a big win here tonight.


The two competitors immediately go for a lockup, which unsurpingly doesn’t go J-MAX’s way.  The Natural powers out the hold and forces his smaller foe into a side headlock. The young Brit tries to force his way out the hold, but finds only failure as CW rolls him over onto the canvas.  There J-MAX again tries to push his way past CW’s grip. However, the Natural bridges upwards and makes this quite a hard task.


CW brings J-MAX to his feet, hoping that standing up will give him more levrage to cause his foe pain. But this has the nasty side effect of allowing J-MAX to pepper him in the side with punches.  Eventually Wright’s grip is weakened and the masked star is able to shove him into the ropes. As CW returns he’s nailed in the face from a twisting dropkick by J-MAX!

You have got to love the amazing offense J-MAX brings to the table everytime out.

Christian Wright ain’t loving it right now.

CW is back to his feet with some speed. But he’s met with the striking boots of his foe. Weakening CW with those kicks, J-MAX attempts to irish whip him into the corner posts. But CW avoids this, by reversing the hold.  He charges in after J-MAX. But the agile European flips entirely over his body. As the fans marvel at J-MAX’s agility, The Natural crashes his shoulder into the ring posts.


Wright stumbles out the corner, face full of rage and seeking revenge. But its J-MAX who continues the attack, nailing his foe in the skull with a pele kick!  A pinfall follows…



CW pushes out the pinfall. The Natural immediately rolls to his feet and seeks the comfort of the ring ropes for support. This does please J-MAX who motions for him to return to the fight.  When CW refuses the invitation J-MAX brings the fight to him with a running senton splash into the Natural! The fans are wholly impressed by J-MAX who lands easily onto his feet.  Wright, however, is not as he staggers from the ring posts.  While he tries to recollect his thoughts and strategies, J-MAX takes off to the ropes. Unfortunately for him the always sexy Lorelei DeCenzo grabs onto his foot and trips him up. This allows Wright to sneak up on him and crash him to the canvas with a European Uppercut!


“SILENCE!” Wright shrieks at the OAOAST Marks.  CW then drops on top of J-MAX and tags him in the face with a series of elbow strikes.  He finally pulls J-MAX to his feet, but does so only to pulverize his chest with a short arm lariat. Thinking his rival to have been defeated by his strikes, CW attempts a pin…



J-MAX pops out the pinfall, earning a nice cheer from the capacity crowd.

Lots of toughness in J-MAX.

Is that why he ran away like a bitch when The Rockers were sonning him? Because he’s tough.

Frustrated with himself and his foe, an angered Wright locks J-MAX into a reverse chinlock.  The fans get on J-MAX’s side which gives him the strength he needs to mount an early escape attempt. Wright’s hold hangs tight at first, but as the chants increase in volume and J-MAX increases the strength of his struggles, CW is forced to his feet.  There his hold is broken by J-MAX, who takes off to the ropes.  This time there’s no Lorelei to intefere. But Lorelei would be infinitely preferable to the move J-MAX is struck with as Wright nails him with the Wright Off! The referee counts the ensuing pinfall…



J-MAX kicks out, and is promptly brought to his feet by The Natural. The two trade strikes before J-MAX is able to secure the upperhand with a spinning roundhouse directly into the side of Wright’s head. The Natural is dazed and dizzied, and staggers on his feet. This allows J-MAX to spring off the ropes and haul him to the mats with a springboard spear!


The Natural rolls to his feet but is met with painful knife edge chops from the masked wonder.  Leaving Wright to clutch his now beat red chest, J-MAX runs up the ropes. He comes back with a flipping lariat that tumbles both men to the canvas and has the audience marveling at his agility! As soon as both men head to their feet, J-MA lunges forward with a running kick. But he misses The Natural as Wright meets his charge by taking him into his shoulders in set up for the Bank Roll! However, J-MAX recovers and saves himself from harsh pain by rolling forward and hauling CW into a pinfall…



Wright quickly pops out of the pin.  He scrambles back to his feet, only to have J-MAX leap onto his shoulders seeking an inverted hurricanrana. However CW refuses to permit such an attack to come to him and shoves J-MAX off his shoulders. The masked superstar lands awkwardly, which allows Wright to trap him into his clutches. Within moments J-MAX is being struck by the Stockmarket Crash (gordbuster!)

There it is! There it is!

CW hooks both of J-MAX’s legs for a pinfall…





Wright pops to his feet and raises his arms to many jeers from the Texas audience.

Your winner as a result of a pinfall…..CHRISTIAN WRIIIIIGHTTTTTTTT!

Lorelei enters the ring with microphone in hand. She passes it onto Christian, and begins rubbing his shoulders as a reward for a job well done.

Let it be heard, let it be heard!


From this calendar day forward, as long as the sun may set, and the moon shall shine, I, Christian Wright, will concede neither pinfall nor submission to any man!

Wright releases the microphone from his hands, letting it fall gently to the floor.  Lorelei takes hold of his arm and raises it into the air in celebration of his grandiose promise.

That’s a mighty large claim that Christian Wright has to live up to!

Yo that boy was 2005 rookie of the year, he’s stepping his game up and is deciding to live up to that potential. The rest of the OAOAST better watch out.

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Well, moving on, earlier this week, budding film student Molly Nerdly followed a... well, an 'interesting' subject, Biff Atlas. Let's take a look.

A maybe or maybe not heroic story
By Molly Nerdly

Unaware to both Mister Dick and Biff is Malaysia wielding her trusty whip, climbing up the ladder.

Somebody has to get her down from there! She doesn'’t belong!

Biff quickly becomes aware of her presence, but only because her whip takes a bite out of his backside. Coupled with Mister Dick kicking at his face and he’s in a miserable predicament.


Someone stop her!


The whips cut through Biff’'s back, and weaken him severely. Joined with Mister Dick’s kicks this attack wreaks havoc on Biff’s grip.

Its gonna end soon!

Finally Biff Atlas tumbles past Malaysia, beginning his unfortunate journey to the ring. But Biff spreads his "“wings"” and lets his graceful power of flight take over…



Apparently Biff’'s power of flight might have run into a bit of problem with a little thing called gravity. Biff lies face down on the canvas, motionless, breathless, and perhaps in a world of pain.

Your winner….....MISTER DICK!

The crowd lets their negative opinion be heard as Malaysia fondles the lower regions of the celebrating Mister Dick’s body.

A referee slides into the ring to check on Biff'’s possibly injured condition. What he finds is Biff smiling in the face of defeat.

"“I…I…I.....SURVIVED THE FALL! That fall should’ve killed me! But I’m alive! Do you know what this means? Can you imagine the possibilities? Invulnerability? Regeneration? I must tell Vinny!”"

With those comments made, Biff makes a mad dash to the back to share his good news with Vinny.

Watching this footage back on a TV monitor, Biff Atlas sits in deep thought. Molly's hand reaches and turns off the monitor and Biff snaps back to life.

MOLLY (off-screen)
So, watching that back... what do you feel?

I feel... empowered. I mean, I didn't believe it at first myself. But the signs are all there. There have been just too many coincidences. Before, I was weak. Afraid. Cursed by luck. When I think back to those times, all those injuries I suffered in the ring. My foot seemed magnetically attracted to every crack and raised edge in the pavement. Papercuts would leave me bed-ridden for days on end. And now... I mean, the car, the fall from the ring, the scaffold... what other explanation can there be? I must have been blessed.

MOLLY (off-screen)
So, you believe that you have these powers, but you don't actually know what they are?

Not yet. But when I finally do find out, then and only then can I really come to terms with the fate that has befallen me and try to discover my true purpose in life!

MOLLY (off-screen)
*clears throat*
...uhm, right, okay. Anyway. You want me to catch this on film, so you can be sure. What exactly have you got in mind?


Stood outside of a women's bathroom, Biff Atlas holds an 8 by 10 picture of Mister Dick in his hand. A signed picture. So he's already $20 down.

Okay, my theory is, that instead of it being speed or power that saved me, perhaps I merely morphed into something that could survive those situations. So I'm going to try it. I saw Malaysia go into here. If I look at this picture hard enough and concentrate hard enough, like I must have been concentrating during that fall off the scaffold, I can morph into Mister Dick and surprise her.

Biff locks eyes with the pictures and starts to concentrate. Hard.

MOLLY (off-screen)
Wait... what do you mean "I must have been concentrating"? Surely if you were concentrating, you'd know?

Biff, now shaking, suddenly drops the picture. He turns to Molly and slicks back his hair.

BIFF (southern drawl)
Cram it already! Or else, I'll cram it for ya, with my giant hunk of man meat, ya hear? Dumb broad!

Grabbing his not-quite so impressive man meat, Biff struts into the women's bathroom. For a moment, there's silence. Before, suddenly, a loud tinny thud. And then screams.

"AAAHHHH! That's the good stuff baby, give it to The Dickman!"



MOLLY (off-screen)
Oh dear.


With his hair looking suspiciously wet and ruffled all of a sudden, Biff perseveres on. Now, in the parking lot

Okay. It occurs to me now that I can still feel pain.

MOLLY (off-screen)

And yet, I seem to suffer no long-lasting damage. Infact, I'll bet that if I slam my fist through this car window, I won't even leave a scar.

Opening the driver door, Biff takes aim.

MOLLY (off-screen)
Are you sure about this?

Trust me.

MOLLY (off-screen)

Biff stops just short of punching the window, as Molly pulls up his shirt, revealing marks from where he'd been whipped.

MOLLY (off-screen)
You've already got scars!

Where? Let me see!

Biff arches his head around, trying to look over his shoulder at his own back. Sadly, he forgets about the car door. A passer-by accidently nudges it and it slams shut, trapping his arm with a thud.


MOLLY (off-screen)
Oh my goodness, are you okay!



As Morgan Nerdly stands patiently in line for coffee, Biff Atlas walks up behind her, tapping her on the shoulder with his heavily bandaged arm.

Excuse me, but I couldn't help noticing that you are very undersized and not at all attractive. So, saying that, I thi...



Zapped, Biff lays on the floor quivering.

MOLLY (off-screen)
What does that even have to do with falling off a scaffold and surviving?

BIFF (in immense pain)
I... don't... know.


Movely very gingerly, Biff sits, flipping a coin.

MOLLY (off-screen)
So, I take it you've given up finally? Not a moment too soon.

Given up!? Are you crazy!? Call.

MOLLY (off-screen)
Oh, uhm...


Biff lets the coin hit the ground and it indeed comes up tails.

That's the answer! I can control magnetic fields. Think about it. The car was metal. The scaffold was metal.

MOLLY (off-screen)
What about the car door thou...

Tails! ...YES!

As Biff goes to pick up the coin, he feels a twinge from the punishment he's taken. Molly picks it up for him, but then happens to inspect the coin.

MOLLY (off-screen)
Biff, this is a two-sided coin. The reason you keep guessing right is because both sides are tails and that's what you keep calling.

Did I do that?

MOLLY (off-screen)

Suddenly, Officer Bosley walks up.

HEY! Gimme back my coin punk! I need this to get girlies outta their clothes! Dumb bitches always call heads.

Tell you what, I'll flip you for it.

Okay, you call.

Biff's eyes light up.

Haha! TAILS!

Bosley flips the coin... right into Biff's eye.


Picking up his coin, Bosley strolls off, leaving a blinded Biff behind.


Sulking, Biff sits and takes a sip of water, before adjusting his eyepatch.

MOLLY (off-screen)
And so, no closer to discovering his true superpower, or whether he even has any at all... or even if he is at the level of a normal human being, let alone a gifted one... Biff Atlas must continue to struggle with the dreams of grandeur and a lack of understanding for the concept of pure, dumb luck. This is Molly Nerdly, reporting.

Is the number you're thinking of... fourty two?

MOLLY (off-screen)
No Biff. No.


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Welco....hang on Coach... apparantly... apparantly there's some sort of a commotion going on backstage, can we get a camera back there?

We can, as backstage we find LEON RODEZ, swinging a trash can repeatedly at the body of one of Los Diablos De Fuego!

That's Leon Rodez! And he is just beating the HELL out of Los Diablos, what is going on here!

It's retribution Michael. Retribution for what happened earlier.

As Mariachi is beaten to a pulp, Moracca returns and tries to save his tag team partner, latching onto Leon from behind. Dropping the trash can Leon manages to shrug Moracca off of him and then lays him out with a hard right hand. Leon seethes as he stomps away on Moracca, before throwing aside the trash can and grabbing hold of Mariachi. Gripping onto the mask, Rodez drags Mariachi up and starts to cart him off towards a black curtain in the distance, which from the increasing noise seems to lead into to the arena.

Leon Rodez has snapped here and it looks like he's bringing Mariachi, who can barely even stand under his own power, out our way!

Letting Mariachi go, a clubbing blow to the back sends the pink luchador stumbling through the curtains and out by the side of the stage. The crowd suddenly find themselves closer to the action than they could have imagined, as Leon retrieves Mariachi and hurls him into the boards at the bottom of that section, before stomping away again.

This is just out of control. Leon Rodez is beating this poor guy mercilessly!

Well these fruity idiots brought it on themselves Michael. I got no sympathy.

Coach, this is crossing the line. Los Diablos were just trying to have some fun. They never meant to do any harm and I'm sure they never meant to scare Morgan the way they did. It's not their fault she has issues. They don't deserve this.

Leon drags Mariachi to the ramp, clubbing him across the head as they go. He throws the luchador up onto the steel and climbs up after him, mounting and laying in some punches as the crowd hurl abuse his way.

Somebody needs to get out here and stop this!

By the mask again Leon drags Mariachi down the aisle, throwing him into the rail at the side. Mariachi slumps down, holding his ribs. Not done yet though Leon drags the Mexican up again, throwing him towards the ring. As Mariachi is dumped inside, Moracca suddenly re-appears and the crowd cheer as he limps to the ring.

Here comes Moracca to try and protect his friend... but, I don't know what good he's going to be able to do, he looks hurt too.

As Leon slides in and puts the boots to Mariachi again, Moracca climbs to the apron. Grabbing the top rope he slings himself over, landing on Leon's back with a rear naked choke!


The fans cheer, but Leon is in no real danger and hurls Moracca up over his head with a thud.

And finally, we're getting some officials out here to stop this!

Referee eventually hit the ring, putting a stop to Rodez's attack as he stomps down on both Diablos. As the bodies start to get in his way Leon lurches away and slides outside, grabbing a microphone amidst a sea of boos.

You want to put a stop to this? Fine! Ring the bell!


One of you make this official and ring the bell. I'll take them both on. I don't care. But I'm not leaving. Get Josie. Get Anglesault. Get whoever you need to get.

The referees, en masse, wave this idea off and continue to point Leon off to the back.

If one of you doesn't call for that bell, then you will regret it. The only reason I'm out here alone is me. So either someone rings the bell and starts a match, or I say the word and Morgan deals with this problem herself. Your call.

And we all know what Morgan'll do to these referees Michael! Toasted zebra!

Apparantly the referees start feeling a little more co-operative, as they try to figure out what to do. Referee Mike Chioda can be seen listening through his earpiece as the other officials continue to keep Leon from doing any more damage. Until, suddenly, Chioda starts asking Los Diablos if they're okay to compete.

"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"
"KRIS - TA!"

Leon scowls, waiting for something to happen. Despite being down and hurt, Los Diablos seem to be responding. And Chioda starts motioning his fellow officials out and calls for a bell!


I don't believe this. We're having a handicap match? Right now?

As the referees leave Chioda behind, Leon slides back in and goes back on the attack of the gutsy but helpless Diablos. Rodez places his foot on Moracca's throat and chokes him, before going over and stomping Mariachi.

Los Diablos are in no condition to have a match here, I don't care if it is two on one.

Well, it's one on two right now.

Leon picks Moracca back up and throws him into a corner. Attacking with punches and kicks he leaves him slumped against the bottom turnbuckle. Mariachi fights back to his feet and tries to help. But he walks right into Leon. A knee doubles Mariachi up, setting him up for an Exploder Suplex, INTO THE CORNER, LANDING ON HIS OWN PARTNER!!!


Standing over Los Diablos, Leon's eyes narrow.

I think Los Diablos might think twice about who's expense they have their fun at in the future. Infact, they're lucky this is all the punishment they're going to get, messing with Morgan.

Rodez drags Mariachi back up. Unable to fight back, the luchador is pulled onto one knee and grabbed behind the head. With a scowl on his face Leon then starts firing knees, repeatedly, smashing the masked skull of Mariachi from side to side. After that brutal beating, Leon then steps back... and unleashes the rolling sobat to the face, knocking him clean out!!


Ugh! The One Hit Kill, that devestating kick to the face!

Looking down at Mariachi, Leon turns his attentions to Moracca who is trying to pull himself up in the corner. With two handfuls of mask Rodez starts bouncing the back of his head off of the turnbuckle. Moracca's body goes limp and Leon steps away. Waiting for Moracca to stumble out, he fires another rolling sobat, this time to the gut. Moracca falls to all fours and is forced to the ground, Rodez grabbing hold of the legs and putting him in the LIONTAMER! And Moracca wastes no time in submitting.


Well Leon has won this 'match', but that's not the story here. And now, he refuses to break the hold! Come on referee!


Rodez keeps Moracca in the Liontamer, the luchador screaming in pain underneath him. Not listening to the referee he tortures Moracca until he's satisfied he's done enough, at which point he throws Moracca's legs to the ground and stalks the referee out of the ring. Meanwhile, the cameras pan up the aisle, to find a troubled Morgan Nerdly making her way out.

Oh no... now what? Now what are they going do!?

Dishing out some more stomps, Leon keeps Los Diablos down as Morgan slides in. Looking at the two pink devils she sits against the bottom rope, nervously chewing her bottom lip for a second, until she's sure they're both incapacitated by Leon's stomps. Calling Morgan over, Leon holds Mariachi up off the mat, almost like he's offering food to a wild animal. And Morgan stares for a few seconds, before letting out a scream and lunging at the helpless luchador.

Oh yeah! She's gonna claw him to shreads Michael!

It's not the clawing I'm worried about... WAIT A MINUTE!

Suddenly, the crowd cheer as ALIX MARIA SPEZIA dives into the ring. She tackles Morgan off of Mariachi  and pins her down... but before she can do any more, Leon runs up behind and boots her in the back of the head!


Oh, Alix got caught! And now the pack of wolves have a new target!

Leon and Morgan stomp away at Alix, until KRISTA hits the ring swinging like a wild-woman!!



It's chaos in the aisle as Krista and Leon go at it, scrapping around on the mat in a frenzy. They trade short punches, short knees, whatever they can land while rolling around the ring. Morgan stands and watches, unsure of what to do, when back-up arrives in the form of THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS. Flanked by Holly, Logan and Synth climb into the ring and head towards Leon and Krista. The World Champion and #1 Contender battle by the turnbuckles, out of the way...

...and that's when Logan and Synth turn their attentions to Morgan.

...what the...

Oh my God, they've got Morgan trapped!

Morgan's eyes widen as she finds herself unexpectedly surrounded by the former World Tag Team Champions. And with Holly standing right behind her, waiting for the Women's Champion to make a move. While this is going on though, Leon manages to fight off Krista, bumping her outside. He looks up and seeing Morgan in danger, he rushes over, JUST as Logan and Synth are about to grab a hold of her!


And look at the face-off, Leon Rodez and The Heavenly Rockers! They were after Morgan, but they might have made a huge mistake!

Leon glares the same cold, evil glare at Logan and Synth that he did Los Diablos and it's all set to explode, when more bodies hit the ring, this time D*LUX!!! Shayne and Tyler slide in and tackle Synth and Logan down, leaving Leon standing in the middle confused as hell.

This is CHAOS! Who's side is who on, I can't keep track of this!

With D*LUX and The Heavenly Rockers brawling to the floor, Leon is pounced on by Krista... and Morgan is pounced on by Holly, all hell breaking loose with four seperate fights in and around the ring! The women's champion and her number one contender scrap on the mat, the world champion and her number one contender battling it out in a corner, while D*LUX and The Heavenly Rockers spill into the crowd swinging fists.

What a chaotic scene here on HeldDOWN, we need to get some order restored here! Thank you for joining us, we will see you next week, goodbye from a tumultuous HeldDOWN!!!


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