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OAOAST HeldDOWN 10/8/09

Chanel #99

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We swing into the OAOAST arena


Folks, it is HeldDOWN and it is live from Dublin, Ireland! The luck of the Irish is on your side because what a mainevent we have for you tonight!

OAOAST HeldDOWN Mainevent

Woah! That is amazing!

And we've got a lot more including an 8 man title match!

Back in the neglected, darkened areas of the arena, we find Josh Matthews with microphone in hand. Clearly sure of where he's going, even in the gloom, it doesn't take Josh long to find who he's looking for. Apparantly, the dark not a good hiding place anymore for Leon Rodez and OAOAST Women's Champion Morgan Nerdly. Morgan notices Josh and quickly stops whispering to Leon, immediately shrinking into a shell. Leon stands up and walks in front of her.

Leon, if I can, I wanted to get a few words with you.

Leon doesn't respond, but he doesn't kick Josh out so that's a win in his book.

Earlier in the week on our sister program Syndicated, you Beat The Clock in order to gain yourself another shot at the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship at The Halloween Spectacular. With a little help, that is. And now tonight, you get a chance, non-title, against Krista. Except it'll be in tag team action... and you're teaming with, of all people, Zack Malibu.

How about that. I hear Zack's been having some troubles lately. The sky in Malibu's world maybe isn't quite so sunny anymore. Maybe I misjudged karma all this time.

Leon looks down at Morgan, who is still cowering down.

Then again, maybe I haven't. Because karma was supposed to be exactly what beat Krista at Zero Hour. Karma was supposed to finally catch up to her and ruin her. I had it all planned out. Title on the line. Ring surrounded by people just dying to see her fall and crumble. And me, more than willing to carry through on it. It was all setup perfectly. And still... still, what Krista had coming to her waited another day. Another day that she got to escape the pain she dished out onto us all. Another day of undeserved good fortune. Another day... and then another... and then another. Well, there will be another day for us, Krista. October 31st. All Hallows Eve. The day when bad things are supposed to happen. Do you know the story of Halloween, Josh?


Let me tell you about Halloween. See now, it's just another excuse for people to have a good time at the expense of others. A chance to dress up under cover of costume, coax strangers into handing over candy and scaring other people.  But this isn't about the commercial holiday of Halloween. This isn't a story of how 12 years ago, the Nerdly family went out onto the streets of Edmonton, trick or treating. Of course, Morgan being the youngest child, the outcast child, she couldn't afford a proper costume and had to make do with whatever sheets and blankets she could cobble together to drape herself in. This isn't a story about how a couple of years later, her sisters thought it'd be a fun idea to tell her a couple of Halloween stories, then trick her into hiding herself in the basement and locking her inside for three hours, alone in the dark and the cold. But it's in a similar vein.

Josh glances over at Morgan, who still sits sadly against the wall cradling her Women's Title belt.

I'm not haunted by Halloween. But I've been haunted. Haunted by memories, like Morgan has. I've been haunted by the memories of having my life sabotage too. But I promised her... I looked that girl dead in the eyes and I PROMISED her that after this year, she'll never fear Halloween again. She'll look back with nothing but good memories.

This time Leon glances over, Morgan's head emerging from her arms and looking up hopefully at him until he turns back.

Halloween is more than spooks and ghouls and carving faces into pumpkins. You know what they used to believe, in olden times? People used to fear Halloween. Because they used to believe, that on that day, October 31st, the divide between this life and the after-life disappeared. They believed that on October 31st, the dead came back to haunt the living and spread disease and destitution. People believed, on that night, that the dead were a threat to their living. Well, how fitting it will be, October 31st of this year. How poetic, that at Halloween, all of those sins that Krista's committed will finally come back to haunt her. But Krista needn't be concerned with the spirits of the dead. Because on this October 31st, the ones she has to fear are the ones who are dead inside.

Leon turns and walks back to his dark corner, sitting himself down alongside Morgan again as we fade away.


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Backstage in Josie’s cluttered office, the HeldDOWN general manager pours over some notes

Is ThunderKid serious, he wants a 2.5 million dollar resigning bonus? Who does he think owns this place, Bill Gates?

Holly enters the scene


That’s right me, Holly. You know the bitch you tried to wash your hands of.

Business is only businesss, Holly, I’ve always been a fan. I find you’re a great performer.

Spare me that bullshit, I’m back, I got the money I wanted, you don’t have to flatter me.

Holly, what are you here for? Is it too complain about Jade and Maya because your husband has been calling me at three am just to do so.

I’m not hear about my problem, I’m hear about your’s

My problem?

Morgan. The new women’s champion? The one who’s Shock and Awed you twice, the one who beat up numerous officals, the one who kicked a referee in the head to cheat me out of the women’s title.

Morgan can be somewhat of a nuisance.

She’s a damn pain in your ass.

That’s a good way to put things.

Yeah, I think it is.  But….I can help you. If you want.

How could you do that?

You don’t want her to be the women’s champion? I bet that pisses you off like nothing else. Who can say when that girl is gonna lose a title, she could hang onto that thing forever. But, I can change that.

How? You think you can beat Morgan?

Think? I know. I’m the meanest bitch here. Morgan’s just a moody teenager , don’t think I can’t run right through her. Don’t forget who I am and what I do. Because I’m the best woman for the job. I'm a former women's champ, my resume is fantastic. You get me a women’s title match at Halloween Spectacular. I get you the women’s title back. All I ask in return is that if I win, Logan is given a world title shot. Sound like a deal?

Josie reluctantly ponders it over.

You better not  let me down.

Holly smirks.

I definitely won’t.



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We return back to HeldDOWN with a view of Dublin at night


Scream” by Chris Cornell hits and the crowd goes wild.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, one-half of the wildly popular ORANGE COUNTY COBRAS tag team, accompanied by NED BLANCHARD… “BOX OFFICE” SIMON SINGLETON!!


Ready for action Simon tosses his vest aside.

It was at Zero Hour the rivalry between the Orange County Cobras and Mardi Gras Hellfire Club started, with the Hellfire Club helping the Last Kings of Scotland pick up a big win. Both teams have had multiple confrontations since then, prompting OAOAST officials to sign for Halloween night…

Mardi Gras Hellfire Club vs. Orange County Cobras

Simon and Ned have blamed everybody but Bush for their loss. But they’ll only have themselves to blame after the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club beat them at the Halloween Spectacular.

Right Round" by Flo Rida cues and the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club are escorted by two voluptuous women.

And his opponent, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, representing ALL THE QUEEN‘S MEN… he’s joined by fellow MARDI GRAS HELLFIRE CLUB member “SWEET” LUCIUS SOUL… RICO DE JANEIRO!!


Rico grabs a mic and enters the ring.

Listen up, little man. The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club, they’ve been doin’ a lot of partying since arriving in the homeland of our good friend Danny Boy. He’s taken us to all the good pubs. Needless to say, the King of Mardi Gras is in no condition to perform here tonight.


Hey, I’m as disappointed as you people. I had an easy win tonight. But seeing as how I’m in no condition to perform, I think it’s better that we let bygones be bygones. We had to do what we do at the recent pay-per-view and you guys had to answer. As far as the Hellfire Club is concerned, we’re even. So to make your long trip to Dublin worthwhile, the Soul Man flew in a couple of broads from the States to show you boys a good time tonight. Now we could’ve just used local Irish chicks, but it’s first class all the way with the Hellfire Club.

How could I say no to an offer like that?

Rico and Lucius agree.

Unless it’s to knock that shit-eating grin off your face!


Simon blasts Rico and the bell sounds.


Simon continues to unload, then whips Rico in for a BAAAAACK body drop. Rico begs off in the corner but Simon stays on the offensive, firing away from the middle turnbuckle.


Rico stumbles out and falls flat on his back. Simon delivers a BIG SPLASH off the ropes and makes the cover.




Rico goes face-first into the buckle, but reverses a whip and charges into a big boot!






Simon eats a couple of rights and then a clothesline. Rico takes a second to stroke his trademark ‘stache before dropping the big leg.


As always, Rico leaves the leg draped across for the pin attempt.




Simon refuses to lay down for that abortion. Outraged, Rico looks to strike Simon down with THE HAND OF GOD, but Simon counters with a BACKSLIDE!






You can say that again.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner... SIMON SINGLETON!!


Rico clotheslines Simon and gets hammered by Ned. They exchange blows until Lucius cold-cocks Ned with BRASS KNUCKS!

That’s uncalled for, damn it!

OAOAST officials swarm the ring to restore order.

Think they should‘ve accepted the Hellfire Club‘s offer? Ha!

Damn them!

Rico strokes his 'stache as we go to...

OAOAST HeldDOWN Mainevent


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Another beautiful scene of Dublin welcomes us back


Cut backstage, where the Deadly Alliance has had happier times.

I can't believe this.  The Deadly Alliance is in a serious slump.  We need to get it together somehow.

Hey, at least I won my match at Zero Hour!

Yeah, you pushed a jobber off a scaffold, good show.

(hesitates)  Hey, a win's a win.

Well, I guess you're right.  At least one of us held onto the ball that night.

What's that supposed to mean?

(hesitates)  Come on.  After two years...Denzel Spencer?  Really?

Hey, at least I've had a title in the last two years.  What have you done, beat up on Alfdogg?  Like I couldn't have done that.

I've also got this.

Reject holds up the Money in the Bank briefcase.

And I can use this whenever I want.

Yeah, too bad about that big anchor that's tied to your ass.  It must be tough wrestling with that thing!

Reject starts to confront Sandman, but quickly backs off when Sandman raises up his barbed-wire bat.  Then, everyone's attention is diverted, when Alfdogg (who, notably, is wearing a bandage on his head) walks into the room!

Hope I'm not interrupting anything.

You got a lot of nerve walking into this locker room...

SANDMAN (interrupting)
Hey, hey, hey...so uh, what'd you do to your head?

TK (quietly)

I got in a car accident leaving the PPV.  Head-on collision.

You got it in the Chamber of Hell.  Don't try to lie!

OK, ok...it was a fender-bender, and I didn't have my seatbelt on.

Right.  Wait 'til Josie hears about this!

She knows all about it.

Reject is lost for words, and storms off to Josie's office, with the rest of the DA following.  Alf just looks on and smiles.

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HeldDOWN is brought to you by...

Holly for Escape

uddenly, the crowd jump to their feet, as "Thriller" by Fallout Boy hits. Maggie Nerdly leads the way out for her men, Baron Windels throwing up the longhorns as MARV and MEL hit a leaping high-five behind him. All manner of pyrotechnics go off behind them as they head to the ring, with Tim Cash apparantly too nice for pyro of his own.

And ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, the OAOAST 6-Man 8-Man Tag Team Titles will be on the line! A long overdue shot for Citizen Soldiers and The Christ Air Express and it's coming up, next!


Back from commercial and Baron, Cash, MARV and MEL stand waiting in the ring. Maggie amuses herself playing Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII on her PSP. A professional!

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall and is for the OAOAST 8-MAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS! In the ring, the challengers. Total combined weight, eight hundred, fifty five pounds. The team of MARV and MEL, THE CHRIST AIR EXPRESS... and BARON WINDELS, TIM CASH, together they are CITIZEN SOLDIERS!!!


Hands go up from the challengers but their cheers die down the moment Pat Benatar blares through the arena.

"We're running with the Shadows Of The Night
So baby take my hand, you'll be alright
Surrender all your dreams to me tonight
They'll come true in the end"

Wearing a disappointed expression on his face, Landon Maddix walks out with a microphone in his hand and calls for his music to be cut.

What's this all about?

Man... you guys are gonna be so annoyed with me. Boy. Uhm... whew, how to put this...


Here's the thing. Unfortunately, there's been more travel problems and honestly, I don't know where the rest of the guys are right now. Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean for all I know.

Three of the four challengers's faces sink, while Tim as ever tries to look for the silver lining in the situation.

Damn immigration.

Not again. This title match must be cursed!

I really don't know what to tell you. Except to say, I spoke to Josie earlier and she's allowed me to find some replacement partners again. So, everybody give it up for THE QUEEN and her men! Give it up!


The crowd, disappointed at not getting to see a title match, are further disappointed at the arrival of Lucius Soul and The Last Kings Of Scotland. Particularly the Scots. Of course, Queen Esther is oblivious to the hostile reception and waves to the crowd with a cheery smile on her face. She greets Landon and they curtsey to one another. Baron and Melody look on and don't like what they're seeing.

I'd like to take one second to thank the good Queen here for helping me out tonight. A very gracious gesture from a very gracious lady.

The Queen's cheeks flush and she fans herself.

And before we get going, again, guys, I want to apologise for jerking you around like this. It's not fair on you. It's not what I want either, because everybody knows how committed I am to these OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Titles and the challenge I laid out a few months ago. And I just... I just wish I knew where James, Nathaniel and Faqu were right now. I really do.



As if by magic(!), Faqu slides into the ring and as MARV and MEL turn around, they get wiped out with a double clothesline!!!!

OH, wait, there they are!

Baron and Cash turn around, only to be ambushed by Black and Blonde, also having come through the crowd on the other side! Picking up the fallen Nerdlys, Faqu takes them both by the hair and HURLS them both over the top rope, landing in a heap on the arena floor!!

Smiling from ear to ear, Landon turns to Queen Esther and thanks her for her "help" again with a polite kiss of the hand, at which point The Queen's Men begin to leave and Landon slides into the ring.

Damnit, it was all a set-up! That's what you get for beginning to take Landon Maddix at face value I guess!

Now how do you know that Michael? Maybe they just got off the plane. Maybe they had to SWIM here! You don't know that they didn't!

Oh, yeah, Landon looks positively shocked to see them, doesn't he?


Landon and Black stomp away on Baron in the corner while Blonde works over Cash, a shocked Melody trying to get her bearings on the outside. Directing traffic Landon jogs over to Cash and together, he and Blonde irish whip the nicest man in pro wrestling out of the corner, right into the bare foot of Faqu! A combined effort then throws Baron Windels into the jaws of the monster, scooped up and DRIVEN into the mat with a Samoan Drop!!


Still looking like the cat that got the cream Landon strolls around the ring, while Black and Blonde put the boots to Windels. Maddix whispers something into Faqu's ear and the Samoan leaves the ring, in pursuit of MARV and MEL. And both twins are whipped into the barricade by Faqu.

This is not much more than a mugging! Baron, Cash, MARV and MEL were ambushed! And now, they're just being picked apart.

As Faqu takes care of The CAE, Baron is left three on one in the ring. He fights to his feet, but is completely surrounded. Booted in the gut, Baron is rocked with a Sitout Jawbreaker from Blonde. He falls to one knee, where he gets ROCKED by Landon, with a Low Flying Superkick... turning him around into the path of a BLACK LARIAT!!

Wow! Look at the teamwork, amazing!

Yeah, look at the teamwork, after jumping your opponents from behind!

Baron rolls out of harm's way, being stomped on by Black. Rolling back into the ring Tim Cash crawls over to protect his tag team partner. And when the kicks start being aimed his way, he tries to fight Black off, landing some shots to the gut, before Blonde and Maddix pile in.

And look at Tim Cash, all heart, trying to fight these three men off.

Overwhelmed just like his partner, Cash is beaten down until Landon again begins to call the shots to his team-mates. Black and Blonde pick Tim back up and send him to the ropes. A headbutt to the gut brings Cash to a sudden, painful halt. Black then steps aside, as Landon and Blonde slam Tim's face into the mat before adding further insult to injury by performing a HANDSHAKE over his fallen body. While Landon laps up the boos of the crowd, Blonde just seems ecstatic to be interacting with his mentor.

That's a mark of true gentlemen right there.

Melody looks un-amused and more importantly, powerless, as Tim is dragged into a corner. Carefully the Champions place Cash up against the bottom rope and call Faqu back in.

Come on. Not this.

Sat in the corner, Cash is choked by Blonde, until Faqu comes charging in with the running ass, smashing Cash right in the head!!!



Cash's head flops around and he lays motionless, the crowd hushed at seeing wrestling's nicest guy being destroyed in front of them. The 8-Man Tag Champs just stand and look at him for a second... before Landon informs them he wants them to "give him to me".

And now what? Tim is already out, what more do they need to do?

Black and Blonde dutily drag Cash out of the corner and hand him over to Landon. With Tim out of it, Landon is forced to prop his opponent up, before lifting him up into the fireman's carry. Landon then turns Cash into position and with somewhat of an anti-climax, hits the GO 2 SLEEP!!

Oh, I get it, I guess Landon has to get the glory. Gimme a break.

Never can be too careful Michael.

As the troops stand guard, Landon drops down and makes a casual pin...






Big smile, Landon rolls back up and asks for the belts, as Melody looks on in disgust.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match and STILL OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Champions... CUCARACHA INTERNACIONAL!!!!


Landon takes possession of the belts from the referee and dishes them out to his partners. Most grateful of all, James Blonde, who gives his mentor a congratulatory hug at a job well done. Faqu snorts and snarls in the background, while Nathaniel Black just watches all this going on.

And look, they're proud. They're actually proud of themselves. After this.

Why shouldn't they be? They're still the champions, still the strongest unit in the OAOAST, all that good stuff.

Handing over his belt, Landon gets a funny look from Black before he takes it. Faqu resorts to chewing on the strap of his belt as Baron crawls back inside and Cucaracha Internacional leave. The big Texan shows compassion and goes to check on Tim rather than go after Maddix and co, although that's clearly on his mind as he points up the aisle at them.

All this bravado about being the unbeatable group in the OAOAST and this is how Cucaracha Internacional chose to defend their titles? I just don't get it. And I just wonder, what's in all this for the Queen, helping Maddix out in this ruse?

Cucaracha Internacional leave with Landon and Blonde in high spirits, smiling in the face of the threats from big Baron.

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The DA is seen waiting in Josie's office.  After a few seconds, Josie walks out with a police officer and a big folder.

OK, I've checked this all out, guys.


Alf's not lying to you.  He really was in a wreck after the show.

Reject rubs his hands over his head in frustration.

I wrote the accident report.  The windshield was cracked and he was bleeding from the forehead, but he refused medical treatment.

But how do you know that the accident caused that injury to his head?

His DNA was on the windshield.

Sandman has a similar reaction to Reject.

Am I missing something here?

These guys are speculating that Alfdogg wrestled in a match at the show he was coming from, in which he sustained the cut to his head, prior to the accident.  And contractually, he's not allowed to wrestle for this company anymore.

Well, I'm afraid I can't prove one way or the other how the injury initially occured.  I'm sorry, I can't help you guys anymore.

The officer leaves, and Reject walks up to Josie's desk.

OK, I've had it.  This has got to end.  I want a match with that Teal Tiger at the Halloween Spectacular.  If I win, he has to unmask.  If it's Alf, which I think we all know it is, he's DONE.  No wrestling, no appearances, no anything.  He can't even park CARS at our events.

Josie considers it for a few seconds.

OK, you got your match.

Thank you.

But I'm going to add one more stip.  Should you lose this match, in any manner...that includes being counted out or disqualified...then I will re-instate Alfdogg to full capacity as a wrestler.

What?  No, you can't do that.

Ok, if you don't really want the match...

No wait...(deep breath)...OK, I'll do it. I retired Alf once, I'll do it again.

And that stip goes the same for the Tiger...he can't get himself DQ'ed or counted out, or he still has to unmask.

Great.  Come on, guys.

The DA leaves the office, as Josie instructs one of her workers to have the contract drawn up.

OAOAST HeldDOWN Mainevent


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“Getting Away With Murder” rings out in the arena and is flanked by a loud chorous of boos. Zack steps through the entrance doors with eyes burning bright with evil and lips curled into a sinister snarl.  Behind him and around him the numerous videoscreens flash red and yellow, while his entrance video plays on the main screen.

Welcome to our historic mainevent!

The following tag team contest is your mainevent and is scheduled for one fall! Now making his way to the ring from Providence, Rhode Island. He weighed in at  two hundred ten pounds! He is a record holding FOUR time OAOAST world champion, and a two time tag team champion, and 24/7 champion, he is The Franchise….ZACK MALIBUUUUUUUUU!
Wearing gold semi short trunks with his name written in black across the back, Malibu slithers down the entrance ramp. The fans who once adore him, turn their back on him and shower him with disgusted jeers.

Can you believe this? The Usual Suspects teaming together after all that has gone down between them.  I never thought I’d see the day.

Neither did I, Mikey, and I’m wondering how these two are even going to manage to cooperate together.

Malibu enters a darkened ring , starting with narrowed judging eyes at the entrance ramp. His lip quivers with angered anticipation as he waits for Rodez’ arrival.

"Oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
And oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone, dead and gone..."

T.I.’s Dead and Gone is faded into Linkin Park’s Numb, and the fans anger burns fiercer than ever.  Dressed in plain black and purple singlet, The Fallen Idol emerges onto stage. Further jeers from the audience greet him, but he only receives them with a cold stare at both his partner and his former fans.

Look at the look in Leon’s eyes. Can you believe how much these two men have changed as people since last they teamed together? And each of their change has a lot to do with the other, sadly enough. So much emotion in this match.

From Grand Rapids, Michigan... weighing two hundred, eighteen pounds... the former two-time OAOAST Heavyweight Champion of the world... LLLEEEEEOOOOOONN... RRRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!! TOGETHER THEY ARE THE USUAL SUSSPECCCCCCTSSSSSSSSSSSS!


Leon’s purple boots carry him slowly down the entrance ramp. His face is frozen in embittered hatred, and he meets Zack’s frosty glare with one of his own.


What a historical contest this will be. For the first time ever The Usual Suspects meet record holding four time champions, Chicks Over Dicks!

Yeah, but only one of the two teams is on the same page.

Leon slowly enters the ring, never taking his eyes off of Malibu. Together they produce a tense moment, staring at each harshly inside the blackened ring.

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way, no way!
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend!

Hey, hey, you, you!
I know that you like me!
No way, no way!
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you!!
I want to be your girlfriend!


There’s a tremendous outpouring of screams and cheers for the soon to be arriving four time tag team champions. While the always glamorous pink pyro waterfall streams from the ceiling, the chants of “C-O-D! C-O-D!' are already out in full force. Joining the festive atmosphere is a stunning red pyro fountain. The glorious displays of pyro power create a wealth of fiery sparks that scream across the dim stagging. Once the red and pink pyro disappears, the usual golden wall flames across the entirety of the entrance stage, it's sonorous sounding something like screaming locomotives

Past the misty remnants, stands Krista Isadora Duncan.  Her buxom chest strains to be free of a tight yellow diamond encrusted tank top. A flirty lace skirt, slit on each side, showcases an ample portion of gorgeous legs that pour into black platform boots. She glides her fingers through her golden hair, and looks directly into the camera, offering an arrogant smirk as her gift to the viewing audience. All around her, Alix treats the entrance stage as a giant race track, darting from one side to the other, to pump their southern fanbase into a frenzy.  A white A&F t-shirt hangs to teasing exposure of her midriff. Tiny white shorts reach no further then the steeply jutting slope of her BUTT, her enticing cheeks shimmering tan, round and voluptuous.  Ally's prancing is cut short, the moment Krista's hands intertwine with her's. Krissy twirls Alix through the gleaming lights, before hiding her within the loving safety of her arms. Krista's gentle hands treasure her body, kneading it's every curve and contour, enjoying the feel of her soft, silky skin. Alix gasps softly at the touch of her fingers on her hot flesh.  She regains enough of her composure from the tender caress to toss her head over her shoulder, and flip a kiss into the camera.

And now teaming together for the first time in over a year, first, from Los Angeles, California, she is a two time 24/7 champion, a multi time Angle Award winner, and your host of Syndicated….ALIX MARIA SPEZIA! And her partner, from Los Angeles, California, she is a  Hollywood Walk of Famer, the 2009 Wrestler of the year, best selling author, and star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos, she is the OAOAST’s Miss Money In The Bank, Krista Isadora Duncan! Together they are four time world tag team champions, Hollywood “It” Girls, America's Sweethearts, Chicks Over Dicks!

“C-O-D! C-O-D!”

So much emotion  heading into this contest, so much at stake. A chance for revenge, a chance to prove a point, a chance to find who amongst these two is the best tag team in OAOAST history.

When the girls reach the ring, Alix grabs Krista by the waist and hoists her on the apron with startling ferocity that Krista wouldn't expect from the normally submissive Alix. With her ego swelled to bursting by the unparalleled adulation of the audience, Alix coolly reclines against the apron. She feels the smoothness of Krista's legs coil around her bare stomach, and her body tingles in immediate response. While Ally stands lost within the rapture of the pleasuring touch, Krista passes a middle finger towards the battery of cameras that flash away.


These are not the Usual Suspects we know and love.

They’re meaner and they’re better. I just hope they can cooperate with each other for twenty minutes.

Proving Cole’s point, the duo of Rodez and Malibu fail to agree on who will start and quickly degenerate into an argument.  Zack shoves an accusatory finger into Leon’s chance, which is met with a fierce snarl from the former world champion. The referee tries to get them to make a decesion, but they pay him no mind. What they do notice is Krista cracking Rodez across the back with a forearm.

You make me wait I give you severe spinal damage. Seems only fair.

Leon whirls around to attack Krista with an elbow. But the California beauty slips bellow his attack and comes up onto the second turnbuckle.  She shoots Zack a kiss, that infuriates The Franchise before flying back to Leon with a cross body block. But Leon ducks it and Krista lands harshly on the ring mats. Seeing this, Rodez charges into the ropes and comes rumbling back with a kick aimed to Krista’s stomach. But she grabs onto his foot and merely flips him over. For some reason this prompts Alix to run into the ring and drop and elbow on Rodez’s face.

What did you do that for?

These white people are getting too bold these days, gotta set em straight.

Krista decides that Alix is pretty good at this setting straight thing, and makes a tag with  her girlfriend. The audience murmurs in anticipation of this showdown between the two former lovers. The fireworks start quick as Alix swings her furry left snowboot around towards Leon head. But the former world champion catches onto her leg, and uses it to carry her forward and slam her into the nearest corner post.  Referee Earl Hebner immediately urges Leon to step backwards. But his pleas fall on deaf ears as Leon pelts her in the ribcage with punches.  Worn down by the strikes, Alix falls to her knees. This permits her former fling to drive the bottom of his boots into herbare back. Alix winces in agony, which brings a tiny smile to Leon’s face as he glares at Krista.

Leon Rodez growing more and more aggressive by the day, as Krista keeps on foiling his evil plots.

Leon pulls Alix up by her chocolate coloured hair, and then twists her lithe body around for an easy scoop slam.  

Even though she’s somewhat hurt Alix manages a quip,

Leon Rodez and Zack Malibu…like, I don’t think you could find a bigger lineup of losers unless you go to a Royals game.

Annoyed by anything having to do with Krista or Alix, Leon darts to the ropes to make her pay for her insult. Returning to the downed Latina, Leon takes to the skies with knee raised, only to suffer great pain as Alix moves out the way.


Missed me, missed me, now ya gotta kiss me!

Alix kisses her hand and then slaps her luscious booty before firing a furry snow boot in Leon’s stomach.  Rodez hobbles form side to side, trying his hardest to stay upright. This task is made all the more difficult when the limber Alix smashes a roundhouse kick into his chest! While Leon struggles to maintain his balance, The Hollywood Bad Girl makes a run of the ropes. Coming back, she nails Leon directly in the stomach with a violent knee strike. This is followed by a spinning leg drop that leads to a pinfall…


Rodez kicks out the pin, drawing many jeers from the Dublin OAOAST Marks. Alix on the  other hand is in a jovial mood, most likely because she gets to make this type of tag…


Krista enters the ring, only to be greeted by a foursome of right jabs aimed at her face. Having weakened the bombshell with those punches, Leon latches onto her with a front facelock and lifts her into the sky for a vertical suplex. Problematically, her well insured legs begin rifling knees into the top of his skull. Unable to endure these strikes he allows Krista to go free. He stumbles backwards for a short second, before regaining his strength and rushing at Miss California. But the world champion leaps upwards and nails him in the jaw with a heel kick!

Honey, doesn’t this get old? The insults, the claims to the FBI that you harbor terrorists in your Lenin closet, the humiliations-

Your uncommonly small for a pornstar penis?

That to.

Apparently enough is enough for Rodez, and he makes a highly begrudging tag to OAOAST’s fallen poster boy.


Its rare to hear those boos for Zack Malibu, and its also rare to see Krista and Zack on opposing sides. They haven’t fought since 2005 where Krista beat Zack in singles matches 3 times and Alix beat him twice.

Malibu circles about the ring pointing an evil finger at Alix, who shrugs her shoulders innocently. Finally he steps towards Krista and takes her into a lockup. His strength overpowers her and he’s able to snatch her inside a headlock. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t hold the move tight enough, and Krista is able to slink her way through. But Zack makes a speedy recovery and forces Krista to the ground with a fireman’s carry. Krista thinks quickly, and wraps her lovely legs around his to suck him downwards. Before he can properly react, the walk of famer snatches him inside an arm lock.

Krista’s smart, but she a fool for thinking she’s gonna out wrestle Zack.

She’s not thinking that, she’s showing she won’t be intimidated by his technical skills.

Zack manages to push himself upright, but Krista holds tenaciously onto the hold. This, however, becomes a problem as the three time world champion uses his muscle to push her into a neutral corner. There he breaks free, and tightens the sex kitten into a side headlock.  He carries her forward to the center of the ring, and then flips her over with a headlock takedown.

You have to give Zack Malibu credit for doing what so many fail to do and that’s slow down the very fast Krista. If he can slow down Alix who moves at ultra speed, he may just be wrestler of the year!

Krista’s shoulders are pinned to the mat forcing a count from Hebner…



The beach bunny kicks out!  This is an annoyance to Malibu, and he grumbles to himself as he hauls the world champion to her feet. After a short struggle, Miss California is able to shove her opponent away and into the ropes. But Zack charges back with the speed of a bullet train and levels her with a shovel side kick!

What power by The Franchise!

Rodez doesn’t seem so impressed and merely yawns. Malibu makes another run of the ropes, but as she comes back Krista attempts to trip him up. He leaps over her stretched body and makes a dash for the opposite ropes. But when he returns, her ten million dollar legs whip him over with a hurricanrana.

ALIX (singing)
She’s got legs, she knows how to use them!

Malibu gets back to his feet, by his own violation. But he can stage no attack, thanks to the fitness queen toppling him over with a springboard double knee strike. Malibu rolls away, clutching his now sore face. Krista drops down to all fours , and wags her ass invitingly to the crowd as she crawls over to cover Malibu…



Malibu kicksout, and makes a quick return to his feet. Unfortunatley for him, he’s caught in a front facelock by the world champion. She gives him a nauseating twirl before dumping him down onto the canvas with a tornado DDT.

Do you feel like your gonna puke, Zack?


KRISTA (jumping on Zack’s stomach)
How bout now? How bout now? How bout now? How bout now? How bout now?

Zack don’t be an idiot, shove her away!

Is the cohesion between the two breaking down.

Not getting the results she wants, Krista hooks onto her foe’s legs for a pin…



A kickout!


Krista brings The Franchise to his feet, but he makes a quick recovery and slugs her into the stomach with an elbow. Realizing that her ripped stomach makes a good guard, Zack instead resorts to chopping her in her ample chest.

:lol: My boobies are bouncing, my boobies are bouncing, lets sing the booby song!

Her boobies are bouncing, her boobies are bouncing, lets sing the booby song! Her boobies are bouncing, her boobies are bouncing, lets sing the booby song!

While the audience sings the song, Krista attempts to irish Zack to the ropes. But The POP reverses it and sends the fitness queen into the nearby ropes. Returning, she slides between his legs and comes back up to nail him with an inverted DDT onto her outstretched knees.  The world champion hooks onto Zack’s left leg for a pinfall…



But the fitness queen’s pin attempt fails as Malibu kicksout. As Zack attempts to rise, Krista runs to the ropes nearest the US’ corner. This gives Leon a prime opportunity  to strike her in the head with a punch.

“BOOOOO!” the fans hiss, as Zack comes rushing to club Krista overhand punches. He then throws her into the cables, and when she comes he launches a front step lariat at her. But she ducks bellow the strike and uses her momentum to spear Rodez off the apron.


Malibu returns to his feet, firing off right hands. They have some success which allows him to take hold of her in a rear waistlock. But this hold doesn’t last for very long as Krista rolls forward and pulls him into a pinfall.



Malibu shoves Krista away launching her towards a healthy Leon who strikes her into the head with his knee. She stumbles forward right into a belly to belly suplex from The Franchise.  Pain is written across her face and it only grows worse when Malibu drops an elbow onto her head.  He continues his violent path, by bringing her upright and slamming her down with a side suplex. This provides him with a chance to tag in Leon Rodez. The two men exchange harsh stares as Rodez steps into the ring.

How long are they going to be able to keep their cohesive state?

Till the match is over, then all bets are off!

Forgoing any semblance of sportsmanship, Rodez goes right to work on Krista with hard violent stomps. Once he’s forced to break the succession of stomps, he forces Krista upright. There she stages a comeback with wild left hands that delight the crowd. But it’s a fleeting happiness as Leon strikes her in the neck with a throat thrust. Short of breath and of strength, Krista is easily thrown to the canvas with a snap German Suplex.  Hebner counts the bridged pin…



Miss California forces her way out the pin to the delight of all of Dublin.  But the worst is soon to come as Rodez forces her into the set up of a liontamer. The fans and Alix plead with their darling beauty to make a quick escape. Krista tries her hardest to grant their wishes, but Leon fights with equal effort to keep her in his dangerous web of submission.


Krista tries everything she can think of to break out the hold; spitting at Leon, tousling her vibrant hair, pursing her lips. But its old fashioned know how that wins her freedom, as she springs upwards and drags Leon down into a pinfall…



Leon kicks out with some force, and angrily rises to his feet.  

You gotta do better than that, man! What's wrong with you?

He tags her with hard right hands before finally throwing her into a neutral corner. The agile babe quickly rushes to the second rope and flings herself backwards with a corckscrew moonsault press! But Rodez is ready for her arrival and takes her out the air with a dropkick. Krista crashes head first into the canvas, suffering through immeasurable pain.  Satisfied with his performance thus far, Leon makes a tag with Zack that does not go over well with the sold out Irish audience.

Krista not having the luck of the Irish right now as she goes from facing one world champion to another.  But she is our current world champion and you never count out Krista Isadora Duncan!

Malibu grabs onto the back of her tube top, and drags her upright. Now taking hold of her flowing blond hair he guides her into the corner and throws her face first into the ring posts. Once finished with that he throws her into the opposite ring posts and she collides heavily with the poorly protected turnbuckles. The world champion topples over, short of breath and weakened.  Alix tries to rally Krista, but there’s little she can do to stop The Franchise from raising her girlfriend up and hitting her with kicks to her legs.

Those are ten million dollar legs, you’re messing with, preppy!

The world champion is thrown back into the opposite corner, striking the turnbuckles stomach first. She aimlessly staggers backwards and puts herself right into a german suplex from The Pissed Off Prep!  Malibu keeps hold of Krista and rolls her upright to hit a second suplex! Krista grouses in agony as a third one shatters her bones. Malibu takes no time to savoir his accomplishment instead running to Alix and shoving her off the canavs.

No this white boy did not!

Ignoring Alix’s rants, Malibu hunches over, waiting to strike with the School’s Out. Miss California makes an unsteady rise, but his enough will power and strength to counter Zack’s superkick with one of her own! Malibu timbers over like a tree, all the life kicked right out of him!


Krista hasn’t the time to savoir her victory, instead starting her hard trek to tag Alix into the contest.  Weakened by still willing, she slowly finds her way across the ring. Behind the rattled and angered Franchise attempts to get towards his fresh partner.

Both these OAOAST Superstars need to make a crucial tag with their partner.

The tag is made with Alix!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans scream as Alix rushes into the ring. Forgoing the legal man for the moment, Alix moves right towards Leon and dropkicks him off the apron! The fans’ are delighted, and even more overjoyed to see Alix face crush Malibu to the canvas.  Wiping her brown hair out her eyes, she urges him off the canvas. Once he follows orders, Alix makes an attempt to Irish whip him into the turnbuckles. But The Franchise reverses  the hold and its Alix that’s thrown into the corner post. Malibu comes charging in after her, but Alix greets his arrival by tightening her boots around his legs and drop toe holding him into second corner post.

Bad idea! Alix steps away from The Franchise and heads to the opposite corner.  She prances and bounces on her heels before shooting herself across the ring. She takes to the skies and comes down on the back of Zack’s head with a bronco buster! Her sweet beautiful ass and thighs rock and roll on his head, repeatedly bashing it into the second rope.  The fans are thrilled by the sight, if not a little jealous of Zack.  Miss Spezia continues to pump up their frenzy, as she dismounts Zack and flashes them a peace sign!

Alix is on a roll here in Dublin!

Seeking to derail her train of momentum, Rodez rushes into the ring with arms raised in a lariat! But Alix ducks his strike, and as he turns around to retry she dropsaults him directly into the face. Yet danger is imminent as Zack Malibu stirs, and rises to his feet. He cracks his neck and narrows his eyes, looking with malice at Alix. But cute Latina meets his charge head on, rushing beneath a spinning back elbow. She carries herself onto the third rope and then lionsaults back at the Pissed Of Prep! Together they crash into the mat with Miss Spezia hooking onto his legs for a pinfall….   



Rodez breaks up the pinfall!

“Oh poopie!” Alix bemoans. But the cutie’s mood is instantly perked up when Krista hits a running cross body block onto Leon that sends them both toppling to the floor!

This dream match has been everything and more!

Damn, dawg, you getting orgasmic over a crossbody block. What the hell is wrong with you.

Alix runs beneath a shuffle side kick from Zack. She bounces off the ropes, expecting to be able to hit a spear. But before she can even lower her little body, Malibu connects with the School’s Out!


Darn it!

As both fans and announcer react with fury, Malibu smiles a little smile to himself before attempting a pinfall…



Krista breaks up the pinfall, and the audience is overjoyed! Their even more pleased to see Krista slip beneath the ropes and launch a bombardment of kicks at Leon Rodez.

Shit is getting wild out here!

These two legendary tag teams, want to be the one that says they beat the other!

Meanwhile in the ring, Alix begins to set up Zack for the Confessions of a Kristaholic (sommersault neckbreaker). But as she starts to spin Zack around, he deftly contorts his body and takes the brunette hottie onto his shoulders.

What does Zack have in mind?

We may never know as Krista returns to the ring to save Alix and brutalize Zack with the KIDology (codebreaker!)

KIDology! KIDology from our world champion to our Franchise!

Alix lies across the beaten Franchise for a pinfall…



NOOOOOOOO! Zack  kicks out at the last possible nanosecond, infuriating the pro-COD crowd.  Krista hasn’t any idea how Malibu managed to escape the fall, and kicks the ring ropes in frustration. While Krista shakes her head in disbelief, Alix becomes more proactive and leaps onto the third rope. Unfortunately her position there isn’t very safe as she can soon attest to when Leon sneaks behind her and shoves her off the ropes! Alix succeeds in landing on her feet. However this is not advantageous thanks to Zack Malibu nailing her with the School’s Out!

“BOOOOOOOOO!” comes the venom of the Dubliners. Breathing heavy with exhaustion, Malibu drapes his arm across Alix’s shoulders for a pinfall…



Alix rescues herself from surefire defeat by placing a foot on the ropes.


That was almost too close for comfort!

Malibu bickers with the referee, expecting some superstar treatment as The Franchise. While he and Hebner aruge, Malibu applies the tag with Rodez. Leaving behind his outraged partner, Rodez steps into the ring and batters Alix with clubbing forearms.  Weakening her with those strikes, Leon is able wrap his arms around her slender waist and drive her downwards with a side slam.  Mere seconds after that hold, he brings her back upright with a front facelock. His hands grab onto her booty shorts and in one fluid motion he flips her backwards with a vertical suplex.  He then floats over for a pinfall…



Alix manages a kickout too the OAOAST Marks immense delight.  The Hollywood Bad Girl succeeds in getting to her feet under her own power.  She whips knife edge chops into Leon’s chest, and then attempts to send him into the ropes. But Leon reverses the hold and spins Alix around. Dizzied she’s unable to stop him from punishing her thin frame with a Blue Thunder Bomb. The fans immediately boo, none too thrilled about Leon’s signature attack. As poor Alix groans in agony, Rodez makes another pinfall…



But Alix valiantly throws her shoulder off the canvas, which inspires the audience.


Rodez starts to get into the referee’s face, but thinks better of it and instead applies another begrudging tag with Malibu.

You can see how disgusted these two are with each other everytime they interact.

Malibu grabs Alix by her brown curls and roughly pulls her towards her feet.  She’s thrown into the ropes, where Krista attempts a blind tag. But she misses Alix by inches, and as a result Ally Cat is punished with a back body drop that ravages her back.  Malibu wastes no time in diving on top of her for a pinfall…



Alix again finds the strength to throw her shoulder off the canvas.

Amazing resiliency from Alix!

Bringing his opponent to his feet, Malibu hooks her into a front facelock, and grabs hold of her tanned legs. In seconds she’s brought into the air and struck down by the dangerous Pop Drop  (Fisherman’s Buster)! Alix grabs her head in anguish and rolls over, crying  from her suffering.  Another pinfall follows….



Alix kicksout!


Damn, what do the Usual Suspects gotta do?

Malibu brings Alix off the canvas, merely to take out his frustrations on her body with fiery strikes. Too weak to defend herself, Alix wilts beneath Zack’s lethal punches.  He calls an abrupt end to his strikes and then sends the Hollywood Bad Girl into a neutral corner.  He follows in after her, almost nipping at her heels. When Alix arrives to the corner posts, she grabs onto the ropes and raises her body into the air. Her gorgeous legs go around Zack’s neck and within moments, Malibu is thrown shoulder first into the steel posts.  The fans are in love what they’ve just seen and loudly root on Alix.

Alix has got to make a tag!


Leon is much less encouraging to his partner then the crowd is to Alix, demanding that he either get up and fight or tag him. His head a jumbled mess, Malibu choses option B, and slogs his way towards his waiting partner. No one in the arena seems to be paying any attention to this situation, as they are much to focused on mobilizing Alix to her corner. Sweat pouring down her face, and turning her hair into something resembling a damp mop, Ally begins the perilous journey to her corner. She looks on the verge of passing out, and each step she takes towards Krista seems like it might be her last. For her part, Krista promises Alix the world if she can just find it within her to somehow make the tag with her. Krista's prayers don't go unanswered, and Alix finally reaches her trembling hand, causing the sold out crowd to erupt with joy.

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!” the audience chants, most of them failing to notice that Malibu has made the tag with Rodez.

RODEZ (muttering)
About time, Malibu.

Here comes the champ!

Krista comes charging into the ring, opposed by an equally furious Rodez. They meet like charging bulls with Krista’s horns goring Leon with a spinning wheel kick!  As the fans continue to chant her name, Malibu makes a run of the ropes. But once he nears her, Krista lashes out with a high knee that takes him down to the canvas.  Rodez quickly returns to his feet, stepping over Malibu to charge his archrival.  But Krista side steps his attack and this allows her to grab onto his head in a side headlock  and seconds later Leon is learning Blonds Never Pay a Cover!

What a side effect from Krista onto the number one contender!

The Usual Suspects need to get their shit together! Real talk, they’re letting this match slip away.

Malibu rises to his feet and crazily directs a lariat towards Miss California's lovely face. What the move packs in rage, it lacks in technique, form and most importantly speed, and Krista is easily able to duck bellow it and move herself behind Malibu. The momentum of his miss clumsily carries him forward, but he's held into place by Krista's hands being wrapped around his bloodied face. His entire body is violently dragged downward by the force of Krista's ode to Redd Fox the Elizabeth, I'm coming to join ya, honey! It's the big one!” (Reverse X-Factor). The fans squawk with excitement, getting louder when Krista hooks the leg for a pinfall.



Leon breaks up the pinfall!

“BOOOOOOOOO!” the fans hiss, while Zack hisses at Leon for being too slow to reach him.

Krista and a recovered Alix begin seizing on him with brutal stomps. He manages to rise to his feet past their torrent of kicks, but this only puts him in a far worse situation as the girls launch him into the corner. He smacks against the posts with a booming thud, too worn down by the night's festivities to effort any sort of escape. Taking advantage of Leon’s weakness, Alix charges in with a lariat. Needless to say a lariat from a bulimic woman doesn't exactly bring much hurt to Leon’s world. But the pain quickly begins to mount when Krista follows Alix by slashing her bare knee into Rodez’s face! As the cut on his head begins to ooze gobs of blood, Ally lies on the mat, and Krista takes hold of her shapely legs. The blond bombshell dives backwards, lifting Alix into the air, and shooting her towards their rival. Leon tries to evade his approaching attacker. But the blood in his eyes causes him to misjudge her movement, and the speeding bullet rips into his stomach with a shoulder block! The two girls get their tanned tight butts bouncing, creating a pciture worthy of a Da Vinci painting.

Alix and Krista leap forward and smash Leon with double BUNS OF STEEL! Leon staggers out the corner where he’s trapped inside a front facelock by Alix. She flips forward, spinning his body around and crunching his neck awkwardly into the canvas.

Its always good to confess, especially if it’s the Confession of a Kristaholic!

Alix attempts a pinfall and the audience counts along…



NOOOOOOOOOOOO, Malibu attempts to break up the pinfall with an elbow. But Alix slides out the way and the point of Zack’s elbow is driven into Leon’s face.

God damn it, Malibu!

Shut it asshole!

They’re breaking down!

Unlike his partner who emits horrible groans of pain, Zack is seemingly unhurt by his humiliating folly. He stands up to get a measure of revenge on the plucky lasses, but the only thing that he receives for his troubles is a double dropkick that sends him out the ring!


Unfortunately the audience’s joy is halted for the moment as Malibu stuns Krista with a German suplex! Malibu then pops to his feet, and emits a mighty war that draws a negative reaction from Dublin.  Paying the OAOAST Marks no mind, The Franchise hunches over and orders Krista to rise. When she makes an unsteady trip to her feet, Malibu makes a mad dash for her.  But right as he’s within inches, Alix derails him with a running dropkick!  As Alix rolls out the ring, Krista takes her turn to hunch over in the most panty revealing way she can manage.  But  she never gets her hands on Zack, all thanks to Leon Rodez striking her in the back with a forearm. Angered and annoyed by his presence, she wheels around to strike him down. But Rodez moves too quick for her attack, and he doubles her over with a shoulder block.  Rodez then sunset flips his way into the ring. However, Krista’s great agility allows her to roll through the hold and spring upright. Giving Leon no chance of defending himself she runs through him with a John Morrison style knee!

Vintage Krista!

Vintage? She’s only been using that knee for a month!

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!” the fans bleat. Their song is cut short by Zack Malibu tossing out another School’s Out! But this time Krista ducks the strike, and Malibu is left to suffer through a horrible miss.  He staggers forward, putting himself directly in position for a School’s Out from Alix! The shot doesn’t floor him, but instead spins him around to where Krista leaps into his chest and brings him down across her knees.

The church of KIDology lives on tonight!

Krista hooks the legs for a crucial pinfall…





The fans erupt with incredible delight and raise to their feet in celebration

Your winners as a result of a pinfall….CHICKS OVER DICKS!

The time for joy is a all too short one with a chair wielding Leon waiting in the background.  

What’s this?

Suddenly Morgan Nerdly arrives to spear Alix to the canvas! The fans pop as the two lovely ladies catfight their way out the ring. But the pop quickly ends when Leon takes the chair to Krista’s ankle. She sinks down to the canvas, dragged by a burning pain.

How many times are we going to see this? The number one contender attacking Krista post match!

Krista fights back to her feet, but this problematic as Leon takes another swing at her ankles. She topples over, hobbled by pain, and incurs two more strikes to her already badly injured ankle.


With officials on their way,  Rodez takes two more swipes at Krista before bailing out the ring. Alix dives back into it as Morgan leaves for Leon’s side. Her face is decorated with worry over Krista’s rapidly declining condition. Rodez merely backs up the entrance ramp, staring with hatred at the woman he’s just brutalized.


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