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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 8/27/09


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OAOAST HeldDOWN, Angleslam retrospective!

Folks tonight is a night of Angleslam celebration. We'll be showing you some of the legendary matches that have occured over the years at this gigantic OAOAST Event.

Word be, this shit is like Cole's mama pussy, hot and juicy!

Uncalled for. We'll top the evening off with a six person tag featuring world champion Krista Isadora Duncan and number one contender Leon Rodez

Zack Malibu Vs Calvin Szcehstein

A hush falls over the rabid crowd, as a ladder is carried out and set up in the aisle. The announcer climbs up the steps, and into the ring, with the AngleSlam crowd waiting on what he has to say.

Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is your MAIN EVENT for the evening, and will be a LADDER MATCH for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship!

This is the one we've been waiting for, Coach.

About time. I'm starting to get seasick from being on this boat for so long!

The sound of piano keys fill the ocean air, and the fans clamor in anticipation. The sounds of Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life" pulsate from the speakers, marking the arrival of the OAOAST World Champion...
Zack Malibu!

Zack emerges through the pyro, accompanied by his new valet, Candie. The pair head down the rampway, and stop midway, each one stopping on a side of the ladder. Both of them then begin to climb, and make it up to the higher steps, posing on the ladder and working the crowd up. They climb down, and Zack doesn't even have his feet on the deck when a steel chair is brought hard across his back by COLVID~!

What the hell is this!?

Candie runs over, and tries to pull the chair away, but gets shoved down by Colvid. Calvin Szechstein's right hand man brings the chair down on Zack's back again, weakening the champion before the match even starts.

Colvid's jumped Zack before the match even...Coach, look at this!

With the assault taking place in the aisle, Calvin Szechstein has appeared in the ring! Sly Sommers is at ringside, and pulls a ladder out from under the ring, and slides it in to him! Calvin props the ladder up just under the belt, and starts to climb the ladder!

Did the bell ring? I mean, can he win it like this?

Whether he can or not, we'll never know, as Candie sprints for the ring, and hops up on the top rope...DROPKICKING CALVIN OFF THE LADDER~!

YEAH~! You go, girl!

The crowd roars in approval, as Candie sticks it to her former employer. Sly Sommers has a smirk on his face, however, and charges Candie, but she slides under him, through his legs.

Before he knows what hit him, Candie kicks a field goal between his legs, then runs him out of the ring, shoving him through the ropes to the floor!
Calvin, slightly shaken from the fall, spins Candie around now, and shoves her backwards in a taunting fashion, until he's got her backed into the corner. Calvin starts belittling her, getting right in her face, and...they cheer?

Zack grabs Calvin by the shoulder and spins him around, then unleashes the fists of fury on him, dazing him with punches! Zack takes his arm and whips him into the opposite corner, and then charges with a full head of steam...Corner Lariat~! Calvin comes staggering forward, and Zack rushes him again, this time clotheslining him over the ropes and to the floor!

The fans go wild, and Colvid and Sly regroup with Calvin, helping him up.
Calvin assures them that he's OK, and tells them to go to the back. Sly and Colvid debate the issue with them, but Calvin reassures them that it's all "under control", and tells his partners in crime to head to the back.

That was a hell of a way to get this match underway.

You're telling me. I felt like I was announcing a Royal Rumble, not a Ladder Match!

Candie and Zack have a few words, and then the good lookin' gal heads to the floor, taking her spot at ringside. Calvin, directing a sneer at Malibu, climbs up the steps and into the ring. Calvin points up at the belt, dangling from the light fixtures above, and then to himself, telling Zack that the belt is going to go home with him tonight.
Zack's tired of talking, and waves Calvin on, and Calvin comes forward, striking with a hard slap that leaves a handprint on Zack's cheek. Zack turns back and starts firing off punches again, and this time following up by Irish Whipping Calvin to the ropes, only instead of bouncing off the ropes, Calvin slides out under the bottom rope to the floor! Calvin immediately lifts up the ring apron and searches for another ladder under the ring, while Zack takes the one that's in the ring and folds it up flat. Calvin finds another ladder, but right when he looks up, Zack sends the ladder he has sliding across the canvas, and shooting out under the bottom rope, catching Calvin square in the mush! Calvin stumbles backwards, and as Zack comes towards that side of the ring to come for Calvin, Cal slams his arms down on the part of the ladder sticking out, sending the other half shooting upwards and nailing Zack in the chin! Zack turns away, holding his mouth and making sure all his teeth are intact, as Calvin crawls back in.

Calvin picks the ladder up off the mat, and rams it into Zack's ribs, just as Malibu turned to face his rival. Calvin takes the folded up later and props it in the corner, and then goes back for Zack. He takes the champion by the hair, dragging him over to the opposite corner, and kicking him in the stomach once...twice...three times the charm! Calvin takes Zack and goes to send him to the opposite side, into the ladder, but Zack counters the whip, and pulls Calvin in and drops him on his knee with an inverted atomic drop! Zack bounces off the ropes, and comes charging with a Yakuza Kick~!, but Calvin ducks, and again goes scurrying under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring, trying to slow down the pace before Zack can get any momentum going at all.

Look at him! Calvin is running scared!

Malibu, fed up with the chickenshit tactics, heads out of the ring, causing Calvin to scurry away. Malibu gives chase, and as Calvin goes to slip into the ring again, Zack pulls him out by his leg, then rams his face into the apron! Calvin stumbles, and Zack takes him by the head and TOSSES him, headfirst into the post! Calvin falls to his knees, and tries to escape by walking on them, but Zack picks him up. Malibu turns him around, and starts firing off right hands, dazing Szechstein. Malibu then grabs Calvin by the wrist, and whips him into the guardrail, the impact so hard that the barrier pushes back and sends ringside fans scattering! Calvin tries to get up, but looks like a hobbling drunk as he stumbles forward...RIGHT INTO A SPEAR BY ZA...NO! CALVIN DODGES IT! ZACK CRASHES INTO THE GUARDRAIL!

The momentum Zack had behind the move has knocked the guardrail backwards, leaning into the lap of some of the ringside fans. Calvin stepped out of the way in the nick of time, and now takes the next few moments to recover. He heads over and helps the fans get the railing out of their laps by pulling it back up to normal position, and then taking Zack Malibu and choking him across the top of the railing! Calvin pulls Zack, who's eyes are glazed over, and tells him that he's "brought this on himself" before standing him up and then hitting a face first Russian Legsweep, dropping Zack sternum first across the railing! Calvin turns away, and sees Candie coming towards Zack to check on his welfare. Rather than approach his former cohort, Calvin merely shoots her a smug grin, letting his confidence shine through in the most slimey way possible. He heads back into the ring, while Candie checks on Zack, who's draped over the railing.

Calvin is in the ring, and pulls the ladder out of the corner, and props it up in the middle of the ring, just under the rigging that is holding the OAOAST Championship in the air. Calvin starts his climb, when the camera's cut to Zack coming to, with Candie pointing at Calvin. Nudging his new companion aside, Zack slides into the ring, and grabs Calvin's foot in mid-climb, and YANKS him to the mat. Calvin lands on his feet, but has no time to act as Zack SMASHES his face into a step on the ladder. Zack climbs up a few steps, about midway up the ladder, and grabs Calvin by the head, then propels off the ladder, spinning around and drilling Calvin with a Tornado DDT~!

That'll rack your brain!

Zack sits up, while Calvin lay stunned next to him on the canvas. The champion rolls over and pushes himself to his feet, then grabs the ladder, pulling it a few inches closer to him. Looking up to make sure he'll be in position to claim the belt, Zack then begins his climb up the rungs, moving slowly up the ladder. As he ascends the midway portion of the ladder, he feels the grip of Szechstein on his ankle, as Calvin has recovered, and is trying to pull Zack down to the mat. Zack kicks back, freeing himself of Calvin's grip, and tries to climb up again, but Calvin climbs up the first few steps, and hits several forearms to stun Zack, throwing him off balance. Szechstein then climbs down, and hurries over to the opposite side of the ladder, and he begins a rapid climb, making it 3/4 of the way up the ladder before he starts reaching at the belt. The strap of the heavyweight championship grazes his grip, but before he can get ahold of it, Malibu has recovered and is right up there, opposite of Calvin! Zack fires off a right hand that sends Calvin swaying, but Calvin responds with one of his own, and Zack holds on as to not fall from his perch. Zack fires off another shot, and reaches up, but before he can grab his title, Calvin takes another shot that throws him off-balance. The ladder teeters while the two men duke it out, and eventually gives under the constant weight shifting, falling over with one man falling off to either side...AND BOTH MEN LAND CROTCHED ON THE TOP ROPE!

Oh MAN, after that, no matter who wins, I think both of them are gonna come out looking like losers!

And sounding like sopranos!

After reeling in the shock of their fall, Calvin falls to the inside of the ring, while Zack bumps off the apron and to the floor. The referee checks on Calvin, who nods his head that he'll be fine to continue. The ref then heads to the ropes, and looks down at Candie, asking her if Zack's OK. The attractive starlet replies that Zack says he's fine, although watching the instant replay of that fall, it's a wonder both men didn't go into shock due to the impact on a rather sensitive area!

Calvin pulls himself up by the ropes, and the referee again questions his ability to go on, but gets shoved aside for his troubled. He takes the toppled ladder and tries to set it up, keeping it steady as he stands it in position. Calvin checks the hinges of the ladder, making sure they're locked in place...AND ZACK MALIBU DARTS UNDER THE LADDER AND SPEARS CALVIN!

Where did he come from!?

Zack takes Calvin down before any attempts at getting the belt are made, but both men once again find themselves down on the mat. Zack sits up, and then goes to the ladder again, doing the manual check of making sure it's going to hold his weight. Zack begins his climb, while Calvin wearily gets up...and now Calvin rushes over, and pushes Zack's foot through the space in between rungs! Zack Malibu is hanging in a tree of Woe on the ladder!

This is not a good position to be in, Michael!

Zack dangles from the ladder, while Calvin gets a few shots in to keep him down. Calvin then goes under the ladder, and reaches out, grabbing Zack by the head and pulling him backwards, putting all the pressure on his back!

He's trying to snap him in half!

Calvin leans back, as Malibu's cries of agony can't be stopped by anyone. Candie watches in horror as Calvin finally releases his grip, but then taunts Malibu by slapping him, then lifting his head up...and RAMMING it back into one of the rungs! Calvin takes Zack by the head again, and this time violently pulls him off of the ladder, dropping his body on the mat! Malibu lays in a crumpled heap, while Calvin stands above him, raising his arms to the crowd in an equally taunting fashion. Szechstein then exits the ring again, this time going over to the guardrail and swiping a fans drink. Calvin puts his nose to the rim of the cup, and turns away in disgust, and then pours the drink out on the deck of the ship!

Must have been Coke.

The fan, now yelling at Calvin, gets shoved aside, as Calvin reaches over and grabs the folding chair they were sitting in. He folds the chair up, and starts making his way towards Candie. Candie backs away, but Calvin catches her by the arm, and drags her with him, telling her to get into the ring. He unfolds the chair, and orders her to sit down, but she responds by knocking him silly with a slap!

Atta girl Candie!

Cal's not amused, as he grabs Candie and shoves her into the seat, then turns his attention back to Malibu. He takes the ladder and folds it up, then lays it on the mat. With Zack still down, Calvin goes over to his foe and picks him up, then scoop slams him down onto the steel contraption. Szechstein turns back to Candie, and tells her to "Watch me finish off your hero!", as he steps out to the apron, and goes up to the top rope. With the crowd jeering him, Calvin responds with his own unkind words, and then leaps off the top with his patented 450 Splash...


Candie and the fans breath a sigh of relief, as the impact of that would have crushed Zack. Malibu stands up, picking the ladder up with him, and putting it over his head and shoulders! Calvin clutches his ribs, and gets to his feet, only to turn to Zack and gets SMACKED in the head as Zack spins to nail him with the ladder! Calvin staggers to the side, and Zack spins around, nailing Calvin with the ladder from THAT side! Zack takes the ladder, and lifts it off himself...then brings it down on Calvin's head! With Calvin's head stuck in a space between rungs, he hobbles around, until Zack hits a sweep kick that sends Calvin to the mat, his head jarred from being trapped in the ladder!

Chalk Cal up for someone who'll need a neckbrace after tonight!

Zack pulls the ladder off Calvin's shoulders now, and lays it on the mat, and now he does to Calvin what was done to him, slamming him down on the cold, hard steel. Zack stands over Calvin, and sees Candie, sitting over in the corner. He motions to her to toss him the chair, and she stands up, folds up the chair and throws it over. Candie then steps out to the apron, standing to watch what Zack is going to do next. He heads out to the apron as well, and goes up top, weilding the chair...

Any time there's a ladder, a steel chair, and someone on the top rope, it can't possibly be good for the intended victim...

Malibu stands on the top rope, and springs off, sliding the chair under his legs Arabian Facebuster style...

Calvin Szechstein rolled off the ladder in the NICK OF TIME, as Malibu crashes down hard, stunned from the fall. Calvin, showing a burst of adrenaline, springs to his feet, and pulls Zack up, swiping the chair from his grip! Calvin takes the chair and nails Zack once...ZACK DOESN'T GO DOWN~! He hits him again, and Zack falls to one knee, but fights through the pain and stands up again! Calvin rears back and takes a third shot, but Zack ducks...THE CHAIR HITS THE TOP ROPE, and Calvin takes the rebound shot! Malibu runs across the ring, bounces off the ropes, and dives at his stunned opponent...SPEARING HIM...THROUGH THE ROPES!?! THE IMPACT OF THE SPEAR SNAPPED THE ROPES FROM THE POST! ZACK AND CALVIN HAVE BROKEN THE RING! ZACK AND CALVIN GO FLYING TO THE DECK OF THE SHIP AND SMASHING INTO THE GUARDRAIL!


If you said that the crowd would chant "Holy Shit" after that one, you guessed right, as both men lay down on the deck of the ship!

Talk about your high-impact manuevers...that had to be one of the greatest spears I've ever seen! He took him right out of the ring!

He BROKE the ring, Cole! Look at that one side! The ropes were completely ripped from the corner!

The three ropes dangle from the far post, running down across the apron and onto the ship's deck. Both the referee, Candie, and a crew of OAOAST EMT's and road agents run out to make sure nobody's dead.

*Replay is show, once in fast motion, complete with the crowd's "Aah's" and "Oooh's" of shock. A slow motion replay is show, showing Zack driving Calvin against the ropes so hard with the spear that the ropes actually sprung from their support holds!

Both guys are helped to their feet, the distant look in their eyes after having been through so much in only twelve or so minutes. Calvin comes to, and shoves the staff aside, jumping clear into the ring easily (with no ropes on one side, duh...) and immediately goes for the ladder, seeing this as his chance. Zack is being looked at, but notices Calvin in the ring, and charges forward, knocking the rest of the staff and even Candie away! Calvin begins his climb, but Zack pulls him back to the mat, and rams his head into the rung, just like before! Calvin reels, but then takes Zack by the head and rams him into it headfirst as well, dazing him. Calvin runs up the ladder while Zack is dazed, but Malibu goes over to the other side, and charges up that side as well! Both men are on the next to last rung, each one reaching for it. Calvin chops Zack, trying to keep him from getting the belt, and Zack responds back with one of his own. Calvin tries a punch, same result, as Zack gives as well as he takes. Zack blocks another Calvin punch, and rams him headfirst into the very top step, leaving Calvin hung out to dry on top of the ladder, Zack grabs him by the head, locking him in a facelock, and pulling him up and over across the top step...

What is he...


They're going to KILL each other out there!

Just as the fans have let the Holy Shit chant from earlier die out, another one is started, as no tables, ladders or chairs broke that fall. Calvin and Zack landed on nothing but canvas, and the fall surely did as much damage to Zack's back as it did to Calvin's.

Both men are out for what feels like the hundreth time, as no one expected a mat classic out of them. This has been a brawl, a fight, where each man is taking a stand for what he believes in. For Calvin Szechstein, it's about reclaiming his past glories, about the almighty dollar that will go along with his reign. For Zack Malibu, it's about taking a stand against someone who's committed personal attacks, both verbally and physically. Someone who's not fit to represent this company as their champion.

Both men start to stir, but when Calvin
looks up and sees Zack moving, he gets up, and drops an elbow across the back of Zack's head, stopping him from moving again. Calvin gets up, and looks around, trying to regain his focus. He steadies the teetering ladder, and looks up, then grips one of the rungs, and begins a slow climb, taking his time as he has no choice in this condition.

How is he even MOVING after that suplex?!

Adrenaline, instinct, and the fact that he could be the OAOAST World Champion in a matter of seconds!

Calvin is only on the second step,
looking like he's ready to pass out on the ladder, but struggles up the remaining rungs. Zack gets up, and Calvin instinctively kicks at him, but they don't have much effect, as Zack keeps coming. Malibu reaches up, and in one swift motion...HITS THE ROCK BOTTOM BACKBREAKER, PULLING CALVIN OFF OF THE LADDER AND DOWN ACROSS HIS KNEE~!

OK, that man is DEFINITELY gonna head out of here in a wheelchair!

Zack rests on all fours, as Calvin lay still on the canvas. He pushes himself up, and now he's the one who needs to look around, regaining his sense of focus. Malibu starts the climb up, when behind him a commotion is seen in the crowd. No sooner is Zack about halfway up then JOSH MATTHEWS COMES FLYING OFF THE TOP ROPE, SMASHING A CHAIR INTO HIS BACK~! ZACK FALLS BACK TO THE MAT~!

I'll kick that teenybopper's ASS!

Josh Matthews, the sidekick to the newest Totally Endorsed member, Sly Summers, gloats like all hell, as the fans cuss him out. Josh pats the trusty chair that allowed him to do the deed...AND GETS IT SUPERKICKED RIGHT INTO HIS FACE~! CANDIE HIT A SCHOOL'S OUT ON JOSH MATTHEWS~!

ALL RIGHT~! Now THAT is why I like that girl!

Candie has had enough of the cheap heel tactics from her former stable, and CRACKED Josh with that kick. As she stands over him, Calvin reaches out and grabs her by the ankle, but she kicks away. He grabs her before she can exit the ring again, and uses her to pull himself up to his feet. Eyes full of anger, Calvin grabs her by the chin, pulling her close and talking down to her...not seeing his opponent rise to his feet behind him! Zack Malibu is up, and sees what's going on, waiting on Calvin...



That son of a BITCH!

What an asshole!

Zack darts for Candie, checking on her
and motioning for help to come to the ring, as Candie it OUT COLD. Calvin pries Zack up, but Malibu turns around and GOES OFF, nailing punch after punch after punch on Calvin, backing him into the ropes! Zack takes Calvin and whips him in, then takes him up and over with a back bodydrop as he comes back towards him! Calvin lay on the mat, trying to push himself up, but Zack comes running...AND NAILS HIM IN THE HEAD WITH A ZACK ATTACK~! ZACK ATTACK TO CALVIN SZECHSTEIN~!

This is NOT the side of Zack Calvin needed to bring out in a title match!

Calvin is down, and Zack goes over to the corner where the loose ropes are still attatched, and pulls one into the ring, into his grasp. Zack takes the ropes, and while standing over Calvin...STARTS WHIPPING HIM ACROSS THE BACK WITH THE LOOSE CABLE~!


You wanna talk about leaving a mark?
THAT will leave you a few reminders!

Calvin gets to his feet, and then falls again, the pain seeping through. He leans against the middle ropes, groaning in pain, while OAOAST Staff help Candie out of the ring and to the backstage area. The ring has been busted, Totally Endorsed have been wiped out, Candie's become an unfortunate victim, and these men have busted each other open, all for the OAOAST World Championship that hangs above.

Zack Malibu beings another climb towards victory, feeling that Calvin has been worn out enough. The resiliency of the slimeball rears it's ugly head again, as Calvin crawls over, grabbing the same piece of ring rope that left welts on his back, and stands up...AND WHIPS ZACK WHILE HE'S ON THE LADDER~! Malibu tries fighting his way up despite the pain, but gives in to it, falling backward to the mat with a sick thud! Calvin looks down...AND CONTINUES TO WHIP ZACK~!

Malibu curls into a ball, trying to protect himself, but even that doesn't stop Calvin from getting a few last shots in. He picks Zack up, and sends him into the ropes, then picks up the loose rope...AND SNAPS IT INTO ZACK'S RIBCAGE! Zack hunches over, and Calvin takes the rope, wraps it arounds Zack's throat to choke him, and hits a Russian Legsweep to the mat, all while driving the air out of Zack's body! Zack rolls onto his stomach, coughing and gasping. Calvin picks Zack up off the mat, and Irish Whips him into the corner, where the impact sends vibrations up Zack's spinal cord. Cal heads over, and scoops Zack up, setting him up in the Tree of Woe in the corner, and then placing a steel chair over his face. Calvin then heads to the opposite end of the ring, and charges...BUT ZACK THROWS THE CHAIR UP INTO HIS FACE~! Calvin is shocked and dazed, allowing Zack to sit up, grab Calvin by the head, and KICK OFF FROM THE CORNER, DROPPING CALVIN ACROSS HIS SHOULDER WITH A STUNNER~! Calvin does a Rock-style oversell, flipping his body completely over, while Zack collapses in exhaustion!

The referee, once again, is the only one standing, until Zack becomes the first to recover. He backs up into the far corner, barely able to keep his balance when he stands up. Calvin grabs the middle rope to pull himself up to his knees, and then the top rope to pull himself to his feet, and leans against the ropes for support, as he cannot stand on his own either.

Zack comes out of the corner at Calvin, who looks defenseless, but ducks the oncoming onslaught and backdrops Zack over the top...NO~! Zack SKINS THE CAT...NO~! Calvin grabs him by the legs, pulling him in a bit, and then hits the Hardcore Holly style nutshot~! Zack falls to the mat, clutching himself, and Calvin takes the loose rope and quickly wraps in around Zack's neck, using the hook from it's turnbuckle support to keep it in place. Calvin pulls Zack to his feet, and mouths something to him...THEN TOSSES HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE~! ZACK MALIBU IS BEING HUNG~!

The referee slides out of the ring frantically, trying to undo Zack from the cable. Calvin climbs up the ladder steadily, making it to the next to last step, and reaching up, the OAOAST Title Belt swaying in the breeze. The referee frees Zack from his grip, and Zack collapses to the deck, out of breath and near-faint, as the referee looks into the ring...


NO! No, not like that!


The crowd boos HEAVILY, as Calvin stays perched on the ladder, raising up the big Gold belt in his right hand, then pulling it close to him, hugging it. He comes down from the ladder, and the referee goes to raise his hand, but he knocks the referee away, choosing to look down at, then raise up the belt he has just claimed, as the announcement is made...

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner...and NEW...OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...CALVIN SZECHSTEIN!!!

Zack Malibu pushes himself himself up off the deck with the use of the apron, and leans onto it, looking up into the ring. Calvin Szechstein parades around, showing the belt to all the fans who doubted him, to all those who ragged on Totally Endorsed. He goes over to Zack Malibu, and points at the belt, putting it close to his face, and saying "It's mine now! I told you! I told you, Malibu!" Zack is too weakened to react, too disappointed to speak, as the referee from the match goes back to Zack, offering to help him back to the dressing room. He helps Zack to walk, while the fans at ringside applaud Zack's efforts as he walks by. Road Agent Rick Martel runs down, and stands on the other side of Zack, giving more assistance to the ref so that Zack is helped back to the dressing room in quick fashion. About halfway up the aisle, Zack breaks away from them, turning to the ring and looking at Calvin Szechstein holding the World Title. The belt that Zack brought respect and honor too. The belt that made him a fighting champion. That same belt now resides in the hands of a man with different views of what respect is, and what a champion means. Tonight, at AngleSlam, a new era has begun. And not everyone is going to like it.

Indeed that match made a star of Calvin Szechstein, albeit a short lasting one, as he was out of the OAOAST in a year. He was deemed expendable as newer stars began to rapidly develop.

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Backstage an interviewer who is not the hot Maggie Nerdly awaits his interviewees

Ladies and gentlemen, with me right now are The Heavenly Rockers...

Into shot walk Logan and Synth, a very bitter looking Logan and Synth, along with their spiritual advisor Abdullah Abir Nerdly.

...and I'd like to say that "the band's all here", but lately there's been a little something missing from the Heavenly Rocker equation.


Logan points his finger in a nervous Josh's face, before pointing it at the camera.

Everywhere I go, my wife follows, you understand me? Everywhere I go. When I wake up in the morning, she's right there beside me. When I step in the shower, she steps in too, saves on water, keeps the planet GREEN. When I step on the tour-bus she's right there behind me with the bags like it should be! And you had to ruin it, didn'tcha? Didn'tcha!?

Abdullah steps in and the ranting Logan starts to pace around in the background.

The OAOAST has brought great disrespect towards The Heavenly Rockers on many occasions. But now, I say, they have gone too far! We are the three time Tag Team Champions of the World! And Holly-Wood, a former Women's Champion, a fine upstanding woman of high morals. Many years she has served this company. And what respect is she shown? Shown the door, so that a thirteen year old girl may replace her?


Brother Logan, please be calm... For you see Josh, this is the devil's work! And that devil is the master tormentor herself, Krista Isadora Duncan! This is one disgrace that we shall not stand for. At AngleSlam, we shall strengthen our bargaining position and we shall do it for Holly! We may not possess the high-powered lawyers of the Duncan family, nor their quick-witted charm. But we will get Holly back, by destroying those who are responsible for that young urchin's employment, D*LUX.

You know, I hear people saying this is a battle of rock versus pop. The boyband versus the rock n' wrestling band. But this goes far beyond that now. This is a battle of good versus evil. And the good shall triumph, so sayeth the great speaker...

What are you talking about!? WE'RE THE EVIL!

Logan shoves Synth, before wheeling around to the camera.

WE'RE THE EVIL D*LUX! And this Sunday, you're gonna find out what happens when you and your pre-teen groupies mess with a MACHO Macho Mann's wife! Holly-Wood will ride again. Don't Fear The Reaper... fear the Rockers! WE'RE OUTTA HEEERE!

Enraged, Logan pulls off his t-shirt and throws it right in Josh's face for no apparant reason other than he's mad. Abdullah and Synth follow, a little more thoughtfully, as we go back to the arena.

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Speaking of The Rockers Angleslam 2004 really put them on the OAOAST radar. They faced another young and up and coming team known as Chicks Over Dicks. Five years later these two teams have a total of ten titles and twenty Angle Awards between them. Never mind that 19 of those belong to Krista and Alix, just accept my point as being right.


The house lights dim as a single green spotlight shines on Michael Buffer.

Ladies and gentlemen the OAOAST in cooperation with Dreamworks Studio and Arista Records brings to you the first ever ALMOST FAMOUS match!!

The fans cheer.


The rules are as follows; the match can only be ended when one team has hit their finisher three times. The team that does that is declared the winner! If The Saints win then Chicks Over Dicks must become their groupies. If Chicks Over Dicks win then The Saints will become their Muses......Without further adieu let’s introduce the special guest referee!



The air is polluted by the crowd’s displeasure for the special guest referee. The pop songs lyrics hang in the air for a moment, before Candie steps out onto the entrance stage. Her usual stuck up expression residing on her face, Candie stands at the top of the entrance stage and gazes disapprovingly at the sold out London crowd. Hooked between her arms are two of the hottest hunks England has to offer. They’re dressed in Tarzan like loin cloths that are about a size too short and nothing else. Candie for her part is wearing cut off jeans and a black and white striped halter top.

Get a load of that!

I’ll say. You take the one on her right and I’ll take the one on her left.

I was talking about....never mind. Ya know what? You can have ‘em both. My gift to you. Better grab ‘em before Rick Shirley does! Hahahahahaha!

The special guest referee is from the City of Angels, Los Angeles, California, she is the reigning OAOAST internet diva of the year and the first lady of professional wrestling she is.......CAAAAANDDIIIIIIIE!

The fans nearly drown out the music with their jeers. Candie pays them no mind. She continues to exude pompous superiority as she and her hardbodies walk towards the ring.

Candie claimed that she’d call this match right down the middle, but after seeing her actions the past couple of months, I’m lead to think otherwise. Candie has had it in for Alix since day one, there’s no reason why she wouldn’t want to screw her and Krista over.

Candie won’t be screwing anyone over. Any blame for the poor calls Candie’ll make tonight should be shifted towards Krista Isadora Duncan, the one who agreed to let Candie ref the match.

Candie is helped into the ring by her jungle boys. Her stuffy demeanor won’t even allow her to acknowledge the one fan in the front row who’s actually cheering for her. Candie’s music cuts and is replaced by the opening piano keys of Tiny Dancer by Elton John.

Blue jean baaaabay. LA laaaaadaay.
Seamstress for the baaaaand.
Pretty eyed.....pirate smile ya marry a music man
Ballerina....ya musta seen her....dancin’ in the saaand

And now she’s in me...alwaaays with me....tinay dancer in maaah haaaand.

(The drums for the song kick in and the Saints appear on stage riding on the roof of a mini tour bus! The sides of the bus feature paintings of famous British rockers like The Who, The Kinks, The Moody Blues, Oasis and others. Logan’s wearing gaudy pink and gold tights with a “voodoo” statue of liberty on the side and carrying a microphone to continue his song. Synth is decked out in pink leather pants and a golden halo held up by suspenders. The heavenly rockers are not greeted warmly, despite putting on a free performance and singing a song by Britain’s own Elton John.)

Jesus freaks...out in the streeeeet
Handin tickets out for gaaawd
Turnin baaaack...she just laughs...the boulevard is not that baaaad.
Piano maaahan....he makes his stand...in the audi-tori-um
Lookin ahnnn she sings the sooooongs
the words she knows....the tune she huuuums.

Ladies and gentlemen appearing courtesy of Arista Records from Las Vegas, Nevada....THE SAAAAINTSSSSS!

(Buffer’s announcement is not received warmly by the fans. The tour bus continues to take its sweet time riding down the entrance ramp, as gold and pink pyro shoots out from the top of the “A” and the “S”)

But oh how it feels so real
Lyin here..with no one near
Only you...and you can’t hear me
When I say softly.....slooowly

(The bus stops and the Saints hop off. They reach the ring and are met with a barrage of beer cans and hot dog wrappers from the fans.)


(Logan drops to a knee, gripped by his self important delusion that his singing is actually conveying some sort powerful message.)

Count the headlights on the highwaaaay
Lay me down in sheets of linen
Ya had a busy day tadaaaaay

Hold me closer tiny daaaaancer
Count the headlights on the highwaaay
Lay me down in sheets of linen
YA HAD A.....

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>How stupid could I be?</span>
A simpleton could see
That you’re no good for me!

After having to sit through the loooong entrances of two detested heels, the crowd comes alive for the arrival of Chicks Over Dicks! Everyone in the arena seems to be thankful for the “Hyper remix” house version of Sarah McLachlan’s hit song interrupting Logan’s piss poor rendition of Elton John’s classic. The steady guitar riff tears through the arena as the A and the S alternate between flickering red and white to the beat of the song. Alix wearing her tie-dyed halter top and matching hot pants, carries a t-shirt gun and shoots few pieces of merchandise into the stands for the rabid fans to fight over. Krista stands at the top of the entrance ramp, looking out at the sold out crowd who’s wildly cheering her team on. It’s her first pay per view appearance, but she doesn’t appear nervous at all.

These girls change their entrance music like I change my underwear!

You only change your underwear once a month?

And the opponents, making their OAOAST pay per view debut, from Tinseltown, California.....Krista Isadora Duncan, Alix Spezia.....CHICKS OVER DIIIIIIICKS!

How can any decent human root for the Saints to win this match? Tell me how? They’ve been nothing but trifling, egoistical pricks since they first invited Alix and Krista to be their groupies.

Correction. Synth has been a prick, Logan hasn’t. But you know it goes with women. Your friend does something to piss one off and you’re cock blocked by association. This match may be unique...but if Synth was a sensible drunk it wouldn’t have needed to happen. Either way even if the Saints lose they still win, because they achieved their goal of getting to be around Krista and Alix, even if it does mean public humiliation.

Before stepping into the ring Alix hands her t-shirt gun to a young boy in the front row. She quickly realizes that giving a little kid a weapon that shoot projectiles at 35 miles per hour isn’t the best idea and snatches it back. Leaving the t-shirt gun on the outside she takes her place on the ring apron. Candie politely waves hello to her, but the condescending look on her face tells Alix how she really feels. Synth, who’s in the ring, blows a kiss to Alix and she responds by giving him the finger. It’s a gesture that draws a nice pop from the crowd. Candie leans over the ropes and rudely orders the time keeper to ring the bell.


Krista and Synth circle each other, sizing one another up and silently forming their own strategy. Synth wears a cocky smirk whereas Krista’s look is deathly serious. The fans lash out at the Saints’ drummer with chants of “Synth sucks” that try to sting his ego like a lethal venom. The two grapplers come together for a short stare down. Synth beams with deluded arrogance and he gives Krista a light slap on the cheek. Krista responds by punching him in the face! The blow only serves to increase the volume of the crowd’s chants. Candie tries to step between the two, but they lock up before she can make a weak effort to restore order. They briefly jockey for position.  Synth thinks he’s gotten the upper hand when he pushes Krista down to her knees. He gets a very rude awakening when she suddenly shoves him off and sends him reeling back to a Swiss (neutral) corner!

What strategy do the Saints need to use to win this match?

They just need to make sure they can hit their finisher three times and the gals can’t. I’d use a bunch of arm submissions. Chicks Over Dicks would be wise to use them also. Armbars for everyone. Except me.

Synth leans against the turnbuckle pads. The crowd’s noise level has died down significantly and he’s able to think clearly and formulate a decent strategy. He staggers out from the corner, looking as smug as ever. Pretending to be oblivious to the few anti Synth chants emanating from a few drunken buffoons in the front row, he engages Krista in another lock up. Realizing that he made the mistake of keeping Krista on her feet during the last lock up, Synth brings her down to the mat with a headlock takedown! Synth thinks that he’s got Krista under control and is less then pleased to see her quickly break free of the headlock and get him into a grounded head scissors! Synth kicks out of the move and both wrestlers get to their feet! This time it’s Krista’s turn to take Synth over with a headlock takedown! Synth mimics Krista by going for a head scissors but the West Hollywood blonde whips her head to right and Synth’s legs merely graze her! Synth flops around on the mat like a fish out of water, trying to get Krista to release the hold. Over in the Saints corner, Logan seems to be nettled over his partner’s inability to free himself from a basic hold. Perhaps sensing that his bandmate’s critical eye is locked on him, Synth brings himself to his feet. He gives Krista a HARD elbow to the gut and breaks the hold! Krista keels over and lumbers a bit to the left. She’s more shocked then hurt. She didn’t expect the hold to be broken so suddenly. Synth grabs Krista into a vertical suplex setup and drives her to the mat with lightning quick Snap Suplex! Synth floats over for a pin(?)! A pin that Candie actually counts!!




“Candie!!!!” Alix leans over the ropes and hollers at her arch rival. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t you yell at your Auntie Candie like that!” Candie gives Alix the ol “neck snap” to show her that she ain’t playin!

Synth brings Krista to her feet. He stuns her with two quick right jabs. With his adversary slowly rocking from side to side in a daze, Synth bounces off the ropes and charges towards her! He knocks her flat on her BUTT with a shoulder block!

“I.....AM A GOLDEN GOD!” Synth bellows as he puts the boots to Krista’s gut! He leaps into the air. Crooking his arm a tad, he fully intends on driving an elbow into Krista’s stomach! Krista fully intends on not letting him do that! At the last possible second she rolls out of the way and the only thing Synth’s elbow is being driven into is the mat! Synth rolls over on this stomach, holding his elbow and bouncing his feet off the mat. His hair is draped over the top of his face, but we can see that his mouth has curved into an awkward frown.



Krista brings Synth to his feet. She grabs the back of his head, lowers it down and sadistically rakes his eyes across the ropes. At Candie’s request, she lets him go and he falls backwards to the mat, more concerned with eyes then with bracing himself for the impact. While Synth lays on the floor checking to see if the cold blooded diva had ripped his eyeballs out, Krista asks Logan if he still likes what he sees. Logan responds by licking his lips. Krista makes a gagging sound then goes back to work on Synth. She scoops him and tosses him into the ropes. For reasons known only to her, she lowers her head allowing Synth to catch both a break and her with a running PERCUSSION DDT BUT Krista drops to her knees before Synth can drop her to the mat! Synth falls backwards and crashes hard to the canvas! Briefly dazed, he’s unable to stop Krista from leaping into the air and droping an elbow across his chest! “Ooomph!” Synth shouts out as Krista rams her elbow into his pectoralis. Synth tries to roll away from Krista but she holds him in place. After bringing him to his feet, she grabs him and hurls him to his corner with an Irish whip allowing him to make a tag with Logan!

Logan’s too soft in the ring. I’ve yet to see the killer instinct needed to make it in this biz from Logan. He’s a lot like Alix. Those two just gingerly go through the match like it’s a game of Candyland. This isn’t Candyland! This is real life! Synth and Krista however are fierce competitors. They hate to lose. I beat Krista in Anglemania 2 for Gamecube and she tossed the controller through the screen.

Loggie slowly steps under the ropes and gets into the ring. He starts to get a little nervous when he spots the devilish grin on Krista’s face. What exactly was she planning on doing to him? He wondered. Whatever it was, he had no attention of letting himself find out. He doesn’t want to hurt her, but its either kill or be killed. He leaps into Krista with a lockup, and quickly over powers her, shoving her to ground in the process. Krista’s quick to keep herself on the offense and brings Logan down to her level with a drop toe hold. With Alix and more then a few fans cheering her on, Krista swings over Logan and grabs a side head lock. She wrenches Logan’s head back hoping to do a fair bit of damage with an other wise pedestrian move.  Logan grabs a fistful of her cherry scented blonde hair and violently snaps her head back! Krista lets out a soft whimper, so Logan does it again! Krista winces in pain but the attempt to get her to break the hold only makes her more determined to keep it locked on. Logan tries the hair tactic for a third time. A pained moan escapes from Krista’s lips but she flat out refuses to give in! Logan pounds on the mat with his fist before using the same fist to punch Krista in the eye! Krista flinches as her eye starts to involuntarily fill with water. Her grip loosens a tad, just enough that Logan is able to get to his feet. He hammers her with another closed fist, which doesn’t draw a warning from Candie. The blow, while strong, does not accomplish Logan’s goal of loosening the hold. Logan makes an effort to shove Krista to the ropes but the (don’t you dare call her a) diva drops to her knees and a determined look etches itself on her face as she tries to stay planted in position. Logan makes another futile effort to shove her into the ropes, but Krista holds on tight, not even budging an inch! Finally he wraps his hands around her slender waist and lifts her into the air for a back suplex! At the height of the attack, Krista releases her hold on Logan’s neck and flips out the move! Unfortunately she botches her landing and ends up stumbling backwards a bit. This eliminates any offensive advantage she could’ve got and gives Logan enough time to turn around and tag her with a super kick! BUT Krista CATCHES his foot! She gives him a one eighty twirl and pounces on him with a rear face lock. She lifts him into the air and drops him across her outstretched knee, hitting him with the DOWN WITH LOVE and scoring a point for her team!!!! Synth slaps his hand against his forehead, while the fans loudly cheer for the hitting of Krista’s finisher.

Down with love! Down with love! Just like that it’s one to zip in favor of COD!

Calm down, fanboy. This is a marathon, not a sprint. There’s still a long way to go.

Suppressing her anger over the fact that Chicks Over Dicks has taken an early lead, Candie holds her index finger in the air, signaling a point for COD!

Logan takes turns between clutching his bruised back and banging his hand against the mat in extreme frustration. The devilish smile returns to Krista’s face as she makes the tag to her much more popular partner Alix.

Holla atcha boi, gangsta queen! Me and Alix are hella tight!

The hell you are. No one likes you. Quit fooling yourself. Your only purpose here is to serve as my verbal punching bag. But I tire of dressing down such a witless buffoon.

Alix steps into the ring and wastes no time in heading over to a now standing Logan. The tomboyish brunette brings the flamboyant rock god to his feet. She drives a few well placed knees into his gut as Synth hollers for his partner to pull it together! Satisfied with the damage done, Alix attempts to toss Logan into the ropes with an irish whip but finds herself being the one to get whipped as Logan reverses the move! Alix runs the ropes and get tossed into the air by Logan who’s looking to flap jack her into oblivion. No such luck! The crowd sits astonished by Al’s agility as she turns a flap jack into a tornado DDT! Logan avoids near doom, by shoving Alix off before she can spike his head into the mat! Alix lands on her feet, and that’s just fine by Logan as he tries to drop her with a clothesline! Alix side steps the move and giggles as she watches Logan breeze by her and clumsily stumble forward.

The only thing Logan caught Alix with is a cold.

Alix bounces off the ropes and comes running towards Logan. He sticks out an elbow hoping to halt her attack, but finds that lady luck is not on his side tonight as Alix leaps behind him, wraps her arms around his neck and sends him to the mat with a MONA LISA SMILE (running flashback)
“FUCK!” Candie and Synth yell simultaneously. Their expletives are barely heard as the British crowd has broken out a “Lets go Alix” chant.

Synth can barely contain his rage as he paces back and forth on the apron, hollering at Logan “Get yo shit tagether! YER FUCKIN ERR’THING UP!”

Synth is hopping mad!

Wouldn’t you be? I know I would be, buddy! If you blew my chance to mac on these smoking hot babes, I’d shank you in the shower.

Logan scraps himself up off the mat, his face is twisted in awkward confusion. For the life of him, he can’t fathom how he had put his team down two to nothing. Synth’s constant yelling, coupled with Candie’s stoney glare wasn’t helping matters. He needed to get back on track. Logan tosses out another clothesline and again Alix avoids it, this time by ducking it. Logan turns around to hammer Alix with a punch, but he’s one getting hammered as Alix smacks him with leaping side kick. Alix misjudged her position to Logan just a bit and her boot merely grazes his face. However its enough to send him tumbling backwards to the corner.

Alix, Candie and Krista are all natives of California, with Krista and Candie both being from the Los Angeles metropolitan area and Alix being originally from San Jose. All three trained in the OAOAST developmental fed, Pacific Coast Wrestling for various lengths of time. Synth and Logan come from Vegas, but Logan spent most of his life in the upper east side of Manhattan in New York.

The confused look still planted on his face, Logan leans against the turnbuckle pad. He rubs his hand against his mouth, checking to see if Alix’s kick has drawn any blood. He starts out of the corner, pointing a menacing finger at Alix, he tries to intimidate the California native. Alix realizes that Logan’s bark is infinitely worse then his bite could ever hope to be and she counters his method of intimidation with a knife edge chop!

“WHOO!” Says the crowd.

And another!


“Watch the closed fist!” Candie shouts, knowing full well that there was no closed fist. Or any fist for that matter.

Alix grabs the top of Logan’s wrist to whip him into the ropes, but Logan shifts his body weight and ends up reversing the whip! Instead of sending her into the ropes and risking her reversing his reversal, Logan brings Alix towards her and nails her in the gut! Seized by pain, Alix doubles over. She starts to cough and clutches her stomach. The fog that had settled over Logan’s head after the Mona Lisa Smile begins to dissipate. His heart starts to jump as he realizes he has Alix in a perfect setup for a PERCUSSION DDT. He crooks his arm around her head, preparing to hit his finishing move.

“For Jerrrrrrrry!” Logan shouts, paying tribute to the late Jerry Garcia.

Looking on in frustrated amazement, Synth can only watch helpless as Alix counters the Percussion by scooping Logan onto her shoulders and quickly dropping him to the mat with a Samoan Drop! The crowd noisily cheers for the reversal as Logan lies on the mat, wondering how the devil he blew a sure thing.

Alix with an awesome DVD!

That was a Samoan drop. Do you even know what a DVD is? Do you even know what it stands for?

You’re making me sound like a dick.

You are a dick.

Alix hunches over ever so slightly. She bounces back and forth and fixes a predatory glare on Logan. She wiggles her fingers, motioning for Logan to stand up and be a man! Fearing that his teammate is about to fall victim to a Mona Lisa Smile, Synth hops up and down on the ring ropes, imploring him to make a tag! Always one to ignore good advice, Logan picks himself up. Just as Synth predicted, Alix goes for a MONA LISA SMILE! Her body leaps into the air, and her arm wraps around Logan’s neck! The crowd prepares to go shower the fan favorite with ovation for the match ending move, but their hopes are snuffed out like a camp fire as Logan counters the attack with a DIAMOND CUTTER~! Both competitors hit the ground with a thud.  Alix’s face bounces off Logan’s shoulder and her body twists oddly before sprawling itself out on the mat.

Logan just scored big time with a Stone Cold Stumper!

That was Diamond Cutter. Even Coach knows that. There’s no such thing as a ‘Stone Cold Stumper’. You’ve been in this business for seven years. Your ignorance to the name of these moves as well as basic psychology is appalling. Regardless, Alix could’ve ended the match but Logan kept it going with a smart counter.

Candie in another blatant act of disregard for the rules of this match, sets Logan’s arm on Alix’s chest and counts a pin!



Tired of Candie’s glaring favoritism, the crowd lets her have it with a “Candie has herpes.” chant!

Oh come on. This is getting ridiculous!

Krista agreed to let Candie by the guest referee. She knew what kind of person Candie was and who she had grudges against. Candie’s just being herself.

Logan grabs Alix by her stringy brown hair and yanks her to her feet. On the apron,  Krista lowers her head and grits her teeth as she’s powerless to stop Logan from snapping Alix’s head back and forth with his gloved left hand. Each blow knocks her head around like a tether ball, until finally her entire body staggers back to the ropes.  Synth walks over to Alix. He grabs the back of her head and leads her to what was neutral corner. Krista hollers for Candie to do something, but Zack’s better half turns a blind eye to Synth’s cheating. Synth rears her head back, then savagely slams her face into the padded turnbuckle! Alix’s head snaps up as if it was a basketball bounced off a court and she cries out in pain. Fearful of getting driven into the turnbuckle again Alix stumbles towards the center of the ring. Synth has already retreated to his corner full of self satisfaction. Now it’s Logan who’s ready to put the hurt on Alix. Her mind shrouded in an agonizing haze, she walks herself right into a lariat from Logan! Alix hits the mat hard, landing on her head! Rubbing the back of her head, Alix groans softly. Logan circles her. Crouching down, his eyes narrow into slits and his mouth waters as he seizes his up his prey. Still rubbing the back of her head, Alix brings herself to her feet. Logan grabs her free arm and propels her into the ropes. When she rebounds, he steps forward to floor her with a shoulder block. BUT Alix leaps onto his shoulders in position for a victory roll. Not wanting to lose control of the match, a suddenly panic stricken Logan steps forward and Alix slides right off of his shoulders! She lands on her feet, facing him while he’s facing away from her. She’s in perfect position to hit a devastating attack, and she plans on doing just that! The beauty from Beverly Hills grabs Logan’s shoulder and spins him around so that they’re face to face. Logan has zero time to react as Alix boots him in the gut and doubles him over. She spreads his arms apart so they hang in the air. She hooks her arms around his forearm, plants her tush on the top of his head, then sits out on the move, driving Logan face first to the mat and planting all her body weight onto the top of his head! Logan rolls over onto his back. His head fells like someone rung a Cathedral bell inside it. Whatever pleasant thoughts he had of having Krista by his side have been pushed away by an aching that’s pounding relentlessly at his head. Alix stands up and throws a peace sign to the crowd! Many of the fans return the gesture!

Alix just hit....

Don’t even bother. It was sitout inverted DDT. Save yourself some embarrassment.

“CAN’T YA DO ANYTHING RIGHT?” Synth doesn’t even make an attempt to appear diplomatic or encouraging. A fiery frustration has consumed him, and he’s seriously pondering stepping into the ring and punching Logan just for the heck of it.

Woozy, Logan struggles to bring himself to his feet. When he does, Alix takes him over with an arm drag. Alix tries to lock him into an arm submission, but he punches her in face and quickly rolls away. When he feels that he’s a safe enough distance away from Alix, he picks himself up. Apparently he didn’t get far enough away as Alix leaps onto his shoulders and brings him to the mat with a delightfully beautiful hurricanrana. Synth is absolutely fed up with his partners inability to sustain a consistent offensive attack.

Alix has been pretty grounded in this match, but she took to the air with that awesome move.

Logan tries to stand up but Alix gives him a front dropkick to the face! She slaps the side of her hot pants as she connects with the move, and the resulting smacking sound causes the crowd to go “Oooooooh.”. Logan rolls over onto his stomach clutching his hurt face with his right hand. Alix drops to the mat and sets herself at Logan’s side keeping her back to his body. She grabs a hold of his left arm and hooks it around hers, locking in his elbow. Logan violently pounds on the mat with a closed fist as Alix applies pressure to his arm and shoulder by leaning back across his body!

“FIGHT THE PAIN, YA PUSSY!” Synth shouts, his voice starting to go horse.

Logan’s fists hits the mat with greater and greater ferocity as Alix continues to cause him great discomfort with the submission hold. Hurriedly searching for any way out of her grasp, he plants the toes of his boot into the mat and pushes off, flipping forward and onto his back! However he finds no relief in his new position, as Alix drapes her bare legs across Logan’s neck, wraps her arm around his left arm, locks in his elbow and then drives herself backwards to the mat! Logan cries out in agony as the pain rips through his arm in violent tremors.

Alix with a great fujiwara armbar.

As if! The first one was the fujiwara. Playa, you need to go play WWF No Mercy and learn some of these moves.

Logan’s legs flail in the air almost as if they were peddling a bicycle. His other arm wildly slams against the mat. He’s wasting energy that he can’t afford to give up. Synth stands on the ring apron, holding his head down and thanking the lord Jesus that this wasn’t a normal match. Because if it was, Logan would’ve submitted thirty times by now.

This is bad news for Logan. He’s got that loaded glove on his left hand and Alix has targeted his left arm. She’s taking away his advantage.

“Kick her in the face.” Candie advises Logan.

Good idea, Candie cane! Logan does just that. He drives a boot into her forehead and Alix’s involuntarily releases the hold.  They both get to their feet, Alix holding her head and Logan holding his arm. Logan does a 360 turn and smacks her with a discus punch with his good arm. Alix starts to trip backwards but Logan grabs her arm and holds her in place. With his good arm he hip tosses her over. As she’s over his hip, he falls onto her with a lateral press and ends up sandwiching her between the mat and his sweat soaked chest.

Hip toss powerslam!

So you’re going to show up me now? Is that how it is?

Logan prepares to get some get back and hammer Alix with his loaded glove! But he stops short when he spots Krista standing on the second rope looking concerned for her friends well being. Logan leaves Alix sprawled out on the mat and walks over to make the tag with Synth! The slapping of their hands is received with another “Synth sucks” chant. Synth gives Logan his “Don’t you fuck this up.” look as he saunters into the ring. Despite not having been in the ring for nearly ten minutes his body is drenched in sweat as a result of Logan’s incompetence sending him into fits of worry. Synth looks on at Alix with something that can be described as an odd mixture contempt and enthrallment.

I think we’ve all been waiting to see Alix get her hands on Synth Esizer!

I’ve been waiting for Alix to get her hands on me. High five!.........Anyone? High Five? Anyone?

Just like Mikey Cole the crowd has been eagerly anticipating the eventual confrontation between Alix and Synth. The majority of the fans rise to their feet and change their chant from “Synth sucks!” to “Let’s go Alix!” Drawing on the encouragement from the crowd Alix picks herself up off the mat and prepares to meet Synth!

Synth doesn’t want to give the crowd much of the show and he pounces on Alix with CLUBBING FOREARMS! He continues to hammer her back until she’s bent over and sufficiently weakened for a PERCUSSION DDT. He takes her into a front face lock but Alix’s body violently thrashes against Synth’s clutches and his grip is loosened. She puts the palm of her hands on his tummy and pushes him into the ropes! Despite being caught off guard with the counter, Synth is able to hook his arm around the top rope and prevent himself from rebounding back. This makes no difference to Alix as she’ll take the fight to Synth no matter what! With a full head of steam she charges at him, looking to knock him out of the ring with a clothesline! Synth has zero desire of to let her gain the upper hand. He steps forward, and ducks down. He uses Alix’s own momentum against her and basically body drops her over the ropes!

Synth struts towards the center of the ring, tapping his head to let the viewing audience know how smart he is. Or how smart he thinks he is.

“Hey, dork! Turn around!” Alix shouts. Synth whips his body around and discovers that he’s not quite as intelligent as he likes to credit himself, as Alix is standing in the ring apron in reasonably good health.

Alix must’ve skinned the cat to get onto the ring apron. By the way, I’m still waiting on that high five.

Keep waiting.

Synth’s face reads like two contradicting paragraphs. On one hand he’s impressed that Alix reversed his attempt to dump her on the outside, but on the other hand he’s angry about the same thing. It’s the anger from his competitive instinct that ends up winning this time and he charges at her. She ducks down and catches him with a shoulder block! In one swift painful motion, Synth doubles over and leaps backwards. He stands upright and Alix seizes on her opportunity! Camera flashes fill the air as she flips over the ropes and lands on Synth’s shoulders for a hurricanrana! BUT!!!!!!!!!! Synth grabs onto her legs and drives her back first into the mat with a devastating sitout POWER BOMB!!!!!!! The moves leaves Alix writhing around the canvas with a distressed expression on her otherwise adorable face.

Poor Alix! Taken down with a spine buster.

Gettin real old, Cole.....real old.    

Synth picks Alix’s weakened body off the mat. Chants of “Let’s go Alix” get louder and louder but Synth refuses to the fan favorite a chance to make a comeback. He reaches around the side of her body and lifts her up, he twists his body to the right as he spins her in the air in front of his body. He kneels down and ends up slamming her back against his outstretched knee! Alix lets out a hurt moan as Synth shoves the San Jose state alum off his knee.

Elsewhere, Krista worriedly paces back in forth. Her concern isn’t with becoming the Saints’ groupie, but rather her teammate’s always ailing back.

Alix is on her feet, but not by her own free will. Synth knees her in the stomach and bends her over. He grabs her into an underhook and is surprised to find himself a little upset when she doesn’t struggle to break free of his hold. Regardless, he figures he needs to take advantage of her submissive state. He lifts her into the air, then awkwardly drops her against his knee with an underhook back breaker! Alix rolls of his knee and onto the mat. The aching look on her face says more then a thousand words ever could.

I don’t think Alix’s back has ever properly recovered from that injury she sustained at the hands of Skull Mask.

The crowd is basically deflated when they see Synth hit Alix with a press slam into a back breaker. He raises his index finger into air and points to the rock and roll gods above! Normally the crowd would boo him but he’s pretty much killed their enthusiasm for the time being.

Why does Synth even need to target her back? There aren’t any submissions in this match and her finisher doesn’t involve using her back! Does he want a groupie who spends most of her time in physical therapy?

Synth grabs a shaken Alix and leads her over to a neutral corner. Her body looks absolutely limp and it looks like he’s holding a lifeless rag doll. He grabs her into position for a vertical suplex. But instead of hitting her with the elementary move, he sets her onto the top turnbuckle. Alix’s face is devoid of any of the character and cuteness it normally has. Instead it, like the rest of her body, looks like a sad empty husk, overcome by the near unbearable pain in her back. Synth scales the turnbuckles and ends up standing on the top. He spots a couple of fans in the front row that are making a concentrated effort to get him off his game. He responds by giving them the one finger salute then they and he start to exchange unpleasantries.

Synth has a lot of personality. Not a lot of good personality. But it’s personality.

High five?


Synth grabs Alix’s brown hair and lifts her onto the top turnbuckle. They aren’t face to face as he lowers her upper body down so that she’s looking at the mat bellow. He crooks his arm around her neck and shoots Candie a sly smile. Candie responds in kind and nods knowingly.

He’s not.....He wouldn’t......

Oh yes he would! Yes he would! Synth is going for a TOP ROPE PERCUSSION DDT. The move could have potentially devastating effects on Chicks Over Dick’s youngest member and on the outcome of the match! Alix realizes this and she begins to furiously pound at Synth’s midsection! Synth holds tight but Alix continues to pulverize his stomach with body blows. Finally, unable to take any more Synth releases his grip on Alix’s head! Alix continues to hammer on Synth and it looks like he may fall backwards to the mat. He desperately tries to stay upright and avoid a near disastrous fall! He gets a little help from Alix who grabs him into a front face lock! But whatever move she plans on doing is going to be much worse then a simple fall backwards. Alix stands up. With Synth’s head cradled in her arms, she leaps off the turnbuckle. In mid air she sits out on her move. The crowd sits in awe of the graceful but deadly attack! WHAAAAAM! The two crash into canvas and the ring shakes from the force of the impact! She takes the brunt of the attack with her BUTT, but Synth takes it all with his face! The crowd WAKES THE FUCK UP after Alix’s sitout DDT!



Synth groans in misery as Alix lies next to him. She’s working overtime to catch her breath before Synth can recover and catches her with a Percussion. She uses the ropes to pull herself up. Synth grabs a hold of her ankle and tries to keep her in place, but she angrily stomps on his arm with her free foot and wins herself freedom! Using the ropes as support, Alix staggers to her corner and makes the tag with her fresh partner, Krista Isadora Duncan! Krista steps between the ropes and is greeted with an enormous pop. The crowd’s cheers actually surprise her and she’s a bit taken aback by their show of support.

Hot tag made to Candie...I mean Krista. Krista.

Krista smartly lets Synth waste his own energy by forcing him to bring himself to his feet. When he’s fully upright, she hooks his arm and falls to the mat, throwing him over her in the process with an arm drag. Synth goes to stand up but before he can get fully upright, Krista traps his right arm underneath her arm pit in a modified belly to belly arm bar. Synth fights against Krista’s hold, even tugging against her pants to get her to break it. Eventually he’s able to get to his feet. He spins out of the move and whips his body behind Krista. He grabs a hold of her shoulder and spins her around. SMAAAACK! Krista hammers Synth in the jaw with a back hand slap! Definitely not what the Vegas native wanted to happen. Krista keeps herself on the attack, by grabbing a dazed Synth with a front face lock as well as hooking his right arm.

That’s known as an over and under hook. Write that down, Cole. Remember that.

Synth drops to his knee. He doesn’t wish to exert any more energy then necessary and feels that it would be best to counter while on the ground. BAM! He hammers Krista in the ribs with a closed fist! She grimaces but keeps the hold locked in BAM! He hits her again, but the hold remains. Krista ends up shoving Synth down to the mat where she steals his breath by mashing his face into the canvas. Synth’s legs wiggle wildy as he tries in vain to slip out of the move.

Sound strategy by Krista. Wear him down so he can’t reverse the third and final finisher. Good stuff.

*Sigh* Maybe I should announce equestrian dressage.

Krista leads Synth to his feet. With the over and under hook still locked in, Krista lifts Synth high into the air! Her legs begin to shake and soon her entire body follows suit as she struggles to keep Synth afloat! Sensing that Krista’s grip is loosening, Synth wiggles his body and breaks free of Krista’s grip! He falls back to the mat, and lands in front of Krista who’s sporting quite the frown. Synth hooks his head underneath hers and tosses her back to the mat with a Northern lights suplex!

I never get tired of that move. Simple and effective.

Synth literally shakes his head to rid himself of a few cobwebs. He grabs Krista by her shoulders and brings her to her feet. He wastes no time in hooking her into the setup for the PERCUSSION DDT! NOOOOOOO! Krista counters by grabbing hold of his waist and hitting him with a Manhattan drop! Oh the agony! Synth cries out in sheer misery, but has little time to feel sorry for himself as Krista hauls him to the ground with an arm drag. Krista grabs a hold of Synth’s right wrist and folds his forearm over her left arm, locking in a key lock! Krista liberally applies pressure to Synth’s arm, hoping to make it harder for him to use the Percussion later on. Synth, fighting a futile battle to ignore the pain in his arm uses his free hand to push at Krista’s cheek. The state of the art ring side microphones pickup Synth muttering the word “Fuck”. Krista slips her head away from Synth’s hand, then leans forward and uses her neck to push his free arm into his face.

THE HOLD IS BROKEN! Logan runs into the ring and grabs Krista by the seat of her..er..thong and yanks her off his partner in crime! As you can probably guess, this draws a huge amount of boos from the crowd who had been previously indifferent to Logan Mann. Synth breathes a huge sigh of relief as Logan and Krista exchange chops! Candie for her part stands idly by and files her nails. Logan breaks up the chopping monotony with a swift kick to Krista’s stomach! The blow surprises Krista and she wobbles sideways unsure of what to do. Unfortunately for her, Logan isn’t as clueless. He grabs her into the front face lock we’ve seen a million times , drops backwards and nails her with a PERCUSSION DDT!!!!


The minute Krista’s head bounces off the mat, Candie triumphantly raises her right index finger into the sky, signifying that the Saints have scored a point!

Ladies and gentlement, the score is now two to one in favor of Chicks Over Dicks.

Spewing forth chants of “BULLSHIT” the crowd is vocal in their disdain for Candie’s shoddy refereeing. They aren’t the only ones! Her face turned a shade of enraged crimson, Alix leans over the ropes and hurls a number of unlady like words at Candie.

“I don’t answer to you! I’m Zack’s girl!” Her words were shouted at Alix but they might as well have been directed to everyone in the arena.

“Nice ta see ya do somethin’ useful.” Synth cooly remarks to Logan as the Saints lead singer gets back onto the ring apron.

Synth grabs Krista and hurls her towards the ropes. When she rebounds, he lifts his leg up and her gut collides with his knee! She flips into the air head over heels and lands on the mat with a resounding BOOM! With Krista lying face up on the mat Synth parades around the ring fluffing his hair and taunting the world around him.

“If I die, tell Rolling Stone my last words were......I’M ON DRUGS!”

A true rock legend!

Her head still ringing from the Percussion DDT, Krista is slow to pick herself up off the mat. Always a gentlemen, Synth helps her to her feet! He positions himself behind Krista and reaches with one leg around her body so that it hangs off her side and around her legs. He then locks his arm and around her neck and pulls her body upwards.

Synth with an abdominal stretch.

Candie immediately gets in Krista’s face and asks her if she wants to submit. Candie wouldn’t dream of letting Krista take the easy way out, she just wants to harass her.

As if Candie’s put downs weren’t bad enough, droplets of spit fall from Synth’s mouth and land on Krista’s bare back. She closes her eyes and grits her teeth, trying her best to withstand the pain as Synth stretches her out. Synth uses his free hand to pound Krista’s ribs with a closed fist! A cruel smile creeps onto his face as he hears her make an agonizing yell.

What is this! That was a closed fist!

Closed fist yourself, bitch.


Alix begins to slam her left hand against the top turnbuckle in order to encourage her teammate! She waves her right arm up and down hoping to rally the crowd and get them behind Krista. They pick up what she’s putting down and chant Krista’s name as Alix continues to furiously beat on the turnbuckle!

Genuinely touched by everyone’s support, Krista manages to unhook her leg from Synth and spin out of the hold. Synth tries to take Krista’s head off with a clothesline but she ducks behind him! She hooks him into a rear face lock! DOWN WITH LOVE??? NO! Synth, in full panic mode, gets his leg up and knees Krista in the head! She instantly breaks hold and the Saints live to fight another day! Synth grabs Krista into a PERCUSSION DDT!!!!

COUNTERED! COUNTERED! Krista counters the move with a supremely awesome snap spine buster!!!!! Synth’s back is drilled into the mat and little blue birdies begin to fly in circles around his head.


Alix and just about everyone in the arena is imploring Krista to make the tag. Her hair hangs awkwardly in front of her face as she slowly crawls to her corner. Synth starts to stir and just for a second it looks like he may be able to cut Krista off at the pass. BUT, using what little energy she has left, Krista springs forward and makes the tag with Alix! The fans go WILD~! as Alix rushes into the ring! But before she meet up with Synth she has to deal with Logan! He leaps over the ropes and charges at Alix with a running forearm! Alix ducks underneath his arm, runs the ropes and bounces back with a spinning wheel kick SMACKING Logan square in the jaw! Logan falls to the mat hard, but is able to lift himself up surprisingly quickly. Alix runs the ropes again and ends up driving the top of her boot into the back of Logan’s head with a running enziguri! This time Logan stays down FOR GOOD!

The crowd has gotten to their feet as they joyfully watch Alix clean house on the Saints! Alix’s attention is caught by Synth who is on his feet. She leaps onto his shoulders for a hurricanrana! NO!!! Synth flips her off! Alix lands on her feet and in front of Synth! Synth kicks her! NO! She catches his foot and gives him a 360 twirl! Alix goes to whip Synth into the ropes! BUTT as Synth gets ready to run by Alix he wrenches her arm and pulls her toward him! She counters his counter with a running clothesline! Which he narrowly escapes by ducking and she steps past him! He lets go of Alix's arm and uses her momentum to send her running to the ropes. When she rebounds off the ropes he turns toward her and starts his ascent for a graceful cross body block! But before he can fully angle his body, Alix stretches her's out, wraps her arm around his neck and swings behind him, nailing him with a MONA LISA SMILE and instantly whipping the crowd into an UNCONTROLLED FRENZY!!!!


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Candie hollers as she drops to her knees! Unable to contain her disappointment she buries her face in her hands and tears stream from her eyes down her cheeks.
Buffer doesn't even wait for Candie to score the point! He's on his feet ready to make the final announcement.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the first ever Almost Famous match by a score of three to one.....Alix Spezia, Krista Isadora Duncan......CHICKS OOOOOVER DICKSSSS!

An enormous pop welcomes the official announcement!

CoD’s theme song rips through the sound system as Alix and Krista meet in the ring to share a celebratory embrace!

Let me get in on that victory party! HOLLA ATCHA BOI!!!

His eyes glazed over, Synth gets rolled out of the ring by an outraged Candie. Logan hops off the ring apron to gather up his partner before Candie can cause him any serious harm. The heavenly rockers
head to the back, suffering through the indignity of a taunting and inebriated London crowd.

A big win for Alix and Krista! They gain the services of The Saints as their Muses. I’m not so sure I’d want Logan and Synth following me around all day but to each her own!

Cole,not only do COD get to boss around legendary rockstars but they can probably use this victory to gain a tag team title shot at GPX somewhere down the line. This has been a great night for them!

Folks, we hoped you enjoyed this join presentation between the OAOAST, Arista Records and Dreamworks Studio. We think you’ll like the rest of the pay per view as well.


It was only a year later when Krista and Alix embarked on a journey to master the craft of sonning bitch ass hos. Little did The Rockers know they'd soon be assigned a manager, a grumpy gruff girl who was the sister of HeldDOWN boss Northstar, named Holly. The rest is history.

Yeah and Holly is history thanks to Maya.
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The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the team of KOBE O’NEIL and OUTHOUSE JACK!!


Jack pulls out the HUNTING KNIFE which thankfully is quickly taken from his possession.

Of all the nuts in the OAOAST, Outhouse Jack may be the craziest of them all, and that’s saying a lot!

I’ll be sure to tell him. Can’t wait to see what kind of boots he’ll make out of your skin.


“Shine” by Collective Soul hits and Team Heyross march to the ring, a blast of red, white and blue pyro shooting off behind them.



Team Heyross pose on the turnbuckles.

This Monday night in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Team Heyross will be defending their titles against the men standing by right now with these pre-recorded comments, Spencer Reiger and Colin Maguire, Jr., the LDC Moneygang.


A small box appears on the upper right hand corner of the screen. There we find Reiger, CMJ and Lorelei DeCenzo SMOKING CIGARS in front of a grey backdrop. Lori then blows a puff of smoke into the camera as the box fades out.


As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, Mikey Cole.

What arrogance on the part of the LDC Moneygang -- lighting up victory cigars already. They still must first defeat Team Heyross by pin fall or submission. A task easier said than done.


Go-behind waistlock takedown by Benjamin on O’Neil to start things off. Benjamin then floats on top and delivers a suplex. He whips O’Neil into the ropes for a hip toss, then nails him with a SPINNING WHEEL KICK!

Pow! Right in the kisser!

The champs tag and Benjamin executes a drop toehold as Moss drops an elbow off the ropes.

The cover.



So enraged by his partner’s lack of success, Jack ATTACKS him!

You know, maybe you were right about Jack, Cole. The guy’s a madman.

Jack slams O’Neil near their corner and tags in, then dumps him over the guardrail!

Is the referee gonna let this match continue?

Why wouldn’t he? Jack tagged in legally.

Well folks, you never know what you’ll see at a OAOAST event.

Jack circles Moss like he would a gator in the Everglades, then wrestles him to the ground!

Jack must think he’s outback in the Everglades, Cole.

The two tangle for a bit until Moss puts his amateur wrestling skills to use and escapes. Moss hammers away, then fires Jack across for an OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX! Jack pops to his feet and walks into a SUPERKICK that spins him around, allowing Moss to deliver a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!!

Benjamin receives the tag and Team Heyross execute THE SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!

The cover.







Cue the music and hand raising.

What an impressive outing for Team Heyross as they head into their big title defense Monday night at Angleslam.


Cut to a black screen. We hear a single heartbeat. Followed by another heartbeat. And another. And another. We soon hear heavy breathing. Images quickly flash on screen, too fast to be identified by the human eye. We hear a crowd cheering. The heartbeats get faster. And faster. And faster. The images stop being a blur. They soon become clear.

They are images of Tha Puerto Rican in action.

Cut to Tha Puerto Rican posing in front of a gray background wearing his trademark Puerto Rican flag bandana, sunglasses, earring on his right ear, gold chain around his neck, an unbuttoned white $500 shirt, a $500 Rolex watch on his right wrist, black dress pants with a leather belt and black dress shoes. Tha Puerto Rican does The People's Eyebrow to the camera.

More images of Tha Puerto Rican in action are shown. The heart is beating as fast as it can now. The heavy breathing is as loud as it can get. The crowd is screaming as loud as it can.

Coming soon...the return...of The Most Electrifying Man In Professional Wrestling.

The images, the heart beating, the heavy breathing, the crowd cheering, they all climax all at the same time.


There is silence for a few seconds.

But then, we hear...






"Know Your Role 2000" starts playing. The gold Latin Lion logo flashes across the screen.


The OAOAST AngleSlam 2009 logo appears on screen.

8:00 P.M. EST/5:00 P.M. PST
Call your local cable or satelite operator to order now!

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Well, this jampacked 2005 Angleslam rolls on as next up, we've got the meeting that's been a full four months in the waiting, between Leon Rodez and Christian Wright. A lot of stuff has happened in those four months, but our production team were too lazy to fix us up a video, so we'll simplify it as 'they don't like each other much'. Wright arrived at Living Anglelously, costing Rodez the X-Division Title...which at the time seemed like a fan attacking. But it was all part of a grander scheme. Wright has been looking to expose Rodez's seedy past since the turn of the year and eventually suceeded. Since then, Wright has been trying to force Rodez into a change of character. Despite all this, Rodez has remained the same Leon Rodez that the people have grown to love and has remained admirably calm through these past four months, which in turn has frustrated Wright more and more. Until tonight, when that and the no contact clause go out of the window and they step into the ring one on one.

The video would have been quicker.

Not to mention easier on the ear. Call me when you hit puberty Mickey.

My Mom says it's just a matter of time.

She's been saying that for ten years.


The arena goes dark, save for a single white spotlight at the top of the ramp, as "Creep" by Radiohead begins to filter through the P.A. Just as the lyrics begin, Christian Wright emerges slowly through the curtains. He stops in the spotlight, head bowed, waiting as the boos intensify around him.

"I wish I was special..."
"You're so very special..."



"But I'm a Creep!!"

Wright tugs his hood down from off of his head right on cue, holding his hands out to the side with a focused look on his face as he begins to stride down the aisle. The crowd continue to jeer away, but Wright ignores the negative reaction with little more than a sneer and a turned up nose.

Ladies and gentlemen, your following Grudge Match contest is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty minute lime-limit. And in this match, by ruling of OAOAST General Manager, Calvin Szechstein, there will be NO interference!! Introducing first...hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina. He weighs in tonight at two hundred, thirty three pounds. "THE NATURAL"... CHHHHRRRRRIIIISSSSSSTTIIIIIIAAAAANN... WWWWRRRRIIIIIIIIIGGGHHHTT!!!!


For Christian Wright, this has to be the biggest match of his OAOAST career thus-far. No titles are on the line, no contenderships either. This is about pride and this is about a personal grudge. But as well as that, it's a chance for Christian Wright to really further his career, at the expense of a former OAOAST X-Division Champion of the world.

It is and that's what Christian's all about, now that he's alligned with Drek merry band of whiney brats. He's all about furthering his career, at the expense of others.

You bring up Drek Stone...and as you heard in the introduction, no interference in this one. Drek and the GPX, Bohemoth...nobody can get involved in this one. I guess Calvin wants to see as fair of a match as possible.

Oh, the irony.

Entering the ring, The Natural removes his robe and carefully places it over the top turnbuckle. He then turns back to the entrance way with an eager expression on his face as he waits...almost daring Rodez to make his entrance as he hangs over the ropes, impatiently hopping from foot to foot. A building "RO - DEZ!" chant has surfaced but Wright hasn't noticed yet, too focused elsewhere.




The crowd pop for the mad grooves of "Jungle Boogie" by Kool and the Gang, coming to their feet all around the glaring Wright. Wright remains unmoved and continues to watch on intently, as the curtains ripple and Leon Rodez strides through to a thunderous ovation! The usual happy-go-lucky smiles and jigs aren't there as Rodez has a focused look on his face, staring back down the ramp at his opponent who encouraging him on.

And his opponent...from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He weighs in at two hundred, twenty eight pounds... he is "SILKY SMOOTH"... LLLLEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOONN... RRRRRRROOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!


Remaining at the top of the ramp for his introduction, Rodez sets down his gold flowing robe and sets off down the rampway. Jawing towards his opponent all the way, Wright continue to hang over the ropes. Until Rodez reaches the ring, at which point The Natural backs up enough to allow him to enter the ring...before instantly getting right in his face! Wright and Rodez go nose to nose for a moment, forcing referee Charles Robinson to interject himself early and pull the two men apart. A slight smirk emerges on Rodez's face, while Wright continues to ramble away in front of him.

A lot of tension here. Both these men have been waiting a long time to face off, one on one. Plus they haven't been able to come into any physical contact what-so-ever for more than a month, aside from Ultimate X at License To Pin.

Not wanting things to get out of hand, Robinson moves Wright back, knowing that Rodez is content at least to wait for the opening bell. With Wright back, Robinson then turns to the timekeeper's table and calls for the opening bell...


"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

The chants go up as the bell sounds, Rodez still smirking as he hears them. As the bell sounds, surprisingly, all hell doesn't break loose. Instead, Rodez stays in his corner, Wright looking noticeably cautious as he begins to walk out from his. Rodez sees this and lounges back into the turnbuckles. Raising the ire of Wright, who stops in the centre of the ring, pointing to his feet and DEMANDING~ that Rodez come to face him. The eyebrows peak as Leon asks the crowd if Wright is serious...


...and gets his answer, as Wright steps forward and pushes him firmly in the chest!


Rodez falls back into the corner and again smirks, pulling himself up using the top rope...


...and pushing Wright back!

This is almost like cat and mouse, both men waiting for the other to make the first move!

Well, they ain't gonna win by shovin', that's for sure.

Staying in the centre of the ring, Wright again dares Rodez on and finally The Silky Smooth One obliges, stepping forward and locking up with The Natural. Both men jockey for a moment, the tight collar and elbow lock-up going back and forth before finally the two break off from each other at a stalemate. Wright growls to himself, Rodez loosening up his wrists while keeping half an eye on Wright. Extending his hands, Rodez teases Wright for a moment before backing off again, sizing up the situation.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

This time, Wright does react to the crowd, yelling at them to shut up and getting soundly booed for his troubles. The two men then face up again, cautious to lock-up with Rodez the first to try. Wright shrugs his leading arm away though, stepping behind with a waistlock. Quickly Rodez turns and twists, trying to escape. Wright hangs onto him though, forcing Rodez to go into the ropes for a break.


Begrudgingly, Wright breaks, but not without a shove in the back of Rodez. Instinctively Leon wheels around but Robinson is again in to make sure the match doesn't break down into a fight. Wright backs away, trying to figure out his next move, while Rodez holds up his hands to Robinson to show he's 'cool' with the admonishment. He then jigs into the centre of the ring, meeting Wright in another fierce lock-up. This time, Rodez gains the advantage, pulling Wright down into a side headlock and wrenching away on the head. Wright searches upstairs and down for an escape but finds nothing, as Rodez again tightens the hold.

A slow and cautious start, maybe not what we expected but by no means friendly.

I don't know, I think this was expected. Rodez is too dumb and nice to be going straight for the jugular from the opening bell and Christian, as he's said many times, is not a violent man.


Winning the match is more important to both guys than simply crippling each other. I mean, sure, they do hate each other. But neither man is what you'd call 'bloodthirsty' coming in.

Clinging onto the headlock, Rodez tighens up his grip a second time. Wright's far hand reaches up for some hair, but doesn't find any. So instead, he waits for an opening, before slamming a forearm into the ribs and then pushing Rodez off into the ropes. Back rebounds Rodez, barging in with a shoulder block that knocks CW down. As Wright lands, Rodez hits the ropes again quickly, vaulting over the roadblock made by The Natural. Coming back, Rodez ducks under a clothesline. Still he runs as Wright turns and goes for a hiptoss. But Rodez manages to counter into a hiptoss of his own, flinging Wright over. Immediately Wright is up, but immediately he's back down, with a side headlock takeover by Rodez...which Wright instantly counters, pulling Rodez into a side headscissors. Boos go up in the arena, as Wright points to his temple to show how smart he is. Not realising that Leon Rodez is in the process of kipping-up out of his headscissors and diving back to re-apply the side headlock!


The crowd cheer, but Wright isn't down for long. Pulling himself to his feet, The Natural places an arm under Rodez's chin to force him back into the corner. Ever the nice guy, a clean breaks is given by Rodez...



But that proves to be a mistake, as Wright cracks him with a vicious knifedge chop!



And a second! Rodez doubles over in the corner and clutches his chest, as Wright pulls him back up. Grabbing an arm, he then whips Rodez out of the corner and across the ring. As he approaches though, Rodez sticks out his hands, grabbing the top rope and pushing himself up and over The Natural who was following close behind. Wright hits the turnbuckles and staggers out, Rodez hooking him over with a quick snapmare as he turns. But Wright shoots his legs up quickly, pushing Rodez off before he can capitalise. Wright then scrambles to his feet quickly, but charges in recklessly and finds himself snapped over with another side headlock takeover!


Rodez right back to that side headlock...effective in the right hands, but also extremely frustrating to be in.

That's why he's using it, frustration. He hasn't stopped frustrating Wright for months and he's not going to stop now, unfortunately.

With the headlock applied, Rodez lounges back onto his opponent's chest, looking to keep him neutralised as well as frustrated. Wright tries to apply the headscissors again, but Rodez avoids it. Before avoiding it a second time. So Wright is forced to pull himself back to his feet, going to the kidneys with a couple more forearms before pushing Rodez off and into the ropes. A sudden rage then takes him over as he balls up his fist and swings out...far too obviously though, allowing Rodez to duck underneath and leap onto Wright's back, pulling him down into a crucifix...




Wright and Rodez both scramble up at the same time, with Rodez instantly going back to the side headlock. Wrenching with the hold, Rodez then takes Wright over with it back to the mat. Furiously Wright pounds the canvas, while Rodez just smiles to himself once more.

See, he's clearly getting frustrated now. And that's not good.

It sure isn't, because the frustration is causing Christian to make stupid mistakes, which could cost him the match.

Looking in complete control, Rodez lounges back on the headlock again. Wright has been taken off his game and doesn't bother trying a fancy escape, instead snapping a leg up and PUNTING Rodez between the shoulder blades, the smack bringing grimaces to the faces of the fans in the first few rows. And to Rodez, who loosens the headlock enough for Wright to lever him back into a pin...



Rodez falls back with the headlock intact and decides to jam his left fist into Wright's head as a reciept for the kick, causing Wright to writh in pain and the crowd to go wild.



That's it, I quit.

The fans applaud the simple and pretty ridiculous 'move', as Rodez re-affirms his side headlock. And with Wright still reeling from the Atomic Noogie, Rodez carefully leans over, placing The Natural's shoulders on the canvas...



"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Getting his senses back, Wright turns over slightly to his knees, using them to help pull himself off the canvas. Wtight then gets back to his feet and softens Rodez up with a couple more forearms to the kidneys. Slumping slightly, the headlock applied by Rodez isn't as strong anymore and Wright easily pushes him off, sending him hurtling off towards the ropes. As he comes back, Rodez suddenly dives off his feet and wipes out Wright with a crossbody block. The Natural tries to catch his opponent but eventually loses his balance and falls, but pushes Rodez off before a pin can be counted. Both men scramble up again, with Wright catching Rodez on the rise and hauling him up into a fireman's carry position. Wriggling free, Rodez falls behind and quickly pulls over Wright into a sunset flip...




Wright kicks right up to his feet, but stumbles straight into the side-headlock trap once more! Furious at himself, Wright slams his feet in a mini-tantrum while Rodez wrenches on the headlock. Meanwhile, Wright is reaching for some sort of escape...and finds a handful of hair, using it to pull Rodez over onto his side. Referee Robinson doesn't notice the hairpull but Rodez still has the headlock on and is happy to stay on his side with the hold applied for the moment. Until Wright begins to pull himself up again. This time, once to his feet, Wright grabs the hair again...again not noticed by the referee but noticed by the fans, who howl away at the blatant cheating. Rodez is pulled against the ropes eventually, with Wright releasing the hair and breaking...before shocking Rodez with a firm knee to the gut!


Ugh, what a cheapshot in the ropes! Rodez has been trying to wrestle this match, despite everything that Christian Wright has done to him. But for someone who preaches morality, this Wright isn't exactly wrestling with morals and integrity.

Rodez doubles over, as Wright tries to loosen up his neck from the much headlockery that has affected it, with Charles Robinson admonishing him all the while. Feigning an apology, Wright shrugs Robinson off and pulls Rodez from the ropes, tripping his feet from underneath him. Holding onto them Wright then splits the legs and stomps Rodez firmly in the gut, leaving him writhing in pain. Followed by a firm, nochalant punt into the ribs.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

The crowd have to rally behind Rodez for the first time now as he remains hurt on the canvas, Wright swaggering around him with refound confidence. Measuring his opponent, Wright slams his boot into the lower back. Before stomping Rodez as he turns over, deep in the gut. Wright then reaches down and pulls Rodez up by the hair. Rodez is still doubled over and can do nothing, as Wright rears back and slams a Million $ Kneelift up into his chest. The momentum sends Rodez staggering back, falling down through the middle and bottom ropes, landing with a hard thud on the arena floor. Wright turns away and mugs in the direction of the crowd, as Rodez remains down on the floor, forcing Robinson to administer a count.





A sudden change of momentum here. All it took was that one, hard cheapshot and Leon Rodez has been reeling ever since.

Call it a cheapshot all you want but I didn't see him do anything wrong.

Well, of course YOU didn't.


A knee is a perfectly legal move.

Not when the referee's asking for a clean break it isn't!


Rodez is only just now beginning to stir, but Christian Wright tries to leave the ring to go out after him and ends up accidently breaking the count. Robinson forces Wright to go back before re-starting his count. Up to his knees, Rodez holds his gut as he uses the apron to try and pull himself back to his feet. Wright walks over and peers over the ropes, smirking at his hurting opponent before sitting down on the middle rope, mockingly holding the ropes open for his opponent.


Oh come on!

What now? Don't try telling me that's illegal, please.

It's not illegal. But it's a total lack of class...look at him, just mocking Rodez as he tries to get back in the ring.

With the count by Robinson stopped as he tries to get Wright away from the ropes, in vain, Rodez drags himself up onto the apron. One arm clutches his ribs and the other the middle rope as he leans himself up and tries to get into the ring. But Wright slams him with a punt to the ribs before he can get fully in, to more jeers from the crowd. Rodez hangs half and half over the middle rope as Wright is again warned by the referee over his conduct. Wright doesn't take much notice though and measures up the lower back, driving his knee into exposed kidneys of his dangling opponent. That sends Rodez falling back into the ring, right at Wright's feet. The Natural cockily turns to the crowd, pointing down at Rodez and seeming to ask if this was all the challenge he had to face. At his feet, Rodez begins to stir though. So Wright refocuses and pulls Rodez to his feet by the hair, turning him to the corner and slamming the side of his head into the top turnbuckle with authority! Falling to a seated position, Rodez clutches his right ear with a grimace...as behind him, Christian is measuring him...


...for a brutal Dragon Kick!


...and a second. Rodez writhes in pain, as Wright shrugs him down with the flat of his foot, before power-stomping The Silky Smooth One in the chest!



The fans don't seem to agree with Wright mad cry, which seems to fire him up a little more. Grabbing Rodez under the head, Wright pulls him to his feet and hoists him up into a fireman's carry. This time, there's no wriggling out, as Wright takes a step before tumbling forward with the Honor Roll! The 233 pounds crashing into Leon's sternum leaves him gasping for breath, easy prey for a pinfall...




Wright gets quickly back up to drop an elbow on Rodez before he can recover. He then walks off across the ring, adjusting his elbowpad as he recieves more abuse from a different part of the crowd. With the elbowpad sorted, Wright then comes back over and helps Rodez to his feet, popping him with a quick jab. Falling back into the corner, Rodez is helpless, as Wright stomps him quickly once, twice and a third time in the gut, before lining him up...



...and lashing him with a knifedge chop! Rodez falls forward to his hands and knees, getting kicked hard in the gut again. And again. A clubbing right hand follows across the back of the head and Rodez is under a barrage. Stepping away, Wright measures his opponent, slowly dropping an elbow across the back. Rodez's back arches from the move, Wright turning immediately over into a quick pinfall attempt...




Getting nothing, Wright quickly tries to slow things down as he applies a modified abdominal stretch on the mat.

Now it's Wright slowing things down and I think you're right here 'Boose. These two are concerned with the win as much as, if not more than, injuring their opponent.

Rodez tries to fight out of the stretch and turns inwards towards Wright, ending up in a front facelock which is still uncomfortable but at least isn't hurting his ribs at the moment. Pulling up Rodez, Wright keeps the front facelock on and wheels him towards the ropes before releasing and sending him for the ride. Wright then sets, catching Rodez on the rebound and launching him up, across the top rope with a Stun Gun! Snapping back off the ropes, Rodez stumbles back, with Wright rushes past him to hit the ropes in front, hooking Rodez down with a high-impact clothesline. Down stays Rodez, still favouring the ribs, while Wright staggers on after the clothesline and waits against the opposite ropes. Encouraging Rodez to get back up, Wright waits impatiently, hopping around with fists clenched in anticipation. Rodez finally begins to get back up as all around the arena, the crowd try to warn their man what awaits him. But he doesn't seem to hear, staggering to his feet and turning as Wright suddenly charges. Approaching Rodez, Wright ducks his head looking for a Spear...

...but Rodez snaps a knee up at the last minute, catching Wright FLUSH in the jaw!!


Now it's Wright staggering backwards, with Rodez hitting the ropes and charging. As he swings out with a clothesline though, Wright ducks, catching Rodez under the arm and head. Hooking the hip, Wright then lifts, twisting a quick 180 as he pulls Wright off of his feet and plants him on his head with a Uranage Suplex!!


Rodez recoils on impact, Wright dropping across him with a cover...





Kickout, but that's clearly done it's damage!

This is more like Christian...to be working the neck. And now he's back to what he does best, we're going to see him in full flow.

Despite his kickout, Rodez remains down. Wright looks down on his opponent with destain as he gets to his feet, hands on hips as he muses over his next move. Deciding eventually to drag Rodez to his feet, driving another knee deep into his abdomen to keep him doubled over. Wright then comes off the ropes, getting a run-up on another hard punt into the ribs, connecting with enough force to take Rodez off his feet! Rodez lands on his knees but slumps forward, face-down and hurting.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Pulling Rodez back up, Wright hits a quick vertical suplex to place Rodez in a suitable position, before beginning a climb to the top rope. But Rodez is beginning to determinedly clamber back to his feet, so Wright re-thinks his plans and leaps back into the ring, nailing Rodez with a boot to the side of the head. This time Rodez remains down, but Christian pulls him up anyway and scoops Rodez up for a slam. Rodez flips over the top though, landing behind Wright and shooting him towards the corner. Wright extends a boot, which hits the middle turnbuckle and stops his momentum, allowing him to catch Rodez running in with a back elbow to the jaw! Rodez wobbles but somehow remains on his feet, as Wright climbs to the middle rope and reaches forward for Rodez. Grabbing him by the head, Wright pulls Rodez in and signals for the Tornado DDT to boos from the fans, as he positions himself carefully on the ropes and launches himself into the air. Rodez manages to counter though and is able to push Wright off, so he flies into the centre of the ring and crashes face-first into the mat!


Counter by Rodez! And now, it's Christian Wright who is in trouble!

Wright drags himself up, holding his gut as he walks gingerly over towards Rodez...to recieve a boot across the pectoral area, snapping him up to a vertical base. As he does so, Rodez takes a backstep before shooting out the leg again, for a Superkick...



Wright quickly capitalises on Rodez's momentary distraction, snatching a waistlock. He then sets, preparing to take Rodez over with a quick German. But, after only going up halfway, Rodez tumbles forward and manages to bring Wright over with a victory roll...




Woah! He nearly shocked Christian there!

Back up clambers Rodez, trying shake off the pain in his ribs as Wright gets up with him. Quickly Rodez moves in and fires off a jab on Wright...

...and another jab...

...a jab...

...but Wright ducks a fourth jab...







...and nails a series of stinging knifedge chops to weaken down Rodez. It succeeds as Rodez doubles over, sucking wind as Wright grabs Rodez and yanks him down by the hair. Robinson warns Wright about the use of the hair but Wright doesn't so much as notice him as he sets about following up, quickly flipping Rodez onto his back and grabbing the legs of The New Age Love Machine. No fool, Rodez knows he's in trouble and tries to scramble free. But Wright pulls Rodez back in, and quickly turns Rodez over and into a Boston Crab!


He's got him locked in the Boston Crab! Wright is trying to capitalise on that back injury, but we all know the heart Leon Rodez possesses.

Yeah, but what good's heart going to do when your ribs are being torn apart?

It'll keep Leon Rodez in this match, that's what!

Wright sits back and is already nodding his head, confident that he's got the match well in hand. Meanwhile, the agonised Rodez starts to claw at his own face from the pain that he's in. The referee is right there with him to check for a tap-out, but Rodez shakes his head with a 'no'...scanning around the ring for the ropes, which seem to be close by. But Wright sits back a little further with the hold and it seems Rodez is going to tap out...

...until suddenly, he starts pushing up! Rodez has his eyes locked on the bottom rope and begins to reach out for them. Wright turns his attentions to the Angleslam set though, watching the big screen and seeing Rodez reaching for the ropes...so begins to walk forward, pulling Rodez back inch by inch away from an escape! Despairing boos fill the air, as Wright sits back in, with Rodez now a considerable distance away from the ropes. An agonising distance for Rodez and his supporters! Howling in pain, Rodez makes another effort to reach the ropes as he starts to drag Wright's 233 pounds along towards the ropes once more. Wright sits back again, but still Rodez crawls, with determination and sheer grit as he begins to gradually get nearer and nearer to the ropes. Suddenly, Wright stands up, adjusting hold of the legs and folding one over the other, hooking his arms in between and sitting back once more with Rodez trapped.

Texas Cloverleaf! Wright adjusts the Boston Crab into the perhaps even more effective Texas Cloverleaf!

Now Rodez is going nowhere, unable to crawl any further with CW's knee planted on the back of his head. So it's lucky that Rodez is just centimetres from the ropes...



Frustratedly, Wright flings the legs down and steps away from Rodez, who continues to cling onto the ropes despite the broken hold. Wright fumes for a minute, before going back to Rodez. Grabbing a leg, he pulls Rodez and tries to get him away from the ropes. Clinging on for dear life, Rodez won't go though. He grabs the rope with a second hand as well to further hang onto the ropes, Wright still tugging away in hope. Reaching up, Rodez grabs the middle rope now with his hands and waits for Wright to pull again, using that momentum and his grip on the ropes to somersault backwards, landing on his feet in front of Wright...and stopping short, clutching his ribs!

Ha! He might have a lot of heart, but he's sure lacking in the brains department, huh?

With his opponent momentarily incapacitated, Wright snatches an arm and sends Rodez across the ring with an irish whip. Rodez hits the opposite ropes but suddenly puts the brakes on, much to the confusion of CW who hesitates for a moment before sprinting forward at Rodez. But Rodez is ready and prepared, side-stepping Wright on the way and drop-toe-holding him across the middle rope!


I hate this...

Eventually, Wright settles on the middle rope, as behind him Rodez goes the dance, hits the opposite ropes, sprints back at Wright...



Missing the "Call That Bitch Bojangles", Rodez bounces back off the ropes and into a knee to the spine, executed with pin-point precision by Christian Wright! Stopping suddenly, Rodez clutches his lower back. As meanwhile, Wright steps to the side and takes Rodez over with a quick back suplex.

With those bad ribs, Rodez just can't mount any offense here!

Wright leaps back up and grabs a handful of Rodez's hair, dragging him to his feet slowly. As he does, Rodez fires a right hand to the gut of Wright. But Wright quickly drives his arm down across the back of his opponent which drops him back down to his knees. Stepping behind Rodez, Wright quickly pulls up the New Age Love Machine and just as quickly pops the hips, taking Rodez up and over with a textbook german suplex which folds Rodez up across his trapezius area, jolting back and neck! Slumping into position, Rodez remains down as Wright leaves the ring and begins to climb to the top rope!

Look at this...Christian Wright going up. This is a rare move.

Yep. It might not be smart, but it's rare.

Reaching the top, Wright assesses the distance before adjusting up top, launching off...

...and MISSING the Holy Grail Frog Splash!!

Rodez got out of the way! Wright crashes and burns.

Both men are hurt and set about trying to get back up. Despite his miss, Wright is up first. Rodez meanwhile uses the ropes to pull himself up, his ribs clearly still bothering him.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Eventually he reaches his feet but falls into the ropes from exhaustion, allowing Wright to stride across to Rodez and deliver series of right hooks into the ribs of the New Age Love Machine. With each hook, Rodez slumps further into the ring ropes and it looks like all his energy is gone now as Leon's eyes begin to droop down with the rest of his body. Wright whips the weary Rodez around so his back is to the ropes, with nowhere to go and prime pickings...



...for a knifedge





...and two more, leaving Rodez gasping for air. With Leon unable to suitably defend himself, Wright grabs Rodez by the arm and irish whips him across the ring. Rodez rebounds and can't stop himself before getting hooked under the armpits and lifted up for a Wright Off...

...but it's countered, with a small package...





A little shocked, Wright gets back to his feet and catches Rodez with a boot to the gut. That doubles over Rodez and leaves him prime to be placed in a standing headscissors, which brings the crowd to their feet to will Leon to counter.

Could be a Crucifx Powerbomb here...

With a quick pause to fire the crowd up, Wright lifts Rodez up...

...only for Rodez to float over the back, countering into a sunset flip...







Rodez scrambles out of the ring with victory intact, as Wright comes to his knees wondering what the hell happened.

Your winner of the match... LLEEEEEEEOONN... RRROOOODDEEEZZZZZZZ!!!!


And Leon Rodez has surprised everyone, especially Christian Wright!

As Leon heads backwards up the ramp, smiling and laughing at Wright, the man in the ring fumes, in anger as well as disbelief.

Well Rodez better thank his lucky stars.

Lucky or not, he got his win over the man who's been tormenting him for months!

I don't know if this issue is settled, but tonight, Leon Rodez was the better man, and he walks out of here with the victory.

We'll see if anything comes of this on Thursday

Leon Rodez to this very day has never seen eye to eye with Christian Wright. Both men will be in action this upcoming Angleslam with Christian Wright tagging with Theodore Moneymaker against the Orange County Cobras and 2009 Manager of the year Molly Nerdly. Leon Rodez as we all know will be vying for his third world title against Krista Isadora Duncan and they'll both be in action later tonight.

Backstage Terry Taylor is with Morgan Nerdly.

Coming up at Angleslam, Morgan, you'll be hunting for women's title against Sophie. What are your thoughts ahead of the contest?

I don't want to talk about it.

Are you nervous?

No, I'm not...I just don't want to talk about it. I'm not so into the whole stand and be interviewed business. What's there to say? I won a number one contenders match by beating my own family. Sophie gets title matches and special guest referees and anything she needs because her cousin is GM. I don't think I ever had anything like that. My family...they weren't much for giving or helping.  You'd build a house of legos, leave it for a few minutes and come back to find MEL smashing it with a bat. When you have ten kids in one house someone's bound to be the neglected runt. That was me, I guess. Little Morgan Nerdly, she doesn't need encouragement! She doesn't need a helping hand! She's just a whiny brat!  I'm used to not having the advantage. I learned when I was younger the world and the people in it were against me. This society is no place for someone like me, I know it. Honestly, I shouldn't even be here. I'm an outcast, and no one wants me to win the women's title. I don't even know if I want it back. But Leon says I have to get it, because it will strike in people's heart he says. I don't know what it'll do for me, I just want to be left alone for a little while.  

What about Lorelei DeCenzo as the guest referee?

I don't want to talk about Lorelei. I just don't. Unless you've ever accidentally hurt a friend and then had that friend completely turn on you, you just can't understand. I'm sorry, but you can't. And if that was your only friend....people have gotten hurt by me, but Lorelei was never supposed to be one of them. I just can't stop myself. No one can.

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The lights go down in the arena, and several spotlights shine on the steel cage at the top of the arena. Ominous music plays as the cage starts lowering to the ring, causing the fans to cheer loudly.


Michael Cole and Johnathan Coachman coming to you, as always, from Sofa Central. And we begin AngleSlam with a match that will not be for the weak of heart. An "I Quit!" Match inside a Steel Cage as "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican collides with Thunderkid one more time, in a match that is being called PR/Thunderkid: The Final Confrontation.

I am ready for this match, Mikey! Tha Puerto Rican and Thunderkid will be locked inside a 15-foot high, 20-feet wide steel cage. And it's just going to be PRL, Thunderkid, the referee, and a microphone. That's it! No Lightning Crew, no Alfdogg, no nothing! PRL and Thunderkid are now going to finally settle their issue that's been building since Living Anglelously!

The steel cage is just about to surround the ring. The crowd buzzes in anticipation for the match. The ominous music continues playing.

This match ain't going to be pretty. You heard that from PRL himself. He's said that there will be bloodshed. He's also said that you will never hear him say, "I quit!" But will that change tonight? Will Tha Puerto Rican say, "I quit!" for the first time in his career? Or will it be Thunderkid who has to say those two words?

It's really tough to call. Both men are evenly matched. Both men are determined to come out the winner. They will give it their all tonight, to make sure the other man says, "I quit!" This is the biggest match in Thunderkid's career, and it's taking place at the biggest event of the summer. How appropriate is that?

The steel cage is now surrounding the ring. The spotlights still stay on the cage.

Very appropriate Coach. And now it is time. The "I Quit!" Steel Cage Match is about to begin. Remember, there's no pinfalls, no submissions, no disqualifications. The only way to win is to make your opponent say, "I quit!" into the microphone. The cage is now surrounding the ring. Tha Puerto Rican and Thunderkid are ready to go. And so are we. So let's go to the ring where Michael Buffer is standing by for the introductions.

The ominous music ends. The lights go back on in the arena. Michael Buffer is standing in the center of the ring, mic and cue cards in his hands. The crowd buzzes with excitement.


Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the "I Quit!" Steel Cage Match to begin OAOAST AngleSlam 2006! Here are the rules: there are no pinfalls and no submissions. There are no disqualifications. The only way to win is by saying into the microphone "I quit!" When the bell sounds, your referee for this match will be Earl Hebner. And the outside referee, to make sure that there is no Lightning Crew interference, will be Nick Patrick.

And indeed, Nick Patrick is standing by the cage door, watching the entrance.

Now then...ARE YOU READY?


Wrestling fans, are...you...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY?!!!


Than, for the thousands in attendance at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida, and the millions watching around the world. Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

The crowd cheers. The camera does several close-ups of the steel cage.

Good idea to have Nick Patrick guard the outside to make sure The Lightning Crew doesn't try to do anything funny.

The OAOAST is doing everything it can to make sure that this is a fair fight. We said this will be the Final Confrontation, and we mean it! No false promises from us, that's for sure!

Amen to that.

We see Earl Hebner standing in the ring with a microphone in his hands. The lights go down in the arena. A Puerto Rican flag appears on the AngleTron. In big white blocky letters, the following words appear on the screen with Tha Puerto Rican saying them:



With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role '99" begins playing, with the crowd standing up and booing. PR is heard saying "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" throughout the song, while smoke fills the entryway and blue strobe lights flicker on and off in the entrance. A few seconds elapsed, and out from the curtains and through the smoke comes "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, his manager and "Career Consultant" Stephen Joseph Popick, and his girlfriend Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, wearing her hair down and decked out in a tight black Lightning Crew T-shirt, a gold necklace, diamond earrings, gold bracelets, a leather skirt, and go-go boots. Popick is holding the Corporate Champion belt, while PR is holding the briefcase which holds his guaranteed World Title shot contract inside. PR raises the briefcase at the same time as Popick raises the Corporate Champion belt over his head. The crowds' boos get louder.

There's the man who has everything going his way right now.

PR looks at the crowd in disgust, jawing with some fans. He looks at Popick and Lindsay, and the three of them begin their walk down the entrance ramp. Puerto mugs for the camera holding the briefcase up, while Lindsay walks behind him, and Popick brings up the rear, holding the Corporate Champion belt over his head as "Know Your Role '99" continues playing.

Introducing first, coming to the ring at this time. Accompanied to the ring by his manager and "Career Consultant" Stephen Joseph Popick AND his girlfriend, the 1st Lady Of The Lightning Crew Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. From San Juan, Puerto Rico. Weighing in at 220 lbs. He is a former OAOAST North American Champion, a 3-time OAOAST Puerto Rican/Italian/Puerto Rican Champion. AND he is the longest reigning 24/7 Champion in OAOAST history. The leader of The Lightning Crew and a man who has a contract for a World Heavyweight Championship shot whenever he wishes; he…is..."The Corporate Champion" THA PUERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RICCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

PR smirks at the crowd as he reminds the fans at home that, yes, he does have a contract to face the World Champion whenever he wants.  Chants of "P.R. SUCKS!" fill the arena as PRL, Popick, and Lindsay continue their walk to the ring.

The man with the golden contract. He can cash it in whenever he wants. Whether it be tomorrow, next month, or next year, that contract gives him one guaranteed title shot against the OAOAST Champion.

And I get the feeling that PRL is glad he doesn’t have to put that contract on the line tonight at AngleSlam.

Somehow I think you're right.

Tha Puerto Rican stops to look at the steel cage. He's hesitant to get in at first, and takes a big gulp that is noticeable on camera. Puerto Rican takes a deep breath, and high fives Stephen Popick, before handing him the briefcase. He then hugs his manager, who wishes him good luck. PR then hugs Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, and receives a kiss on the lips for luck. PR mouths, "I'm ready", and then climbs the ring steps to enter the ring and the steel cage.

Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and Stephen Joseph won't do PR any good in this match. Nick Patrick is out here to make sure there's no interference from The Lightning Crew. This match is between PR and TK, not The LC.

Too many initials. Coach confused.

Tha Puerto Rican enters the ring. He spins around; soaking in the fans' boos while "Know Your Role '99" continues playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican does the HBK muscle pose but there's no pyro tonight because of the steel cage. The crowd is still booing loudly and chanting "P.R. SUCKS!" PRL heads to a second turnbuckle and raises his hands. He then heads to another second turnbuckle and raises his hands again. PR hits a third second turnbuckle, and raises his right arm in the air and "smells the electricity" a'la The Rock. PRL does the same Rock pose on the fourth second turnbuckle, receiving boos.

Tha Puerto Rican looks ready. He was a little hesitant to enter the cage, but now he's got his game face on, and he's going to need it. This will NOT be an easy match for him.

Or Thunderkid for that matter. An "I Quit!" Match, especially one inside a Steel Cage, is definitely going to take a lot out of both men. Their careers might never be the same. After tonight, one man will have the biggest win of his career, while the other will have the biggest lost.

Good point, Coach. Did I just say that?

Yes. :D

Tha Puerto Rican gets off the ropes and removes his sunglasses and earring. He says something to Earl Hebner as the lights go back on in the arena and "Know Your Role '99" continues playing. A LOUD "P.R. SUCKS!" chant starts up again.

The thousands of fans in the Triple A arena are showering the Corporate Champ with boos!

What? I can't hear you!

Stephen Joseph Popick and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez stand together outside the ring. Popick is holding the briefcase with his right hand, and has the Corporate Champion belt over his left shoulder. Both he and Lindsay have concerned looks on their faces. P.R. bounces off the ropes to get ready for the match.

This is only Tha Puerto Rican's third steel cage match in the OAOAST. He is 1-1 in these types of matches, losing to "Shooter" Jay Darring in a Three Stages Of Hell Match for the North American and Puerto Rican Championships at License To Pin 2003 and defeating Panther in the "Rage In The Cage" Steel Cage Match at AngleMania IV in April 2005.

And he retired Panther in that match. Don't remember? He'll remind you again and again.

Yes. We have all heard that time and time again.

It does get irritating, doesn't it?

"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican looks to the entrance. "Know Your Role '99" dies down. The crowd murmurs in excitement, ready for Thunderkid's entrance.

PRL is ready. Is Thunderkid ready?

The lights go down in the arena again. The crowd cheers. Smoke starts appearing in the entryway as "God Of Thunder" by KISS starts playing. Yellow strobe lights surround the entrance set. Thunderkid steps out through the curtains.


Thunderkid looks at the crowd with a serious expression on his face. He raises his hands in the air, acknowledging the fans, and then walks to the ring, his eyes focused on the steel cage and Tha Puerto Rican. Thunderkid does slap some hands as he walks though.

And his opponent. Coming down the aisle. From Green Bay, Wisconsin. Weighing in at 255 lbs. He is a former OAOAST North American Champion. The vastly popular THUNDERRRRRRRRRKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

The crowd cheers. Thunderkid continues walking to the ring.

This whole feud started back on April 30th at Living Anglelously 2006, when Tha Puerto Rican hit Thunderkid in the back with a steel chair during his No Holds Barred Match against Reject. Axel suspended PRL for the month of May before we could get an explanation, but made an appearance at the School's Out pay-per-view on May 28th, attacking Thunderkid AGAIN during the Sunday Detention Challenge for the OAOAST Heartland Championship, which Brock Ausstin later won. We would later find out that the reason PRL attacked Thunderkid both times was to get Alfdogg's attention, and get an OAOAST World Title shot.

And he did get an OAOAST Title shot, on the June 1st HeldDOWN~!, when he took on Alfdogg one-on-one.  

And just when it looked like PRL might win the match and the title, Thunderkid interfered, causing the disqualification, and ruining PRL's shot at the title.

That made the feud personal. PRL and Thunderkid fought at The Great Angle Bash on June 25th, with PRL coming out the winner when he cheated to beat Thunderkid!

PRL and Thunderkid would face off in the Battlebowl Match on July 4th and again during the LUDICROUS SPEED~! Lethal Rumble which PRL won by eliminating Thunderkid and Reject!

PRL and Thunderkid also had a match at OAOAST Syndicated on July 29th, which ended in a No Contest when PRL and Thunderkid couldn’t stop brawling. They brawled all the way to the back, and had to be separated by OAOAST superstars!

And so that brings us to tonight. The Final Confrontation between Tha Puerto Rican and Thunderkid. Thunderkid has told PRL to prepare to bleed at AngleSlam, while PRL has promised that there will be bloodshed, but it won't be from him. No pinfalls count in this match, so neither the Corporate Nightmare nor the Thunderbolt DDT will get the job done tonight. The only way to win is to make your opponent say, "I quit!"

This should be, as Good Ol' JR would say, a slobberknocker! What a way to kickoff AngleSlam!

Thunderkid enters the steel cage. He glances over at PRL, and then climbs a second turnbuckle. TK raises his hands to cheers. TK climbs to the opposite second turnbuckle and raises his hands again to cheers as "God Of Thunder" continues playing. TK hypes the crowd up with PRL sneering at him. 'Kid gets off the second turnbuckle while the lights go back on in the arena. Thunderkid and Tha Puerto Rican stare at each other from opposite sides of the ring.

Thunderkid has said this will be the biggest match of his career, and how proud he would be if he could beat PRL a week after he got the guaranteed title shot.

It can happen, but so can PRL beating him to a bloody pulp and making him say, "I quit!"


PRL and Thunderkid stand at opposite turnbuckles. Referee Earl Hebner pats down both PR and TK. Referee Nick Patrick has already closed the steel cage door. Popick and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez pray for PRL’s safety. Earl Hebner calls for the bell.


"God Of Thunder" by KISS dies down. Tha Puerto Rican and Thunderkid both get out from their corners. The crowd is hot, ready for the match, and AngleSlam, to begin. P.R. and TK have a staredown in the center of the ring.

What could they be saying to each other?

PR and TK getting louder and louder. Finally, PRL throws the first shot. Thunderkid fires back. The two men engage in a slugfest! Back and forth they go, neither man gaining the advantage. That is until Thunderkid starts firing repeated punches to the skull! The punches stun PR momentarily, but enough that TK can whip Puerto into the ropes, and follow it up with a belly-to-back suplex! PR clutches his back in pain while Thunderkid quickly gets up.

Baton down the hatches, they can fight all night! There is NO time limit in this match!

PR uses the ropes to get up. He and Thunderkid circle each other. Each waits for the other to make a move. PRL and Thunderkid lunge after each other, like they're going for a lockup, but instead, PR ducks underneath 'Kid, grabs his legs, and brings him down to the mat. PR grabs Thunderkid's right foot, but Thunderkid kicks PR in the face with his left foot, causing PRL to fall to the mat. Both PRL and Thunderkid get up at the same time, but then PRL charges, and grabs 'Kid's legs again, bringing him down to the mat. PRL gets right on top of Thunderkid and starts pounding on his head. However, Thunderkid reverses, and now he's on top of PRL pounding on his head! BUT THEN, PRL reverses, and he's back to pounding TK's head.

Both men are jockeying for control. Neither man wants to be the one to utter those two words. They don't want to be humiliated and degraded tonight at AngleSlam!

PRL chokes Thunderkid with his bare hands. Thunderkid quickly scratches PR's eyes, getting him off of him. Tha Puerto Rican gets up first, so he starts the attack, kicking Thunderkid in the back with his shaky leg kicks. He then picks Thunderkid up, and nails him with a European Uppercut, which knocks him down. PR picks Thunderkid up again, and nails him with several more European Uppercuts that do a good job in wearing down TK.

PRL not letting Thunderkid escape for one second! He is on him like I'm on my boy toy every night!

TMI, dude.

Puerto Rican grabs Thunderkid and nails him with another European Uppercut. Thunderkid fires with a punch! PR fires with a punch of his own! TK with a punch! PR! TK! PR! TK! Another slugfest in the ring! TK gains control again, hitting PR with right jabs to the face.

Thunderkid in control, despite not feeling 100% from Drek Stone's brutal attack last Thursday on HeldDOWN~!

The punches daze and confuse Tha Puerto Rican. So much so, that he just Flair Flops onto the mat after 6 straight punches to the face! Thunderkid is not done yet. He picks PRL up, and goes back to punching him. PRL tries to escape, but no matter where he goes, Thunderkid punches him.

I don't know how long PRL can take this kind of punishment!

Probably not for long, Michael.

Thunderkid scoops up Tha Puerto Rican into a fallaway slam position. 'Kid walks around the ring with PRL in his hands, before rushing forward and THROWING him into the steel cage!

Good God!

The crowd, Stephen Joseph, and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez groan when they see that. PRL is kissing the canvas. Thunderkid looks to the crowd, who cheer loudly. Thunderkid cracks a half-smile, and then picks PRL up.


PRL is now on the outside of the ring, but since the cage is right next to him, it doesn't really matter. Thunderkid hammers him in the back of his neck. 'Kid pulls back on PRL's head, causing his neck to meet the ropes. PRL flails his arms around, but to no success. Thunderkid then slams PRL's head on the steel cage...NO!...PRL holds on. Thunderkid tries again. BUT PRL WON'T BUDGE! Thunderkid keeps trying to slam Tha Puerto Rican's face against the steel mesh, but to no avail. PRL manages to nail Thunderkid with a back elbow, breaking his grip. Thunderkid falls to the mat, already feeling the effects of the match. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez breathes a sigh of relief.

This match is taking a toll already on the two competitors. Tha Puerto Rican and Thunderkid have been hammering into each other since the match began, and it won't stop until one of them says, "I quit!"

And it maybe a long while before that happens!

Tha Puerto Rican and Thunderkid are both feeling fatigued. TK starts to get up, as Tha Puerto Rican climbs the top rope. When TK gets to a vertical base, PRL leaps off the top rope with a double axehandle, knocking TK back down!

Yes! Wooo! Yes!

PRL goes back to his shaky leg kicks. Ms. Gonzalez cheers after each kick. PR picks up Thunderkid. He scoops him up to give him a bodyslam back to the mat! The crowd starts buzzing, knowing what is coming up next.

Here we go.

Tha Puerto Rican exits the ring and climbs the top rope. The crowd stands up and starts booing. PRL stands up on the top rope, removes his elbow pad, and throws it down on the mat. PR motions to the crowd, and then leaps off the top rope, doing the "Up yours!" hand gesture in mid-air. Corporate Elbow Drop!


PRL with a Corporate Elbow Drop on Thunderkid!

Will that be enough to make him say, "I quit!"?

Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and Stephen Joseph Popick applaud one of PRL's (many) signature moves. Thunderkid is still lying on the mat following the elbow drop. PRL dares him to get up, but then says, "Fuck it." and picks him up. Instead of doing anything fancy, PRL simply grabs Thunderkid by his tights...and throws him right into the steel cage! The Kid crumbles to the mat!

Oh my! That was right hard in the forehead into the steel cage!

Thunderkid has a small cut above his forehead now. PRL grins evilly when he sees this. Puerto Rican stands over Thunderkid and grabs him by his hair. Puerto starts punching the forehead repeatedly.

PRL sees the cut, and now he's trying to make it worst!

He's like a shark that smells blood! Tha Puerto Rican has the advantage now, as Thunderkid is bleeding!

The Corporate Champ punches Thunderkid's forehead in rapid-fire succession drawing more blood! PR has some blood on his hands that he wipes off on his tights. PR removes his Puerto Rican flag bandana and chokes Thunderkid with it! Blood starts pouring down Thunderkid's face as he gasps for air. The crowd cheers loudly, hoping to get Thunderkid back into the match.

And you can see. The blood loss is getting worst. PRL said that there wouldn't be any bloodshed coming from him, and he maybe right!

Thunderkid is just at the mercy of Tha Puerto Rican right about now!

PRL is still choking Thunderkid, who is on his knees, with his bandana. But then, Thunderkid starts waving his arms wildly. Thunderkid then sits up. He then gets on one knee. PRL is still choking him with the bandana, but it's like it has no effect on him now! Thunderkid digs deep and finds the strength inside him to get up and grab the bandana, stopping the choking to a loud pop from the crowd!

Thunderkid stopped the choking! I don't believe it!

Unfortunately, PRL nails Thunderkid in his kidneys, cutting the comeback short. Thunderkid falls onto the ropes. Tha Puerto Rican grabs Thunderkid and gives him a vertical suplex. The crowd boos. PRL rolls through, and gives Thunderkid another vertical suplex. The crowd boos louder. PRL rolls through a third time, and sets TK up for a third vertical suplex. PRL holds Thunderkid up in the air, letting the blood (the blood that's inside him) rush to his head. Some of the crowd applauds PRL for how long he's holding Thunderkid up in the air.

We're seeing the talent of Tha Puerto Rican on display right here.

PRL does the "You can't see me!" hand gesture. He then walks to the ropes, and drops TK's stomach onto the top ring rope, doing a slingshot suplex on him, completing the Corporate Trifecta. PRL applauds himself after the move. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and Popick applaud him too.

We're seeing the arrogance of Tha Puerto Rican on display here!

"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican picks up Thunderkid. He gives him a Rock-style punch to the temple, and then whips him into the ropes…Thunderkid reverses...PRL bounces off the ropes...Thunderkid grabs PRL...and drops him with a stun gun on the top rope!


Thunderkid really snapped PRL's neck hard up against those ropes with that stun gun! I really think he took a lot out of Tha Puerto Rican with that move.

Excellent point, Coach!

Wow, I am on a roll.

Tha Puerto Rican clutches his neck, coughing profusely. Lindsay Gonzalez is worried for PRL. Thunderkid stomps on PRL, and then picks him up. Punch to the face! But PRL is back with a punch of his own! He then kicks TK in the gut, and then does it again for fun, which causes 'Kid to fall to the mat. PRL is moving slower now as the match is really taking its toll on him. Blood is now covering most of Thunderkid's face, and he's still bleeding! Tha Puerto Rican picks up Thunderkid. He readies himself, spitting in his left hand, and then punches Thunderkid--BLOCKED! Thunderkid with a punch! Then another punch! Then another punch!

We haven't seen a lot of wrestling moves in this match, but we've seen a whole lot of punching! Punching from two men who hate each other, and who want to be the one that gains the victory tonight as we begin AngleSlam!

Thunderkid punches PRL, causing him to fall on his ass. Thunderkid goes to pick him up, BUT Puerto Rican grabs Thunderkid's tights, and throws him into the steel cage again! TK falls to the mat!

Thunderkid AGAIN into the cage!

Thunderkid is kissing the canvas. Tha Puerto Rican catches his breath, and then wipes the sweat from his forehead. He calls to Popick.

Yo! Popick!

PRL motions to Popick to do something, and Popick knows exactly what it is. Stephen Joseph climbs the steel cage on the outside.


Nick Patrick tries to stop him. And so does Earl Hebner. The two men try to get the OAOAST Corporate member to climb back down. Popick has a smirk on his face. He throws the Corporate Champion belt over the top of the steel cage into the ring!

Now come on! I know there are no rules, but this isn't right! Popick just gave PRL an unfair advantage!

He's doing everything he can to make sure his client wins this "I Quit!" Match.

Yeah, and it makes me sick!

The crowd boos loudly. The Corporate Champion belt now lies in the ring and Thunderkid has yet to get up. Nick Patrick and Earl Hebner finally convince Stephen Joseph to get off the cage. Stephen smiles when he gets off the cage though, a job well done. Ms. Lindsay thanks Popick for what he just did. Meanwhile, in the ring, Tha Puerto Rican picks up the Corporate Champion belt, causing the crowd to boo.


PRL smiles evilly, looking at the crowd. He looks at Thunderkid, with devious intentions on his mind. Thunderkid starts getting up slowly. PRL gets ready to do some damage with the belt. The crowd is worried for TK. 'Kid slowly gets to one knee. Tha Puerto Rican snaps into action, leaping up, and SLAMMING the Corporate Champion belt into the back of Thunderkid's head! TK falls back down to the mat.

The Corporate Champion belt! That damn belt! That damn belt is being used as a weapon again!

The Corporate Champion belt has been used on Thunderkid before! It was the belt that cost him to lose to Vitamin X on HeldDOWN~! a few weeks ago, and it was that belt that cost him to lose to Tha Puerto Rican at The Great Angle Bash!  

And it maybe the belt that costs him this match!

Tha Puerto Rican laughs manically. He kisses the Corporate Champion belt and throws it aside. Thunderkid is lying on the mat. PRL snatches the microphone away from Earl Hebner and gets on his knees, grabbing Thunderkid and shoving the microphone in his face.

What do you say, Thunderkid? Do you give up?


Do you give up?



I guess that means no.


Tha Puerto Rican hits Thunderkid in the head with the microphone and then throws it away. Earl Hebner picks up the microphone again.

Testing. Testing. One. Two. Three. Okay we're good.

Tha Puerto Rican gets up, and stomps on Thunderkid with his shaky leg kicks. Puerto Rican picks TK up, and places him in between his legs. PRL lifts Thunderkid up. Piledriver! PRL laughs evilly. Tha Puerto Rican picks Thunderkid up again, and knees him in the gut. He does the CLUBBERIN'~! THEY BE CLUBBERIN'~! forearms.

BUT WAIT! Thunderkid springs to life, and attacks PRL! Rights and lefts to the matinee idol looks of Tha Puerto Rican! PRL is stunned, so TK grabs PRL by his tights, just like PRL did to him before, and throws him into the steel cage!


Now it's PRL's turn to hit the cage!

PR Flair Flops onto the mat! Thunderkid watches as PRL holds his face in agony. Popick and Lindsay begin to panic on the outside. Thunderkid picks Tha Puerto Rican up. Thunderkid's face is now a crimson mask. Thunderkid says something to Tha Puerto Rican and then throws him face-first into the steel mesh again!

Thunderkid doing it again! He's trying to bust PRL open!

And I think it maybe working!

PRL screams out in pain. Thunderkid stomps on Tha Puerto Rican, to increasingly loud cheers from the crowd.


Thunderkid picks Tha Puerto Rican up. Falcon Arrow! Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez is covering her mouth, as she is now worried for her man. PRL now has a cut above his left eye. Blood is still pouring from Thunderkid's forehead. Thunderkid grabs the mic away from Earl Hebner and walks over to Tha Puerto Rican, who has crawled over to a turnbuckle so that he can be close to Lindsay. 'Kid grabs PRL by his hair and jams the microphone into his mouth.




Okay. SUCK IT!


PRL elbows Thunderkid in the gut. He very slowly gets up. Blood is now pouring from above PRL's left eye, causing Puerto to almost lose his balance. He is breathing hard now. P.R. grabs Thunderkid and hits him with a Rock-style punch to the temple. He then does it again. And again. PRL gives Thunderkid an Irish whip into the ropes. When Thunderkid bounces off the ropes, PRL grabs him, and (just barely) lifts him up and down for the SPINEBUSTER!

Whoa! PRL just gave Thunderkid the Spinebuster!

The crowd boos loudly, but some cheer, since they know what the spinebuster sets up. PRL sits on his ass, the spinebuster taking a lot out of him. Thunderkid lies in the middle of the ring, bloodied, and out of it. PRL gets up, and slowly walks over to TK where he kicks TK's right arm over his body.

Oh my! It could be time for...it could be time for one of PRL's favorite moves!

This crowd knows what's coming up next!

Tha Puerto Rican, breathing hard, removes his right elbow pad, spits on it, and then throws it down onto Thunderkid's body. He does some weird hand signals, and then bounces off the ropes, jumps over Thunderkid, and then bounces off the opposite ropes. PR stops to catch his breath, and then drops the most electrifying move in professional wrestling, the INTENSEZONE ELBOW!


The IntenseZone Elbow! The IntenseZone Elbow on Thunderkid!

That was an AngleSlam IntenseZone Elbow!

The crowd is going nuts following that last move. PR sits up and holds his right elbow, trying not to conserve all the energy he can. Thunderkid is still knocked out and bloodied.

Thunderkid is out cold, but this match cannot end unless Thunderkid says, "I quit!"

And it looks like he might soon!

PRL whistles to Popick, and motions for him to get something. Popick nods his head. He looks underneath the ring for something, and pulls out...a SLEDGEHAMMER.

Oh no! Oh no! What the hell is that doing here? Triple H doesn't work for the OAOAST!

Popick grins evilly when he grabs the sledgehammer. Lindsay smiles too. Stephen Joseph throws the sledgehammer over the top of the cage into the ring...on his fifth try.

POPICK (To Lindsay)
See! Told you I could do it!

This isn’t good. This isn’t good for Thunderkid at all. We’ve got the Corporate Champion belt in the ring, and now we’ve got a sledgehammer! And both weapons belong to Tha Puerto Rican!

PRL is doing all he can to make sure that it is HE, not Thunderkid, who wins this match!

The Corporate Champ grabs the sledgehammer. The crowd boos loudly. P.R.L. laughs manically. Thunderkid is starting to get up, crawling around the ring. Most of PRL’s face is covered in blood right now.

If Thunderkid gets hit with the sledgehammer, he’s history.


PR waits for Thunderkid to get up, sledgehammer in his hands. The fans try to warn TK of his impending doom. Thunderkid slowly gets to one knee.

Look out Thunderkid!

PRL gets ready to charge with the sledgehammer. Thunderkid slowly gets to a vertical base. TK wipes the sweat and blood from his forehead and then turns around.

PRL charges forward with the sledgehammer.

He swings…

Thunderkid DUCKS the sledgehammer!

Thunderkid punches PRL in the face! He punches him again and again! PRL drops the sledgehammer because of the all the punches to his face. Thunderkid kicks PRL in the stomach, causing him to bend over. So, Thunderkid bounces off the ropes, and nails PRL with a picture perfect Bicycle Kick!

Bicycle Kick on the Corporate Champ!

The crowd cheers. Thunderkid sees PRL lying on the mat, so he grabs PRL’s right arm…and starts biting it!




Thunderkid bites on Tha Puerto Rican’s right arm, causing PRL to scream like a little girl. He finally stops, but not before leaving a mark on PRL’s right arm.

Oh shit! You bastard! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!

Thunderkid gets on his knees and wipes some of the blood off his head. By now, all of Thunderkid’s face, and his upperbody are completely covered in blood. TK is stunned at all the bloodshed, but it only serves to motivate him, because when PRL gets up, Thunderkid kicks him in the stomach, grabs him, and delivers a GUTWRENCH POWERBOMB~! on PRL!

Thunderkid able to do a gutwrench powerbomb despite massive blood loss thanks to this match!

It’s amazing. The talent of Thunderkid! He’s an incredible athlete!

You want to talk about hatred? These two men despise each other. They’re both dazed, they’re both hurt, they’re both bleeding, and they’re STILL, STILL trading blows!

Thunderkid stops to catch his breath, and then picks up Tha Puerto Rican.


TK goes down! PRL gets up, only to fall to his knees.

This is a fight to the finish, and they know that, and they’re giving it all they’ve got!

Tha Puerto Rican gets up. He goes back to the shaky leg kicks. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and Stephen Joseph Popick are sweating bullets on the outside. Thunderkid is wincing in pain, so PRL grabs the microphone from Earl Hebner, gets on his knees, and shoves the microphone into Thunderkid’s mouth.







Tha Puerto Rican sits Thunderkid up and slams the microphone upside his head! He does it again!

PRL now using the microphone as a weapon!

He’s using everything but the kitchen sink!

PRL slams the microphone into Thunderkid’s bloodied head again. He then jams the microphone into TK’s mouth.







Tha Puerto Rican lays in some shots to the head on Thunderkid. He goes for the pin, but then remembers that this is an “I Quit!” Match. The crowd laughs at him. Puerto Rican gets up, and picks Thunderkid up with him. He takes Thunderkid over to the steel cage, and pulls his feet out from under him. PRL slingshots Thunderkid right into the mesh! TK falls to the mat, holding the top of his head in pain.

Oh! That could give Thunderkid a concussion!

As Thunderkid moves on the mat like a fish out of water, Tha Puerto Rican climbs the top rope. Moonsault onto Thunderkid! Lindsay cheers. P.R. gets up, and catches his breath. He is beyond exhaustion at this point. P.R. grabs the microphone from Earl Hebner.

He’s going to try again.

PRL gets down on his knees, grabs Thunderkid by his hair, and jams the microphone into his mouth.





Say it NOW!


Tha Puerto Rican hits Thunderkid in the face with the microphone.


I’d rather die!


PRL hits TK in the face with the microphone again! Thunderkid lies on the mat, bloodied, but the match continues because he refuses to say “I quit!” PR gets up, and drops a fist onto TK’s forehead. He then drops another fist onto TK’s forehead. PRL does some fistdrops on Thunderkid’s forehead, and then bounces off the ropes, shakes his shoulders, dusts his right shoulder off, and then drops a fist onto Thunderkid’s head to complete the Five Knuckle Shuffle… which MISSES! PRL clutches his left hand while Thunderkid gets up. The crowd is starting to cheer again, feeling the tide shifting. Tha Puerto Rican gets up, and is met with a punch from Thunderkid, and now one punch can knock him down easily.

Both men very wobbily out here in the center of the ring.

Thunderkid continues on offense, attacking PRL with punches and forearms. One punch knocks PRL AND Thunderkid down! Thunderkid crawls over to Earl Hebner and grabs the microphone, then crawls over to Tha Puerto Rican. He punches PRL in the face, and then sticks the microphone underneath his mouth.


Tha Puerto Rican says NO!





Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez has tears in her eyes as she watches the pain her boyfriend’s going through. Thunderkid stomps on Tha Puerto Rican. He picks PRL up, still holding the microphone. We found out why as when PRL is up, Thunderkid smacks him across the face with the microphone, knocking him back down! PRL sits up, so TK grabs him by his hair and jams the microphone in his mouth.



What’s your answer?




PRL scratches Thunderkid’s eyes! It’s enough to bring TK to the mat. PR sits up, and starts choking Thunderkid again! He slams his head against the mat repeatedly. Thunderkid grabs PRL by his throat! But PRL responds in kind! The two men are choking each other at the same time!

Look at this! Both men are hurt, both men are bloodied, but NO ONE will say, “I quit!”

PRL stops choking Thunderkid, and Thunderkid soon stops choking PRL. PR and Thunderkid both crawl around the ring. They are now both on their knees. PR punches Thunderkid in the face. TK punches back! Another slugfest erupts, except both men are on their knees!

Both men are proud individuals. Neither man wants to give up right now! They’re both determined to last to the bitter end!

Thunderkid wins the slugfest. PRL falls to the mat. Thunderkid gets up, grabs the microphone from Earl Hebner, and then stomps PRL. He then grabs PRL by his head and jams the microphone into his mouth.

I’m going to ask you one more time…SAY IT! SAY THE WORDS!


PRL kicks Thunderkid in the head, knocking him down, dropping the microphone. PRL slowly gets up, taking a deep breath, and then picking Thunderkid up. He punches him in the face several times with the Rock-style punches. Punch. Punch. Punch. Spit. Punch. TK goes down! PRL picks him up. Punch. Punch. Lindsay cheers. Punch. BLOCKED! TK with a punch. And another! And another! The punches send PRL into a turnbuckle. Thunderkid climbs the second turnbuckle, grabs PRL, and everyone counts along!











But then Tha Puerto Rican gets off of the turnbuckle while holding onto Thunderkid, and drops him with an atomic drop! TK falls to the mat HARD! Lindsay and Popick smile. Thunderkid is holding his groin area in pain. PRL crawls over to Earl Hebner and grabs the microphone.

I’ll tell ya, this match can’t last much longer. One of these men must be at the breaking point right now.

Tha Puerto Rican punches Thunderkid’s head with the microphone. He does it again.

Thunderkid, I’m going to ask you again. SAY THOSE WORDS!


PRL does a fist drop, but instead of the fist, he uses the microphone to hit Thunderkid’s forehead. The crowd starts clapping unison as PRL drops an elbow across Thunderkid’s throat. Popick and Lindsay approve PRL’s attack, telling him to continue. PRL grabs Thunderkid’s right leg and stomps on it, then drops several more elbows onto Thunderkid’s body. Then, Tha Puerto Rican calls for Lindsay to go get him something. Lindsay nods her head, and walks around ringside.

Wait? Where’s she going?

I don’t know, but I’m enjoying watching her walk!

Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez heads to the steel cage door, grabs it, and starts shaking it. Nick Patrick tells her to stop, but then Lindsay hikes up her leather skirt a little to reveal a thong underneath. The crowd cheers.

Oh my God. I’m in love.

How can that be? She’s a girl!

Leave the gay jokes to me poodle boy.

Lindsay Gonzalez flirts with Nick Patrick, and believe it or not, it seems like the senior referee is actually enjoying Lindsay’s company. Lindsay plays with Nick Patrick’s hair, touches his body, and feels his ass. Yes, she feels Nick Patrick’s ass. But it’s for a reason. Because he doesn’t notice it when the 6-foot-7 285 CUBAN WALL walks down to the ring.

Cuban Wall is here! He’s not supposed to be out here!

Nick Patrick is supposed to make sure that no Lightning Crew member interrupts this match, and he’s not doing his job. Although, I can’t blame him. I mean its Lindsay Gonzalez for crying out loud! How often does Nick Patrick meet a girl like that?

Cuban Wall stands behind Nick Patrick. Lindsay tells Nick Patrick to turn around. He does, and Cuban Wall punches him, knocking his lights out! The crowd boos. Lindsay tells Cuban Wall to help her search for something. Cuban Wall and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez look all over Nick Patrick’s body, and find the keys to the steel cage door inside his right back pocket! Lindsay grabs the keys and throws them to the floor where Popick sneaks in and picks them up. Nick Patrick is still out cold.

Those sneaks! They knocked out the outside referee so that they can bring in more weapons for Tha Puerto Rican!

Huh? Oh, I’m sorry. I’m still thinking about Lindsay lifting up her skirt. There should be a rule that Lindsay is at ringside for all matches from now on.

Coach, pay attention! Stephen Joseph Popick just opened the cage door, and now he’s searching for something underneath the ring.

Popick finds what he’s looking for underneath the ring…A TABLE!

Oh my! This isn’t good! This isn’t good at all! Thunderkid is in trouble! Damnit! Somebody stop this!

The crowd boos, but some cheer because it’s a table. Popick slides the table through the cage door into the ring. Both PRL and Thunderkid are crawling around the ring. Cuban Wall closes the steel cage door and Popick locks it, putting the keys in his leather jacket pocket.

It’s so easy! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, Cuban Wall, and Stephen Joseph Popick watch as Tha Puerto Rican sees the table and grabs it. Nick Patrick is still knocked out. The crowd is booing loudly. PRL gets up, holding the table in his hands. He waits for Thunderkid to get up. When he does, PRL charges forward, and SLAMS the table across Thunderkid’s body!


PR’s cheating! He’s cheating to win! It’s not fair!

Popick, Wall, and Lindsay cheer on the outside. A large “P.R. SUCKS!” chant starts up again. PR tells the crowd to shut up. He then sets the table up at one corner of the ring.

This isn’t good. PRL’s going to use that table for evil deeds.

Well, it’s not like he was going to use it to set up a picnic!

Tha Puerto Rican has the table set. He slowly walks over to Thunderkid and picks him up. Both men are tired, sweating, breathing hard, and bloodied. And both are having trouble keeping balance. Still, Tha Puerto Rican punches Thunderkid, and takes him over to the table. The crowd starts buzzing, knowing something bad is going to happen to TK.

Oh no! Thunderkid is in trouble! I can’t watch!

PRL hooks Thunderkid up. He looks at the table, then at the crowd, then at Thunderkid.

Oh no! Don’t do it! Don’t!



Thunderkid is down on the mat, surrounded by what’s left of the table. PRL falls back down to the mat too, exhausted. The crowd chants, “HO-LEE SHIT! HO-LEE SHIT! HO-LEE SHIT! HO-LEE SHIT!”

Thunderkid just got hit with the Latin Slam through the table!

That’s got to be worst than the Latin Slam he got last Thursday on HeldDOWN~!

I’m sure it was!

We see an instant replay of the Latin Slam through the table. We see it again in slow motion.

An incredible move by Tha Puerto Rican. Lifting a man taller and bigger than he was, and giving him a Latin Slam THROUGH the table! What a move by PRL!

I think this is it! I think this is what will end the match! That move took the last bit of energy from Thunderkid! This match is over!

We shall see. PRL STILL has to make Thunderkid say, “I quit!” He must in order to win this match!

Popick, Lindsay, and Wall celebrate on the outside. PRL rests his head on the mat; his stamina meter is empty. PRL slowly, very slowly gets up. The crowd is booing Tha Puerto Rican loudly, but he isn’t paying them no mind. PRL looks at the crowd.


The crowd boos.

That’s it! PRL’s calling for it! He wants this match to end, and end right now!

Turn out the lights, the party’s over.

Lindsay, Cuban Wall, and Popick watch all of this with smiles on their faces. Tha Puerto Rican picks up the dazed and confused Thunderkid. PRL laughs evilly.

This could be it!



Thunderkid spears Tha Puerto Rican into a turnbuckle corner! He does it again! And again! PRL finally lets go of the Corporate Nightmare. ‘Kid whips PRL into the opposite corner, and follows with a clothesline! PRL stumbles out from the turnbuckle. Thunderkid grabs him…

THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111


Thunderbolt DDT! The Thunderbolt DDT has just been hit! Tha Puerto Rican has just been given Thunderkid’s finisher!

But what good will that do? This is an “I Quit!” Match!

It will take a hell of a lot of energy out of Tha Puerto Rican. That’s for sure!

The crowd is cheering loudly. PRL is out cold now. Thunderkid stops to catch his breath, and when he does, he sees the wreckage of the table. Suddenly, Thunderkid gets an idea. But first, he grabs the microphone from Earl Hebner.

Just to let you know…you made me do this!

What? Do what? What is Thunderkid talking about?

I don’t know, Mikey. I just don’t know.

A bloodied, battered Puerto Rican lies on the mat, his white Lightning Crew sleeveless shirt covered in red. The crowd wonders what Thunderkid is going to do now. They find out as Thunderkid grabs one half of the table that was just destroyed, and slams it onto the mat.

Wait? What?

Thunderkid puts his right foot on the half of the table, and pulls on it. He keeps pulling until he gets a smaller piece of the table in his hands.

I don’t understand this.

Thunderkid takes a few little pieces off, so that the end of the piece of the table is long and pointy. Thunderkid has just created a spike by himself!


Are you kidding me?

He’s gone insane!

The crowd cheers loudly as Thunderkid raises the “spike” over his head.

Please don’t do this! Please!

Thunderkid casually walks over to Tha Puerto Rican, who is starting to get up. PRL reaches out for something, anything, but instead, gets grabbed by Thunderkid. Thunderkid gets on his knees, grabs PRL by his hair, and then tries stabbing PRL with that spike!

What the hell? What the hell? Is he crazy? Is he doing what I think he is doing?

He is destroying PRL!

He’s going to kill him!

PRL fights back the “spike”. He tries with all of his might to stop the “spike” from entering his body, but can’t.



This is sick!

The crowd cheers loudly. Thunderkid carves PRL’s entire forehead with the “spike”. He tells Earl Hebner to bring the microphone over to him. He does as Thunderkid continues the carving.









That’s it! Ring the bell!

PRL said yes! He quits! The match is over!

*DING DING DING* (22:17)


Thunderkid stops carving PRL’s forehead. PRL clutches his forehead as more blood shoots out than before. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, Stephen Joseph Popick, and Cuban Wall are shocked at the result. “God Of Thunder” by KISS starts playing.



Thunderkid did it! He finally did it! He has beaten Tha Puerto Rican and made him say, “I quit!” Something PRL said he would never do!

Thunderkid has won what is probably the biggest match of his career to date! What a way to start AngleSlam!

”God Of Thunder” continues playing as Thunderkid gets his hands raised by Earl Hebner. TK pounds his chest to acknowledge the fans. And despite being tired, hurt, and bloodied, Thunderkid still has a smile on his face, as he has finally beaten “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican, winning The Final Confrontation and ending the feud, once and for all! PRL meanwhile lies motionless on the mat, bloodied from head to toe.

What a match we just saw! This turned into a brutal, violent affair quickly! I thought these guys were going to fight all night at the rate they were going!

The match went the way these people wanted. Thunderkid has finally beaten Tha Puerto Rican, humiliating him by making him say, “I quit!” This match will be one Thunderkid fans will remember for years to come!

And it’s the first time Tha Puerto Rican has lost at AngleSlam too.


Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez is crying. Stephen Joseph Popick is stunned. Cuban Wall is furious. They watch as Thunderkid celebrates his win, Tha Puerto Rican still down on the mat. Nick Patrick has been taken away. “God Of Thunder” by KISS continues playing.

Thunderkid has made Tha Puerto Rican say, “I quit!” I never thought I’d see the day! Now we know that Thunderkid was the better man all along. He has proven it tonight at AngleSlam!

Thunderkid looks at PRL and smiles. He then notices that the Corporate Champion belt is in the ring. ‘Kid grabs the Corporate Champion belt and looks at it.

What’s he doing now?

Thunderkid then notices that the sledgehammer is still in the ring. TK goes and picks up the sledgehammer. Now he has the sledgehammer in his left hand, and the Corporate Champion belt in his right. The crowd cheers. Thunderkid has a smile on his face.

Oh no! He’s not gonna! Really?

Thunderkid hates that belt. That belt has cost him matches more than once! Now, it’s his time to get even!

Stephen Joseph, Cuban Wall, and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez are too upset to notice what is happening inside the ring. PRL is still knocked out. So Thunderkid looks at the crowd, smiles, and drops the Corporate Champion belt onto the mat. Then, he lifts the sledgehammer high over his head. And…



SLAMS the sledgehammer onto the Corporate Champion belt plate!


Thunderkid slams the sledgehammer against the belt again!


TK does it again, and now pieces are starting to come from the title belt.

Popick hears the cracking sound, and that’s when he turns his attention to the ring. He freaks out when he sees the destruction of the Corporate Champion belt taking place right before his very eyes.


Thunderkid is laying waste to Tha Puerto Rican’s prized Corporate Champion belt!

This is payback for the fourth months of hell Thunderkid had to go through thanks to PRL!

The belt, which PRL was so proud to own, is now nothing more but broken pieces of metal and a leather strap!

The crowd cheers loudly as Thunderkid just demolishes the Corporate Champion belt. Cuban Wall tries to stop him, but Popick tells him it’s too late. The belt is gone.

That was a present from Stephen Joseph to Tha Puerto Rican, and now it’s gone forever!

Now what’s PRL going to carry around?

The briefcase with the guaranteed World Title shot contract?

Oh yeah.

Thunderkid has finished decimating the Corporate Champion belt. The belt plate is now in itty-bitty pieces on top of the leather black strap. Thunderkid smiles at the damage he’s done, and kisses the sledgehammer. He then raises the sledgehammer over his head to a loud pop from the crowd, as “God Of Thunder” by KISS has to start playing again.

Tha Puerto Rican has had a bad night at AngleSlam 2006. He was forced to say, “I quit!” against Thunderkid, AND his Corporate Champion belt has been destroyed!

Well, karma’s a bitch. PRL got what he deserved in the end!

Maybe he did, but one thing’s for sure: this is a match that neither Tha Puerto Rican NOR Thunderkid will EVER forget!

Thunderkid kicks the Corporate Champion belt over to Tha Puerto Rican. At last, Tha Puerto Rican wakes up. He wipes some of the blood off his face, and then sees the broken Corporate Champion belt. His eyes widen. Tears fill up his eyes, and soon Tha Puerto Rican is crying like a little girl. The crowd laughs. So does Thunderkid. The two Lightning Crew members and Popick are not pleased.


Tha Puerto Rican just found out what happened to his belt.

Ooh. What a sad reaction. That wasn’t even a real belt. Just some vanity belt Popick created for PRL!

And now it’s gone. Two months after it debuted.

That’s got to be some sort of record, right?

I don’t know. Probably.

Ah, okay then.

Tha Puerto Rican cries his eyes out. Now his face is covered with blood, sweat, and tears. He looks at Thunderkid, pointing a finger at him.


PRL continues whining in that annoying high-pitched voice of his. “God Of Thunder” by KISS is still playing. Thunderkid laughs off the whining, and raises his hands again. The steel cage is now being lifted from the ring. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, Popick, and CW are still stunned.

The Final Confrontation has ended and it was Thunderkid who made Tha Puerto Rican say, “I quit!” What a match! What a way to start AngleSlam! And the best thing is…we still got A LOT more to come, so stay with us, as we continue One And Only AngleSault Thread AngleSlam 2006 live only-on-pay-per-view!

Thunderkid leaves the ring with the sledgehammer, slapping hands with the fans as he walks around ringside to the entrance. “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican is still crying, mourning the lost of the Corporate Champion belt, which is now just broken pieces of metal and a black strap. He tries to put the pieces back together, while Stephen Joseph Popick shakes his head in disappointment, holding the briefcase with the contract for the guaranteed OAOAST World Title shot whenever PRL wishes. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez is crying, upset at her man losing. And Cuban Wall is PISSED, kicking the barricade, and punching the ring posts. “God Of Thunder” by KISS has to start playing again. It is a celebration night for Thunderkid, as he has finally done what no one else has ever done before.

He has made Tha Puerto Rican say, “I Quit!”

Reject might want to watch that match to see how he can deal with Tha Puerto Rican. Because the former world champion, the Latin Lion is coming back with a vengance in his home country of Puerto Rico. I can't wait!

Backstage Maggie Nerdly is with Biff Atlas.

What's up ya'll, It girl on the scene with Biff Atlas. At Angleslam you've got this big arm wrestling match. Why would you accept the challenge of someone like Mister Dick.

With great power comes great responsiblity. I'm sure you've heard that line before. I've been given great power-

Um, what'd that be?

Super strength!


The ability to do feats that elude common man! I didn't ask for this power. I never went out seeking it either. It came to me, and it chose me. Someone chose to bestow me with incredible might, and its my duty to protect those weaker than me from harm.

But, why would you take Mister Dick's challenge, isn't he weaker if he ain't got super strength.

He has something else, Maggie. He has cunning. He's a worthy nemesis, and a fine arch villain. But that makes him a horrible person. People like yourself aren't safe when he is around. Its dangerous in any city Mister Dick comes to. I can't let him terroize the good people of the OAOAST much longer. He hurt Tony and Vinny. That's two too many people already. I'm going to put a stop to him for the greater good of justice.

Yeah, well, good luck, homie.


Rise Aagainst-Re-education (through labor)

To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away
To the rhythm of the awful rusted machines
We toss and turn but don't sleep
Each breath we take makes us thieves
Like causes without rebels
Just talk but promise nothing else

CMJ leaps off the turnbuckles and decimates Simon with a flying elbow!

Tyler Bryant spikes Uno's head off the canvas with a violent DDT.

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
'Cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
We wait to reap what we are due

Spencer Reiger stands atop the highest turnbuckle and rips open his Ed Hardy jacket to reveal toned and chiseled abs.

Maggie rushes across the ring and nearly tears through Holly with lethal spear.

To the rhythm of a time bomb ticking away
And the blare of the sirens combing the streets
Chased down like dogs we run from
Your grasp until the sun comes up

Morgan fires a helpless and defenseless backstage worker. An emotionless look settles onto her face.

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
'Cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
Look now at what they've done to you

Overjoyed with the grand accomplishment of defeating Krista, Mister Dick raises his arms in pride and smiles to heavens, a thank you for his greatness.

White needle's buried in the red
The engine roars and then it gives
But never dies
'Cause we don't live
We just survive
On the scraps that you throw away

D*LUX nails twin planchas on Faqu and James Blonde.

I won't crawl on my knees for you
I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
I won't sweat one more drop for you
'Cause we are the rust upon your gears
We are the insect in your ears
We crawl
We crawl
We crawl... all over you

Jade pumps her fists in excitement after laying out Lorelei with a devastating superkick!

We sow the seeds to see us through
Our days are precious and so few
We all reap what we are due
Under this sky no longer blue
We bring the dawn long overdue
We crawl
We crawl
We crawl... all over you

AUGUST, 31st

Guess who's back? Did you miss me? HAHAHAHAHA!

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Pretend KC didn't forget and I'm not too tired to write entrances!

Leon hangs back on the apron, making no effort to communicate with his partner. So The Heavenly Rockers work it out between them for Synth to start.


On the other side, it's Shayne starting out.


The action delays though as the crowd get on Leon's case. He scowls to himself but doesn't react and eventually Synth and Shayne get down to business. Circling the ring, they go to lock up... but Synth reaches out and gouges at Shayne's eyes!! Clawing at the face Synth backs Shayne right back into the corner and allows Logan to tag himself in, The MACHO Macho Mann going right to work with bodyshots.

Here we go! Sweet, sweet revenge!

Logan Mann, absolutely raging earlier tonight! And now look at him take his frustrations out on Shayne Brave, wasting no time!

Logan stomps Shayne down in the corner, the referee desperately trying to prise him away. Shrugging the referee off Logan points a threatening finger in his face, before running back over to Shayne. Pressing his throat on the middle rope, Logan stands on the bottom rope and chokes Shayne with his other foot.


Logan steps down just as Tyler comes in, the distraction allowing Synth to take over the choke, all the while Leon looking on.

The Heavenly Rockers ain't playin' tonight Cole. The OAOAST done them wrong. D*LUX done them wrong. The Duncans done them wrong.

Dragging Shayne out of the corner, Logan scoops and slams him in the middle of the ring. With a disgusted look on his face Logan then places his boot and rakes Shayne's face! Logan turns his anger on Krista, a finger stuck in her face, which very nearly gets bitten off if not for a quick reflex.

We've known for a long time, Logan has a short temper. Volatile at the best of times. But the past few weeks we've seen Logan at his most volatile.

Can you blame him?

I can understand why he's angry, but the man is a ticking timebomb.

Tag is made to bring Synth back in. A little more in control of his emotions, Synth measures Shayne and delivers a kneedrop. Cover...




Shayne tries to get to his corner but Synth cuts him off with a front facelock.

C'mon Alix, I believe in you!

Uh... Mom...

If I pretend that he's Alix I can also pretend he might actually succeed.

With Krista sort of but not really believing in him, Shayne gets back to his feet and starts firing punches to get out of the front facelock. Once he's free Shayne goes for the tag... but Synth catches him and carries him away, dropping Shayne chest-first to the mat. As Shayne gets up clutching his ribs, SAJ comes off the ropes with a lunging clothesline and goes for the pin...




Synth runs Shayne face-first into the turnbuckles and delivers some right hands.

Are you two just going to stand there all match? Call yourself managers? What do you think I hired all of those cheerleaders to come over to our house and train you for?

To test out your new binoculars?

Exactly! But that doesn't mean you couldn't have learnt something while I was doing it. You know, make me feel a little less guilty about paying these impressionable people? Do some jumping jacks or something!

Obedient daughter to the last Maya obliges. Jade kinda does one, very unconvincingly.

And amazingly, that's enough to get Shayne back into the match, as he avoids Synth's charge in the corner and clocks him with an enziguri!


Maya, earning her money and making the difference in this match!

Oh come on. She's thirteen! If you're using a sliding Duncan scale then sure, she's not the most useless one of the bunch, but you can't believe that that money shouldn't be being spent on Holly instead.

Shayne manages to find his corner and dives, making the tag to Tyler, to a roaring cheer! Leaping into the ring Tyler knocks Synth down with a clothesline. And another one. Logan rushes in to help his partner, but catches a right hand and is clotheslined up and over the top by The Tremendous One! Feeling good, Tyler then catches Synth coming at him with a BAAAAACK bodydrop! The jumping jacks are no longer forced now, Maya as excited as every other D*LUX fan in the arena.

You can't deny this new management set-up of Jade and Maya has turned D*LUX's careers back around after... well...

After their mother ruined it? Just like Leon's been talking about this whole time?

Well, yes.

Waiting for Synth to get to a knee, Tyler throws the Shining Enziguri, further scrambling Synth's brain. Cover by Tyler...




Tyler irish whips Synth, sending him into a neutral corner. Playing to the fans, Tyler delivers a running back elbow up against the turnbuckles. Sensing the match going her team's way, Krista feels comfortable dropping off of the apron and going under the ring, pulling out a glossy catalogue and summouning her two daughters.

Now, this is the coffee table I was thinking of buying. Apparantly it's antique pine...


Meanwhile, in the ring, Tyler scoops Synth up looking for a slam. SAJ floats over the top and lands behind Tyler, then runs him in the direction of Logan who has jumped to the apron... but Tyler gets the first shot in, knocking The MACHO Macho Mann off the apron! A back elbow then subdues Synth. With another call-out to his screaming fans Tyler turns and looks to hit the ropes. But as he does, Leon Rodez takes a swipe at him from the outside! It doesn't connect, but his former friend staring at him proves enough to distract Tyler and allows Synth to attack with a high knee to the back!! Tyler spills out of the ring through the ropes, to an uncaring reaction from Leon.

Come on, Leon from the outside with the distraction! Causing problems wherever he goes, as always!

The one Duncan paying attention, Jade, points out what happened and Krista goes to get into the ring. All she succeeds in doing is taking the referee, while Logan runs around the ring...


...and hurls Tyler into the steel ring steps!!!


Shayne runs around the ring after Logan, the match threatening to break down all over the place. The referee struggles to keep up with who's doing what and tries to put Shayne back to his corner.

Shayne doing his partner no favours, but he's seen enough of this attack on Tyler.

Logan stands over Tyler on the outside. But before he can attack, Leon drops off the apron. There's a tense face-off between the team-mates, Leon standing his ground until Logan backs off. At which point, Leon drags Tyler off the ringside mats and tosses him back into the ring for Synth.

Look at that, nothing but contempt for his former friend, as if he were a completely stranger.

To be fair, he shows strangers contempt too.

Picking Tyler up off the mat, Synth delivers a vertical suplex and covers...




Tag made to Logan.

The Heavenly Rockers back in control and all Krista can do is look on so far.

Double irish whip sends Tyler to the ropes, a punch to the gut from Synth setting him up for a running kneelift by Logan. Logan immediately drops to his knees and chokes at Tyler.


Logan releases the choke and hooks the leg...




Bringing Tyler back up by the hair, Logan turns to his corner and offers the tag to Leon Rodez. Leon stares back for a couple of seconds, before slapping the hand.


In comes Leon for the first time in the match and for the first time in a long time, maybe ever, up against his former friend, his former 6-Man Tag Team Championship partner.

Leon strolls in and waits for Logan to let go of Tyler, then immediately slugs him in the ribs with a bodyshot! Lining him up, Leon slugs him with another bodyshot. Before taking Tyler by the head and running him into the turnbuckles. Tyler falls down in the corner and again there's a moment of contemplation, before the foot is placed against Tyler's throat!

Look at this! Just a blatant choke, a compassionless choke!

Walking away from the corner Leon makes eye contact with Krista, who snarls back. Eventually Leon turns away from the World Champion and back to Tyler, who gets crushed in the corner with a Superman Spear!!

You can just feel the hatred simmering between Leon and Krista. What a fight that's going to be this Sunday night for the World Title!

Leon brings Tyler out of the corner, slow and methodical. He elevates Tyler up into a fireman's carry, throwing him down onto the knee with a gutbuster! Tyler kicks his feet in pain as Leon forces him to the mat...




Eyes narrowing Leon backs up and raps Tyler's ribcage with a cruel soccer kick.

For all the friends and all the fans he's lost, that's what Leon's gained. A killer instinct.

I don't think that's a trade-off to be proud of quite frankly.

Tyler rolls over to the bottom rope in pain. Walking over, Leon stands on the back of his head for a few seconds, until Tyler is able to roll himself underneath the bottom rope. Leon holds his hands up innocently and backs away, in no small part to distract the referee while Logan Mann goes to the floor and runs Tyler backfirst into the ring apron.


And Logan and Synth, the wily veterans, are going to take every opportunity and shortcut presented to them.

Dumped back inside Tyler tries to make a crawl for his corner, despite the pain racking his body. As he crawls over towards his partners, his former partner appears in his path. And Leon just watches the crawl, allowing Tyler a little hope, to get within touching distance, before he drags him away by the ankle.

That's what else Leon has 'gained' recently. This manipulative streak, playing with people's minds and emotions with his warped view of life.

Having played with Tyler enough, Leon makes the tag with Logan.

"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"

Maya leads the crowd, trying to get Tyler going. As The Tremendous One gets back up, Logan takes a couple of steps back and aims a bionic elbow. Tyler is sent staggering back into a neutral corner and Logan motions to the crowd, loading the elbow up again. As he charges though, a drop of the head by Tyler elevates him over the ropes. Logan manages to land on the apron and Tyler's window to his corner is cut off by two handfuls of hair.

So close, he's a few extra dollops of hair gel away from a tag!

With his roots holding firm Tyler is forced to turn around and start laying into Logan with right hands, trying to get him to break his grip. Logan eventually does, but catches Tyler with a knee through the ropes, before hanging his neck across the top rope.

Logan going up!

Logan starts to climb the turnbuckles as Tyler gets up, but soon finds a problem. Because Krista is furiously, and yet at the same time very nonchalantly, shaking the top rope.


(still yanking on the ring rope)
Knock what off?

Not wasting his time getting into an arguement with Krista (because let's face it, we all know how that turns out for people) Logan carefully steps over the top rope and onto the middle. He then goes for the double axehandle... but gets caught with an inverted atomic drop on the way down!


While Logan is captured by his searing pain, Tyler dives forward makes the tag with Krista.


Krista enters the ring and ponders Logan’s fate with a curious expression.

To humiliate or not to humiliate that is the question.

“Screw this shit!”

Logan raises his arms for a lariat.

Logan, honey, your epidermis is showing.

What? Shit!

Obviously distraught Logan looks down for that magic body part known as the epidermis.


Sometimes the oldies are the goodies.

Krista steps on Logan’s chest for a very arrogant cover.



But Synth shoves her aside! This brings Shayne Brave into the ring and he begins firing right hands at the Synthmeister!

Good job, honey, you do that and I’ll be over in the corner doing better things…like inflicting Jewish guilt on my daughters. How come you never let me meet your friends, Jade? Are you embarrassed of me? I carried you in my womb for 9 months. 9 months of hell!

Meanwhile Shayne attempts to irish whip Synth into the ropes. But the rock n wrestling legend reverses the hold and sends his foe into the cables. Shayne comes flying back with a cross body, but his limber figure is caught within Synth’s strong arms. A smile crosses Synth’s face, and he then swings his opponent out to his side and drops him with an urange.

Must I do everything myself? Hmm…funny that’s what Alix often says to me in the bedroom.

Krista attacks Synth in the middle of his unwarranted celebrations. He fights back though with right jabs, weakening her off to shoot her into the corner. The fitness queen stumbles towards the center of the ring, and Synth zips by her on a run to the ropes. But she surprises him with an amazing burst of life, striking his head with an enziguri!

“YEAAAAAA!” The OAOAST Marks sing as Krista takes a run of the ropes.  Synth begins to sit up, collecting his scrambled brain. But his task is ruined as Krista runs her knee through his head.  The fans are delighted but Leon is most certainly the opposite. As such he lashes a forearm into Krista’s back. However, he can do no more damage than that as Tyler Bryant hits him with a lariat that carries them both out the ring.

Its breaking down here tonight!

Both Leon and Tyler rise to their feet, and begin trading powerful punches. The upperhand goes to Bryant, and Leon is forced to find a new tactic. This sees him grab Tyler by the neck and throw him into the nearby ring steps.

Come on!

Enough damage has been done for Leon’s sake. He retreats up the ramp scowling to himself as he watches Logan begin his fight against Krista.

Is he leaving?

I think he is. The Rockers are left to their fate!

And its not a pretty fate as Krista backs away from Logan to swat Abdullah off the apron. Using his manager as a distraction Logan leaps towards Krista as she turns around for a tornado Percussion. But that move meets with failure as Krista succeeds in shoving him away. Mann bounces against the ropes which spew him back into a KIDology!


Krista hooks onto both his legs for the pinfall…





Your winners the team of D*LUX and KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN!!

The good guys celebrate their victory by jamming on the air guitar above Logan’s fallen body.

Damn, what they doin is cold. Ice cold, Cole. Ice cold.

Krista and D*LUX successful tonight but will the same hold true at Angleslam?

Leon watches from the top of the ramp with rage burning in his eyes.


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