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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 8/11/09


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Brought to you by American Express
Taped: Recently
First air date: More recently
Announce team: Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura
Lead corespondent: Tony Brannigan
Theme song: Kat DeLuna-Calling You

Welcome to the most watched in syndication…OAOAST Syndicated! Tonight’s episode sees the OAOVW superstar Eskimo Kid retry is luck and skills against The Enterprise’s Christian Wright. Also on the card the in ring debut of the Can Am Assassins against the Orange County Cobra, and a Women’s title shot for Megan Skye.

***Christian Wright Vs The Eskimo Kid***

Before their third match in a row, CW promised that if EK were to beat him, he’d relinquish his spot in The Enteprise, give it to the Kid, and also give him five thousand dollars. EK said he didn’t care about all that, he just wanted to prove himself to the OAOAST Marks. Wright dominated during the early stages off the bout , with powerful kicks and high impact holds. But EK fought back out of a sleeper hold and impressed with some basic high flying attacks.  But a top rope body splash was countered with raised knees by Wright, and The Natural was able to retake control. He overpowered EK, nearly beatig him into submission. But EK fought back courageously and was able to assail Wright with punch, back elbow and several head scissors. But a top rope axe handle was countered into a Wright Off (sky high) for another victory for The Enterprise member.

Winner: Christian Wright via pinfall.

Megan Skye did an interview with lead broadcast correspondent aka the dude who gets the paid the most, Tony Brannigan. Megan claimed that her experience was far greater than Sophie, and that it would easily lead her to her first reign as Women’s Champion. She also sarcastically wondered if winning a title would reflect her will on her on Landon's next employee evaluation.


Who is the best athlete in the OAOAST?

Tony Brannigan: Unquestionably Quentin Benjamin. He’s the most athletic kid I’ve seen in my years of wrestling.

Jesse Ventura: Theodore Moneymaker is an NCAA championship wrestler and a star running back at Yale. Don't get much more athletic than that.

Coach: That’s easy! Mister Dick. My boy Jock should’ve been in the running for a Heisman but stupid ol coach kept suspending him and made him ride the bench.

Terry Taylor:  Well, Krista was an all American all four years she played soccer at UCLA. And Alix was a star goal keeper on the soccer team as well as a star catcher on the softball team.

Michael Cole: I think Quentin Benjamin or Mister Dick rank fairly high up there. Slight edge goes to Mister Dick

Simon Singleton: You can make a good case for Quentin Benjamin. You don't get a feel for how athletic he is until you compete side by side with him.







San Juan, August 31st

***Orange County Cobras w/Molly Nerdly Vs The Can-Am Assassins***

Strutter and Simon started off a match between two red hot tag teams. Strutter had the upper hand early with crafty arm work. But Simon came back with deep arm drags and even got a near submission on an armbar. Simon then tagged Ned into the contest who dizzied Strutter with a sunset flip. Blanchard then continued working on Sturtter’s arm until the Canadian was able to bat him away with a running elbow strike. The tag was then made to Pantera, who received numerous boos upon entry.  The two men fought with furious fist, until Pantera took the easy way out and tossed Blanchard from the ring. Ned lay on the mats in serious pain as we went to break.

Returning from break, Singleton continued working over Strutter’s arm. Eventually Blanchard wanted back into the match, and his partner obliged his request. Blanchard entered the ring with a top rope lariat and from there proceeded to mercilessly pound on Strutter. Blanchard may have knocked the man completely out cold had it not been for interference from Pantera. The Atlanta native then tagged himself back into the contest and proceeded to showcase his scary power by working over Ned’s back. Pantera came dangerously close to submitting Ned with a full nelson, but somehow Ned found the strength to reach the ropes with his leg. A tag was made to Sturtter who gained some revenge as he stomped and pounded the weaken Cobra. Strutters attempt to hit the Thunder Bay Throttle was blocked by Ned, and the Cobra connected with an Anaheim enziguri, taking Strutter off his feet. Blanchard then made the tag to Singleton and all hell broke lose. The men were fighting with wild and hellish emotion, pulling not a single punch. Blanchard and Pantera took themselves over the ropes, and tumbling to the outside leaving Strutter and Singleton behind. Singleton hit a clap board leg drop after striking down Strutter with a powerbomb. But he never got the chance to make the pin as VICE dove into the ring. As the referee called for the bell to signify a no contest, CPA and Bosley brutally attacked their rivals. Post match, The Cobras cleared the ring of VICE, with Molly filming the ass whopping herself.




Who’s your dream date?
I’d love to sail the seven seas with Collin Maguire Jr. He’s a bit brash but I bet I could tame his wild heart and make an honest man out of him. He’d carry me to our cabin, paint pictures of me, we’d eat breakfast in bed. How romantic!

_____ needs to shut their mouth
Oh I don’t think anyone should shut their mouth! Not as long as they’re willing to sing songs about love and happiness. Those are my two favorite things.

Worst subject in Highschool
I wasn’t very good with the sciences. Chemistry was just too awful to even speak about! A lot of explosions and a lot of mean nasty words from people’s who hair was burnt off.

Favorite sport?
I don’t like sports one bit! They promote the loser/winner mentality and I just want everyone to have a good time and be happy!

In ten years I see myself____
Living in a castle with Collin with our three kids and two dogs, and every thing is just marvelous!


The match started with some slow matwork, the majority of which was controlled by Megan Skye.  Sophie attempted to match the technical holds off Megan, but Skye’s ring experience brought Sophie much failure. Megan sent Sophie into the corner with an irish whip. However her charge only resulted in Sophie smacking her in the jaw with a raised knee.  Sophie was able to assert control over the bout, until Megan reversed an irish whip and brought her in close for an exploder suplex. This bought Megan the advantage in the contest, and she used it to pummel Sophie with an array of kick based offense.  Megan attempted to submit Sophie with a modified chicken wing, but Sophie found the strength and the courage needed to battle her way out that hold.  But Megan staved off any comeback attack with brutal kicks. However, Sophie survived the blows and was able to begin her comeback attempt. The two girls traded punches and near falls for several exciting minutes. Megan dazed Sophie with quick crosses and then wound up for a spinning roundhouse. But Sophie ducked that hold and rolled Megan up for the 3 count!

Winner: Sophie, via pinfall.

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