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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Chi-Town Spectacular


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TV 14
L, V


Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!!! The logo bursts through the computer screen and promptly zooms out an open window. It flies with considerable speed over the plains of the midwest before arriving in Chicago! It traverses through all the hot and historic locations, finally setlling on The United Center as its home.


We head into the arena that's full of rowdy and excited windy city fans. At Sofa Central wearing Cubs jerseys are our lovely announce team, Double C! But first we go to a ring that's highlighted by blue and purple lights.

Ladies and gentlemen this is a special added attraction match, set for one fall and for the OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Championships!

"We're running with the Shadows Of The Night
So baby take my hand, you'll be alright
Surrender all your dreams to me tonight
They'll come true in the end"


What a way to start off the Chi-Town spectacular, our first of two title matches! What a night!

"Shadows Of The Night" strikes up, leading out Cucaracha Internacional. Leading from the front, Landon Maddix gestures to the crowd with a big smile on his face, expecting them to be a little happier about their special addition. James Blonde follows behind Landon smiling just as widely, with Faqu within reach. Just incase. And at the back, Megan Skye and Nathaniel Black, who really aren't the smiling types.

Introducing first, team number one. Being accompanied to the ring by MEGAN SKYE. Total combined weight, nine hundred and fifty five pounds. The team of NATHANIEL BLLLAAAAACK... "THE SAMOAN WRECKING BALL" FFAAAAAAQQUUUUUU... "THE TRENDSETTER" JJAAAMMMEEEESSS BBLLLLLLOOOOOOONNDDEEEEEEE... LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MMMMAAAAAADDIIIIIXXXX... together, they are the OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Champions... CUCARACHA INTERNACCCIIIIOOOONNAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!


The 8-Man Champs pile into the ring, Landon proudly holding his title to the crowd, not worried by the fact it doesn't match the others. The Chicago crowd let the CI have it, all seeming to wash over Landon.

The once OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Champions, Cucaracha Internacional. And don't adjust your sets, that fourth belt really is a completely different design, colour and different promotion's.

That's because it's the leader's belt.

It... what!? Is that Landon's positive spin or did you come up with it yourself?


"Doctor, doctor, give me the news
I've got a bad case of lovin' you
No pill's gonna cure my ill
I've got a bad case of lovin' you"

A huge reception goes up in the arena for Chicago's own... not just The Love Doctors, but for their partners as well! The Docs bound out and perform a labcoat strip-tease in front of their Chicago skyline, before pointing to the back, bringing out Chicago's own JUMBO to join them! The bigman is thankfully stopped before he can start stripping by Tim Cash, who goes from being a nice guy to a saviour.



Forget about the Cubs, the Bears and the Bulls, tonight it's all about the Chicago Grapplers!

The four Illinoisians make their way to the ring, The Docs slapping hands and Cash shaking those that they miss. Big Jumbo climbs into the ring and CI quickly back away, Faqu made to by Blonde.

A big homecoming here for these four, looking to capture these may or may not be official OAOAST titles.

Of course they're official, Michael!

So if the Chicago natives win here tonight, then Jumbo gets Landon's SWF belt which is his legal property?

Well, that's a bridge to be crossed if and when Cucaracha Internacional ever lose.

Great, thanks.


With the bell sounded it's left to the teams to decide on openers. Tim Cash starts for the challengers and it looks like James Blonde to start for the champions, but Landon overrules him. And Blonde is only too happy to do as Landon says.

Leading by example, baby!

Cash offers the standard pre-match handshake and glad to be 'finally getting the respect he deserves', Landon takes it. They lock up and Cash grabs a side headlock. Shot off into the ropes, Cash leaps over Landon, then rolls over the back as Landon ducks his head. Getting his bearings Landon comes off the ropes. Cash sidesteps and picks Landon up off the far ropes in a fireman's carry, throwing him down on his back. Quickly Landon kicks his feet up to force Cash away and gets back up, but gets caught with an armdrag.

Look at Tim Cash, taking it to the former World Champion.

A surprised Landon sits on his knees and Cash calls the action to a stop. He offers Maddix a handshake and Landon takes it, despite looking taken aback. Pleasantries done, Cash offers a test of strength. Landon locks one hand, but then knees Cash in the gut! By the head he throws Gentleman Tim down, stopping to pose. Which costs him as Cash rolls back, hooking his feet around Landon's head and taking him to the mat! Landon scrambles up and gets caught with an armdrag. A second. And a third and this time Landon is angry!


Cash offers another handshake and Landon glares at him. For some reason he shakes the hand, angrily, before stomping to his corner and frustratedly tagging James Blonde in.

Don't ever say Landon's not a sportsman.

And in comes Blonde now...

Angry at seeing his mentor humiliated Blonde rushes into the ring, right into a drop toehold!

...and that's not a great start.

Cash bars an arm to control Blonde. To his feet the Canadian reaches out for the ropes. All four sides, beginning to pick up speed as Cash sets him up for the FLYING WRISTLOCK! Blonde checks his nose is okay after another face-first landing and is pulled to his feet. Cash goes behind with a hammerlock, into a side headlock. Lifting him up, Blonde tries a back suplex on Cash, but he lands on his feet and tries to roll Blonde up...




Big right misses from Blonde, leaving him prone for an atomic drop!


Sunset flip by Cash...




Wringing the arm, Cash tags in Dr. Pigley, to a big cheer!

Dr. Pigley, a local celebrity here in Chicago with his weekly radio advice show, The Love Line.

Pigley comes off the top with a double axehandle to the arm of Blonde and wrings it again. Quick tag is then made to Dr. Anderson. Off the top, he hits the double axe as well. Another quick tag brings Cash back in, a double axehandle from him too. Cash wrings on the arm, then points to Jumbo!

No way!

Don't do it, you'll break his arm!

Before Cash can make the tag to Jumbo though, Blonde reaches up and pulls Cash down the hair, disappointing the crowd.



Cash gets back up, but is knocked down with a well placed dropkick, right to the jaw. Running to his corner, Blonde shakes hands with Landon, mocking Gentleman Tim and earning more hatred from the Chicago crowd.

Haha, there's a show of respect!

Laying in some stomps, Blonde reaches out and tags in Nathaniel Black. Black pulls Cash up and sends him to the ropes, laying him out on the rebound with a hard clothesline. Cover...




Sitting Cash up, Black puts on a half nelson and applies a chinlock. Cash tries to draw on the support of the Chicago crowd as the hold wears him down.


The nicest guy in all of wrestling starts to get some energy going. The fist starts pumping. And Cash is able to roll to a knee. Sensing trouble, Landon ducks into the ring, just far enough to draw in The Love Doctors and point the referee over to them. As the ref goes to point Pigley and Anderson out, Landon then sneaks in and puts the boots to Cash and stop his fightback!


That's what Landon brings to his team, right there.


Veteran instincts, smarts, good strategy. Leadership.

By the time the ref turns around from the annoyed Docs, he finds Cash back in the hold and Landon innocently talking with Blonde. After a few more seconds in the hold Black reaches up, tagging Landon legally in. To loud boos.

Landon's 'leadership' is about as popular as Pakistan's with these fans.

Landon stomps on Cash, before forcing him down. A double stomp leads to a back senton, setting Tim for the cover...




Cash reaches out for a tag, but is a long way away. An elbow drop puts him flat on his stomach, giving Landon time to gloat. Picking Tim up, Landon then rocks him with a forearm. A second. And a third. Then a straight kick to the chest, up against the ropes. Irish whip is reversed though and Cash scores with a Powerslam!

Could have him!




Cash makes a move for his corner, but walks right into a knee to the gut. Stepping behind, Landon then hooks Cash up with a neckbreaker and brings him down across the knee!


Rolling to the corner, Landon tags in Faqu and groans fill the crowd. The big Samoan walks to a neutral corner and sets, shouting in Samoan as he waits for Cash to get back up. Clutching his neck, Cash climbs to his feet near the opposite corner and looks up to see Faqu charging towards him, leaving his feet with a FLYING Avalanche...

...which Cash JUST manages to sidestep!!


Faqu hits the turnbuckles hard and Cash takes his opportunity, crawling to the corner and MAKING THE TAG, bringing in Jumbo!!

Oh, my! The two bigmen, Jumbo and Faqu, hold onto your seats!

I hope we reinforced the ring!

Stepping in Jumbo waits for Faqu to turn around and the two bigmen stare each other down! Faqu rants and raves at Jumbo and starts beating his chest. Nodding, Jumbo backs off the ropes and hits a shoulder block, that Faqu takes, beating his chest again! Jumbo isn't deterred and hits another shoulder block, managing to stagger the Samoan, but not quite put him down. And now it's Jumbo who beats his chest, psyching himself up as he hits another shoulder charge. Faqu is staggered this time, but comes right back off the ropes with a shoulder of his own! Jumbo falls into the ropes and returns with a shoulder! And so does Faqu! Jumbo comes back again... AND KNOCKS FAQU DOWN!!


Jumbo with the knockdown! The two big bulls colliding and it's the Chicago bull that comes out on top!

As Faqu gets back up, Landon and Blonde come in and try to ambush Jumbo... but get cut off by The Love Doctors! Pigley and Anderson take it to Maddix and Blonde, rocking them up against the ropes and delivering dropkicks, sending both men up and over the top to the floor! Grabbing the rope, The Doctors Of Doctornomics look at each other... AND TAKE FLIGHT WITH PESCADOS!!!!

Up and over go the Doctors and this crowd is loving it!

In the ring, Jumbo waves Faqu back up. He waits for the Samoan to turn around and stoops down, lifting Faqu up with a HUGE scoop slam!!


Faqu doesn't get powerslammed very often, I can guarantee that! And now, are we going to see the XL Splash?

Jumbo sounds a imaginary truck horn, which I guess is the signal for the XL Splash. It's enough to tip off Nathaniel Black, anyway. As Jumbo backs into the ropes, Black comes in and dives forward, clipping Jumbo's knee. The bigman goes down to one knee, picking himself up just as Black throws the big BLACK LARIAT, ENOUGH TO PUT THE 440 POUNDER DOWN!!!


Thinking quickly, Black knocks Cash off the apron and follows him to the floor. That leaves Jumbo down for Faqu, who drops a big headbutt and covers...




Faqu rants at the referee, who wisely cowers away.

"JUM - BO!"
"JUM - BO!"
"JUM - BO!"
"JUM - BO!"

Waiting for Jumbo, Faqu comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Jumbo teeters, but doesn't go down this time. Not used to dealing with people he's giving up weight too, let alone over hundred pounds, Faqu yells at Jumbo in Samoan.

I think Faqu's confused. When he hits someone, they usually go down!

Faqu grabs Jumbo and gives him a headbutt. He comes off the ropes again, but runs into a big back elbow from Jumbo, knocking him off his feet. Jumbo hits the ropes this time, but his clothesline gets ducked...


...and he lands a Thrust Kick, sending Jumbo staggering back and falling through the ropes to the floor!


There we go.

More ranting and shouting from Faqu follows, not seeing The Love Doctors sliding back in. Faqu turns around and takes a double dropkick. And a second. Faqu is rocked back towards the ropes, but suddenly screams out and aims for the Docs's heads with a double clothesline... which they duck! Faqu screams and charges again, but the Docs pull the top rope down and send Faqu flying out of the ring!

Bodies are flying here.

Before The Docs can breath a sigh of relief, Landon rolls back in and takes out Anderson, before laying into Pigley with forearm shots. Landon goes for an irish whip, but Pigley reverses. Inverted atomic drop jars Landon and he's held in place for the dropkick by Anderson!

Lovematic Grampa, VINTAGE Love Doctors!

Anderson knocks Blonde off the apron and The Docs call on the crowd, signalling for the end. Scooping Landon up, Anderson holds him steady while Pigley charges the DEFIBRILLATOR!!!







Was that it!? No! No, only two!



Cucaracha Internacional are living on borrowed time and The Doctors may be about to put them out of their misery!

Having thought they'd won, The Love Doctors quickly recover and set Maddix up again. Anderson gets the double leg pick up again, but this time Pigley climbs out onto the apron. They position Landon, ready for the Gurney To The Centre Of The Earth...

...but as Pigley goes to spring to the top, he's pulled down, face-first into the ring apron by James Blonde!!

But Landon's loyal lackey, in the right place at the right tme!

Loyal lackey? That's an international wrestling champion you're talking about!

Blonde climbs to the apron but gets caught up gloating, allowing Dr. Anderson to drop Landon, then drop Blonde with a SPINNING BACKFIST!


With Blonde in a heap, Anderson lines up Landon. Slipping off his elbowpad and throwing it aside, Dr. Max hits the ropes, looking for the LARIA... NO! Landon ducks the line and manages to catch Anderson off guard with the LUNGBLOWER!!

Oh, Anderson got caught, out of nowhere.

Landon hooks the leg...





But it's not over yet! The Chicago Grappler aren't giving up without a fight here on their hometown Spectacular!

Frustrated, Landon lays in wait for Anderson. Hooking him up, Landon runs for the corner looking for sliced bread... but gets flipped over onto his feet. Landon goes to charge in the corner, but runs into the boot of Dr. Max! Spit flies and Landon is dazed, wandering into the path of the LARIAT from Anderson!!!


Oh my god, no!

Hook of the leg...





Dr. Anderson quickly drags Landon nearer the corner and heads up top, looking for the finishing touches. Scaling the turnbuckles, he sizes Landon up, tumbling down with the 450 SPLASH... BUT NOBODY HOME!!!

Landon rolled out of the way!

Holding his ribs, Dr. Anderson gets to one knee...


...before getting SMASHED in the face with the Low Flying Superkick!! And if that wasn't enough, Landon makes sure, quickly elevating Anderson up into a fireman's carry and blasting him with the GO TO SLEEP!!!!

A one-two punch, a one-two knockout!

Cover by Landon...




And nobody to make the save, Cash pulled back at the last second by Black.


And after being pushed to breaking point, the self-proclaimed strongest unit in the OAOAST have escaped with their title!

Landon rolls out of the ring with some relief, trying to gather the troops and the belts as the Chicago fans voice their disapproval.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match and STILL OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Champions... CUCARACHA INTERNACIONAL!!!!


Gathering up the belts, Landon doles them out to his team at the bottom of the aisle. Black gives him a pat on the back well-done, a rare show of emotion... by his standards. Still shaken up from the backfist he took, Blonde just looks lost as to where he is.

Who says you can't come home?

Well the Chicago team put up a great effort but, not to be tonight I'm afraid.



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:"Oh No" by Mos Def, Nate Dogg, and Pharoah Monche starts Todd Cortez approaches the ring slowly, but with purpose. He is wearing jeans, a white tank top and a black bandana on his head. He enters the ring and stands in a corner. “Concrete Jungle” starts. Tommy G. hits the ramp and marches down towards the ring. As he passes a camera, he yells into it, “Forget New York, Chicago is the concrete jungle!” He slides into the ring a feints at Cortez, who does not flinch. The music fades::

Ladies and gentleman, this contest is a street fight! There are no disqualifications…no rules…winner must submit, knock out or pin his opponent for a count of three. Introducing first, in the ring to my left, wearing black jeans, fighting out of Hollywood Boulevard, weighing in at two hundred twenty-six pounds…The Urban Legend, Todd Cortez! His opponent, in the ring to my right, wearing blue jeans, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds…Tommy G.!

::Buffer leaves the ring and the referee calls for the bell. The two men charge each other. Tommy G. delivers a knee lift and Cortez doubles over. Tommy G. clubs him in the back of the neck. Cortez goes down. G. stomps his head and kicks him in the side. Cortez rolls out of the ring. G. follows and throws quick jabs at Cortez, who is only able to block a few. Cortez turns and moves away. G. quickly follows. Suddenly, Cortez jumps on the edge of the steel steps and leaps back, hitting Tommy G. with a back elbow. Tommy G. spits blood and holds his mouth. Cortez tears the top portion of the steps off and stalks Tommy G. Rather than going for a clichéd overhead attack, Cortez swings the steps like a baseball bat. G. is able to jump back. The steps strike the ring apron with magnificent force, causing Cortez to drop it. Tommy G. steps on top of the fallen steps and kicks Cortez in the ribs. Cortez is pushed sideways and leans over the crowd barrier::


::Fans sitting in that section scramble. Tommy G. grabs Cortez’s legs and throws them up. Cortez does a 180 and lands on the steel chairs::

A brutal tactic by Tommy G. early on in this street fight!

Is there such a thing as brutal in a street fight?

::Tommy G. hops over the barrier and grabs a chair. As Cortez slowly gets to his feet, he plasters him. Tommy G. picks him up and leans him against the barrier. He backs up and runs, clotheslining Cortez back into the ring area. Tommy G. then jumps on the apron and moves to the far corner. He crouches, ready to strike. As corner gets to his knees and then his feet, Tommy G. runs and leaps, going for a clothesline. Somehow, Cortez ducks and spins, kicking G. in the midsection. Tommy G. flips upon impact and lands on his back::

Tommy G. going for what he calls the Frecce Tricolori and getting caught!

::Cortez slowly gets to his feet and grabs a chair from the timekeeper’s table. He rams the edge into G.’s side as he writhes on the floor. He then hits Tommy G. in the arm with the flat side of the chair. Moving to the adjacent side of the ring, Cortez removes the padding from the floor. He returns to Tommy G. and picks him up by the hair. He then Irish whips Tommy G. into the opposite barrier::

Todd Cortez is working on that damaged back!

::Cortez scoops Tommy G. and slams him on the exposed concrete floor. He then mounts him and throws punches until G.s already bleeding mouth is joined by his forehead. Cortez picks up Tommy G. and slides him into the ring. Cover.::





::Cortez gets to his feet and pulls Tommy G. to his knees. Knee to the face. Tommy G. flies back from the impact. Cortez sets him up in a sitting position in the corner and slides out of the ring to grab a chair. Running Van Daminator::

How much punishment are these men going to mete out?


::Cortez grabs Tommy G. and yells in his face. He then bring him to his feet and sets him up for a Riot Act Plus. Tommy G. drop outs at the best moment and delivers a low blow to Cortez::

It’s legal in this match!

Is that ever legal, Coach?

::Both men lie on the ground in pain. Tommy G. crawls to the ropes and pulls himself to his feet. He grabs the chair and crouches, waiting for Cortez to get up::

Tommy G. measuring Todd Cortez!

::As Cortez makes it to his feet, Tommy G. waffles him in the head. Cortez goes down::


::Cortez rolls over and brings himself to one knee. His face is bloody. He makes it to his feet and slowly turns around. WHAM! He goes back down::


::Cover with a boot::



::Tommy G. removes his boot and shakes his head. He pulls the chair back, hitting Cortez while he is still down. Again. Tommy G. taunts the crowd::

C'mon, you know you've got him. Stop this!

Rearing back, Tommy G. once again slams the cold hard steel against Cortez's back as he struggles to get up, and the Urban Legend goes down in a heap. Tommy G. pats the steel chair, stained with blood, as he toys with Cortez, waving for the barely conscious superstar to get to his feet. Miraculously, Cortez starts to stir, trying to power up, and as Tommy G. raises the chair over his head the crowd ROARS as ZACK MALIBU races down the aisle!

It's Zack!

Where did he come from!!?!?!

Malibu slides into the ring and quickly yanks the chair from Tommy G.'s grasp, saving his friend Cortez from further abuse! G. turns around, as if to say "who the hell are YOU?" to The Franchise. Malibu has the chair in hand, but G. is not afraid, and the newcomer and the Franchise lock eyes, giving Cortez enough time to drag his weakened body towards the ropes, using them to pull himself up...


What...WHAT THE HELL!?!?

HA! I mean, WTF!?

Cortez goes down as if shot, and Zack backs away. Tommy G. looks as shocked as everyone, but wastes no time in putting a boot on Cortez's chest, and welcoming the three count.




The bell sounds, and Tommy G.'s music begins to play, but before he can be announced as the winner he yanks his arm away from the referee and spins Malibu around before he can exit. Zack and Tommy are nose to nose, and Tommy knocks the chair out of Zack's hand! A stir comes over the crowd, as the two superstars look like they're going to come to blows. They continue their staredown, trash talking each other...and that's when ANGLESAULT arrives on the scene to pull Zack away! Malibu yanks his arm away from Anglesault, but the CFO of the OAOAST urges Zack to stay back, then turns around and points at Tommy to get back...only to have G. swat his hand away!

What the hell is going on Mikey Cole?

I...I honestly don't know! The last time we saw Zack he said that he was going to give Anglesault "what he wanted", but I have no idea how Todd Cortez or Tommy G. fit in, and quite frankly, it doesn't look like Tommy G. is happy with it!

Anglesault acts as a blockade between the two men, as G. looks ready to kill, and Zack is far from scared. Finally, Anglesault waves on the troops, and the OAOAST security force hit the ring, forming a wall and each unit doing their job in prying the two stars apart.

OAOAST security is down here, Todd Cortez is losing blood and seriously hurt, and the world is in shock, because Zack Malibu has returned out of nowhere, and has apparently turned his back on one of his closest friends!

Anglesault and security manage to get Zack out of the ring, but he's not happy, shoving one guard down and then storming to the back on his own. He stops and turns around, pointing and threatening G. to egg him on, but security keeps Zack from going back up the aisle. In the ring, G. stays back, but his eyes tell the story...Zack Malibu has set something off in the newcomer, and it might not be pretty for the OAOAST!


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We return from break to an arena lit by purple, blue, yellow, and orange lights that swirl through the stands.

We're back here in Chicago and, for some reason, there's a dumbell being brought to the ring.

As three trusty backstage workers carry the weight-lifting equipment to the ring, Biff Atlas marches proudly to the ring, not attempting to help the poor saps.

And not only that, they're bringing some weights out as well.


As the workers start setting up, Biff climbs into the ring in front of them.

Ladies and gentlemen, for generations, people have been celebrated for their feats of strength. In Greek mythology, Atlas was ordered to carry the sky on his shoulders as punishment. Tonight, I, Biff Atlas, will carry on my shoulders these weights, not as punishment, but as proof, that I do infact possess super-powe...

Biff stops and looks around in a panic.

...uhm... forget that last part!

Yeah, don't want to give away your secret Biff. Not like we haven't seen you discuss it on camera already.


The point is, I have challenged former world-class powerlifter Ken Pantera to a weight-lifting challenge, which is in no way connected with any sort of super-powers.

Good save.

I said shh!

Suddenly, "Tom Sawyer" by Rush hits, cutting Biff off. Shaking his head, out walks Ken Pantera, followed by Felix Strutter who can barely contain himself from laughing.

Well two weeks ago, we saw Ken Pantera and Felix Strutter put a beating on Team Heyross and Denzel Spencer and make a shocking reunion. But this stems back to three weeks ago, when Biff Atlas in his delusional state decided to challenge Pantera to a power-lifting contest, to I guess show Vinny Valentine he's not lying about his super-powers.

Pantera and Strutter enter the ring, Pantera looking down at the dumbell (the object, not Biff).

Okay Ken. Good luck, you... might need it.

Pantera and Strutter look utterly confused, as Biff pulls out a packet of powder and starts dusting his hands ready for the first lift. Snatching the microphone, Strutter interrupts Biff mid-powdering.

What in the hell are you doing?

It's for better grip, get rid of the moisture.

No, what the hell are you doing, period? Are you seriously calling out Ken Pantera? For a weight-lifting contest!? You have gotta be the most clueless person in this building. And that's saying something. How about you just cut the crap, head to the back and don't even DARE to speak our names again. Huh?

Surprised at this confrontational talk, Biff looks Felix very seriously in the eye.

Please... you don't want to talk to me this way. You don't know what I'm capable of.

Man, I had you all wrong. Here I thought you were delusional, when it turns out you're actually PATHETIC.


Look at you. You're a joke! You've been a joke your entire life! Well that's fine, I guess you can't help it. But how about you get something through your thick skull. Ken Pantera is no joke! This man is a powerhouse. He's a beast. And for the past few months, he's been stuck hanging around with losers like you and like Vinny Valentine. A disco dancer and a guy who's afraid of his own shadow.


Some of these people taking some exception to this browbeating from Felix Strutter.

Ken Pantera is worth more than that. And I'm worth more than palling around with a couple of Jamaican dumbasses. You and Valentine dragged Ken Pantera down to your level. Those Jamaicans dragged me down to their level. And sometimes you've just got to take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and admit that you don't like where you're at and say it's time for a change! I'm a former International World Champion! Me and Ken, we were a force! Sooner or later we had to figure out what the problem was. We were dragged down by a couple of Jamaicans and two Americans. We had to go back to stage one, being the best team coming outta the best wrestling country in the world, Canada!


And we're not going to be have anchors like you tied around our ankles anymore.

Dropping the microphone, Strutter kicks at the pack of powder in Biff's hands, causing him to be blinded by a puff of white material!


With Biff blinded Pantera attacks, clubbing Biff from behind and pounding him into the mat as Strutter tries to clear the dust away. The crowd jeer, as Pantera muscles Biff up and gets him up into a gorilla press, doing REPS with him before tossing him down to the mat!

Well I guess we know who wins the power-lifting challenge.

Come on. I'm no fan of Biff Atlas, but this is uncalled for!

Pantera drags Biff back up and lifts him onto his shoulders, as Strutter climbs the turnbuckles. He looks at the Chicago crowd, before hooking Biff up and bringing him off of Pantera with a HUGE DDT!!


Big smile on his face, Strutter stands over Biff and raises Pantera's arm in the air.

Team Canada, making another statement.

Strutter and Pantera leave to the sound of boos as Biff lays hurt in the ring, his face still white with powder.


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So sexy

Damn, I love the jam, the jet and the mansion. (Oh yeah)
And I enjoy the gifts and the trips to the islands.(Oh yeah)
Its good to live expensive
You know it, but my knees get weak intensive
When you give me k-kisses

Thats money honey,
Well I'm your lover and your mistress
Thats money honey
When you touch me, its so delicious
Thats money honey
Baby when you tell me the pieces
Thats money honey

Lady Gaga's Money Honey sings the duo of Morgan Nerdly and Lorelei DeCenzo on stage. Despite the unusual occurance on this past HeldDOWN, Lorelei keeps Morgan clothes as well as keeps her spirits high as she twirls around to show off a beautiful body encased in her pink feathered mini dress. Morgan for her part, wears a booty shorted pinstriped romper and fingerless white and blue arm warmers. Not sharing Lorelei's exhibitionist behaviors, Morgan nervously chews on her hair as she glances out at the audience.

The following is a women’s tag team contest! Introducing first, from Manhattan Beach, California, she is a former women’s champion, the Money Honey…LORELEI DECENZOOOOOO! And her partner, she is also a former women’s champion, she hails from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is the shocking and awe inspiring….MORGAN NERRDLLYYYYYYYYYYYY! Together they are…..DIRTY SEXY MONEYYYYY!

A lot riding on this match. Possible women’s title implications.

And proper spank material implications as well. Don’t let me down, girls!

Lorelei certainly doesn’t Coach down as she sprawls her smoking hot body across the announce table and throws money into Coach’s face.

Oh baby! Plus five spank material!

Considerably less flashy than Lorelei, Morgan stands on the second rope and gazes out with a hateful stare at the audience as blue pyro sparks behind her.

Just nineteen years of age and Morgan Nerdly has already developed a reputation as one of the most dangerous people in the OAOAST.

A pop goes up in the United Center stands for the arrival of Sophie, dressed in black track pants and a white tanktop with her name etched on the back, and Molly wearing a mesh black long sleeve shirt with flowing arms and a cobra etched in gold glitter on the front and a white miniskirt with frayed fabric at the bottom.  Molly films Sophie with an imaginary camera as the women’s champion poses with her title.

And the opponents, first from New York University by way of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada she is the 2009 manager of the year and a future oscar winning director, she is MOLLY NERDLLLLYYYYYYYYY~! And here partner, from Marsielles, France, she is  the women’s champion….SOPHIE GREEYYYYYY! Together they are French New Waaaaaaaaave!

The windy city loves these girls, and who can blame them.  Molly and Sophie are two wonderful ladies and they’re loaded with talent.

But they face two girls who are loaded with even more talent, and one of em has superpowers!

Molly and Sophie slide into the ring together, coming dangerous close to Morgan. Rooted in place, the little Nerdly girl regards her opponents with distrusting sneer as they pop to their feet. Sophie and Molly manage to avoid any incident, and retreat to their corner to play it up with the fans.


Molly decides to start things off for her team, and Lorelei does the same. Two bitter enemies circle each other with Lorelei passing nasty expressions towards the NYU student.

Bitter beer face, minus one spank point.  Gotta work harder!

Molly steps towards Lorelei for a lockup, but the film buff is a step too slow and Lorelei pushes her platform pump into Molly’s stomach. She then twists Molly’s arm with a vicious wrench that leaves Molly whimpering in pain. A few elbow strikes to her forearm cause Molly to fall to her knees. But Molly can’t find any relief as Lorelei drags her back upright and throws her into a netural corner. Next Lorelei speeds at her like a flamingo straight outta hell. But Molly evades Lorelei’s body and the fine-feathered babe is left to crash into the ring posts. Stuck against the turnbuckles she’s left defenseless as Molly runs in and nails her with the Box Office Bust (running corner splash)!

Smothering Lorelei with your breasts, plus one spank point.  

Lorelei staggers out the corner, dazed from Molly’s high impact strike. Her weary state allows the film buff to bounce herself off the ropes.  As she returns to Lorelei, she drags her down to the canvas with a reverse spear. Molly tries to hold onto Lorelei, wrapping her arms around her tanned legs. But Lorelei is much too strong for Molly and manages to rip herself away from Molly’s clutches. Free from her former friend, Lorelei quickly rushes to her corner. She tags in Morgan, with orders to “Destroy Molly!” expressed loud and clear.

“OOOOOOOH!” the Windy City reacts to the incredibly dangerous Morgan Nerdly arriving into the match. Even Molly shudders at the entrance of her emotionally disturbed little sister.

Only two Nerdly girls inspire that level in their opponents, Malaysia and Morgan. But Malaysia is five ten and Morgan barely clears five feet! You don’t have to be big to be a lethal threat.

Morgan rushes at Molly with a blind charge, just seeking to power her off her feet. But Molly counters this by leaping into the air and taking her sister down with a spinning head scissors. Morgan is quick to her feet, however, and appears to be madder than ever.  But this anger helps her none, as Molly wraps her black boots around her ankles and drops her to the canvas with a  drop toe hold. Morgan hasn’t even a moment to try and get up before Molly is twisting and turning her with an Oklahoma Roll….


Morgan kicks out long before the two count. But rather than get right up, she remains on the ground chewing her hair and staring absently into space. Morgan’s preoccupation with her own imagination gives Molly the chance to apply a tag to the women’s champion, Sophie Grey!


Minus two spank points for Sophie’s ring attire. A tank top and athletic pants? Bitch, you ain’t doing boxercise at Gold’s Gym!

Sophie enters the ring right as Morgan begins to rise. She catches the former women’s champion’s arm and twists it with a nasty arm wrench. Morgan shrieks more in anger than pain, and even threatens bodily arm against her rival. Somewhat fearful of Morgan’s promises, Sophie attempts to fire her away into the ring ropes. But Morgan reverses the hold and Sophie is the one sent into the ropes. Morgan herself takes a run off the cables, and as the two near she leaps into the air for a double strike. But the women’s champion, wisely slides out the way, and is able to raise her arm to strike down Morgan with a lariat.

A big time move from Sophie! Morgan might have taken her head clean off with that double knee attack.

Morgan hastily rushes back to her feet, tearing at her hair and cursing herself for being clotheslined. While Morgan works out her immense frustrations, Sophie takes the time to climb onto the top rope. As the fans root her on she flies at Morgan with an axe handle smash! But the littlest Nerdly girl summons up a big counter and spine busters

You go on girl and you teach that ho ain’t no body wearin no ring attire like that in my ring!

Morgan pushes Sophie over, and lies on top of her for a pinfall…



But Sophie throws her shoulder off the canvas.

A courageous kickout by Sophie after suffering that brutal spinebuster.

Morgan drags Sophie off the canvas, and throws her into the Dirty Sexy Money  corner. Sophie lands with a hard thud, that’s worsened by Lorelei striking her in the back of the head with elbows. Seeing that Lorelei is so eager to batter Sophie, Morgan tags her partner and mentor into the match.


Lorelei makes a grand entrance into the ring, which does nothing to temper the crowd’s hatred. Ignoring their negative reaction, Lorelei grabs the back of Sophie’s head and repeatedly smashes her face against the turnbuckles. After a referee’s warning, Lorelei shifts into taking Sophie into a front facelock. She hauls her into the air and then brings her down to the canvas with a vicious DDT! Lorelei twirls around and bows to the booing fans and then makes a casual cover with her boot…



Molly breaks up the pin!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans react with delight, while Lorelei throws a temper tantrum and asks Morgan why she didn’t keep an eye on her sister.

Sophie is showing great resiliency and strength here tonight in Chicago!

Lorelei does however offer Morgan a chance to redeem herself with a tag back into the contest.  Sophie brings herself upright ready to face down the littlest Nerdly girl. But Morgan proves more than Sophie can handle as she batters her legs with kicks from her sharp heels. With Sophie’s legs buckling, Morgan has an easy time of taking her off her feet with a leaping enziguri! On Lorelei’s orders Morgan attempts a pinfall…



Sophie kicks out and poor Morgan is chastised by Lorelei for failing to secure the victory. This does little to help Morgan, as she once again nervously chews on her hair.  Continuing to fret, Morgan pulls Sophie upright. But Sophie suddenly comes alive with a burst of energy and pounds Morgan with several forearm strikes to the stomach. Morgan clutches her sore abs, but then comes roaring back at the French girl. However, Sophie counters her charge with an excellent dropkick!

Gotta love the grit and determination Sophie has!

Sophie crawls to her corner and slaps the outstretched hand of Molly Nerdly.

“YEAAAAAAAA!” the fans scream, sharing Molly’s exuberance.

Tagging in your less clothed partner, plus 3 spank points.

Molly rushes at Morgan with arms raised for a lariat. But the tiny girl dips beneath the attacking arm of her sister. She then flurries her foot around, hoping to strike Molly’s ribs. But Molly catches her heel and slams it down onto the canavas. This throws Morgan off balance, and Molly is able to topple her over with a superkick! As Morgan tries to realign her jaw, the film buff makes her way onto the top rope.

“I’m queen of the world!” she shouts, quoting Titanic.  Once Morgan makes her unsteady rise to her feet, Molly flies forward with a cross body block that shoves her little sister down to the canavs. The referee counts the resulting pinfall…



Lorelei ends the pinfall with a boot into Molly’s ribcage. Growling with anger, Lorelei drags Molly off of Morgan. Her intent is to throw Molly from the ring. But that task is made maddingly difficult by Molly winging knife chops into her feather clad outfit. Things go from bad to worse for Lori, as Molly traps her inside a front facelock. Lorelei fights desperately to be free of the hold, punching at any body part her punching hands can reach. Finally she manages to shove Molly away! But Molly’s errant path takes her into Morgan, and she accidently clips her little sister in the eye.

Oh no!

Morgan’s suffering is of little concern to Lorelei, who happily occupies herself with shoving Molly out the way. Lori quickly becomes worried about Morgan’s state of health in mind, when she’s captured in a standing fireman’s carry. Despite her cries to be let down, Lorelei is struck with the Shock and Awe (FU) !


Oh my! Half blind, Morgan must have thought that was Molly she was Shocking.

By the time Morgan realizes something is seriously a foul, its to late for her as Sophie is bulldogging her into the canvas.


Now, Molly goes for the pinfall and the crowd counts along…





That’s a damn shame, Mikey!

Very few people in the arena share Coach’s beliefs as they cheer the result to a shocking (yes pun) ending! Sophie and Molly embrace in the center of the ring, while Morgan lies next to them, still trying to sort out what exactly happened.

Your winners as a result of a pinfall…..FRENCH NEW WAVE!


A great win for the women’s champion and the intelligent and beautiful Molly Nerdly. They worked hard to pull it off, and they got the big time victory.

At the hands of Morgan’s mixup!

Be that as it may, the result still stamds.

We cut backstage where Queen Esther watches the CTS  on her throne…in the middle of the cafeteria.

Oh my! That took the breath right out of me!

It was very exciting.

Oh no, oh no. Surely you know it wasn’t! I want the tape of that match confiscated and banned, please.

But why?

Can’t you see? Its apparent why, and you must, must, do it! If you don’t all of our kingdom could suffer!


You just don’t know, you just don’t know! The wrong team won, of course! The good guys always win and the bad guys always lose. Someone poor man snatched my purse on the street yesterday, and ran away, but soon after he left me he was struck dead by a car!


If he hadn’t been a bad guy, I might still have a father today!


My loyal knights will be collecting all videotape and burning it, if it just isn’t right for a kingdom. We can’t have any grumpy Gusses ruining our fun, now can we? No we can’t! We’re Snow White and the six dwarves because there’s no Grumpy allowed. No, sir, there just can not be, and I’m afraid all the bad guys winning will make people just a wee touch cranky.

While Esther prattles on, Lucius comes in and removes the TV from the catering set so that no one may see any more bad guys win. Just in case they get any funny ideas to steal it back, Lucius launches the set against the wall! It shatters apart, tumbling to the ground.

LUCIUS (teary eyed)
Shit reminded me of Katrina right there. A pimp was eating good when them leeves broke!

Just like I suspected, everyone’s happy now!


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“The World is Mine” by David Guetta hits and the LDC Moneygang lead V.I.C.E. down the green and gold lit aisle.  

The following 8-man tag event is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Violators, Intimidators and Capital E-fenders… DETECTIVE TANGO BOSLEY and CPA... VVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIICE! Their partners, representing THE ENTERPRISE… COLIN MAGUIRE, JR. and SPENCER REIGER… THE LDC MMMOOOONNEYGANG!!


Reiger brings the team together mid-ring where they all psych each other up.

Color me surprised. I wasn’t sure how well VICE and the LDC Moneygang would get along given everything that’s occurred between their respective managers in recent weeks, neither of whom are here ringside I might add.  

Quit trying to stir trouble, Cole. You know all managers were banned from ringside just prior to the event tonight. That means no Lorelei, Morgan or Molly Nerdly. But hey, never let facts get in the way of a good story, right?

I was going to get to that.  


“Shine” by Collective Soul cues and the crowd goes nuts for Team Heyross and the Orange County Cobras. In a show of team unity, they all raise their arms to set off red, white and blue pyro behind them.

Their opponents in this 8-man tag attraction! First from the O.C., the 2009 Anderson Cup champions… SIMON SINGLETON and NED BLANCHARD…THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS! And their partners, arguably the most decorated tag team in OAOAST history… and the current ONE & ONLY WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS…CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN... TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!


The guys slap hands with the fans on the way to the ring, but it’s all business once inside.

What a match-up this should be. A preview of what’s to come Monday night, August 31 at Angleslam.

The Orange County Cobras vs. V.I.C.E.

One & Only World Tag Team Title
Team Heyross © vs. The LDC Moneygang

There’s no guarantee Team Heyross or the O.C. Cobras will even make it to Angleslam after tonight!  

The same can be said for VICE and the LDC Moneygang.

Both sides lose their pre-match garb and the bell sounds.


Spencer Reiger and Simon Singleton trade barbs and then lockup. Into the corner they go and Simon is stunned by a forearm to the midsection. Reiger hammers away only for Simon to fire back with overhand chops. Reiger grabs a side headlock to halt the offensive but is hip tossed off the ropes, then nailed by a dropkick. Simon charges forward and is back dropped over the top rope, although he lands safely on the apron. Reiger points to his brain, a big smirk on his face. But when he turns Simon decks him with a MISSLE DROPKICK!

The cover.




The O.C. Cobras tag and hit their patented drop toehold/POINTY~! ELBOW double-team maneuver.

The cover.




Reiger calls for time but gets a boot to the sternum instead! Ned goes on the attack until being raked across the eyes. Rammed into the buckle, Ned is peppered in the corner with Irish uppercuts by new legal man CMJ. Instructed to break, CMJ retreats with both hands raised. But now that the referee’s back is turned, Reiger and VICE get their licks in on Ned!


Come on, do your job, ref!

The guy’s doing the best he can, Cole. He doesn’t have eyes behind his back.


The crowd rallies behind Ned as he fights out of the corner only to be clubbed across the back of the head by CMJ. Whipped into the ropes Ned ducks a back elbow and counters an attempted leapfrog on the rebound with an inverted atomic drop! Ned clotheslines both members of the LDC Moneygang, then wrings the arm of CMJ and tags Charlie Moss. But CMJ breaks free and tags Detective Tango Bosley before Moss can enter.

CMJ and Spencer Reiger won’t be able to run from Team Heyross at Angleslam.

Who says they’re running? CMJ and Spence are just saving it for the pay-per-view.  

Moss takes Bosley to the mat and schools him in the art of wrestling, pissing Bosley off. They return to their feet and lockup again, with Moss wringing the arm and tagging Benjamin who delivers a middle rope axe handle smash onto it. Bosley’s quick to respond though, catching Benjamin with a kick to the gut and backhand chop. He tags CPA and the big guy charges into a drop toehold. Benjamin executes a pair of head scissor takedowns, but on his third attempt CPA slams him straight down with a FRONT SPINEBUSTER!!

The cover.




CPA rams Benjamin into the buckle and punishes him with body shots. Benjamin returns fire and is whipped across, evading a corner charge before hitting a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!

That’s no small man Quentin Benjamin just tossed like a rag doll.

Bosley enters, swings and misses, then is atomic dropped. His momentum sends him crashing into CPA mid-ring! Dropkick knocks CPA back towards his corner where he tags Bosley. Still fuming from moments ago, Bosley charges Benjamin and is hip tossed. Team Heyross tag and Benjamin nails Bosley coming off the ropes with a shot to the gut, which Moss follows with a running knee lift!

The cover.




Simon tags in and the O.C. Cobras execute a DOUBLE FEATURE FLAPJACK! Simon then goes up top and drops a BIG ELBOW!

The cover.




Simon tags Ned and the Handsome Hustler rams Bosley into the buckle, then STOMPS A MUDHOLE AND WALKS IT DRY~!

Doesn’t that idiot know the rules by now? He’s gotta let the AMOG out of the corner.

Back elbow off the ropes floors Bosley, and then Ned drops a POINTY~! ELBOW right in the heart! He tags Moss who grabs a headlock, but Bosley maneuvers him to the corner and tags Reiger. Moss relinquishes the hold and places it on the new legal man. Reiger shoves him off and is floored by a shoulder tackle on the rebound. He floats over as Moss charges off the near side and looks to execute a hip toss when Moss blocks it and counters with him of his own!

What action, Cole! I can’t imagine what’ll be like Monday night, August 31 at Angleslam.

Quick tag to Benjamin, who hammers on Reiger before whipping him in, but Reiger swats away Benjamin’s attempt spinning heel kick. Benjamin pops to his feet and throws a kick only for Reiger to catch the leg, spins him around…and get smacked between the eyes courtesy of a DRAGON LEG WHIP!

The cover.




Reiger is sent for the ride again, ducks a clothesline and takes Benjamin down with a RUNNING INVERTED BULLDOG!

New York Knockout!

The cover.




Fans, we need to take a break. Should the match end while we’re away we’ll show you the conclusion on replay. Whatever you do though, don’t you dare go away. The Chi-Town Spectacular continues after this.


CMJ hammers Benjamin in the corner with Irish uppercuts as we return from break.

We are back live. And as you can see, ladies and gentlemen, it’s been all Moneygang and VICE during the break.

I bet it pains you to say that, Cole. You loathe the LDC Moneygang.

Their attitudes, yes.

Whipped to the far corner Benjamin leaps onto the middle rope and back, but CMJ ducks and Benjamin eats nothing but canvas.


Bosley receives the tag, waits for Benjamin to return to his feet and then swings into the ring to clotheslines Benjamin!

The cover.




As Benjamin wanders in search of the tag, he finds himself in the heel corner, which Reiger lets him know by CHOKING him with the drawstring of his board shorts!


That’s disgusting!

It’s not Spence’s fault Benjamin got himself tangled.

Oh please.

CPA tags in, presses Benjamin overhead and then delivers a POWERSLAM!

The cover.





Who does Charlie Moss think he is, the federal government? What’s he doing bailing out Benjamin?

At least that bailout worked.

CPA shakes the blow off and looks to hit THE DOMINATOR, but Benjamin slips out and lands a SUPERKICK!

Could this be Benjamin‘s big break? He desperately needs to make a tag.

But it’s CPA who tags out. Reiger slams Benjamin and executes his signature SLINGSHOT DOUBLE STOMP!

The cover.




Fed up, Moss rushes in attacks Reiger!

Whine about that, Cole.

Charlie Moss letting his emotion get the better of him.

As the referee steps in to restrain Moss, Reiger tags Bosley who puts the boots to Benjamin. Fired into the ropes, Benjamin finds himself SERVING HARD TIME, the victim of a Boss Man Slam!




Bosley signals the end. He lifts Benjamin up for his ARREST & TRIAL finisher…but Benjamin floats over and catches Bosley with a BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!


Encouraged by his teammates and thousands of fans, Benjamin musters the strength to tag Charlie Moss!

There’s the tag!

Moss hammers Bosley, fires him off and executes a RELEASE OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!

The cover.


Moss unloads on CPA as the O.C. Cobras and LDC Moneygang renew their rivalry.

The referee’s letting this one get out of control, Cole. All hell’s breaking loose.

The fight between the O.C. Cobras and Moneygang spills outside. Inside, Moss clotheslines CPA over the top and turns his attention to Bosley, whipping him into the ropes only to be drilled by a SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW!

The cover.




Moss counters Bosley’s front flip swinging neck breaker with a backdrop, then runs the ropes only to be tripped up by Spencer Reiger. Suddenly Benjamin flies by and wipes out the LDC Moneygang and O.C. Cobras with a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA!


Benjamin rejoins Moss in the ring and they hit THE SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!

Get ready to put this one in the books. It’s all over.

CMJ yanks Benjamin outside and posts him as Reiger breaks up the pin. Both Enterprise members inside, they hit THE SPIKE REIGER COUNTER (PEDIGREE)!!!

The cover.

Wait a minute.





They did it!

What the heck?

The LDC Moneygang just beat Team Heyross!

But I thought Bosley was the legal man?

Apparently not. Right now let’s hear the official decision.

Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners, the team of V.I.C.E and THE LDC MMMOOOONNEYGANG!!


CMJ and Reiger celebrate like they’ve just won the tag titles.

I’m told the guys in the truck have the replay cued. Let’s take a look at that.


On replay we see a blind tag was made when Bosley was whipped in for the overhead belly-to-belly, then the finish.


That’s gotta suck, Cole. I’m sure you and a lot of people were ready to cry foul.

You never know around here. A tough break for Team Heyross. But what a confidence booster it must be for Spencer Reiger and Colin Maguire, Jr. And what a match it should be for the One & Only World tag team championship at Angleslam.

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Let's send it back now to our broadcast colleagues for some comments ahead of Battlebowl.

And back we go first to Maggie Nerdly, stood besides a suited and orange tinted sunglassed Bohemoth.

Bo, big things popping here in Chi-Town tonight. First up, I've gotta ask how you're feeling after that brutal Stretcher Match you had last week?

I'm doing fine. My knee's still a little sore, but nothing I can't cope with. The fact that I won that match and sent Rodez on another stretcher ride is enough to make me feel pretty damn good right about now.

Well that's good cause tonight it's Battlebowl. Sixteen men, one spot in the main event at AngleSlam.

You know, I realise that there's some good talent in this battle royal. I realise that there's a few big guys in there too. But I'm the biggest and I'm the hungriest of them all! I started 2009 off by beating twenty nine other men in the Lethal Rumble, dumping people over the top rope, to get my shot at the World Title. I went to AngleMania. Stood across the ring from Zack Malibu, the World Champ. And I didn't get the job done. Simple as that. Tonight, I've got a chance to make good. Tonight, I'm gonna smash through fifteen opponents, get my World Title shot again and this time I'm gonna come away with the gold! I don't care whether it's Moneymaker, whether it's Krista, whether it's somebody else come AngleSlam, I want that belt around my waist and I'll go through whoever I have to to get it.

Alright, Big Bo, big on confidence. Let's throw it real quick to Josh Matthews, Josh?

But we don't cut to Josh Matthews. Instead, we find Morgan Nerdly. Distraught at her loss minutes ago, she holds her hands on her head, complete tunnel vision as she walks through the hall causing her to bump into a backstage worker.


The lowly worker wisely runs before he can get zapped. And everyone else within earshot quickly finds a reason to walk away as well. Morgan looks around in a daze and collapses in the spot she was standing, sobbing. Hands in her hair, she suddenly starts yanking at it in a rage before striking herself across the head in a fit of rage.

Panting, Morgan stops and looks at herself. Still sobbing she starts to scramble away at her boot. With her hands shaking it takes her a few seconds to produce a RAZORBLADE. She holds out her wrist and aims the razorblade, hovering a little...

...when suddenly, a hand wraps around her wrist and stops her. Morgan is shocked and slowly looks up, to find, of all people, LEON RODEZ.

Come with me.

Not sure what to do for a second, Morgan is pulled up to her feet and without a word, she's dragged off.

(off screen)

Morgan stops in her tracks, looking back at Lorelei who starts to stomp over.

Don't you DARE walk away from me! I'm not through with you yet. Get back here.

Leon steps in front of Morgan, still clutching her by the wrist.

I think you'd better get out of my way.

Try me.

Glancing past Leon at the frightened Morgan, Lorelei looks back at Leon, who isn't budging.

You know what... fine! You need me more than I need you, Nerdly! You'll come crawling back. And when you do, you'd better have a damn good apology ready.

Lorelei stomps off in a huff. A relieved Morgan looks up at her knight in shining armour, who very un-knight like turns and drags Morgan off in the other direction.

Wow. What just happened there?



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Final Ride hits, and Reject makes his way to the ring.

One of the most anticipated matchups we've ever seen, right here, Coach.

That's right, a storied career will end right here, right now!

And it could indeed be the "final ride" for the leader of the Deadly Alliance!

Reject steps through the ropes, posing for the fans, although not with the usual brash nature.  As he prepares,Magnum Opus hits, and the crowd pops bigtime as Alfdogg comes through the curtains.

And a big Chicago welcome for Alfdogg, it could be the last one he hears as an active wrestler!

Alfdogg slowly walks down the aisle, staring down Reject the whole way.

And both of these guys are focused, Cole!  Not the usual showmanship you'd expect out of these two!

Alf steps through the ropes, and into a corner, where he poses on the buckles, then stations himself in a corner.

Well, we're about ready for a big one, folks, let's go to Michael Buffer for the announcements!

*DING DING DING*  (slow and dramatic)

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen...it is now time for one of the main attractions of the evening!  In this ring, two of the OAOAST's all-time warriors put their careers, their legacies on the line, in a no-holds-barred contest!  There is no time limit...there must be a winner.

Buffer pauses.

Introducing first, in the corner to my left.  Hailing from the Bronx, and weighing in at 228 1/2 pounds.  He is a former World tag team champion, and the leader of the Deadly Alliance...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

*crowd boos*

And ladies and gentlemen, his opponent, in the corner to my right.  He hails from Anderson, Indiana, and weighs in at 236 1/4 pounds.  This man is one of the most decorated stars in the history of our business, and is putting it all on the line tonight, against a former protege.  Ladies and gentlemen, the former two-time OAOAST champion of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

*crowd cheers*

Again, no holds barred, no time limit, careers on the line...there must be a winner.  ARE YOU READY?

*crowd cheers*


*crowd cheers*

Then for the thousands in attendance here in Chicago, and the millions and millions watching around the World...there's only one thing left to say. Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADYYYYYYYYY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMMMMMMM

Buffer exits the ring, and the bell sounds.


And the match is officially underway...the last one for one of these two men.

Alf and Reject come face-to-face in mid-ring, and some trash talk ensues, before Reject delivers a knee to the gut.  Reject then fires off right hands, but Alf fights back, and the two trade blows.  Alf wins the exchange, knocking Reject back into a corner with a big right!  However, Reject delivers a foot to the gut, then spins Alf around in the corner, and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


Reject then whips Alf across, and charges, but Alf gets his foot up!

And Reject running right into the boot of Alf!

Alf grabs Reject, and brings him back into the corner, delivering a CHOP~!


And another!


And another!


Wow, already you see the impact of the chops from both men!

Reject bails out under the ropes to the floor, but Alf follows, delivering a right hand, and ramming his face into the guardrail!  Reject falls to the floor, and Alf stomps away at him.  Alf then grabs Reject, drags him around the ring, and tosses him onto and over the timekeeper's table!

And now they're over in the timekeeper's area!

Reject winds up under the table, as Alf attempts to dig him out.  Reject has a hold of the ring bell, concealing it from Alf until both are out of the wreckage, then clobbers him in the head with it!

All right!

Reject had the ring bell, and just leveled Alf with it!

Reject rolls Alf inside, then grabs a chair, and slides in, bringing it down onto the back of Alf!

And now a big chairshot to the back!

Reject takes time to pose for the crowd, then raises the chair overhead, but Alf gets a foot to the gut, then follows shortly after with a Hart Attack clothesline!

And now it's Alf with the chair!

Alf backs into the ropes, and drops a chair-assisted elbow!  Cover...




Alf slugs away on the mat, then gets to his feet and stomps Reject to the outside.  Reject climbs over the guardrail into the crowd, and Alf follows.

They're taking it into the crowd!

Alf follows Reject, and delivers some right hands, but Reject delivers a shot to the throat.  Reject then sets up a piledriver, but Alf blocks, and backdrops Reject onto the floor!

And Reject gets backdropped into the crowd, and there's no mats out there!

They end up at the entrance, where Alf tosses Reject over the railing into the aisle.  He finds a big plastic trashcan, and throws it onto the back of the crawling Reject, then whips him into the guardrail!

It's been mostly Alf here in the early going of the match!

Alf then picks up Reject again, and attempts a suplex in the aisle.  Reject blocks, then blocks a second time, and executes a suplex of his own!

Big move from Reject right there, though!

Reject stops to catch his wind, then sets up Alf for an Irish whip.  Alf reverses, however, sending Reject into the steel steps!

But Alf turns it right back around with that move!

Alf picks up Reject, and rolls him back inside, then loots under the apron, finding a BARBED-WIRE WRAPPED STEEL CHAIR~!

Oh, no!

Alf is breaking out the big guns!

Alf stalks Reject with the chair, raising it over his head...but Reject strikes with a low blow!

But a low blow from Reject!

And Alf dropped the chair!

Reject picks up the chair off the mat, raises it overhead...and brings it down across the back of Alf!

Barbed-wire chair across the back of Alf!

With Alf on all fours, Reject gives him another shot!

And again!

Reject covers...




Reject then raises the chair overhead, but Alf delivers a low blow of his own, then a DDT!  Cover...




Alf makes his way over to the chair, which has landed in the corner.  Reject charges from behind, but Alf sees it coming and moves out of the way.  Reject runs into the corner...and turns around into a shot to the face from the barbed-wire chair!


Barbed wire to the face!

Alf then lays the chair across the forehead of Reject, then grabs the normal chair, legdropping that chair onto the barbed wire one on Reject's forehead!

Oh, this is awful!

Alf covers...




And Reject has been laid open!

Reject sits up to reveal the blood flowing from his forehead, as Alf rakes the chair across his face!  Reject scoots to the outside, and Alf follows, grabbing a side headlock, but Reject shoves him off, into the steel steps, which Alf hits with his knee and flips over!


Alf hit those steps knee-first!

Alf favors his knee, and Reject zooms right in, stomping away on it, then disassembling the steel steps, and slamming part of them onto Alf's knee!

And Reject pouncing like a vulture on that knee!

Reject rolls into the ring, and lets Alf pull himself onto the apron, then pulls him in underneath and drapes his leg across the ropes, jumping up and down onto the knee!  He repeats this three times, then grabs the chair, and delivers a shot to the knee!

And now the knee taking the barbed wire!

Reject delivers another shot, then grabs Alf's legs, and steps through them.

Oh, look at this!

Reject crosses Alf's legs, and turns him into a SHARPSHOOTER~!

Reject with the Sharpshooter on Alf!

Talk about insult to injury!

Alf squirms, wincing in pain due to his knee.

That knee obviously in tremendous pain, but he's got to pull towards those ropes!

Alf pulls himself, and eventually grabs the bottom rope!

And he makes it!

Reject releases the hold, then rolls to the outside, grabbing a small bag, and pulling out a pair of handcuffs!

Reject's got handcuffs, Cole!

Reject slides inside, and applies the handcuffs to the fallen Alf, then grabs the barbed-wire chair, and waits on him to get to his feet.  When he does, he brings the chair down onto his forehead!

And a shot from the barbed-wire chair, Alf unable to defend himself!

Alf drops to his knees, where Reject delivers another shot!  Alf falls to the mat, his face now opened up, as well.  Reject raises the chair up in the air, drawing boos.

And Reject I think can sense that the end is near for Alfdogg!

Reject lays the chair across Alf's face, then puts a foot on it and reaches over the ropes, pulling up on the middle one as he drives his foot into the chair.  He then signals that it's over, and grabs Alf around the neck for the EULOGY~!!!!!11111...but before he can drop to the mat, Alf sinks his teeth into his ear!

Look at that!

Alf biting Reject on the earto avoid the Eulogy!  You talk about desperation!

Mike Tyson would be proud of that counter!

Reject holds his ear on the mat as Alf struggles to his feet, then kicks the chair over to Reject, rolling it onto his face, and kneeling on it with one knee.

Unlock me, motherfucker!

Get fucked...

ALF (driving harder with the knee)

Reject yells in pain, then fumbles for the key and reluctantly unlocks Alf from the cuffs.

And Alf has forced Reject to free him from the cuffs!

Reject begs off from Alf, who picks up Reject, and executes a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!  He follows up with a T-BONE SUPLEX~!!  Reject staggers into the ropes, and Alf clotheslines him to the floor, then follows up with a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~!

And how much do these two have left in their bodies?

Alf favors the knee after the landing, then hobbles to his feet and picks apart the announce table.  He attempts to ram Reject into it, but Reject blocks, and rams Alf instead.  Alf rolls onto the table, and Reject follows setting up a piledriver, but Alf slips out...and delivers a EULOGY THROUGH THE ANNOUNCERS' TABLE~!

Alf with Reject's own maneuver, the Eulogy, through our table!  Both men are down!  Both men are spent!  Who will come to first and win this match?

Alf comes to first, and drags Reject out of the wreckage, then tosses him inside.  Alf then goes to another side of the ring, and produces a BARBED-WIRE BOARD from under the apron.

Oh my God...

What more can these two do?

Alf pushes the board into the ring, then rolls back inside.  He picks up Reject, and applies a standing headscissors.

Could be a powerbomb coming here!

However, Reject counters, backdropping Alf onto the barbed-wire board!


Alf brought the board into play, and it backfires!

Reject pauses for a bit to catch his breath, then waits for Alf to roll off the board, and covers...



NO!  Shoulder up!

But he kicks out!

Reject picks up Alf, and lifts him for a back suplex, dropping him ONCE AGAIN on the board!

One more time!  Could this be it?



NO!  Shoulder up!

Not yet!

I thought he had him right there!

Reject then re-positions the board, and waits for Alf to get to his feet.  Reject hammers away on Alf, then runs to the ropes behind him, coming back for the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

...but Alf blocks, and TOSSES REJECT ONTO THE BOARD~!!!


And now it's Reject tasting the barbed wire!

Reject rolls off the board in tremendous pain, and Alf applies the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!!!11111

And Alf with the Sharpshooter!  Reject's career could be over right here!

Reject screams in pain, as he inches towards the ropes.

Don't give up, Reject!  You gotta pull to those ropes!

Reject gets close, but Alf pulls him back out to the middle!

No, no, no!

Reject spots the barbed-wire chair, and scrambles to grab it, then desperately tosses it backwards over his head, hitting Alf from behind, causing him to loosen the hold enough for Reject to grab the ropes.

And Reject makes the ropes, great resourcefulness in using that chair!

Reject then catches Alf from behind with a bulldog, before rolling outside.  Reject goes under the ring, and pulls out TWO GLASS TABLES~!

And look at this.

Oh, I remember this from School's Out!

Reject slides the tables into the ring, and props one in the corner, and sets one up in mid-ring.  He then sets up Alf in another corner, and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


Alf then fires back with a CHOP~!


The two trade some more chops, then Reject delivers a knee to the gut.  Reject then scoops up Alf, and drives him towards the corner the glass table!

Oh no, not this!

However, Alf slips off the back, and hits Reject with a SUPERKICK~!, leaving him laying in the corner.  Alf then charges Reject...but Reject moves, and on the way, shoves the charging Alf THROUGH THE GLASS TABLE~!!!


Reject falls into the ropes, as the crowd chants.





This has got to be over!

Reject crawls over to Alf, picks him up out of the wreckage, lays him down and covers...



NO!!!  Shoulder up!

NO!  It's NOT over!

Reject gets to his feet and puts his hands on his knees, waiting for Alf to get up.  Alf gets up, with his back to Reject, who spins him around, and delivers the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

And now the Eulogy!

Here it is, Cole!  A storied career, but it's all over now!

Reject covers...





NO!!!  Alf gets the shoulder up again!!!


I can't believe this!

Reject then picks up Alf, in front of the other glass table, positioned in mid-ring.  He scoops Alf into a standing fireman's carry, turns into the right position...and spins him around into a EULOGY THROUGH THE GLASS TABLE~!!!!!

And Alf through another glass table with the Eulogy!  Will THIS be it?

Reject hooks the leg...






And mercifully, this match is over!  As is the storied career of Alfdogg.


Well, technically only one career has ended here, but Reject's will never be the same after this match!

Elated, TK and Sandman make their way out to help Reject from the ring, who is too spent to celebrate.

Reject the winner of the match, but the real story here now, is that the time of one of the OAOAST's greatest seemingly has passed.

Alf rolls over to the corner, and pulls himself up.  Once he gets to his feet, the crowd stands and begins to cheer.

And listen to this crowd here in Chicago, showing the respect to Alfdogg.

Alf slowly walks out to the center of the ring, and looks around to each side of the crowd, then sticks two thumbs up into the air, before exiting the ring, and walking back down the aisle.

And Alfdogg returning the respect to this crowd...and making his final walk back from the ring.  It's then end of an era here in the OAOAST...Alfdogg's career is over.

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Gimme them bright lights, long nights
High rise, overtime

Gimme them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, overtime
Working 'till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never gonna say it
I feel on top of the world,
I feel on top of the world

The pop is enormous as the Pussycat’s Dolls’ pep laden anthem plays Krista into the arena. Like the last time she faced Theodore Moneymaker, Krista forgoes her usual array of sexy dancers, and her usual skimpy attire. Instead a scowl joins her on stage, and she wears her SERIOUS WRASSLIN outfit of purple bell bottoms with a gold trim, and a cropped to chest purple tank top with her name written in Laker’s font in gold and white.

Krista Isadora Duncan joining Theodore Moneymaker in both their first ever first blood match. All eyes are on this contest, especially those of the Battle Bowl participants. But this match goes behind the world title for Krista, this match is for her life!

Krista strides down the ring, ignoring any offers for handshakes or words of encouragement from the audience.

Krista is known for her sense of humor and razor sharp wit, but she is not in a playful mood in Chicago.

Krista runs up the ring steps, and leaps into the ring. Rather than try to play to the audience with charming smiles, Krista merely stands watch with hateful eyes in the center of the ring.

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

The boos are loud and they are plentiful for the world champion Theodore Moneymaker. But the billionaire is all smiles and class as he slides out from the back wearing a TUXEDO! Slinging his world championship over his shoulder, Moneymaker chuckles at the angry reception he’s earned.

This isn’t a formal wear match what’s he doing in a Tuxedo?

Playing it smart, now his entire body is covered up. Everything except for his head can’t be subjected to any bleeding. My man is on top of things tonight! And he gets to see how he’d look for the wedding!

Moneymaker comes down the ramp with a broad smile taking shape on his face. He rubs his title belt to showoff to the fans who despise him for having it. Once he reaches the ring he forces ringside security to open the ropes for him, so that he won’t wrinkle his tuxedo. Inside the ring he displays the world championship proudly in front of him and declares his greatness. Finally he retreats to his corner and Michael Buffer steps forward.

The following contest is scheduled for a sixty minute time limit and it is a first blood match for the OAOAST World Title! If Krista Isadora Duncan should win she will regain Theodore Moneymaker’s share in FIT with KID, the world title, and be rid of her curse. Shoulder Theodore Moneymaker win, he will have Krista’s hand in marriage. Now let us introduce the challenger….she is from Los Angeles, California…she is a New York Times best selling author, a Hollywood Walk of Famer, CEO of FIT with KID, a four time tag team champion, the 2009 wrestler of the year…MISS CALIFORNIA KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAAAAAAAN!


Krista merely stares daggers at her rival.

And the champion from Vero Beach, Florida….he is a former OAOAST tag team champion, and the billion dollar heir of the Moneymaker family, he weighes in at 236 pounds, he is The Messiah THEODORE MONEYMAAAAAAAAKER!


Moneymaker step forward to produce a bow which draws quite the negative reaction from the Windy City.


One of these two competitors could be soaked in their own blood. All for the OAOAST World Title.

Krista gets herself into Moneymaker’s face, spewing numerous insults and vulgarities at her greatest rival. Only able to stomach so many barbs, the world champion slings his fist towards her head. But, Krista ducks the strike and makes quick move to go behind her foe. There she reaches around his head and digs her fingers into his eyes. Moneymaker lets out a blood curdling scream.

She’s trying to make his eyes bleed!

She just may be gouging them out!

Thankfully for Moneymaker he’s able to escape the torment with a trio of elbows to her ribs. Keeping himself on the attack, Moneymaker stabs her well toned stomach with a pair of push kicks. Thanks to her hard earned six pack, the fitness queen is able to shrug off the strikes. What she cannot shrug off, however is the big boot Moneymaker slams into her face. Down she goes, landing on the canvas where Clem Buzzlefoxer immediately checks for blood.


The Billion Dollar Heir pulls Miss California back to her feet. He throws her into the ring cables, then bounces off the nearest ropes himself. But, Krista is much too quick for his schemes and topples him with a high flipping lariat! The fans approve loudly and boisterously as the tycoon is left lying on the canvas.  Deciding that he needs to take a quick timeout, the tuxedoed brawler makes an escape through the ring ropes.


These OAOAST Marks getting on Moneymaker for his cowardice.

Krista is as displeased as the Windy City fans, and slides out the ring to confront Moneymaker.  She smashes him upside the head with a powerful elbow that comes dangerously close to drawing blood. Continuing her quest to make Moneymaker bleed, she throws him head first into the announce table at sofa central. No blood appears but the billionaire suffers through a terrible headache. As he tries to stagger away, Krista latches onto his tuxedo and uses that grip to throw him into the ring. Quickly she follows him into the ring, and assails his face with brutal stomps from her white high heels! Moneymaker attempts to cover his face up, but the damage done is signifigant with welts and bruises across his formerly handsome visage.


Krista drags Moneymaker off the canvas, and then attempts an irish whip. But he reverses  the simple hold and Krista is the one sent running to the ropes. When she returns, he dips low and back drops her over the ropes. Thankfully her incredible agility sees her land with her high heels on the ring apron. She prepares to slingshot herself back into the ring. But for once she’s too slow on the draw as the money maven boots her back to the mats bellow.  

A very hard landing onto her shoulder that was bitten by that snake on HeldDOWN. And now she’s faced with a snake in the ring.

Moneymaker exits the ring, showing off the “money fingers” to the enraged fanbase. As they continue to boo him, he flies from the apron and lands an elbow onto Krista’s neck. The challenger gasps as the breath is ripped clean out of her slender body.  The billionaire then pulls her onto her feet with a grip on her arm. He uses that grip to sling her towards the steel posts. The only thing that saves her from a blood letting is that she uses her arm as a shield against the shiny metal.

That was what we’d call a close one.

If she hadn’t got her hand up, it’d be game over, and we’d be hearing wedding bells.

Due to having two aching shoulders now, Krista is unable to defend against Moneymaker’s onslaught as he bashes her head repeatedly into the canavas. Unable to draw blood from that tried and tested method, the frustrated champion shoves his foe into the ring. After he follows her into the squared circle, he brings her upright with a grip on her bell bottoms. Next he fires her towards the nearest corner. But the agile babe leaps onto the third ropes, and uses at as a launching pad to rocket her bodacious body at Moneymaker with a moonsault press. Quickly, the world champion slides beneath her incoming body. But much to his dismay, she lands on her feet. This allows her to swing her leg foreward and rock him with a powerful superkick!


Krista then puts herself off into the ropes. But as she nears her rival, he leaps to life and strikes her arm with the $Billion Dolla Knee Lift$. The fans boo as Moneymaker directs a conceited laugh towards them. As he continues his infuriating chuckling, the tycoon steps on Krista’s face and grinds the sole of his boot to try and draw blood.  Failing that, he angrily uses his sharply shined shoes to push her out onto the apron.

So far the world champion has been on top of his game in this first blood match.

What would you expect from a Yale man? An NCAA championship wrestler at that. Brains and brawn!

Krista slowly works her way upright, but finds little relief due to the jabs Moneymaker peppers her with.  Desperate for a breather, she lowers her body and shoots her injured shoulders into his stomach. Sadly, this causes much more damage for her than it does for him and Moneymaker strikes her with a lunging back elbow! The fitness queen is thrown from the apron and crashes head first into the steel guardrail. Refree Buzzlefoxer immediately exits the ring to check for blood.

This chick dodges another bullet!

But imagine the pain she must be in.

Moneymaker carries himself through the ropes, and marks his arrival with another boot to Krista’s face.  The pain keeps mounting and burning as the world champion grinds her beautiful features into the unforgiving steel of the guardrail.  Failing once again to get any blood, Moneymaker settles for merely vertically suplexing her onto the ring mats.. The Money Fingers go up again and the boos ring out. They grow ever larger when the king of mean yanks off his belt and whips Krista in the back!

Krista is wearing more concealing clothes than usual, but that’s still not enough to keep most of her back and her entire stomach from being exposed.

THWACK! THWACK! Moneymaker delivers evil shot after evil shot, generating much hatred from the fans. Suffering through the pain, Krista begins a slow roll to her feet. Moneymaker is none to pleased to see her strength and a frown appears as he beats her even harsher with the belt.  But his attacks are futile, as Krista swings around with a spin kick that pushes him into the guardrail. The helpful fans rudely shove him back to Krista. But this does her no good as he catches her in the eye with the belt buckle!


He could’ve taken her eye out!

He’s gotta keep that world title, Mikey. The Enterprise has it, The Deadly Alliance, and Cucaracha Internacional don’t.

But does he want a one eyed wife?

Krista rolls about the mats, holding her hand to her eye and crying with agony.  Moneymaker leaves Krista to her painful misery, as he treks over to the time keeper’s area.  He fetches himself a chair which gets little fanfare from the OAOAST audience. This merely brings out a smile in Moneymaker’s face as he reaches Krista with his dangerous weapon.  He sets Krista up against the ring posts as his plan becomes all too apparent to a booing audience. With their anger rising by the second, Moneymaker slings the chair forward. But, Krista finds the will and the way to move out the way! The chair clangs off the steel, and causes an outraged Moneymaker to vibrate wildly!


Moneymaker drops the chair to the ground, and stumbles away. Dealing with a sore hand, and a bruised ego he makes his away back towards the time keeper’s area. Unfortunately for him, Krista stalks his path and is ready to begin inflicting pain. Thus the worried champion produces a ring bell and uses the weapon to swat Krista in the face. The fans shriek with horror and disgust as they witness Krista topple over onto the mat. Insantly the elderly referee hovers over to check for blood.  The rich champion is left annoyed and angered by the fact that Krista has been spared a single bleeding cut.

Krista got laid out with that HARD shot, but still no blood.

Fresh out of ideas and deadly weaponry, Moneymaker is forced to resign himself to something as simple as a microphone. With a glower taking hold of his face the champion chucks the microphone into the ring, and sends Krista into it as well. Inside the ring, Krista tries to cope with the pain and drags herself upright. Unoticed during her struggles, is Moneymaker taking hold of the microphone. Her efforts to rise are totally dashed by Moneymaker driving the microphone into the back of her skull.

“BZZZZZZZZT!” the microphone emits a disturbing commentary of its collision with Krista’s skull.

Buzllefoxer once again searches for blood on Krista’s head. Moneymaker erupts with a grunt of repulsion as Buzzlefoxer signals that the challenger is clean.  The champion angrily barks at Krista to get towards her feet, as he readies the microphone for another attack. Though no small feat, Krista manages to get to a standing position. There she’s forced to deal with a microphone flying at her head. She ducks bellow it, and catches the billion dollar heir in the back of the head with a drop kick!  Moneymaker awkwardly stumbles forward, as his panic spurs him to search his head for blood. As he occupies himself with this, Krista is able to retrieve his steel chair from a corner of the squared circle.  Battling past her aching shoulders and throbbing headaches, she ascends to the top turnbuckle and proceeds to dazzle the audience with a corckscrew moonsault press that sends the chair directly into the champion’s head!

Oh my, what a shot! And Moneymaker is down on the canvas!

Feeling somewhat rejuvenated by the roar of the supportive audience, Krista morphs back into her typical showboating self.

With the chair set up, she leaps onto it, and uses it to throw herself backwards with a high reaching moonsault. But on the descent she unfurls her body to unleash a double stomp directly onto Moneymaker’s face!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAA!”  the mighty roar comes from the reenergized OAOAST Marks.

Mister Moneymaker, sir, please get up!

The Messiah tries to follow Coach’s advice and slowly begins a rise. But this is hindered by Krista dropkicking the chair into his head! The delighted Chi-town fans pop with delight, loving every moment of Krista’s comeback.

“Mister” Moneymaker getting just what he deserves here in the Windy City!

Judging by your haircut and the fact that you  coming here on some hatin shit you must be a no puzzy gettin prescription glasses needin Dragon Ball Z shirt wearin CORNBALL whose never had a bitch, a drug or a day of fun in his life!

With one hand protecting his now endangered head, the tuxedoed brawler brings himself off the canavs. But upright he finds even more danger and misery due to Krista locking her arms across his throat.  From there she throws him down to the canvas with The Blonds Never Pay A Cover (side effect). The ecstatic fans offer a large cheer for the signature move as Moneymaker offers a large groan. Krista seeks to add to his moment of pain and grabs onto the chair once more. She leaps into the air, and tucks the chair beneath her bell bottoms. Gravity takes care of the rest, as she comes down with a brutal chair assisted leg drop on Moneymaker! The fans put forth another mammoth shout of excitement over Moneymaker’s pain.

You have to ask yourself, how did that one not bust Theodore Moneymaker wide open?

Because destiny wants him to keep his world title, that’s why. The gods are watching over him.

Krista hunches over, her face seething with rage as she awaits Moneymaker’s rise from the mat.  But when he stands, Moneymaker strikes at Krista first with a lunging lariat. But the feisty challenger is prepared for that attack, and grabs onto the ropes to lower them downwards. As a result Moneymaker haplessly tumbles over them and lands with a thud on his knees. Krista attempts to keep the pressure on him, by grabbing onto his slick black hair and bringing him upwards.   But the trust fund baby counters by snatching the other trust fund baby’s head and driving her neck into the top rope. Krista gags and wheezes, stunned by the unexpected attack. Fortunately for her Moneymaker can not capaitilze on the damage he’s brought to her, as he falls to his knees in exhaustion.  But Moneymaker then stifles his misery for the moment, in order to haul Krista outside the ring.

In a first blood match, I don’t think you want to spend too much time in the ring. There’s much more efficient and violent ways to make your foe bleed on the outside.

Perhaps intending to prove Cole’s point correct, Moneymaker locks Krista into a front facelock. His hands grip the waist band of her purple bell bottoms and he then lifts Krista high into the way. After a moments pause to insult the crowd with his trademark laugh, the world champion falls backwards and suplexs her onto the ring  steps! Krista’s lips throw out an agonizing cry, as referee Buzzlefoxer attempts to check for blood on her back.

“No blood!” the old man shouts to a much dismayed Moneymaker.

While Krista tries with all her effort to return to her feet, the grumbling world champion picks up the steel steps opposite from Krista.

This could be bad!

This could be great! Do you think Mister Moneymaker would let me be the ring boy at the wedding?

Without so much as a second of thought, Moneymaker sends the steel step flying towards Krista! Its only by a fraction of an inch that she avoids the step, diving towards side. Moneymaker looks on with a fuming face as he watches his missile land harmlessly against the guardrail.  His furious emotions spur him forward, quickly walking him towards Krista who lies at the end of the entrance ramp. He scrapes her off the flooring, and tucks her beneath his leg.

“MONEY TALKS, BULLSHIT WALKS!” he barks towards the OAOAST Marks

“BOOOOOOOOO!” their response is heated and full of venom.

The fans rage grows all the louder when the hated villain drives Krista’s head into the concrete with a pile driver!  Krista’s hands fall around her sore and aching head, but fail to be covered in any red liquid.  Again frustrated by Krista’s rock hard skin, Moneymaker stamps his feet as he walks back towards the ring.  He digs beneath the ring apron, creating confusion and worry in the audience. Worry soon becomes the primary emotion when Moneymaker retrieves a lead pipe!

Oh my! Look what Theodore Moneymaker has there!

He has the key to victory!

Wasting no time, The Billion Dollar heir rushes towards Krista with weapons raised. But as he swings the tool, Krista slides out the way, leaving Buzzlefoxer in the lead pipe’s path. Lacking the speed of someone forty years his youth, the eighty year old referee is knocked down by the weapon!

Clem is down!

That  nigga ain’t been hit that hard since the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor!

Moneymaker shows no remorse and offers no apologies to Clem, regarding him like little more than a bug he just squashed.  Instead Moneymaker retries his attack, swiping at Krista with the weapon. But Krista halts the lead pipe’s attack, by stabbing its owner in the stomach with a quick kick.  With Moneymaker stunned, Krista grabs onto his hand and forces it to smash the lead pipe into his face. The fans are struck with delirious joy, as blood appears on Moneymaker’s forehead!

Krista got him!

Yet with no referee Krista’s victory is only one in morals and frustration. Doubled over with hands on her slick bottoms, she sighs in exhaustion and pain. This moment of self-pity proves dangerous, as Moneymaker takes the lead pipe and slams it into her rattlesnake bitten shoulder! The fitness queen falls over, indescribable pain rushing through her body.

“YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” the fans sing as Moneymaker laughs his trademark laugh and twirls his pipe around.

The tide of this match turned on Krista as harsh as I’ve ever seen it.

As both referee and foe lie wounded, Moneymaker is free to do as he pleases. Thus he removes his red cummerbund, and ties it around his bleeding head. With that crafty move he successfully hides his bleeding wound!

Impossible! Theodore Moneymaker has covered up that blood, blatant cheating!

A genius move, Mikey. Mister Moneymaker is a master tactician.

The resourceful Moneymaker pulls Krista up by her vibrant blond locks, and proceeds to peck away at her with jabs. After finishing off his punch flurry,  the world champion attempts to irish whip the fitness queen into the guardrail. However she reverses his hold, and uses it to bring his neck into her arms. From that position she is able to spring forward and strike him with a reverse bulldog! The fans cheer loudly, but the pain of the move is immense, and she grabs her shoulder to attend to it.

The question is how much did that move take out of Krista?

Quite a bit as Krista staggers around the entrance ramp, attending to her sore appendage. This gives Moneymaker the time he needs to stand up, and recuperate against the guardrail. Krista is unwilling to allow Moneymaker back into this match. As such she bites back her pain and charges Moneymaker with a cross body block. The force of the move carries them both over the guardrail, and manages to cause them to take several fans out in the process. Krista takes the time to check on their condition, not because she’s suddenly turned nicer, but because she fears a lawsuit. Less legally inclined, Moneymaker kicks the fans’ away and moves onto target Krista. He batters her with clubbing forearms, and continues to chase her with those strikes as she stumbles away.

“MONEYMAKER YO MAMA’S TITIES SO SMALL, THEY CALL THE HO TITTY SMALLS!” an old man in a wheel chair shouts. Old and wheelchair bound or not, the man can’t get away from his insult of The Messiah; Moneymaker angrily punts him out of his wheelchair!


Never talk smack about a man’s mama.

Moneymaker turns his attention back to Krista, but finds the beach babe suddenly lively. She strikes him in the stomach with a steel chair that doubles him over in agony. Next, she attaches the steel chair around his neck. Moneymaker struggles to be free of this unwieldy necklace. Yet his efforts are for naught as Krista leaps into his body, and drives him down with the KIDology (neckbreaker)


There’s no referee to check for any potential blood, but blood is not Krista’s goal. Moneymaker’s clothes are her goal! She begins tearing at his tuxedo, going after the man’s clothes with furious tenacity.

This may be the first time Krista has been eager to get a man out of his clothes.

Save some for the honeymoon, Krista!

Vest, dress shirt, and pants are all removed by the fiery challenger, reducing Moneymaker to just skin, bones, and his money green wrestling tights. Deeply angered and disturbed by this treatment, Moneymaker rushes to his feet, chair around his neck and all.  Krista greets his rise by swinging around and tagging his chest with a spin kick! The billionaire topples onto a production board, his body accidentally presses all kinds of switches. While the lights flash and flicker and mist spills into the air from Moneymaker’s button pushing, Krista on rushes him. But her run hits a brick wall, as Moneymaker throws the steel chair into her lovely face.  Krista falls over to the mat, and her hands immediately go up to shield her moneymaking (no pun!) features. The world champion takes a moment to rest his sore and weary body, as the fans give him hell for his actions.

These two have thrown steel steps, belts, lead pipes, and chairs at each other. The only thing missing is the kitchen sink.

Moneymaker picks Krista up off the grimy grey arena floor, and leads her towards a series of light stands. Smiling broadly at the pain he’s about to inflict, The Messiah throws her shoulder first into the nearby light stands.  Referee Earl Hebner joins the contest at this convenient moment, checking Krista’s arms for blood. There’s bruises, bumps and sore bones there, but no blood to speak of.  This sparks the wrath of Moneymaker and he exercises his ire by kicking over every single light fixture. As if that weren’t enough Moneymaker heaps abuse on the fans, by tearing up an eleven year old’s very “clever” MoneyFAKER sign.

Theodore Moneymaker following the Spencer Reiger school of fan interaction.

Teddy once again grabs Krista and slams her award winning body into the wall at the base of the entrance stage. Krista sags against the wall as the spotlights roam all around her. But one light suddenly goes out, all due to Moneymaker hoisting it onto his shoulders!

He wouldn’t do that. He can’t. He could very well cause severe brain damage to a woman he’s trying to marry.

That’s okay, if she shuts up then its easier to focus on her gigantic breasts.

Alarming both the crowd and nearby staff members, Moneymaker hurls the spotlight at his possible bride to be! Its merely through Ned Blanchard pulling her away, that Krista is able to be saved from certain doom.


That a boy, Ned!

Moneymaker forgets all about Krista for the moment and charges at Ned! But Blanchard spurs himself to Moneymaker and tackles him to the ground with a spear! The two tangle and brawl while Krista sits with her arm around her shoulder pondering the danger she just faced.  Finally security comes and pulls the world champion and his former employee apart from each other.  This doesn’t end their war of words, and the two trade barbs  as the officials haul Ned all the way to the back.

What was that idiot doing?

His daughter is here tonight, and Krista happens to be her Mom. He wouldn’t dare let her see Krista get mangled by a spotlight. Good for him, I say.

Still foaming at the mouth with outrage, the Floridian hastily marches towards Krista. He pulls her away from the wall, and roughly drags her to the steps that lead to the entrance stage.  She’s thrown onto the stage, laying flat out on the long steel steps. Moneymaker’s face illuminates with a bright smile as his mind concocts a most evil plan! He takes Krista’s wrist into his hands, holding them behind her back. His boot hovers over Krista’s head, and the fans know exactly what dreadful move is about to incur.  He dares the fans to make him stop, but chained to their seats, they can only look on with revulsion is as Krista’s head is stomped into the steel!


Good god! Good god! How can one man do such a thing?

Theodore Moneymaker takes no prisoners. Even his future wife gotta get the hoe stomped outta here.

Moneymaker orders Hebner to check for blood, and then goes into a preemptive celebration of a successful world title defense. But the rain comes pouring onto his parade as he looks at the cityscape videoscreen to find that Krista’s face is full of anguish but free of blood.

Is her face made of granite, what does our world champion have to do to defend that belt.

Moneymaker throws a throaty roar of rage at audience, foe, and referee alike. He blames them all for his failure to draw any blood from Krista. His illogical rant continues as he pushes her up the steel steps and onto the entrance stage.  He points to his visage on the video screens and proclaims to the OAOAST Marks that he is a wrestling god!


Ignoring the wrath of the fans, Moneymaker pulls Krista onto her feet. Still dazed Krista can do nothing to prevent him from placing her onto his shoulders in a standing fireman’s carry.

If he was Landon Maddix we’d say he’s going to for the GTS but I think Moneymaker is going to throw onto the lights down bellow!

Moneymaker certainly tries that horrible tactic. However as he steps forward Krista finds the will to slip free of his clutches!


A monumentally frustrated Moneymaker turns around to strike his slippery opponent with a discus punch. But as he rotates, Krista snatches onto his tights and his pitch black hair. With those two things firmly in hand, she’s able to chuck him forward and through one of the building shaped video screens!

Oh my!

One video screen lies in ruins. But the rest work perfectly and they all showcase the same thing. The glorious sight of Moneymaker anguished and bleeding atop the shiny glass rubble.


An enormous pop celebrates Krista’s bloody victory. The overjoyed fans shower her with cheers, as she rests on her knees in front of Moneymaker’s bloodied disaster.

Krista did it! She did it!


A ringside attendant brings Krista her belt, and she receives it with the warmth and care of a loving mother.  She summons the strength to stand up, and with that rise she holds her title belt high into the air and passes a relieved smile onto her fanbase.

Krista Isadora Duncan has regained her world title, regained control of her company, regained her life back, and all over Theodore Moneymaker’s bloodied body. Folks, we’ll find out which superstar Krista will be defending her title against at Angleslam, shortly.  Coach, who do you feel matches up best with Krista?

Mister Dick of course, he's the only one to ever beat her one on one. He's the obvious front runner.

The Battle Bowl is hot and it is next!


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*DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic)

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen...it is now time for the main event of the evening!  Tonight, 16 men step into this ring, and one, and only one, will go on to AngleSlam, for a shot at the OAOAST Heavyweight championship of the WORLD!  I will now name the 16 finalists who will be competing in this battle royal!

Buffer pulls a card out of his pocket.

Thunderkid!  Bohemoth!  Logan "Usher" Mann!  Detective Tango Bosley!  Biff Atlas!  Colombian Heat!  Mr. Dick!  "The Lone Star Gunslinger" Baron Windels!  The United States champion, Denzel Spencer!  One half of the World tag team champions, Charlie Moss!  Colin Maguire Jr.!  Former World Heavyweight Champion, Leon Rodez!  J-MAX!  Christopher Patrick Allen!  Vinny Valentine!  And, Arturas!  Those are your 16 finalists!  And now, ladies and gentlemen...it is time for the finals of Battlebowl!  ARE YOU READY?

*crowd cheers*


*crowd cheers*

Then for the thousands in attendance here in Chicago, and the millions and millions watching around the World...there's only one thing left to say.  Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADYYYYYYYYY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMMMMMMMB

Generic music plays, and after a few seconds, the participants enter, beginning with Thunderkid, followed by Bohemoth, Logan, Bosley, Biff, Heat, Mr. Dick, Baron, Denzel, Moss, CMJ, Leon, J-MAX, CPA, Vinny, and finally Arturas.  Once Arturas steps over the top rope, the bell rings.


And we're underway!  The winner goes on to AngleSlam to take on the World champion!

Arturas grabs Heat and Vinny from behind, and rams their heads together, as CMJ and Logan double up on Moss.  Biff then makes his way over to Arturas and attemps a slam.

What is Biff doing?

...yeah, not too smart there, Biff!

Arturas pulls him back, and grabs him by the back of the head, delivering headbutts.

Biff Atlas, already hurt tonight after the ambush from Strutter and Pantera, and going up against Arturas isn't going to help matters!

Arturas picks up the reeling Biff, and whips him across, right into Vinny, sending both men over the top to the floor!

And there goes two already!

Well, so much for Panic at the Disco's chances!

1st/2nd elimination: Biff Atlas/Vinny Valentine
eliminated by: Arturas

The camera cuts back up to Arturas, now with J-MAX in a press slam, and he tosses him down onto Vinny and Biff!

And J-MAX gone!  Arturas dominant here in the early going!

3rd elimination: J-MAX
eliminated by: Arturas

Arturas boots down Baron, then delivers a headbutt to CMJ.  Meanwhile, Leon and Bo are doing battle on the outside, where Bo grabs a headlock, but gets shoved off into the ringpost!

Leon and Bo going at it on the floor, and Bo just got posted out there!

Baron delivers big right hands to TK in a corner, while Moss slugs away on CMJ.  Bosley sneaks up from behind, and hooks Moss, allowing CMJ to lay in European uppercuts.

And now Bosley and CMJ are teaming up on Charlie Moss!

CMJ continues to fire off, but on the last one, Moss ducks, and Bosley takes the shot!


And some miscommunication right there!

CMJ checks on Bosley, allowing Moss to regroup and hit a superkick, which sends CMJ right into Bosley and both men over the top to the floor!

Oh no!

Boy did that come back to bite both men in the rear!

Only you could think of something that sick, Cole.

4th/5th eliminations: Colin Maguire Jr./Tango Bosley
eliminated by: Charlie Moss

However, Moss makes the mistake of celebrating, and is bumped to the floor by CPA!

But there's CPA avenging his buddies!

6th elimination: Charlie Moss
eliminated by: CPA

CMJ and Bosley begin to double team Moss on the floor, which prompts Quentin Benjamin to hit the ring area to even the odds!

And we've got a tag team battle out here on the floor!

The four men battle as officials pour out of the back to separate them.  Eventually they force Bosley and CMJ to the back, as Moss and Benjamin watch and follow.  However, another commotion erupts at ringside, and the camera cuts to find Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera battling it out with the champs!

Look at this!

The Can-Am Assassins are here!

More officials come from the back, including some higher-ranking ones, to separate everyone once again.  Pantera slugs over some officials at Benjamin, while Moss and Strutter are grappled together as they're pulled apart.

I'll tell you what...whoever wins that match at AngleSlam is going to have to answer to Strutter and Pantera sooner than later!

Well, in the confusion, folks, Baron Windels was eliminated, we'll see if we can get a replay here...

The replay shows Leon ducking a clothesline attempt and dumping Baron to the outside.

And there it is, Leon Rodez ducking that big clothesline, and the Lone Star Gunslinger went right over the top to the floor!

7th elimination: Baron Windels
eliminated by: Leon Rodez
remaining: Thunderkid, Bohemoth, Logan Mann, Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, CPA, Arturas

TK and Spencer slug it out, while MD works over Heat, Bo and CPA slug it out, and Leon chokes away on Logan in a corner.  Bo and CPA eventually make their way over to where Leon and Logan are, while MD joins TK in hammering away on Spencer.  TK sets up an Irish whip, while MD waits on the ropes.  MD ducks down, not noticing Spencer reverse the Irish whip, and backdrops TK to the floor!

Look at that!  TK eliminated by Mr. Dick!

8th elimination: Thunderkid
eliminated by: Mr. Dick
remaining: Bohemoth, Logan Mann, Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, CPA, Arturas

MD tries to explain himself to the irate TK, but turns around into a PELE KICK~! from Heat!  Meanwhile, Denzel tosses Logan to the floor, and Bo clotheslines CPA on the other side!


Logan gone!  CPA gone!

9th elimination: Logan Mann
eliminated by: Denzel Spencer

10th elimination: CPA
eliminated by: Bohemoth
remaining: Bohemoth, Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, Arturas

Bo backs up, right into Arturas, and both men turn around and face off.

Look at this, Cole!

The crowd starts to get to its feet as Bo starts to hop back and forth.  However, before the two can come to blows, Leon nails Bo from behind, and starts hammering him on the back.  Mr. Dick hammers away on Denzel, and goes for the elimination, but Denzel hammers his way free.  Meanwhile, Leon whips Bo into the ropes, and attempts a clothesline...but Bo ducks, then stops, and hits Leon with a BIG lariat as he turns around!

Big clothesline from Bo!

Bo then picks Leon up for a powerbomb by the ropes...but as he stops to play to the crowd, he's hit with the hooked arm of Arturas, which knocks him backwards over the top to the floor!

Oh my!

Arturas eliminates Bohemoth!  I love it!

11th elimination: Bohemoth
eliminated by: Arturas
remaining: Colombian Heat, Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez, Arturas

Who's going to be able to get him out now, Cole?

Coach gets his answer, as Heat and Denzel hit the big man with a double dropkick from behind, leaving him bent halfway over the top rope, then shove him out, with a little assistance from Leon, to the floor!


Sometimes it takes more than one!

Leon then quickly dumps Heat to the floor!

And Colombian Heat out as well, at the hands of Leon!

12th elimination: Arturas
eliminated by: Colombian Heat, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez

13th elimination: Colombian Heat
eliminated by: Leon Rodez
remaining: Mr. Dick, Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez

Arturas delivers a double axhandle to Bo from behind on the floor, then tosses him into the steel steps!

And look at this!  A sneak attack by Arturas on Bohemoth!  What a cheap shot!

Arturas then raises his hands in the air, and lets out a big yell, drawing boos, before walking back to the dressing room.  Leon leans over the ropes and laughs at Bo's misfortune, as Mr. Dick hammers on Denzel.  Leon then holds Denzel for MD, who backs into the ropes, and fires a right hand...hitting Leon after Denzel slips from his grip!

A little teamwork attempt there, and it backfires!

Leon gets to his feet, spins Mr. Dick around, and kicks him in the gut, then starts slugging away on him.  Mr. Dick starts slugging back, and a slugfest ensues, as Denzel climbs to the top rope, and floors both with a flying bodypress!

Big move from Denzel!

Denzel picks up Leon, and delivers a belly-to-belly gutwrench suplex!  He then picks up Mr. Dick and whips him into a corner, and charges...but MD gets his foot up!

Well, Denzel was on a roll, but Mr. Dick put a stop to that!

MD arrogantly picks up Denzel and pitches him over the top, then celebrates, not knowing that Denzel has held on and skinned the cat back inside!  He finds out the hard way, though, as Denzel grabs him from behind and tosses him to the floor!


Denzel got him again!  We're down to two!

14th elimination: Mr. Dick
eliminated by: Denzel Spencer
remaining: Denzel Spencer, Leon Rodez

Denzel is pumped, as is the crowd, as he backs Leon into a corner, and fires off some kicks, then whips him across, and hits him with a handspring elbow!  He then turns right back around, and floors him with a spinkick!

This can't be happening...

Leon Rodez is in major trouble!  Will it be Denzel Spencer challenging for the World title at AngleSlam?

Oh, stop it.

Denzel sets up Leon, and attempts an Irish whip.  Leon reverses, and tries a clothesline, ducked by Denzel.  Leon leapfrogs him, then catches him with an overhead suplex!

But Leon comes back with a suplex!

Both men lay on the mat for a few seconds, before Leon comes to his feet.  He stomps away on Denzel, then picks him up and lays him across the middle rope, standing on his back to choke him, then releases.  He then picks Denzel up, and executes a neckbreaker, before heading to the top rope.

And Leon going upstairs!

Denzel gets to his feet, and jumps into the ropes, causing Leon to slip and rack himself!  Denzel then climbs the ropes, and takes him off with a hurricanrana!

Hurricanrana from the top rope!  This could be the break that Denzel needs!

Denzel slowly gets to his feet, then waits on Leon, and delivers a foot to the gut, before backing into the ropes and hitting Leon with a SCISSOR KICK~!  Leon staggers to the ropes, and Denzel runs into the ropes, then comes back and clotheslines Leon over the top!

Did he get him?

Denzel starts to celebrate, but Leon just barely hangs on and pulls himself under the ropes.

No, Leon's still in!

Leon runs from behind, and hits a dropkick to the back of Denzel's knee!

And Leon going to the knee of Denzel!

Denzel slowly pulls himself to one knee, at which point Leon hits him with the ONE HIT KILL~!!!!!11111

Good night, Mr. Spencer!

Leon scrapes Denzel up off the mat, and pitches him over the top to the floor!

And that's it!  Leon Rodez has won Battlebowl!

15th elimination: Denzel Spencer
eliminated by: Leon Rodez
WINNER: Leon Rodez

Ladies and gentlemen...the winner of Battlebowl, 2009...LEEEEEEEEEEEE


A relieved Leon falls to a knee, staring out at Denzel who lays flat on the arena floor.

A gallant effort by Denzel Spencer. But in four weeks, San Juan will see the rematch from School's Out... Leon Rodez challenging for the World Title, against the woman who captured it from him, Krista Isadora Duncan!

And I can bet you, as happy as Leon is to have won the number one contendership, he's doubly happy that Krista's the one awaiting him.

Ignoring the referee's attempts to raise his hand in victory, Leon hovers over the ropes, looking down at Denzel. Breathing heavily he backs away and gives a narrow look into the hard camera.

Cutting away backstage, watching this is Krista Isadora Duncan, with the Duncan family around here. Slumped wearily in her seat with the World Title draped over her shoulder, she stares at the screen, watching Leon standing tall in the ring with a scowl.

Tonight has brought redemption for our new World Champion. Will AngleSlam bring the same redemption for this man, we'll see you next week on HeldDOWN as we embalk on the road to San Juan!


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