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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The Great Angle Bash 2009

Chanel #99

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.



A montage done in old wartime newsreel fashion opens the show highlighting tonight’s card, particularly the War Games, Leon Rodez/Bohemoth and Krista Isadora Duncan/Theodore Moneymaker matches.  



Philadelphia, PA

From the City of Brotherly Love, the OAOAST proudly presents the 8th annual Great Angle Bash! Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman here with you for the next 3 hours. And Coach, we all know NOBODY does pay-per-view like the OAOAST and tonight is no exception. What a line-up!

I don’t even know which match to start with, Cole! We got Leon Rodez and Bohemoth in a grudge match, War Games, Christian Wright vs. Zack Malibu, 3 hugely important title bout -- Women’s, Tag Team, and World with 30% of Krista’s successful Fit with Kid line at stake as well -- and then a special BONUS match just added earlier in the day!

You are exactly right. The Orange County Cobras will face the LDC Moneygang in a match where the winner will receive a tag team title shot at AngleSlam. And you know Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard would love to deny Spencer Reiger and Colin Maguire, Jr. that opportunity given what happened some months ago.

It’s time to forget about the past and move into the future, Cole.

Speaking of which, it’s time to go to the ring for our first bout!

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The opening contest LIVE on the Great Angle Bash is for the ONE & ONLY WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!

* match graphic *

“In the Air Tonight” by Non-Point cues and VICE scroll to the ring carrying the stolen tag team title belts.

Introducing first, accompanied by OAOAST Women’s Champion MORGAN NERDLY, the challengers, who tonight look to officially capture the title belts they repossessed… at a total combine weight of 565 pounds, they are Violators, Intimidators and Capital E-fenders… DETECTIVE TANGO BOSLEY and CPA... VVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!


Once inside VICE and Morgan are confronted by referee Earl Hebner. He lets Bosley and CPA enter but not Morgan, whose jaw drops upon hearing some unwelcome news. Whatever it was also has VICE upset. They do their best to calm Morgan while Hebner and announcer Michael Buffer converse.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention. I have just been informed Morgan Nerdly has been BARRED from ringside!



Alright! Now we don’t have to worry about any outside interference.

Like sweet and innocent Morgan could hurt a fly.

Huh, there’s nothing sweet and innocent about Morgan at all. She‘s more sadistic than sister Malaysia, which says a lot.  

Morgan throws a fit as she’s escorted backstage. Once gone from view “Shine” by Collective Soul hits and Team Heyross power walk to the squared circle, not bothering with their usual entrance, although the tech guys are still nice enough to blast the red, white and blue pyro behind them.

And their opponents! Total combined weight 485 pounds, arguably the most decorated tag team in OAOAST history and the current REIGNING and DEFENDING tag team champions of the WORRRRRLD… CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN... TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!


Team Heyross remove their windbreakers rushing up the ring steps and HURL them at VICE, temporarily blinding them so they can attack!


A pair of Irish whips leads to a pair of dropkicks, but only Bosley is floored. CPA staggers on his feet until a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE knocks him outside! Team Heyross turn their attention back to Bosley, executing a DOUBLE ATOMIC DROP that shoots him off the ropes and into a BAAAAAACK body drop! Benjamin then climbs up top as Moss hoists Bosley onto his shoulders, bringing the crowd to their feet.

No way!

Team Heyross looking to end this one early…and with an exclamation point!  

Benjamin grabs hold of Bosley…



The cover.




Moss flies back into view nailing CPA upside the head with a flying forearm. He and Benjamin then hammer away on the big guy, whipping him into the ropes for a double clothesline… but CPA barrels through and absolutely TEES OFF with one of his own!  

Leave it to CPA to restore order, Mikey Cole. He ought to get paid double tonight.

VICE tag and CPA lays the boots to Benjamin in the corner. He then leans the collegiate standout against the buckles and thrusts his shoulder into the midsection again…and again.

Listen to that impact. You can practically HEAR the air being knocked out of Quentin Benjamin.

Whipped across, Benjamin puts on the brakes and baits CPA into charging ahead, yanking down the bottom rope to send the former boxer tumbling to the arena floor! Off the ropes Benjamin performs a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA ONTO CPA OUTSIDE!


Benjamin rolls back in and takes a shot at Bosley, drawing him into the ring while outside Moss POSTS CPA!

Team Heyross fighting fire with fire here tonight.  

You never cease to amaze me, Cole. I just knew you’d find a way to justify Moss‘s actions.

Moss tosses CPA inside and Benjamin covers him.





Moss decks Bosley and Team Heyross bring VICE together for a DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER!

Come on, referee! Do your job! You got both members of Team Heyross in the ring at once!

As are VICE I might add.  

Because of Team Heyross, you moron!

Team Heyross stand tall while VICE regroup on the floor. Like a drunken sailor, Bosley curses up a storm. Angered by the perceived cheap shot from Moss, Bosley assumes the role of legal man and issues him a challenge. Of course Moss accepts, and he wins the ensuring lockup teaching Bosley how to properly execute an arm drag.

(kicking bottom rope in frustration)

Bosley takes a moment to regain his composure, and then catches Moss with a surprise backhand judo chop!


Moss does his best to shake the blow off and gets drilled by another backhand. A series of kicks to the body follow, and then a HUGE roundhouse kick to the head…but Moss ducks and delivers a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!

The cover.





SUPERKICK knocks CPA outside, and Team Heyross tag. Clutching the back of his neck, Bosley struggles to remain upright, so Benjamin puts him on his back with a TOP ROPE CLOTHESLINE!

The cover.




The champs make a quick tag and Benjamin executes a drop toehold while Moss drops the elbow on Bosley! But Team Heyross aren’t done yet. Moss sends Benjamin in for the ride and suplexes him overhead belly-to-belly style onto Bosley!

The cover.




Moss suplexes Bosley as CPA is escorted out, and then makes the cover.




Moss whips Bosley to the buckle, only to have him hit a SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW!

That caught Moss real good.

The cover.




Moss has a violent meeting with the knee of CPA, and then experiences a rough landing following a VICE tag courtesy of a FRONT SPINEBUSTER!

The cover.




CPA dumps Moss outside and confronts Benjamin as Bosley whips Moss into the guardrail!

Isn’t karma a bitch, Charlie Moss? Hahahaha!

Bosley throws Moss back in and receives the tag. He rams Moss into the buckle and then whips him across, scooping Moss up, around and down with a SPINNING SIDESLAM!

Serving Hard Time!

And it may be a tough time for Team Heyross in a matter of seconds.

The cover.





Bosley covers Moss again.




And again.




His frustration growing by the second, Bosley complains of a slow count, to no avail. Following a tag VICE hit a DOUBLE SHOULDERBLOCK on Moss. CPA quick with the cover.




What an athlete Charlie Moss is. He’s taken a beating but still keeps on ticking.

CPA whips Moss hard into the corner and charges in, but Moss moves and takes him down in a SCHOOL BOY!




Moss ducks a clothesline and SUPERKICKS CPA! But the guy STAYS on his feet, so Moss picks up a full head of steam…


Bosley goes old school, back to his Rescue 911 days, with a mighty FIST PUMP~! as CPA makes the cover.






No is right, Cole. We should have new tag team champions right now. I mean official because VICE currently possess the titles, and you know what they say: possession is 9/10ths of the law.  

Oh please.

Bosley calls for the tag and gets it. Moving at what seems like 100 MPH, he grabs Moss and plants him with a FRONTFLIP SWINGING NECKBREAKER!

The cover.





Because he’s got the heart of a champion!

Bosley slams Moss and heads up top.

I’m not sure I like this move, Cole.

Once Bosley is perched on top Benjamin starts SHAKING THE ROPES, causing Bosley to CROTCH HIMSELF!


As men around the world feel Bosley’s pain, Moss begins crawling towards his corner in search of the tag.

This could be the break Team Heyross desperately needed. But can they make the tag?

CPA enters to try and prevent the tag…but is too late!


Benjamin throws a kick which CPA grabs, but Benjamin answers with a DRAGON WHIP SPIN KICK! Then it’s up the ropes to slam Bosley to the mat with a RELEASE OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!!

The cover.




Oh my! How close was that?

Too close.

CPA and Benjamin exchange blows until Moss DIVES back into the picture, sending CPA and himself tumbling over the top and to the floor! Meanwhile, Bosley whips out the infamous TELESCOPIC BATON and CLUBS BENJAMIN IN THE MIDSECTION!!

Did you see that?

Yeah, but the referee sure didn’t!

Indeed not as referee Earl Hebner was too busy staring at Moss and CPA down below to notice the illegal act.

Bosley shoves the baton in his pants and covers Benjamin.


Please don’t let it end like this.


Please, no!



We’ve got new champions!


Earl awards the belts to VICE and raises their hands in victory.


Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match and…

Swallow your pride and spit it out, Buffer. And NEW World tag team champions!

We next learn why the crowd erupted and Buffer stopped mid-sentence as SIMON SINGLETON and NED BLANCHARD, collectively THE ORANGE COUNTY COBRAS, hit the ring.

Come on, Cole. This is the part where you’re supposed to say they have no business out here.

I’m personally intrigued. Could they be telling Earl about what exactly happened?

VICE listen intently as Simon and Ned converse with the referee. Simon then points to the massive bulge in Bosley’s pants, the likes of which would even make Mr. Dick blush.

What can I say? God is grrrrrreat!

That response doesn’t fly well with Earl who now wants to check Bosley’s pants. Screaming he’s “no homo” Bosley refuses to cooperate, prompting Ned to reach in and pull the baton out!

Now there’s a man who really deserves to be paid double tonight.

Unlawful search! UNLAWFUL SEARCH! I’m taking you to court, man. I’M TAKING YOU TO COURT!!!

Ned drops the baton on Bosley’s foot and the AMOG dances like a ballerina! As CPA gives chase to the O.C. Cobras, Team Heyross hit Bosley with a second SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!

Hebner signals for the bell…


…as Benjamin makes the cover.





CPA is too late breaking up the pin.


Team Heyross retain the titles!

What the hell? This isn’t football! How could that idiot referee overturn the decision?

Well how’s that for some karma?

Shut up!

This time Earl awards the belts to Team Heyross and raises their hands in victory.



Team Heyross celebrate on their way backstage. VICE pissed as can be.

As we all regain our breath from that wild tag team title match, I want to remind you all about the OAOAST After Party webcast that will begin immediately following the Great Angle Bash on OAOAST-dot-com. We'll have interviews from all the winners and the losers.

Oh, so you're gonna drop in?



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The funky 80’s alike sounds of  Je Veux Te Voir” are heard over the loud speakers, as every video screen besides the Angletron showcases a waving French flag.  From the back comes Sophie Grey, dressed to rumble in black athletic pants and white tshirt with her name scrawled across the back.

The following contest is for the OAOAST Women’s title! Now making her way to the ring from Marseille, France she is the challenger, SOPHIE GREEEEEEEEEY!

Sophie receives a nice amount of applause as she enters the ring. She nods to the fans in the front row who wave the flag of her home country.

This was almost Jade versus Sophie but Leon Rodez had to ruin that on HeldDOWN~!

I’m changing the subject. I like Sophie because she ain’t got hairy armpits like  a lot of French girl, you raise another French girl’s hand in victory and you got a god damn tragedy! But she wears pants, so maybe she got them hairy legs, out lookin like cousin it beneath them track pants. Makes a man sick.

You’re a horrible broadcast commentator. you really are.


To un-explain the unforgivable,
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.
By streetlight this dark night,
A séance down below.
There are things that I have done,
You never should ever know!

And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.
And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.

Images of flickering and flaring electrical charges appear across all video screens, the perfect companion to the bolt of electricity that screams down onto the stage. Dark blue lights carpet the surface, as Morgan Nerdly brushes her way through the entrance doors.  Looking as venomous as a snake, she wears a pintsripped booty shorted romper and her title belt over her shoulders.

And, her opponent. From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada... she is the current reigning and defending OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPION!! Prepare for SHOCK and awe from MMMOOOOOOORRRRRGGAAAAAAANN... NNEEEERRRRRDDLLLLLYYYYYYYY!!!

Morgan, a very troubled and unstable world champion, forced into defending her title in a rematch with Sophie Grey.  She has a hard and tumultuous time lately tricked into an investigation of a crime that never happened, in which she injured several crew men. What could’ve been Lorelei’s purpose for that?

To create a killer instinct!

Morgan enters the ring, and snatches the microphone out of Buffer’s hands.

I have something to say. This isn’t easy for me, but I’ve hurt a lot of people here. And I’ve sent many people to hospitals and I left them with uncertain injury plagued futures. I guess I did it out of hate, anger, rage, and I guess it sorta satisfied me. It made me happy to see  someone else in pain, because it was the one time I felt a close connection with anyone. But I’m starting to realize that I was wrong, I can’t keep doing this. I have to get more help, more pills, more whatever. People aren’t safe with me around.  I think that maybe I need to go away someplace where I can’t hurt others…and myself. I guess I should give this to you.

Morgan extends the women’s title to Sophie.

I do not want it.

Please take it.

I do not want it.

I’m giving it to you.

I do not want the title this way.

Take it!


Take it right now!

I will not.

Do it! Take my title!

I will not ta-

BAAAAAAM! Morgan slams the title directly into Sophie’s head, as her foes topples over , Morgan chucks the belt over the ropes and orders the ref to start the match.


Morgan weren’t messin around! How you gonna turn down free stuff? Free stuff! I’d take a free day of slavery if it was offered to me.

Morgan scoops Sophie up, seething sadistically. Her arms fall under her’s in a double underhook. In moments she’s lifting Sophie up and slamming her downwards with a double underhook suplex. Morgan angrily turns to the referee, who was merely checking  on Sophie’s condition. With the referee out the way, Morgan grabs Sophie’s leg. She then falls backwards, propelling Sophie into the turnbuckles. As Sophie lies worn out on the posts, Morgan backs to the center of the ring. She then cartwheels   to Sophie before unfurling her body and nailing her in the back of the head with an elbow.

Sophie’s at a extreme disadvantage here.

And she could’v been the brand new women’s champion.

Morgan hooks onto Sophie’s body with a rear waistlock. But Sophie prevents an upcoming german suplex  by tightening her hands on the ropes. This frustrates Morgan and she screams in rage as she makes a futile attempt to suplex her foe. Soon her grip is broken entirely when Sophie crashes an elbow into the back of her head. Morgan rolls backwards, uncurling her body and staring with hatred at Sophie. She chews on her slightly curled blond hair, while murder burns in her eyes. Finally she comes roaring back at Sophie. But the French girl meets her arrival with a chop to her exposed chest. Morgan stumbles backwards,  clutching her now reddened chest and growling in rage. She comes back towards Sophie with another charge but this time the challenger slides herself out the way.

Morgan is letting her rage guide her, and maybe she needs to maintain a cooler and calm headed focus.

Sophie lifts Morgan up by her exposed legs and brings her onto her shoulders as though she were giving a piggy back ride.

Electric Chair Drop?

The planned move does not go off the way Sophie intended, however, thanks to Morgan rolling backwards and throwing her to the ground with a head scissors. As soon as they hit the canvas, Morgan is back to her feet. She runs to the ropes and let them push her back to Sophie.. When the French girl begins to rise, Morgan angles herself downwards and smashes her pumps into the side of her head.

“I told you to take it!” Morgan screams at her foe as she lays into her with hard stomps. Once finished with the stomps, the women’s champion pulls Morgan upright by her t-shirt. But the challenger throws punches into her midsection that force Morgan to relinquish her hold on Sophie and double over in pain. This allows Sophie to snatch her inside a front facelock. She then drops backwards striking Morgan with a DDT. A pinfall attempt follows…



Morgan kicksout and looks none to pleased about having been forced to do so. The tiniest Nerdly girl is back on her feet, and Sophie is as well.  The challenger lashes out at Morgan with a parade of forearm each hitting with pinpoint accuracy. After five strikes land a desperate Morgan shoves Sophie away. But there isn’t even a moment to catch her fleeting breath before she’s faced with a sudden charge from the francophone.  Morgan reacts with light speed, stretching downwards and taking Sophie’s legs out from under her with basement dropkick.

A very HARD strike from the women’s champion. But let’s give credit to Sophie  for her admirable performance after such an awful way to start the contest.

Perhaps even more awful is Morgan’s next strategy. She rips off one of the buttons on her pinstriped booty shorted romper and with sadness penetrating her face jams that very button into Sophie’s eye.

How deplorable!

“Why didn’t you take the title? Why? Why?” Morgan shrikes as she gouges at Sophie’s eyes. Finally the official interjects himself and picks up Morgan’s petite body and drags her away from Sophie. Morgan kicks and screams like a little child, trying to get herself to freedom. Unable to break the ref’s grip, Morgan resorts to driving the spike of her pumps into his foot. Instantly released for an official who now bellows in pain, the inspector rushes to attack Sophie. But Sophie is prepared for her arrival and greets her a quick rollup



But again Morgan forces her way out the pinfall.  Sophie stays on her, quickly grabbing her bare legs. Morgan fights furiously to prevent Sophie’s planned attack, but finds no success. This failure allows Sophie to twist her over into a boston crab.  Morgan yells out in annoyance, rage, and pain.  With howls continuing to pour out her pink lips, the littlest Nerdly starts a crawl to the ropes. Despite Sophie’s intent on keeping her trapped, Morgan quickly makes ground on her trek to the ropes. Realizing that her boston crab is quickly being rendered useless, Sophie quickly breaks and with equal speed tightens her into a crossface hold.

The crossface is locked in!

Morgan’s never submitted before, and something tells me she’s just crazy enough to sit through the pain.

Though the agony is great, Morgan still finds the strength and will to inch ever closer to the ropes. In response Sophie further tightens her hold, sticking to Morgan with all the strength in her body. But Morgan remains resilient and resisitent, forcing herself along the canvas to reach the ropes. Finally after much struggle her hands fall across the bottom cable.

A valiant effort by Morgan to make it to safety, but how much did that take out of her?

Morgan struggles through the pain to bring herself upright. There she’s met with forearms and elbow strikes from her challenger. The blows leave her weak and she sags against the ropes, with her blond hair laying like a mop. Sophie hooks onto her short romper, and tucks her head inside her arms. She then brings her back down with back drop that she holds into a pinfall…



Morgan again pops out the pinfall. She rolls to her feet with some speed, but is met with a kick to the knee from Sophie. Morgan hobbles for several seconds before Sophie takes hold of her and strikes her with knee crusher. Morgan falls over to the mat, and grits her teeth in anger and pain. Both those feelings are increased ten fold when Sophie grabs onto her sore leg and strikes it with an elbow. She returns to her feet and replays the same move, causing Morgan to shout her anguish.

Sophie has come a long way with her wrestling since making her in ring debut.

That ain’t enough to stop Morgan, though. You gotta be prepared for anything when Morgan’s your opponent.

Sophie  scoops Morgan up in setup for another knee breaker. But instead of reusing that hold, she rushes to the corner and slams Morgan’s knee into the ring post. Morgan howls as pain shoots across her limb. Showing little mercy, Sophie smacks Morgan’s leg against the second post with two more strikes. She then hikes  Morgan higher and slams her into the canvas with a high angle back drop. Morgan’s little body lies weakened on the canvas allowing for a pinfall from Sophie…



Morgan again gets her shoulder off the canvas and annoyance begins appearing on Sophie’s face. She lifts Morgan off the canavs and throws her into the ropes. Morgan hobbles back to Sophie who attempts to nail her with a lariat. But Morgan ducks the hold, comes up behind Sophie. Giving her no chance to turn around, Morgan grabs onto her neck and brings her down with a neckbreaker! Haste playing on her features, Morgan hooks the leg for a pivotal pinfall…



Sophie throws her shoulder off the canvas.  Morgan drags her off the canvas, and positions her on her shoulders for The Shock And Awe (F-U) but Sophie easily slips out the hold, and comes down behind Morgan. This allows to duck low and take out Morgan’s injured leg with a shoulder tackle. Thinking that’s enough to secure the pin, Sophie pins Morgan.



Morgan kicks out barely before the three count.

Sophie grabs her by the seat of her booty shorted pants and brings her to her feet. She staggers Morgan with a parade of jabs and then takes the dizzied challenger onto her shoulders.

She’s gonna steal Morgan’s finisher!

As an Inspector Morgan simply can’t let any theft go unpunished.  Thus she fights her way free of Sophie’s grip, using her compact frame to slide down Sophie’s back and trap her into a rollup pin!



But, the challenger kicks out in the nick of time.

So close, so very close I bet Sophie can taste the women’s title.

I wonder if it tastes like chicken?
Morgan immediately rushes to her feet, seeking to gain an advantage over Sophie. This, however, does not work as Sophie seizes her moment to strike. She grabs onto Morgan’s bare legs and drops the Nerdly girl with a double leg takedown. Her plan is to take Morgan into a leg lock. The teenager realizes this and frets with panic. Its that same fear  that leads Morgan to reach upwards with all her might and pull Sophie into another rollup pinfall.



Sophie again kicks out. Morgan’s face flares with malice, and despite her weakness she’s back on her feet in a matter of moments. But Sophie’s a shade quicker than the little Nerdly girl and darts at her. Seeing Sophie coming, Morgan prepares her defense by crouching down. This lets her easily take Sophie lean frame onto her shoulders. Sophie attempts to fight out the hold, but Morgan’s grip remains deadly firm. With a mighty heave, the teenager is able to flip Sophie down with her Shoclk and Awe!

Morgan hit it, and I’m going to be shocked and awed if that’s not going to seal the deal!

Morgan hooks onto Sophie’s leg for a pinfall…





Morgan’s entrance theme comes rocking back  into the arena to hail her victory. But Morgan is in no mood for celebration, seething with anger.

Your winner and still OAOAST women’s champion…MORGAN NERDLY!

Morgan takes hold of her women’s title, snatching it from the referee. She glares with hostility at Sophie and screams “You should’ve taken it!” repeatedly.

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What a wicked young woman she is. Right now, ladies and gentlemen, we're about set to go with a special bonus match. So without further, let's go back up to the ring for more action!

“The World is Mine” by David Guetta cues and Lorelei DeCenzo leads her charges through the curtain flanked by green and gold spotlights.  


OAOAST Marks, the following BONUS match is scheduled for one fall and the right to face whoever the One & Only World tag team champions are at AngleSlam! Introducing first, accompanied by LORELEI DECENZO and representing THE ENTERPRISE… at a total combine weight of 430 pounds … “THE BOSTON STRANGLER” COLIN MAGUIRE, JR. and “THE ONE MAN TRIPLE THREAT” SPENCER REIGER… THE LDC MMMOOOONNEYGANG!!


Booed heavily, Reiger and CMJ brush the fans off. Posing mid-ring their hoods are lifted simultaneously by Lorelei.

As you heard, fans, we’re about set to go with a bonus match; the winners to receive a tag team title shot at our next pay-per-view event, AngleSlam, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

We might as well pencil in Spencer Reiger and CMJ then. They beat Simon and Ned once already!

“Scream” by Chris Cornell hits and the Orange County Cobras head to the ring with Molly Nerdly.  

And their opponents! Total combine weight 460 pounds, the former 3-time World tag team champions and winners of the 2009 Anderson Cup… “BOX OFFICE” SIMON SINGLETON and “THE HANDSOME HUSTLER” NED BLANCHARD... THE ORANGE COUNTYYYYY COOOOBRAS!!!!


Molly sprints down the aisle slapping as many hands as possible, so do Simon and Ned for that matter…UNTIL THEY’RE AMBUSHED BY V.I.C.E.!


Bosley busts out his TELESCOPIC BATON once more to CLUB NED ACROSS THE LEG!

That’s uncalled for, damnit!

Well surprise, surprise. Now you scream bloody murder.

Simon and Molly tend to Ned as OAOAST officials surround VICE.


Now OAOAST trainers are out to check Ned.

What happens now, Cole? Do the O.C. Cobras forfeit?  

I have no idea. They may have to though. Ned Blanchard is in no shape to compete.

A STRETCHER is brought out but Ned refuses to be placed on it. Instead he demands to be helped towards the ring, which Simon and Molly assist him in doing so.  

Ned’s even dumber than I thought if he really tries wrestling on a bad wheel.

Don’t confuse courage with stupidity, Coach.

Ned makes it on the apron before collapsing. It’s then that Reiger and CMJ strike, yanking Simon inside for a 2 on 1 beat down. All the referee can do is throw his arms in the air as LORELEI sounds the bell.


CMJ and Reiger club Simon simultaneously, then whip him into the ropes…but Simon ducks a double clothesline and levels both men with a FLYING CROSSBODY!




Simon counters an Irish uppercut from CMJ into a BACKSLIDE!




Reiger hammers away but Simon returns fire.

* CHOP *


* CHOP *


* CHOP *


Simon fires Reiger off but telegraphs a backdrop, and Reiger plans to make him pay with THE REIGER COUNTER!


Double leg takedown grounds Reiger, who Simon slingshots into CMJ…but the Irish Golden Boy catches his partner and together spike Simon with a DOUBLE FLAPJACK!

The cover.




On the apron Molly frantically massages the knee of Ned. But right now all he can do is watch helplessly.

This is a dangerous time for Simon. Now that the momentum’s change how much longer can he fight off 2 men?

CMJ rams Simon into the buckle and unleashes a combination of knife-edge chops and leg kicks. Then he whips Simon across and tags Reiger, who executes a RUNNING INVERTED BULLDOG!

New York Knockout!




Standing dropkick knocks Simon outside where CMJ slams him on the arena floor. The referee pre-occupied keeping Reiger away from Ned and Molly.

This is a perfect example as to why 2 referees should be required for all multi-man matches.

Instead of bitching you should run for OAOAST President and fix the problem yourself.

CMJ receives the tag and delivers a T-Bone HARVARDPLEX!

The cover.




CMJ looks to suplex Simon again, this time of the German variety…but Simon rolls through and hooks the legs!




CMJ and Reiger beat down Simon again, and then send him in for the ride. Incredibly Ned decides to tag himself in!


After Simon is drilled by a DOUBLE STUN GUN, Ned hobbles in and DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES THE LDC MONEYGANG!


DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER rids the ring of CMJ, which is bad news for Reiger as he’s left alone with Ned. Begging off in the corner he’s shown no mercy.  Right hand after right hand rattling his brain. Following a back elbow Ned goes for his SLINGSHOT SUPLEX…BUT CMJ CLIPS THE LEG!!

The cover.







Lorelei jumps into the arms of her men in celebration. A title shot awaiting them in two months at AngleSlam. For the O.C. Cobras, it’s wait until next time. Simon and Molly more concerned with the well-being of Ned than anything else.

It may not have been the smartest move, but you gotta admire Ned for wanting to go down fighting.

Spin it however you want, Cole, the LDC Moneygang are next in line for a title shot. Considering how close they came to defeating Team Heyross at AngleMania, the champs have to be shaking in their boots.

I seriously doubt that. Right now let's go to the back, with Josh Matthews standing by.

Back we go, to find our interviewer in front of the Great Angle Bash set. Next to Josh, hunched over, stands Leon Rodez. not in his ring gear, Leon is instead shirtless in black jeans. Teeth gritted and favouring his neck, Leon holds one arm up against his ribcage, which is taped up.

Well Leon, I guess in the end, you got what you wanted, a match tonight with Bohemoth. But the question is, at what cost?

Grimacing, Leon takes a deep breath before talking.

Do any of us really get what we want? The world's full of people wishing and praying. Wishing for a better life. Praying for a better world. Why is that? It's because people don't get what they want. They get what's coming to them. (grimaces again) I'm sure everybody thinks that I got what was coming to me on Friday night. Including you. I can see it in your eyes. Hear it in your voice. You think I deserved to get attacked by Bohemoth.

Josh does a bad job of hiding that Leon's right.

The fact is, it doesn't matter if I deserve it or not. I've been getting what's coming to me and more for months now. The realisation I've come to lately, is that life's going to knock me down no matter what I do. Six months ago, I probably wouldn't have set out on this path. I would have watched Jade get into this situation that she has and I would have sat back in the shadows, kept my mouth shut. Waited to see her get her heart broken, without putting any guilt on myself for having interfered and messed it up, for fear of getting what I deserved back. Guilt doesn't mean anything to me anymore. Life is going to knock me down, no matter how considerate I am. So if I'm going to get punished anyway, am I supposed to feel 'guilt' for opening Jade's eyes up to what life is really like instead of sitting back and watching her get strung along by false hope? Bohemoth was always going to break her heart. I just sped the process up. This...

Leon points to his taped up ribs.

This isn't me getting what's coming to me. This is a means to an end. A neccessary sacrifice. Jade saw what she needed to see. And now, tonight, I'm going to do what needs to be done. If I have to suffer more along the way... so be it.

Leon leaves, his exit a little less dramatic by the fact he has to limp away in pain.

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As we pan to the ring, so begins the opening to "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top.


Ladies and gentlemen your next contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring at this time, from Washington D.C... he weighs in at approximately 8 and 1/3 BARS OF GOLD... respresenting The Enterprise, ladies and gentlemen... "THE NATURAL"... CCHHHRRRRIIIIIISSSSSSTTIIIIIIAAAAAAANN... WWWWRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIGGHHHHHTT!!!


"Getting Away WIth Murder" hits, and the roof nearly blows off, as The Franchise gets a hero's welcome!

Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island and weighing in tonight at two hundred and ten pounds...ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALIBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!


The two men tie up and take turns backing each other up as they jockey for position.  Wright ultimately wins the battle, as he backs Malibu into the corner, and a break is called for.  Wright backs up, all smiles with his hands in the air as he gives Zack a clean break...but the moment of cockiness allows Zack to come out with a double leg takedown, bringing Wright to the canvas!  Wright scrambles to his feet, so Zack grabs the waistlock, only to have Wright take him by the wrist and counter with a hammerlock!  Zack fires back an elbow and snapmares Wright over, and when Wright gets up -CRACK~!- he's met with a hard chop by Zack!  Malibu sends him to the ropes, but Christian counters and delivers a kick to the stomach, then takes Zack over with a headlock takedown!  Zack manages to slide out, and the two rise to their feet, locking up again!  Christian grabs a side headlock, but Zack backs him to the ropes and then fires him off and then catches him with a hiptoss!  Wright rolls to his feet, but he's met with a set of chops by a relentless Zack Malibu, each one making a louder sound than the last as Wright's chest is torn apart!  Zack readies him for a suplex, but Wright shifts his weight and won't allow himself to be taken over, then drives a knee into Zack's gut before hitting a Russian legsweep!  Wright brings Malibu to his feet and nails him with a European uppercut, but Malibu fires back with one of his own!  Wright takes offense and fires back with another one, and Malibu, after reeling, delivers his second as well!  Wright then fires off a chop and grabs Malibu's arm, sending him to the corner, but as he charges in Zack slides out of the way!  Wright rests against the turnbuckles, and from there Zack unloads with another flurry of chops before nailing Wright with a final European uppercut!  He snapmares Wright out of the corner, then hops up on the middle rope, delivering a flying kneedrop before trying for the pin!



We're early in this battle and already both men are showing that they're not willing to let the other one gain the upper hand for too long.   

Malibu's just fighting the inevitable.  Tonight, Christian Wright is going to become THE MAN around here, whether Zack, Anglesault, anyone in the locker room, or any of these fans like it!

Zack brings Wright up and sends him to the ropes, nailing him with a dropkick on the rebound!  Wright rolls to one knee, favoring his jaw as he comes up.  Zack goes for him, picking him up for a slam, but Wright slides down Zack's back like a slippery snake, and uses a schoolboy to bring him down!



Zack kicks out, but as he comes up Wright blasts him with a clothesline!  CW circles his fallen foe, then stomps on his stomach before picking him up, readying him for a suplex, and then dumping him stomach first on the top rope!  Zack slides out onto the apron, holding onto the ropes so that he doesn't fall to the floor, but CW hits the ropes and nails a low dropkick that sends Zack spilling to ringside!

He's right here in front of us!

Wright preens for a moment, while Zack struggles to his feet.  Zack hops up on the apron, where Wright meets him, and hooks him for a suplex.  He brings Zack up, but Malibu falls out of his grasp, then hooks a rear waistlock and tries for a German!  Wright clings to the ropes, so Zack hammers him across the back, then pulls him into the ring, only to have Wright drop into a seated position, then lean back and bring up his leg, kicking Zack across the top of his head!  Zack stumbles back, and Wright pops up, then pulls Zack up for a vertical suplex, holding him upside down for what must seem like hours to Zack, until he's able to shift and counter with one of his own!  Now Zack holds Wright upside down, but Wright counters THAT, and tries for a neckbreaker that Zack turns into a backslide at the last minute!




Both men get up, and Wright tries to catch Zack with his neckbreaker again, only for Zack to counter with a backslide again!  




Both men get up, and Zack quickly hooks Wright in a butterfly lock, then throws knees while Wright is locked in the clinch.  He breaks the hold and then sends Wright into the corner, then goes for the ZACK ATTACK II, but Wright moves out of the way!  Zack lands on the middle rope, but before he can counter, Wright yanks his legs out from under him, dropping Zack jaw first on the top turnbuckle!




Both men trying their best here tonight.  Malibu's trying to prove he's not outdated, and Wright's trying to show why he thinks he's underrated!

Wright gets up and puts the boots to Zack before nailing a fistdrop.  He pulls Zack up and nails two more European uppercuts, then picks Zack up and drops him with a backbreaker!  Wright then props himself up on the middle rope and comes off with an elbow to Zack's jugular, nailing the target!  

These two men have long been compared to one another.  Both men of privelege, with tremendous talent, just with different mindsets on how to channel their gifts.

You got that right.  Zack Malibu has been a sucker all his life, while Christian Wright doesn't let anyone screw him over, and that's why he's got a fat wallet, a spot in The Enterprise, and that's also why he's our REAL Franchise, Mikey Cole!

Wright pulls Zack up, then scoops him onto his shoulders.  Wright calls for the Bank Roll, but Malibu nails him with several elbows to break, then falls behind.  From there it's German city for Mr. Wright, as Malibu hoists him over with one, two, three, four, FIVE German suplexes before stopping their and briding out for the pin!




Zack doesn't stop there, as he pulls Wright up and fires him to the ropes...but Wright stops, drops, and rolls to the floor to clear his head after the suplex series!  Malibu measures him up and goes for a baseball slide, but Wright steps out of the way, then yanks Malibu out to the floor!  Malibu goes splat on the ringside floor, and Wright rolls back in and climbs to the top, going for the FROG SPLASH TO THE FLOOR...AND ZACK GETS THE KNEES UP~!


Wright connects, but not as he intended, and he kicks and screams as he curls up in the fetal postion.  Malibu then moves into the mount and starts working Wright over with elbows, drawing blood from his nose, before the referee heads outside to break it up and orders Malibu back in.  Malibu obliges, and gets into the ring...but when Wright uses the referee as a climbing tool and tugs on his shirt, pulling himself up off the floor, Malibu leaps up and springboards off the top rope, into a somersault plancha that wipes Wright out!

Great move by Zack!

Cowardly move by Zack!  The man just got to his feet!

Malibu lands on his feet and stands in the aisleway, working the crowd up as Wright sees stars.   Zack takes him and hurls him back into the ring, and then springboards again, this time into the ring with a guillotine legdrop, further rattling The Natural!




I talked about comparisons before, and right there you see why Christian Wright is one of the best we have to offer in the OAOAST.  Say what you want about his attitude, but he doesn't give up easily!

Malibu brings Wright up, but out of nowhere, Wright powers up and lifts Malibu off his feet, delivering his patented WRIGHT OFF to The Franchise!

Ha HA!  Caught Malibu off guard with that one!

Both men lay on the canvas, as Wright is still in recovery mode and Malibu has just had the wind knocked out of him.  Wright drags himself to the corner and pulls himself up, resting himself.  Malibu starts to rise, but the moment Wright takes note of this, he hits a chop block, taking Zack's leg out from under him!  Wright then takes the leg and drops an elbow on it, then delivers a few stomps before dragging Zack across the ring.  Wright slips out under the bottom rope and tugs on Zack's leg, then rams it against the apron, continuing to wear it down!

Christian Wright has targeted that leg, and that's one way to keep Zack off his game!  You can't hit School's Out with a bum leg!

Zack starts crawling, but Wright comes in and drops an elbow to the back of the head, cutting Malibu off.  He then takes Zack by the ankle and drives his knee into the canvas, then traps Zack with a stepover toehold!  Zack tries to wriggle free but Wright continues to twist him up.  Malibu agonizes, and Wright shuts him up by hitting the ropes and coming off with a kneedrop.  He moves back to the legs, this time hooking the WALLSTREET CLOVERLEAF and turning Zack over, trapping him in the hold!

Tap, bitch, tap!

Malibu grunts and groans, already looking for the solace of the ring ropes so that the hold can be broken.  He's too far away, however, and Wright leans back, pulling on Malibu's legs as he has them locked.  Zack strains, sticking his arms out as far as they can reach, but he just can't do it, much to Wright's pleasure.  Zack continues to struggle, and he starts pushing up off the mat, causing Wright to lose his leverage and the hold to weaken!  Zack then starts crawling on his hands, trying with all his might before he finally collapses and reaches out, grasping the bottom rope!  The ref calls for the break, and the fans erupt since their hero was able to escape!  Wright will not be denied, however, as he drags Zack away from the ropes and pounds on him, then drags him up and sets up for a powerbomb...but Zack slips out...and his knee gives out, staggering him just enough so that Wright can KILL HIM DEAD with a hard lariat!




The submission didn't work, and the pin didn't work either!  Christian Wright, if you want to be The Franchise, you're going to have to work for it!

Wright brings Zack up and fires him off to the ropes, but during his run Zack collapses, again holding his knee!  The ref comes to check but Zack waves him off, wanting to recover on his own.  Wright, not wanting to waste time, comes at Zack, but that's when Zack pops up and NAILS HIM WITH A SCHOOL'S OUT BEFORE COLLAPSING ON TOP OF HIM FOR THE PIN!

That dirty...

He got him!




The ploy didn't go well for Malibu, as Wright gets a shoulder up just before the ref's hand comes down for the third time.  Zack brings up him and goes to shoot him to the ropes, but Wright is dead weight.  Malibu tries again, but Wright uses the momentum to run a knee into Zack's gut, then goes for the NIGHTMARE ON WALL STREET, however Zack uses a back bodydrop as he's trapped in the butterfly lock portion of the manuever, catching Wright in another pinning predicament!




Wright rolls over, arms still tangled with Zack's, and brings him up.  He then copies Zack's trademark knees while he's got Malibu in the clinch, and THEN hits Nightmare On Wall Street!  Malibu is feeling the effects as he twists in agony on the canvas, but when Wright goes for his legs again, Zack manages to kick him off!  Zack gets to his feet but finds himself sent to the ropes, then nailed with a facebuster and an inverted atomic drop...but though he's stunned, Malibu counters Wright's STO with one of his own, then runs the ropes and hits his OWN kneedrop, countering the first portion of the C4 with the second portion of the C4!




Wright kicks out, and as Zack brings up him, Wright pulls his legs out from under him and goes for the Wallstreet Cloverleaf again, only to have Zack roll him up with a small package!












I'm dizzy!

We know!

Both men get up, both a bit worse for wear, and just start chopping each other as hard as they can.  It's been an even match up thus far, and each man is hoping that the other is ready to break!  Wright takes Zack and sends him to the corner, but when he charges Zack puts a boot up, then throws Wright in the corner and works him over with MORE chops before hitting a rolling snapmare, rolling with Wright, and then hitting the ropes to nail him with a ZACK ATTACK~!




Malibu can't believe his bad luck, being unable to vanquish his old foe.  He brings Wright up, but Wright shoves him away, then tries for a superkick...BUT IT'S CAUGHT!  Zack holds the foot and sweeps the other leg, but as he goes for the figure four, Wright kicks him off and into the corner!  Zack staggers back, and Wright brings him over with a German while he's dazed, but Zack floats over...AND HITS CUT DAY~!





He got him!  Give Christian Wright credit for going toe to toe with Zack Malibu, but there was no escape from that fatal manuever!

He didn't KILL him, Mikey Cole.  Zack got lucky, plain and simple.

Some might call it luck, others might call it perserverence.  Either way, Zack perserves his legacy and his standing as our Franchise, having now defeated the man looking to lay claim to that title!

Yeah, you ordered the PPV, but in case you've forgotten...

Thursday night is...


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Coming up next, it's the battle between Leon Rodez and Bohemoth. Ever since losing the World Title to Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez has been a changed man with a bleak outlook on life. And not content with having this bleak view, he seems to feel like he has to take others down with him. A few weeks ago, Leon took some of his frustrations out on his niece Jade, which raised the ire of Leon's one time friend Bohemoth. The bigman was all set to force an apology out of Leon, until Jade convinced him not to hurt her uncle. Far from being grateful for the reprieve, Leon decided to use this to his advantage, to create problems, trying to coax Bohemoth into breaking the promise he made. Well, this past Friday after weeks of coaxing, Leon interjected himself in a Women's Title match, distracting the referee and preventing Jade from winning her title back. That drew Bohemoth out. And Leon clearly knew what he was doing, as the promise was broken, in violent fashion...

Grabbing her belt, Morgan sits on her knees confused at what's unfolding in front of her. And she wants no part of it, rolling out of the ring and heading to the back. Bohemoth looks shocked on Jade's behalf at what happened. Not shocked, Leon smiles on himself. And when Bohemoth spots this, he sees red and GRABS LEON BY THE THROAT!


Here we go, here we go!

Bohemoth grips Leon's throat tightly, but can't bring himself to do anymore than that, fighting the urge to do so with Jade still in the corner of his eye. Sensing weakness Leon, who is putting up no sort of defence, slaps Bohemoth's hand away. Still Bohemoth doesn't bite...



Oh my God!

Wiping the phlegm from his face, Bohemoth has finally had enough AND LAYS OUT LEON WITH A HUGE CLOTHESLINE!!!!


GOOD! Did Leon Rodez deserve that or what!?

He deserved it, but he was asking for it, literally! He got what he wanted!

Well they say be careful what you wish for and Leon may be about to add that to his list of dreary proverbs right now!

Not done yet, Bohemoth drops to a knee and mounts Leon, delivering hard right hands to the head. With no signs of stopping! After at least a dozen punches, Bohemoth hauls Leon off the ringside floor and throws him face-first into the ringpost, sending Leon spilling to the floor again! Crawling towards the barricade, Leon is hardly on one knee before Bohemoth sprints towards him and delivers a FACEWASH KICK, smashing Leon's face into the barrier!!

This is getting ugly in a hurry!

Well Bohemoth better enjoy this while it lasts, because he'll be regretting it for a long time to come!

Dragging Leon's lifeless body back up, Bohemoth props him against the barricade while he smashes him with more right hands. Leon is slumped all the way down to his knees, Bohemoth then grabbing Leon's head and slamming it back against the barricade! And again! Bohemoth then just hauls Leon right across the arena floor with a throw, so forceful Leon does at least two full rolls.

Bohemoth letting out weeks of pent up rage.

Bohemoth drags Leon back up again...


...bouncing his head off of the announce table!


...and a second time! Sending bodies scurrying, Bohemoth then grabs a steel chair...




Bohemoth throws the chair away, breathing heavily in his furious state. But just when he seems to be done, he grabs hold of Leon's shirt and begins to drag him up again.

Well I hope it was worth it, Leon.

I could say the same to Bohemoth.

...right now, I think we better get the hell out of here!

Scooping Leon up in his arms, Bohemoth glares out. And positioned on the floor, he turns to Sofa Central before swinging him around...




The table doesn't break and barely gives, leaving Leon damn near bent in half over the front of it, completely wrecked. Bohemoth stands over him and grabs onto the shirt again, ready to do even more damage. When suddenly, a hand grabs his arm. Turning around, Bo finds Jade, sobbing and pleading with him to stop. Bohemoth looks at her for a few seconds and seems to calm. But then, he looks back at Leon... and drags him off the table again, to a monster cheer from the crowd!! He sets Leon up for a Powerbomb, ignoring Jade's pleas as he takes Leon up...




Referees and officials are too late to stop Bohemoth and they flock out to make sure he goes no further, as well as to check on Leon.  And among them is Jade, climbing over the table wreckage and kneeling at her uncle's side distraught.

Bohemoth is backed up by the officials, with other officials waving for help. The Meterosexual Monster finally starts to calm, not listening to the referees telling him to leave, but definately when Jade starts to scream at him to "GO AWAY!". It's only when Jade yells "YOU PROMISED NOT TO DO THIS!" that realisation suddenly sinks in to Bohemoth at what he's just done and his hands raise to his head. His attempts to apologise just earn him more shouts to "GO AWAY" though and Bohemoth eventually listens, now angry at himself as he's tracked by referees while marching to the back, passing a stretcher being wheeled to ringside.

"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"

With Jade looking on in concern, Leon is tended to and placed on the stretcher, officials picking through the wreckage of the announce table to get to him. As Leon is transfered onto the stretcher, the crowd show their compassion for his fate by booing him. Jade grips onto Leon's hand and follows along with the stretcher as it's wheeled towards the back.

And despite the pain, despite the punishment, and despite the booing crowd... somehow, some way... as the stretcher passes the camera, a pained smile can be seen on Leon's face.

Back to a live shot of the arena, with Michael Buffer standing mid-ring.


Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!



The crowd explode as "Liberate" hits and out marches the 2009 Lethal Rumble winner. All business, Bohemoth marches straight to the ring, as intense as you're ever likely to see the normally cool, calm and collected Meterosexual Monster.

Introducing first, from Greenville, South Carolina... weighing two hundred and eighty four pounds. He is "THE METEROSEXUAL MONSTER"... BBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - HHHHHEEEEEEEMMMMOOOOOOOOTTHHHHHH!!!!


Jogging up the ring steps and into the ring, Bohemoth wheels around to the entrance and waves for his opponent to be brought out.

It's been clear from the start that this has all been a plan, a calculated plan by Leon Rodez to split Bohemoth and Jade, for no real reason other than to spread some misery to his niece. That plan involved getting Bohemoth to attack him, to convince him to sign for a one on one match. Which leads me to ask... has Leon lost his mind!?

Well it sure seems like he's not thinking straight. But I'm sure he'd say he's never been thinking clearer.

"Oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
And oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone, dead and gone..."

The opening to "Dead And Gone" by T.I. fades into "Numb" by Linkin Park. The crowd boo, and it's not immediate that Leon Rodez walks out into the hostile arena. It's soon obvious why he took those extra few seconds, moving very slowly and very gingerly while clutching his taped ribs with one arm.

And his opponent. From Grand Rapids, Michigan... weighing two hundred, eighteen pounds... the former two-time OAOAST Heavyweight Champion of the world... LLLEEEEEOOOOOONN... RRRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!


Pained by every step, Leon slowly inches his way down the aisle. Getting no sympathy from the fans who shout abuse as he goes past, Leon struggles on as his song suddenly erupts and the lights flash back and forth from purple to white static.


Bohemoth has finally had enough of waiting and leaves the ring, attacking Leon in the aisle to which he's almost defenceless!

Well here we go, Bohemoth picking right up where he left off on HeldDOWN! This may not be much of a match, this may just be a fight!

Unable to fight back, Leon is sent up against the barricade by right hands from Bohemoth, who changes up to stomps. Targetting the ribs Bohemoth stomps Leon down, leaving him curled up in a ball trying to cover up. Bohemoth tries to open him up with some soccer style kicks, before just STANDING on Leon's lower back causing him to shout in pain!!

I don't care what Leon says, tonight, he's getting what he deserves!

Does anyone really deserve this?

Bohemoth climbs off of Leon and drags him off the ground and towards the ring. Scraping on his knees Leon is brought to ringside and picked up, nailed with a right hand. Bohemoth then grabs the arm...


...and whips him into the steel steps! Hitting back first, Leon slumps down against the steps with pain etched on his face.

Leon clearly in a bad way. He's not even dressed to wrestle.

He shouldn't even be out here. Bohemoth mauled him a couple of days ago, who knows what injuries Leon's carrying. And now he's got to face this hothead again. It's just a good job this happened to Leon before it happened to Jade I suppose.

Are you kidding me!? Don't take Leon's side in this!

It's not like he doesn't have a history. Ask Lorelei.

Are you ever going to let that ridiculous story drop!?

Bohemoth throws Leon into the ring...


...and with the match officially underway, Leon leaps on Bohemoth as he slides inside, gouging at his eyes! With Bo momentarily blinded Leon strikes wildly at the head before placing Bo's throat across the bottom rope and forcing him down.


Letting Bohemoth go, Rodez follows him across the ring and continues his desperate attack with another blatant choke.


Leon, barely mobile as he is, trying to do damage any way he physically can to fend Bohemoth off.

Leon struggles to his feet and holds his ribs as he kicks away at Bohemoth. The bigman starts to get to his feet so Leon leads him up and tees off with a right hand with Bo on one knee. Another hard right connects. But Bohemoth shakes them off, booting Leon in his ribs and leaving him powerless as he's thrown face-first into the top turnbuckle. Bohemoth slugs away with right hands, forcing Leon down into a seated position against the bottom buckle. Taking off into the ropes, Bohemoth then charges back with a FACEWASH kick!!

OH! Right to the SKULL~!

Rage in his eyes, Bohemoth looks down at Leon before suddenly hitting the ropes for a SECOND FACEWASH kick, not satisfied with just the one!

Bohemoth trying to kick that miserable look right off of Leon's face!

He's trying to kick his face off of his face! And that doesn't even make sense!

Rolling over the bottom rope, Leon tries to buy himself time on the outside. Bohemoth follows right out after him though and puts Leon face-first into the guardrail! The bloodthirsty Philadelphia crowd lap it up as Leon sits against the rail dazed. Dragged to his feet, Rodez is whipped forward, going into the ringpost shoulder first. Bohemoth waits for him to turn around and attempts a clothesline... Leon sidesteps... but Bohemoth gets his hands up to prevent running himself into the post.

Bohemoth saved himself and I don't think Leon's aware.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Rodez is urged to turn around by the crowd... and gets clotheslined up and over the guardrail when he does!!


He is now.

When Leon emerges again, Bohemoth hangs him over the rail and clubs him over the chest. Leon stumbles away and when he glances over his shoulder, seeing Bohemoth climb over the rail in pursuit of him, he veers right and tries to escape through the crowd! Dodging past people like a person who enters a movie late, Leon moves quickly standing fans aside as he navigates through the seating.

They are literally in amongst the people. And look at Leon, palming out OAOAST Marks aside as he tries desperately to get away from Bohemoth, who is right on his tail, our fans in the fifth row being forced to part like the Red Sea!

Leon's really taking his life into his own hands, picking his way past Philadelphia fans.

After some effort, Leon makes it to the other side of the seating and drops to a knee, lying in wait. As soon as Bohemoth makes it past the last fan, Rodez pounces and blindsights Bohemoth with a shot to the head.

That worked out pretty well in the end for Leon.

Leon stays on the attack, security keeping the fans at bay as he and Bohemoth fight feet away. Hitting repeated right hands, Leon turns around and waves the referee away as he desperately tries to convince them to get back in the ring, setting Bohemoth up for a DDT on the concrete. Bohemoth blocks and lifts Leon up for a backdrop, causing him to panic! But he manages to knee Bo in the chest, getting his feet safely back on the ground. In desperation, Leon then goes back to the eyes, gouging Bohemoth right the way back against the guardrail, which he then tips him over back to ringside. Rodez happily leaves the fans behind, hitting Bohemoth in the back with a double axehandle.

You've gotta give it up for Leon, taking the fight to Bohemoth, even after the beating he took a couple of nights ago. I mean he got taken out on a stretcher and here he is, back fighting, back on top!

He may be in for more of a beating before tonight is over.

Limping around ringside, Leon gets a running start and boots Bohemoth in the head. When that doesn't faze him Leon puts a knee to Bo's throat, choking him.

He's not taking much of a beating at the moment, is he?

Leon limps away from Bohemoth, heading over to the announce table. With a cold look at Double C Leon picks away the top of the announce table and tosses it aside. The referee warns Leon about what he's doing, but gets completely ignored by the Fallen Idol.

Well this match is not no disqualifications and the referee being very lenient, to say the least.

Kicking Bo in the head again, Leon leads him over to the announce table. Taking Bo by the head, he tries to slam him into the table... but Bohemoth blocks! Elbowing Leon in his injured ribs, Bohemoth turns things around on Leon...


...and bounces his head off the table instead!

Shades of two nights ago.

So long as we don't get a full repeat, that's what I'm worried about!

Bohemoth follows after a recoiling Leon and scoops him up and over his shoulder. Bohemoth then turns to the announce table.

Oh no, Coach, we gotta get out of here!

The commentators scatter as Bohemoth aims for the table and starts to move forward looking for the slam...

...but Leon manages to slip down the back and escape! Using Bohemoth's momentum against him, Leon shoves The Meterosexual Monster forward, running him thighs first into the table!

Bohemoth was trying to drive Leon through our announce table again, but this time Leon managed to avoid it.

With Bohemoth hobbled, Leon grabs him from the side...



Both Bohemoth and Rodez feel the effects, clutching the backs of their heads from the meeting with the table. It's Leon who's up first though, albeit using the table as a crutch to keep himself up. Glaring into the crowd, he drops down and SLAMS the back of Bo's head back into the table again! And a second time! The referee has finally had enough and demands the match get back into the ring, given a cold look by a retreating Leon.


Rolling Bohemoth back inside, Leon pulls himself up onto the apron. And after giving it some thought, he heads to the top rope.

Now, this is a risk. And I don't get why Leon's taking it.

Leon comes off the top rope with a crossbody block... but falls short and GETS SPEARED OUT OF MID-AIR BY BOHEMOTH!!!!


WHAT A SPEAR! Leon went for a crossbody, but I think his ribs may have gave out, he didn't get the distance he wanted and instead got NAILED in mid-air!

With Leon down and clutching his ribs Bohemoth paces around the ring in a circle. He looks down at Leon with an intensity in his eyes, as the arms go up.

Thumbs Up.


And the end may be nigh!

Bohemoth drags Rodez up off the mat and scoops him into his arms. Picking his spot, Bo stops and turns his head, mouthing something into Leon's earshot, before swinging him around...




Oh yeah! How about that for a counter!

And Leon, FRANTIC to make a cover!

Leon scrambles painfully over to Bo, grimacing as he rolls the 284 pounder over...




Climbing to his feet, Rodez encourages Bo to get back up.

Look at that look in Leon's eye... a killer instinct, we've been seeing more and more of in recent months.

Bohemoth crawls his way back up, looking a little groggy. Lining his bigger opponent up, Leon waits for him to get to one knee. He takes aim and with Bo seemingly a sitting duck, he aims for the head with a Rolling Soba... NO, DUCKED! Bohemoth punches an off balance Leon in the ribs. To his feet, Bohemoth then hits the ropes and levels Leon with a clothesline! Leon rolls into a corner, trying to use the ropes to help him up again. Bohemoth whips him across the ring into the opposite corner, delivering another clothesline against the turnbuckles. Throwing him up over the shoulder, Bohemoth then plants Leon with a Running Powerslam!

Bohemoth is stepping up to another gear though. He's fighting for something tonight, redemption.

Oh and I'm sure Jade is so proud of him.

Off the ropes again, Bohemoth catches Leon coming up with a YAKUZA KICK, sending him spilling backwards through the ropes! Landing on his feet Leon shakes it off and sees the aisle in sight. But before he can think about leaving, Bohemoth reaches out of the ring and grabs him by the hair.

And Leon just can't get a second's reprieve!

Caught, Leon is pulled back up onto the apron... but he manages to shrug Bohemoth off and drop down, hanging his neck across the middle ring rope!

Until then!

Crawling back inside, Leon rolls Bohemoth up...




Leon quickly sets Bohemoth up for a Brainbuster... but can't get him up, partly due to the injured ribs. As Leon hunches over, Bohemoth gives him a shove in the back, sending him into a corner. And a clothesline to the back of the head sandwiches Leon into the corner.

Another hard shot, how many more of these can Leon take?

Stumbling out of the corner, Leon gets a boot to the gut and is set up for a powerbomb. Bohemoth hoists him up onto the shoulders and walks into the middle of the ring. Fighting it, Leon starts to rain down elbows into the top of the head. Enough elbows to daze Bo, allowing him to slip off of the shoulders. Leon lands on his feet and tweaks his ribs again. And with a deep breath, he takes one look at Bohemoth shaking out the cobwebs...



Oh COME ON, right in front of the referee, that's going to be a disqualification.


Left with no other option the referee calls for the bell, with both Leon and Bohemoth on their knees. Showing no remorse, Leon shoves Bohemoth over onto his side and rolls the other way, out of the ring.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match as a result of a disqualification... BBOOOOOOOOOOO - HHHEEEEMMMOOOOTTHHHHH!!!

Leon got himself intentionally disqualified! After all the problems and all the distress he caused to get this match, he saw that he was in trouble and he took the cheap way out! Unbelievable!

Struggling back up the aisle, Leon is jeered by the Philadelphia fans. Not that he cares, more concerned with nursing his ribs and getting the hell out of dodge before he suffers any more. Bohemoth lays hurting in the ring, tended to by the referee. He shoves him away though and glares at Leon leaving.

Face it, Leon already got what he wanted. He just wanted the match, he never said he wanted to win it.

That's not the Leon Rodez I know. But, then again, not many of his actions are those of the Leon Rodez I thought I knew anymore, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised. All I'll say is this, Leon may have got what he wanted, but Bohemoth only got a taste. And I've got the feeling, after what just happened, he's going to be even hungrier for more!

Bohemoth picks himself up on the ropes and judging from the look on his face, that'd be a dead on prediction.

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"Concrete Jungle" by Black Label Society

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds, he is the man known as The Italian Rapscallion…Tommy G.!

The freaks in the streets,
The nuns with the shotguns,
The graves rolling by your side,
Survival of the fittest,
And there ain't no pity,
No one gets out alive,
In the concrete jungle,
It's the well of the damned,
Once you step inside then you'll understand,
The misfits, psychos and the twisted slaves,
The house of the sane,
No one can be saved,

Rolling six feet under (rollin),
Rolling six feet under (rollin),
Rolling six feet under Roll and keep on rollin'!

Tommy G. comes out onto the ramp with his entrance video on the screen - an animated “boot” of Italy kicking a BUTT.  He walks down to the ring, giving fans dirty looks.  Once at the ring, he walks up the ramp and enters through the ropes, standing in the corner.  The music fades.

His opponent…

"Oh No" by Mos Def, Nate Dogg, and Pharoah Monche

Fighting out of Hollywood Boulevard, weighing in tonight at two hundred twenty-six pounds, he is The Urban Legend…Todd Cooortezzzz!

Todd Cortez sprints to the ring, slides under the ropes into the ring only to meet stomps by Tommy G.  Todd Cortez grabs Tommy G.’s left leg and takes him down, mounts him and starts throwing punches.  Tommy G. rolls out of it, looking angry.

He goes in with quick jabs, most of which Cortez blocks.  Cortez returns with a whip-cracking kick to G.’s side.  Tommy G. doubles over.  Cortez grabs him and throws him into an Irish whip.  G. comes off, ducks under Cortez’s swinging arm and comes off the opposite rope with a flying shoulder block.  Cortez gets up quickly, but G. knocks him back down with a spinning back elbow.  G. rakes his boot over Cortez’s eyes and slowly picks him up, executing a swinging neckbreaker. Instead of pinning him, G. quickly gets to his feet and drops a leg across Cortez’s neck.

Tommy G. could be making a mistake here not going for the pin!

Tommy G. grabs Cortez’s arm and drags him to the corner. He leaps to the middle turnbuckle and drops a knee to Cortez’s neck.

What’s wrong, huh?

Tommy G. puts on a tight chin lock and wrenches Cortez’s neck. The referee asks Todd Cortez if he’d like to submit.  Cortez indicates with his hand that he would not.  While the ref is in front of Cortez’s face, Tommy G. surreptitiously puts his legs on the middle rope, gaining some leverage and tightening the hold.  Cortez starts flailing his arms and the ref sees G.’s illegal use of the ropes and order him to break the hold.

The hold is broken, but the damage is done!

Tommy G. scoops up Cortez and gives him a shoulder breaker.  As they land, Cortez grabs his shoulder in pain.  As Tommy G. gloats, Cortez grabs his head and rolls him into a small package.



Tommy G. kicks out.


Tommy G. leaps to his feet and charges Cortez, who sidesteps and pushes him into the turnbuckle.  As G. hits the corner and bounces back, Cortez charges him and hits him with a clothesline to the back of the neck.  Tommy G. is knocked out of the ring through the ropes.  Cortez hurt himself in the process, holding his neck for a moment…before running and diving through the ropes into Tommy G., who had gotten to his feet.  Cortez grabs G.’s hair and pulls him up, throwing him into the steel steps, the top portion of which falls off.

The referee is up to a five count!

Cortez rolls into the ring and breaks the count.  He then delivers a kick to Tommy G., who was on all fours trying to get to his feet. Cortez then rolls into the ring and lets the referee count.

Why isn’t Todd Cortez going after him!

He’s using the time to rest his neck!

It could be a mistake.

Not if Tommy G’s can’t answer the ten count!

Tommy G. rolls back into the ring at eight.

Cortez runs and baseball slides into Tommy G.  Tommy G. grabs the bottom rope and swings his legs over and up through the middle and top ropes.

I’ve heard of skinning the cat, but that was insane!

Tommy G. and Cortez, both prone and adjacent to each other on the mat, jump to their feet.  Lockup.  Side headlock by Tommy G.  Cortez backs into the rope and attempts to throw G. off, but the headlock is kept on.  Cortez attempts to lift G. into a back suplex, but G. is seemingly too heavy.  He goes for a second attempt and makes it. Both men writhe on the ground in pain.  Cortex gets an arm over Tommy G., but only gets a one count.  Cortez gets to his feet and stomps G.’s left arm, and then grabs it and goes for a Mahistrol cradle.







Both men get to their feet.  Cortez hits a step up Enziguri, sending Tommy G. into a flipping fall. He then runs to the turnbuckle and jumps on top.  Slowly, Tommy G. gets to his feet and turns around.  Cortez leaps off the top rope and goes for a high cross body.  Tommy G. catches him in midair.  He repositions Cortez into a gutwrench set up.  He pulls Cortez up for a gutwrench suplex, but grabs his neck in midair and turns it into a bulldog.





“Concrete Jungle” starts

The winner of this bout…Tommy G.!

Big, big win for Tommy G., Cole.

Indeed it was. And coming up next is a big match... War Games!

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The fans go nuts as the cage lowers from the ceiling.

And it's now time, Coach!  Eight men will step into those two rings, inside that steel cage, and engage in war!  It's the War Games match!  Let's go up to the ring!


LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen...it is now time, for one of the main attractions of the evening.  Eight men will wage war inside the two-ring steel cage, with rules of submit or surrender.  It is now time for WAR GAMES!

*crowd cheers*

Here are the rules for this match.  In War Games, there are 7 periods.  In the first period, one man from each team will square off for five minutes.  All periods thereafter will last two minutes.  At the end of the first period, the referee will conduct a coin toss with a member of each team.  The team which wins the toss will send a second man in for the second period.  The teams will alternate sending men into the match, until eight men are in the ring.  At this point, The Match Beyond begins, and once again, the match can only end in submit or surrender.  ARE YOU READY?

*crowd cheers*


*crowd cheers*

Then for the thousands in attendance here at the Wachovia Center, and the millions and millions watching around the world...there's only one thing left to say.  Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEE

I wish my periods only lasted two minutes!


Fireworks go off above the cage, and fire shoots off of all four corners of it.  The Wall by Kansas hits, and the Deadly Alliance make their way to the ring.


The Deadly Alliance team, consisting of Reject, Thunderkid, Mr. Dick, and Sandman9000, the Heartland champion!

The DA talks strategy on their side of the cage, as Magnum Opus hits, and Alfdogg leads his team out.


And here comes Alfdogg, leading out his team, the new US champion Denzel Spencer, Brock Ausstin, and Colombian Heat, who made his shocking return this past Thursday on HeldDOWN~!

Alf's team huddles up, as the camera cuts to the other side of the cage, where Sandman steps through the door and the ropes.

And it's gonna be Sandman starting it off for the DA!

Alf's team breaks their huddle, and Denzel makes his way to the door.

And Denzel Spencer for Alf's side, the United States champion against the Heartland champion!

Denzel steps through, and heads towards Sandman's ring!


And we're underway!

Sandman catches Denzel coming through the ropes with shots to the back, then whips him into the ropes.  Denzel ducks a clothesline, and flies through the air with one of his own!  Denzel kicks Sandman as he gets to his feet, then whips him into the ropes.  He drops down, then gets to his feet, jumps up, and grabs the top of the cage, kicking Sandman to the mat with both feet!

And early on, Denzel using the cage to his advantage!

Denzel grabs the top of the cage once again, and grabs Sandman in a headscissors, taking him down with a hurricanrana!

And a nice hurricanrana with help from the cage!

Denzel calls out to the crowd, which cheers in response, then delivers kicks in the corner.  He attempts an Irish whip, but Sandman reverses.  Denzel hops to the second rope, then fakes Sandman out, and turns around, hitting him with a missile dropkick!

Denzel on fire here in the early going!

Sandman has just not been able to get out of the blocks here!

Denzel delivers right hands, then attempts an Irish whip, but Sandman reverses, and drops down.  Denzel hops over, then tries a flying bodypress, but Sandman drops down once again, and Denzel finds nothing but canvas.

And now maybe Sandman can gather an advantage!

Sandman starts to pick up Denzel, but Denzel delivers a left hand to the groin!

Oh, look at that cheap shot!

There's no cheap shots in War Games!

Denzel grabs Sandman, and tosses him head-first into the cage!

And Sandman into the cage!

Denzel follows Sandman in and rams his head into the cage, as the crowd counts along!











Denzel follows by RAKING Sandman's face across the cage!

Sandman taking a lot of abuse from that mesh, and he's bleeding!

Denzel brings Sandman out to mid-ring, and delivers a kick to the gut, then follows with a scissor kick!  He then drops to the mat and starts to bite Sandman!

I've never seen this kind of aggression from Denzel Spencer, but I suppose war brings that out in some people!

Denzel drags him into a corner, and delivers big kicks, then bites him some more.  He then tosses Sandman over the top rope all the way into the other ring!

And Sandman goes from ring-to-ring!

Denzel waits for Sandman to get to his feet, then springs to the top rope, hops to the top rope of the other ring, then jumps at Sandman...but gets caught with a dropkick!

And Denzel was going for a big one there, but got caught!

We're about ready for the coin toss, Cole!

Sandman sets Denzel up for a piledriver, but Denzel blocks, then backdrops out as the crowd counts down...












The referee flips the coin on the outside, as Alf calls out "heads!"  The referee catches the coin, slaps it onto the back of his hand, and calls out "tails!" pointing to the Deadly Alliance!

And the Deadly Alliance wins the toss, Cole!

And look who's going in!

Reject darts through the door, climbs through both sets of ropes, and hits Denzel with a knee from behind in the corner!

And Denzel will have to fight off both Sandman and Reject now for the next two minutes!

Reject drags Denzel into another corner, and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


Denzel lays in a kick to the side of Reject, then starts fighting back with right hands!

But look at him fight the odds!

Denzel starts to choke Reject on the ropes, but Sandman nails him from behind.  Sandman then hooks Denzel, waiting for Reject to join him, and they execute a DOUBLE DDT~!

And these two minutes could not go by any slower for Denzel Spencer!

Sandman picks up Spencer, scooping him onto his shoulder, then ramming him face-first into the cage!

And now it's Denzel driven into the steel!

Reject gloats, as Sandman stops to catch his breath, and the crowd boos.  The camera shows Alf pacing in front of the door.

And it looks like Alf's going to be the next man in!

Reject picks up Denzel, and tosses him over both sets of ropes into the next ring!

Wow, Denzel just pitched from ring-to-ring by Reject!

Sandman holds Denzel for Reject, who hammers away as the crowd counts down...












The crowd goes crazy as Alf charges into the ring, and delivers right hands to Reject.  Sandman makes his way over, and Alf fights off both guys.  Eventually, Reject is able to get in a knee to the gut, then he and Sandman back Alf into a corner.  They whip him across, but Alf bounces out with a double clothesline!

Big double clothesline from Alf!

Denzel comes back and hammers on Reject in a corner, while Alf catches Sandman in a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!  Denzel then delivers a spin kick in the corner to Reject, who then staggers out into another BELLY-TO-BELLY~! from Alf!

Alf delivering out suplexes to everyone!

Denzel hammers on Sandman as he works his way to his feet, then goes for a spinkick, which Sandman ducks, and crotches Denzel on the top rope!  Meanwhile, Alf whips Reject into a corner, and catches him with a Hart Attack clothesline on his way out!  He then pummels Reject on the mat, but Sandman comes over and rakes his eyes!

And now some more double team work by the Deadly Alliance!

Denzel crawls over, and grabs Sandman's legs, taking him down to the mat.  Reject picks up Alf, and attempts to ram him into the cage, but Alf blocks, and it's Reject who gets rammed!

And now Reject sent into the cage!

Alf sets up Reject in the corner, and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


Alf brings Reject out, and drops him with a back suplex!  Meanwhile, Denzel applies a figure-four to Sandman, as the crowd starts to count down...












Mr. Dick steps into the door, but is cut off by Alf!

And Alf was ready for Mr. Dick coming in!

Alf drops MD with a big right, then climbs into the other ring.  He backs into the ropes, then leaps from ring-to-ring and catches MD with a clothesline!

A flying clothesline, from ring-to-ring, on Mr. Dick!  What a move by Alf!

Alf then catches Reject getting to his feet with right hands, but MD recovers and drives in a knee from behind!

But Mr. Dick quick to recover!

MD rams Alf into the buckles, then kicks him down, and chokes away, as Reject stomps Denzel.

And finally, that figure-four broken up by Reject!

But who knows what kind of shape Sandman's knee is in?

Sandman crawls over to the ropes, while Reject stomps away on Denzel, then picks him up and tosses him into the side of the cage!

And there goes Denzel into the cage!

Alf and MD are still going at it in a corner, with Alf now possessing a chokehold on MD, as Sandman pulls himself over and hammers Alf from behind.  MD then trips up Alf, and delivers a headbutt to the groin!

Just Being a Dick!

MD applies a camel clutch to Alf, while Sandman executes BOOT SCRAPES~! to his exposed face.

And look at this double team!

But someone will be coming to Alf's aid shortly!












Brock Ausstin comes into the cage, and is immediately jumped by Reject.

And it's the big man, Brock Ausstin, but Reject was waiting for him!

Sandman gives Reject a hand, and the two whip Brock into the ropes.  Brock ducks underneath a double clothesline, and flattens both men with one of his own!

Big double clothesline!

Brock delivers right hands to Reject, then some to Sandman, knocking both men to the mat.  Reject crawls to the other ring, and Brock follows him, first stopping to hammer Mr. Dick.

And the camel clutch broken up by Brock Ausstin!

Brock then traps Reject in a corner, and hammers away with right hands, but Reject goes to the eyes.

Reject stopping the assault by going to the eyes!

Reject turns Brock around in the corner, and delivers a CHOP~!


And another!


However, the chops have no effect!  Reject rakes the eyes once again, then attempts an Irish whip.  However, Brock reverses, then catches Reject in a PRESS SLAM~!

Look at the power of Brock Ausstin!

Brock carries Reject to the middle of the ring, then presses him into the top of the cage three times, then tosses him to the mat!  He calls out to the crowd, which cheers in response.

And you notice, Brock ramming Reject right into the top of the cage with each of those presses!

Brock then grabs Reject, and tosses him into the cage!

Once again Reject into the cage!

Sandman hammers on Alf, while MD and Denzel fight into the other ring.  Brock then rakes Reject's face across the cage!

Reject having his face raked now, and he's been cut open!

Denzel delivers kicks to MD, while Alf is tossed into the cage by Sandman!

And Alf, already busted, just sent again into the wall of the cage!

Sandman then attacks Brock from behind, and he and Reject toss Brock into the cage!

And there goes Brock!

The Deadly Alliance has the advantage in the ring, and they'll have the man advantage shortly when Thunderkid enters!

Denzel has MD trapped in a tree of woe and stomps away, as the crowd counts down...












TK enters the cage, and hammers Brock, then rams him into the cage once again!  He then clobbers Denzel from behind, before holding Brock for Reject, who punts him between the legs!


TK then picks up Denzel and rams him into the cage!

And Denzel busted open by TK, who is on fire here, the last entrant for the Deadly Alliance!

TK then floors Alf with a BICYCLE KICK~!, and tosses him into the other ring, where Brock is raking MD's face across the cage!

Look at Mr. Dick!  It looks like he's busted now!

Reject tries to attack Brock, but Brock elbows him in the gut, and begins raking HIS face across the cage, as well!

And now two for the price of one!

TK hammers Brock from behind, and executes a back suplex, as Reject starts making signals.

Reject setting up something here...

Reject and MD stand with their backs to the ropes, holding Brock.  TK then brings Alf over to Reject, while Sandman brings Denzel over to MD.

What are they doing?

All four DA members then shoot Alf, Brock, and Denzel across the ring, and attempt clotheslines...but the three men duck, and take the DA down to the mat with a QUADRUPLE CLOTHESLINE~!!!

And that one backfired big-time, all four members of the DA team down!

The crowd is going crazy, then they begin to count down...












Heat comes into the ring, and goes after Sandman.

And The Match Beyond begins, Colombian Heat the last entrant into the ring!  Submit or surrender!

As Heat hammers Sandman, Reject gets to his feet and attacks him from behind.  Reject and Sandman shoot Heat into the ropes, but Heat ducks a double clothesline, and delivers one of his own!

And a couple more clotheslines!

Heat then ducks a clothesline from MD, and steps behind him, driving him with the BONG HIT~!

And Heat with the Bong Hit on Mr. Dick!

Heat then hits TK with a spinning wheel kick, then picks him up and tosses him into the cage! Meanwhile, Alf applies a figure-four to Reject!

And Alf with a figure-four!  This could be the match right here!

Heat continues to work over MD, while TK steps to the other ring, and breaks up the hold.  He then picks up Alf in a hangman's hold, while Reject pulls himself up, and delivers a roundhouse kick!

VINTAGE TK and Reject right there!

Sandman is raking Brock across the cage, while Denzel goes after TK and both men try to force each other into the cage.  Alf sneaks up with a low blow on TK!

Oh, come on!

Denzel then rakes TK's face across the cage!

And now TK cut open by the cage!

Heat tosses MD into the cage in the other ring, then does the same to Sandman!  However, as he celebrates, Reject spins him around and drops him with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111


Reject hits it on Colombian Heat!

MD and Sandman then get to their feet, and scoop up Heat, tossing him like a battering ram into the cage!

And now Heat's bleeding!  I think all these guys are bleeding now!

Denzel makes his way over to the other ring, where he's ambushed by Reject.  Sandman picks up Heat, and sets him up for the ARCHANGEL'S WINGS~!!!!!11111, while Reject preps Denzel for the EULOGY~!!!!!11111...but Denzel shoves him off right into the waiting arms of Brock Ausstin, who executes the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111

F-Stunner-5 from Brock Ausstin!

Meanwhile, Heat spins out on Sandman, and scoops him up for the COLOMBIAN NECKTIE~!!!!!11111, while Denzel simultaneously scoops up MD for the CARRIBEAN COMPACTOR~!!!!!11111

Look at this!

Sandman and MD are both driven into the mat!

I can't believe this!

TK is working over Alf, when suddenly he sees Brock, Denzel, and Heat staring at him from the other ring.

And only one man stands for the Deadly Alliance!

Alf's three teammates approach TK, circling around him, until Alf gets back to his feet, and hits him with a SUPERKICK~!

Superkick from Alf, who's now giving out directions!

Alf steps through TK's legs as Heat and Denzel stand at the ropes to hold off the other DA members, and applies the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!!!11111  Brock drops down as well, and hooks him in a TRIANGLE CHOKE~!

What in the world?

No way TK can withstand this!

After a few seconds, TK waves his free arm frantically towards the referee, who calls for the bell!

He gave up!  Alf's team has won War Games!



I just can't believe it.

Magnum Opus hits, as the crowd goes wild and Alf celebrates with his team.

Alfdogg and his squad triumphant over his former associates, the Deadly Alliance!  What a War Games match this was!

Alf's team leaves the cage, as Reject comes to, and sees Alfdogg in the aisle.  He shouts insults at Alf, once he realizes that the match is over and his team has lost.

Eight men put their careers on the line here, for the sake of war!  And now the smoke has cleared, and it's Alfdogg's Asylum, Brock Ausstin, Denzel Spencer, Colombian Heat, and of course Alfdogg himself, who are triumphant on this night!

But look at Reject, Cole.  He's not going to let this rest, you can just tell!

We'll find out perhaps this Thursday on HeldDOWN~! what fallout comes from this, but for now, Alfdogg's Asylum is victorious!

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Backstage we find Krista hurrying down the hall with a nervous Alix trailing her.

Woah, you can't go out there! No way no how, mister.

I have a title defense, and for some reason I think I'm kinda sorta supposed to be out there. Not sure what me being the world champion has to do with me going into world championship match. The meaning is lost on me.

Okay, you can talk me like a 3rd grader, and I can stab you in your sleep. But I won't need to because your cursed and chances are when you go to take a nap one of satans demons will reach up and suck you down to hell! Hell! Hell isn't like dairy queen with their delicious frosty treats and yummy hot dogs. Hell is hell with demons, and fire, and richard nixon and ronald regan.Do you wanna share a dorm room for eternity with Ronald Regan? Do ya?

There's no such thing as a curse. Its all a bunch of non sense and garbage designed to sell to weird little guys from New Mexico that like to dress up in goth leather every Thursday night, and whatever night syndicated is on, check your local listings. They don't exist, so stop worrying about it.

Krista walks off, and Alix is left behind to fret and worry.

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We settle upon a view of our legendary ring announce encased in a purple spotlight.

Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is our main event for the evening and it is for the OAOAST World Title and thirty percent shares in FIT with KID.


Please allow me to introduce myself
Im a man of wealth and taste
Ive been around for a long, long year
Stole many a mans soul and faith
And I was round when jesus christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

To the tune of Guns N Roses version of Sympathy for the devil, Mister Moneymaker walks into an arena where green and yellow lights swirl across the area. Clad in a white high collared robe open to expose his white trunks and green kneepads, Moneymaker waves his “moneyfingers’ to an unwelcoming Philadelphia audience.

Introducing the challenger, he weighs in at two hundred thiry six pounds, is a former one and only tag team champion, as well as an Angle Award winner, he is a graduate of Yale, and NCAA wrestling champion, he is from Vero Beach, Floridia….THE BILLION DOLLAR HEIR, THE MESSIAH, MISTER THEODORE MONEYMAKER!

Disdain springs from the mouth of every fan of the arena, drawing hard stares from the much disliked challenger.

Here comes a desperate man. A damn desperate man.

What are you talking about?

He had Krista attacked in the parking lot on HeldDOWN just so that he could level a curse on her. A curse! Curses don’t exist, and he had to resort to Uno and Dos’ black magic nonsense because he desperate for the world title and to hold onto his shares of FIT with KID.

Moneymaker forces the referee to hold the ropes open, so that he may enter the bathed in green light OAOAST ring. Then he demands that the overworked ref remove his warm. While the official gently puts the robe outside the ring, Moneymaker raises his “moneyfingers” to disgusted OAOAST Marks.

Gimme them bright lights, long nights
High rise, overtime

Gimme them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, overtime
Working 'till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never gonna say it
I feel on top of the world,
I feel on top of the world

With the tune of On Top of The World entrance doors spread apart, cheers come from the stands, and Krista stomps out from back looking more serious than usual. Okay, that’s not saying much but she is wearing her SERIOUS ABOUT WRESTLING outfit, of a black cut off t-shirt and rhinestone encrusted pink bell bottoms. Its like Bret Hart meets the playboy mansion! Absent are the usual scantily clad dancers, and present is a nasty scowl etched on her face.

World champion Krista Isadora Duncan looks angry, is angry and has every right to be angry. She was outright assaulted and supposedly cursed on HeldDOWN, and she wants Moneymaker’s part in her company back where it belongs, in her hands!

And the champion….she is from Los Angeles, California, she is a four time OAOAST tag team champion, a New York Times best selling author, a Hollywood Walk of Famer, the founder of FIT with KID, a loving mother, and world renowned fitness guru, she is KRISTA ISAAADORAAA DUNCAAAAAAN!

Krista slides into the ring, met with a stare of contempt from Moneymaker. She will not be backed down however, and continues drawing herself close to the billion dollar heir.

The champion from Los Angeles, California, and the challenger from Vero Beach, Florida collide once again in their epic rivalry.


The match begins and murder suddenly fills Krista’s bright blue eyes. Rage guides her very step and shoots her into Moneymaker’s torso with a spear.  Connecting with so much force, she propels both their bodies to the outside canvas. Clearly winded by the unexpected strike, Moneymaker lies defenseless on the mats and Krista’s high heels batter his back. Bored with merely stomping the billion dollar heir, the queen of fitness picks him up.

“Theodore Moneymaker please meet announce table, I don’t think you’ve been properly acquainted yet.”

Krista solves that problem by throwing the challenger’s head into the top of the announce table. The Floridian is quick to pull himself off the mat, but he staggers as if in a painful fog. Unfortunately his aimless movements carry him towards Krista who whips him in the back with a throng of TV cables. Next, she drops her weapons and springs forward to nail him in the jaw with a running knee! As the audience cheers her own, the world champion takes another run at her hated rival. But this time her attack is halted by the rising elbow he smacks into her face. With Krista momentarily stunned he’s able to attach her inside a front facelock. In moments he’s flinging her backwards with a snap suplex.

“MONEYMAKER SUCKS! MONEYMAKER SUCKS! MONEYMAKER SUCKS!” the fans chant as he taunts them with his “money fingers”.

Leaving the crowd alone for the moment, Moneymaker picks Krista up by her cut off t-shirt and attempts to toss her over the guardrail. But the agile beauty uses the guard rail as something akin to a pole vault and wings around to strike her money making legs into his chest. The blow stumbles him backwards where he’s caught by the ring apron. Unable to recover in quick enough time, he’s felled by diving dropkick from the world champion!  A huge pop comes from the stands, as the challenger’s head snaps off the thin black mats. Feeling a bit mischievous the walk of famer grabs a video camera and gives a first person view to her stomping the life out her challenger.

So much for a curse, Krista is having her way hear tonight.

Bet you won’t be saying that when the scoreboard falls on her.

Moneymaker finds his way upright, with his hand held across his throbbing head. Krista digs her fingers into his dollar green tights and throws him into the steel steps. The force of the throw dislodges the steel steps and they tumble to the ground. While he groans in pain, Miss California takes herself down the apron. Hunching  she waits with eagerness for Moneymaker’s rise. Once he stands the lovely BUTT shot is gone, replaced by her  legs wrapping around his neck and throwing him down to the mats.!


Dos and Uno need to go watch some episodes of Bewitched, their magic isn’t working at all!

Miss California throws Moneymaker into the ring. Following his path, she raises herself onto the ring apron. She then uses the ropes to launch herself onto his back with a twisting senton splash!  A pinfall follows, and Charles Robinson counts along…



Moneymaker succeeds in kicking out.  Still slightly dazed, he rolls himself to his feet. Krista eludes him however, running to the ropes.  Unfortunately her return sees her nailed with the billion dollar knee lift. Moneymaker takes a moment to catch his breath, and once that’s settled he whirls around to level her with a spinning lariat. Already angered over her fighting ability, Moneymaker stares at her with a face locked in rage. That rage turns on Krista, and nearly lacerates her with a running leg drop! He once again shows off his “money fingers” before falling on her for the pin…



Krista gets a shoulder off the canvas.


I’ll tell you this, I have seen few rivalries with as much hatred, passion, and twists and turns as this between Krista and her sworn enemy Mister Moneymaker.  

The walk of famer crawls to the corner, her breath slowed by the powerful lariat.  Her time to rest isn’t a long one; the challenger brings her upright and whips her to the opposite corner. Her speed allows her to avoid the collision with ring posts and raise her heels onto the third rope. She then flips backwards to the tycoon with a moonsault. But her slender figure comes down within his clutches and he twists her over for a power slam.

Theodore Moneymaker made his debut about four years ago tagging with Black T, just a year after his graduation from Yale where  he won two NCAA titles in wrestling. Despite his amateur credentials, Moneymaker’s style is mostly brawling and cheating.

Showcasing those cheating and brawling skills, The Messiah crushes Krista’s throat with his golden boots. Quickly forced away from Krista, Moneymaker makes a dash for the ropes. He comes in with speed and precision to attempt to nail Krista with the billion-dollar knee lift. But that fails miserably when Krista lowers the third rope. As a result the Yale alum topples onto the ring apron, barely avoiding a tumble to the floor.  Dizzied by the ordeal, he slowly raises himself off the mat. But danger continues to follow as Krista leaps over the ropes, with his head in her arms and bulldogs him right into the announce table!


“Curse, huh?” She barks “I got a curse for you, [bEEP] YOU MOTHER[bEEP] [bEEP]SUCKER I HOPE YOU [bEEP] GET [bEEP] BY A [bEEP] AND A GOD [bEEP] [bEEP] [bEEP] on your chest, you homophobic anti-Semitic [bEEP]!”

Oh my!

Still seething with madness, Krista throws her opponent back into the ring. Sliding in after him, she reaches his body for the latest pinfall…



Moneymaker pushes his shoulder off the canvas, and the fans are none to pleased.

Krista pulls Moneymaker to his feet and tosses him into the ropes with an irish whip and then bounces off them on her own.  As she comes back to the billionaire her gorgeous legs wrap and his neck  and spin him around for a dizzying head scissors. Upon Moneymaker’s rough landing Krista tries to strike him with a standing shooting star press. But he raises his green kneepad covered legs and blocks the attack.  Krista’s rock hard abs help defend against the counter, and she along with her foe are fast to their feet. Moneymaker attempts to strike first by lifting her for a body slam. But her baby oil slicked body allows her to slither down his back. Before he can turn around, her high heels snap at him with a dropkick that pushes him into the corner.  She follows in with a charge, but her arch rival scuttles out the way. Fortunatley Krista is able to clasp her hands around the ring ropes to avoid crashing into the turnbuckles. Running back towards Moneymaker, she slides her long legs between his arms in a wheel barrel position. She uses her leg strength to push herself up and then comes down with a rollup!



Krista ends the pinfall herself when she realizes Moneymaker’s mouth is way to close to her feminine regions. Back on her feet, Miss California rushes into the ropes. They spit her back at Moneymake, but he catches her with a  spinning back elbow that strikes her dead in the jaw. Using his underrated agility he attempts a sunset flip. But no pin can be counted as Krista easily rolls through the pin. She comes off the ropes once more. But again Moneymaker counters her latest attack, with a double leg takedown. Holding onto her gorgeous legs he attempts to  twist her into a boston crab. But the slow movement of his submission allows Krista to surprise him with a rollup!



Moneymaker kicks out!


Somewhat exhausted by the frentic pace of the contest, Moneymaker rolls onto his side to regain his energy.  Several seconds later he attempts to return to his feet, but is met with a thudding kick against his head.  He topples over and Krista dives onto him for another pin…



Moneymaker forces his way out the pin, which leaves Krista more than slightly annoyed.  While Moneymaker tries to gather up his strength, Krista makes another run of the ropes. But, as she returns Moneymaker springs upright and strikes her in the neck with a lariat!  Considering that attack good enough, he crawls on top of her for a pin of his own.



Krista throws her shoulder off the mat, leading to great cheers from the audience.  More annoyed than joyous fans, Moneymaker rams his fist into the top of Krista’s head. Once done with the basic attacks, he grabs Krista by her skimpy top and hauls her to her feet. With frustration and anger playing on his face, he throws her forward, sending her sliding beneath the bottom rope. She flies like a missile before connecting perfectly with the steel guardrail.  Pleased with his cheap attack, Moneymaker raises his fist in triumph.

“YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” they chant as the billion dollar exits the ring.

Moneymaker testing the limits of the rules in a world title match.

No way  any ref would give him the DQ, the fans would riot if a world title match mainevent ended like that.

With thick handfuls of her hair, Moneymaker forces Krista upright and walks her to the announce table.  He throws her into one, leaving her in a sizable amount of pain.  Hoping to increase her agony, he hooks her inside a front facelock. Next he drops backwards and spikes her head off the canvas with a DDT. She moans in miserey and clutches her now sore head.

Moneymaker has used every inch of the ring floor in this world title contest.

No surprise there, Mikey. Moneymaker is a smart dude, he’s a graduate of Yale, his brain works on a high level.

Well, Krista has two masters degrees to his one bachelor’s so maybe she’s the smartest between them!

Possibly the smartest, but that doesn’t help her any as she’s rolled into the ring and subjected to another pinfall…



Kirsta lifts her shoulder off the canvas. Her reward for the kickout is a sleeper hold from the tycoon.


Moneymaker wrings KID’s neck, causing it sizable damage. He smiles to himself, thinking her close to being on the verge of submission.  But those hopes are perhaps a bit premature; Krista uses her strength to push herself to her feet. Moneymaker attempts to tighten  his hold on the fitness queen. However he encounters failure as she sits out to break it with a jaw breaker!

“YEAAAAAAA!” the fans scream as Moneymaker stumbles away , nursing his hurt jaw. Krista staggers into the corner, using the ropes to pull herself up. Pushing aside his horrible pain, Moneymaker rushes forward with a shoulder aimed for Krista’s midsection. The California hottie slides out the way upon noticing Moneymaker, and he meets the cold steel of the post  in her place. Hitting with enough force to propel him to outer space, Moneymaker is quickly deposited to the outside.

The fans like that one! Perhaps Moneymaker needs to look before he leaps.

Back onto his feet, Moneymaker curses a blue streak at both the fans that taunt him as well as Krista. However his vulgar mouth is quickly silenced when the world champion, dives through the ropes and connects with a brilliant shoulder tackle.

“YEAAAAAAAAAA!” comes from the audience, while Krista and Moneymaker lie exhausted and weak on the outside.  Despite her anguish and suffering, Krista is the first to her feet. She uses this to her advantage and brings Moneymaker upright to push him back inside the ring. Brushing her hair away from her blue eyes, Miss California finds her way to the apron. A brief wait follows, as she watches Moneymaker pull himself up. Once fully up, he’s victimized by a flying dropkick from the champ! The fans cheer with excitement, as she throws herself off the ropes and comes back to level the challenger with a spinning wheelkick! Moments after toppling over, Moneymaker lazily brings himself off the canvas. Unfortunately he must deal with Krista leaping into him with the KIDology. But the tycoon counters the finisher with a deadly spine buster!

Oh! Moneymaker must’ve seen the KIDology coming.

Laughing his sinister laugh, Moneymaker hooks onto Krista’s legs for a pinfall attempt.



But again the world champion finds her way out the fall. The fans happily laud her efforts, while Moneymaker takes to grousing about the count.

Moneymaker was the closest he’s ever been to being a world champion right there.

Mister Moneymaker can see the championship getting closer and closer with evey move. You’re almost there, sir!

Sharing the same sentiments as his loyal ass kisser, the billion dollar heir forces Krista up with a fistful of her hair. Deeply annoyed that someone’s touching her well styled hair, she begins firing punches into Moneymaker’s stomach. Stunning him with the flurry of blows, Krista runs back to the ropes and uses them to launch herself at her foe. She takes to the skies, landing across Moneymaker’s shoulders for a hurricanrana. But he clasps his hands down on her waist and shoots her into the canvas with a powerbomb! Pain dances across Krista’s face, while Moneymaker breathes heavily but maintains a small smile.  He then bounces himself off the ropes, and once he comes back to Krista he angles his fist downward for his Fistful of Dollars!  But right as he nears his foe, she pulls herself out of his path and his slams into the canvas!  


While he attends to his wounded hand, Krista takes her chance to clamp down on him with a front facelock. Her plan is to strike him with The Life In The Fab Lane (twist of fate) But it’s a plan that has little success due to Moneymaker hooking onto her bell bottoms and surprising her with a northern lights suplex! The referee slides into position to count the pinfall….



Krista kicksout and the fans throw ecstatic cheers into the air. Having believed he had secured the world title, Moneymaker angrily slams his fist into the mat, an attempt to control his urge to slug the referee.

Mikey, I thought this thing was all over. Zebras are trynna do Mister Moneymaker dirty!

It takes much more than a Northern Lights suplex to beat Krista. If anyone should know that its Theodore Moneymaker.

Returning to his feet, Moneymaker remains astonished with mouth dropped open, unable explain this setback. Totally ignoring the set rules, Moneymaker removes a  pair of brass knucks from his tights. Grinning like a madman, he slides them onto his fingers.


I told you, Coach, he is a desperate man! First a curse and now this,

Moneymaker prepares to strike Krista down with his illegal weapon. But as he cocks his fist, the beauty dropkicks him directly in his arm. The limb smacks backwards and he punches himself in the face with his brass knucks. The Floridian topples sideways, with a waterfall of blood tricking down his nose.

Ref, disqualify her! She cheated!

She just gave the billion dollar heir a bitter taste of his own medicine!

With labored breaths, Krista drapes her arm across the challengers chest…



To the fans incredible disgust, Moneymaker raises his shoulder off the mat.

“K-I-D! K-I-D! K-I-D!”

The Philly crowd showing their support for the world champion!

Don’t waste your breath, OAOAST Marks.

Bereft of his brass weapon, Moneymaker drags himself upright. Unfortunately his gorggy state fails to register Krista’s legs laced around his ankles, and he’s brought down face first without protection onto discarded weaponry!


With the fans solidly rooting her run, the speedy babe takes another run off the ropes. But Moneymaker lashes out and snaps onto her tan legs! Having dropped her to the canavs, he fights off the struggles and turns her over into a boston crab. Immediately Krista howls out in pain, as her bones and muscles burn from the submission.

Krista has never submitted, but will this be the historic first time?

Krista shrieks and screams, having a hard time resisting the pain. Moneymaker demands her submission but he’ll get none of it with Krista furiously fight her own urge to submit. Tettering on the edge of desperation, she reaches out for the only thing that will help her: the brass knucks. Her fingers dash and crawl to the metal weapon, unbeknownst to Theodore Moneymaker.

Don’t let her get it, sir!

He has no idea she’s even attempting to grab it. And by the time he knows, it’ll be too late.

As Moneymaker continues to call for her submission, Krista continues to work to avoid it.  Suffering through immense pain, she carefully moves the brass knucks around her fingers. She twists her body and encounters a flood of agony, but keeps doing so in order to get the proper angle. Next she shoots her arm forward and hits Moneymaker with a brass knucks assisted low blow!


While the fans shout with joy, Moneymaker staggers away with hands around his busted nickles and dimes.

Forget a curse on Krista! He should curse the day he ever thought to use those knucks.

Moneymaker’s pain is made all the worse when Krista leaps with her knees pressed into her chest and brings him downward with a KIDology!

The KIDology from the champ! Really brilliant magic curse you used there, Moneymaker.

The fans jump out their seats and bring out raucuous applause for her finish. Krista just steels her face in determination knowing she’ll need something more to end Moneymaker’s threat. That something more is an aerial attack and she runs to the ropes to begin it. She leaps onto the third rope, hoping to springboard back with a lionsault. But that’s made impossible by the rope breaking beneath her heels! Thrown totally off balance, she body is slung backwards. Unable to contort it to a safe angle, she comes down directly onto the top of her head. Her neck snaps in a most brutal fashion and the jump back aghast at the horror of her landing.

Oh my. Oh my!

That was the curse! It struck!

Be quiet with that! Krista could be seriously injured. I’m not even sure if she’s conscious at this point, we need medics out here and fast.

Krista’s horrible state does not go unnoticed by Moneymaker as he shakes himself awake. Watching the miserable replay of Krista’s disastrous fall brings a shocked but satisfied look onto Moneymaker’s face.  He stands up with a wide, overly pleased smile on his face. His happiness further stokes the audience’s anger and they hit him with furnace worthy blast of heat.  He shrugs off their rage, and marches over to Krista where he brings her lifeless body upright.

“BOOOOOOOOO!” the fans hiss as Krista’s body sags weakly, the only thing holding it up, Moneymaker’s front facelock.

Come on, Krista! Come on!

“K-I-D! K-I-D! K-I-D!” the fans chant, but their song is futile; Moneymaker lifts Krista into as if setting up a vertical suplex. But rather than perform the basic hold, he tries something far deadlier sitting out and spiking her head into the canvas with a sitout pile driver.

The ultra rare Spear Of Longinus! Named after the spear that slew Jesus Christ, only a devil like Moneymaker would use such a move.

While the fans look on with their hopes and their prayers of a sudden infusion of life to Krista, the chuckling billion dollar heir makes his latest pinfall…






The fans are beside themselves with fury and anger and immediately begin showering the ring with debris. Even a under a torrential downpour of garbage, Moneymaker can’t help but roll over onto his back and laugh the loudest laugh of his life! Over the sound of the crowd hissing and Moneymaker’s exuberant giggles comes “We are the champios!” by queen.

I've paid my dues -
Time after time -
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime -
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face -
But I've come through

A perfect song for a perfect champion!

Your winner and NEW OAOAST World Champion….THEODORE MONEYMAKER.

BOOM BOOM BOOM! Fireworks explode around the ring
We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world

Joining with the seemingly never ending flow of trash comes gold and green confetti of celebration. Moneymaker happily welcomes it all as he rises to his feet. Arms go up into the air, doing little to ease the furious crowd.

Just liked the Cubs are cursed so is Krista Isadora Duncan. Tell me when the ropes have ever broken here. Tell me when they’ve broken in the middle of a high risk springboard move. Tell me whenever they’ve caused someone to fall directly onto her head and knock herself out. That’s not a coincidence, that’s a CURSE!

Sadly, your thoughts are hard to debate. Its just too hard to believe.

How? Its right in front of your eyes!

The anger of Philly grows rapidly when Moneymaker is handed his newly won championship.  He needn’t celebrate on his own however as The Enterprise as well as VICE, Abdullah Abir Nerdly, and Los Conquesitadors slide into the ring to join him in merriment. CPA and CMJ lift the billion dollar champion onto their shoulders, and his smile spreads even farther across his face. Abdullah leads the others in song, and they happily sing along.

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortuen and everything that goes with it
I thank you all –

But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I ain't gonna lose –

What a night! I’ll remember this for the rest of my life. A man bred for success achieves success, on this day Mister Moneymaker is a god!

The most evil man in the OAOAST, now our world champion.

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world

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