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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

School's Out 2009

Chanel #99

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TV 14
L, V



Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOsh_TuVJvY is our opening theme song.

I'm nice right now, man
I-I feel good
If you have a drink
Would you please put it in the air?

Zack Malibu parties at a frat house with a drink in his hand and lovely co-eds dancing around him.

That party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it
I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked
Drink my beer and smoke my weed but my good friends is all I need
Pass out at 3, wake up at 10, go out to eat then do it again
Man, I love college

Leon Rodez finds himself waking up in a dorm room that's clearly not his, and the fattest heffer he's ever seen

I wanna go to college for the rest of my life
Sip Banker's Club and drink Miller Lite
On Thirsty Thursday and Tuesday Night Ice
And I can get pizza a dollar a slice

Spencer Reiger and CMJ sit at a bar in a drinking competition with several frineds.

So fill up my cup, let's get fucked up
I'm next on the table, who want what?
I am champion at beer pong
Allen Iverson, Hakeem Olajuwon

At another frat party Reject challenges PRL to a game of foosball

Don't even bounce, not in my house
Better hope you make it otherwise you naked
Time isn't wasted when you're getting wasted
Woke up today and all I could say is

Inside a physics class lecture hall, Krista lies face first on her desk in pure slumber. Oddly enough Alix pays perfect attention as she jots down notes of the lecture.

Um, that party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it
I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked
Drink my beer and smoke my weed but my good friends is all I need
Pass out at 3, wake up at 10, go out to eat then do it again

Theodore Moneymaker, Christian Wright, and CPA cruise along campus in a convertible singing the song at the top of their lungs

I can't tell you what I learned from school but
I could tell you a story or two, um
Yeah, of course I learned some rules
Like don't pass out with your shoes on
(Get the Sharpie!)

The mischievous Melody Nerdly writes all sorts of scribble scrabble on the passed out head of Jade Rodez-Duncan.

And don't leave the house 'til the booze gone
(No, we're not leaving)
And don't have sex if she's too gone
When it comes to condoms put two on
(Trust me)
Then tomorrow night find a new jawn

ThunderKid is seen dancing at a house party with two hot sorority sisters.

Hold the beer bong, nothing wrong with some fun
(Here, hold this)
Even if we did get a little bit too drunk
Time isn't wasted when you're getting wasted
Woke up today and all I could say is
That party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it
(I wish we taped)
I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked
Drink my beer and smoke my weed but my good friends is all I need
Pass out at 3, wake up at 10, go out to eat then do it again

Simon and Ned have both passed out on their dorm room floor, surrounded by Miller Lite bottles.

Man, I love college, ay!
I love drinking, ay!
I love women, ay!
I love college

The OAOAST Superstars (well at the least the ones smart enough to attend college stand at frat house party with Zack the MC

Now if everybody would please
Put their drink as high as they can
As high as they can
(As high as they can)
And repeat after me

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Freshmen! Freshmen!
Freshmen! Freshmen!

Do something' crazy! Do somethin' crazy!
Do something' crazy! Do somethin' crazy!
Keg stand! Keg stand!
Keg stand! Keg stand!

That party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it
(I wish we taped)
(You know it's going down)
I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked
Drink my beer and smoke my weed but my good friends is all I need
(You're all invited, bring your friends)
Pass out at 3, wake up at 10, go out to eat then do it again
Man, I love college

Do I really have to graduate?
Or can I just stay here for the rest of my life?


Folks welcome to Tulane University! I am Michael Cole joined with Johnathan Coachman to witness the blockbuster pay per view, School's Out!

Big matches on tonight's card with Zack Malibu looking for revenge and a successful title defense against Leon Rodez

It'll be interesting to see how Leon's new attitude is going to affect his performance and wrestling style, Zack may be facing a rather unpredictable foe!

What about the money in the bank ladder match! Some of the biggest names in the OAOAST are in that thing. Well, besides Denzel Spencer, homeboy is like Sidney Ponson in a pitching rotation that's got Nolan Ryan, Bob Gibson, and Roger Clemens.

Denzel has every right to be in that match, after stunning Mister Dick with an upset elimination in the battle royal. He could surprise you, Coach. Or it could be the big man Bohemoth getting the briefcase or possibly former world champion PRL making his first appearance in an OAOAST ring since before Anglemania.

I got money on Reject or Spencer Reiger.  Both these guys are future OAOAST World Champions!

Well, we'll see!

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Another Body Murdered fires its aggression into the arena. From parted entrance doors, steps Holly, dressed to (literally) kill with black and red school girl skirt, raggedy black collared shirt and belt stretched all acrosse her waist.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest  is a school girl brawl!  Making her way to the playground she comes from Las Vegas, she is former women’s champion, Holly!

Holly makes her way down to the playground, seeing innocent children’s toys as weapons of pure brutality.  She smiles to herself, thinking about the injuries she could cause.

Holly elected to this time by Lorelei, and I have to say Holly is as good a choice as any other.  She knows how to get down and dirty and just brawl, while Lorelei is more power based, and Morgan is tiny but also very resistant and has a high pain tolerance.


To un-explain the unforgivable,
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.
By streetlight this dark night,
A séance down below.
There are things that I have done,
You never should ever know!

And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.
And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now.

Charges of electricity scream down on an entrance stage that’s carpeted by dark blue lights. On the numerous video screens throughout the venue images of flashes of electrical bolts find their way onto screen. After the final violent bolt of electricity touches down on stage the entrances door rip apart to showcase Morgan Nerdly and Lorelei DeCenzo. The good friends have fashionably matched their school girl outfits, with each wearing short blue and white numbers.

And her partners, first from Los Angeles, California she is The Money Honey, Lorelei DeCenzo! And her partner, hailing from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is the OAOAST’s women’s champion….MORGAAAAAN NERRRRRDLLYYYYYY!

Lorelei receives a blast of the crowd’s hatred, whereas Morgan earns some cheers mostly from the angsty teenage crowd due to Morgan being an angsty teenager herself. Together they journey down to the playground, where Lorelei kisses Holly in classic French greeting. Morgan for her part, simply swings on the swingset.

Janis Joplin’s Move Over brings cheers from sold out Tulane audience. There’s no moment to acknowledge the crowd though as Molly, Sophie and Josie, all dressed in red and green outfits, march to playground.


The funny thing about this school girl brawl is that there are two actually school girls! Molly is a grad student at NYU, who will soon work on her PhD, and Morgan takes classes in forensic psychology at University of Edmonton.


Wasting no time in kicking off this brawl, Morgan lunges directly at Josie and spears her into the sand box.   Rage rises onto her face as she cruelly rubs the GM into the coarse grain. Sophie sees her relative in anguish and pain and attempts to rush towards her aid. Unfortunately, Lorelei steps in her way and swats her back with a fierce lariat. Elsewhere, Molly and Holly have begun their battle of the olly suffix with angry punches. Holly’s power allows her to gain the upperhand, and with it she’s able to drag Molly to the swingset. Grouchy as always, she pushes referee Earl Hebner aside and lays claim to the chained swing set. She’s uses those chains as a weapon to choke Molly. The film student gags and wheezes, put into a horrible amount of pain from the bonds.

Just a vile tactic by Holly!

Hey, Lorelei said she knew how to brawl.

Avoiding certain suffocation, Josie manages to pull her head out of Morgan’s sand trap. This, unfortunately, doesn’t hinder the pain as Morgan takes a toy truck into her head! Josie wobbles over, knocked dizzy by Morgan’s brutal attack . The P.I. smiles ever so slightly at the damage she’s done. But that smile is short lasting, thanks to the sight of Sophie swinging chops at Lorelei. Morgan is deeply enraged in seeing her best friend hurt and rushes to think of a remedy. Her only option is to quickly get to the top of the monkey bars so she can splash Sophie.

Yo what’s this chick up to now? It ain’t safe up there.

An arrival of the suddenly recovered Josie, doesn’t make things any safer. Morgan regards her like a lion to a zebra. The white clad predator snarls at Josie as she stomps on the GM’s hand as she tries to climb up.
If the camera man could just get beneath the monkey bars I think we might be able to see up Morgan’s skirt. Go to fit!

Near a collection of large oversized tires, Molly wages war with Holly.  Together they stand atop one of the tires, trading punches. Molly scores with a body blow to her exposed stomach. This weakens Holly, and lets Molly take a second to catch her breath.  A second is all she needs, as she get’s back to work with a front facelock around Holly. She then falls backwards DDTing Holly into hard rubber!


Things aren’t going quite as swimmingly for Josie, who having reached the top, finds herself face to face with a girl who wants her blood. The teenage Nerdly swings wild right hands. Ducking these shots ruins Josie’s already weak balance. But, Morgan aids her by keeping her on foot. This is not due to kindness, its done only for Morgan to more easily take her into a head scissors.

She wouln’t! She can’t!

Morgan stabilizes herself even as she lifts Josie onto her shoulders. The crowd comes to its feet, excepting to see a dreadful attack take place. Their predictions are wholly accurate; Morgan releases Josie and powerbombs Josie into the sand pit! The General Manager lands with a brutal thud, her body sending particles of sand floating into the air.


That had to feel GOOD! Yo, Mikey, Morgan is straight up crazy and she straight up gangsta. Still waiting for that upskirt shot, though. Camera dudes be slackin!

Continuing to give the audience something to marvel over, the tiniest Nerdly girl flies from the bars with her body outstretched.  Her path brings her directly to Sophie and she brings down French Girl with a beautiful cross body block!

She may be tiny, but don’t underestimate the kind of punch Morgan brings.

Free of Sophie for the moment, Lorelei realizes Josie’s situation makes her an easy pinfall. As such she rushes to the sandbox to pin the GM. In her most snobbish and uptight tone, she calls for Hebner to make the pinfall…



But Molly breaks the pin up with a shove to Lori’s back. Annoyed and somewhat hurt by Molly’s attack Lorelei spins around to spear her to the outside of the sandbox. The two lovely schoolgirls role around and slap at each other, drawing hoots and hollers because finally the camera man gets the upskirt shot. After fulfilling everyman’s fantasy, Molly springs to her feet and brings Lorelei up along with her. Next she bodyslams Lorelei onto the sea-saw! While Lorelei groans in pain on the splintered wood, Molly goes to the other end of the toy. This of course props Lorelei up, and gives Molly the space and time she needs to launch a running dropkick to Lori’s face. Together they fall back to the gravel, but its Lori who feels the awful pain. Molly then attempts to end the match with a pinfall….



But, Holly returns to break the pinfall with an axe handle. She then grabs hold of Molly’s bangs and roughly pulls her to her feet.. Although dazed, Lorelei follows suit and her evil mind is soon concocting vicious way s to brutalize. Molly.  It doesn’t take Lori very long to scheme up a plan. Together she and Holly set Miss Molly up for a vertical suplex. After exchanging evil grins they raise Molly into the air. However, Molly stages a recovery and finds the ability to double DDT them into the gravel!


But nearby Morgan has gathered a soccer ball.


A red card for Morgan!

Seeking to carry the good fight for her currently incapacitated friends, Sophie comes behind and pushes Morgan into a bright yellow crawl tube.  Quickly recovered from the sudden attack, Morgan begins pounding her white sneakers into Sophie’s face! This does enough damage to back Sophie away, permitting Morgan to escape the tube. With rage filling her tiny body, Morgan pounces on Sophie, gathering her into her arms and finding the way to rush towards the Jungle Gym! Upon reaching the gym , Morgan slams Sophie onto the first level. She doesn’t waist her time in inflicting more damage as she fires down her tightly clinched fist against Sophie’s face!

Dang, this chick Morgan is like Wolverine, I wouldn’t be surprised to see metal claws coming out her knuckles, and she bones to be coated in adamantium.

Morgan may only be 5’1 but that hasn’t stopped her so far in the OAOAST.

Sophie has some success in battling back the energetic Morgan. Momentarily free of her assault, Sophie scrambles to a higher level in the jungle gym. Morgan gives chase with a rabid fury, forcing Sophie to go even higher.

You can’t escape me!

Once again, Morgan follows as she refuses to let her lust for blood go unfilled.  Atop the jungle gym, the two trade wild punches with Morgan gaining an easy upperhand. A powerful uppercut cuts through Sophie and throws her to the ground.  Morgan kicks away at her and succeeds in pushing her over the ledge of the jungle gym. Only Sophie’s tight grip on the wooden boards keep her from plummeting to the gravel bellow. Continuing her furious assault Morgan tries to stomp at Sophie’s hand. But the French Girl keeps sliding her hands away as her grip begins to get looser and looser.

Sophie in serious danger here, Coach!

She made the mistake of running up and not down. Hasn’t she seen horror flicks before you don’t ever run upstairs! There ain’t no door to the outside upstairs! You dead, bitch!

Josie attacking Morgan impedes Sophie’s drop to certain doom! She fires off heavy right hands that bounce off Morgan’s head. But Morgan won’t let herself by bested by Josie. Screaming in rage she unleashes a left high kick that topples Josie to the wooden flooring.

“Down you go!” Morgan shouts with a burning anger. With her foot acting as bulldozer she shoves Josie straight down the yellow tube slide.

Morgan has just had her way against Josie all match. And it has to feel good.

Josie opened her big mouth to insult Morgan and she’s paid the price twice!

Having used the lopsided battle between Morgan and Sophie to pull herself back to the floor, Sophie eyes down Morgan with a predator’s gaze. She lunges forward and spears Morgan. The force of the attack carries them into the tube slide, where they twist and twirl a dizzying path to the ground. The tube spits them both out, with Sophie still on top of Morgan. This is a perilous position thanks to a chair wielding Holly standing above them. Sophie is shocked and left pained by hard smashing of the chair against her back.

Where in the hell did Holly get a chair?

Delighting over her dangerous weapon Holly turns around to find Molly a perfect target for her next attack.  She raises the chair high above her head, and promises Molly a quick and painful end.  But, she’s hindered greatly as MARV and MEL snatch the chair out of her hands!


They have no right to be out there! They’re letting their feud with The Rockers spill over to violate this match! That ain’t right!

Holly gruffly demands her chair back from the meddling skaters.  Always nice guys, MARV and MEL chuck the steel chair back into Holly’s hands. This, however, becomes something of a problem when Molly tightens her into a set up for a front Russian leg sweep. She swings herself downward, causing Holly to land with her face pressed against the chair!

“SKATE OR DIE! SKATE OR DIE! SKATE OR DIE! The fans chant as the twins throw up the RAWK hand signal. Meanwhile Molly attempts a pin on Holly.





The Rockers are shown in their tourbus, and the mood is miserable. Logan smashes things against the walls of the bus, while Abdullah and Synth pray that Allah will strike the CAE down.

 Your winners as a result of pinfall, JOSIE BAKER, AND FRENCH NEW WAVE!


MARV helps his victorious sister to her feet, where she celebrates with Sophie. MEL goes over to help his other little sister, Morgan, out. Morgan seems genuinely shocked that he would help here. But any chance to feel good about it is doused when Lorelei shoves him aside, and says he has no business “helping” Morgan.

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Backstage in the main interview area.


Stands with


(lol we have the youngest looking roster of wrestlers in history)

What's up ya'll, Maggie Nerdly, It Girl on the scene standing with the It Boy of the OAOAST, The Enterprise's Spencer Reiger. Spencer what worries do you have heading into this Money In The Bank.

Uh.....none. None whatsoever, we used to have these stupid ladder matches all the time in OAOVW, and everyone thought I just didn't have the mental toughness, whatever that means, to win. Everytime out I would prove them wrong again and again to the point where betting against me was just like flushing your cash down the toilet.

Ya got some tough competition in there with PRL...

Ooooooooh bringing up the boyfriend.

Don't forget Alfdogg and Bohemoth.

Trust me I already have. Alfdogg's a has been on his last leg, and Bohemoth is a supreme choke artist. I can see him reaching the top of the ladder only to tear his quadriceps and plummet back down to earth! He's a bumbling oaf. The other guys aren't even worth mentioning so I won't bother with that. What I will tell you is this, after I win the grand prize I promise to redeem my shot at the upcoming show in Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese love me! That's what The Enterprise market research says.

On that final note SR walks off, chuckling to himself.

What an ego!

Elsewhere we see Reject prepping MMA style for the ladder match with ThunderKid and Mister Dick.

And Reject ready to go. I wonder what Alfdogg has in store for him tonight.

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“Makes Me Wonder” hits to a very negative reaction, and D*LUX themselves are made to wonder why the audience is so hostile.  Forgoing any practice of riling the audience up, the boys from Michigan merely toss their jackets aside and head to the ring.

And introducing the opponents. First, from the great state of Michigan... the team of "TREMENDOUS" TYLER and "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE... D*LLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!

Fool, fools, fools! No one asks for a match with Chicks Over Dicks, no one! During their last title reign they had an open policy of giving shots to anyone and Mister Moneymaker still had to pay people to fight them. When you gotta pay niggas to get a free title shot, you know something is going on.

Well, when you think of great OAOAST tag teams you think if Black T, The Orange County Cobras, The Heavenly Rockers, and Chicks Over Dicks, and D*LUX just wants to be mentioned in that same group and that’s why they challenged their once good friends Chicks Over Dicks. The problem is unlike those other teams, the girls attack you more mentally then physically, they play games and they play tricks and most people can't handle that.

The twosome enters the ring and decides to just talk strategy with each other rather than incite further crowd fury.

You think they’re nervous.?

They’re gonna be pretty soon.

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way, no way!
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend!

Hey, hey, you, you!
I know that you like me!
No way, no way!
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you!!
I want to be your girlfriend!

Fireworks, baby, motherfuckin fire works explode all across the school house setting! Into this sparkling array steps Krista Isadora Duncan with Alix Maria Spezia at her side. Alix gives a little wave to the fans, before Krista twirls her into her arms as if this were dancing with the stars. Alix tosses her head backwards and throws a kiss to the camera causing super imposed red lips to appear on the screen,

And their oppoents! First, from Los Angeles, California, she is a two time 24/7 champion, a multi time Angle Award winner….ALIX MARIA SPEZIA! And her partner, from Los Angeles, California, she is a Hollywood Walk of Famer, the 2009 Wrestler of the year, best selling author, and star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos, she is the OAOAST’s Miss Money In The Bank, KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN! Together they are four time world tag team champions, Hollywood “It” Girls, America's Sweethearts... CCHHHIIIICCKKSSS OOOOVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRR... DDIIIIIIIIIICCKKSSSSSS!!!

Hollywood’s hottest, strolls down the ramp in entirely different fashions. Krista wears her SERIOUS WRESTLING attire of purple and gold bell bottoms and a purple tanktop of course housing The Lakers logo. Alix on the other hand looks like she’s set for a day at the small in a pink and white horizontal striped polo and heavily destroyed jeans.

The Lakers were pushed to their limit by The Nuggets can D*LUX do the same and stage an upset?

Forgoing her usual crowd thrilling leg hanging trick, Krista just slides into the ring with a fierce glare coming from her blue eyes. Alix hops up the stairs with a bag of potato chips in hand and digs through them as Krista and Tyler begin the match.


“Welcome all, to the Introduction to Sonning class. I am your instructor Krista Isadora Duncan and my special assistant is Alix Maria Spezia.  Today we’re going to give novices the tools they need to begin a rewarding life of sonning fools, idiots, and republicans. Let’s begin.”

“Object A,” Krista points to Tyler “is the sonee. He may also be referred to as dope, moron, jackass, and Bill O’Reily, The sonee is characterized by his caveman like features, and small cranium indicating a small brain. The soneee isn’t very smart having given up on education after being stumped on who stole Christmas in the book ”The Grinch Steals Christmas” Now if you all will watch a standard and true sonning technique.”

Krista extends her hand to Tyler, and god almighty Tyler goes to accept the handshake , but Krista pulls her hand away.

“Here’s where we have some choices in what I like to call, the “follow through sonning”” We can smack the sonnee in the back of the head


“Or we can taunt with an irish jig, or perhaps a multiplication problem such as 5 times 6 to perhaps overload their tiny brain”

Krista shows some small bit of mercy by ending her lesson and taking on Tyler with a lockup.  The two  (former) friends jostle back and forth, with Krista not even putting half her effort into the hold. Her lazy attitude does her no harm however, as Miss Money In The Bank succeeds in hurling him into a neutral corner.  As Tyler takes a hard collision with the posts Krista begins stamping and stomping her feet like a raging bull.  She charges full speed ahead only for her heels to u-turn and bring her towards Shayne. Caught completely by surprise, “Showtime” is knocked clear off the apron by her punch!

“There’s a time and place for a sudden sonning, the time is always and I’ll let you figure out the place. Stay thirsty, my friends.”

They begged all month for this match, shouldn’t they have watched some tape on COD? Don’ they worship the ground they walk on?  Alix and Krista may be the most unpredictable duo but if any one should be able to predict them its D*LUX.
Having gotten to the top rope, Tyler throws himself towards Krista with an axe handle. But, Miss California simply slides backwards to avoid it. Bryant comes down awkwardly on his teetering boots. This leads Krista to place her index finger on his forehead and happily push him over! She then summons the audacity to actually pin Bryant off the mere shove.


Unsurprisingly, Bryant kicks out. Perhaps surprisingly Krista actually looks annoyed over missing the three count. Stomping away in temperamental huff  she applies the tag to Alix.


Immediately upon entering the ring, Alix bunny hops towards Bryant as he begins to rise off the canvas.  Alix greets him with a cute little wave and then throws him into the cables. The peculiar thing is that Alix runs right along beside him. He hits the ropes again and Alix faithfully keeps pace. Another go round on the ropes and The Hollywood Bad Girl is still at Bryant’s side.

What is she doing?

I don’t think even she knows.

Alix isn’t quite as clueless as the announcers think. Well at least in this instance she’s not as clueless. Pulling herself a few steps ahead of Tyler she’s able to reach the ropes before him. She grabs onto the ropes and slides her leg backwards just enough for Bryant to trip over her furry boots As he falls forward Alix releases her grip on the ropes to send them bouncing up where they catch Bryant right in the nose.  He clumsily falls to the mat, reaching for a nose he’s sure is broken.

Alix couldn’t possibly care less about Bryant’s suffering and proceeds to show off her “Talent” for rapping “Ah, once again my friend Not a trend for then They said, rap was crap But never had this band Till the ruler came With a cooler name Made ya dance and prance and draw the fans insane Name is Run my son Number one for fun Not a gun that's done and get done by none The others act, in fact, is just wack I kill”

Alix then proceeds to run in place on top of Bryant’s slender torso.







Things get all the more worse for Tyler when Alix proceeds to do the following on his chest….

Wow! They usually wait until your senior year to teach you tap dancing sonning.!  I need to start taking notes.

After concluding this edition of Soultrain, Alix brings Tyler to his feet. He looks nauseous and the expression on his face is one of sickening exhaustion. Thus Alix does the only thing she can; she knees him in the stomach with vicious strikes. Near enough to grab the ropes, Bryant holds and prays that referee Clem Buzzlefoxer will see his move to salvation. Fortunately for him the old man sees his grip on the ropes and orders Alix to leave him be.


And no shall he even try, as Alix goes back to terrorizing Bryant’s midsection with her violent knees.  Eventually she grows tired of tearing his intestines apart and releases him. He’s only given a moment for a temporary breather as Alix is soon tossing him into a neutral corner with an Irish whip. One might expect Alix to follow through with a corner splash or perhaps a lariat. But Alix remains motionless besides tapping her foot and whistling to herself.

“Aren’t you gonna attack me?”

“Nah, not really in the mood.”

Skeptical of Alix’s answers but confident in his own defenses, Tyler creeps inch by inch towards Alix. That’s when he’s leveled by a surprise and hellishly painful superkick from Krista.

“Sorry, I guess the mood just struck me.” She mutters to her fallen admirer.

Alix scoops the dazed and weary Bryant off the canvas . Treating him like a dish rag she merely throws him into his corner so he can make a tag with his partner.


Entering the ring, Shayne bounces back and forth on his sneakers, pumping himself up for the task at hand. Thoroughly psyched up and ready for a fight, Brave nears Alix who’s merely relaxing on the ropes. The moment he reaches her she swats him away as though he were nothing more than fruit fly. Deeply angered he tries the same tactic only to find the same embarrassing result.

I don’t remember COD treating even the Wrecking Crew this bad.

Shayne persists in attracting Alix’s attention. This wears Alix’s normally high level of patience down to non existence and Shayne receives this for his efforts….


Shayne and Tyler yet to get any sort of rhythm, in fact I don’t think they’ve had one offensive attack all match, have they?

Ain’t nobodies fault but their own. These cats were the only team on Chicks Over Dicks goodside and they ruined it all for some stupidity.

Shayne dusts himself off after recovering from his humiliating spill through the ropes. Though his spine may be a little worse for the wear, his fighting spirit remains strong. It spurs him forward and he leaps onto the apron ready to challenge Alix in earnest. Problem is Alix just kicks him off the ring apron. Shayne climbs again and gets kicked off again. The sequence continues to play, embarrassing Shayne beyond what’s humanly possible.

“This is fun, we should fight you dudes some more!” Alix joyfully exclaims “Hey, guys check this one out, I learned it from Enter The Dragon.”

“WAAAAAAAHHHHHHCHOOOOOOOEY!” the lethal war cry brings out an equally lethal chop to Shayne’s neck and the youngster capsizes to the ground and promptly begins foaming at the mouth.

“Ahhhhh rabies!” Alix cries, and proceeds to solve the “rabies” problem by stomping on Shayne’s face “Kill it! Kill it! Kill iiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt!”

Here’s the messed up part, these dudes actually signed up for this shit! These crackas getting the white beat off em! Them cats is gonna be lookin like Tyrone from up the street.

Alix cuts her veterinary duties to a halt and brings the rabies infected Brave to her feet.  Her elbows crash into his skull and leave him tottering on his feet. Alix takes advantage of this situation by leaping into the air and catching him with a back kick. The powerful strike delivers incredible pain, but it also pushes Brave close to his corner where a blind tag is made with Bryant. The Tremendous one enters the ring by catching Alix by surprise with a cross body block.

Alix cries out, “He’s touching my boob!”  which calls Clem into action to kick Tyler off his opponent. Smarting from the old man’s painful shots, Tyler slowly steps to his feet. But he’s caught with a standing dropkick by Alix. The attack stumbles him into the ropes nearest Krista. Its an unwelcome position as Krista grabs onto his arms and treat him like a puppet by forcing him to “jazz hands” As annoying as that is, its infinitely preferable to the running knee Alix slams into his jaw. After he takes a graceless tumble to the canvas, Alix pins him…



But Tyler manages to kickout past that violent move and rolls towards his corner to tag in Shayne.  This leads Alix to decide she’s sick of working for her paycheck and she tags in Krista so that she may be free to rummage through her big of chips to find ones shaped like Eric Estrada.

“YEAAAAAAA!” the fans respond to Krista who drops Shayne with a high flipping lariat.
Showing more brawling skills than ever before, Krista simply steps forward and kicks Shayne in the ribs as hard as her ten thousand dollar legs can.

“Hey, everybody you might wanna go out and hit the merchandise stands and get one of those adorable Melody Nerdly joystick covers because I’m just gonna keep kicking him in the ribs for a while.”





Alix saves Shayne’s nearly broken bones with an exclamation, “I found it!”

“Found what?” Krista wonders.

“A chip that looks like Erik Estrada, who was on C..H.I.P..S what a coinky dink!”

While Alix performs the very important task of fishing out chips that look like the stars of the 80's, Krista drags Shayne off the canvas. Her arms hook onto his head and she stands at his side for the setup of the Blond’s Never Pay A Cover. She then  has a change of heart and says to Shayne “I’m sorry I’ve been so mean to you, I’m just gonna let you go and hope we can be friends again.”


“Yes, really.”

Krista jumps forward, cranking and snapping his neck in the most violent way possible with her signature attack.

“You oughta see what I did to my best friend at my 8th birthday party, I don’t think they ever did find her eye.”

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

Here’s the worst part of all for D*LUX the more they get sonned the happier the crowd is! These bitch made clowns is hittin All American Boys status!

Krista applies the tag with Alix, who’s made it through her bag of Lays.  She rushes to a rising Shayne, and strikes him in the face with another knee. This one does not topple over and instead he’s left standing to be slashed with flesh searing knife chops.  The blows push him back towards the turnbuckles nearest Tyler. Though Shayne continues to be under an extreme amount of pain, help is on the way as Tyler sneaks into the ring.  He gets his shoulders between Alix’s and raises her into the air.

“I’m getting taller! Help! Help!” Alix cries out, not noticing that  Brave has slowly worked his way to the top rope. He lets out a heavy sigh before lunging himself forward with a lariat. But Alix easily avoids  the telegraphed attack by rolling forward and capturing her foe into a victory roll….



Brave breaks up the pinfall with an axe handle smash to Alix’s back.

“BOOOOOOOOO!” the fans hiss, while Shayne tries to explain his actions.  The OAOAST Marks don’t buy into the apologies and continue to jeer as Tyler brings Alix to her feet. He reaches around her waist as h slides behind her body. He then lifts her skinny frame into the  air with a German Suplex. But to the fans’ delight the brunette babe lands on her tennis shoes. She lets out an Indian like war cry before charging forward to attack Bryant. But mister Tremendous is ready for her arrival and shoot s to the side to grab onto jeans and roll her down for a pinfall….


Alix makes an easy kickout.


Bryant stands up and claps his hands, trying to get  the crowd to show his squad some love. But there’s no goodwill to be had, as he receives a chilly response from Tulane. Looking hurt by the disdain, Tyler pulls Alix up by her polo shirt. He attempts to send her towards the ropes with an Irish whip, but the lovely Latina reverses the hold and sends him into the cables. After they bounce him back Alix  leaps up and wraps her jean clad legs around him for a hurricanrana. But as they pull him down, Bryant rolls through into a pinning situation of his own!



Alix manages to roll herself out the countered pin. She makes a quick return to her feet where she stabs Bryant’s stomach with her tennis shoe.  Several more strikes follow and double the teeny bopper over.  This allows Ali to snatch his head into a front facelock. From there she attempts to simply DDT him, but the Detroiter counters that by shoving her into the ropes. The cables spew her back and Bryant shoots behind her to wrap his arms around her neck in a sleeper hold.

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” the OAOAST Marks chant to rally the bubbly fan favorite. Their song seems to pay dividends as Ally counters with a stunner. Rather then spill over onto the canvas, Tyler stumbles around as he clutches his sore jaw.  Alix quickly runs to the corner, and walks herself atop the third turnbuckle. She flashes the audience a peace sign and prepares her dismount. But her plan goes awry when Shayne shoves her off the turnbuckle!  She tumbles downward, landing face first upon the rock hard canvas.

“BOOOOOOOOO!”  the audience hisses as Tyler crawls onto Alix for a pinning situation.



The fans are overjoyed to see Alix kick out. However, Tyler looks exhausted and frustrated and for that reason decides to apply the tag to Shayne. Not overly welcomed, by the audience Shayne as to try and shun the fierce crowd noise.

“C-O-D! C-O-D! C-O-D!”

The crowd the proverbial sixth man, in this case 3rd woman for Chicks Over Dicks. And D*LUX can’t quite get used to being the villains.

Alix comes back to her feet and meets Shayne with a flurry of knife edge chops. Though the blows do strong damage, Brave is able to beat her back with a standing dropkick. As Miss Spezia stumbles back and forth, the former six man champion leaps onto the ropes and springboards back with a dropkick to knock Alix over. Giving her little time to recover, Brave latches onto her jeans and falls backwards to slingshot her into the corner. She collides with the ring posts and remains paralyzed by her pain. As such she can’t prevent Brave from making the tag with Tyler.  The Tremendous one scampers onto the turnbuckle, where his arms fall around Alix’s head. In one swift motion he brings her down with a lethal tornado DDT!


Continuing to look offended over the crowd’s reaction, Tyler is distracted as he raises Alix upright.  Because of this distraction Alix is able to beat Bryant away with furious elbows. However, Tremendous Tyler recovers to blast her with a step up enziguri! The audience douses him with hatred for his attack and again disrupts his offensive flow.

This lame about to cry! This lame about to cry over these bum ass OAOAST Marks.  Disgustin!

Like I said before D*LUX isn’t used to being on the wrong side of the crowd’s voice.

Grabbing hold of Alix’s polo shirt, Tyler pulls her off the canvas. His arms go beneath her’s into a double underhook. After a brief struggle from Alix, Bryant is able to fling her backwards and drive her body into the canvas. She lies there limp and breathless, and Bryant sees it as a perfect opportunity for a pinfall…



Alix throws her shoulder off the canvas!


The fans are thrilled, but Bryant is noticeably less so. Dejected over his failings, he slinks back to his corner and applies the tag with Showtime Shayne. Immediately after the tag, Brave rises to the top rope. He then leaps forward with a cross body block! But Alix gathers the strength to counter, and leaps to strike his chest with a dropkick. Shayne tumbles over onto the canvas with a vicious crash landing!

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” the fans sing, knowing that their heroine desperately needs a tag with Krista. Alix is all too aware of this fact and begins devastatingly painful trek to her corner.

Its imperative for D*LUX not to let Alix make that tag with Krista. If she does its all over for D*LUX!

The slow crawl of Alix is hindered by Brave who latches onto her tennis shoes. Despite the grip, Alix fights forward, inch by inch. Shayne does his best to keep her from reaching Krista’s outstretched arm. He uses his hold on her ankle to bring her upright, where he hopes to mow her down with a lariat. But, he’s a step too slow for the Hollywood Bad Girl as she rocks his world with an enziguri!

“YEAAAAAAAA!” the audience cheers. Their celebration grows even louder when Alix makes the tag with Krista!

The sonning begins anew!   

Shayne is understandably cautious over approaching Krista. However, the fitness queen tries her best to calm his nerves.

“Wait, honey, I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to tell you that I admire you. You’ve taken a minimal amount of wrestling talent, an assuredly microscopic brain, a gimmick ripped off from an 8 year old tag team, and you have turned it into….something that makes me want to punch you in face.”


Although he cowers in fear, Shayne has enough courage to fire back and slap Krissy across the cheek!


Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, Shayne attempts to make a hasty retreat. A nice girl to the very end, Krista speeds up his escape by dropkicking him through the ropes.

“YEAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans scream, taking joy in Shayne’s painful misfortune

Bryant quickly charges her, hoping to take the California girl by surprise. His plan is an utter failure, as Krista readies herself for his arrival by leaping onto the ring ropes. Once he reaches her, she flips backwards to cut him down with a corckscrew moonsault. Having just risen from his fall, Brave sees this and hurries into the ring to aid his partner. But upon entering the ring he’s only met with brutal stomps from Alix’s tennis shoes.

“Squashy squashy squashy I like to squash! Squashy squashy squashy I like to squash!” Alix sings to herself as she makes mincemeat out of Braves flesh. He’s given a minor reprieve as Krista tells Alix to cease her stomping. Unfortunately for Brave, Krista only stopped Alix due to a sinister thought in her head.  Combining their strength into one whole unit devoted to lifting Shayne, they raise him onto the highest turnbuckle.

The girls are cooking something, but what can it be?

It can be something humiliating! Krista rids Shayne of his pants, and against his protest uses them to tie his hands behind his back.

“Alix, I do believe this calls for song. Shayne, sing along if you know the words.”

I'm doin' this tonight, You're probably gonna start a fight. I know this can't be right. Hey baby come on, I loved you endlessly, When you weren't there for me. So now it's time to leave and make it alone I know that I can't take no more It ain't no lie I wanna see you out that door Baby, bye, bye, bye...

Bye Bye Don't wanna be a fool for you Just another player in your game for two. You may hate me but it ain't no lie, Baby, bye, bye, bye... Bye Bye Don't really wanna make it tough, I just wanna tell you that I had enough. It might sound crazy, But it ain't no lie,  Baby, bye, bye, bye




SHAYNE (nervously)
Just hit me with the truth, Now, girl you're more than welcome to. So give me one good reason, Baby come on I live for you and me, And now I really come to see, That life would be much better once you're gone.

I know that I can't take no more It ain't no lie, I wanna see you out that door Baby, bye, bye, bye... Bye Bye Don't wanna be a fool for you Just another player in your game for two You may hate me but it ain't no lie, Baby Bye, bye, bye... Bye Bye Don't really wanna make it tough, I just wanna tell you that I had enough (oohooh) It might sound crazy, But it ain't no lie, Baby, bye, bye, bye!

On that bye-bye-bye the female versions of N Synv leap onto the ropes ropes. The 4 time tag team champions springboard off and connect with Shayne’s chest with powerful dropkicks. The boybander sails off the turnbuckles, placed on a collision course with the outside mats. With his hands trapped behind him, he’s unable to properly brace his fall and suffers a gruesome crash into the floor.

Bye-bye-bye Shayne Brave!

All too aware of the poor odds he faces, Bryant makes a slow and unsteady rise to his feet.

Krista comments through a disdainful smirk “So, Tremendous Tyler, do you have any tremendous last words, before we tremendously send you down to the not-so tremendous lower midcard, where you’ll be working tremendous non televised matches with rookies and has beens out the pool hall?”

“Well,” Tyler starts “I want to say-

“TOO LONG, DIDN’T READ!” Alix shrieks. While Tyler tries to cover his aching ears from Alix’s shout . Krista is leaping towards him. Her knees curl into her chest as her hands come around Tyler’s skull. A mere second later he’s being brought down by the powerful KIDology. Yet he doesn’t timber over from the crowd popping hold, instead remaining dizzy and upright. Alix takes on the task of finishing him off, and jumps at his arm. She then brings the limb down across her knees with The Confession of a Kristaholic!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAA!”  the audience shouts, as Krista makes the crucial pinfall on Tyler.




Girlfriend blasts back into the arena, meeting in loud dance with the cheers of the crowd.

Your winner as a result of a pinfall….CHICKS OVER DICKS!

A true D*LUX fan, Lebron can’t handle the pain

Highlights of the ULTIMATE SONNING are played on the Angletron.


D*LUX dream match turned into a humliating nightmare, and one can only assume they've fallen even farther from title contention.
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We're taken to an outside shot of Tulane's campus


and then return to the rabid OAOAST Marks in attendance


More tag team action on hand! Lets go to Michael Buffer.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the ONE & ONLY WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!

“Scream” by Chris Cornell hits and the Orange County Cobras head to the ring minus Molly Nerdly due to her participation in the School Girl Brawl.  

Introducing first, the challengers. From the O.C., at a total combine weight of 460 pounds, the 2009 Anderson Cup champions… SIMON SINGLETON and NED BLANCHARD... THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS!!!!


Simon and Ned acknowledge the crowd as they pose on the apron.

As documented on television, if the Orange County Cobras capture the gold here tonight they’d join Chicks Over Dicks as the only teams to hold the tag team championship on 4 separate occasions. But it won’t be an easy task going up against arguably the most decorated tag team in OAOAST history.

“Shine” by Collective Soul blares overhead as Team Heyross pause to raise their arms, setting off red, white and blue pyro behind them.

And their opponents! Total combined weight of 485 pounds, they are the reigning and defending tag team champions of the WOOOOOORLD… CHARLIE MOSS and QUENTIN BENJAMIN... TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!


Team Heyross pose with the titles on the turnbuckles, then hand them over to referee Mickey Jay (not Mickie James for the easily confused, if such people truly exist) who displays the gold for all to see.

And there you see them, ladies and gentlemen, the One & Only World tag team champions Team Heyross back after a successful overseas tour.

Give the people the truth, Cole. Moss and Benjamin fled the country to avoid a rematch with Spencer Reiger and Colin Maguire, Jr., the LDC Moneygang.

They did not and you know it. Besides, they had their shot, which they only got by screwing the Orange County Cobras thanks to the help of your good friend Theodore Moneymaker I might add.  

In a sign of respect, and sportsmanship, but mostly R-E-S-P-E-C-T, both teams meet mid-ring and shake hands. Back in their corners, the teams remove their entrance attire and discuss last minute strategy.


Quentin Benjamin and Simon Singleton get the nod for their respective squads and lockup. Placed in a side headlock Benjamin utilizes an overhead wristlock to escape Simon’s clutches,
bridging him back.


Simon lifts his shoulder off the mat, then kips up and performs a monkey flip…but Benjamin lands on his feet and charges full speed ahead.  Under a leapfrog he goes and, on the rebound, counters an attempted hip toss into a monkey flip. But anything Benjamin can do Simon can do better as he too lands safely on both feet. His next move, however, a running attack, goes terribly wrong as Benjamin nabs him in a TILT-A-WHIRL…



It’s like they’re moving at the speed of light, Cole.

No surprise when you consider Simon Singleton and Quentin Benjamin are two of the fastest men in the OAOAST.

Simon takes Benjamin to the mat in a side headlock. Naturally Benjamin responds by scissoring the head, prompting Simon to float on top. He doesn’t stay there long though, as Benjamin bridges out and executes a side suplex!

The cover.



Simon rolls to his corner and tags Ned. Following a brief handshake Ned and Benjamin lockup. The victim of a side headlock, Ned shoves Benjamin into the ropes and gets leveled by a shoulder tackle.

Quick cover.




Ned reverses a whip, then he and Benjamin go back-and-forth trying to hip toss the other until Benjamin is flung over the top rope but onto the apron. Shoulder thrust doubles Ned over and Benjamin slings in off the back of the Handsome Hustler, hitting the ropes to make the tag. Benjamin slides through Ned’s legs and sweeps him off his feet as Moss scores with the clothesline!

Double Goozle~!

The cover.




Moss wears Ned down in a half-nelson (because a chinlock is boring), then switches to a head scissors. Nowhere to go trapped smack in the middle of the ring, Ned rolls onto his stomach, turning Moss over with him in the process.

Ned Blanchard living up to the stereotype, Mikey Cole -- he is a dumb blond! What’s he trying to do right here?

Ned bridges his neck then floats backward onto Moss in a sitting position and applies a BOSTON CRAB!

A counter! And a spectacular one at that!

Alright, I admit. I was wrong. Blanchard knew what he was doing after all.

Unable to pickup the submission, not that he was expecting it against competitors like Team Heyross, Ned SLINGSHOTS Moss into the corner and nails a big-time lariat!

The cover.




Ned rams Moss into the buckle and tags out, but it’s not until he and Simon hit a double back elbow that he exits. From a vertical position Simon leaps into the air and SPLASHES down on Moss, then grapevines the leg!




Simon attempts a suplex but Moss floats over and rolls him up!




Kicked off into the ropes Moss and Benjamin make the blind tag. As Moss shoots back, Simon leapfrogs him and gets popped by a Benjamin SUPERKICK!

The cover.




Benjamin sets Simon on the top rope for a superplex only to be shoved down, but he recovers quickly enough to RUN THE ROPES AND HIT A BRIDGING EXPLODER SUPLEX~!!!


The count.




Ned Blanchard just bailed out his team right there. There’s no way Simon would’ve kicked out of that in my opinion.  

I don’t often agree with you, Cole, but I do here. We were all witnesses to Quentin Benjamin’s freakish athleticism.

Moss enters and Team Heyross perform a DOUBLE HIP TOSS immediately followed by a DOUBLE WHEELBARROW SUPLEX!!

Benjamin covers.




Benjamin whips Simon hard into the buckle for THE STINGER SPLASH, then a TOP ROPE BULLDOG!

The cover.




Ned again makes the timely save.  

You know what I find interesting, Cole? Not one punch has been thrown. Both teams have kept it clean.

It’s not something you often see in today’s world of wrestling.

Benjamin places Simon in the ABDOMINAL STRETCH as SPENCER REIGER and COLIN MAGUIRE, JR. arrive ringside.


What are they doing here?  

Getting a better look at the competition I‘d say.

I’d say otherwise given their statements in recent weeks and the fact Spencer Reiger is scheduled to compete NEXT in the Money in the Bank match.

Their presence a distraction to all, the competitors in the ring do their best to go on about the business at hand. Unfortunately for Benjamin, he falls asleep at the wheel and Simon executes a hip toss to break out of the abdominal stretch. Benjamin, however, is able to reverse a whip and locks on THE SLEEPER HOLD…but Simon is quick to shove him off into the ropes where Ned throws a KNEE TO THE BACK, which Simon capitalizes with a DDT!

The cover.





Tempters are starting to flare, Cole.

Neither team real thrilled with the last couple of moves. First you had the knee to the back and then a rather stiff kick to the head to breakup the fall.

Simon rams Benjamin into the buckle and tags Ned, who STOMPS A MUDHOLE AND WALKS IT DRY. Ned then shoots Benjamin off and connects with a back elbow, followed by the dreaded POINTY ELBOW~!

The cover.




Slammed mid-ring, Benjamin moves as Ned leaps down from the middle rope, spiking his knee into the canvas. Moss gets the tag and immediately works over the leg before attempting to lock on THE MOSSY KNOLL~!, but Ned rapidly squirms to the ropes. Brought to a vertical base, a series of European uppercuts softens him up for an Irish whip and eventually a RELEASE OVERHEAD BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!

The cover.




Moss motions Benjamin to the top and hoists Ned onto his shoulders.

Super Rocker Dropper perhaps?

As Benjamin scales the turnbuckles he suddenly loses his balance, the result of SIMON SHAKING THE ROPES, and CROTCHES HIMSELF!


It’s every team for himself now, Cole. They’re gonna anything and everything it takes to walk out with the tag belts around their waists.

Ned heads to the corner and SPLASHES BENJAMIN DOWN ON MOSS! Simon receives the tag and the O.C. Cobra hit their SLINGSHOT SUPLEX/SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY COMBO!

We may be on the verge of new tag team champions!

The count.



THR-- NO!!



Bosley apologizes for his actions only to be scolded by the official. A shouting match ensues between him and Ned as CPA enters the ring and knocks Simon out cold with a GIGATON PUNCH! CPA places Moss on top and exits.


The count.





Realizing what’s happened Moss breaks the fall, much to the dismay of V.I.C.E.  


What is he, stupid?! You take the win any way you can!

Not like that he won’t.

If Team Heyross drop the titles tonight Moss has nobody but himself to blame.

Moss lifts a lifeless Simon to his feet…and gets wrapped in a SMALL PACKAGE!




Simon ducks a clothesline and takes Moss down again, this time in a CRUCIFIX!




Desperately in need of a tag, Simon tries leaping over Moss to get to his corner but is caught, spun around and DROPPED THROAT-FIRST ON THE TOP ROPE! Team Heyross tag and perform their trademark LEAPFROG/BODY GUILLOTINE maneuver! Benjamin then hooks Simon and delivers a GERMAN SUPLEX!

To prevent Ned from breaking the pin Moss meets him across the ring and they tumble over the top!

Not to be forgotten, the pin inside the ring.  




Where did Simon Singleton find the strength to kick out of that?!  

Benjamin stands Simon upright and knocks him outside with a SPINNING WHEEL KICK! Off the ropes he FLIPS OVER THE TOP AND ONTO SIMON AND THE LDC MONEYGANG BELOW!  

Somersault plancha!

On the other side of the squared circle, Ned accidentally bumps into V.I.C.E. and gets beat down!


But Moss comes to his defense and the men previously doing battle now fight together. Meanwhile, an irate LDC Moneygang get into it with Benjamin and ATTACK him, prompting Simon to rush to his aid.


It’s turned into a pier-six brawl, Cole. All hell is breaking loose.

Too chaotic to continue in his judgment, the referee calls for the bell as OAOAST officials swarm the area to breakup the fight which has turned into the O.C. Cobras against the LDC Moneygang and V.I.C.E. versus Team Heyross.


Once some semblance of order is restored we get the official decision following a brief conversation between referee Mickey Jay and ring announcer Michael Buffer.

Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. I have just been informed that due to outside interference this bout has been ruled a NO CONTEST! Still your One & Only World tag team champions… TEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYRRRRROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

“Shine” by Collective Soul cues and the guys shake hands with the Orange County Cobras to a round of applause.

Though the LDC Moneygang and V.I.C.E. ruined it for us all, we still were treated to a terrific tag team title bout. I can only hope those two teams meet again in the near future.

Maybe in a #1 contenders match because Spencer Reiger and CMJ, the LDC Moneygang, are gonna be our next tag team champions.

Right now…

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Right now you say? Right now There's pandemonium backstage with The Rockers and The Christ Air Express in a brawl that's hardly contained by security officers.

What do you think you're doing messing with my wife!

Just giving you guys a taste of your own medicine!

I's gotcha medicine right here, punkass!

Then bring it!

Synth indeed does bring and Logan and the Nerdly twins try to do the same However a gaggle of security guards impedes their fight, leaving them to curse and shout at one another.

The war between The Heavenly Rockers and The Christ Air Express continues


I don't feel like writing entrances, so pretend this video is the entrances.


All eight men stand around in a circle, looking at the briefcase in the air.

And that's what it's all about, right there!  That briefcase contains a contract for a shot at the OAOAST World title!

Reject and PRL begin to slug it out, and the rest of the combatants follow suit!

And here we go!

Everyone spills to the outside, while Cortez pounds on Bo inside the ring.  Cortez stops to go to the top rope, as PRL, Denzel, Reject, Alf, and Blonde all slug it out with one another, and flies into the pack with a flying bodypress!

Cortez putting it on the line early here!

Meanwhile, in the ring, Reiger sets up a ladder!

Look at Spencer!

Reiger starts to climb, but Bo gets to his feet and pulls him off, then hammers away on the back.  Reiger rolls outside, and Bo follows, as Reject and Cortez roll inside and start climbing the ladder.

And now it's Todd Cortez and Reject making the climb!

Reject and Cortez slug it out atop the ladder, until Denzel rolls inside and shoves it over, with Reject and Cortez landing on the ropes with their midsection and spilling to the floor.  Denzel then climbs the ladder.

Denzel Spencer going for the early win!

PRL slides in, and shoves the ladder over once more, but Denzel is able to come down on his feet, and catches PRL with a flying forearm!

Nice move by Denzel, able to catch himself and stay on the offense!

PRL fights back, as Blonde loots around under the ring, but gets hammered from behind by Alf.  Alf then pulls out a kendo stick!


Alf spins the kendo stick around as the fans get into it, and delivers a shot to the gut of Blonde!  He then levels Reject in the back from behind, then a shot to the gut of Cortez!  He then makes his way back to Blonde, and brings the stick down onto his head!

OH, no!

Alf raises the stick in the air, but is attacked from behind by Reiger.

Spencer Reiger from behind, as James Blonde has been busted open by that kendo stick!

Reiger grabs Alf by the head, and tosses him into the steel steps!  He then stomps away on Bo and PRL, before grabbing another ladder and laying it across the ring apron and support rail.  As Bo tosses Blonde into the ring, Reiger sets up a suplex on Alf towards the ladder, but Alf blocks and delivers a suplex of his own!

Reiger had intents of suplexing Alf onto that ladder, but Alf turns it around!

Blonde manages to get the better of Bo, and stomps him to the outside.  He rolls out and grabs a trashcan, then rolls back inside.  He meets PRL in mid-ring, and delivers a shot with the can!

And look at James Blonde with the trash can!



Reject rolls inside, and takes a shot!  Blonde then delivers a shot to Alf!  Blonde then turns around and sees Todd Cortez, mulls it over for a second, then flattens him with a shot!


Blonde just hit Cortez with the trash can!  Remember, every man for himself!

I guess so!

Blonde celebrates his feat, to boos, but takes a shot from a ladder from Denzel!  Reiger then jumpes Denzel from behind, but walks into a Bo spinebuster!

BIG spinebuster from Bo!

Bo then opens up a ladder and lays it on the mat, then lays a closed ladder inside it.  He then communicates with Denzel, who nods and climbs to the top rope.

Oh, this isn't fair, these two are working together!

Bo holds Reiger's face inches from the ladder, with Denzel having the intent of coming down onto the ladder, thus springing into the face of Reiger. However, Cortez intervenes, shoving Denzel off the top to the floor!

Whew!  Thank goodness for Cortez right there!

Bo knocks Cortez off the apron, then sets up a powerbomb onto the ladder!

Powerbomb coming!

However, PRL dropkicks Bo from behind, as Reiger simultaneously backdrops him onto the ladder!

A little inadvertent teamwork, and it's Bo who tastes the ladder!

PRL boots Reiger in the gut, and tosses him outside, then lays another ladder on the mat, and sets Bo on it.

And how about this matchup, PRL against Bo?

PRL hammers Bo on the ladder, then climbs to the top. He gets his balance, and comes off for the PEOPLE'S ELBOW DROP~!!!...but Bo moves out of the way, and PRL lands on the ladder!

Nobody home!

Look at this!

Denzel climbs up immediately after PRL lands, and hits him with the KINPUPPALICK ON THE LADDER~!!!!!11111

And Denzel with that 450 splash on PRL, on the ladder!

Bo gets to his feet, and grabs a ladder, delivering chest-level shots to Cortez, Reject, and Blonde, while Denzel begins to climb a ladder. Bo climbs the other side, and slugs away at Denzel, knocking him off.  However, after he does this, Cortez comes from behind and powerbombs him down to the mat!  Cortez then floors Reject and Alf with clotheslines as they roll into the ring.  He then hits a baseball slide on PRL, before picking up a ladder.

And maybe Todd Cortez making a climb here...

However, as he starts, Reiger springs off a chair, and catches him with the NEW YORK KNOCKOUT~!


The New York Knockout out of nowhere!

Reiger celebrates his feat, then eats a SUPERKICK~! from Alf!  Alf sets up a ladder, and begins to climb.

Here he goes!  Is it going to be Alf?

As Alf climbs the ladder, Reject sneaks up from behind, and delivers a low blow!

Reject, ever the opportunist, scoring with a low blow!

Denzel slides in behind Reject, and delivers a foot to the gut, followed by a scissor kick!  He then rolls outside to the announcers' table and starts picking it apart.

Denzel picking apart our table here...

Denzel slugs away at Reiger, then rolls him onto the table.  Denzel then grabs the big ladder from underneath the ring, and begins to climb.

Don't do this, Denzel!  Go get the briefcase!

Denzel gains his balance on the top, and LEGDROPS REIGER THROUGH THE ANNOUNCERS' TABLE~!!!

A legdrop, through Spencer Reiger, through the table!





Both of these guys are out of it!

Denzel Spencer's ladder legdrop, was it cool or what?

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Bo goes to pick up Reject...but gets hit with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 out of nowhere!

And Reject with the Eulogy on Bohemoth!

Reject then catches Todd Cortez coming in, and gives him a EULOGY~!!!!!11111, as well!

And now Cortez getting one!

PRL delivers a foot to the gut of Reject, then hooks him for the P.R. NIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111, but Reject spins out, and catches him with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111, as well!

And one for PRL!  And Reject, now, with his sights set on the briefcase!

Reject grabs the big ladder from the outside, and slides it into the ring.

And there you see Denzel Spencer and Spencer Reiger, still out of it!

Reject begins to climb the big ladder, but Alf approaches slowly, and brings him down with a LOW BLOW~!

And there's a little payback for Alf, from Reject's low blow earlier!

Alf sets up a normal-sized ladder, and begins to climb,as Reject comes to, and climbs the big ladder again.  As Alf gets to the top, he starts to grab the briefcase, but Blonde grabs his ladder from underneath him, leaving him hanging in mid-air!

Alf suspended in mid-air, with no ladder!

Reject gets on level with Alf, then waits for the right moment...and takes him FROM THE SUSPENDED BRIEFCASE, TO THE MAT, WITH THE EULOGY~!!!!!11111






Alf convulses on the mat, as Reject is also out of it.  Blonde sets up the ladder, and begins to climb...but is shocked to see Cortez looking down at him from the other side of the ladder!

Look at this!  Remember, Cortez took a trashcan to the head from Blonde earlier!

Cortez has a grin on his face, then rams Blonde's head into the top of the ladder once, twice, three time!  He then drags Blonde far enough over the ladder to hook a standing headscissors.

Oh no...

Is he going for what I think he is?

Cortez bends over Blonde and grabs the sides of the ladder,  pulling himself down, and executing a RIOT ACT PLUS FROM THE LADDER~!!!!!11111

IT IS!  A Riot Act Plus from the top of the ladder!

Cortez slowly gets to his feet, but Bo comes in and catches him with the EROTIC AWAKENING OF B~!!!!!1111, onto a ladder!

Erotic Awakening of B~!

Bo starts to climb a ladder, but Alf starts to climb the other side.

I can't believe Alf is back in the match!

Bo delivers a couple rights to Alf at the top, but Alf dodges one, then chokes Bo across the top of the ladder.  He then gouges the eyes of Bo, then reaches across with a CHOP~!


And another!


And another!


This sends Bo down to the mat, but Alf, rather than go for the briefcase, opts to get his balance atop the ladder, and deliver a FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER~!!!!!11111

Alf with the Five-Star to Bo from the top of the ladder!

PRL grabs Alf from behind, and sets up the P.R. NIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111...but Alf grabs the legs and trips him up, then hooks him in the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!!!11111

Alf with the Sharpshooter on PRL!

But what good does that do in this match?

As PRL screams in pain and reaches for the ropes, Reject sets up a ladder and begins to climb, forcing Alf to release the hold and go after him.  Alf catches up to him atop the ladder, and wins a slugfest, prompting Thunderkid and Mr. Dick to rush to the ring!

Wait a minute, here comes the Deadly Alliance!

Alf hops down, and meets both men with clotheslines, but Reject attacks from behind, and a 3-on-1 beatdown ensues.  TK and MD retreat to the outside and bring a GLASS table from underneath the ring.

Look at that table, it's made of glass!

TK and MD slide the table into the ring, and Reject sets it up, but Alf starts firing back on him!

And look at Alf fight back!

Suddenly, PRL hits TK and MD with a plancha on the outside!  He then slides back in as Reject slugs Alf down, the two hammer away on one another. PRL slams Reject in the middle of the ring, and the crowd buzzes.

Could be the Puerto Rican Elbow!

PRL runs to one side of the ring, then the other side...but gets cut off by a Sandman clothesline!  The crowd boos, as MD positions the glass table, and TK and Reject set up and deliver THUNDEROUS REJECTION, THROUGH THE GLASS TABLE~!


PRL is out of it on the mat, as Reject sets up a ladder, climbs, and GRABS THE BRIEFCASE~!


YEAH~!  I told you, Cole!

And Reject, thanks in large part to his Deadly Alliance stablemates, has won the Money in the Bank ladder match!


Sandman, TK and MD celebrate on the mat, as Reject poses with the briefcase atop the ladder.  

An outstanding match with eight men putting their careers on the line, it's just a shame it had to end the way it did, with the other DA members getting involved!

Reject climbs down and high-fives the other members of the DA, then stands over PRL in the wreckage and holds the briefcase in the air.  Alf struggles to his feet, and Reject measures him, then floors him with the briefcase!

And that was just a cheap shot right there!

Reject rolls to the outside, and the rest of the DA laughs with him, as they celebrate down the aisle.

And I called this, Cole!  I knew Reject was due!  Look out, Zack Malibu, because you never know when the R-Man's coming!
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OAOAST Event Tracker is brought to you by Drag Me To Hell, now in theaters across the country
June 4th, 2009 - Biloxi, MS
June 11th, 2009 - Tokyo, Japan
June 18th, 2009 - London, England
June 25th, 2009 - Bridgeport, CT

We cut backstage where Morgan Nerdly carries to cups of ice coffee, she looks a bit more cheerful than usual. One would assume that's due to being on her way to see Lorelei.

Lori, I got Iced Coffee!

She enters the The Enterprise dressing room, only to find Lorelei sprawled out on the floor. Morgan drops her iced coffees and immediately rushes to Lorelei's aid.

Lorelei? Lorelei?

There's no answer and Morgan begins to look even more paniced.

Lorelei, speak to me!

No response from the limp body of Lorelei.

I need a paramedic! Somebody get me a paramedic!

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Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your MAIN EVENT of the evening! Scheduled for one fall, it is for the OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!


"Oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
And oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone, dead and gone..."

The opening to "Dead And Gone" by T.I. fades into "Numb" by Linkin Park, creating a dark mood over the arena. Emerging through the entrance way, head down, an unrobed and unshaven Leon Rodez walks out to a chorus of boos. His head doesn't lift but his eyes do, looking up at the people who once beloved him spitting hatred his way. He slowly makes his way down the aisle past them as the song meanders along. Coming to a stop in the middle of the aisle he then looks up as the song suddenly erupts  and the lights flash back and forth from purple to white static (*coughrandyortoncough*).


As the song settles down so does Leon, calmly walking down the ramp, his normal jovial look replaced by one more sinsiter. He heads to the ring, when suddenly ZACK MALIBU clobbers him from behind, nearly sending Leon into the camera man!


It looks like we're not going to be waiting any longer for this one!

The crowd roars as Zack brings Leon up and hurls him against the guardrail, then delievers a few right hands for good measure! Leon fights back, trying to tackle Zack to the ground, but Zack hangs on and tries to deliver knees to his foe, only to have Leon toss him overhead! Zack tries to hurry to his feet, but Leon hits a running soccer kick that cracks Zack's ribcage, doubling the champion over! Leon then drops his knee across Zack's throat, choking him out as referee Nick Patrick, and a slew of others from the back rush the aisleway and try to break it up! They urge Leon to relinquish the choke, and Leon shockingly obliges, then delivers a hard stomp to Zack's ribs to take the wind out of him. The referees try to seperate Leon from Zack, as Malibu rises to his feet, coughing hard after the rib shot, but Leon scatters the referees and goes for Zack just as Malibu lunges for him! The two rivals grab each other by the head with one hand and start pummeling with the other, brawling it out like a hockey fight in the middle of the aisleway! Eventually, Leon gets the upper hand and starts pounding on Zack's back, but Malibu drops down and takes out his legs, bringing him to the floor! Now Zack has the mount, and is hitting elbows as Leon frantically tries to defend himself, and the referees try to get Zack off of Leon!

This is god damn CHAOS already, Mikey Cole!

These two former friends engaged in a vicious fight, we knew this would be personal and it's damn sure that right now! These two aren't thinking about the World Title at the moment, this is about pure resentment and hatred!

Zack gets pulled off, but then shoves the refs away, not wanting them to keep him from exacting revenge against his former partner. Leon gets to his feet, but Zack kicks him in the stomach and then hits a snap suplex on the arena floor, causing a loud grunt of pain to eminate from the mouth of Leon Rodez! Again, the referees try to lure Zack towards the ring, but Malibu brushes them off and stands over Leon, pulling his head up simply to deliver a series of right hands to his temple! Zack then pulls Leon up and leads him down to the ring, with the refs in hot pursuit to make sure that they get there...only to have Zack slam Leon face first into the ring apron!

I don't think that's what they wanted Zack to do!

Leon falls to one knee, but when Zack goes for him again, Leon hits a low blow, then takes Zack by the head and sends him into the steel steps! Malibu's body collides hard with the unforgiving steel, and he lay pressed up against them, while Leon rolls into the ring.

At least Leon does what he's told!

Oh please, Coach.

Malibu is groggy, but continues to send the refs away as they come to check on him. He climbs up on the apron, but Leon is right there, shoulderblocking him through the ropes before suplexing him into the ring! Leon rolls to his feet and then starts stomping Malibu, while Nick Patrick slides in, now able to contain the two superstars, and calls for the bell!


After all that, we're finally LEGALLY underway!

Leon lays on the mat and locks Zack in a front facelock, holding onto it even as Zack powers up to his feet. He tries to suplex Zack again, but Malibu won't go over, and when his feet hit the mat again, he's able to adjust, carrying Leon over with a fireman's carry! They get up, and Leon gets FLOORED with a right hand by Zack! Leon gets up, and Zack goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Leon hooks the head and again forces Zack down by holding him in a facelock! Wrenching the neck, Leon then tries for a neckbreaker, but at the last second, Zack shifts his arms back and tries for a backslide...but Leon won't go over! Rodez fights it, trying to bring Zack over in his own backslide, but Zack hangs on, as the two men jockey for position, arms intertwined! They circle the ring attatched to each other, each one not wanting to be the one to give, and that's when Leon snaps his head back, headbutting Zack in the back of the head! Malibu shakes it off the first time, but Leon does it another two times, then pulls Zack down into a pin!



Zack rolls to his feet, so Leon sweeps his legs out from under him, then goes for another pin!



Zack kicks out once again, so Leon traps his head once again, then hits a face first suplex! Leon then backs up, and as Zack rises, hits a low dropkick to Zack's face, dazing him before going for another cover!



Leon goes back to the same move he used in the aisle, pressing his knee against Zack's throat, and Patrick is quick to warn him of the choke. Leon takes his time, using up every last second of the five count before pulling Zack to his feet and hitting a gutbuster on the World Champion! Leon then stands over Zack as he crawls on all fours, then fishhooks his mouth and pulls his head back, looking to tear the flesh off Zack's face!

C'mon Patrick!

Patrick admonishes Rodez, who obliges, and then slaps Zack across the back of the head. He brings him up, but Zack pushes him away. Rodez scowls to himself, then goes for Zack again, only to get CRACKED with a hard European uppercut! Rodez staggers back, and now Zack is back up, delivering two hard right hands before pulling Leon into a butterfly lock and hitting knee after knee after knee, brutalizing the man he once called friend with repeated shots! Zack then forearms him across the back before hitting an overhead belly to belly suplex! Leon lands across the ring, and as he gets up Malibu races up behind him and grabs a rear waistlock, then tosses Leon down! He stands over Leon and works him over with some vicious crossface shots, then pulls Leon up and snapmares him over, then delivers a hard kick to Leon's back! The crowd goes "oooooooh" as the smack echoes through the arena, so Zack delivers a second kick, equally as hard! He brings Leon up, but a thumb to the eyes breaks Zack's momentum! Leon peppers Zack with forearm shots, but Zack fires back, nailing Leon with forearms of his own before Rodez cuts him off with a knee to the stomach, then hooks Zack by the waistband and hurls him through the ropes to the floor!

Atta boy, Leon. Treat him the way he treated you!

If Leon did that, then we wouldn't be having this match!


Leon heads to the floor, and as Zack rises, he charges him, running Zack into the railing! With Zack slumped against the barrier, Leon stomps him down, then once again chokes him by pushing his boot into Zack's throat! Zack struggles to get up, and finally hooks Leon's ankle as he's trying to choke Zack, and fights to his feet while holding Leon at bay! Leon, hopping on one foot, tries a few desperate swings, until Zack throws his leg down, then nails him with a short lariat! Zack then yanks Leon off the ground and whips HIM into the barrier, then nails Leon with a spinning wheel kick which sends BOTH of them careening into the crowd!

These people are certainly going to get their money's worth!

The crowd scrambles out of the way, surrounding the two superstars as they pull themselves up from the floor. Zack goes after Leon, however a low blow stuns Zack and allows Leon to buy himself some time! He follows up by grabbing Zack and crotching him on the guardrail, and Malibu howls in agony at the double-shot his nether region has just taken thanks to his former best friend!

Get those frustrations out, Leon!

And look at that cold look in Leon's eyes.

Heeding Coach's advice, Leon grabs a chair from the crowd and readies it, as Malibu slides off the rail and to the floor. Leon brings the chair over his head and swings, but Malibu manages to sidestep the shot, and Leon hits the floor! Zack hits a quick knee to the gut, then grabs the chair himself...but before he can swing, Patrick grabs it, warning Zack not to do it! Leon comes out swinging, but the momentary distraction isn't enough to get Zack to lose track, as he ducks the shot and nails Leon with a flurry before clotheslining him back over the railing! Leon crawls around ringside, and Zack follows him, tossing him back into the ring to exact more revenge! He waits on the apron, then springboards in as Leon gets up, leveling him with a springboard bodypress! The impact sends Zack rolling off of Leon, but he's up immediately, as is the challenger! Zack quickly goes for School's Out, but Leon snares Zack foot before it can connect with his face! Rodez smirks, but that moment of confidence is his downfall as Zack hops up and cracks him with his free leg! The enzugiri rattles Rodez and frees Zack, who hits the ropes and comes off with a ZACK ATTACK...only to be dropkicked out of the air by Leon!

Great counter wrestling, which is to be expected given how well these two know each other!

Leon brings Zack up and shoves him into the corner, where he works him over with shoulderblocks before backing away, then charging in with a Superman spear that knocks whatever wind is left out of Malibu's body! He then takes Zack and fires him across the ring, but when Leon rushes him with a back elbow, Zack moves, and Leon slams against the turnbuckles before getting rolled up by Malibu!



The schoolboy at School's Out ain't gonna cut it for Mister Malibu!

Both men up again, and Zack fires off a series of hard chops, lighting up the chest of Leon Rodez! He backs Leon to the ropes and sends him in, and when Leon tries to leapfrog as Zack drops his head, Malibu pops right up and catches him in mid-air, then drives him into the canvas with a powerbomb!

He got him with that one!




Leon waves his opponent away, trying to roll out of the ring to buy some recovery time. Zack grabs hold of Leon's ringgear pulls him back up, delivering shots to the back. With Leon softened up Zack grabs on with a waistlock and arches back with a German Suplex!

Here we go, Zack dancing with what brung him. And Zack may never let go of this waistlock, he may not stop suplexing Rodez until he's completely unconscious!

Waistlock held Malibu brings Rodez up off the mat again. Unable to reach the ropes Leon looks set to go for another ride and desperately lashes out with an elbow! Zack is caught cold, losing Leon and losing his vertical base as he falls to a knee.

Then again, he may not.

Referee Patrick checks Zack out after the elbow, but Leon isn't waiting around for an invitation and moves in kicking Zack in the head to knock him completely down! Ignoring the referee's warning, Leon moves around and stomps the head. Malibu covers up needing referee intervention to stop Leon. Pulling Zack off the mat Leon throws him face first into the turnbuckles. Clearly disorientated from the headshots Zack throws a wild right hand, which sweeps right in front of Leon's face and leaves him open for a knee to the ribs. Leon is able to just tee off on Zack with right hands. The punchdrunk World Champion is wobbly and eventually goes down to one knee in the corner, causing Patrick to step in again.

This a completely different side of Leon Rodez than we've ever seen before. Even against people like Christian Wright. Even when he was fighting for his family against Theodore Moneymaker. Even when he was inside a cage with Reject. We never, EVER saw this kind of remorseless and vicious attack. Quite clearly this is a man who just doesn't care anymore.

Well can you blame him? After all that's happened to him, from those people you just reeled off, from his so called friends, his so called family. And especially from Zack Malibu!

Despite being noticeably groggy Zack waves Leon on, daring him to fight. Leon obliges and fends off Zack's attempts to work the body with some more hard shots to the head until Patrick seperates them again. Leon dodges his way around to get back to Zack, whipping him across the ring. Following in, Rodez runs into a raised boot though! Leon shakes it off and charges again, but Zack dodges out of the corner and opens up on his former friend with a flurry of open-handed strikes!

Zack opening up! Maybe he'll slap some sense into the Silky Smooth One!

Zack lets out a shout as he loads Leon up for an irish whip. However, Leon spins out and SMASHES Zack right in the ear with an elbow! The champ drops and Leon covers...




Zack's struggling a little here. That back elbow earlier really rocked him and Leon has stayed on the attack since.

Pulling Zack to his feet Leon looks out at the crowd, encouraging The Franchise to fight back. Cupping him under the chin Leon aims and jabs down his elbow into Zack's forehead a couple of times, then palms him insultingly to the mat.


That ain't smart. Leon's been hearing that chants for five years and I think he's about sick of them.

Not letting the crowd get to him Leon looks coldly out into the sea of fans. He pulls Zack up from his knees and delivers a forearm smash, before whipping him into the ropes. Leon ducks his head and gets caught with a boot! Zack then tackles Leon to the mat and unloads with wild lefts and rights to the approval of the crowd! After taking a few shots Leon manages to throw Zack off of him and rushes back to his feet, right into another double leg pick-up from the determined Malibu, who wails away with punches again. Able to escape again Leon scrambles away from his aggressor. A wild-eyed Zack charges in once more, but this time Leon beats him for speed, tripping Zack up and looking for the LIONTAMER!


Zack realises he's in trouble and fights against being turned. He manages to squirm free one leg, enough to kick out with forcing Leon to back off. Frustrated Leon curses at his luck, ready to snap at every little bit of misfortune life is handing him. When he moves back in, his eye is off the ball. And he gets caught, tripped up by Zack who swings around into a FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK!!


Submission applied by Zack!

Sitting bolt upright there's a look of shock on Leon's face as Zack synches on the hold. The crowd love it, watching Leon writh in pain, payback for five weeks ago. Nick Patrick asks him if he wants to give it up but Leon says no.

Leon is in trouble! Does he have the heart to hang on?

Looking around in search of the ropes Leon starts to crawl himself backwards. Zack continues to put on the pressure, forcing down on the legs. Referee Patrick is over him in seconds asking for the hold to be broken though as Leon reaches out and grabs the ropes, screaming at Patrick to "get him off me". Zack lingers for a second or two, but does untie himself from the hold and allows Leon to pull himself underneath the bottom rope to the outside.

Zack shoulda just hung on. Get DQed, break his leg, keep your title and make Daddysault proud.

Knock it off, would you?

Leon limps around ringside, unaware that Zack is stalking him from the apron, ready to launch AIR MALIBU!!!


With the referee ordering him to get the action back inside, Zack collects Leon and tosses him back in. Groggy from the clothesline Leon rolls to a seated position and shuffles backwards, BLOOD trickling from a cut above his eye, away from Zack who's pacing feet in front of him as if he were a wild animal stalking it's prey. Realising he's running out of ground Leon kicks out, trying to fend Zack off. Avoiding the first kick out, Malibu catches onto the second and drops an elbow to the inside of the knee! Leon lets out a shout as he hobbles to his feet, another shout soon to follow as Zack goes on the attack with kicks. Zack fires away at the leg repeatedly, Leon's leg buckling with each shot until finally he goes down. However Zack finds a false sense of security and Leon takes advantage by grabbing Zack's waistband and pulling him into a headbutt to the breadbasket.

This is resembling a street fight more than a wrestling match at times.

Zack falls across the middle rope and Leon falls at his side, choking the World Champion across the rope!


Breaking the count Leon uses Zack's body for assistance to get up, just now noticing the cut over his eyebrow. He drags Zack off the ropes and delivers a back suplex, covering...




Leon drags Zack back to his feet and measures him with a hard right hand. Another leaves Zack on wobbly legs, but he lashes out with a knifedge chop as Leon takes too long glaring at his opponent to follow up.


Leon doubles up...



...and takes another chop across the chest. Before Zack can build too much momentum though, Leon delivers a knee to the gut, then GOUGES the eyes of the World Champion!

Ugh! Look at that!

Zack recoils temporarily blinded and Leon attacks clubbing Zack across the back, sending him sprawling throat first across the middle rope. Leon holds Zack's throat down against the rope for a couple of seconds, then looks out at the crowd and prepares to hit the ropes. Used to seeing a jig at this point, the fans know one isn't coming and jeer wildly. Wildly enough to put Rodez off. And he decides not to do the move at all just to completely spite them.

Well we know what we used to call Leon at times like these. But I think from now on, these fans are just going to be calling Leon a bitch. Period.

Instead of running the ring, Leon drags Zack off the ropes. Zack suddenly comes to life though, switching behind Leon and executing a GERMAN SUPLEX! He hangs onto the waist and rolls Leon through, stunned at the sudden turn of events. And a SECOND GERMAN isn't far behind! Zack rolls through with Leon again and goes for the third rolling german. Just like earlier though, Leon counters with an elbow. Breaking apart the hands Leon then CRACKS Zack across the back of the head with a roundhouse Enziguri! Zack flops to the mat and Leon hooks the leg...




These two know each other so well and Leon knows how to combat those rolling suplexes apparantly.

Leon drags Malibu off of the mat by the hair, no care for his former friend. Stepping behind Leon hooks Zack for a back suplex and takes him up... and all the way over, Zack landing safely on his feet! A shove in the back sends Leon forward, sternum first into the turnbuckles. Zack sees a chance, but runs right into ANOTHER elbow as he tries to capitalise. Groans fill the arena as Leon, having avoided another dangerous situation, starts to climb the ropes. He reaches the middle turnbuckle and starts to move on to the top, when suddenly Zack bursts forward, SCALING THE ROPES AND DRAGGING RODEZ OFF THE TURNBUCKLES WITH A RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!!!!!!!!!


OH, MY~! I think that suplex alone was worth three rolling ones anyday!


Turned inside out on impact Leon lays facedown, seemingly out of it. The World Champion starts to crawl over to him and manages to turn him over, putting himself on top...




But only a two count!

For someone who's given up on life, this guy's sure got a lot of fight.

Walking it off, Zack waits for Leon to get back to his feet. Which he's understandably slow to do having been dropped so hard from so high. Zack is patient though, lying in wait as Leon finally reaches his feet. Off the ropes, Zack swings with a Lariat... which is DUCKED. Leon can did little more than that though and when he turns around, Zack is waiting with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK! A glancing blow, not enough to knock Leon down but enough to daze him. Turning the challenger around Zack capitalises with a high angle back suplex, dropping Rodez on his head and neck again in search of a pin...




Still not enough! But the World Champion can sense the end is near!

Zack waits again, his foot impatiently moving around which gets the New Orleans' crowd excited. Leon slowly gets to his feet again and once he's up, Zack strikes with SCHOOL'S OU...

...NO! DUCKED! Keeping his feet, Zack is caught with a Rolling Sobat to the stomach almost making him leave his feet. Leon hits the ropes. He rolls through and looks for the clothesline, but it's Zack who ducks this time! A knee to the kidneys arches Leon back, allowing Zack to hook in an inverted front facelock.


...NO! Zack tries to twist into the Cut Day but Leon's head slips free and he counters with BLUE THUNDER!




Boy these two are trading big moves, big strikes and big nearfalls!

Shaking off the cobwebs, Leon grabs Zack and whips him to the ropes. Zack tries to surprise Leon with a Leaping Lariat coming back, but his former partner has seen it all before and drops to a knee to avoid it. Setting himself, Leon whips around with another Rolling Sobat. Zack deflects it this time and CRACKS Leon with a forearm! Zack then goes to hit the ropes, only for Leon to track him step for step and elbow Zack the moment he rebounds!


Both champion and challenger are looking shaken now. As he staggers towards him, Leon grabs Zack and scoops him up, but Zack floats over, hooking the head on the way. And before Leon knows what's happening, Malibu twists around into the stunner!!!!


THERE'S the Cut Day! Zack got him this time!

Hook of the leg...




Did he kick out!? Only two, the referee saying it was only a two count! Unbelievable!

After pursuing the referee, Zack accepts it was two but struggles to believe it.

And Zack's gotta start wondering what it's gonna take now. That Cut Day is what put Bohemoth away at AngleMania... eventually.

Well it took alot that night and it may take alot tonight. But we know Zack Malibu has alot in his locker and at his disposal.

Leon pulls himself back up and Zack moves in, unloading with a flurry of open handed slaps to the face to further daze the challenger, sending sweat and blood flying. Backing against the ropes Zack throws everything behind a final palm strike. But Leon catches onto the arm, kneeing Zack in the gut repeatedly with the arm half nelsoned. Wringing the arm, Leon places the sole of his boot flat against Zack's jawbone before falling backwards, causing Zack's jaw to jar against Leon's boot!!


Oh! That looked nasty!

Both men lay out on the canvas trying to recover. After a few seconds, Leon stirs himself and crawls on top with a cover...





Both men are slow to their feet, the crowd trying to lend a hand to the World Champion.

This is gutcheck time. Both champion and challenger tiring, they've both taken some heavy duty offense, it's just a case of who's got the killer instinct to put this match away!

Leon manages to get to his feet first and wipes some blood from over his eye, paintbrushing a slap across Zack's face leaving a red mark across his face. That prompts Zack to open up again with another flurry, repeated forearms connecting! Stumbling away, Leon looks dazed, but lures Zack in and POPS him with a stinging right hand! With two handfuls of hair he then takes Zack across the ring and flings him towards the corner. Zack goes right through the ropes and HARD into the steel ringpost and metal turnbuckles in a heap, Leon falling to his knees in relief.

And that was completely pre-meditated! Leon threw Zack right into the ringpost, that's a judgment call for the referee.

Well you can't prove he meant to do that. Even if he did. For all you know he was just trying to get rid of Zack to buy some time.

He aimed him right at the ringpost Coach, trying to use all that steel as a weapon... and it looks like it's worked, because whether it was the post or the turnbuckle bolt, Zack Malibu has been BUSTED open!!

Hung around the ropes and turnbuckles Zack hangs halfway out of the ring, blood indeed flowing from his forehead. He manages to untangle himself from the turnbuckles, rolling out to the apron. Leon picks himself up and moves referee Nick Patrick away as he tries to check on Zack. Looking around, Leon contemplates bringing Zack back in. But then has second thoughts. And he steps out onto the apron behind Zack as he tries to get up. The challenger's eyes bore a hole through the back of Malibu's head, glaring at his former friend with disgust. Zack manages to get to his feet holding the ropes. His arms get knocked away though by Rodez, who quickly picks Zack up... AND DROPS TO THE FLOOR, SLAMMING ZACK BACK FIRST ONTO THE RING APRON WITH A BACK SUPLEX!!!!!!!




Zack's body tenses up and he flops off the apron onto the arena floor, bloodied and his back possibly broken. Stood over him, Leon shows no emotion.

And Zack Malibu may be in BIG trouble!

That was flatout sick Michael. No remorse. Not one bit.

Zack got dropped from about four feet, five feet, right down on the edge of the ring. That's just wood and steel there fans, there is absolutely no give whatsoever where Zack landed!

Zack clutches his ribs as he's dragged off the arena padding. Pitching him back inside, Leon follows Zack in and hooks the leg with the cover...





Applause goes up from the crowd for Zack's show of guts to kickout. Leon scowls down at the resiliant World Champion and skips into another zone, mounting Zack and attacking the open wound on the forehead with right hands!

Come on referee! Get in there!

Leon stomps back to his feet, jeered from all corners of the arena.

I'm seeing it but I still ain't believing it.

This is Leon Rodez as we've genuinely never seen before.

Dragging Zack up again, Leon quickly hooks him up with a BRAINBUSTER!! He hooks both legs...




Leon runs his hands through his hair, shaking his head.

For as vicious as Leon has been tonight, we know that this whole metamorphesis in recent weeks has been down to a lack of confidence. A depression with the way his life has been going. So it may not take long for those doubts to creep into Leon's mind if they're not there already.

And we know how tough Zack is to put away, so Leon's gotta be patient.

He's got to be patient and he's got to be optimistic, that one may be the problem.

Leon dags Zack up again. He tees off on the bloody World Champion with three more right hands, before hooking him up again for a second Brainbuster. However, Zack goes deadweight. Leon lets him go and works over the back with some forearms before trying again. Again Zack holds out on his challenger, letting out a cry of pain for doing so as he tests the resolve of his back. Leon lets Zack go again, pulling him to his feet this time and delivering a HEADBUTT!! Both men stagger but it appears Leon got the best of it as he trips Zack off his feet and looks for the LIONTAMER!

Going for that Liontamer again, can Zack's back hold out!?

Able to keep himself from being turned, Zack puts aside the pain to sit up and counter with an inside cradle!




ALMOST had him!

Champion and challenger rush back to their feet, with challenger quickest, booting Zack in the gut to set him up for the SECOND BRAINBUSTER!!!

He got him!

Zack fought and fought but only prolonged the pain!

Cover by Leon...





But it's still not enough and Rodez is beginning to lose his cool, the seemingly unthinkable once upon a time!


We've never seen Leon lose his cool in a match before, so we don't know how, if at all, he's going to cope with that feeling.

Hearing the crowd's chants Leon shoves Zack down from his knees, mounting him with some more punches. He peppers away at the cut on the World Champion's forehead before getting dirty, BITING his former friend trying to open the cut up wider and deeper! Leon spits away the blood in his mouth and stares down at Zack...




The Modern Day Warrior has been awoken!!

Zack hammers away on Leon with right hand after right hand until referee Nick Patrick can stand back no more and physically drags Zack off of his challenger. Shoving the referee aside Zack moves in on Leon, rocking him with a European uppercut. Leon's arms hang over the top rope, leaving him wide open for a thudding round kick to the chest! Loading up, Zack drives another kick into the chest! And then a third! Leon slumps, sat on the middle rope and short of breath. Dragging him off the ropes Zack then unleashes a HEADBUTT!! Falling through the ropes Leon ends up on the apron as Zack is retreated by the referee.

Well we've never seen Leon like we've seen him before and if Anglesault gets his way, we're going to see Zack like we haven't seen in years.

Anglesault told Zack a couple of weeks ago that his killer instinct was gone. I think we're seeing that killer instinct regenerating before our very eyes and it's Leon Rodez we have to thank!

Using the ropes Leon pulls himself up on the apron. Zack stands across the ring and waves the referee out of his way, charging at Leon AND SACRIFICING HIMSELF WITH A SPEAR THROUGH THE ROPES, SENDING BOTH MEN CRASHING FROM THE APRON TO THE ARENA FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH, MY~!

They were almost in our lap!!


Despite their heavy fall Zack and Leon immediately scrap on the arena floor, the match breaking down into an all out fight! Zack is the aggressor and he shows similiar disdain to what he recieved earlier, flinging Leon into and over top of the announce table!! Coach and Cole wisely scatter, with Leon now occupying their sofa dazed and disorientated. Picking his way through the wires and bodies Zack grabs Leon by the back of the head and slams him face-first into the announce table! Leon staggers around ringside and Zack stays in pursuit. A knee cuts him off though, before he's pitched into the timekeeper's table, which goes flying and almost takes Michael Buffer with it (costly!). Leon throws aside the table to get at Zack, punching him repeatedly up against the barrier. On the defensive, Zack shoves his opponent away and then chops him away when Leon moves back in. He goes for another chop, but Leon covers up. Sloppily throwing Zack up against the ring apron, Leon catches Zack with a hard shot to the back of the head, enough to allow him to throw Zack back inside the ring. Before he can get back in as well the challenger's eye is caught by something at ringside. Looking at Zack, Leon throws up his hands and grabs a chair from the debris at ringside, sliding it into the ring.

This is getting way out of control and now, Leon's got a chair, this is shades of five weeks ago!

Ignoring Nick Patrick's warnings of a disqualification, Leon slides in and readies the steel chair, waiting for Zack to get back up. Screams from the crowd try to warn The Franchise as he gets to his feet...

...and sees the big swing coming out of the corner of his eye, turning and ducking underneath it! Zack catches Leon with a right hand and he drops the chair. Zack then continues to unload with the right hands, backing Leon up across the ring. Irish whip sends Rodez for the ride, up into the lights with a BAAAAACK bodydrop!

We are seeing an all out war here for the World Heavyweight Championship, what a match like only OAOAST PPV can deliver!

Zack cuts a thumb across his throat signalling the end. He reels Leon into a boot to the gut, then turns the challenger around to set up the ANGLE SLA... NO! Leon slips out and lands on his feet! Back to the turnbuckles, he thinks quickly and sweeps Zack's legs, falling back with a HOTSHOT into the top turnbuckle pad!


Zack's head snaps back and he's slow to pull himself up, as Leon walks away into the adjacent corner of the ring.

Leon measuring the World Champion, Zack doesn't see it coming!

See what though?

Stalked down in the corner Leon's eyes are locked on The Franchise, tracking his every step. Zack is shaken from the snake eyes he just suffered and he falls halfway through getting to his feet, fatigue taking it's toll.

Look at that look in Leon's eyes. Cold, calculating... like a VIPER~! ready to strike!

Zack dusts himself down and tries to get to his feet again. Getting antsy Leon shifts around on the spot, just waiting, waiting for Zack to turn around. The World Champion finally does, unsteady on his feet. He turns in search of his former friend and finds him, stood, staring him down with mock sorrow on his face.

I'm sorry... I love you...

Leon shuffles out of the corner and fires off the SUPERKICK...

....DUCKED!!!! Stopping his tracks, Leon curses under his breath and turns around...



Those mocking words kicked right back down Leon's teeth!

But has Zack got enough to follow up?

Zack lays flat on his stomach after his desperation kick, willed by the crowd to cover. And eventually he does, scrambling on top...






Zack falls off of Leon despairingly, thinking that was it.

Would you believe it, those same ropes that lead to Leon's downfall as World Champion, tonight coming to his rescue to keep him in this match! If not for those ropes it would be over.

Maybe Leon's luck is changing after all.

Wearily Zack pulls himself up. Grabbing Leon's wrist he drags the limp challenger into position near the turnbuckles and heads up top. Zack scales the ropes as fast as his weakened body will carry him and stands on the top rope, looking down at Leon. He takes off and tumbles with his challenger's patented 450 SPLASH... BUT FINDS NOBODY HOME!!!


Oh no, Zack made a crucial mistake! He went to send a message but it didn't pay off!

Zack staggers up and into Leon, who delivers an ANGLE SLAM!!!!

No! Not this way, surely!

Hit with the move of his would-be mentor, Zack is out. Leon crawls over to him and with a look of relief he drops on top...





What resiliance we're seeing from both of these men. Both men want so badly to be World Champion, but I think pride is playing a major factor in the steadfast refusal not to stay down for a three count at this point.

Leon shakes his head, looking almost resigned to his fate that nothing will go his way. Giving up on Zack he crawls across the ring, to where the steel chair he brought in earlier lays. He pulls it from underneath the bottom turnbuckle and carries it up with him, but sees Zack using the turnbuckles to get back up in the corner and sets it down. Leon charges with DOUBLE KNEES... but Zack moves and Leon runs himself into the turnbuckles! As he peels himself away Leon is caught with a boot. Hooking him up, Zack takes Leon up with for a fisherman's, only for Leon to escape. Landing on his feet Leon runs Zack forward, RIGHT INTO THE REFEREE!

Man down!

Hovering over the referee Zack gives him a nudge, trying to revive him. Leon moves in trying to blindsight Zack, but the World Champion sees him coming and takes him up into a fireman's carry. Throwing elbows, Leon manages to free himself. A quick STO Backbreaker puts Zack down favouring his ribs but realising there's no referee Leon can't go for a cover. So he turns his attentions back to the steel chair.

And now Leon going for the chair again! After all the whining and complaining about controversial World Title defences he's done, what is exactly?

A case of finally getting the long end of the stick for once?

Leon looks at the chair in his hands with a cold determination. He lifts it over his head and turns towards Zack, measuring him, a pre-meditated shot unlike the spontaneous one five weeks ago. And he aims for the very same spot on the back, chair high overhead...




Arching his back in pain Zack begins to crawl over to make a cover, but stops. He looks at the fallen referee, then the fallen Rodez... before his eyes settle on the steel chair.


Zack's eyes widen and he grabs the steel chair, standing over Leon's body with it in hand. Hatred fills the face of the World Heavyweight Champion as Leon starts to stir and he lifts the chair, bringing it CRASHING down across Leon's side! And a second time he brings it down! A third! A fourth! REPEATEDLY with the chair, over and over, the New Orleans crowd roaring it's approval with every crack of the steel against Rodez's body!!

You wanted a killer instinct, Anglesault? I think you've got it!

Killer instinct!? The guy's snapped Michael!

As the chair keeps slamming down and down, again and again, Leon tries despairingly to roll out of harm's way. Getting near the ropes he manages to turn over and holds up his hands, pleading Zack to stop... which he does, with the chair weilded ready to attack again.

Please... please, I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't hit me again!


I'm sorry! Please Zack! Please, come on, don't do this!

The fans urge Zack to lower the boom and the chair wobbles in Zack's hands, seemingly fighting between a devil and an angel on his shoulder. Leon's pleas for mercy seem to be working though, as Zack's face falls. He looks down at Leon with a certain amount of remorse and with a look of "what am I doing?", Zack hangs his head as he drops the chair...



OH! I don't believe it! How LOW can you get!?

A shocked Zack crumbles to his knees, caught totally by surprise. Growling under his breath Leon picks himself up by the ropes and takes control of the chair. No remorse from him, just a contemptful look as he lines Zack up...




Zack is knocked loopy, no idea of where he is. He tries to roll right back to his feet, brains scrambled. Seeing referee Patrick beginning to recover Leon tosses the chair aside and stalks around Zack, who is bumbling and stumbling as he tries to get back up. The World Champion reaches his knees before dis-orientation sets in. Measuring him again, Leon takes a step back. With a quick 180, he then NAILS Zack with a Rolling Sobat kick, right to the HEAD, causing Zack to slump unconsciously to the canvas!!!

Oh my God! Right to the head, a knockout shot!

Rolling Zack onto his back Leon motions for Patrick to crawl over and makes the cover, to a chorus of boos.


It's over Michael.

Nick Patrick crawls over with dramatic timing...


Come on Zack, kick! Kick!





New Champion!


Hardly able to believe it, Leon rolls off of Zack with an initial look of amazement on his face. Something has finally gone his way and it takes a moment to sink in as he sits, staring blankly into the distance beside the bloodied and KOed Franchise.

LLLLadies and gentlemen, the winner of this contest... and for the second time, the NEW One And Only AngleSault Thread HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOORRRRRLLLLLDD... LLLLLEEEEOOOOOOOOONN... RRRROOOOOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!


Realisation sets in for the crowd too and they show their disgust as Leon is confirmed as the winner. Still sat in the centre of the ring, Leon reaches up and SNATCHES the World Title belt away from referee Nick Patrick, holding it in front of his face. No smile appears, no sign of any happiness. Just defiant victory.

Redemption was the goal of Leon Rodez and tonight, that redemption has come. Once again, the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. To throw away his friends, his family, his morals and beliefs... I just hope it was worth it.

Nick Patrick checks on Zack and seeing little signs of life, he waves to the back. Sat just a foot or so away Leon turns around kneeling over Zack, holding the World Title belt over him with an uncaring scowl on his face. A second referee enters the ring and between them, they order Leon to keep back while they check Zack out. The two referees help Zack out of the ring and prop him up. Zack wears a glassy look in his eye as he's helped towards the back, applauding sympathetically by the crowd. Seeing Zack bloodied and beaten, Leon realises he's accomplished what he said he would. And for the first time in weeks, with things going his way for the time time in months, Leon manages a smile...

Give me those bright lights, long nights
High rise, over time



Give me them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, over time
Working till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never thought I'd say
I feel on top of the world
I feel on top of the world Hey

The crowd go WILD as Leon watches confused for the return appearance of KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN. And his face slowly sinks into resignment when he notices a third referee tracking her to the ring.

What the hell is this about!?

Is this what I think it is!?

Krista marches right past Zack on her way down the aisle, setting her briefcase under the ropes and sliding into the ring, to be immediately jumped by stomps from Leon!

We're not done here tonight yet fans! Not yet by a longshot!

Leon stomps Krista down before suddenly wheeling away, on the verge of throwing a fit at this turn of events. The New Orleans crowd break out into a chant of "KRISTA! KRISTA!" as Leon looks set to explode, lashing out at the ring ropes.

With all the excitement of the Money In Bank match earlier, I think we all forgot about Krista! She's still got that briefcase from last year, which she won at AngleSlam! And we heard a bell in all of this commotion... ladies and gentlemen, this is an official World Heavyweight Title match!

Is it any wonder Leon thinks the entire world is against him?

Trying to focus, Leon goes back after Krista and hauls her against the ropes, looking to send her off with an irish whip. Krista reverses though and catches Leon coming back with a leg lariat, knocking the new World Champion off his feet! Right back up, Leon takes a wild swing at K.I.D, who ducks and SLAPS Leon right across the face! That's enough to throw Rodez off the deep end and he snatches hold of Krista's hair with both hands, an enraged look on his face as he prepares to make her pay. But before he can do so, Krista takes aim AND KICKS LEON DEEP BETWEEN THE LEGS!!!!


How about a little payback of your own Leon!?

Circling around in pain, Leon's pain isn't over as Krista retrieves her briefcase AND CLOCKS LEON RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!!!!!!


Leon falls chest-first into the ropes, which bounce him back, right into KIDOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!


Krista dives on top, not a person in the crowd sitting down...






The referee picks the OAOAST World Title belt up off of the mat and hands it over to Krista, nearly causing the roof to be blown off! Krista plays it cool and shrugs her shoulders, as if wondering why people think winning a World Title is so hard.

It is DEAFENING in here! After one of the most successful and storied careers in the OAOAST, finally, finally, Krista Isadora Duncan has become World Champion! Who ever would have thought we'd be saying that at the end of tonight!? This is a night we will never, EVER forget!

No matter how much we want to.

Krista's celebrations begin in earnest once Alix Maria Spezia joins her in the ring and embraces her with a big hug. Rolling out of the ring, a despondent and disconsolate Leon Rodez looks up at the ring still shocked at what's happened. He lashes out at the referee checking if he's okay and holding his head in his hands, he trapses off to the back, unwilling to stay and watch Krista being greeted by bursts of fireworks from the rafters!

Leon Rodez thought he'd gotten what he wanted. But in the end, yet more misery has been heaped on the once again FORMER World Champion, only champion for a matter of FIVE MINUTES here tonight. And I can't say as I feel any sympathy for the man.

How can you not feel sympathy for him? How can you not understand what he's been saying all this time after tonight? That was everything Leon's been saying these past few weeks in one single flashpoint!

Well Leon Rodez is no longer World Champion thanks to a lowblow and a shot to the head with a blunt object. Guess what? Neither is Zack Malibu! And who's doing was that?

As Leon disappears into the shadows, Krista stands tall in the middle of the ring with the World Championship, already picking out some stylistic flaws with the belt but clearly happy to have what it represents.

An unbelievable ending to School's Out as the entire OAOAST has been taught a very valuable lesson... don't forget about Krista! Where on earth do we go from here? The face of the OAOAST has undoubtedly been changed forever! Good night from New Orleans!


© 2009 OAOAST Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

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