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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN 4/23/09

Chanel #99

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Folks, HeldDOWN is on the air from Atlanta Georgia, I am Michael Cole sitting alongside The Coach for another Thursday night filled with excitement! Let's get right to the action!

OAOAST Marks, the following tag team event is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, first hailing from Omaha, Nebraska and weighing 240 pounds… “SLOPPY” JOE MANWICH! His partner resides in the Everglades and weighs 215 pounds… OUTHOUSE JACK!!


Sloppy Joe, a chunky red head wearing a stained t-shirt and jeans, makes a not-so-nice gesture in response to the crowd. Meanwhile, Outhouse Jack, a bearded individual sporting a green flannel and tan camouflage pants, whips out his HUNTING KNIFE eager to slice and dice.

Imagine these guys coming home for dinner, Mikey Cole.

I’d rather not!

Heck, Outhouse Jack would probably bring the dinner! Instead of a sloppy joe you can have a sloppy alligator!


“Scream” by Chris Cornell hits and the Orange County Cobras are led ringside by Molly Nerdly.  

And their opponents, accompanied by MOLLY NERDLY! From the O.C., total combine weight 460 pounds, the 2009 Anderson Cup champions… SIMON SINGLETON and NED BLANCHARD... THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS!!


Off come the vests and the OCC are set for action.

As summer nears, the competition is heating up in the OAOAST, especially in the tag division. Simon and Ned have made it clear capturing the tag titles is next on the agenda, but not if the gentlemen standing by have anything to say about it.

A small but noticeable box swoops in on the upper left hand corner of the screen, where in front of a grayish background V.I.C.E. stand.


Like the old saying goes, it’s better to be lucky than good.

And lucky you silly O.C. bastards were at AngleMania. Lucky you didn’t have to face us because, as ABDULLAH ABIR NERDLY is my witness, had we crossed paths you damn sure wouldn’t be $50,000 richer. As far as we’re concerned, that’s our money.

And we’re coming to collect.

ASAP, bitches!


Well as far as I’m concerned, V.I.C.E. and the Enterprise duo of Theodore Moneymaker and Christian Wright got what they deserved trying to stage the outcome of the AngleMania Payday gauntlet match.

Stage?! It was the most grueling 10 seconds of action in history, Cole.

Oh, please. Moving on, it appears Simon Singleton and Sloppy Joe will start for their respective teams.


The bell sounds and Joe grabs a side headlock out of a tie-up, only to be shoved off into the ropes. Simon drops down and executes a hip toss on the rebound, then a standing dropkick! His arm wrung Joe is whipped in following an OCC tag, and Simon performs a drop toehold as Ned delivers the POINTY~! ELBOW off the ropes!

Beautiful double-team work right there.

Ned rams Joe into the top buckle, then STOMPS A MUDHOLE AND WALKS IT DRY!

Come on, referee. Blanchard’s gotta let him out of the corner.

What the referee doesn’t do, or can’t, Outhouse Jack gets done, clubbing Ned across the back to get him away. Ned takes offense so he invites Jack to step into the ring. And the man from the Everglades does!

Look at this! Jack’s accepted Ned’s invitation!

And you’re surprised? The man hunts for his food, Cole. He’s encountered more dangerous mammals than Ned Blanchard.

Both men lockup and Jack RAKES the eyes! He clubs Ned across the shoulders, and then slams him. Outhouse Jack drops the big leg and makes the cover.




Jack brings Ned up and rams… NO! Ned blocks an attempted turnbuckle smash and sends Jack face-first instead! Rights and chops follow in the corner, then a back elbow off the ropes. But little does Ned know of a blind tag. He covers Jack and gets kicked upside the head by Joe!

A couple more kicks like that and Ned won’t look so handsome anymore.

Ned reverses a whip and back drops his meaty foe, then plants him with THE SLINGSHOT SUPLEX! The OCC tag and THE ATOMIC BLOND (Rocket Launcher) is dropped!!!

Simon makes the cover as Ned takes care of Outhouse Jack.





Here are your winners… THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS!!


The OCC and Molly celebrate.

Simon and Ned continue to roll, perhaps well on their way to a fourth tag title reign. And we are well on our way to having a fantastic Spectacular for you live from Montreal on TSM its The Amazing French Canadian Spectacular! In the world title mainevent Mister Dick meets up with Zack Malibu and those two will also meet in tonight's mainevent.



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Folks, as you all know Morgan Nerdly is set to defend her women’s title against Sophie at the Amazing French Canadian Spectacular live from Montreal, Qubec. Last week Sophie tried to befriend Morgan, but at our recent non televised event in Nashville an odd incident happened.


Backstage in the VICE offices…


Are engaged in a conversation. Bosley as per usual is loaded with furious intensity, while Morgan remains cool in the face of his fury.

Male DNA is different than female DNA!

You just figure that one out, wikipedia?

No, you’re not hearin me! The male ego is centered in the penis, its born in the penis! Its all about hard driving, pumping and thrusting, baby! A woman is centered in her coochie and that’s all about being soft, and smellin like rotten fish, and receiving. The man is hard wired to do shit like drag racing! That’s in his blood! We get our souped up rides on the road and we tear the asphalt apart! You women can’t do it because your DNA isn’t made for extreme stuff like that.

B.S. I drive a chevy cavalier and I still bet I could take you.

Hell no you couldn’t! This shit goes back to caveman times, when the men would corral huge mastadons and race them through the subsarahan jungle and just own the f’n world! The women would be back home in the cave drawin on walls and shit, and waiting for the next episode of America’s Top Cavebitch or What Sabretooth tiger skin not to wear! The men folk were out in the free and savage world sewin’ their wild oats and claimin that shit for all of human kind!

Thanks for the prehistoric blast from the past, but I’d still kick your ass ten times out of ten in a street race. We can do it in a cavalier versus a Porsche. Or we can do Barney versus Dino from Flintstones.

Fuck no you couldn’t! The only thing a woman could kick my ass at is washing the dishes and birthin babies! And as soon as I can squirt a baby out my ass the Alpha Male is gonna beat ya’ll that.

Okay, Dale Earnhardt Jr, you think your so bad? Let’s go and let’s get Fast and Furious.

Slow down, baby!  The Alpha Male needs time to get his chi in order! Its great Chinese Monk philosophy, own your chi, own your old. My chakras ain’t aligned right , yet.

You’re so full of shit.

I’m giving you the knowledge of an alpha male, baby!

You are the most full of shit person I’ve ever met.

Suddenly two police officers enter the room, drawing unwelcome stares from Morgan and Bosley. Which is odd given that they supposedly uphold the law in the OAOAST.

Morgan Nerdly?

Yeah, that’s me. Sadly.

You’re under arrest.

Morgan stammers in and shock, while Bosley laughes at the absurdity of such a statement.

What, why?

That’s bullshit!

For an attack on Sophie Grey, she was found unconscious with electrical burn marks on her back.

More bullshit! Morgan ain’t like that!

Its not for you and me to decide. This young lady is the primary suspect.

Amidst Morgan’s stuttering protests and complaints the police officers slap cuffs on her hand. She throws a worried look to Bosley as they lead her out the VICE office.


Outside the Police Station, Morgan is accompanied to the white Enterprise limo by Lorelei DeCenzo

I didn’t do it.

I know you didn’t, dear.

Don’t say it like that!

Say it like what.

Like you don’t believe me. I didn’t hurt her. I swear I didn't.

We all know that very well, and someone will pay for ruining your name. You should never have had to spend a single second in jail.

I’ve done things to people…Bad things. Things that no one should ever know. I am not a good person. I'm a terrible person. Sometimes I think I should be in jail until the flesh rots off my bones. But, I didn’t do this. And I'm tired of people taking advantage of me. I’m gonna find out who did it, and god help them, because I am going to shock the white out of their eyeballs.


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We move quickly from one segment to the next, as now we're backstage in the SWANK~! dressing room of the OAOAST World Champion, Zack Malibu. Inside the room with Malibu is also his best friend, OAOAST founding father ANGLESAULT.

You've got to relax.

I've got to relax? I've got a guy out there trying to make a name for himself at the expense of Sly, a guy who...and...and it's just not right! Then, I get jumped last week, and you're telling me to relax?

Anglesault stands, and approaches Zack.

Look, Zack. First off, it's not like he's exploiting anything. He stared you down. Now I know you wanted that night to be a tribute, but the fact is in our business, we're dealing with a LOT of loose cannons. You know how that goes, because sometimes, you can be one of them. Like now. So OK, you got jumped last week, its human nature to want to go back out there and raise hell against Dick and the Deadly Alliance. Just...think of the bigger picture, OK?

What bigger picture?

Zack, you're the OAOAST World Champion. That belt is a target as much as it is a prize. EVERYONE is going to come at you, friend or foe. Now, why stoop to Dick's level tonight, when you can wait til Sunday, gather your thoughts, not make any rash decisions, and humble him in the center of the ring like you do to everyone who crosses your path?

Zack sighs, and bites his bottom lip.

Look Zack, I'd never steer you wrong. It's just that...sometimes, you take things too personal. Sometimes you have every right to. People like Bruce Blank, or Dre...

I get the point.

I hope so. Because sometimes, you're so desperate for that inspiration that you let these battles evolve into do or die issues when the reality is, all you have to do is go out there and let that God given talent shine and show the world that you DESERVE to hold that belt. Not everything needs to be a blood feud.

So you're tell me to suck it up until Sunday?

That's what I'm saying. Don't go in there less than 100%. Dick's one of the...ahem, biggest stars we've got, and all that he's shown me the last few weeks is that he'll do anything to get what you have. So you can either open the door, go out there and call him out or track him down and duke it out in the ring or in the crowd or in the hallway or wherever...or you can do the one thing that I know you HATE to do, and just relax. People do these things because they KNOW they get to you. The low blows and cheap shots happen because they all have the same end result...Zack Malibu turns into The Incredible Hulk, exploding into a fit of rage and anger so great that sometimes he loses his focus. And I don't want that. The people don't want that. YOU don't want that, Zack. Don't lose focus. Regain it, and go to the Amazing French Canadian Spectacular and show that Dick what it means to be the World Champion.

Zack remains silent, but knows Anglesault is right.

All right.

So we're good?

We're good.

Anglesault slaps Zack on the shoulder, then heads out, as Malibu stays behind to ponder his upcoming title defense.


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We return to HeldDOWN where we find the OAOAST odd-couple, one of them anyway, of Bohemoth and Jade Rodez-Duncan. Jade is sat on one of the equipment cases looking generally glum as she and Bohemoth talk. Their conversation barely starts to get audible before Bohemoth hears the sound of footsteps, quick footsteps at that. He glances around to see Shayne Brave and Tyler Bryant, D*LUX, hurrying over to them.



    Looks like you're needed urgently.



    Just give us a minute.



    It's okay, my match is up soon anyway.



    Okay, good luck.


    Bohemoth nods to acknowledge D*LUX as he walks past them. Suddenly D*LUX perk up excitedly. A little too excitedly, causing a suspicious look from Jade.



    Hi Jade!



    ...Hi guys.



    How are you feeling?



    Better. Disappointed not to be champion anymore, but it's okay. I'm more worried about Morgan really. Poor girl.



    That's way too considerate of you.





    Jade may be naive in the ways of the world, but she can recognise when somebody's showering her with compliments and what that means.



    Okay guys, spill. What's so important. You've been pestering me all week and you're lucky I haven't taken you off my friends list like Mom told me too.



    Actually, it's your Mom we were trying to get a hold off.



    She's already cut off all lines of communication to us.



    Thing is, we had a great run at AngleMania in the Tag Gauntlet and we're killer happy to be teaming together again. We feel like the magic's finally back. But, we were disappointed, because we didn't want to be in the tag gauntlet. We wanted one match. D*LUX... versus COD.



    Dream match.



    And we couldn't do it at AngleMania like we wanted. But we'd settle for doing it some other time.



    Whenever's good for them.



    We just need to convince Krista that it's a good idea.


    Holding up a hand Jade cuts her friends off.



    Woah woah. First off, she's at home. Second, she's in a bad mood after what happened at AngleMania. Third... you're calling out Mom and Alix?



    I wouldn't call it 'calling out'. Little harsh.



    More like 'challenging' them.



    I see. Uhm... have you guys really thought this through?



    Absolutely. Your Mom and Alix are one of the best...






    Sorry, they're THE best team in the OAOAST ever! And if we can survive against them, that's it, we're right there, ready to go on to the next level and be one of the best tag teams in the OAOAST as well.



    Plus it'll be killer awesome.





    Not looking sure about this, Jade hesitates for a while before she finally relents.



    Alright, I'll talk to Mom.


    Cue fistpumps from the boybanders.



    But no promises, okay.



    Nah, it's cool. We're sure you'll do a great job. Thanks Jade, you're the best.


    Tyler and Shayne both give their one time, maybe current but just busy quite a lot of the time with other stuff, manager hugs before they leave and Jade goes back to her reservations about the idea.

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The lights dim, then begin going crazy, as if a virus has infected them, randomly jerking around the arena, frantically changing colors and turning off and on. It’s as if a bad anime scene has come to life.

Loud scratching fills the airwave, as if a DJ has lost their mind and is attempting to break their equipment. In-between the rips, legitimate music kicks on, of a Southern, heavy metal nature.

I ask you please just give us/
Five Minutes Alone.”

The lights continue to dart and flash as the music leaves and the scratching continues, only to come back again, now of a hip-hop nature.

White America/
I could be one of your kids.”

The rap fades out and the scratching continues, at an even greater pace, until music comes back, now of a hardcore variety.

Final Prayer/
Final prayer for the human race.”

The music leaves once again and the scratches reach their apex, before the sound cuts out and the arena goes pitch black. A single spotlight appears on the stage, the only light in the darkened arena. People look towards the light, but see nothing. Then "People = Shit" by Slipknot hits.


The crowd goes insane as a figure punches through the curtains, wearing torn black jeans, a sleeveless black t-shirt, and two bandanas, one over his face and the other over his head. His hands are taped up, with a red "X" on the back of each of them.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following non-title contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, on his way to the ring at this time. From South Of Heaven... he weighs two hundred, twenty pounds. Representing THE DEADLY ALLIANCE! The reigning, NINETEEN MONTH OAOAST HEARTLAND CHAMPION... SSSSAAAAAAAAANNDDMMMMMAAAAAAANN NNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEEE... TTHHHHHOOOOOUUUUUUUUSSSSSSAAAAAAAANNDD!!!!!


Nineteen months, Michael. Nineteen months!

Technically it's nineteen months next week.

Yeah, but what's seven days between friends?

Sandman climbs into the ring and removes the bandanas from his face, scowling out at the crowd.

The hostilities between The In Crowd and The Deadly Alliance continue next, as Bohemoth takes on the dominant Heartland Champion, when we come back!




And we are back in a BIG way on HeldDOWN~!

The Atlanta crowd ERUPT as marching through the curtains is two hundred eighty four pounds of PIMP. Bohemoth stomps down the aisle, with a purpose. And he chews up the ring steps on his way in.

And ladies and gentlemen his opponent... hails from Greenville, South Carolina and weighs two hundred, eighty four pounds. He is the 2009 Lethal Rumble winner and representing THE IN CROWD... "THE METEROSEXUAL MONSTER"... BBOOOOOOOOOOO - HHHHEEEEEEEMMMMMOOOOOOOOTTHHHHHH!!!!


Bohemoth flexes his impressive physique on the turnbuckles, with Sandman looking on from the outside.

First time we've seen Bohemoth in action since that match for the ages at AngleMania, where he came so close to dethroning his good friend and World Champion Zack Malibu. Tonight, it's all about seeking revenge on the group that have been targetting the World Champ, The Deadly Alliance.

Bohemoth's just lucky this match isn't under Heartland Rules, or he'd be in even more troubly than Zack is.

Or maybe Sandman's the one who's lucky. Because if this were for the title, he might not have made it to month nineteen.

Says you.


Sandman takes his time re-entering the ring, waiting for Bo to cool down a little.

"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"

Sliding in Sandman sizes up his larger opponent. He fakes to leave the ring but then charges Bohemoth trying to catch him by surprise. Bohemoth takes only one boot before he grabs Sandman by the hair and delivers a hard right hand! Hitting the mat in surprise, Sandman climbs back up and takes the fight to Bo with a series of forearm shots. But Bohemoth shakes them off, grabs Sandman again and runs him face-first into a turnbuckle pad.

Got caught!

Bohemoth turns Sandman up against the turnbuckles and unloads with right hands, shaking the Heartland Champion. By the arm Bohemoth yanks Sandman out and across the ring, into the opposite corner, where he's NAILED with a corner clothesline!

Wow! Like a mack truck! Sandman got lifted clean off his feet!

I guess Big Bo's not so cool about losing at AngleMania as he is about most things.

Grabbing Sandman's arm again, Bohemoth sends him back from whence he came, thundering in with a second clothesline in the corner. Bo isn't done yet and whips Sandman again. But this time, Sandman wisely baseball slides and bails out of the ring to avoid another collision.

Good move.

Sandman doesn't get away for long as Bohemoth goes out in pursuit. Sandman catches Bo coming with a boot though and with the fight out in his environment, the Heartland Champion fares a little better as he slams Bo's face into the guardrail. Away staggers the bigman, pursued by Sandman who grabs Bohemoth from behind GOUGING at his eyes! As Bo falls against the guardrail Sandman hangs his arms over...



...and delivers a knifedge chop.

And Bohemoth's finding out what it's all about in the Heartland Division!

Shooing cameramen out of his path Sandman paves a run-up around ringside... AND CHARGES AT BOHEMOTH WITH A FACEWASH STYLE YAKUZA KICK!!


Bo hangs over the guardrail as Sandman pulls himself carefully back over.

What a kick!

This is Sandman's environment now Cole. Out on the floor, with all these weapons and obstacles around, Bo don't want none of this.

Yes, but this isn't a Heartland Title match, this isn't No DQ.

Doesn't matter. Sandman knows what he's doing.

Grabbing Bohemoth from off the barricade, Sandman throws him against the ring apron and then back into the ring. Once inside he mounts Bo and pounds away with right hands! Sandman stops the barrage before he can be disqualified, but then ignores the referee's warning's by standing on the bottom rope, pressing it down against Bo's throat!


Sandman breaks, looking annoyed at having to deal with these pesky 'rules'.

Sandman, skirting with the rules and just about staying within them.

Helping Bohemoth to his feet Sandman sends him to the ropes, connecting with a standing dropkick. Cover...



POWERFUL kickout!


Not happy at being shown up Sandman jumps back on top of Bohemoth throwing more right hands. Bohemoth uses his power to throw Sandman off of him again and rushes to his feet. But Sandman is waiting on him, connecting with a boot to the side of the head! Staggered, Bo is taken to the mat with a Russian Legsweep and covered again...



Kickout, but not quite so emphatic this time.

Another kick to the head, the second Bohemoth has suffered so far in this match and the bigman looks a little rattled.

Leading Bohemoth to his feet, Sandman attacks with a succession of forearms. With Bo dazed he then backs off the ropes, but Bo gets a boot up. Sandman staggers backwards to the ropes again and repeats his charge. But Bohemoth catches him, snatching him off his feet with the SPINEBUST... NO! SANDMAN WRAPS THE LEGS AROUND THE WAIST AND HOOKS ON A GUILLOTINE CHOKE!!


What a counter!

Bo doubles over as Sandman clamps in on the choke, forcing Bo to carry his entire 220 pounds in a bodyscissors. The bigman reaches for the ropes, but is stuck in the middle of the ring. And it doesn't take long for the hold to bring Bo down to one knee.

Bohemoth is sinking here, Sandman could be on the verge of a huge win!

The crowd rally behind Bohemoth but he's clearly struggling. Sensing victory, Sandman lets go of the choke and quickly tries his luck with a lateral press...




Sandman sits Bo up and applies a traditional sleeper while he's still groggy.

Sandman right back to a sleeper, trying to capitalise again.

Climbing back to his feet Bohemoth isn't as troubled by this sleeper as the front one, backing up and crushing Sandman in a corner. Sandman hangs on doggedly, jumping up onto Bo's back looking for more leverage. Adjusting, Bo backs into another corner and crushes Sandman again! Sandman ends up sat on the top turnbuckle and Bohemoth reaches back, pulling him off the turnbuckles by the head!

But back comes the bigman!

Sandman runs at Bohemoth, right into a right hand. Bouncing back to his feet Sandman is then dropped with a clothesline from Bo coming out of the corner! Another clothesline follows! And then a third!

Bohemoth is...

ROLLING~! We know.

Reeling, Sandman walks into a powerful lift up and gets driven with a running powerslam!




Bohemoth fires away with right hands backing Sandman up. He then looks for an irish whip, sending Sandman off the ropes. Big boot is raised... and DUCKED, Sandman avoiding contact. Waistlock, but Bohemoth fights Sandman off with elbows. Sandman staggers and tries to charge, CAUGHT THIS TIME WITH THE SPINEBUSTER!!


2005 is marking out!

Cover by Bo...




Bohemoth climbs back to his feet and looks out at the crowd. And they respond. It's time.

Thumbs Up.


Bohemoth going for the kill here.

Unless he's going to throw Sandman onto some magically appearing thumbtacks then he's out of luck.

Pulling Sandman to his feet, Bo scoops him up into his arms. He picks his spot before swinging him around...


...and Sandman lands on his feet!


Backpedalling, Sandman lures Bohemoth into a drop toehold, face-first into the bottom turnbuckle! Dazed, Bo turns himself over, unaware that he's putting himself in more danger as Sandman comes off the ropes with the FACEWASH!!


Sandman raises an arm in victory... unaware that Bohemoth is UP and PISSED!


It had no effect!

Sandman gets spun around and shoved into the corner by Bohemoth, ducking in and driving the shoulder repeatedly into the ribs. He keeps on driving until Sandman falls into a seated position in the corner. Then, taking the same path Sandman did, Bohemoth delivers a FACEWASH of his own! But he doesn't settle for one, coming off with a SECOND FACEWASH! And just for good measure, a THIRD FACEWASH IN A ROW!!

Nevermind face 'wash', Sandman is lucky there's anything left of his face at all after that!

Pulled back up, Sandman is stuffed into position for a powerbomb. Bohemoth elevates him up onto his shoulders... and CONNECTS!




That's what I'm talking about, nobody has the pain-threshold that this man does!

Bohemoth walks away across the ring, lining the Heartland Champion up as he does so. As Sandman gets to his feet Bohemoth charges, swinging with the big lariat... but Sandman ducks and catches Bo in a waistlock. Sandman goes for a German Suplex, but can't get Bo over, even after three attempts. Reversing behind, Bohemoth shoves Sandman off into the ropes. Sandman goes up and over a scoop from Bo on the rebound though, hooking Bo up again AND DELIVERING THE GERMAN SUPLEX!!

Sandman with the show of power!

Crawling over, Sandman turns Bo onto his back and hooks a leg...




Looking frustrated Sandman walks away into a corner. He waves Bohemoth to get back up.

Lining him up, could be another one of those yakuza kicks.

Bohemoth starts to pick himself up and Sandman rushes out of the corner. He throws the Yakuza kick with Bo still halfway up and regrets it as he gets CAUGHT! With one leg over the shoulder Bo gets his feet underneath him and powers Sandman up for another powerbomb... but Sandman goes over the top and rolls Bohemoth up with a sunset pin...








Sandman rolls out of the ring, away from an infuriated Bohemoth who sits up clearly aware of what happened. Grabbing his belt, Sandman doesn't hang around for any inquiries.



Chalk one up for The Deadly Alliance!

And I'm sure the DA won't mind one bit the circumstances surrounding it.

Flinging the belt over his shoulder Sandman looks back at Bohemoth stewing in the ring, smirking a little as he turns away. Bohemoth questions the referee who protests that if there were any wrong-doings he didn't see it, so can't do anything, leaving the bigman to kick the ropes in frustration.

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We return to HeldDOWN where over at the world famous interview stage is OAOAST Original Tony Brannigan.

My guests this week have had their problems recently with the duo of Scottish Scott and Danny Boy, the Last Kings of Scotland. They are CITIZEN SOLDIERS… BARON WINDELS and TIM CASH!!


BW and Tim salute the crowd as they arrive on the podium still bandaged to the tune of “Citizen Soldier“ by 3 Doors Down.

Gentlemen, next week you have the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club in tag action, but I want to take you back to a recent bout pitting Baron Windels against Rico de Janeiro, where on the verge of victory Scottish Scott interfered to cost Baron the match.

April 12, 2009

On the outside, Queen Esther waves her wand over her head. And AS IF BY MAGIC, through the crowd, SCOTTISH SCOTT of The Last Kings Of Scotland appears from through the crowd. Baron glances up at the distraction on the apron, unaware of Scott climbing the turnbuckles behind him and coming off the top, DRIVING THE HANDLE OF HIS SPIKED CLUB INTO THE BACK OF BARON'S HEAD!!


Scott turns Rico over on top and Lucius conveniently wraps up his convesation with the ref, who doesn't hear Melody's pleas not to count...




I guess our blood wasn’t enough for them, Tony. As you can see, Tim and I still sport the battle scars we received at the hands of Scottish Scott and Danny Boy. These bandages remind us of the threat we face, because the Last Kings play by their own set of rules, which is anything and everything goes.

Like Baron said, the Last Kings play by no rules. In their sick minds hitting somebody with a spiked club is legal as a headlock. Well in the spirit of competition, let us meet to determine who the better men are.

No more sneak attacks, boys. Let’s settle our issues in the ring like men, not cowards. If you got a pair, then you‘ll accept our challenge. Anytime, anywhere is fine by us.

Now you know.

And knowing is half the battle!

“Citizen Soldier” cues and the Citizen Soldiers exit to thunderous cheers and applause.

I know one thing, HeldDOWN will be back after these messages!


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Backstage we find Maggie Nerdly standing with the Deadly Alliance's Mister Dick and Reject

What’s up ya’ll? Sad to say I gotta spend my Thursday evening with the two biggest jerks in the OAOAST, Reject and Mister Dick.

You love it.

Whatever.  In tonight’s mainevent ya’ll gotta face the tag team of Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez, The Usual Suspects. So without makin me wanna puke or nothing tell me-

Leon Rodez, boy, you done stuck your nose where it don’t belong and now you gotta take a whuppin because of it. This ain’t concerned you, son, when the Deadly Alliance was beatin down Malibitch last week we weren’t sayin to him “Oh make sure you tell Leon this is for him to, sorry we couldn’t get to him with our busy schedule.” We were beatin’ down Zack Malibu because he’s the top dog, but he don’t deserve to be the top dog and we’ll be god damned if the world title is gonna stay out the Deadly Alliance any longer. Ain’t none of that got nothing to do with you. No where in our big plan to take the gold did you ever factor in, ya stupid twerp! If we wanted it to do with you we would’ve piped one of your jailbait Nerdly ex-girlfriends. Bunch a whores!

You don't want to go down that road, believe me.

I’m standing right here, man.

Or maybe we would brought up what a piece of trash title reign you had. I gotta apologize to the man PRL, when I told him he was the most miserable son of a bitch to ever hold that world title I didn’t know how bad you was gonna be. You only had one successful title defense and the guy you was fighting  got drugged by a crazy clown. You’re a chump and a nobody, and unless you’re getting bitch slapped by Nerdlys you ain’t even worth putting on TV. You set the world title back years and yer boyfriend Zack Malibu ain’t doin it no favors. Malibitch, you listen to me, son, I don’t know who you thought you were comin out and attackin’ me like you did last week. That ain’t how civilized folk conduct business. You’re as stupid as you look because you shoulda known the minute you hit the Human Hard On, you had all the other pitbulls in the DA comin for you. I was content to just say my piece and let you say your’s but you showed up swinging, you started a fight and we finished it. We also gonna finish your world title run. This ain’t just a Mister Dick achievement or nothin like that. This is group wide Deadly Alliance effort. I ain’t the only one gonna be world champion, it’s the whole Deadly Alliance wearin that gold! You got a stable full of overrated hasbeens backing you up, and we’re the strongest group in this damn business. Best believe we’re putting a quick end to your long career, boy.

And that's what the Deadly Alliance is all about.  No more of Alf and his convoluted "plans".  We don't beat around the bush...when we want something, we go out and get it.  And when the time comes, we will come and get the OAOAST World championship, by any means necessary.

Reject then turns to Maggie.

But I want to ask you a question, Maggie....was PRL hittin' that while me and you were together?

Maggie puts her hand over her face.

C;mon, you can tell me...I just want to rest easy knowing that I wasn't getting PRL's sloppy seconds...

Maggie leaves the set in a huff, as Reject and MD share a laugh.

Those men are disgusting!


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We're back here on HeldDOWN~!, and Coach, last week we heard a rather cryptic message from an OAOAST newcomer. His name is Tommy G., and as I understand it we're going to hear from him again right now!

We cut to Tommy G., smirking into the camera, rubbing his hands together as he addresses the audience.

"So the two IDIOTS in the booth feigned ignorance as to my identity. I’d be offended if I wasn’t aware of how stupid they are. For all I know, they DON’T know who I am, being the cookie cutter store mannequins they are! Last time, I laid the foundation for my long stay here in the OAOAST. Those first steps will ensure that those who consider themselves bold—read: dumb—enough to stand in my way are eliminated. I have chosen my targets based upon what I have seen, read and…know. Yes, what I know. Knowledge is king, and you’re about to get crowned!"

We cut back to Cole and Coach, who look like they've seen a ghost.

You pissed him off, Cole!

ME? How do we know he's not here for you!?

Why would you say that?

How many people do you owe money to?

How da...wait, you're right!

Whether it's you, or me, or anyone in the OAOAST, it looks like we'd all better be on alert. Tommy G. is his name, and he's certainly got motive to be here. We just don't know when we're going to find out, and I think that's the way he wants it!

Out in the parking garage we find a Limosouine situated in a VIP parking space. Reclining on the limo’s hood, each holding a pair of baseball is…




The Moneygang sits on top of the limo with CMJ thoroughly bored by the mundane wait, and Spencer relaxing as though he were catching rays on a beach. Both men’s interest perk up when Sophie walks through the doors to the building. Startled at their presence, she jumps back and eyes them with worry.


Spencer puts on his most charming smile.

Bonjour mademoislle. Comment ca va?

Ca va bien et tu?

Ca va mal.


Frustrated with the language he can’t decipher, CMJ smashes his bat against the ground. This startles Sophie, but entertains Spencer and he laughes at his partner’s poor temper.

Enough of this French crahp Spencah. This yah cah, Frenchie?

Oui. It is Josie’s car, I ride in it.

Both men shoot each other knowing smiles.

Hehehheh. Looks like yah been cot out, eh?

What do you mean?

What we mean, my pretty little Parisian dove, is we don’t quite understand why you framed Morgan?

I did not.

Ya stahtin to ahnnoy me. Yer sayin Morgan really did attack ya?

I do not know if it was her. I was attacked from behind.

We don’t honestly care who it was. Could’ve been the ghost of Yokozuna could’ve been Bob Sagat from TV’s Full House, could’ve been whoever. Our problem is that you let Morgan take the blame. Morgan, in case you didn’t know, is good friends with Lorelei. Hopefully you can kinda see where I’m taking this. I don’t want to waste my time with explanations.

I did nothing wrong. I was wrong!

Quit actin like a faakin retahd, this ain’t got nothing ta do wit right or wrong. Ya framed Morgan! Ya shot yerself in the bahk, fell on the cahpet and got Morgan arrested to get ahead on yer title match.

I did not!

Lorelei says you did. And frankly, Soph, you don’t get the bra size to counter her.  Its nothing personal though.

Giving Sophie no more chance to argue or protest, Spencer and CMJ take their bats to the limo’s headlights. As glass rains down to the asphalt, the two men move onto the windshield hammering it with their bats. Sophie watches on in horror as the men create deep dents with repeated whacks of their bat. More calm than his partner, Spencer flips the bat onto his shoulders.

Thanks for your time, Sophie, you’ve been great!

Fakkin frog!

CMJ delivers one last violent wack to the car, taking off its side mirror. The Moneygang then walks away, chuckling over their misdeed,

Those men are disgusting!


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Final Ride by Tru pumps its smooth gangsta beats into the arena and the fans put forth a wave of boos in response. From parting entrance doors, emerges the Deadly Alliance crew of Reject and Mister Dick. Both men pose with arms outstretched and toros tilted sideways as a beautiful cascade of golden pyro touches down on the entrance floor.

Stable warfare at hand with the In Crowd set to meet Reject and Mister Dick of The Deadly Alliance.  All the stables in the OAOAST constantly trying to lay claim to being the best and this is a key match up right here.

The Deadly Alliance already has an Angle Award for stable of the year,  they’re just defending the crown.

Mister Dick slides beneath the ropes, and thoroughly disgusts the crowd by plunging his crotch against the canvas. Reject stands atop the turnbuckles posing for a crowd that greets him with open hostility.

The Deadly Alliance have a waged a nasty war against Zack Malibu, our world champion, attacking him last week and leaving him laid out at the end of our show. Zack is furious and I can't blame him.

I can't blame him either but that anger is going to be his demise. Its like Anglesault said he

The famous drum beat returns to OAOAST television, and brings it with it the deafaning screams of sixty thousand fans. Being so excited that they're barely able to maintain sanity, the fans joyously clap along to Weezer's Beverly Hills. They nearly scream themselves hoarse at the sight of Leon Rodez, clad in an In Crowd varsity jacket as opposed to his usual robe. Rodez is more subdued than usual, preferring to avoid flashy theatrics and instead solemnly raise his index finger.  His gesture is overshadowed, however, by Zack throwing his prestigious gold belt high above his head.

What kind of man is Zack Malibu. You robbed that boy of his world title and his chance at an Anglemania mainevent and now ya gotta flash it in his face? That ain’t proper!

Zack Malibu has the utmost respect for Leon Rodez. Both men know the harsh realities of this business but both men also know that they can depend on one another.

And their opponents,, Hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan and Providence, Rhode Island respectively...they weigh in at a total combined weight of four hundred, twenty eight pounds. They are former OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... "SILKY SMOOTH" LEON RODEZ... ZACK MALIBU... THE UUSSSSSUUUUAAAAAAALLL SSSSUUUUUSSSSSPPEEEEECCTTSSSSSSS!!

Malibu slaps hands with the fans that adore him so, but never takes his infuriated glare away from Mister Dick and Reject. The two Deadly Alliance members stand in the center of the ring, laughing at the memory of the beating they delivered Zack just a week ago.  Rodez can’t do much more than offer a consoling pat on the shoulder, promising Malibu a well deserved revenge.

Reject said earlier tonight that the Deadly Allliance has done away with Alfdogg’s so-called convoluted plans. They’re straight forward and they’re colliding head on with the In Crowd.


Zack Malibu stares a harsh sort of stare at Mister Dick from across the ring. The Human Hard On doesn’t quite match Zack’s glare instead shooting back a devious smirk. The two men come together for a lockup, as the crowd plants themselves solidly behind Zack. The overpowering strength of the Texas stud wins out and he succeeds in shoving Zack backwards into the ring posts. Immediately referee Clem Buzzlefoxer tries to get between the two to avoid any cheap shots.  But his frail bones can do nothing to stop the hardbodied cowboy from aiming a wave of left hands into Zack’s skull! Buzzlefoxer tries to appeal to MD’s sense of sportsmanship but only gets a sharp rebuke for his efforts. But this exchange gives Zack all the time he needs to roar back to life and assail his foe with right crosses.


Zack’s flurry of offense comes to an end at the hands of a knee to the midsection. Mister Dick attempts to whip him into the ropes, but Zack reverses it. He swings his arm out for a lariat, but the Cocky Prick avoids it by shooting his head beneath Zack’s arm. He rebounds off the ropes, leaping up into a Lou Thez press, but Malibu catches him perfectly with a dropkick! The Franchise then makes a dash to the ropes and returns to strike Mister Dick with a leaping elbow. Reject prepares to enter the ring to aid his partner, but can’t even get through the ropes before Malibu boots him off the apron!

A little bit of revenge for the Eulogy Reject delivered last week!

A cheap shot is what that was! Zack had no reason to go after Reject like that.

Mister Dick charges forward, trying to capture the world champion by surprise. But Malibu is ready for his arrival and beats him away with an elbow strike. The shot staggers The Human Hard On, which allows Zack to grab onto his curly brown hair and drag him to the US corner for a tag with the Silky Smooth One!


These have been though times lately for Leon Rodez, but these great OAOAST Marks have stuck by him, because they know he’s such a great guy and they know things will get better.

Thinking back to his bitter feud with Mister Dick, Rodez is able to summon the energy and strength needed to blast his foe in his well sculpted chest with knife edge chops. Once finished with his flesh shredding chops, The Grand Rapids Golden Child launches his foe across the ring into a neutral corner. Rodez then runs forward lifting his knees in hopes striking MD with a double knee. But, Mister Dick expected this move and easily counters but by shooting his leg forward and striking Le-Ro with a Stiff Kick!

“Yeah, how you like that, Malibitch!” Mister Dick asks Zack as his partner writhes in pain on the canvas. While Zack grinds his teeth together in frustration, MD attempts a pinfall…



But Leon kicks out, and Zack claps his hands in delight for his partner’s strength.

Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez as close as any two men here in the OAOAST, when one’s in trouble the other is always there to aid him.

Annoyed with being unable to earn a three count, Mister Dick drags his feet to his corner and makes the tag with Reject.

“REJECT SUCKS! REJECT SUCKS! REJECT SUCKS!” the fans hiss, drawing an irritated glare from the R-Man. Unfortunately for Reject the fans distract him his foe, and he’s taken by surprise by a running neckbreaker! As the crowd and Zack applaud Leon’s work, The Grand Rapids Golden Child rushes to the ropes. But as he returns Reject finds his way upright and succeeds in launching him into the sky. Fortunately for Rodez he’s able do a quick course correction and strike his old foe down with a lariat. Quickly Reject returns to his feet, but he’s promptly trapped inside a double underhook from Rodez. But after much struggle the former tag champ is able to force his way out of the hold. Leon throws a quick punch to try and maintain the offense but his strike is blocked by Reject who catches onto his arm and drives him downwards with an urange! Leaving Rodez in pain on the canvas, Reject backs to the ropes and uses them to push himself forward. When he reaches his rival he tilts his body downwards and strikes with an elbow.

Lot’s of bad blood between these two men, and even though Leon isn’t known to get angry losing to Reject would most assuredly hurt.

Applying a strategy of constant tagging, Reject brings Mister Dick back into the contest. As the Atlanta crowd hits him with a barrage of boos, Mister Dick strikes the now standing Rodez with left jabs. Through with his punches, Mister Dick whips Rodez into the ropes. But the former world champion delights the crowd by returning with a big neckbreaker! A pinfall quickly follows…



Mister Dick kicks out well before the three. The two ring warriors roll to their feet with both men firing off rapid jabs. Mister Dick’s superior punching power wins out and he’s able to toss Rodez into the ropes. Bouncing back Leon is struck by a raised cowboy boot that dumps him to the mat and curses him with a terrible headache,. Laughing over the injury he’s inflicted on the Michigander, MD reaches out to tag in Reject. The R-Man is met with a torrent of heat from the audience, that grows even hotter when he punts Leon directly in the head!

A HARD shot from The R-Man.

Reject picks Rodez off the canvas and keeps him weak and subdued with a pair of forearms to the skull. As Leon staggers with grogginess, the native of the Bronx bounces to the ropes. But as he returns the former world champion stuns him with a sunset flip!

A cover!



The fans boo as Reject quickly hops out the pin. He works his way upright but is met with a jab! And another! And another! And another! Rodez then turns to his adoring fanbase to offer them his trademark kiss. But his lips are nearly knocked off his face by a Stiff Kick from The Human Hard On!

“BOOOOOOOO!” the audience cries out as Leon crumples to the canvas badly wounded by that surprising attack. But their jeers quickly changed to cheers the moment Malibu runs through the DA with a double lariat!

“ZACK! ZACK! ZACK!” they chant, pleased to watch Zack mangle the two hated villains with stomps. The Franchise could strike his enemies all day, and he most likely would if it weren’t for Hebner clearing him out the ring.

The world champion playing dirty, Mikey.

Only because Mister Dick came in with a completely unnecessary Stiff Kick.

Reject stumbles back to his feet and brings Rodez right along with him. The former tag champion attempts an irish whip but Rodez has the strength to reverse it and pulls in Reject for a short arm forearm. Hurt by the strike, Reject stumbles from side to side until Rodez leaps forward and strikes him with a face crusher. While Reject howls in pain and the fans howl in joy, Rodez rolls to his corner and makes the tag with The Franchise.

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans scream to welcome Malibu back to the contest. He’s a far less warm welcome from Reject who pelts him from his knees with a thudding elbow. Reject then rises to throw a wave of overhand lefts against Zack’s skull. Tired of the throbbing headache the strikes cause him, Malibu shoves Reject away. With distance created between he and his foe the world champ is able to wind up for the School’s Out! But as soon he gets his leg off the ground, Reject takes it from under him with a basement dropkick! Malibu topples over to the canvas and immediately clutches his sore knee. His hands work as poor shields as Reject is able to rip through them with powerful stomps. Then the Bronx’s favorite son poses above his fallen foe drawing much heat from the audience.


Reject has successfully managed to make himself hated by 99% of the OAOAST Marks the 1% that don’t hate him are himself and his mother.

Reject gives the fans even more reasons to despise him when he places his boot on Zack’s neck and chokes him mercilessly while wearing a joyful grin. Worse yet for Zack, Mister Dick distracts Hebner with vulgar ranting, leaving him trapped in the vile attack. Finally he releases his choke, but does so only to terrorize Malibu with more stomps. The kicks force him beneath the ropes onto the ring apron where Mister Dick takes over for Reject with hard kicks to the back of Zack’s head. Pleased with the damage his stablemate has caused Malibu, Reject drags the world champion to the center of the ring. Bringing him to his feet, he wraps his arms around his waist and drops him down with a gut wrench suplex! A pinfall follows…



Malibu lifts his shoulder off the canavs, as the fans return to chanting his name. Reject however returns to stomping at his back before finally bringing him upright. He tucks his head between Malibu’s arms and in one swift motion brings him backwards for a release Northern Lights Suplex. He gives Zack no room or time for recovery and batters right knee with a succession of elbow drops. After the fourth painful strike lands, Reject keeps himself grounded to stretch Zack’s leg with a deadly leg lock. The Franchise groans in pain and frustration as his arms slap on the canvas to try and call back his strength. Fortunatley for Zack, Reject makes the costly of rolling onto his back, and this allows the preppy superstar to smash his free leg against Reject head repeatedly. The pain is too much to tolerate and eventually Reject hasn’t any choice but to release Zack.


Hobbling on his one good leg, Zack brings Reject up with a hold of his funky coloured tights. He terrorizes Reject’s chest with European strikes snap off the spandex of his tights. With Reject wobbling from the agony of the strikes, Zack grabs onto his arm and speedily drags him down to the canvas with an armbar that pleases the fans. But there’s no submission forthcoming. Not even close thanks to Mister Dick taking his spurred boots into The In Crowd leader’s ribcage.


ReReject shakes the lasting remnants of the submission out his arm and attempts a pinfall….



Zack kicks out, thrusting his arm into the air.


Stable pride on the line here tonight. The In Crowd owned the Anglemania mainevent but you’re only as good as your last match, and if the Deadly Alliance can win this one and go onto win the world title other teams will be hard pressed to match their legacy.

Reject brings Zack to his feet and keeps a grip on his gelled blond hair to apply the tag with Mister Dick. The Deadly Alliance works out a brief double team that sees The Franchise launched into the ropes. When he returns the duo attempt to take his head off with twin elbow strikes. He sinks back to the canvas as if he just caught gunfire to his face.

Mister Dick and Reject look like a team, they look like two dudes in the best stable in the world. Zack and Leon look like two singles wrestlers thrown together, and Leon barely looks like a wrestler period. Four months from now I bet that dude is Flex Phillips’ed, his career is toast.

Mister Dick offers the fans some most unwelcome crotch chops, before dropping a knee across Malibu’s forehead. He then pulls Malibu off the canvas and tosses him into the far corner. Another crotch chop is given, this time towards Leon, and MD’s cowboy boots dart him towards Zack. He leaps his lanky frame into the air to give Zack a taste of his shiny metal dick. But, he instead gets a taste of the ring post as Zack moves out of the way!

Great resiliency by the champion! He’s not the going to let the In Crowd go down to the Deadly Alliance, not on his watch.

Don’t tag in Leon then.

Mister Dick stumbles out the corner, face frozen in horrified pain. This is enough for Zack to reach between his legs and lift him for the Angleslam! But the legendary finisher can’t be pulled off as Mister Dick slides down Malibu’s back. Giving The Franchise little time to react, MD punts him in the testicles with a cowboy boot! Zack sinks over to the canvas, as the fans decry MD for his action. In response, Mister Dick leans over the ropes and challenges them all to a fight.

A heinous move by Mister Dick! The Deadly Alliance stops at nothing to win.

That’s why they’re the best, baby boy.

Malibu is able to find the will and the way to get to his feet. But he’s unable to do anything more than that, due to Mister Dick clamping his arm around him in a headlock. He backs to the corner and applies the tag to Reject. The R-Man stomps at Malibu’s midsection in the corner until Hebner calls for a break. Reject follows orders but keeps Zack on the defensive by peppering him right jabs. He then swings Zack to the canvas with a twisting snap suplex, and floats over into a pin…



Malibu kicksout just before the three count and the fans and Leon can breathe a sigh of relief. Reject gets the world champion off the canvas and throws him to the ropes. Malibu returns with a lariat, but the Bronx native effortlessly avoids it by swinging behind Malibu and snagging him into a rear waistlock. But his German Suplex effort is immedaitley snuffed out by a furious round of back elbows from Malibu. Angered, Reject winds up to attempt to level Zack with a wild haymaker. But the champion cuts short his attack with powerful knife edge chops! Quickly, Mister Dick makes an effort to come to Reject’s rescue, but Zack fights him away by back body dropping down to the canvas! Just as Mister Dick’s body touches down with brutal impact, does Reject rise to strike Malibu with a Eulogy!


Oh my, that has to be it!

That would normally result in a three count if Reject didn’t have a partner begging to be one who has the pleasure of pinning Zack. Deciding to be a team player, Reject agrees to MD’s request without argument. But exhausted from Malibu’s hellish punches he’s slow to crawl to the corner. His lethargic speed aids Zack in his recovery, and the Pissed Off Prep begins a painful crawl to Rodez.


Both men trying to reach their corners, who will be the first to make it in this war between The Deadly Alliance and The In Crowd.

Reject claims victory in the race, making a tag to the overly excited Mister Dick. With a grin splitting his face, he rushes across the ring. But that grin soon disappears when Malibu succeeds in applying the tag with Rodez!


Mister Dick can’t even get his arms up in defense before The Grand Rapids Golden Child strikes him down with a diving top rope lariat! As the fans continue to root him Rodez battles back at his old rival Reject with hard elbow strikes. Mister Dick is able to head to his feet, but this does neither he nor Reject any good as the silky smooth one upends the Texas A&M alum with an exploder suplex!

He got him with that one!

“LEON! LEON! LEON!” the fans chant, not noticing that the hated R-Man has ventured onto the top rope. Leon has failed to spot him as well and is a grave error as Reject plows into him with a cross body block into a pinfall…



Rodez kicks out at the very last nanosecond bringing out great cheers from the audience. He quickly works his way towards his feet, but can’t mount much of an offense thanks to powerful right hands from Reject. The former WDW world champion then backs himself into the ropes, using them to push himself forward at Rodez. But Leon cuts him down with a rapid spinning wheel kick!


Leon Rodez looking for a much needed win and if he keeps fighting like that he just might get it!

Rodez can’t capitalize on his lethal strike, however, due to Mister Dick hammering his back with clubbing forearms. Weakening Leon with his powerful blows, Mister Dick is able to grab him into a Full Nelson to set up the pure penetration. But Rodez uses all the strength in his body to push himself free of the hold. Without giving Mister Dick a chance to mount a new attack, Leon KO’s him with a beautiful enziguri.


These Atlanta OAOAST Marks are loving Leon Rodez right now!

Trying to take Leon Rodez by surprise, Reject assumes the crouch for the deathly Eulogy. But he ends up being one left in shock and in misery as The Franchise connects with a School’s Out!

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans shout, overjoyed at the impending victory.

Although not the legal man, Malibu hooks the leg for a pivotal pinfall…





Damn the Deadly Alliance!

ThunderKid gets in two solid wacks on his fellow OAOAST Original Malibu before Leon, having been sent back to his corner, notices what's happened. And as he rushes to help Zack out, Thunderkid jabs the top of the chair into the ribs and then CRACKS him with the chair across the back!

This is ridiculous, The Deadly Alliance are trying to pick the In Crowd off one at a time!

No they're not! You think they care about Leon? He just got in the way, they're here for Zack!

But before any more damage can be done to Zack he reaches up and grabs onto the chair in TK's hand from the mat. Pleased with the damage done to the world champion, TK lets the chair go free and quickly exits the ring. Before any harm can befall his best friend and leader, he pulls Reject out the ring. Mister Dick soon joins them, spitting at the downed In Crowders.


“Don’t know what the distract attorney has to do with this!” ThunderKid shouts back and then laughes at his joke merely because no one else will. Mister Dick and Reject avoid the corny jokes and instead promise and end to Zack’s reign as they retreat up the ramp.

The In Crowd should have had this match won, but the Deadly Alliance refuses, absolutely refuses to accept defeat in any way, shape or form.

Back in possession of the World Title belt, and now able to stand, Malibu leans over the ropes and holds the ultimate prize high into the air. His gesture and his words dare the Deadly Alliance to return to the ring and try to lay claim to his championship. Once he sees they have no wish to continue the fight, he dismisses them as cowards and turns to the crowd, raising the World Title belt in the air.

I tell you what Coach, it's going to take more than what the Deadly Alliance brought tonight to take that World Title away from Zack Malibu in Montreal! Mister Dick isn't going to win that title on a shoddy DQ, he's going to have to BEAT Zack Malibu, one on one.

And you say it like you don't expect it to happen. But we all know what happened at AngleMania. This is just the warm-ups, trust me, Mister Dick'll be ready for Montreal!

Zack continues to play to the crowd as behind him, Leon gets back to one knee, cringing after the vicious chairshot he took. He glances over his shoulder to see Zack climbing the turnbuckles, checking that The Deadly Alliance aren't on their way back as he gets to his feet and picking up the steel chair just incase they want to. Climbing down off the ropes Zack walks towards the middle of the ring to check on Leon. And after a quick pat on the back to his friend he moves on to the next set of turnbuckles. Leon, clearly still hurting, stops in his tracks and stares.

This crowd in Atlanta showing their appreciation for the World's Heavyweight Champion.

All eyes are on the World Champion. But the eyes that matter are Leon's. Not just hurt physically, his eyes look hurt as well. As Zack steps down off the ropes he parades to the crowd again. Almost as if Leon wasn't there. Not seeing the eyes narrow, as he looks at the World Champion.

A look we never see from Leon.


For a moment he stares at Zack, stares as his best friend holds the OAOAST World Title over his head, the OAOAST World Title he won from him months earlier. Suddenly he looks down... and when his head titls back up, there's an altogether different look on Leon's face again.



Zack hits the deck from a savage chairshot to the spine, which he was completely unprepared for!

Wha... what the hell!?

Throwing the chair aside Leon grabs a hold of Zack's legs before he knows what's happening to him, turning him over and dropping to one knee APPLYING THE LIONTAMER!!!!


Zack screams in pain as Leon pulls back, twisting away on the spine with an angry, almost CRAZED look. Gasps are replaced by screams from the crowd as Zack clutches his face anguished, being tortured in the hold. Leon continues to pull and pull, releasing months of pent-up frustration. Referees hit the ring to try and put a stop to it, but they find Leon unable to be reasoned with and he looks straight past them, completely ignoring their presence as he continues to punish the World Champion, who slaps his hand against the mat in a vain attempt for it to be broken. The crowd are shocked and can barely bring themselves to boo, just watching stunned at what they're seeing.


Having been trapped in the hold for nearly thirty seconds by now Zack begins to lapse out of consciousness from the pain, while the referees resort to more physical tactics to try and get the hold broken. But they can't prise the arms apart. Wrestlers now hit the ring to help, not just wrestlers but friends. The Christ Air Express, Citizen Soldiers, even D*LUX. But Leon isn't listening to any of them. And Zack has faded, no longer tapping the mat, no longer able to. As Shayne and Tyler try to reason with Leon, he stares blankly right past them. At which point, Jade rushes to the ring. His own niece, who stands no more than two feet from his face, screaming at him to stop, pleading with him to let go. Completely blanked. Until finally Leon lets go of the hold.


Finally some of the crowd can bring themselves to boo Leon, as he lets go of the hold. All of the anger and all of the frustration has drained from his face. Now there's just a blank, cold stare. Staring straight ahead, as he brushes past his own niece as if she didn't even exist!

The referees quickly check on Zack who groans groggily in pain. The wrestlers who had come down to help just watch Leon as he slowly and carefully leaves the ring and calmly walks to the back, as if oblivious to everything around him. He walks right past the camera tracking in front of him without once glancing down the lens and disappears through the curtain. Leaving a stunned crowd. Shocked friends. And Zack stricken in pain. With the World Title lying symbolically feet away from his anguished face.


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