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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Up to Date Character Specs!

Chanel #99

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Name: Phecda


Nicknames: Shining One


Age: 23

Height: 6'1

Weight: 259 lbs

Hometown: Chochołów, Poland

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Pretty Young Money

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:



Entrance music: Ocean Drive by Duke Durmon

Entrance description:


We're riding down the boulevard
We're riding into the dark night, night
With half the tank and empty heart
Pretending we're in love, when it's never enough
As the silence filled the lonely air
Oh, they can hear now now now baby
We see a storm is closing in,
Pretending we're escaping
Don't say a word while we danced with the devil
You brought the fire to a world so cold
We're out of time on the highway to never
Hold on (hold on), hold on (hold on)
Don't say a word while we danced with the devil
You brought the fire to a world so cold
We're out of time on the highway to never

Hold on (hold on), hold on (hold on)

Lights in the shape of stars fall across the arena and swirl around. Walks to the ring with Al Houd, while pumping up his muscles

Entrance Attire: cut off PYM t-shirt

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Power


Finishing Move(s): Polish Hammer

Secondary Finishers: Belly of the Beast-Spinning scoop powerslam

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Double Snake Eyes as in gives the opponent the snake eyes twice

Creation Theory-Running Vertical Suplex

Broken Wings-Butterfly Slam

Polish Crab-Boston Crab



Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: Phecda is a former Polish body builder, who was signed to a developmental deal based on his look and hulking power. Whatever plans the OAOAST had for him got a monkey wrench thrown into him when Sugar Belleflair scouted him to protect her from potential threats. Of which she has many because she's very annoying!




Name: Al Houd

Nicknames: Sparkling One

Age: 27

Height: 5'11

Weight: 223 lbs

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Pretty Young Money

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:



Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Entrance description: See above

Entrance Attire: PYM t-shirt

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Power



Finishing Move(s): Bleak Future III-Michonoku Driver II

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Cartwheel dropkick to a seated foe

Heart of the Hydra-Windmill kick

Northern Claw-Body lift facebiuster

Amber Shining-Release headlock suplex




Background: An Indy standout in the Northeast, Al Houd was quickly snapped up by the OAOAST who appreciated his talent and handsome looks. Problem is, Sugar appreciated his brawn even more and managed to convince him to be her loyal security servant. There's no accounting for taste on his part is there. Phecda and Al Houd grew to appreciate Melissa more than Sugar, their admiration growing so strongly that it borders on the worship of a cult figure. The pair speak in odd ways, finishing each others sentences, and linking all to Melissa. The lead singer of PYM is perhaps their sole focus in life, and they are the instrument to enact her many grievances with the world


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  • 2 months later...


Name: Tyler Bryant

Nicknames: Star67, The Serial Thriller

Age: 27

Height: 6'

Weight: 187

Hometown: Grosse Pointe, MI

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Lorelei DeCenzo, THE FLEX

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: "What a time to be alive!" , very cocky, wears sunglasses while he wrestles, tends to get into tantrum mode when he feels his talents aren't being appreciated or defered to.

Entrance music: Rising Up by Young Guns

Entrance description:

Give it to me, give it to me!

The words TREMENDOUS are spelled out in giant white inflatable letters, which Tyler bursts through with THE FLEX and Lorelei trailing him. At the base of the ramp, Tyler does crunches and then shows off his abs on the apron.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:

Wrestling Style: Technical high flier

Finishing Move(s): 0 to 100-TKO

Trademark Moves/Spots:

The Tremendous Pain-Running Neckbreaker

Samoan Drop

Steph Curry With Da Shot-Shining Enziguri

Yakuza Kick

Top Ten Trend- Ten punches in the corner

Other moves:

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
OAOAST World title (x2)

Background: What would the OAOAST be without resident good guy gone bad, Tyler Bryant? Star67 ditched stable, ditched girlfreind and ditched life long best friend all for the promises made by Lorelei DeCenzo. Miss DeCenzo has told Tyler he could have wealth, and health and fame (that didn't rhyme) if only he were to become a singles wrestler. Tyler broke up D*LUX, broke up with Jade, enlisted THE FLEX's service and became the mirror obsessed asshole you see before you. And the thing is it might have been worth it. Pundits predict Tyler will hold the world title sooner rather than later

Tyler's gamble paid instant dividens, winning the US title from the entrenched champion, Oscar Friberg. With Lorelei as his brains and FLEX as has muscle, Tyler was free to focus on going for the big belt, and outlasted a Lethal Rumble final four that included himself, Teddy Buckworth, King Landon Maddix and Colin Maguire Jr to secure his place in AngleMania history.

At the biggest show on earth Tyler did not disappoint in the ring, overcoming a woman who had been a mentor as well as a boyhood crush, Krista Isadora Duncan. Perhaps to cut all ties to his past, Tyler cut Krista's hair post match. Cruel as it was this was an announcement that Tyler had arrived to the top of the mountain.


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Name: Shayne Brave

Nicknames: #TrapLord

Age: 26

Height: 5'9

Weight: 177 lbs

Hometown: Now residing in Atlanta, GA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers:  None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Speaks fondly of “the trap”

Entrance music: RGF Island by Fetty Wap

Entrance description:

My niggas stack their money just to spend it
Cause when you die you cannot take it with you
If you ain't beefin' 'bout the money, then what's the problem?
Don't worry about my niggas cause I got 'em
My niggas stack their money just to spend it
Cause when you die you cannot take it with you
And if you ain't beefin' 'bout the money, then what's the problem?
Don't worry about my niggas, Zoo I got 'em

Comes out with a champagne bottle that sparkles with pyro. On the top rope he gives an air toast.

Entrance Attire: Bandanna that reads #Showtime

Ring Attire: Black shorts with his name written in hot pink with a hastag #TrapLord

Wrestling Style: Technical high flier

Finishing Move(s): My Parents Went To The Trap And All They Brought Me Back Was This Chill As Fuck Finishing Move-Snapmare driver

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Wap Drop-Picture Perfect Elbow Drop

ZooWap-Top Rope Flying Lariat

Slave 2 Da Trap-Tornado DDT into a choke hold

Finessin'-Leg Lariat

Other moves:

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Runs the trap

Background: Shayne Brave had a great thing going in his team of D*LUX. Hanging out with Jade, getting advice from Lorelei DeCenzo and teaming with his BFF Tyler Bryant. Then Tyler Bryant told him he had a choice, either become his personal assistant or GTFO. Shayne chose plan C which got him superkicked and beaten in two straight singles matches.

Since then Shayne has been wrestling Japan in BUSTLE as a top junior. Somehow in the midst of all that he's reinvented himself as #TrapLord. For those who don't know what the trap is (Tony), its the areas where drug deals are carried out. Shayne claims to be the lord of the OAOAST trap because all dealings in this drug shit must go through him. Does anyone recognize Shayne as #TrapLord? Has he had a psychotic break? Find out on future editions of HeldDOWN~!

Edited by SwiftGangSexToy
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  • 3 months later...


Name: Gory Dragan

Nicknames: The Parasite, The Mind Freakazoid

Supernatural Species: Parasitic Witch

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight: 179 lbs

Hometown: Vernonia, OR

Alignment: Face

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Whimisical and irreverent, tends to do the right thing as a means to overcompensate for his horrible past.

Entrance music: Welcome to The Black Parade

Entrance description:

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,
Would you be the savior of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them,
Your demons, and all the non-believers,
The plans that they have made?"
"Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join The Black Parade.

like so (Enters with a spin and does MJ dances down to the ring, just so you know if the link is broken!)

Entrance Attire:
Ring Attire:

Wrestling Style: Flashy

Finishing Move(s): Do Not Go Gentle-Unprettier into a bulldog

Secondary Finishers: Gory Special

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Unpleasantville-Straight Jacket DDT
Communion of the Cursed - Falling single underhook facebuster
Evidence On Fire - School Boy Into Superkick
Red Sky Warning - Standing sliced bread into a face crusher



A sly and jovial sociopath, Gory Dragan is what's known as a parasitic witch. He lacks the ability to cast magic on his own, having to first drain it from a host. He sought to change this at a young age when he murdered his family on a trip to Chicago, seeking to steal their magical ability for good. Yet with his final breath his father sealed him away in something of a nether realm. It was only Deirdre's release of power at AngleMania 13, that broke the barrier and allowed Gory to return to the realm.

Gory was one of the top talents in TMW: Revolution, impressing his mentor, Big Papa Thrust. Showing true cunning, Gory sneaked the 24/7 tile off Nathaniel Black and held it for several months. During that time he competed in the finals of Revolution but failed to beat Coco Chanel. Still, Gory was made a member of the main roster, and defended his 24/7 title until thoughts about his family clouded his ability to take notice of his surroundings and he was jumped and beaten for the belt by Outlaw Cello. In a sorrow about his whole life, Gory got a ressurection spell from Deirdre and requested Cassidy bring his family back to life. Eager, to one up Gretchen Wright, Cassidy casts the spell only to miss Gory's family and raise a bunch of zombies including Clem Buzzlefoxer!

As something of an ironic twist, Gory likes to perform traditional magic tricks in his free time.

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  • 1 month later...


Name: Conan Chanel

Nicknames: Coco

Age: 19

Height: 6'0

Weight: 218 lbs

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Alignment: Face

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Very proud of his status as one of the world's elite, talks down to other people, likes to boss people around as well.

Entrance music: New Americana by Halsey

Entrance description:

Cigarettes and tiny liquor bottles
Just what you'd expect inside her new Balenciaga
Vile romance, turned dreams into an empire
Self-made success now she rolls with Rockefellers
Survival of the richest, the city's ours until the fall
They're Monaco and Hamptons-bound but we don't feel like outsiders at all
We are the new Americana
High on legal marijuana
Raised on Biggie and Nirvana
We are the new Americana

 A standing mirror is brought onto the stage. Its ornate with runic script, and truly a majestic sight. That is until the glass shatters, and through the gaping hole of the destroyed mirror stands a majestic sight in his own right; a blazer clad Conan “Coco” Channel! He shushes the roaring crowd, which of course doesn't work, then journeys to his ring.

Entrance Attire:
Ring Attire: Black biker shorts with a cross made of crystal running down the front, white boots, white elbow and knee pads, finger tape.

Wrestling Style: Technical high impact

Finishing Move(s): Black Opium - Multiple curbstomps

Secondary Finishers: Very Irresistible-high angle Boston Crab

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Nirvana Black- Regalplex
Hypnotic Poison – Head scissors DDT
Vanielle Extreme – Front powerbomb lung blower
Midnight Fleur – Tiger suplex
Daisy Dream – Diving European Uppercut


Background: Conan Chanel is an interesting case. Not only does he come from the famous Chanel family, not only is he a cousin of Teddy Buckworth and Tony Brannigan, but he ran the famed smear campaign for 8th grade class president against Maya. The two have known each other since 2nd grade and graduated high school together, making them the obvious mentor/rooke match.

Conan signed with the OAOAST only seven months ago after a mighty impressive run of the Reactor. Even without family connections and OAOAST history, he would have been signed, that's how impressive he appeared to OAOAST officals. They had to have been happy that Coco was able to win the TMW: Revolution tournament and hold his own in the Lethal Rumble as well as on the AngleMania kickoff show. During the summer of 2016, Coco set his sights high, looking to take the United States title out of Kingdom hands. But thanks to repeated meddling and outright violent assaults from Ser AC The Exile, Coco's plan failed to find a proper result

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  • 2 weeks later...


Name: Cassidy Maguire


Supernatural Species[:/b] Witch

Age: 28

Height: 5'2

Weight: A rude query!

Hometown: Boston, MA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Cassidy #2

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A talented witch with a bad stuck up attitude!

Entrance music: Soap by The Animal In Me

Entrance description:

Think I just remembered something
I think I left the faucet running
Now my words are filling up the tub
Darling, you're just soaking in it
But I know you'll get out the minute
You notice all your fingers pruning up

I'm tired of being careful, tiptoe, trying to keep the water warm
Let me under your skin
Uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed
Why do I always spill?

I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap


Cassidy is carried out on a throne by hot naked dudes who are fully erect. Number two has to crawl. Even though she can walk. She still has to crawl. Even if she's entering by herself she still has to crawl.

Entrance Attire: Sexy satin robe

Ring Attire: Black see through body suit

Wrestling Style: All power

Finishing Move(s): Oxygen Holocaust-Spinning double leg face buster

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Soul Sealer-Delayed German Suplex
Irish Uppercut
Hell Week-Gut check sick kick combo
Those Who Pill Together, Kill Together-Vertical suplex powerbomb
Corner rebound spear

Rare moves: Pennant Race-Shooting Star Press

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: The first born child of Angel Maguire and Colin Sr has lived a cursed life. Angel was barren and needed her sister, Regan's black magic to even have a child. But in order for her barrenes to be cured, Angel would have to turn over her first born to Regan. Thus when Cassidy was a young baby she was sent, without her father's knowledge, to live with Regan. With Regan she became a magical slave for all her life. But with her mother's return to the living, and Colin's transition to vampirism, Cassidy sees freedom at hand.

Cassidy and Colin certainly didn't find themselves in a pleasant reunion, constantly at odds and having to deal wtih Colin's willigness to sell Cassidy out in a second. Disturbed by the lack of yes-man, Cassidy allowed a young witch to become her proxy, Cassidy Number Two. The problem is Number Two has a mind of her own, a morbid mind that lusts after Colin.

So again Cassidy decided she needed better friends and founded a sororoity named Delta Delta Delta. But the pledges were either too ugly, too poor, too fat or too non-white, leaving Cassidy to her two women Greek house. That is until she caught sight of Gretchen Wright and demanded she pledge, and even allowed Pierette to come along for the ride.

Foolishly Cassidy decided to give Gretchen a pity vote for Delta president. Gretchen won unianamously.



Name: Cassidy #2

Real Name: ?????

Nicknames: Number Two

Supernatural Species: Witch

Age: 27

Height: 5'7

Weight: How should I know?

Hometown: Now residing in Boston, MA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Cassidy Maguire

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A morbid witch with a thing for fucking in graveyards. Has a crush on Colin, much to his dismay and disgust.

Entrance music: See Cassidy Number one

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: White see through body suit

Wrestling Style: (High flier

Finishing Move(s): Shadow Glitter-head over heels tumbling scissors kick

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Moon Stomp
Postcard from The Edge-sliced bread number two into reverse x-factor
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kill Me-Neckbreaker, back flip head scissors
Killing Strangers-Reverse hurricanrana, foe stands up, then she hits a regular rana
Springboard inverted hurricanrna

Other moves:
Rare moves: Biotic Crisis-diamond cutter

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.)

Background: Little is known about number two's past. In fact she's such an unknown we don't even known her real name! But, what we are aware of is that Cassidy number one has made her a proxy to share her thoughts and feelings, should she pass on. What she doesn't share is number one's persona. Number two is morbid, dark, and says awkward things at the exact wrong time, and unlike number one she actually likes Colin! Number Two and Pierette help to mitigate the damage and hard feelings caused by the constant war of Alpha females between Cassidy and Gretchen.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Lancel Locke


Age: 23

Height: 5'8

Weight: 183 lbs

Hometown: Reno, Nevada

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sunrise

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Crotch grab~! brash, but can be respectful

Entrance music: Bacon by Nick Jonas

Accompanied out by Sunshine Yukino and Megan Skye, they yank down his jeans and he grabs his crotch. Inside the ring he goes to the top rope and grabs his crotch

Entrance Attire: Jeans, backward hat

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: High flyer

Finishing Move(s): Boom or Bust-Adrian Neville's Red Arrow

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Lancel's Lock-Tarantula

Lancel's Conquest-Moonsault into a tornado DDT

Spin kick to the head of a bent over opponent

Over the rope moonsault plancha

Sonic Screamer-Slingshot cutter


Other moves: Flashy high spots


None thus far

Background: Lancel Locke was a well known indy star, who had the unusual story of working at Sonic's solely to pay for wrestling school. Young Lancel has competed in USA(duh),.Canada, South America, Japan, England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy and somehow Yemen.


Of course as a well known indy star he was on the radar of Terry Taylor, who gave him his OAOAST developmental deal. Lancel got dubbed Sonic Jr by his fellow wrestlers because he insisted on eating something from Sonic's everyday.


This odd fast food fetish attracted the attention of Carl Macdonald, a member of a historical agricultural family who had partnered with Deuce Deuce Bigelow. Finally finding someone who wouldn't make fun of his eating habits, Sonic signed on with Slaughterhouse. But, his time with SH was rocky and he was made a scape goat for the group's troubles. A horrible attack from Carl MacDonald saw him leave the group, but remembering his skills in the Lethal Banfg and seeing his style and wrestling power, Sunshine Yukino eagerly brought him into the Sunrise brothel.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Name: "Sweet" Lucius Soul


Age: 27

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 188lbs

Hometown: New Orleans, LA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: His ASSistants, Jade and Melody

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
"Watch the 'fro, bro"
The sleep taunt (hands against ear, Beefcake style) when going for the finish.
'Fro combing
Jive talking (without going too OTT)
He can dance too. Yay for stereotypes in wrestling!

Entrance music: Come Down by Anderson Peak

Singles Entrance description:


Struts out and walks to the ring with groove in his step. Jade and Mekody style his foe and rub on his abs. In the ring they're on their knees clutching to his legs as he poses and drinks his vodka

Entrance Attire: 'Fro pick(s), beige waistcoat, a bottle of Effen Vodka

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Agile striker

Finishing Move(s):
Fro 2 Sleep- KENTA's Go 2 Sleep. Fireman's Carry into a knee strike

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Ho2Sleep-Backhanded slap!
Welcome to Nawlins- Butterfly Backbreaker
Soul Brother Splash- 360 Stinger Splash
No Hands Somersault Plancha
Swinging DDT
The Pounce
Corner Yakuza Kick
Bicycle Kick

Other moves:
A little bit of everything really. Likes his kicks and not afraid to fly.

Rare moves:

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championship
- January 1st, 2012 - October 5th, 2012 (w/Rico de Janeiro and Faqu)

HI-YAH Tag Team Championship
- April 12th, 2007 - August 4th, 2007 (w/Rico de Janeiro)

Lucius grew up as the youngest of seven children in New Orleans. To help make ends meet at home, Lucius used his natural charisma and style to carve out a living in the more shady streets of Nawlins. But street-life eventually became unfulfilling and Soul strove to make a (slightly) more honourable living in wrestling. His agility and charisma shone through, but it wasn't until he was spotted by Rico de Janeiro that he got his break. The duo's shared love of party and the ladies, plus some slightly outdated fashion senses and hairstyles, helped them strike up an instant partnership and a formidable tag team. Until they ran into Krista, of course!

The MGHWC got off to a good start, picking up notable victories over teams like The Heavenly Rockers and D*LUX and capturing the HI-YAH Tag Team Championships. However, their careers took a typical nosedive after being tied up with Chicks Over Dicks. Stripped of their titles and their confidence Rico and Lucius would tread water, before the cracks started to show in their team. However, just as they were set to go their seperate ways, Esther Endicott stepped in and convinced them to patch things up. Under their new Queen, the newly re-christened Hellfire Club were loyal members of The Kingdom for a number of years, before hooking up with the equally sleazy Remy Bazil.

But times became ill for Remy and Rico and Lucius after bringing Pete-O into the group. He caused division with Soul never approving the questionable character. In addition the others became jealous of Soul's relationship with Melody and Jade. It all came to a head when the others attacked Lucius after a key match, splintering the group.

Soul would make a quick recovery with his ASSistants, Jade and Melody waiting to serve his every need! Not only did his dick rise from having hot girls at his side all day, but his career rose to new highs as Soul made it to the finals of the US Title Tournament and had a great showing in The Challenge: Singled Out.

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Name: December Belle

Nicknames: Icy Allure, Sleeping Beauty, The Ice Queen,

Age: 27

Height: 5'7

Weight: *cold stare*

Hometown: Chattanooga, TN

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sunrise

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: - Sleeps A LOT. Generally lazy and unmotivated. Seems to interpret insults as compliments.  So flakey she is untrustworthy.

Entrance music: Sandman by Hurts

Singles entrance description:


I spent these waking hours waiting for the sandman

I spent these waking hours looking for his master plan

I’ll wait ‘til morning ‘til he comes to my house

And he’ll give no warning when he’s knocking me out


So sing me to sleep tonight

And don’t bring me back to life


I spend these waking hours waiting for the sandman

I spend these waking hours looking for his master plan

He will be sorry when he comes to my house

I’ll show no mercy ‘til the lights go out


Its a winter wonderland as snow falls from the ceiling.

Tag entrance description: Snow and shimmering lollipops fall from the ceiling as December is brought in on stage asleep on a bed, when a prince arrives to give her true love's kiss and wakes her up!

Entrance Attire:  None

Ring Attire: See picture, plus purple boots.

Wrestling Style: Technical, calculated

Finishing Move(s):
Wake Me Up When December Ends- F5 into Rock Bottom

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Sharp Frost- Back Suplex Sitout Faceplant
Glamourlanche- Melina's Split Legdrop
German Suplex
Arctic Dreams- Dragon Sleeper, but with her arms linked behind her back and the arm hooked under a leg instead.
Tree Of Woe Running Knee Strike
Running Legdrop

Other moves:

Rare moves:

OAOAST Women's Tag Team Championship
- January 1st, 2012 - December 29th, 2012

Background: December is the cousin of Sugar Belle and debuted in OAOVW to team with her. Shortly there after, the Belles were recruited by Melissa Nerdly to be her backing singers. December is the senior Belle and as such, often ends up having to keep Sugar in line and bail her out of trouble. She is the focused one of the two, perhaps even the three if you include Melissa and is deceptively dangerous.

Though Pretty Young Money provided a successful home for December, she grew tired being a babysitter for Sugar, who had a grown big head after it was discovered she was related to the Flairs. That lead December to join the brothel Sunrise, while still being in Pretty Young Money. Sugar amazingly saw this as a threat and begin stepping up her verbal abuse of December, leading to December leaving PYM altogether.

Now at a serene place, December took her calm to an extreme and became rip van winkel. But she found time to win a Lethal Bang and challenge but not defeat Sugar at SluttyMania for the Hotties title. Though unreliable and lazy, December was placed into the Ejaculation Chamber at SM 2 and came out with the MITB breifcase for any title shot she wanted. Teaming up with her Sunray pall Bobbi, the newly formed Mardi Gras Ass Wrecking Crew took gold twice in 2016.

Team Finishing Move(s):
Belle Tower- Powerbomb/Lungblower

Team Signature Moves:
Superkick/German Suplex
Belle Bottom- Russian Legsweep (December) and STO/Rock Bottom (Sugar) Combo

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Name: TurboWolf

Nicknames: Son of Plunder

Supernatural Species: Werewolf

Age: 25

Height: 6'5

Weight: 247 lbs

Hometown: Shreveport, LA

Alignment: Face

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Short with words, blunt and to the point. Very much a redneck

Entrance music:

Entrance description: Hush by Hellyeah

Hell's where I was born! Hell's where I was raised,
This hell is where I'm from and this hell is where I'll stay.
The hush is all I need to hush the misery;
The hush that belongs to me, like the hush inside a dream
Just be still and pray
And let the noise just fade away.

Walks out in a bad mood

Entrance Attire: Black jacket
Ring Attire: All black everything. Trunks, boots, elbow pads, wrist tape, headband

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Dehumanized-Brainbuster

Secondary Finishers: 10,000 Fists-Diving Superman Punch

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Repeated trapped corner lariats
Lifting Final Cut
The Infection-turnbuckle powerbomb
Wolf Trap-jumping lariat

TWM HARD title (x2)


A sinister, callow werewolf out of Louisiana, Turbowolf is known for his quick temper and brute strength. Responsible for numerous pull apart brawls, the former HARD champion was assigned a security detail by Cumishoner Lisa Ann. These men weren't supposed to protect Turbowolf, rather they were supposed to protect the world from TurboWolf! In TMW: Revolution, TurboWolf was assigned Big IQ as his mentors, who he considered negligent at best. He was so upset with them, he joined their opposing team at November Reign. Despite bucking his teachers, TurboWolf came in third in the TMW Revolution, only losing out on the second spot on the last day. He would reappear at the 2016 Lethal Rumble, then enter a bitter feud for the 24/7 title with Outlaw Cello. Though the willy vet could outsmart TW, he couldn't out wrestle him and TurboWolf was able to claim singles gold.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Name: Reagan Flanagan

Nicknames: Black Widow

Super natural species: Witch

Age: 67

Height: 5'8
Weight: A deep mystery

Hometown: Boston MA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Menagerie

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Calm, cool and collected, hard to rattle and very smart

Entrance music:  Eyes on Fire by zedarius

Entrance description: Reagan bathes in the a pool of holy water, cleansing herself of sins. She emerges naked with attendants drying her off and dressing her and then she marches to the ring

Entrance Attire:  red robe

Ring Attire: neck criss cross bikini top, booty shorts. black or red

Wrestling Style: Power

Finishing Move(s): Justice RIP-Slingshot powerbomb

Secondary Finishers: Bottomless Pit-Stump pile driver

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Sacrificial Altar- Lifting Invereted ddt onto the knee
Raging Light-rising claw swipe
Font of Power-Running back suplex
Black Widow-Bow and arrow hold


Background: Reagan Flanagan is Colin and Cassidy's aunt and Angel's elder sister. Yet there's no hint of familial love with her and her lot. Reagan may have used magic to allow Angel to be fertile, but the price was paid in turning over Cassidy when she was but a toddler. Cassidy toiled under Reagan's rule, helping her use black magics to slow the aging process. That is why, today, at sixty seven year old Reagan manages to pose a threat physically, spiritually and mentally to any foolish enough to challenge her. But, Reagan could not do evil alone, and needing Colin's son to further the deal she made with Angel, Reagan turned to Leon to assault her family members. What followed was a devastating family feud as Colin and Amber sought to protect their son and Cassidy sought her freedom from Reagan. Though The Menagerie used every measure of magical evil to battle the good guys, they fell in defeat finally at Anglemania when Colin beat Leon Rodez.


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Name: Caeldori Fox

Nicknames: The Full Metal Bitch, Miss Perfect 

Age: 21

Height: 5'8

Weight: Soooooo not cool!

Hometown: Miami, FL

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Midnight Foxes with Ruby, and managed by Jim Cornette

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A true perfectionist, but also a bit OCD

Entrance music: Dangerous by David Guetta and Sam Martin

Entrance description: 

I don't know where the lights are taking us
But something in the night is dangerous
And nothing's holding back the two of us
But, baby, this is getting serious
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Enters in a towel then sexily peels it over to reveal her skimpy outfit. Blows bubblegum on way to the ring

Entrance Attire: Towel and her glasses

Ring Attire: Bright glossy red booty shorts with a fox tail and bright glossy red bikini top

Wrestling Style: High impact

Finishing Move(s): Say My Name! – Teardrop brain buster

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Rock It!-Machine Gun Chops
Foxy Lady-double knee drop, either diving or standing
Fox Hunt-Shotgun dropkick
That All You Got?-Piledriver
Take Your Best Shot!-Takes a punch, gives an uppercut and not some pussy European uppercut either

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (

Background: The Fox family is a long time friend of the Moneymaker family. Or was. That is until Theodore Moneymaker bought their foreclosed on property in Miami after signing his first OAOAST deal. The family felt Moneymaker, who had babysat Caeldori, would happily agree to a rental agreement. Instead he evicted the Fox family. Disgraced, Caeldori's dad would soon take his life, leaving Caeldori to grow up with a mother who soon turned to alcohol. Since then Caeldori has harbored a grudge against Teddy Buckworth, and with Elysium and Silver she proved payback's are a bitch..

Young Miss Fox is gifted with both intelligence and beauty, and strives to constantly better herself. So much so she's unnerving perfectionist. She feels the pressure of her father's failed legacy and hones her skills in hopes of one day becoming the perfect daughter. Consequently, she tends to be rather harsh on people who she perceives as being inferior in anyway, or lacking in their efforts. Though one person who met her high standards was TMW's witch Ruby, who was eager to join up with Caeldori to battle Fire & Ice. The two made a troublesome pair by themselves, but soon added Jim Cornette, based on the fact that he's kinky enough to hang with them!

She's also very upset she needs glasses.

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Name: Ruby

Nicknames: Crimson Dream Girl 

Supernatural Species: Witch

Age: 19

Height: 5'5

Weight: Her weight? Time to die!

Hometown: Chesterton, England

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Midnight Foxes with Caeldori Fox, managed by Jim Cornette

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:  Magically adept but morally questionable

Entrance music: Jimmy Jimmy Aaja by Parvati Khan 

Entrance description: 
Jimmy Aaja Aaja Aaja Jimmy Aaja Aaja Aaja

A circle of candles lights the stage and a snake charmer plays a flute that Ruby dances to before finishing with a sexy swivel and heading to the ring

Tag Entrance A mashup of both Ruby and Caledori's entrances, but uses Caledori's theme

Entrance Attire: Diamond studded shawl 

Ring Attire: Faux leather lace corset with red panties and red boots.

Wrestling Style: Power but also uses spells in the middle of a match

Finishing Move(s): Vendetta – Wheelbarrow Driver

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Malefic Aura-Underhook into side driver
Draconic Hex-slingshot gold rush
Savage Blow-sliding elbow to the gut
Witch's Brew-Discus spear

Other moves: Uses spells in middle of match

Tag Team Moves
This What You Want?- Caledori rack attacks a foe, and Ruby runs and hits a knee to the head
We Make This Look Good!- Double high knee strike

Tag Team Finisher Red Hot Hotties! - Ruby suplexes a foe, and Caeldori powerbombs them


A magically adept but morally questionable witch, drawn to the OAOAST for its collection of supernatural beings, Ruby hails all the way from Chesterton, England. Having modeled for most of her life, Ruby always knows how to strike an alluring presence, but the fact that she's bat shit insane and habitually cursing people tends to scare everyone off. Not Caeldori Fox, who found her pursuit of the perfect spell equal to her own pursuit of being the perfect girl.  The two made a troublesome pair by themselves, but soon added Jim Cornette, based on the fact that he's kinky enough to hang with them!

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Name: Jumbo (formerly) Kareem

Nicknames: None. 

As Kareem: The Middle Eastern Wet Dream & The Genie In The Bottle

Age: 36

Height: 6-5

Weight: 440

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Slaughterhouse 

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

As Kareem: “I make little girls’ panties wet and their mommas too!”

Likes to bobble head and make funky cool hand movements even when only standing or sitting around.


Entrance music: 

As Kareem: Christina Aguilera-Genie In The Bottle (you know that song, I don't have to link it!)

Entrance description: Nothing fancy

Entrance Attire: See pic above

Ring Attire: Blue shirt and pants w/yellow trim, yellow boots ala Akeem

Wrestling Style: Brawler


Finishing Move(s): 

XXL Splash (running big splash off ropes)

As Kareem: Money Shot (top rope big splash)

Secondary Finishers: Top rope big splash

As Kareem: XXXL Splash (running big splash off ropes)

Trademark Moves/Spots: bearhug, big boot, belly-to-belly suplex, corner avalanche

Other moves: Just basic big man, brawling stuff.

Rare moves: None



OAOAST United States Championship

- February 10th, 2012 - April 6th, 2012

OAOAST World Tag Team Championships

- December 22nd, 2013 -

Background: Badly injured during a melee between Deuce Deuce Bigelow and Mr. Dick at the Heartland Spectacular in which the latter’s favorite brand of lube made contact with his eye, Jumbo spent weeks on the DL until returning AngleMania X where he turned on Deuce and joined forces with the man who nearly blinded him and Malaysia.

On the 4/9/11 post-AM edition of HeldDOWN~!, it was revealed Jumbo had been healed by Abdullah Nerdly and reborn Kareem the Middle Eastern Wet Dream (widely believed due to numerous encounters with female virgins, Abdullah‘s love gift). Kareem subscribes to the 4-G lifestyle: gold, girls, G-spots and gangbangs!

After suffering a humiliating loss with Mister Dick and Malaysia in the first ever Sperm Dumpster match at Angleslam, Kareem would fall back into obscurity for several months. He made his shocking return at Halloween Spectacular, attacking Landon Maddix and Krista Isadora Duncan on behalf of Theodore Moneymaker. The following HeldDOWN Kareem would explain that he is genie, here to grant the wishes of The Enterprise. Their main wish: crush Landon Maddix.

That wish was never actually granted as Landon not only survived Kareem's "crushing" he went on to win Buckworth's fortune. The Enterprise was dissolved by Colin Maguire Junior and Kareem and James Blonde weren't invited to join The Black Mass. This wasn't much of a problem for the two continued their teaming and seek to win the tag titles as Pretty Dreamy, Bitches.

Successful to only their friends and family, the pair would go their separate ways in the winter of 2015 after Kareem was recalled to his homeland to assist with domestic operations just as Jumbo made his shocking return to join the Slaughterhouse faction led by former tag partner Deuce Deuce Bigelow. A partnership that dates back to their time in WDW. Together they've been dubbed Monsters Ink by the fans of OAOAST sister promotion SMUSH in Japan.

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Name: Tanner Neptune

Previous name: Tanner Mann

Nicknames: Lord of The Trident

Age: 26

Height: 5'10

Weight: 218 lbs

Hometown: Palm Beach, Florida

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: His manager and girlfriend The Doll and Teen Scream

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Gulliable easily guilted, but nice and hardworking and loyal to his friends
Entrance music: Bring Back The Summer by Rainman and Oly

Entrance description:

And I never, I never want another
Come back, come back to me, my lover
I never, I never want another
Bring back, bring back, bring back the summer

Bring back, back the summer
Bring back, back the summer

Tanner is first seen as a silhouette behind a screen and dances before bursting it through it to a pouring down of confetti ala Naseem Hamed in thisvideo. Using his trident he tears through the screen and he and The Doll head to the ring like normal and Tanner poses inside it next to Titania, who cheers him on.

Entrance Attire: Sunglasses and a sparking solid gold trident as bestowed upon him by Titania Nerdly

Ring Attire:

Wrestling Style: Speedy

Finishing Move(s): Too Tan To Fail-Belly to belly facebuster

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Sun Burn-Sleeper Slam
Tan It Like You Mean It-Reverse STO/Complete Shot
Young, Wild, and Tan-Rolling Thunder

Other moves: iawfdhifh

Rare moves: None

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.)
Has the perfect tan

Background: Tanner Living aka Tanner Mann is a graduate of the OAOAST Reactor, which has produced talent such as Dasha, Jose Cantu_Si, Milkman, “Outlaw” Don Cello, Pike Pantera, and more. Tanner comes from a wealthy old money family, and decided that his mission was to give to the less fortunate by leading them to tanning Eldorado. Sorry, black people! Needless to say Tanner's parents weren't overly happy with their son's choice of life mission. As they didn't outright disown him, he was able to use their money for wrestling school and was noticed by Terry Taylor. The contract was extended and Tanner eagerly signed it. His first couple of appearances were rocky but with Titania  his side the sky is the limit, until KC or Tony commander her and cheat him out of his meal ticket. ohmy.gif

Time has been kind to Tanner, who has linked up with Teen Scream and been in numerous memerable feuds and matches. A talented and good looking grappler, many in the biz say Tanner is a future world champion. Tanner had a crush on Sammi Cayley, and was sort of a Bron to Blaine's Jamie, though Blaine has decided to be kind enough not put Tanner in anymore danger. In the meantime he's been dating The Doll, who's personality has been hard to take for just about every one else.


Name: Rena Maria

Nicknames: The Doll

Age: 23

Height: 5'6

Weight: You've got a lot of nerve!

Hometown:  Panama City, FL

Alignment: Sorta heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Tanner Neptune, her boyfriend

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Not very nice, sort of stuck up, and rude, and tends to take offense easily

Entrance music: Walks All Over You by Katey Shaw

Entrance description: Wheels out as sexy as possible and keeps an alluring pout on the way to the ring 

Entrance Attire: Sometimes a hoodie of matching color with her ring gear

Ring Attire: Matching bikini top and booty shorts of different colors

Wrestling Style: Basic

Finishing Move(s): Ava Maria – a very hard DDT

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Hair slam
Choke in corner
Snake eyes
Choke on the ropes
Boot scrape
Diving lariat

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: A very popular valet of the ARRIBA promotion, The Doll attracted attention of OAOAST officials and Tanner Neptune for her grace and sexiness. Just as Tanner linked up with her romatically, The OAOAST brought her in from Arriba. She made her first apperance much to her disgust, at SluttyMania 2 in the Ejaculation Chamber where she and December Belle made foes of one another. The Doll conspired with Pretty Young Money to get the tag titles off December and Bobbi but the Sunrays had the last laugh on The Doll. Still The Doll remains a pretty and pert addition to the OAOAST roster.


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Name: Euphoria


Age: 25

Height: 5'4

Weight: Bwhahahahahaha!

Hometown: Ocean City, NJ

Alignment: Tweener

Stable/Associates/Managers: Dating Tony Tourttes of all people! Of all people!!!!!!!!

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Utterly insane and full of life and mirth and love! But has a dark side and itches herself a lot.

Entrance music: The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring

Entrance description: She actually has no set entrance style and will pretty much come in doing whatever!

Entrance Attire: That jacket in the pic!

Ring Attire: See pic my bros

Wrestling Style: Unpredictable and sometimes so violent its self defeating.

Finishing Move(s): Seven Year Itch-Shooting Star Press

Secondary Finishers: Killswitch

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Black Tar-Spinning sitout spinebuster
Speedball-A very sloppy, very dangerous spear
Hell Dust-Spinning head scissors inverted DDT
Chasing The Dragon-Dragon sleeper used on a corner based foe

Rare Moves: Seven Year Itch to the outside

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) 

Background: Euphoria widely regradeed as a troublesome and mysterious characters. Born to junkie mother and an unknown father, Euphoria barely survived childbirth due the amount of drugs within her sister. The harrowing circumstances of her daughter's birth didn't much improve her mom's abuse of drugs and self destructive attitude. No matter how she might have loved her daughter that love didn't trump her love of drugs and Euphoria was bounced in and out of foster homes until he became a legal adult. By that time Euphoria has her own daugher like mother brushes with the authorities, but could sometimes hold jobs as an exotic dance. 

However, she'd often get fired for stealing, from customers, boss and fellow girls alike. At basically what amounted to her last chance in Jersey, Terry Taylor met her one of the dance clubs and was impressed by her look and her flashy persoanlity. Euporia was invited to a try out camp for the OAOAST, where they took in along with Tori, Ruby and a few others. There was immediately problems with Euphoria's drug abuses and erratic behavoir, but it turned she was just a girl in love this time and finally got to be with her crush...TONY TOURETTES!!!!

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Name: Marc Bennett

Nicknames: Money Marc

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 237 lbs

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Teams with Tanner Neptune, managed by The Doll

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Bring Back the Summer by Rainman and Oly

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire: Golden jacket

Ring Attire: Short trunks of different colors with his name written on the back in different colors

Wrestling Style: Brawler who's sometimes technical

Finishing Move(s): Burning Hammer

Secondary Finishers: Anaconda Vise

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Hold You Down-sitout side slam
Cash Rules Everything Around Me-Over the shoulder piledriver
Big boot
Induction Speech-double underhook crossface
Diving shoulder tackle

Other moves: 

Rare moves:  Ring of Glory-Argentine Facebuster

Nothing yet!

Growing up Marc Bennett was always something of an athletic prodigy. Like his fellow Texan, Bennett was a star QB through highschool, but unlike Mister Dick did not play college ball, instead pursuing his youthful dreams of being a professional wrestler. Bennett advanced through school at a stunning pace, and made his debut on the indys where he even found himself booked in Mexico for ARRIBA. It was the Mexican officials who suggested to the OAOAST they sign him and sign him they did. However, Bennett endured a rocky road in TMW suffering far more losses than wins and leaving many to wonder why he was even signed. But when Agent Augeur hacked into his bank account and stole money, a flip switched and Bennett soundly defeated Agent the final TMW Ascension of the year 2016. He did so in front of Tanner Neptune and his girlfriend The Doll, who together decided that Tanner needed to team with Marc and challenge for the 2017 Anderson Cup!

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Name: Glass Juliet

Supernatural species Vampire


Supernatural species Vampire

Age: 19

Height: 5'5

Weight: A true mystery in this world

Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Effie Reese

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Prom Queen-Molly Kate Kestner

Entrance description:

God save the prom queen
Teenage daydream
Just another dressed up heartbreak
God save the prom queen
Only eighteen
Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown

An army of cheerleaders and football players dressed in black and red come out for a pep rally and summon out H8U

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: A U of M cheerleader outfit.

Wrestling Style: Cruiser/Power

Finishing Move(s): When You Hear The Glass Its Your Ass-Package powerbomb

Secondary Finishers: Top rope knee drop

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Go U-tilt a whirl gut buster
Tope con hilo
U of Misery-Dropdown neckbreaker into a falcon arrow
Diamonds Aren't Forever-running flying fishhook
Punishment Time-Rolling legbreaker

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
OAOAST World title (x2)

Background An enigmatic vampire who was a student of University of Michigan before dropping out to sign an OAOAST developmental contract. She's a known trouble maker with little regard for authority or the well being or happiness of others. Seems to take a sick pleasure in causing mayhem and spreading dispair.


Name: Effie Reese

Nicknames: Buttercup

Supernatural Species Vampire

Age: 19

Height: 5'8

Weight: No one knows 

Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Glass Juliett

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: See above

Entrance description: See above

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: A U of Michigan cheerleading outfit

Wrestling Style: Brawler/high flyer

Finishing Move(s): Reese's Pieces-Release tiger driver

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Miracle Magical Attack-handspring cutter
Middle rope buttercup crush-Middle rope splash
Powerslam into inverted DDT
Ann Arbor Stomp-standing ghetto stomp

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Background Like Glass, Effie is a vampire, turned as such by her sorority sister, Glass Juliet to save her from cancer. Effie saw this as the ultimate act of friendship and announced she'd be loyal to Glass until the end of time. Effie is more polite than Glass and seems to cause less trouble.

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