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Up to Date Character Specs!

Chanel #99

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Name: Eggther

Supernatural Species: Inhuman

Age: Immortal!


Height: 6'0


Weight: 217 lbs


Hometown: The End of The Nine Realms


Alignment: Face


Stable: House Asgard


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Plays a harp. Is a lot more carefree than the others in House Asgard, but is also much more mischievous and daring. Just think a highschool senior who ain't give no fuck because he's graduating.



Entrance music: For The Realm


Entrance Style: Arrives on a similar platform as The Sons of Ragnoark only instead of skulls and bodies, Eggther has a flowerbed. We first see him strumming the above entrance music on his harp, he plays as he walks to the ring.


Entrance Attire: His harp


Ring Attire: See picture


Wrestling Style: Flashy Brawler



Finishing Move(s):

Bride Price-Running Superkick


Secondary Finishers:



Trademark Moves/Spots:

Corpse Shore- Running Blockbuster Neckbreaker

Egghead-Cradle piledriver (awesome pun!)

Middle Rope Body Splash

I Have No Rival- Spinning Bodyslam

Never Ending Song- Short Arm Kneelift


Other moves:

A flashy brawling offense



By morning, a milkman, by night, an OAOAST superstar. The Milk Man is a happy go-lucky star who the female fans of the OAOAST would love to pop up on their doorstep.


But not any more, motherfucker! I'll let da based gawd tell it:





It was but a mere two weeks past in the earth realm that a creature I took no notice of previously caught my eye. Yes, he existed in one of my realms, but so do a grand many things. And yet few have displayed the courage and gallantry of the one they called The Milkman. Here stood an incomplex being clad in all white, nearly the dullest of colors. But when The Xavier Franklin Long, the alleged Young Wolf, bleated his song of intimidation The Milkman would not be swayed. For his bravery he suffered unspeakable wounds and injuries. For his bravery he would be born anew.



We saw The Milkman layeth the samckethdowneth on The XFL at In Your Parents Basement.



When I crushed the prophecy of Ragnarok, I saved myself and my children, but I irrevocably altered the course of the nine realms and its trillions of inhabitants.



Trillions? We ain't even got a billion on dis earth.



Goddamn it, Coachman.



A Jotun, famed for playing his harp, prophiezed to play the lament of the dying at Ragnarok had lost his purpose. Without meaning to his existence, he fell into despair, and became demented, twisted, so much so even the ice giants, my sworn foes, would not shelter him. I have given him new purpose, and I have given Milkman, strength he has never before felt, and that he shall own forever. May the hands of the nine realms come together and hail Eggther!

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Name: Mathis Golden

Nicknames: The Golden Son, Matty Gold

Age: 33

Height: 6'8


Weight: 327 lbs

Hometown: Orlando,. Florida via The Rock, Australia

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The All XFL Team

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
A man of few words, what words he does speak are usually repulsivly violent.

Entrance music: Heart of Gold by Demarest

Entrance description:


I want to live,

I want to give

I've been a miner for a heart of gold.

It's these expressions

I never give

That keep me searching for a heart of gold.


And I'm getting old.

Keep me searching for a heart of gold

And I'm getting old.



The arena is bathed in gold lights and Golden sloooooowwwllly walks to the ring, scowling the whole time.

Entrance Attire: Nothing

Ring Attire: See above, except his belt buckle is made of solid gold

Wrestling Style: Brutal and painful

Finishing Move(s):
Heart of Gold-Superman Punch To The Heart

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Praying Mathis-Three point shoulder tackle

Gold Rush-Spear to an opponent trapped against the turnbuckles

Bodyslam and then senton onto foe

Very delayed press slam

Rare moves:

Why yes, The XFL does have actual friends. Mathis Golden moved to the USA from his tiny town in Australasia at the age of eight. Already a huge boy, Mathis was adored by local football coaches. But having never seen a game of American football in his life, Mathis was only intrested in the kicking part and played kicker. He was excellent at the role and made varsity for his highschool in Freshman year. In his junior year a hot shot freshman named Xavier Franklin Long made the time as a wide reciever and backup QB. Golden took a liking to The XFL and they remain friends to this day. Mathis played for Miami as a kicker but never got drafted to the NFL due to extreme character issues. As in he used to attack his teammates. He's now resurfaced as a member of The All XFL Team. Since his arrival Golden has exclusively focused on defending his longtime friend as well as assaulting the many people who The XFL has a problem with.

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Name: Rhaenys The Unheard

Other name: Senora Silencio, The Silent Sister

Age: 25

Height: 5'5

Weight: Silence!

Hometown: Caldera, Chile

Alignment: Stuckup, self important, heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The All XFL Network with her sister, Alyssane

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Doesn't talk as we're not worthy of hearing her awe-inspiring voice, so instead she writes notes to people and she doesn't mince words! Also is able to speak (write?) six different languages so everyone is getting chewed out! If she is going to talk to you its through a whisper so that only you, the worthy, can hear her!

Also claims to be the descendent of a variety of great conquers and warlords. May or may not be true, those DNA tests and them shits are expensive!

Entrance music: NBA on NBC theme

see Alyssane's stats for tag entrance

Entrance description: Senora wears a black covering that shields her entire body besides her eyes and is led out by two attendants, one in a white suit and the other in a black suit. At the base of the entrance stage they rip away her covering to show her body, and she arrogantly enters the ring.

Entrance Attire: An All XFL Team foam finger!

Ring Attire: Same as picture

Wrestling Style: Lucha!

Finishing Move(s): Silent Sister-Vertebreaker

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
El Silencio Es Oro(translation silence is golden)-Rolling snampmare slam
Quiet Roar-Spinning Alabama Slam
Blackfire-Top rope crossbody moonsault-moonsault into a crossbody block
Springboard cross lariat-Just a lariat but her body is in a cross body position basically
Springboard victory roll

Other moves:

Lovely hand writing and claims to have incredible ancestry that makes her worthy of love, respect, adulation and fear. And also lived next to a huge fucking volcano!

Background: Rhaenys hails from the Atacama region of Chile, and just so happens to have grown up near Ojos del Salado, the largest volcano on earth. Living near such a monster instilled Rhaenys with a certain sense of pride. Her esteem was further stoked by her grandfather, a German ex-pat who told her tales of her ancestors great adventures, done through the mother's side and the father's side. Rahenys was and remains quite the beauty, and continues to turn away many admirers. Her voice is a delight to hear, sparkling with an airy quality. Her beauty, manner of speech and easy athleticism got her signed to an OAOAST contract by Megan Skye. But Rhaenys decided that the rest of the world was unworthy of hearing her stunning voice, and now will only write to communicate her thoughts and feelings. Should you prove her equal you shall be blessed to hear a voice that would make angels weep with joy. Despite mostly communicating with written words, Rhaenys always finds a way to annoy and insult somebody.


She has, however, decided to speak only when it concerns The XFL. You see, Xavier, is the only one deserving of her beautiful voice and he is the only one who shall get it! Ever the arrogant one, The XFL was quite taken with a hot babe dedicated to singing his praise and the two became something of an item. But her romance with The XFL has inlfated Rhaenys' ego ten-fold and she's now become a true bitch in every sense of the word. Anyone can be a target of her rage, even her own sister.



The interview lounge is the usual rocking party and fun, and at the front and center is Gretchen Wright with Sara Jean!

Hey everyone, Sara Jean here with last years Lethal Bang winner Gretchen Wright! Gretchen, you could be a two time Lethal Bang winner in just a few weeks.

Sara Jean, my vagina has the discipline of a thousand Tibetan monks. Though my love for sex is unrivaled and insatiable, my need for orgasm shall be halted and I will stand semen soaked and victor....

Gretchen trails off as her rival Morgan Nerdly arrives with Jivin JR backing her up.


Name: Alysanne The Charming

Nicknames: Alys, The Charming Sister

Age: 23

Height: 5'6


Weight: Undisclosed

Hometown: Caldera, Chilie

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The All XFL Team

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
Much more polite than her elder sister, hence the charming part. Also very inquisitive and downright nosey.

Entrance music: NBA on NBC Theme, repurposed into The All XFL Network Theme!

Entrance description: The sisters pop their jerseys to one another, give girly high fives then skip to the ring.

Entrance Attire: An All XFL football jersey

Ring Attire: Same as Rhaenys

Wrestling Style: Quick and technical

Finishing Move(s):
Moondancer-Rock Bottom

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Charmed, I'm sure-Corckscrew scissors kick

Fluff Piece-Corckscrew Forearm smash
Dreamfyre-Scoop Powerslam
B-Roll-Wristlock into springboard tornado DDT


Double Team Moves
Sibling Rivalry-Double Russian leg sweep
Double elbow drop



Alysanne The Charming left Chile with her sister to become a broadcasting star. Always nosy, always curious and always sweet like sugar, Alysanne made a natural for TV. Her great looks didn't hurt any. She was doing an internship at a CBS affiliate in Cleveland. But why stay in Ohio when The Xavier Franklin Long comes calling? Looking to bolster his ranks and spread the good word about himself, The XFL has formed The All XFL Network with Alyssane and her sister Rhaenys. Alysanne turned out to be much more pleasant than Rhaenys. Much more. So much more. Her kind demeanor hasn't hurt the team as they've captured a Hotties tag team title. However, Alysanne winds up catching a lot of verbal abuse from her cruel sister. But no matter how much Rhaenys insults her, Alysanne refuses to leave her sister's side.

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Name: Sabrina Oakheart

Nicknames: The Teenage Bitch

Age: Seventeen and a half

Height: 5'3


Weight: Expunged from her records!

Hometown: Elkridge, Maryland a suburb of Baltimore full of rednecks don't let anyone tell you elsewise.

Alignment: Too cute to be a heel!

Stable/Associates/Managers: No Chill with Clar Aisling DeLacey

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
Sabrina swings between being super sweet and super bitchy. In the end though she's cute and has a pretty smile so her misdeeds and cruelty are always forgiven.

Entrance music: Shatter Me by Lucy Hale and Lindsy Sterling

Entrance description:


I pirouette in the dark

I see the stars through me

Tired mechanical heart

Beats 'til the song disappears


Somebody shine a light

I'm frozen by the fear in me

Somebody make me feel alive

And shatter me

So cut me from the line

Dizzy, spinning endlessly

Somebody make me feel alive

And shatter me!


Like Aisling She Rollerblades to the ring with Archie left to pass out candy to the fans


Tag Entrance Same as Aisling's singles entrance just Sabrina doesn't come down a noose!

Entrance Attire: A flowery headband

Ring Attire: Black track pants decorated with sparkling red roses, and a red decorated with actual black roses!

Wrestling Style: Quick normally, dirty when the referee isn't looking.

Finishing Move(s):
Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe-Jumping scissor motion side kick

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Move Bitch!-Handspring into a tornado DDT
Handspring back elbow

Funnel Cake-inverted frankenstienr

Sweet Victory-Rolling arm wrench inside cradle

Bitches Be Tripping-Slide tackle to a running foe

Sabrina Oakheart was a regular sixteen year old living out a rocky existence with her mother and oft-drunk stepfather in their mobile home in Elkridge, Maryland. The step father was abusive to Sabrina's mother, who in turn was abusive to Sabrina. One fateful day Sabrina was arrested for the crime of bludgeoning her stepfather to death with a sledgehammer. Sabrina was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.


Sabrina sat by her lonesome for one whole year until she took advantage of her computer privileges to go to Clar Aisling DeLacey's website AislingFriendFinder. They weren't compatible in the least according to Archie's profile system, but Aisling demanded a skype session anyway. Thanks to some brownies baked by The CAE, Aisling, Archie and Sabrina became fast buds!


Strangely enough new evidenced surfaced just in time for the Miss Anderson Cup to show that Sabrina was innocent and she had been framed by her mother! No one questioned how this evidenced suddenly appeared from thin air, and Sabrina was released into Archie's care. Within Archie's misguided care, Sabrina showcased a reckless and sometimes mean personality that was generally excused because she's so gosh darn cute! Archie got Aisling and Sabrina focused enough to win a Hotties tag title at the inaugural SluttyMania, making Sabrina one of many ex-cons to hold OAOAST gold. But, the allure of guradianship wasn't enough to keep Archie bound to the kids as he turned on them to be Malaysia's young boy!


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  • 5 weeks later...



Name: Blackhawk


Old Name: Liberty


Age: 39


Height: 6/0


Weight: 230 lbs


Hometown: The Nightmares of Terrorists


Alignment: Patriotic bullying heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Army of One Nation, managed by Judge Dudd


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Ultra patriotic, and ultra mean, prone to violence and a shoot first ask questions never attitude. Yells a lot. When at ringside for the other two's matches, keeps yelling and yelling his psycho-babble.



Entrance music: New National Anthem by T.I and Skylar Grey


Entrance description:


Home of the brave and free

[its America]

Free just to murder me

[Land of the handgun]

Land of the beautiful

[Home of the shotgun]

Cursed by the hate we throw

[Ya dead if ya ain't got one]

Is this the new national anthem?

[it was like this before I got here, baby I ain't do it!]


Is this the new national anthem?

Turn it!


Arena blackens with red lights flashing on the stage. Jude Dudd emerges in the front, frowning at the fans, and darpped in the flag. Flanking her rear are Blackhawk and Eagle Eye, holding bottles of the water. The two dump them on their heads, scowl like Dudd and head to the ring with her.


Entrance Attire: The watter bottle.


Ring Attire: Black tights



Wrestling Style: Bullying



Finisher: Blackhawk Down-Running Death Valley Driver



Tag Finisher: Blastwave -- wheelbarrow hold by Blackhawk into a Stunner by Eagle Eye



Trademark Moves/Spots:

Bang Bang DDT- a DDT after leaping from the top rope
Bleed American- Senton splash from the top rope
Black on Life Suplex- Wheelbarrow Suplex
3 Point Stance Clothesline



Name: Eagle Eye


Old Name: Freedom


Age: 39


Height: 6/0


Weight: 220 lbs


Hometown: The Nightmares of Terrorists


Alignment: Patriotic heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Army of One Nation, managed by Judge Dudd


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Ultra patriotic, but can play the good cop to Blackhawk's bad cop.



Entrance music: New National Anthem by T.I and Skylar Grey


Entrance description:



Home of the brave and free

[its America]

Free just to murder me

[Land of the handgun]

Land of the beautiful

[Home of the shotgun]

Cursed by the hate we throw

[Ya dead if ya ain't got one]

Is this the new national anthem?

[it was like this before I got here, baby I ain't do it!]


Is this the new national anthem?

Turn it!


Arena blackens with red lights flashing on the stage. Jude Dudd emerges in the front, frowning at the fans, and darpped in the flag. Flanking her rear are Blackhawk and Eagle Eye, holding bottles of the water. The two dump them on their heads, scowl like Dudd and head to the ring with her.


Entrance Attire: The watter bottle.


Ring Attire: Black tights


Wrestling Style: Brawling



Finisher-The Eagle has Landed-Stone Cold Stunner


Tag Finisher: Blastwave -- wheelbarrow hold by Blackhawk into a Stunner by Eagle Eye



Trademark Moves/Spots:

Soaring Eagle-Running diving shoulder block
Patriot Missile- Running Flying Headbutt
American Legsweep

Danger Zone-Gutwrench powerbomb



These were once good men. Good people. Good Americans, damn it! But something changed. Over time the All American Boys became corrupted by their own ideals, and slolwy began to abuse their friend Mariachi. The abused turned into all out war with the three men fighting in a handicap match at Anglemania. Mariachi lost, but was saved an unmasking by Jose Cantu-Si! The All American Boys were in dismay and continued their bitter battle with Mariachi and now his boyfriend. It came to a head at School's Out 2014 when The AABs lost a mask vs country match with the good guys. Shamed, The All American Boys went AWOL for several months. But no their back, maskless, and cruel, and with a remorseless valet to guide them!




Name: Judge DUDD


Old Name: Milk Dudd


Age: 24


Height: 5.9


Weight: Legally sealed


Hometown: The Nightmares of Terrorists


Alignment: Patriotic heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Army of One Nation


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Ultra patriotic, judgemental, remorseless and unforgiving


EntranceEntrance music: I'm America by Cilver

Entrance description:

I'm America, drink the water
I'm America, bring you life
I'm America, I'm your daughter
Nobody left behind!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been bloodied, I've been muddied
Brought down to my knees
I stood in line waiting to shine
Now its my time

My mother said, that day, to me
This land is for the free
And I've been waiting for so long
No one, no one knows

Now it's my time
I won't be left behind

Arena blackens with red lights flashing on the stage. Jude Dudd emerges in the front, frowning at the fans, and darpped in the flag. Flanking her rear are Blackhawk and Eagle Eye, holding bottles of the water. The two dump them on their heads, scowl like Dudd and head to the ring with her.


Entrance Attire: The flag


Ring Attire: Blue and white bra, red capri pants


Wrestling Style: Brawling



Dudd Missle-Dean Ambrose's headlock driver thing



Trademark Moves/Spots:

Rolling vertical suplexes
Fort Knox Lock-Ankle Lock
Final Judgment-High angle double arm DDT

Justice is Served-Single arm DDT



Judge Dudd was the Milk Dudd, a peaceful dairy loving ally of The Milkman. But The Milkman was grievously wounded by The XFL. He was soon rescued by Odin and turned into Eggther for his valor. Did Judge Dudd get turned into anything? Hell no! She's been harboring resentment ever since and ceaselessly pouring over her pre-law textbooks. All this has led to an angry, disturbed woman, who upholds law and order above all else, even if someone must die for her to get it. This put her in contact with The Army of One Nation, who uphold American ideals to the extreme and will kill to see them achieved. The three make a trio one would be wise to avoid at all costs.

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Name: Northstar

Nicknames: The Stellar Evolution

Age: 40

Height: 5'9

Weight: 219 lbs

Hometown: Carlsbad,CA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Kingdom

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Lydia by Highly Suspect

Entrance description:

Black ocean, cold and dark
I am the hungry shark, fast and merciless
But the only girl that could talk to him just couldn't swim
Tell me what's worse than this
And it echoes in the halls
They danced along the walls
The memories of your ghost
You are the one that I used to love
And I'm still in love, but I've never loved you the most

I've seen better days
So unafraid in my youth
I can't breathe, much less believe


Far from the funky stylings of Lucius' music is Highly Suspect's “Lydia” a shredding contemporary score of lost youth. Wild white lights flicker on the entrance stage as the video screens soar through our galaxy and galaxies beyond, before settling to rest on a lone grave overran with weeds. Its that chilling scene of cosmic emptiness that greets the caped and impassive Northstar.

Entrance Attire: Cape

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Maria-Release Rock Bottom

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Jumping arm drag

Atferglow-Floatover side Russian leg sweep

Seismic Wave-Swinging triangle arm nekbreaker

Shooting Star Press

Shattered Dreams

Solar Eclipse-X Factor

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
Former 24/7 Champion and second ever general manager

Background: Northstar debuted as Shattered Dreams a member of the stable The Dream Machines. He quickly left the group to pursue his own power hungry interests. Northstar was able to become the HeldDOWN genereal manager, but thanks to abuses of power was outted by Zack Malibu and company.

Northstar was away from the OAOAST for neatly a decade, making an unexpected return at the Angle Awards to present The XFL with an award. Gone was the flamboyance and in was cold calculation. Northstar would play in active role in the OAOAST in helping AC The Exile escape the warpath of Pike Pantera. AC figured he owed his life and his family's life to Pike and decided to form a tag team with Northstar.

Aside from gaining heat with Pike, the duo also crossed Bohemoth as he was engaged in a feud with King Landon Maddix. AC and Northstar worked so well with King Landon, that as the King turned on the fans they turned with him and became part of his Kingdom. Northstar was elevated to lord, and AC was made a knight, along with Felix Strutter and a placated Pike Pantera. Lord Northstar is the calm one of the group, serving King Landon with wise and proper counsel. He also strives to bring glory to the Kingdom and has done so through winning a United States title tournament, marking his first OAOAST singles title since 2004.

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Name: Logan Mann

Nicknames: Leezus Price

Age: 34

Height: 5'10

Weight: 220 lbs

Hometown: Sin City, Nevada

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Married to Holly

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: A complete narcissist and egomaniac. Thinks of himself as the creative liberator of the masses mind. Considers no one to be on his level artistically.

Entrance music: Prayer in C by Robin Schultz and Lilywood

Entrance description:

Ya, You never said a word
You didn’t send me no letter
Don’t think I could forgive you


Three wisemen appear on stage, one holding a baby within its arms and the other two holding bottles of Colt 45. The men form a semi circle around the middle part of the stage, with the middle lowering the baby to the ground. The baby is then swallowed beneath the stage and the men drop to their knees in prayer.

Hey, when seas will cover lands
And when men will be no mor
Don’t think you can forgive you


A light shines on the middle part of the stage, bold brilliant and glowing. And with that light does the middle of the stage opens.


Ya when there’ll just be silence
And when life will be over
Don’t think you will forgive you


Rising through the opening, attired in Jesus robes and golden sunglasses, is a figure who's body shines in the light....LEEZUS PRICE LOGAN MANN!


Entrance Attire: Jesus robes

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Liberation DDT-The percussion DDT from anywhere, running, springboard, diving, standing, etc.

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Wicked left hook

Headstand body splash

Logan Knows Everything-Clawhold STO

Creative spark-flipping neckbreaker

Logan Has The Answers-Tilt-a-whril shin breaker

OAOAST World Tag Team Championships (all with Synth)
- April 2nd, 2006 - August 27th, 2006
- October 31st, 2007 - January 3rd, 2008
- February 28th, 2008 - March 30th, 2008

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- January 27, 2013 – (w/Holly and Synth Abdul Jabbar)


Logan Mann formed one half of the impressive duo known as The Heavenly Rockers. The Rockers were considered by many to be one of the top five tag teams in OAOAST history. They certainly had the accolades and amazing feuds to back that claim up. But their success ran out at the hands of Odin, who struck their tour bus with a lightning bolt to electrocute them both. All thought that was the last we'd see of The Rockers.


But in 2014 messages began appearing promising the return of Logan Mann. Logan now called himself Leezus Price and promised creative liberation to the enslaved masses. He returned the show before AngleSlam 2014 to goad his old rival Ned Blanchard into a United States title fight. Logan immediately made himself out to be a giant ass and total nuisance. He would often go on hypocritical rants, declare himself a god, and try to sell people his shoddy fashion designs. He first upset Alexander, but routinely ducked him in a fight, an action that has constantly repeated itself since his return. Rather than engage Krista in a fight when they feuded, he tied her up with lawsuits until a number one contenders match enticed him into the ring. He proceeded to make ovetures to Gretchen Wright, leading his wife Holly to grow irate at Gretchen, and did nothing to stop Holly's anger. Worse yet he interfered on Holly's behalf at SluttyMania 2 and attacked Gretchen! As it stands, the OAOAST continues to be subjected to this vain, cowardly hypocrite. 

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Name: Terry Valentine

Nicknames: TV-M

Age: 38

Height: 5'10

Weight: 187

Hometown: Shreveport, Louisiana

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Pretty Dreamy Bitches

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Known to be sneaky, greedy and corrupt

Entrance music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdO_LcMLSu8by Lil B

Entrance description:


I know your bitch wanna ho for me!

I know your bitch wanna ho for me!

I know your bitch wanna ho for me!

I know your bitch wanna ho for me!

I know your bitch wanna ho for me!

I know your bitch wanna ho for me!

I know your bitch wanna ho for me!

I know your bitch wanna ho for me!


Makes it rain on PDB as they grind each other.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Grey tights with a television on the side that boasts his logo.

Wrestling Style: Dirty brawler

Finishing Move(s): Creep Shot-Running low blow

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Reality Check-Butterfly Backbreaker

Indian Deathlock

Running Kneelift

Ass Rake-as in a back rake to the booty!

Owner of Creepercams.com and Restroomcam.com

Background: Terry Valentine is the self proclaimed world wide leader in erotic hidden camera entertainment. As a side gig he worked as enhancement talent in the OAOAST. He was terrible even for enchancement talent due to his penchant for running away when the matches went south. Somehow all this combined to lead Pretty Dreamy, Bitches into thinking he'd make a good addition to their squad. So here's Terry Valentine, the newest Louisiana native on the OAOAST roster.

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Name: Silver


Nicknames: The Ultimate Hope

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 212

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Alignment: (face/heel/tweener) Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Menagerie

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Perversely hopeful about other people, yet constantly putting down himself

Entrance music: Yellow Flicker beat by Lorde

Entrance description:

And our people talk to me, but nothing ever hits,
So people talk to me, and all the voices just burn holes.
I’m going in (ooh)

This is the start of how it all ever ends
They used to shout my name, now they whisper it
I’m speeding up and this is the
Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
We rip the start, the colors disappear
I never watch the stars there’s so much down here
So I just try to keep up with them
Red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart


Flashy blue lights begin playing as a staircase lowers from the Angletron. Silver walks out from a slit in the tron and down the stairs

Entrance Attire: Sleeveless long coat (cape style).

Ring Attire: Black tights with a grey Japanese writing that translates to Endless Hope

Wrestling Style: (technical/high-flier/brawler/hardcore/martial arts/etc. or you can name a wrestler(s) that his/her style is similar to). Mostly technical (thanks to Uncle AS), but can brawl as well. Can take to the air, but not too often.

Finishing Move(s):
The New Hope : Dragon Clutch submission hold. With opponent on their stomach, he wrenches the head and neck back with an inverted sleeperhold/dragon sleeper, pulling them backwards as if trapped in a camel clutch.

Secondary Finishers:  Silver Bullet-AngleSlam

Trademark Moves/Spots:


World Ender-Inverted Exploder Suplex

Boot scrape

Shining Light-Shining Wizard

Hope's Peak-Moonsault into inverted DDT

Superfast spinning heel kick

Ankle lock

Matt Morgan elbows in the corner (Silver will send an opponent to the corner, then stand in the corner with his back to them, and fire back elbow strikes to their head)

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

OAOAST World title

Background: Jason Silver was regarded as one of the top prospects in OAOVW since he was 18, but toiled in the developmental system without ever getting a callup. Finally, towards the latter part of 2010, his uncle Anglesault made his shocking return to the company he founded, and brought Jason along with him. Siding with his uncle, Bohemoth, and Todd Cortez, Silver has taken up the cause to rid the wrestling world of Zack Malibu and seek vengeance for his uncle against the OAOAST Franchise. While that mission has yet to be completed, Silver has certainly benefited from the chance his uncle gave him, as Anglesault's associates helped Silver claimed Leon Rodez's Money In The Bank briefcase, which he used to cash in a title shot on an unsuspecting Krista and walk away the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. While many feel resentment that the "golden child" of Anglesault's group is holding the title, Silver has become even more brash in the past few weeks, throwing that fact into anyone and everyone's face.


Silver disappeared when AngleSault's plans came crashing down. He surfaced in 2014 to help Leon Rodez claim the Money In The Bank Title. Now he has an oddly hopeful look on life despite being in The Menagerie. His leanings towards the helpful have taken on a creepy vibe as he is constantly on the hunt for someone to carry humanity to a bright future. He in turn assists those candidates and attacks them in an attempt to provoke their transition to transcendent world icon. Leon seems to be fine with Silver's disturbingly positive world view as Silver has turned out to be the kind of world class talent one would expect would come from AngleSault's genes.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Name: Ivar The Cunning

Nicknames: The First One

Age: 1500 years old. Seriously.

Height: 6'4

Weight: 222 lbs

Hometown: Now residing in Jackson, MS

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Time Will Destroy Everything by Garbage

Entrance description:


Time will destroy everything

Time will destroy everything

Time will destroy everything

Time will destroy everything


Oh, the world is rough

It's just like hoping it will swallow you right up

And know that you're awake

The clock is ticking and it won't stop, it don't stop


Lights go dark as Ivar's theme plays! When they come up, Ivar is standing on the turnbuckles giving a cold and sexy stare to the audience, and Buffer makes his announcement.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Black bike shorts with Gothic script down the sides, blood red boots, black elbow pads, black wrist tape

Wrestling Style: High impact

Finishing Move(s): Time Will Destroy Everything-Wrist Clutch DVD

Trademark Moves/Spots: Ivar's signatures are the finishers of every other OAOAST superstar. For example he'll use a KIDology, a Lasso, a Country Strong Piledriver, a Wicked Whisper, etc

Other moves: Nothing that's a belabored or slow move to set up

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments Came back from the dead!

Background: Let's let Lyric tell it:




I probably should give you a lesson they don't teach in any history classes across the globe: the lesson on how vampires came into existence. It's not an incredibly glamorous story or even a terribly interesting one, but I do love to tell stories so you'll get to hear it. In the tenth century a Danish Viking by the name of Ivar The Cunning received word that there existed a witch with magical powers far beyond comprehension in what is now known as Egypt. It was said that this witch had lived for seven hundred years, and had the power to cheat death itself.

A witch?

Ivar was cunning as his name states, but he was also terribly fearful of death. That's a troubling trait when you're a viking. He dreaded the day he'd be taken to Valhalla to face judgment from Odin, who I hear hangs around these parts now days. Ivar gathered up twenty of his closest allies and set out to find this death defying witch. Like an idiot he left in the middle of the coldest winter on record, and got half his party killed by cold, disease, and wild animals. But, he himself made it to her quaint village. Most of what you hear about vikings being cruel savages isn't actually true except in Ivar's case. Ivar and his merry band of thugs proceeded to slaughter every man in the village once they arrived just as cruel savages tend to do.

That's barbaric.

With the men left in a pile for the flies to feast on, the nine other vikings gathered up the women and children in the center of town, while Ivar fetched the woman known mysteriously as The Great Witch. The lady didn't look a day over forty, but it was confirmed by the eldest woman in the village that The Great Witch looked the same then as when the woman was a baby. She really could cheat death, and Ivar was ecstatic! But, being the brutal scumbag that he was, being immortal wasn't good enough. Ivar wanted he and his thugs to have superior strength to normal men, to never age, incredible agility, stunning speed, heightened senses, perfect memory, limitless stamina, increased thought capacity. The Great Witch, however, was horrified at these stunning demands, fearing the consequences as witches so often do. Ivar avoided any lengthy debate as he started killing off the children until she agreed to his wishes. In order for the spell to work properly, each man had to die one by one so that they could be brought back as immortal beings with the vast majority of bodily functions ceasing, thus rendering them immortal. She called upon the light of the sun, the darkness of the moon, a bead of silver, and the eldest tree in the village.

Lyric smiles at the thought of this occurrence.

So in the end ten new immortal beings were created, and within their blood was the ability to create new beings just like them. Ivar was a prick, but he sure wasn't a stupid one. He knew The Great Witch had no intention of letting immortal beings walk the earth and so he lopped off her head. But that wasn't all he did. That night he and his awful bunch proceeded to feast on the witch's remains so that there was no chance she'd come back to life. Of course The Great Witch was no fool and expected this and placed a curse upon her own blood that gave her a deadly weakness to wood and silver. Once it was swallowed by the vikings they inherited this troublesome weakness. But perhaps the most damning occurrence was that by ingesting her blood they doomed themselves and their progeny to requiring human blood to survive. They slaughtered the village, draining the inhabitants of their blood. Then what is now known as The Ten spread across the globe, creating vampires who created vampires who created vampires who continue to create vampires. That's the story of vampires. Nothing noble, nothing salacious, just a gang of greedy assholes who ate the wrong thing for dinner.

Ivar turned out to be a loyal friend to Colin, saving his life on several occasions, even if it meant having to turn him into a vampire. The oldest person on the roster has turned into a bit of a reformed criminal, walking the path of good, and playing the role of a cool babyface. The OAOAST also houses two of his old friends in the Nystrom brothers, Tristan and Ivar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Team Name: The Kings of The Heap


Name: Rayder

Old name: Scottish Scott

Age: 34

Height: 6'5

Weight: 253

Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Menagerie

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Drop Dead Cynical by Amaranthe

Singles Entrance description: Same as tag

Tag Entrance description:


I need attention, feed my addiction
I want the action, the satisfaction
You have to feed me worse that I inquire
So my discord someday takes me higher
I hope to thrill you that expectations rise
I want to bring you so that you can compromise

I'm coming at you like a killer now
so it's the truth you are drop dead cynical
Welcome to the new world
Open up the gates of paradise

So let's get cynical
Run into a new maze
Open up your minds
and soon we'll all
Be drop dead cynical


When he and Scourge first appear they punch each other in the face until they both have drawn blood

Entrance Attire: Thick black coat, and a spiked club

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): The Butcher's Garden-Spinning brain buster

Secondary Finishers: Jumping Piledriver

Trademark Moves/Spots:

The Great Riot-Cross arm pile driver

Rayder's Rage-Vader bomb elbow drop

Rayder's Spear-picks the opponent up with a double leg and just runs them into the turnbuckles or wherever at full speed

Background: Products of the OAOVW system, The Last Kings of Scotland have long been considered to be one of the top tag teams in the system. After an allegiance with Queen Esther and The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club fell apart, the Scots have fought against the Cucaracha Kingdom which shunned them and are looking to prove themselves as one of the toughest teams in the world.


The Scots lined up with Alexander The Brutal, Megan Skye and Nat Black in a successful international grouping. Yet that all came crashing down in 2013 when both Scotsman were put on long term injury by a rampaging Bohemoth. Yet rather than get revenge on Bohemoth, they've returned in Leon Rdoez's service, for only Leon understands the despair of seeing your career be ended and no one remembering you. The two have become Leon's go to hitmen, routinely attacking anyone The Menagerie comes into conflict with. They've also regained OAOAST gold, holding the six man titles with Silver. With a hooligan streak, the pair often sets out to provoke welcome fights.


Name: Scourge

Old names: Danny Boy

Age: 29

Height: 6'4

Weight: 241

Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Menagerie

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Singles Entrance description: Same as tag

Tag Entrance description: When he and ayder first appear they punch each other in the face until they both have drawn blood

Entrance Attire: See pic

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Devil's Fist-Superman punch

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Honor to Terror-Back to Front Tombstone

Invading Spear-Rolling Spear, as in rolls through
Fujiwar Armbar

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
Former six man champions

Background: See above

Team Finishing Move(s):
Shoulder Block Doomsday Device

Team Signature Moves:

Tomahawk- Double Headbutt

Horrible Fling-Double hiptoss

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  • 2 weeks later...



Name: Pierette Saint-Nerdregard

Nicknames: Pier

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight: Family secret!

Hometown: Val'd'Or, Quebec, Canada

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sisterhood of the Rich and Famous with Gretchen Wright, part of Delta Delta Delta sorority 

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Homicidal, insane and childish.

Entrance music: I'm Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rehxa

Entrance description:

And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy?
Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
Mental out my brain, bat shit go insane,
Yeah, I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you

Bebe Rehxa's "I'm Gonna Show You Crazy" hits and various dudes in animal costumes come running onto the stage, jumping around in mirth, and dancing the craziest of dances. While they dance Pierette's head, giant sized, appears behind the stage.


Even more horrifying  is the tounge that snakes out from an open mouth. The lady herself, Pierette St.Nerdregard uses it as a slide to arrive onto the entrance stage!

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Basic

Finishing Move(s): Ginger Snaps-Repeated air bicycle kicks against a corner or rope based foe

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Bam Bam Pancakes-Spinning reverse elbow

Pirouette elbow drop-like the people's elbow but with a pirouette after the run

Sharpshooter Armbreaker

Gingercide-running blockbuster

Butt Go Boom!-Back flip butt splash!

Nitro Strawberry-Backflip kick

Background: Though she may not look it Pierette is a Nerdly. Her red hair and pale complexion mark her as a Saint-Nerdregard a cadet branch of the Nerdly family we all know and love. Pierette is a hard working, sweet and earnest gal, who only wants the best for people. She grew up learning that her role as a Saint-Nerdregard was to bolster the family name and support the main line. However, there are rumors that say she only got her OAOAST role to appease her mass of cousins who wield considerable power in the OAOAST.

Pierette acted on her longstanding resentment to the main Nerdly branch by going after little Morgan, in a wild, out of control feud that culminated in a Dubai street fight. After that Pierette set her sights on Gretchen Wright, and declared they be best friends! Gretchen wanted nothing to do with the girl who has been called a "psycho, crybaby killer." but was forced to team with her and the duo actually won tag gold. Gretchen grew to like her crazy, murderous partner, who always showed her kindness and made her a package deal when she accepted an invite to join Delta Delta Delta.

Pierette acts mostly like a spoiled child and has childish enthusiasm, especially in terms of causing bloodshed. She has sudden, if not sometimes random, impulses for killing people. And has serious anger toward basically any living being that has upset her.


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Name: Blaine Cayley

Nicknames: The Lion

Age: 18

Height: 6'1

Weight: 216

Hometown: Manhattan, NY by way of Beaumaris Castle, Wales

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sammi his sister and Spencer and Gloss

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Smokes an e-cig, talks a lot of trash in the ring

Entrance music: Next Ones to Come by Claire

Entrance description:


We are crawling along
At the edge of the world
Dance beneath the borders
Bring fences to fall
We seize the day
We own the night
Lets move measured and slow
Walk until the crimson shows

We taste honey, we smell blood
Raise your fists, open your hearts
We taste honey, we smell blood
Raise your fists



Two actual lions, a male and a female, sit caged on each side of the stage. As they roar and the lights flash red, Blaine enters smoking an e-cig.

Entrance Attire: Black trench coat

Ring Attire: Hot-Man-Jean-Color-Printing-Denim-Pants-

Wrestling Style: Brawling high flier

Finishing Move(s): Cruel Intentions-High impact diving sitout lariat

Secondary Finishers: Liontamer; Cruel Intentions 2 - lifting single underhook DDT, a/k/a Bloody Sunday

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Welsh Press-Arabian Press

Sliding Corner Lariat that carries him through the ropes and out of the ring

The Sharp Knife of a Short Life-Release butterfly suplex

DeathXKiss-Wheelbarrow slam into the corner posts

Bittersweet Romance-Vertebreaker

Song for a Sad Girl-Crossarm side Russian leg sweep

Diving Double Stomp

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.)

Background: Blaine Cayley hails from the prestigious Cayley family of Wales. So prestigious is this family that they trace their lineage well before the fourteenth century. Perhaps most amazing of all, the Cayleys played a role in the Wars of the Roses on the Lancasterian side. The descendants of these royal warriors live in the Beaumaris Castle, in Beaumaris, Wales.


Well all except Blaine's immediate family. The youngest son of Arthur Cayley, Edward Cayley took his share of the Cayley fortune, his Spanish wife, Antonia and their eleven year old twins across the ocean to the bustling city of New York. Already of considerable wealth, Edward had no trouble breaking into the lucrative art dealing world. The twins wanted for nothing as a result, attending the very best private schools and taking lessons in the violin, horse back riding, painting, fencing and more.


Logically, eighteen year old Blaine should be attending one of the many Ivy league schools he was accepted into in his senior year of highschool. But young Blaine operates on reckless angry impulse, and when his father told him a career in professional wrestling was a boy's dream that only turned a fancy into a determined goal. It didn't take long for Blaine to be noticed by Tony Brannigan, director of talent for the OAOAST and the youngster signed a lucrative contract with the OAOAST, to the surprise of his know it all father no doubt!

Aiyo this motherfucker Blaine is the man. The baddest dude in the OAOAST from day one, Blaine plays by no one's rules but his own. He was made to join Team Scream by Sophie but showed zero respect for the group or Oscar's leadership. As the two clash, Blaine's doting sister, Sammi came to the OAOAST rather than be stuck away from him at school and casued even more conflict with the group, while spurring Blaine to no highs. 

Blaine soon became perhaps the most dangerous man in the OAOAST. Literally able to beat anyone with skill and with ease, a match with Blaine became a certified loss. As his legend grew his heart thawed a bit towards Team Scream as he and Oscar came to a mutual respect. Alas his respect for Tanner wasn't quite that high as Blaine was a-okay with Sammi stringing him along to use him as a lackey.

Early during his stay it was exposed that Blaine and Sammi are infact romantically involved with one another, a first for the OAOAST with twins being linked as an item. The two have adored each other since childhood, a love that became strained when Sammi was involved with a young Spencer Reiger.

Blaine seemed to forget all about Tanner or anything else when Spencer came into his sights and a hot animosity grew between Blaine, and Sammi and the married couple of Gloss and Spencer. Though Gloss was highstrung and full of vigor, Spencer held hope he could reoncile with the Cayleys and his wish was granted as the group now form an intricate love-rectangle or love-square. Blaine remains the sharp tongued hot head, eagerly accepting immature Gloss' invites to chaos, while Spencer and Sammi are the level headed calm ones of the group.

Success has continued to find Blaine as well as he won The Challenge: Singled Out along with the MITB breifcase.

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  • 2 months later...


Name: Heavy D


Real Name: Dalton Van Der Grant


Age: 26

Height: 6'1

Weight: 273 lbs

Hometown: Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Slaughterhouse

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Throat slash~!

Entrance music: Slaughterhouse by KillSonik

Entrance description:


The game ends here, the structures fall

Collapsing walls, I'll let you know this time

A curtain call, the final thoughts

To end it all so now you know you're mine


Your worst nightmare

You'll work for your soul here, and I said

It's not what you wanted

But you'll get hung, drawn and quartered in here


Comes out with eyes closed, “knuckle ups” ala Shamrock, heads to the ring

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Powerful

Finishing Move(s): D-Feat - Package piledriver

Secondary Finishers: Heavy Bomb-Vader bomb

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Big Break-Pumphandle neckbreaker

D-Struction - Tiger Suplex

Heavy Handed Suplex-Leg hook belly to back suplex

Half Nelson Choke Suplex

Second rope moonsault


Other moves: High impact indy style stuff


(teaming w/ Jack Wendy)


Double Bypass -- Meat Hook Lariat/Spear combo (JW w/ lariat, BB w/ spear)



None thus far


Background: Big Boy was discovered by Tony Brannigan on a vacation with Mrs.Brannigan. The two were eating at a diner when Mrs caught Mister checking out a waitress. She slapped the shit out of Brannigan and took off with the rental car. No one would give Brannigan a ride back to the inn besides Dalton Van Der Grant. The 6'1 270+ pound Dalton Ven Der Grant. Nicknamed Big Boy, Dalton told Tony he had some experience on the Canadian indy scene. This was enough to get him signed.


No one could have expected he'd fall in with the shady Carl Macdonald and Slaughterhouse though. Despite his questionable company, Big Boy has a bright future.




Name: Carl Macdonald

Nicknames: The Baron of Industry

Age: 38

Height: 6'1

Weight: 233 lbs

Hometown: Davenport, IA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Slaughterhouse

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Throat slash~!

Entrance music:Slaughterhouse by KillSonik

Entrance description:

The game ends here, the structures fall

Collapsing walls, I'll let you know this time

A curtain call, the final thoughts

To end it all so now you know you're mine


Your worst nightmare

You'll work for your soul here, and I said

It's not what you wanted

But you'll get hung, drawn and quartered in here


A true man of industry and pleasure, Carl walks out in a top hat and twirls a cane.

Entrance Attire: Top hat, his cane

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Scorched Earth-Sister Abigail


Secondary Finishers: Calf Killer (leg/calf slicer)

Trademark Moves/Spots:

European uppercut to the back of the head

Slaughter Plex-Cravate suplex

Release Fisherman's suplex

Blood Money-Spinning electric chair drop


Other moves:


None thus far

Background: Carl Macdonald is another in a long line of OAOASTers who come from wealth. Carl's family has made their fortune in farming and food production for generations.


Growing up Carl's mother was always secretly resentful she married into “cow money” and raised Carl as though he were a high society gentleman. The man we see today is the warped product of her parenting. Carl is underhanded, ruthless, enterprising and remorseless. Therefore it should be no surprise he found common cause with the similar persona Deuce Deuce Bigelow or Flame Boiled Whopper.




Name: Jack Wendy


Nicknames: Warthog

Age: 34

Height: 5'11

Weight: 267 lbs

Hometown: Queens, NY

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Slaughterhouse

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Throat slash~!

Entrance music: (also, include the link to your song from the theme song thread.)

Entrance description:

The game ends here, the structures fall

Collapsing walls, I'll let you know this time

A curtain call, the final thoughts

To end it all so now you know you're mine


Your worst nightmare

You'll work for your soul here, and I said

It's not what you wanted

But you'll get hung, drawn and quartered in here


Snorts and grunts. A lot.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): DVD onto the knee


Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Meat Hook Lariat

Chainsaw elbow drop (pantomimes starting up chainsaw then drops big elbow)

Frosty hug-bear hug

Chop Stick-Mongolian Chop

Body splash from the second rope

Diving shoulder from the second rope

Corner avalanche


Other moves:


(In tag matches)


The Grinder -- Aided snap swinging neck breaker (JW does lifting, partner swinging)

Double Bypass -- Meat Hook Lariat/Spear combo (teaming w/ Big Boy; JW w/ lariat, BB w/ spear)



None thus far

Background: Jack Wendy flunked out of middle school. Thats all I've got.

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Name: Chick Golden

Nicknames: The Golden Grr

Age: 38

Height: 5'5

Weight: 155 lbs

Hometown: Lubbock, Texas

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: 3 Amigos

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Chicken Noodle Soup, Kidz Bop Version

Entrance description: Chicken dances on the stage, will slap hands with the fans, sometimes tells a few jokes as well.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Roman headband, bright white or yellow trunks with "CHICK" written on front with egg yolk effect and cartoon chick on backside wearing Roman headband & gold booties with a word balloon that says "GRR!"; knees also feature the cartoon chick;the boots are whatever the trunk color isn't.

Wrestling Style: A mid 2000's WWE cruiserweight.

Finishing Move(s): The Sky is Falling-top rope senton cannonball (flaps arms before jumping off top)

Secondary Finishers: Chicken of the Sea-Single leg crab

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Chicken dance into a leg drop

Chick Magnet-Tornado Inverted DDT

Chicken Fingers-A spinning chop to the brain

Chicken Butt-Diving butt press

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
Survived life being named Chick

Background: Chick Golden is a true veteran of the business, having broken in at age 16. However he hasn't grown any since that tender age, which has severely hurt his career. Even so, Chick maintained a positive attitude. This optimistic outlook paid off as Chick was given a developmental deal in the OAOAST. He quickly linked up with Slaughterhouse, who saw a use for his speed and experience. Unfortunately Chick doesn't abuse animals and isn't sadistic so he didn't fit in with those hated heels. However, his joyful attitude and fun loving spirit found him fast friends with All The Sheep's Men. The Golden Grr and his Latino friends are now called the 3 Amigos, and make up a popular fun loving group. But thanks to their whimiscal ways and smaller size the trio often deals with bullying and stigma from the heels. But the sassy group continues to bust heads and break through ceilings!

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Name: Marty Fox

Nicknames: Time Killer

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight: 192 lbs

Hometown: Universal City, California

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Time Killers w/ Doc White

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: pretends to balance himself as if riding a stake/hoverboard

Entrance music: Five More Hours by Deorro and Chris Brown

Entrance description:

What you wanna do baby? Where you wanna go?
I'll take you to the moon baby, I'll take you to the floor
I'll treat you like a real lady, no matter where you go

Just give me some time baby, cause you know
Even when we're apart I know my heart is still there with you
5 more hours till the night is ours and I'm in bed with you

In a lighthearted bit, Marty pretends to struggle maintaining his balance on his Hoverboard, kicking his leg out and all, only to stop and give a big thumbs up/smile to the camera and keep on his way to the ring slapping hands with fans.
Entrance Attire: Leather jacket w/ one sleeve longer than other + a tie (solids & various designs) -- a nod to Michael J. Fox's character on Family Ties.

Ring Attire: Jorts w/ airbrushed lightning bolts, stars, clocks & galaxies; Back to the Future inspired wrestling shoes/boots (if you've ever seen the movies you know what I mean)

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight.

Finishing Move(s): Hoverboard -- diving double foot stomp to the back of the head of a bent over opponent

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Stop-watch - Tornado enziguri (shouts/motions for opponent to stop, which they do, then Marty hits move)
Springboard tornado DDT
Handspring back elbow off ropes
Slingshot DDT
Jumping double knee strike to opponent in corner
Over the top rope suicide senton bomb
Standing corkscrew moonsault

Other moves:
Crossbody block, dropkick, hip toss, monkey flip, forearm smash, jawbreaker, superkick

Double-team finisher:

Enchantment Under the Sea-- Doc places opponent in rocking chair (lucha move), swinging him back-and-forth as Marty climbs to top and delivers a diving double foot stomp.

Signature double-team moves:

Great Scott! -- falling neckbreaker (Doc) / moonsault (Marty) combo
Clocktower Strike - Electric chair lift (Doc) into missile dropkick (Marty) either off the top rope or via a springboard
0-88 - Flatliner (Doc) / enziguri (Marty) combo
1.21 Gigawatts - Backbreaker hold (Doc) / knee drop (Marty) combo
On Cue Double Dropkick

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc)

Background: TBD


Name: Doc White

Nicknames: Time Killer

Age: 24

Height: 6'0

Weight: 215 lbs

Hometown: Tombstone, Arizona

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Time Killers w/ Marty Fox

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Waves both arms in the air hysterical following a big move

Entrance music: Five More Hours by Deorro and Chris Brown

Entrance description:

What you wanna do baby? Where you wanna go?
I'll take you to the moon baby, I'll take you to the floor
I'll treat you like a real lady, no matter where you go

Just give me some time baby, cause you know
Even when we're apart I know my heart is still there with you
5 more hours till the night is ours and I'm in bed with you

Entrance description: High-fives fans waving both arms in the air hysterical

Entrance Attire: Wild West-style brown trench coat w/ sleeves rolled up and cowboy hat OR white lab coat (choices!)

Ring Attire: Black tights w/ lightning bolts, stars, clocks & galaxies; black boots w/ lightning bolts on the sides; also sometimes wears white windbreaker pants w/ brown work boots (usually when wearing white lab coat only)

Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight.

Finishing Move(s): Flux Capacitor - rolling moonsault side slam

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

The Doc's Alive -- abdominal stretch into rolling cradle pin
Cradle Tombstone piledriver
Shining Wizard
Jumping double knee strike to opponent in corner

Other moves:
Belly-to-belly, forearm smash, bodyslam, slingshot legdrop, tornado dropkick, jawbreaker

Double-team finisher:

Enchantment Under the Sea -- Doc places opponent in rocking chair (lucha move), swinging him back-and-forth as Marty climbs to top and delivers a diving double foot stomp.

Signature double-team moves:

Great Scott! -- falling neckbreaker (Doc) / moonsault (Marty) combo
Clocktower Strike - Electric chair lift (Doc) into missile dropkick (Marty) either off the top rope or via a springboard
0-88 - Flatliner (Doc) / enziguri (Marty) combo
1.21 Gigawatts - Backbreaker hold (Doc) / knee drop (Marty) combo

On Cue Double Dropkick

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc)

Background: TBD

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Name: Bobbi Cheesecake


Age: 18

Height: 5'7

Weight: Unbeknownst to all but her doctor

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sunrise

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Bobbi is a true sweetheart...until she turns on her dominatrix mode. Then she's more perverted than Maya and Tony Tourettes combined, more vulgar than Holly and every bit as cruel as Malaysia. She's also a bit of a spaz and is often called Spazcake

Entrance music: 1000 Nights by Ronika.

Entrance description:


Night falls!


Let me tell you a story

You turn over to sleep

I hold my breath till the morning


1000 Nights!

And I'm still crying!

1000 Nights!

And I'm still trying!

1000 Nights!

And I'm still crying!

1000 Nights!

And I'm still trying!



I don't know what to do to please you!


I don't know what to do to please you!


Crawls onto the stage with a violet in her mouth. Writhes her body seductively. After walking to the ring, she gives the violet to a lucky fan.

Entrance Attire: None.

Ring Attire: Velvet gloves, teddy and black heels

Wrestling Style: Sexy~!

Finishing Move(s): 50 Shades of Purple-Fallaway Samoan Drop

Secondary Finishers: N/A

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Forces her foe to suck on her fingers while yelling at them and insulting them.

Top Whore Roll-Gator Roll, ending with her placing a kiss on opponent's neck
Wide Open and Horny-Welcome's foes into her arms, kisses them, then suplexes them

Sniff's opponents hair then whips them to the ground with it

Pussy Popping-Sits on opponent's face and pops her pussy on it

Achilles Tendon Lock

Foot DDT, usually followed by the Achilles tendon lock

The Power of Friendship-muscle buster

Other moves:

Rare moves: Bobbisault-Lionsault

Titles/accomplishments Is able to put up with James Blonde and Kareem, an accomplishment in of itself!

Background: Young Bobbi Cheesecake from Seattle is the lovely niece of a not so lovely man. Bobbi has the misfortune of being James Blonde's niece. In addition to her lousy uncle, Bobbi suffers the dual problem of having a meth addicted mother, and a totally absentee father. Since she was a young girl, Bobbi has always had a fascination with people's faces. She could stare at someone beautiful for hours on end if they wouldn't get incredibly frightened. Her love of faces turned towards a desire to make them as beautiful as possible, which resulted in an interest in makeup. Bobbi's mother saw this and with little money she had sent her to a vocational school to learn the art of applying makeup. Bobbi passed her classes with flying colours, but all was not well. By the time her junior year rolled around, Bobbi's mother lacked the cash to pay her tuition. And the electric bill. And for food. And for water. Enter James Blonde. Blonde offered to take Bobbi off his sister's hands. It wasn't as noble an offer as it sounds. Bobbi was to become Blonde's personal beautician. His unpaid beautician. The OAOAST covers her airfare and she can eat the food they provide at the shows. Blonde doesn't have to pay a dime to have Bobbi doing his makeup. The man known as The Pretty Bitch defends this arrangement, saying that Bobbi would have had to pay for school whereas he's letting her practice makeup for free. However, Blonde's many detractors say the school teaches her something whereas Blonde just puts her to work without imparting any actual knowledge. Either way it would seem as if Bobbi is to be at her uncle's side for the long haul.

But as fate would have it Bobbi attended Sunrise Halloween party in 2014 as a Purple Wig super hero. She attracted the aggressive attention of several Japanese business men and had to beat them away...literally! Rather than being upset, the men enjoyed Bobbi's violent displayed. Sunshine Yukino saw dollar signs and welcomed Bobbi into Sunrise as their dominatrix!

Bobbi has earned herself a lot of accolades and praise since she joined Sunrise, winning Hotties and tag titles with December Belle.  She's also had tons of sex, tons and tons of sex, and even outlasted Malaysia Nerdly in an anal based war of attrition. Still Bobbi isn't satisified and is constantly striving to better herself and her friends, to the point where she becomes overbearing and hyper. This has led to her nickname "spazcake"

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Name: The Rizzo


Real name: Peter Rizzo


Age: 28


Height: 5'9


Weight: 201 lbs


Hometown: Atlantic City, NJ


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Scumbag Reformation Project


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Gambles on his matches. Often loses.



Entrance music: I Hate My Life by Theory of a Deadman


Entrance description: Walks out, checking a sports betting app on his phone.


Entrance Attire:


Ring Attire: Long green tights with Rizzo written on each side in bold white letters. Black boots.


Wrestling Style: Brawler



Finishing Move(s): Rizzo For Shizzo-Lo Down Frog Splah


Trademark Moves/Spots:


Other moves:

Hard Scoop Slam, followed by a running boot to the face.

Pendelum Elbow drop

Roll The Dice

fastball punch as in throws a punch like a baseball.



Background: Petey Rizzo is a former indy wrestler who cut his teeth working many of the North Eastern promotions. But that's not important. What is important is that he's a chronic gambler, in severe debt. Ever the kind souls the OAOAST offered him a bottom level developmental deal, and so desperate to pay his debts Petey took the deal. He was thrown into a tag team with Anson Cutter, a deadbeat dad known for appearing on Maury four times in two years. The front office's hope is that they can straighten their lives out and become productive citizens.



Name: Anson Cutter


Nickname: Deadbeat


Age: 33


Height: 6'0


Weight: 230 lbs


Hometown: East St.Louis, IL


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Scumbag Reformation Project


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Always asks for money, sometimes steals money



Entrance music: I Hate my life by Theory of a Deadman


Entrance description: Walks out, asks fans for money


Entrance Attire:


Ring Attire: Baggy brown pants with holes


Wrestling Style: Brawler



Finishing Move(s): The Falling Dead-delayed falcon arrow into a pin


Trademark Moves/Spots:


Other moves:

Corner lariat


Standing Lou Thez Press


Background: Like The Rizzo, Anson Cutter is a former indy wrestler. His work took him back and forth between the two coasts and sometimes into Canada. But again who gives a shit? What we want to know is why this nigga was on Maury denying his kids four times. And each time he was the father. And why he ain't paying no child support? Why this nigga on a developmental deal paying 45,000 per year but he only seeing 15,000? Because he fucked up and got ratchet hoes pregnant that's why? In TMW the Scumbags continue to hunt for shortcuts to riches and fortune rather than actually put in the hard work it takes to gain the rewards of life. 

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Name: Kawhi Erving.


Nicknames: K.Erv, Sweet K


Age: 22


Height: 6'5


Weight: 235 lbs


Hometown: Long Beach, CA


Alignment: Face


Stable/Associates/Managers: Marcellus Wallace


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:



Entrance music: Westside Right on Time by Kendrick Lamar and Young Jeezy


Entrance description: Marcells comes out first spraying a finger guns in a circle when he returns to front in center his charges come out.


Entrance Attire: Bullet proof vest hoodie


Ring Attire: Purple and gold basketball shorts


Wrestling Style: Brawler with some technical style



Finishing Move(s): The Realness-Backbreaker into a lung blower


Secondary Finishers: OG Breaker-Handcuff neckbreaker


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Knife edge chop that hits so hard it turns a foe inside out

Tupac's Murder-Spinning flapjack

Figure Four Leglock Clutch

Locked In The Booth-float over surfboard stretch

Streets Is Watching-a bulldog that dumps his opponent's face against the middle rope and sends him out the ring entirely



Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

OAOAST Tag Team Champion



Background: Kawhi Erving is the son of Marcellus Wallace's eldest sister. Like his uncle he packs a wallop in a fight. In addition to be a strong fighter, Kawhi is also highly intelligent. He prefers to think things through almost to a fault before taking any action. Due to that some people can get impatient with what seems like his inaction. He was trained in wrestling by Marcellus at a young age, then was forced to pursue his own route when Marcellus went to the slammer. But with his uncle free and vindicated, Kawhi and Hood Again are ready to rule the OAOAST tag division.




Name: Moses Robison

Nicknames: The Drill


Age: 23


Height: 6'5


Weight: 256 lbs


Hometown: Inglewood, CA


Alignment: Face


Stable/Associates/Managers: Marcellus Wallace


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:



Entrance music: Westside Right on Time by Kendrick Lamar and Young Jeezy


Entrance description: Marcells comes out first spraying a finger guns in a circle when he returns to front in center his charges come out.


Entrance Attire: Bullet proof vest hoodie


Ring Attire: Black and silver MMA trunks


Wrestling Style: MMA style



Finishing Move(s): Hood Pass Revoked-Taker's hell's gate


Secondary Finishers: Moses Reloaded-Fireman's Carry Bomb (basically a high angle F-U)


Trademark Moves/Spots:

MMA knees in the clench

Apron DDT


Rear Naked Choke

Kneeling Arm bar

Repeated forearms to face of foe


Double Team Finisher

Isolated Incident - Powerbomb into double knee backbreaker - Moses hits the bomb, Kwhai hits the breaker


Double Team Moves

Double leaping headbutts to opponent's chest

Street Sweeper-Kwhai flapjack's, and Moses hits a high kick

Kwhai hits a dropkick that dumps foe into Moses's rear naked choke


Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

OAOAST Tag Team Champion




The Drill may be a towering idol of raw power, but that wasn't always the case. A smallish boy more interested in books than girls or music or sports, Moses was mercilessly teased. As such his father enrolled him in a basic MMA training course. Moses took to it like a fish to water, and when he hit his growth spurt...well lets just say nobody thinks to bully him anymore! Hood Again has been a smashing success for the OAOAST and the tag division, becoming the next great team to wrestle in the OAOAST. The group is agressive, bold and perservant. Thanks to their LA inspiried can-do attitude the duo were boldly able to establish themselves right off the bat against big name tag teams such as VICE, Christ Air Express and Army of One Nation. Hardened by the streets, and refusing to back down they even bested the collection of giants that is the Slaughterhouse stable. Fierce, violent and determined Hodd Again continues to run the OAOAST tag division just as they ran the streets.



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Age: 44

Height: 6'7

Weight: 320 lbs

Hometown: Miami, FL

Alignment: Monsterous Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Grunts, roars, talks in a limited way in third person

Entrance music:

Entrance description: The Animal by Disturbed

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: All power

Finishing Move(s): Flex-O-Rill-Backpack stunner

Secondary Finishers: Bearhug

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Mat slams-slams foe's head into mat

Flex Kick-Jumping side kick to side of foe's head

Flex Buster-Thrust spinebuster
Flex Drop-Press Drop

Delayed vertical suplex


Background: Formerly the CEO of NRG and partner of Biff Atlas in the same of the same name, Flex Phillips was considered a loveable loser. He retired in 2007 due to a knee injury, and took on the role of OAOAST social media manager. Alas the perils of dealing with people on the internet proved to much for Flex's mind to bear. So much did he suffer that he endured a psychotic break, and seemed to rergress in intelligence. He has returned to the OAOAST with his sights mystreriously set on his former parter, Biffman.

Flex's war with Biffman took him to a headon collision with Tyler Bryant in a tag match. FLEX was set to unleash his rage on Tyler for daring to touch him when he was woo'ed by the seductive moves Tyler's manager, Lorelei DeCenzo. Enticed by Lorelei's promises of gold and her big knockers, the not so-gentle giant instantly agreed to protect Tyler as his bodyguard. FLEX has been so loyal and so useful to Tyler that The Serial Thriller attempted to give him the US title in 2016. That plan was kiboshed by Sophie, and FLEX suffered further misery as Lorelei made him put up his MITB contract in The Challenge which he subsequently lost.

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Name: Lilly Florent

Nicknames: Floral Fawn

Age: 19

Height: 5'11

Weight: Three roses

Hometown: Grangemouth, Scotland

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Dayofthedead.com

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Day of the dead by Hollywood Undead
Entrance description: Walks out and high fives Cady

Entrance Attire: Spiked football pads

Ring Attire: 

Wrestling Style: Heavy Hitter

Finishing Move(s): Floral Gospel-Running inside elbow

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Repeated rib breaker

Moonlight Butterfly-Belly to back atomic bomb

Crystal Fury-Torture rack into back breaker

Shroom of Doom-Millitary Press gust buster

Flower Power-Sideways gutwrench powerbomb

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
OAOAST World title (x2)

Background: The latest foreign talent in the OAOAST, Lilly Florent was plucked out of computer school, plucked out of wrestling school and placed in The All XFL empire by Rick Heyross. Lilly is more an OAOAST fan than a wrestling fan if you get my drift and is bored when anyone tries to talk to her about anything outside the OAOAST. The best way to keep her interest on any topic is to supply her with booze. Despite her young age, Lilly can pack some heavy brew into her lanky frame. She's a bit flighty. Well a lot flighty and is prone to odd habits that can grate on others. But she's far too oblivious to notice anyone's annoyance.



Name: Cady of Grimm

Nicknames: Brightroar

Age: 19

Height: 5'11

Weight: All the gold in hell

Hometown: White Deer, Texas

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Dayofthedead.com

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: NBA on NBC theme
Entrance description: Walks out and high fives Lilly

Entrance Attire: Spiked football pads

Ring Attire: 

Wrestling Style: Heavy hitter

Finishing Move(s): Sadist Mist-Sprays black mist into foe's head then wallops them with a big boot.

Secondary Finishers: Pullout Powerbomb-Pulls a seated foe out of the corner and powerbombs them straight to hell!

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Cauterization-Sitout Spinebuster

Law of Causality- Double underhook leg bulldog

Grimm Rain-Deadlift sitout gordbuster

Wild Splitter-Running Electric Chair Facebuster



Background: Cady of Grimm looks like your All American Girl, but alas looks can oft be deceiving. In this case more than ever. Cady is the daughter of former OAOAST superstar and delinquent personality, Sadist. Young Cady grew up in White Deer, Texas, a town with a population of about 1000, and almost all white. With glimmering blond hair and doe blue eyes, Cady could have thrived if her dad weren't a total psychopath. Sadist left the OAOAST so he could yank Cady out of the White Deer school system and instruct her himself. Sadist thinking was they would poison her mind with the “lies of the weak and the soft.” Sadist taught Cady like he was training her to be marauding warlord, and holed her off from the rest of the town on most days. Instead of being known as Cady Grimm she became Grady of Grimm, for Grimm is not only her family name but her home as well. At least that's what Sadist said. Her mom insisted she have some backpack plan if being Genghis Khan didn't work, so Sadist relented and taught her webpage design.


A chance meeting at the airport between Rick Heyross and Sadist turned to the topic of Cady's future. Heyross thought she would do well paired with the more easygoing Lilly Florent, and Sadist thought she was ready to be unleashed upon the world, and so without any input from her, Cady was signed to The All XFL empire. God help us all.

Alas Lilly and Cady couldn't stand being in the shady, vile XFL empire and left almost as quick as they were inducted. To TMW the pairing went, where their beauty, youth and off kilter personalities were a welcome addition. Though their opponents were a little less pleased by their strength and overpowering style that drew comparasions to Hell's Hitmen and The Road Warriors. And of course few people could keep up with the world Cady lives in or the fog Lilly operates under.

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Name: Gretchen Wright

Nicknames: The Monarch of Posh

Age: 18

Height: 5'5

Weight: Only a lowborn would ask this question!

Hometown: Alexandria, Virginia

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Big IQ

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Very haughty, very snobbish comically so

Entrance music: Hurricane, Arty remix by Halsey

Entrance description:


I'm a wanderess
I'm a one night stand
Don't belong to no city
Don't belong to no man
I'm the violence in the pouring rain
I'm a hurricane
Ha ah ah ha ah ah ah
I'm a hurricane
Ha ah ah ha ah ah ah
I'm a hurricane


Walks out with a parasol like her brother, twirls it, folds it up and heads to the ring. She also forces the referee to LIFT her inside.

Entrance Attire: Parasol

Ring Attire: Ribbons in her hair of a different color, as for the rest its the same as the picture

Wrestling Style: Techicnal

Finishing Move(s): Just Charge It-Fisherman's gordbuster

Secondary Finishers: Frog Splash

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Key of Learning-Grounded keylock

One Percenter-Headlock driver

The Classic-Falling underhook powerbomb

Noble Pursuit-spinning whee kick

Northern Lights Suplex with bridge

Blue Blood Letting-Step up DDT

Other moves: Sometimes uses some of Wright's moves

Rare moves:


A lady of learning, graduated Columbia University at 18 years of age!


Background: Unlike her big brother, Gretchen Wright does not go through phases. She has always been a prim and proper highborn lady. Due to her social standing she tends to look down on the many people of lower birth but does so in such a funny way you can't help but love her. She's quite the intelligent young lady, having graduated from Columbia with a degree in classic literature at only age eighteen.


With all her life ahead her, Gretchen has decided to spent her younger days with her elder brother, who spent so much of her childhood on the road with the OAOAST. It just so happens Ice Quiz comes along with that package!

Gretchen got off to a rocking start in the OAOAST that even rivalved her brother's explosive debut a decade ago. The young beauty was immediatley thrown into a tag team with the bizzare Pierette Saint Nerdreard and capture the Hotties Tag Title. Much to her amazement, Gretchen found a friend in the kooky ginger, who would take her to high school events to show her what she missed graduating school so early.

But Gretchen also found a fierce rival in Holly, who set her as her archnemesis after Gretchen and Pierette bested them in the Miss Anderson Cup. Holly made Gretchen's life a living hell and Logan Mann only added to the trouble by declaring his love for her. Gretchen overcome the Manns at Sluttymania 2 and took home her first ever Hotties title.

Gretchen's status as one of the elite got the attention of Cassidy Maguire and her soroity Delta Delta Delta. Cassidy demanded that Gretchen join Delta house, and Gretchen did, under the stipulation that Pierette be pledged as well. Much to Cassidy's dismay, Gretchen won the Delta House's presdiencey unianmously. Yes Cassidy didn't vote for herself. 

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Name: Colun Maguire SR


Age: 65

Height: 6'1

Weight: 160 lbs

Hometown: Boston, MA

Alignment: Valkyrie Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Celtic Gothic

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Hells Bells by AC/DC

Entrance description:











After the bells, he just walks out as cold and cruel as can be.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Physical

Finishing Move(s): The Great Book of Maguire-Over the Shoulder side driver

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Mythological Cycle-Lifing sitout double arm DDT

Waves of Thunder-Spinning fall forward slam

Tragedy of the Children-Side belly to belly into a neckbreaker

Celtic Claw-Mandible Claw

Other moves: Moves in a slow and methodicalpace

Rare moves:

Background: Maguire SR originally introduced himself to the OAOAST alongside his son and several of his trusted cronies. Colin JR made a name for himself early on, earning himself the label of a maineventer in the making. Alas the relationship between father and son had never been warm and finally it was agreed that they should seperate. Magurie SR went home and took his brutes with him.


But at home his disgust for his son turned to hatred. He blamed Colin JR for his wife dying giving birth to his only son. When Colin kidnapped Cinnamon and Annagret's mom, Maguire SR saw an opportunity for vengeance. He traded his help in rescuing Gedrun in exchange for becoming a Valkyrie.


Now Maguire SR has his sights set on killing his son once and for all. Only one problem, mommy Maguire is back to life and will do anything to protect him.

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Name: Sammi Cayley

Nicknames: Sam, Slammin Sammi

Age: 19 (older than Blaine by 1 minute)

Height: 5'7

Weight: Even Blaine doesn't know

Hometown: Manhattan. NY by way of Beaumaris Castle Wales

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Blaine Cayley, Spencer Reiger and Gloss Angieacola

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Next Ones to Come by Claire

Entrane description:


We are crawling along
At the edge of the world
Dance beneath the borders
Bring fences to fall
We seize the day
We own the night
Lets move measured and slow
Walk until the crimson shows

We taste honey, we smell blood
Raise your fists, open your hearts
We taste honey, we smell blood
Raise your fists




Two actual lions, a male and a female, sit caged on each side of the stage. As they roar and the lights flash red, Sammi wheels out with a sly smile and a cute look

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: Same as pic but with white boy shorts

Wrestling Style: Brawling High Flower

Finishing Move(s): Cruel Intentions-High impact diving sitout lariat

Secondary Finishers: Liontamer

Trademark Moves/Spots:


Welsh Press-Arabian Press

Sliding Corner Lariat that carries him through the ropes and out of the ring

The Sharp Knife of a Short Life-Release butterfly suplex

DeathXKiss-Wheelbarrow slam into the corner posts

Bittersweet Romance-Vertebreaker

Song for a Sad Girl-Crossarm side Russian leg sweep

Diving Double Stomp

Other moves:

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


Background: Sammi is the twin sister of Blaine Cayley, and the two are damn near inseparable. Since they came out a minute a part (Sammi was first) the two are so close they basically share a mind if not a personality. While Blaine may be somewhat surly and a bit rude, Sammi can be gregarious, fun loving, and charming. Of course she can also be quick to anger, irascible and violent.


Highly intelligent and from a rich family Sammi was easily able to gain entrance into Boston College. There she played field hockey as well as cricket, and was quite the star. Why do I say was for a 19 year old freshman? Because she got suspended after an incident with a girl who dissed Blaine. Rather than continue with her education once her suspension was up, Sammi decided to stick around in the OAOAST and chill with Blaine and Teen Scream. However, Sammi was the cause of much drama, inflating Blaine's ego and using her beauty and charms to manipulate Tanner Neptune into doing their bidding. Tanner might have had a chance with Sammi, if not for the shocking revelation that she and her twin are a romantic item as bound to each other as Romeo and Juliet. Yet, amazingly, the real height of the drama came when Sammi was revealed to have dated Spencer Reiger when the three all lived in New York. This produced a rivalry between her and Blaine and Spencer and Gloss. Though the battles were heated, the friendship between Spencer and the Cayleys cooled it all down and warmed hearts to the point where the four are inseparable. Sammi remains arrogant but sweet, confident in her brother and her place in the world, but never forgetting to spread kindness to others. Though don't think for a minute that makes her a pushover. This lioness is always ready to fight.

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Name: Angel Maguire


Supernatural Species: Witch

Age: 65 years old

Height: 5'3

Weight: ?????????

Hometown: Boston, MA

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Colin Maguire JR

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:



Entrance music: Mystified By Juliet Simms

Entrance description:


I hear you knocking on the other side
You got me mystified
You got me mystified

I hear you calling but I've been denied
You make me lose my mind, you make me lose my mind

I can't find the power to survive
I've been looking my whole life

Now you got me looking through a crystal ball
I see you coming away
When I walk on fire it don't hurt at all
But I get burned just the same


Entrance description: A living painting of sorts appears of some various fantasy scene on the stage. And emerging from it is Angel Maguire


Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Technical


Finishing Move(s): Soul Hacked-Handspring kick to the head

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Pasupata-Knee Trembler

Alarune-Double Backflip Headscissors

Pale Rider-Singlearm Bossman Slam

Madien's War-Springboard Tornado DDT

Navas Nebula-Release front suplex or front suplex into a power bomb


Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below



Angel Maguire is Colin's mom who had died a tragic death giving birth to him. What Colin never knew is that his birth was made possible by a terrible pact Angel, a witch, made with her sister, a more powerful witch. Once barren, Angel promised to give her first born child to her sister in exchange for the ability to be fertile. As said Angel only saw one child be taken, and died before she could even name Colin.

She has watched over Colin from the great beyond, but was moved to act when she saw his life threatened by his father. A young witch offered her body to Angel in a noble sacrifice so that she might save her only son. Angel is at Colin's side whether he likes it or not, and most of the time he doesn't like it!

Angel's past came back to haunt her as her sister Reagan arrived demanding Colin's son Jack as part of the bargain made. The only thing that saved Jack, ironically, was Cassidy. Angel had to come face to face with the product of the most horrifying decision of her life, and as you can imagine Cassidy had a lot of hatred to dump on her. Angel took the abuse and then some and continues to hear the complaints of both her children. Yet they know deep in their hearts that their mother truly loves them and will always have their back.

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