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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Up to Date Character Specs!

Chanel #99

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Name: Simon Singleton

Nicknames: The Limitless Man, Agent 009

Age: 37

Height: 6'2

Weight: 228

Hometown: Anaheim, California

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Mentor to Team Scream. Managed by Molly Nerdly

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: “The name's Singleton, Simon Singleton” Simon is also very crafty, and will employ gadgets handed to him by Molly during the match. Some might call this cheating. Simon calls this being smart

Entrance music: Crazy In Love (50 Shades of Grey version)

Entrance description:


I look and stare so deep in your eyes,
I touch on you more and more every time,
When you leave I'm begging you not to go,
Call your name two or three times in a row,
Such a funny thing for me to try to explain,
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame.
'Cuz I know I don't understand,
Just how your love can do what no one else can.


Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (in love)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

A gigantic neon lit globe of the world appears on the entrance stage with pyro sparks shooting out from the sides. It spreads apart and out steps Simon Singleton and Molly Nerdly.

Entrance Attire: Jumpsuit tuxedo

Ring Attire: tr023.jpg

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): License To Kill- Half Nelson Slam

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots: From Anaheim With Love-Spinning shin breaker into a back suplex
Golden Gun- Rolling Snapmare
Delayed Vertical Suplex
Live and Let Die- Choke suplex
The Living Daylights- Crescent kick
Skyfall- Top rope leg drop

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
OAOAST United States Championship
- April 3rd, 2013 - July 15th, 2013

OAOAST Tag Team Championships
- August 19, 2004 - August 29, 2004
- April 24, 2005 - May 29, 2005
- January 29, 2006 - April 2, 2006

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- April 26th, 2007 - August 9, 2007 (w/CPA)

HI-YAH World Tag Team Championships
- May 26, 2006 - July 30, 2006

Background: Much is known about Simon Singleton. He's a multi time tag team champion, a six man champion, and a talented technician. But little is known about The Limitless Man aka Agent 009. After being taken out by Leon Rodez this past fall, Simon sought to reinvent not only his wrestling career but his entire lifestyle. Gone are the days of being Ned Blanchard's wing man. Now Simon steps into his own as a suave, agent of mystery, and a romantic ladies man. Yet not only is he those things, he's also a firm righter of all wrongs and a hero for the ages.

Simon found an unlikely tag team with a likely partner, forming The Team of Extraordinary Gentlemen with former Enterprise boss and foe Teddy Buckworth. The team would face off against the likes of the Everlasting Gobthrobbers, and the Army of One Nation and would more often than not come out on top., Despite the tag team success, Simon still hungers for singles gold and glory.


Name: Molly Nerdly

Nicknames: Showgirl

Age: 24

Height: 5'8

Weight: A gigantic question mark

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Alligned with both Ned Blanchard and Simon Singleton

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Frames people up like a director taking a shot.

Entrance music: Skyfall vy Adele

Entrance description:

This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall

When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall
That skyfall

Molly films the crowd as she enters, causing the fans to see themselves on all the video screens.

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: Black leather checkerboard print pants, and matching bikini top.

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s):
Final Cut

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Hollywood Died Tonight- FFF/Implant Buster/Double Underhook, then drop to knees with a faceplant.
Box Office Bust- Corner Splash
Cutting Room Floor- Figure Four Jacknife
Pop A Molly-codebreaker to the arm
Octopus Hold
Swinging Neckbreaker

Other moves:

Rare moves:

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: An NYU film student, Molly Nerdly captures life as she sees it. The young girl is an astute film buff with a flair for the dramatic and a love of the arts. Her passion makes her a good friend of Simon Singleton, a fellow movie lover. However, Ned's foul mouth sometimes grates on her and she struggles to keep him under control. Luckily, Melody took control of Ned's contract, leaving Molly to focus on The Team of Extraordianary Gentlemen. In between her work with Simon, she finds time to team with Melody and shoot the ocassional documentary film for the OAOAST. Life is busy when you're a genius!


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Name: Ice Quiz

Real name: Martin Andrew

Nicknames: Young Cube, The King of Hip Hop

Age: 37

Height: 6'7

Weight: 277 lbs

Hometown: Inglewood, California by way of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Alignment: (face/heel/tweener) Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Big IQ with Christian Wright

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Cold By Kanye West

Big IQ entrance music:"Shakespeare" by Akala

Singles Entrance description:

Dinner with Anna Wintour, racing with Anja Rubik
I told you mahfuckas it was more than the music
In the projects one day, to Project Runway
We done heard all that loud-ass talking, we're used to it
I'm from where shorties fucked up, double-cupped up
Might even kill somebody and YouTube it
To whoever think their words affect me is too stupid
And if you can do it better than me, then you do it!
We flyer than a parakeet, floatin' with no parachute
Six thousand dollar pair of shoes, we made it to the Paris news!
Don't talk about style cause I embarrass you
Shut the fuck up when you talk to me 'fore I embarrass you

Ice Quiz walks out flanked by The "Ice Cream Posse" which is basically a group of random gangbangers.

Tag Entrance: A combo of CW and IQ's entrance music

Entrance Attire: A diamond chain that spells Quiz, and a blue fedora

Ring Attire: Black jeans, black boots.

Wrestling Style: Big man brawler

Finishing Move(s):
Pop Quiz- Running Powerbomb

Secondary Finishers:
Big Boot

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Check Yoself, fool- Pump Handle Slam
Your Money or Your Life- Gorilla Press into a Powerslam
We Be Clubbin Elbow Drop- Quiz does a basic hip hop dance and then drops the elbow.
Ice Breaker- Back Suplex into a Neckbreaker
Wheelbarrow Faceplant

Other moves: Basic big man stuff. Just think Test

Background: Quiz was the head of band security for The Heavenly Rockers. His main duties were to beat the life out of anyone The Church of Abdullah deemed objectionable. Then one day Quiz decided that being hired muscle wasn't exciting enough. On that day he decided to become a cutthroat record executive. He determined that he would go down in music history as the richest, most dangerous hip hop promoter the world has ever been exposed to. What Quiz actually knows about music promoting is unclear. Most are too afraid to ask him if he actually knows anything. What is known is that he is an intimidating force inside and outside and the ring and its unwise to cross him.

Overrtime the fans have come to accept that Ice Quiz is legit, and have taken him as one of their favorites along with his partner, the formely despised Christian Wright. The two may be the classic odd pairing out of the ring, but they are classicaly in sync in the ring and dominate the opposition. CW holds so much respect for Ice Quiz that he often calls him "milord"

Big IQ Finisher:
Get Ya Mind Wright- Ice Quiz lifts foe into a flapjack and CW nails them with a jawbreaker

Big IQ Signature Moves
Gettin' Brain- CW executes a drop toe hold and IQ hits an elbow drop
E=MC Hammer Squared- Sandwich lariat as in IQ hits the foe with a lariat to the front and CW to the back
The Harvard Shake- Double We Be Clubbin style elbow. Yes CW dances now. But only to do this.

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Name: The Xavier Franklin Long


Nicknames: The XFL, the Human Toaster Oven (because he’s instant offense!)


Age: 29


Height: 6’3


Weight: 230


Hometown: Orlando, Florida


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The All XFL Team. Managed by Rick Heyross.


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

“Remember the name!”

Points deep to signal for the Long Bomb, his finisher.


Entrance The XFL runs out of an inflatable tunnel flanked by scantily-clad cheerleaders and does a Ray Lewis-esque dance routine that concludes with a defiant foot stomp that sets off a spectacular pyro display.


Entrance music: Can't Stop It/I Want it All


Entrance Attire: White diamond “MVP” necklace


Ring Attire: See photo above


Wrestling Style: Think MVP



Finishing Move(s): The Long Bomb (helicopter power bomb, which he always sets up by pointing deep, his trademark gesture)


Secondary Finishers: None


Trademark Moves/Spots:


Primetime Knee drop -- bounces off ropes and does Deion Sanders touchdown dance, as seen :53 seconds into video

Through the Upright for 3 -- Yakuza Kick

Facebreaker knee smash

Rolling German suplexes

Snap overhead release belly-to-belly suplex (can be performed from a vertical base or catching opponent off ropes)

Front facelock followed by multiple knee lifts to the opponent's head


Other moves: A little of everything besides high flying moves (flying clothesline/shoulder block is about as adventurous he’ll get)


Rare moves: None




OAOAST World Championship

- December 6th, 2013 -


OAOAST United States Championship

- August 26th, 2012 - April 3rd, 2013

- July 15th, 2013 - January 1st, 2014



Background: Don’t call him Xavier Franklin Long, but the Xavier Franklin Long, or the XFL for short. At 19 he was to become the youngest pro football player in history playing for his hometown Orlando Rage of the XFL until a knee injury sustained during training camp cut short his dream. The league would fold after its first season and Xavier never got a chance to play pro football. Over 10 years later he's back in the national spotlight to reclaim the fame and fortune he believes a spiteful league cost him. Football fanatic Jivin JR was quick to link up with the star athlete and helped him through his early career, as he participated in some questionable matches.  But bumbling JR could only take The XFL so far, and that's why the Orlando native linked up Rick Heyross. With Team Heyross brought aboard as The Playmakers and Brock Ausstin coming in as well, The All XFL Team was form. The group proved so powerful that XFL's old high school kicker Mathis Golden signed up, and the sisters Rhaenys and Alysanne work as the official All XFL Network. Xavier himself has claimed several world titles and continues to hunt for even more.

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Name: Studderboxx

Nicknames: Studs

Age: Unknown

Height: 5'7

Weight: 182 lbs

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Masked Mutants

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Doesn't talk. Ever. But he makes funny noises.

Entrance music: Suckas Askin Question by Riff Raff

Entrance description: While The Masked Mutants come in a dumpster, Studderboxx prefers to be wheeled out in a shopping cart.

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: High flying brawler.

Finishing Move(s):
Young Brown and Dangerous- Imploding 450 Splash

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Lost For Words-

Dialling Tone- 619
Sliding forearm smash to the stomach
Springboard Hurricanrana
Must Be Money- Tilt a whirl arm drag, used on opponents near his weight

Other moves: Just high flying moves. Not as good a high flier as Jo-Jo or J-MAX, though.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

None so far.

Background: Mysterious, odd, and unusual, Studderboxx is the perfect partner for the mysterious, odd and unusual Masked Mutants. Studs has decided that he has no wish to speak English or Spanish to people. Instead he communicates with his fellow man by making strange noises. These may sound like common worldly noises such as an engine starting, an airplane or a vacuum cleaner. This odd manner of ?speech? has allowed Studderboxx to have a good friendship with gibberish speaking Slime and his hard hitting partner Snot.
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Name: Doctor Madison Nerdly PhD

Nicknames: Maddy

Age: 35 (If anyone tells me Jennifer Lawrence is only 21 I will hurt them bad.)

Height: 5'7

Weight: Not medically relevant

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Alignment: The human brain is a complex thing (but she's a face)

Stable/Associates/Managers: The OAOAST's resident, in-house psychological therapist. Particularly close to sister Morgan.

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: She's a therapist so she's always calm, caring, and concerned. Never raises her voice or insults anyone.


Entrance music: Probably wouldn't enter the ring for much but if she were she'd use Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru

Entrance description: Would just walk out to the ring and wave to the fans.

Entrance Attire: None.

Ring Attire: None.

Wrestling Style: She's a psychologist not a wrestler.


Finishing Move(s): No!

Trademark Moves/Spots: None!

Other moves: Stop asking!

Rare moves: Leave me alone!


Bachelor's in Psychology from Princeton

Masters In Psychology from University of California Berkley

PhD Psychology from Standford

Background: The eldest of all the Nerdly kids, Madison has seen it all in her life from depressives to drug users to sadists. It was her experience with different personalities and her concern for the mental health of her family as well as human beings in general that led her to decide to pursue being a psychologist after she graduated high school. Madison finished with a B.S. in psychology at Princeton and later moved onto get her masters at UC Berkley. She recently graduated at the top of her class from Standford. With a PhD in her pocket and dreams of changing the world for the better, Madison sought out to help the mentally ill feel comfortable in this world. It wasn't long before she received a call from OAOAST Comissioner Alfdogg. Alf had determined that the OAOAST Superstars were out of control and believed that having someone to talk to might calm them down. Madison agreed to help him, knowing that her family populated the OAOAST and could use her help along with the other OAOAST superstars. Traveling around the world with the OAOAST, Madison's door is always open to anyone who needs her help. Despite her obvious intelligence and her professional success, Madison can be a bit scatty and whimsical herself when not treating people.

Madison has been relied on heavily in her tenure in the OAOAST as you can expect. Stars from Krista to Tony Tourettes have sought her counsel, but one group of clients have always proved vexing and that's her family. Many of them have been unresponsive to her treatment and some downright hostile. She's been involved in rivalries with Melissa, Morgan and Malaysia. But on the postive side her adopted daughter, Titania has joined the OAOAST, and Madison dotes upon her and relishes her sucess. But like her mother, Titania is a bit scatter brained!

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Name: Oohlala


Nicknames: The Chocolate Freakazoid


Age: This lady does not reveal her age!


Height: 5'9


Weight: If she won't reveal her age she sure ain't telling her weight!


Hometown: Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: Valet for Big Papa Thrust


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Loooooooves chocolate!



Entrance music: Freakshow by Meek Mill


Entrance description: Oohlala struts out full of confidence sucking on a tootsie roll pop as gold lights swing across the arena.


Entrance Attire:

Oversized Cat's Eye Sunglasses like so,



Ring Attire:

Gold booty shorts, and gold micro kini and...

Diane Von Furstenberg booties


and brown knee pads


Wrestling Style: Brawler/power. Not nearly as nasty as Holly and not quite as powerful as Lorelei.



Finishing Move(s): Chocolate Cake Shooter-Cradle pile driver


Secondary Finishers: Chocolate Confusion- Cattle mutilation or whatever Bryan Danielson did or still does.


Trademark Moves/Spots:


Other moves:

Hershey's Kiss-Bashes opponent's face into the top turnbuckle no less than ten times. Before the tenth time she blows them a kiss.

Chocolate Corvette-Running knee into the face of a foe seated against the turnbuckles.

Chocolate Snowballs-Crossface elbows or forearms or whatever the hell people throw in wrestling, ya'll feel me.


Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)



Titles/accomplishments None thus far


Background: Oohlala is a South African beauty who's prior occupation before stepping into the OAOAST was as a nurse at a sperm bank. While working as a nurse she met OAOAST Superstar Big Papa Thrust. At the time BPT was on the look out for a number one frekazoid and knew he found her in Oohlala. Lucky for him she didn't need much convincing to join his team and its been a match made in heaven ever since. While BPT is known to be hot headed, ill tempered, and short fused, Oohlala is more clam and measured in her approach to life. She's not always able to calm her love down, as he's as stubborn as an ox. But we like to think she at least has some small affect on him.  As it turns out Ohlala isn't all that loyal a Freakazoid! She actually got pregnant by BPT's tag partner Mister Dick, which of course caused a hell of a ruckus. Many thought Ohlala would go into a relationship with Jock, but she shockingly aborted the baby, in part because she didn't want to get fat, and was taken back by BPT. Since then she's been a ride or die chick for The Missionary Man.

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Name: Gloss Angieacola

Nicknames: The Volterra Vixen

Supernatural Species: Vampire

Age: 300 years old (turned into a vampire at age 17)

Height: 5'8

Weight: A mystery layered in an enigma

Hometown: Volterra, Italy

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers:  Sammi Cayley, married to Spencer

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Gloss' icy cool demeanor was nothing more than a carefully crafted act. The real Gloss is bratty, emotional, hyper sensitive, sex craving, blood addicted, depressed, violent, and somewhat psychotic. In short her behavior is wildly unpredictable, and she is the epitome of dangerous.

Entrance music:Desire by Meg Myers
Entrance description:

Baby, I'll learn to touch you
I wanna breathe into your well
See, I gotta to hunt you
I gotta to bring you to my hell
Baby, I wanna fuck you,
Boy, I'm gonna love YOU

DESIRE, I'm hungry
I hope you feed me
how do you want me, how do you want me?
how do you want me, how do you want me?
how do you want me, how do you want me?
how do you want me, how do you want me?

Gloss emerges with lip gloss in one hand and a full blood bag in the other. Walking down the entrance ramp she puts her lip gloss on, and at the base tosses it into the crowd. Once at the ring, she stands on the apron and seductively drinks from the blood bag and then spews a red mist of blood into the air.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:
See first picture

Wrestling Style: Like if a rabid animal was tossed into a wrestling ring.

Finishing Move(s): Fang Bang-Cross arm breaker like Alberto Del Rio does, thank you WWE 13!

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Lip Gloss-Sitout jaw breaker
Gloss Over-Cloverleaf breaker as in she grabs a grounded foe in a cloverleaf then falls backwards to drive their back onto her knees.
Candy Cola-Spinning Bulldog
Kill.Fuck.Marry-Sitout DDT
Top rope double knee drop

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

OAOAST Women's Championship
- April 8th, 2013 - May 31st, 2013
- July 4th, 2013 - October 2nd, 2013

OAOAST Women's Tag Team Championship
- December 29th, 2012 - July 31st, 2013 (w/Morgan Nerdly)

Background: Despite her being heavily recruited by Terry Taylor, Gloss Angieacola is a bit of an unknown in the OAOAST. Whereas with the Nerdly's one knows their story from countless tales of from family members, no body knew Gloss prior to her showing up three months ago in OAOVW. It is known that she hails from San Francisco and has the coolest fucking name on the planet. Gloss is considered stunningly cool in personality, style, looks, and attitude. It's said she has ice water running through her veins. She's seemingly never rattled and she's mature well beyond her years.

Ah but Gloss is indeed well beyond her years, she's actually a 300 year old real life vampire. Though she was content to continue to live a lie as a human, repeated attacks on the OAOAST roster threatened this decision. Her vampire lover, the 450 year old Lyric DeLacey, outed herself as the culprit behind the attacks and at the same time exposed Gloss as a vampire. Even more troubling, Lyric forced Alfdogg to hire her as an OAOAST superstar. The moment Lyric got the promise of an OAOAST contract is the moment Gloss' icy facade melted. Gloss is now wild, uncontrollable, dangerous and very unpredictable. Combine that with her well known power and she makes for a dangerous presence in the OAOAST.

As expected Gloss has had a pretty wild career in the OAOAST. She's racked up Hotties titles and tag titles, but also been in some zany feuds, mostly with Melissa Nerdly. Her war with Melissa got so heated, Gloss decided she'd be better off just killing her, but gave Spencer Reiger and ultimatium; marry me or Melissa dies. Spencer did as he was told and though the couple was anything but a loving union at first, over time they grew into a modern day Macho and Miss Elizabeth, or maybe more like a face Lex and Liz. Gloss continues her childish and immature ways to this days, beloved by the fans and a constant headache to foes.

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Team Name: The Sons of Ragnarok


Name: Jormungandr (pronounced: Yor-mun-gan-der)

Earth name: Max Anderson

Nicknames: The Midgard Serpent

Age: Now immortal!

Height: 6'2

Weight: 225 lbs

Hometown: Midgard (it's one of the nine realms)

Alignment: Cold-blooded heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Lead by Odin

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Cold, evil stare

Entrance music: Reigns of Castamere

Singles Entrance description: Same as tag entrance.

And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.


Pushed out through the entrance doors on a platform that contains skulls and bones. Pigley has chains wrapped around him, while Anderson has a dead snake encircling him.

Entrance Attire: A dead snake circling his body.

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Technical high flier

Finishing Move(s):
Looming Wrath- Rolling Stunner/Cross Rhodes (This version sees an attacking wrestler first place an opponent (who is in front of them) in an inverted facelock before rolling themselves under the opponent, turning both wrestlers over so that the opponent can be dropped into the stunner.)

Secondary Finishers:
450 Splash

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Valhalla's Call- Somersault Cutter (This variation is precceded by the wrestler standing behind a kneeling opponent. The wrestler applies an inverted facelock, and then performs a forward somersault into a cutter)
Anger Of The Sea- Hip Toss Neckbreaker(A hip toss neckbreaker involves the attacker delivering a hip toss to his opponent, and while the opponent is falling down on his back in mid-air, the attacker grabs the opponent's head and neck to execute a neckbreaker, falling down to the mat with the opponent.)
Disaster Kick
Kobashi Spinning Backfists
Crucifix Headscissors

Other moves: Dropkicks, armdrags, springboard moves, rana's, regular cruiser stuff.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
2x HI-YAH Tag Team Championships as The Love Doctors

Background: See below

Name: Fenrir

Earth name: Stephen Pigley

Nicknames: The Crystal Wolf

Age: Now immortal!

Height: 6'1

Weight: 210

Hometown: Lake Amsvartnir

Alignment: Blood thirsty heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Lead by Odin

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Is blood thirsty and borderline murderous

See Jormungandr

Entrance Attire: chains wrapped around him.

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Technical high-flier

Finishing Move(s):
A Wolf In Murderer's Clothing- Michinoku Driver

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Raised By Wolves(even mythical beings have a sense of puns)- Flatliner
Howling At The Moon- Crucifix Bomb
Standing Moonsault
Running Facecrusher
The Mauling- Traps the opponent in the corner and attacks with punches, kicks, scratches, whatever, before he finally jumps off the middle rope with a backrake, or a front rake

Other moves: Same cruiserweight stuff as his partner but more animal ferocity behind it.

Rare moves:
Shooting Star Elbowdrop

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
2x HI-YAH Tag Team Championships as The Love Doctors

Team Finishing Move(s):
Twilight of the Gods- Double Flatliner

Team Signature Moves:
Blackened Sun- One man holds opponent up in a bearhug, the other man hits the ropes and nails the opponent with a clothesline (the old Hart Foundation Hart Attack)
The End Of Days- Fenrir with an inverted atomic drop, but he holds onto his opponent as Jörmungandr  hits the ropes and dropkicks opponent square in the face.
Double Stun Gun/Hot Shot

Background: Frustrated and bored of their jobs as ER docs, Max and Steven quit and began training to enter the OAOAST. After a year of solid work, they were ready and willing to make an impact. Whilst training they supported themselves in stripping, and now believe themselves to be irresistible to women. After an impressive year long run as HI-YAH Tag Team Champions, The Docs continued their love affair with Japan for a while before returning to the States. As well as being wrestlers and doctors, Dr. Pigley now fronts "The Love Line", the number one relationship advice radio show on local Chicago radio airwaves!

Unfortunately things would unravel for The Love Doctors when they were brutally attacked by Anglesault's goons. On the shelf for over a year, Max and Steven took stock of their careers. They didn't like what they found. The duo believed they were considered jokes, and came to the conclusion that they were nothing more than failures. The support of the fans meant nothing, and winning meant everything. With their new found attitude they returned to the OAOAST as The Dark Horses, a dangerous team bent on being taken seriously as wrestlers.

Ah, but something went disastrously wrong, or amazingly right depending on your opinion, for The Dark Horses. The God of War Odin managed to get a hold of them sometime before November Reign 2012. No one knows exactly what transpired between the three besides Odin's boastful claim. Fated to die at an event known as Ragnarok at the hands of the wolf Fenrir, Odin took action to prevent his death and harness the power of his enemy. Taken into his plan was the archenemy of his son Thor, the sea serpent  Jörmungandr. Odin claims to have captured their very souls and infused them with the bodies of Max Anderson and Stephen Pigley. Anderson was combined with the serpent and Pigley the wolf. Now with two great rivals contained inside human bodies, Odin enacted control over them. They now serve the ruler of Asgard as The Sons of Ragnarok. Instead of killing Odin and his sons at Ragnarok, they will serve Odin to control the nine realms.

Or maybe Odin just drugged them. I dunno

With Odin stripped of his powers by Leon Rodez, the Sons of Ragnarok have been free to do as they please. The group has mostly spent time in BUSTLE, now SMUSH, as a popular heavyweight tag team. But one never knows when they could return to our shores to stake their claim as kings of the tag division.

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Name: Lyric DeLacey

Supernatural species: Vampire

Nicknames: Daughter Of Darkness, The Shadow Mistress

Age: 450 years old (turned into a vampire at age 36)

Height: 5'10

Weight: Unimportant

Hometown: Rush, Ireland

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Fairly Odd Vamps with Titania Nerdly

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Lyric has zero concern or appreciation for human safety or human life. To her humans are merely containers housing blood. Being a 450 year old vampire Lyric is incredibly strong and incredibly dangerous and will happily threaten or outright hurt anyone who upsets her. Due to her long residency of this earth she approaches everything with a casual concern or mocking disinterest. Why get upset about life when you're immortal?

Entrance music  100 Black Coffins by Rick Ross

Entrance description:
I need a hundred black coffins for a hundred bad men
A hundred black graves so I can lay they ass in
I need a hundred black preachers with a black sermon to tell
From a hundred black bibles, while we send them all to hell
I need a hundred black coffins, black coffins, black coffins, oh lord
I need a hundred black coffins, black coffins, oh lord, black coffins
I need a hundred...

A black coffin is pushed onto stage by Anastasia Violetta. Anastasia opens it to allow Lyric to step out. Inside the ring, Anastasia drops to her knees and opens her mouth wide in anticipation. Lyric digs her fangs into her wrists, and drops the ensuing blood into Anastasia's waiting mouth.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See SEXY VAMPIRE~! picture!!!

Wrestling Style: Violent and powerful. Lyric will go straight for the kill the moment the match starts, meaning moves such as headlocks, arm wrenches, wrist locks, etc would only be used if she's toying with someone. Because she's a vampire and an old one at that regular humans have quite a bit of difficulty in inflicting damage on her much less pinning her shoulders to the mat for three seconds. And a submission isn't even something that could be dreamed about. Her ability to absorb damage is like Undertaker if he was really a supernatural being and not some dude that kidnapped Stephanie because Vince wanted to fuck with Austin, which was some bullshit ass angle. Hell yes I'm still mad :angry:

Finishing Move(s): Sucks To Be You-Powerbomb into lungblower

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:Vampire's Seduction-French kisses her foe or the referee or whoever she feels like kissing. May even french kiss a fan.
Lyrical Slaughter-Backslide driver as in she hooks someone in a backslide and then drives them forward for the driver part.
Lyricist Lounge-Sharpshooter
True Death-Inverted Go 2 Sleep as in she hooks her foe in a torture rack and drives the back of their head into her knee.
Blood Lust-Front DDT as in she hooks her foe in a front facelock but falls forward and drops them on the back of their head instead of their of the top.

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: N/A

I would say immortality is the biggest accomplishment of all. Plus, she's fucked Gloss. What more can one person achieve?

Signature moves with Anastasia
Blood Bath-Lyric throws Titania into their foe, and she spears them.

Background: Lyric isn't the first ever person in the OAOAST to claim to be a vampire, that title belongs to some dumbass dude named Crazy Vampire. The less about that clown shit the better. Lyric is just the first to actually be an honest to god vampire. More than just a mortal bloodsucker, Lyric is a 450 year old immortal vampire born in the year 1562 in Rush, Ireland. She lived a peaceful life of sewing clothes, cooking dinner, loving her fisherman husband, and raising her twin eleven year old girls. That life was shattered when a five hundred year old vampire named Ivar caught her on the way back from a neighbor’s house and turned her into a vampire to induct her into his vampire army. The army's dreams were short lived as they were brutally reduced to just Lyric and Ivar by a much stronger vampire clan. Lyric stuck with Ivar out of a sense of obligation and fear of being alone. Over a hundred years later Lyric would leave him for a seventeen year old Italian girl named Glossa Angieacola. Their relationship has routinely hit the skids of the centuries due to Gloss' wild temper and psychotic tendencies When she's not alternating between loving and antagonizing Gloss, Lyric occupies herself with draining blood from people of all walks of life, and occasionally meddling in major human events. She holds a strong distaste for humans, but she really hates witches and werewolves and will kill them strictly on the principal of the matter.

Lyric's unsual need to hound out any dangers led to her investigating Cinnamon Spoons and uncovering that she's a Valkyrie and then finding out Titania is half werewolf half fairy. Mostly Lyric was known as Colin's valet, helping him along with his cruel schemes. But when her daughter Aisling appeared on the scene in the OAOAST, Lyric's hard heart sofetened, much to Colin's chagrin, who bemoaned her softness. Unfortunatley for Colin, Lyric didn't go soft on them and the two boiled over into a feud that grew into intensity when Lyric's exhusband, Ivar came back to life and linked up with Colin.

As Teen Scream was feuding with Ivar and Colin, Titania, the TS valet at the time, decided her and Lyric should be besties! That didn't exactly go over well with Lyric, but the elder vampire has allowed Titania to stay around her and protects her at all times.

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Name: Joey The Rat

Real name: Joey Rattini

Age: 31

Height: 5'7

Weight: 167

Hometown: Brooklyn NY

Alignment: Cowardly heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Manages VICE

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: "Fuhgedaboutit!" Joey is a hustler, and not a very good one. He's always trying to scam someone, or get something on someone. As his name implies he's a snitch. Even worse he's a dry snitch:  a dry snitch is someone who tells on someone when they aren't involved in the situation at all.

Entrance music: Busy Earning by Jungle

Entrance Description


So you come a long way
But you'll never have me
Never have things for a normal life
It's time to busy earnin'
You can't get enough

You can't get enough


Walks out wheeling a shopping cart full of shit that is most lost likely stolen. Even worse he tries to sell his worthless crap to the fans, and he does not give discounts!

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Cowardly brawler, is not technical in the slightest

Finishing Move(s):
Rat Scratch Fever- Small Package Bomb

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Deal Of The Day- Single Underhook DDT
Flapjack into an Uppercut
Brooklyn Dodger- Dodges a blow from a foe to go behind them and delivers a headbutt to the back of their head
Running Forearm Smash to the back of the head of a kneeling opponent
Front Facelock Knee Strikes
Repeated knees to the back of the head, with the opponent face first against the middle turnbuckle
Mongolian chops

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments Well he's got a GED so at least he proved smart enough to make it through the American educational system. But he's still a low life.

Background: Joey Rattini was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, the son of a plumber and kindergarten teacher. His parents did all they could to provide for Joey, and raise him as an upstanding, productive citizen. However, Joey was and always will be a snitch, a dirtbag, a petty criminal, a liar, a coward, and an all around low life. At the age of eleven he met six year old Vincent Valentine. The eldest child in his family, Vincent was looking for a positive male role model to help him out in life. Sadly, he found Joey. Joey used Vince as his lookout for small crimes, his prop in begging schemes, and his transportation for stolen goods. He also found Vinny useful for getting girls as Vinny was quite cute. By the time Vinny was thirteen, his cousin Tony moved to Brooklyn. Despite being fifteen years apart, Vinny and Tony always had good relationship. Joey took a liking to Tony who he nicknamed 'Tony Tourettes' due to his disability. The disco fanatic, the mentally disabled, and the snitch formed a group known as The Rat Pack. Mostly considered clowns by the neighborhood, The Rat Pack's lone bright spot was Vinny, who's good looks and dancing ability won him admiration from the girls and some local dance companies. Vinny danced for a while after highschool, before Joey and Tony convinced him that the big money was in his love for pro wrestling. Vinny signed with World Domination Wrestling, and when the OAOAST picked him up after the company went under he got his cousin hired to. Joey stayed behind in Brooklyn, running Vinny's 'investments'. But now, he's come to the OAOAST to be nothing more than a crook, a scumbag, and a nuisance.

And that's what he's reamined, a crock a sucmbag and nusiance. Joey was so cruel that he even turned on his own friends in Dem Bums, then enlisted VICE for protection. Since then Joey has managed VICE's affairs into what's basically an extortion racket.


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  • 2 months later...


Name: Brian Travis Kidd

Nicknames: B.T.

Age: 20

Height: 6’0

Weight: 200

Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Team Scream

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: None

Entrance Nothing special

Entrance music: “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC

Entrance Attire: Nothing special

Ring Attire: Purple singlet w/ yellow lighting bolt, white tights w/ purple trim & lighting bolts

Wrestling Style: Think 1-2-3 Kid


Finishing Move(s): Thunderstruck -- Moonsault

Secondary Finishers: None

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Old school backbreaker, often used to setup moonsault finisher

High speed leg drop

Roundhouse kick

Spinning heel kick

Running leaping clothesline

Senton bomb

Tornado DDT

Other moves: Cruiser offense, major risk taker

Rare moves: None


OAOAST World Tag Team Championships

- August 4th, 2013 - October 31st, 2013 (w/Jo-Jo Whoa)

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- June 15th, 2013 - October 2nd, 2013 (w/Oscar Friberg and Jo-Jo Whoa)

Background: Second graduate of the OAOAST Reactor training facility who debuted on OAOAST television apart of the 2012 X.F.L. season as the “Birmingham Thunderbolt” with the sole purpose of making the XFL look good. After blowing the whistle on that sham of an idea, Kidd found himself in a bitter feud with the XFL, nearly upsetting the then-undefeated U.S. Champion on a couple of occasions. He’s since found something of a mentor in Simon Singleton. His loose affliiation with Oscar Friberg and Jo-Jo formed into something more serious as the group Team Scream, a super popular face group, that's well liked by the female fans of the OAOAST. With Jo-Jo as his regular partner, BTK has experienced highs no one thought the Birmingham Thunderbolt could achieve.

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Name: Cinnamon Spoons


Nicknames: The Spice of Life

Supernatural Species: Valkyrie

Age: 25


Height: 5'8


Weight: Not relevant to her current position


Hometown: Lovelock, Nevada


Alignment: Face


Stable/Associates/Managers: Fire and Ice with sister Annagret Wickedborn and her horse ChubcChub


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Horribly scatterbrained, has delusions of being a great hero, and can't control her horse ChubChub


Entrance music: Holy Ground by Taylor Swift


Entrance description:


I was reminiscing just the other day,

While having coffee all alone and Lord, it took me away.

Back to a first-glance feeling on New York time.

Back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme.

Took off faster than a green light, go,

Hey, skip the conversation when you already know.

I left a note on the door with a joke we’d made,

And that was the first day.


And darling, it was good never looking down.

And right there where we stood was holy ground.




So a bunch of large snare drums will be on stage and they'll be played by people in masquerade costume, and bouncing up down from the ceiling like yo-yos will be dudes with drums attached to them banging out. And Cinnamon will beat the middle drum as confetti rains down from the stage! Then she'll enter a circular platform and hover to the stage as she dances and the platform drops pyro onto the entrance stage


Entrance Attire: N/A


Ring Attire:

Sexy mini skirt designed to look like knight mail, knight pauldrons, and grey bikini chainmail top


Wrestling Style: Spunky



Finishing Move(s):

Cinnamon Toast Crunch- Styles Clash


Trademark Moves/Spots:

One Night In Lovelock- Rude Awakening Neckbreaker

Cinnamon Challenge-Fireman's Carry into a Flapjack

CinnaBuns- Butt bump to a kneeling opponent

A Pinch of Cinnamon- Double Nerve Hold

Cinnamon Swirl-Cartwheel Elbow in the corner

Double Stomp/Back Senton Combo

Slap Combo


Other moves: N/A


Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)




OAOAST Women's Tag Team Championships

- September 21st, 2013 - (w/Annagret Wickedborn)


Graduated University Of Nevada Las Vegas with a 4.0


Background: Straight from the teeny tine town of Lovelock, Nevada it's Cinnamon Spoons.!This small town cutie is full of big ideas and has come to the OAOAST to contribute them to the advancement of Teddy Buckworth's career. After a quick interview, Teddy was more than eager to hire Cinnamon as his personal assistant. Somewhat of “drama queen “, Cinnamon has a knack for flair and flash, which is pretty much a requirement for not being dumped into the inactive pile in the OAOAST.

Indeed Cinnamon did avoid the scrap pile! She helped usher in the Twilight era of the OAOAST when she exposed herself as a Valkyrie as she saved Teddy's life from Odin. Next it was Cinnamon's turn to get a shock as she found out she had a half sister named Annagret, who also had a bone to pick with Odin. Cinnamon was more happy than Annagret to start their sister relationship but the duo have won tag titles despite their differences. Perhaps wildest of all is Cinnamon's pegasus ChubChub who's bad attitude keeps her from being the heroic knight she wishes to be.



Team Finishing Move(s):

Wicked Cinnamon Toast Whisper Crunch- Stereo Styles Clashes on both opponents


Team Signature Moves:

Melting Point- Annagret lifts the opponent in a wheelbarrow and both Annagret and Cinnamon sit out with a facebuster

Things Are Heating Up- Annagret does a fireman's carry, into a gutbuster across Cinnamon's knee

Running Legdrop/Splash combo (Annagret does the legdrop, Cinnamon the splash)

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Name: Juicy Cantu-Si

Nicknames: The Molten Gem

Age: 19

Height: 5'8

Weight: 216 lbs


Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: 3 Amgios

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Survivor by Destiny's Child

Entrance description:

Now that you're out of my life
I'm so much better
You thought that I'd be weak without you
But I'm stronger
You thought that I'd be broke without you
But I'm richer
You thought that I'd be sad without you
I laugh harder
You thought I wouldn't grow without you
Now I'm wiser
Though that I'd be helpless without you
But I'm smarter
You thought that I'd be stressed without you
But I'm chillin'
You thought I wouldn't sell without you
Sold 9 million


The Sheep enters with sunglasses on and what more is there to know? Okay Mariachi and Juicy come out and Mariachi gives Juicy a peck on the cheek sending rainbow fireworks exploding from each side of the stage

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: See pic

Wrestling Style: Pretty basic as he's still learning the ropes

Finishing Move(s):
Gem Stoned- Asai DDT/Standing Sliced Bread

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Smoldering Passion- Snap DDT
This Bulldog Got Me Falling In Love Again-Second Rope Bulldog (doesn't have to be from the corner)
Leaping calf kick, meaning he leaps and kicks someone with his calf
Armlock scoop slam
Top rope diving reverse elbow to a standing opponent


Double Team Moves With Mariachi{/b]

The Sheep Never Bothered Me Anyway-Spiked tombstone, Mariachi does the tombstone Juicy does the spiking

So Juicy Entertainment: Juicy does a tornado DDT, then Mariachi does a senton

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments First graduate of the OAOAST Reactor

Background: Young Jose was a track superstar in high-school, yet chose to forgo his athletic scholarship offers to pursue a career in professional wrestling. Spotted by Tony Brannigan he was offered a chance to train at the OAOAST Reactor. He was the first and only member of the starting class to graduate, giving him a high honor. Currently he splits his time between OAOVW and the main OAOAST roster, improving with each and every outing.

 Jose took destiny and love into his own hands when he saved Mariachi from The All American Boys. The duo have been a couple ever since and have added The Golden Grr as a good friend to form 3 Amgios.

Name: Mariachi

Alias: Javier Manuel Neives is his real name, but that's not nearly flamboyant enough so why you'd want to use it I don't know.

Age: 24

Height: 5'8

Weight: 169lbs

Hometown: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: The 3 Amigos with The Golden Grr

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: "I know what Boys Like" by Glee Cast

Entrance description:
Pink and yellow lights flash across the arena. Mariachi comes out and dances before making his way to the ring. On the way down the ramp, he bumps and humps the guardrails, getting a little nasty with the male fans in the front rows. He hands his sombrero to the hottest guy he can find. When Mariachi gets into the ring, he stares seductively into the camera while sucking on the middle prong of his pitch fork.


Tag Entrance: See Juicy's stats above

Entrance Attire: Mariachi wears a devil tail, a pink poncho and a sombrero and carries a pitchfork.

Ring Attire: Bright pink mask. Remember those singlets that Harlem Heat used to wear? Just imagine those but in pink with white flames. Bright white boots. Lots of body glitter. Mariachi also wears rainbow colored arm tassels as well.

Wrestling Style: Lucha!

Finishing Move(s):
Martinete- Cradle Tombstone Piledriver

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Kiss Of Death- Flatliner, preceeded by a kiss on the cheek
Sheep Dip- Inverted Pedigree/Kneeling Unprettier
Frog Splash
Springboard Seated Senton into a compromising pin
Apron Run Cannonball
Tapatía (inverted surfboard)
Will ride his foe like a horse, complete with requisite ass slapping and yelling of "Giddy up!"
Performs an arm wrench, which ends with him sensually rubbing his rival's hands against his genitals.

Other moves: A potent mix of cruiserweight moves and sexual assault.

Rare moves:
Stinkface. Rare because it reminds him of Moracca and that makes him sad. :-(


Flashback..uh..sometime during the summer. The OAOAST had recently come under pressure from various minority groups. They correctly charged that the company had the most indiverse roster modern wrestling had ever seen. Unable to fend off this PR nightmare any longer, the OAOAST brass caved in, and sought to diversify their company. Their first attempt took them south of the border to Mexico, where their scout saw one of the most unique teams of the day. Los Diablos De Fuego. The scout knew this squad was too good to be wrestling for mere pesos. Thus he offered them a contract on sight. Little did he know that Los Diablos were an openly homosexual tag team. The luchadores came into the OAOAST and made easy enemies out of the bumping and grinding Love Doctors. But after a fine a match at World Without End, The Docs realized that the Diablos weren't bad guys, just a couple of misunderstood luchadors looking to make a splash and help liberate the oppressed men in the world. Thus they ended the match with a handshake and a dance that surely titillated Los Diablos! Fans showed an open mind to Morocca and Mariachi, taking quite the liking to the loveable duo. Imagine their horror when poor Moracca was thrown through a tour bus window by The Heavenly Rockers' bodyguard Quiz and forced out of the OAOAST! Mariachi is now left a single man in the OAOAST, which if anything might make him more horny and more dangerous.

Mariachi is a likeable chap and for that reason found fast friends in The All American Boys. The problem is the AABs wanted to change his lifestyle and make him heterosexual. But Mariachi resisted, leading to a big time feud. Though Mariachi beat the boys at AngleMania he got jumped until he got resuced by Jose Cantu-Si, who Mariachi immediatley renamed Juicy as he fell in love with him. The duo added Chick Golden to their group and now form The 3 Amigos.


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Name: Annagret Wickedborn (Wickedborn is the name given to her due to her being a bastard)


Nicknames: The Anarchic Angel

Supernatural species: Goddess

Age: 18


Height: 5'10


Weight: Godly


Hometown: Vanaheim-(Old Norse Vanaheimr, “Homeland of the Vanir“) it is one of the Nine Worlds that are situated around the world-tree Yggdrasil. As the name implies, it’s the home of the Vanir tribe of deities


Alignment: Face


Stable/Associates/Managers: Fire and Ice with half-sister Cinnamon and The Sunrise brothel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Annagret acts exactly how you expect a teenager born to a great leader but treated like a diseased leper due to her bastard status might act. She's rebellious, not very polite, warms slowly to people, sulks quite often, and always demands her way.



Entrance music: Bad Girl by Avril Lavigne


Entrance description:


Hey, hey

I let you walk all over me, me

You know that I’m a little tease, tease

But I wanna play there please, please


You know you know you know I’m crazy

I just wanna be your baby

You can fuck me and then play me

You love and you can hate me


Miss me, miss me, now you wanna kiss me


Try me because I said so

Struck me within my ego

I’ve been a bad girl, don’t you know?

(Don’t tell me what’s your deal)

Come get it now or never

I’ll let you do whatever

I’ll be your bad girl, bad girl



Handsome bannermen run on stage, topless, waving the banner of the Utangard distrcit of Vanaheim which is a bloody fist. Annagret steps onto the stage and raises her sword into the air, causing a bolt of green lightning to strike it. Inside the ring, she tilts her shoulder over the ropes and points the sword at the crowd with a cool smirk on her face.


Entrance Attire:

Sword of Surt:



Ring Attire:

See pic or a white version of outfit


Wrestling Style: Up to KC!



Finishing Move(s):

Wicked Whisper- Styles Clash, as taught by Cinnamon


Secondary Finishers:

Red Rain- Full Nelson applied with the legs, like so http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2012...-WWE-Ring-3.jpg


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Angel's Wings

Anarchic Attitude- Inverted Attitude Adjustment/FU

Widow's Wail-Scissors Kick

The Great Tower- Electric Chair Drop

The Wicked Wind- Top Rope Legdrop


Big boot on a running opponent


Other moves: Basics, but will often use kicks and other moves which best utilise her height and long legs.


Rare moves:





OAOAST Women's Tag Team Championships

- September 21st, 2013 - (w/Cinnamon Spoons)


She's a demi-god!


Background: Annagret was born to the god Odin and the disgraced valkyrie Gedrun after an illicit one night stand. Ostracized from Asgardian society due to being a bastard, Annagret was forced into painful labor of tending stables as soon as she was old enough to work. She was ignored by her father, and rarely seen by her mother. Life was hard in Asgard and she had few friends. Finally at the age of 14 she managed an escape from Asgard and went to  Vanaheim which is home of the Vanir tribe of gods. There are two parts of Vanheim innangard and utangard. Innangard is the nice orderly area, and utangard is chaotic, anarchic and wild. Being a bastard and prone to the darkside Annagret gravitated towards the anarchic side of utangard. Though a bastard she's still a demi-god and quickly came to rule over a swath of utangard. Despite having some power for once, she was never quite happy. On her 18th birthday she received a message that her father regularly torments the beings of earth and that her half-sister who's she never met is on earth as well. So having lived a lonely life she goes to earth and tries to connect with her sister, but she has a chilly disposition so misunderstandings ensue!


Annagret still can't really stand her sister, but the two have formed a successful pairing. In the meantime, Annagret has captured tag titles and a Hotties title as well as beating back the evil plan of Deirdre and Aisling. Annagret has a love of black men and has parlayed it into big money by joining the Sunrise brothel.


Team Finishing Move(s):

Wicked Cinnamon Toast Whisper Crunch- Stereo Styles Clashes on both opponents


Team Signature Moves:

Melting Point- Annagret lifts the opponent in a wheelbarrow and both Annagret and Cinnamon sit out with a facebuster

Things Are Heating Up- Annagret does a fireman's carry, into a gutbuster across Cinnamon's knee

Running Legdrop/Splash combo (Annagret does the legdrop, Cinnamon the splash)

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Name: Busty Rose

Nicknames: The Vanilla Freakazoid

Age: 23

Height: 5'7

Weight: Enough to beat your ass!

Hometown: Big Bear, California

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Big Papa Thrust and Ohlala

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: The tougher between Ohlala and herself, Busty isn't known for diplomacy or for backing down from a fight. She'll get in on the action and fight to the finish if she needs. She's also not one to quit or give up.

Entrance music:

Entrance description: Always enters with Ohlala so they dance together in a rather sexy and seductive manner.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See picture

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Finishing Move(s): Thrilla in Vanilla-Standing big elbow with muscle flexing at first

Secondary Finishers: None

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Black Rose-Snapmare neckbreaker
Big Bear Hug-A bear hug

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.)

Background: Busty Rose is a native of Big Bear California and the daughter of a San Bernadino National Park ranger. Busty grew up the youngest of five kids, all other boys, and found herself having to fend off her often time brutish brothers. Treated as one of the boys, she was taught to fish, hunt, camp and even trap animals. Her rugged upbringing and life with four wild boys has made her tougher than most people, male or female. She's certainly a fighter and a hard partier who loves a good and wild time. Big Papa Thrust met Busty when during he and Ohlala's trip to Big Bear he visited a bar Busty was waitressing at. BPT's attempt to grab her ass met with a slap to the face from Busty that Ohlala found hilarious. BPT decided right then and there he liked her spark and invited him to be his Vanilla Freakazoid. According to the locals three consummated their partnership right there on the bar counter. As in they had sex. On the bar counter. In front of people.
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Name: Dasha Yushchenko


Age: 24

Height: 5'4

Weight: Not much

Hometown: Lviv, Ukraine

Alignment: Babyface

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sunrise brothel

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: She is learning the English, but does not yet have all the talking correct.

Entrance music: Play Hard by David Guetta, Akon and Ne-Yo

Entrance description: (give us a visual description of this wrestler's entrance.)

Entrance Attire: -

Ring Attire:
INNA%202.jpg -OR- tn-Inna-0014.jpg

Wrestling Style: Light heavyweight

Finishing Move(s):
Dasha Smasher- Middle Rope Fameasser

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Do Svidanya- Stratusfaction Bulldog
Big Fun Time- Running Blockbuster
Love Everybody!- Makes the shape of a heart with her fingers before a top rope crossbody
Kiss Goodbye- With the opponent in the corner, jumps to the middle rope, blows the fans a kiss then jumps out with a facecrusher/Mug Shot
Floatover DDT
Tuck Senton Splash

Other moves: Just the basics.

Rare moves:


Background: Dasha grew up in the Ukraine before leaving to pursue a wrestling career in the bright lights of America at a young age. As such, she's a big fan of American culture and eager to fit in. Her happy go lucky, positive attitude have made her a popular competitor in the States already, despite her grasp on the English language being... somewhat broken. Dasha has spent a good time of her OAOAST career feuding with the pesky Sugar Belle. She's also found friends and horny lovers in the Sunrise brothel as everyone loves a cute girl with an accent!
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Name: Don Cello

Nicknames: Outlaw

Age: 37

Height: 6'4

Weight: 257 lbs

Hometown: Gallup, New Mexico

Alignment: Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Chews on tobacco, and is not a very nice person.

Entrance music:

Entrance description: The Last Pale Light In The West By Ben Nichols


In my hands, I hold the ashes
In my veins, black pitch drums
In my chest, if I can catch this
In my way, the setting sun
Dark clouds gather 'round me
Due northwest, the soul is bound
And I will go on ahead, free
There's a light yet to be found


The last pale light in the west
The last pale light in the west


Walks out and chews tobacco, may go as far as to knock a drink out of a front row fan's hand.

Entrance Attire: Black cowboy hat, tobacco

Ring Attire: Jeans

Wrestling Style: Bar fighter

Finishing Move(s): The Lasso-Clothesline from Hell

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Vulture Bait-Spinning Spinebuster
Six String Backbreaker-A regular backbreaker
Murder of a Greenhorn-High impact spinning elbow smash

Other moves: Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.)
Gallup underground bare knuckle fighting champion

Background: “Outlaw” Don Cello lives up to his nickname and then some. Known throughout his section of New Mexico as a king of bare knuckle fighting, Cello was never far from running afoul of the local police for his brutal practices. Unfortunately for the citizens of New Mexico, their small town police officers didn't exactly relish tangling with someone as nasty as Cello. As such Cello often times got away with murder. Perhaps even literally! Thankfully New Mexico was spared Cello's crippling off all their citizens when Terry Taylor spotted a video of one of his fights. Apparently not bright enough to determine that signing a known and unreformed criminal is a bad idea, Taylor offered Cello a contract. It was signed quickly and Cello has since been a member of the OAOAST roster. Cello has turned out to be a bit of a shit stirrer, routinely bullying and messing with people. Oddly enough he can be a bit of a coward and tends to run when the heat gets to hot for him to stand. Thus he's something of a sneak attacker, and prefers to attack unaware victims.

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  • 2 months later...


Name: Pike Pantera

Nicknames: The Wayward Son

Age: 21

Height: 6'5

Weight: 257

Hometown: Savannah, GA

Alignment: Deranged Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Felix Strutter

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Talks like a Batman villain and is also a crazed conspiracy theorist I.E. the type that believes the FBI put flouride into the water to kill people, or that the CIA is responsible for 9/11. Basically think Alex Jones but much worse

Entrance music: Gasoline by The Material

Tag Entrance description:
You are gasoline
You are fire and smoke

BOOOOOOOOM~! (that's a huge pyro wall by the way

Pike explodes through the smoky remains of his pyro wall, loaded with a wild intensity. He marches to the ring, cracking his neck back and forth and upon reaching the end of the ramp does a dead jump onto the apron.

Tag Entrance description: Same as singles just with Felix who shows off his Yankees jacket.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire:
Black boots, red and black wristtape

Wrestling Style: Explosive power

Finishing Move(s):
Smoking Gun- A Gore style spear

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Enemy Of The State- Double Underhook Canadian Backbreaker Drop/Colt 45
Truth Bomb- Turnbuckle Powerbomb
Rolling Kesagiri Chop to the neck
Rebel Yell-Full Nelson Slam
3 Point Stance Shoulder Tackle

Other moves: Basic power/brawler stuff.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


Background: Pike Pantera is the troubled son of former OAOAST tag team champion, Ken Pantera. With Ken on the road for most of his life, Pike's mother was left to raise their four children. Pike, the second youngest, seemed to fall through the cracks. He was in and out of juvenile detention centers from the age of eleven for everything from shoplifting to possession of an illegal firearm. Pike aged out the juvenile system but not his criminal ways and was tried and convict for assault and battery at the age of eighteen. He received one to three years for his sentence. A troublemaker, Pike never got close to parole and served all three years. Inside prison he chose to educate himself. That would be a good thing had he not educated himself in nothing but conspiracy theories. Now Pike believes that everything we see is an illusion and part of a sinister plot. That includes the OAOAST! Thus Pike has used his family connections to get into the OAOAST and take down the world's cruel power structure from the inside. And poor Felix is just along for the ride.

Pike ran into a bitter feud with both Alearys Chance Morris and Northstar based on what Pike says AC owed him; his whole family! Of course AC didn't want to pay, and Northstae who had a hand in training both, tried to broker peace, which Pike couldn't stand for. In the end it was King Landon who brought warring parties together under his banner, as they all serve the King loyaly.

Team Finishing Move(s):
Pantera puts the opponent on his shoulders, standing with his back to the corner, and Strutter executes a DDT from the top rope.

Team Signature Moves:
Simultaneous sitout powerbomb from Pantera and Edge-O-Matic from Strutter (formerly The Penalty Box when Strutter teamed with Ken Pantera)
Strutter Step- Strutter makes a move toward the opponent and fakes them out in some way, allowing Pantera who stood behind him to

hit the unprepared opponent with a tackle or a clothesline or something similiar.
I Cannot Tell A Lie!- Pantera's Truth Bomb, except Strutter is sat on the turnbuckle and the opponent hits his raised knees.

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Team Name: The Playmakers


Name: Charlie Moss

Nicknames: The Good Ol' Boy

Age: 28

Height: 6'1

Weight: 235

Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The All XFL Team

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Charlie always speaks in sports cliches. He's the classic "high energy", "hardworking", "classy", "high IQ" white athlete the white media slobs over.

Entrance music: Strength In Numbers by Trapt

Singles Entrance description: Same as tag

Tag Entrance description: Both men are fired up as they come through the curtains.  They stop at the entryway, and raise their arms, as red, white, as pyro sprays behind them, and red, white and blue fireworks go off, ala Kurt Angle.

Entrance Attire: Black and red winbreaker

Ring Attire: Black and red singlet

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s): Mossy Knoll-Elevated Texas Cloverlead

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots: STO Backbreaker, superkick, twisting brainbuster, rib breaker

Other moves: Moss can mat wrestle with anyone in the world, and does an assortment of suplexes.

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)




Name: Quentin Benjamin

Nicknames: QB1

Age: 26

Height: 6-0

Weight: 227

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The All XFL Team

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Quentin Benjamin is a safe non threatening black man to the white media, the kind to openly enjoy listening to "Accidental Racist" and proudly state he wears no gold chains and doesn't drive any fancy cars and denounces rap music and has a whole bunch of Nickelback and Daughtry and Train albums. He may in fact be disgusted by other black people. I am as well, but I'm still a real nigga, never forget ylsuper.gif

Entrance music: Strength In Numbers by Trapt

Singles Entrance description: Same as tag

Tag Entrance description: See Charlie's stats above

Entrance Attire: Black and red windbreaker

Ring Attire: Black and red singlet

Wrestling Style: Benjamin is not quite on the level of Moss in terms of mat wrestling, but he is still amazingly skilled in that department, and is also an exciting high-flier to boot.  Like Moss, suplexes are a big part of his arsenal.

Finishing Move(s): Orange Crush (vertical suplex into sitout powerbomb)

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots: top rope bulldog, top rope clothesline, spinning wheel kick, superkick, jumping high kick aka gamangeri, chop block

Background: (a rundown of the wrestler's history in the fed, and his life prior, if you so wish. I'll make this part optional.)

Finishing Move: Super Rocker Dropper (Benjamin Rocker Dropper from top rope as opponent is on Moss's shoulders)

Team Signature Moves:
Lariat, running chop block combo-Moss hits a lariat and Benjamin hits a chop block
Team Ball-Double enziguri

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Name: Coulter Doyle


Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 217 lbs

Hometown: Boston, MA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Celtic Gothic with Flynn Stevens 

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Coulter has a head made of stone and is about as smart as one also. His general stupidity tests the patience of friend and foe alike. But he is undeniably loyal to Colin.

Entrance music: Mercy by Hurts

Tag Entrance description:
Leave me in chains
Strip me of shame
Caress me with pain
'Cause I'm down on my knees and I'm begging you please as you say

Don't cry, mercy
There's too much pain to come
Don't cry, mercy

Fill me with rage
And bleed me dry
And feed me your hate
In the echoing silence I shiver each time that you say

A bed of flames sweeps across the entrance stage and once it disappears Anastasia emerges to call out Coulter and Flynn. Coulter mugs for the camera like he's in a bar posing for a photo to go on Facebook or instagram, while Flynn surveys the surroundings and opponents if they're in the ring already.

Singles Entrance description: Same as tag just without Flynn.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: coultershorts.jpg
Green boots and green wrist tape

Wrestling Style: Reckless

Finishing Move(s):
Rock The Cradle DDT- Front Guillotine DDT

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Coulter Shock- Snap Rolling Neckbreaker with the opponent's near arm crossed under the chin
Sitout Gordbuster
Handspring Enziguri
Longneck Clothesline- Running Elbow Clothesline
Penalty Kick- Running kick to the chest of a seated opponent
Triangle Choke
Beantown Karate- Coulter's own version of karate, to fit in with his partner, which consists of two throat thrusts, a chop to the chest and either a punch, an eyepoke or a kick to the balls depending on what he can get away with. All with over the top and somewhat racist karate noises and gestures.

Other moves: Coulter is more of a brawler outside of his key moves, like someone you'd fight outside a bar rather than inside a ring. He's a scrappy guy who'll occassionally take some dumb risks.

Rare moves:


Background: Coulter Doyle is a childhood friend of Colin Maguire Junior and Steve Flynn. Like his friends, Coulter was always down for a good fight. Unfortunately, Coulter never managed to acquire their intelligence or even their basic common sense. Coulter is best known around the neighborhood for being a total deadbeat dad and a complete squanderer of money. He was working on a dock before Colin Maguire Sr asked him and Flynn to go to the OAOAST to protect his son from the enemies he constantly makes. Coulter was happy to team up with two of the old gang, but Colin was not pleased to see or Flynn. Lyric forced Colin to accept their help and has assigned Anastasia to direct them. Lyric eventually parted ways with the group but Anastasia continued to support them as they merged with Pretty Young Things. But when Colin Maguire SR turned into a Valkyrie they decided to support Sr and not Colin, thus breaking with Anastasia. This was the wrong horse to back as Jr beat Sr, and now harbors a grudge against his friends.


Name: Flynn Stevens

Nicknames: Sometimes Coulter calls him the Karate Negro. Flynn does not appreciate this.

Age: 25

Height: 6'3

Weight: 234lbs

Hometown: Boston, MA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Celtic Gothic

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Flynn is more subdued than Colin and especially Coulter,. Despite being the stronger of the three he's more shrewd and diplomatic in his dealings with folks, that's not to say he won't beat ass.

Entrance music: Same as Coulter

Tag Entrance description: See Coulter's stats

Singles Entrance description: Same as tag just without Coulter

Entrance Attire: A white karate gi

Ring Attire: White karate pants and his black belt

Wrestling Style: Karate expert

Finishing Move(s):
Lights Out- Brainbuster into Rear Naked Choke

Secondary Finishers:
Dragon Sleeper

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Half Nelson Suplex
Scissors Kick
Savate Kick
Head Of Stone- Arm Trapped Headbutts to the chest
Tilt a Whirl Slam/Front Slam
Standing Axe Kick to the back of the head of a downed opponent, like so

Other moves: Lots of karate style strikes and some judo throws, some suplexes, also uses an Irish whip into a spinkick and a pendulum backbreaker.

Rare moves:


Background: Flynn Stevens is a childhood friend of Colin Maguire Junior and Coulter Doyle. Steve is the even tempered of the gang, and the true embodiment of a smooth operator. Nothing seems capable of rattling him. He strictly goes through life as if he were a leaf floating past everyone and everything. He has at least shown some fiery passion for the martial arts, enough to become karate black belt. He was trainingstudents in Boston before Colin's father asked him to help Coulter protect Colin. See Coulter's bio for updates on happenings

Team Finishing Move(s):
Celtic Decapitation- Demolition Decapitation, but Coulter hits a legdrop in instead of an elbow

Team Signature Moves:
Coulter applies a Triangle Choke and Flynn gives the opponent a Standing Axe Kick
Superplex with Coulter on Flynn's shoulders
Coulter Penalty Kick/Flynn kick to the back

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Name: Titania Nerdly

Species: Werewolf-Fairy hybrid

Nicknames: The Hybrid Hottie

Age: 22

Height: 5'5

Weight: Only known to her mother

Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Fairly Odd Vamps with Lyric DeLacey

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Guillible as all hell, scatterbrained, believes anything she hears even if it makes no sense and yet still is somewhat of a know it all. Despite all this she's incredibly likable.

Entrance music: Howling at the Moon by Phantogram

Entrance description:



I got everything, and I don't know what to do

I can run on the show, cut the inventory too

Howling at the moon, howling at the moon

I can throw your 45s all day to into the sun

And say goodbye

At the shooting stars, at the crashing cars

At the future past, was made to last

I didn't know, I didn't know

I didn't know, I didn't know


At night I cry and howl at the moon

At night I cry and howl at the moon


Green and red strobelights sweep across the arena and Titania emrges in a flurry of fairy dust!

Entrance Attire: Leather jacket

Ring Attire: White top, green skirt and black leggings, black Converse shoes.

Wrestling Style: (technical/high-flier/brawler/hardcore/martial arts/etc. or you can name a wrestler(s) that his/her style is similar to)

Finishing Move(s):
Titanium - wheel barrow flapjack 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Dream Catcher- Octopus Hold/AJ Lee's Black Widow
Fairy Dust- Jumping Flatliner/Paydirt/Little Jimmy/Play Of The Day etc. etc. etc.
Flying Hurricanrana from the second rope
Running double knees to the back in the corner
Basement dropkick
Various Dropkicks (to the front/back/missile dropkicks)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

Background: All that's known is that she's Doctor Madison's adopted daughter. No one knows at what age Doctor Madison adopted her or why, in fact we didn't even know she had an adopted daughter. I'm certain more will be revealed in the coming weeks.

lol it totally was! It was revealed that Madison met little Titania working on an Indian reversation in grad school. When Titania's caucasian mom was killed by her Native American dad who then killed himself, Madison took on parenthood of her daughter, who she would soon learn inherited her mother's fairy blood and father's werewolf blood. Little did Madison know that Titania's mom had an affair with one Outlaw Cello that led to the murder-suicide.

Despite all this Titania grew up cheerful and adopted Madison's scatterbrained personality. She came to the OAOAST to be closer to her mom, but immediatley was tested by both Outlaw Cello and Lyric DeLacey. Thanks to the help of fellow newcome Tanner Neptune, Titania was able to fight of the threats and wound up manging the brand new group Teen Scream. She found an unlikely pal in Lyric DeLacey and despite Lyric claiming she doesn't like her the two form Fairly Odd Vamps.


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  • 3 months later...



Name: Abdullah


Nicknames: The Quiet Man


Age: 28


Height: 5'8"


Weight: 182lbs


Hometown: Damascus, Syria


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: The Menagerie


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: None. He's on a vow of silence.



Entrance music: None


Entrance description: Walks out with no music or theatrics


Entrance Attire:-


Ring Attire: Dark red pleather (only the cheap shit for Abdullah!) pants with arabic writing on the left leg, and image of a roaring tiger on the right leg.


Wrestling Style: Brawler



Finishing Move(s):

Drop The Mic- Meteora


Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Hammerlock into a clothesline, more deadly than it sounds!

Double Underhook Backbreaker

STO Backbreaker, then a Reverse DDT Backbreaker

Camel Clutch

Skyhook Elbow Drop (former finishing move of Synth Abdul Jabbar)


Other moves: Very simple cruiserweight type moves, brawling and lots of shortcuts.


Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)







Adopted child of the Nerdly family, Abdullah is the brother of Melvin, Marvin, Maggie and Melody. Unlike Marvin and Melvin, the Sk8r Boiz, who first entered the oaoast as unsure and frightened rookies, Abdullah comes to company a self proclaimed fighting machine, hellbent on achieving glory no matter what the cost. Similar to Melody, Abdullah has an aversion to actually doing any work, and will often seek shortcuts, loopholes, or shady dealings to acquire the object of his desires. His first match in the oaoast was an utter disaster, a total destruction at the hands of Bohemoth. However, Abdullah's spirits have not been dampened, and he insists it's only a matter of time before he holds oaoast gold. Whatever you say there, Abdullah.


Abdullah found small fame, moderate fortune and heaps of success a the new manager of the Heavenly Rockers, as well as hosting the "hit" talk show The House of Worship. However, the talk show was little more than a platform for propoganda from The Enterprise and their various friends. Once the Enterprise disbanded and the Heavenly Rockers were driven from the OAOAST, Abdullah's influence waned. Forced to actually put in some effort and learn to compete at the OAOAST Reactor, Abdullah joined up with Leon Rodez's Menagerie. The once motivation speaker has now taken a vow of silence for some reason (he'd probably tell us, but, vow of silence). How long that lasts remains to be seen. 

Not very as a matter of fact as Leon grew enraged at Abudllah's failure to help him defeat Odin and had the returning Last Kings of Scotland beat him down. Abdullah went onto the indy scene after that and resurfaced as a popular babyface in TMW.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Name: Clar Aisling DeLacey

Nicknames: Granddaughter of Darkness, Mother of Demons

Supernatural species: Demon-vampire hyrid

Age: 16 (or 420 years old)

Height: 5'6

Weight: A supernatural mystery

Hometown: Lough Derg by way of Rush, Ireland

Alignment: Face


Stable/Associates/Managers: No Chill with Sabrina Oakheart

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Speaks in several voices, child, teenager, queen, rocker, and robot.

Entrance music: Face Down by Black tiger sex machine

Entrance description:


Ohhh ... Fast life
Raising through these brick walls
They raise that glass high
We're not making you shine like Chris Cole
Oh yes, they spit your name
And it feels like fire and pistol
Montreal to Boston that wise masked off this fall
All the bass stands in the flow
Drop that beat down cause it dope
I got a wrist flip and that dope
I got to blow it out of my soul
Let'me get cake down from that flow
You can just tales hard as I go
Hop and get down (down) with no guild
You can just tell I got no chill, I got no chill

An abyssal green and blue mist swings across the entrance stage which is lit only by the dimmest of blue glows. The camera pans up to showcase a gallows and a woman hanging from a noose. Then the lights flash to brilliant white to show its Aisling hanging from the noose. The youthful vampire smiles sweetly, then rips away her own noose and lands on ROLLERBLADES!

Entrance Attire: Roller blades!

Ring Attire: See pic!

Wrestling Style: High impact

Finishing Move(s): All My Friends Are Dead-STO into the turnbuckle


Demon's Never Die And Girls Never Lie-Running shining wizard to chest of a standing foe
Mommy Issues-Running step up fame-asser, as in she leaps onto a bent over foe's back and comes down with a fameasser

Sweet Sixteen In Your Motherfucking Face-Chicken Wing Codebreaker

Teenage Angst-Full nelson reverse STO

She's a vampire and lived most of her life buried in a lake becoming the mother of demons.

Background: Clar Aisling DeLacey as one can guess from the last name is Lyric's true born daughter. Aisling was but a small child when her mother was taken from Rush, Ireland by the viking vampire known as Ivar. As Aisling grew older she simply suspected her mother ran off with another man and left her family behind. Yet on Aisling's sixteen birthday, she was visited by a vampire named Per. Per explained to Aisling was stolen away by a vikinig vampire named Ivar. Per turned Aisling into a vampire and promised he would come back with an army to help her find Ivar and save her mother.


Per never did come back and Aisling set out to find him. Remembering the story of the Lough Derg, red lake, and its home to the mother of demons, Aisling went there to seek out information about her mother. She stepped into the lake and did not step back out for five centuries. Aisling herself became the mother of demons and saw all the misdeeds of the world, including that of her mother, Lyric.


She rise from Lough Derg was aided by Deirdre, the witch, and The Sons of Ragnarok. Though those three have a wish to master the art of necromancy, Aisling's mission is to kill her mother. Few as cursed as the kinslayer, and no one is as cursed as the mother of demons.

Well, Aisling gave up on that mission to kill her mother, but remained a true oddball in a promotion full of oddball. We don't know why, but she decided she needed a PR man as well as someone to build her profile on dating websites and forced Archie Stumplebottom into the job! Archie did find a partner for Aisling, the life imprisoned Sabrina Oakheart. No problem for a vampire, as Aisling glamor'ed the Maryland goveneor to release the girl who became known as The Teenage Bitch.

Archie was made legal guardian of Aisling and Sabrina up until the point he turned on Aisling to be Malaysia's sub. Now Aisling and Sabrina form a tag team known as No Chill, because these two have no chill!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Name: Prince Alerys Chance The Exile

Nicknames: The Exile

Age: 21

Height: 5'8

Weight: 178 lbs

Hometown: San Joaquin Hills of Orange County, California

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Kingdom

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Torturing people

Entrance music: Timmy Turner by Designer

Entrance description:


Fuck bitch on BET
Have her walkin', she fuckin' for BET
Wildin' for wallet
Kill everybody walkin'
He knows that his soul in the furnace
Tiimmy, Tiimmy, Tiimmy Turner
He was wishin' for a burner
To kill everybody walkin'
He knows that his soul in the furnace
Fuck bitch on BET
Have her walkin', she fuckin' for BET
Wildin' for wallet
Kill everybody walkin'
He knows that his soul in the furnace
Tiimmy, Tiimmy, Tiimmy Turner


The banners of the buried man float above the stage and AC is first seen sitting on the stage with blue and white lights swinging around him. He's nodding and smiling to himself before he jumps up to his feet. He then walks to the ring, smiling and not in the pleasant babyface way either. Finally at the ring he crawls up the steps and then gazes back at the audience with that same mysterious smile.

Entrance Attire: None

Ring Attire: Coming soon

Wrestling Style: Insane and self destructive

Finishing Move(s): Iron Maiden - full Nelson reverse STO 

Secondary Finishers: (if applicable, moves would finish a match against a lesser opponent, but are escape-able in high-profile matches.)

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Heretic's Fork-back suplex into an on the knee facebuster 

Crown The Empire-Vertical leap senton bomb

Torture Rack

Born of The Fury-Sitout Single Arm DDT

Breaking Wheel-Swingout neckbreaker 



Alerys Chance Morris was once upon a time a hot prospect honed and crafted by the wildly successful OAOAST Reactor. He was earning his stripes and gaining valuable experience working as an enhancement talent on a developmental contract. Though he never won, he showed great promise and received rave reviews for his work. His home life was wonderful as well, he had married his highschool sweetheart and the two were expecting not one, not two, but three children. Life couldn't get any better for AC.


But it sure as hell got worse! AC's wife left him and their three infant sons one day and never returned. This caused a psychotic break for AC as he was now faced with raising three baby's on a developmental contract with the OAOAST. With no college education it wasn't as though AC could just easily change careers. He went on a spree of lunacy, attacking OAOAST talent, hijacking shows, and rambling seeming nonsense in a quest to gain full time employment with the OAOAST. Sophie Grey took pity on him and offered him a three match series where if he won two of the three he'd get the contract he lost. Sophie put him against Snot first and AC won the match, but lost his second match against “Outlaw” Cello. Whoever Sophie was going to pick as his third opponent will forever remain a mystery, though. AC ran afoul of Alfdogg, who angrily named Bohemoth his third opponent. AC's strange behavior annoyed Bohemoth more than his offense hurt him, but in the end a questionable referee decision got Bo disqualified and AC got his contract after all! Yay!

AC had an old debt with Pike Pantera, that Pike wanted settled ASAP. The trainer of the two men, Northstar tried to mediate but proved unable to. It was only when King Landon brought all three into his Kingdom that they settled their differences. AC was knighted, and proved adept at well torturing people. The problem is he was also incredibly lazy and hardly did anything until Lord Northstar booted him in the ass. Then he took it 0-100 and ended Bohemoth's career with a beatdown via shovel! That got him noticed by King Landon and over time his sadism would get him promoted to Prince and heir to the throne for as long as King Landon doesn't have an heir...


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  • 1 month later...



Name: Deirdre

Nicknames: The Kinslayer

Age: 23

Height: 5'6

Weight: Lithe and slender

Hometown: Saratoga Springs, NY

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Southern Immorality

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Rude and brooding

Entrance music: Will figure out soon!

Entrance description: Will figure out soon!

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See pic!

Wrestling Style: KC can tell ya!

Finishing Move(s): Witch Hunt-Handspring diamond cutter


Secondary Finishers: PhoenixPlex-A guillotine choke suplex

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Bridging Northern Lights Suplex

Burn The Witch-Headscissors that pulls foe into the turnbuckle posts

Season of the Witch-Rolling spinebuster

Black Magic-Straight jacket german suplex

Bubbling Brew-Lift half nelson facebuster with a twist

Background: Deirdre first appeared in the OAOAST land, offering help to a despondent Morgan Nerdly. Morgan's life had spun out of control due to her boyfriend, Oscar Friberg's, fight with Gloss Angieacola, her best friend. Oscar had attempted to kill Gloss the vampire, but Gloss was saved by Lyric DeLacey. In turn Lyric and Colin Maguire Junior nearly killed Oscar, who was saved by Gloss, after Morgan pleaded with him.


Due to ingesting Gloss' blood, Oscar fell in love with Gloss. This caused him great conflict due loving Morgan. Unable to live with the fact that he attempted to murder Gloss, Oscar almost killed himself. He was talked down by Gloss, who used her vampiric charm to get him to suppress his angst . Oscar became and still remains a cool if somewhat violent type of guy.


Seeing Gloss and Oscar become friends left Morgan with a feeling of sadness. One day when she was out sipping a soda, a waitress offered to help her out. The waitress just happened to be a witch and just happened to be named Deirdre. But, Deirdre's style of help involved shifting Morgan's personality to a snarky, bitchy, marauding badass psychopath.


Morgan's true feelings for Gloss came to the forefront and they became lovers. Around the same time Aisling showed up, as a mysterious vampire acting as wards of The Sons of Ragnarok. Aisling attacked Titania after Morgan provoked Titania into a fight. Luckily, Annagret was on hand to heal Titania with her blood at Gloss suggestion. Morgan took this as a slight against her, and thought Annagret was looking to fuck Gloss. Well, that set little Morgan off and a feud was born. Sort of.


Annagret sought out Deirdre to change Morgan back but found only Jormungandr waiting in her Hartford based office. Annagret left into a courtyard and was ambushed by vampries working for Deirdre. The vampires managed to get a nick on Annagret's skin and delivered the blood to Deirdre.


Deirdre used Annagret's blood to force Brian Travis Kidd and Jo-Jo Whoa to fall in love with Annagret. With Aisling having revealed herself to be a Lyric's daughter and a demon, Morgan running around angry, Lyric missing, and BTK and JoJo feuding, chaos was born. Deirdre was free to work to her goal.


That goal was resurrecting her father Damian, a necromancer who was killed by Gloss in the 90's. Deirdre used the death of a witch at Morgan's hands after BTK and JJ got despelled, what was left of Aisling's blood, and finally the “murder” and “ressurection” of Aisling to gather enough power to call upon her father.


Damian wanted to bring his wife and Deirdre's mother back to life but Oscar stole her body. Or so he thought. At Anglemania during the Starvation Games, we learned that Deirdre was a Reaver, someone who could take supernatural powers by murder. She took her sister's sense of telepathy and her mother's ability to raise the dead, all through murder. She kept her mother alive, and hidden not wanting her dad to find the body. In the end Deirdre killed her dad to gain even more powers over the dead.


Deirdre's plan was to capture Annagret and cause Odin to attack, leading her to killing his mythical beasts and and taking control of them. But, Morgan put an end to that by slaying Deirdre's zombified mother, who Deirdre had linked to her own powers to heighten them. The severing of that caused Deirdre to lose her powers, but not her OAOAST contract. So she's now stuck in the OAOAST where pretty much everyone hates her.

Actually so many people hated Deirdte only the lowest of the low would allow her to manage her, and that's Southern Immoarlity. What's worse is that Slime developed a crush on Deirdre! Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Deirdre chose the people who didn't live in a dumpster.

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