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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Up to Date Character Specs!

Chanel #99

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Name: Melody Nerdly


Nicknames: Mellow Yellow, The Game Genie, Player One, Titty Mama


Age: 30


Height: 5'6


Weight: Who knows?


Hometown: The Fortress Of Nerdlytude (aka Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)


Alignment: Face


Stable/Associates/Managers: Lucius Soul and Jade Rodez-Duncan


*- M.E.L.O.D.Y standing for Manly Entertainers Logistical Operations Division of the Yel-halek (which means galaxy in Vulcan)


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Melody's computer geek personality does not match her stunning beauty. She will at times talk in net speak, reference shows, websites, and games heavily popular in “dork” culture. Her primary obsession lies with World of Warcraft, and the pwning of “nubs”, and “ganking” of lames. Her communication with the outside world comes mostly from comments on Facebook, Twitter, AIM chats, text messages, Youtube videos, and highly contested games of Madden on Xbox Live for Xbox360.




Entrance music: "Go Ninja, Go Ninja GO" by Vanilla Ice


Entrance description: A Matrix like code speeds down the Angletron until it forms the word PLAYER ONE. Melody comes out and does some nerd stuff. I wouldn't know anything about that, so you'll just have to make it up.


Entrance Attire: Nothing, unless it's included in the aforementioned 'nerd stuff'.


Ring Attire: Black and white striped bikini top. Melody teams this off with a pair of long wrestling tights of various custom designs, bought with the profits from her eBay trading, not to mention the managerial cheques she picks up off of Baron and her brothers' backs. Popular designs include a large Pacman battle snaking it's way around the tights, a picture of Princess Peach with 'Princess' in pink block letters and black tights with a large tildebang on the rear. You get the idea. Be creative. Also wears white boots and black wristtape.


Wrestling Style: Unorthodox




Finishing Move(s):

That Just Happened- Reverse Playmaker. Places her knee against the back of the opponent's head, grabs the far arm and falls backwards, pulling her opponent down into the knee.


Secondary Finishers:

I Have The Power!- Melody yells the reference, complete with imaginary sword, before coming off the ropes and delivering a big body splash


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Imperial Death Drop- Diving Reverse DDT

Sega Mega Driver- Backslide Driver

Revenge Of The Nerdly- Wheelbarrow Bulldog

It Came From The Top Rope- Flying Vertical Double Knee Drop

Shoryuken- Jumping Palm Strike

Shining M.Bison- Like a shining wizard, but Melody steps off the knee and double stomps the back of the head.

Tomahawk Chops

Standing Yakuza Kick/Big Boot


Other moves:

Basic wrestling. Plus, since she has so little real-life fight experience to draw from, anything she might happened to have picked up from her life of nerd culture and video games would come in handy, be it Street Fighter, Tekken or NHL '09.


Rare moves:





The third oldest girl in the tragically uncool, Western Canadian Nerdly family, Melody is best known as the elder sister of former tag team champions, and Teen People Magazine's sexiest tag team, Melvin and Marvin Nerdly, The Sk8r Boiz. Melody entered the oaoast in spring of 2006 to capitalize on her brothers' sudden surge of popularity, and perhaps take on a managerial role with the team. Unfortunately, that linkage was rendered nearly impossible thanks to the fact that they don't exactly get along. Thus Melody's role became that of a shiftless lay about, gossiping recklessly, and interjecting herself into business where it doesn't belong. The Edmonton native made fast friends with Jade Rodez, thanks to the younger girl's bewildering amazement over Melody's ability to make it through life by doing as little work as humanely possible. Recently, Mellow Yellow was stricken with a terrible fear that she was soon to be on the company chopping block. Unwilling to pay a visit to the unemployment office, Melody sought out sage tribe mother, Krista Isadora Duncan. Krissy's advice was that Mel should find the stupidest tag team in the company, and offer her managing services under the guise that she's truly the world's greatest managing. The words stupidest tag team would lead most people to NRG, but Melody skipped over the hula skit wearing, protein shake drinking duo, and headed right for the stud muffins in the Gunslingers. The boys liked what they saw, more then what they heard, and eagerly accepted Melody as their new leader! One could ascertain that Melody uses this nerdy, lazy, shy personality to protect herself from the crippling fear that the massive amount attention from her good looks brings her. But if one were smart enough to figure that out, they wouldn't be watching wrestling, would they?


Disaster would strike for Melody as The Gunslingers were torn apart by in-fighting and Jock being a dick. And even Melody's managerial expertise (hey, she must have been doing something right to win 2007 Manager Of The Year in the Angle Awards) couldn't save the team. Melody stuck by big Baron and remains at his side, sometimes, to this day. Melody's womanly charms got her into further trouble as her close friendship with Leon Rodez helped to spell the end for his relationship with sister Maggie. Further proof that real life is major stress. It's all so much easier on AIM!

Melody would manage Baron for a good while, even helping to work with Cobra Strike with Ned Blanchard. She also amassed a random collection of clients in the Agents of MELODY. But, Melody couldn't resist the allure of a jive talking pimp of the nation with an anaconda dick named Lucius Soul. Rather happily she joined up with BFF, Jade, and become Soul's Titty Mama.

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Name: Sunshine Yukino

Nicknames: Yuki

Age: 22

Height: 5'6

Weight: Unknown

Hometown: Kyoto, Japan

Alignment: face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Megan Skye, and she's Madame of Sunrise Brothel

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Very greedy!

Entrance music: Hello Kitty by Avrl Lavinge

Entrance description:



Min'na saikō arigatō,
K-k-k-kawaii, k-k-k-kawaii.


sparkling pryo wheels are lowered on both sides of the stage. Sunshine emerges from the backstage area
with a cartwheel, and then makes her way to the ring.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: See the picture. I told you she was different.

Wrestling Style: High flyer, well high flyer for the women's division.

Finishing Move(s):
Solar Flare- Ki Krusher

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Beautiful Blossom- Spiral Tap
Sunny Days Driver- Tiger Driver 91
Jon Woo Kick- Running dropkick, aimed to send the opponent flying back into the turnbuckles
Shining Wizard
Missile Dropkick
Oyasuminasai- Front Guillotine Choke

Other moves:
Basically, just describe what the wrestler does, what he is capable of doing, what you don't want to see him doing, etc.

Rare moves:
(Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)


An eccentric young lady, one might say Sunshine Yukino is Japan's answer to Lady Gaga. Nobody knows her real reasons for coming to the OAOAST. What they do know is that she's incredibly talented and poses a serious threat to the Women's Division. Yuki has embraced the entertainment side of wrestling with her wild costumes and various theatrics.

What no one knew about Yukino was how incredibly greedy she is. So it was with much surprise that she harnessed the hottest of the OAOAST to form a brothel named Sunrise. Lording over her Sunrays, Yuki charges men outrageous prices that they gladly pay to make their own sun rise. 

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Name: Badass Jack

Nicknames: Formerly known as Outhouse Jack

Age: 43

Height: 6’4

Weight: 243 lbs

Hometown: The Everglades

Alignment: Face


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Carries a set of steel claws, surly, rarely in a good mood
Entrance music: Badass by Saliva

Entrance description: Walks to the grinding his claws together

Entrance Attire: Leather jacket

Ring Attire: See above, and with the claws!

Wrestling Style: Hardcore brawler

Finishing Move(s):
Country Strong- Piledriver

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Cutthroat Neckbreaker- Regal Cutter
Cutthroat Kneelift- Like the Regal Cutter, crosses one of the opponent's arms across their throat, but then turns them over and gives them a kneelift
Gator Sleeper- Asiatic Spike. Jack claims to have subdued countless roaming alligators with this hold. After that? He skinned them. So, don't get caught in this.
Wild Short Arm Clothesline
Belly To Belly Armbar
Berserker Barrage- A flurry of punches in the corner

Other moves:
Basically anything that involves kicking your ass. When he's on the offence, anything goes for Jack. He's a very wild fighter, not much for finesse. He'll just club the shit out of you. Think Hansen, or Bradshaw.

Rare moves:


Background: The man once known as Outhouse Jack has taken on a whole new and crazier persona. Rechristened as Badass Jack, the native of the Everglades seeks to maim and maul as many people as possible. He’s known for his uncontrollable and predictable nature, and is regarded as an extreme threat for violence. As such he’s rather unpopular amongst the OAOAST superstars. Jack is a twenty two year veteran who has fought many of the legends in this sport. Despite this, he has few good memories of his time in professional wrestling and time has turned him bitter and cruel. He's not to be crossed under any circumstances.

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Name: Colin Maguire, Jr.

Nicknames: CMJ, The Irish Golden Boy, The Next Man

Supernatural species: Vampire

Age: 25

Height: 6'

Weight: 200 lbs

Hometown: Boston, MA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: him mom Angel

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Sometimes a smooth talker, but his a bad temper, loyal but will sometimes treat his friends like pieces on a chestboard

Entrance music: The Day is My Enemy by The Prodigy

Entrance description:


Blue and gold lights, and Colin emerges with a sinister almost devil like smirk with Angel at his side. Colin strolls to the ring with the area near the ramp decorated as such...
Entrance Attire: Along with his tights, he wears a hunter green hooded track jacket, hood up. Like AJ Styles' but with sleeves.

Ring Attire:


Dark gold kneepads, Hunter green kick pads, and black boots.

Wrestling Style: Randy Orton-esque

Finishing Move(s):
1. Boston Strangler - Anaconda Choke
2. Biotic Crisis - RKO Neckbreaker

Secondary Finishers:
Slán Agus Beannacht Leat means: "Goodbye And Blessings With You"-Three quarters nelson suplex
Celtic Frost Suplex - Vertical Drop Exploder Suplex

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Assorted chain wrestling moves
Cambridge Curse - Steve Austin's Stun gun.
Irish Suplex - High-lifting German Suplex
Irish Uppercut - European uppercut
Harvardplex - T-Bone Suplex
VampPlex- Cross-face Chickenwing German Suplex
Cork City Football Club - Vicious running Soccer kick to the head.

Other moves:
Technical wrestling moves
Knife-edge chops
Leg kicks

Rare moves:
Pennant Race - Shooting Star Press
Boondock Saint - One Man Spanish Fly

OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion
- April 14th, 2012 - September 26th, 2012
- January 20, 2013 - April 3rd, 2013

OAOAST Tag Team Championships
- January 1, 2010 - March 28, 2010 (w/Spencer Reiger)
- July 1, 2010 - September 2, 2010 (w/Spencer Reiger)
- February 25th, 2011 - April 3, 2011 (w/Spencer Reiger)

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- August 11th, 2011 - January 1st, 2012 (w/Spencer Reiger and James Blonde)

Background: An astute graduate of Harvard with a degree in pre-med! After spending the formative years of his career in The Enterprise, Colin with the help of manager Lorelei formulated a plan to win the Money In The Bank contract, captured the World Title and break out by forming his own group, The Black Mass. His unpredictable nature caused him to disband the Black Mass the moment he lost the title to Teddy Buckworth.

Colin would link up with Lyric DeLacey after The Black Mass and the two seemed an inseparable pair. But headstrong they fell apart to a grand degree. With Lyric gone Colin reconnected with Spencer Reiger after the end of The Black Mass, forcing his way into his Pretty Young Things stable and renaming them Pretty Young Money. During that time he struck up a friendship with Ivar The Cunning, and used him as protection against Ivar's ex-wife Lyric. It was Ivar's smart thinking that saved Colin's life from Lyric, but also turned him into a vampire.

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Name: Jade Rodez-Duncan

Nicknames: JRD, Little Miss California, The Prodigal Daughter, Booty Mama

Age: 23

Height: 5'3"

Weight: A little less than before. The Duncan legal team prohibits me from elaborating.

Hometown: Now residing in Los Angeles, California

Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Lucius Soul, Melody Nerdly

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
Booty shaking, cheerleading
Stuff Krista or Alix has suggested to her, carried out with slightly less style and flash than Krista.

Entrance music: Jenny From The Block by Jennifer Lopez

Entrance description:


Children grow and women producing
Men go working
Some go stealing
Everyone's got to make a living


Will either come out and shyly wave to the crowd that are cheering her really appreciate like, or depending on the situation will come out full of chirpy youthful exuberance first. Slides under the bottom rope inside making sure not to let her cheerleader skirt ride up too much, then goes to the turnbuckles to salute her fans.

Ring Attire: White and purple customised cheerleader outfit, which she's taking a little while to getting used to wearing to be perfectly honest. She drew the line at high-heels though, preferring a pair of white wrestling shoes with black zebra stripes instead. Also wears purple elbow and knee pads.

Wrestling Style: 'Grounded Cruiser', like her brother. 'Flashy And Theatrical', like her mother. She's much more comfortable with the first, but the Duncan way dictates the second rears it's head.

Finishing Move(s):
Got It From My Momma- Reverse X-Factor. Mommy's former finisher and if it was good enough for her, it's good enough for Jade.

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
E!ziguri- Enziguri to the face
Extreme Hollywood Makeover- Cobra Clutch into Backbreaker
Sweet Dreams- Running Sleeper Drop
Californication- Iconoclasm
Double Knees in the corner
Right/left combo, then a spinning clothesline
Front Dropkicks (not particularly graceful, but they work)
Victory Roll (and if there's time to pose like she's on the top of a cheerleader pyramid, all good. Sometimes does it out of the corner, ala Mickie James' rana)

Other moves:
Think the basic moveset for females on the Smackdown games. She knows the basics but Alix and Krista's training techniques don't involve too much pro wrestling. Not naturally agile so she won't be flying about too much.

Rare moves:
Top Rope Crossbody

OAOAST Women's Championship
- August 31st, 2008 - April 5th, 2009
- August 29th, 2010 - February 17th, 2011
- June 26th, 2011 - October 31st, 2011

OAOAST Women's Tag Team Championship
- October 30, 2011 - January 1st, 2011 (w/Maya Blanchard-Duncan)

Jade followed brother* Leon to the bright lights of the OAOAST, rather than get an actual job. After arriving, with a little wrestling training from her teens but without completing a course, Jade was drafted to the OAOAST Training School to hone her skills. While there, as well as learning from her teachers, Jade had learnt from her brother*...not just in the ring, but from the way he goes about business.

With the Women's Division going on a brief hiatus, Jade decided to take up a managerial contract and brought D*LUX to the OAOAST. Jade has found a 'mentor' in Krista Isadora Duncan and a friend in Alix Maria Spezia, neither of whom are great role models for an impressionable youngster. But unlike most her age, Jade is pretty level headed and sensible.

Or, so we thought. At AngleMania VI Jade turned her back on her friends, family and tag team as her head was seduced by the lure of The Enterprise's wealth and everything that goes with it. The previously bright and cheerful youngster turned into a sullen, self-centered teen. Jade's teenage rebellion had come a couple of years late. Thankfully, she saw the light at AngleSlam though and returned to the side of D*LUX and Leon, now a little more grown up from the experience.

Or, so we thought (II). In early 2008, Jade was revealed to be the daughter of Krista Isadora Duncan and Dario Rodez, Leon's older and sadly deceased brother. (*- Which meant she was actually Leon's niece.) Since then she's worked hard to fit in with her new Hollywood family, which has been a tough adjustment for the simple girl from Grand Rapids. But she's won over little sister Maya and is now determined to make Krista proud of her, by dominating the OAOAST women's division in the same way Krista has done the men's division. Well, she wasn't good at anything else Krista is. And with the 'expert', unorthodox training of Krista and Alix under her belt she's slowly but surely learning what doing thing the 'Duncan way' entails.

Oh, yeah, she also dated Bohemoth when he wasn't a jerk and Spencer Reiger when he was a jerk but she thought he wasn't. He tried to leak a sextape of them. That'll tip you off to being a jerk real quick. Now though, Jade may have found happiness with non-jerk Tyler.

Alas even Tyler proved to be a jerk as the two split with Tyler deciding that Jade and Shayne were holding him back. Perhaps he was jealous of how popular Jade became teaming with her sister Maya. Over time, growing close with her sister, mom and step mom Jade lost all her prudish and has become as freaky as any Duncan. Like her sister, Jade works in the oldest profession in history, ho'ing for her daddy, Lucius Soul as his Booty Mama


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Name: Spencer Reiger

Nicknames: The One Man Triple Threat (see he's got looks, skills and charisma), The Prodigy, New York's Finest

Age: 22

Height: 6'2

Weight: 210lbs

Hometown: Manhattan. That's in NY for those of you posting from Pluto.

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Blaine Cayley, Gloss Angieacola, and Sammi Cayley

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Arrogant twirls


Entrance music: Youth by Foxes

Entrance description:

Now I'm just chasing time
With a thousand dreams I'm holding heavy
And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed
Don't tell me our youth is running out
It's only just begun

If I asked you for good news

Would you smile and turn away?
It's like a bad dream

That is too afraid to wake

Stepping out, Spencer does an arrogant twirl before doing a quick Timberlake style dance. He saunters down the ramp, cloaked by a bright white spot light to contrast the flashing pink and red "SR" shaped illuminations on the entrance ramp. Inside the ring he goes to the top rope and rips open his Affliction hoody to show off his body as the lights rapidly and endlessly switch from red to pink to blue.

Entrance Attire:



Ring Attire:


May wear blue and black striped fingerless gloves that go up to his forearm or a pair of skull and crossbone fingerless gloves that also go up to his forearm. Wears black boots with numerous white removable straps. Also black kneepads.

Wrestling Style: Just a normal all rounder I guess.

Finishing Move(s):
Reiger Counter- Pedigree

Trademark Moves/Spots:
New York Knockout- Running Inverted Bulldog
Blood Is The New Black- Running knee to the face of a seated foe.
Slingshot Double Stomp
Standing Dropkick (on a standing opponent, not off the ropes or anything)
Measured Knee Drop
With the opponent in a corner or against the ropes, Reiger will run down the apron and hit them with an enziguri from the apron.

Other moves:
Won't hesitate to remove the straps from his boot to whip people or the draw string in this board shorts to choke someone. Other then that go crazy jayzee!

Rare moves:

OAOAST Tag Team Championships
- January 1, 2010 - March 28, 2010 (w/Colin Maguire Jr.)
- July 1, 2010 - September 2, 2010 (w/Colin Maguire Jr.)
- February 25th, 2011 - April 3, 2011 (w/Colin Maguire Jr.)

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- August 11th, 2011 - January 1st, 2012 (w/Colin Maguire Jr. and James Blonde)

Background: The OAOVW developmental system has produced a long line of superstars, so many I can't go into detail or I'd exceeded the character limit of the post. Yes, that will do. However, the program has never seen someone like New York's Spencer Reiger. Born to a plastic surgeon father and a model mother, Reiger was earmarked for greatness and success at a young age. He didn't disappoint those who had faith in him, working as an actor in commercials as well as shining on the lacrosse and soccer fields all throughout his schooling. Despite his great grades and athletic talents earning him his choice of Ivy League schools after High School, Reiger wasn't exactly enamored to the prospects of more schooling. Instead he was lured by the call of his secret love, pro wrestling. He answered that call and with minimal self taught training, enrolled himself in the tryout program at the OAOVW school. His natural talent was evident, Spencer shined in ways few beginners do, moving with the crispness of a ten year veteran. Out of a tryout pool of forty, only Spencer was accepted into the developmental program and offered a contract. Who knew the OAOAST had standards? Things soured for The Prodigy just as soon as they bloomed. Though he was far and away the best performer in the system, his attitude quickly become like a bull in a china shop. There were such a massive amount of reports flowing through the internet of Spencer being arrogant, disrespectful and uncooperative that his standoffish personality had to be worked into the shows. Yet despite his aggressive nature he was kept around in hopes that his maturity would catch up to his amazing talent. These hopes were continually dashed as Spencer acted out by picking fights with fans who approached him for autographs, heckling the OAOVW beginning class trainees during their dark matches, and several run ins with the law. The apex of his issues came when Spencer was brought to an OAOAST B-house show only to see a locker room full of men injecting themselves with painkillers just to be able to perform. He couldn't believe he was being kept off the roster for "these broken down bums." Instead of stepping up his effort in OAOVW though, Spencer went the totally opposite direction, performing the laziest most half assed matches you could ever see. Though some wanted to just cut their losses with the talented but troubled youngster, Tony Brannigan suggested he split time between the main roster and OAOVW. That idea had some support in the front office and Spencer was brought up. His first feud came against Tim Cash, his polar opposite. The polite good guy has tried to show Spencer the benefits of being good and honest, but so far The Prodigy hasn't bought what Cash has tried to sell him.

Spencer's personality was an obvious draw for The Enterprise, with whom he soon hooked up with. Under the close managerial eye of Lorelei DeCenzo, he formed the LDC Moneygang with Colin Maguire Jr. The team soon clicked and has found much success in the tag team division. It seemed the only thing that could stop the Moneygang was the love of a beautiful woman, as Spencer became romantically involved with Jade Rodez-Duncan and seemed to mellow his bad boy ways. But true to form, Spencer eventually tried to betray Jade for money and Moneymaker's acceptance, seeing an opportunity to market a sex tape of himself and Jade to Moneymaker. That didn't work out and neither did the relationship with Jade. But Spencer was never meant to be changed. He's a jerk. Deal with it.

Melissa Nerdly saw a non jerk side of Spencer and impressed with his singing ability formed Pretty Young Things. The group wasn't a hit with the fans, but Spencer started to slowly become more likable in the viewers' eyes. In fact they were wowed he agreed to marry Gloss to save Melissa's life. But over time Spencer would come to love Gloss, which infuriated Melissa, leading to her erupting when Spencer welcomed the Cayleys back into his and Gloss' life. These days Spencer is a popular babyface, beloved by the whole Galaxy, still a hearthrob.

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Name: Alfdogg

Height: 6-2

Weight: 237

Hometown: Anderson, IN

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: none

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: none


Entrance music: Magnum Opus by Kansas

Entrance description: The lights go out in tune with the music hitting, and the arena remains dark through the opening beats (lasting until the 00:34 mark of the above video). The music then hits, and a metallic gold light illuminates the entryway, followed by Alfdogg making his way into the arena. Alf is hit with the gold light as he walks down the aisle with a general arrogance about himself, stopping occasionally to address some obnoxious fans. Alf then enters the ring, and while looking into the main camera, drops to one knee and holds his arms outstretched, as a pyro wall raises up on the other side of the ring.

Entrance Attire: none

Ring Attire: Black windbreaker pants, white T-shirt with sleeves torn off, black tennis shoes, and occasionally a Foley flannel (usually worn in high-level Hardcore matches ala the Chamber of Hell)

Wrestling Style: Mostly brawler/hardcore, but is capable of working any style


Finishing Move(s): Five-Star Alf Splash, Sharpshooter

Secondary Finishers: Cobra Clutch facebuster (Like Jeff Jarrett's Stroke, expect with the opponent in a cobra clutch)

Trademark Moves/Spots: Likes to execute a snap suplex and snap legdrop in succession. Uses a belly-to-belly overhead, T-Bone suplex, and either a WhipLash (Lash LeRoux's finisher in WCW, a fireman's carry into a Falcon Arrow) or a superkick, depending on the size of the opponent, to set up the Five-Star Alf Splash. Very proficient with the knife-edge chops, possibly the best in the business. Lots of suplexes.

Other moves: There's not really much that Alf can't do in the ring, so be creative should you ever wind up writing for him. He has cut down on the high-risk stuff, though occasionally you'll see him pull off a moonsault to the outside or a somersault plancha. The big-time hardcore matches are another story, however, as he'll pull it all out for those.

Rare moves: none



OAOAST World champion (x3)

July 22, 2002 - September 15, 2002

April 2, 2006 - August 27, 2006

December 26, 2009 - January 31, 2010

WDW World champion

December 26, 2004 - August 26, 2007 (first-ever champion)

OAOAST Heartland champion (x3)

June 30, 2005 - October 30, 2005

December 18, 2005 - February 26, 2006

October 1, 2006 - December 14, 2006

OAOAST Intercontinental champion

May 26, 2002 - June 16, 2002 (defeated EvenflowDDT on this date to unify the I-C and HardKore titles into the United States title)

OAOAST United States champion (x2)

June 16, 2002 - July 22, 2002

September 18, 2008 - January 1, 2009

(these titles have two different lineages.)

OAOAST Six-Man Tag Team champion (w/"After Hours" Felix Strutter & Ken Pantera)

October 5, 2006 - November 30, 2006

2006 Lethal Rumble winner


Alfdogg made his first OAOAST appearance at the very first AngleMania, interfering in CWM's match with Edge and hitting him with a steel chair. (back when they couldn't spell my name right...it's two g's, Anglesault!) Alf would feud on and off with CWM throughout 2002, defeating him for his first OAOAST title, the Intercontinental title, along the way. Alf would make several more enemies along the way, including OAOAST HardKore champion evenflowDDT, which would lead to a unification match where Alf came out on top, merging the belts into the OAOAST United States championship. Also along the way, Alfdogg became a charter member of the Deadly Alliance, which also featured Caboose, The Sole Survivor, and Big Poppa Popick, who was eventually replaced by Sandman9000. However, those relations quickly went sour when Alf came up short in another attempt to unify titles, this time falling to Mystery Eskimo (who would eventually come to be known as Dan Black) in a barbed wire ladder match. Then-OAOAST World champion Caboose berated Alf backstage, which ended in Alf challenging Caboose for his title. Alf stunned the OAOAST that night by emerging as the OAOAST's new champion, but would soon show that he was no paper champion, scoring high-profile wins over stars such as Angle-Plex, Some Guy, and Zack Malibu. Caboose left the OAOAST following the loss, and TSS faded from the group, as well, and Alf, who assumed himself as the leader of the group, replaced them with newcomers Thunderkid & Reject. However, Zack would avenge his defeat at Excessive Force, serving as the special referee, and costing Alf the title against CWM on a shady disqualification. The Deadly Alliance crumbled following Alf's loss, with he and Sandman engaging in a bitter feud which saw Sandman twice defeat Alfdogg, once in an X-title match and once in the first ever Christmas Deathmatch. Alf never recovered from the loss of his title and fall of his stable, and treaded water in the fed for the next several months before fading away in 2003, following a loss to Big Poppa Popick at AngleMania 2.


Alf would return to the OAOAST in 2005, making a surprise appearance in the Lethal Rumble match, and then defeating Sandman9000 at AngleMania IV. Alf would make a full-time return to the ring shortly after, defeating Peter Knight in his first televised match in over two years, then going on to capture the OAOAST Puerto Rican title from Tha Puerto Rican weeks later. Alf would rename the belt into the OAOAST Heartland title the following week, and would become the face synonymous with the title. During his first reign with the title, Alf would have to deal with Chris Stevens' CSI stable, as well as the return of Thunderkid and Reject, who all came gunning for Alf's title. Alf would successfully defend the title at AngleSlam in the first-ever Heartland Invitational Chamber of Hell, fending off both TK and Reject in the final minutes of the bout. However, Alf would fall to Chris Stevens later in the year, after his CSI stable merged with Rick Heyross' charges of Brock Ausstin and Team Heyross, forming Stevens/Heyross Incorporated. To counter this, Alf made peace with TK and Reject, and brought Sandman9000 for a one-night reunion of the Deadly Alliance at November Reign, where the foursome dominated a five-man S.H.I. squad. Alf would then regain his title from Stevens in a Christmas Deathmatch at Climax.


New Year's proved a big night for Alf, as he defeated Chris Stevens in a rematch, and due to a pre-match stipulation, S.H.I. was forced to disband. On the same night, Alf was named the 2005 Wrestler of the Year. The hits kept on coming, as Alf outlasted 29 other men to win the Lethal Rumble match at AnglePalooza, earning a World title match at AngleMania V. Along the way, Brock Ausstin set his sights on Alf's Heartland title, ultimately defeating him for the title in a Spin-the-Wheel, Make the Deal Iron Man match at Zero Hour. This would not deter Alf, however, as at AngleMania V, Alf finally became the top dog in the OAOAST once again, defeating Peter Knight and capturing his World title. After defeating Knight and Brock Ausstin in subsequent rematches, Alf had to fend off tough challenges from estranged former stablemate Reject, before stepping into a feud with the controversial Drek Stone. In a hard-fought match at AngleSlam, Drek defeated Alf and took his World title. Much like his first defeat, Alf's career would take a dramatic turn after the loss, as he aligned himself with Canadian newcomers "After Hours" Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera, forming the new Team Canada stable and swearing off the American fans. Alf would go on to take his third Heartland title from Brock Ausstin in the Chamber of Hell match, with the help of the massive Deon Black, the newest addition to his stable. Alf would rename the belt the OAOAST Canadian title and hold onto it for the remainder of the year, and would also add a six-man title to his resume along with Strutter and Pantera. However, his waist would be bare by year's end, losing the six-man titles to Brock and Team Heyross, then dropping the Canadian title to Thunderkid in a Christmas Deathmatch.


Despite the rocky end to 2006, Alf repeated as Wrestler of the Year at the Angle Awards on the strength of his World title reign, which was voted title reign of the year. He once again made a tremendous showing in the Lethal Rumble match, coming in as the first entry and setting a longevity record by lasting for over 61 minutes. However, he would come up short in a rematch against Thunderkid at AngleMania VI, then left the OAOAST to reform World Domination Wrestling along with former OAOAST Commissioner Axel. The WDW World title was re-activated, as Alf had never lost the belt after winning it in 2004. WDW crashed hard, however, and the wrestlers eventually returned to the OAOAST. Alf would go on to AngleSlam still with his title, but would lose the belt to Reject, then spend most of the rest of the year fighting old rivals such as Thunderkid, Brock Ausstin, and the returning Sandman9000.


The year did not start off well, as Alf had a disappointing showing in the Lethal Rumble match, then was defeated by Sandman9000 at AngleMania VII. However, Alf made waves weeks later by re-forming the Deadly Alliance along with Sandman, TK and Reject. The DA has mowed down most of its competition, decorating itself with gold along the way, and looks to be in better shape than ever, with Alf making the semi-finals of the Money in the Bank tournament. Alf now sets his sights on Tha Puerto Rican and his OAOAST World championship. Can Alf win the title, and truly establish the Deadly Alliance as the dominant force in all of wrestling? Stay tuned!

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Name: Reject

Nicknames: The Piranha, Occasionally referred to as "The R-Man"

Height: 6-4

Weight: 230

Hometown: The Bronx

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: "Crossing the R...won't get you far."

Entrance music: Unchained by Tupac and James Brown

Entrance description:
Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?
Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?
Get it on till I die
Get it on till I die
Y'all, Y'all remember me
Y'all, Y'all remember me

The music starts, then the lights go out, and a silver light illuminates the entryway. Reject then walks through the curtains, and makes his way to the ring, with intent on his face. He climbs into the ring, and climbs on the buckles, staring out into the people with disdain.

Entrance Attire: none

Ring Attire: Long tights designed like RVD's

Wrestling Style: Think a cross of RVD, Randy Savage and Owen Hart.

Finishing Move(s): Eulogy (RKO), R-Lock (Gorilla Clutch - think Angle Lock-meets-Sharpshooter. Or just search Gorilla Clutch on YouTube)

Secondary Finishers: Big elbow

Trademark Moves/Spots: Baptism Of The Dead-Fisherman's Buster,
Randy Savage clothesline (jumps over the top rope and hangs the opponent on it), Missile dropkick, German suplex, DDT

Other moves: Reject uses the RVD-style kicks, and is also very good with the knife-edge chops. He's not as proficient with them as Alf is, but he still ranks among the best. Other than that, does a lot of basic suplexes, such as a snap suplex, gutwrench suplex, etc. He's not a suplex machine of anything.

Rare moves: none

OAOAST World champion (x2)
October 31, 2009 - December 26, 2009
January 31, 2009 - March 28, 2010

OAOAST World tag team champion (x3, w/ Thunderkid)
June 13, 2008 - August 31, 2008
September 4, 2008 - February 26, 2009
January 1st, 2012 - April 6th, 2012

WDW World champion/OAOAST International World champion
August 26, 2007 - December 6, 2007 (renamed the OAOAST International World title on September 6, 2007)

OAOAST X-Division champion (x2)
January 26, 2003 - March 30, 2003
November 16, 2006 - January 28, 2007

2007 Battlebowl champion

Background: Reject has retired and now works as a TMW commentator 

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Name: Leon Rodez

Nicknames: The Fallen Idol, The Devil Inside

Supernatural species: devil

Age: 27

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 218lbs

Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Alignment: Embittered heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Menagerie

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Is extremely miserable, if that counts.

Entrance music: Moving On By Asking Alexandria

Entrance description:



A boy of anguish now, he's a man of soul,
Traded in his misery for the lonely life of the road.
The years were cruel to him no,
He won't let them go.
Lays awake tryna' find the man inside to pack his bags and escape this world.


Leon walks out after the intro, making a slow and usually cold walk to the ring. Whenever the chorus kicks in the lights on the stage suddenly go white and flash (you know, like Randy Orton's entrance). All showmanship, gone.


I've never been so torn up in all of my life,
I should have seen this coming.
I've never felt so hopeless,
Than I do tonight.
I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm moving on.

Entrance Attire: -

Ring Attire: Long black leather pants, studded down both legs. Black studded belt. Plain black boots worn over the top. Black wristtape.

Wrestling Style: Hybrid Junior Heavyweight. He's a cruiserweight but he doesn't fly a whole lot. Still 'speedy' and agile, but previous knee surgery means he reserves nearly all his flying and tumbling. Much more of a killer instinct than before.

Finishing Move(s):
One Hit Kill- With the opponent on his knees, or one knee, delivers a rolling sobat kick (spinning back heelkick) to the face.

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Blue Thunder Bomb
Exploder Suplex
Soul Destroyer- Sole Food. As used by Kiyoshi (0:50), Scotty Goldman and Gail Kim
Downfall DDT- Randy Orton's Middle Rope Hangman DDT
Sliding Lariat- With opponent on one knee or seated, Leon hits a running lariat
With the opponent throat first on the middle rope, and the crowd expecting Leon's old jig and body attack, Leon instead either stands on the opponent's back holding the top rope to choke them, or kicks the rope.
Running kneelift to the ribs, with the opponent laid across the top turnbuckle.
Running dropkick to the chest, with the opponent's arms hung over the top rope.

Other moves:
Fireman's Carry into a Gutbuster, Neckbreaker, Superman Spear (Diving shoulder thrust in the corner), Double Knees in the corner, Rolling Sobat (spinning back heelkick to the gut), Superkick (usually the convenient kind where people stay on their feet dazed for another move), MMA style knee strikes (mainly to the body, as a weardown move)

Rare moves:
450 Splash
Rubix Cube- Electric Chair Piledriver/Joker Driver

OAOAST World Championship
- November 30th, 2008 - February 27th, 2009
- May 31st, 2009

OAOAST X-Division Championship
- October 31st, 2004 - April 25th, 2005

OAOAST Tag Team Championships
- September 8th, 2005 - January 29th, 2006 (w/Zack Malibu)

OAOAST 24/7 Championship
- April 2nd, 2006 - April 6th, 2006
- April 30th, 2006 - May 13th, 2006
- June 26th, 2006 - August 10th, 2006

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- August 9th, 2007 - February 28th, 2008

History/Background/Career Highlights:
Leon Rodez made his OAOAST debut in mid-2003, around the time of the Underground invasion of the OAOAST. The popular youngster was quickly embroiled in the feud, striking up a tag team with Underground member Jacob Lyne...despite remaining an OAOAST member. But after a few matches, Rodez's career hit the buffers due to a serious knee injury that required surgery.

Many moons passed before Rodez, with surgically repaired right knee, returned to OAOAST rings in the summer of 2004. Soon after returning, he got into a conflict with Chris Bryte which lead to Rodez's PPV debut at The Great Angle Bash. In a match which put Rodez somewhat on the map, he made up for the lost year by defeating Bryte. Not long after, Rodez felt what strength in numbers was all about, as The Thrillogy helped Zack Malibu defeat Rodez in a stacked-deck World Title match on HeldDOWN~! Rodez went on from there and concentrated on getting re-focused, ending up making an enemy of Drek Stone after a snide comment made in passing. Drek cost Rodez an X-Division Title Match, leading into a feud and a one on one match at AngleSlam which Drek came out on the winning end of. Soon after, Rodez got his big chance. Entering the Round Robin Challenge Tournament with a World Title shot awaiting the winner, Rodez got off to winning ways against Drek. But after injuring his back in the Gauntlet Match of the tournament, Rodez ended up bottom of the six men involved. However, that led onto a match with The Blurricane at World Without End for the X-Division Championship...a match which Rodez was able to win by making Blurricane tap out.

As X-Division Champion, Rodez seemed to find his groove as he overcame the likes of The GPX, The Mad Cappa (in a hard hitting feud in which Cappa broke Rodez's nose) and Panther, Chris Bryte and Zack Malibu (in a fourway at Anglepalooza) to keep his X-Division Title reign ticking over. However, after Anglepalooza, the discovery of Rodez's past looked set to haunt him. See, Rodez was previously employed as a pornstar. That got out into the open and soon, it seemed a witch-hunt was aimed at Rodez by GM Bill Watts. The change at the top to employ Josie Baker as GM saved him though, as Josie was empathetic of Rodez's plight. And soon, with the weight lifted off his shoulder, Rodez started to enjoy his career more. Especially in beating Chris Stevens at Zero Hour.

However, the arrival of Christian Wright threatened that. Wright cost Rodez the X-Division Title and put him on the shelf, all part of his campaign to expose and get rid of the 'immoral' superstar. The Silky Smooth One returned and vowed to show everyone that he wasn't a bad person. That got him not only deeper into conflict with Wright, and also caught up with the GPX's crusade to rid the OAOAST of it's founding members, as surprisingly, the young Rodez did what was 'right' and refused to side himself with the youngsters. His reward was a World Tag Title reign with former enemy, sudden friend, Zack Malibu. The two got on surprisingly well and had a near 4 month reign before dropping the titles to the New, New Midnight Express.

The turn of the year was a kind one otherwise. Having fully established his talkshow The Love Shack as a firm favourite among the fans and struck up a WACKY~! relationship with Alix Maria Spezia, Rodez earned himself a glut of Angle Awards and lasted until the last 3 of the Royal Rumble. In the process, he eliminated Tha Puerto Rican...which, coupled with his Love Shack segment preventing PRL from having a celebration party for his singles victory at AnglePalooza, earned him the 24/7 Champion's attention. After a time-limit draw at Zero Hour, Rodez ended his heated feud with PRL by defeating him in a Ladder Match at AngleMania V.

Leon's 24/7 Title reign didn't last long however, as he lost the belt accidently 4 days later to his girlfriend Alix Maria Spezia, during a make-out session. Leon eventually won the gold back during Run For The Gold 2, although his title hunt saw him and Alix sadly part ways. His second reign didn't last much longer as Crystal, with some help from Gunner Sharps, snatched the gold away and earned herself Leon's...affection. Yep. Rather than go for vengeance and the belt, Leon tried to woo Crystal, vowing not to make the same mistakes he did with Alix. Trouble being, Crystal didn't want to be like Alix. So they ended up fighting at The Great Angle Bash, with Leon retaining the title. After a series of 24/7 Open Challenges against some 'unique characters', Leon was once again ambushed, as SWF star Landon Maddix targetted him upon his debut in the company. Maddix, with the help of The Wildcards, won the 24/7 Title. He then defended successfully at AngleSlam. This conflict eventually led to Leon siding with Zack Malibu in his battle against The Wildcards and Landon. Unfortunately, it also led to Leon being put on the shelf, courtesy of a Riot Act Plus from Todd Cortez between the aprons in War Games.

Leon returned to action with a victory over Cortez at AngleMania. However, his night ended sourly as his sister Jade joined forces with The Enterprise. A bitter fallout between the siblings saw Leon fighting to make his sister see the light and leave Moneymaker's side. After months of anguish, seeing Leon's usual jovial mood all but disappear, Leon alongside D*LUX and Chicks Over Dicks, get the better of The Enterprise. With D*LUX he took the 6-Man Tag Titles. And at AngleSlam, Jade finally left the darkside and returned home. For a while, everything was back to normal. That is until it was revealed in early 2008 that Jade was not Leon's little sister, but infact his niece and daughter of Krista Isadora Duncan!

2008 was a year of ups and downs for Leon. Having to deal with Jade's budding relationship with her mother, his shaky romance with Maggie Nerdly, awkward friendship with Melody Nerdly, not to mention a vengeful Reject and Melissa Nerdly, a stressful experience was never too far away. The biggest 'up' came in November as Leon focused his attentions finally on the World Heavyweight Championship. Defying champion PRL's taunts of being a "joke" Leon captured the World Title for the first time and vowed to keep on defying the critics by being a fighting champion. However the downs continued to plague him. His reign hit roadbump after roadbump, unable to make a title defence without some sort of controversy or questions marks hanging over the outcome, until ultimately, just weeks before AngleMania, he lost the championship to best friend Zack Malibu in a match which was restarted at his request after a pinfall scored on Zack despite Zack's foot being on the ropes. Taking some time to clear his head, Leon returned to the OAOAST and got into a brief conflict with PRL, who avenged his World Title loss with a victory over Leon at AngleMania, getting involved with Leon's ex Maggie in the process.

The ups and downs finally took their toll on Leon and on March 24th, Leon shocked the world by viciously attacking best friend Zack Malibu after a tag team match. Claiming that he was sick and tired of being treated as a human doormat, something snapped inside Leon and he's sunk into a depressive, miserable state ever since. Disowning his friends, family and fans, Leon now lives disillusioned with life. Not angry, perhaps more dangerous he claims to no longer care about anything. Meaning now, there's no lengths he won't go to, in order to get a quick fix of something going right and make everyone else around him as miserable as he is.

Leon's tormented a lot of people with his schemes and cruelty, but none got it worse than Odin. The Allfather took on Leon and his stable of goons called The Menagerie and lost a gamble forcing him to give Leon his powers. Instead of becoming a god, Leon became a devil and has truly brought hell on earth.

Edited by SwiftGangSexToy
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Name: Bohemoth

Nicknames: Bo, THE MAN, The Beast, The Epitome Of Masculinity

Age: 40

Height: 6ft. 7

Weight: 284lbs

Hometown: Now residing in Dallas,Texas

Alignment: Egomaniac Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
"It's all about me!"
The ominous thumbs down
Muscle flexing

Entrance music: Man of The Year by Schoolboy Q

Entrance description:


Bruh, I see, girls everywhere

Titties, ass, hands in the air, it's a party over here

Shake it for the man of the year

Uh, man of the year, man of the... bounce


Walks out, flexes the muscles, walks to the ring. Simple as.

Backstage attire: Favours a suit, but Bo has a fashion sense and he'll wear whatever he can pull off. Often things only he could pull off. And some trademark orange tinted sunglasses, which he'll wear to the ring too.

Ring attire: Black shorts with a green 'B' on each hip and a tribal sort of pattern on the ass. Black boots, kneepads, elbowpads.

Wrestling Style: Your usual high-impact, power based bigman style.

Finishing Move(s):
B-Trayal- Catatonic/Swinging Rock Bottom

Secondary Finishers:
Front (Batista) Spinebuster

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Running Powerslam
Cobra Clutch Backbreaker
Yakuza Kick

Other moves:
Basic bigman stuff I guess.

Rare moves:

OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship
- June 29th, 2011 - September 25th, 2011
- July 4th, 2013 - September 4th, 2013

HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship
- June 23rd, 2005 - October 6th, 2005

OAOAST 24/7 Championship
- September 21st, 2006 - April 1st, 2007

Plucked from obscurity, Bohemoth was hired as Christian Wright's bodyguard during his run in the Netlink Wrestling Organization. The two became close friends and while Bo hasn't always approved of Wright's means and methods, he stuck by him loyally through thick and thin. In return, Wright helped to train the basics of professional wrestling to the monster and brought him with him to the OAOAST.

However, that all changed in mid 2006. After a long losing run for both Bohemoth and Wright, the pair had a major falling out that lead to Bohemoth stepping out of his mentor's shadow and into a solo career.

Bohemoth became a strong fan favourite and rose up the ranks of the OAOAST, even main eventing an AngleMania. But the World Championship eluded him for many years. Frustration over this began to build and eventually Bohemoth unleashed a ruthless, selfish streak, vowing to become the face of the company by winning the World Title. A destructive victory over Krista Isadora Duncan, injuring her in the process with multiple B-Trayals, finally won Bohemoth his first World Title and a place in the spotlight of the OAOAST where he feels he belongs. 

Bo's run in the OAOAST came at an end at the hands a of a brutal attack by Ser Alearys Chance The Exile.

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Name: J-MAX

Real Name: Jamie O'Hara

Nicknames: The Birmingham Bad Boy, SuperJay

Age: 26

Height: 5ft. 9

Weight: 188 lbs

Hometown: Birmingham, England

Alignment: Babyface

Stable/Associates/Managers: None

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Doesn't jawjack so much now, partly because his mask has no mouthport. Still a little brash though.


Entrance music: "Witness (1 Hope)" by Roots Manuva

Entrance description: Walks out, gets the crowd going. Doesn't really slap a lot of hands, plays to the crowd more than interacting with them. Simple stuff.

Backstage attire: Burberry brand shirts and baseball caps, tracksuit pants, Reebok trainers, CK boxer shorts, chains around the neck (bling bling). The same sort of stuff he used to. Just now with a mask.

Ring attire: See pic.

Wrestling Style: Lucha


Finishing Move(s):

Taking It To The MAX- Shooting Star Legdrop

Blaze Out 630- 630 Splash

Secondary Finishers:


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Nothin' But Kneedrop- 450 Kneedrop

Oh, SNAP!- Blockbuster

Inverted 450

Springboard Somersault Seated Senton

Max Evade- Christian's Pendulum Kick in the corner

Sitout Hiptoss

Inverted Hurricanrana

Busaiku Knee Kick

Other moves:

Various Kicks (front kicks, spin kicks, heel kicks, flying kicks...pretty much anything you want.), Various Crazy Dives, Springboards and Top Rope-isms, Various Standing Flippy Things, basic wrestling and stuff everyone knows.

Rare moves:




OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- June 26th, 2006 - October 5th, 2006 (w/The GPX)

- November 8th, 2008 - November 20th, 2008 (w/The Christ Air Express)

OAOAST X-Division Championship

- January 28th, 2007 - February, 1st, 2007


O'Hara debuted as part of the short-lived Birmingham Bad Boyz in mid-2005, a team which spent roughly a month on OAOAST TV before finding themselves demoted to OAOVW to brush up on their skills. Things didn't work out too great and O'Hara's partner Ryan Burgess eventually packed in and returned to England. O'Hara decided to stay and try his luck again in America though and after a few more months of development, O'Hara started to shine. Out on his own, O'Hara's dynamic high-flying came to the forefront and OAOVW officials recommended he be given another shot. On his return, O'Hara became a fully fledged Upstart and forged a lasting alliance with The GPX. With The GPX now gone O'Hara broke out on his own and gained new-found popularity for his crazy high-flying ways. Success came and went, unable to put together any consistent run. O'Hara got involved with The Heavenly Rockers, who mocked the brash Brit every chance they got. The mocking got more and more vicious and their repeated embarrassment left O'Hara feeling like a joke. He disappeared from the OAOAST, only to re-appear under a mask with a new, more credible super junior persona. Known as J-MAX, he hopes now to put aside the character assassination done to him by THR and let his talent and high-flying do the talking for him.

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Name: Nathaniel Black

Age: 30

Height: 6ft. 3

Weight: 227lbs

Hometown: London, England

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Global Connection

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
The British v-sign (the 'up yours' kind, not the 'victory' kind)
Speaks in a thick Cockney accent

Entrance music: "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis

Entrance description: The lights alternate between red, white and blue through the intro, with Black coming out after that, raising his arms in the air. Walking to the ring Black climbs the steps and enters, climbing the ropes and punching his fists into the air with a shout.

Entrance Attire: Union Jack patterned, blue hooded track jacket

Ring Attire: Black tights with a white Union Jack design on the rear and purple panels on the hips. Black kneepads, taped wrists. Black boots with white laces and purple trim.

Wrestling Style: Think part British, part Japanese for style influences.

Finishing Move(s):
Brittania Bomb- Pyramid Bomb, a Straightjacket Sitout Powerbomb
Crossface Chickenwing

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Chelsea Dagger- Final Cut/Eye Of The Hurricane
Black Lariat- Roaring Clothesline
Hammerlock DDT- Applies a hammerlock, positions himself in front and kicks the near leg out, dropping the opponent forwards
Half Nelson Backbreaker
Black Hammer- Corners the opponent and just slugs at them with left and right forearms, like Vader
Flying Knee Drop/Flying Knee Attack/Running Knee Attack
European Uppercuts
Headbutts (none of that 'headbutting your hand into someone's head' crap, clean headbutts)

Other moves:
Submission/mat wrestling, with some heavy striking. Tends to work on the arm if going for the submission. *Doesn't punch* Substitute any punches for elbow strikes please.

Rare moves:

OAOAST 6-Man/8-Man Tag Team Championships
- March 30th, 2008 - November 9th, 2008 (w/James Blonde and Faqu)
- November 20th, 2008 - March 11th, 2010 (w/James Blonde and Faqu) (The titles were won by the Black/Blonde/Faqu trio on November 20th, 2008. On July 2, 2009, Landon Maddix started wearing an old SWF title belt and declared himself, along with his Cucaracha Internacional stablemates, the 8-man tag team champions. On March 11, 2010, Maddix declared that Black was stripped of his share of the titles, and that he, Blonde and Faqu would defend as the 6-man champions.)

Englishman Black debuted in the OAOAST in 2004 as part of the oh, so memorable Glory By Anarchy (!?) team with Jasper Romero. After a short 'push' as the kids like to say, the GBA quickly faded out of the limelight in the crowd OAOAST tag division though, unable to sustain popularity amongst the wacky gimmicks and flamboyant personalities. So, the duo were shipped to HI-YAH, where their strengths were accentuated and their weaknesses were not so clear in front of Japanese audiences. Black and Romero enjoyed much more success in Japan and Black reached the finals of the tournament to crown a new HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion in June of 2005.

Eventually though, the team ran it's course. Black and Romero split and went their seperate ways, which involved Black returning to England and touring Europe. Black has since become embittered with the company that wrote him off and the American wrestling culture as a whole and sought to return to the US, to prove that there's no substitute for pure wrestling ability. Pure British wrestling ability. Losing his shame over his accent and pride in his country has co-incided with an arrogance rising inside of him. An image change helped to get his foot back in the door and Black threw an 'up yours' to the OAOAST by signing a contract with World Domination Wrestling.

With WDW soon gone, Black was returned to the OAOAST, with an even greater point to prove. He alligned himself with two other embittered HI-YAH wrestlers James Blonde and Faqu, to form Internationally Known. They then went on to allign themselves with Landon Maddix, re-christening themselves Cucaracha Internacional and embarking on newfound OAOAST success. Black won his first gold in the OAOAST under Landon's 'tuitilage'. But the Brit was always very much his own man, and a prospect in a solo aspect, as proven by his memorable series with Zack Malibu. That single-mindedness lead to Nathaniel Black being ex-communicated, when Landon created the Cucaracha Kingdom. Black has gone back and forth between Japan and the OAOAST for the last several years


Name: Megan Skye


Age: 28

Height: 5ft. 8

Weight: Confidential information

Hometown: Providence, RI

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Sunrise Brothel

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: -

Entrance music: "Easy Way Out" by The Pink Spiders

Entrance description: Simple. Walks to the ring. Megan's kinda serious.

Entrance Attire: Nope.

Ring Attire: Black leather pants with a yellow line down the legs. Black leather top with a yellow one underneath, just visible around the arms and cleavage. Black elbowpads, black boots with yellow soles. Think Trish Stratus. She also tapes her hands and wrists with black athletic tape.

Wrestling Style: Night-class level kickboxer with some wrestling ability. Again, think Trish, I guess. Though she's maybe not the most dynamic wrestler, she's got one of the most experienced wrestling minds in the division from her years of management. So it's fair to say she wrestles 'tactically', using her best asset, her brain.

Finishing Move(s):
Skye Lyte- Tornado DDT

Trademark Moves/Spots:
The Skye Is The Limit- Fireman's Carry, throws the opponent up off the shoulders and brings them down with a face-first landing (like a face-first Samoan Drop)
Skye Dive- Top Rope Crossbody
Chick Kick- Not exactly kick-boxing. Hard roundhouse kick to the head which does considerable damage.
With the opponent in the corner, Megan climbs onto the middle rope with her left leg, delivering bootscrapes with the right (ala Cheerleader Melissa)

Other moves:
Kickboxing offence, quick jabs and kicks and the like, are the staple of Megan's offence. You don't guide a multi-time World Champion without picking up a few things along the way.

Rare moves:
Skye Rocket- Top Rope Crossbody, only with someone throwing Megan from the top, Rocket Launcher style.

After many years of association in both the SWF and OAOAST with Landon Maddix, or as some would prefer to describe it "babysitting Landon Maddix", Megan finally found herself free of Landon in 2011. As Landon alligned with Queen Esther, Megan was unceremoniously kicked to the curb. Which was probably a blessing in disguise. Those years of doing all of Landon's thinking for him served Megan well and set her up for her new role, as Foreign Liason of the OAOAST. A job which actually comes with some level of appreciation for her work. Her keen business acumen is not Megan's only asset though, as when it's time to fight, she's more than capable of that as well.

Megan took a job as Sunshine Yukino's assistant madame at Sunrise, a job she comes to regret every day of her life. She is over worked, under paid and constantly threatened with a demotion by her crazy ass boss.

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Name: Biffman




Age: 2.5 Years After The Dawn Of Time (approx.)


Height: 5'10


Weight: 220 gigatons


Hometown: Venice Beach, CA


Alignment: Former beloved heel who thinks he's a hero. You figure it out.



Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Has yet to come up with a superheroic catchphrase yet, but he's trying, because it's kinda part of the overall package.

Uses "Biff" as a prefix inappropriately, ala Batman, or better yet Inspector Gadget.




Entrance music: Back From The Dead by Skylar Grey


Entrance description:

I never thought that you and I would ever meet again,

I mourn the loss of you sometimes and pray for peace within,

The word "distraught" cannot describe how my heart has been,

But where do we begin now that you’re back from the dead?

Where do we begin now that you’re back from the dead?

Where do we begin now that you’re back from the dead?



We're shown a fly over of Los Angeles similar to this:


I’m so confused I don’t know what to feel,

Should I throw my arms around you or kill you for real?

‘Cause I worked so hard to put the past to rest,

Now it’s tumbling down on me just like an avalanche,

So you can’t just come back now like a demon uninvited,

No you can’t just expect me to open my door to you


The arena is dimly lit, but the fans cheers are bright and magnificent with the music playing loudly above them. Stepping into a single soft spotlight is Biffman, his red cape flowing gracefully and wonderfully behind him. His handsome face looks up with pain behind eyes that stare directly at his foes.

Entrance attire: The cape in the pic


Ring attire: See pic which I worked so hard on!


Wrestling Style: Power-based




Finishing Move(s):

Fanfare For The Super Man- DVD into Michinoku Driver


Secondary Finishers:

Atlassault- Moonsault. Least successful finisher ever. If he ever actually hits this, expect hell to freeze over.


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Super Bomb- Running Powerbomb

Biff Blast- Full Nelson lifted into a faceplant

BIFF SMASH- Big Spear on a running opponent

Up And Atlas!- Running High Knee

Heroic Middle Rope Big Splash (adjusts mask, makes Superman motion with arms and falls)

The Vault- Canadian Backbreaker

Side Belly To Belly Suplex

Spinning Wheel Kick


Other moves:

Nothing too flashy. Loves to use clotheslines and flying shoulder tackles.


Rare moves:

Takes the occassional ill-advised risk, based on those 'super powers' which may or may not exist. Because they don't, the risks usually don't work.





OAOAST World Tag Team Championships

- January 30th, 2011 - February 25th, 2011 (w/Tim Cash)



Biff Atlas arrived in the OAOAST as one half of Nutrition's Real Gurus, the team you loved to be indifferent about. The merchandise-hocking duo experienced minimal success, failing in feuds with The Sk8ter Boiz and The Beverly Hills Blonds, never even making it on PPV as a team. The lack of success took it's toll and once their manager Mackenzie DeCenzo ditched the team due to their apparant incompetence, the writing was on the wall. Flex Phillips was eventually let go by the company in early 2007, but Biff managed to successfully beg for earn a new contract, mainly due to his cult status with the fans, some of whom had taken the sometimes hapless Biff to heart. Everybody loves an underdog, after all.


Now free from the NRG name, Biff faces life as a solo wrestler and with a new identity. Turning his back on the life of a 'professional' fitness guru, Biff has now embraced a more worthy cause- informing the wrestling world of the perils of Global Warming! The keen environmentalist (that explains the hula skirt... actually, wait, no it doesn't) now has a purpose in life and a message to send. Will it bring him success in the ring? What do you think?


Well, were you right? Struggling to get his message across, Biff's passion for the planet took a backstep when he suffered an accident backstage at an OAOAST show due to a stray television cable. Biff realised that personal safety was an issue much closer to home than global safety and has decided to make sure others don't befall the same fate he did by appointing himself Health And Safety Officer of the OAOAST and vowing to make the OAOAST a safer working environment. And the only way to do this is to show people how unsafe wrestling can be... the hard way! Will it bring him success in the ring? What do you think?


Amazingly, being petrified of everything in existance didn't make for a successful wrestling career. Shocker. Luckily for Biff, after so long living in fear, he's now free. After a 'near death experience' with a car travelling 10mph, Biff summarised that the only way he could have survived was if he had superpowers! He isn't quite sure which power yet. But he's pretty sure it's super. Queen geek Melody made the mistake of believing in Biff and he's run with it, morphing into a superhero! Will it bring him success in the ring? What do you think?

Amazingly, Biffman found sucess in the fields of heroism and wrestling, that is until he ran into Pike Pantera. The monsterous boy broke Biffman's back and left him to rot in an abandoned jail. Yet, Biffman found the strength to break free of the prison with help of Pike's dad, Ken. Biffman made it back to the OAOAST to best Pike Pantera and has been a steady rock of justice ever since.


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Name: Theodore Buckworth

Nicknames: Teddy, "Bugatti" Buckworth, Paid In Full

Supernatural Species: Vampire

Age: 29

Height: 6'3

Weight: 237

Hometown: Miami Beach, Florida

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: The Menagerie 

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:


Entrance music: Theme music:  Breathe by Eric Pyrdz

Entrance description:

Sun's always falling
Weightless and free
Now when you close your eyes

Just breathe, breathe with me

Red and white, and dark blue lights flash across the entry way and Buckworth walks out

Entrance Attire: -

Wrestling Style: Technican w/ability to brawl

Finishing Move(s):
Buck The Trend- Torture Rack into a Neckbreaker

Secondary Finishers:
Salvation Promised- Cobra Clutch Sleeper

Trademark Moves/Spots:

The Valley of Hinnom-Back suplex spinout powerbomb
Tangled Up In Blue   Fistdrop
Spear of Longinus – Steiner Screwdriver
House of the Rising Knee- Running Kneelift
Pale Horse-Gourdbuster into a G2S

Other moves:
Diving back elbow from middle rope, Powerslam, Swinging Neckbreaker, Piledriver, Belly-to-Belly Suplex, Short Clothesline

Rare moves:
The Broken Heart's Lament- Vertical suplex into Sit-out Piledriver, better known as the Steiner Screwdriver

OAOAST World Championship
- June 28th, 2009 - July 30th, 2009
- April 3rd, 2013 - July 4th, 2013
- September 4th, 2013 - December 6, 2013

OAOAST Tag Team Championships
- August 4, 2007 - August 16, 2007 (w/Christian Wright)

OAOAST United States Championship
- August 29th, 2010 - August 30th, 2011

OAOAST King Of The Ring 2011

Background: Heir to an oil company, TSM shareholder and all round rich man, Theodore Moneymaker ruled over the OAOAST with an iron fist for many years. Forming The Enterprise, Moneymaker's tyranny knew seemingly no bounds, as he bought and sold his way to success, including a reign as the World Champion. His mantra of "money talks, bullshit walks" won him few friends. Particulary those who's lives he made miserable, like the Duncans. But his great wealth was matched by great ego and lead to his downfall, as he risked his fortune and lost in an ego battle with Landon Maddix.

Moneymaker would capture the OAOAST King of The Ring title in the year 2011. But what was thought to be a grand accomplishment would be the beginning of his downfall. Previous King of The Ring winner Landon Maddix took offense to the entire idea another king could be crowned while he still numbered among the living. Not one to back down, Moneymaker entered a feud with Landon over who was the true King of The OAOAST. Battles were fought, and each and every underling of the two men was drawn into the war. The feud came to a head at Anglemania when Moneymaker and Landon put their not at all similar fortunes on the line against one another. Landon pulled off the victory, winning Moneymaker's millions in the process.

Moneymaker had one last chance to reclaim a little of his lost glory as he had a world title shot against Alix Maria Spezia on OAOAST X. However, this was merely a set up as Colin Maguire Junior with the help of the Church of Abdullah and Lorelei DeCenzo turned on Moneymaker to capture the world title. This effectively ended The Enterprise and left Moneymaker stableless, friendless, and titleless. Moneymaker would then endure the ultimate humiliation as his parents demanded he stop using the family name of Moneymaker and instead use his mother's maiden name of Buckworth. Abandoned by his family and his Enterprise, not to mention being broke, Theodore must now try to rebuild his career and win the trust of those he's wronged in the past.

The going was tough but Teddy earned the love of the fans, the respect of those who once hated him, and several world titles along the way. He would defeat Colin, and form a friendship with Cinnamon Spoons and amass such glory that only a fall could follow.

Though Teddy and Colin reconnected, danger lurked in the shadows in the form of Silver. Silver had been given a magic sword named Elysium that could cause any imapled by it to relive the misdeeds of their life. And Teddy had committed a bunch. One of which was the ruination of Caeldori Fox's family. Young Caeldori helped Silver lure in Teddy and stabbed him with a sword that meant death if it was pulled out.

That's just what Colin did. Pull it out. Only after feeding him blood that turned him into a vampire first. Now, Theodore Buckworth walks among the undead.

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Team Name: V.I.C.E. (Violators, Intimidators and Capital E-fenders)

Name: Christopher Patrick Allen

Nicknames: CPA

Age: 40

Height: 6'6

Weight: 280

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Partner of Detective Bosley. You pay them enough, they'll help you out too. Joey The Rat oversees the operation.

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Crack knuckles, "Be afraid of the big black man. Be very afraid."

Entrance music: In The Air Tonight by Nonpoint

Singles Entrance description: Smokes a cigar

Tag Entrance description: See above

Entrance Attire: White suit pants, white jacket, and a black dress shirt. Or the total colour reverse of that outfit. CPA is moving up!

Ring Attire: White suit pants, and will sometimes wear the white jacket unbuttoned

Wrestling Style: Basic power moves, not great technically.

Finishing Move(s):
Gigaton Punch -- Like the pounce, only instead of shoulder blocking a dude like a bitch, CPA just drives a straight punch into their heart or whatever a like true Superbowl killah should.

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Front Spinebuster
Running Shoulder tackle
High Angle Waistlock Takedown
With the opponent caught between the ropes, will hit a running boot to the face

Other moves: Punches. Lots of punches.

Rare moves: None

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- April 26th, 2007 - August 9th, 2007 (w/Ned Blanchard and Simon Singleton)

Background: Former professional boxer turned nightclub bouncer-turned one man security force for The Enterprise. CPA has quietly amassed a very impressive won/loss record under the shadow of his more prolific employers. He even has a six man title reign to boast of! After a long allignment with The Enterprise, CPA struck out with his V.I.C.E squad partner Detective Bosley to fight crime, kick ass and smoke cigars. Not neccessarily in that order.


Name: Detective Tango Bosley

Nicknames: The Bos, The Big Bos Man, The Alpha Male of the Group (AMOG)

Age: 34

Height: 6'5

Weight: 265

Hometown: Miami, FL by way of New York City

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Joined ringside in singles matches by CPA, Joey The Rat oversees the operation.

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: After big moves will psych self up or berate opponent, for example, "YEAH! WHO'S THE MAN NOW!?" or "COME GET YOU SOME!!!" Think Joe from Family Guy in that regard.

Entrance music: In The Air Tonight by Nonpoint

Singles Entrance description:
Emerges on stage and lights a cigarette. Gazes out at the crowd while smoking it. Walks down the ramp, and at the bottom discards the smoke to the ground and puts it out with his boot.

Tag Entrance description: See above

Entrance Attire: Navy blue blazer

Ring Attire: off white pants

Wrestling Style: Technical with a bit of marital arts thrown in.

Finishing Move(s):
Justifiable Homicide- Unprettier

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Long Arms Of The Law- Crucifix lift into a Neckbreaker
NYPD-DT- Suplex into a DDT
Serving Hard Time- Bossman Slam
Frontflip Swinging Neckbreaker
Roundhouse Kick
ALPHADog-Bulldog (EDIT: Alf - you're lucky I don't sue over this!)
Springboard Flying Back Elbow off ropes/turnbuckles

Other moves: Slams, suplexes, armdrags... throw in some martial arts strikes and the odd display of agility (for a 265 pounder).

Rare moves: None

None at present time

Background: A former NYPD officer, Detective Bosley was once the model cop. Good, honest, loyal, trusting, and dutiful, he lived his life by the code. But after retiring from the force to join the OAOAST with his long time friend EMT Tim Cash, things slowly began to change for Bosley. His time in the OAOAST started out well enough, but his team failed to gain any ground in the crowded tag division and were quickly dismissed as jobbers by the fans. Cash remained positive but Bosley became jaded and turned to teachings on being an alpha male to help him cope with his poor job position. Over time Bosley's personality morphed into a hyper aggressive masculine monster, and he cast aside the values of Rescue 911. He finally put the nail in his team's coffin when he helped Moneymaker bust AS for prostitution on HeldDOWN. He then pissed on his tag team's grave by aligning himself with The Enterprise as a member of V.I.C.E with CPA. VICE would split from The Enterprise under good terms to maximize their profits as goons for hire. The duo seemed to put making money before winning titles, and with so many feuds in the OAOAST business has always been good. But you can never have enough money and VICE brought on the notorious crook from Bosley's days in NYPD, Joey The Rat, to help oversee their operation which has now taken on aspects of an extortion racket. 

Team Finishing Move(s):
217- Double powerbomb (217=Assault with intent to murder in police code)

Team Signature Moves:
Double Spinebuster Slam
Battery Ram
Right To Remain Silent- Bosley restrains the opponent, while CPA delivers body shots

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Name: Holly

Nicknames: The Angel Of Death

Age: 37

Height: 5'8"

Weight: ????

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Men-U-Pause with Malaysia Nerdly

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Holly is the most vulgar person you shall ever come across


Entrance music: Hit Em Up by Tupac

Entrance description: A large wooden door appears on the center of the entrance stage. Holly kicks through it and marches to the ring with a scowl on her face.

Entrance Attire:

Ring Attire: School girl's mini skirt, black fish net top over a red bra and black combat boots.

Wrestling Style: Dirty


Finishing Move(s):

Leaving Las Vegas- Twisting Fishermen's Suplex

Secondary Finishers:

Percussion DDT

Trademark Moves/Spots:

Piss On Your Grave- Tombstone Piledriver

X-Factor followed up by rubbing the opponent's face into the mat

Reverse Curbstomp

Gutbuster off the shoulders

Boston Crab

Leans back on the turnbuckles, puts the opponent in a headscissors, then kicks them in the face

Other moves:

She'll just use whatever moves she thinks will help her win. If she's in a submission hold she'll fight like a caged pitbull to get out of it.

Rare moves:



Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

OAOAST Women's Championship

- December 30th, 2004 - ?? (Title was vacated towards end of reign)

- March 28, 2010 - June 3rd, 2010

- June 27th, 2010 - August 29th, 2010

OAOAST Women's Tag Team Championship

- July 31st, 2013 - September 21st, 2013

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- January 27, 2013 - June 15th, 2013 (w/Logan Mann and Synth Abdul Jabbar)

Background: Cruel and profane, Holly is the worst nightmare of many a superstar. Yet she's found a loving and doting husband in Logan Mann. Together the two lead The Heavenly Rockers with their wicked minds and cold hearts. Holly is a person that frightens many in the OAOAST thanks to her rough personality and propensity to violence. She entered the OAOAST as an assistant to her brother who was HeldDOWN~! GM at the time, but soon out grew him and broke out on her own until linking up with The Rockers.

Holly was BELOVED, I mean BELOVED as a third of The Rockers. Fans could not get enough of the fiesty redhead who reguarly stood up to men. But as time went on The Rockers grew annoyed at younger teams on the come up and also fell under the relegious teachings of Abdullah Abir Nerdly. Well Holly didn't believe that god bullshit, but she was amazingly adept at transforming herself into a foul mouth ass kicker. Though perhaps it hasn't been so different from her face persona. Over the years Holly has ran rougshod over men and women, claimed a record four Hotties Titles and formed a dominating tag team called Men-U-Pause with Malaysia.


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Name: Christian Wright


Nicknames: CW, The Emperor Of Eloquence, The Don Of Amor


Age: 28


Height: 6ft. 2


Weight: 228 lbs


Hometown: Now residing in Santa Catalina Island, California (aka The Island of Romance)


Alignment: Face


Stable/Associates/Managers: Big IQ with Ice Quiz


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Speaks in florid prose. If you don't know what florid prose is it means he speak all smart and stuff.

Often refers to Ice Quiz as "milord".




Entrance music: "Start a Riot" by Jetta


Big IQ entrance music:"Shakespeare" by Akala


Entrance description:


My heart aches

My heart aches

My heart aches

When I think of you


And my heartache

My heartache

My heartache

Then I think of you


(And we could)

Run away with it

Runaway with me

Runaway start a riot



Christian walks out with head held high and carrying a parasol and with several beautiful women fawning over him. He bids them adieu and they fall out in despair over his leaving as he makes his way to the ring.





Tag entrance: IQ and CW's entrance combined.


Entrance attire: The above parasol


Ring attire: Gold metallic tights with a black cross on the back. Black boots and elbowpads. Taped up wrists and hands, with a cross drawn on the tape.


Wrestling Style: Technical/High Impact. If that makes sense. He's technically gifted, but likes to hit high impact moves too, to get the job done a little quicker.



Finishing Move(s):

Kiss From A Rose- Gordbuster


Secondary Finishers:



Trademark Moves/Spots:

The Last Waltz- Dragon Screw Neck Whip. Hook for a suplex, then hang the feet over the top rope and twist into an elevated swinging neckbreaker.

C-4- A facebuster (HHH style), an Inverted Atomic Drop, an STO and then a kneedrop.

Wright Off- Rydeen Bomb/Sky High

Falling Head Over Heels- Rolling Fireman's Carry/Finlay Roll

Sweet Surrender- Texas Cloverleaf

Bridging German Suplex



Other moves:

Snap Powerslam, Inverted DDT, Belly To Belly Suplex, Spear, STO, European Uppercuts, Knifedge Chops, Middle Rope Elbowdrop, Sleeper Hold


Rare moves:





OAOAST United States Championship

- August 30th, 2011 - February 10th, 2012


OAOAST Tag Team Championship

- August 4th, 2007 - August 16th 2007 (w/Theodore Moneymaker)


HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship

- October 30th, 2005 - February 26th 2006



Christian started his career with an internet based wrestling company, the Netlink Wrestling Organisation. In the NWO (not that one), Wright got off to a slow start. But his career thrived when NWO officials placed him in the Brutality Division. Which, was like a more extreme Hardcore Division. Wright found success and started to embrace the Brutality lifestyle, along with former bodyguard and former close friend Bohemoth. Eventually though, Wright grew alienated from the Brutality Division and vowed to become a model champion and person. That didn't always go smoothly, but Wright stuck by it and ended up becoming the NWO's only Singles Grand Slam Winner, winning every belt except the Tag Belts, before the company went under.


Wright stayed out of the business for a while and recharged his batteries. Eventually though, Wright came to the conclusion that the wrestling industry needed someone like him to re-establish some morals. Wright was ultimately responsible for bringing Leon Rodez's pornographic past to OAOAST attentions, by throwing an incriminating videotape at Rodez's feet after a houseshow event. He 'debuted' during the "Last Man Dancing Match" between Leon Rodez and The 70's Dude, costing Rodez the match. He then made himself known to the world and revealed he had signed an OAOAST contract, vowing to rid the OAOAST of all evils. He eventually, joined forces with Drek Stone and The GPX in The Upstarts in their battle against The Originals.


Despite being named 2005 Rookie Of The Year by the OAOAST fans, after a long losing streak in early 2006, tension began to arise between Wright and Bohemoth. The upshot of this tension was an OAOAST Tag Team Title match at OAOAST Syndicated, which Wright and Bo came up on the losing end of to The Heavenly Rockers. Wright blamed the loss on his partner and Bohemoth finally laid CW out, breaking away from him in the process.


Without Bohemoth by his side, Christian faltered. He had to wait until October of 2006 when his salvation came, in the form of Theodore Moneymaker. Wright alligned himself with The Enterprise, transforming himself from a morality man to a 'financial analyst' and hoping to finally make good on the potential he showed in '05. He managed that, obtaining championships and regaining credibility under Moneymaker. Wright even amassed a year long undefeated streak. However, this caused conflict with Moneymaker, not least when Moneymaker decieptfully ended the streak to keep his US Title. So Wright defected to the Cucaracha Kingdom determined to be his own man and soon won the US Title from his former boss.

Events soon lead to the dissolution of the original incarnation of The Kingdom, and Christian Wright was left on his lonesome. But not for long! At OAOAST open mic night he, and he alone, was wowed by the rapping of Ice Quiz. The two immediatley formed a parternship called Big IQ. At first the fans didn't know what to think, but when they took note of IQ's witty raps and Wright's leading man good looks, they were hooked on the team and turned them face. Since then CW's sister, Gretchen, has come aboard and has been a joy to him and us all.


Big IQ Finisher:

Get Ya Mind Wright- Ice Quiz lifts foe into a flapjack and CW nails them with a jawbreaker


Big IQ Signature Moves

Gettin' Brain- CW executes a drop toe hold and IQ hits an elbow drop

E=MC Hammer Squared- Sandwich lariat as in IQ hits the foe with a lariat to the front and CW to the back

The Harvard Shake- Double We Be Clubbin style elbow. Yes CW dances now. But only to do this.

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Team Name: D*LUX

Names: Shayne Brave and Tyler Bryant

Aliases: "Showtime" Shayne and "Tremendous" Tyler

Age: Shayne- 24; Tyler- 26

Height: Shayne- 5'9; Tyler- 6'0

Weight: Shayne- 183lbs; Tyler- 198lbs

Hometown: Shayne- Detroit, MI; Tyler- Auburn Hills, MI

Alignment: Faces

Stable affiliation (if any): The Good Guys

Management Team: Jade Rodez-Duncan is official manager. Maya will occassionally join in as co-manager, but she's a busy girl. Lorelei DeCenzo is the official marketing consultant.

Wrestling style: Classic Rockers/R&R Express babyface team

Theme music: This is What Rock N Roll Looks Like by Porcelain Black

Entrance Style:

Hey hey hey if you’re ready to rage

Raise your hands up, this what rock and roll looks like

Yeah yeah yeah, wearing leather and lace

Raise your hands up, this what rock and roll looks like

Teenage girls scream. Loudly. Very loudly. Incredibly loudly.

Entrance attire: Black hooded jackets, neon coloured Party Rock style D*LUX t-shirts (including "D*LUX and I Know It", "Every Day I'm D*LUXIN" and "I'm In Michigan Bitch").

Ring attire: Wrestling gear is black with hot pink design and neon blue writing (ie. D*LUX and their individual names). Tyler wears regular tights with kneepads and kickpads. Shayne wears 3/4 length long tights and wrestling shoes.






Team Finishing Move(s)

D*LUX Capacitor- Wheelbarrow/Running Diamond Dust. Tyler does the lifting, Shayne the flying.

Singles Finishing Move(s)


Shaynedrop- Snapmare Driver/Fall Forward Diamond Cutter


Idoliser- TKO

Team Signature Moves

Love The Way You Line- Rocket Launcher Clothesline by Shayne w/assist by Tyler

Sorry For Party Rocking Your Body- Samoan Drop/Neckbreaker Combo

The 2 Totally Hilarious Ways You Just Got Superkicked In The Face- Double Superkick

The Hunger Pains- Double Gutbuster (Bushwhackers style)

Edge Of Glory- Inverted Atomic Drop/Yakuza Kick Combo

Every Day I'm Dropkickin'- Sandwich Double Dropkick to the head of a kneeling opponent

Team Shayne or Team Tyler?- Stereo Suicide Dive/Topé

Singles Signature Moves


Motion Blur- Code Red

Showtime Stomp- Mushroom Stomp

Tornado DDT

Leg Lariat

Top Rope Flying Clothesline

Picture Perfect Elbowdrop


Phantom (Running) Neckbreaker

Samoan Drop

Shining Enziguri

Yakuza Kick

Top Ten Trend- Ten punches in the corner

Auburn Hills Fakeout- aka Pillman fakeout, jumps to the top rope and fakes jumping back with a crossbody before turning around to hit a top rope move.

Basic Moveset

A lot of Rockers-esque teamwork and singularly, fast-paced wrestling. Nothing crazy. They're quick and they're agile but they're not going to do anything mind-blowing, aside from a dive or two.

Catchphrases/Trademark gestures:






Jade does a lot of the team's talking for them. The above catchphrases should tell you exactly why.

Their fans are referred to as D*VOTEES.



OAOAST World Tag Team Championships

- April 3rd, 2011 - January 1st, 2012

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- August 9th, 2007 - February 28th, 2008 (w/Leon Rodez)

- October 5th, 2012 - January 27, 2013 (w/MARV)

HI-YAH World Tag Team Championships

- April 30, 2006 - May 25, 2006

- July 30, 2006 - November 27, 2006

- January 29th, 2007 - April 12th, 2008

History/Background/Career Highlights:

Tyler and Shayne first met at University in Michigan and realised they had common interests such as wrestling, the NHL and the dream of becoming multi-platinum superstar pop heroes! Unfortunately, things didn't work out. After failing in their attempt to become overnight mega-stars courtesy of that pillar of fine televisual entertainment American Idol, Tyler and Shayne went for Plan B. Unfortunately, they sucked at Ice Hockey too. Luckily, they could wrestle okay, so they went with that. Like any poor deluded young men though, they still harbour dreams of one day being popstar semi-boyband teen idols. Make sure to look out for their debut single, "Your Love Is Like A Backdrop Driver", in bargain bins nationwide!

Since getting into the business, D*LUX have formed a close team bond. While working in OAOVW, they met up with fellow Michiganer Jade Rodez. After months trawling the indy circuit, without so much as a sniff of a recording contract or a big payday of any sort, the duo were convinced into coming to the bright lights of Thursday night HeldDOWN~! by Jade. She took managerial control of the team, not to mention a 60% cut of the profits (on a certain Krista Isadora Duncan's superb if a little irresponsible advice, of course).

However, at AngleMania VI D*LUX's career hit a crossroads. After much success under Jade's tutelage including three HI-YAH Tag Team Title reigns, Jade ditched her team to live the high-life with The Enterprise. Over the next four months D*LUX had to learn to cope without her guidance, forming a bond with his brother Leon and a 'bond' with Chicks Over Dicks. Eventually though, at AngleSlam '07, Jade saw the light and returned D*LUX's side. The boys are stronger for the experience though and ready for bigger and better things. One of those bigger and better things was racking up a six man title victory with their idol Leon Rodez. Though they eventually lost the belt to Cucaracha Internacional, and Leon has since joined The In Crowd, the boybanders remain tight with The Silky Smooth one. Especially surprising because they have a HUGE crush on Krista Isadora Duncan who HATES Leon, who in turns HATES her.

Going into 2011, D*LUX had found a place in the OAOAST tag team division. Unfortunately, that place was "best tag team to have never been champions". They vowed to shake off that label, put an end to their under-achievement and get serious. The result was not only an Anderson Cup triumph, but a first OAOAST Tag Team Championship win at AngleMania over the LDC Moneygang. They went on to hold the belts for almost 9 months.

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Name: Deuce Deuce Bigelow


Nicknames: none


Age: 37


Height: 6-3


Weight: 390


Hometown: Las Vegas, NV


Alignment: Heel


Stable/Associates/Managers: Leader of Slaughterhouse

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: none



Entrance music: Go To Church by Ice Cube


Entrance description:

If you a scared motherfucker go to church (GO TO CHURCH)

If you a gutter motherfucker do your dirt (A DO YOUR DIRT)

If you a down motherfucker put in work (A PUT IN WORK)

IF you a crazy motherfucker go berzerk (A GO BERZERK!)


You scared, you scared

You scared motherfucker you scared

You scared (you scared) you scared (you scared)

You scared motherfucker you scared (you scared)


Deuce simply powerwalks to the ring


Entrance Attire: See picture.


As face: Wears a sleeveless leather vest and a cowboy-type hat with a large feather, much like Randy Savage did for a time.  This ensemble always matches his ring gear.  Also wears a feathered boa, with yellow, lime green, orange, and pink feathers.


Ring Attire: See picture.  Colors vary.


Wrestling Style: Brawler/hardcore with some agility



Finishing Move(s): Skull Fuck (flying headbutt from top rope)


Secondary Finishers: none


Trademark Moves/Spots: handspring elbow, running powerslam, spinning wheel kick, Falcon Arrow, dropkick


Other moves: Deuce is a jovial, fun-loving guy who loves the nightlife, but once the bell rings, he's all business.  A tough brawler with some wicked forearms, who can also show some agility and take to the air on occasion.


Rare moves: Deuce will attempt a moonsault from time to time, but it's rare that he actually connects with the move.




OAOAST World Tag Team Championships

- April 6th, 2012 - August 26th, 2012 (w/Big Papa Thrust)


Background: coming soon

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Name: Ned Blanchard

Nicknames: The Orange County Cobra

Age: 43

Height: 6'2

Weight: 247

Hometown: Newport Harbor, California

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Managed by Molly Nerdly and teams with Baron Windels as part of Cobra Strike

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Survival by Eminem

Entrance description:

This is survival of the fittest
This is do or die
This is the winner takes it all
So take it all


Ned enters through a giant snake's head with flaming eyes with Molly Nerdly at his side.

Entrance Attire: Silver vest with his name on the back

Ring Attire:  Silver head band, silver elbow pads orange tights with a holographic snake on the back.

Wrestling Style: Brawler similar to Stone Cold

Finishing Move(s):
California Venom- Sleeper suplex

Secondary Finishers:

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Slingshot Suplex
Newport Harbor Enziguiri
Stun Gun
California Here We Come- Reverse sidewalk slam
Lou Thez Press

Other moves: Punches, kicks, hard hiting brawling offense

Rare moves: (Moves you only break out in super-huge matches.)

Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)
OAOAST United States Championship
- January 1st, 2014 -

OAOAST Tag Team Championships
- August 19, 2004 - August 29, 2004
- April 24, 2005 - May 29, 2005
- January 29, 2006 - April 2, 2006

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships
- April 26th, 2007 - August 9, 2007 (w/CPA and Simon Singleton)

HI-YAH World Tag Team Championships
- May 26, 2006 - July 30, 2006

Background: As a three time tag team champion Ned Blanchard is one of the OAOAST's most storied competitors. He got his started wrestling in the New New Midnight Express with Simon Singleton, managed by Jim Cornette. The duo found much success feuding with Black T, Chicks Over Dicks and most often The Heavenly Rockers. Eventually Cornette would wear out his welcome and was replaced by Lorelei DeCenzo. The Express would rename themselves The Beverly Hills Blonds and would go on to join The Enterprise. Along the way they'd pick up Molly Nerdly as a manager of sorts. The Enterprise union was a match made in heaven for several years. However, when Theodore Moneymaker launched a campaign against Ned's daughter Maya the friendship within the stable went south in a hurry. Ned, Simon and Molly left the group and renamed themselves The Orange County Cobras. They would win an Anderson Cup under the name but never got to compete in the scheduled Anglemania title match thanks to The LDC Moneygang robbing them of their title shot. The Cobras would later be consumed in Zack's feud with Anglesault. Also involved in the war was Leon Rodez, who for a moment fought on the side of good. That was all too brief a time as he walked out on his team of Alix, and The Cobras in their Anglemania match against Anglesault's goons. This led to Ned engaging in a long feud with Leon that resulted in him winning a cage match in the pivotal battle. Now Ned sets his eyes on the world title and believes no one can keep him from the game's richest prize.

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Name: Vinny Valentine

Nicknames: Disco Duck, V-squared

Age: 25

Height: 6-0

Weight: 228

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Dem Bums with Tony Tourettes and Papa Duncan

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: dancing

Entrance music: Be Cool by Phil Kahan

Entrance description: The lights go out as the music hits, then a purple light fills the entryway.  Light, haze-like smoke fills the arena as a large ball lowers from the ceiling, sending colors around like crazy:

Entrance Attire: A leopard print hat

Ring Attire: bellbottom pants, usually with a ebra or leopard-skin pattern to them, black boots, wrist tape

Wrestling Style: technical/high-flier

Finishing Move(s): Blame it on the Boogie (Tombstone piledriver), Night Fever (Alabama Jam)

Secondary Finishers: none

Trademark Moves/Spots: Boogie Shoes (Shining Wizard), Shadow Dancing (Bronco Buster), three amigos, top rope hurricanrana

Other moves: Vinny does a little bit of everything in the ring, some brawling, some wrestling, some agile stuff.  He doesn't excel in any of said areas, which probably exlpains why he primarily appears on Syndicated.

Rare moves: none

OAOAST World Tag Team Championships
- August 26th, 2012 - January 4th, 2013 (w/Tony Tourettes)

Background: Coming soon


Name: Tony Tourettes

Nicknames: none

Age: 40

Height: 5-10

Weight: 260

Hometown: Bismarck, ND

Entrance Music I Don't Give a Fuck by Jon Lajoie

Alignment: Face

Stable/Associates/Managers: Dem Bums with Tony Tourettes and Papa Duncan

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: @#$#$%@#^&%$^$%@#

Attire: Now dresses like a sailor. A dorky sailor.

Finishing Move(s): Good Will Humping-Humps his opponent's face until he submits

Secondary Finishers: none

Trademark Moves/Spots: fireman's carry, mounted punches, wet willies, titty twisters, Come Fart (farts in someone's face), I think you get the picture. Will also attempt the bootysault but usually fucks up and falls on his head.

OAOAST World Tag Team Championships
- August 26th, 2012 - January 4th, 2013 (w/Vinny Valentine)

Background: coming soon

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Team Name: The Christ Air Express




Name: MARV


Age: 28


Height: 5'8"


Weight: 185lbs


Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Alignment: Heel




Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

The "RAWK" hand signal (devil horns), makes weed smoking motion



Entrance music: "Drugged Out" by Juicy J


Tag Entrance description:


I brought the drugs in, got the club drugged out nigga

Fuck with my high and you gone get drugged out

I got the dope dick shawty come get drugged out

And I'm lookin' for the drug mane when my drugs out

I brought the drugs in, got the club drugged out nigga

Fuck with my high and you gone get drugged out

I got the dope dick shawty come get drugged out

And I'm lookin' for the drug mane when my drugs out


They walk out drinking a bottle of prescription cough syrup aka "lean". They toast their drink, sending two pyrotechnic rockets shooting into the air from either side of the stage, one purple and one green. They then stroll to the ring.


Entrance Attire: Purple jacket, with a fancy green marijuana leaf.


Ring Attire: Orange trunks, with a star surrounded 'MARV' on the BUTT in bright blue. Blue knee and elbowpads, orange boots and wristtape.


Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight




Finishing Move(s):

Marvellousity- Pheonix Splash, which is a Moonsault 450


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Jawjacker- Inverted Stunner

Acid Drop- Dudley Dog

Geeked Up DDT-Running DDT

Diamond Dust

Reverse Diving Headbutt

Standing Moonsault


Other moves:

Basic cruiser moves


Rare moves:

Moonsault to the floor




Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

OAOAST World Tag Team Championship

- May 29th, 2005 - September 8th, 2005 (w/MEL)

- April 3rd, 2013 - April 30th, 2013 (w/MEL)


OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- November 9th, 2008 - November 20th, 2008 (w/MEL and Jamie O'Hara)

- October 5th, 2012 - January 27, 2013 (w/D*LUX)






Name: MEL


Age: 28 (he's the oldest by 40.8 seconds)


Height: 5'8


Weight: 185lbs


Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Alignment: Heel




Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

After scoring with a big move, he'll run his hands, palms up, against his six packed stomach. MEL still kind of acts like a dork.




Entrance music: "Drugged Out" by Juicy J


Tag Entrance description:


I brought the drugs in, got the club drugged out nigga

Fuck with my high and you gone get drugged out

I got the dope dick shawty come get drugged out

And I'm lookin' for the drug mane when my drugs out

I brought the drugs in, got the club drugged out nigga

Fuck with my high and you gone get drugged out

I got the dope dick shawty come get drugged out

And I'm lookin' for the drug mane when my drugs out

They walk out drinking a bottle of prescription cough syrup aka "lean". They toast their drink, sending two pyrotechnic rockets shooting into the air from either side of the stage, one purple and one green. They then stroll to the ring.


Entrance Attire: Purple jacket, with a fancy green marijuana leaf.


Ring Attire: Blue wrestling tights, with a star surrounded 'MEL' down the right leg in bright orange and more orange stars on the left leg. One black elbowpad on the right side and orange boots. Trendy wishbone necklace.


Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight




Finishing Move(s):

Shooting Star Press


Trademark Moves/Spots:

Melanoma- Sitout Powerslam/Michinoku Driver

Noseplant- Rocker Dropper

Flying Corner Clothesline (ala Matt Sydal/The Miz)

^ Can be followed up by slipping through the ropes, holding onto the top, skinning the cat back in with a headscissors

Swinging Bulldog

Purple Haze-Full Nelson Facebuster

Spinning Heel Kick


Other moves:

Basic cruiser moves


Rare moves:

Shooting Star Suicída




Titles/accomplishments (Lethal Rumble/Battlebowl/MITB/etc.) (example below)

OAOAST World Tag Team Championship

- May 29th, 2005 - September 8th, 2005 (w/MARV)

- April 3rd, 2013 - April 30th, 2013 (w/MARV)


OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- November 9th, 2008 - November 20th, 2008 (w/MARV and Jamie O'Hara)



Independent wrestlers Marvin and Melvin Nerdly were given OAOAST contracts with the promise of being groomed into legitimate stars in the tag team division. It was a promise that was never fulfilled. The twins were saddled with a comedy gimmick and quickly shuffled down to the prelims, while teams far less talented then them were given chance after chance to get over. Needless to say the hungry youngsters were none too pleased with this. Realizing that they were the only ones who could change their status in the company, they adopted a slightly more hip and serious gimmick as cool skaters that was allegedly truer to their real life persona. Seeking to capitalize on the popularity of a song that isn't even popular anymore the OAOAST creative staff forced them to take the name Sk8ter Boiz.


To the surprise of the OAOAST front office not only did the duo get over with their gimmick but they also captured the tag team titles from the division's golden boys, The New New Midnight Express. Although they would never say it outright, the OAOAST brass wasn't exactly pleased to see the Boiz holding a top position. As such the exact second the kids lost their titles, they were shuffled back down to the undercard, without so much as hint of a rematch. Being two smart lads, Marv and Mel realized the thing that held them back most wasn't stuffy old men in the front office, but rather their look. To be frank, they were probably the two ugliest gents in the company. The twins realized that all the top spots in the tag divisions went to good looking teams, Chicks Over Dicks, The Saints, GPX, NNMX. Their new mission was clear: Shed the last of their nerdy personality and become bonafide, boneable hotties. They vacated the only home they'd ever known, the frozen tundra of Edmonton, Alberta, and relocated to the sunny paradise of Southern California. Resisting the temptation to enter the lucrative and undeserved industry of twin-gay porn, the boys set their focus on getting lean and getting hot. Besides their bitchin boards, and clothes, the only other thing they brought down from Canada was the exercise tapes of Krista Isadora Duncan. Previously prime jackin' fodder, the videos became their vehicle to a land of fantastic beauty. Soon they enrolled in Krista's outrageously priced gym in Santa Monica. From there the boys became the heartthrobs you see before you today. Finally, they believed they'd gain the respect and fame they deserve.


Things didn't quite work out as they'd hoped however. The new-look Boiz had more rapport with the female fanbase, but they still carried the Sk8ter Boi stigma and continued to flounder in the crowded tag team ranks. So, looking to ditch the stigma of 'everyone's favourite whipping Boiz', the Nerdly brothers underwent another makeover. This time, into the more serious, respectable Christ Air Express. And they intend to go right back to the top of the mountain- this time for real.


The quest to be the best was always a rocky road for even the best of teams, but MARV and MEL learned how to handle it with the help of weed, and lean, and good knows what other drugs. Their laidback cool called back to the days of RVD and inspired and engaged the fans as they went on to collect a series of tag titles with the aid of their once-troublesome sister, Melody. But at somepoint the twins became too laid back and to laisez-faire to the point where they developed a cynical nhilistic attitude to the world around them. This might not have been a problem if it hasn't been manifesting violently. 



Team Finishing Move(s):

Happy Ending- Double Ace Crusher


Team Signature Moves:

Double Kickflip- Double Dropsault

Sent From Above- MEL picks up MARV in an Electric Chair, then throws him down onto the opponent with an assisted back senton

Stoner's Delight- Flatliner/Enziguri combo


Crisp Tag Team Wrestling- MEL and MARV are identical twins, so they make a very good, natural, at times effortless team. This allows them to chain together 3 or 4 moves on the fly or come up with innovative double-team moves out of the blue. They also do things in stereo, which may or may not be a spooky coincidence due to that mythological kinship twins share.


The Secret Switch- MEL and MARV are identical twins. I believe I have already covered this. As such, if they were to pull off a switch at a climactic point in the match, who's to know! Not a tactic they'll put to use all the time, but should the opportunity arise...



[And yes, the capital letters are mandatory.]

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Team Name: The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club


Name: Rico de Janeiro

Nicknames: The King Of The Mardi Gras

Age: 38

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 240lbs

Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Southern Immorality with Pete-O, Deirdre and Remy Bazil

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:
"Who wants a moustache ride?"
"Rico don't swing that way, baby."
Stroking his porn stache
Calls people "mang"

Singles Entrance music: Bitches Love Me by Lil Wayne, Drake and Future

Singles Entrance description: Swaggers out, only stopping to stroke the moustache. And then swaggers some more. You get the picture.

Tag Team Entrance music:


Tag Entrance description:
I'm on that good kush and alcohol
I got some down bitches I can call
I don't know what I would do without y'all
I'm gon' ball til the day I fall

Yeah, long as my bitches love me (yeah, yeah)
I can give a fuck 'bout no hater
Long as my bitches love me
I can give a fuck 'bout no niggas
Long as these bitches love me

A combination of their singles entrances, basically.

Entrance Attire: fedora, black vest

Ring Attire: See pic.

Wrestling Style: 1980s Brawler, low risk and power based

Finishing Move(s):
Moustache Ride- Razor's Edge, preceeded by his catchphrase

Secondary Finishers:
Hand Of God- Running uppercut

Trademark Moves/Spots:
The Body Lock- Canadian Backbreaker, Jesse Ventura style. Can go from here to the Moustache Ride, but mainly a wear-down hold.
Back Superplex
Gutwrench Suplex
Running High Knee, Harley Race style
Porno 'Stache Legdrop (strokes down the moustache before dropping the leg, keeping it there for the pin)

Other moves:
80s brawling mainly.

Rare moves:

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championship
- January 1st, 2012 - October 5th, 2012 (w/Lucius Soul and Faqu)

HI-YAH Tag Team Championship
- April 12th, 2007 - August 4th, 2007

Born in Brazil to mixed-race parents, Rico quickly gained the reputation of 'ladies man' in his home village, mainly due to the influence of his love of old 70s and 80s American TV shows. Through these shows, Rico learnt to speak two languages- English and Love. And it's those languages, as well as his smooth accent, dashing moustache and love of the party lifestyle that gets him the ladies.

Oh yeah, and he can wrestle and stuff. Rico has 'paid his dues', but after a handful of appearances on OAOAST television as 'enhancement talent', Rico got sick of incompetent partners and the jobber stigma and found a partner that could help him achieve success in the OAOAST.

The MGHWC got off to a good start, picking up notable victories over teams like The Heavenly Rockers and D*LUX and capturing the HI-YAH Tag Team Championships. However, their careers took a typical nosedive after being tied up with Chicks Over Dicks. Stripped of their titles and their confidence Rico and Lucius would tread water, before the cracks started to show in their team. However, just as they were set to go their seperate ways, Esther Endicott stepped in and convinced them to patch things up. Under their new Queen, the newly re-christened Hellfire Club were loyal members of The Kingdom for a number of years, before hooking up with the equally sleazy Remy Bazil.

Times grew hard for Rico, Remy and Lucius as the losses kept piling up over the years.  The trio got themselves attached to Deirdre, who sometimes shows up for their matches. Sometimes she doesn't. Yet suddenly Lucius started to exhibit more talent and success than his partners. Partners who had formed a friendship with their TMW rookie, Pete-O. For some stupid reason Rico and Remy and even Deirdre picked a child molester over Lucius and kicked him out the group!


Name: Pete O


Age: 46

Height: 5'8

Weight: 207 lbs

Hometown: Terre Haute , Indiana

Alignment: Heel

Allies: Southern Immorality

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Entrance music: Ice Cream Man Theme

Entrance description: Arrives in an ice cream truck, then walks down checking out the younger fans!

Entrance Attire: 
Ring Attire: 
Navy sweat pants, and a touristy type tee shirt from different locations

Wrestling Style: Flashy

Finishing Move(s): To Catch a Predator – Diamond cutter

Secondary Finishers: 

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Pete O Bearhug
Pete's Pants Dance – running hip drop
Pete Knuckle Suffle – five knuckle shuffle
Pete's Sweet Treat -  Snapmare knee smash

Not a convicted felon.


Pete Oliver is the winner of the fan search contest to enter TMW. Needless to say those in charge of the random drawing failed to note that Pete O, as he likes to be called, had gotten himself banned from OAOAST events indefinitely.  Not wanting to risk a messy lawsuit, Sophie begrudgingly let the former ice cream man enter the contest against her good judgement. Pete of course sucked mad dick in the tournament, yet actually befriended his mentors well enough to get an OAOAST contract.


Name: Remy Bazil

Nicknames: The Cajun

Age: 29

Height: 5’10

Weight: 217 lbs

Hometown: New Orleans, LA

Alignment: Heel

Stable/Associates/Managers: Southern Immorality with Rico, Pete, and Deirdre

Trademark gestures/Catchphrases: Shuffles playing cards will toss them at foes.

Entrance music:Nightcall by Kavinsky

Entrance description:

I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel
I want to drive you through the night, down the hills
I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear

Shuffles playing cards on way to the ring.

Entrance Attire: Trenchcoat, and top hat

Ring Attire: Black tights with deck of cards on each leg.

Wrestling Style: Technical

Finishing Move(s):
Ace In The Hole- Skull Crushing Finale

Secondary Finishers:
Down The Bayou- Triple Full Nelson Suplexes

Trademark Moves/Spots:
Overhand Shuffle- McGillicutter/One Arm Swinging Neckbreaker
Deuces Wild- CM Punk's Pepsi Twist
Gory Special/Gory Bomb
Running Boot to a seated opponent
Louisiana Roll- Oklahoma Roll
Five Card Shuffle- Produces cards from his pocket, throws them at a downed opponent and then hits a jumping fist drop.

Other moves:
Remy is more technical than the other two Hicks

Rare moves:


Background: The brains of Hicks Over Dicks, Remy Bazil is a smooth talking Cajun rookie. With down south charm, he’s able to convince most anyone to do his bidding. This seems to be how he’s gotten the other two Hicks to follow his lead despite them being much older and much more experienced.

After Hicks Over Dicks broke up, Remy needed a new hustle and found one, hustling Queen Esther out her relationship with King Landon. But the queen wised up and realized Remy was nothing but a common crook and dumped his ass, sending Lucius and Rico along with him. Since then Remy has been sulking along with Southern Immorality, looking to con anyone he can.

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Name: Lorelei DeCenzo


Nicknames: The Champion Maker, The Money Honey, The Dollar Doll, Lori


Age: 35


Height: 5'5


Weight: Quit asking!


Hometown: Los Angeles


Alignment: ??


Stable/Associates/Managers: Official marketing consultant to Tyler Bryant and guarded by THE FLEX


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:

Lorelei isn't shy about allowing herself to be part of in the action. She's also very snobbish and, as the nickname suggests, craves success and fortune.




Entrance music: Lady Gaga-Money Honey


Entrance description:













So sexy


Damn, I love the jam, the jet and the mansion. (Oh yeah)

And I enjoy the gifts and the trips to the islands.(Oh yeah)

Its good to live expensive

You know it, but my knees get weak intensive

When you give me k-kisses


Thats money honey,

Well I'm your lover and your mistress

Thats money honey

When you touch me, its so delicious

Thats money honey

Baby when you tell me the pieces

Thats money honey


FAT JOE IN THIS PIECE! The production crew makes it rain (i.e. Money falls onto the entrance ramp for all ya'll motherfuckers living in antartica for the last three years with no TV) Lorelei twirls on the entrance stage as green lights flicker around her. She hooks her arm with whoever is accompanying her to the ring, and they walk to the ring holding their nose up at the fans. Her ringside partner holds the ropes open for her like a gentlemen should and as she enters the ring she does one final twirl before finishing with hands on hips and smirk on face.


Entrance Attire:


Ring Attire: See picture.


Alternate attire not that Lorelei wrestles enough to have an alternate attire: Sparkling white booty shorted romper with a fluffy green collar. Knee high gold boots, green elbow high gloves so that she doesn't soil herself with the touch of the masses!


Managerial or backstage attire-Lorelei usually wears some sort of fancy, gorgeous, highly expensive evening gown.


Wrestling Style: (technical/high-flier/brawler/hardcore/martial arts/etc. or you can name a wrestler(s) that his/her style is similar to) Fuck that last part, cousin, Lorelei is an original pimpette from the mind of O'green.




Finishing Move(s):

Cash Flow- Fisherman's DDT


Secondary Finishers:



Trademark Moves/Spots:

Uranage into a Gutbuster

Tramp Stamp- Corner shoulder thursts aimed at her rival's lower back. That's where they put the tramp stamp!

E-commercide- Arm trap neckbreaker

Moneymoon- BUTT drop onto a fallen opponent

Gold Digger- Lorelei stands near her opponent "Digs them a grave" then drops a leg on them.

Canadian Backbreaker- Ironically, usually used on Canadian opponents. So it works on many levels!


Other moves:

When Lorelei's in control she's pretty methodical. Moves that'll pick an opponent apart, usually focusing on the neck or the back. Lorelei has a power advantage on most of her opponents so will look to use it. Not a risk-taker.


Rare moves:

Bulldog onto the briefcase. Obv. Someone has to be distracting the ref for this to work. But there's like 16 guys in the enterprise, so that ain't hard!





OAOAST Women's Championship

- July 2nd, 2009 - July 9th, 2009

- February 17th, 2011 - June 26th, 2011


OAOAST 24/7 Championship

- April 20th, 2006


Background: A graduate of San Diego State University and a noted researcher on the influence of organizational behavior in short and long term revenue gains, Mackenzie DeCenzo has an insatiable thirst for cold hard cash. It was her unashamed pursuit of green that drew the attention of NRG, who hired her to serve as their chief financial officer, and spokeswoman on television. Unfortunately for them, Mackenzie quickly realized there potential for profit gain was markedly low. Thus, she dumped them as part of a carefully orchestrated scheme to rebrand the Midnight Express as The Beverly Hills Blonds. Success for the trio was immediate, and their summer of 2006 saw The Blonds heralded as one of the most entertaining properties on television. This continued rise through every level of superstardom didn't go noticed by just the fans. Powerful businessman, Theodore Moneymaker or the feared Moneymaker clan, noticed it as well, and invited them to form a partnership. From that The Enterprise was born.


Time has been generous to The Enterprise, as their members have known failure very rarely, and success very often. They've even done some in-house movement as Mackenzie has been transferred to manage Wright and Moneymaker, making room for Molly to serve the Blonds. Occasional turmoil has befallen them, such as the fallout with Jade Rodez, and Mackenzie nearly losing her job over accusations of homosexuality. These accusations lay dormant for several months, but were recently proven correct, as Mackenzie gave into her hearts' yearning and boldly began a relationship with The Enterprise's old enemey, Alix Maria Spezia. Unfortunatley that did not work out very well for Mackenzie. DeCenzo, who had hoped to use Alix's fame and record deal to launch herself into the pop culture stratusphere, instead became embroiled in a drug fueled scandal created by Alix's overdoses on three separate occasions. Happy to annoy the problem, Mackenzie insisted that Krista was behind the leaks of Alix's drug use. While this worked for a little, Alix eventually went back to Krista leaving Mackenzie alone and angry. Late in 2008 Mackenize made major headlines when she accused the In Crowd's Bohemoth of rape. Rape, man, rape. WTF is wrong with the SEXUAL MONSTER?


Towards the end of the year, sick of being confused for a lost Nerdly sister with her blonde hair and 'M' initial, Ms. DeCenzo publicly dropped her first name and demanded to go by her middle name Lorelei instead. In German folklore, Lorelei was a siren who's melodious voice lead many a ship to their demise. Lorelei's voice is okay, but she's got a nice rack, so she doesn't do too bad for herself.


In recent times, Lorelei has leant her managerial talents to Colin Maguire Jr. and then Bohemoth. The common theme: they both won the World Title, then both ditched her after losing it. Still, Lorelei claims full credit as the "Champion Maker" and has now taken on D*LUX as a 'marketing consultant', alongside Jade and Maya in a management team.

Of course we all know Lorelei is a gold digger, and gold diggers gonna gold dig. Once Lorelei determined that Tyler was clearly the star of the team, she started making moves to get him away from Jade, Shayne and all his other friends. Turns out Tyler was wildly receptive to these moves and aided her with a victory over Jade at the first ever SluttyMania. Betting on Lorelei proved rewarding for Tyler as he went on to win both the US title and World Heavyweight title.

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Name: Faqu

Nicknames: The Samoan Wrecking Ball

Age: 37

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 301lbs

Hometown: The Isle Of Samoa

Alignment: Heel


Trademark gestures/Catchphrases:


Chest beating.


Entrance music: "King Kong" by LA Symphony

Entrance description: Your generic Samoan savage entrance

Ring Attire: Wears his wild black hair in a pony tail. Wrestles barefoot, white taped fists and white tape around feet and ankles. Blue elbow pads. Blue and white 3/4 length tights with Samoan tribal decoration. down the right leg.

Wrestling Style: Strong Style Samoan


Finishing Move(s):

Death By Samoan- Double Underhook Piledriver

Secondary Finishers:


Trademark Moves/Spots:

SAMOA!- Running BUTT smash to the head in the corner

High Angle Backdrop Suplex

Samoan Drop

Big Splash

Thrust Kick


Open handed attacks (chops, thrusts, slaps, palm strikes)

Other moves:

Strong Style, hard strikes and suplexes. Highly Japanese influenced. Or, Joe-maga.

Rare moves:

Bigman Frog Splash



HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship

- June 8th, 2006 - N/A (Last HI-YAH Champion, never beaten)

OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championships

- February 28th, 2008 - March 21st, 2008 (w/James Blonde and Todd Cortez)

- March 30th, 2008 - November 9th, 2008 (w/James Blonde and Nathaniel Black)

- November 20th, 2008 - October 14th, 2010 (w/James Blonde and Nathaniel Black and Landon Maddix) (The titles were won by the Black/Blonde/Faqu trio on November 20th, 2008. On July 2, 2009, Landon Maddix started wearing an old SWF title belt and declared himself, along with his Cucaracha Internacional stablemates, the 8-man tag team champions. On March 11, 2010, Maddix declared that Black was stripped of his share of the titles, and that he, Blonde and Faqu would defend as the 6-man champions.)

- January 1st, 2012 - Current (w/Rico de Janeiro and Lucius Soul)


A former jobber and product of the much maligned OAOAST developmental system. Faqu returned to the fed with his pal James Blonde at the request of then GM Josie Baker. Faqu holds the dubious distinction of being fired and rehired by the OAOAST more times then any wrestler. The duo eventually migrated to Japan with HI-YAH and found more prolonged success in the Far East. Faqu won the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title and held the gold for over a year. However, when the OAOAST purchased HI-YAH Promotions, the duo found themselves back in America, much to their frustration, with Faqu never beaten for his gold. So they joined forces with another embittered ex-OAOAST, former HI-YAH superstar, Nathaniel Black, vowing to make an impact in the company finally. Which they finally did, thanks to affiliation with Landon Maddix, bringing them the 6-Man Tag Team Titles. Since returning Faqu has undergone a dramatic change, no longer a happy go lucky guy but now a true Samoan savage. As yet, the cause of this has yet to be explained.

Faqu's longtime partner, and the only person who Faqu seemed to listen to and be able to be controlled by, James Blonde was ex-communicated from Landon's group in early 2011. However, Landon seems to hold the secrets of controlling the savage. When the Kingdom finally split, Faqu found guidance in the form of OAOAST foreign liaison Megan Skye, but is still a wild savage.

Actually Faqu got dropped by Megan Skye, who took a job with Sunrise, and no longer teams with Daisuke Motozaki. Basically he floats in lower card hell, but he does have a talented cousin named GOATman Pains in TMW....


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