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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Celtic Spectacular

Chanel #99

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TV 14
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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid's shock and delight.



The show opens in typical whacky OAOAST fashion with identical twin stoners MARV and MEL (collectively the Christ Air Express, and yes, they’re names are spelled in CAPS) and Alix Maria Spezia on a boat throwing Los Angeles Lakers merchandise overboard -- jerseys, shirts, basketballs, bobbleheads, etc.

Alix, are you sure Krista won’t be pissed about this?

Of course not, silly. I mean who doesn’t appreciate a good practical joke? And it doesn’t get any better than reenacting the Boston Tea Party with a 21st century twist!

Yeah, but aren’t you guys Lakers fans?

Don’t tell anybody…but I haaaaaate, hate, hate, hate the Lakers. Krista and her man crush on Kobe, or the G.O.A.T. as she refers to him in our household… ugh! Man-Ram > Kobe.


Uh-oh. Couple of Lakers fan boys onboard?

We’re originally from Edmonton. Remember?

So hockey is more our sport.

Next to you-know-what.

It’s 4:20 somewhere, man.

The CAE high-five.  

MAN (Off-screen)
Peace and quiet > your senseless babbling.

So says Christian Wright of the Enterprise, who later tonight with fellow E associate and boss Theodore Moneymaker will face former members Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard, the Beverly Hills Blonds, in the 2009 Anderson Cup Finals.

Dude! Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something?

Such as ruining my pre-match preparation? Quite so.  Perhaps if you put this kind of effort into your careers you’d be in the Anderson Cup Finals and not watching them.

You mean buying and cheating your way into it, like say I don‘t know, you and the Monopoly Man?

Two words: Prop 8. So as the kids say…ZING~! Now back of the bus you go.

Why don’t you take a hike?

On cue MARV and MEL shove Christian Wright overboard!

Hey C-Dub?

Your ship has sailed!



As CW swims to safety, a basketball floats into view. It cracks open and a futuristic tablet comes floating out.




B O O M ~!

Boston, Mass.

OAOAST Marks™ mug for the cameras as we pan around TD Banknorth Garden, many of whom holding up signs that obstruct the view of those behind them! Then it’s over to the longtime voices of the OAOAST, Michael Cole and The (or Da if you prefer) Coach aboard Sofa Central. I say aboard because a decent sized boat rests on a body of water next to the stage’s entrance doors!

The OAOAST spares no expense, folks, not even in a down economy. And if that wasn’t over the top enough, a giant sized statue of this man scares the hell out of everybody on the opposite side of the stage.  


The undisputed leader in parody e-fed entertainment proudly welcomes you to the Celtic Spectacular! And a special welcome to those joining us for the first time at The Pit.

If they’re even still watching after that opening. What the heck was that?

That’s par for the course around here. You should know that by now. As wild and unpredictable the OAOAST is, a gay orgy could break out any minute!

You say that with such enthusiasm. I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?

I’m more interested in tonight’s great matches, like the 2009 Anderson Cup Finals and the one we all came to see… Zack Malibu challenge fellow In Crowd member Leon Rodez for the OAOAST Championship. The Franchise looking for his record 4th OAOAST Championship!

I for one can't wait for that encounter, Mikey Cole. Both guys have said the right things in public, but privately it's gotta be a whole different story. Zack's always treated Leon Rodez like his Screech, and now that Rodez is the World Champion there's no way Malibu's ego can accept being second best.

Oh, please. Zack Malibu couldn't be happier for his little buddy. Wait a second. *puts finger to earpiece* ...sorry, what's that? We're being told that our broadcast colleague Josh Matthews is standing by... up in one of the private boxes here in the arena. Let's go to Josh.

Up in the higher reaches of the arena, we go past the cheap seats and into the really expensive, private seats to find Josh being ushered through to the balcony. There sits Landon Maddix, kicked back in his seat, his good mood only interrupted when the crowd spot what's going on on the big screen and start booing him. Next to Maddix is his trusty blonde sidekick. The male one that is, James Blonde. At the back of the skybox, Faqu can be seen picking inquisitively at a basket of chicken legs on the buffet.

Thanks Michael, I'm up here where Cucaracha Internacional have apparantly rented out a skybox for the night. And if we can just get a word with Landon... Landon, this is some expense considering you guys could have just gotten your own dressing room. What are you doing up here?

Well, we were enjoying ourselves.

Yeah, who let you in anyway?

It's okay James. Spread the love and all that. Josh, have a seat. What we're doing up here is living in the lap of luxury, no surprise that you wouldn't understand that I guess. Cost is no object when you're having fun.

(walks into shot carrying drinks)
Plus The Enterprise decided it wasn't secure enough for them, so we got it on the cheap. There's your drinks. Oh, yeah, we weren't willing to pay out extra for a waitress either.

Laughing under his breath, Landon takes the drink and makes sure Megan leaves.

The economy's not great... you've got to tighten the purse strings somewhere...

Oh I understand.

The cost isn't important. What's important is, things are on the up-turn for Cucaracha Internacional, so why not soak it in? I'm not on the card tonight. Neither are the 6-Man Tag Champs. But, you know who is, right? Todd Cortez, the United States Champion!

Blonde's face screws up at the mention of Cortez, quickly taking a swig of his drink to mask it.

So we're going to kick back and enjoy ourselves tonight, with the added bonus of having the best seats in the arena to watch Todd's title defence.

Best seats? We're about 300 feet from the ring.

Yeah but they've got padding.

Stroking the back of his seat, Landon smiles in comfort.

Alright, while these guys enjoy the seats, we're going to send it to where the real comfort is at, Sofa Central with Coach and Michael Cole.

What do you think he meant by that?

By what?

'The real comfort is at Sofa Central'. Is he saying this is where he wants to be. In OUR seats? If he's trying to come after our jobs, I will fuck his shit up real quick, believe that. Incase he don't watch the news, we don't have to give up our seats for pasty face pussies like him no-more!

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The Wall by Kansas hits, and Thunderkid and Reject make their way through the curtains.

Well, recently OAOAST President Josie Baker announced a mystery opponent for Thunderkid and Reject, and said she was undergoing intense negotiations to get this match signed, and apparently she has done it!

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the OAOAST World tag team championship!  Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 480 pounds...they are the OAOAST World tag team champions...representing the Deadly Alliance, the team of THUNDERKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID and RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJECT!!!!!

Be honest though, Cole, who could she have got that would be a worthy challenger with such short notice?

TK and Reject prepare themselves in the ring, as Josie walks out to the stage.

Well, we're about to find out!

OK boys, this is it!  This took a lot of tough negotiating, but I managed to get this match signed for you tonight!  There was only one person who could make this match possible, so I think we need to bring this person out to make it official!

After a brief pause, Magnum Opus hits, and the crowd comes to its feet, as Alfdogg makes his way through the curtains, holding a piece of paper.

It's Alf!  Alfdogg is back!

But what would he have to do with this match?

Alf grabs the mic from Josie.

It's really funny...these past couple weeks, I've just been laying low, evaluating things as far as what my future holds...and I came across this Deadly Alliance match clause which I signed back in the fall.  Now, this clause prohibits a serious tag team contender from ever getting a title match.

Oh, wait a minute...

So, Miss Baker is right, it was all up to me to make this match happen.

Meanwhile, the fans cheer, as Team Heyross slides into the ring behind TK and Reject.

Oh, no!

So as far as this contract goes...Alf giveth...*rips contract*...and Alf taketh away.  Turn around, guys, and meet your oppoents!

TK and Reject turn around, and are met with right hands from Moss and Benjamin, respectively!


And this is an official match!  Team Heyross is back in business!

I can't believe this!

Benjamin knocks Reject to the mat with a superkick, then joins Moss in a double Irish whip of TK, catching him with a double backdrop!

TK high in the air!

Moss and Benjamin then grab Reject, and whip him hard into TK, sending him out of the ring!  Benjamin then points to the ropes, and Moss runs there, as they hit Reject with the DOUBLE GOOZLE~!!!

Double Goozle!

TK and Reject were not ready for this, Cole!  They haven't even got out of the blocks!

The crowd comes to its feet, as Moss picks up Reject, and whips him hard into a corner, then ducks down, catching Reject backing up and lifting him onto his shoulders, carrying him over to Benjamin...who executes the SUPER ROCKER DROPPER~!!!!!11111




NEW CHAMPIONS~!  Team Heyross is on top of the mountain again!


This is a travesty, Cole, I'm telling you!

Moss and Benjamin celebrate with the belts as Shine plays, then depart the ring area, as Alf makes his way down.

Now what's Alf doing?

Alf steps inside, and steps over the fallen Reject.

I forgot to mention...in exchange for these negotiations...I got a match of my choosing at AngleMania, against an opponent of my choosing.  So I suggest you get ready, Reject...

Alf bends over, into the face of Reject, who has come to enough to lift his head and pay attention to what Alf if saying.

Because you've got me, one-on-one, no disqualifications, at AngleMania VIII!!!

The crowd erupts, as Magnum Opus plays, and Reject's head falls back to the mat, a pouting expression on his face.

What amazing developments here tonight!  First, new tag team champions, and now a HUGE match booked for AngleMania!  Alfdogg!  Reject!  No disqualifications!


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The camera cuts to the backstage area where Josh Matthews is standing by with Tha Puerto Rican. The crowd cheers loudly. Tha Puerto Rican is wearing his Puerto Rican flag bandana, sunglasses, his earring on his left ear, a gold chain around his neck, a black PRL tanktop, blue elbow pads, Puerto Rican flag wristbands, black sweatpants with white vertical stripes and his red wrestling boots with the Puerto Rican flag airbrushed onto them.

Well, P.R., tonight, you--

Hey! Hey! Hey jabroni! Tha Puerto Rican says this: Know your role and shut your mouth! You've been bugging the hell out of The Great One the past few weeks, interrupting Tha Puerto Rican, stinking up Tha Puerto Rican's lockerroom. You've been in this company for how many years now? SIX!? How is that even possible? What use do you have to anyone in this whole entire company!? How about Tha Puerto Rican interviews you?

Tha Puerto Rican snatches the microphone away from Josh Matthews.

Yeah, that's right. How about that, jabroni? How about an interview with The Great One? You go one-on-one with The Great One! Tha Puerto Rican says--yeah nice tie. 10 cents. Tha Puerto Rican--

Josh Matthews looks at his tie.

Don't look at your stupid tie. LOOK AT THA PUERTO RICAN!

J. Math knows his role and shuts his mouth and looks right at Tha Puerto Rican, slightly shaken.

Tha Puerto Rican says this: He sees the way that you look at Tha Puerto Rican. Eyeing Tha Puerto Rican. You're probably undressing me with your eyes! It's been like this for the past four and half years! Tha Puerto Rican just wants to know this: Are you a little...fruity? Do you play for the other team?


IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU PLAY FOR THE OTHER TEAM! The fact of the matter is this: this is the Celtic Spectacular, and Tha Puerto Rican is about to get into the ring with the biggest piece of Texas trailer park trash the wrestling world has ever seen! Needle Dick, you have been riding my back since you joined the Deadly Alliance, like you want to get intimate with Tha Puerto Rican, but unlike Josh Matthews here, Tha Puerto Rican plays for one team and one team only! And speaking of teams, it is game day, and Tha Puerto Rican is 100% ready physically, emotionally and mentally for tonight! So, Tha Puerto Rican says this: you think that I am impressed with any of the threats that have come out of Mr. Dick's mouth? Do you really think that I am scared that Malaysia Nerdly will be at ringside as usual? Tha Puerto Rican says he is not impressed, scared, worried, nervous, shaken, none of the above! If anything Mr. Dick and Malaysia should be the ones who are impressed, scared, worried, nervous, and shaken. Because in approximately 45 minutes, you are going to hear Tha Puerto Rican's theme music:


And every single PRL fan is going to stand up on their feet, electricity running through their bodies! And you can hear them now. Shut your mouth and listen. 'P.R.!' 'P.R.!' 'P.R.!'


P.R. "smells the electricity" inside of the arena.

And when it's all said and done. All of the smoke has cleared. All of the dust has settled. The millions...


...aaaaaaaaand millions of Tha Puerto Rican's fans are through chanting his name. Two things: P.R. Nightmare! WHAM! One! Puerto Rico Elbow! WHAM! Two! Tha Puerto Rican going on STILL The People's Champ, STILL The P.R. Menace, and STILL the greatest Puerto Rican athlete of all-time! And that's the truth, Ruth! THE CHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP...HAS...SPO-KUN~!!!

Tha Puerto Rican does The People's Eyebrow to the camera. He then gives the microphone back to Josh Matthews. He then shoves him. Tha Puerto Rican exits the shot. Josh Matthews looks on.

He forgot to mention the part where Krista helps him cheat to beat Mr. Dick!

That's because I doubt that part will happen!

You gotta be kidding me, Cole! Seriously!

It's true! I think Tha Puerto Rican can handle Mr. Dick all by himself, thank you very much!

Tha Puerto Rican isn't man enough to handle ALL of Mr. Dick!

Tha Puerto Rican is more of a man than Mr. Dick can or will EVER be!

HA! HA! Don't make me laugh! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Tha Puerto Rican ain't good enough to hold Mr. Dick's jockstrap. And Mr. Dick will prove that tonight in the ring where it matters the most!

I am looking forward to that match-up! And I am sure that you are too. I am sure that you will be watching the match unfold while you are hiding out in the--

SHHH! Don't say it! Tha Puerto Rican might hear you and find me!


Zack, who has nearly had his foot torn off of his body by Anglesault, gets supported from the ring ropes in getting to his feet. Anglesault stays on him, coming for him right away, but Zack kicks him with his good leg, and hops over his back with a sunset flip...ANGLESAULT ROLLS THROUGH...He's got Zack by both legs...CATAPULT OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE...NO! NO! ZACK SKINS THE CAT! Anglesault sees this and grabs him...ANGLE SLAM...NO! NO! ZACK slips out, LANDING ON ONLY HIS LEFT LEG! ZACK LANDED ON ONE LEG! Kick to the gut...POP DROP! POP DROP! ZACK MALIBU COVERS!






The crowd ERUPTS. People jump to their feet. Zack Malibu, completely spent, rolls off of Anglesault and onto his back.

The winner and NEW OAOAST world heavyweight champion... Zack Malibu!


Zack gets helped to his feet by Treble Charged, who presents him with the World Title belt, just as Zack's theme music is starting up. Zack is in disbelief, visibly disoriented from the beating he's taken, as he looks down at the belt. His theme music starts up, but you can barely hear the soft start to it over the crowd. Zack looks down at the belt in his hands, and though his head is down, you can catch a glimpse of his emotions pouring out, as the beat to the song gets heavier...

*Wake me up*
Wake me up inside
*Save me*
Call my name and save me from the dark.

Zack Malibu raises his hands up, grasping the prize...The OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship!

Zack, now crying, looks on as the fans that poured into Madison Square Garden tonight rise to their feet, giving him a standing ovation. Treble Charged officially raises his hand, and Big Poppa Popick slides in the ring, patting Zack on the back and then hugging him. Luke Perry, Tiffani Theissen, and even the fans begin to pour into the ring, all coming to congratulate Zack.

The guardrails have been pushed aside. Fans are pouring into the ringside area, and a loud "Zack" chant has been started. Anglesault is recovered in the aisleway, looking on with disgust.

At this point Angle-Plex starts making his way down the aisle, clad in his street clothes of jeans and a black polo shirt. He walks right down the aisle, and past Anglesault, who yells at him. AP doesn't turn back.

The crowd then starts to part, as AP enters the ring.

Zack sees Angle-Plex... the two men locking eyes.

Angle-Plex extends his hand to Zack. Zack looks down at it, then again locks eyes with AP.

Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
*Don't let me die here*
There must be something more

Zack takes the handshake, and he and AP hug, drawing yet another huge pop from a crowd of people who will have lost their voices come morning.


*Wake me up*

Zack is lifted up on the shoulders of TC and AP, as blue and gold pyro shoots out from the turnbuckles. Cut to Anglesault going apeshit in the aisle, tearing at his hair, and cursing the day both Zack and AP were born.

Parting shot of Zack still on the shoulders of AP and TC, pointing to his heart and then out to the fans.


OH OH OH (Once again I repeat! I CPed this from a crappy website that’s why it looks like it was written for and by a tard)

Dressed to match the Celtic theme, Miss Molly Nerdly emerges onto the stage in a green strapless tank top, orange flared skirt, and white knee high socks inside green sneakers. She pauses on stage to frame up the cheering crowd. With a good mental image of them in mind, she nods to herself and ventures down the ramp.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of twenty minutes! Now making her way to the ring fighting out of New York City, she is a graduate student at NYU Tisch School of Arts she is the 2009 MANAGER OF THE YEAR MOLLY NERDLY!

On her way down the ramp, Molly signs several autographs from eager signature seekers. Everyone seems to want the autograph of the future greatest female director in movie history.

Molly Nerdly had the opportunity to attend the Oscars with Krista Isadora Duncan this past Sunday. Though it was a dream come true for her to meet her idols she said nothing compares to being live at an OAOAST event.

Sometimes I think getting crotch rot is comparable to being at an OAOAST event.

In the ring, Molly has to assure some of the more territorial front row fans that she’s  not a Yankees fan all. No she doesn’t even like baseball so back off with your creepy obsession with a team that’s won about 2 world series in 80 something years.

To un-explain the unforgivable,
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show.
By streetlight this dark night,
A séance down below.
There're things that I have done,
You never should ever know!

And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now
And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now

My Chemical Romance’s How I disappear brings hard rocking emo to the capacity Boston crowd. An electric blue bolt of pyro blasts across the entrance stage, as similar streaks of electricity flash on the numerous video screens throughout the arena. Onto a set that’s cloaked in somber blue lighting comes the OAOAST’s favorite teenage detective, Morgan Nerdly. Dressed in a Navy ruffled tiered layered mini skirt with floral embroidery and a short sleeved plaid shirt, Morgan has caused her clothes to contrast her dour expression.

And her opponent! She hails from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and represents VICE, she is the teenage case cracker INSPECTOR MORGAN NERDLY!

The nineteen year old does not partake in the autographing her sister so happily participated in. Her sole focus is on Molly and all the horrible, painful things she wishes to do to her.

Credit, if you want to call it that, for making this match goes fully to Lorelei DeCenzo who has decided not to get her hands dirty in her feud with Molly.  So she ordered Molly’s little sister to do the job for her. She gets to watch backstage with caviar and Merlot while she tears a family apart.

One sister actively tried to destroy another’s relationship, another sister slept with the on again off again boyfriend of the youngest, one sister openly and proudly professes to enjoy sexually tormenting the others, the adopted son believes everyone else is destined for hell unless they accept him as their spiritual guide, the twin boys are 85% weed 15% blood and 100% stupid. There ain’t nothing left to tear apart in that family!

Electrical sparks flicker violently off the turnbuckles coupling with the intense glower Morgan shoots out at the audience to create an intimidating scene.  

Morgan is so eager for someone to accept and pay attention her that she's willing to become Lorelei's lapdog and hurt her own sisters just for acceptance. Hopefully that desire for acceptance won't lead her to cross the line in this match.


Morgan stands across the ring from Molly, her dark eyes sparking with hatred. The look worries Molly but not enough to stop from plunging head first into a lockup. Elder sis quickly spins around to the back of younger sis to hook in a waistlock. Morgan squirms to bust out Molly’s grip. But the NYU student breaks the grip on her own to roll Morgan down with a school girl. Charles Robinson counts the fall…


But, Morgan pulls herself out the pin. She scrambles towards her feet, her curly blond hair shielding an angered expression.  Her anger isn’t eased any when Molly stabs her tennis shoes into her stomach. The film expert then lifts Morgan up for a bodyslam. But several elbows to her exposed neck line force Molly to loosen her grip and Morgan slides down her back. The Private Eye grabs Molly’s arm and twirls her around to face her. Before Molly can manage a defense, Morgan slugs her in the jaw with a left cross.  Molly staggers backwards and she’s struck in the face by Morgan’s platform pump. The manager of the year topples over, her green sleeves draping across the top rope to keep her upright. While Molly tries to get her health back, her sister takes a run of the ropes. After coming back she strikes her bare knees into Molly’s back. The film buff screams out as though she’s been attacked by Freddy himself and then falls over to the mat.

Lorelei has to like the way this is going so far.

Lorelei is a cultured and classy dame, Mikey, she’s gonna need a lot more than a punch and a kick to be happy. She's gonna need diamond rings and Gucci purses.

Morgan pulls Molly off the mat thinking she can easily do her more harm. But to her amazement Molly elbows her away. With one hand wrapped around a sore midsection, Morgan comes rumbling back to Molly. But the brown haired Nerdly counters by hip tossing her over!

Molly improves each and every time out.

If the standard for improvement is executing a hiptoss, Molly must’ve sucked when she first started!

Furious, Morgan slaps the canvas with an open palm and rises to her feet. Bared fangs dare Molly to challenge her and when the film buff doesn’t, Morgan takes the fight to her sister with wild punches. But only a few connect as Molly sweeps her thin figure around Morgan’s back. There she’s able to lock her arms around Morgan’s neck in a sleeper hold.

“Let me go!” Morgan screams, apparently more aggravated than anything by the hold. When Molly snorts a refusal to her request, Morgan is forced to try and use her platform heels to stomp her away out. But this strategy is made totally useless when the film buff drops her to the canvas with a sleeper drop! A pinfall follows…



Morgan kicksout, looking none to pleased that she even had to do so in the first place. As she rises Molly throws her under a wave of strikes that daze her. Morgan stands with head lowered, curly hair drooping in front of her. This lets Molly charge into the ropes.  Returning Molly plans to strike Morgan with a lariat. But she’s taken for a surprise when Morgan drops to the ground, locks her ankles around her knee high socks and drop toe holds her over. Eager to enact some revenge, Inspector Nerdly scurries to Molly’s side and drives her finger nails deep into her eyes.

“Say you quit! Say it and then I’ll stop!”

Such cruelty. How can one sister do that to another?

Is your memory gone? Morgan ain’t even the meanest kid in the family. What about Malaysia? I’d rather be eye raked then strapped to a bondage table and have hot wax poured all over my whoo-whoo parts!

Morgan finally releases her grip on her sister’s eyes. But she only does that in order to grab onto the film buff’s silky brown hair and slam her face into the canvas. Two more replays of that same move, and Molly is hollering in agony and Morgan’s red lips are grinning in delight. With another fistful of Molly’s hair she pull her off the canvas. But once again Molly beats her back with furious elbows.  Unfortunately those elbows don’t do her a bit of good as Morgan steps forward and strikes her in the jaw with a superkick!


Morgan believes that’s enough to keep Molly down for the three and pins her to test her theory.



Theory incorrect as Molly kicks out. Blue eyes flash hatred and pain at Robinson, as Morgan has trouble coming to grips with the failed pin.

Molly like her Anderson Cup champions Beverly Hills Blonds is very resilient, and very hard to beat.

Let's see how hard Molly is when she got super powered electricity coming at her face.

She doesn't have superpowers!  

Molly is back on her feet and connecting with hard left hands to Morgan’s temple. But after the fifth one lands, Inspector Nerdly comes back with deadly force and slams a knee into Molly’s midsection. She then cradles Molly’s head within her arms, hooks onto her posh skirt and raises her high for a vertical suplex. But the moment Molly reaches the air her knees begin raining down on Morgan’s head and it isn’t long before Morgan is forced to release her hold on her sister. With her hand held to her aching head she stumbles backwards, damnining Molly for the pain she’s under. Molly certainly doesn’t make things any easier on Morgan as he strikes her with a dropkick that propels her into the corner. Morgan lays there in a daze, exhausted and labored breaths blowing out her straw curls. Molly frames her up in that image before running across the ring and leaping into her with a corner splash.

That splash and Babe: Pig In The City have a lot in common. They’re both Box Office Busts!

I thought Babe: Pig In The City had excellent pacing, brilliant photography, and a lead actor sent from the heavens! And he tasted delicious on my cheeseburger.

As Morgan goes stumbling out the corner, Molly is able to scamper up the ring ropes. She waits patiently for Morgan to turn around and once her little sister does, she soars across the ring with a cross body block.  But Morgan counters by grabbing Molly between the legs and flipping her over with a devastating powerslam. The second her elder sister crunches against the canavs, Morgan is hooking onto her bare legs, holding it back for a pinfall…



Molly gets her shoulder off the mat, and lines of frustration fill out Morgan’s youthful face. She rolls to her feet, hands on hips, lips curled into a snarl. She waves Molly up, and when Molly performs her request Morgan strikes her with a pair of knife edge chops. As red welts appear above Molly’s strapless top, the baby Nerdly grabs onto her head and snap mares her over.  Molly sits on the mat, stunned, scarcely able to move. And this permits Morgan the chance to run to the ropes. Upon reaching Molly she punts her in the back and the pain for the NYU grad student is tremendous.

A HARD shot by Inspector Nerdly! It was all going so well for Molly a short while ago and now she’s back on the defensive. Exactly where Lorelei wants her.

Naw, Miss DeCenzo wants her on the injured reserves and if Morgan wants in on her Fav 5 she better put her on there ricky-tick.

Morgan snatches Molly by the arm and rips her away from the canvas. Her head comes beneath her thin arm and she wraps her forearms around Molly’s bare waist. Next, Morgan raises her rival and sets her butt first onto the third ropes. That’s only to use them as a launching pad, as she spins backwards with Molly and drives the back of her head into the canavs! Molly is left behind to attend to her throbbing headache as Morgan heads to the ropes. They give her enough momentum to make the leaping elbow she plants on her sister’s skull especially painful. Morgan smiles a lovely if not creepy smile of relief think she’s put down her opponent. The legs are hooked and Robinson scores the fall…



Again Molly kicks out and again the look of exasperation appears on Morgan’s face.  She shakes her head and sighes, disbelieving her rotten luck with Molly. She gets to her feet, bringing Molly with her. But the film buff frustrates her even further to tossing jabs towards her chest. Highly annoyed by the piddling strikes, Morgan clamps down onto Molly’s Chocolate colored hair in hopes of getting her to stop.  While Molly doe eventually cease her jabs, she only does that only to hit her little sis with a jaw breaker. Morgan’s eyes go wide as her face is immersed in pain. This let’s Molly snap onto her arm and hit her with a single arm DDT.


Molly grabs hold of Morgan’s tanned legs (odd for someone who lives in Edmonton) with her eyes darting back to the corner to position her properly. Once she’s got Morgan properly lined up, the screen queen bridges backwards and flies her little sis to the ring posts. Only Morgan’s sharp reflexes save her as they land her perfectly on the posts.

A near miss right there.

I’m sure it wasn’t a near miss when Molly would throw VHS tapes at her head when she was a toddler because she couldn’t recite the monologue for Merchant Of Venice well enough.

Molly comes charging in, expecting to knock Morgan off her roost. However, she runs right into a trap as the petite Nerdly girl takes her down to the canavs with a vertical knee strike.  Another pin is made by the Private Eye…



Molly pops out the pin mere moments before the three count.

You have to admire the way Molly has kept on fighting through this match. She got that fighting spirit from Ned and Simon.

Its also similar to how when Molly and Melissa would strip Morgan naked and lock her out the house in subzero weather, Morgan would keep on fighting to get back in the house before frostbrite robbed her of one of her appendages.

Morgan clenches her left hand into a fist as her right summons Molly off the canvas. When Molly reaches an upright base, rage orders Morgan forward and she connects with Molly’s stomach with a powerful body blow.  Molly is doubled over, as agony shoots across her midsection. This is just perfect for Morgan, and the junior detective guides Molly onto her shoulders in set up for a Samoan Drop. But the scene queen doesn’t stay atop the baby Nerdly’s shoulders for more than a few seconds before she manages to wiggle her way down Morgan’s back. Taking advantage of her freedom she pounces on Morgan, hooking her into an inverted facelock. Inspector Nerdly is immediately panicked and begins thrashing against her elder sis’ clutches. She almost makes a successful escape, but Molly shuts it down by dropping an elbow across her throat and slamming her to the canvas with the Final Cut 2 (which I am currently installing!)


After giving a thumbs up to the cheering crowd, Molly applies the lateral press…



Half a second before Robinson’s hand can reach the mat, Morgan finds a way to escape the fall.

The final cut almost left Morgan on the cutting room floor.

I have it on good authority that Molly first perfected that move through the decapitation of Morgan’s Barbie dolls.

Though groggy, Morgan comes to her feet and strikes at Molly with a side kick. But the future Oscar Winner catches Morgan’s platform pump, and wags her finger as though to say Morgan’ll have to try better than that. Inspector Nerdly follows that advice and swings around with an enziguri. But Molly tucks her head to her neck and her little sister completely misses, causing her self to crash land into the mat. The situation gets even worse when Molly hooks onto Morgan’s legs and raises her for a wheelbraoww suplex. But Morgan summons a burst of agility to roll forward and overtake Molly with a pinfall. Yet, she can’t even get a one count with her stronger sister pushing her into a reversal.



But Morgan rolls her way out the pin! Shock and disgust plays upon her face, evidence that she can’t fathom why she hasn’t finished Molly off yet.

Both girls have shown that tremendous Nerdly fighting spirit here in Boston. But that's not going to be enough for Lorelei. She's demanded blood and Morgan, craving acceptance, is going to give it to her.

Morgan I demand a nipple slip, produce that and you could be chillin wit DA COACH in the VIP room of his mama's basement. Mikey, can you spot me two Lincolns for rent, big mama don't mess around when it come to that rent money!

Morgan gets back to her feet, eying down her rival with a fearl glare. Molly braves this stare and steps forward to cut through her sister with a lariat! Down goes Morgan, hitting the mat with a hard thud, and she’s quick to roll onto the ring apron for a much needed breather. But that respite won’t come as quickly as she may have liked due to Molly bouncing off the ropes with arm raised for another lariat. But Morgan counters the head hunting attack, by ducking low and running beneath it. Missing Morgan, Molly skids to a stop, looking rather upset with her errant attack. She quickly whirls around to correct her mistake, and that’s when she’s leveled by Morgan’s top rope dropkick!

Miss DeCenzo gotta love the way that one looked. Sucker that art school snob in and then knock her out.

There’s an edge to Morgan’s smile as she lifts Molly up. A cruel edge that lets her terrorize her sibling with lunging right crosses. Once done with punching, Morgan attempts an irish whip. But Molly reverses it, and launches Inspector Nerdly into the ropes.  Molly raises her arm with plans to drop Morgan with a single punch. But Morgan finds a small opening between Molly’s legs, and quickly slides through it. With just as much speed she springs to her feet, and is able to catch Molly by further surprise by swinging her around and snagging onto her arms in a double underhook. Her sinister smile returns as she’s able to flip Molly over and brutally slam her back into the canvas. Robinson counts the pinfall that results from the powerbomb…



Incredibly, the manager of the year kicksout!


Molly flies upward and meets her sister with leg kicks that strike against her shin. Morgan is hobbled and winces in pain, having extreme difficulty in simply standing. Because of this she’s easily trapped inside an inverted facelock by the movie guru.

This match might be close to having its Final Cut!

But Morgan uses every last bit of strength within her tiny body to push herself out her sister’s hold. Now free, she moves quickly to capture Molly before the bigger girl can recover. Morgan grabs hold of Molly and foists her onto her shoulders. Her eyes flash a hard hatred, as she properly positions Molly. And that hatred leads her to drive Molly downwards with thunderous force!

That death valley driver just left Molly in Shock and Awe!

Though she’s thought this so many times before, Morgan can’t help but believe she’s truly defeated Molly. After a small prayer she falls on top of her for a nerve wracking lateral press…





Morgan peels herself off of Molly’s body, and allows a relieved if not painfully frustrated chuckle. This is how I disappear returns back to the arena bringing with it several boos from the fans who expected a Molly victory. Morgan also doesn't get what she expects, as her pleading eyes, turned towards the entrance way, don't bringing out Lorelei for congratulations.

The winner as a result of pinfall....MORGAN NERDLY!  

Inspector Nerdly has done it, and maybe she’s won herself a friend in Lorelei DeCenzo, but she’s done it at the expense of her family.

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Jeez why do I always gotta interview you, Mister Dick? There’s sixty other guys around here and I always end up shoving the microphone in your face.

Woman, if you don’t stop giving me that smart talk I got something a damn sight bigger than that microphone to shove in your face.

I set myself up for that one, didn’t I? And ya brought sasquatch along with ya to, that’s great.

I can see why you’d be afraid of these muscles, Maggie. They’re the reason you had to have  a padlock and a security camera on your door when you were a child. But, I’m not going to hurt you, I’m just here to support my hot, hard, and sexy stud.

Always had to be different. You’re the only one supporting  him in the whole wide world. I think most everyone gonna be getting behind PRL tonight.

From the looks of that squeaky voiced Mexican midget I’d say he’s had people getting behind him all his life, if ya know what I mean. I done touched on everything that needs to be touched on about PRL. I have made my points many times. Many times. And he ain’t refuted a one! That boy ain’t have a single counter argument to a damn thing I said.  I just stand up here on TV, running him down, disrespectin him, makin’ him look a right fool and when its  his turn to talk  he don’t do nothing but spew some ten year old catchphrases, hawk a cheap t-shirt and bring shame to this here company. Well, all that tells me is that I been right about the boy the whole time. He proved it on the mic and I’m gonna prove it in the ring.  Maggie, you know my daddy watches these shows.  He don’t care much for most of ya’ll, but he loves watching his pride and joy. But that man told me in all seriousness that if I don’t beat down PRL I can say good by to the Mulligan family for a long time. My daddy knows PRL’s a disgrace, I know PRL’s a disgrace. I ain’t gonna lose to know disgrace.

We’ll see about that. Coach, Mi-

Hold up, I ain’t finished saying what needs to be said.

No, why would you be? That’d be just to easy.

There’s a man that’s been pissing me much more than PRL has. Because you see this man ain’t no wrestling geek acting like everyday is Halloween dressing up like somebody else. This man is someone who matters, because this man represents our nation and our constitution. Malaysia tell yer sister who I mean.

He means Krista’s dad, Congressman Duncan. I bet the old goat is just jealous he’s wasted all of Krista’s inheritance on  Extenze and he still can’t get up like Jockie.

Either that or old man river got him a death wish. I tried to ignore what he said about me and be the bigger man in more ways than one.

Boy, those never got old.

But I got pride, and I got self respect. I ain’t like PRL, I ain’t stupid enough to hear indignity after indignity and think I ain’t bein insulted. That man got on national TV and told me that I would be taken care of. He had conniptions, and got himself all worked up and told everyone I know and everyone I don’t know that justice would bring my day of reckoning.  Old man, I don’t think you know about me.

Tell him about you, baby. Tell him all about you, tell him what kind of man you are.

I live my life on my terms, I do things my Mister Dick way and ain’t  no body gonna bring me my day of reckoning besides the good lord himself.  You can go and get crusty if ya’ll wanna, but I don’t live no where near Southern California, you ain’t got no authority over a thing I do Deputy Dog.  I come from The Lone Star state and I don’t take kindly to a plug ugly gas bag like yerself trynna get me runnin scared with yer tough talk! But, I understand family is important and you gotta protect your daughters. I ain’t that much of a dick that I’m gonna let you go without getting a chance to do what a dad is supposed to do. Your political powers got no control over me, you can say watchu you wanna but you can’t do a lick of nothing to me.  I’m gonna do you a real nice favor and I’m gonna change that for you.  If you think a day of reckoning is coming anytime to soon to me, then you gonna have to bring it over yourself. You want justice to strike me? You better weild the gavel and strike me with it on March 19th because that’s when I wanna step in that ring with you on HeldDOWN and find out far yer willing to go to protect yer daughter. If you don’t stop me on that night, nobody ever will. Her blood is gonna be on yer hands not mine.

Challenging old dudes to fights in the street? It don’t get any harder than Mister Dick….damn it now I’m doing it to. “Thanks” Malaysia, and MD. Peeps, enjoy the rest of the show.


Championship gold is on the line as we go back up to the ring!

"It's Not My Time" by 3 Doors Down plays and to a typically warm reception, the smiling and waving figure of Tim Cash makes it's way through the curtains. Tim shows his excitement with a quick clap of the hands and fist pump, that's how you know it's a big match for him!

This next contest is a triple threat match, set for one fall and it is for the OAOAST United States Championship! Introducing, the challengers. First, hailing from Peoria, Illinois... weighing two hundred, twenty pounds. He is wrestling's last real good guy... TTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMM... CCAAAAAAASSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!


Tim shakes hands down the aisle, meeting and greeting a good 45 people before he even reaches the ring. He gets in a couple of last eager youngsters before climbing up the ring steps, entering with a hearty wave for all those he had to miss out.

United States Championship on the line, a great opportunity for two more young prospects here in the OAOAST. One of whom, this man, Tim Cash!

And what was with that autograph session he was doing earlier out front? Nobody told me about that.

Well that's because there was no autograph session Coach, or at least there wasn't one planned. But Tim arrived early tonight excited for this match and when he noticed how many of our great fans had showed up early too, he borrowed a table from catering and sat himself outside. That wasn't the OAOAST's doing, that was pure Tim Cash! Out of the goodness of his heart!

You fail to mention how he was charging $30 an autograph.

That's because that's a dirty lie.

Tim continues waving to the fans, as "The World Is Mine" hits. A wealth of flickering and flashing spotlights alternate between entirely red and entirely white across the entrance stage. The lights on the floor then turn blue cutting through a thin haze that fills the stage. Stepping into this tranquil mist, Spencer Reiger brushes off his shoulders and brushes back his hood to reveal a smirking look.

Introducing challenger number two. From Manhattan, New York... weighing in at two hundred, ten pounds. He is "THE ONE MAN TRIPLE THREAT"... SSSSPPPEEEEEEEEENNCCCCCEEEEEEERRRRR... RRRREEEEEEIIIIIIIIIGGEEEEERRRRRRR!!!


Reiger saunters down the ramp, cloaked by a bright white spotlight to contrast the flashing blue and red "SR" shaped illuminations on the entrance ramp. As he reaches the end of the aisle, Spencer holds up a finger asking the crowd to hold on a second. He then removes his Ed Hardy hoody, revealing a New England Patriots jersey. The cheers don't last long though. Having suckered them in, Spencer then reveals it's not just any Pats jerset, but a number 12 Tom Brady jersey, before he LIMPS his way into the ring.


Oh come on! There's no call for that!

Yeah, making fun of sports teams is Alf's gimmick.

Carefully entering the ring, Spencer continues to hobble around a bit as Tim looks on disapprovingly. Finally Spencer takes off the jersey before he causes any disturbances.

Spencer and Cash have had their issues ever since Spencer was promoted to the OAOAST roster last year. When you talk about two contrasting personalities, they don't get much more contrasting than these two.

Referee Chad Patton keeps order between the two challengers, while "Oh No" by Mos Def, Nate Dogg, and Pharoah Monche hits and the first time Nate Dogg shouts "Oh No", a quick burst of pyro shoots up from both sides of the ramp, showering Todd Cortez in sparkles as he stands preparing to walk down the aisle.

And introducing his opponent. Weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty six pounds... and representing Cucaracha Internacional... he is the reigning and defending OAOAST UNITED STATES CHAMPION... "THE URBAN LEGEND"... TTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD... CCOOOOOORRRRRRRRTTEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ!!!

The crowd is somewhat split on the United States Champion as he heads to the ring.

The reaction is fairly mixed up in the private boxes too. Landon Maddix stands applauding, James Blonde staying seated next to him with arms folded, folded tightly even, as much as any human could possibly fold their arms.

Todd climbs the turnbuckles and raises the US Title, before passing it to referee Patton.

So this is one fall to a finish, the first man to score a pinfall or submission will be the US Champion and the champion, Todd Cortez, does not have to be involved in the decision. He'll have to have eyes in the back of his head tonight.

Both challengers get a look at the belt before the bell sounds.


The three men move towards each other and Cash looks set to lock up with Spencer. To his left Cortez is about to do the same, prompting Tim to apologise for getting in his opponent's way and politely stepping aside.

Well that bodes well for Cash's chances.

This is certainly no time for politeness.

Cortez does lock up with Spencer and they jockey for position until Todd manages to grab a side headlock. After a brief struggle Spencer slips out the back, applying a hammerlock. Cash stands nearby looking or an opening to get involved. He keeps his distance as Cortez reverses into his own hammerlock. Dropping down, Spencer takes Cortez down with a toehold, floating over into a side headlock. Thinking he has an opening Cash moves forward, but Todd begins to get to his feet and he respectfully backs off again. That doesn't stop Reiger from insulting Tim. Although an escape and a kick to the back of the knee from Todd does.


Hobbled by the kick Spencer turns around to the US Champion and puts the badmouth on him for what her percieves a cheap move. And that's the opening Cash needs, spinning Spencer around into a fireman's carry.

Now come on, that was hardly a 'nice-guy' move, he attacked the man from behind!

Technically he spun him around and then attacked him from the front.

Stomping back up, Spencer looks pissed and tries to take Cash's head off with a clothesline. Cash ducks and Spencer ends up soaring over the top rope instead with Cortez's help!


With Spencer out of the way Cortez and Cash are left to go at it. They tie up, Cortez going underneath with a hammerlock. Cash drops to his knees and rolls to the side, coming out with Todd's arm wrung. Looking to escape the wristlock Cortez rolls forward... but Tim is ready for that and rolls right with him, coming up with the wrist still locked!

Nice move by Tim.

Wringing the arm again Cash brings Todd forward into a fireman's carry, putting his body weight across Cortez's chest...


Cortez lifts a shoulder, but Cash forces down again...


Another shoulder comes up. Accepting defeat, Cash pats Todd on the chest and allows him to get back up.

What the hell was that? He had him down!

Tim Cash isn't a fan of hitting people when they're down, as we've seen in his occasional Athletic Competition Invitationals.

Back on his feet Todd sizes up Cash again. They lock-up again with Cash this time grabbing a 3/4 headlock. Cortez uses some open palms to the stomach to force Cash's grip loose, vaulting over his back to the other side where he delivers an armdrag. Rolling to his feet, Cash runs into Todd with a shoulder block. The US Champ stays on his feet but off balance, all Tim wanted as he hits the ropes...

...and gets tripped from the outside by Reiger.

There's that third man dillema. Can't afford to forget about either opponent for too long, no matter where they are.

Crawling in past Cash, Spencer ambushes Cortez with a running forearm smash. Cortez falls to a knee and Spencer clubs away with some more forearms, before raking the laces of his boot across the eyes. As Cash picks himself back up holding his nose, Spencer tries to take Cortez up for a suplex, but the US Champion blocks.

HEY! Get over here and help, wouldya?

Yelling at Cash, Spencer gets no reaction.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry... please would you come and help me out?

Tim looks out at the fans, who immediately roar at him not to. But being the ultimate nice guy, Tim simply can't refuse to help after being asked politely! So he walks over and together, he and Reiger deliver a double suplex on the US Champion! They pop back up and Spencer pats Tim on the back for a good job.

See, now that wasn't so hard was it?

Tim offers a handshake... and Spencer sucker punches him in the mouth, then dumps him to the outside!


HAHAHA! Fantastic!

Spencer quickly drops an elbow on Cortez with the coast clear, looking for the pin...




Picking Todd back up, Spencer whips him into a corner, following in with a clothesline. As Cortez staggers out he wanders right into the path of The Prodigy coming off the ropes, swinging with another clothesline. But the US Champion ducks and snatches Spencer up for a Sitout Spinebuster!!

Nice counter move!




Cortez hounds Spencer as he rolls away. So much so that Spencer keeps on rolling until his feet hit the floor looking for a timeout. What he doesn't notice is Tim Cash walking up behind him, hands on hips. With a disapproving shake of the head he waits for Spencer to realise something's up, then once he's turned around nails him with a forearm shot!

And Tim Cash finally going to get his hands on Reiger!

Tim continues to fire away with forearms on Reiger...

...until they're both suddenly wiped out by a FRONTFLIP PESCADO by Todd Cortez!!


Yeah, not for long though.

Again, you can't forget about the third man. Or else something like that's going to happen to you. The US Champion playing it smart and picking his spot there.

Back up, Cortez grabs a hold of Spencer and puts him into the steel steps. He then rolls Cash back inside. Cortez climbs to the apron, laying in wait while Tim picks himself back up. Leaping to the top, the US Champion connects with a Springboard Missile Dropkick and goes for the cover...




Cortez delivers a snap suplex, again looking for the quick fall...




Spotting Spencer getting back up onto the apron, Cortez charges him off, a popular move with the Boston crowd. Cortez grabs Cash as he gets to his feet, delivering a European uppercut. And then a second. Irish whip puts Cash into the turnbuckles, stumbling back out and being elevated with a BAAAAACK bodydrop!

Looks like Todd is turning it on for the boss tonight!

You mean Landon? Do you really think Cortez cares about what Landon thinks of him, after all he's been put through this past year?

That was just tough love. And now it's worked. The end.

A stomp flattens Tim back down, allowing Cortez to land with a Standing Moonsault...




Reiger pops back up onto the apron and Cortez gives Tim another stomp before going to meet him. But Spencer has the answer this time and catches Todd coming with a forearm to the face. Spencer then runs down the apron to the corner posts, lining Cortez up for the running enziguri!

Ooh! That precision kick right to the back of the head. Spencer Reiger firing himself right back into this match.

Stepping in over Cortez, Spencer shoves him underneath the bottom rope and to the outside before turning his attentions to Tim Cash. With Tim just getting to his feet, he's spun around by the shoulder. Right into a perfect looking Standing Dropkick, flush on the jaw. Spencer quickly hooks a leg and demands a count...

Here we go, new Champion!




You think I jinxed it?

Saying that rarely helps, but if it makes you feel any better I don't think Tim Cash is going to go down to a dropkick. Even one as beautifully executed as that.

Spencer stays on the attack, raining down a succession of closed fists to Tim's forehead until the referee warns him off.

Spencer Reiger certainly has no qualms about hitting a man while he's down.

That's because he's a winner.

Leading Cash over to the ropes, Spencer scoops and slams him in position right next to them. As he steps out of the ring to the apron Reiger waits, luring in Cortez and kicking back at him to fend him off. Grabbing onto the top rope Reiger then brings himself back in over the top, landing on Cash's chest with a double stomp! Reiger hangs onto the top rope though... JUMPING OFF OF CASH AND OVER THE TOP ROPE, DOWN ONTO CORTEZ ON THE ARENA FLOOR!!!


Incredible! Even you've gotta give it up for Spence after that Cole!

That was quite the one-two combination, I'll admit it.

And with both opponents out, all Spencer's gotta do is finish one off and we've got ourselves a new United States Champion. Touch wood this time.

Spencer picks himself up to some begrudging applause from some of the crowd, which he quickly shoves back down their throats by giving them the 'up yours'. By the time he rolls back inside Cash is up to his knees, but clearly winded. Reiger leads him to his feet, executing another bodyslam on the nicest of nice guys. Spencer then points to where he's heading, the top rope.

The One Man Triple Threat could be closing in on victory here in this United States Title triple threat match.

A shot of the skyboxes shows a look of concern on Landon Maddix's face and a hard to ignore grin on James Blonde's next to him.

Reaching the top, Spencer finds himself facing the crowd and can't resist one last taunt, before tumbling backwards with a MOONSAULT!!

Got it!

But he's not covering him? That's a rookie mistake right there, GOT to cover him after that!

With a wag of his finger Spencer lets everybody know he's not done just yet though. Dusting his hands, he starts to pick Cash back up and hooks up an arm with Tim on one knee.


Ah, he wants to chalk another one up on the Reiger Counter, that's what it is!

Spencer nods his head with a smile, hooking the other arm. The Boston crowd jeer and boo, distracting Spencer...

...long enough for Cash to slip free and trip Spencer up, crossing the legs for the cloverleaf!


And to the delight of the crowd, Cash is able to turn Reiger over and apply the MIDWEST SLING!!


Submission is applied! Will Reiger be forced to tap out!?

Not by Tim Cash! We can't have a nice guy representing the USA, what the hell kind of message does that send about our country!? Come on Spencer!

Reiger writhes around in pain in the hold, one he's succummed to on more than one ocassion. For now he's hanging on, but just barely.


Hands clasped to his head Reiger shouts no, but a sudden surge of pain pulls the hands away. His right hovers, ready to give it up...

...JUST as Todd Cortez runs in to bundle Cash over and break up the hold!!

Todd Cortez just saved his United States Title right there! He was a split second away from losing that belt without even being beaten, but thankfully made it in time!

Landon is certainly thankful, clearly breathing heavily as he watches on, Blonde silently cursing next to him.

Reiger rolls himself out of harm's way to recover, while Cortez goes after Cash. After a pair of European uppercuts he whips Cash across, ducking his head ready to catch him. But Cash puts on the brakes, countering into a backslide...




As Cortez tries to go by Cash, he gets caught in a chinlock. Cash turns so that he's back to back with the US Champion, looking for the modified backbreaker. Able to turn out of it Todd instead pulls Cash into the standing headscissors... and Cash quickly backdrops his way free of danger, only for Cortez to hang on for a sunset flip...




Laying in wait, Spencer sees his opportunity and rushes forward with a double clothesline. He connects with Cash, but not Cortez, who ducks and schoolboys Spencer...




Quick falls being exchanged, US Title hanging in the balance here.

Spencer runs in at Cortez again, taking a back elbow for his troubles. Stepping in Cash is cut off as well, Cortez booting him in the gut and looking for a suplex. Floating up and over the back Cash applies a waistlock. Standing switch puts Cortez in control, as Spencer runs in, BOTH men ducking their heads and delivering a combined backdrop!! Cash takes advantage of the moment and switches back to a waistlock and looks to run Cortez into the ropes for an O'Connor roll, but the US Champion hangs onto the top rope and pushes Cash off. Cash rolls through to his feet and drops down to avoid Cortez, who ends up getting backdropped over the top by Reiger. He lands on the apron though, kicking Reiger in the back of the head! He staggers forward... into a SLEEPER from Cash!

Do Not Resuscitate, from the former EMT!

Leaping back into the ring, Cortez charges off the ropes with his two opponents sitting targets for the HOLLOW POOOOOIIIIIINT...

...Spencer able to move out of the way, causing Cash to get tackled!!

Cortez went for it all and he got... some.

But maybe not enough.

As Cortez gets back up Spencer is waving frantically, eager for Cortez to turn around into his boot to the gut. He quickly hooks the arms up for Reiger Counte... NO! Cortez spins free! Holding onto Spencer's wrist he pulls him into a boot, reeling him into a standing headscissors AND SPIKING HIM ON HIS HEAD WITH A SUPER QUICK RIOT ACT PLUS~!~!~!~!~!



RIOT ACT PLUS~! NOBODY kicks out from that!

With Spencer officially KTFOed, Cortez turns around to find Cash stumbling his way. Quick as a flash, he wraps him up into a dragon sleeper position and takes him to the mat with a body scissors. Adding the armbar he then wrenches back, trapping Tim on the canvas! After just a couple of seconds Tim has had enough...

...and taps out against Cortez's hip, to a cheer from the crowd!

And it's Street Dreams for Tim Cash, Todd Cortez retains the United States Title!


Letting go of the hold, Cortez climbs back up and has his hand raised, looking back and forth at both his fallen challengers.



Cortez is passed the US Champion, a quick camera cut showing Landon Maddix on his feet applauding jubilantly. Not wanting to look suspicious Blonde is standing too, giving Cortez the dreaded slow clap in a show of his disappointment. Putting the title back over his shoulder, Todd leaves the ring with his job done.

A tricky test for the United States Champion, passed with flying colours. Todd Cortez showing everybody just what a talent he is and what talent has gone to waste being in the shackles of Cucaracha Internacional for so long.

Oh get over it already. He's in the good books now!

As long as he's got the United States Title maybe. I still don't think the situation with Cortez and the rest of Cucaracha Internacional is as cut and dry as you make out though Coach. We may find out soon enough. But for now, The Urban Legend remains the US Champion.


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Calvin, in no mood to screw around any longer, pulls Zack up, and AGAIN sets him up for a CODE RED CLASH~!...AND HITS IT~! THIS IS IT~!




Calvin can NOT believe this, but the crowd is RABID. Calvin stands up, kicking at Zack, stomping, whatever, yelling "why won't you DIE!" to his most hated opponent. He picks Zack up, then quickly grabs the arm, taking Zack to the mat as if he were Chris Benoit looking for a crossface, but before he can get a good grip on the arm, Malibu somersaults forward, dodging the potential submission, and as Calvin gets up to grab him....


Malibu collapses across Calvin's body, not even able to hook a leg, as this cover is purely out of desperation! Earl Hebner slaps the canvas, as the crowd counts along...






I feel ill.

The arena EXPLODES in cheers, as "Bring Me To Life" is cued up. Earl Hebner retains the World Title from Michael Buffer, who takes the microphone and makes the following announcement.


Many stars offer their congratulations to Zack, when suddenly one person in particular steps through everyone. CWM comes face to face with perhaps his most hated adversary, and though these men are now technically on the same side, the bad blood apparently still flows. CWM looks at the OAOAST World Title, draped over Zack Malibu's shoulder, and takes the belt off of it!

CWM takes the belt...and snaps it around Zack's waist, causing Zack to lightly chuckle. He turns to CWM, and the two lock eyes, before CWM does what Hoff did to him earlier...and extends a hand to the World Champion.

Zack reaches down and takes the hand of CWM, and the two men shake, then embrace, to a standing ovation from the crowd!

Still to come later tonight, our main-event for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship, Leon Rodez to defend against Zack Malibu. And joining us now, a man with more interest than most in the outcome of tonight's match, next in line with a shot at the winner at AngleMania VIII, the number one contender Bohemoth.

We cut to Bohemoth standing by in front of the interview backdrop, which gets a pop from the live audience.

And Bo, how are you doing tonight first off?

I'm doing okay Michael. Just waiting.

Waiting of course to find out just who you'll be facing for the World Title at AngleMania. You are also, of course, friends and part of the new In Crowd with both Zack and Leon. How do you see things going tonight with these two?

Bo smiles to himself.

Well like you said, there's a lot of common ground between all three of us and a lot of mutual respect as well. So what you're gonna see tonight is a great match, in my opinion. Two guys trying to go out there and prove who the better man is. Nothing simpler than that. You know, I get the feeling we're gonna see something special tonight. I'm sure all the people are looking forward to it and I am too.

You mention the friendship and the mutual respect. But tonight, it's for the top prize in the company. Do you see tempers flaring at all?

Nah. Leon's not that kind of guy.

...and Zack?

Bo smiles to himself again.

Zack as passionate as they come. But I don't see it being like that tonight. It's gonna be about competition, leave it all the ring... just like it will be for whoever's standing across from me at AngleMania.

And forgive me for putting you on the spot, with your friendship with the two. But any chance we can get a prediction from you? Who do you think's going to leave with the World Title tonight and for that matter, who would you PREFER leaves with the World Title tonight?

You know, that's really not my place to say. As far as who I'd prefer, it honestly doesn't matter. Whether it's Leon I'm facing at AngleMania or whether it's Zack, not an issue. I'll cross that road, whichever road it is, on April 5th. May the best man win is all I've got to say.

Well, thank you Bo for joining us and understandably, Bohemoth not wanting to be drawn into making a prediction.

No kidding. You don't wanna piss off the guys going halvesies on gas money with you. Plus he's already screwing around with Leon's niece, don't wanna get him any angrier.

He's hardly 'screwing around' Coach.

They're dating, ain't they?

That's what I hear.

Then I rest my case. Keep Uncle Leon sweet, he might have to make the best man speech at the wedding. Or go halvsies on abortion money.

You really have a vivid imagination.

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Backstage in the referee’s dressing room, Krista is modeling off the latest in officiating fashion to a stunned Clem Buzzlefoxer.

Top, Dolce & Gabbana. Shorts, Prada.  Sunglasses, Marc Jacobs. Lace shawl, Valentino. Handbag, Fendi. Peep toe platform wedges?

Salvation Army?

No, honey, Louis Boutin. Total cost of referee outfit a shrewd bargain at ten thousand dollars. Clem, honey, the old polo shirt and black pants look was fine before the war between the states-

That was a good time!

But with the recent induction of Hawaii as the 50th state in the union its time to move on in the ever expanding fashion world.

How am I too afford all this, lassy?

Honey, use your social security check of course. What were you planning on using it for? Unimportant things like rent, electricity, food, and water? Does food and shelter satisfy you the way a platform sandal from Pucci can? I think not.

Interrupting Krista’s fashion class, the decidedly unfashionable Terry Taylor risks humiliation and beatings for an interview

Krista, a word.

Asshole! Moron! Fool! Idiot! There you are, four words, don’t say I never do anything nice for you. And here’s a bonus…


I know you hit because that’s the only way you know how to show your undying love for me. Actually I’d like to talk to you about your position as guest referee in the match between Mister Dick and former world champion PRL. Can you be trusted to  call the match down the middle?

Oh, honey, that is a silly question. I’ve cheated my way through middle school, I regularly cheat on my taxes, I cheat to beat Jade at Monopoly so she doesn’t get a big ego, I’ve cheated on 95% of the girlfriends I’ve ever had, and with that upstanding record of citizenery I don’t see why you’d think I’d be bias in any way! Could it be because Mister Dick has given me a concussion, had his girlfriend sexually assault me, insulted both of my daughters, attempted to steal my money in the bank contract, ruined my chance to become world champion, denied my greatest joy of all which crushing Leon Rodez’ hopes for a better tomorrow, and threatened to destroy my family? Terry, darling, I am going to try my hardest to be good, kind referee, but if Mister Dick steps even a centimeter over the line, I will punt his ass out of this earth. I will kick him into Juptier’s orbit and call NASA so they can monitor the affect his glitter cowboy hat has on planetary super storms.

But what about the challenge he made earlier tonight to your father? Your dad is a US Congressman but he loves you very much, do you think he’ll take the challenge?

Oh, honey, of course he won’t!  We’re Jews. We don’t do that sort of thing. We leave it to the blacks and the Muslims. When he said he’d bring a day of reckoning to Mister Dick he meant he’d write an arthouse dramatic comedy that goes over the heads of anyone who didn’t graduate with a 3.0 or above from a liberal arts school. He won’t take a fight against Mister Dick, he’ll leave that to his little girl. At least I hope he will…

And finally, what about your ongoing feud with Lindsay Lohan. She’s still upset that you didn’t invite her to the 300th HeldDOWN where you competed for the world title against Leon Rodez. She’s been slamming you in the press, and I’m wondering if you’d like to respond.

Condescending Krista goes off, diplomatic Krista comes on. We release negativity and we embrace the positive. My not inviting Lindsay to the 300th HD wasn’t a snub or anything of that nature. I just simply had other friends who I thought might enjoy the evening more, so naturally I had to invite them. Friends like Bella Lugosi, Ava Gardner, Jumbo, Mighty Mouse…

Two of those people are dead, one already works here and the other is a fictional character from the 1950’s.

You know what? You’re a fictional character from the 1950’s, and no that doesn’t make sense, but you know what else doesn’t make sense why your mother didn’t abort you!

Krista, can’t you just admit you forgot to invite her?

No, Terry, no I can not because that admits fault. And when you admit fault you start admitting other things like maybe its not a good idea to force the maids to fight each other in the for their weekly loaf of bread. Fine, honey, I’ll admit, I forgot to invite her. Lindsay, I apologize. There was so much to do in the weeks leading up to the event, I had so many things to do, such as telling so many people to do the things that I have to do that I just plum forgot to tell someone to invite you. It wasn’t because I hate or I don't like you. No, its nothing like that. I know how big a fan of mine you are and I consider you a good friend. But you’ve never expressed any interest in the OAOAST before besides wondering why some family in Canada had 12 kids and sent them all to work at the same miserable wrestling company. I guess I just figured you wanted to keep your sanity and stay away from this den of utter insanity. I don’t want to feud with you. Oprah says we bitches gotta stick together like nutted on draws, not in those words but that’s the basic gist I suppose, I got the episode summary from Alix. So, lets bury this hatchet or use it to remove several of Terry’s limbs. But let’s not fight anymore because I want to still be your friend. Okay? I apologize.


History made on this fine day. Krista has actually apologized for hurting someone's feelings!



The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is the FINAL of the 2009 Anderson Cup Competition! One fall, NO time-limit, there MUST be a winner! Your referee when the bell rings, Mister Clem Buzzlefoxer the sixth.

"You break the laws
You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all
Come on come on, lovin' for the money
Come on come on, listen to the Money talk
Come on come on, lovin' for the money
Come on come on, listen to the Money talk
Money talks"


The theme song of The Enterprise is greeted very poorly by the well inebriated Boston crowd. The reception cools further when they witness Theodore Moneymaker clad in a glittering Yankees themed robe. As the green and gold strobe lights flash across the stage, Christian Wrights makes his entrance with his briefcase held at his side. He exchanges a pleasant handshake with his long time friend and together they make their way down the ramp.

Introducing first, team number one. At a total combined weight of four hundred and sixty two pounds. Representing The Enterprise......former Anderson Cup champions AND One and Only Tag Team Champions, from Washington DC "THE NATURAL" CHRISTIAN WRIGHT and "from Vero Beach, he is The Angle Award winning BILLION DOLLAR HEIR", THEODORE MMMOOOONNEYMAKER!!!


The Enterprise with the chance of a lifetime to be the first team to ever repeat as Anderson Cup champions. GPX, The Heavenly Rockers, no one has ever held the trophy twice. You can buy a lot of things with Moneymaker’s money, but you can’t buy those kinds of bragging rights.

Moneymaker and Wright enter the ring by held open ropes, after forcing poor old Clem to perform the task. Not caring for the strain they may have put on his 90 year old bones, the money mavens take to the center of the ring and hold their arms high in preemptive victory.

OH OH OH (I CPed this from a website that’s why it looks like it was written for a tard)

The red carpet rolls down the ramp, and the cheers roll down the stands as Lupe Fiasco’s atmospheric and dreamy plays over the sound system. Stepping onto the stage that’s shrouded a purplish green from the overhanging spotlights are the Beverly Hills Blonds. Each man holds a stern and fearsome expression for the two wrestlers in the ring, and the stonefaced glares fully returned.

For The Beverly Hills Blonds this is about more than trophies. Its about revenge, and retribution and respect.

Its about getting that ass beat by the group you never should have left in the first place!


The fans put a large cheer for The Blonds, who near the ring with narrowed eyes locked firmly on Moneymaker and Wright. Somewhat fearful of the violent look that posses The Blonds, Moneymaker calls Wright in for chat session to determine how to handle this threat.

I think Moneymaker and Wright are starting to realize what kind of hatred The Blonds have brought with them tonight in Boston!

The strategy session between Wright and Moneymaker drags just a tad bit too long for Ned and Simon’s taste. As such they latch onto CW’s curly black hair and throw him over the ropes. The fans come out with huge cheers as Wright touches down and Moneymaker gasps in horror.  Wright quickly returns to his feet but is dropped right back down with an overhand left from Double S. Seeing that, The Messiah decides now would be as good a time as any to escape. But escape isn’t made easy when The Blonds lock him down into a double front facelock. The fans are overjoyed to watch the 4 time tag team champs suplex their former boss into the ring!

“B-H-B! B-H-B! B-H-B!”

Picking up CW, the pair irish whip him across the ring. He smacks back first into the corner, where he drops down to his butt and whimpers in exhaustion. Leaving Wright to agonize over his misery, the Blonds drag Teddy off the mat. He pleads with them to let him go, to remember all the good times they had together. Ned and Simon aren’t listening however and whip him straight towards Wright. Much to the delight of the audience Moneymaker crashes his knees directly into CW’s face. Horrible screams tear through CW’s throat, but Moneymaker is more concerned with his own misery and safety.  He has excellent reason to be worried; Simon drags him out the corner and uses a belly to back suplex to throw him down to the canvas. Immediately upon hitting the canvas, Teddy rather wisely decides to slide out the ring. The fans insult him for his cowardice, but in his worn down state he hasn’t the strength to argue.

So far things are not going very well for Wright and Moneymaker on their quest to repeat as Anderson Cup champions.

Its still early, Mikey. We’ve seen lots of cats come out hot but at the end of the match they’ve blown up and they’re down for an easy pin.

Wright is back on his feet, but rather than take the fight to his one time friends, he wishes to catch the same early breather as his boss. The Blonds help him arrange that as they team up on a double lariat that has him toppling over the ropes and coming down directly in front of the wrathful gaze of his employer.


Moneymaker and Wright have got to get The Beverly Hills Blonds under control otherwise it could be an exceptionally  long night.

Simon uses The Enterprise’s streak of yellow to work up the already flaming hot audience. Ned’s focuses is more singular, directed towards taunting and cursing Moneymaker and Wright.

“CHICKEN SHIT! CHICKEN SHIT! CHICKEN SHIT!” the audience chants, picking up just one of Ned’s many vulgarities.  Not wanting to go down as the only person to lose an Anderson Cup final by countout, Moneymaker makes a reluctant return to the ring.

I guess Moneymaker finally grew some guts! Not being able to hide behind your cash or your VICE squad makes things scary, I imagine.

Moneymaker steps into Blanchard for a lockup. But that simple hold doesn’t last for very long as Ned breaks the hold to hammer The Messiah with punches. Moneymaker tries to get his guard up, to do something to prevent from being beaten into oblivion. But his weak guard is poor defense against Ned and The Handsome Hustler uses a right cross to blast him straight through the ring ropes to the outside. The audience explodes with glee as they witness the despised tycoon crash onto the Irish green outside mats.

Shame on Ned Blanchard, trynna cheapen the spirit of this competition by taking a count out victory.

Its again with great reluctance that Moneymaker returns towards the ring. These fears are immediately justified when Blanchard begins ramming his elbow into the back of his old boss’ head. Moneymaker suffers through no less than ten painful blows to his head before desperation sees him shove Blanchard into the corner. Before the Handsome Hustler has a chance to escape the posts, Moneymaker uses an unusual burst of speed to strike him with a corner lariat. With Ned stunned for the moment, the billionaire is able to climb to the top rope and pepper him with punches. But he only gets of three jabs before he feels a tight grip around his waist. Only a second later he’s being driven down onto Ned’s knee with a harmful inverted atomic drop! While Teddy clutches his surely shattered testicles, Ned gathers speed by spinning around. He then unleashes himself upon Moneymaker with a diving lariat. He follows that move with a pinfall that’s counted by Clem Buzzlefoxer.



Wright breaks the pin up with his loafers, which certainly does nothing to please the crowd.

“SILENOOOOOOF!” CW’s trademark call for quiet is quieted by the elbow of The Handsome Hustler. Ever the opportunist Moneymaker seizes on CW being used as cannon fodder and hits his foe with an axe handle smash to the back.

“Now, you’re gonna feel my power, Blanchard!” Moneymaker screams, watching Ned lurch over in pain. He snaps his arms around Ned in a rear waistlock he hopes will lead to a German Suplex. But Blanchard throws those plans into disarray by rolling downwards and catching the tycoon with a leg lock! Instantly Moneymaker finds himself under incredible pain and uses his free leg to kick frantically at Ned. Although more annoying than painful, Teddy’s strikes at least get to break his hold so that he may tag in Singleton.


The Enterprise CEO uses the Blonds’ tagging as the moment to get his feet. Unfortunately any hopes of escape are dashed by Blanchard bringing him back down with a drop toe hold. Ned holds the squirming Moneymaker in place, as Simon bounces off the ropes. BOSS comes roaring off and strikes Moneymaker with a knee drop directly to the skull. The fans applaud, pleased to see the egomaniacal snob get exactly he deserves.

Dare I say that Theodore Moneymaker is being completely outclassed by his former henchmen? What a humiliation!

Slow that mess down. The Blonds are great athletes but they don’t have the smarts to keep this kind of showing up. That’s why they always took orders from Mister Moneymaker.

Teddy gets back to his feet, desperately seeking susan and desperately seeking a way out the ring. Neither are forthcoming with Singleton trapping his arms within a butterfly lock. But using his understated power, The Messiah is able to quickly bust his way through Singleton’s hold.  With great haste, he captures his former employee into a setup for a body slam. But, Singleton promptly slides down his back to escape. Trying to get a read on his foe, Moneymaker spins around only to get uppercuted to the ground. Simon then falls on top his foe for a pinfall…



Moneymaker kicks out, avoiding the humiliation of being pinned by a punch. Next, Singleton heads to the ropes, unware that Moneymaker is already getting towards his feet. Thus he’s forced to a quick leapfrog when he approaches the risen tycoon. He bounces back off the ropes, stepping into a lariat. But Moneymaker is just shade quicker than him and crushes his body against the mat with a powerslam. His first offensive move of the match will be his last for now, as Moneymaker reaches his hand backwards to tag in CW.


While hissing at the audience to still their tongues, CW waits for Singleton to rise. Once BOSS does get to his feet, The Natural savages his slender chest with a pair of European Uppercuts. After that Wright attempts an Irish whip. But, BOSS recovers his strength in order to reverse the hold. Wright rumbles back with head lowered like a bull, trying to impale his rival. But, a leap frog helps Singleton evade the tactic and CW continues to the ropes. Singleton tries another leapfrog on the rebound. But he’s read Wright wrong (awesome pun), as The Natural counters his jump with the Wright Off! The fans leap back with shock, wondering how the tide of the match could’ve turned so quickly.

Big move by The Natural!  He’s been in this position before he knows how one move, or one mistake can shift the entire direction of the match.

It just got shifted in favor of The Big E!

Wright grabs Singelton’s ankles and spreads his legs apart. He taunts him with a grin, and then curses him with anguish as he stomps down on his stomach. Next, Wright brings BOSS to his feet and throws him into the green ring ropes. After bouncing off Singleton is forced to hop the lowered body of Wright. But this carries him right into the closed fist of Theodore Moneymaker!

“BWHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Moneymaker is as pleased as punch to watch Singleton capsize as a result of his foul play.

Three time tag team champions versus the team that held the belt for one week. You might think the three time winners had a clear advantage, but Moneymaker and Wright are every bit The Blonds’ equal.

With a hold of SS’ finely gelled hair, CW hauls him off the mat again. He further weakens him with a series of throat thrust that leave BOSS gasping for air. His situation turns all the worse when CW whips him into a neutral corner. Singleton hits the ring posts with such powerful force that he’s propelled back towards Wright. The CFO of The Enterprise sends a dashing straight into his jaw, that twists and twirls him before brutally dropping him to the mat.

That was a punch! Don’t think just ‘cause my man reads Wall Street Journal he can’t jack ya life up.

Wright is quickly upon the fallen Singleton, bringing pain to his back with hard stomps. Double S tries his hardest to kick him away, but CW is able to avoid the weak attempt and merrily continues to punish his one time friend. Finally, Buzzlefoxer decides he’s had enough and decides to pull CW away to allow Singleton try and make a clean rise.

“Unhand me, elderly swine!” Wright shoves past Buzzlefoxer to gain hold of Singleton and drag him upright. With a vicious snarl, he cups a hand beneath Singleton’s square chin, and infuriates the fans by spitting in his face! Injury is added to insult when CW strikes his rival with a European Uppercut. Singleton is in no position to fight back, and in fact has difficulty staying upright. That doesn’t become much of problem as Wright snapmares him to the canvas. He then follows that up by driving his pleated khakis into BOSS’ skull with a double knee drop. Satisfied with nearly breaking Singleton’s face, CW goes for a pinfall.



Singleton kicks just a nanosecond before Buzzlefoxer’s hand hits the mat for a third time.

A close kickout by the three time tag team champion.

As, Singleton gets to his feet, Wright charges at him, looking to lacerate him with his trusty spear. But BOSS black tights stretch through the air in a leap frog, putting Wright on a collision course with the ring posts. Fortunately for him, he manages to turn the deadly posts to his advantage and leap onto the second rope. As BOSS turns to face him, Wright is already halfway through the air, cutting him down with a diving shoulder tackle! CW hooks his rival’s leg for another fall…



Once again BOSS finds a way to bring his shoulder off the mat. His entire body soon follows but he’s captured by Wright and thrown into the ropes. BOSS tries to stun CW with a standing sunsent flip, but the muscular financial guru refuses to be brought to the mat. Rather then wage a pointless war with The Natural, Double S lets him go free, and journeys towards the ropes. The cables spit him back towards Wright, who greets his return by capturing him into his arms. BOSS is spun like a disco ball before finally having his back shattered across Wright's outstretched leg by a tilt-a-whirl slam! The Natural roughly shoves his whimpering rival off his khaki pants leg and attempts a pin...



Singleton kicks out, giving the fans quite the jolt of happiness as they expected him to fall victim to the pin. Singleton is whimpering in pain as his hands move to massage his injured back. But, CW pries his arm away from his wounds, using it as a rope to drag him upright. He then throws BOSS into the ropes. When the cables throw him back, Wright catches him with a lightening fast arm drag! The moment Singleton hits the mat, his screams are steady and loud. But their muffled by the two hundred twenty five pounds that lie across him for a pinfall…



Singleton raises his shoulder from the mat, but not without incurring severe pain through his limbs. On the ring apron Blanchard sees that his partner is in dire need of help and thusly directs his rage and anager towards Wright.

“Come on, Wright, you wanna fight, let’s fight! I’m gonna mangle your face!” Blanchard shouts.

Annoyed by the disrespect shown to him, Wright marches over towards Blanchard to give him a solid pummeling. Problematically, Wright is the only one who gets a pummeling as Singleton smashes a wave of elbows into the back of Wright’s head. In the middle of the assault, the film auteur pauses to capture the perfect image of his archrival. But that taunt comes with an extreme price for BOSS; CW roars back to life with a punch to Singleton’s midsection doubling Singleton over in agony. From there CW snares him into an underhook and promptly rips him into the air. Nary a second later, Valentine is powered into the canvas at the hands of the Nightmare On Wallstreet!


Sharing similar sentiments, Blanchard resumes his insulting of Wright. The Natural’s rage is again drawn out by Blanchard’s taunting and he returns to the Handsome Hustler to answer his challenges. But, lulled into a furious stupor by Blanchard’s annoyance, CW fails to notice the quiet approach of BOSS. Its only when he's spun around by the three time tag champion does he realize that something is amiss. By that time its much too late to stage a proper defense, as he's already being twirled through the air courtesy of the Swinging Neckbreaker! His frame slams into the mat with terrific impact, instantly draining all life from his body, and bringing out a large cheer from the audience.

While Ned laughes at CW’s misfortunes, his partner grabs onto the outside leg for a fall…



Moneymaker breaks up the pin by slashing the point of his elbow across Singleton’s head. Unfortunately he pays the price for his meddling when Simon loosens his teeth with a lunging palm strike! He falls through the ropes, landing on the apron with a hard thud as blood trickles through his lips. Thankfully he’s spared further thrashings as CW introduces Singleton to the canvas with a side Russian leg sweep! With Singleton laid out, Moneymaker is eager to get revenge and so applies the tag with The Natural.


Upon entering the ring, Moneymaker hauls his one time friend off the canvas and then sends him into a neutral corner. Moving with unusual agility, Singleton leaps onto the third rope to avoid a disastrous crash with the turnbuckles. Moneymaker is frustrated by Singleton’s avoidance of certain doom and rushes forward to push him off the turnbuckles. But his plans meet with failure when Singleton crashes into him with a diving cross body block! Buzzlefoxer gets down to his knees just as quick as his 90 year old limbs will allow and counts the pinfall…



Wright’s Brooks Brother’s loafers save Moneymaker from an embarrassing loss. Unfortunately, Wright is taken right off those loafers by BOSS’ spinning sweep kick. With both Enterprise members laying battered and bruised on the canvas, Singleton has any easy time of tagging his partner into the ring.


And here comes Ned Blanchard, a superstar’s superstar.

And a deadbeats deadbeat.

Blanchard hits the ring a 5’10 ball of child support dodging fire! He plows through Moneymaker with a lariat, and then takes out an incoming Wright with a superb spinning muay thai mid kick! The fans are on their feet, boisterously cheering on the brazen gladiator.


Back on his feet Moneymaker dashes towards the Handsome Hustler with an axe handle smash. But Blanchard is ready for him and he halts his charge with a spinning kick to the mdisection. Moneymaker is left doubled over and daze and Blanchard is quick to capitalize on this. He snares his foe into a front 3/4th facelock and then sits out snapping his foe’s head right off his shoulder! His old boss timbers to the canvas like a redwood through a Northern California forest. His situation gets even worse as Blanchard leans over him and douses him with stinging trash talk.

This ain’t the kinda dude we need representing the Anderson Cup. You already almost broke the man’s neck, why you gotta talk some smack about diversifying his bonds?

Finished with berating Moneymaker, Ned drapes his arms across his chest for a fall…



Once more CW is forced to save his boss by breaking up the fall. Again this comes with harrowing results for Wright as Blanchard temporally cripples him with basement dropkick. This capsizes CW to his knees and makes him a sitting duck for Nerdly's next cataclysmic move. Blanchard runs the ropes to build speed, and rushes back towards his foe. Once reaching CW he stabs his loafer directly into his face! A grotesque wad of spit flies out of CW’s mouth as he plummets back to mat. Blanchard hasn't a second to celebrate the defeat of his foe, due to the vexatious Moneymaker returning back to action to floor him with a shoulder block.


“So what am I supposed to do? Just never attack him?” Moneymaker wonders to the fans.


Haha! Good job sir, you got em there.

Moneymaker dishes out a trifecta of stinging stomps to Blanchard’s noggin, as he arrogantly stares out at the rabid audience. Finished with his stompings, he sinks to his stomach where he's able to easily trap Blanchard into a grounded facelock. The Handsome Hustler instantly feels the horrible affects of this elementary hold, a crippling constriction on his neck and a difficulty in breathing. Five seconds into the move, Buzzlefoxer starts to inquire as to whether Ned wishes to submit or not. Of course Moneymaker, who's turned the move into a subtle chokehold, answers for him, telling the Jurassic zebra that his foe has indeed given up. Simon responds back for Ned, telling Moneymaker to keep his mouth shut.

I don’t like how just ‘cause they got a few fans on their side, The Blonds have felt its okay to start having opinions and thinking on their own. You ain’t never gonna be as well of as you were when you had a Yale graduate doing your thinking for you.


In spite of the swell of support for his antagonist, Moneymaker is able to quell any resistance, locking the Handsome Hustler down in the center of the ring. Salvation seems so far away for Ned, as the entirety of his vision is engulfed by the thin sweat drenched body of the one time Anderson Cup winner. Moneymaker squeezes on the hold as tight as the referee's overbearing rules will allow, making an act as simple as breathing a grueling effort for the Los Angeles native. Knowing that his body can't stomach much more of this misery, Blanchard takes up the arduous task of rising to his feet. Despite The Messiah’s best efforts to keep him grounded, he's amazingly able to stand, renewing hope within him and the audience. Sensing that his hold is rapidly deteriorating, Moneymaker switches the position of his left arm, using it to trap Blanchard’s shoulder. This means the Handsome Hustler is faced with an uphill battle, now forced to fight back as a one armed man. Desperation and worry lining his face, tries to counter with a hail mary back drop. But the tycoon holds his ground, and effortlessly brings Blanchard back down to his level. He decides he's through with wasting his time with a submission hold, and would rather splatter Marvin's brain matter across the mat with his finisher The Spear of Longinus . He roughly jerks him into the air, but at the very height of the move the agile wrestler shifts his body free and lands behind Moneymaker.


Enraged by the escape, Moneymaker turns around to strike his foe with a stiff discus punch. But Blanchard is quicker on the draw and catches Moneymaker with a crowd popping overhand right. As Moneymaker stumbles backwards, wondering how he’d lost the advantage so quickly, Blanchard charges to the cables. Upon bouncing back he leaps upwards to catch Moenymaker in the makings of a Lou Thez Press. But The Billion Dollar Heir’s arms find their way around Blanchard’s waist and he spikes him into the canvas with a spine buster!

A devastating move from wrestling’s most hated man. Moneymaker was able to see the Thez press coming and adjust accordingly, a benefit of fighting someone you’ve worked with for years.

Moneymaker lays his body onto Ned’s for a pinfall that’s counted by ol Clemmy…



Blanchard kicks out right as the ref’s hand hits two, generating quite the cheer of approval from the audience. After failing to get the three count on that last pinfall attempt, an annoyed Moneymaker stands upright before his opponent has an opportunity to collect his bearings. Upon measuring Blanchard and zeroing in on the perfect target to hit, Moneymaker leaps into the air and extends his billion dollar knee out, dropping it onto the neck of Melvin as he lands! The Handsome Hustler painfully howls into the night sky, leading the worried spectators to clap their hands in unison to rally the babyface. However, Moneymaker is back on his feet and itching to inflict more damage to his old friend. He backs into the ropes, and bounces off, once again jumping as he nears Ned’s weakened body. This time he extends his fistful of dollars and sadistically smashes it across the neck of Blanchard. That leaves The Handsome Hustler unable to stop his foe from applying the tag to Wright.

A tag made to a man that you can say has been one of Moneymaker’s most loyal mouthpieces. Every one of the many controversial moves Moneymaker has made, Wright has stood behind without question.

Wright scrapes his overmatched enemy off the mat, and launches him into a neutral corner. Blanchard’s back is slashed through by the harsh posts, dumping further misery onto his battered body. The situation grows even worse when CW nearly shreds apart his pectoralis with a corner lariat. Blanchard staggers out the corner, wondering if anyone got the license plate of the truck that just hit him. Unfortunately the only response he gets is a bulldog that's speedily rolled over into a pinning predicament...


Blanchard musters up the strength to kickout the pin, which relieves the Boston  fans. Visibly annoyed,  Wright dumps a round of stomps into Blanchard’s arms. Seeing a purple bruise swell on Blanchard’s arm stokes blood lust in Wright and he hauls his foe off the canvas to inflict fatal damage to it. He crooks his arm beneath his shoulder preparing to unleash a single arm DDT. But he’s overcome by shock when Blanchard yanks his arm out his clutches! Still stunned, he doesn’t think to stop Blanchard from trapping him into a front facelock. However, Wright recovers just enough of his strength to shove his foe into the ropes. Unfortunately all this does is give Blanchard enough momentum to turn him inside out with a lariat! As the fans cheer, Blanchard falls back onto Wright for a pivotal pinfall…



The Natural gets his shoulder off the canvas, and the fans are incredibly displeased.  Wright rises to an unsteady vertical base and eyes a tag with his partner. However his passage to freedom is blocked by Blanchard, who whips him to a neutral corner. Wright calls upon a rare show of agility by pressing hands onto the second rope and flipping himself vertically into the air. While that lets him avoid a crash with the turnbuckles it leaves him wide open to the painful dropkick Blanchard sends into his face. The fans are simply overjoyed at Wright’s horrible misfortune and loudly cheer the man who caused at. After Wright’s convulsing body settles, Blanchard goes for his latest pin attempt.



An elbow from Moneymaker breaks up the pin. The Billlion Dollar Heir realizes his partner can’t take any more moves like the one previous, and so he drags him near their corner where a tag is made.  Back in the ring, Moneymaker grabs hold of Blanchard’s thin blond hair and leads him to his feet. He swings the former tag champ over his right shoulder, and clamps onto his left leg, making escape all but impossible. Then Moneymaker jerks down on his victim's trapped leg, slamming him face first into the rock solid canvas. Clutching his bruised nose, Blanchard mutters under his breath, partially in pain and partially out of frustration for being bested by his former boss.

Emotion carried The Blonds at the start of this match-

But it ain’t doin them no good now! Intelligence is carrying the day!

Moneymaker pulls Ned off the canvas by his arm and throws him into the green cables. But to his surprise Blanchard comes back with a rush of energy and sunset flips him into a crowd popping pinfall!



Moneymaker pops out of the pin, looking outraged that it even occurred in the first place.

Blanchard almost got one right there. You don’t have to win with a pretty move or a high impact move, you just have to win. It’s the victory that’s important.

Despite being the one who was pinned, Moneymaker is back to his feet first and uses this advantage to drag his bone-tired foe off the mat. He cocks his fist and then plants it between Blanchard’s eyes, staggering his foe. This lets him wrap his arms around Blanchard’s waist to lift him horizontally into the air. After a brief pause he drops Blanchard downwards, crashing The Handsome Hustler onto his bent knee.  Ned hollers in pain, the agony spreading all throughout his back.

Moneymaker turns to the audience, “NOW YOU KNOW WHY THEY CALL ME THE MESSIAH!”


With Moneymaker busy trading barbs with the fans, Blanchard tries to use that time to get to his feet. He grabs onto the ring ropes, employing them as aid. But halfway up, he’s struck in the back by a clubbing forearm from the Floridian. Two more forearms allow Moneymaker to take control of Blanchard, which he uses to drag him to the opposite corner and bash his face into the green and white ring posts. After hitting him with three hard shots, Moneymaker attempts to whip his foe to the opposite corner. But Blanchard amazingly manages to reverse the hold and Moneymaker finds himself slamming into the posts. More annoyingly he also must deal with Blanchard darting across the ring with arm raised for a lariat. But Moneymaker handles this in stride, raising his white boot to strike The Handsome Hustler right in his alluring face. Blanchard topples over, immediately downed by that awesome counter. Chuckling to himself, Moneymaker backs up to the second rope. He raises his hands to invite boos from the audience and then leaves his nest to drop the knee onto Blanchard’s head. A pinfall then follows…



But, Ned kicks out right as CW was ready to enter the ring for celebration.


Great resiliency by Ned Blanchard! The Handsome Hustler telling Moneymaker you’re going to have do more to kill my dream, I’ll never lie down for you.

Moneymaker scrapes the Californian off mat, then drives his knuckle into his forehead. The attack knocks Blanchard loopy and into the waiting treachery of The Enterprise corner. Yearning to bring upon misery to his foe, Wright reaches over the ropes and hooks onto Blanchard’s arms. This allows his boss to ravage Blanchard’s midsection with unanswered  punches. After being subsequently chewed out by the fans his substandard officiating, Buzzelfoxcer calls for an end to the illegal double teaming. At Moneymaker's orders, Wright begrudgingly capitulates to the ref's demands.


Acting on a renewed spurt of energy, Blanchard bursts forward at CPA. But acting to protect himself, Moneymaker shoves him backwards into the ringposts. And as Blanchard’s lifeless body slumps against the ring posts, Moneymaker runs in to crush his larynx with a lariat!

A hard shot by The Billion Dollar Heir!

Wrapping his arm around Ned’s head, a smiling Moneymaker takes him forward for a bulldog. But that infuriating grin disappears the moment The Handsome Hustler bridges backwards and crushes him with a devastating back suplex.


No! Melody told me that Moneymaker’s bulldog isn’t reversible in No Homo! This game is broken! It needs a patch!

As Ned lies on the canvas, taking deep and labored breathes the audience knows he must make a tag to keep their dreams alive. With loud cheers and thunderous clapping they try to rally the Californian to action. Joined with the shouts of encouragement with Simon, the fans voices stir life in Ned and he begins his crawl to his corner. Out the corner of his eye Moneymaker sees what’s transpiring. Though he’d love to stop Ned, he feels Wright is the best man for the job and makes his own moves to the corner.

Both superstars desperately trying to make that hot tag! Feel the drama of the Anderson Cup!

Being healthier than Blanchard, Moneymaker reaches his corner first, and slaps the hand of Wright. The Natural rushes into the ring, ready to put the roadblock to Ned’s escape. But he’s just a second too late as The Handsome Hustler tags in BOSS!


Singleton overpowers Wright with a series of lunging chops that enable him to whip his foe into the ropes. CW bounces back and is promptly dropped by a leaping back elbow from the South Carolina born grappler. Moneymaker tries to come to his associates aid with a polish hammer, but Singleton casually discards him with a hip toss. While the fans cheer BOSS’ decimation of The Enterprise, Wright makes a slow return to his feet. His lethargy hurts him dearly, as Singleton is able to crunch his neck with a snap German Suplex.

Beautifully executed German Suplex. Simon is a true master maneuvers, an OAOAST version of a man of a 1000 holds.

Holding his hand to his sore neck, Wright gets to his feet as much to seek an escape as to fight back against BOSS. He can’t do either, however, as Singleton nearly breaks his jaw with a powerful superkick!


BOSS makes the pinfall…



The Natural succeeds in lifting his shoulder off the mat at the very last moment.

Don’t let this one slip away, Mister Wright. You gotta show these chumps what’s really good.

Wright reaches his feet under his own power but still can’t find any offense as his arm is seized for an irish whip! However, he shifts his body weight to reverse the hold. But the technical wizard Singleton reverses the reversal and pulls Wright down into a short arm school boy! The pinfall is counted by Buzzlefoxer…



Again Wright finds away to kickout. Singleton leaves the complaints over the count to the fans, as he brings his foe to his feet. An irish whip sets Wright on the run, and he bounces off the cables, heading back to the lowered body of Singleton. But Wright takes advantage of Singelton’s lowered position by striking him with a knee lift that knocks them both over to the canvas!

Oh my! Let’s hope the momentum of The Beverly Hills Blonds wasn’t stopped by that one.

Let’s hope it was!

Both men lie about the canvas, each exhausted by their individual bursts of offense. Each man wants a tag, but with his position so close to his corner its Wright who claims this goal first. With some strength left he’s able to aid his associate in a double team; together they tug back and forth on the ropes building up the necessary momentum to propel Moneymaker over them with a splash! But on his descent their scheme goes horribly wrong as Singleton slides out the way!


Spurred on by that avoidance, Simon continues his fight to reach the ropes. Now the dazed and enraged Moneymaker makes attempts to stop him, reaching out to tug on the white laces of his boots. But Moneymaker’s efforts are for naught and Singleton slaps the stretched hand of The Handsome Hustler. The fans burst with a huge pop as Blanchard enters the ring to face the rising Moneymaker. Ned batters him with several toe kicks, doing enough damage to whip him to the ropes. As The Billion Dollar Heir rebounds, Blanchard attempts to catch him with a spinning back elbow. But Moneymaker ducks the whirling strike and continues his run of the ropes. As he bounces back he takes to the air and drops Blanchard with a diving shoulder attack. Immediately upon his own landing, he lays atop Blanchard for a pin…



Blanchard kicks out and draws a great response from the fans in response. He makes a return to his feet and heads to the ropes. Bouncing back he intends on shoulder tackling his archrival, but The Billion Dollar Heir has him scouted and counters to lift him with an inverted atomic. Blanchard perfectly adjusts his game plan to this counter with a DDT! This would be a perfect pinning situation for Blanchard, but its all but ruined by the arrival of Wright. Before The Natural can bring any harm to the Californian he’s smacked by the running forearm smash of BOSS! Wright has little desire to incur further beatings from his one time ally and makes a hasty retreat to the outside.

“B-H-B! B-H-B! B-H-B!”

Singleton acknowledges the support of the audience with a thumbs up as he journeys up the rope. The Boston crowd’s cheers grow all the louder as Ned gets below him. Next Blanchard throws Singleton forward and the sentoning grappler land across Moneymaker’s chest to a large ovation!

They dropped The Atomic Blonde on him!

Normally their dominant finisher would lead to a three count, but not on this occasion as Clem is adamantly insisting that Singleton leave the ring at once.

Clem, c’mon now! You don’t want to decide the game do you?

Unconcerned with the complaints of both fans, Clem continues to call for Simon’s removal as though the very fate of the very world depended on it. His eyes widened to size of golf balls, his mouth opens to reveal chipped yellow teeth, the numerous lines on his forehead deepen, and enormous wads of spit fly out his mouth dancing in front of his strained and wrinkled face.  Beyond Clem’s single-minded obsession, Wright lies unnoticed with his trusted briefcase in tow. After one last glance to make sure Clem is locked into his insanity, CW winds up and clocks Blanchard with his case!

Damn it, no! No!


Apparently thinking the boo is the sound of one giant ghost, a startled Clem turns around only to find there’s no apparition just a KO’ed Ned. Thankful he doesn’t have to do any ghost busting, he drops down for a count.


What on earth?

The fans haven’t any idea what’s going on. They don’t know if it’s a power outage, a clever ruse, or something far more sinister. But the chance for theorizing doesn’t last terribly long as the lights come up just as soon they came on. The ring is strangely minus the elderly referee, but in his place is the even stranger sight of Ragdoll standing behind Moneymaker with ring bell in hand.

PeEK a BOo I sEE you!

Alarmed Moneymaker turns around to stare into the caked makeup face of his constant tormentor. He assumes a defensive stance with raised fist, and his arms are raised ready to strike. His confidence is helped somewhat by Wright standing by his side, ready to war with the purple suited clown.

OhhhHOOhooo. I’m…not here to FiGHt YOu. I want to do a mAGic trick!

A magic trick? Be you mad, or be you stupid? Get on with your childless shenanigans, low brow!

Ragdoll twirls his hand around the ring bell, trying with all his magical might to make the thing disappear into thin air. As his fingers comically circle the still visible bell, Wright and Moneymaker look on with barely hidden frustration. Ragdoll continues doing his best to wow them with his trick but they can take no more of his poor magicanship. They step forward to strip him of his bell, but he suddenly slashes them both with the bell!



Just like that the crafty magician disappears in a shroud of green and purple smoke! With Ragdoll gone through the use of magic the fans can turn their attention to the BHB’s who have found Buzzlefoxer under ring wearing a battle helmet and clutching a bayonet!

“Sergeant, where are ya? Sergeant Wilkes where are ya? Is that you Sarge? Sarge don’t leave me here! Sarge! Sarge! Oh god! They’re coming for me! God damn it Charlie is on my ass! Charlies in the bush! Sarge, god damn it, Sarge don’t leave me here! Don’t leave me to die like this! Sarge you son of a bitch don’t you do this!”


Ned and Simon drag Clem out of war flashbacks by pulling him from beneath the apron and throwing him, bayonet and all, into the ring. Blanchard follows him in to hook Moneymaker’s leg for what could be a match winning pinfall…





Man, that’s some ol bullshit! That’s some ol bullshit!

No that’s some justice. That what it is, Coach. Justice.
Blanchard is the happiest he’s ever been pumping his fist in celebration and dousing Moneymaker is some well deserved victorious trash talk. Simon is equally as excited putting his arm around his partner, and waving in triumph to the joyful audience.

Ladies and gentlemen... here are your winners... and, the 2009 ANDERSON CUP CHAMPIONS!!! The BEVERLY HILLS BLONDSSSS!


Down the ramp comes Molly, holding the gaudy golden trophy and absolutely whooping for joy. The Blonds wave to her, eagerly awaiting both their manager and their gigantic trophy. But their joyful expression quickly turns dour when they notice Spencer Reiger emerging through the back. Like a thief through the night New York’s finest sneaks behind Molly, and with one swift motion manages to sneak the trophy out her hands!

Come on! Did he really just do that?!

As the fans boo Spencer’s total lack of class, the one man triple threat merrily skips back up the stage waving and wagging the title like a little kids shows off a new toy. Once he reaches the top of the stage he turns back to Molly who has now been joined by the rightful owners of the trophy.

So you guys want this?


You really want this?


Oh. Too bad!

Spencer outrages both The Blonds and the audience alike when he chucks the trophy off the stage. Its not to water side either, as it lands on the concrete shattering into hundreds of pieces of splintered wood and chipped metal. Molly and her charges are left to stare with horrified eyes as a celebrating Spencer Stanky Legs his way backstage.

An unbelievable and disgusting epilogue to a great ending of the Beverly Hills Blonds and The Enterprise. But the fact remains that Spencer may have destroyed the trophy but he didn’t destroy what happened tonight. The Beverly Hills Blonds are your Anderson Cup champions!


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Grabbing the top ring ropes Tha Puerto Rican pushes off, looking to float up and over The Silky Smooth One. But he doesn't make it all the way over and much to his shock finds himself sat on Leon's shoulders in an electric chair position.

Uh-oh. Victory roll?

I don't think so Michael, I don't think this is what PRL had in mind somehow.

It's soon clear that PRL isn't in control, as Leon starts to walk away from the corner with the World Champion's arms waving frantically. Stopping in the middle of the ring, Leon then reaches up... and hooks his hands behind the back of PRL's head.

What is this!?

With PRL trapped, Leon glances to the crowd one last time...











The crowd go NUTS as the bell sounds, barely audible in the arena. Fans literally jump for joy in the stands as Leon lets go of the legs of Tha Puerto Rican and flops backwards on the mat, completely spent.


"Rock The Casbah" blares over the speakers as Tha Puerto Rican rolls slowly out of the ring defeated.




The celebration party continue to pile into the ring, including BOHEMOTH, who after congratulating Leon summons Jumbo over from the pack to help him lift Leon up onto his shoulders! Leon raises the World Title up, before he's suddenly put back down. The crowd of OAOASTers step aside to let ZACK MALIBU past. The Franchise of the OAOAST has a big smile on his face as he steps back, taking a look at his long-time tag team partner with the OAOAST World Title over his shoulder. Zack then extends a hand. Sure enough they shake and then hug to applause from everybody else in the ring.

And we‘re… Now what?

The crowd erupts as flaming luchadors Moracca and Mariachi, Los Diablos de Fuego, appear onstage. It’s then that we learn the unusual show opening took place on the Celtic Spectacular’s set as Moracca retrieves the floating tablet.

I haven’t seen Moracca swim this urgently since the time he and Mariachi crossed the Rio Grande!


Los Diablos open the tablet to find a message written in futuristic lettering.



Either they’re stupid or they can’t read English. Probably both!

Where the grain is gold and the flow is indigo? I’m at a lost here.

The randomness continues as hot shot private investigator Morgan Nerdly drops in at Sofa Central.

Amateurs. The answer is obviously the beach. Sand is gold and the waves and ocean are indigo. Whatever “this light” is, that’s where you’ll find it.

I suppose that makes sense. Hey, while you’re here. How ‘bout a quick interview? There’s still plenty of unanswered questions over what took place a few weeks ago involving yourself, V.I.C.E. and Theodore Moneymaker.

OK. You’ve got a minute starting now. And you better not try to stir anything, Michael. That’s all you media types do nowadays. Instead of telling the story you try to create it. You do that in our interview and I’m walking. Got it?

Fair enough.

Coach, you’re our witness.

Saw it and heard it with my ears. If Mikey gets out of line I’ll call him out on it.

Good. Now that we’re all on the same page, what do you want to know, Michael?

First of all…

Oops. Time’s up! It sure did fly, didn’t it? Well goodbye.

That wasn’t fair!

She put you in your place, Cole. Turn in your man card on the way out tonight.


Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of sixty minutes!

Gimme them bright lights, long nights
Party till the sun is rising
High rise, overtime
Working ’till the moon is shining
Hot guys, fly girls
Never gonna say it
I feel on top of the world,
I feel on top of the world

The poppy, ultra modern beat of The Pussycat Doll’s
brings the capacity New England audience to its feet. The floor of the entrance stage is captured by a playful illumination as its tiles flash wildly alternating colors of red, green, yellow, blue, and white. Above these frenzied color flashes lie a bevy of gorgeous dancers, dressed to kill in spicy referee outfits. Of course these sexy dancers can’t even compare to the head referee, the stunning Krista Isadora Duncan who’s designer brand outfit has said economy be dammned and clocked in at over ten thousand dollars. Making sure to get her money’s worth, she twirls through the flashy, dance club like stage as every dancer fawns over her very presence.

Now making her way to the ring, she is the special guest referee, she is a New York Times Best Selling Author, a Hollywood walk of famer, the founder of the fit with KID line of exercise videos, the Angle Award winning wrestler of the year, the star of the VH1 reality show Look of Love, a loving mother of two beautiful girls, she is the OAOAST Miss Money In The Bank….KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAAAAAAN!  

Glamour, glitter and gold
Nothing is stopping you, nothing is stopping me
In this frenzy out of control
I must stay in pursuit, do what I got to do

The entrance ramp's dull flooring is now blanketed in the most beautiful array of pink and red glitter that sparkles wonderfully against the matching lighting scheme. Similar to the recently passed LA fashion week, fashion photographers and journalists, all outfitted in the same black dress shirts and slacks, work tirelessly to capture the image of Krista strutting along this majestic décor with the grace and style of a supermodel. Reaching the ring apron leads Krista to catch her long legs around the third rope. Offering the fans a prime photo opportunity she bends her entire body upside down with amazingly flexibility. Even while suspended in mid air, she showcases her classically rebellious attitude with one hand blowing the cameras a kiss and the other giving them the finger.

I better never see Charles Robinson mimic that entrance!






BOOOOM! A lightening bolt hits the entrance, electrifying the audience as the fan favorite PRL tears out the back. Smoke fills the entry way but just as soon at it forms its shredded apart by the roving figure of The Latin Lion. He moves with speed and purpose in his step, deathly serious about besting Mister Dick tonight in Boston.

Introducing first from San Juan, Puerto Rico weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds he comes in as a former OAOAST world champion, a former 24/7 champion, and a former X Division Champion. He is THE GREAT ONE, THE LATIN LION, THA PUERTO RICAN!


A very personal battle for Tha Puerto Rican, one he needs to win if he wants to get back on the hunt for his world title.

Onto the ring apron, PRL gives his cheering fans the People’s Eyebrow. But the raised eyebrow is soon out of confusion as his music suddenly cuts out to be replaced by this charming tune,

I am a Real American Dick! Exploding on the face of every woman! I am Real American Dick! Suck on my balls, till I cum like Niagara falls!
When I come crashing down and its throbbing deep inside
I’ll leave you wetter than a flood tide
I gotta bend you over that’s how I like to ride!
I date a girl who whips my hide
And my 12 inches is my greatest pride
I am a Real American Dick! Exploding on the face of every woman! I am Real American Dick! Suck on my balls, till I cum like Niagara falls!

See charming?  Britney Spears’ Womanizer then brings out the ultimate in womanizer’s Mister Dick, coming through a shower of golden pyro. His carefully oiled upper body is massaged by Malaysia, who’s hungering eyes remain firmly fixed on the bulge tearing through his all too tight white shorts. The world wonders how Mister Dick isn’t catching on fire between the combination of pyro and oil.

And his opponent, coming from San Antonio, Texas, representing the Deadly Alliance! He weighs in at two hundred, thirty eight ROCK HARD pounds, and his accompanied to the ring by former women’s champion Malaysia…he is The Human Hard On MISTER DICK!

Mister Dick a star at Texas A&M at quarterback, he’s a natural, pure and real athlete. PRL played a few games for Nintendo when we was a kid, play wrestled with his teddy bears and thinks he’s on the level of an NCAA god like Mister Dick!

Mister Dick slithers into the ring, his sexually predatory glare backing away a frightened Krista and disturbing PRL. He doesn’t put any of them at ease as he grinds himself into the mat as Malaysia whips his back.

Mister Dick has said some very, very cruel things about PRL, but if he wins tonight in some people’s eyes he will have given concrete proof that everything he’s said about The Latin Lion is 100 percent fact.

THA PUERTO RICAN vs. MR. DICK (with Malaysia Nerdly)
Mr. Dick continues pummeling away at Tha Puerto Rican as the bell sounds!

Here we go now! The match is underway! Tha Puerto Rican and Mr. Dick have both been looking forward to this match since December!

MD grabs Tha Puerto Rican and slams his face into a top turnbuckle pad! PR staggers out of the turnbuckle corner into the ropes. Mr. Dick continues his attack, pummeling PRL with rights which take PRL into another turnbuckle corner! Malaysia nods her head intently as Krista watches on.

No surprise here! Mr. Dick is in control of Tha Puerto Rican!

He DID get a head start, Jess!

So? He’s a former World Champion! He should be prepared for these things!


Mr. Dick eyes the crowd angrily, and then goes back to punching Tha Puerto Rican. MD grabs PRL’s left hand, and then gives him an Irish whip into the opposite ropes…PRL reverses…Mr. Dick bounces off of the ropes, PRL goes for a clothesline, Mr. Dick ducks, stops in his tracks, turns around, and gets nailed with a Rock-style punch to the temple from Tha Puerto Rican! Followed by another! And a third left! The punches take Mr. Dick into a turnbuckle corner where PRL proceeds to stomp a mudhole in Mr. Dick and walk it dry!

Tha Puerto Rican now in control of his hated rival!

PRL picks up Mr. Dick, and then whips him into the opposite turnbuckle. Mr. Dick hits the turnbuckle back-first HARD! PR follows this with a Stinger Splash onto Mr. Dick! The Human Hard On staggers, so PRL whips him into the turnbuckle they were just at. P.R. walks over and starts laying the smackdown on Mr. Dick with Rock-style punches to the temple. Punch. Punch. Punch. NOW KISS THAT LEFT~! Punch! Mr. Dick goes FLYING over the top rope onto the ring apron!

Oh my! What power!

Dickzilla walks across the ring apron for a few seconds…until a punch from PRL sends The Human Hard On FLYING off of the ring apron and crashing into the barricade!


I can’t believe Krista is allowing this! Oh wait…

Hey, they haven’t broken any rules. She’s calling the match right down the middle so far!

Give her a few more seconds!

PRL plays to his Lightning Bolts, who respond with loud cheers. Malaysia tends to her man on the outside, while on the inside, Krista sees Mr. Dick lying on his ass, holding his jaw, muttering, and offers a tiny smirk in response.

You see that!? You see that!? She’s smirking! She’s honest to God smirking! She’s ENJOYING this!

Come on, Jess. After all of the crap Mr. Dick has put her through, don’t you think she would LIKE to see him get beat up!?

SHE’S THE REFEREE! She’s not supposed to show biasness! This is a conspiracy against Mr. Dick, damnit!

PRL and Krista share a knowing glance, and then Krista motions for PRL to exit the ring.

Tell me you saw that!

Saw what?


Tha Puerto Rican exits the ring. PRL grabs Mr. Dick and slams his face onto the top of the barricade! Mr. Dick stumbles, and then collapses onto the ground! Krista refuses to start a 10 count, letting the two men fight on the outside. And fight they do, as P.R. picks up The All American Dick and drags him towards the entrance. Krista finally decides to exit the ring to follow the two men as PRL drags Mr. Dick by his hair to the creepy Boston Celtics mascot. PRL first slams Mr. Dick’s face into the top of the barricade, and then slams him right into the creepy Boston Celtics mascot!

Oh my! Right into that…thing!

You mean Lucky.

There’s nothing lucky about that…thing.

Lucky’s smile tells of fun and whimsy but his sad and pained eyes speak to an unrequited love with the Phoneix Suns gorilla.

Krista conversing through her Disney Sing It microphone, used normally for Maya’s PS2 High School musical game until Maya decided she’s 14 years old she doesn’t play this “kiddy crap” anymore. Announced after her current crush Luke Archibald called it “kiddy crap”.

Mr. Dick staggers, but a punch from PRL knocks him down to the ground! PRL taunts the fallen Mr. Dick. Mr. Dick has gone limp. PRL picks up the limp Dick and whips him into Lucky again. HOWEVER, Mr. Dick wakes up and reverses the whip, sending PRL into Lucky! PRL hits Lucky backfirst-HARD! PRL staggers towards Mr. Dick, and gets hit with a clothesline, knocking him down!

Yes! Mr. Dick has risen to the occasion once again!

A knockdown right on the concrete! Mr. Dick back in control!

This is starting to look like December all over again, Michael Cole!

Krista can’t hide her disappointment at PRL being knocked down. Mr. Dick takes a second to catch his breath, and then picks Tha Puerto Rican up, throwing his Puerto Rican flag bandana to the floor. Mr. Dick lifts Tha Puerto Rican up, and then drops his jaw onto the top of the barricade!

Mr. Dick has the size and weight advantage over Tha Puerto Rican! He’s 6’4” 238 pounds. Tha Puerto Rican is 5’9” 220 pounds!

Is it any wonder Mr. Dick is in control of Tha Puerto Rican right now? Not saying that he wouldn’t be in control if he wasn’t taller and weigh more than Tha Puerto Rican, but…yeah…you know what I mean!

The pain in his jaw is overwhelming for Tha Puerto Rican, and he collapses onto the floor! But Mr. Dick picks him back up and slams his head onto the top of the barricade--NO!--PR won’t budge! PR elbows MD in the stomach, and then punches him in the face! Puerto grabs Mr. Dick and slams his face onto the top of the barricade once again! Mr. Dick collapses onto the floor, but doesn’t stay down for long as PRL quickly picks him back up. PRL once again whips Mr. Dick into Lucky! Mr. Dick hits the creepy looking mascot back-first HARD! He then stumbles out, right into a clothesline from Tha Puerto Rican knocking *him* down to the ground!

And Tha Puerto Rican has regained control in this contest!

Bah! He’ll be lucky if he can leave Boston on his own two feet!

PRL glances at Krista. Malaysia is slightly worried for her man. The P.R. Menace picks The Cocky Prick up. He motions to Krista to follow him back to the ringside area. Krista happily obliges, a satisfied grin on her face as she watches a groggy Mr. Dick get dragged closer and closer to the ring. But her grin fades away when Tha Puerto Rican tries to whip Mr. Dick into a set of ring steps, only for MD to reverse the whip and send Tha Puerto Rican crashing back-first into the ring steps, knocking the top two ring steps to the ground!

Mr. Dick has risen to the occasion once again!

Tha Puerto Rican clutches his left shoulder.


Mr. Dick points a menacing finger at Krista.

Oh honey when you’re ripping off Goldberg and you’re doing it in assless chaps do you ever think  you have no place else to sink?

The Cocky Prick stomps on Tha Puerto Rican, who is lying on the protective mats! He picks up Puerto and slams his head into the only ring step that’s still in place! PR lies on top of this step, breathing hard, his eyes glazed over. Mr. Dick walks with a swagger in his step and a sneer etched on his face. Dickzilla gets on top of Tha Puerto Rican and starts punching him square in the face!


Mr. Dick is a master of trash talking. His taunts are a little more eloquent than the average wrestler! He has a brilliant mind, and it is truly an honor that he is gracing us with his presence!

Tha Puerto Rican can’t even defend himself here, Jess! He’s in big time trouble is The P.R. Menace!

With each punch, Malaysia gets more and more excited, while Krista gets more and more nauseous. After a while, Mr. Dick tires of punching Tha Puerto Rican and picks him up. He drags PRL around the ringside area until they both are at the Spanish announcer’s table. Mr. Dick goes to slam Tha Puerto Rican’s head onto the top of the Spanish announcer’s table…but Tha Puerto Rican won’t budge! PRL  comes to life, elbowing Mr. Dick in his washboard abs, and then slamming his head right onto the top of the Spanish announcer’s table! Tha Puerto Rican grabs one of the Spanish announcer’s water bottles, takes the cap off, drinks from the bottle, gargles, and then SPITS THE WATER BACK INTO MR. DICK’S FACE! THE DAISANI SPEW OF DOOM~!

I HATE it when he does that!

Mr. Dick desperately tries to wipe the H20 off of his face! As he does this, PRL plays to his fans some more. PRL grabs Mr. Dick--


--and gets knocked upside the head with the ring bell!

Oh my! Mr. Dick just hit Tha Puerto Rican with that ring bell!

He really rang his bell didn’t he!? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Oh please.

Tha Puerto Rican lies on the protective mats, breathing hard. Mr. Dick checks to make sure he no longer has any liquid on his face. He smirks at Krista as he picks Tha Puerto Rican up and throws him back into the ring. MD slides into the ring underneath the bottom ring rope. Mr. Dick immediately goes back to his attack, stomping Tha Puerto Rican, and then dropping a knee onto his face! Mr. Dick covers Tha Puerto Rican, hooking his left leg. After some hesitation, Krista makes the count.




Don’t you dare tell me that you didn’t see that slow count, Michael Cole! DON’T YOU EVEN DARE!

That count was a little bit slow, Jess.

A LITTLE!? She should have been up to 10 the way she was counting! Come on!

Mr. Dick glances over at Krista. He then chokes Tha Puerto Rican with his bare hands.


Don’t bother, Krista! Don’t even bother!


Malaysia is all hot and bother watching the choking going on in the ring. Mr. Dick stops choking and points to his main squeeze, telling her, “That was for you, baby!”

Its not that I want to carve out his eyeballs and wear them as stylish earrings to my beach party its that he’s not giving me a choice!

The crowd boos loudly. PRL is coughing. He struggles to his feet, but is stopped by Mr. Dick, who grabs PRL so that he can scratch his eyes! He then places PRL on the second ring rope and starts choking him some more!


Tha Puerto Rican is smelling what Mr. Dick is cooking right now, Michael Cole!

Mr. Dick stops choking PRL so that he can pick him up. PRL springs to life, nailing Mr. Dick with a Rock-style punch to the temple! He follows that up with another Rock punch! Then another! And then another! The Rock punches take Mr. Dick to the ropes. PRL whips him into the opposite ropes. PRL puts his head down. Mr. Dick bounces off of the ropes, LEAPS over Tha Puerto Rican, bounces off of the opposite ropes, and gets hit with a clothesline from Tha Puerto Rican! PRL dares Mr. Dick to get back up. When he does, PR goes for another clothesline, HOWEVER, Mr. Dick ducks the clothesline, turns around, and hits Tha Puerto Rican with the STIFF KICK~!!!

STIFF KICK! Stiff Kick from Mr. Dick!

Tha Puerto Rican lies on the mat, grimacing in pain. Mr. Dick decides that since Krista is the referee, he doesn’t have much to worry about, so he grabs Tha Puerto Rican’s legs…JUST BEING A DICK!

Oh my! That headbutt right to the groin! An illegal move right there in front of Krista‘s eyes! Why won’t Krista disqualify him!?

Because she still believes that Tha Puerto Rican can win this thing, and she wants to be able to count the pinfall or call for the bell if Mr. Dick taps out! Which will NEVER HAPPEN by the by!

Mr. Dick chuckles at PRL as he holds The People’s Jewels. He smiles a cocky smile at Krista. Krista gives Mr. Dick a dirty look. Mr. Dick taunts the Special Guest Referee daring her to disqualify him.

You’re right. She won’t do it. She wants a winner here tonight at The Celtic Spectacular!

When she has to raise Mr. Dick’s hands in victory, just remember, it was her own damn fault! She brought this onto herself!

Mr. Dick covers PRL, not even bothering to hook his legs. Krista mutters to herself as she makes the count.




At least that count was fair.

That is true, Jess.

Mr. Dick isn’t annoyed; he just continues choking PRL! Since PRL is close to the ropes, Mr. Dick exits the ring. He grabs Tha Puerto Rican by his head and drags him so that his head is sticking out of the ring. Mr. Dick points to his head to show how smart he is, and then punches Tha Puerto Rican right in the face! MD glances over at Krista and smiles evilly. MD then climbs the ring steps, looks at Krista, and then jumps off, nailing PRL in the chest with a punch! MD slides back into the ring underneath the bottom ring rope.

Mr. Dick is looking to finish what he started. He further injured PRL’s left bicep back in December on HeldDOWN~!. Tonight, he is looking to put Tha Puerto Rican back on the injured list, this time FOREVER!

It might happened, Michael Cole! He has beaten Tha Puerto Rican within an inch of his life before! He can certainly do it again!

Tha Puerto Rican struggles to get back to his feet.


Mr. Dick grabs Tha Puerto Rican and gives him an inverted atomic drop! As PRL bounces up and down holding his Johnson, Mr. Dick runs towards the ropes, bounces off of the ropes and charges forward, nailing PRL with the Clothesline From Hell!

Cock Shock! That could be all! It could be over!

Mr. Dick covers Tha Puerto Rican. Krista counts.




That was a fair count, Jess.

I know! Don’t rub it in!

Just sayin’.

Mr. Dick taunts Tha Puerto Rican. He gets on his knees and starts punching Tha Puerto Rican in the face again! He stands up and lets Tha Puerto Rican get up by himself, before changing his mind and picking Tha Puerto Rican up instead.


The Cocky Prick whips Tha Puerto Rican into the opposite turnbuckle corner. Mr. Dick slowly walks over to the turnbuckle corner that he was originally at. He has a sneer on his face as he looks at the fans and Krista. After taking a few moments to lick his lips at Malaysia, who licks her lips in return, Mr. Dick charges forward…





Tha Puerto Rican delivers a flying clothesline to Mr. Dick! The Cocky Prick gets right back up, and gets hit with a punch from PRL! PRL grabs Mr. Dick’s left hand and then whips him into the opposite ropes--NO!--Mr. Dick reverses, PRL bounces off of the ropes, right into a back elbow from The Real American Dick, knocking P.R. right down to the mat! Dickzilla picks Tha Puerto Rican up and whips him into the ropes once again--NO!--PR reverses, holds on, kicks Mr. Dick in the stomach, grabs him, and then cradles him up. Cradle DDT!

Tha Puerto Rican with the Esto Daño De La Cogida De La Voluntad!

Speak English, P.R.! You’re in America now!

Puerto Ricans ARE U.S. citizens, Jess!

So? This is still an English speaking country, is it not?

Well, technically…

Save it!

Tha Puerto Rican covers Mr. Dick. Krista makes the count.




NOW she doesn’t  hesitate to make the count! Pfft! Figures!


PRL looks at Krista and then stands up. He picks Mr. Dick up and punches him in the face several times. PRL whips Mr. Dick into the ropes…Mr. Dick reverses…Tha Puerto Rican bounces off of the ropes…Mr. Dick puts his head down…Tha Puerto Rican charges forward, grabs Mr. Dick, and gives him a swinging neckbreaker! PRL covers Mr. Dick, hooking his right leg.




He got a nearfall!

And that’s as close as Tha Puerto Rican is ever going to get to beating Mr. Dick!

He came awfully close to beating him that time, Jess.

But he didn’t. Phew.

Tha Puerto Rican gets up, while Mr. Dick rolls to a turnbuckle corner. PRL goes to pick Mr. Dick up, but gets kicked right  in the stomach! PRL holds his stomach in pain. Mr. Dick uses the second ring rope to pull himself up back to a vertical base. He takes a deep breath, and then charges forward, right into a Samoan Drop from Tha Puerto Rican! Afterwards, Tha Puerto Rican applauds himself, as does the fans.

Vintage PRL!

PRL puts his right arm over Mr. Dick’s body. Krista counts.



3--KICK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And ANOTHER nearfall!

You just can’t beat this Dick!

PRL and Mr. Dick both lay on the mat, fatigued. Krista watches as Tha Puerto Rican and Mr. Dick both take deep breaths, and then slowly but surely get back to their feet.

That was about a long two and a half, maybe 2 and 3 quarters there.

Both Tha Puerto Rican and Mr. Dick get up at the same time. Mr. Dick turns around, facing Tha Puerto Rican.







What a lowblow! What an obvious lowblow that was!

Like I said, it’s Krista’s own damn fault!

Tha Puerto Rican collapses onto the mat, holding his testicles in the fetal position. Mr. Dick stares down at Tha Puerto Rican and smiles evilly. He then raises his hands in victory. The crowd boos loudly. Mr. Dick tells the fans to shut up.

Mr. Dick is quite cocky now!

He’s got this one in the bag! The Cock Block is coming up!

If he can hit The Cock Block, this match is over!

He’s going to do it right now! I can’t wait!

Mr. Dick looks at Malaysia. Malaysia Nerdly groans with pleasure. Mr. Dick’s smile grows wider.

That boy’s finish!

Mr. Dick looks right at Krista Isadora Duncan. Tha Puerto Rican is still on the mat, holding his special area in tremendous amounts of pain.

Bitch, when I do my finisher, you damn well better make the count, fair and square GOT IT!?

Honey, your girlfriends tangled rats nest of hair smells like wet wool and old dead man, and you have the nerve to complain to me about counting the pin?

Deciding to argue and beat at the same time, Mister Dick scoops PRL off the canvas as he continues to berate Krista. But his refusual to devote his full attention to PRL proves costly as the Latin Lion springs to life with left hands, battering Mister Dick’s face like a punching bag.

Good job, Jock,  I find being mercilessly punched in the face moments after executing my finisher a risky but underrated strategy.

PRL hammers Mister Dick with wild left hands that leave The Human Hard On out on his feet. Adding to his miserey PRL boots him in the stomach, and then turns around in set up for The Cappa Killer! The fans pop huge, expecting the signature hold. But Mister Dick disappoints both them and Krista by shoving PRL into the ropes. The Latin Lion bounces back, carrying himself directly into a lethal stiff kick. He falls to the canvas, the life all but drained from his face. The Cocky Prick hooks the leg for what he’s certain will be a match ending pinfall…





Oh my what a show of resiliency by PRL!

Do I need to harp on the slow count.

No Jesse does not as Mister Dick does it for him, loudly berating Krista for refusing to count him towards victory. Krista bickers back with her archrival, as much to annoy him as to buy PRL the time he needs to recover. Her plan is highly successful one as within minutes the former world champion is on his feet.


Snarling with outrage, Mister Dick does and its KICK WHAM CAPPA KILLER!


Oh, Jesse! Oh, Jesse!

“Oh Jesse! Oh Jesse” it weird’s me out when you do that, Cole. It weird’s me out.

Krista drops down to the count the resulting pinfall and the fans are on their feet counting right along





The Deadly Alliance just as cheap as ever!

That’s what a stable does, Cole. They look out for each other.

Krista is more concerned with Sandman’s unusual appearance. All the bandandas and turban like rags he wears lead her to come to one conclusion.

He’s here! Osama Bin Laden is here and I caught him!


While Krista tries place the world’s most wanted terrorist, PRL has decided to curse him out for costing him a sure victory. Devoting his attention to Sandman may not be the wisest idea, for it leads PRL to neglect to notice Malaysia’s arrival into the ring. By the time he becomes aware of Malaysia’s presence she’s already slamming him into the canvas with a dreadful death valley driver!


PRL screams in agony, clutching his sore head. Ever the opportunist, Mister Dick eyes his miserable state and scrambles on top of him for a pin. A troubling predicament grows all the worse as referee Earl Hebner runs down the ramp and slides into the ring to make the count!


It can’t end this way!


But Krista hauls Earl Hebner just as his hand was about to much the mat for the all important third time.


Sandman is incensed and Hebner doesn’t exactly enjoy getting dragged out the ring like a criminal.

Sorry Osama, sorry miscellaneous referee, I couldn’t allow things to go down like that.

As mad as his stablemate is Mister Dick is all the madder and reaches over the ropes to take hold of Krista’s vibrant locks. As she yelps in horror, the Texas A&M alum raises her onto the ring apron. But as he man handled one of her many prides and joys so does she handle one of his pride and joys latching onto him with the Blue Ball Special!  

Every man in this arena winces in sympathy. Except you, Cole, we’re still not sure if you’re a man.

With all his strength Mister Dick manages to pull himself away from Krista’s grip. Unfortunately he walks himself from one painful situation to another with PRL hitting the PR Nightmare!

Yes! He got it!

“YEAAAAAA!” the fans scream, coming unglued. PRL kips up, and I don’t know what one step above unglued is but these fans are certainly at it. PRL fires them up so more and infuriates Sandman and Malaysia with a bit of trash talking.  He then waves his hands in front of Mister Dick’s blurry eyes.

“YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” the Boston crowd shouts.

PRL grabs his right elbow pad and very slowly removes it. Once its off its arms, he sends out to the stands where the fans wage a crazed battle for possession. He then criscrosses his arms pointing in each direction before taking off to the ropes. Bouncing off, he leaps over Mister Dick and runs forward.  Coming back he slams on the breaks and skids to a halt. As a delighted smile splits his face he swings his right leg up, raises his arm into the air and drops the IntenseZone Elbow right onto PRL’s noggin!

“YEAAAAAAAAA!” the fans high five one another thinking this match to be already over.

A horrible move named after a horrible show!

PRL covers and hooks the left leg. Krista can barely contain her joy as she gets onto her knees for the cover….







The New England fans put out a monstrous amount of cheers as PRL’s entrance theme returns to the stands. The winner couldn’t be more pleased with himself as he sniffs the electric air created by 18,000 cheering fans. Outside the ring, Malaysia of all people has to act as the voice of reason and stop Sandman from risking fine and suspension by jumping PRL.

He did, Jess! He did! PRL has gotten revenge on Mister Dick. Revenge for taking him out, revenge for costing him in the Lethal Rumble and revenge for Mister Dick claiming he just wasn’t a good wrestler. Let’s see Mister Dick say anything about PRL being a Rock impersonator now.

What are you talking about? He just beat the guy with The Rock’s signature move! If anything he just proved Mister Dick correct, Cole.

Well, he still won! And its onto Anglemania with momentum at his side.

Krista raises PRL’s arms high into the air which PRL somehow takes as an invitation for a hug. Deciding not to mace him, Krista hugs him back, although its one of those awkward hugs you give a 4th cousin with oral warts. Not that PRL has oral warts. He doesn’t. And not that I know anyone with oral warts. Anyway, PRL breaks the embrace before Krista can change her mind about the mace and makes his way to the top rope. Their he raises his arm into the air and salutes the crowd with the mighty fist of victory. He once again sniffs the sweet scent of success as the audience chants his name.

A big win for PRL, and you can bet he, as well as Mister Dick, Krista and Sandman will be keeping their eyes on the upcoming world title match between Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez.
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Drek stands over Zack, and Anglesault comes and spins him around...and HE gets a low kick as well, then a slap across the back of the head! Drek proclaims "I'm gonna kill your damn company AND your hero", then turns back to Zack and spits right in his face, then slaps him in a taunting fashion proclaiming "you can't kill me, Zack!" Drek forcefully grabs Malibu by the head and then starts biting at his forehead, pulling away and now spitting Zack's own blood back in his face before violently grabbing his neck, pulling him into STONECUTTER position...but Zack pushes him away, right into Anglesault, who shoves Stone forward RIGHT INTO SCHOOL'S OUT~!


Zack falls on top of Drek Stone, and Anglesault, still favoring himself with one hand, uses the other one to do the one thing people have been waiting to see all night.






The crowd ROARS, the response absolutely deafening, as Malibu remains on top of Drek Stone, likely whispering some ideas for a new occupation into his ear, since Drek Stone is no longer World Champion.

From the back, numerous OAOAST superstars hit the ring, as Zack is helped up by Anglesault and is handed the very belt that he made the most prized possession in wrestling today. Once again, Zack Malibu has the OAOAST World Title fastened around his waist!

Fans, THIS is a moment. The OAOAST is back in the hands of the man who made it famous, the man who made it stand for something...Zack Malibu is once again OAOAST World Champion...

Malibu is hoisted up onto the shoulders of Scotty Static and Johnny Jax, the big gold belt fastened firmly around his waist.

Zack Malibu: OAOAST World Champion once again!

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Llladies and gentlemen, the One And Only AngleSault Thread is proud to present, live at tonight's Celtic Spectacular your MAIN EVENT of the evening. Tonight, two friends and former Tag Team Champions of the world collide for the first time in four years in a match based on competition and respect... and, it is for the OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE Wooorrrrllld! ARE YOU READY?


Boston, Massachusetts... ARE... YOU... rrrrrrrrrrRRRREADY!?


Then, for the thousands in attendance... and the millions watching around the world on pay per view, ladies and gentlemen... LLLLLLLLLLLLET’S GET RRREEAADY TO RRRUMBLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

.:CUE: "Getting Away With Murder", Papa Roach:.


A big match atmosphere fills the air as Zack Malibu walks out into a shower of golden pyrotechnics. White pyro shoots out on either side of Zack as he emerges from the sparks, stopping in his tracks at the top of the aisle and hopping back and forth, exhaling. Zack fires himself up with some slaps across the head before marching on down the aisle.

Introducing first, he is the challenger! Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island and weighing in tonight at two hundred ten pounds. For almost seven years he has been a cornerstone of the One and Only AngleSault Thread, battling proudly for the future and preservation of the company with courage that has won him the admiration of millions. He is a former three-time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, tonight looking for an historic fourth championship reign... ladies and gentlemen, this is, "THE FRANCHISE"... ZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAACCKK... MMMMMMAAAAAAAALLLLLLLIIIIIIBBUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!


Climbing up the ring steps Zack pulls down the hood of his entrance gear. He enters the ring and deep in focus, goes over to his corner.

Zack Malibu missed out on the Lethal Rumble last month in order to get his hands on Theodore Moneymaker. Now, with that issue dealt with, Zack's has taken a side street back onto the Road to AngleMania. Tonight, Zack has the opportunity not just to win the World Title, but to headline AngleMania in Indianapolis. It doesn't get any more important for that man.

Being checked over by referee Mike Chioda, Zack looks on as the crowd come to life when "Rock The Casbah" by Trust Company strikes up. Sweeping his purple and black robe through the entrance, Leon Rodez takes a look around the Boston crowd. He opens up his robe to reveal the OAOAST World Title belt around his waist and points a finger to the skies. Leon then marches with a rare purpose to the ring, reaching out and tagging only a couple of the hands stretched out in front of him.

And his opponent! From Grand Rapids, Michigan... weighing in tonight at two hundred, eighteen and one quarter pounds. Having risen to the top of his profession he now looks to prove himself worthy of a place among the all time greats of the OAOAST for generations to come. Ladies and gentlemen, the reigning and defending OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD... "SILKY SMOOTH"... LLLLLLEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOONN... RRRRRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ!!!!


In slides Leon, sweeping off his robe ready to go.

As Michael Buffer alluded to, tonight it's proving ground for Leon Rodez. Since winning the OAOAST World Championship in November he's been dogged by those questions asked of a new World Champion. Is he worthy? How will he handle the pressure? And those questions have only been intensified after controversial endings to his last two title defences. Leon wants nothing more than to be a World Champion this company can be proud of and he is desperate for tonight to be the night he proves his worth. No interference, no ifs or buts.

The belt is taken from Leon and shown to Zack, the first time he's been so close in almost two years. He nods and the belt is sent to ringside. Chioda checks both men are ready, then gets the main event underway.


A cheer goes up on the bell. Leon and Zack remain in their corners faced off for a few seconds before meeting in the middle with a typically friendly handshake. Both men try to put their friendships to one side the moment their hands part though, both encouraging the clapping of the crowd to get the atmosphere going.

Here we go. This could be a classic.

Squaring off, Zack and Leon lock-up. Both men struggle to get an advantage and after a while, they break off. Zack stretches out on the ropes while Leon paces around, both trying to focus. Eventually they lock up again and after another struggle, a side headlock goes to the challenger. Leon tries to work a way free, slapping Zack in the stomach a couple of times before shooting him into the ropes. Coming back with a shoulder tackle, Zack knocks the World Champion down.


Zack fans celebrate as their man hits the ropes again. Rolling over Leon provides a roadblock forcing Zack to go up and over. The World Champ evades Zack off the ropes again, this time going up and over with a leapfrog. He then attempts a hiptoss, but fails to get Malibu up. Kneeing Leon in the gut Zack doubles his opponent up, then hooks him up looking for a backslide...



Out quickly, Leon makes a move looking like he's going to rush the challenger. But he soon thinks twice when Zack sets up for School's Out! Leon slams on the brakes before Zack can strike and scuttles back so he's against the ropes, giving himself some time to regroup.

Oh man! Zack thinking School's Out in the opening seconds of the match and the World Champion wisely, VERY wisely, had it scouted and saved himself!

Wide-eyed after his narrow escape Rodez looks up at the challenger, who playfully shows Leon how close he came.


A little more cautious, Leon approaches and locks up with Zack again. The Boston fans take their sides and chant away in that way we all love so much ( :rolls eyes: ) for each man, as each man struggles. Finding themselves up against the ropes both men give a clean break... but Zack is quickest to react and grabs Leon in a side headlock as he backs away.

Zack getting the better of things here in the very early going. He's been in this situation many times before, he better than anyone knows what it takes to be World Champion.

Yeah, we all know Zack's gonna hold nothing back tonight. We'll see if Leon is as ruthless, or if he's content being an ex-champion by the end of the show, just so long as Zack'll still hit him up on MySpace.

Moving his way around in the headlock Leon tries to work an escape, but is taken down to the mat.



Leon gets his shoulder up. He kicks his legs up trying for a headscissors, but Malibu shrugs it off and takes advantage by forcing down the shoulders again...



Shoulder up again.

And the ground game being employed by The Franchise of the OAOAST, trying to keep the World Heavyweight Champion down. Leon is very much a momentum wrestler. And he's going to find no momentum while flat on his back.

That's not what I hear.

Wrapping his arms around Zack's waist Leon manages to tip him to the side, stacking him up...



Zack kicks out, right back into control with the side headlock. Leon is able to climb back to his feet though and delivers an elbow to try and break free. Two more elbows do the job and Rodez quickly hits the ropes, but gets caught with a standing dropkick! Cover...



Leon kicks out, but gets placed right back into the side headlock by Malibu.

Zack's got a definite gameplan here Michael.

Maybe trying to frustrate Leon, although we know that Leon has an extremely long fuse.

Yeah but maybe Zack knows something we don't. You've been saying it yourself, how Leon's been unsatisfied with the way his title defences have gone so far. Maybe we've finally found the thing that'll get Leon frustrated.

Well being headlocked would frustrate anyone quite honestly.

Working his way back to his feet, Leon forces back on Zack's head to back him into a corner. Holding until the count of 4 Zack eventually breaks cleanly. Leon backs away cleanly as well. But again, Zack lunges forward and catches him in a surprise side headlock. Quickly Leon shoves Zack off, the challenger coming back off the ropes and going for the head again. Again Leon shoves him off, Zack rebounding back with another attempt at a headlock. Another quick shove off sends Zack away and this time Leon follows him into the ropes, not even letting him rebound for fear of another headlock attempt, running into him with a back elbow to the chest. Rodez looks around for a second, then with a smile applies his own side headlock with a cheer!


What's good for the goose and all that.

Leon's headlock doesn't last long however. Freeing himself with elbows, Zack shoots Leon off into the ropes. A dropdown forces Leon to rebound again and he runs into a dropkick to the knee! The World Champion's leg buckles painfully and he collapses in a heap.

Great move by Zack though!

No kidding, that was right on the money.

With Leon down and asking for time, Zack is cautious to follow up. But with the World Title on the line he doesn't back off, waiting until Leon kicks out defensively before he catches the knee and drops an elbow on it. A second elbow follows. And then a third, barring up on the leg.

And is it mere coincidence, or perhaps something more calculated, that the knee being targeted is that right knee? The right knee Leon had to have surgically repaired back in 2003, in the infancy of his OAOAST career, an injury which almost ended his OAOAST tenure before it had really begun.

What do you reckon?

Well I don't know, I'm just putting it out there, hypothetically.

Put it this way; if you don't think Zack knows about that knee, you're an idiot.

Zack grapevines his legs around Leon's for added pressure. The World Champion grimaces in pain as he sits up, putting a chinlock on Zack to try and force him free. Shrugging that off Zack torques up on the hold and the pain forces Leon's shoulders down...




Standing back up Malibu keeps control of the leg, thinking over his next move. With Leon helpless Zack steps around to the side, then pulls back on the leg forcing against the hamstring with his foot. With his free leg Leon is able to push Malibu off of him and rolls away, to where the ropes can aid him. He only makes it to one knee before Zack is on him though. A European uppercut puts Leon flat down on his back again, freeing up the leg. Placing it on the bottom rope, Zack springs up and drops his body-weight down across the injured appendage.

Calculated or not, Zack has now picked that right knee and he's going to work. We can safely say friendship is out of the window. It's all about the World Heavyweight Championship now.

That's how it's gotta be. Zack knows that better than anybody.

Able to hobble back up onto one leg does the World Champion no favours, pulled into the centre of the ring and taken down with a leg trip. Maintaining the right leg, Zack turns and applies a spinning toehold.

Submission move applied.

Leon refuses to give up but is clearly in some pain. After a good few seconds of working the hold, Zack does another turn to re-apply the hold a second time. Zack then drops to his knees, crossing the right leg under Leon's left, pinning that down under his with a modified indian deathlock. Further pain is felt by Rodez and he sits up with a jolt.

This is a well prepared Zack Malibu we're seeing tonight, a focused Zack Malibu. After months of personal battles with Theodore Moneymaker, finally he's back where he wants to be, challenging for the World Title, challenging for a chance to headline AngleMania.

Knelt down, Zack gives Leon a shove to put him back on the mat...



Leon sits up again, only to get pushed again...



Another sit up... but this time, he sits up right into Zack's arms, adding a double underhook to the deathlock and further trapping The Grand Rapids Golden Child.

Leon is all tied up now, he may have submit simply because he can't get out!

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Spurred on by the crowd Leon fights to try and escape. He manages to turn slightly, enough to convince Zack his control is gone and un-tangle himself, instead putting himself on top with a lateral press...




Rodez crawls away but Zack is on his tail. Picking him up, Zack drives a forearm into the side of Leon's head, then takes him over with a crisp snap suplex. Positioning himself at the legs Zack then goes back to the spinning toehold on that right leg.

I gotta say, Zack is controlling this match. He gets it. He's been World Champion, maybe the best World Champion we've ever had much as I hate to admit it. I don't know if Leon failed to put the personal feelings to one side and he's not properly focused or what it is, but he's being schooled so far!

Wrenching on the knee Zack shows little in the way of his emotion looking down at his close friend cringing in pain. Letting go of the hold, he does another turn trying to re-apply and re-inflict the pressure. However, Leon finally finds a counter, placing a foot in Zack's butt and pushing him forward into the turnbuckles!


A cheer goes up from Leon's supporters, but Malibu manages to avoid most of the contact in the corner. He turns around and with Leon hobbling up, goes for a clothesline. Ducking the head, Leon catches Zack with a surprise Exploder Suplex!

First big move of the match from the World Champion!

Cover by Leon...




Still hobbling Rodez gets back up. He helps Zack to his feet, looking to guide him off with an irish whip. Making it only to arms length before putting on the brakes, the challenger goes back to the knee with a kick. Leon stays on his feet, but not for long, Zack striking the knee again with a dropkick this time.

Right back to it though goes Zack Malibu.

And about 50% of these people love it.

Guiding Rodez back up, Zack measures his friend...



...and lashes him with a knifedge chop!

Whoo! Leon's not gonna forget that in a hurry.

Falling back against the turnbuckles another kick is slammed against Leon's kneecap. And another. Zack backs away from the corner when asked, but goes back in for an irish whip. Hitting the opposite turnbuckles, Leon gets sandwiched with a clothesline from Zack. Spun around, a German Suplex follows. Not holding on for more, Zack attempts the pin instead...




Zack allows Leon back up, measuring him for a kick, this time to the back of the knee. With the Champ hobbled Malibu hits the ropes, loading up again with a clothesline attempt. Leon manages to get up an elbow to catch Zack coming though. Caught under the jaw Zack reels, getting spun around and sent into the turnbuckles with an irish whip himself. Leon tries to work out some of the pain in his knee before following up, but is too slow and Zack moves out of the way.

Nobody home... AND LOOK OUT!

Cole senses it and so do the fans, Zack uncorking with SCHOOL'S OU...

...NO! Sensing it too, Leon manages to step to the side and catch Zack! With a quick pop of the hips, he then throws Zack backwards, DUMPING him into the turnbuckles with a back suplex!!!


Whiplashing off of the metal buckles in ugly fashion Zack wisely rolls himself out underneath the bottom rope and to the floor, favouring his back. Leon lays in the ring regrouping, so referee Mike Chioda leaves the ring to check Zack is okay.

A desperation counter from the World Champion and what a counter it could be!

I dunno if he meant it or not. Either way, it's got him back in the ballgame.

And Zack hit very hard, he could be hurt.

Apparently not so hurt that he can't continue, as Chioda re-enters the ring and starts his count. The last thing Leon wants is a count-out though and he rolls outside. With some difficulty Leon rolls Zack back inside.


And now Zack's hurt, these people flip. What is it about wrestling fans routing for the guy who's losing? Says alot about their lives, huh?

Leon hooks Zack up and delivers a vertical suplex. A simple move but one which inflicts plenty of pain to Zack, who's forced down with a lateral press...




Still favouring his right knee, Leon manages to get Zack up for a back suplex and another cover...




Leon rolls Malibu over onto his front and sits down on him, pulling Zack's head back with a camel clutch.

Leon now with Zack in a submission predicament. But with that bad knee, he can't sit back all the way, unable to put full pressure on with this camel clutch.

Soon enough Zack is able to capitalise on this and pushes onto his hands and knees, fighting back to his feet. Leon steps off and goes to a side headlock instead, which Zack tries to escape with shots to the gut. Zack then grabs Leon's right leg and lifts him for a kneebreaker... which Leon manages to counter, floating up and over the back. Trying to stay on his feet, Zack's bad back won't allow it and he's taken down with a sunset flip...




Both men are back up and Zack walks right into a side scoop and a slightly ill-advised backbreaker, Rodez doing damage to himself by dropping Zack down across his right knee. Leon blocks it out long enough to drop on top...





Now they're both hurt, let's cheer for them both. You'd think with the Celtics and the Patriots these people might have finally gotten used to routing for winners, but apparently not.

It's slow going as both men get back to their feet. Leon stretches at his leg in an attempt to work some of the kinks out, before he turns around towards Zack... and into a PALMSTRIKE!

Out of NOWHERE! What a shot upside the head!

Dazed, Leon gets schoolboyed by Zack...




Leon gets back up and receives another shot to the head, this time a forearm. Going back to his gameplan Zack then picks a leg. Left hopping on his good leg Leon is pulled away from the ropes. But he answers with an ENZIGURI, the force sending Malibu spilling out of the ring through the middle rope!

Zack to the outside again.

Looks like Leon's woken up finally. All it took was his quote un-quote 'best friend' slapping him across the head. Good for him.

Limping his way over to the ropes Leon waits for Zack to get back up on the arena floor. And with a grimace, he sacrifices his knee and himself, DIVING OVER THE TOP AND WIPING ZACK OUT!!!!



Leon taking flight! We don't usually see him taking too many risks like that but tonight's the night for pulling out all the stops!

Leon pulls himself up with help from the ring apron, doubled up.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Hearing the referee's count, Leon throws Zack back inside of the ring. Climbing to the apron he then takes a long look at the top turnbuckle. With the cogs turning in his head the World Champion eventually decides to go for broke and climbs the ropes, heading for the top, to cheers from the Bostonians. Zack picks himself up inside the ring, looking up to see Leon getting his footing and taking off with a flying crossbody block!




No! Two risks in a row, but only a two count for it!

Leon grabs hold of Zack as he gets to his feet. Whipping him into the turnbuckles, he follows in with a back elbow against the buckles, merely a set-up for another whip. Bad knee and all The Grand Rapids Golden Child gathers some speed and takes off with the Superman Spea... NO! Zack moves out of the way and Leon EATS the middle turnbuckle!

I guess that was one risk too many.

Stumbling off of the turnbuckles Leon walks backwards, into a waistlock. And bad back and all, Zack pops the World Champion over with a German Suplex! The crowd uhm and aah for a second, before Zack rolls over and brings Leon up with him to their approval.

Here we go, Zack is starting to chain these suplexes together.

The beginning of the end maybe.

Zack pulls Leon back up off the mat and delivers a second German Suplex! Gripping on he rolls over, clearly struggling with his back as he tries to pull Leon up again. He does, elevating him up... but not far enough, Leon able to tuck forward and counter with a roll through.


The shoulders are down but Leon doesn't want the pin, standing up off of Zack and grabbing his legs looking to turn him over!

Liontamer! Leon going for the Liontamer!

The crowd cheer, some of them anyway, as Leon begins to get the challenger turned. But Zack isn't going that easily. Turning one way, Zack suddenly flips over the other and momentum brings Leon with him. Leon is able to roll through to his feet and he grabs Zack by the head as he tries to get back up. Reaching up, Zack snatches an arm, pulling Leon down with a fujiwara takedown. He abandons the armbar, instead rolling backwards and looking for the Anklelock!

And now it's Zack looking for the submission!

Before Zack can get the hold properly applied, Leon pushes up on his hands and rolls through... BUT ZACK SITS DOWN ON HIM!



No, Leon kicks out and rolls Zack forward into a pin of his own...



Zack kicks out! Both men back up, Zack surprises Leon with an inside cradle!



No, Leon kicks out!

The pace has suddenly exploded here, these two great athletes kicking it up a notch or two!

Again both scramble to get to their feet and it's Zack able to strike first, dropkicking out the right knee again. As Leon goes down to all fours Zack steps over looking for La Majistral... but Leon blocks and stacks Zack on his shoulders instead...




Oh my, what a succession of close nearfalls we're seeing here! Incredible!

The crowd are rocking at this point, behind both men. Ducking underneath a clothesline, Leon gets a drop toehold on Zack and puts him across the middle rope!


Working up the fans, Leon does something resembling a jig before coming off the ropes. He makes it halfway back across the ring before Zack is back up and waiting on him, booting him in the gut. Zack hooks the World Champion up looking for a suplex, but is unable to get him over. Switching position Leon now has control. With his back up against the ropes, he blocks another suplex attempt. With a shot to the gut, he then hooks Zack up. And he takes Zack over, suplexing him over the top...






It's been a while, I know. But it deserved it.


Both Zack and Leon lie hurt on the outside, Zack having been folded up on landing and Leon buckling his knee again with the way he was brought out. Referee Mike Chioda looks down at this mess and starts to lay a count on both men.

That suplex has wiped both champion and challenger out... and now, referee Mike Chioda counting. And neither man is moving.

The crowd sense this and get to their feet, trying to rally both men to get back in the ring.



I don't think either man is going to be able to answer this count! Both Zack and Leon are hurt and the referee is up to six!

With the fans getting more and more anxious, both men start to stir painfully. Leon clutches his knee, attempting to hobble back towards the ring but stopping short to a gasp.


Zack has yet to move at this point, Leon now on his knees looking despairingly up at the ring.


Listen to this crowd, trying to will these two men back inside!

I don't think it's gonna do any good though.


Zack suddenly stirs and the crowd make a renewed urge to both men. Looking around to see where he is Zack reaches up, placing his hand on the ring apron to try and pull himself back up. Leon's hand clutches the ring apron a few feet away as well.






And another unsatisfying ending for the OAOAST World Champion is avoided. A double countout would have been the last thing Leon wanted, this is about more than just retaining the belt.


With the aid of the ropes both champion and challenger pull themselves up, the crowd still roaring at the fact the match is even continuing. Leon is first up but nursing his leg, allowing Zack to get the first shot in with a knifedge chop.



And another one. Before Leon can strike back Zack starts to fire away a little higher, open handed palm thrusts from the left and the right, knocking the champion's head back from side to side, leaving him dazed. With a quick 360 Zack comes back looking for a roaring elbow... but Leon ducks! And when Zack turns around, Leon finally strikes with a jab!

A jab!

A jab!

A jab!

Nothing being held back here, Leon unloading these jabs and we know what's coming next.

Rodez turns to blow the kiss to the crowd...

...and Zack quickly shoves him in the back to fend him off.

Yeah but Zack knew it too!

As Leon stumbles Zack pedals off the ropes, only to get caught on the way back with a surprise Powerslam!!




What a match we're seeing here, just as we thought we would, these two great friends proving to be great opponents in this World Title main-event!

Leon grabs Zack and tries to throw him with an irish whip, but Zack reverses. On the rebound Zack tries to scoop Leon up for a side slam, but the World Champion lands on his feet and with a gutwrench tips Zack upside down. On one leg the World Champion struggles to hold on though as Zack kicks his legs repeatedly and reverses, getting Leon upside down instead for the TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!


Zack scores! Tombstone and it could be over!

Zack covers...




Zack rolls back to his feet and with Leon still down, heads to the top rope.

It's Zack taking a risk now, the challenger going up.

Slowly to his feet, Leon limps around to find Zack coming off the top with a Missile Dropki... NO! Leon takes a quick step back, catching Zack's feet as his head bounces off the canvas!

Caught him, looking for the Liontamer!

Leon hooks up the legs and tries to turn Zack over, still with enough sense in him to fight from being turned. Giving up on it, Leon turns himself around so that his back is against the turnbuckles, slingshotting The Franchise! Zack's body hits the turnbuckles hard knocking the wind out of him. Limping across the ring Leon waits for Zack to turn around in the corner, rushing in and delivering the Superman Spear on one good leg!


A winded Zack stumbles out of the corner. Rodez is waiting on him with a climactic clothesline, quickly hooking the challenger up...




And now you've gotta start asking what's it gonna take? What's it going to take to beat either of these guys. Because let's face it, they know each other so well, it might need to be more than a superkick, more than a Liontamer, they might not be much good because each guy knows it's coming and knows the counter.

The World Champion summons up some energy from within, pulling Zack to his feet. With a sidestep Zack sneaks out of Leon's clutches and behind with a Bridging German Suplex...




Leant up in the corner Zack looks ready to pounce, only for Leon to pounce first, running into him with a back elbow against the turnbuckles. Leon keeps Zack penned in the corner and jogs gingerly across the ring looking to get a run-up. What he doesn't realise is that Zack is right behind him and has more speed at his disposal, able to catch up to Leon and dropkick him in the back, sending him chest first into the turnbuckles in the opposite corner!

One too many times to the well for the World Champion.

Yeah Zack knew it was coming. And he's also got more mobility, Leon can't run around the ring like normal with that bad wheel.

Left nestled in the corner Leon is in position for Zack to get a charge in now. Lining him up from across the ring Zack sucks it up and rushes in, throwing both knees up looking for the ZACK ATTACK 2...

...AND GETS CAUGHT! Leon manages to turn around in time, catching hold of Zack's legs and tripping him up, INTO THE LIONTAMER THIS TIME!!!!


He's got him turned, Leon has the Liontamer applied!

Now let's see if Zack's been preparing enough for it or not.

Finally getting the hold applied Leon kneels back as far as he can, putting maximum pressure on the already weakened back. Zack clutches his hands to his head in pain. Right there, Chioda asks Zack if he wants to quit, but there's no question of that just yet.


The pro-Leon section of the crowd encourage Zack to give it up. But that just draws Zack's supporters into chanting "ZACK! ZACK!" and pretty soon the arena is just a mess of a sound somewhere in between the two. Getting his hands underneath him Zack tries to push his chest up off the mat a little to give himself room to move. He does so and starts to veer to his right. With the ropes in sight he crawls around, Leon unable to stop him from GRABBING THE BOTTOM ROPE and forcing the break!

But once again, the heart and determination of Zack Malibu cannot be questioned! With the World Title on the line there was no way Zack was going to quit, so long as there was an ounce of energy in his body!

I dunno. I think if Leon's knee was 100%, he wouldn't have been able to escape and eventually he wouldn't have had any choice but to quit.

Letting Zack go Leon leans against the turnbuckles trying to get his breath back. The Franchise picks himself back up on the ropes and gets spun around by Leon, picked up for an inverted atomic drop. The move does damage to Leon's knee, but he manages to shake it off and hit the ropes. Slowed down considerably, Leon gets caught on the way back with a sleeper! Quick to turn into the hold and avoid the Trendsetter, Leon picks Zack up again. This time Zack goes up and over though, with a sunset flip...




...but Zack hangs onto the leg AND PUTS ON AN ANKLELOCK!!


And now it's the World Champion in peril!

Zack climbs back to his feet to get more leverage and starts to twist and torque on the ankle trying to draw the submission. Before too much damage can be done though, Leon turns over and kicks Malibu off.

No shortage of fight in Leon Rodez either though!

Rolling through, Zack is able to catch Leon with a boot and hooks him for a suplex. He then hooks the leg in a fisherman's, the prelude to one of many old favourites, none of which he'll get as Leon counters with a small package...




Both men are back up and Zack goes for a clothesline, ducked...




WHAT A SHOT! Not School's Out, but it may be LIGHTS OUT!

Holding his knee in pain Leon finds himself too far away to fall on top. He's forced to crawl over to where Zack lays, flat out and gaping up at the lights, dropping himself over The Franchise...





Oh my how close was that!?

Almost beat him with his own move, that'd be one way to shut up the doubters!

Leon looks slightly despondent, definitely weary as he gets back to his feet. Right behind him comes Zack, on instincts alone.


Doubling Zack up with an elbow Leon positions himself behind and tries to elevate Zack up onto his shoulders in an electric chair position. Zack pushes free of that though, waiting for Leon to turn around and landing a big standing boot to the face! Rocked backwards, Rodez falls back into the ropes, bounced back into a quick boot from Malibu. Turning the champion to the side Zack sets him up, ANGLE SLA... NO! Leon escapes, landing on his feet behind Zack. Spinning him around, he drops Zack with a quick DDT! Grabbing an arm and a leg Leon slowly drags Zack across the ring, setting him up near the turnbuckles and heading outside.

Here we go, could be 450 time!

Leon claws his way up the turnbuckles, dragging his bad leg behind him. As he reaches the top he takes a while to adjust...

...and that allows Zack to get up answer with a leaping palmstrike!


The World Champion gets crotched on the top turnbuckle, Zack breathing a clear sigh of relief. Hanging onto the ropes to keep himself up Zack shakes away the cobwebs and climbs up onto the middle turnbuckle, turning away from Leon.

Zack had the 450 scouted and now going up himself, this will not end well for one of these two!

Maybe both.

Reaching up behind him Zack pulls Leon onto his shoulders while sat on the top. The crowd gasp, sensing that Leon is in trouble. But he starts to fight, elbowing his friend with desperate shots until he's fought his way out of the potential Honor Rolling. With Zack still sat on the turnbuckle, Leon gets his feet on the middle buckle on the outside. He grabs a hold of Zack underneath the arms, then just FLINGS him off the turnbuckles, causing him to splatter into the mat back-first!


Zack lands right back in position for Leon, who gets his footing...




Despite the pain in his knee, Leon is able to stay on top...







The Boston crowd erupt as Chioda calls for the bell. But before Leon can even start to celebrate, he looks to his side, to see ZACK'S FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE!

Ladies and gentlemen... your winner of this contest... and STILL OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... LLEEEEEEOOOOONN... RRROOOOOODDEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!


Referee Chioda returns with the OAOAST World Title and hands it to Leon, ready to raise his arm in victory. But much to his surprise, Leon PUSHES the belt away and shakes his head, pointing out Zack's foot.

Woah woah, hang on a minute.

The hell is this?

Seeing the foot on the ropes for the first time Chioda looks surprised and just a little bit disappointed at realising he's made a bad call. And despite his apologies and saying that there's not much he can do now, Leon won't accept the belt. Zack now begins to stir and looks up to see Leon protesting his case, so decides to join in. "Rock The Casbah" abruptly cuts out, leaving a confused buzz around the arena.

Well obviously, Leon not happy... but the fact is he won the match.

Exactly! What's he bitchin' 'bout!?

With both Zack and Leon now talking to him, Chioda suddenly turns away and calls Michael Buffer back over, while Zack and Leon continue to discuss what happened.

Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please... on request of both challenger and OAOAST World Champion, referee Mike Chioda has decided to reverse his decision... and he rules that this match WILL CONTINUE!!



Wow! We're not done here yet folks, don't switch over, this match is being restarted and I can't say I'm too disappointed about that!

Chioda double-checks both champion and challenger are good to go and gets a nod from both, giving them the signal to fight and the match is right back underway, to a roar from the crowd!

What an turn of events here!

And what a dumbass for a World Champion we've got! He had the match won, he had the belt in his hands, take it and get the hell outta there!

That's not what Leon Rodez wants Coach. He doesn't want controversy or doubts hanging over his head, he wants to prove himself as a true World Champion and I think he's done just that right here tonight! The referee made a mistake, Zack's foot was on the bottom rope at two and Leon refused to win that way on a mistake from an official! Good for him!

And now, Zack Malibu's been given a second chance at beating his stupid ass!

Zack and Leon circle around cautiously, ready to pick up where they left off.


As they go to tie-up, Zack slips past Leon...



...and lands a knifedge chop as he turns around.



Leon chops him back this time though!



Chop from Zack!



Chop from Leon!

They are going chop for chop and this Boston crowd is hanging behind every one of them!

Zack breaks the chain by running Leon back into the ropes, sending him off. As the challenger ducks his head for a backdrop, Leon vaults himself up onto the shoulders and executes a victory roll!




Only two for Leon! It's almost as if the restart of the match has given these two men a rejuvenation of energy all of a sudden!

Both men back up, Zack beats Leon to the boot and doubles him up. Zack hits the ropes this time, but Leon catches him coming with a boot of his own. With The Franchise ending up hunched over in front of him, Leon puts his hands on Zack's shoulders, hoisting himself up again. But Zack doesn't go over this time. Blocking the victory roll Zack reaches up and adjusts Leon's body into a fireman's carry, into a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!!


Countered! Zack may have made the most of his second chance!

Zack turns on top and hooks the leg...




Zack climbs back up holding onto Leon's limp arm and slowly dragging him back to his feet.

You think if Leon asked nicely enough, the ref'd re-reverse and give him the belt back?

He's not out of this match yet Coach.

He was out of it about three minutes ago and he had the belt to boot.

With Leon up but unsteady, Zack goes behind and wraps on a waistlock, taking Leon over with a German Suplex! Zack hangs onto the waist and rolls his man through, back to his feet for a second rolling German! Leon looks to be out of it at this point.

An ode to AngleSault!

Only Zack Malibu would ode anything to him anymore. At least anything that didn't involve going to the bathroom.

Bringing Leon up again Zack lets go of the waistlock. Switching instead to an ANGLE SLAM...

...NO!! Leon escapes and delivers a sudden Blue Thunder Bomb!

It's Da Boom!




Wearily to his feet, Leon waits on Zack, scooping and slamming him in the corner.

Here we go again.

Leon scales the turnbuckles, the crowd rising to their feet. As he reaches the top Leon takes some deep intakes of breath before getting his footing on the top and tumbling forward...

A second 450!

...NO!!! Zack moves, Leon barely able to get his hands out and land safely, tucking and rolling through the impact. Finding his way onto his feet Leon looks around, getting his bearings back before charging in AND GETTING CRACKED WITH SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!



Zack falls on top, hooking a leg...






Rolling off of his friend, Zack pushes up onto his knees and punches his fists in celebration.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match and the NEEWWW OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION for a record breaking FOURTH time... ZZZZAAAAAAAACCKK... MMMMMAAAAAAALLLLIIIIIIBBUUUUU!!!!!


Zack hunches forward in exhaustion resting on head and knees, only emerging when Chioda comes over to hand him the belt. Not pushing it away, Zack picks himself back up and has his hand raised in victory.

History has been made tonight in Boston! Zack Malibu has risen back to the top of the OAOAST mountain!

Zack takes the World Title in his arms again, a mixture of relief and delight on his face as he clutches it to his chest. Carrying himself over to the turnbuckles Zack finds enough energy to climb to the middle buckle and raise the belt to his cheering fans. Behind him Leon starts to come to his senses.

Amid a mild bit of controversy, we have seen an OAOAST classic tonight!

Continuing to climb the turnbuckles Zack celebrates his title reign like it were his first, cheered in every corner by the Boston fans. All of this is apparently too much for Leon. Rolling out of the ring Leon sits on the apron with a hand pressed to his head. His head eventually drops, easing himself off of the apron and slowly, dejectedly making his way to the back. The fans in the aisle try to console Leon with applause, pats on the back, compliments on the match. Leon can't bring himself to acknowledge one of them.

Jubilation for Zack Malibu. Despair for Leon Rodez. But tonight, even though Leon didn't leave with the World Title, he can leave with his pride and his dignity, in the knowledge that he was a true OAOAST World Champion!

I'm sure that'll make him feel great. You know, apart from the past tense.

Zack climbs down off of the fourth turnbuckle with a smile on his face, exhaling deeply. He drags himself around expecting to find Leon somewhere in the ring, but sees no sign of him. In the end he has to ask Chioda "where'd Leon go" and is pointed in the direction of where Leon is just disappearing out of sight. Zack looks for a few seconds, before his celebration continues with the fans, dropping to one knee with the belt on his shoulders and pointing out to the fans.

Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for joining us for this memorable night. From myself and Coach, we will see you this Thursday on HeldDOWN, for the first night of the new Malibu era! Goodnight from Boston!


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