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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST Syndicated 2/15/09

Chanel #99

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Brought to you by American Express
Taped: 2/13/09
First air date: 2/15/09
Announce team: Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura
Lead corespondent: Tony Brannigan


Today we celebrate the bad guys of the OAOAST, and all their evil, villianous ways have done for our fine federation. On display for you to detest and despise is a young, incredibly hot, highly talented bad boy named Spencer Reiger. Following him up will be an ex-convict and former pimp, a woman hating trash talking scumbag, The Black Knight Lucius Soul. Topping the evening off will be the silent but violent type of baddie in Cuban Wall

***Spencer Reiger Vs Jumbo***

As punishment for walking out his world title match, the bad-boy heartthrob of the OAOAST was forced to square off with a man three times his size. Spencer made the most of a bad situation by comically taunting the fatty by eating a hot dog with all the fixins (I hate that phrase) right in front of Jumbo's face. Jumbo couldn't fight the urge to add on a few more pounds and tried to snatch away Reiger's treat. But Spencer struck back with a dropkick that bulldozed his foe into the corner. There Spencer gave Jumbo exactly what he wanted by rubbing the hotdog into his face. Rightly enraged, Jumbo chucked Spencer to the center of the ring. He charged forward to hit Spencer as he roses and nearly knocked him out the ring. But, Spencer used the ropes to his advantage, using them to propel himself forward with a spring board lariat. From there Spencer kept the big man grounded by using moves that targeted his leg. A missed Blood Is The New Black allowed Jumbo to take the fight to the brash hottie. But a powerbomb attempt went awry when Spencer flipped out and nailed Jumbo with the Reiger Counter (pedigree) for the pin.

WINNER:Spencer Reiger, via pinfall.

The HeldDOWN Rewind was brought to us by Melody Nerdly reminding you that Street Fighter IV is out like right now! Quit reading this and go buy it! Now! Now! Now! Now!

The Heavenly Rockers joined us lowly sad sacks with nothing to do at 2 AM on Saturday for a promo. The target of their harsh words as one Jamie O'Hara. Synth and Logan were on top of their insult game ridiculing O'Hara for a number of pitfalls. They blasted him for never wrestling at Anglemania, losing his series of matches against Nathaniel Black, holding onto the six man title for about three days, and inadvertently causing the downfall of GPX by “dragging him down in a stupid useless stable” The Rockers decided that O'Hara just wasn't OAOAST material and he needed a federation more his speed. Thus they had found the One and Only Jamie O'Hara Wrestling Federation! In this promotion O'Hara would be the star because the roster would be full of the only wrestlers on earth less competent than him. As a “treat” for the audience, Synth and Logan bought out OAOJOHWF commissioners Holly and Abdullah Abir Nerdly. The commissioners welcomed their new roles, and were excited to present the fans with a glimpse of the roster. The Birmingham Bad Boy would be joined by a pair of Synth's socks, Holly's pitbull Courtney, Artie from The Howard Stern Show, a roll of bubble wrap, a picture of John Stamos, a voodoo doll borrowed from Uno, the drummer from Air  Supply, and TV and film's own Woody Harelson! Synth and Logan invited the fans to stay tuned for more exciting developments on the OAOJOHWF in the coming weeks.   

To get folks even more excited for upcoming Usual Suspects battle, a video package showcasing the duo's friendship was played. Highlights included their tag team title victory, their battles against the Upstarts and Wildcards as well as their time in the In Crowd. Both men were interviewed with each saying they have the utmost respect for the other, and were looking forward to a classic contest. Experts on staff such as Tony Brannigan and Randy Savage also spoke. Most agreed that Zack was the favorite, but noted that with the way all of Leon's title defenses have gone since NYS, he perhaps had the most motivation.

***Lucius Soul W/Rico Vs Freedom***

Surprisingly, Freedom got the better of things early on with a flurry of punches that Soul couldn't defend. The Black Knight almost feel victim to a back body drop for a three count. But he kicked out and got back into the match with his kung-fu style kicks. He low blowed Freedom charging to the ropes, and then sent him tumbling outside with a leaping sidekick. On the outside Freedom begins to recover his strength and exchanged a hellish round of punches with his foe. But his comeback is all too short lived as he missed a charge and rammed himself into the steel barricade. Soul dumped him back inside and got a close two count from the patriot's gaffe. Into a rest hold they went with Soul locking Rico down into a reverse chinlock. But “U-S-A!” chant got Freedom going and he courageously fought out the hold. He retook the advantage with several clotheslines and a lethal flying elbow. A spine buster might have gotten three if it weren't for Rico causing a distraction for the referee. This allowed Lucius to sneak off and get the scepter which was once again used to clock Freedom. Down went the AAB, and seeing that he had no hopes of getting back up the referee called for bell.

WINNER: Lucius Soul, via knockout.




What video game are you playing right now
My xbox is broke, and I lent my PS3 to Leon, so I might as well kiss that thing good bye. I like that Brick Breaker thing that came with Black Berry. Does that count?

What sports fan base do you hate the most
I could do without Cleveland Cavaliers fans, and the team they love, and the city they live in. Might as well get rid of the whole state as well.

If you could come back in another life, what would you come back as
Me, only three inches taller.

What’s one thing you can’t go a day without?
Shaving. Everyone tells me that I have a baby face, but if I didn’t shave for a day I’d look like an Islamic prophet.

What animal do you most resemble?
My mom used to call me her little Ewok.

Celebrity crushes?
Where do I start? Krista, Taylor Swift, Kate Beckinsale, and I won’t lie Sara Palin is attractive. Krista’s my fav.

Song playing on ipod right now:
Never Tear Us Apart by INXS. Classic music.

The 300th HeldDOWN was a smash hit in Hollywood, attracting a who's who of the entertainment industry, many as guests of hometown girl Krista Isaodra Duncan. But one celeb wasn't so pleased with HeldDOWN's anniversary or Miss California. A special E! News segment reported that Lindsay Lohan was incredibly upset with not being invited to attend the show and the afterparty at Krista's Beverly Hills mansion. In an interview with E! Loahn called the starlet “two faced”, and claimed she forgot who her friends were. Lohan closed out the interview by saying that's its hard to find good friends in LA, and Krista proved that point.

***Baron Windells W/Tim Cash Vs Cuban Wall***

Wall tried to hit a home run in the lead off spot to start the contest. But he struck out swinging as Baron slipped out and took early control of the contest. After reversing an irish whip effort, Wall got back on the right track by leveling the cowboy with a big boot. He got a near fall off a knee drop, but an argument with referee Earl Hebner gave Baron the opportunity to get back on the attack with a bulldog. Unfortunately he couldn't stay there thanks to Wall scoring with a spinning powerslam.Wall kept the advantage through a series of clotheslines. However Barons stood strong through the powerhouses onslaught and was rewarded by getting in a double arm DDT followed by a missile dropkickk. Wishing to slow the momentum of his foe down, Wall retreated to the outside. This act of cowardice was punished by a baseball slide from the Lonestar Gunslinger. Baron high fived the approving fans as we went to break.  

Returning from break, Wall held BW in a chinlock. But thanks to the audience's support, BW was able to fight free of Wall's submission. But his success carried him no further as he got laid out with a vertical suplex. Wall then lifted BW up and placed across the turnbuckles in hopes of scoring a superplex. But his plan went awry when BW pushed him off and went for the Its Clobberin Time diving lariat! But he missed and crashed into the canvas. Wall tried to capitalize on Baron's miscue by striking him in the corner with a running splash. But Windells moved out the way and caught his burly rival with the Cowboy Bebop (bionic elbow) for a two count. Back on their feet the two men traded blows until Baron struck paydirt with a brutal uppercut. Stunned, Wall was easily caught by the Brigham Young Cocktail (leaping DDT) that got a three count.

WINNER: Baron Windells, via pinfall

Post match Baron and Cash shook hands with the fans and posed for pictures with the kiddies.

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