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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 4/24/03

Chanel #99

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Apryl 24th, 2003

Hosted by everyone's favorite duo


MC:"Hello everyone at home! Welcome to HeldDOWN, the show that's got more shock than the electric chair..."

Coach:"And is less painful!"

MC:"I'm Michael Cole, alongside Jonathan Coachman, and tonight, we've got quite the show for you. We're going to have, for the first time in HeldDOWN history, a BATTLE of the BANDS between FOSHI and Starbearer! We'll also have a huge announcement regarding the OAOAST X Title, as General Manager Tim Moysey will be in touch with us later in the show! Right now, however, we've got...

"Joy of Cola" by Britney Spears begins, as the crowd begins booing.

Coach:"We've got endorsements, Michael! TE is here!"

A glint of gold hits the ramp, slung over Calvin Szechstein's shoulder, and behind him stands the rest of Totally Endorsed - Simmons to Szechstein's left, cracking his knuckles in his huge Armani suit; Slacker, his shirt made of recycled Pepsi cans glinting; and Colvid, the newest member, wearing a sandwich board promoting Coliseum Video and Pepsi-Cola. The quartet walks down the ramp, Simmons handing out cola samples to the crowd before they hit the ring, Szechstein hopping onto the apron and holding the ropes open for his stablemates before stepping in himself. The four of them pose quickly before the music cuts out, and Szechstein is tossed a mic as he begins to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to heldDown!"

The crowd pops slightly, and Calvin grins, motioning for them to calm down as he hands the mic to Slacker, who finishes the sentence.

"Brought to you... by Totally Endorsed!"

This draws the crowd's ire, and Slacker passes the mic to Colvid, who continues the festival of words.

"You know, a lot of our colleagues have decided singing is the way they want to come out her and speak to you people."

He passes the mic to Simmons, who steely speaks the next words.

"We do too."

Simmons hands the mic back to Szechstein, who continues.

"Now, we've picked an excellent piece of music to sing, but we don't have a lead singer to go along with our piece. So without further ado, allow Totally Endorsed, in association with XXX, now available on video and DVD, and Mountain Dew Livewire - we present to you Candie, the newest member of Totally Endorsed!"

"Candy" by the Sony Music Quartet blasts over the PA and Candie hops onto the entrance ramp, sporting a Pepsi belly shirt and short shorts with the word "XXX" emblazoned across the buttocks! The crowd... isn't surewhether to cheer or boo, so they do a bit of both as Candie jogs down to the ring, sliding in and picking the mic away from Calvin as she begins to speak.

"Hello, sports fans! Tonight, Candie and the Pepsi Posse are PROUD to sing for you our rendition... of Sk8er Boi!"

... pandemonium, and not in a good way, ensues! The crowd erupts in boos as the Totally Endorsed men grab instruments - Szechstein on bass, Simmons on electric, Colvid on acoustic, and Slacker playing the harmonica. The four begin playing their instruments in tune with the semi-famous song as the fans boos nearly drown them out, but they cannot drown out Candie's voice...

"He was a boy

She was a girl

Both of them always sipped on Pep-say!

He was a punk

She did ballet

Triple X is on D-V-Day...

He wanted her

She'd never tell secretly she hated Coke as well!

But all of her friends

Stuck up their nose

They loved those Coke-lovin' mofos... "

"Like, end the pain!"

The crowd roars as the quintet in the ring stops singing, instead all staring at the man on the entrance ramp - Shattered Dreams! In the ring, all five members of Totally Endorsed can do nothing but stare at SD as he continues to speak.

"And while we're talking, like, about pain, let's talk about all the pain you've, like, put our fans into! Like, can you imagine having some total skeezix as 24/7 Champion? Like, no way! So right now, I'm, like, taking your title!"

The crowd roars even louder as Dreams tosses the mic away, and the five members of Totally Endorsed get into defensive position as Dreams dashes down the ramp and slides into the ring, immediately taking shots from all five TE members! He gets up, managing to score a clothesline on Colvid and a forearm shot on Slacker before falling victim to a MONSTER spinebuster from Simmons! The crowd roars out in boos as the five of them start pounding on SD, when suddenly Candie points to the entrance ramp! All of their gazes follow - to see the Boogie Knights, accompanied by Welsh Lolita, stalking quickly down the ramp!

TE lays off of SD to concentrate on this new enemy, and as BK slides into the ring each of them take a member of TE - Lolita taking out Candie as the two begin catfighting, Zorin taking out Simmons, leaving Kotz to attempt to take out Colvid, Szechstein and Slacker. The threesome beat him down but good, until SD gets up and floors Slacker with a hard right! Slacker gets right back up and begins brawling with Dreams, and Kotz spears Szechstein, getting on top of him for the pin!



But before Kotz can get three Colvid grabs the 24/7 title and rolls out of the ring with it, not looking back at the carnage - his stable leader's title is more important. He looks to be getting away, when suddenly...


"Wake me up inside..."

The familiar entrance music of the OAOAST champ, Zack Malibu, blasts over the PA and suddenly Colvid is very, very nervous, as Malibu steps onto the ramp, his sights set on Colvid! The Coliseum Video booster backs away from the World champ, but as he backs into the ring he has nowhere to run, and the title looks to be lost... until Slacker grabs it from Colvid and bails, hopping over the ropes and then over the railing, exiting through the crowd! The rest of TE, seeing the 24/7 title safe, breaks away from their opponents and heads out of the ring, staring hard at the assembly in the ring as we cut..

to Slacker, standing in the hallway. He breathes a sigh of relief, looking at the title... when out of nowhere he's kicked in the stomach by an unfamiliar man! The man piledrives Slacker, covering for the pin...




The man stands up, revealing himself to be... the Memphis Eel! All of the SWF marks roar as the Eel walks down the hall, holding the belt... and runs smack into Todd Pettengill! The former WWE employee kicks the Eel in the junk and then rolls him up...




Pettengill grabs the title, walking away from the Eel... when he runs into Calvin Szechstein, who is breathing hard. Pettengill's eyes widen as Szechstein kicks him straight in the jaw and makes the cover!




Szechstein grabs his belt, muttering "stupid non-employees... fuckin' Coke fans..." as we fade out...

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MC:"Well, that was...odd. Both The Eel and Todd Pettengill making their first HeldDOWN appearances, and we've recorded two title changes without even having a match yet!"

Coach:"And what a match set for later on. Totally Endorsed, now accompanied by that beautiful girl Candie, taking on Shattered Dreams, Zorin, Kotzenjunege and Zack Malibu!

MC:"I understand they're backstage, so let's cut to them right now!"

(The three Boogie Knights are seen walking away from THE SPIRIT LIFTER~! backstage, but with someone else, a svelte young woman, with snow white hair, penetrating blue eyes, and umm... we’ll say a well-endowed body. Max Zorin turns and shuts off the BLINGIN~ forklift’s sound system, which was up to that point playing “Heut ist Mein Tag” by Blumchen, a tremendous happy hardcore German group.)

Kotzenjunge: You all ready for that big match tonight?

Shattered Dreams: We get to team with Zack! We get to team with Zack!

(SD produces a silver thong with a pink star on the crotch from his pocket)

Zorin: What the hell?

SD: This is for Zack to sign! When I wear it, it’ll feel like he’s right there with me, supporting me!

Kotzenjunge: Hey! Wait a minute!

(he snatches the thong from SD)

Kotzenjunge: That’s MY THONG! How DARE you go into my underwear drawer?

Zorin: You have a whole closet for your underwear, which makes no sense since you don’t wear any.

(Kotzenjunge blushes and stuffs the thong into his pocket, and no sooner does he do this than the Knights and their female friend are approached by none other than MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE~!)

Savage: OOOOOOOOOH YEAAAAAAAAH!!!! This here’s the MACHO MAN, new backstage interviewer for HeldDoooooooooown! Dig it!

(an uncomfortable silence follows)

SD: Um... what?

Savage: Listen here, I’ll snap you bitch! Now tell me what the inside scoop is on your match tonight and your lovely lady friend here!

SD: Actually, this girl here is...


Zorin: Dude, you need to calm down or something. Your neck and all of its veins and tendons are freaking me out.

SD: Before I was interrupted, this girl here is the clincher that got me to join the Knights. Her name is...

Savage: She’s not as good as ELIZABETH WAS!!! OOOOOOOOOH YEAH!

Girl: Hey Randy, you really wanna know who I am?

(she gets up close to him, tracing her finger down his chest)

Savage: Yeaaaaaaaahhhh, the Macho Man wants to know...

(she reels back and kicks him in the nuts, as he curls into a fetal position on the ground, she continues with a verbal assault)

Girl: You think I’d want that roided-up little worm of yours? Maybe in 1990 when people gave a crap about you, but not now! Dig it?

Savage(weakly): Ooooh yeaaaaaahhh...

(The Knights turn to the cameraman)

SD: Want to finish telling everyone about yourself?

Girl: Nah, I think I’ve said enough.

SD: Then I’ll say it for you! This is the girl of your dreams and our reality, and she’s ours! Ours! ALL OURS! Meet... Welsh Lolita!

Savage(from under the camera’s view): Oooooooh, I like young girls... hope she’s legal...

(Welsh Lolita kicks him again)

Savage: Dot com... Hogan’s a pussy....

Zorin: We’ve got a match to get ready for. Shall we?

(The Knights head off to their dressing room as the camera focuses on Savage’s writhings)

Elsewhere, Foshi is seen in the back warming up for the upcoming battle/performance with Paul Stanley.

Mongoose: Okay, guys. Paul Stanley has challenged us to a battle of the bands for tonight. Now, you and I all know that the 24th frets of our guitars have more talent than his whole body has, but we still have to prove that to him and more importantly to the fans. So, remember. Foshi has always been known to be one of the hardest and fastest bands from Japan.

Dimebag: FOSHI NUMBA 1!

Mongoose: Well, tonight, we're going to play even harder and even faster. We have something to prove and I refuse to let us disappoint.

The band members all nod in agreement.

Mongoose: Okay, so if we're ready, we're going to go back to practice. And we're going to practice right up until we go out there.

Foshi Squared: Hey, Mongoose, just one question. Why do you speak to us in English?

Mongoose: ....So everyone else can understand?

Foshi Squared: Yeah, but when it's just us back here, who else needs to understand?

Mongoose: ........

Dimebag: .........

Foshi Squared: ........

Mysterious: ............FOSHI NUMBA 1!

All in Unison: FOSHI NUMBA 1!

They return to warming up.

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::Scene opens in the women's locker room, where Crystal and Black Widow are staring at one another. Once the crowd sees who is there, a decent pop can be heard::

Widow: I'm not here for trouble, ok?

::Crystal slightly smirks::

Crystal: Seems every time you say that, your boyfriend and a steel chair come in play.

Widow: I can do without the sarcasm. If that's all you have to offer, I'll take my chances in another locker room.

Crystal: That's alright, just stay here. I actually wanted to talk about our match on Sunday

(The Locker Room door suddenly bursts open, Spider Poet barreling through, looking none too happy)

SP: What the hell are you doin' in here?

Widow (Angrily): Trying to talk about our match this Sunday.

SP (Sneering): You'd better be worried about the match TONIGHT. You're teaming with AngleSault in the six man.

Crystal (sarcastily): You do realize this is the *womens* locker room, right? Ever heard of knocking?

SP (Smirking): Look, kid. Get bitchy when you've got somethin' worth covering up. (Turns to Widow) You're opposite her tonight. Tear. Her. Apart. (Turns back to Crystal) Or I will.

(SP stalks off, leaving the two women in stunned silence)

Widow: I'm sorry.

Crystal: How can you stand the jerk? He treats you like crap, especially on IZ last week.

Widow: Yeah . . . look, he was a good guy . . . a good man. Once.

Crystal: Maybe you should stop living in the past and see what an ass he is now.

Widow (Shakes her head): Easier said than done, kiddo. I'm signed to IZ and he brought me in . . . I can't get away if I tried. I'm bound to him.

Crystal (smiles): How about we have a stipulation added to our match then?

Widow (interested but uneasy): . . . alright . . .

Crystal: If I win, you come and stay on HeldDown.

(Widow steps back, her eyes darting back and forth as she considers this. A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth but she seems to shove it down.)

Widow (Nodding): Don't expect me to try to lose . . . but ok. If I lose . . . I come to heldDOWN.

(The two nod, and Widow hears SP yelling at someone down the hall)

Widow: Gotta run kid. (Widow jogs out of the room to see what's going on)

::fade out::


TEAR AWAY hits loud and clear, and LOS INFERNALES have hit the stage. SpiderPoet and El Dandy make their way down the ramp, Poet threatening and harrassing fans as they do, while Dandy silences his detractors with a deadly glare. Poet looks unfazed by the absence of Black Widow, and instead seems completely focused on the match ahead of him. The Infernales hit the ring and hit the corners, holding the OAOAST Tag Team Championship belts up.


The Dark Green El Camino of L. A. Parka comes bumping down the ramp, Parka himself at the wheel with Peter Knight riding shotgun. They roll down the ramp as the Infernales hand off their belts to the ref and position themselves at the far side of the ring to make sure they don't get blindsided. The El Camino comes to a halt at the bottom, and the Dream Machines emerge. They make their way up to the ring and hit the corners while the Infernales slowly make their way to their tag corner.


The teams get themselves situated as the music dies down, the ref holding up the Tag Team Championship Belts and turning around with them. He moves off to hand the belts to the timekeeper while the Machines reach their own tag corner.

It looks like it's El Dandy and Peter Knight to start. Lockup in the center, and Knight gains control of the smaller Dandy and fires him off to the ropes. Knight drops and Dandy goes over, hits the ropes. Knight drops again, and this time Dandy comes bouncing off the ropes with a FLYING FOREARM to stun Knight. Knight bumps and Dandy lays in the INTENSE BOOTS before PK can find his feet. Dandy tries to pick Knight up, but Knight rams up to his full height and quickly whips Dandy off into the ropes -- POWERSLAM!

Knight hauls the stunned Dandy to his feet and hooks him in. SUPLEX, and he rolls through to ANOTHER SUPLEX, and keeps it locked in! Knight pulls Dandy up and goes for a third Suplex, but Dandy finds some gravity and manages to get his feet to the ground again -- SMALL PACKAGE

1 . . .

KICKOUT. Dandy kicks Knight in the face before he can get his bearings and makes for the ropes. Knight struggles to one knee as Dandy comes back for a SHIIIINIIIIIG WIZAAAAHD~! and PK got his jaw rattled. Dandy takes a moment to back off and make his way over for a TAG to SPIDERPOET. Poet lazily enters the ring and makes his way over to PK, and goes to pick him up, PK stumbles up to his feet and Poet whips him into the ropes but it looks like PK was PLAYIN' POSSUM as he HOT TAGS to PARKA on the way to the ropes and comes back with a VICIOUS CLOTHESLINE to SP who bumps hard.

Parka is all over it, laying in the boots before a quick JUMPING FIST DROP to SP's HEAD! Poet scrambles away but Parka is right behind him, and rams Poet into the corner hard as he tries to pull himself to his feet. Another ram to the turnbuckle leaves Poet a little breathless, and Parka shoots him off towards the opposite corner. Poet must have caught his wind on the way though, as he leaps, springs off the top rope, and MOONSAULT'S onto the charging Parka! SP rolls it through to a pinning predicament



KICKOUT with AUTHORITY! Parka tries to get to his feet but as he's on his hands and knees, SP wrenches his arm out and kicks Parka's shoulder. He holds on and kicks the shoulder again, before twisting and DROPPING and ELBOW onto Parka's shoulderblade, causing him to buckle to the mat. SP grins and drops down and grabs Parka's arm again, wrenches it around between his legs and locks Parka's face up -- FROSTBITE FACELOCK?! SP rears back on it, a sadistic gleam in his eye. Seeing a cameraman nearby, he looks right into it and yells, "SEE ESKIMO? HAHAHA, THIS IS HOW YOU LOCK IT IN!"

PK BOOTS SP IN THE FACE! PK bails outta the ring as Dandy comes barreling through the ropes at the interference, but the ref catches Dandy on the way through. While they argue, SP and Parka struggle to their feet in the corner. Both are hanging on to the second rope, trying to regain their composure. They spot one another and begin slinging punches in close proximity, but with the ref distracted, PK moves in behind Poet and wraps his hands around his throat from behind, pulling him down against the bottom rope in a choke hold. The ref leaves an agitated El Dandy to find Parka on his feet, stomping at Poet who is slumped in the corner. He reaches down and grabs Poet by the hair and begins pulling him to his feet, but Poet recovers and wraps his arms around Parka's wais and pushes on up, hoisting Parka into the air and then falling backwards, FLAPJACKING PARKA INTO THE RING POST!

Parka hits and rebounds back, somehow keeping his feet as he stumbles back towards the middle of the ring. Poet is up and he charges, but somehow Parka catches him and tries to whip him, but POET REVERSES, whipping PARKA off to the ropes. Poet moves as if he's going for an arm drag, but Parka NAILS A FLOAT-OVER DDT OUT OF NOWHERE! Both men are down now, breathless, battered in the middle of the ring. Parks rolls over and begins moving towards his corner, and soon Poet is doing the same. The crowd's volume suddenly bursts a little higher, however, as ZORIN and KOTZENJUNGE are suddenly at ringside. The ref sees them and is leaning over the ropes, yelling at them to keep their distance, and he doesn't see SHATTERED DREAMS hit the ring! SD quickly pops PK with a sucker punch, just as the weary Parka was getting to the corner. SD snatches Parka up and drags him towards the middle of the ring --



1 . . .

2 . . .

3 ~!

Winners, and STILL Tag Team Champions: LOS INFERNALES via El Dandy Frogsplash after Interference in 7:14

Poet and Dandy snatch their belts and hold them up, eyeing the Boogie Knights and Shattered Dreams as they back their way up the ramp. SP sends a smoldering look at the Knights and SD before the Infernales leave the ring themselves as Peter Knight slides back in to check on Parka, who is recovering and GLARING at Shattered Dreams on the ramp.

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"Sexy Boy" hits and SG makes his way out to the ring. No dancing, no pyro, all business.

SG enters the ring and grabs the mic.

Who the fuck do I think I am? Who the fuck do I think I am? Big Poppa Popick who the fuck are you? Where were you when this place started? I was here. Where were you when we had our first show? I was here. Where the fuck did you come from? I was here from the get go. I helped get this thing going and somewhere along the lines you usurped power from the guys who started this and ruined it for us.

I'm no fucking quitter, I tried to play it your way and I got a bunch of self-serving bullshit back from you through Tony. I tried to play it the right way, I went to everybody involved and everybody was cool with it but you. You fucked it up because you didn't want to look bad. Fuck you. You're a selfish piece of garbage.

CWM left before he went logging, he left because he was sick of your shit, he was sick of your egotistical ass. He handled it just fucking fine until you became even more of an overbearing asshole than usual. You squash and mock Angle-Plex for months and we're supposed to respect you because you felt bad for what you did and made a last ditch effort to look good after he spoke up. Why the fuck should I or anybody else thank you for that. It was bullshit, the same bullshit that you pulled on me, Caboose, and the rest of the aWo. You fuck with people to make yourself look better and then throw them a bone and we're supposed to drop on our knees and unzip your fly? The world doesn't work like that. Furthermore why in the hell should you have even been able to dictate AP's future? He was here long before you came around, who made you God in this place?

You say you want people to come to your face and tell you like a man. How can they tell you step up to you like a man when you act like a bitch? Crying on your keyboard like a girl who didn't get a pony on Sweet Sixteen because someone was mad at you, poor baby. Grow the fuck up and grow a set of balls.

I only came back because I was assured that you had nothing to do with this. I wan to have fun and be able to work with people. I don't want to get beat every week to fulfill you’re your need to feel like a tough guy, so that you can jerk off all over yourself because of your power. I'm not AP, I wasn't going to put up with that shit.

You say that you're the only one who isn't hate filled, do you thin that might be because you control everything you do and everything everyone else does. You give this speech talking about doing right by AP and then go and put yourself over a new guy. You're a selfish prick, impotent in real life, only getting a hard on by fucking with people.

I know you're no physic so let me spell it out really clearly, G-E-T T-H-E F-U-C-K O-U-T!

Oh and by the way, if you want a piece of me on Heldown, on IZ, on a PPV, on a plane, on a train, in a car, in a bar, it doesn't matter to me son. Just step up and we'll throw down. I won't be the one crying at the end and I won't be the one lying at the end. BPP if you want me come get me, but remember watch your back because you never know where I might be coming from. I don't have to play by your rules; I'll show up wherever I want whenever I want.

Just a friendly piece of advice you do not want to fuck with me. You play with matches and you get burned.

Big Poppa Popick do I make myself clear?

MC:"WOW! Strong words, from a strong competitor. Some Guy has months of frustration to get off his chest, and he isn't going to hold anything back!"

Coach:"This could be his best run yet! Here is a man who Anglesault treated as nothing more than a toad to the aWo, and now he's here, and he's venting in his promo's, in his matches...Some Guy was and is a force to be reckoned with!"

MC:"Hang on...OK, I'm getting word now that Tim Moysey is backstage with the X Title announcement...I gotta get down to the ring...take it away GM TM!"

*General Manager Tim Moysey is seen backstage*

Fans, I'm here to inform you that, due to "irreconcilable differences", 2 performers, Zsasz and Gladiator will no longer be seen on heldDown. While this does have an impact on the PPV card, I'm here to inform you that Zsasz' opponent, Angle-Plex, will now be facing the Purist for the X-Title at Living Angleously. Both men had ongoing rivalries with both Zsasz and Gladiator, and rahter than both being left out in the cold, they are now opponents for each other. I apologize if this causes you any incovenience, but I can assure you that the PPV's quality will not be effected at all."

(Commerical Break)

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We return from break to see Michael Cole standing in the ring, with Foshi and Paul Stanley flanking him. The members of FOSHI stand at ringside, as do Paul’s backup band, known to the world as StarPower.

MC: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first ever HeldDOWN BATTLE OF THE BANDS~! Tonight, both Mongoose Foshi and Paul Stanley will be accompanied by their bandmates, and you, those of you in the crowd, will decide the winner! Up first, here are Starbearer and StarPower!

The crowd boos Starbearer, as his stunt last week attacking Ace Frehley has left him persona non grata with the rock crowd.

Starbearer: ”All right! How you all doin’ tonight?”

The crowd cheers.

Starbearer: “Well, personally I don’t care how you’re all doin’, because you’re gonna enjoy this whether you want to or not!”

The crowd now drowns him in boos.

Starbearer: “HIT IT!”

StarPower kicks off their set, as the sounds of the KISS hit “Love Gun” flow through the arena.

Starbearer: “I really love ya baby…I love what you got…let’s get together we can…get HOT!”

Starbearer dances around the ring, singing the classic song. Some fans can’t help but cheer, but many are turned off by his cockiness and flamboyance.

The song ends, and Starbearer wipes the hair off his brow, his face sweaty from prancing around.

MC:”OK folks, what did you think of…”

Starbearer takes the mic.

Starbearer: “Now I know you people love me, I know it! You ain’t gonna wanna cheer these boys. They don’t hold a candle to the StarPower we possess!”

Starbearer has now ruined what could have been a positive response. The crowd drowns him in boos.

MC: “OK…next up, ladies and gentlemen, Mongoose, Dimebag, Foshi and Mysterious…FOSHI~!

Foshi climb into the ring, and take their instruments.

Foshi (in unison):”FOSHI NUMBAH 1!!!”

The crowd roars, getting into these guys pretty quickly. Starbearer scowls at ringside.

The members of Foshi start jamming away, bass sounds vibrating, guitars wailing and drums pounding. Every few seconds Mongoose screams through the mic…


Each member breaks for a solo, as Mysterious pounds his drums, Dimebag and Foshi rip up the chords, and Mongoose plucks away at the bass strings, all while shouting…


Foshi ends their set, and the crowd goes wild! Starbearer looks like he’s ready to tear his well kept hair out.

MC: “OK, so do you want StarPower…”

HUGE boos from the crowd!

MC: “Or…FOSHI!?”

Huge cheers. Mongoose looks back at his bandmates and seems pleased. Stanley hops up on the apron.

Starbearer: “Waitaminute Michael Cole…they had no rhythym, no pace to the sound…hell they had NO WORDS! We did a classic, classic song, and these people, infected with their nu-metal and teenybop pop…they call THIS better?”

MC: “Well, I…”

Starbearer takes the mic from Cole.

Starbearer: “OK, what’s the catch guys? Comp tickets for everyone in attendance? Is everyone here a relative of yours? These people cannot be THAT stupid as to cheer YOU over ME!”

A large “FOSHI” chant breaks out. Mongoose steps up to confront Stanley.

Starbearer: “Oh, I get it. You guys weren’t really playing, huh? There’s a tape playing over the PA, right? I mean, look at this guitar…how can you play on something that can be so easily broken?”

Starbearer drops the mic, and takes Dimebag’s guitar and smashes it into pieces.

Coach: “HEY! This is insane!”

Starbearer continues to smash, until Mongoose reaches up and grabs his arm, blocking him from doing more damage. Foshi recovers the mic, and holds it up to Mongoose Foshi.

MF: “Guitars don’t hit back. Try slamming something that will.”

Starbearer puts his arms down.

Starbearer: “Is that a challenge?”

Mongoose stands his ground, going eye to eye with Starbearer.

Mongoose: “FOSHI like Aerosmith, we live on the edge. This Sunday, me and you, we live Angleously!”

Coach: “How about that!”

FOSHI backs up out of the ring, as Starbearer fumes. He proceeds to keep smashing up the FOSHI set, despite the efforts of StarPower to calm him down. Starbearer stands amidst the shrapnel, as we’ve got another match set for Sunday!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund is standing in-front the Living Angleously logo, inside the Control Center.

"Mean" Gene: Hi again everybody, "Mean" Gene here in the "Living Angleously" control center at the OAOAST Headquaters in Pittsburgh.

Living Angleously -- presented by Dunkin' Donuts -- is only 3 nights away, live only on TSM pay-per-view.

Already announced for the event:

OAOAST Championship Match

EvenflowDDT vs. Zack Malibu (Champion)

OAOAST Tag Team Title Match

IOU vs. Los Inferales (Champions)

OAOAST North American Championship Match

Hyland (Champion) vs. Puerto Rico Lightling

Big Poppa Popick vs. Orion

ShooterJay vs. The Mad Cappa

Steel Cage Match

The Superstar vs. Some Guy

And just announced earlier tonight:

OAOAST X-Tile Match

The Purist vs. Angle-Plex (Champion)

And FOSHI vs. Starbearer

"Mean" Gene: Here are some comments from The Purist and his manager Jim Cornette.

The Purist and Jim Cornette are standing in-front of the LA logo.

Cornette: So tonight Commissioner Mosley makes the ZsasZ/Angle-Plex X-Title into The Purist vs. Angle-Plex for the X-Title. That proves even morons have brains, all you gotta do is use it.

Let me tell you something AP, just look at all the men The Purist has faced in the last month; Sandman, ZsasZ, Gladiator. Do you know what all those men have in common? After they meant The Purist in the ring, THEY QUIT! Nobody can match-up with the greatest wrestler in the world today, and punk you'll be no exception. This man...

Cornette points to Purist.

Cornette: (CONT'D) standing next to me is going to beat you all over the ring, and then he's gonna take that X-Title and bring some class and respectabilty to that championship. And once the match is over, you can join those three men in the unemployment line.

"Mean" Gene: Strong and harsh comments spoken by James E. Cornette, but he'll have to back them up at Living Angleously.

Tickets for Living Angleously are all SOLD OUT, so the only way to see the event is on TSM pay-per-view. So join us this Sunday night for an action-packed fun-filled three hours of entertainment that only the OAOAST can provided. Order RIGHT NOW!

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Coach is sitting at the broadcast table, as Michael Cole returns.

Coach:"So, who did you like, FOSHI or StarPower?"

MC:"Hey, I was a KISS fan back in the day..."

Coach:"You just liked putting makeup on."

MC:"...right. Anyhow, here's some footage we were sent before the show went on the air, courtesy of a new HeldDOWN star, Andre...the Midget!?"

[The setting is in a bar. Men are sitting on bar stools with their backs to the camera. Andre the Midget walks up to a stool but can't get on it.]

Andre: A little Help please?

[Two men place him on the stool. He's still too small so they place phone books under him.]

Andre: Well it seems my partner dropped the ball. I didn't think it was possible for someone to be an even bigger piece of shit than King Kong Bundy Senior, but that waste of spunk proves me wrong. It matters not though, for I would have carried the team on my back anyway. I can concentrate on being a great singles wrestler, perhaps a great champion.

[A hot female bartender approaches]

ATM: Hey lady, how 'bout a Jack & Coke.

Bartender: Comin right up.

ATM: Anyway, as I was saying, I can do shit on my own. In fact, I'll make a challenge to any tag team out there. The both of you versus little old me. I know at least one heldown team out there ain't afraid to take me on.

[The bartender returns with the drink]

Bartender: Here you go, sir.

ATM: Thanks babe. [Takes a sip] FUck! This shit's fuckin...shit. How do you screw up a goddam J&C!

Bartender: Geeze, I'm sorry. Please try to control yourself and I'll try to do better.

ATM: You goddam coozebag whore! You betta fix this before I acidrop your fat ass.

[Pedro Roma appears behind the counter.]

Pedro: Dammit kid, I told you not to harass the employees. I'm tired of people quitting on me.

ATM: Dude taste this [points to drink]

[Pedro takes a sip and promply spits it out.]

Pedro: Shit this does suck.

ATM: Yeah this is the worst tasting thing I've ever had in my mouth, and that includes the time on holloween when one of my stepdads made me bob for apples. Who did she blow to get this job?

Pedro: Noone...yet. Hey that gives me an idea. [to bartender] Rhonda, meet me in my office. I got another job for you.

Bartender [obviously not too bright]: What kind of job?

Pedro: Let's just say you'll be bobbin for apples yourself [laughs evilly].

ATM: There's no toilet in your office.

Pedro: You're an odd little man, Andre.

::October 27th 2002, Doomsday...


Here it is folks. The moment we've been waiting for. Possibly the biggest match in OaOast history. Anglesault vs. CobainWasMurdered. For the biggest prize in this business -- the OaOast Title. With that said, let's head to the ring and Michael Buffer.


We're breaking out the money, baby.



Welcome to Madison Square Garden. Home of the NBA's, New York Knicks & the NHL's New York Rangers. Presenting the main event of DOOMSDAY. The following match is the ultimate grudge match for the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! Sanction by the New York Athletic Comission & the OaOast Board of Directors. Your referee in charge is Jack Doan.

From the World's Most Famous arena, Madison Square Garden in New York City -- Are you ready? New York City, are you ready? Then, for the thousands in attendence and the millions watching around the World...LEEEEEEEEETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!

CUE: "Smells like Teen Spirit"

(Crowd BOOS)


Introducing first, the reinging and defending HEAYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD, Co-bainWasMurdered!


CWM may be walking down the ramp with the OaOast Title for the last time.


CWM is in hostile waters, Jim Ross. We're in Anglesault's hometown of New York.


AS has friends and family here tonight. No doubt they hope to see their friend and son regain the Worlds Title.



What a reaction for the first OaOast Champion, Anglesault.


The roof is shaking. Hell, the whole building is shaking.

AS high-fives fans as he walks to the ring.


His opponent, from New York City. The former HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD, Angle-sault!



Here we go. We've been waiting months for this.

Jack Doan calls for the bell.


AS & CWM start walking around the ring trying to punk each other out.


Both men trying to get into each others heads.

CWM starts talking trash to AS.


You ain't shit!




The mics picked that comment up.

AS SLAPS CWM. CWM takes a few steps back then SHOVES AS. AS then touches CWM in the chest with his finger. CWM falls down like he just got shot. AS quickly covers him. Jack Doan counts 1-2-3!

(Crowd ERUPTS)



What the hell?!


I can't belive it.



We CUT backstage and see a bunch of yelling coming out of the catering room, which has been blocked by a BUS.

Bill Watts gets into the ring and confronts CWM & the new OaOast Champion, AS.


The Chairman of the Board of Directors is trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Angle-Plex & Some Guy quickly rush the ring with FOUR baseball bats in hand, and a red, white, and ble FANNYPACK.


Now what?

AP & SG HIT Bill Watts in the leg with the bats, then THROW the other two to CWM & AS, who then WHACK Bill in the head with the bats.


MY GOD! They just hit Bill Watts, a man old enough to be ther father in the head with the bat.

Zack Malibu & BPP (Who is taped up) come to Bill's aid, but the four men in the ring are too much to handle.


W--What in the--I can't belive this.


Ross, I'm going to get the scoop on this.


Alright. Tony is going to interview the new World Champion, Anglesault.

Tony heads in the ring to interview the new Champion.


Anglesault, what in the world is going on here?


What's going on? You're asking me "what's going on"? This is what's going on.

AS HITS Tony with the OaOast Title. Some Guy then gives Tony a Some-Kick.

The CHEERS turn to JEERS as the crowd is pissed at AS's attack on Tony.


GOOD GOD! This is out of control.

AP hands AS the red, white, and blue, FANNYPACK. AS UN-ZIPS the pack and takes out some sort of small bottles, and hands one to each of the men in the ring.

The FOUR men tear the shirts off of Zack, Bill, BPP & Tony -- flip them around then...

(Over the PA system)



Oh, my God.

AS, AP, CWM & SG then spray-paint "aWo" on the backs of Zack, Bill, BPP & Tony.

AS hands over the OaOast Title to CWM, who holds it up. AS then spray-paints "aWo" on the title.

The aWo look into the camera and say "This is for you, Sandman. Welcome aboard." Then all four aWo members flash the aWo 4-eva hand-sign.


We're out of time. The aWo is back, stronger than ever before. And may God have mercy on our OaOast souls...

Fade To Black...

With images of all past aWo members, Tony and BPP in the background.

Narrator: Thats how it unfolded. That is how the aWo returned to our screens. That is how the fuse was lit on the biggest angle in the history of the OAOAST...

...But why was no one happy? Why did Some Guy stay retired? Why did Big stay at home? Why were there issues about the attack on Tony? Why was the angle a shadow of it's original self? And has this angle indirectly led to the departures of CWM, Caboose, SuperStar and Sandman? But perhaps most of all, Why was the angle created in the first place?...

OAOAST Confidential: Behind The Violence...

...Because some truths are TOO great to be kept secret...::

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CUE: I'm Just a Girl by No Doubt

Coach:"It's about that time, Michael Cole!"

MC:"This is one that is going to tear the roof off! What a six man..er...PERSON this is gonna be!"

The smoke is released and red probe lights flash around the building as Crystal makes her way out of the dressing room. The crowd pops huge for her, and she acknowledges them. She then awaits her teammates.

CUE: Enter Sandman by Metallica

The arena turns green as K-Money and Josie arrive in the arena to another huge pop.They make their way to the ring as well.

CUE: Sexy Boy.

Some Guy comes out to a HUGE pop, The crowd erupts for the returning hero, as he dances his way to the ring. All four faces dance to Sexy Boy until...


CUE: Attitude Adjustment by Aerosmith

Anglesault and Brock come out to enormous heat, but stop at the ramp. AS has a mic.


How ya'll doin' tonight?

(Huge Heat)


Well, I didn't care anyway. But that's not gonna stop one and only HEARTBREAKER, LOVEMAKER, DREAMTAKER of the OAOAST from gracing you all with a song. Crystal, sweetie, this one's for you.

(Crystal gives AS the finger from the ring)


Hey Jude...

Don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better. Remember, to let her into you heart then you can start...To make it better.

Hey Jude...


Imaginary by Evanescence

BIG Pop for Widow as she cuts off AS and marches down to the ring with AS and Brock following, a little less than happy. Actually, if looks could kill, Anglesault would be a murderer. The three of them make it to the ring, with Anglesault almost having to be restrained by Brock.

Cole: But who's the ref?


CUE: Attitude Adjustment by Aerosmith

Superstar makes his way out wearing the stripes to HUGE, HUGE heat. Some Guy is shocked, Crystal looks worried, K-Money looks furious, Widow seems annoyed. AS and Brock, on the other hand, are celebrating.


Crystal and Widow start this contest out with a collar and elbow tie-up. Widow whips Crystal into the ropes and catches her with a knee to the gut, followed by two knees to the back. She picks Crystal up and attempts to whip her into the corner, but Crystal reverses. Widow reverses again and Crystal smashes into the heel corner. Widow looks like she's going for a corner choke, but inexpiclably, Anglesault slaps Widow and tags himself in.

Cole: What the hell?

AS begins to stalk Crystal in the corner. Crystal slaps him, but AS responds with a Psychotic smile. Crystal low blows Anglesault and runs to her corner and tags in Some Guy. AS charges SG and is met with a clothesline. AS gets up and receives another. And another. Some Guy whips AS to the ropes, But AS slides out under and shoves Black Widow in.

Anglesault: Get the fuck in there!

Widow enters the ring again. Some Guy, a gentleman, tags Crystal back in. AS and Widow are really going at it with an argument at this point, so Widow doesn't notice as Crystal comes up behind her and nails a bulldog. Crystal goes for a Lionsault, but AS kicks in the middler rope and Crystal goes flying. Widow refuses to go for the cover. AS has a few choice words for her. Widow picks Crystal up and goes for the Widow's Peak. Crystal elbows out and hits a DDT. Cover. Supes counts, since he's been a little annoyed with Widow as well. Only two. Crystal picks her up and nails a spining heel kick. Crystal runs over and hits the Diamond in the Rough!

Coach: She won with that move last week!

But AS has called Supes over! Crystal sees this and dropkicks Superstar into AS! AS goes flying into the announce table. But Crystal turns around into a Misses TildeBANG~! Superstar counts! 1! 2! Crystal gets her foor on the ropes! AS shoves it off! But Widow breaks up her cover and starts SCREAMING at AS. AS grabs a ringbell and enters the ring, shoving Widow out of the way. Superstar holds Crystal up for a bell shot, but Widow grabs the bell, and holds on. Finally, AS is able to rip it out of her hands, but Crystal ducks and AS nails Superstar! Widow then trips AS up and he goes face first into the bell! Crystal crawls over to her corner and tags K-Money in. Money runs over, grabs AS and nails the Sliced Bread # 3! The cover! A new ref runs down! 1, 2, 3! AS rolls out of the ring.

Eliminated: AS

Brock enters the ring and nails Money with a massive clothesline. He tries to pick him up, but gets low blowed. Momey runs the ropes, but AS is waiting with the ring bell to the head! F-Stunner-5! The ref counts. 1, 2, 3!

Eliminated: K-Money

AS and K-Money brawl to the back. Some Guy attepmts to enter the ring, but he is yanked out and DDTed on the floor by Superstar. Superstar gets up and throws the ref in the ring and orders Crystal in. Crystal, a little nervous, charges at Brock and goes for a crossbody. Brock catches her, but Crystal rolls over the top and tries a sunset flip. Not even a one. Widow is screaming to get in. Brock spits at her and whips Crystal into her, knocking her off the ring and sending Crystal stumbling into an F-Stunner-5. Supes eagerly counts 1, 2, 3!

Eliminated: Crystal

Some Guy is starting to stir on the outside, but Superstar starts his count.







Some Guy crawls into the ring and walks right into a spinebuster from Brock. The count 1,2 Some Guy kicks out of a fast count. Brock picks Some Guy up again and goes for a massive backbreaker. And nails it! Some Guy might be dead. Brock picks Some Guy up and slowly puts him in F-Stunner-5 position. But Black Widow LAUNCHES herself off the top with a dropkick to Brock. Some Guy nails a side effect on the way down, but doesn't go for the cover, as he doesn't trust Superstar. Widow walks off to the back. Some Guy throws Brock in the corner and nails a running body block. Brock slumps a little in the corner, so Some Guy runs and crushes Brock with a shoulder block before leaping up and nailing a DDT! Brock is DOWN! Some Guy climbs out of the ring and leaps over and hits a leg drop on the big man! SG is smoking! Some Guy signals for the Some Kick! Brock stumbles to his feet. HE NAILS the Some Kick! Brock falls out of the ring...Supes charges Some Guy with a chair, but SG sidesteps him and sends him flying over the top on to Brock! Some Guy backs up...and runs and hits a TOPE CON HILO on both of them.

Coach: Some Guy is gonna win this match!

Some Guy rolls Brock into the ring just as the real ref comes to. He starts to count a pin, but Superstar yanks him right out and chairshots him. Superstar climbs to the top rope and launches himself SG. SOME KICK INTO THE CHAIR! SOME KICK ON BROCK! NO REF! Some Guy tries to revive the official, to no avail. Superstar crawls up with the chair, Some Guy goes for another Some Kick but Supes ducks and NAILS a chairshot onto Some guy, who stumbles into a revived Brock. F-Stunner-5! 1, 2, SG's foot on the ropes, 3! Supes ignored the foot!

Eliminated: Some Guy.

Survivor: Brock.

MC:"Oh come ON! Blatant disregard for the rules, by the referee!"

After the match, Brock picks Some Guy up again and nails ANOTHER F-Stunner-5 while Superstar gets in his face, screaming about the PPV.

MC:"Get them out of there, come on now!"

Coach:"Superstar might have bragging rights now, but Some Guy will make him pay on Sunday!"



MAY 11th, 2002


Tony "The Body": May 18th, you have a match versus Angle-Plex inside Hell In A Cell. You're both aWo members. Why the match? Why not play a game of chess? Is there more to this we don't know about?

Caboose: Well to be honest at first there were trust issues between me and AnglePlex. But after revaluating things is obvious that it was just a communications breakdown.

At first I wanted to take AP down, but I realised that he is my friend, so now our match is going to be a warmup for the WARGAMES match.

Tony "The Body": That's interesting. Last week after HeldDOWN! I caught up with Angle-Plex, and this is what he said. After this, we'll take a question from Molly in the crowd.

Caboose: Are You insinuating that we've got problems?

Tony "The Body": That's exactly what I'm saying. You....

Caboose: The aWo is as kosha as the Royal Family (Ironic). And Tony, I don't like your attitude! You're trying cause problems within the aWo.

Molly: (In a low pitched voice) Excuse me. Can I ask my question?

Molly's wearing a red, white & blue dress, sitting in the crowd.

Tony "The Body": You may ask you question. Is that ok with you Caboose?

Caboose: Yeah, you bitch.

Molly hits Caboose with a chair.

Crowd is in shock.

Tony "The Body": What the hell is this? Molly is attacking Caboose with a chair. Molly, what are you doing?

Molly rips off her hair and dress.

Tony "The Body": It's Angle-Plex! What the hell are you doing here?

Angle-Plex: I....

Caboose attacks Angle-Plex.

Crowd is cheering like crazy.

The bodyguards pull apart Caboose & Angle-Plex; both men are cussing at each other.





APRIL 27th


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The opening lyrics to "Joy of Cola" by Britney Spears begin to play throughout the arena, as a glint of gold appears on the stage, four figures flanking it as the lights begin to strobe blue, white, and red, and we can see that the people are Totally Endorsed - Calvin Szechstein, Terry Simmons, the Slacker, Colvid, and Candie! The quintet makes it's way down to the ring, Simmons handing out Pepsi sample before they slide into the ring, doing a ten second pose before going into the corner, where Colvid begins sparring with Slacker while the other three pose incessantly, waiting for their opponents.

As the quartet warm up in the ring, the lights go low. Suddenly, words unheard of in any previous OAOAST theme boom through the speakers…

“Say Goodbye…Say Goodbyyyyyye…”

A catchy dance beat kicks in, as Elissa’s “Say Goodbye” brings out THE SPIRIT LIFTER~! Everyone’s favorite forklift on dubs come rolling down the aisle, carrying Kotzenjunge, Zorin, Shattered Dreams, and the OAOAST World Champion, Zack Malibu. Collectively, these four men are known as 4PLAY~! Along with newcomer Welsh Lolita, and Zack’s main squeeze Alison, the four fan favorites each prop themselves up on a corner and pose for the crowd, as those with flash photography savor the moment.

The commotion dies down, and the 8 men have a brief staredown/jaw-jacking session. Finally, it filters down to two men, the two that will start off the match. The bell rings, and Zorin and Slacker are ready to start for their respective teams.

The two lockup immediately, with Zorin grabbing a wristlock on the Slacking One. Slacker responds by flipping out of the move, landing on his feet and arm dragging Zorin to the mat. Zorin pops right back up, and takes a charging Slacker over with a hiptoss, then goes behind with a waistlock as he gets up. Slacker gets pushed towards the ropes, but when Zorin tries a rollup, Slacker holds onto the top rope. Zorin rolls back, getting back to his feet in time to see Slacker coming at him with a clothesline. Zorin ducks, and Slacker continues running, rebounding off the opposite side. Zorin catches him coming off, and tosses him into the air, bringing him down onto his knee with an inverted atomic drop! Zorin then bounces off the ropes and connects with a dropkick to Slacker’s jaw that sends him spilling through the middle ropes.

As Slacker tumbles out, Terry Simmons charges in and catches Zorin as he turns around with a big boot. He pulls Zorin up, and sends him into the ropes. Slacker gets up and pulls down the top rope and Zorin comes toward it, and the Boogie Knight goes flying over and to the floor.

Shattered Dreams runs into the ring, taking Zorin’s spot, and starts unloading with punches on the big hoss. Simmons staggers a bit, but then grabs Dreams by the throat and throws him into the corner. Simmons follows up with a corner avalanche, but Dreams moves out of the way! The big man eats turnbuckle, and as he is dazed, Dreams goes up to the top rope, and leaps off, dropping him with a flying bulldog! Dreams covers, but he only gets 2 on the big lug.

SD pulls Simmons up, and tries for a body slam, but Simmons comes down on him with stiff forearm shots to the back, breaking any momentum SD had going. Simmons grabs Dreams in a bearhug, but rather than lock in the hold, he uses his strength advantage to charge forward, sandwiching SD in the Totally Endorsed corner! Simmons starts choking Dreams, not hearing the referee’s warning to break at 5. A flustered Simmons breaks the choke and then tags in Colvid, while Dreams gasps for breath in the corner.

Colvid comes in, pulling Dreams out of the corner by his hair, and then flooring him with a haymaker punch. Colvid stands above Dreams, waiting for him to get up, and as he does, rock him with a running kneelift. The video buff stands above the newest Boogie Knight, taunting him, until Colvid himself finally picks him up. He whips Dreams to the ropes, but it’s countered! Dreams stuns him with a back elbow, then leaps up and takes Colvid over with a huracanrana! Colvid goes sliding across the mat, and Dreams makes the tag to Kotzenjunge!

Kotz comes in like a madman, taking down a running Colvid with a clothesline. Colvid gets up, and gets nailed with a spin kick by Kotz! Kotz lifts him for a suplex, but Colvid blocks it, then tries one of his own. Kotz blocks that attempt, and rolls Colvid up in a small package! Quick kickout by Colvid, as the ref just made it to 2.

Colvid quickly backs to his corner, and tags in the leader of Totally Endorsed, Calvin Szechstein. Calvin slowly steps into the ring, as Kotz calls him on.

Lockup in the center, and Calvin goes behind with a Rolex Wristlock. Kotz elbows out, and counters with a wristlock of his own, which in turn gets countered by a Slim Jim snapmare. Calvin grabs the chinlock, sponsored by the good people at Johnson and Johnson, until Kotz fights up to his feet. He hits several elbows to Calvin’s Chili’s baby back ribs, and then bounces off the ropes, only to be met with a drop toehold from Szechstein. Calvin pulls him up, and tries for a German suplex, but Kotz floats over, into a waistlock of his own, and hits his own German Suplex, complete with bridge…2 COUNT!

Kotz goes and tags Zorin back in, as it’s time for some patented Boogie Knights double team goodness! They send Calvin into the ropes, and catch him coming off flapjack style, but then push him forward (so that he lands on his back), Rock Bottom style! Calvin had the wind knocked out of him! Cover by Zorin…BROKEN UP BY SIMMONS!

Simmons picks Zorin up, and sets him up for a powerbomb, which the referee is attempting to call off. SD leaps into the ring, and jumps on the back of Simmons, who falls backwards and smashes him into the corner! Zorin turns to see Simmons connect with a big boot, sending him back into a rollup by Calvin! The referee goes for the count…3 Count! Zorin is eliminated

Eliminated: Max Zorin in 6:02

Zack Malibu comes rushing in, taking on both Calvin and Simmons! The champ unloads on both of them with punches, dazing them both. He grabs both of them by the head…double noggin knocker! Zack grabs Calvin as he wobbles around, and rocks him with a back suplex! Simmons leans against the ropes for support, and is promptly clotheslined to the floor by the World Champion! Zack works the crowd, who are already enjoying this contest, as he goes back for Calvin.

He picks Calvin up, be gets a rake to his eye for the trouble. Calvin gloats, as the fans hate on him for the simple tactic. He picks Zack up and drops him across his knee with a backbreaker, then stands up, wiping the sweat off his brow, and tags in Slacker.

Slacker eagerly comes in, ready to prove himself against the champion. He targets Zack’s back, picking him up and also dropping him with a backbreaker. Zack gets set up closer to the corner, and Slacker heads up to, then soars through the air with an awesome flying splash…Zack rolls out of the way! Slacker bounces off the mat like a rubber ball, and Zack tags in Shattered Dreams!

Slacker has no time to get up, as Dreams comes running and grabs him by the head with a Scotty Too Hotty style facebuster! Dreams goes to the ropes, and springs up to the top, then turns in mid air and drops a MEGA MAGICAL legdrop across the throat of Slacker! Dreams goes for the cover, and Slacker just barely kicks out before 3!

Dreams sends Slacker into the corner, and comes running at him, only to have Slacker dodge the oncoming onslaught. Dreams counters by leaping up to the second rope, then grabbing Slacker before he can get away, and plant him on the mat with a MEGA MAGICAL Tornado DDT! Dreams goes for the cover again! 1…2…WHAT THE!?

THE PARKA made it through the crowd to ringside, and has pulled Dreams off of The Slacker! Calvin quickly enters the ring to keep the ref busy, as this can only help his team! The rest of 4Play come down to try and help, but are cut off by TE! It’s a pier six at ringside, with Parka sending Dreams into the steel steps hard.

Cole: “What’s he doing out here? We’ve got enough action to call!”

Coach: “Someone’s not happy about Dreams’ newfound popularity!”

Indeed he’s not, as Parka lifts his fist in the air, which is adorned by a set of brass knuckles! He floors Dreams with a right hand, and you can see blood trickling from Dreams’ nose. Parka picks him up and rams him headfirst into the corner post, letting Dreams flop to the floor.

The referee attempts to restore order, as Parka sneaks away again, back through the crowd. Simmons and Colvid grab Dreams and roll him in for Slacker, who quickly cover!




Cole: “He’s still in this one, Coach!”

Coach: “Great presence of mind there!”

Slacker is in disbelief, then appears frustrated. He picks Dreams up, and hits him with THE SLACK-OFF~! Slacker covers, this time hooking the leg…3 COUNT!

Eliminated: Shattered Dreams in 10:10

Cole: “This isn’t good for Kotz and Zack. They’ve got a 4 on 2 disadvantage, and Simmons could count for 2 people by himself!”

Zack waists no time, as Slacker turns from getting the pin right into a spear by the champ! Zack then runs to the TE corner nailing each and every one of them with a punch that knocks them off the apron! He turns to Slacker, who is getting up, and grabs him in a standing body scissors. Zack signals to the crowd, and lifts him for a powerbomb…countered into a sunset flip by Slacker…NO! Zack rolls through, into a catapult…Slacker hits Colvid on the apron! Slacker get knocked for a loop, and turns right into SCHOOL’S OUT~! Cover by Zack…3 COUNT!

Eliminated: The Slacker in 12:00

Simmons is sent in immediately by Calvin, running at Zack and picking him up, then dropping into a spinebuster, a la Batista. Simmons takes a page out of Zack’s book and goes to nail Kotz, knocking Zack’s only remaining partner off the apron. He picks Zack up, and presses him high above his head, but Kotz grabs Simmons foot from ringside, and Zack falls on top! 1…2…NO! Simmons throws Zack off him, nearly onto the ref! Kotz pulls Simmons out of the ring though, and now those two begin brawling!

Kotz hammers away on the big man, trying to wear him out, but Simmons nonchalantly hits a knee and then flings Kotz over the guardrail, into the crowd. Simmons then reaches over, and grabs a chair, however Welsh Lolita comes running and swipes the chair from him! Simmons snarls, and piefaces the poor girl, shoving her to the floor! He then sees Alison, and begins stalking her as well. Zack takes exception to this, and as we see over Simmons’ shoulder, Zack picks up that same chair…

Cole: “Oh no! Zack, keep your cool man!”

Simmons gets spun around by Zack and BELTED with a chairshot! Simmons goes down like a sack of potatoes, and Zack continues to wail on him with the chair.

Coach: “Zack has lost it Michael Cole!”

Cole: “Man, you can tell Zack has this Sunday on his mind. Alison has been used against him for so long, by Anglesault, by Sandman, and most recently by Evenflow. He’s doing what he has to to protect her!”

The referee tries to stop this, but to no avail. The crowd cheers as Zack raises the chair up high, but he’s now officially been disqualified!

Eliminated: Zack Malibu in 14:56

It’s 3 on 1 for Kotz! Things don’t look so good for the Boogie Knight, as he slowly enters the ring. Colvid comes at him and pulls him him, then snaps him over with a suplex. Colvid chokes Kotz a bit, before breaking the hold, and pulls him up, backing him into the TE corner. He tags in Calvin, and they duo attempt to send Kotz to the opposite corner, then change their mind and ram him back first into their own corner! Calvin bodyslams Kotz down, and goes up to the top. He leaps off with the 450 Degree Splash, as sponsored by Skittles, but Kotz rolls out of the way! Calvin hits hard, and Kotz needs to capitalize! He stands up, and motions to the crowd as he waits on Calvin, but before he can do anything, Colvid runs in from behind and clips his leg! With Kotz down, Calvin bounces off the ropes, as Colvid ducks…Colvid back bodydrops Calvin onto Kotz with a SENTON~! Colvid and Calvin pose, basking in the jeers of the crowd, as we cut to an instant replay of the move.

Coach: “What amazing teamwork on the part of Totally Endorsed! I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Back to a full view of the ring, where Calvin tells Colvid to go up to the top rope. Calvin pulls up Kotz, and lifts him for a powerbomb, but as Colvin leaps off the top with a clothesline, Kotz counters the powerbomb into a frankensteiner! He hooks Calvin’s legs…3 COUNT!

Eliminated: Calvin Szechstein in 17:25

Cole: “I think Calvin is more stunned than anything! What a coup by Kotz!”

Calvin is in shock, arguing with the ref. The now recovered Simmons is up, and Colvid calls him into the ring! Colvid is holding Kotz for Simmons, but as the big man comes at him, Kotz kicks him low! He spins out of Colvid’s lock, and sends him crashing into Simmons, then quickly spins Colvid around…LAST RECORD~! LAST RECORD! Kotz hooks the leg…3 COUNT! HE GOT HIM!

Eliminated: Colvid in 17:57

It’s one on one, Simmons and Kotzenjunge! Calvin and Colvid converse at ringside, more or less in shock that Kotz has been able to pull this off. Kotzenjunge immediately goes for a schoolboy on Simmons, but the big man kicks out easily. Kotz comes off the ropes, nailing the big man with a spinning wheel kick that takes him down! Another cover…2 Count only! Kotz again, staying on the attack, runs for the corner. As he climbs the ropes, Simmons gets up, and nails him from behind! Simmons then grabs Kotz off the corner, and runs across the ring before dropping him with a sitout powerbomb! The referee slides into position…2 ¾ count!

Cole: “Wow! Kotz was able to withstand that!”

Coach: “How much more can he take from the big guy, though?”

Simmons pulls Kotz up, and sends him into the ropes, attempting the Clothesline From Hell, but it gets DUCKED! Kotz hits a kick to the ribs, causing Simmons to hunch over, then an ULTRA STIFF~! Kick to the head, a la Tajiri! Simmons goes down to one knee, and Kotz tries for a KICK OF DEATH~!, but Simmons grabs his leg as he does, then pulls him towards him, right into a chokeslam! Simmons drilled him into the mat, and covers!




Eliminated: Kotzenjunge in 20:16

WINNERS: Totally Endorsed (Terry Simmons survives)

Cole: “What a victory! Can you believe this, Coach! Totally Endorsed has pulled off a win in the 8 Man!”

Coach: “Calvin Szechstein has really formed a stable to be reckoned with here!”

Calvin, Colvid, Candie and Slacker all enter the ring to help Simmons up. The quintet are all smiles, and they pose for the crowd, while the Coca Cola jingle signals their win here tonight on HeldDOWN~!

Coach:"I'm in awe, Michael Cole. Calvin Szechstein, The Slacker, Colvid, Simmons, Candie...each one of them has made a mark on the HeldDOWN brand. They've taken on 4 of the best athletes we've got, and they won!"

Cole: "Definitely a good day for the Totally Endorsed squad. Folks, we'll be back next week. However, its' THIS SUNDAY. Purist and Angle-Plex for the X Title. FOSHI battles Starbearer. Zack...wait...hold on a second...OK cut to it, go go go!"

*The scene changes to the backstage area and the screen shakes a bit as a cameraman runs to the source of the news, which seems to be the parking lot. Faint yelling is heard which gets louder as he gets closer. As the cameraman arrives, a bunch of OaOast officials are holding back The Parka, who holds a steel chair with three large dents in it. As the camera pans down, his target is revealed as Shattered Dreams lies facedown in a small pool of blood.*

Parka: Tough love. *Lights cigar* Tough love….

*Fade to black*

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