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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

AngleMania II

Chanel #99

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The following is a presentation of the OAOAST. The worldwide leader in parody e-fed entertainment.




Split screens from the arena in NY, Tokyo and Canada, shows the entire OAOAST roster coming out onto the entrace way.


Ladies and gentlemen, would you please rise as we honor a fallen icon, a man of intensity, integrity, and intelligence - the only Olympic Gold medalist to ever grace World Wrestling Entertainment... Kurt Angle.





Dramatic music plays in background.


Every man who decideds to become a professional wrestler has one goal in mind: Win the OAOAST championship.

Clip of Angle-Plex jumping rope.


I'm not a joke. You will see it.

Clip of Zack Malibu doing push ups.


I can't lose. I won't lose

Clip of Anglesault, with the OAOAST title around his waist, looking at a mirror.


They want what I have; they can't have it.

AP jogging in the streets.


Tonight, I make a name for myself... Whatever it takes.

Clips of the close calls Zack Malibu has had with the OAOAST title; BEACH BRAWL match against Caboose.


I've wanted this all my life.

Clip of a tired AS heading back to the locker room after a match.


Whatever it takes.

Still photos of AP, Zack & AS flash on the screen as they continue their voice-overs.


The time is now.


Whatever it takes.


I don't have to beat you, you have to beat me.


I can't fail.


Tonight can be my only chance. I'm taking home the gold.


I'm the greatest OAOAST champion of all time.


The pain is worth the reward... The gold is coming home with me.


Over my dead body.

Head shots of AP, Zack & AS rotate over a picture of the OAOAST title.


One year ago, it all started as a simple thread on a message board, title: the One & Only Anglesault thread. Since then, the OAOAST has reached new heights. When a small company explodes in business and popularity, friction will develop due to the perception "the office" is trying to drain all the fun out of the working-environment... that's far from the truth.

While some of the faces have changed, the spirt of what the OAOAST is about remains strong: have fun, and entertain. We appluade the dreamers, and salute our fighting men and women. A year in the making...This is the OAOAST. Welcome to AngleMania II...The showcase of the never-wills.


A split-screen of the crowds at MSG, Saddledome and Tokyo Dome appears on-screen. Lights off; shoot off pyro.

The sold out crowds at the 'world's famous arena,' Madison Square Garden, the Saddledome and the Tokyo Dome, go wild as cameras pan over the crowds. We then get a nice good shot of the set: A small doorway with "AM" on them. The ring: navy blue ring posts and turnbuckles (with the "burned OAOAST" logo); red, white, and blue ropes; baby blue ring aprons with the "AngleMania" logo.


AngleMania II

New York, New York



Welcome to AngleMania II. Hi, again, everybody, Jim Ross, alongside Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Jess, this has been a year in the making.


Indeed, it has. I've had the honor and the privilege of broadcast OAOAST events since October 2002, and I gotta say, I'm having a time of my life. We've seen everything -- from wild segments, incredible matches. backstage chaos. The OAOAST has had one helluva year.


For the first time in OAOAST history, we are broadcasting

a pay-per-view from three different arenas. The Saddledome in Calgary. And the Tokyo Dome in Japan. Let's send it to Mike Tenay and Vince Russo in Calgary.


The hot crowd in Calgary scream and mug for the cameras. We get a shot of the set in the Saddledome: The letters "AM" hanging above two giant "II" made out of steel support beams. Just like MSG, the ring is the same.


AngleMania II

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Thank you, Jim and Jesse. Mike Tenay, alongside Vince Russo...


Get it straight, Tenay. I'm Vince Russo, the anti-Christ of wrestling. What I want to know is: how the hell did I get stuck in Canada, instead of hangin' out in my city, New Yawk?! Tell me?


I don't know, and personally, I don't care.


I'll make you care.


Fans, the matches you will see from the Saddledome are: Boogie Knights 2K3 vs. the Dream Machines, and of course, the main event of our portion of the show... The Superstar vs. Tony "The Body." Last night on "Road to AngleMania," those two had a wild match which saw he ring collaspe.


What kinda luck do I have, Tenay? Huh?! Outside of getting stuck in America Jr., I don't have to see that hornyacker Jim Cornette. Life's a bitch. But I make chicken salad out of chicken shit.


Let's go to the Tokyo Dome, and Johnatan Coachman and Michael Cole. Guys?



AngleMania II

Tokyo, Japan

The camera pans over the sold out Tokyo Dome crowd before getting a shot of the set: Ramp connected to the ring, with the "AngleMania" banner in the background. The ring is just like the ones used at MSG & the Saddledome.


Thank you, Mike. Coach, what a night of action we're going to see tonight.


We'll be chillin' ringside as the fans will see some exciting match ups, most importantly, the battle for the tag titles - MWC vs. Los Inferales -- did I say that right? I'm a brother, so I don't understand some of these...


We'll also see Mario vs. JINGUS; Brock vs. Jailbait; Reject vs. ZsasZ for the X-title, and Sandman vs. The Purist. JINGUS is going to have to wrestle twice in one night, we'll see how that goes. Back to J.R. & Jesse at MSG.



Jess, our first match is going to be a dandy to find out who will face Zack Malibu later tonight; Angle-Plex vs. Anglesault for the World's heavyweight championship.


A good one it's going to be, Jim Ross. AP has all the momentum on his side right now; he pinned the champion of the world, last week, in the middle of the ring, not many people can say that.


As a matter of face, before we go to the ring for our first match, take a look at this.

Clips of AS and AP in the aWo.


For Anglesault and Angle-Plex, their careers have taken different paths. For Anglesault its been: sourround yourself with loyal followers, you don't care about, and keep the OAOAST title at all cost. For Angle-Plex its been: no respect, looked at as a joke. At one time even called "Anglesault's twin."

Clips of AS & AP in the aWo continue to air.


Always seen as an afterthought, AP took matters into his own hands. It was Tony "The Body" vs. Anglesault for the OAOAST championship.

"Simply Ravishing" hits as the legend himself, Tony "The Body" walks towards the ring... the fans are behind him all the way.

The crowd let's their disapproval be heard as the theme music of the champion, "Dream On" hits.




AS then slides Tony to the ring post, heads outside and smashes Tony's ankle into the ring post. Tony screams in pain.

JR: My God! That wasn't the leg he smashed, that was the ankle. After getting clipped, one can only imagine the pain running through his body.

All of a sudden the crowd begins to boo. The camera get a shot of Angle-Plex making his way to the ring.

JR: He has no business here. What is Angle-Plex up too?

Jesse: Probably scouting his opponent for AngleMania.

Angle-Plex: Don't worry. I'm not here to start trouble.

AP grabs a chair and sits down ringside.

AS sees AP but tries not to let that get in his way.

AS then locks on the figure-four.

Jesse: AS normally uses the ankle-lock, but he's decided to use the figure-four. That's what makes a champion great, everybody knows AS loves to his the ankle-lock, so he goes with the figure-four. That's the thinking man's wrestler I was talking...

Crowd chanting TONY~!

AS: Quit, you son of a bitch!

Tap, motherfucker! I'm going to make you tap!

JR: My God! Such language coming out of the mouth of the champion.

Tony, who then irish-whips AS into the ropes and delivers a gorilla presslam. Tony clutches his knee. The presslam applied pressure to the wounded knee/ankle.

AS quickly tries to cash-in by applying the SCREAMS OF NO REPLY. Tony is screaming in pain. The cameras show SS digging into his pants. He pulls out a tiny bag and jumps onto the apron... AP pulls SS down. AP has the bag, SS gets into the ring and ends up right in front of AS. SS turns around, but AP is right in front of him... White powder is thrown into the eyes of AS, who releases the hold as he tries to remove the powder from his eyes. Tony clotheslines both AP & SS over the top rope.

Crowd pops!

JR: Angle-Plex took the poweder out of the hands of Superstar, then accidentally threw the powder into Anglesault's eyes.

While trying to clear his vision, AS walks right into the OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE!

Huge pop!


Massive pop! Tony starts celebrating.


Jesse: Unbelieveable.

JR: For the first time in his career, Tony has finally tasted OAOAST championship gold...

The camera cuts to AS on the mat with his foot under the ropes.

Jesse: There's no new champion. AS's foot is under the ropes. The match should be restarted.

JR: What a break for AS, and what a bad break for Tony.

Ring Announcer: Due to Anglesault having his foot under the ropes, this match MUST continue!

AS thumbs Tony in the eye and whips Tony to the turnbuckle who does a FLAIR FLOP~! goes to the other corner, climbs the ropes, but AS runs to the corner and hits the SALT SHAKER! 1......2......3!



Jesse: There's some questions that need to be answered here. When Tony clotheslined AP & SS over the top, why didn't AP try to break the pin after Tony nailed AS with the Out of Body Experience?

Echo special effect

Jesse: ... Why didn't AP try to break the pin...?

(repeat two times)


Why didn't AP try to break the pin? Was there a hidden motive? Anglesault seemed to think so.

AS & AP lock eyes. AS has a WTF were you doing look on his face.

AS: Angle-Plex, what the fuck were you going?! You almost cost me my fucking title! I'm sick of you screwing up everything!

Plex lowers his head in shame. AS throws down the mic and SLAPS~ AP. AP looks on with a crazy look on his face. AS pushes AP down and leaves.

AP: You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of you.

Crowd pops.

AP: You've never thought I was on your level. Well come AngleMania II, I'm going to prove that I'm not only as good as you, but I'm BETTER than you ... I'm going to kick your ass ... I'm going to become the NEW OAOAST champion.


The next week on IZ, AP meant Tony "The Body" one on one... or was it?





Is it time for the Out of Body Experience?

AP is sent towards the ropes, Tony picks up AP in the spinbuster position but AP floats over, turns "The Body" around and hits THE MUSHROOM!

The crowd gasps.


A counter! What a counter by Angle-Plex.

The crowd starts to boo.


I'm not sure what the crowd is booing at.


They're probably booing because AP is about to make the pin. They think it's over.


It may be.

AP goes for the cover... 1.....2.....3--NO! Anglesault broke up the pin by hitting AP in the head with the OAOAST championship belt. The referee calls for the bell.



No wonder the fans were booing, they saw AS running out from the entrance. What a horrible way to end what was turning into a great match.

AS picks up AP then hits him in the head again with the OAOAST championship. AS then starts drilling AP in the head with punches, busting him wide open.

Chairman of the OAOAST Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts and OAOAST officials rush to the ring to break this up.


AP is busted wide open.

The camera gets a shot of AP on the mat bleeding. Watts is

then shown talking with the referee and ring announcer.


Ladies and gentlemen, I've been informed by the Chairman of the OAOAST Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts, that this match MUST continue.

Crowd pops.


Yeah! Great move by Bill.


After The Superstar attacked Tony, OAOAST officials decided to once again restart the match.


Come on, somebody stop the damn match. I appreciate the level of competition Bill likes to have in promotions he's working for, but both guys are bloody, battered and beaten.


I don't say this often, but I agree with you. Watts shouldn't put these two men in a spot where they might not make it to AngleMania.


Both men stagger to their feet. AP swings but misses. Tony swings but also misses. The signs of fatigue is clear, both men are tired.

AP tries to whip Tony into the ropes but Tony counters, sending AP into the turnbuckle. Tony charges towards AP but AP moves then locks on THE COMBUSTION.


The Combustion -- Dragon Sleeper.


What a big win this would be for Angle-Plex -- it would be a big win for either man, but with AngleMania II coming up, even the smallest of victorys could do a lot for one man's confidence.


The blood pouring from both mens heads, my God.

The ref begins to check Tony to see he can still continue. The ref lifts Tony arm, it goes down. The ref does it again, and once again, Tony's arm goes down. One more time and it's over; arm goes up and STAYS UP.

The crowd pops.


It's not over yet.

Somehow, someway, Tony counters the Combustion into the OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE~! Both men are down on the mat.


What a move!


Haha. Wow.


This is what the OAOAST is all about. Nowhere else except the OAOAST and the Intense Zone will you see such action.

The referee starts the 10 count.

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9...both men get up before ten.

All of a sudden, AS & SS run out to the ring. Almost simultaneously, SS hits Tony in the head with a chair, while AS hits a VAN SAULTINATOR on AP.


No. These two jerks are attacking their AngleMania II opponents respectfully.


AS is hammering away on AP; same goes for SS, punching and kicking Tony.


After The Superstar and Anglesault kept getting involved, the Chairman of the OAOAST Board of Directors Cowboy" Bill Watts said...


Ladies an gentlemen, I understand you're upset at the finish to this exciting match. The OAOAST prides itself on delivering the most action-pack show every week. You folks pay good money to see the OAOAST wrestlers hook 'em up every week. I don't care if the suits have a problem with this; next week on the Intense Zone we're going to debut something called "No Deal, Wildcard" match. In tag team action, it will be the team of Tony "The Body" & Angle-Plex vs. The Superstar & Anglesault! Next week, "No Deal, Wildcard" match, those four men will hook 'em up!


The "No Deal, Wildcard" match took place last Monday, and the OAOAST champion got an unexpected surprise from Angle-Plex.




Tony gets back onto the apron, climbs to the top rope and tries a missle dropkick on AS but incredibly, AS manages to catch Tony's leg in mid-air and applies THE SCREAMS OF NO REPLY~!

JR: Good God! What a counter by the champion!

The cameras get a close up of Tony's, then AS's face. The camera pulls back into a wideshot as AP clubs AS in the back with a hard forearm shot. AP turns AS around and hits THE MUSHROOM on the champion. AP covers him, the ref goes down to count....




The crowd pops like crazy.


Zack and BPP have shocked looks on their faces, then clap.

JR: MY GOD! MY GOD! MY GOD! Angle-Plex just pinned the World's champion; the same World champion he'll face in 6 days at AngleMania II~!

AP sends AS down with a clothesline.

JR: We got a brawl out here. We need help! Help from the back!

OAOAST officials rush to the ring...

JR: These officials are in no way fit to combat these young lions, who all want to be king of the jungle.


As the show ended, the three men involve in tonight's OAOAST title hunt, got it on.

Zack, AP and AS all slug it out as we go off the air!


Angle-Plex vs. Anglesault for the OAOAST championship... next!

We cut back to ringside.


I'm standing here with the Chairman of the OAOAST Board of Directors "Cowboy" Bill Watts. Bill, what a night we're expecting.


Thank you, Jim. I'd like to thank all our great fans for allowing us to come into their homes during a war. I promise you, tonight were going to go all-out to provide the best entertainment possible. We don't have two 50 + year olds main eventing. The battle tonight is for the World's title.

I'd also like to wish the best to our men and women serving overseas. With that said, let's hook 'em up!

Big U.S.A. chant.


Let's go to the ring.

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ANGLE-PLEX (Challenger)

-Height: 6 ft.

-Weight: 255 lb

-Finishing Move: The Mushroom Cloud

-Hometown: Boston, MA

    Career Accomplishments: -OAOMEF World Champion (1),

    -OAOMEF USTV Champion (1),

    -OAOAST N.A. Champion (1),

    -OAOMEF World Tag Team Champion (1), Playgirl Cover Model (10), Royal Rumble Winner(2003)


    Height: 6'2''
    - Weight: 225
    - Finishing Move: The Screams of No Reply
    - Hometown: New York, NY

    - Career Accomplishments: OAOAST World Champion (2). First King of OAOAST, Founder of aWo

The camera pans over the arena. The crowd it waiting in anticipation for the two OAOAST stars about to fight for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title.


First introducing, the Special Guest Referee!.........

Out of nowhere, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" hits! The crowd goes absolutely wild as Cobainwasmurdered walks out from behind the stage.....in a ref t-shirt! CWM walks down the long isle, occasionally stoping to take a look at all the fans. He enters the ring as pyro goes off.


Oh my god! Cobainwasmurdered has returned to the OAOAST for one night only!


Now, introducing the challenger........ANGLE-PLEX!

CUE: "WooHoo"

The crowd jumps out of their seats as Angle-Plex walks out from behind the entrance, with his ultra-cool sunglasses, to a loud ovation. He takes his time walking down the long, narrow path to the ring. He climbs a turnbuckle and does his "kiss the bicep" pose.


And finally, introducing the OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.........ANGLESAULT!

CUE: "Dream on"

Anglesault, the OAOAST World Champion, walks out out from behind the entrance, with the OAOAST Heavyweight Title around his waist. He confidently walks down the isle and enters the ring. He takes his OAOAST Title and gives it to CWM. He locks eyes with his opponent.


The bell rings as AP and AS rush at each other. The two start exchaning blows while the crowd goes apeshit. Plex gets the better of the exchange, but AS pokes him in the eyes, and starts whaling on his back. AP falls to his knees, but tackles Sault, and the two start pounding on each other while rolling around like school girls. AP brings Sault to his feet and throws him into the corner.

AP hits right hand after right hand after right hand as AS falls down, sitting against the turnbuckle. Plex starts stomping a mudhole, but gets low-blowed. Anglesault brings him to his feet, and irish whips him into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline, but AP ducks, bounces off the opposite ropes, and hits a crossbody. The cover. 1.....2.....Kickout!

AP irish whips AS into the ropes. AS come bouncing off right into a Lou Thez Press, but he reverses it into a stun gun. AP comes bouncing off the ropes, and stumbles back into a belly-to-back suplex. He quickly gets up and stumbles back into the ropes, and gets clotheslined over.

AS exits the ring and slams Plex's head into the guard rail. AP shrugs it off, and the two start brawling in the entrance isle. Sault kicks AP in the groin and attempts a vertical suplex, but AP reverses it into a suplex of his own. Sault hits the ground and holds his back.

AP throws Sault back into the ring, irish whips him, and hits an insane looking clothesline. Plex goes over to Sault's leg, and he hooks in a Sharpshooter! AS quickly makes it to the ropes. AP irish whips Sault again and hits a Samoan Drop! He covers him. 1....2....Kickout!

AP brings Sault to his feet and whips him into the corner, and charges after him, but AS explodes and hits a clothesline. The crowd boos, but AS just ignores them. He bring Plex to his feet and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. AP hits the ground hard and rolls out of the ring. CWM starts counting, but AS pushes him out of the way and goes after his opponent.

Angle-Plex turns around and gets hit with a clothesline, sending him to the mat. AS lifts the mat exposing the cold, hard concrete floor. He brings AP to his feet and positions him for a PILEDRIVER~! He lifts AP up.......and hits it! AP's head bounces off the concrete, and he falls motionlessly to the floor.


Oh my gawd! Anglesault might have just broken Angle-Plex's neck!


And Angle-Plex doesn't appear to be moving.....

CWM jumps out of the ring and starts yelling at Anglesault, threatening to disqualify him. He goes to check on AP to see if his neck is broken. He starts yelling for a doctor to come out and check on Plex. AS stands a few feet away, shaking his head. He walks over to CWM and pushes him into the guard rail! He mocks CWM, then turns to the motionless Angle-Plex, lifts him up, and throws him into the ring. Paramedics run down the isle to check on AP's condition, but AS starts hitting them before they can enter the ring.


That bastard! Plex could be paralyzed!

AS walks over to AP, and attempts to bring him to his feet, but Plex reverses it into a small package! But CWM is still on the outside! He slides into the ring and counts. 1....2....kickout!

Anglesault gets up quickly and starts going INSANE~ with stomps on AP's neck! He lifts Plex up, and hits a german suplex! He refuses to let go, brings AP to his feet again, and hits another german suplex. He bridges it for the pin! 1...2....kickout!


Anglesault is trying to injure that neck even more with those suplexes.

AS walk over to CWM and yells at him, claiming that he was "out of position" on his last pinfall attempt. He eventually makes his way back to AP. He picks him up and locks in a neck wrench. AP starts screaming in pain. CWM asks AP if he quits, but he tells him no. The crowd starts clapping, giving Plex momentum, and he reaches the ropes! But AS doesn't release the hold! CWM counts to 5, forcing Sault to let go.


The World Champion has a good strategy. He's going after AP's neck. It started with the piledriver on the cement a few minutes ago, and ever since he's been focusing on Plex's neck.

AS gets up and walks across the ring, taunting the crowd. AP has trouble bringing himself to his feet, and he uses the ropes for assistance. AS walks over to AP. He hits a another release German Suplex! He runs over to AP, and holds the tights for the cover.



He's going back to that neck, Ross.


And at this rate, AP's neck will be broken by the end of this match.

AS walks over to the ropes, looks at the crowd, and shakes his head in disbelief. He turns around, and gets hit with a clothesline, sending him to the floor! AP starts stumbling around the ring, but eventually makes his way to the outside. He lifts Sault and, and whips him into the steel steps! AS hits the steps, and flips over them after the impact.

AP stalks Anglesault. AS gets to his feet and starts holding his back. Plex positions himself behind him, and hits a belly-to-back suplex on the outside! AS holds his head, and AP appears to be having a hard time getting up. CWM goes to check on both guys. Anglesault gets to his feet first, and he rolls back inside the ring. CWM starts the count...

1......2......3......4......5......AP gets to a knee.....6......7......8...AP gets to his feet and rolls back inside the ring.


Angle-Plex is having a hard time getting back on his feet!

Just as AP slides into the ring, AS starts stomping on his neck. He lifts AP to his feet, and hits a neckbreaker. He covers. 1....2....kickout!


Back to that neck! A smart champion always has a strategy going into a big match, and AS showing how smart he is here tonight.

AS gets pissed off and starts to kick the the ropes in aggrivation, yelling curse words as he does so. He lifts AP to his feet, and positions him for a vertical suplex. He attempts to lift him up, but it's reversed, and AP suplexes his opponent. The crowd goes wild. AP slowly brings himself to his feet, lifts AS up, and hits a snap suplex! AP climbs to the top turnbuckle. He "kisses the bicep", but AS runs over to the rope and hits a superplex! Both men lay down in the ring, barely moving.

CWM starts the count. 1....2.....3....4.....5.....6.....7.....8....AS gets to his feet.

AS walks over to his motionless opponent, lifts him up, and irish whips him. He puts his head down, but when AP comes off the ropes, he kicks AS in the face! AS staggers back, and gets clotheslined! AP goes for the cover. 1...2.....kickout! AP quickly brings Sault to his feet, and hits a DDT! He goes for another pinfall attempt! 1....2....kickout!

AP quickly lifts AS to his feet, and goes for a northen-lights suplex! But AS reverses it into a northern-lights suplex of his own! But AP reverses that, flips over to behind AS, and locks in THE COMBUSTION~! AS starts to panic, but quickly makes it to the ropes, forcing AP to let go of the hold.

Plex irish whips Sault back into the ropes, and hits a powerslam! He gets up, kisses the bicep, and drops an elbow on AS's neck! Pinfall attempt. 1...2....kickout!

AS starts to get up slowly, while AP stands in the corner, trying to get a second wind. AS gets to his feet, staggers back, and turns around right into a MUSHROOM CLOUD! Both men lay on the mat, with the crowd going wild. AP slowly starts to crawl over to AS, trying to get the cover. With all his energy, he throws his left arm across Sault's chest. 1...2....kickout!

Plex eventually gets back on his feet, as does AS. Sault hits a few right hands, then he irish whips him into the ropes. Spinebuster! Instead of going for the pin, AS gets the leg, and tries to lock in the Screams of No Reply, but AP rolls out of the ring before he can lock it in.

AS follows him out of the ring, picks him up, and throws him into the steel turnbuckle. AP's head bounces off the steel, and he falls to the mat. The camera zooms around to reveal that he has been busted open across his forehead! AS walks over to the announce table, throws Jim Ross up, and gets a steel chair! AS slides the chair into the ring, then rolls AP back in.

CWM picks up the steel chair and throws it out of the ring. AS gets pissed, and throws CWM over the top rope! He follows CWM to the outside, gets the chair, and smacks him with it!

AS throws the chair back into the ring. He climbs back in, but AP has already gotten up, and he has the chair in his hands! AP swings the chair, but Sault ducks, and hits an ANGLE SLAM~! AS does a taunt, then places the chair in the middle of the ring. He brings AP over to the chair, and.......PILEDRIVER!


Baw gawd! His neck has to be broken after that!

AP falls to the mat. AS quickly slides the chair back out of the ring. He covers the unconcious AP, but CWM is knocked out as well! Another ref quickly runs out from the back, slides into the ring, and makes the cover! 1...2....kickout!

AS starts to go phsyco, and starts punching the ring mat. He starts cursing, and then goes to the top rope! He jumps.....SaltSault! But AP rolls out of the way, making AS hit the ring mat! AS rolls over and starts holding his stomach, while Plex goes to the top rope. 10 STAR FROG SPLASH! 1...2....kickout!

AP lifts AS to his feet, then irish whips him into the corner. He runs at Sault, but AS moves out of the way, and hits a belly-to-back suplex! AP starts screaming, while holding his neck in pain! AS slowly gets up, and says that "it's over". AP gets up, with the ropes assistance. AS hits a right hand, sending Plex back into the ropes. The ropes bounce AP back into another Sault right hand, which again send AP back. The ropes again bounce AP back into the middle of the ring, and Sault hits another right hand. AP falls back into the corner.

AP bounces out of the corner, right into a belly-to-back suplex. But AP reverses it with a low-blow! The crowd goes wild! Plex kicks AS in the midsection, then irish whips him into the ropes. He tries to kick AS again, but AS reverses it into a dragon screw. He holds onto the leg, and locks in the SCREAMS OF NO REPLY!

AP, bleedy badly, starts to scream in pain. He starts to crawl over to the ropes, in hope that he can force AS to break the hold. AP's face is covered with blood, but he is still trying to hang on. He gets closer and closer to the ropes. AP reaches for the ropes, but Sault pulls him back into the center of the ring. Plex, knowing he can't hold on much longer, tries to roll over and reverse the hold, but AS rolls over with it, keeping the move applied. AP raises his arm to tap out......but CWM runs in and throws Sault off!

CWM threatens to DQ Sault for hitting him with a chair, but Plex begs for him not to. The other ref walks over to see what's going on, but CWM levels him with a right hand, and throws him out of the ring. AP gets up, and gets behind Sault. CWM pushes Sault into AP. He turns around......MUSHROOM CLOUD! The crowd pops huge! AP covers him. 1.....2......


The crowd is pissed. AP slowly gets to his feet, holding his leg with one hand and his neck with the other, and positions himself for a third mushroom cloud! AS slowly gets up, and turns around. AP goes for another MUSHROOM CLOUD~, but AS elbows his neck, which blocks the move! AP stumbles back and holds his neck, and AS kicks him in the groin. AP stumbles back and leans toward the turnbuckle. AS lifts him up, sitting him on the top turnbuckle. AS gets up onto the middle turnbuckle.....SUPER BACKDROP!


Angle-Plex landed right on his neck!

AP hits the mat hard, and flips over after the impact! AS crawls over to AP for the cover. CWM gets in position. 1....2....3! IT'S OVER!


The winner of the match, and STILL OAOAST championship, Anglesault!


Great effort by AP, but he came up short. So later on tonight, AS vs. Zack for the OAOAST title.

CWM gets the belt and gives it to Sault. AP lies motionless in the ring, and paramedics rush out to help him. AS gets up, kisses his belt, and poses for the fans. He throws the belt over his shoulder and leaves while Areosmith plays Kings and Queens. CWM walks out of the arena as well. Three paramedics slide into the ring to help AP. However, AP refuses the medical attention, and hits a MUSHROOM CLOUD~ on one of the EMTs. The other two back off, and let AP walk off on his own. AP walks down the isle, holding his neck and limping, to a huge applause.


After this video package, we'll head to Tokyo. Take a look at this.

And it feels right this time

On this crash course we're in the big time

Pay no mind to the distant thunder

Beauty fills his head with wonder, boy....

Says it feels right this time

Turn around, found new high lights

Good day to be alive Sir

Good day to be alive, he said.....

Jingus joins the Dungeon of Doom, and Mario has success when Jingus destroys everyone on behalf of Mario.

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just a freight train coming your way

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just the freight train coming your way

Mario and the Dungeon crucify Jingus, and heckle him.


Don't it feel right like this

All the pieces fall to his wish

Suck up for that quick reward boy

Suck up for that quick reward they said.....

Jingus enjoys success without the Dungeon winning the Women's title?!

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just a freight train coming your way

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just the freight train coming your way......

It's coming your way

It's coming your way......

Here comes

Mario returns and the OAOAST is plunged into chaos again, when Mario attacks Jingus for no reason.

Yeah, Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

Is just a freight train coming your way.... Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah

Jason destroys Jamie Vick with a torture rack, and Fat Bastard sits on her, while Jingus is trapped in the Figure four leglock. Mario then electrocutes Jingus. Jingus is being loaded into an ambulance truck, and Freddy smashes it with a nitro loaded semi.

Video ends when we see Mario's evil smile, and HHH walking off with the OAOAST belt.

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Elvis is seen approaching a door with his gun. He opens the door and we see Mario, Elvis puts his gun away.


......so you all know what to do?

Metallica is seen wearing strange looking belts, except for Robert Trujillo. Everyone steps out, Metallica heads toward the arena, and Mario heads up the stairs. Mario gives them the thumbs up. Lars, Cliff, Jaymz, and Kirk go to the arena only.


Metallica picks up instruments, and starts playing "Master of Puppets." During the song, darkness falls, and we see an evil red spotlight pointing somewhere in the audience. Mario walks out through the crowd with a cane, doing his best Jim Fullington impersonation. He then cuts his wrists.


Damnit Mario, don't give the impressionable teens at home any ideas!


Cole, if they took Mario seriously, the entire population of Kansas would be walking around in Freddy Krueger garb.


Hey, I like Kansas! The women are easy and………


Yeah, I think you'd better stop there.

Fact #1: Mario knew somebody in High School named Nathan Jones, but he wasn't a hoss.

Fact #2: According to the Press Enterprise, Mario's high school is the fourth most violent one in California.

As he walks down, he gives the fans blood in their cups, and they gladly drink it. He offers some to Michael Cole and Coach.


Dude, of COURSE we accept!


I am vilified, oh great God of Gangrelity!


You always have been.


Look who's talking.

Mario gets in the ring, and grabs the microphone.


Well it looks like my opponent will not be making it tonight. I'll start a count, and when I reach zero Jingus forfeits. 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! And..........


Hold on a minute.

Jingus comes from under the ring, holding a can of spray-paint. He sprays a line across the aisle.




Damnit Coach, I was hoping that was your KNEE poking me in the leg before!


I know your setup, if any of your guys step over this line, they are banned from the OAOAST, forever. Oh yeah, and I have a great surprise.


The Ghostbusters are seen walking around the rafters.


What are we doing here?


Looking for the source of Mario's power, but what can it be?!



When something's strange...in the neighborhood...

The camera shifts to the Kevin Sullivan statue next to them


Who ya gonna call?





Bell rings, and Mario starts electrocuting Jingus. Jingus no-sells and clotheslines Mario, and stomps him. Mario catches Jingus with a low blow, and forces him to sell. Mario takes Jingus down, and gives him a noogie.


Sheer humiliation by Mario! Although he had to CHEAT to gain the advantage!


You really are high on Jingus, aren't you?


What can I say? Ever since I saw him in the shower that one time…


Alright! Alright! The entire IWC thinks I'm gay, but even I think that's too much information!

As Jingus is selling the noogie, he stands straight up, and falls back breaking the hold. Jingus leg drops him, and covers. 1! 2! And no!


We almost had a Hulk Hogan moment at AngleMania II.

Mario gets to the ropes, and delivers a martial arts kick to Jingus' face. Jignus sends Mario out with a pinkie push. Mario grabs a chair, and gets in the ring. Mario hits the ref. The Phantom runs in. Jingus intercepts him with a Clawslam, unintentionally unmasking him.


Axl Rose, what is he doing here that is so unfair!!!

Axl rolls out of the ring, Jingus stares at Mario. The Faces of Fear run in, and Freddy gives Jingus the Mandible Claw, as everyone else stomps him. Axl gets lazy, and sits with Cole and Coach for commentary.


What the hell are YOU doing here?


Hey Cole, shut it! As much as I love Jingus, Axl Rose is DA BOMB~!


Yeah, Chinese Democracy comes out this year.


I thought the Dungeon of Doom , it's easier than actually doing something.


But why is a GOD~ like you associating yourself with losers?


The same reason I'm in the announce booth with you.



Freddy releases the claw, and Mario drags Jingus to the corner.


Finish him, Master!

Mario traps Jingus in the figure four leglock around the post, Jingus screams, and Axl cheers loud enough to damage the hearing of the people at home. After a few minutes, another ref comes in, and pulls Mario off, while the Faces sneak away. Mario signals for Axl to come over. Axl, picks up a chair, and destroys the ref, with it. Both men destroys Jingus' knees with vicious chair shots.


This is heinous! Someone stop this madness!


I built the OAOAST. I built you and everyone in this company, especially you Monster Man!


That's not true! JINGUS got over on his true monster-like abilities!

More chairshots.


I will take you apart piece by fucking piece! (Chairshot in between each syllable)


I can't take it anymore! Hold me, Michael!

Mario gets back in the ring, as Axl returns to the table. Mario drags Jingus into the corner, and climbs the ropes. Mario hits a Randy Savage like elbow drop, and covers, as a new ref runs in.


I love G'n'R, but Axl, SCREW YOU!


It's over, we won, and the OAOAST belongs to Mario.

1! 2! And no!





Jingus tries to weakly stand, but Mario traps him in the crossface chickenwing.


Now we win!

Coach & Cole start a "JINGUS" chant that echoes through the entire arena!

Jingus teases tapping out for ten minutes, Mario lets out insane screams, making the pain worse. Jingus finally reaches the ropes. Mario let's go, and stabs the ref.


Finally! I thought the CROWD was going to pass out before Jingus did!


Huh? He's finally out of the hold? That's good.


So how much damage have we done so far?

Metallica stands next to the line, and takes out their devices.


It's Morphin time!










Saber-Toothed tiger


Tyrannical Asshole.






This handicap match has turned into a 1000000-on-one affair!


It's not THAT many people!


It might as well be! My poor Jingus can't last much longer!


YOUR Jingus? And hey, he lasted a LOOONG Time back in…oh wait.


Wet dreams DO NOT APPLY at AngleMania, Coach!

Dave steps back, as the other jump into the ring, and destroy Jingus with martial arts moves.


Go go metallirangers!

They pull out space age weapons, and destroy Jingus with that too.


Go go metallirangers!

They now form a super weapon.


Mighty Morphin Metallirangers.


Any last words?!


Look at the guy with the laptop.

Lars breaks away, ruining the super weapon. Jingus simply picks up each ranger, and tosses him back over the

line. Dave blows his flute.


Alright! Victory is ours soon, Jingus!!


"Ours"? What are you, an STD?


I can be if you WANT me to be, baby.


Lay off the sake.


What the Hell now?! I knew these assholes would blow it!

The thing from Megadeth runs out, and Tombstones Jingus. Jingus sits up, and tosses the two Megadeth guys over the line also. Lars runs back in, and Jingus tosses him out to. Another ref runs in.


Oh bright idea Lars!


Shut up, or I'll sue!

Jingus traps Mario in a bearhug, Mario over sells. Mario puts a sign on Jingus' back, reading, "Proud Dungeon of Doom member." Hulk Hogan runs in, and beats Jingus' with a chair, then leaves.


Well, he's gotta be good for something, right Coach?!


The legend just got attacked by that no good son of a bitch!

Mario covers. 1! 2! And no!

Jingus hulks up. Mario pounds on him, and Jingus points his finger at Mario. Jingus delivers three punches, the Irish whip, the big boot, and the leg drop. Jingus covers.


Yes! Yes! Jesus Christ God Mercy

In Heaven, It's finally over!

JingusMania is running wild through my body, your body, my spirit, my erection, and the lives of each and every one of these Japanese ladies tonight! Jingus WINS! JINGUS WINS!

1! 2! And no!



Axl pulls the ref, out, and slams his head into the steps. Suddenly the roof collapses, and Stay Puft steps in. Axl returns to the table, as the Faces of Fear un back in to pummel Jingus.


Come on that isn't fair, he weighs 300 tons.


You are actually right for once, Michael.


Hey! I was right in mentioning that Hulk Hogan was good in bed…err, um…

Axl vomits.



1! 2! 3! Roast him!

The Ghostbusters fire on Stay Puft, sending him, back outside.


How did he come back?!

Egon pulls out his PKE meter, and points at the statue.


There, that's the source.


Cross the streams right.


Finally they figure it out! And the IWC says I'M stupid.



Egon nods yes. The Ghostbusters fire on the statue. Stay Puft jumps up, and starts pulling himself up on the rafters.


Their in trouble now.

Stay Puft gets a look of shock in his face. The statue explodes, and so does stay Puft. Marshmallow rains all over the arena, and the parking lot area.


Faces of fear leave a bloody Jingus lying in the middle of the ring. 400 pounds (lbs.) of liquid marshmallow splatters the commentary table, hitting all three commentators.


Ugh! I've never been covered in this much white fluid in my life!


I wish I could say the same.



The sailor hat falls on the Faces, and the Mettalirangers, trapping them.


Come on that isn't fair, that Marshmallow must weigh 400 pounds (lbs).


But it tastes good.

Another ref runs in, as Mario covers.

1! 2! And no! Jingus gets up, and Mario tosses Marshmallow in his eyes. Jingus is blinded, as Mario DDT's him. Mario puts him in the Sharpshooter. Suddenly Elvis comes out with two guitars.


What now! The Master is going to win, we don't need you now.


He ain't nothing but a hound dog!


Oh great...

Elvis, gets on the apron, and confronts the ref. Elvis tosses in a guitar, Mario releases the hold, and Jingus grabs the guitar. Jingus hits Mario with it, stunning him. Elvis steps down. Axl is furious.


What the Hell is wrong with you, were going to be fired if..........!

Elvis hits Axl with the other guitar shutting him up.


Thank GOD we got rid of that idiot.


Yes, we're finally alone again, Michael

Jingus hits the devil bomb and covers.



1! 2! And no!

Elvis pulls out the ref, and takes off his shirt, revealing a ref shirt. The King gets into and fast counts Mario.










Your winner, Jingus.

HHH runs in, but slips on Marshmallow, and busts his quad. Jingus grabs a microphone.


Hey Axl, its back to Denny's with you. Metallica, its back to never-never land with you. So Mario who are you going to keep?

Mario gets up and whispers something in Jingus' ear, as he tosses a broom to Axl.


Two of the Faces, you're banned too. Hunter, I'm shipping your useless ass back to the WWF.......er E where you belong.

Jingus grabs the title belt, and runs outside with it. Jingus hands it to a UPS man.


Get it to MSG now!




What a body!


Over the course of the show, we're going to show you the top 7 OAOAST moments as voted by the OAOAST fans on OAOAST.com.


And now, the top 7 moments in OAOAST history, as voted by the fans of the OAOAST; sponsered by UnManly Smooth Legz. The jokes are dead...but they still sponser us.



1 minute left in the match, 1 minute.

Both men weakened, Tony places one hand on BPP's

back and another on his chest. He pushes off and






Crowd chants "Holy Shit!"

The referee begins counting to 10, and the crowd

counts along. BPP rolls over onto his face,

trying to pull himself up push-up style. Tony is

just out of it, blood streaming down his face,

At nine, a bell rings. This match has reached its time-limit.

Officials pour down ringside, chief among them Bill Watts. The confer at ringside while Tony

and BPP come to a lying face to face in the


Crowd Alternates chants of Tony! and BPP!

We overhear the officials talking about who

got the last offensive move in


BPP countered it into an X-Factor, he

should be the winner!


That was a counter, Tony couldn't hold

him because he was tired. Tony got in his

finisher from the top rope. He's won dammit!

In the ring, both men are finally standing,

blood streaming down Tony's head and BPP's

mouth. The two stare directly at each other.

From the back , Zack Malibu joins the officials.

BPP and Tony look at each other as Zack then

slides in the ring, seemingly to separate the

two. Instead, BPP extends a weary hand to Tony,

who takes it just as weakly. Then, with everyone

watching, the two men hug, tears mixing with

blood and sweat.


I think they just buried the hatchet here

folks! We're getting word that this match is

being declared a draw. Both men retain their

respective roles.


I don't like this at all. Tony had this

match won. But my hat's off to both of those

men. They gave it their all, and as much as I

don't like it, that's probably the right


Zack joins in the group hug, and we go off the

air with all three men raising each other hands.


Maybe finally, now, we can begin to stand

up to the aWo. Merry Christmas everyone. This is

a great present for the New Year!


Keep this moment in your hearts. Two

men, sixty minutes, all for competition. Yes

Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

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The camera cuts to Orion looking cocky (as always) standing in front of a nondescript cement wall. With a sly smirk, he starts to address the camera:


At last, the time has finally arrived! The unstoppable force known as Orion is here and is ready to break this 'OAOAST' *air quotes* down to its rotten core and prove that I am unquestionably THE MAN in this business. And how else could I prove this than by showing my skillz~! at the BIGGEST wrestling event of ALL TIME, AngleMania? That's why I'm here at AngleMania, at it's lesser-known FOURTH location...

Orion turns the corner and the camera follows him down a dark hallway inside what appears to be an arena. Orion walks ahead of the cameraman and pulls open a curtain. The camera pans across a small, empty arena with a wrestling ring in the center. The camera zooms in on a sign hanging on the other side of the arena: WELCOME TO VIKING HALL.


...Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! That's right, I am HERE at AngleMania to cement my status and PROVE to the wrestling world that I am a force to be reckoned with!

Orion begins walking down the ramp into the ring, where a middle-aged, balding man in referee's stripes is waiting outside the ring holding a ring bell and a microphone. Orion climbs into the ring and poses on the top turnbuckle for the nonexistent fans.


...And now, for all you fans out there, here's a special BONUS main event added to the AngleMania card, as I will now face Big Poppa Popick for the vacant OAOAST F13 Championship!

The 'referee' holds high the title belt, which is a plain leather belt with a Jason mask [Part IV style] attached to the front of it. Orion stares at the curtain, as if waiting for Popick to enter.


Popick, I hope you're ready for the ONSLAUGHT that I will unleash on you! You'd best get ready to FADE...TO...BLACK!! Where are you, Popick? I knew you'd be a coward and back out! I challenged you because I thought you were the best in this company and wouldn't back down, but I guess I was wrong! Count him out, ref!

The referee steps outside the ring, rings the bell to start the match, and upon reentering the ring begins counting Popick out, despite him not even being in the state, much less in the arena.

REFEREE One-nahhh...two-ahhh...


I KNEW you wouldn't show up! I KNEW you didn't have the BALLS to face me! Where are you? What could be more important than this?



The referee rolls outside the ring, rings the bell, and gets on the microphone.


Tha winnah of this bout, and NEW F13 Championnn..ORION!

Orion is presented with the belt and drops to his knees in celebration, shouting with exhilaration before rising to his feet and screaming into the camera while pointing to the F13 Title.




Jim Ross and Jesse "The Body" Ventura are standing near their announce table, ringside.


I have no idea what that was about, but some guy named Onion has arrived, has 'won' -- and I use that term loosely -- the F13 title, and apparently has a problem with one Big Poppa Popick.


He can join the rest who do. Orion?




Isn't that the company who released the "Robocop" movies and the unoffical James Bond-OO7 movie "Never Say Never Again"?


I don't think this Orion is here to release movies; maybe release pain on BPP.


The number 6 moment in OAOAST history, as voted by the fans of the OAOAST on OAOAST.com.



Confetti and balloons fall from the ceiling, as

the official raises Zack Malibu's hand.




The crowd is going insane, as music blares over

the PA, fireworks are exploding among the

falling streamers and balloons, it is just pure

joy. Zack climbs onto the second turnbuckle to

salute the crowd.

Amongst the celebration, AP crawls out from under the ring! After taking a moment to notice himself, he notices the celebration and Zack

celebrating in the ring. AP slides into the ring

as Zack hops down from the turnbuckle, gets the

officials attention, hooks Zack in a backslide,

and with AP's feet on the ropes the official

counts, 1…2….3!

Eliminated: Zack

Via: AP, pinfall, rope-assisted backslide

Eliminated: Jingus

The entire celebration stops in its tracks. The

fireworks stop, the crowd goes silent, even the

balloons and confetti appear to stop in mid-air. Agnes and Zack both look stunned, as the official converges with the ring announcer and the officials from ringside. They huddle for what seems to be an eternity, before breaking the huddle. The ring announcer, stunned, shakily takes the microphone, and in a dejected voice.


I have been informed by the official in the

ring, that, that Angle-Plex was never eliminated. Therefore, the winner of this matchup, and the man to receive a title shot at

AngleMania, Angle-Plex.

The ring announcer throws down the microphone in

disgust. AP suddenly gets this bright look in

his eyes, as he hops to his feet, lets out a

massive scream of celebration, and hops over the ropes to the outside, whooping it up as he runs

up the ramp, celebrating his victory.


Jim, what the hell just happened?


Jesse, I have no clue.

Zack, slowly, with every emotion possible

running through his eyes, slowly stands while

eyeing the official. The official is trying to

leave, but Zack grabs him by his shirt from behind. The crowd, having gone from ecstatic to silent, is starting to have angry murmurs go through it. A couple fans begin to boo. A fan at ringside yells something about this being happy.

The whole place has the feel of a powder keg waiting to explode.Zack turns the official around and begins to argue with him. The voices of the crowd growing louder and angrier as Zack continues to argue.

Finally, Zack grabs the official by his shirt,

setting off an eruption from the crowd. Zack spits words at the official, who continues to defend himself.

Finally, Zack winds up and decks the official, setting off a massive eruption from the crowd, louder then the one from Zack's victory!




Oh shit.


We need to get out of here now. Cut off the feed and get us out of here.

Other official slide into the ring, but there is no stopping Zack now. Zack floors one with a right hand, then nails the other with a side kick to the stomach. A third tries to stop Zack, but one look sends him out of the ring, fleeing for his life.

Zack exits the ring as the crowd is still going

crazy, and throws over the announce table. JR

and Jesse scatter away as Zack begins to dismantle the table violently. The crowd follows Zack's actions and begin to throw their chairs

into the ring, on top of the downed officials.

Zack grabs one of the chairs and starts beating

it against the announce table in rage, while the

crowd is now a full-blown riot, tearing the

arena apart. Police enter the ringside area and the crowd, looking to disperse the crowd before anymore damage is done.

The cameramen have been overtaken and assaulted

by the crowd. Only the main camera is functional, capturing the insanity. A crazed fan climbs up the tower, grabs the camera, and jams his face into the lens.

With a drunken, bloodcurdling scream, he throws the camera to the side, where it falls and smashes into the concrete. The camera buzzes, flashes, and fades, then comes back to life to capture an upside down fire beginning to burn, as the camera finally fades out.


K-NESS vs. Undisputed


This is it folks, in just a few moments K-NESS and Undisputed are going to make their OAOAST Pay-Per-View debut right here, at AngleMania II.


It should be one helluva wrestling match, both guys are young and in great shape.

CUE: "Red"

"Red" by Treble Charger hits and Undisputed makes his way to the ring to a big pop, wearing his blue velvet jacket as always.

CUE: "Trans-Magic"

Lights out, "Trans-Magic" plays as K-NESS finally appears after 30 seconds and the fans are on their feet for the Philippian wrestler, he enters the ring and throws his towel away.

K-NESS waits for Undisputed to remove his jacket and the match is ON~!


They lock up to start and Undisputed gets hiptossed, K-NESS steps back while Undisputed gets up. K-NESS charges but Undisputed gets a drop toe hold and he falls face first into the second turbuckle.Undisputed is in control and throws K-NESS into the ropes, he catches him with a sleeper hold but K-NESS slides into a side waistlock and hits a Backdrop Suplex!


Wow!, that was quite a surprise, we rarely see K-NESS hit his signature manoeuvers so early into a match.


I feel that Undisputed has a lot left in him, K-NESS was lucky this didn't get countered.

K-NESS drags Undisputed to the corner and beats him up with a bunch of closed-fist punches, he goes for an enziguri, but Undisputed blocks it with his hands. K-NESS is down on his hands and knees,Undisputed hits him with a STIFF kick to the ribs, he picks K-NESS up and throws him into the ropes, only to have him come back with a Flying Forearm.He covers 1.. Undisputed kicks out, A ONE COUNT!


This was a bad decision, I'm pretty sure K-NESS knew that Undisputed wouldn't stay down for the count of three, this one is far from over folks.

K-NESS picks Undisputed up and tries to punch him, but it gets blocked and Undisputed hits his opponent with a palm strike, irish whip by Undisputed and he gets a dropkick, he goes for the Sharpshooter but K-NESS rolls him up! 1.. 2.. NO!, kick-out.


Undisputed will have to be more careful if he doesn't want K-NESS to get the victory.

Both guys are up and Undisputed chops K-NESS, irish whip by Undisputed and he gets a Japanese Armdrag followed by by an armbar but K-NESS reverses it into a Jujigatame!, Undisputed is SCREAMING in pain, but he makes it to the ropes in time.


That was really close,

a few more seconds and the match was over.

K-NESS releases the hold. He picks Undisputed up and. OUT OF NOWHERE, HIGH-ANGLE EXPLODAAAAH!, but he doesn't even cover, fully aware that this is not enough to take Undisputed out for good. He picks his opponent up, runs into the ropes and hits a Western Lariat!, but Undisputed doesn't move, a second one rocks him, a third one sends him down!K-NESS grabs Undisputed from behind and ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY UTTERLY MURDERS him with the Release Tiger Suplex 85'.


MY GOD!, he damn near KILLED him right there.


Forget about it, this one is over.

An exhausted K-NESS crawls to Undisputed for the cover 1.. 2.. 2.999999999 UNDISPUTED KICKED OUT!, the crowd just EXPLODES


Did he just kick out of K-NESS's FINISHER?



K-NESS is so confused he doesn't even try a move, he just stands there, shocked, after a while Undisputed FINALLY stands up, the referee checks if he can continue to fight and he immediately charges at K-NESS, spears him into the corner and beats him up with elbows, knees and stiff kicks.Undisputed sits K-NESS on the top rope and tries a Superplex, but K-NESS won't let him, they exchange punches and Undisputed gets the upper hand, he finally hits it, then kips up. K-NESS doesn't. Undisputed wastes no time and lifts K-NESS up for the Brainbuster, K-NESS falls RIGHT ON HIS HEAD!


Now THAT was a head-drop!

K-NESS is OUT OF IT, Undisputed goes for the cover 1.. 2.. 2.9!!! a kick-out by K-NESS and Undisputed is PISSED.


There's no way out for K-NESS now, his finisher failed against Undisputed and now it looks like Undisputed is going for HIS finisher, the Championship Material.

Undisputed picks a near-unconscious K-NESS and BANG!, Championship Material.


That's it, it's all over, you tried hard K-NESS, you tried DAMN hard, but I guess Undisputed was just too strong for you.

Undisputed covers 1.. 2.. 2.9999!!, K-NESS KICKS OUT!

Drawing a huge "WHOAAAAAAA" from the crowd.


WHAT THE HELL?, they kicked out of each other's finisher!, what is it going to take to end this battle?

Undisputed goes for another Championship Material but K-NESS has enough left in him to throw Undisputed into the ropes, Drop Toe Hold and he slaps on the GANSO STF!!!, pulling back on Undisputed's neck as hard as he possibly can, UNDISPUTED TAPS OUT!!!!! IT'S OVER.



The Winner: K-NESS, via Submission, in 17:05.


He did it!, K-NESS finally beat Undisputed!


Both guys put up one helluva fight and K-NESS ended up winning but I have a feeling that both of these youngsters are heading to the top of the OAOAST.

After the match, the crowd stands up and applauds, appreciating the fact that these two young men pushed their bodies to the point of exhaustion for them, K-NESS raises Undisputed's hand and they walk out if the ring together.

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CUE: "The Wall"

"The Wall" reverbates in the arena, the deafening

noise yielding to cheers as the charistmatic yet

silent Alfdogg appears on the stage, wearing an old

style TDA shirt. A bit of nostalgia, Alfdogg is one

half of an attempt to hand pick the next opponent for

the OaOasT Champion, especially if that one champion is still AngleSault.

The arena grows dark, blue mood lighting illuminating

the stage, and "My Hero" slowly starts up. Not the

usual reaction for BPP, some of his cheers are mixed

in with slight boos...A BBP chant acts a a reaction to

this, the truly embattled Commish is still quite the

popular face, but a small faction insists on chanting

"Sux" at the end.

JR: Quite the interesting reaction for BPP.


Yeah, it might be that Alfdogg is the crowd

favorite here... or the boys in the back paid off the fans...


Hey, now.


It could happen.


Signs of stress indeed...one hopes this is the end of BPP's troubles.


The two seem to follow him around


One wonders how the mindgames of Sandman will be

affecting BPP this match.


Well, Sandman isn't here, thank god...Sick

freak, He is taking on the Purist...who isn't Tony but

still he's good.


You really have a love affair with Tony.


Well yeah, I mean...hey, no!

JR chuckles.


Hey, there's Albert!


Where? Where?

The referee for the contest is former New York City

Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, who enters the ring as BPP

makes his way down. All three men get into the ring,

and BPP meets Alfdogg in the middle with a handshake.


Wait a minute... are Popick and Alf conservatives?


I don't know. If they aren't they should; they're keeping the White House in '04.


They wouldn't if I ran.


Will you?


If I did I wouldn't tell you. I just might stay here, we got politics, too, you know.


Anyway, all these men are on the same team with the

same goals.


Until goals change...


And it begins...BPP and Alfdogg turn around to face

each other. Immediately BPP dips down, bending his

knees slightly and faces Alfdogg at an angle...bobbing

to an unheard beat. Alfdogg simply squares up.


We've seen this style before from BPP...he's into

winning this match.


Alfdogg better start watching out for some MMA



Bullshit? Watch it now. We have kids watching. After what happened to another promotion a few weeks back, we gotta watch that sort of thing.


Who hasn't seen a pair of tits? Well, there's you, but people bitch about everything now.

Back to the original subject: In my day we just choked a man...raked the


BPP starts the offense...ducking for a low drop roundhouse to Alfdogg's knee..it connects, but BPP

doesn't follow through, instead he backs up and dips

around alfdogg again, who is kicking his leg out to

regain a bit of feeling

BPP boes for a low kick again, but Alfdogg

jumps...hitting BPP with a spinning kick to the

shoulder, something that makes BPP roll out and away,

and Alfdogg waits on him this time...Alfdogg has BPP

scouted well.

BPP shakes his shoulder some, then suprises a closing

alfdogg by somersaulting past him, then popping up

into a hammerlock from behind, turned into a headlock from BPP..He rears back...sinching it in good...


Back to wrestling.


Hit him in the gut!

Alfdogg rather pushes BPP towards the ropes...BPP

jumps and lands on the second rope...saulting over

Alfdogg, going for a DDT....turned into a quick

stunner! Alfdogg covers...kickout right at 2!

Alfdogg pulls BPP into a standing headlock, BPP

struggling for air..in a counter..BPP twists

counterclockwise, hitting a kick to Alfdogg's left

shin! Alfdogg goes down and BPP goes immediately into

a half-boston crab with bridge!!!


If BPP hurts his leg enough, Alfdogg won't be able

to bring out his finisher, the 5 Star Alf Splash.


That's gotta be BPP's gameplan.

Alfdogg squirms for the ropes..but uses them to twist

around BPP, kicking him in the head...pushing back on

the ropes...into MME's Frostbite Facelock!

The crowd begins to warm to the mat wrestling of

BPP/Alfdogg...BPP squirms with a bridge attempt to

realive some pressure...reversing to into a side leg clamp... Alfdogg responds by kicking BPP in the face...both men back to opposite corners now!

BPP/Alfdogg look at each other...again with the nod

of mutual competition... They meet in the middle,

going for a collar/elbow tie-up, into a sequence of

reversals with tie-ups..finally popping out with an Alfdogg hiptoss/legdrop combo on BPP...right on the



And Alfdogg is taking out BPP's arm.


Both men do not want to take the other's finisher.

Alfdogg picks BPP up..into a Sambo Suplex! Alfie

signals that he thinks its over...he goes to the

top...taking a bit more care due to his leg being

worked over...and here it comes! 5 STAR ALF SPLASH!

No! BPP got his knees up!...BPP takes over with an

Oklahoma Roll...1...2..BPP PULLS THE TIGHTS! 3!!!



The winner of the match in 8:56, Big Poppa Popick.


Big Poppa Popick, like the way he won or not...is

your number 1 Contender...He'll face the winner of AngleSault vs. Zack at some point.


What did I always say about BPP...He's only in

it for himself...


He cares about the OaOasT


Bullshit. Everybody hates him anyways. And he cheated to win!


I thought you liked cheaters.


Yeah the show, not wrestling.


Whatever, Jess. Who will BPP face?




And now, the number 5 moment in OAOAST history.


"a...W...o-ver:" Zack wins the War Games

AngleSault finally begins to counter BPP's

armbar, and Zack starts to walk over to help

out...but he's pulled away by AP....ANGLE-LOCK!

BPP lets got of AS, spying Sandman entering with

two chairs... Sandman swings both at BPP, and

they misse, hitting each other...BPP grabs


Busted Wide Open!

CWM Enters...and coughs a VanPoppaNator! CWM

Bleeds as well, right above the eye! BPP throws

the chair back, unknowningly that AngleSault

catches it... BPP turns around...SICKENING

CHAIRSHOT! And that one bloodies BPP worse than

Sandman is.


Lots of blood in wargames


That's BPP gets for

using the chair.


Sandman brought it


Look at him!

AngleSault throws BPP out of the ring and poses

on the turnbuckle...Zack reverses AP's

Ankle-Lock...into a Frost-Bite FaceLock!!! The

crowd pops, and AS thinks its for himself...



The roar builds to a

cresendo...AP tries to flip

out...but Zack locks it back in...this time with

a deathlock to boot...AP Taps Out!

Winner, in 25:34, Zack Malibu representing

Team OaOasT!

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Brock Ausstin vs. Jailbait




What's a crackle ackin?




Fo shizzy.




Shut the Fuck Up, Cracker!

Cole stays silent.


What you starin at, bitch?




Yo foo, don't get off da hizzy fa shizzle, ma nizzle.


I didn't understand a word you just said.....YEAH!

CUE: "How Could I Just Kill a Man"

"How Could I Just Kill a Man" by Cypress Hill begins to play over the loudspeaker, as the ecstatic, Jailbait comes running out from behind the entrance curtain. He starts jumping up and down to get the crowd going in his Anglemania debut. Jailbait charges towards the ring, and slides in under the bottom rope. He hops around, then takes off his bandana and sun glasses, and tosses them out of the ring.




Fo shizzy ma nizzy, sit your ass down foo.



CUE: "War Ensemble"

Jailbait walks around the ring, preparing for his opponent, as "War Ensemble" by Slayer begins playing over the loud speaker. "The Current Big Thing" Brock Ausstin, followed by his agent, "Good Ol' ECDub" Jim Heyross, walk out from behind the entrance curtain, and stops at the top of the entrance ramp. Brock begins to hop around, doing his HAPPY HAPPY HIPO~! dance. Brock makes his way down the entrance way, his agent close behind.




I'm not gonna tell ju again mother <beep>. Sit the <beep> down!



Brock makes his way to the ring, but as he does, super high flying Jailbait springboards off the ropes opposite of Brock, and comes running towards Brock, jumping over the top rope, and planchaing onto him and Jim Heyross!




Look at ma nigga, Jailbait, flying all around the ring like dat. Dat's hizzy.




Punk ass bitch.


Fans, be sure to catch Coach's debut on ESPN.

Jailbait gets to his feet, and pulls Brock up to his feet also, and quickly rolls Brock into the ring under the bottom rope. Jailbait hops up onto the ring apron, and quickly climbs to the top rope. Jailbait jumps into the air, doing a forward backflip, but instead of ending in a splash, he comes down, and drops his leg over Brock's neck!




Ma homeboy going for the pin! One...Two....NO!



Jailbait quickly gets back to his feet, and hides into the corner, waiting for Brock to get to his feet. Brock rolls around, before getting to his feet. Jailbait charges at him, and gives him a quick kick to the gut, and locks Brock in a front face lock, then spinning it around into a diamond cutter, driving Brock face first into the mat!



COACHDa cover! One...Two....THR.....NO! Biz-ock kicked out at the last second!



Jailbait gets to his feet, and starts yelling at the referee that it was a three count. He walks to the corner, and climbs up to the top rope, waiting for Brock to get to his feet. On the outside, Jim Heyross begins shouting at Brock to get up and get out of the way, but Brock doesn't pay attention to him. Jim Heyross jumps up onto the ring apron, and runs over to Jailbait, and grabs him by the leg. Jailbait tries to shake Jim off, and pushes him off the apron, causing Jim to land on the floor. Jailbait tries to get his balance back, but Brock is back up to his feet, and runs into the ropes, causing Jailbait to fall onto the top turnbuckle, and crotching himself.







Brock grabs the top rope, and springboards himself over it, onto the ring apron. Brock climbs up to the middle rope, and pulls Jailbait off the top turnbuckle. Brock pulls Jailbait up onto his shoulders in a DVD position, and steps up onto the top rope. Brock jumps off the top rope, and spins Jailbait off his shoulders in midair, and drives Jailbait face first into the mat!!!!!!!!!


SUPER F-STUNNER-5!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!


Supa-Dupa-F-Stunna-5 by Brock to Jailbait! Brock wit da cova!






Brock leaps off of Jailbait, and screams as he flexes his muscles.


The winner: "The Current Big Thing" Brock Ausstin in 6:36.




Sit yo ass down Cracker!



"aWo 2K2: aWo reunion at DOOMSDAY

Jack Doan calls for the bell.


AS & CWM start walking around the ring trying to

punk each other out.


Both men trying to get into each others heads.

CWM starts talking trash to AS.


You ain't shit!




The mics picked that comment up.

AS SLAPS CWM. CWM takes a few steps back then SHOVES AS. AS then touches CWM in the chest with his finger. CWM falls down like he just got shot. AS quickly covers him. Jack Doan counts 1-2-3!




What the hell?!


I can't believe it.




We CUT backstage and see a bunch of yelling coming out of the catering room, which has been blocked by a BUS.

Bill Watts gets into the ring and confronts CWM & the new OaOast Champion, AS.


The Chairman of the Board of Directors is trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Angle-Plex & Some Guy quickly rush the ring with FOUR baseball bats in hand, and a red, white, and blue FANNYPACK.


Now what?

AP & SG HIT Bill Watts in the leg with the bats, then THROW the other two to CWM & AS, who then WHACK Bill in the head with the bats.


MY GOD! They just hit Bill Watts, a man old

enough to be ther father in the head with the bat.

Zack Malibu & BPP (Who is taped up) come to Bill's aid, but the four men in the ring are too much to handle.


W--What in the--I can't belive this.


Ross, I'm going to get the scoop on this.


Alright. Tony is going to interview the new World Champion, Anglesault.

Tony heads in the ring to interview the new Champion.


Anglesault, what in the world is going on here?


What's going on? You're asking me "what's going

on"? This is what's going on.

AS HITS Tony with the OaOast Title. Some Guy then gives Tony a Some-Kick. The CHEERS turn to JEERS as the crowd is pissed at AS's attack on Tony.


GOOD GOD! This is out of control.

AP hands AS the red, white, and blue, FANNYPACK.

AS UN-ZIPS the pack and takes out some sort of

small bottles, and hands one to each of the men

in the ring.

The FOUR men tear the shirts off of Zack, Bill, BPP & Tony -- flip them around then...

(Over the PA system)



Oh, my God.

AS, AP, CWM & SG then spray-paint "aWo" on the

backs of Zack, Bill, BPP & Tony.

AS hands over the OaOast Title to CWM, who holds

it up. AS then spray-paints "aWo" on the title.

The aWo look into the camera and say "This is

for you, Sandman. Welcome aboard." Then all four

aWo members flash the aWo 4-eva hand-sign.


We're out of time. The aWo is back, stronger than ever before. And may God have mercy on our OaOast souls.

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The Dream Machines are seen leaving their dressing room to head to the ring.


This is it boys. Tonight we show BK3 who's boss. Tonight we show the world on The OAOAST's biggest stage that we are the future. All that has led up to this point, all the fighting and talking has led us to a moment of truth. There will be no raves, no dancing, and no playing around until after we defeat BK3. Do you understand?

The Parka looks over to see that SD has been talking on his cell phone the whole time. Parka grabs the phone and hangs it up.


Hey I was talking to someone! Not just anyone, but Nicole f'n Kidman! I was congratulating her on winning an Oscar! We have totally been best buds since I comforted her after her break up with Tom!


You got to comfort Nicole Kidman?? Is she clean? I'd hit that....as long as she's clean.


Don't worry P-Funk I was listening to what you said and it was great! You are so totally right! Hey after the match we could come back here and celebrate with champagne and......and party favors, yeah those little hats and stuff! (he starts jumping up and down) And we can go back to the hotel and have a slumber party! We could even invite girls!

The Parka is holding back from hitting his teammate. He has pulled his mask down so that no one can see the anger in his eyes.


ENOUGH! It's time. Let's go (Parka hands PK the cell phone) If this rings during the match I want you to chunk it into the crowd!

Parka turns back around and sees SD fixing his hair.


What the hell are you doing?? You're not going out there like that! You are not going out there wearing pigtails!

The arguing continues as the Machines walk away.

CUE: "The Devil Is A DJ"



The Parka clearly is focus on tonight's match.


You have too; this is the OAOAST's biggest event of the year, AngleMania II.

Back at ringside "The Devil is a DJ" hits as Boogie Knights 2K3 come out. Strobe lights and laser lights flicker as Kotzenjunge twirls glowsticks around on chains. The crowd pops for the stunning entrance. Kotz and Zorin step into the ring and Kotz grabs the glowsticks in his hands and moves them even faster in a dazzling display.


But I wanna talk about Nicole Kidman. After hearing what SD said, maybe it's time for Vince Russo to reprise his role as the Bat-man. Nicole is H-O-T-T-HOTT, HOTT, HOTT~! She's so hott, it's spelled with two 't's.'

CUE: "California Love"

California Love starts as an El Camino pulls up beside the stage and starts bouncing. The Dream Machines pile out followed closely by Peter Knight. Parka glares at SD who is still wearing pigtails, which gets a few laughs from the fans and even a SD's Ghey chant.

The Machines reach the ring and all four men stand across from each other. Kotz still has the glow sticks in hand and starts swinging them at The Parka. Parka backs into a corner and yells at the ref to get the glow sticks away from Kotz. The ref takes the glowsticks from Kotz and Parka jumps on Kotz while he's distracted. The others take their places on the apron while Kotz and Parka start off the match.



This win could do a lot for both teams, as they want a shot at the OAOAST tag titles, which will be defended later tonight.

The bell rings and we're underway. Parka throws some right hands at Kotz and then whips him to the ropes. Parka telegraphs a back body drop only to get hit with a stiff kick to the head by Kotz that sends Parka to the mat. Kotz tags in Zorin and they both whip Parka to the ropes and Zorin tackles Parka to the ground. Zorin picks him back up and goes for the exploder suplex. Parka fights his way out and hits a half nelson suplex that drives Zorin right on the back of his head and neck. Parka tags in SD who goes immediately to a choke, which draws boos from the crowd. 1...2...3...4 SD releases the choke before the 5 count, but goes right back to it. The ref warns SD of disqualification so SD picks Zorin up and hits a mega magical reverse ddt~! sending him right back down again. SD goes for the cover but only gets 2.

He then rolls Zorin over and begins pounding on the back of his neck. SD pulls Zorin to his feet and snapmare's him back down before planting a knee shot to the back of his neck and pulling back with a rear chin lock. SD keeps his knee planted against the back of his neck and rears back trying to inflict more punishment on Zorin's neck. He then pulls Zorin to his feet and hits a swinging neckbreaker and gets a 2 count. Frustrated, SD tags in Parka who pulls Zorin to his feet and goes for a brainbuster. Zorin floats over Parka's back and hits a german suplex. Zorin makes his way to his corner and tags in Kotz.


Tag made to Kotz.


Is that all you're gonna say?


I have a sore-throat.


Probably for shoving all that wrestling dick down your throat.


Don't push me, Russo.

Kotz waits for Parka to get up and hits him with a spinning heel kick. Parka gets back up and Kotz clotheslines him to the outside and shows the crowd a couple of his dance moves, which gets a small pop from the crowd. Kotz goes to the outside and whips Parka towards the steps, but Parka reverses and throws Kotz into the steps. Parka tells the ref to watch Zorin because he was trying to come over to where they are and while the ref is distracted PK picks up Kotz and tosses him down onto the guard rail. Parka tosses Kotz back into the ring and puts the boots to him. He then tosses Kotz to the ropes and hits a float over ddt for a 2 count. Parka tosses Kotz to his corner and stand so the ref cannot see what's going on. SD uses the tag rope to choke Kotz causing the crowd to boo and point it out to the ref. Once the ref comes over to see SD has let go of Kotz.


I'm sure Jim Cornette is watching this from Canada, creamin' himself over that heel tatic.

Parka tags in SD and he whips Kotz to the rope. SD nails Kotz with a mega magical superkick~! and goes for the pin. 1...2...NO! SD is becoming upset with the ref, complaining of a slow count. This gives Kotz time to recover and kick SD in the gut. Kotz goes for the release German suplex, but SD flips over and lands on his feet as he's thrown back. SD seems to be amazed with himself for pulling that reversal off and decides to dance a little. Kotz clotheslines him down while he's celebrating. Parka yells at SD for losing focus. Kotz goes to pick up SD, but SD rolls him up for a 1 1/2 count. SD gets up in the refs face and almost throws a tantrum about the count.


SD better watch it. Just like the NBA is with Ron Artest of the Indiana Pacers, the ref's aren't going to put up with guys talking back.

While the ref is talking with SD, Parka pulls Kotz to the outside and hits him with a few rights and a kick to the gut before sending him back in. SD whips him to the ropes and takes him down with a mega magical cross body~! for another 2 count. SD kicks Kotz to the head a few times out of anger. He then pulls Kotz up and goes for a mega magical Tiger Driver~!. He hits the move and goes for a count, but before he can the cell phone goes off. SD looks at PK and slides out of the ring. Parka drops down and tells SD to get back in the ring and then glares at PK. PK throws the phone into the crowd as Parka throws SD back into the ring. SD finally goes for the cover and barely gets a 1 count. SD starts hitting the mat as tears roll down his face. The crowd starts chanting "cry baby" at SD, which makes him cry even more. Parka yells at SD to come over to him and he tags himself in. He tells SD to stay on the apron until he can act like an adult.


Some tension brewing between Parka and SD.


Hopefully they beat the shit out of each other.

Kotz has now reached his feet and catches Parka with a surprise left that knocks him down. Kotz then runs to the ropes and hits an elbow drop on Parka. The crowd comes alive as Kotz picks Parka up and hits a running Chris Jericho-like face plant on Parka. Parka kicks out at 2 and rolls Kotz into a pin for another 2 count. Parka and Kotz trade blows back and forth and Parka manages poke Kotz in the eyes, which gets a warning from the ref. Parka acts quick and hits a brainbuster on Kotz. Parka happy with once again having the upper hand gives Kotz another brainbuster and goes for a cover. 1...2...NO! A very close count causes Parka to become frustrated. Parka then picks Kotz up and goes for a fisherman's buster, but Kotz punches his way out of it. The crowd is behind Kotz as he trys to gain the upper hand. PK jumps up on the ring apron and complains about Kotz's closed fists. The ref goes to talk to him and Parka goes for a low blow, but Kotz punches Parka in the face first and then hits a low blow of his own which gets the crowd on their feet.


Proof-positive the fans love cheating.


Questionable way to break free, but it works.

Kotz then tags in Zorin finally and the both whip Parka into the ropes. As Zorin goes for clothesline the ref cuts him off and says there was no tag because he did not see it. The crowd boos as Zorin makes his way back to his corner. Parka rolls Kotz up, but Kotz rolls through it into his own roll up and gets a 2 count. Kotz goes to the ropes, but is tripped up by PK. Kotz yells at PK and the ref has ordered PK to leave ringside! A furious PK yells at the ref and refuses to leave, but the officials come out and take him to the back. During the melee Parka hit the fisherman's buster on Kotz, but Zorin ran in and hit an explodah~! on Parka and then went back to the apron. Zorin began hitting the turnbuckle pad in rhythm to get the crowd clapping. Kotz began crawling towards his corner and finally managed to tag in Zorin.


Kotz finally makes the tag!

Zorin comes in like a house of fire. He leaps over Parka and knocks SD off the ring apron. He then turns around and picks up Parka and hits a hits a bodyslam. Zorin bounces off the ropes and hits a legdrop onto Parka's head. Zorin gets a 2 count, but goes right away to Parka's legs. Zorin drapes Parka's leg on the bottom rope and begins punishing his leg. Zorin then drags Parka out to the middle of the ring and drops some knee drops onto Parka's leg. Parka is in pain as Zorin sets up the Flawless Lock~! Zorin grabs the leg and signals for it by doing a quick little dance. Zorin locks Parka into the Flawless Lock and Parka screams out in pain. Parka yells at SD to do something, but SD just stands there wiping tears from his eyes and trying to regain his composure. Parka struggles to turn the flawless lock over, but can't. The ref asks Parka if he wants to quit, but he says no. PK comes running back to ringside, but is caught with a flying clothesline off the apron by Kotz. The ref yells at PK to leave and Parka uses the opportunity to poke Zorin in the eyes a few times and even slap him. Parka then manages to break one of his legs free enough to kick Zorin in the crotch a couple of times causing Zorin to finally let go of the lock. Parka crawls to his corner and reaches for a tag, but SD shakes his head and says, "You told me to stay on the apron until I was ready and I'm not ready!" A furious Parka pulls himself to his feet and shoves SD and yells, "Tag me now!"


The team of SD and Parka is breaking down in front of our eyes.

SD tags in and walks right into Kotz who has also just been tagged in. Kotz kicks SD and sets him up for the Last Record~! SD manages to flip over Kotz and hit a mega magical dropkick~! on him from behind sending him to the outside. SD, realizing he finally did something right smiles and does a happy dance! Parka decides to attack Kotz on the outside since SD is busy. This left SD alone in the ring. When SD turned around Zorin was waiting and hit SD with a Flawless Bomb~! Parka threw Kotz back into the ring after whipping him into the guard rail. Both men are down and Parka was stunned to see SD had been layed out. The ref started the 10 count. Both men get up at 8 and began trading punches. SD goes to throw Kotz to the ropes, but it is reversed and Kotz hits a running ddt on SD. SD kicks out at 2 and rolls Kotz up for 2. Kotz kicks out and rolls SD up for another 2 count. The crowd is way into each count as both men trade near falls. Kotz gets up and blocks SD's punches and hits the Last Record~! on SD! Kotz goes for the cover, but it's broken up by Parka. Zorin runs in and clotheslines Parka out of the ring. Kotz pulls SD to his feet and goes for it again, but SD breaks free and hits a Mega Magical RODEO DRIVER~! on Kotz. When SD goes for the cover Zorin comes in and breaks up the count. Parka pulls Zorin back out of the ring and the fight. SD picks up Kotz and tosses him over the top rope and throws his arms up in victory, but Kotz skinned the cat back in and clotheslined SD back down. On the outside Parka has picked up a chair and slammed it into Zorin's gut. Kotz pickes up SD and goes for a Release German Suplex, but SD fights out and hits another Mega Magical Rodeo Driver~! SD goes for the pin...





That's it! After what SD had to go through, he gets the pin.


Hold that.

SD jumps for joy and and begins crying out of happiness. The ref stops him though and tells him that Kotz's foot was on the rope. SD begins throwing a tantrum saying it's not fair, but the ref orders the match restarted. A furious SD goes outside and grabs the chair away from Parka. Parka follows him into the ring yelling at him not to use the chair. As SD goes to swing the chair Parka grabs it from behind. SD, thinking it was one of BK3 turns around and shoves Parka who then falls out of the ring with the chair and the chair strikes him in the face. Parka is out cold on the outside, bleeding from the mouth. Kotz then grabs the distracted SD and hits The Last Record~!


What a terrible mistake.


Hell no, he meant to do it.






Here are your winners: Boogie Knights 2K3!

BK3 celebrate as SD begins crying and apologizing to an out cold Parka. BK3 leave ringside as Parka wakes up and realizes they lost. Parka then chases SD away from ringside and to the back. SD is still apologizing as they run.


Parka is upset, and is chasing SD to the back. Wow.

A man walks right by Mike & Vince.


Can you hear me now? Good.

That annoying guy who says "Can you hear me now?" just made a cameo.


Let me beat the hell out of that Ver...


Easy now, we don't have the rights to say the company's name. Anyway, fans, here's the number three moment in OAOAST history.




The crowed is going nuts, when all of a sudden

AP comes out of the back. He looks up at AS and

AS looks down at him. AP gets into the ring, and starts climbing up to AS! The crowed doesn't know what to think. When AP reaches the top of the cell, the two look each other dead in the eyes. AP reaches his hand out to AS. AS shakes AP's hand, and the two do the aWo sign.

As the two hug, ropes fall down behind them,

and down come two masked men.

Angleplex notices at the last second and tries

to warn a battered Anglesault, but as Anglesault ducks a clothesline by MASKED MAN #1, the clothesline connects with Angleplex. AS forgets about Masked Man #2, and MM2 locks in a TaZZmission and pulls AS to the edge of the cage.

In a move soon to be called the SYNCHRONICITY

BOMB, MM2 turns the TaZZmission suplex, throwing

AngleSault down to the ground. The Masked Man

reaches for his mask and pulls it off.

The crowd gasps, its BIG POPPA POPICK!

:ohmy.gifn the scaffold with weapons, MM1 proceeds to assault ANGLEPLEX with a steel rake

and pipe. FInally, after massive amounts of

blood are pouring from AP in many places, the

man stops and reaches into his back pocket,

pulling out a mic.


ANGLEPLEX, aWo! There's an old saying. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer!

The crowd gasps. Who is he?


Well buddy, that's exactly what I did. From the start I watched you all from the rafters, and now I am back home, in the rafters. One

month Angleplex. I'll be back in one month and you'll get your chance for revenge. Because, just like everything else. You never saw it


The man rips off his mask.

It's Caboose!


Angleplex, anytime you want revenge, name it. Because, for the aWo, things just got


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OAOAST North American Television Championship

Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland vs. Thunderkid

CUE: "Also Sprach Zarathustra"

Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland walks through the curtain to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Tonight he vies to end the 2-month reign of Thunderkid. Pyro shoots off as he shows off his sequined, AngleMania-themed robe and heads into the ring.

CUE: "God of Thunder"

The crowd pops as the current reigning OAOAST NATV Champion, Thunderkid, walks through a cloud of smoke on his way to the ring. He's focused and determined to retain his Title tonight against the cocky newcomer.

The two men circle each other as the referee holds up the title belt, and the bell rings. We are underway!


The two men lock up in the center of the ring, and Andrew hooks a top wristlock. TK fights out with an arm drag, and two consecutive clotheslines. Andrew slides out of the ring for a breather, but TK follows him out ANGLEMANIA style, with a HUGE SUICIDE DIVE! The referee begins the count, as TK sends Andrew into the barricade.




TK lays Andrew across the barricade and attempts a spear, but Andrew moves out of the way and Thunderkid goes crashing into the barricade!



Realizing the title can't change hands on a count-out, Hyland throws Thunderkid back into the ring and goes for a pin, with his feet on the ropes!


Andrew picks TK up and brings him down with a vertical suplex. Hyland holds onto the face lock, and once he's up, comes back down with force. BRAINBUSTER! Hyland heads to the top rope, possibly for the Herosault. However, Thunderkid has recovered, and runs up to the top rope with him…FLYING RANA OFF THE TOP ROPE~!

With Andrew down, Thunderkid goes for the cover!




The crowd can't believe Andrew kicked out of that spectacular maneuver. TK brings Hyland into the corner and begins to lay in punches and chops. However, Andrew gets a thumb to the eye, and begins to return the favor to TK. He locks Thunderkid into a full-nelson, and brings him over…into a spectacular DRAGON SUPLEX~! Andrew goes for another, but TK flips out, brings Andrew onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry, and takes him down in a desperation DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!

Both men are slow to their feet, but Andrew is up first. He measures up TK and hammers him down, but TK keeps fighting back with shots of his own. However, Hyland kicks TK in the leg, and brings him down…FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK~!

TK is screaming in pain, and reaching for the ropes. He doesn't realize his shoulders are down!




TK powers out, and is trying to reverse the pressure! Andrew is fighting it, but with the help of the crowd, TK turns Hyland over! Andrew quickly makes it to the ropes, and the hold is broken.

Thunderkid gets up using the corner, and Andrew gets up and turns around…right into a SPEAR! Thunderkid climbs the ropes…SWANTON BOMB~! Cover:




Starting to get frustrated, TK signals for the Falcon Arrow! However, when he has Hyland in the air, Hyland slips out, and sets up TK for the Fisherman's Buster! However, Thunderkid reverses THIS, into the ANKLE LOCK!!

Now Andrew is screaming in pain, and it looks like he's going to tap out! However, he turns onto his back, and kicks TK into the ropes. As he comes back, Andrew catches him in a small package, using the tights!




Andrew gets on the second turnbuckle, and when Thunderkid gets up, Hyland soars off with a cross body block…but TK uses the momentum to turn Hyland over, and he nails some mounted punches. He picks Andrew up…and hits the ORANGE CRUSH~! The referee comes down for the pin:




The crowd is in SHOCK as Andrew kicked out! However, as Andrew rises to his feet, with the referee's back turned, he NAILS the ref with a shot to the head! After he does this, Hyland turns around…into a THUNDERBOLT DDT~! But there's no referee to count the pin! The crowd counts the "One, Two Three", but it doesn't work that way! While Thunderkid tries to wake up the referee, Hyland sneaks to the outside, and grabs a steel chair! He comes back into the ring, and with Thunderkid's back turned, hits him with a MASSIVE CHAIRSHOT to the back! TK falls to his knees, and with that, Andrew BLASTS him with a shot to the head!

Andrew covers, and the referee returns to position:




Andrew is in SHOCK, and the crowd is cheering wildly for Thunderkid. However, Hyland picks him up, and brings him down…HERO DRIVER~! Andrew makes the "That's It" hand motion, and heads to the top rope…


Andrew hooks both legs as he pins TK:






Winner, and NEW OAOAST North American Television Champion: Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland in 7:33


Andrew celebrates with his newly won Championship as Thunderkid remains on the mat. It may be a long time before we see him in the OAOAST again, if EVER.


His name was Angle-Plex. But what happens when a boy is teased to no end...?


Children are playing on a typical playground; swing sets, monkey bars, sandlot, etc.

A group of children are gathered in a circle, sourrounding a little boy.

Children chanting "Agnes."


He seeks revenge.

Message appears on-screen:



The same playground where the boy nicknamed "Agnes" used to be teased at, has become an inferno.

A beating heart has been taped to a tree. A message is painted in blood reading: Speak to me Waaaaaarriors!


Warrior & BPP are sitting in the kitchen, read to eat a banana split.


This is a special made banana split for you, my friend.


Warrior, I can't believe you forgived me for all the trouble I seemed to cost you. I'm glad to see we're on good terms again. This banana split looks yummy.


No problem. Eat away.

BPP eats some of the banana split; strawberry ice cream with cool whip and a cherry on top.

BPP spits out the ice cream.


This tastes horrible. What is it?


Anglesault's brain... with your blood for extra flavor.



THE WARRIOR takes out a gun and shoots BPP in the head.


I should of know...there were no banana's.

BPP's blood flows onto the "banana split."

The Warrior takes a bit out of the "banana split."


Heh. Everything tastes like chicken.


Ebert & Roper give THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR..."two thumbs up."

The New York Post calls THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR "The grossest, yet funniest movie since "Porky's."

The L.A. Times says "Laughter, tears... this movie has it all."








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Welcome back to the Tokyo Dome everyone! 65,000 plus fans are jam-packed to the rafters here, and we welcome back our worldwide pay-per-view audience to this portion of the premiere professional wrestling spectacular, we welcome you… to ANGLE-MANIA!


Hello everyone, Michael Cole is here at ringside, I am the Coach. Tonight we'll be having three matches, and two titles decided here at the Tokyo Dome and I am psyched for all three of them. There sure to be off the charts.


Up first is the most anticipated X-Title match in OAOAST history… Reject vs. ZsasZ, in a Submissions Match! Let's take it down to the Special Celebrity Ring Announcer… TIMOTHY DALTON!

CUE: "James Bond theme"

The cameras show Timothy Dalton heading to the ring to a nice ovation.


On behalf of the OAOAST, we'd like to wish Timothy a late Happy Birthday. Timothy Dalton turned 56 on March 21st. So Happy Birthday to him.


I hope nobody gets mad at me for adding this in, but I loved him in "Live and Let Die. Bond in da hood!


Actually, Roger Moore starred in "Live and Let Die.


Bond in da hood! BOOYAH~!

In the ring, Timothy Dalton stands with the microphone.


The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the OAOAST X-DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP, and it will be a SUBMISSION ONLY match! First… the challenger!

CUE: "Paint it Black"


From Cobo, Texas. The human enigma, the master of the mindgame, ZsasZ!

CUE: "Hate Me Now"


From New York City. The OAOAST X-Champion, Reject!

The two men stare each other down as the ref gives instructions.


Neither man giving ground, in this; the most personal X-Title match in history!


Even this normally reserved Japanese crowd is responding to the electricity of the competitors!

ZsasZ offers a Greco-Roman Knuckle-lock, Reject accepts. They jockey for position.


Look at this, ZsasZ wants to impose his physical will on Reject. But Reject seems to be faring better than ZsasZ expected.


Reject forces ZsasZ to the mat. What a show of power!

ZsasZ breaks one of the knuckle-locks and locks in a Triangle Choke.


What a counter! Reject didn't see it coming!

Reject gets the ropes.


Both men to their feet, they lock up… Side headlock by ZsasZ!


ZsasZ is showing why he may be the best ring general this side of The Purist!

ZsasZ forces Reject on his belly before rolling off and going for an Anklelock.


Could be over right here.


Reject flips back onto his back and turns it into a monkey flip.

Reject whips ZsasZ into the ropes and gives a stiff-as-hell dropkick to ZsasZ's knee. He then locks on a single-leg Boston Crab.


And so, while thus far ZsasZ has been unable to isolate a bodypart, Reject is mounting a strong offense against the left knee of ZsasZ!


ZsasZ's hand is up! He may be ready to tap!

ZsasZ reaches for the ropes but Reject pulls him back. ZsasZ manages to power out of the hold. Both men are slow to get up, ZsasZ nails a monster lariat getting a pop from the Japanese crowd.


What a clothesline! He turned him inside out!

ZsasZ locks in an Indian Deathlock with the Benoit Bridge. He breaks it of his own accord he begins stomping mercilessly on the leg and ankle of Reject.


Cole, this is going from wrestling match to assault as ZsasZ is just taking it to Reject.


Well, I may not like either of these men, but I must admit both men have been wronged and tonight one will gain vindication at the expense of the other.

ZsasZ picks up Reject, but Reject gets some forearms in and fights to his feet. Reject goes behind and gets a German Suplex. He goes over to the ropes and hits a springboard legdrop.


What a maneuver! Reject takes to the skies to put down ZsasZ!

Reject throws ZsasZ to the outside and follows up with an Asai Moonsault. Reject gets a chair and a swing at ZsasZ but ZsasZ evades and hits a Roaring Elbow, smashing the chair into Reject's face.


That was a nod to the legendary Misawa, and the fans here loved it!

Camera pans over the sold out Tokyo Dome crowd.


And they're brawling over to the entrance ramp. Reject SMASHES ZsasZ's face on the top of it. And ZsasZ responds in kind.


ZsasZ is throwing Reject back into the ring. He may have him here!

ZsasZ applies a Side Figure-Four Leg Lock.


Shades of HHH here tonight!

Reject struggles in the hold before ZsasZ sits up a little too far and Reject plants him with a big right hand. He continues until ZsasZ lets go of the hold.


Reject is sensing victory here tonight!

Reject goes to the top for a Five Star Frog Splash. ZsasZ gets his knees up at the last second. ZsasZ picks him up and hits a Fisherman Buster. He picks him up again, and gets a lowblow.


Reject is obviously willing to bend the rules to survive! The X-Title is far too precious for him to worry what the fans think.

Both men are out as the ref begins his ten count.


The ref is utilizing his ten-count. If he makes it to ten, then the match will be a No Contest



Both men get to their knees.



Reject is up. He goes to the corner and hits a Split-Legged Moonsault. He slaps on an Elevated Boston crab, and ZsasZ looks to be in serious trouble.


I think this may be the end, ZsasZ has just taken so much damage here tonight.

ZsasZ makes him look foolish by making it to the ropes. He gets a second wind. He whips Reject into the ropes and hits a powerslam. He then signals for Fearful Symmetry.


He got him! He got him! It's got to be over!


But Reject managed to roll over to the outside! He may not be standing, but he got out of the ring!

ZsasZ pulls Reject back into the ring. He drops an elbow, and then hits a flying headbutt. He picks him up for another Fearful Symmetry, but it gets reversed into a Reverse DDT. Reject slaps on a Figure-Four Leg Lock. ZsasZ flips over and reverses the pressure. Reject releases the hold and picks up ZsasZ. He goes for a Brainbuster, but ZsasZ flips over him and hits a Rolling Dragon Suplex!


My God, Reject has been decimated!


ZsasZ is signaling for a Nagata Lock!

ZsasZ gets the Nagata Lock. Reject valiantly tries for the ropes, but to no avail and he taps out.



Reject taps! Reject taps! We have a new Champion! This war is over!


This is definitely a candidate for match of the year!


The winner of this bout…and NEW OAOAST X-DIVISION CHAMPION… ZSASZ!

ZsasZ takes his belt, walks over to the fallen Reject, offers him a handshake…and then belts him with the title!


That damned ZsasZ! He won the match, and is now rubbing it in Reject's face!


Our number two moment in OAOAST is the CWM/TSS feud. A feud so intense, pay-per-view outlets have gotten a court injuction, preventing us from showing those events. Despite that, the CWM/TSS is our number two moment in OAOAST history.

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We go backstage to find a door. The door has a sign on it that reads "Puerto Rican Lightning." The door opens.

The crowd boos as out walks Puerto Rican Lightning, Mr. Boricua, and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. Since this is a special night, Puerto Rican Lightning is decked out in a Puerto Rican flag bandana, a white Puerto Rico T-Shirt, and has Puerto Rico flags painted on both his cheeks. He also has on a large Puerto Rico flag around his neck that acts like a cape. He is wearing two earrings to go with his usual ring attire. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez is wearing a low cut, sleeveless shirt and a black leather skirt. She has her hair tied up and has small earrings. She is also wearing white heels.


You ready?

Mr. Boricua and Lindsay nod.

PRL: Let's go.

Puerto Rican Lightning, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, and Mr. Boricua begin walking to the entrance.

We then go to The Mad Cappa and Vince Rusco walking. The crowd boos upon the sight of Rusco. TMC has a look of determination on his face as Rusco psychs him up.


This is it. This is it. Infront of millions of people worldwide, this is your big shot. You are going up against two jabronies so you have a clear shot of winning. You are the best now go out there and prove you're the best!

We cut to another camera shot. It shows NazMistry stretching and tying his mask. The crowd cheers as Naz begins walking to the entrance.


This match will be presented in our "Sounds of the Ring" feature. And because Russo is busy telling lies about this business to Cappa.



The lights turn off as a lightning bolt hits the set.

The lights turn back on as "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine plays up as the champion, Puerto Rican Lightning, Mr. Boricua, and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez come out to a chorus of boos and "PR Sucks" chants! PR Lightning has the Puerto Rican title belt over his left shoulder and sneers at the crowd!

RING ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentelmen, this contest is scheldued for one fall. And is for the Puerto Rican Championship! Introducing first, the Champion. Accompanying to the ring by his bodyguard, Mr. Boricua, and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, weighning in at 223 lbs. From San Juan, Puerto Rico...Puerto Rican Lightnnnnninnnnnggggg!!!!

Mr. B and Lindsay stay outside the ring as PR Lightning rolls in the ring. He does the HBK pose as pyro sets off behind him! Then he goes to pose at the turnbuckle! Then he leaves the ring for a while and grabs the mic. Mr. Boricua and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez head back into the ring as Puerto Rican Lightning takes the mic. His music stops and the crowd greets him with boos. Chants of "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" greet the champ. PRL just sneers at them.


Now, as I proceed to whip The Mad Crappa's and NazPussy's ass, I would like some support. And, since I am in a different country, I figure you can lend me some. For you see, I am just like you Canadians in a way. I am not being appreactiated by the rest of the world. I get mocked. I also don't pick fights unlike your neighbors alittle far down. How dare people mock Canada? I mean, you gave the rest of the world hockey!

The crowd pops.


You gave the world delicious Canadian beer and Canadian Bacon! You've given the world talented actors and actresses such as Mike Myers. You've given the world some fine musicians in Celine Deion! Alanis Morrisette! And my personal favorite (and future wife), Avril Lavigne!

The crowd pops.


And the wrestling. Oh, we CANNOT forget the wrestling. Canada is the best wrestling country in the Western Hemisphere! Look at the greats you have produced. Chris Benoit!

Crowd pops.


Chris Jericho.

Crowd pops.


Dino Bravo. Edge. Christian. Lance Storm. And we cannot forget the ledgendary Bret Hart!

The crowd pops huge. They begin chanting "Bret! Bret! Bret! Bret!" PRL smiles.


So, like you giving the world the most ledgendary wrestlers ever, I've given the world the best wrestling matches ever. But, we've been ignored in the world. So, I ask you, fellow Canadians! Fellow Canucks! Cheer me on tonight. Cheer me, as I defeat both The Mad Cappa and NazMistry and retain the Puerto Rican Championship! Canada, what do you say? Will you cheer me tonight?

The crowd responds with a resounding "NO!" The crowd begins chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!"

Puerto Rican Lightning frowns and covers his ears to drown out the noise. It doesn't work so he slaps himself four times. When that doesn't work he holds Lindsay. The crowd continues booing as PRL composes himself and gets on the mic again.


Fine. Be that way. Be that way you lousy, stinking, bacon-loving bastards! By the way, I changed my mind. Your country is just one, big, giant, piece of shit!!!

The crowd boos! Giant heat as garbage is thrown in PRL's direction. He ignores it.

Ode to Joy plays up for a while, but quickly changes to The Mad Cappa's new music, "Let Me Clear My Throat" by DJ Kool as the lights flicker! Cappa and Vince Rusco come out to boos and "Rusco sucks" chants! However, the crowd also sings along at the song! They walk down to the ring slowly and confident!

RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring at this time, the Challenger, accompanying to the ring by Vince Rusco. Weighing in at 183 lbs, from Washington D.C., The Madddddddddddd Cappaaaaaaa!!!

Cappa gets in the ring as to pose to the crowd as he finally has pyro setting off from the turnbuckles! He starts talking trash at Puerto Rican Lightning!

"Chop Suey" by System of a Down plays up on the speakers as Naz Mistry pops up from beneath the ramp. He heads to the ring to loud cheers!

RING ANNOUNCER And coming to the ring at this time, the Challenger. Weighning in at 210 lbs, from Mexico City, Mexico, NazzzzzzzzzzzMistryyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

The referee shows up to take the belt away from Puerto Rican Lightning to raise it up to show to the crowd that this a title match! The crowd then starts chanting for Canada!

Puerto Rican Lightning takes back the belt and heads to the outside. He puts the Puerto Rican Championship belt over Lindsay Gonzalez's left shoulder. He gets a kiss for luck and heads back into the ring as the camera does a close-up of the belt and some Lindsay Gonzalez clevage.


The bell sounds as a brawl breaks out between the three of them! The punches are rapid and vicious! The goes on for a minute before the ref finally brings some order! However, as soon as the ref breaks it up, Puerto Rican Lightning clotheslines splashes Naz Mistry onto a corner! The Mad Cappa comes in and starts pounding away on Lightning's back! PRL and Cappa lock up. TMC throws PRL to the ropes but P.R.L. comes back with a leapfrog. He goes for another leapfrog and does an arm-drag on The Mad Cappa. However, NazMistry comes from behind and hits an Edge-O-Matic and goes for the first cover of the match.

1...Kick out. Naz kicks Puerto Rican Lightning some more. Cappa and Naz team up to suplex Lightning! They hold on for an another suplex, but Lightning blocks it and counters with DDTs!

The Mad Cappa bounces off the ropes, ducks Puerto Rican Lightning's clothesline, but eats Naz Mistry's superkick! Lightning dropkicks Naz! Lightning bounces off the ropes and goes for a shinning wizard! However, Naz ducks and Lightning gets clotheslined by Cappa! Cappa goes for the cover, but Naz breaks it up at 1!

Naz bodyslams Cappa ! Lightning does a Greco Roman style takedown on Naz! Lightning holds up Naz for a suplex, but Cappa clips Lightning's leg, so Naz falls on top of Lightning! Naz goes for the pin but Cappa pulls Naz from PRL. Cappa whips Naz to a corner. They trade some chops before Lightning enters the frey! It is now a three way chop fest! The crowd WOOOOS everytime a chop is done! Puerto Rican Lightning uses this to his advantage by doing a Stinger Splash on an already fatigued Naz. It hits so PRL decides to whip NazMistry to the other corner. However, Naz reverses and Puerto Rican Lightning does a Flair Flip but lands on the ring apron. P.R.L. stops and sneers at the crowd and points out how smart he is. However, when he turns around, Naz greets him with a clothesline that sends PRL to the floor. The crowd cheers and applauds NazMistry as Mr. Boricua and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez go to help PRL. The crowd begins chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" PRL seems bothered by the chants, and covers his ears to drown out the chants. He gets back into the ring.

Then, Lightning asks Cappa if they want to double team on Naz! Naz is telling them to bring it on! Cappa shakes his head yes and they walk toward Naz! However, Lightning double crosses Cappa by punking him out! Naz then attempts to huracarana Lightning, but Lightning turns it into a spinebuster!

Puerto Rican Lightning goes for the cover.

1...2...Kick out!

Cappa gets back up and does an IMPACT! On Lightning out of the blue! Naz lariats Cappa! Naz climbs the turnbuckle, but Cappa stops him by placing him on top of his shoulders as they walk away from the corner! Naz is trying to fight out of it! Lightning gets up and climbs the turnbuckle. Lightning does a flying crossbody on Naz while Cappa does an electric chair drop on Naz at the same time! Lightning goes for the pin attempt. Cappa breaks it up as he does a legdrop on them!

Cappa Irish whips Lightning to the ropes. Lightning bounces off the ropes right back into a rollup into a Walls of Cappa! Naz gets back up and sneaks over to slap a chinlock on Lightning! A double submission hold on Lightning! This goes for a couple of seconds until Naz lets go and hits Cappa!

Naz is going for the pin cover while Cappa climbs the turnbuckle. When Cappa is going for the legdrop off the top rope, Naz goes away as Lightning gets the legdrop! Naz then does a somersault legdrop on Cappa and Lightning! Naz runs off the ropes as Cappa catches him in a spinebuster! Cappa does a legdrop, but Naz rolls out to do a flipping snapmare on Cappa! Lightning gets up to do a spinning heel kick on Naz! Cappa does a reverse DDT on an unsuspecting Lightning! Naz kicks Cappa's gut and does a snap suplex. Naz goes for the cover. Cappa kicks out at 1! The action stops for a bit as the crowd applauds the three men for their non-stop action so far. Chants of "NazMistry! NazMistry! NazMistry!" break out. So do chants of "TMC! TMC! TMC! TMC!"

Naz puts Cappa in a sleeper hold while down on the mat! Lightning gets back up slower than usual, bounces off the ropes, and dropkicks Cappa's chest! Naz holds on as Lightning is kicking down on Cappa! Lightning bounces off the ropes again for an another dropkick. However, Cappa ducks down as Lightning dropkicks Naz to break up the hold!

Naz looks pissed at Lightning and punches him a bit. Naz Irish whips Lightning, but gets reversed as Lightning clothesline Naz out of the ring! Cappa tries to sneak up behind Lightning, but Lightning drop toe holds Cappa down to the bottom rope! The crowd is standing up in anticipation! Lightning does the 6-1-9 on Cappa!

However, afterwards, while PRL stalls to jaw with the fans and celebrate, Naz takes Lightning down to make his head hit the edge of the mat to the outside! Naz and Lightning are trading punches while Cappa is recovering and the ref is giving a 10 count! Cappa sees the other two fighting, so he runs off the ropes and does a tope suicida for the first time in his life! He takes down Naz and Lightning to "Holy shit" chants! The crowd is going crazy! The ref restarts the 10 count.

Vince Rusco goes over and puts Cappa back in the ring. Mr. Boricua then comes over to put Lightning back in the ring while Lindsay is kicking Naz while he is down with her high heel shoe to boos! Cappa clubs Lightning down when they get back in the ring. Lightning no sells and starts hitting away on Cappa! They go on to hit each other as their punches become more rapid and vicious as it progresses!

Naz, still outside, nips up and grabs Lindsay to cheers! He is about to put her in the Mystryfier! However, Mr. Boricua punks out Naz to save Lindsay to boos! Naz gets back up and starts clubbing away at Mr. Boricua! The crowd is cheering the chaos that is going on! The ref, seeing the chaos, expels Mr. Boricua and Lindsay to cheers! Lightning looks like he is in shock and complains to the ref that he didn't expel Vince Rusco! The ref says that Rusco did nothing to get expelled for! The security forces come out to expel Mr. Boricua and Lindsay!

Cappa then uses the distraction to his advantage as he does a Fall From Grace! Cappa goes for the cover. Naz runs back in, climbs the turnbuckle, and does a 720 Splah! Cappa escapes as Naz hits Lightning! Naz goes for a cover of two. Cappa rolls up Naz for 2. Lightning rolls up Cappa for 2! Naz kicks Lightning to break it up and covers Cappa for a count of 2!

Cappa gets back up and tries to clothesline Lightning, but Lightning ducks and he attempts a German suplex! However, Cappa blocks the suplex! Then Naz runs behind Lightning for a snap German suplex while Lightning is German suplexing Cappa! They are all down on the mat! The crowd gives a "Holy shit" chant and applauds! The ref starts a ten count.

Rusco is pounding on the mat for Cappa to get up! The crowd chants for Naz to the beat of the pounds! Rusco stops mid way and yells at the crowd to stop it! The chants for Naz gets faster and louder!

At the count of 7, Lightning nips up to boos! He goes to a corner and starts to stomp his feet! Cappa and Naz get up slowly. Lightning goes for the Sweet Chin Music to Cappa, but Cappa ducks and Naz gets superkicked! Cappa goes for the cover!

Lightning breaks it up at 2 as takes Cappa up for a hip toss and slaps the sleeper hold on him! Cappa is crawling to get away, but eventually succumbs to the hold as he fades! The time it takes for Cappa to start fading is how long it takes for Naz to recover!

Naz creeps up behind Lightning and slaps on a sleeper hold! Lightning is relaxing his grip on Cappa after being slapped on with the sleeper! A double sleeperhold! Rusco is telling Cappa to fight back! Cappa starts to power up as he attempts to get up! He actually gets both knees up as Rusco is encouraging him to do so! Then Cappa BUSTS A CAP on Lightning to break out of sleeper hold as Lightning takes Naz down along with him to break up the sleeper holds! Cappa goes down to recover! The crowd cheers loudly for the move! The ref does an another 10 count!

The crowd begins counting along with the referee. The three competiors are knocked out. The Puerto Rican flags on PRL's cheeks are slowly fading away. His hair is wet from all the sweat. PRL and Naz begin to move. PRL is up faster and waits for Naz. When Naz does get up, PRL goes for a Spinning Heel Kick, however, Naz grabs Lightning's leg. However, P.R. Lightning does an Enziguri on Naz to tremondous boos.

Puerto Rican Lightning gets up and applies an arm-bar on Naz. While doing so, he tries to unmask the lucahdor. He succeeds in getting several strings off but fails to pull the mask off. Naz gets up as the crowd anticipates his next action Naz gets up and reverses the arm-bar. Suddenly, The Mad Cappa heads to the ropes and does a missle dropkick on Naz. He goes for the cover.

1..2..PRL pulls him off. PRL goes for the cover himself.

1...2...TMC pulls PRL off Naz. He goes for the cover again.

1...2...PRL pulls TMC off from Naz. He goes for the cover himself.

1...2...TMC pulls PRL off of Naz. They do a staredown. A shoving match results and now, Puerto Rican Lightning and The Mad Cappa are fightning over who pins Naz. Finally, TMC covers Naz but PRL covers TMC and the ref counts.

1...2...Naz kicks off Puerto Rican Lightning AND The Mad Cappa. PRL and TMC grab Naz and whip him to the ropes. They do a double reverse elbow on him. They pick up Naz again, whip him to the ropes, Puerto Rican Lightning does a drop toe-hold, and The Mad Cappa follows with a legdrop. Puerto Rican commands TMC to pick up Naz. The Mad Cappa obliges. PRL hits the ropes and they do the Hart Attack! Puerto Rican tells TMC to grab Naz again. TMC positions NazMistry near the ropes. P.R.L. climbs...and they do the Sidewinder!!! P.R.L. tells TMC to grab Naz AGAIN! TMC disagrees with this one and tells P.R. to grab Naz instead. Puerto Rican Lightning obliges and PRL and TMC proceed to do the Demoliton Decaptiation on Naz. Lightning tells Cappa to do one more double-team move. So, TMC puts NazMistry in the Piledriver but P.R. helps to make it a Spike Piledriver. Cappa goes for the cover.

1...2...Puerto Rican Lightning pulls Cappa off of Naz. The two engage in a staredown. They do a slugfest! Naz interrupts with a headscissors takedown on Puerto Rican Lightning.

Naz tells TMC if he can help him so he does. Naz Irish Whips Puerto Rican Lightning to the corner and TMC and NazMistry do the Poetry in Motion! With P.R. down, Naz picks up Cappa. He does the Gorilla Press Slam on Cappa who lands on Lightning. He goes for the cover.

1...2...Naz pulls TMC off. Naz tells him to continue double-teaming Lightning. However, TMC double-crosses him with a shot to the back. TMC knocks heads with Puerto Rican and Naz and does a CAPPABOMB! on Naz. He goes for the cover.

1...2...Kick out.

TMC grabs NazMistry and picks him up. He puts him on his shoulders and looks like he's about to do an Electric Chair slam. However, Puerto Rican Lightning has gotten up at this time, so he climbs the top rope...and does a hurricarana on Naz to the mat!!!

Cappa heads to the top rope...and does a top rope legdrop on Puerto Rican. He goes for the cover.

1...2....Kick out.

Cappa grabs Puerto Rican and tries a German Suplex. However, Puerto Rican reverses and tries a German Suplex. However, TMC reverses that but walks into a NazMistry clothesline. By this time, the paint on PRL's face has completely disappeared. All three men are down on the mat. Naz does a zombie sit-up to a pop. He does a necksnap on Cappa. He than heads to the top rope. He goes for a diving headbutt on Puerto Rican Lightning....but misses.

P.R.L. gets up and hits a Rock Bottom on Naz! Cappa has gotten up by this time, and misses a clothesline, but walks right into a Spinebuster! Puerto Rican Lightning notices TMC lying in the center of the ring. This gives him an idea. He removes his right elbow pad and spits on it before throwing it on Mad Cappa's face. He bounces off the ropes...and does a little dance just to mock Cappa. He hits the People's Elbow!!! P.R. goes for the cover.

1...2....Naz hits P.R. Lightning in the back.

Naz Irish Whips P.R. Lightning but PRL reverses into a DDT. P.R.L. heads to the top rope. He takes off his left elbow pad. Does the "Up Yours" sign to the crowd. And hits his version of the Elbow Drop on NazMistry! He goes for the cover.

1...2...TMC pulls Lightning off of Naz.

Cappa begins brawling with Lightning. Cappa Irish Whips Lightning and does clotheslines him. Cappa Irish Whips him again to the turnbuckle, and Puerto Rican Lightning does a backdrop to the floor! Naz uses this to his advantage by doing a pescado to Puerto Rican! The crowd begins chanting "NazMistry! NazMistry! NazMistry! NazMistry! NazMistry!" TMC follows and throws both Puerto Rican Lightning and NazMistry back into the ring. TMC does the Rolling Thunder on Naz. As Puerto Rican Lightning begins to get up, TMC whips Naz to the ropes....and comes back with the BUST A CAP!!! The crowd roars as Rusco demands that TMC cover him. TMC does.

1...2...P.R.L. kicks Cappa to break the count. Lightning bodyslams Naz and heads to the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Puerto Rican Lightning does the Shooting Star Press on NazMistry! But he's too tired to cover. The referee starts a 10 count.

1...2....3....4....5...6...7....NazMistry goes for the cover on The Mad Cappa.

1...2...Kick out! Puerto Rican Lightning beats down on Naz for a bit as TMC gets up. P.R.L. goes for the P.R. Nightmare on NazMistry....but Naz holds on. So, P.R. throws Naz to Mad Cappa who does the Fall From Grace. He then picks up Naz and heads to the top rope....IT'S SHOWTIME!!! He goes for the cover.

1...2...Puerto Rican Lightning grabs The Mad Cappa and whips him to the ropes. He hits the Flying Forearm! Puerto Rican Lightning waits for TMC to get up. Rusco tells him to look out. When Cappa gets up, Lightning comes back with another Flying Forearm. P.R.L. heads to the turnbuckle and waits for TMC to get up. Vince Rusco keeps telling Cappa to look out. Cappa gets up...and Lightning hits another Flying Forearm. He grabs Cappa and whips him to the ropes....and comes back with another Flying Forearm! Puerto Rican Lightning kips up to boos! Puerto Rican Lightning does the "That's It!" sign to the crowd. The crowd responds with "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" Puerto Rican covers his ears but heads to the turnbuckle. He begins stomping his foot a'la Shawn Michaels. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. He demands that Cappa get up. Vince Rusco warns him to look out. Cappa gets up....and Puerto Rican Lightning hits the Sweet Chin Music!!!! He goes for the cover.

1...2...TMC gets up!!! The crowd cheers as TMC gets up. P.R. has a look of fear on his face. The Mad Cappa gets up. The crowd cheers and begin chanting "Mad Capp-a! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa!" The Mad Cappa begins beating on Puerto Rican Lightning. He whips him to the ropes....and does with the IMPACT!!! TMC grabs Lightning and does the Final Cut. He begins dancing to rejunvauate himself. He then heads to the top rope...and hits the cross-body. Rusco demands that Cappa continue the attack. TMC does one more IMPACT. Suddenly, Mr. Boricua and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez walk down to the ring. The crowd boos. TMC doesn't notice this however, and whips Puerto Rican Ligthning to the ropes. BUST A CAP!!! BUST A CAP on Puerto Rican Lightning!!! Lightning does a Rock oversell of the move. The Mad Cappa goes for the cover.

1....2.....Mr. Boricua pulls the referee out of the ring. The referee begins arguing with Mr. Boricua as Ms. Gonzalez heads into the ring.

The sight of Ms. Gonzalez is enough for Mad Cappa's attention as Ms. Lindsay begins taking off her shirt. She does and is left in her white bra and skirt and gets the crowd excited. She begins removing her skirt as Cappa is awestruck by this latino beauty. She just about takes her skirt off when suddenly, Vince Rusco heads into the ring....and smashes his cane over The Mad Cappa's back!!! It was all apart of a plan. Ms. Lindsay's stripping distracted Cappa long enough so that he wouldn't notice Rusco stepping into the ring and attacking! Meanwhile, Mr. Boricua is STILL distracting the referee. Vince Rusco attacks Cappa with his cane one more time for good measure and Lindsay slaps him just to add insult to injury. While all this is going on, Puerto Rican Lightning gets up....and does the P.R. Nightmare on The Mad Cappa!!! Mr. Boricua allows the referee to get back into the ring as Rusco and a half-naked Lindsay leave the ring. Puerto Rican Lightning finally pins Cappa.




The winner of the match, and STILL Puerto Rican Champion, Puerto Rican Lighhhhhttttnnnninnnngggg!!!!

"Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against The Machine starts as the crowd boos viciously. Puerto Rican Lightning still keeps the title.

P.R.L. gets up and Vince Rusco hands him the belt. The two stare at each other....and shake hands!!! Vince Rusco raises the hands of the winner and trashtalks Mad Cappa,who is still knocked out from the P.R. Nigthmare. NazMistry is still knocked out from TMC's attack. Puerto Rican Lightning takes the Puerto Rican Championship and poses with it on the turnbuckle. He does his evilish laughter and spits on Cappa.

He decides to do the Annexation of Puerto Rico on Mad Cappa! Puerto Rican Lightning hugs and kisses Lindsay and thanks her for the distraction. More kissing while Rusco proclaims that Cappa "doesn't deserve my managing skills and guidance." The referees check on Cappa. The crowd begins chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" P.R.L. gets annoyed but flips the crowd the finger.

Puerto Rican Lightning raises the belt one more time in the entranceway. The crowd boos. Puerto Rican Lightning, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez (still shirtless), Mr. Boricua, and Vince Rusco all leave together.

Meanwhile, referees check on TMC and Naz. TMC gets up fine and goes to check on Naz. NazMistry refuses his help. Naz leaves frustrated at losing his chance at a belt. He pulls some strings off from his mask in frustration. The Mad Cappa is left all alone in the ring. Losing at the biggest event of the year and no longer with his manager.

The crowd makes him feel better by giving him a standing ovation for the incredible match they just witness. He shows he appericates their love by giving them a fist to the chest. The crowd begin chanting "Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa!"

"Let Me Clear My Throat" by D.J. Kool plays. The crowd cheers Mad Cappa as the lights flicker and the spotlight shines on him. The crowd begin chanting "Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa!" as Mad Cappa dances down the aisle. He dances some more and saids bye to the fans at the Saddledome before leaving.

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Our next match pits two different styles -- well, two different people in every sense. The Purist vs. Sandman.


The Purist and his manager Jim Cornette feel Sandie is a disgrace to pro wrestling. The Purist and Cornette beleive Sandman's style brings morals down to the gutter. Tonight, those two men will settle their differences.



The following contest is set for one fall. Coming to the ring first -- to be introduced by his manager.

The color fades into black and white, as Jim Cornette come down to the ring. Cornette talks trash to the respectful Japanese crowd.


Making his way to the ring, Prime Minister (Japanese PM name here) favorite wrestler... The Purist!

The Purist jogs his way down to the ring.


Look at him. It's almost like the Purist is a machine.


And his manager, Mr. Jim Cornette!

Cornette gets into the ring and grabs a microphone, while The Purist starts digging around under the ring, and pulls out a trash can?


Hey now.


What's he doing?


For those of you how do not know who we are, my name is Jim Cornette, his name is The Purist, and what we do is WRESTLE. We don't drop people on their heads, we don't have to resort to cutting people up because we have no talent, we flat out wrestle, and we wrestle well. We don't need any of this crap...

Cornette points to The Purist on the outside, who is going under the ring and pulling out various weapons that Sandman had under the ring.


...in order to win our matches. We...

Cornette is cut off by Sandman, who comes out of the entrance with no music and in street clothes with an OAOAST t-shirt. Sandman enters the ring, grabs the mic from Cornette, and shoves him away.


Sandie came ready to fight!


You go boy!


Tonight, I was going to show that miserable motherfucker what my style of wrestling is all about. However, there has been a change of plans. You see, I broke my back for this company. When this company was down in the dumps, I took it onto my back and carried it back to where it was today. Maybe that is why my face is completly covered in scars. Maybe that is why my body is so broken, I'll be in a wheelchair before 25. Maybe that is why the wounds on my back are bad to the point where I can't sleep on it at night. Or maybe it is because no matter what I did, everyone else took the credit for it. For one year, I gave my heart and soul to this company, and for what? To have everyone just grind it up and spit it out? Hey, Sandman fucking brings his A game every time, so we don't need to thank him for it. So, how about this? FUCK Anglesault, FUCK CWM, FUCK BPP, FUCK Zack Malibu, FUCK Alfdogg, FUCK Caboose, FUCK Angle-Plex, FUCK Tony, FUCK Evenflow, FUCK SuperStar, and FUCK YOU. Fuck your main event while you're at it, because as of right now, I QUIT. And where might I be going?


What the...?

Sandman takes off the OAOAST shirt, to show an SWF one.




I'm gonna take some time off, to actually heal for once, and when I'm ready to kill, I'm going to do it in a place that appreciates my talent. Fuck off.

Sandman throws down the mic and leaves, to complete shock from Jim Cornette, The Purist, the crowd, everyone.


Uh... the winner of the match, The Purist.

Obvisously caught off guard by the turn of events, we quickly show the teaser poster for our next great pay-per-view event: Living Angleously.


APRIL 27th

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Career vs. Respect Match

The Superstar vs. Tony "The Body"

Tale of the Tape

Tony "The Body"

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 292 lbs.

Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Finishing Move: The Out of Body Experience

    Career Accomplishments:
    - Former 10 Time World Champion
    - Former OAOAST Executive Producer
    - Former SEAL Trainer

The Superstar

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 224 lbs.

Hometown: Naples, FL

Finishing Move: The Downfall

    Career Accomplishments:
    - Former OAOAST X Champion
    - Former OAOMEF X Champion
    - Has defeated Anglesault more than anyone in the OAOAST


Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is THE CAREER VS. RESPECT MATCH, scheduled for one fall! And in this match, there will be NO DISQUALIFICATIONS!


What?! Who made that ruling?


I don't know, and I don't care. I love it. Now we can finally see Superstar truly bury the legend of Tony "The Body".

CUE: "Big Long Now"

There is an initial pop from the Canadian fans, but it immediately turns into overwhelming jeers as The Superstar finally makes his way down the ramp in the Saddledome.


This is the biggest match of The Superstar's life, so he obviously has a look of determination on his face as he walks to the ring. Once he enters the ring, instead of pretentiously showboating like usual, he is quiet, focused, and ready for 'The Body.'


Out with the old, in with the new. You know, Tenay -- Tony used to be cool, but once he dropped the attitude and became nothing more than an '80s babyface he started to suck. That shit makes me sick to my Goddamn stomach! The pops he gets now are due to nostalgia. Plus, his gimmick is a Jesse "The Body" Vetura rip-off. Bullshit!

CUE: "Simply Ravishing"

As "The Body's" music blasts into the sound system, and the fans go absolutely apeshit for Tony "The Body!"


In what may very well be his last appearance in the OAOAST, Tony is also focused and determined for this match. He slaps some fans' hands before getting into the ring, but once he enters the ropes; wait a minute, The Superstar has immediately attacked Tony.


Superstar starts out with a flurry of kicks, punches, and stomps to Tony, who was taken by surprise by the unfair advantage of Superstar. Superstar picks up Tony, and whips him into the ropes. As he comes back, SS hits a blind back elbow…but Tony doesn't go down! Superstar turns around, and gets met with a flurry of punches to the face by Tony!

Tony picks up Superstar for a body slam, but Superstar immediately escapes, and chop blocks the left knee of The Body! Tony falls to the mat, and Superstar quickly drops an elbow on the leg. Superstar goes for another, but Tony moves out of the way, gets to his feet, and catches Superstar with the body slam!

Superstar, not to be shown up, rushes to his feet, and throws a wild haymaker, which is blocked by Tony! The Body then does one of his trademark maneuvers…the thumb to the eye! As Superstar backs off, Tony follows it up with more hate-filled punches, before bringing Superstar into the corner. Hard cross corner whip…and Tony charges in with an AVALANCHE!

Tony continues the punishment, with trademark knife edge chops! However, Superstar targets Tony with a quick kick to Tony's left knee, and takes control, hitting some knife edge chops of his own! As Tony struggles out of the corner, Superstar goes behind and catches him in position for a…HIGH ANGLE BACK SUPLEX! Tony hits the mat hard.


SS is owning that Ventura wannbe tonight.

Superstar drags Tony by his left leg, to the apron, and SS heads outside. He pulls Tony's leg to the ring post, and SLAMS it against the steel post! Tony screams in pain, as Superstar does this two more times. Superstar has crueler intentions, however, and goes under the ring and finds A STEEL CHAIR. With Tony's leg in place, Superstar swings…but Tony pulls his leg away and Superstar hits nothing but post!

Frustrated, Superstar climbs onto the apron, but Tony is up, and catches Superstar with a running shoulder block to the midsection, sending Superstar FLYING to the outside, hitting the announce table in the process!

Tony heads outside this time, as well, but is met with a boot to the gut by Superstar. SS tries to slam Tony's head into the announce table, but Tony blocks it, slams Superstar's head into it, and gives him a beautiful Standing Suplex on the floor! With Superstar down, Tony grabs him by the legs…and CATAPULTS HIM into the steel ring post!


Face first! Tony's startng to make his comeback...


Nah, that's in three months.

Tony, finally getting a sizeable advantage in the match, sends Superstar back into the ring…but not before first grabbing the steel chair that Superstar left behind! Back in the ring, Tony raises the chair on the fallen Superstar…but apparently has better ideas. He puts the chair down, and when Superstar gets up, whips him into the ropes…ATOMIC DROP! Superstar doesn't fall down, but walks right back to Tony, into an INVERTED ATOMIC DROP! Superstar is hurt but still not down, so Tony charges to the ropes…RUNNING FOREARM SHOT takes Superstar down!

Tony heads outside again, and this time grabs the steel ring steps. He goes back into the ring, but Superstar has had time to recover, and he has the steel chair! Tony is unbeknownst to this, since he has the stairs at eye-level. Using this to his advantage, Superstar, crouched down, leaps forward and slams the chair directly into Tony's left knee! Tony collapses to the mat, his face first hitting the steel steps. Superstar quickly rolls Tony over, this could be it already!





Oh! SS nearly had him.

Superstar doesn't look fazed by the near fall, as he picks Tony up, and delivers a body slam, intentionally so that Tony's knee hit the steel ring steps! Superstar taunts the crowd, which is a bad move as it gave Tony time to somewhat recover. When Tony reaches his feet, Superstar darts right for his knee again, but Tony sees it coming and pounds on the neck of Superstar, before delivering a swinging neckbreaker!

Seeing an opportunity, Tony takes the steel chair and places it on the face of The Superstar. He runs to the ropes, LEG DROP on the CHAIR, onto the FACE of The Superstar! Tony covers:





Another close call.

Tony goes to the legs of Superstar like he's going to lock in a submission hold, but instead gives a big stomp right to the testicles of The Superstar! Tony heads to a corner of the ring, facing the ring steps, facing Superstar. As SS reaches his feet, Tony charges, using the ring steps as a platform, for a HUGE running clothesline! However, both men go down, as Tony may have hurt his knee even more.


That knee must be screaming in pain.


Are you talking about psychology or some shit?


Tony injured that very knee three weeks ago against the OAOAST champion Anglesault on the Intense Zone.

Both men reach their feet at the same time, and begin to slug it out again. However, Superstar uses Tony's strategy against him, with a thumb to the eye. He puts the chair in place, kicks Tony in the gut, and runs to the ropes. It could be time for The Downfall.

However, Tony sees it coming and picks Superstar up in a fireman's carry…SAMOAN DROP ON THE STEEL CHAIR! Tony hooks both of Superstar's legs:




Tony picks Superstar up from behind, grabs him in a headlock…and hits a big BULLDOG! Tony acknowledges the crowd, and heads outside the ring again. This time, he goes under the ring and pulls out…a TWO BY FOUR!

He heads back into the ring, and with Superstar slowly getting to his feet, Tony raises the 2x4, and brings it down…but Superstar rolls out of the way, and kicks Tony's left knee again! Tony goes down, and Superstar has control of the weapon.

Superstar hits Tony HARD in the back with the 2x4! AND AGAIN, with even more force! A THIRD TIME, and the shots keep getting worse! Finally, Superstar HITS TONY SO HARD, THE 2X4 BREAKS IN HALF! Cursing, Superstar throws the broken wood out of the ring, and grabs the steel chair for the knockout shot. He charges and SWINGS at Tony, but Tony ducks, Superstar hits the ropes, and the chair BOUNCES BACK IN HIS FACE! A weakened Tony takes advantage, and gets a rollup!




Superstar is first to his feet, however, as Tony suffered four 2x4 shots to the back. Superstar yells obscenities at Tony, before hooking him in a front face lock…SNAP SUPLEX! Superstar holds onto the face lock, however, and picks him up…Vertical Suplex! Tenaciously, Superstar continues to hold on…and hits a STALLING BRAINBUSTER!

Sensing that the end is near, Superstar whips Tony into the ropes…MAIN EVENT SLEEPER~! Tony tries to fight it, but slowly starts fading. Noticing he has another weak body part to work over, Superstar, while still holding onto the sleeper, drives his knee into Tony's weak leg! This allows Superstar to bring Tony to the ground, in a sitting position. Along with the sleeper, Superstar then locks in a VICIOUS Leg Grapevine! Tony is in a double submission, and he's fading fast.


Check that out. I've never seen that before.


That's because you're watching wrestling.

A huge "Let's Go Tony!" chant fills the Saddledome, but Tony isn't responding. The referee finally checks to see if Tony is unconscious.

The arm drops once!

The arm drops TWICE!


Feeding off the energy of the Calgary crowd, Tony begins to stir, and fights out of the leg grapevine! Superstar is in disbelief, but Tony is getting to his feet, whilst in the Sleeper. Tony hits elbows to the midsection of Superstar, and he escapes by whipping Superstar into the ropes.

As Superstar comes bounding back, Tony catches him with a shoulder block! Tony runs to the ropes, but as Tony comes back, Superstar grabs Tony's leg from the ground, forces him down, and locks in a Spinning Toe Hold! Tony is absolutely screaming from the pain in his leg, but tries to make it to the ropes. He is close to reaching them, but Superstar immediately pulls him back! He tries to lock the hold in deeper, but wait, Tony catches Superstar with a surprise small package!




Superstar makes it to his feet in SHOCK, as he can't believe that Tony is still in this match. Superstar grabs the ring steps from a far corner, and brings them to the center of the ring. Tony is up, and the two start exchanging punches. Superstar kicks Tony right in the knee again, however, but as Tony is going down, he hits a desperation LOW BLOW! With Superstar doubled over, Tony sees an opportunity…DDT ON THE RING STEPS!!

Superstar now has a bloody nose, and Tony signals that the end is near. He heads to the top rope, and as Superstar gets up and turns around…FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Tony is clutching his knee, but looks to the crowd and says "This ain't over yet!" Before heading to the outside.

Tony goes under the ring once again, and pulls out a STACK OF TABLES. Tony sends THREE tables into the ring, and once inside, sets one up in the corner. However, when Tony's back is turned, Superstar kicks the referee right into Tony, sending him into the turnbuckle! Tony glares menacingly at the ref, which allows Superstar to recover, go behind Tony, and hit a GERMAN SUPLEX! Superstar holds onto the waistlock, but then positions himself directly in front of the set up table, and gives Tony A RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX THROUGH THE TABLE SET UP IN THE CORNER~!

Big "Holy Shit!" chant from the Canadian crowd, as Superstar rolls Tony out of the wreckage. Superstar grabs Tony's legs, and rolls them over into a bridge!




Superstar doesn't even show signs of disbelief, as he picks Tony up…STAR POWER!!!




Superstar now POUNDS the mat with frustration. He decides to go back to what he's been working on for the past 15 minutes: the left knee. He lays in some stomps to it, before grabbing the steel chair and placing Tony's knee inside of it! Superstar screams "Pillmanizing Time~!" and heads to the top rope!

However, before he can get there, the referee stops him, telling him that "Enough is enough!" Superstar looks him dead in the eye, and audibly says, "No, not enough. Not until the Body is DEAD!"

This exchange gave Tony time to recover! As Superstar climbs the top rope, oblivious, Tony takes the chair off from around his leg, gets up, and as Superstar turns on the turnbuckle…GETS BLASTED WITH A HUGE CHAIRSHOT FROM TONY, and Superstar goes FLYING to the outside!!!!

Superstar lands on the ground below with a loud "Thud" as the Canadian crowd begins another "Tony!" chant. Tony picks Superstar up off the ground, but SS tenaciously grabs hold of the nearby ring post. Not being able to break the hold, Tony tries a waistlock, but gets met with a mule kick by Superstar! As Tony doubles over, Superstar puts his head between his legs, lifts Tony up…

PILEDRIVER ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tony's head BOUNCES as a loud "ooooh" echoes through the arena. Satisfied, Superstar rolls Tony into the ring and hooks the leg!




In a flashback to the days of the Herculean-giants of the squared circle, Tony IMMEDIATELY gets back up, and Superstar is in SHOCK. Like Hogan himself, Tony begins to shake, and as Superstar throws punches, they do absolutely NO damage!

Tony blocks another punch, ONE, TWO, THREE, whip into the ropes, going for a big boot, but SUPERSTAR WITH A LOW DROPKICK TO THE LEFT KNEE OF TONY~! Tony falls like a sack of bricks, as Superstar quickly applies an INDIAN DEATHLOCK~!!!!!! Tony hollers in pain, doing all he can to not succumb to the pain and tap. Knowing it's perfectly legal, Superstar blatantly grabs onto the ropes for leverage, putting Tony in even MORE pain! The building is literally SHAKING as the fans are pounding their feet, trying to get Tony to escape.

Tony, unknowingly, has his shoulders down, so the referee begins the count!



NO!! Tony POWERS off the mat, but he's in so much pain that he's almost in shock. He's doing all he can to reverse the pressure, but with Superstar using the ropes, he's slowly…fading…

Until Superstar LETS GO of the hold. He slips outside the ring, and grabs a microphone. Back in the ring, he gets RIGHT in Tony's face.

"Tony, why won't you just DIE!? For the past TWENTY MINUTES I've been kicking your ass from pillar to post, destroying your knee, and still, you just WON'T QUIT. Well here's your last chance. Before I make it so you never walk again, I'm giving you the opportunity right now, to tell me, the ref, and the WHOLE WORLD that at this moment, YOU QUIT. Go on, SAY IT!"

Out of breath, with the microphone in his face, Tony stammers out the words:


The crowd pops enormously, and at that moment, with Superstar bent over, Tony reaches up and rolls Superstar into a SMALL PACKAGE!





It's over!

NO~!!! Superstar kicks out at 2.999999! Enraged, Superstar is up and charges at Tony, who catches him with a drop toe hold! Then with a sidewalk slam! He motions for Superstar to get up, and when he does, he puts him in piledriver position!


I thought it was over.


You're just like Jim Ross, you both blown things up.

BUT WAIT! Superstar reverses into a back body drop! NO WAIT! Tony reverses into a sunset flip! NO! Superstar reverses THAT by sitting down on top of Tony, and he hooks the legs!!!




The crowd is going absolutely INSANE right now, as these two men just won't quit. It seems as though Superstar has a back up plan, as he pulls something out of his tights…BRASS KNUCKLES. Both men get up, and Tony gets WALLOPED with a punch, sending him crashing to the mat. Instead of covering, Superstar heads to the top rope…FROG SPLASH ON TONY'S LEFT KNEE~!!

Without missing a beat, Superstar carries Tony and sets him up on the turnbuckle. With Tony occupied, he sets up ANOTHER one of the tables in the ring. He seems to be preparing for a reverse Razor's Edge of some sort…when TONY STARTS FIGHTING BACK! Punches in bunches to the back of Superstar's head, and then a TOP ROPE BULLDOG THROUGH THE


Yet another "Holy Shit!" chant echoes through the arena, as both men are lying motionless amidst the wreckage of the table. Finally, Tony begins to stir, as does Superstar. Once they get to their feet, Tony ducks a wild punch, and hooks Superstar up…SLINGSHOT SUPLEX, ONTO THE JAGGED PIECES OF THE TABLE~!

Tony makes a "That's IT!" signal, and picks Superstar up. He sends him into the ropes…OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE~!!! No, wait, Superstar stopped it with a knee to the midsection!

With Tony doubled over, Superstar charges into the ropes…

THE DOWNFALL~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spent, Superstar COVERS TONY!





The Canadian crowd has a collective heart attack as Tony kicks out of The Downfall! Knowing he has to go back to the knee, Superstar grabs Tony's leg and drags it to the ring post. He goes outside the ring, and locks in the RING POST FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony's knee may very well be SHATTERED, but he STILL isn't giving up. After a minute in the hold, using all the strength he can muster, Tony pulls his legs OUT of the hold, sending Superstar onto the concrete HEAD FIRST.

Once back into the ring, Tony sets up the final table in the corner, and finds something lying in the ring: The BRASS KNUCKLES. He puts them on, and when Superstar groggily gets back into the ring, Tony NAILS Superstar with them! Superstar goes down, but the table stops him from falling completely. Tony takes this opportunity to hit Superstar with a…


Tony pulls Superstar out of the wreckage, and covers!




Being sure to hold onto the advantage, Tony picks Superstar and whips him into the ropes…





The roof is about to blow off the Saddledome as Tony makes the valiant cover!




NO! Superstar BARELY, BARELY, BARELY gets the shoulder up! Tony gets off of Superstar, and stares maliciously at the steel chair that was used on him some 15 minutes ago. He grabs the chair, and heads to the top rope as the crowd is going insane with a "Let's Go Tony!" chant.

Tony reaches the top rope, and once Superstar gets to his feet, SAILS off with a diving chair shot! BUT SUPERSTAR SIDESTEPS IT…and Tony lands RIGHT on his LEFT KNEE, causing him to COLLAPSE TO THE MAT!!!! Superstar grabs Tony, sets the chair down, and whips him into the ropes…..OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE ON THE STEEL CHAIR~!!!!!!!!!!!!

The crowd GASPS and waits in stunned silence for the count.





What a match! It was so great we got caught watching as fans, not commentators.


The bell is the only sound that can be heard, as the crowd is absolutely SHOCKED at what they've just seen. "The Body" has been retired.


I guess you can say that was in loving memory, baybee~!


The winner: The Superstar in 35:42.

Some of the crowd boos, others are still in shock in what they just saw.


Well, Vince, our portion AngleMania II is over, but what a night we've had here in the Saddledome.

Tony gets off the mat and the fans give him a standing ovation.


Great sign of respect by the fans as they give Tony a great reaction on his last night in the OAOAST.


A lotta people bitched about Tony's run backstage, but he should really tell the people what he thinks of them: sorry motherfuckers who wish they were a business savy as him.


I don't know what's in his heart, and I haven't worked here long, but I know he's done a lot for the OAOAST. And I know the folks behind the scenes respect him.


If they did they wouldn't have ran him out of power.


Let's get to the point: great night of OAOAST action here in Canada. We're going to send it to the Coach and Michael Cole in Tokyo, Japan, for their last event of the evening - the MWC vs. Los Infernales to decided the tag titles.


Los Infernales are K-Dawg's favorite tag team.


For Vince Russo, I'm Mike Tenay. Be sure to watch NWA: TNA - Total Nonstop Action - every Wednesday night on pay-per-view. Coach and Michael, it's all your's.

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DONG . . .

DONG . . .

DONG . . .

The opening notes of HELL'S BELLS ring out over the arena, signaling the arrival of El DANDY~!. Dandy appears on the stage, with no entrance attire. He's just ready to go. He looks focused, intense, and ready to tear the monstrous cell down if he has to tonight.


And there he is, El DANDY~!, the silent wild card in this match. He and Spider Poet have maneuvered and schemed their way into a strange run as seperate tag champions, which is why this match came about.


That's right, MC. I have no question about Dandy and Poet's loyalty to one another. I think the question is whether they can pull it off. We haven't heard much from Dandy leading into this. I think the question on everybody's mind right now is just HOW focused is he? Where is his intensity level? We know Poet NEEDS to win this but will Dandy deliver?


We're about to find out, Coach. I think we're about to hear SHORT STORIES WITH TRAGIC ENDINGS, performed by one of Poet's favorite bands, FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES. I think that song has come to symbolize alot of Poet's internal conflicts.


I'd say so too. I have to wonder if the song may be prophetic as to the outcome of this match. Will Poet's short story so far in the OAOAST end tragically tonight with a loss? Why, I --

A distorted guitar comes from the house speakers. It is NOT the familiar notes of SSWTE, but instead the recognizable opening strains of DROWNING POOL'S song, TEAR AWAY. Dandy is making his way down the ramp as the opening lines are sung, and the AngleTron begins playing the entrance video for SpiderPoet. It is a song about loss, internal pain, losing people. All elements of SP's short story. "BRREEEEEEEEEEAAK!" The stage explodes with fire as the song hits a hard beat, and SpiderPoet emerges with Black Widow at his side. The two meet Dandy on the ramp. SP and Dandy nod to one another and walk down together, facing the Cell, the Ladder, and the Challenge that lie before them.

The Infernales begin to make their way down the ramp, Poet and Dandy shaking out their arms, pumping themselves up for the battle they face now. They approach the cage and pause at the bottom of the ramp. Dandy goes on ahead towards the door, but Poet turns to Widow. They exchange words, and Widow looks confused. Poet shakes his head, and kisses her forehead. She frowns, reaches up, and kisses him lovingly and makes her way back up the ramp. Poet watches her go, cracks his neck, and makes his way towards the cell door. He and Dandy back towards the far end of the ring, and watch the ramp.

The music dies and a hush falls over the crowd, as the heavy nature of what may be about to happen in this match sets in.


Masked Mystery Eskimo emerges from the curtain, adjusting his pads and ring gear, eyeing the celled ring. He stands on the stage for a few minutes, gazing out over the crowd. A crowd that seems somewhat inclined to cheer for him.

CUE: "Verdi's Requiem"

Once VERDI'S REQUIEM hits, the crowd DOES cheer, as JINGUS emerges from behind the curtain. The two nod to one another and begin making their way down to the ring. Behind their masks, they both eye this strange "Altar" as Poet called it, and know that this will not be easy, it will not be a pushover, and it will not be quick. All of them know they are perhaps risking their careers by stepping into the ring tonight. But fearlessly, Eskimo and Jingus answer the challenge as effortlessly, it seems, as have their challengers.

They enter the cell and the ring as the door is closed.


And here we go, ladies and gentlement! All that stands between these teams and a Championship run is a ladder and a lock.


And a whole lot of pain, Coach!


Of course, normal tag rules DO apply in this match, believe it or not. Despite the cell, despite the ladder, this is a contest for the TAG TEAM Championships, and Mister Watts has enforced Tag Rules.


This should be VERY interesting.


Certainly like nothing we've EVER seen!


The bell rings and it looks like it will be EL DANDY and MYSTERY ESKIMO to start it off. The two eye the ladder, and indeed circle it. Dandy looks to quickly get an advantage by dropkicking the ladder into Eskimo, and it knocks him back into the ropes and to his knees. Dandy is on the move, bringing the forearms for all he's worth to wear Eskimo down. A quick boot, and Dandy picks Eskimo up to his feet, and goes to fire him off into the ropes. Eskimo puts the breaks on, however, whirls around, and hits a CLOTHESLINE on Dandy! Dandy is on his feet quickly, shaking it off, but Eskimo gets in control by snagging his arm and sending him to the ropes. On the return, Dandy dodges Eskimo's lunge for a belly to belly, and boots Eskimo in the stomach. Dandy snatches him up into a GUTWRENCH POWERBOMB and goes for the quick cover. 1-NO, Eskimo kicks out.


Now what the hell was THAT? Why would he try and pin Eskimo? He MUST have KNOWN that this early he couldn't have gotten it, and it's worthless in this match!


Dandy and Poet were talking about this backstage, MC. I think they're trying to psych the Connection out. Confuse them, throw them off their game.


But why did the ref even COUNT it?!


Maybe he's an idiot.


At least we found out we have something in common with somebody.

Dandy lays in the boots

before hauling Eskimo to his feet. Dandy goes for a forearm, but Eskimo blocks, hits an uppercut, and boots Dandy in the stomach. He pulls him in, and yanks him up for a suplex, but instead drops Dandy on the top rope!. Eskimo runs back to the ropes and on the return leaps with a high dropkick that sends Dandy back off the apron and into the cage wall! Eskimo slides under the ropes to the outside, and goes looking for the ring steps. He snags them, and turns to murder Dandy with them, but Dandy is on his knees, and lurches up and forward into a SPEAR, driving Eskimo back into the cage, dropping the steps, which land on their rear, sitting upright. Dandy, still in the spear position, wraps his arms around Eskimo and hauls him up and over into a FLAPJACK, and ESKIMO'S FACE HITS THE STEPS!


It's a good thing he wears a mask!


I'm not real sure a mask is gonna help much on that one...

Dandy slides in the ring while Eskimo cradles his face outside, and tags in Poet. Poet runs down the apron, presumable to attack Eskimo down at the other end, but JINGUS trucks it down and meets him at the turnbuckle. The big man, snatches Poet by the hair and yanks him over the ropes and into the ring! Poet lands awkwardly on his neck/shoulders and lies crumpled for a few seconds while JINGUS makes his way back to his corner. Finally, SP rolls to his feet. On the outside, Eskimo is getting to his feet, and SP seizes the moment. He sprints, leaps, and hits the top rope before jumping with a big forearm to Eskimo, who falls to his knees. SP yanks Eskimo up, and slides him into the ring under the ropes. SP put a little too much force behind it though, and by the time he gets in the ring, JINGUS has been tagged in!

SP charges, and the Devilman was ready, catching SP with both hands around his neck. JINGUS lifts him up and delivers a devistating Powerbomb. SP hits the mat and bounces from that one, and quickly scrambles for the ropes, trying to get to his feet. Jingus is there, and he gives SP no leeway. Over in their corner, Eskimo has dragged the ladder over, and propped it in the corner. Jingus makes use of it, hauling SP to his feet and whipping him right INTO THE LADDER. SP hits it hard and slumps against it, trying to gather his wits. JINGUS charges, but SP thinks fast and rolls to the mat, locks up Jingus's ankle, and sends Jingus FACE FIRST into the LADDER~! Jingus rebounds up and stumbles backwards, and SP tries to score again, charging at the big man. Jingus locks his arms around him, twists and throws SP back with a quick BELLY TO BELLY. SP LANDS UPSIDE DOWN ON THE LADDER, and falls off awkwardly to the mat. Eskimo from the outside lands a few choice boots to SP through the ropes, causing Poet to roll back towards the middle of the ring, where Jingus is waiting with a few kicks of his own. He picks SP up to his feet and whips him to the corner, charging behind him for a clothesline, but SP ducks out of the corner. Jingus puts on the brakes, but SP is behind him, and he wraps his arms around him. GERMAN SUPLEX~!




It looks like he'll pay the price for it, MC!

Jingus is dazed but Poet doesn't pop right back up. Instead he arches his back and is pressing his hand against his lower back, his face twisted. He obviously hurt his back getting the big man over. Poet get to his knees and crawls to the corner, and tags in Dandy, who comes in on FIRE. Jingus trying to get to his feet, on one knee, and Dandy takes the opportunity. SHINING WIZARD~!. Dandy runs to the corner and slams Eskimo with a quick right hand, knocking him off the apron. Dandy sees the ladder still propped up, and walks up it, crouching and waiting. Jingus gets to his feet wearily and turns right into a running/leaping SPEAR from DANDY! It sends them both sliding across the matt, towards the Infernales Corner. Dandy hot-tags Poet, who climbs to the top rope and -- hurt back or no -- leaps off with a quick SPIDAHSAULT~! to JINGUS!


What team work!

Poet pulls himself to his feet with the ropes, and watches Jingus get to his feet. As soon as Jingus is up, Poet is on the move, landing a quick SPIDAHKICK to the big man's jaw. Such quick battle taking it's toll, JINGUS is sent stumbling backwards while Poet tags in Dandy again! Dandy leaps to the top rope and makes his move! JINGUS catches him in mid-air, though, with his hand around his neck. CHOKESLAM~! and Dandy is out of it. Poet feels froggy and is coming in between the ropes, but Jingus is there with a kick to the head, which sends Poet reeling outside to the floor. Jingus turns his attention back to Dandy, and starts delivering harsh kicks to the ribs.

Eskimo slips in the ropes and sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring, and signals to Jingus. Jingus slams Dandy with a kick to the head and turns his attentions to the ladder. The big man starts slowly climbing the ladder, and it appears that the Infernales have been taken out much faster than expected! The crowd's volume begins to rise as Jingus rises up the ladder, but Jingus doesn't see Dandy tag in Poet, who has gotten back to the apron! Poet jumps to the top rope and springboards into the ring with a dropkick to the ladder! The ladder falls over, and sends JINGUS flailing to the outside, slamming into the cage before bouncing back and slamming into the apron. Poet slides out the ring and grabs the ring steps before sliding back in with them. He runs over to the side where Jingus lies crumpled on the outside, and raises the steps, the rear with the opening for the ring post at the bottom. Eskimo is coming through the ropes to head him off, but DANDY IS THERE OUT OF NOWHERE WITH A BOOT TO THE GUT AND A DDT!

Poet throws the steps over the ropes, forcing them down so they effectively pin Jingus in his awkward position between the ring and the cell wall. Spidey grins with a demented glee as he goes over and picks up the ladder. He again goes over to the side where Jingus has been perhaps severely hurt and pinned down by the steel steps. Poet lowers the bottom of the ladder down, setting the bottom rung against Jingus's neck. Poet leans the ladder back as far as he can and PULLS THE TOP ROPE IN AROUND THE TOP OF THE LADDER! JINGUS CAN'T MOVE! The rope is forcing the ladder into place!




To borrow from JR, SOMEBODY STOP THE MATCH! Look at the way JINGUS is twisted down there! He could be horribly injured!

Poet turns his attention back behind him, where Dandy is mounted atop Eskimo, slamming him with lefts and rights. Poet turns just as Eskimo lands a hard forearm of his own, and another to knock Dandy off of him. Poet is there to start to pick Eskimo up, but Eskimo hits him in the gut and gets himself to his feet. He grabs SP by the hair and the tights and throws him through the ropes to the outside. Eskimo looks PISSED as blood can be seed around his eyes where skin peeks out from his mask. He's on the hunt for Dandy, who is on his feet waiting for him. The two stare at each other, coming forehead to forehead. Eskimo pushes Dandy back and Dandy answers with a right, which Eskimo answers with a right hand of his own and the two are SLUGGING IT OUT.

On the outside, SP is on his knees, looking around. Hitting the cage cut him open in a few places and his face has streaks of dripping blood. He touches his wounds and looks at his bloodied fingers, mulling this over. Finally, he looks to the cage itself and seems to be formulating something. Poet pulls himself to his feet and begins climbing up the side of the cage!

In the ring, Eskimo snags Dandy and fires him off into the ropes, and scores a boot to the stomach on the return. Eskimo moves behind him and hits a GERMAN SUPLEX on Dandy . . . and rolls over and up for ANOTHER GERMAN SUPLEX ON DANDY . . . . and rolls over and up for ANOTHER GERMAN SUPLEX ON DANDY! The crowd is on fire now, and Eskimo looks up to see SpiderPoet hanging from the top of the cage, slowly swinging his way towards the door in the center! He cuts Dandy loose and runs over to where the rope is holding the ladder in position, pinning JINGUS to the FLOOR! Eskimo struggles with the rope, but finally pushes it off the ladder. He pulls the ladder in and barrels through the ropes to the outside to move the ring steps. He checks on Jingus and . . . it looks like Jingus is more PISSED OFF than HURT. The Devilman roars to life, getting to his feet and sliding under the ropes. He is on his feet in the ring just as SP unlocks the cage door! SP had been hanging on to the door itself, and it swings open with him still attached!

JINGUS, still the legal man, reaches up to grab SP's foot, but SP kicks his hand away as he maneuvers around the door to get to the opening. His arms seem to be straining from the climbing and hanging on, and his fingers look a little bloody from holding on to the wire mesh so tightly. JINGUS GRABS HIS FOOT AS HE SWINGS AROUND, AND SP IS IN TROUBLE! Jingus holds on and yanks on SP's leg, but Poet holds on with all he has and gets a hand OVER THE TOP! He grabs onto the cage and pulls so hard with Jingus still attached that a sickening crack can be heard AS HIS LEG DISLOCATES FROM HIS HIP! Jingus was pulled up enough that he has ahold of the cage door, and the Devilman makes the top of the cage sag in as he begins hauling himself up!

Up top, SP cannot get to his feet, his leg refusing to work for him. The superhuman, adrenaline funded move has taken so much out of him, and when he dislodges his fingers from the cage, blood runs down his hands. He sees JINGUS'S arm swing over the top of the cell and the big man's head emerges through the doorway, with a MURDEROUS look in his eyes. SP shakes his head no and with his good leg kicks stiff and hard. Jingus keeps coming, and SP kicks him again, and again, and again, and finally the DEVILMAN LETS GO and FALLS BACK TO THE RING BELOW, winded, hurt, and his injuries finally catching up with his adrenaline.

Eskimo is on the move now, pulling the ladder up to try and head off SP himself, but Dandy is there. Dandy whirls Eskimo around and slams him hard with a right hand and a stiff boot to the gut. Dandy leans in, and picks Eskimo up onto his shoulders! El Dandy to the corner now, hoisting himself and Eskimo up to the second rope – SUPER ELDANDYNATOR FROM THE SECOND ROPE AND ESKIMO IS HURT.




SP's trying to get to his FEET! THIS MAY BE OVER!

Up top, SP is on one knee, his lame, dislocated leg dragging behind him. He pushes himself up, swaying madly to retain his balance. He can't do it though, and tumbles forward but HE SNAGS THE BELTS ON THE WAY DOWN, using his momentum to rip their fasteners apart and away from the silver ring they were suspended from. Poet tumbles forward and sprawls across the opening. Down below, he can see Dandy smiling as the crowd goes absolutely nuts with cheers and boos and applause for what they just witnessed! Poet pushes himself up and drops one belt down to El Dandy, who stands over what appears to be an unconcious Jingus. Dandy catches the belt and motions for his partner to come down, and SP obliges. He swings his lame leg down, followed by his good one, and drops the tag title belt to the canvas before lowering himself down the cage door. A little lower now, SP swings his legs forward and lets go, and bumps on his back. Dandy is there to check on him as the paramedics rush down to the ring while the cell begins to raise. SP nods that he's alright and Dandy helps him sit up.

Black Widow is at ringside now, and she slides in under the ropes despite paramedics trying to keep her away. She hugs SP and kisses his bloody cheek. Beside him, El Dandy raises his belt in victory, as Widow stands and raises Poet's hand holding his belt.


WINNERS in 17:03 and NEW OAOAST tag team champions - LOS INFERNALES.

We fade out as Poet and Dandy refuse medical attention and instead limp – slowly – back up the ramp towards the back.


Coach, that does it for us.


Michael, tonight was off the charts!


We thank you for joining us here in the Tokyo Dome.


I love how you were at WrestleMania & AngleMania.


The magic of TV. Goodnight from Tokyo!


Time to hit da strip clubs.


I hear the men are great here.

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And now, the number one moment in OAOAST history...

1) aWo birth

HHH and Nash look at each other wandering what it's going to take to keep AS down!

Nash grabs the OAOAST Belt and swings at AS who ducks! HHH is nailed by the Belt! Nash swings the Belt at AS who ducks, AngleSlam to Nash!

HHH get's to his feet and kicks AS to the gut to set up the Pedigree once again!

AS counter's and grabs HHH's leg and locks on the AngleLock!

HHH refuses to tap saying he'll never job to AS!

Chris Jericho appears through the crowd and tells the Time Keeper to ring the bell!


The Crowd go ApeShit!!!!!!!!!!!

Medal plays as Jericho spits on the crying HHH

and leaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The winner of the Match and

NEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW One & Only AngleSault Thread

HeavyWeight Champion of the World,


AS picks up the Belt and stares at it and starts

to cry!

The aWo return to the ring and lay a beating on

HHH who has curled into the foetus position and

is sucking his thumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The aWo spray 'aWo 4-Life, Just 2 Olympic For

You!' on HHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS spays aWo on the Belt, and is lifted onto the

shoulders of the aWo for the emotional



What an AngleMania! The belt is going home with AS tonight, and don't the crowd love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodnight From AngleMania!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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CUE: "I'm Only Shooting Love"


This isn't on my format. What about your's -- never mind, never probably don't even have a format sheet.


You're right.

evenflowDDT appears near the MSG entrance, in beggar's rags, a mic in hand.


Zack Zack Zack Zack Zack ZACK! I think I've been misrepresenting myself recently. Well, I want to set it clear. I don't hate you. No really, I don't. And even though I've implied otherwise in recent weeks, if I got the chance to fight you right now, I wouldn't. Because you're still my friend. And friends make sacrifices for each other. It's just that... I'm giving and giving - you're going for the title, I respect that, but why'd you have to take Alison from me? Why'd you have to attack me back at the Rumble? Why'd you have to take my money? Why'd you have to steal the shirt off my back? I asked the beasts, and they taught me, I asked of the fowls of the air, the fish of the sea, and of the earth, and they taught me - friends make sacrifices for each other. I'm giving and giving... I hope you win the title tonight. Then the test will be over. For I gave and I gave, and I had naught left to give. But you still took from me.

Crowd chants ZACK! ZACK! ZACK!


While you're in the main event, I'm standing in front of thousands of millions of people at the spectacle to end all spectacles, Anglemania. I always wanted to be on Anglemania, center-stage in the eyes of the world, and now the time is here, and what am I doing? Nothing. I'm not wrestling, I'm not on Heat... I'm not even jobbing in a damned dark match! This should be the greatest moment of my life at the greatest show on earth. I should be calling my mom with tears in my eyes saying 'Mom, I did it, my dream's come true, I've given it all up but here I am!'. I should be killing myself in high-spots to join the legends. I should be trying to top the standards set by my own deathmatches with Sandman. I should be doing any of these things but where am I? I'm nowhere. Doing nothing. That hurts more than any barbed-wire-explosive ever could. But it's all part of the test. I'll pass, we'll pass, they told me, friends make sacrifices for you. It's what friends do.

Crowd starts a bigger ZACK! chant.


I never believed the rumors of backstage pull, but I slept with evil himself, and learned that money makes or breaks this business. You have the money, that you took from me, and you're in the main event, and I, your poor but loyal servant, have naught. I'm left behind, cast aside like the forgotten idols of lore, left behind to stand still and consider your wondrous title win. Is that what I get for all my devotion, all my loyalty, all my friendship? It's all I had left... and yet like the rest, it's all gone. Is that my reward for being faithful? I don't know if I can pass the test. But I give. I'm still giving. I don't think I can give anymore.


Well, that was something.


He's hurt in the inside.


I'm sure he is, Jess. Anyway, our next match is the match on any wrestling pay-per-view tonight. The OAOAST championship match: Zack Malibu vs. the champion, Anglesault.


AS went through a tough match earlier tonight against Angle-Plex. AP took him to the limit but came up on the short end of the stick. AP really made a name for himself tonight.


Zack has been on a conquest to win the World's title since July of last year. Many thought Zack won the title at Beach Brawl, but a bad ref call forced the decision to give the belt back to the champion at the title - Caboose. I'm getting old, Jess, but I believe those two meant later that night with Caboose coming out on top. He won the match, but he didn't leave with the gold, as a challenge was made on the fly, and Alfdogg won the title on IZ before losing it to CWM at "Ashes to Ashes" in August.


I don't even remember that.


You weren't here. As a prepare for our next match, take a look at this very special video package.

*Black and white archive footage airs, each shot fading into the following one*

Zack Malibu posts up flyers for Test.


Since my debut, it's been all about him...

Zack Malibu, wearing a Montreal Canadiens jersey, attacks AP and AS.


After all, he was the man, and I was looking to make a name for myself...

The In Crowd comes out for their MIB spoof promo.


Surrounded by my friends, supporters...

The camera does a rapid zoom in onto the face of Zack Malibu, and the screen goes to color.


Then the walls came crashing down.

Rapid footage of clips (meaning if you blink you'll miss it) of Superstar getting in Zack's face, CWM beating Zack down, aWo beatdowns on The In Crowd...and then the footage slows down again, focusing on one clip. Beach Brawl '02. Zack Malibu holds up the World Title. The camera freezes on that shot.


I was there once. At the top of my game, at the top of this company. Or so I thought...

Shot of Zack in the ring the next night, and we hear the voice of Bill Watts, with an echo effect added to it.


Zack Malibu is NOT the World Heavyweight Champion.

*the screen goes black*

What we're seeing is now in color, as a man has his back to us. The camera slowly creeps up behind him. The person is looking down at the ground.


I cannot...

Cut to a quick shot of Anglesault hitting Zack with his sledge.


I WILL not...

Shot of a bloody Zack, laying in the ring.

The figure turns around, and faces the camera. It's Zack Malibu!


I WON'T be denied my destiny. I will not give in to you, Anglesault. I will not give in to you, Angle-Plex. I will not give into the politics of this company once again. I wish you both well in your match. I hope you tear the roof off. Just know that when the time comes, whether it's you, Angle-Plex, or you AS, you son of a bitch, that you're not going into a match. I can't even say you're going into a fight. You're just tempting with fate, with destiny, with the inevitable. I have made it my goal since day one. I have held it in my hands. I have felt the cold gold metal against my skin. And I have had it swiped from my hands, and that took the wind right out of me.

Tonight, we are on an international stage...an event viewed by millions the world over. It is an anniversary, a birthday, a celebration. Not for the OAOAST, but for me. It has been one year since I chased that title. Today will be the birth of a champion. People will applaud. People will cheer. People will chant my name. Conceit? Never confuse conceit with confidence guys. I have waited long enough. Anglemania 2...the World Heavyweight Title...no one can deny a destiny.

Zack turns away from the camera, and the footage segues into a shot from Beach Blast, of Zack holding the World Title up, as a voiceover of fans' chanting "Zack" is heard over the shot.


Jess, before we go to AS backstage, any predictions?


Really, it's a toss-up. Two great young wrestlers. We're in the champion's hometown of New York. But AS has had to wrestle once here tonight; Zack hasn't. As much as I like AS, I think AP took too much out of him, therefore I'm going with Zack.


Shocked me there. I agree with all of your points. AS is the only two-time OAOAST champion; he's held on to the title for 5 months. Nobody else in this business can say that. A lot of people beleive this is Zack's destiny; he's had 8 months to think this moment through. Many times he thought he was next in line for the title only to be moved asided. I think tonight's his night, I'm also picking Zack.


You always gotta follow "The Body," don't you?


I understand the OAOAST champion is backstage with some comments.

AS is standing in front of the AM logo.


The OAOAST title. The only thing that means shit in this whole company. The only thing I really care about. I've gone through hell for this belt. I took a fall from heaven for this belt. I've been stabbed, cut, concussed, burnt and lacerated for this belt. I've gone to lengths I'd never dreamed. I ascdended to my highest moments. Hit lows I've never thought were reachable. All for this belt. This belt IS my life. And you kill have to kill me to take it.

The ever annoying Verizon Wireless guy makes another appearance right behind AS.


Can you hear me now? Goo...

AS hits him with the OAOAST title.


Can you hear me now?

The camera shows the VW guy laying on the floor, busted open, out cold.



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It's now time for our main event. A match that has been building since the arrival of Zack Malibu here in the OAOAST. This is not the first time these men have met, however, it is the most important. For Anglesault, it is retribution against the man he has always hated. It is vengeance against the man who ended his dream, his life, his family. Zack Malibu defeated the aWo last month, and that rests heavily on the mind of the champion. For Zack Malibu, tonight can be closure on his dream, his destiny. He has chased the World Heavyweight Championship since his first day in the company, fighting through deception, jealousy and brutality to try and get there. This match will close the book on the past year of action in the One And Only Anglesault Thread. One man will achieve a goal, be it Zack winning the title, or Anglesault eliminating him from contention. Tomorrow we will feel an aftershock, but now is the time for the earthquake.


I've got goosebumps. Let's get this going.


Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our main event! Standing in the center of the ring, with the spotlight shining down on him, is former Beverly Hills, 90210 star LUKE PERRY!


Good evening everybody. My name is Luke Perry, and tonight, I am your Special Guest Ring Announcer!"

The crowd pops loudly, some in shock, most for the fact that it's main event time, and some for the fact that the man best known as Dylan McKay is the special announcer!


Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event, tonight at Anglemania 2. May I introduce first, the guest timekeeper. You all knew her as Kelly on "Saved By The Bell", then she came to live in my zip code for a while. Now, you can catch her on FOX on the hit show Fastlane", please welcome Tiffani Theissen!"


Fastlane's a hit show? That's like saying Phil and Connie were beating O'Reilly. And you know what happened to those two.


It could happen to you, when.

your show debuts on MSNBC.


I ain't going up against O'Reilly. I'm going face to face with Greta. And besides, Jesse "The Body" is gonna put MSNBC on the map.

HUGE pop as the sexy starlet, all grown up, makes her way down to the ring, waving at fans.


And here we have the Special Guest Referee...ladies and gentlemen, give it up for former OAOAST competitor...TREBLE CHARGED!


And now ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the challenger...

Big pop for Zack, as the lights dim. You can't see your own hand in front of your face. Then the Angle-Tron comes on, a video unknown to the fans, with a piano playing in the background...

The scene opens, water dripping from a faucet into open palms, as the song begins.

"How can you see into my eyes, like open doors..."

The hands splash water on the person's face, who looks up into the mirror. The person is Zack Malibu.

"...leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb..."

Malibu takes a breath, and turns away from the mirror.

"...without a soul..."

Zack exits through the door of the dressing room. In the hall, a camera follows him from behind, as he walks through a dark hallway.

"...my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold..."

Zack stops at a curtain, light slightly visible through a small opening in the middle of it.

"...until you find it there and lead it back..."

Malibu disappears behind the curtain.


*Wake me up*

Blue and gold pyro shoots off, as the words ZACK MALIBU glow on the screen. Zack comes out, standing at the top of the ramp, as he pyro goes off. The fans ERUPT into cheers for the sentimental favorite, rising to their feet and greeting him with a standing ovation.

Wake me up inside

*I can't wake up*

Zack, in a frenzy, moves from side to side on the ramp, working the crowd into a storm of signs, raised hands, and other salutes.

Wake me up inside

*Save me*

Call my name and save me from the dark.

Zack heads for the ring at a slow pace, looking out to the crowd and taking a deep breath.

Wake me up.

Bid my blood to run.

I can't wake up.

Before I come undone.

Save me.

Save me from the nothing I've become.

Zack jumps up on the apron, looking out to the crowd with a smile on his face, as cameras flash repeatedly throughout The Garden, creating some blinding light.

Now that I know what I'm without

you can't just leave me.

Zack paces the ring, looking out at the fans on each of it's four sides.

Breathe into me and make me real

Bring me to life.

Zack jumps up on the turnbuckles, letting out a yell to the fans, just as the chorus starts up again.

Wake me up.

Wake me up inside.

Fans go apeshit as Zack looks out to them from the turnbuckle.

I can't wake up.

Wake me up inside.

Save me.

Call my name and save me from the dark.

Wake me up.

Bid my blood to run.

The song fades out, as Zack Malibu stands in the center of the ring, looking out to the aisleway, and awaiting his opponent.

The lights go out in the arena. The arena is literally, pitch black.

Suddenly, the Angletron flickers to life, with the Anglesault logo pulsating on it. This lasts a good thirty seconds, the logo just beating back and forth, back and forth. Suddenly, this is broken by the first chords of Dream On. The fans instinctively start to boo, but some cheer for the song and the band. Anglesault is nowhere to be seen. Tyler starts singing.


The logo appears to be coming closer to the screen. Still no sign of AS.




Closer still, but no AS. The lights also show no sign of turning on.


The logo covers the whole screen, now, and is pulsating like mad.



BOOM! The logo explodes into AS' Angletron, the lights shoot on, and The champion appears. He walks to the stage as Tyler continues singing.



AS Reaches the stage.



Tyler and AS embrace. Tyler holds the OAOAST championship.


Something begins to lower from the rafters.



AS embraces the rest of the band. Whatever the hell it is continues to lower.


BOOM! Pyro shoots off around the stage.


A Dudley like "missile" pyro shoots into the area over the ring. Something lights up where it landed. (In the sky)


Another missile, a little bit over. Something is clearly being formed in the sky over the ring, while it's getting clearer that the object descending in front of the stage is an ENORMOUS Anglesault logo.




hey yeah yeah-ah-ah

Three more shots into the sky. You can already see that the sight over the ring is going to be ANOTHER AS logo. AS points to the structure that is STILL descending from the rafters. It stops about twenty feet from the ground, and just as Tyler begins again, that bursts into flames. So right now, there is a flaming Anglesault logo above the stage, and a half lit up one over the ring.


Another shot over the ring.



Three more, the logo is done. The sight is imposing, with two huge structures on either side of the building.


hey yeah-yeah-ah

THAT logo erupts, leaving two flaming AS logos. Anglesault finally starts to march to the ring. It should be noted that as he walks, Booker T like "fire pyro" puffs up immediately behind him, following him to the ring.





Anglesault gets up to the ring steps. The post nearest him starts shooting up pyro.





A second ringpost starts.





A Third.




aah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah aah

The fourth. MSG is literally smoking right now. Anglesault proves, that even when he's nuts, he has a flare for the extravagant.





Anglesault is glowing in all the light.






BOOM! absolutely everything that was burning or pyro-ing lets out one last explosion, and everything dies out. The match is ready to begin

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What an entrance by the champion.


They got Limp Biscuit; we've got Aerosmith. The OAOAST: it's the wrestling of the future.

A hush falls over the crowd as both men stand in a corner, opposing one another. Luke Perry comes into the center of the ring, holding the microphone.


Looks like AS was trying to outdo Zack with the introductions.


Quiet Ross, Dylan is about to speak!


That's Luke Perry, Jess.


Same thing.


This match, scheduled for one fall, is for the One and Only Anglesault Thread WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. First, the challenger. Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island, and weighing in tonight at 227 lbs., this is Zaaaaaack Maaaaaaaalibuuuuuuuu!

Another tremendous pop, as Zack's name is called. Zack looks out to the fans, riling them up.


And his opponent, the reigning World Heavyweight Champion...hailing from New York, NY...this...is...ANGLE-SAULT!

A chorus of boos sweeps through the arena. Anglesault raises his belt up high, reminding the fans just who is "da man" in this company.

The bell rings, signalling the beginning of the match we've waited for so long to see. The roar of the crowd grows quieter, as everyone in attendance and at home watches the two competitors staring at each other from neutral corners after the introductions are finished. They move towards the center of the ring, slowly moving forward towards each other.

Zack and Anglesault don't flinch, both men burning a hole through the other with their glares. Zack extends his hand, and AS looks down, quickly slapping it away. Zack shrugs, and extends his hand again in a show of sportsmanship. AS slaps it away again, and gets in Zack's face, pointing his finger at him and mouthing off. Zack paces back and forth for a second, and turns back to AS, then floors him with a right hand! It's on!

AS got taken by surprise by that shot, and gets to his feet, massaging his jaw. Zack grabs him by the arm and backs him to the ropes, trying for an Irish Whip, only to have AS counter, grabbing him for a belly to belly, but Zack counters with a headlock takeover! AS slips out, coming from behind and locking a full nelson on Malibu. Zack squirms free, breaking from the grip of the champ, then counters by coming behind AS, shoving him towards the ropes while he holds on with a waistlock. Zack tries for a rollup, but Anglesault holds onto the top rope, keeping him grounded. Zack rolls backwards and pops up to his feet, and charges at Anglesault. AS tries a lariat, which Zack ducks, and both men bounce off the ropes...shoulderblock collision in the center of the ring, and neither man budges! We're back to where we started with a staredown, as the crowd roars in approval!

Collar and elbow tieup in the center, and both men jockey for position. AS switches gears and goes to a headlock, but Zack slips free and grabs a hammerlock. Anglesault elbows back, catching Zack square in the mouth, breaking the hold, and then sends him into the corner. Anglesault goes to follow up with a charge, but Zack gets a foot up, kicking AS right in the cheek. Zack props himself up on the second rope and jumps off with a DDT attempt, but 'Sault hangs on, not going down with the move, and then running full speed, smashing Zack back into the corner! Zack reels in pain, and AS lets out a vicious chop across the chest that echoes throughout the arena! Wrestling fans in attendance shout "WHOO!" as a tribute to the great Ric Flair, and AS unloads another sick chop. 'Sault grabs Zack by the jaw, and moves in close, taunting him and mouthing off right in his face, then hitting him with a third stiff chop! AS pulls Zack out of the corner, but before he can set him up for anything, Zack brushes his hands away, then hits AS with a chop of his own!


Such impact.

Anglesault comes at Zack again, but is met with another chop! AS turns his back to Zack, clutching his arms to his chest. Zack turns him around,and pulls his arms to his side, then hits another chop on Anglesault, reddening the champions chest! Zack kicks him in the gut, and takes him over with a snap vertical suplex, and goes for the cover...barely a 2 count! Zack pulls Anglesault up, but AS counters by back bodydropping Zack over. Zack quickly starts to get up, but AS keeps an eye on him, and hits a running kneelift to the side of Zack's face! Zack topples to the mat, as Anglesault stands above him, lightly slapping his face to mock him. Anglesault pulls Zack up to his feet, then immediately hits a knee to Zack's midsection, keeling him over! AS locks Zack in a headlock, hitting two more kneelifts, then pressing Zack up above his head. AS looks out to the crowd, a cocky sneer on his face, and then drops Zack across his knee! AS goes for the cover, and just like AS did a few minutes ago, Zack kicks out right at the count of 2. Anglesault questions the counting ability of Treble Charged, as Zack is curled in a ball on the mat, his ribs sore from the abuse.

Anglesault pulls Zack up by his hair, and basically stands him up himself. AS grabs him by the throat, and calls for a chokeslam!? NO! Zack shoots an elbow to AS' cheek, then counters with an STO, dropping 'Sault to the mat! Zack segues right into an armbar, wrenching away on AS' arm, and now the champ is in trouble! AS squirms on the mat, attempting to shift his position to reach the ropes with his free arm. The more he moves, the more Zack tugs on his other arm. Anglesault starts getting closer to the bottom rope, and seeing this, Zack breaks the leg scissors he has on the arm, supporting his lock on AS, and drags Anglesault more towards the center of the ring. Zack holds AS' arm (his right arm) with his left hand, and then drops a legdrop across his bicep! Zack now applies an armlock, continuing to work over the champion. TC checks in, asking if 'Sault wants to give it up, but the champion refuses. He writhes in pain, but starts to power to his feet, still held by Malibu. He twists towards Zack, hitting him twice with forearms to the jaw/mouth area to break free, then kicks him in the gut, and grabs him for a powerbomb...NO! Zack slips out, lands on his feet, and hits a single arm DDT on Anglesault! Zack again grabs the bad arm, and looks out to the crowd, who go wild for their hero...LA MAGISTRAL! 1...2...NO! Kickout by Anglesault!

Anglesault opts for the high road at this point, as he quickly rolls under the bottom rope after the pin break, trying to give himself some time to heal up his arm, which is no doubt killing him after the last few minutes. Anglesault walks around ringside, shaking his arm back and forth slowly, trying to get the blood flowing and ease the pain. Treble Charged begins the count, reaching the count of 3 when Zack decides to exit the ring himself. He starts coming around the corner after AS, who has his back turned, when TC slides out of the ring, blocking his path! Treble Charged orders Zack back into the ring, much to the crowds disdain. Anglesault turns to see this, and starts coming around the ring, wanting to get at Zack himself, but TC turns around and blocks AS, ordering him back into the ring also! AS argues with him, and suddenly BOTH Zack and AS grab TC and slide him into the ring, and start duking it out at ringside! The crowd goes nuts as they exchange fists, and Treble Charged, obviously knowing he can't contain a hatred this deep within the ring, lets it be. Anglesault stops the Malibu onslaught with a quick rake to the eyes, proving that even the simplest of manuevers can turn the tide. He Irish whips Zack hard into the guardrail, and Zack slumps down, leaning against the metal barrier, as fans rush over to pat him on the shoulder, encourgae him, and just get camera time. While Zack is getting mobbed, aching against the railing, Anglesault goes to grab a chair. He turns back towards Zack, aiming to crack the steel chair over his skull, when Zack lunges forward, taking AS to the floor with a double leg takedown! Zack hits AS with a flurry of punches, then pulls him to his feet and tosses him over the guardrail, giving the fans in the first row a taste of the action more up close than they bargained for! Anglesault shakes the cobwebs loose, slowly getting to his feet, as Zack waits behind him. 'Sault turns around, and walks right into an inverted atomic drop from Zack! Anglesault hunches over, turning away from Zack as fans rush towards both men, patting them and acting how wrestling fans generally do.

AS grabs the guardrail for support, but Zack grabs him and lifts him up, dropping him crotch first on the guardrail! AS lets out a howl of pain, as Zack turns back to the crowd and continues to egg them on, working them up. Zack hops over the railing, back to ringside,and jumps up on the apron, basking in the cheers of the sellout crowd. With AS still straddling the guardrail, Zack runs across the apron and leaps off, not with his trademark flying clothesline, but with a flying DROPKICK that knocks AS back over into the crowd! Zack gets back to his feet, as a small,yet noticeable "Holy Shit" chant starts, and then grows through the crowd. Malibu reaches over the rail and grabs AS, pulling him back to ringside. He then picks him up off the floor,and rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope.

Anglesault is up on all fours, no doubt jarred from the last few minutes of action. Zack goes over to him, and he starts to use Zack to pull himself up, and hits a low blow! Zack cringes, and AS immediately hooks him in a waistlock, tossing him backwards with a release German Suplex! AS gets up and does a little stretch, then looks to the crowd and just slyly smirks, toying with their emotions as they jeer him continually. He pulls Zack up, and slams a forearm across his shoulder blades, then another, beating him back down to the canvas. Anglesault picks him up again, and this time hits a backdrop suplex that folds Zack up! Anglesault goes for the cover! 1...2...HEY! Anglesault pulls Zack up at the count of 2!

HUGE heel heat for that one, as even in a match of this magnitude, Anglesault is letting his cockiness shine through. He pulls Zack up and hooks both arms. Pedigree? No, you won't see one of those from AS. He takes Zack over with a butterfly suplex! AS KEEPS THE ARMS HOOKED...ROLL THROUGH...ANOTHER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! He hangs on AGAIN and they roll through to their feet...DROPS ZACK WITH A TIGER BOMB! Great sequence by Anglesault, who grabs Zack's legs and turns him over into a Boston Crab!


Jim Cornette is probably having a heart attack seeing somebody else use his guy's move.

Even the crowd respects talent like that, as Anglesault shows off his tremendous technical skills, having Zack take continuous falls on his back, only to put pressure on it with a Boston Crab. AS leans back, putting all his weight on Zack's lower back, as Zack resists the urge to tap out. Using his arms, he tries to force himself towards the ropes while in the hold, combatting the grip that 'Sault has on him. Zack starts reaching for the bottom rope, but is only grazing it with his hand...HE GETS IT! Treble Charged calls for the break, and AS waits until the count of 4 to release the hold. He stands over Zack, pulling him up by the hair, and then slaps the taste out of his mouth. Zack does a spin take on the shot, then rebounds with a chop to AS' chest. Again, we enter Dueling Chop Mode, as both guys redden the others chest with sick open-handed blows. Zack goes on a chopping spree, slapping away at AS' pecs, backing him up against the ropes. Anglesault capitalizes, ducking down and backdropping the oncoming Zack over the ropes, but Zack lands on his feet on the apron, and slams AS back to the mat by his head! Zack makes like he's lunging over the ropes, causing Anglesault to roll out of the way, and pop up to his feet. Cockily, he starts pointing to his head, as if he faked Zack out, not knowing that Zack is on the apron, setting him up for something. He turns around, and Zack leaps in...SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK! Nice fakeout by Zack! Anglesault AGAIN retreats to the outside, dodging any possible pin attempts by Zack.

AS paces ringside, regaining his composure, when Zack has had enough. He bounces off the ropes and comes at AS with a baseball slide...NO...Anglesault sidesteps it, and pulls Zack to the floor by his legs...RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR! ZACK LANDS RIGHT ON THE BACK OF HIS NECK! Malibu is hurt badly on the floor now, as Anglesault takes the time to catch a breather. Anglesault takes a deep breath and pulls Zack's limp body up off the concrete, then shoves him backwards, so that his lower back crashes against the edge of the ring apron! Zack starts to slump back down to the floor, but Anglesault picks him up as he does, again shoving him back first into the apron. This time, he lets Zack collapse, then turns to the crowd and raises his hands, as if to signal the defeat of Zack.

Anglesault grabs Zack by the legs, looks out to the crowd, and audibly mouths "This is your hero?" before launching Zack headfirst into the post with a catapult!

Zack lays face down on the floor of MSG, his forehead now dripping blood.

Anglesault calmly walks over to him, kicking him lightly, almost playfully, as Zack can barely move. Anglesault again assists in getting Zack to his feet, and then rams his head into the apron, staining the canvas with Zack's blood. Zack falls to his knees, holding onto the apron with his hand. Anglesault again takes the opportunity to roll the Pissed Off Prep into the ring, and follows suit by sliding in under the bottom rope. Zack tries rolling onto his stomach, but AS grabs him and covers.



2 1/2! Zack got a shoulder up at 2 1/2!

Anglesault looks up at TC with a look of rage on his face, telling him to count faster next time. Anglesault goes for another pin attempt, this time with his feet up on the ropes! Treble Charged counts...1...2...TC sees the cheating! He stops the count, prompting Anglesault to tell him to "shut up, bitch!" He turns back to Zack, and pulls him to his feet, then locks on an IRON CLAW!? AS is gripping at the wound on Zack's head, literally squeezing the life out of him. Zack screams in agony, as Anglesault keeps his grip, not letting up,and forcing Zack down to one knee. Zack grabs AS by the wrist, trying to fight up, but Anglesault, still holding him by the head, shoves him backwards hard to the mat! Anglesault pulls Zack to his feet, and lifts him up...Delayed Vertical Suplex...AS is letting the blood rush to Zack's head (and onto the mat, as Zack is now wearing the "crimson mask")...WAIT! Zack slips out of it! He spins AS around...POP DROP~! NO, counter with a small package!



2 3/4! Zack kicks out again!

Anglesault wastes no time, going right for Zack's leg...SALT AND PEPPER ANKLE LOCK! ANKLE LOCK ON ZACK MALIBU! WAIT...Zack gets up on his other leg...he hops up, kicking back with a mule kick, breaking AS' grip! Anglesault comes for him again...Drop Toehold! Zack grabs an armlock, pulling Anglesault up to his feet. Zack segues into a wristlock, and starts pelting 'Sault with continuous roundhouse kicks to the sternum! Zack breaks the wristlock, and quickly takes AS off his feet with a sweep kick, then hits a legdrop from a standing position! Quick cover by Zack, hooking the leg...



Anglesault kicks out at 2! Zack gets up, and comes off the ropes with an elbowdrop...NO, Anglesault rolls out of the way, and grabs Zack. Irish Whip to the corner! Anglesault charges...NO, Zack moves out of the way, and AS eats turnbuckles! Zack climbs up on the second rope, and starts unloading punches as the Madison Square Garden crowd chants along!

Anglesault shoves Zack off after the fifth punch, but Zack lands on his feet, and kicks Anglesault in the gut...Zack grabs him and bounces off the corner...TORNADO DDT...NO! ANGLESAULT THROWS ZACK OVER THE TOP AND TO THE FLOOR!

Zack went SPLAT on that fall, as Anglesault again shows his contempt for The Preppy One. Zack, who has taken a tremendous amount of punishment from the champion thus far, has got to be wondering how much more he's going to have to take, as Anglesault is not, and will not, let up.

Anglesault ducks out through the middle rope, hopping down to the floor where Zack has landed. Anglesault reaches over the railing, telling a fan to get his ass up! The fan, somewhat shocked, has no idea how to respond, and he gets shoved on the floor by AS! The World Champion grabs the chair that the fan was sitting on, and walks back over to Zack, who hasn't moved in the slightest since taking "the plunge".

Anglesault pulls his weakened foe up off the floor for what seems like the millionth time tonight, and this time sets him up, standing him against the steel post. Anglesault backs up, and raises the chair in the air, showing even those in the nosebleed seats what he plans on doing. He takes a few quick steps forward, and takes a big swing...ZACK DUCKS! ZACK DUCKS! Malibu avoids what could have been the fatal blow, and Anglesault reels in the shock...MALIBU CAPITALIZES WITH SCHOOL'S OUT INTO THE CHAIR...NO! NO! ANGLESAULT SLAMMED THE CHAIR ON ZACK'S FOOT! ZACK GOES DOWN!


Oh man, Zack may be hurt and hurt badly.

Zack falls down, clutching at his right ankle, as replays show that AS saw the trademark kick coming, and smashed the chair into Zack.

Zack is screaming, and there is a great fear that his foot may be shattered. Zack tries back away from AS, trying to get the time to evaluate his condition, but Anglesault stays on him like a rabid dog, grabbing his right leg and swinging it so that the foot crashes against the steel steps. Zack reaches up, using the apron for support to get off the floor. He starts to slide in under the bottom rope, but Anglesault grabs the bad leg again...ANOTHER SALT AND PEPPER ANKLELOCK! Anglesault, still standing outside the ring, has Zack in an Anklelock as he was getting back inside! Zack kicks back several times with his left leg, finally breaking AS' grip, and moving in towards the center of the ring.

Anglesault comes into the ring, and stands back laughing as he watches Zack trying to get to his feet. Zack makes it to his feet, limping badly, and as soon as he does get up, Anglesault rushes at him, grabbing him and dropping him across his knee with a backbreaker. Anglesault spits on Zack, basking in the heat he's getting from the crowd. He retreats to the outside again, this time grabbing the steel chair and bringing it into the ring. He moves towards Zack with it, but Treble Charged stands in his way, not allowing it. AS raises the chair, as if he's going to level TC with it, causing him to duck out of the way. Anglesault then brushes past him, and puts Zack's ankle in the chair, setting him up for a Pillmanizer! Anglesault props himself up on the second rope, but now Treble Charged gets back in his face, blocking him from leaping down on the chair. Anglesault has had enough of his old foe, and gets down, grabbing TC by his ref shirt.


These two have quite a history.

Anglesault starts mouthing off at him, and doesn't see Zack desperately trying to get the chair off his foot. AS and TC continue to argue, and Zack pulls himself up with the ropes, getting to his feet, and weilding the steel chair! Zack looks at the crowd, who are chanting his name, egging him on to blast the champ with the steel weapon in his hands. Zack looks out, then tosses the chair down to the floor! He doesn't need it! Zack hops on his good leg, and jumps on AS with a SLEEPER! Anglesault is stunned, but Zack is on his back, clenching his head tightly, trying to bring him down. AS staggers around the ring with Zack on his back, then backs towards the corner, falling towards the turnbuckles and sandwhiching Zack. AS, incensed at Zack's determination, grabs him by the leg and throws him over the top rope...NO! ZACK SKINS THE CAT! Preppy is pulling himself back in, Steamboat style...WAIT! ANGLESAULT GRABS ANOTHER ANKLELOCK! ZACK IS DANGLING OVER THE TOP ROPE WHILE IN THE HOLD!


Excellent work by the champion, keeping his eye on his rival and trapping him in an unexpected situation!

Zack is dangling over the ropes, his head hanging close to the concrete, as Anglesault holds him by his bad wheel! Treble Charged orders AS to let go or to get Zack back in the ring, so he pulls Zack back up and in over the ropes by his leg! Anglesault attempts to keep the Anklelock locked on Malibu, but Zack grabs the bottom rope. Frustrated, Anglesault jerks Zack's leg back, breaking his grip on the ropes and slamming him on the mat. Anglesault then grabs both of Zack's legs, and carries him up and over...WHEELBARROW SUPLEX~! That one took all the wind out of Zack's sails! Anglesault positions Zack near the corner, and starts going up to the top. AS looks back to make sure Zack is still incapacitated...SALTSAULT! ANGLESAULT COMES CRASHING DOWN ON ZACK! COVER!




Anglesault grabs Zack and shoves him into the corner, then taking a few steps back and crushing Zack Malibu's ribs with a running kneelift! AS picks Zack up, setting him up on the top rope, and then following suit. Superplex attempt...BLOCKED! Zack shoves AS to the mat! Anglesault gets back up immediately, and returns to the ropes, trying to take Zack over...and gets shoved down to the mat AGAIN! Zack is putting up a hell of a fight! Anglesault comes at him again, and this time Zack grabs him in a facelock, attempting a Tornado DDT...BLOCKED BY ANGLESAULT...RELEASE BELLY TO BELLY INTO THE CORNER! ZACK FALLS ON HIS HEAD!

Zack is left in a rather akward position, his legs up in the air, supported by the ropes. Anglesault lifts Zack up, propping him up on the top rope, facing out to the crowd, but then harshly pulls him by his head, hanging him upside down in the corner! Anglesault walks over to the opposite corner, and charges with a full head of steam...BASEBALL SLIDE TO ZACK'S FACE...NO! NO! ZACK GOT UP! SOMEHOW, HE GOT UP! AS slides all the way through, and crotches himself on the ringpost! Malibu, still on the top rope, leans back so he's upside down, and grabs AS by the head...HANGING INVERTED CAMEL CLUTCH! WHAT A MOVE!

The crowd starts going nuts for this, feeling that it's a move that can put Anglesault away. However, Zack must break the hold due to the positioning, so TC warns him to let go. Zack goes, and grabbing the top rope, pulls himself back up to sitting position. Zack looks spent, as the fans applaud him as he tries to recover. Anglesault comes crawling out of the corner, worse for wear after taking a post to the midsection, as well as a great, improvised submission like that Camel Clutch hold.

Anglesault pushes himself to his feet, and Zack starts to try and get his footing on the ropes, trying to stand up despite having had his ankle smashed in by a steel chair earlier on. Zack stands, very shakily, and waits for AS to turn around...flying bodypress is caught! Anglesault holds Zack, and tosses him backwards with a fallaway slam...RIGHT INTO TREBLE CHARGED!





Anglesault turns and goes for the pin, but then sees that the referee is down! A sick, sadistic smile comes over him. Seeing that Treble Charged is wiped out, AS heads to the floor, and starts looking under the ring...HE PULLS OUT HIS SLEDGE! Anglesault slides into the ring, where Zack is still looking up at the lights. AS raises his hands in triumph, feeling that the end is near, and starts choking Zack with the sledge! Anglesault smirks, then walks away from Malibu, dropping his sledge down on the mat in the process. He returns to ringside again, this time grabbing a steel chair. Anglesault brushes past the cameraman, and we hear him say "Out of my way...I'm going to break his friggin' ankle" as he walks up the steps. Anglesault stops on the apron, and looks out to the crowd, letting them know that they're not going home happy. He walks back in, and sees Zack rolling around, gasping for air. He turns to TC, who is still out cold after being wiped out a few minutes prior to this. Anglesault turns back to Zack...WHAM! SLEDGE SHOT TO THE CHAIR, SMASHING ANGLESAULT IN THE FACE! HOLY SHIT! AS IS DOWN!


What the hell?! He's supposed to be a good guy.


"Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat."


How dare you quote me, little man!

Zack collapses on Anglesault, but there is no one to make the cover! The crowd chants a count, getting as high as "7" before they realize that Treble Charged still hasn't moved. Zack rolls off of AS, and crawls over to TC, trying to revive him. TC starts rolling around slightly, but still hasn't opened his eyes. Zack slowly gets to his feet, limping, his face grimacing from any slight pressure on his ankle. He turns to Anglesault...low blow! AS, his face now a bloody mess to match Zack's, caught the challenger off-guard! He reaches for his trusty slegde, and smashes the blunt end of it into Zack's ribs, then takes the handle and starts choking Zack! Zack tries to pull it away, but AS lurches back, choking him,and then hitting a sledge assisted Russian Legsweep! Anglesault agains sets Zack up closer to the corner, and goes up top again, signalling for another SaltSault! He launches himself from the top rope, and comes down on Zack...ZACK PUT THE CHAIR OVER HIMSELF! ANGLESAULT LANDS ON STEEL! AS flops on the mat like Rob Van Dam after a frog splash, and Zack pushes the chair away from himself, then rolls over, draping an arm over Anglesault. Again, the crowd starts chanting their own count, but this time Treble Charged is starting to stir! Zack has had Anglesault pinned for about 10 seconds before TC starts coming to, and slowly makes his way over to the competitors. Slowly but surely, he makes the count...




Zack rolls off Anglesault, then pushes himself up to his feet. Being near the corner, Zack sets Anglesault up, and then HE starts climbing the turnbuckles, trying to maintain a good balance despite the ankle injury. Zack goes up to the top rope, and stands up, visibly shaking, trying not to fall off. Tired and hurt, Zack is looking to put the champion away once and for all. Flashbulbs throughout the arena go off as Zack leaps off with a patented Guillotine Legdrop! He covers Anglesault, hooking the leg as always...ANGLESAULT KICKS OUT! 2 15/16 OF A COUNT! THE CHAMPION WILL NOT GO DOWN!

Both men now lay on the mat, as this match has taken it's toll on them. From fancy matwork to outright brutality, they have given it their all. Treble Charged begins the standing 10 count, and if neither man can make it to his feet, we will have a draw.

1 (neither man moves, not even the slightest flinch of a muscle)


3 (AS turns his head, opening his eyes and trying to see where his opponent is. Zack is still not moving.)

4 (Zack tries to sit up,

coughing. His usually perfect hair is a red stained mess. AS rubs his hands over his own face, trying to wipe the blood out of his eyes.)

5 (Zack rolls onto his stomach)

6 (Zack pushes himself up to his knees. Anglesault has rolled onto his stomach.)

With Zack up, TC stops the count. Zack looks up at the ceiling of Madison Square Garden, letting out a sigh as he looks up at the lights. He slowly gets to his feet, when suddenly Anglesault SPRINGS to his feet, shooting towards Zack...ANGLE SLAM! ANGLESAULT WAS PLAYING POSSUM! He lays across Zack, as TC dives in to make the count!






I thought it was over there.


There's that thinking man's wrestler I'm talking about.

The crowd goes APESHIT, as fans everywhere breathe a sigh of relief that their favorite was able to kickout of that. Even Anglesault himself cannot believe it! He goes after Treble Charged AGAIN, blaming him for a slow count rather than believing that Malibu can put up this much of a fight. TC warns him like always, and this allows Zack to come from behind...SCHOOL BOY!




That's not going to get it done. This is the championship match, it's going to take more than that to win.

Anglesault gets right up, and kicks Zack in the side of the head as he was getting up. He pulls him to his feet by his arm, and sends him into the ropes, catching him coming off with a Release Belly To Belly, tossing Zack across the ring! AS falls down to his knees, and crawls over to Zack for another cover. He drapes his right arm over Zack!





Quick thinking by Zack.

Zack sits on AS' back, pulling back on the arm that was weakened in the early goings of this contest! Anglesault howls in pain, but won't give either TC or Zack the satisfaction of giving in. AS powers up to his feet, Zack still clamping down on his arm, and kicks back, nailing Zack in the nether region! AS spins around right away, and tries another Angle Slam, but Zack slips out, and lands hard on the bad ankle, stopping him in his tracks! AS turns and grabs him, and this time hits the Angle Slam! Cover by the champion!




THAT was the closest fall of the match, as Zack Malibu barely had anything left to kick out with! The collective heart attack that the crowd (and those watching at home) had is proof of that! Anglesault is furious, growing more and more desperate as the match drags on. He goes for Zack's right foot again, grabbing it and trying to turn Zack over for another Salt and Pepper attempt, but Zack starts kicking away with the left leg. Tired of the comebacks, AS goes to drop an elbow on Zack to break any momentum he might gain, but Zack rolls out of the way! He pushes himself up before Anglesault can, and AS stumbles backwards, right into THE TRENDSETTER! ZACK SLAMS HIS HEAD TO THE MAT! COVER!





Whew. What a match.


Don't be fooled. This is the OAOAST, you didn't see this at Safeco Field.

Anglesault just survived Zack Malibu's original finishing move! People can talk all they want about Zack's determination, but The World Heavyweight Champion is on equal footing in that department! Zack pulls him up, and grabs him in a front facelock...POP DROP! NO! SMALL PACKAGE BY ANGLESAULT! 2 7/8 COUNT! HE CAN'T PUT ZACK AWAY!


Inches, just inches away from retaining the OAOAST championship.

Both men back to their feet, and Anglesault comes at Zack, walking into a MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER~! AS gets slammed to the mat, and Zack starts heading towards the turnbuckles again! He makes the "twirly fingers" gesture to the crowd (think Kid Kash on TNA here), and goes up, possibly for his own "SaltSault"! As Zack makes it up to the second turnbuckle, a woozy AS gets up to his feet, and moves in towards Zack. He grabs him while on the turnbuckles,and ANGLE SLAMS HIM OFF THE SECOND ROPE!


My God! How much more can he take? Is it worth the risk?

TREMENDOUS move by the champion, again knowing his surroundings and busting out a high impact move to negate the challengers momentum! Anglesault goes for a cover, getting cocky and not hooking the leg! TC's hands hit the mat once...twice...FOOT ON THE ROPES! TC STOPS JUST BEFORE 3! ZACK GOT HIS FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE!

Anglesault looks like he's going to CRY, as he is dishing it out, but Zack keeps on taking it! He drags Zack away from the ropes, and goes for another pin, this time hooking the leg...ANOTHER KICKOUT BY ZACK! HE WILL NOT QUIT!


He won't quit, Jess. Such heart...


Stupid is more like it.

AS figures if Zack won't quit, he's worn out enough to put to sleep, so he pulls him up and locks on a MAIN EVENT SLEEPER! Zack squirms, trying to break free of the hold, but AS has a vice like grip on the P.O.P. Zack falls to one knee, but somehow powers back up, and starts ramming elbows into AS' ribs. Most likely bruised from landing hard on the chair a short while ago, this causes Anglesault to release the hold. Zack sends him to the ropes, and when AS rebounds off them, Zack leaps forward, spearing him to the mat! Zack starts to get up, but as he does Anglesault grabs his foot...he pulls Zack to the mat with the SALT AND PEPPER!


Can Zack push off the pain?


No! No, he can't.

Every time Anglesault has locked this hold on Zack, he put more pressure on him than the previous time. This time, Anglesault is berating Zack, telling him to give it up or be crippled. Zack yells in pain, but will not tap out. He uses his hands to push himself up to his free foot while in the hold, but when he goes to kick back, AS just lets go of him, watching Zack flop to the mat, then applies the hold again! After what seems like an eternity in the anklelock, Zack Malibu again reaches the ropes, and Treble Charged calls for the hold to be broken.

Zack, who has nearly had his foot torn off of his body by Anglesault, gets supported from the ring ropes in getting to his feet. Anglesault stays on him, coming for him right away, but Zack kicks him with his good leg, and hops over his back with a sunset flip...ANGLESAULT ROLLS THROUGH...He's got Zack by both legs...CATAPULT OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE...NO! NO! ZACK SKINS THE CAT! Anglesault sees this and grabs him...ANGLE SLAM...NO! NO! ZACK slips out, LANDING ON ONLY HIS LEFT LEG! ZACK LANDED ON ONE LEG! Kick to the gut...POP DROP! POP DROP! ZACK MALIBU COVERS!







The crowd ERUPTS. People jump to their feet. Zack Malibu, completely spent, rolls off of Anglesault and onto his back.


The winner and NEW OAOAST world heavyweight champion... Zack Malibu!




Ross, this match has got to be one of, if not the best, in OAOAST history! I think congratulations are in order for both men, but man...Zack Malibu has finally become the World Champion! This response is deafening!

Zack gets helped to his feet by Treble Charged, who presents him with the World Title belt, just as Zack's theme music is starting up. Zack is in disbelief, visibly disoriented from the beating he's taken, as he looks down at the belt. His theme music starts up, but you can barely hear the soft start to it over the crowd. Zack looks down at the belt in his hands, and though his head is down, you can catch a glimpse of his emotions pouring out, as the beat to the song gets heavier...

*Wake me up*

Wake me up inside

*Save me*

Call my name and save me from the dark.


Zack Malibu raises his hands up, grasping the prize...The OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship!

Zack, now crying, looks on as the fans that poured into Madison Square Garden tonight rise to their feet, giving him a standing ovation. Treble Charged officially raises his hand, and Big Poppa Popick slides in the ring, patting Zack on the back and then hugging him. Luke Perry, Tiffani Theissen, and even the fans begin to pour into the ring, all coming to congratulate Zack. The cameras cut away for a second though, and cut to the aisle, where Alison is making her way out!

Now that I know what I'm without

Zack turns from the mass of people now in the ring, and sees Alison coming to the ring. He stops dead in his tracks. The cameras cut to her, as she is crying slightly, with a smile on her face.


There's no crying in wrestling!


C'mon, Jess. This is very emotional for Alison.


No its not. It's that time of the month for her.


Hey now.


Next thing you know, we'll find out she's knocked up!

you can't just leave me.

Breathe into me and make me real

Alison gets up on the apron. Luke Perry and Big Poppa Popick hold the ropes for her as she enters. She looks at Zack, and then literally charges him!

Bring me to life.


Zack and Alison embrace, and she plants a kiss on him! He's got the title, and now he's got the girl!


Who the hell does he think he is? Ricky Steamboat?

Wake me up.

Wake me up inside.

I can't wake up.

Wake me up inside.

Save me.

Call my name and save me from the dark.

The guardrails have been pushed aside. Fans are pouring into the ringside area, and a loud "Zack" chant has been started. Anglesault is recovered in the aisleway, looking on with disgust.

Wake me up.

Bid my blood to run.

Wake me up.

Before I come undone.

Save me.

Save me from the nothing I've become.

Bring me to life.

*I've been living a lie...there's nothing inside*

Bring me to life.

At this point Angle-Plex starts making his way down the aisle, clad in his street clothes of jeans and a black polo shirt. He walks right down the aisle, and past Anglesault, who yells at him. AP doesn't turn back.

Frozen inside without your touch, without your love, darling

Zack and Alison are hugging, as everyone pats them on the back and smile, knowing that the title is finally where it should be. The crowd then starts to part, as AP enters the ring.

only you are the life among the dead

Zack sees Angle-Plex, and breaks away from Alison's hug. Zack staggers forward, the two men locking eyes.

All this time I can't believe I couldn't see

Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me

I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems

Got to open my eyes to everything

Angle-Plex extends his hand to Zack. Zack looks down at it, then again locks eyes with AP.

Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul

*Don't let me die here*

There must be something more

Zack takes the handshake, and he and AP hug, drawing yet another huge pop from a crowd of people who will have lost their voices come morning.


*Wake me up*

Zack is lifted up on the shoulders of TC and AP, as blue and gold pyro shoots out from the turnbuckles. Cut to Anglesault going apeshit in the aisle, tearing at his hair, and cursing the day both Zack and AP were born.

Parting shot of Zack still on the shoulders of AP and TC, pointing to his heart and then out to the fans.


What an emotional night for the OAOAST, and for Zack; his never say die attitude; Anglesault's desperation to keep the belt, and his ensuing madness. But Zack Malibu has finally done it; he's the new OAOAST champion. Like his theme said, Zack has brought the OAOAST to life. For all of us in the OAOAST, we hoped you enjoyed AngleMania II. On behalf of the OAOAST, we wanna thank our brave men and women in Iraq for "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Win, come home safe, and God bless.


That last comment might get us into PC trouble. But it's not a race thing. It's not a religion thing. It's a kicking Saddam's ass and finding WMD thing!


Congratulations to all our new champions; Andrew: North American champion; ZsasZ: X-champion; Los Infernales: tag team champions; Zack: OAOAST champion.


A great night it's been, but I'm a little disappoint; the battle of the internet titans: Hot NewzWire vs. Zack Attack didn't take place.


Neither guy wanted to job. Goodnight everybody!


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Zack Malibu




Big Poppa Popick











Scott Keith's Biggest Fan

The Mad Cappa



Big Poppa Popick


Big Poppa Popick


Zack Malibu


The Superstar


Zack Malibu

The Superstar



Big Poppa Popick





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