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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Whore Zone Back To School Episode!!

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Hot off a titillating debut episode, The Whore Zone opens with a tag match joined in progress featuring DIDI and PIPI BIGGUNS. 

But wait! When have we ever opened a show with highlights of a previously recorded match?! 

Now that we’ve got your Spidey Sense tingling; the Bigguns are in full control against former Mormon missionaries Amanada Beamer and Anita Hardick, who instantly remind us why OAOAST fans have dubbed them THE SCREAMING MORMONS. 



Dragged to the corner by the hair, Hardick let out a wide-eyed “AAAH!” before going limp after a diving knee drop bulldog known to longtime fans as Calf Branding. A vicious new move in Didi’s arsenal.


To add insult to injury, Didi sat on her opponent’s chest for the 1-2-3!


What everyone heard next wasn’t a screaming Mormon, but “Them Bones” by Alice in Chains!

Uh-oh! I think someone’s panties got moist – and not out of excitement!

Didi's jaw dropped, but not to insert a dick! ATUNA PAYNE headed her way!

And I think someone regrets popping off on social media right about now!

Fortunate not to have been snapped in half during their previous encounter, it appeared Didi’s luck had run out when AP entered the ring in a foul mood (nose bandaged from an earlier incident to be covered later in show). Until Didi had the bright idea to feed cousin Pipi to the big bad she-wolf! Didi escaped outside as AP pressed Pipi overhead and teased tossing her into the crowd! OAOAST Deviants encouraged her, ready to catch and molest the diminutive blonde! But JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN dashed their hopes coming in to get her some of AP!

Chow down, Jadey! 

As my broadcast partner said in her own special way, Jade Rodez-Duncan has been after Atuna Payne! A hunger that has only grown after what happened to Jade’s half-sister Maya Duncan-Blanchard at the hands of Payne and our Hotties Champion Etta Kitt!

AP dropped Pipi and nearly got dropped by a running butt bump! She and Jade then traded blows as OAOAST rushed to separate the two, only for Didi to sneak back in and toss Jade over the top rope! Then with officials all around her Didi called on AP to bring it! Instead Jade used Pipi as a human step-ladder and returned the favor! Out to the floor Didi went as AP broke loose and went back at it with Jade! 

OAOAST officials again hurried to separate them!




Oh my gosh! We need to get this situation under control!

Following ads for dick pills, meeting black singles online, and the US Army (man, they must be really desperate for recruits), Renee greeted us from the broadcast position. Conspicuous by her absence, Alix Maria Spezia who Renee explained was “on assignment,” although we’d still hear from her as tonight’s program would feature more footage recorded the night of The Whore Zone’s grand premiere, such as…

... Brea Brea – still sore over the savage assault by Bedrock – and a partner challenge the aWo’s Dreamy and Tabitha for the Hotties Tag Team Title. I say “partner” because no one had any clue as to the status of Brea’s ride-or-die Samantha Cayley given the upheaval in Sammi’s life. What happened you just need to see to believe! Plus you will see the in-ring debut of Amelia Von Kruger and a whole lot more starting now! 


Deep Six” by Marylin Manson plays THE NASTY BOYDS to the ring and they quickly deep-six their opponents, the twin set of NUNS (may they succumb to the OAOAST’s wicked ways) first seen on our last show. 

Already nasty as they wanna be, the Boyds upped the aggression to the delight of their manager Referee Nerdregard, who in the spirit of the international soccer tournaments ongoing at the time of our tapings flashed a YELLOW CARD after his charges delivered a NASTY BOMB OFF THE TOP ROPE! 

Post-match, RFN again vented about the supposed disrespect shown to the Boyds by the OAOAST, vowing to deep-six anybody who comes between them and their goal: the Hotties tag team title. 

Who can stop the Nasty Way?!? Not the Freakazoids! Damn sure not those two broads we just beat -- and they had God on their side! The Mega-Hotties? Sank them like the Titanic! Woke Queens? We’d leave them Broke Queens! Definitely not the Midnight F–

RFN abruptly stopped as JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN and ATUNA PAYNE resumed their fight out in the aisle! OAOAST Deviants enjoyed every second of the action; OAOAST officials not so much. Instead of using their free time to peep into the Hotties dressing room they had to do actual work, which caused them to miss out on THE MIDNIGHT FOXES appearing atop the Toy Box near our broadcast position where CAELDORI FOX flashed more than a yellow card… 


The Boyds and RFN lost their minds (and a load most likely in RFN’s case) in the ring as Cali entertained the masses. The act drew a RED CARD from RFN while Ruby answered with a blown kiss!

Where else but the OAOAST would you see that kinda build to a match?!?


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Backstage in the trainers room we find Brea Brea attired in her colorful ring outfit being looked at by DOCTOR MAX ANDERSON

You’re looking great, Brea. I know you might not feel it…


Sorry. But you’re ready to win the tag belts tonight!

Without so much as a knock our general manager, THE DOLL buts into the room.

Doctor Anderson, is she medically cleared for tonight?

Try to show more sympathy, Rena. And yes, she is cleared.

I am very sympathetic. Brea, I am very sorry for what Bedrock did to you on TMW.

Thank you.

That should never happen to any woman. Any.

I agree, feeling that massive member terrorize my tight vaginal walls, knowing people were…pleasuring themselves to my pain…but…but…. Blaine will make sure it never happens again. No one will feel the sexual agony I felt again!

You still want to put your faith in the Cayleys?

Brea gives a firm nod.

And you’re still expecting Sammi Cayley to swoop in from her ivory tower and tag with you tonight, more than tag, to challenge for the tag titles against the AWO? Do you honestly expect that will happen?

It’s my lucky day, right? It’s gotta happen!

We’re onto the 4th of July, beautiful America’s Day, and America is built on cold, hard reality. Forget that your Mega Hottie partner left millions of fans in the lurch, forget that she left her own brother, twin brother, the boy who took her virginity, she left him behind. But she also left you behind! She quit on you and she probably doesn’t care much that Bedrock-

Enough, Rena.

No! She’s coming back! She’ll be here and we’re gonna win the tag team champions.

Brea, The Whore Zone has already changed the industry single handily. But I’m a woman of tradition, I like missionary sex, I like to be wined before I go down and dine, and I like my tag team title  matches to be tag team matches. Therefore if Sammi isn’t in your corner tonight-

Please, don’t call off the match!

I would NEVER do that. Instead, someone else will have their lucky day and live their American dream as your partner.

Brea’s eyebrows go up in surprise.

I have some UNIQUE candidates in mind.

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We’re shown a few highlights of past OAOAST shows focusing on Jenna Malibu. Yes she won the OVARY Title from Charli 9ine but not without her dad stopping her from hitting Charli with the belt. The following show Jenna took on Euphoria and was set to beat her down until Tori Malibu, Jenna’s aunt and Euphoria’s friend, begged Jenna to spare Euphoria.

All that leads us is into a nice Providence, Rhode Island home where Sunday dinner is ready to  be served…


And who’s at the table? Tori Malibu, Jenna Malibu and Candie Malibu with a place open for a yet to arrive Zack Malbiu. Unfortunately, things are a little tense due to a scowling Jenna Malibu. Tori tries to break the ice by saying…

Oh no! The table cloth is white what if…what if…what if…I spill something red! We’ll never get it!

You haven’t changed since the day I met you. What was the first thing you said to me?

I remember. “Woah, sorry, dropped my tea tray!”

Yeah, we’ve all heard the story. 

Well, uh, thanks for having me over, Candie. I’m great at maid stuff so leave the cleaning to me! That’s why my nickname is Maid Mayhem.

(Patty’s note: her nickname is Maid Mayhem because she’s a klutz!)

We hear the sound of footsteps and see none other the legend himself, one…


Sorry I’m late, family. Traffic is getting nightmarish out there. You’d think we were in Boston not Rhode Island.


Mother, may I be excused?

I’ve only just served the bread. And your dad-

I’m not hungry anymore. I have a flight to catch. My rental car is due back in an hour.

Jenna? I’m home? Do you have any hello or hi or hey to say?

Zack leans in for a hug and gets no sold like a chop to Sadist’s chest!

I said. May.I.Be.Excused?

Will you be back for Pictionary?


We always play Pictionary at Malibu family dinners. Right, I didn’t hallucinate those 100 of games, did I?


Jenna, sit tight, your mom prepared a great meal, and-


Or we can play Scategories. I’m open to new games.

Are you people just crazy? Out of your mind? Lunatics?

Jenna slams her fist on the table, clearly anger is overwhelming.

Jenna, I don’t think  this is the time or the place.

And why is that mom?

Because this is Malibu family dinner.

Or is it because there are cameras here and you want to present yourself as the perfect All American New England family. Sorry, mom, you’re already exposed as a weak-

Do not talk to your mother like that. Do not.

Tori starts sweating bullets!

It would be really great to have some bread!

You want bread, Aunt Tori? Bread? You like bread? Or do you like living under the thumb of the great Franchise? The Savoir of the OAOAST?

Well, the two aren’t really related. You can like both…

Good! Then you like both! You like both bread and you like being held to the great standards of Zack Malibu! Well, I hate bread! And you, Aunt Tori, you with your…your…just…you and everyone else in this family please just leave me the HELL ALONE!

Jenna rises from her seat in a huff, to say the least. No one knows what to say, and perhaps that’s for the best. Instead they watch the OVARY Champion, grab her title and depart the dining room in that aforementioned huff. 


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The following contest is schedule for one fall! Now in the ring, from Bakersfield, California, she is JOBETTE BURRRRRR!!!!!

Jobette is actually out of the ring,  eating out her LUNCH BOX, and that’s not a euphemism or a metaphor. Jobette is eating a ham sandwich out her lunch box. And she’s got Cheetos for a side!

I’m surprised Jobette has any sort of appetite knowing that she’s facing this woman…

Amelia Von Kruger entered to "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins

THE WORLD IS A VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




And her opponent, from Salzburg, Austria, making her in ring debut, she is “THE LIL DEVIL” AMELIA VOONNNN KRRUUUGGERRRRRRRR!

This chick is 4 RURRRRL!!!!!!!!!!

Well said! She has been trained by 2XS and set free by him and that means nothing but pain and misery for any Hottie she comes across. Is there any past Hottie she reminds you of?

I’m getting Holly vibes and not because I saw their branded vibes next to each other in one of the storage closets. But because they’re both huge meanies!

That they are.


AVK circled the ring, her whip sinuously trailing behind her. She climbs a turnbuckle, her eyes smoldering with lust. She whips the air, the crowd roaring with anticipation. She’s  ruthlessly pacing, licking her lips and promising untold pleasures... or pains!!!

I’m feeling sorry for Jobette Burr.

I am too, I heard she has to be back in the group home by 8:30.

That wasn’t what I meant, but I think AVK might send her to the hospital not back home.

Jobette tentatively climbs into the ring, her lunchbox clutched to her chest. The crowd, always appreciative of a some lesbian carnage, begins their chant: "JOB-ER! JOB-ER!" AVK snarled mocked Jobette, twirling her whip and clearly enjoying the nervous energy radiating off her opponent.

Very Catwoman-esque of AVK.

Jobette, in a surprising display of agility, dodged AVK’s first strike and rolled her big ass out of the ring! Who can blame her? But the the crowd boos, but AVK just laughs, a sultry, mischievous sound. She taunts Jobette, beckoning her back into the ring with suggestive gestures.


Uh, that’s a little more than suggestive.

Hot diggity dog, that reminds me of Cell Block 6!

Jobette climbed back into the ring and saw that AVK was on a different sort of time. The Austrain charged, but Jobette's strength surprised her once more as she blocked and pushed AVK back.

I’m tougher than I look!

The crowd hoots their approval for Jobette showing some ability, but AVK's agility shines as she ducks a clumsy swing from Jobette and counters with a swift kick to the gut, following up with the venomous Venom Blow aka a leg kickout jawbreaker! Jobette crumbled, her mouth agape, as AVK stands over her, whip trailing along her body, a devilish smile on her face.

Is she gonna be allowed to wrestle with that whip in her hand?

Owen Hart wore that cast, D’Lo wore that chest protector, and Synth had those goggles.

Yeah, but, those were attached to their body.

You’re what Dr.Phil calls a “yeah, butter.” DEATH TO YEAH BUTTERS!

With a cruel glint in her eye, AVK grabbed Jobette by the hair, dragging her to her feet. She pulls her in close, whispering something filthy in her ear, before delivering a sharp snap of her whip across Jobette's back, leaving a red mark. 

“YYYYYEAAAAAAAAAA!” the horny fans cheered, loving seeing the hot AVK dominate this white trash.

Jobette whimpered, a mix of pain and pleasure, as the Austrian pulled her into a tight Canadian backbreaker rack, the Brother's Load on display for the crowd!

Hurts, don’t it!

Woah, that was Malaysia’s finisher move and Malaysia used to have to take 5 minutes to set it up.

And, Amelia Von Kruger got it on Jobette in a minute or 45 seconds.

Jobette cried out, her body arched beautifully, well as beautiful as her body can get. Anyway t she found the strength to crawl, inching her way to the ropes. 

I’m not letting go!

Referee D’Lo Brown admonishes AVK, but she ignores him, didn’t recognize his authority, holding the hold just a second too long before finally releasing it with a smirk, blowing a kiss to the exasperated ref!

She wants to get down with the Brown!

Jobette stumbled, dazed, and AVK was on her like a hungry Austrian wolf. She grabbed Jobette by the hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck. AVK nips and sucks at the sensitive skin, marking her territory, before pushing Jobette to the mat and ascending to the top rope. 

Mine, perverts, YOU’RE ALL MINE!

Oh yes! Take me and Renee first!

Speak for yourself!

The Austrain launched herself, delivering a glorious Harlem Hangover known as KILL OF THE NIGHT!!!!! 


The crowd goes wild as AVK doesn't even bother to pin, instead choosing to pose and gloat, her dominance on full display.

bonnie rotten tumblr_nko0omVjSl1shlvfzo4_400.gif

That’s not posing and gloating that’s orgasming onto our camera man!

Mickey, you looking son of a gun.

AVK stalked Jobette, as the ex-con struggled t her feet. AVK grabs her by her ratty hair hair, pulling her close, and whispers something that makes Jobette whimper like a hoe!. AVK whips her across the ring, and Jobette stumbles, crashing into the turnbuckles. AVK charges, delivering a series of brutal shoulder charges, each one sending Jobette crashing back into the posts. D’Lo tried to intervene, but AVK pushed him away, her eyes wild.

This debut is simply a dominant performance by AVK!

Do me and Renee next, Amelia!

No! Don’t!

The crowd watched in awe as AVK sets up for the finish, hoisting Jobette onto her shoulders. With a final, cruel smirk, AVK executes the Pussy Whipped, slamming Jobette down with a devastating delayed cradle suplex!






Winner: Amelia Von Kruger, via pinfall

 It'was all over, and AVK stands tall, her whip trailing along the ma, her pussy leaking, oh yes she enjoyed this very much!

I can imagine they are some Fluffers who watched this and put in their resignation papers.

Goodie goodie gum drops. That means you and I are up next!


After the match Terry Taylor, with semi erection(!), tried to get an interview with Amelia Von Kruger.

Your curiosity knows no bounds, worm! But I’m in no mood for your useless question. I still haven’t gotten to truly whip anyone. But, you get one question so make it good and make it quick.

After defeating, Jobette…who’s next?

Who’s next? Whoever I fucking want! HAHAHAHAAHAH! HAHAHAAHAHH! HAHAHAAHAHAH!

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We cut to the front of Skylites dressing room where Undie Brown and Detroit Crackhead have scored a HAUL! A haul of panties!

(Sniffing a gold thong)
These are Penny Mars original, Crackie, prime goods, buddy. You don’t know, Crackie, you just don’t know! I bet she squirts in dese draws, buddy. I bet she squirts LOADS AND LOADS!!!!!!!!

Lemme get a hit then.

Undie tries to keep Penny’s panties to himself but DC has CRACKHEAD STRENGTH and swipes em for sniff.

I snorted better, son-son.

Like hell you have! Penny’s panties are the Tatshumi University Magikarp Pokémon card of panties. You wouldn’t know quality panties if they hopped on your limp noodle.

Naw naw, son-son, that’s where it’s at!

DC points down the hall at a fast approaching…

Liv Morgan

BILLIE CHILD on a Ninja Turtles skateboard!

Wheeeeee! Skateboarding is a blast!

You like ‘em innocent, buddy?

Clean mind, clean booty hole.

When you leap in the air and then OH NO your top falls off in front of cute skater bois! Their jaws drop and shatter into a million pieces! So KEEEEWWWLLLL! But Skylar says I can’t skateboard indoors….BUT, BUT, BUT, Skylar isn’t here! She’s on VAAAAAAAAAAAYKAAAYYYYYYY! And when the Skylar is away, Billie must play! All that rhymed!

All this racket doesn’t sit well with one Skylite! The dressing room door opens and….


LAURI peaks her head out.

You know what’s a real blast? Telling you people to keep quiet!


I like that look, thick as a bowl of oatmeal.

With grits and gravy for a side. Yes, lawd!

Hey, Billie, if you keep quiet I’ll tell you a joke.

I love jokes! Jokes are the funniest!

God himself asked a group of Ukrainian losers if they’d rather see me naked or see the war end, and the war continues on hahahahahaha!

What you say?

UNDIE and DC lean in close to each other and high five! And with  good reason as….

dasha img-VBnpB3d495FvjSOw6ffhB.jpeg

DASHA THA RAPPA charges down the hall.

We bout to see the right kind of white on white crime!

I’m gonna beat my dick like it owes me money!

If it isn’t Dasha Tha Imposta, how’s your new finisher coming?

What you be saying? I not have new finisher.

The 360 Splash!

Sick burn!

That’s what he be saying after he leave bedroom with, Lauri!

I didn’t understand why Skylar kept you around. We shouldn’t tolerate losers of any kind. But now, I see the real deal, she did it to look you up to a slave contract.

I am no slave.

Dasha, my petite honey, you got it worse than me n’ Crackie’s ancestors. Worse than a kid in a SHEIN factory. Every dollar you make in life goes to Skylar first and she decides how much she’s going to break you off. 

That can not be! All my bucks? Jeez, that sucks!

Heh, it is! Suddenly working in a SHEIN factory doesn’t sound so bad. The kids in the OAOAST sweatshop get more money off Dasha merchandise than you do!! I love it!

Lauri, if you wanna diss me you be finding that the things I teach ya is sure to beat ya!

Is that a threat?!

No, Lauri. It is a PROMISE!

Panicked, Lauri slams the door and LOCKS IT!

Waaaaaaah, she locked me out! No fair!

That was real good. Solid white girl bickering.

Eh, I seen better at Deuce’s motel. Some real DEMON TIME white girls with that good rock in em. Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Previously on The Whore Zone…

Miss Kunt defeats LeBrenda James’ free agent signee, a/k/a her hired gun!

SWOOP~! over to a solo Rene at our broadcast position.

You’ve just seen– 

Our girl is suddenly handed a note.

Really, guys? A press release? What, were we too lazy to send a camera crew out to film an interview?

MAN (O.S.)
She’s shooting! She's shooting! Patty, cut away! Cut awayyy!

Boss man gets his wish as our director cuts to COLOMBIAN HEAT leaned against a wall getting blown by CARRIE OAKLEY!


Yooo! Make some noise for awkward cutaways! 

Carrie gives no fuck, continuing to please her muscular colleague. Viewers are given just enough to nut as we return to Renee and crew huddled by a monitor. (Carrie may not have the best W/L record in the OAOAST, but her head game? Chef kiss.)

The crew scrambles when they realize we’re back on!

Where was I? Oh right! We just received a press release from the LeBrenda James, which we’ll put up on the screen momentarily. It reads:  




Los Angeles - OAOAST Superstar Hottie, noted philanthropist, and certified baller with a capital B, LeBrenda James announced her intent to cease hostilities with Stacy Kunt, better known by the stage name Miss Kunt, at the next OAOAST super card to be held this summer. 

Their ongoing conflict, the result of mutual misunderstandings, has brought about needless pain and humiliation to all parties involved. It must end. It will end. 

Believe the hype!

To think LeBrenda James spent 6 figures on that! Oh, to be rich. But there you have it, fans. LBJ says her feud with Miss Kunt will come to an end at our next big event to be held later this summer. More details on that ASAP. Be sure to come beat the heat and your meat!

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Our next scene is set inside a roach motel in Henderson, Las Vegas. And I do mean literally a roach motel as the camera follows a trail of roaches scattering away with a Dorito back past the angry, scowling and quite ugly face of Tony Tourettes!

Damn it to shit! The fucking roaches got our dinner again!
This is of no concern to Tony's son, VINNY VALENTINE, who sits on the edge of a piss and semen stained bed, his expressive eyes glued heavily to a phone showcasing ANDREW TATE. With each incideary word Tate fires off, Viny's grin grows wider as if he's gaining some deep understanding of sexuality and masculinity. Good luck, Vinny!

VINNY Pops, you gotta come here and listen to this guy. He's giving gems on women

Tony lets out a loud scoff, and holds his fat sloppy belly as he goes through a rolling laughter. In turn, Vinny shoots him confused stare as if to say "what is so funny?"

 Fuck that, I just got a messgage on OnlyFans from that redhead whore Amouranth. You wanna hear what is says?

Vinny rolls his eyes at first, then his face reddens with anger. How can his father be so stupid to as not heed the wisdom of Andrew Tate? How can his father not set his crocs on the path of MGTOW?
VINNY: This is what Andrew is talking about, pops! Women are poison, they're poisoning your-



A furious, thunderous, almost murderous knock on the door creates a wave of panic within the room. Even the damn roaches go into hiding! Both Tony and Vinny come together to hold themselves. Given that this is one shitty motel, filled with hookers, pimps, drug dealers and drug addicts, who knows what manner of brute could be at their door!
You paid the bill for week, right?

I already told you, bitch, Caeldori Fox released her longest video yet on OnlyFans. Sixty seconds of her titties for 80 smakcers. Don't talk to me about rent!



The knocking gets louder, quicker, and much, much, much, angrier. Surely, these two loveable Bums are about to be robbed at best, murdered at worst!

And as the door breaks open, they're exposed to their assailnt, one they should have 



Krista's blue eyes flare with murder, her vibrant blond air seems to stand on end, if it were possible smoke would pour out every pore in her body.

We don't know, we don't know, we don't know!

KRISTA (icily)
 I didn't ask you anything yet, honey.

You wanna know where your dad is? You wanna kick his ass, cuz Congressman Duncan, raped Maya and Jade.

Tony has more important fish to fry! And thus asks...

How come you don't have an OnlyFans, Krista? What the fuck is up with that, bitch?!

Krista kicks over a nearby chair, it's weak back legs cracking in half at the sudden blow. The way 

Vinny looks at Krista with face ashen white, you'd think she shot down the Hidenburg.

 No, no, no, Krista, please, you don't wanna mess this place up.

Krista looks down at the roaches that are bickering over Tony's lost Doritos.

Poor pests. I'm sorry to disturb your meal but Vincent and Anthony don't want to tell me where my father has gone. So, in lieu of ripping off his testicles and forcing him to watch me crush them into a smoothie, I have to show these two what a mother can do.

 We swear we don't know where Congressman Duncan is! We swear!

KAPOW, Krista's swift kick shreds through the nearby dresser, putting a hole through the middle drawer...though fortunatley it did not damage Tony's collection of Vintage SCORE magazines. 

Lucky him!

You ain't even got a Patreon, Krista. What are you thinking, bitch?

 Just pipe down, Tony! Krista-

KKKKRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH! Krista hurls the broken chair into the wall, causing an ugly picture of a fruit plate to tumble to the ground, nearly crushing the roaches.

 You don't wanna mess with the owner of this joint! He's-

I don't care about some den mother for the home for wayword tier three sex offenders! As a matter of fact, honey, I hope he shows up so I can personally let him watch me nail a hammer to your head and your taint at the same time, see how well that turns out.

With a gentle shake of his head, Vinny takes in a deep sigh of exasperation. Krista is becoming more erratic, and who can blame her given the traumatic evenings that she endured. To have her own father engage in such a wicked, fiendish act.

The anger inside the room is thick, and growing thicker by the second. A drop of sweat drips from Vinny's forehead and it trickles down his forehead and eventually escapes from the tip of his nose. 

Tony watches this process play out and gives a disgusted grunt.

Worse yet, a figure enters the room. One that stands 6'4, 397 pounds of angry, blubbery, tatted up, biker bad ass MASS! Yes, that figure is the infamous, the intimdating, the dangerous, 

bam bam bigelow.jpg


Fuck me, he came!

 The fuck is going on here? Who the fuck did this to my motel? Krista?! You fucking old whore, you did this shit. These two pussies ain't got the balls to fuck with me. But they also ain't as stupid as you whore!

If you think I'm gonna back off because you're a fat assed fuck whose found a way to get easy access to toothless whores, you're sorely mistaken. 

Deuce lets out a low chuckle that sends shivers down everyone's spine. His massive belly bounces as he waddles towards Krista, his beady eyes glowing with a wicked fury.

You're nothing but a pathetic little cunt, Krista. You don't belong here. This is my turf, bitch. And if you fuck with me, I'll send your ass flying to the moon!

I suggest you rethink that, fatty. Because, I'd send your ass to the moon, except you're so fat I'd feel bad about causing a lunar eclipse.

 You think you're real funny, huh, you old cunt?

Before Krista can utter another word, Deuce smacks her square in the jaw, sending her tumbling to the bed, her ass pointed straight up in the air.

You're not the first bitch I've smacked around, and you won't be the last.

 I...I'll sue you for that, you fat fuck!

I don't give a fuck what you do. You come in here and try to cause trouble, and I'll show you who's boss. You hear me, you old whore?

I'm not afraid of you. You can't hurt me, you fat butterfuck!

Watch me!

And with that, Deuce delivers a crushing blow to Krista's ass, causing her to groan in pain and frustration. She's got a mean and dirty streak, and she's not about to take this laying down...or should we say, ass up!

After spending some time on the ground licking her wounds, Krista finally regains enough strength to get up and attack Deuce. But before she can make a move, Deuce reaches forward and smacks her hard in the face, sending her flying back onto the bed with her ass up.

 You fucking piece of shit, you bastard! You can't treat me like this!

You have ZERO power here, Krista. You got that, whore? You come into my motel and start causing trouble, and you deserve what you get. So just lie there and let me finish what I started!

You disgusting bald headed, meth hooker humping pig! I'll never forgive you for this. And when I get up, I'm going to tear your fat ass apart, you fat fuck!

 That right, cunt?

Krista staggers back up, her cheeks bright red with rage and her teeth gnashing together in fury. She's a goddamn madwoman, ready to tear Deuce apart, limb from limb, and leave his remains scattered across the state.

But before she can make a move, Deuce unleashes another powerful swat to Krista's face, sending her crashing back down onto the bed, her ass up in the air for all to see.

 You fucking, repulsive, loathsome, cock sucker! I hate you so much, I want to vomit! You worthless toothless blowjob loving fucker! You can't do this to me! You can't keep hitting a lady like this!

Lady? What lady? All I see is a skanky old cunt who needs to learn her place in society.

 You can't say shit like that! I'm a powerful woman in this community, and you'll regret messing with me!

No, bitch. You're not powerful at all. You're nothing but an old bag of flesh and bones that deserves what she gets.

Oh yeah, Deuce? Well, I think it's time you see the consequences for treating me like this.

You think I care about whatever bullshit you're spewing? Let's see what happens when I hit you again!

 Just try it, you fucking roach humping crack whore worshipping jerk!

"Deuce, the fat, disgusting pig that he was, grinned triumphantly as he saw the fury in Krista's eyes. That only made him harder. Harder, as in his cock, you sickos. Before the bitch could even attempt to move, he unleashed a brutal, bone-rattling slap to her pretty little face, sending her flying back onto the bed like a ragdoll, her plump, juicy ass raised high in the air, begging for more than just a simple spank. The two fatty mounds of her ass cheeks quivered with rage, or maybe it was the arousal from Deuce's sheer manliness, who knew? All that mattered was that she was in the perfect position for a real fucking, and Deuce was more than up for the task, if you catch my drift (

Krista's ratty, skanky clothes practically disintegrate as Deuce rips them off with ease. His monstrous, throbbing beast of a cock, angry and demanding attention, looms menacingly over her weathered, fifty-year-old pussy, a deep, glistening man-trap that's seen more action than a cheap whore. Meanwhile, viewers across the globe, their pants tented as if tenting were the hot new trend, feverishly prepare their tiny, pathetic members for the live show of the century: Krista's reluctant, but oh-so-deserved rape at the girth-y hands of Deuce, a hulking, towering 6'4", 397-pound meth-gorged mastodon. 

Eager not to miss a single humiliating second, the camera zooms in, but then, in a twist as surprising as a porn star with an IQ over 80, it pans out to give a disgustingly delectable view of Tony Tourette's blubbery, sweaty body. A beached whale on shore, his massive, flabby man-orbs defied gravity, propelled by nothing but the hot air from his own farts and the cheddar dust caked into his deep, pustule-ridden crevasses.

Vinny's jaw smacks the floor as Tony is sticking around to jerk to this!

But enough about that, friends! Let's enjoy the delicious scene of Deuce raping this 50 year old stuck up Karen bitch. But before the rape could occur, KRISTA managed to crawl from his grasp, roll out of his bed, and flee into the kitchen. She has nowhere else to go, not that she wants to do anything but escape his clutches!

Unfortunately, the situation just goes from bad to worse as Deuce catches sight of her and chases her around the kitchen.

DEUCE (as his fat waddle in after Krista)
 Don't fucking run away, bitch! You made this happen, so you better be ready to take it like a woman.

Leave me alone, you disgusting bastard! You can't do this to me!

DEUCE (grabbing the back of Krista's neck, forcing her to the floor, lifting his foot, placing the sole on her butt, pressing down on it to make her yelp in pain, making her wiggle her ass from side to side to ease the pressure)
You thought you could walk into my establishment, wreck the place and then try and leave? Oh no, bitch. You're staying until I say so.

 Stop it, Deuce! Just stop it!

Why should I? I don't take orders from nobody. Especially not from the likes of you, you stupid whore.

I said stop, you stupid Ozempic needing pig! You have no right to treat me like this!
 You're mine now. I don't give a fuck if you are a princess. In this house, you're my bitch, and you will be until I say so.

With a swift motion, Deuce lifted his foot and shoved Krista back down onto the floor, her ass once again presented to him. The room filled with the sound of Krista's frustrated grunts and the creaking of the old flooring as she tried to push herself up.

Each time she struggled to her feet, Deuce's hand or foot would find its mark, sending her crashing back onto the floor, her ass a bright red target of his dominance.

The viewers at home are already furiously wacking it and Deuce hasn't even whipped his dick out! And Krista isn't even naked! But, Deuce decides to change that as she looks at her big MILF ass squirming beneath him.
DEUCE (grasping the top of her white tank top, tearing it clean off her upper body, revealing a set of round tits, encased inside a black lace bra)
 Holy fuck, look at those melons! They must weigh a ton.

 Fuck you, Deuce! Just leave me alone! Please!

Deuce ignores Krista's cries of protests as he undoes the clasps of her bra. His face breaks into a cruel smile as her tits spring free, bouncing like rubber balls. The big beasts can feel his cock throbbing as he admires Krista's large, perfectly round, 32 DD breasts.

There are no holdouts among the fans watchinbg this scene at home, these Deviants are stroking their schlongs to the sight of Krista's gloriously large knockers, a pair of beautiful udders that can put any woman to shame with the exception of her daughters.

But, our viewership isn't only watching Krista, but they're looking at the hot action between Tony 
and Vinny!  Well, okay no they're not. But I'll tell you about anyway: Tony jerks his member frantically as he watches Deuce grope Krista's fine ass. And Vinny has removed his own shirt as well, exposing his slim yet somewhat muscular upper body.

Meanwhile, Krista tries to crawl away, but Deuce pulls down her pink shorts, leaving her only clad in her tiny, black thong panties. She quickly covers her tits, and shrieks loudly as Deuce yanks her panties down to her knees.


NO!!! Please, Deuce! Stop this! You can't do this! I'm a senator's daughter!

 That didn't help you earlier when I kicked your ass, did it, whore? I told you to lie there and take it!

KRISTA (sobbing uncontrollably)

 Deuce...please...I'll do anything! Just don't...please...you can't do this...PLEASE!

Don't worry, bitch. This will only take a little bit of time. Heh/

Leaning down closer, his bulk filling the room with an air of menace, Deuce reached down, his meaty hand gripping Krista by the hair. He hauled her to her feet, her body swaying dizzily, the sting of his slaps still fresh. 
You know," he began, his voice low and dangerous, "there's one more lesson you need to learn, little miss high-and-mighty.

Krista tried to pull away, but his grip tightened, forcing her to stay close. 

“W-what are you talking about?" she stammered, her face laced with fear

Deuce laughed, the sound like gravel. 

I’m talking about teaching you your place, showing you that in the end, you're just another hole for a man to use 

His free hand slid down her body, grasping her throat, squeezing gently. 

Krista's eyes widened in horror as she realized his intent. She tried to protest, to struggle, but his grip on her hair and throat rendered her helpless. 

 No, please, you can't—

Deuce cut her off with a cruel twist of his wrist, forcing her head back, exposing her throat. 
 You’ll take what I give you, cunt! And be thankful!

He released her throat, only to grasp the front of her top, ripping it open with a sharp tug. The sound of fabric tearing mingled with Krista's muffled cries as her breasts spilled free. Deuce's eyes gleamed with lust as he admired her terrified expression. His hand fisted in her hair again, forcing her head back further, until her neck was arched and her mouth was wide open. 

That's it, open up for me, you slut, You're about to find out just how powerless you are.

Millions of hard-up fuckers worldwide had their shafts in hand as the bitch's downfall played out before their eyes. They drooled over her terrified gaze, the helplessness in her eyes kick-starting their dirty fantasies. Deuce didn't fucking care about her feelings, his slab of meat hardening against his jeans. He freed his fat, throbbing cock, pumping it a few times for the widescreen view. Her doe-like pussy-eyes stared in horror as her pain became their pleasure. The thought of stuffing her tight, untouched pussy with that monster cock was enough to make these desperate fucks erupt right then and there.

 Go ahead, whore. Show me how you suck cock.

KRISTA (looking up at him with pleading eyes): 
No, I can't, it's too big!

Wanking their pathetic dicks like the ravenous dogs they were, Tony and Vinny added to the sleazy ambiance. They, too, couldn't get enough of the degradation and pain flashing across the old whore's face. The dirtier it got, the harder they pounded their cocks, imagining it was their own beasts violating her every orifice. The more she squirmed, the more they grunted in perverted unison. They were just two of the many scumbags who thrived on the fear in her eyes. The helplessness in her voice only spurred them on, each tug of their cocks a fitting soundtrack to her impending destruction.

Deuce's sadistic grin smirk grew wider as he roughly grabbed Krista's shoulder and forcefully slammed her face down onto the bed, her head dangling precariously over the edge. She stared in horror at the thick, swollen monster jutting out from between Deuce's legs, its purpled head glistening with pre-cum anticipating its imminent invasion. She knew the next words that came out of his perverted mouth would seal her fate as his pathetic cock-rag.

Krista's muffled scream echoed in the room as Deuce's meaty paw clamped around her slender neck, forcing her to gag on his fat, throbbing dick. His cock positively throbbed with power as it towered over her like a monolith of manhood, taunting her inadequate cunt-hole. He roughly shoved against her unwilling lips, splitting them apart with ease, as his massive end head slid past her protesting jaw. Krista's eyes bulged out like a fucking caricature of herself, as her whole world collapsed onto the thick, veiny girth of his invading member. Each inch he plunged into her tight,  hroat elicited a noisy, wet-sounding gag, the kind that made his ball-sac tighten in anticipation. 

Deuce's balls slapped against her chin, dragging her face deeper, the room now filled with the sickening sounds of slobbering and her pathetic moans of protest. 


Deuce ignored her cries of pain and terror, and continued to shove his cock down her throat, inch by inch.

It was clear from her bugging eyes and purpled complexion that every merciless thrust into her gasping airway was robbing her of precious oxygen, yet no one cared. This was the depraved circus they craved, and Deuce, the ruthless ringmaster, was delivering.

 Fuck yeah, you like that, you old slut? You like me fucking your throat like this?

KRISTA (coughing and choking): 

 You're mine, bitch! I'm gonna make you choke on my cock!

And with that, he began to thrust harder and faster, his hips slamming into her face with every stroke. She gagged and choked as he invaded her, her throat convulsing around him. Deuce paid no heed to her struggles, using her mouth for his own pleasure, thrusting roughly, claiming her with each brutal movement. Krista was unable to stop him, and her only choice was to endure his assault as he fucked her throat like a machine.


The perverted fuckers watching at home were beating their fat, throbbing cocks like there's no tomorrow, drinking in the humiliating sight of Krista's helplessness as Deuce manhandled her. They savored the pathetic display of a strong bitch being brought down to her fucking knees and turned into a cum-hungry, cock-sucking whore. Each time Deuce rammed his thick, meaty cock down her resisting throat, they cheered him on, their sordid fantasies topping off as she gagged and struggled. They were loving every single second of this dominance display, fantasizing about being the one in control, reminding bitches like Krista who the real fucking masters are. As Deuce relentlessly fucked her face like a cheap, disposable cumrag, they yanked their dicks harder, inching closer to their own degrading climaxes, right alongside the cock-hungry slut getting her due punishment.

 Yeah, that's right, bitch! Take it!


Deuce continued to thrust, his hips pistoning back and forth, his cock pounding into the old bimbo throat with every stroke. The stupid MILF slut could barely breathe, and she knew that if he didn't stop soon, she would pass out. But, Deuce didn't seem to care, and he continued to fuck her face hard and fast, his cock throbbing deep inside her.



Krista's eyes streamed with tears, her makeup streaking her face as she endured the brutal face-fucking. Deuce held her head in a vice-like grip, his hips pistoning forward, using her mouth as if it were nothing more than a fleshlight. Her muffled cries and gagging sounds only served to fuel his lust.

The idiot Karen slut could barely breathe, and she knew that if he didn't stop soon, she would pass out. But, Deuce didn't seem to care, and he continued to fuck her face hard and fast, his cock throbbing deep inside her. 

As he ravaged her, he took in the mess he'd made of her, her smeared makeup, her disheveled blonde hair, and the tattered remnants of her designer top clinging to her heaving tits. Her curvy body struggled, her smooth legs kicking out feebly as she fought against the dark spots creeping into her vision."

Deuce continued to thrust, his hips pistoning back and forth, his cock pounding into the old bimbo throat with every stroke. He loved seeing her struggle, watching her face redden as she struggled to breathe.

Her eyes were glazed with panic as she felt the pressure building inside her, her chest heaving as she gasped for air.

KRISTA (wheezing):

With one final, brutal thrust, Deuce shoved his cock to the hilt down her throat, his balls slapping against her face. He held himself there for a moment, enjoying the sight of her helplessness. She struggled to breathe, her chest heaving as she gasped for air, her body thrashing weakly.

Krista's muffled shriek was music to Deuce's ears as he felt his cock throb and his balls convulse, spewing another load of his precious seed deep inside her degenerate mouth. His cum slithered down her throat, coating her tongue and flooding her skanky gullet as he pumped spurt after spurt.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore; he yanked his dick out of her filthy cunt of a mouth, allowing her a moment's respite. Krista's cum-covered face gasped for air as she looked up, only to be greeted by Tony and Vinny's proud cocks emptying their loads onto their and their filthy, pre cum-soaked bellies. Her mouth was a disgusting, cum-filled cesspit.

She was a pathetic, disheveled mess, makeup smeared down her hauntingly beautiful but whorish face, her once-pristine uniform now a sweat-soaked reminder of her humiliation. Her tits heaved as she gasped for air, while Deuce grinned from ear to ear, admiring the desecration he'd wrought on this once-proud bitch.

You like that, you old slut? You liked me fucking your throat like that?"

Krista may not have liked it but the fans most certainly did!


The heavy set grappler smirked as she coughed and sputtered. She was so pathetic, trying to bargain for his mercy. He had no intention of being gentle with her. She was his to use and abuse as he saw fit, and that was exactly what he was going to do.


 Oh, I'm not done with you yet, bitch.

He roughly flipped her onto her stomach, yanking up her skirt and tearing away her panties with a savage growl. 

Time to teach you a lesson, princess,

 He snarled, his breath hot against her ear. His massive cock throbbed against her entrance, aching to claim what was rightfully his.

In untold numbers of dingy dens across the globe, the perverted fuckers' masturbated furiously as Deuce manhandled the aged slut onto her belly and hoisted her skirt. A chorus of lecherous moans erupted as they relished Krista's helplessness. Nothing got their puds harder than a high and mighty whore brought low, their cocks throbbing in anticipation of the ensuing rape-a-thon.

The dumbass MILF squealed like a pig impaled on a fence as he shoved his monstrous cock inside her, tearing her twat as he went. Her cum-greedy cunt stretched to the limits, she scratched at the sheets, her sagging carcass writhing in agony as he relentlessly pounded her from behind. Goddamn, nothing quite beats the sight of a filthy rich cock-hungry whore being defiled by a cold-blooded, tatted out biker, they concurred.

(grunting as he thrusts into her)
 FUCK yeah, you like that, you old slut? You like me fucking you like this?


Krista struggled beneath him, her cries muffled by the pillow he'd shoved into her face. She sobbed, squirming futilely as his massive girth pinned her stacked body down with ease.

 Take it, bitch!

He snarled, his hips pistoning back and forth as he pounded into her from behind. "Take it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As cocks sprang to attention in front of the screen, the sound of frenzied masturbation filled the world. All eyes were glued to the scene as Deuce ravaged Krista from behind like the wild beast he was. There was nothing like seeing a smug, 50-year-old cunt like her brought to her knees, literally and figuratively, as the barbed cock of a real man tore through her well-worn slit.



Squeal like the pig you are, you filthy cunt! You love this, don't you? You love it when a real man gives you what you deserve!


(Muffled whimpers)

Hessssssssss... muffled squeal

Krista's pathetic mewling only spurred Deuce on as he savagely plowed her, her work-ravaged body buckling beneath his primal thrusts.

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Deuce grabbed a fistful of Krista's flowing blonde hair, yanking her head back forcefully as he mercilessly pounded her sopping cunt. Krista's muffled screams, muffled by the face pillow, mingled with the wet slapping sounds made as Deuce's engorged cock relentlessly slammed into her clenching pussy. Her oversized breasts, complete with the gravity-defying DD's, bounced like two overinflated balloons about to burst. Each desperate thrust from Deuce sent her tits bouncing, rippling with all the elegance of jiggling Jell-O.

Look at you, you pathetic whore! You love it, don't you? You begged for this cock and now, you're getting it!

(Muffled whimpers)
Haahh... fuck...you… muffled squeal

The room echoed with Krista's desperate mewling, her cunt receiving the hardest fucking it had seen in years, and the perverse pleasure on the viewers' faces said it all.

 Please! No! Stop! You're hurting me!

Shut the fuck up, whore! I'm gonna fuck you till you break, and there's nothing you can do about it!

(whimpers, shaking her head, pleading)
 Please, I'll do anything!

You're already doing it, and I don't want you to stop,Now shut up and let me fuck you, whore!"

Krista sobbed into the pillow, her entire body shaking with each brutal thrust. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she willed herself to escape this nightmare. The pain between her legs was excruciating, a searing reminder of her helplessness in the face of Deuce's relentless onslaught.

Deuce continued to pound into her ruthlessly from behind, his cock throbbing deep inside her. 

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With a wicked grin he reached forward and grabbed one of her long legs, hooking it backwards over her shoulder. This caused Krista's pelvis to tilt upwards slightly, exposing more of her warm hole for his large thick man meat.

The dumb bimbo bitch tried to resist, but Deuce's strength was too much for her. He forced her leg up until she was balancing on one knee, her body bent almost in half, his cock driving even deeper inside her. Krista yelped in agony as Deuce's cock stretched her further, the tip hitting the very deepest parts of her cunt. She had never felt such intense pain in her life, and she knew that if he kept this up much longer, she would pass out from sheer agony.

That's better, isn't it? Now you can really take it!

The viewers love this, and they are furiously wacking it and screaming in passion and approval. This is some of the hottest and most kinky content in the entire show!

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Krista's body tensed, her muscles clenching as she tried to bear the unbearable pain. Her screams were muffled by the pillow pressed into her face, her chest heaving as she tried desperately to catch her breath. Her mind spun in a frenzied haze as she fought to stay conscious, a battle she was rapidly losing.

His thrusts became even more savage, his grip on her hips tightening to the point of bruising. 

Krista's muffled cries of pain and humiliation only spurred him on further, driving him to new heights of depraved pleasure. The sounds of their bodies slapping together filled the air, accompanied by Krista's desperate gasps and sobs.

DEUCE (raping her faster)
Yeah, that's it, whore," you like that? You like me fucking you like this?

 AAHHHHHHH! You bastard, you bastard, you bastard!

This moronic Karen really thought that she could walk into his establishment and cause trouble? Well now she was learning first hand the consequences for being such an idiot bitch.

His thrusts became even more savage, his grip on her hips tightening to the point of bruising. Krista's muffled cries of pain and humiliation only spurred him on further, driving him to new heights of depraved pleasure.

He loved to see her helpless, broken and submissive before him. It was a feeling more potent than any drug he had ever taken, sending a rush of primal adrenaline coursing through his veins.The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room, accompanied by Krista's desperate gasps and sobs. Her muffled cries for mercy only drove him to new heights of sadistic lust, his cock throbbing inside her.

I'm gonna fuck you till you break, you think you can come here and cause trouble in my house? Think again, you dumb slut!

He gave one last, brutal thrust, and with a grunt of satisfaction, emptied his huge load inside her tight cunt. Krista cried out in pain and surprise, her body convulsing as she felt the hot splash of his seed fill her.

As millions of male fans climaxed from jerking their cocks to the hardcore action of Deuce violating Krista. Millions of women were disappointed by this scene and began crying to themselves because their men have a raging boner for this shit!

This was perhaps the hardest sex Deuce has experienced and it was quite exhilarating! It took several minutes for his dick to stop throbbing and his balls to stop producing semen. When it was all over, Deuce stepped back to admire his handiwork. Krista lay limp and unconscious on his bed, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Deuce couldn't help but laugh as he looked upon his fallen foe. Who would have thought that some spoiled rich bitch's daughter could take such a beating?

If that ain't a lesson you'll remember, nothing will be!


Now, get the fuck out my motel, bitch! And don't you dare come back.

AAAAHHHHHH (slowly rolling off bed).

(pulling shorts up, zipping them)
 Next time, tell your friends, this is a nice place for a rest, huh.

(crawling around looking for clothes): Oh God...what's happened to me? I don't remember anything after falling asleep in my car.

Must be the shock. Now scram.

Why did you do this? What have I done to you?

Deuce grabbed hold of Krista's arm and dragged her off the bed towards the exit. The dumb MILF bimbo wasn't fully in control of her faculties or strength yet as Deuce effortlessly pushed her in the direction of the front door, occasionally slapping her ass along the way.  And out Krista went, naked as the day she was born! HAHAHAAHHA! You have to love a Karen getting degraded and raped and then sent on their way like a streetwalker, hahaahahha!

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In the backroom we find that the party continues to be in full swing as Fluffers and Studs service stars, Hotties, and each other alike! Somehow in this dim domain, THE SAME OL SHITS, ain’t getting any play.

Ya know, Horse, maybe Bedrock and Jose got the right idea?

Watchu mean?

There ain’t no use in  sitting around and waiting for these ladies to realize how sexy we are. We gotta march up to them and show em.

Let’s get started tonight! Come on, Wake!

Wakefield surveys the prospects and sees that …

alexis ren.jpg

CADY OF GRIM is drinking a shot of of some bizarre bubbling green drink on her own

Alright, let’s get us some of that Cady of Grimm.

Sa…sa…sad…Sadist’s daughter? You sure?

Sadist’s daughter…yeah…yeah…but we ain’t yellow or nothing.

Naw, naw. But she’s talking to Kathy Karen Kelly, best we not interrupt. We’re gentlemen, ain’t we?

Yeah…yeah….we’re gentlemen….not yellow!!!

Indeed, Cady of Grim has been approached by…


Look, look, look, everyone! I got the girl, I got Cady, I got the p-e-r-s-o-n, thee Cady of Grim! Long legs, long blond hair and at long last the 5th in charge of the aWo!

Is that true, Cady? Did you join the aWo? Did you accept AngleSlut’s invite.

Of course she did! AngleSlut is the coolest! C-o-o-l-e-s-t! After Dreamy and Skylar! And me! M-E! KKK…not thee KKK though. No, sir. No s-i-r!

Ah, I have spent many nights under the cock of the well-hung guide considering my path! A fortuitous question, barkeep and Kathy, for as I rode the cock of the well-hung guide, I learned my future is with the Order of War Machine’s Divine Might!

See? See? I told you she’d join! I told you she’d j-o-i-n!

You can understand her?

Perhaps it is by the stars that the AWO and I have been chosen to be blessed with the same attributes, our breasticles of brilliance, our tingling tantalizing honey traps, legs of days yonder to spread high and wide! The AWO and Cady of Grimm were made for-


Kathy and only Kathy’s face lights up at the arrival of…



Dreamy, Dreamy, at last, you have arrived! Cady of Grimm, you haven’t heard my pitch yet. My pitch to join Da EHHHHH-DUBYA-OHHHHHHH!

Hheheh, let’s hear it Dreamster! 

Oh you’re gonna! The party is about to get started! You look confused, Cady, but three shows ago you put your hands on me and you put your hands on this innocent little angel, Kathy

I don’t rem-


You could have made this easy and joined the AWO, but you decided to become a problem. And I’m the AWO’s Problem Solver, and Cady you’re about to be Solved.



Is she still supposed to be s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g?


A DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL by CADY lands with thunderous impact upon the C cups of Cady and Kathy! If they had D cups perhaps they might have been saved, but instead the pair are sent hurtling over the bar counter and forced to land in a humiliating heap!

Invitation to AWO, rejected! Ovaries, to be claimed, whore by supplicant whore.

Ughhhh, what have I done…..

My tailbone, it h-u-r-t-s!

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Last week on the debut episode of the Whore Zone we saw an event that is to sexual explicit for us to ever replay: Etta Kitt and Atuna Payne took the left over animals from the Cuntucky Derby and used them to rape our Hard on Hoes champion, Maya Duncan Blanchard!

Etta, those dogs can bury dem bones but the Duncan family is gonna bury you! Promise Thomas!

I’m not sure when Etta will show her face in the Toy Box after what happened AFTER the Whore Zone went off air. Take a look.......

LAST WEEK!!!!!!!!!

Atuna Payne emerges once again with the defiled, defaced, defeated white bimbo in her arms, bridal style. The young brunette  looks even more bedraggled then she did when the segment began. Her face and tits are still coated in doggy cum, and tears, and her hair is a tangled mess. Her cum covered body is limp within Atuna’s musclar  arms.

I am here, Deviants, because I know how much you care for Maya Duncan-Blanchard. You see me as a monster. But I am not a monster. I am merely a teacher who cares. I am the only one who TRULY cares about Maya. Do you have anything to say, Little Miss?



Atuna's big balls-crushing arms bulged as she guffawed and groaned, clearly entertained by the trampy brunette's humiliation, her misery, her pain! Maya cried like a fucking child, but Atuna just kept fucking laughing as she kept Maya's thick ass in her arms bridal style.

I’m your mommy now! 

I have a mom!

Don’t talk


Ah fuck, my fucking nose!


Fucking shit!

Atuna, hit by Maya so hard accidentally drops the rape victim! Not to worry though, fans, as Atuna now has a nose covered in animal jizz!

Get her, Atuna!

Fuck there’s animal jizz in my nose! Fuck!

Get a hold of yourself!

Fuck you, Etta, this was your god damn idea! Shit!

Maya stays in a crouched attacking position, blue eyes lasered on Etta!

No! No! I must depart! I must!


but the animals are blocking the door, resting after a long hard fuck!

(Kicking the animals)
Move aside, you dumb creatures!

Maya abuse sucks but animal abuse is unforgivable!

Stay back, little miss, I command you!

Dude, like, dude, do you know what a snowball is?

Of course I do! It is when snow is rolled and pressed together for purposes of throwing.

How can you have an ass that big and be such a lame wad! Come ‘see, teach, show n tell starts now.

Etta yanks at the door knob but the lazing animals are far too big to move.

Stay back! Atuna! Atuna, assist me!

Maya swings Etta about and comes cum soaked face to weeping, pleading face.

No…no…please, please don’t!

Those pleas just wet Maya’s pussy further and with a crazed look of lust perverting her eyes, she, well, why don’t I show you….


MMMMMMFFFFMFFFFFFFMFFFFFF :cryplz::ohshitplz::krusty:

We cut to 

THE DOLL, sitting at HER desk shaking her head.

Unfortunately, that display by Maya Duncan Blanchard has created an explosive situation I can not allow to fester. Now old regimes would have left things to deteriote into unacceptable standards. But this is the DOLL’s REGIME! Therefore, I have banned both Maya and Etta from the Toy Box tonight.

We hear the fans chant, “WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE FUCK?“

When you stop sitting in your seats of subservience and start sitting in a seat of power like me, you will understand. In fact, I will not allow either woman into the Toy Box until they issue a written apology to ME!


Hey, hey! I do not take advice from twisted, demented, oversexed, Sardine smelling, wretched Deviants! Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are?!


Excuse me, I have let my emotions get the better of me. That…THAT…was unacceptable…and…and…and I apologize for what I just said. But, my edict stands.I will have my apology!

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We cut to downtown LA, where the folks are broke, where life’s a joke, where you buy your token, and you go home to Skid Row. Standing in front of some homeless lads chopping up a stolen car are PETE-O, in a green polo and khakis and ANSON CARTER, now known as ANSONIA and RIZZO, now known as RIZETTE, together known as OUR TRUTH! This tranny tag tem has seen better days as their wigs are a mess, their make up is fucked up and they’re still wearing OAOAST ZERO HOUR 2005 t-shirts. 

Thanks for having me, Whore Zone. When I saw The Doll ban Our Truth from competing, I was left literally shaking. My anxiety increased ten fold. Is the world we live in? In 2024? Let me tell you, this decision is nothing short of a travesty. The Doll is showing her true colors here, and it's a blatant case of prejudice against transgenders . 

We still fuck women though.

Baaaaaad biddies.

The baddest! And ONLY women. Let me repeat that ONLY women, we only fuck WOMEN!!!!!!!

Our Truth has done nothing but compete at the highest level, and now they're being sidelined because of who they are. It's outrageous! And it’s dangerous. The Doll, like many of her political ilk, has had it out for transgenders from day one. Our Truth brings a unique energy to TMW, and instead of celebrating diversity, she's trying to snuff it out. Violenty!

Footage is shown of CPA beating the crap out of Our Truth as they protested in front of the Toy Box

We can still take CPA though. We’d have him hacking and wheezing, crying for Mama Allen.

Any day, any day! Twice on Sunday!

The Doll is  threatened by my friends’ feminine chakra. She knows they are more woman then her old, wrinkled, BUTT!

We…we…uh we still get women though.

Always gonna get them Dee Williamses!

And to those saying I’m disingenuous in my support of Our Truth. You couldn’t be further off the mark, my bigoted friends. My only motive is to see SOCIAL justice served and ensure that Our Truth gets the fair shot they deserve. They are the future of THE OAOAST, and I'm here to make sure they get the recognition they've earned. If standing up against discrimination makes me look like I have an agenda, then so be it. I'm fighting for what's right. We won't be silenced. The Doll AND CPA can try to ban us, but we're not going anywhere. We're exploring every avenue to get back in that ring. Legal action, public campaigns—you name it, we're considering it. This fight is far from over, and when Our Truth makes their comeback, it'll be sweeter than ever. Watch this space. This SAFE SPACE!

We cut to THE DOLL’s OFFICE where the women herself watches this on a 90 inch TV, along with the cheerleading outfit, Whoros and their pimp daddy, CPA

Mitama, Mitama, the shrew has made a mess of things.

Sister, sister, do not stand close to her unless it rubs off on you.

You are most wise, sister.

It is my role as the elder twin to Shepard the youth.

Why are you two even around? CPA, you’re the one I wanna talk to.

Uuuupupu, can’t you see that daddy is busier than a delinquent during Halloween!

Busy doing what? You ask?

Getting domed up by Effie Reese….

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No doubt Effie can feel the veins on the side of CPA’s shaft, and the pulsations as the blood surges through them. All in a day’s work for a cheerleader!

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Ever since they joined Whoros the taste of black dick was like a drug to these teenyboppin tarts! You can just imagine what the professional whores excuse me, I mean professional cheerleaders think around all those buff black bodies!

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Effie keeps gobbling away, clearly she is a degenerate, even for a cheerleader, a profession notorious for producing skanks upon skanks. Yes, Effie keeps gobbling away, addicted to that negro shaft.

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Everytime Effie sucks it made her want her daddy’s spunk in her mouth. I am referring to her pimp daddy, CPA, not her father as Effie’s mother was a whore and Effie doesn’t know who her real dad is.

CPA, listen to me! You’re part of this also! Are you going to do something about these absolute freaks?

Your sluttiness, sex appeal, nastiness, whorish, sense of lust for daddy’s BBC is all lacking! I could have downed a thousand gallons of black cum in the time it took for you to whine to daddy

Far as I’m concerned my boot has a residence in Pete-O’s booty, Rizzo’s booty, and Anson’s booty. Now you getting all upset at these trannies, and all they doing is steady making money off you. But, CPA is here and he’s measured up to these trannies and that kid toucher and he found they arms are to short to box with god. Hell, they arms are too short to wash they damn ass.

Then what are you saying? You’re going to ignore this problem? This is your-

Bitch, I ain’t Harriet Tubman The Pimp, I ain’t here to save yo ass from yo mouth. But, I am Christopher Patrick Allen the pimp and I will sick Effie and Glass Juliet on ALL THREE OF THEM BITCHES at OAOAST Scorched.

That’s giving them what they want! A spot on the supercard! I can’t do that.

Bitch, I did not ask you what you can, can’t, will, or won’t do. I didn’t ask for nothing. I TOLD YOU what is, what it will be, and what ain’t. You underdig me, bitch?

Mmmmmmmm, yes, black daddy….I mean certainly. I believe we’ve reached an agreement, black daddy….I mean, Christopher! 

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We’re taken backstage to a very public argument in front of the Back Lougne where people who just want to go in and get their freak on have to skirt by an arguing 

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You don’t need a manager you need a psychologist.

What?! What does that mean?

Do I have to spell everything out for you?

Are you calling me dumb?

No! I’m calling you a selfish narcissist!

Why? What’d I do?

What didn’t you do, Xena? Rhaenys and Doc White have been tormenting me for the past three shows and you’ve been there once! And when you were there you made things worse. What IS GOING ON, XENA?! Where have you been? WHAT IS GOING ON?!!!!!!!!!!!!!    

I was showing off my flag football skills for the next Olympics.

Hope you make all the money in the world off this flag football, homegirl, because you gon’ have some problems without me as your manager.

Are you dropping me as a client?

I should. I really should.


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Watching this with

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RHAENYS at the makeup tables

Alysanne, and Xena would make a wonderful combination if they used their brains to reach a consensus,

Nah, Alysanne is too wimpy, she needs to get some heft. She’s not losing to me because she’s dumber than me, it’s because her gains all over the place…and that place is bottom tier!

Well, she’s also losing to me, and I’m so ashamed to take advantage of someone who lacks as much intelligence as I do.

Hey, that’s my kid sister you’re talking about. Besides the problem she has with you is obvious…

In one swift motion, Rhaenys rids Doc of her top!

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We’re looking at a solid six pack on you, pure brawn, heavy muscle, that’s why you’re beating my kid sister everytime out and that’s why you’re my tag team partner.

I didn’t realize we were partners!

You realize it now. Lemme put it there, partner!

Rhaenys puts it where we’d all like to put it…

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Firm as granite. I gotta get in the gym with you. And in the showers!

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Were taken to an American flag back drop which features one hot white girl in front of it! I’m talking about…



Can you cut that promo again, Annagret, and make it less offensive? :francis:

NOOOOOOOOOO! Make it more offensive! Give these other bitches HELL ON EARTTTTTTTTHHHH!!! :VINCE:

Ugh, fine! I guess I can do this dumb promo thing again. Whatever. So, what's up, OAOAST losers? It's your favorite All-American teen, Annagret, here to grace your screens with my luscious blonde hair and these ~amazing~ tits. I know, I know, you're all here to stare at these bad boys, but if you’re a little dick white boy don't you dare objectify me, 'kay? Bitch, I'll clap you so hard—

Oops, sorry, I mean, I'll give you a piece of my mind. 

Annagret giggles evilly. Very evilly! Don’t do it, white boys!

Um, where was I? Oh, right! So, you're probably wondering why they call me the All-American Teen. Well, it's because I'm blonde, I'm hot, and I have more personality than those basic white girls in the OAOAST combined. I mean, how boring can you get? Ugh, I'm cringing just thinking about it.


Anyway, back to me~ You see, I've got something those other girls don't, and it ain't just these perky boobies. I'm talking about the way I work it for my BBC-sporting homies. See, I’ve got the attention of every nigger out there! I’d turn Saucy Santana straight!

Annagret winks. Not an evil wink! 

You see, I know what they want, and I give it to them good. 

Annagret grins. Sort of an evil grin! 

Like these apes line up for miles, begging for a taste of this All-American pie, and who am I to say no? I mean, it's practically my duty as a bratty, All-American girl to satisfy those big, thugs- I mean, those thirsty, thirsty men. Niggers can't get enough of this All-American beauty, and who can blame them? I'm like, totes irresistible. So, next time you're thinking about who should be your OAOAST crush, remember me, Annagret. I'm the one who's always down for some fun—as long as it's with the right kind of guy, if you catch my drift. 

Annagret winks. Evil wink? I’ll let you be the judge!

And don't you dare call me a brat, 'kay?

Do you mind talking about your sister Cinnamon?

Annagret pouts her juicy lips as she comes up close to the camera, her eyes filled with Sass-titudeTM

Oh, hi! Didn't see you there, losers. Annagret's here again to talk about something super important. You see, there's been a… gasp ~betrayal~ in the family.

That's right, I'm talking about my dorky-ass sister, Cinnamon. You know, the one who still cosplays as anime characters? Yeah, her. Apparently, she thought it would be funny to try and steal MY 17 year old virgin nig-nog. Bitch, please!

First of all, Cinnamon, you're like, so not even ready for BBC. You're gonna end up like one of those overcooked pizzies in the microwave—all burnt and cheeseless. Gross. Second of all, you're my sister! What kind of person tries to steal their sister's man?

Annagret scoffs and shakes her head in disgust

So, here's the deal. I challenge you, Cinnamon, to a hot tub match at the next OAOAST show. It's just you, me, some bikinis, and a whole lot of drama!

The loser has to back off and let the winner keep their nig—I mean, their black guy friends. And if you don't accept? Well, prepare for the most public of humiliations. I'll make those anime cosplayers you're so desperate to impress turn their backs on you faster than you can say, "kawaii" on prom night.

So, Cinnamon, what's it gonna be? Are you in, or are you out? 

Annagret blows a kiss to the camera. An evil kiss!

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Folks, we wanted to get to our next match but we’ve got AngleSlut on the entrance stage holding a microphone and The Doll is telling us to let her speak.

Yup, there’s Angie in front of the XXX-Tron, looking sporty in red polo shirt, blue sneakers, and white tennis skirtr

It was a close call, a very close call. But despite the Clothesline from Hell she endured earlier, Dreamy will remain your American Wet Dream, the fodder for gooners world wide. Now, I wasn’t expecting to come out here tonight, but I had to confirm something.

They’re real, baby! All Ally All Natural!

You people are to blame for this!


Be quiet, it’s my turn to speak! Mine! I came out here and without hesitation, you people were chanting


You think this is all one big joke! Cady is out the AWO and you think it’s haha and heehees. Ya know, the only thing that’s haha and hehe worthy is when you take off your pants!


My fourth of July season is ruined! You people are everything wrong with this country today. Besides being ugly, you’re sick bloodthirsty animals. And you’re ugly!

She said it twice.

There used to be a show my dad liked called “I’m Still Alive,” he loved the heck outta that one. Well, Dreamy is still alive, but all we, the AWO, get is mocked by you people. Ugly people! You’re like Cady, you have appreciation for what I’ve done for second and third generation stars across the globe. I blame you, I blame all of you, I blame Cady!

How about blaming Dreamy?

Cady of Grimm, please come to the ring there’s something I need to tell you.

Can you feel that? Ah, shit Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Cut the music! No music! No fanfare! No more segment!

Angie Sault, very upset with just about everyone.

Aaaaaaaaaaand no more Cady.

Cady, next week you have a match, a one on one OVARY TITLE MATCH AGAINST JENNA MALIBU! And it’s NO DISQUALIFACTION!



And you look me in the eyes, Cady, I want you to suffer every bit as much as Dreamy did! You rejected the AWO, but make no mistake about it. I will have the last laugh!

The Olympic Gold Medalist has gone off her rocker! Kinda makes me wonder if she was ever on it to begin with.

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We’re taken the Gorilla Position, where instead of monitoring the show, THE DOLL is engaged in a conversation with a very vexed…

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Vanity Thrills? Vanity Kills? Charphoria? Drugs & Hugs? Rena, what are these?

The Doll casually looks at the list as though she forgot what the whole thing was about

Oh, those? Those are the top three team names for yourself and Euphoria as voted on by OAOAST.com

Team names? Ugh, I have better things to do than be in a team with Euphoria of all people! Have you seen that woman? Gross! Ew! No! Just no! I’m a beauty, a bombshell, a former OVARY champion and soon to be next OVARY champion, why do I have to team with that weirdo. I have BETTER THINGS TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you now? I didn’t know that considering you saving Euphoria from the aWo last week was the highest rated segment you’ve been in in a while. It seems everything you have to do should now have to do with Euphoria.

You’re such a pain…

And you’re on thin ice, Charli. In The Doll’s regime we want results and results alone, and you and Euphoria? That’s a result I can live with. You by yourself? That’s a result I find….redundant. And in The Doll Regime, we don’t like redundancy. Do we?

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Ahhhh, you fucking black stud, take-

We see DIDI BIGGUNS slammed against her locker where LUTHER MANDELLA cuts her off with a rough kiss, his tongue invading her mouth as his hand squeezes her throat. He tastes like spiced rum and fried chicken, and Didi's knees go weak as she surrenders to his passionate assault.

Luther breaks the kiss, leaving Didi panting and dazed. With a rough tug, he tears open her tank top, popping buttons that ricochet off the metal lockers. Her big, golden brown tits spill out, the hard nipples pointing accusingly at Luther's hungry ape like gaze.

Damn, girl... these titties are almost as fine as you say they are, 

Glad, to see some colored men ain’t ass men! Told that Pipi that numerous a times…

Luther growls, his hand reaching out to cup one soft globe. He massages the plump flesh, thumbs playing with her erect nipple, making it even harder. Didi moans, her head falling back as Luther's rough hand plays with her sensitive breasts. 

Awww   hell yes... please... they're all yours... do whatever you want with them, big boy

She purrs, her resistance fading with each touch and stroke. Luther chuckles again, this time with a hint of satisfaction. His free hand snakes down, easily finding the zipper of her shorts. With one quick motion, he tears them open, the material straining and then giving way, exposing Didi's bare pussy. The Southern Smut is already wet, her pink folds glistening with need. Naturally, these southern skanks are always wet for BBC!

You dirty cunt, you got that soaking pussy for my big black dick, don't you?

 Luther’s was voice laced with contempt and raw desire.

Didi whimpers, those thick thighs of hers shaking as his fingers find her sinful clit, rubbing it hard and fast. She bucks her hips, desperate for more, already a quivering mess. These Southern Girls are easy peasy!

Please... just fuck me... I need that big black cock, don’t be making wait now, colored boy..." 

Didi begs, her eyes half-closed, a fucking vision of debauchery.

With a savage laugh that sounds like a monkey howling, Luther steps back, letting his shorts fall. His substantial black beast springs free, thick as a damn baseball bat, the head gleaming with pre-cum. This bitch is about to get a real man's cock, not those pathetic white dicks she's used to.

The black beast takes a paw and grab a handful of Didi's hair, yanking her head back, forcing her to look at his handsome 46 year old face, to see the power in his onyx eyes. 

You want this dick, you filthy cave slut? You want it so bad you can taste it?

God damn it…Yes... I want it... need it... please, just stick that bad boy in me...

Our homie positions that thick ding dong at her entrance, the head pressing against her pink, wet lips. With one brutal thrust, he impales that crying slut, burying his his mighty length balls deep. Didi screams, a mix of pain and uncontrollable pleasure, her cunt stretched and filled by a real nigga!

Awwww god damn it! Yes! Hell yes!

lol, this Albama idiot is  a mess, a used-up, fucked-out mess, and I love it.

Da homie, Luther begins to plow that pussy, his heavy balls slapping against her ass with each thrust. That wet, sloppy sound fills the room, along with Didi's filthy moans and my grunts of pleasure. Hey, I’m enjoying it too!


You like that, you fucking cave bitch? You like my nigga dick tearing that pussy up?

Hell yes... it's... oh God, yes... it's so big... keep fucking me, you gorgeous colored bastard!

He leans in, his lips by her ear, breathing hot and heavy….

 Gonna mark that pussy up, breed you like the slut you are. You're mine now, you hear me?

Didi fucking whimpers, her body shaking as an orgasm builds. He pulls his cock halfway out of her clinging folds, then rams it back in, wringing a whimper of pain from her. 

More, baby!

 He pierces her once again, slowly, letting her feel the length and breadth of him as he takes control. The country bumpkin gasps. His smooth, immutable flesh sweeps over her aching clit, waking shimmering echoes of her climax.


Didi whimpers, her body convulsing as she feels Luther's cock twitch and throb inside her. She's on the edge, her own orgasm building as Luther's relentless thrusts drive her wild. He keeps driving into her, smooth and slick, hard as a mountain, hot as the sun. She melts under his fiery thrusts.



Twisting and writhing under his weight, she claws back  at his bare arms and tries to take him deeper. What a greedy little slut! The hillbilly growls and whimpers like an animal as he pummels her with his niggerdom.

Holy lord, I love this cock!

Driven by instinct, she clenches around the implacable bulk buried inside her in a blind attempt to trigger his release. I told you she was a greedy slut! Only when he filled her with his seed would she be whole.

Lemme suck that big colored thang, baby. Please!

You asked for it, cave bitchl. Get on your knees and show some respect to a real man's dick.

Didi's pussy clenches at the commanding tone in Luther's voice. She wastes no time, dropping to her knees in front of Luther, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Mmm, can't wait to taste it, lick my pussy juices off it. 

Didi purrs, reaching out to gently rub Luther's thick thigh Luther grasps her hand, his grip firm, and guides it down to the slick bulge.

Here, you little dick-teasing slut. You’re seeing what a black man packs!

Didi moans, a filthy sound, her eyes half-closing in pleasure just from the feel of his thickness. 

It's so big I can’t even grip it... can't wait to suck it…

Her eyes widen at the sight of it up close and personal. It's a fucking monster. It’s amazing it even fit in her tight snatch. Truly one of god’s miracles!

Yeah, white girl? Think you can handle it?

I can try..." Didi murmurs, her eyes fixed on his cock. She leans forward, her pink tongue darting out to lick the length of his shaft, from the base to the tip.

"Fuck, girl, that tongue's almost as talented as that pussy," Luther growls, his hand tangling in Didi's hair, guiding her head closer. Luther can’t help but note that tongue is almost as talented as that pussy, his hand guiding the bumpkin closer.


Didi wraps her red lips around the tip of his cock, sucking gently, teasing the engorged head. Her hand strokes the base, squeezing the thick vein that runs along the underside. Indeed, Luther is living the dream of backwater negros all across the South. And that dream? To have some white bitch suck your nigga pole!


You like that, big colored boy? Want me to suck your big colored cock?

 Didi asks again, her voice muffled as she takes more of him into her mouth, relaxing her throat to accommodate his girth. Luther's grip tightens in Didi's hair, his hips twitching as he struggles to hold back. 

Fuck yeah, white girl. Take it all. Show that dick some respect.

Didi hums in response, the vibration sending shivers down Luther's spine. She bobs her head, taking him deeper, her lips sliding down the thick shaft. Her free hand cups his heavy balls, massaging them gently.

Didi wraps her red lips around the tip of his cock head with her eyes fluttering in delight. I told you what kind of woman she is! With a ferocious thrust, he drives his cock into her mouth, not all the way, but much deeper than before, till she sputters and chokes around the dark flesh filling her. His power astonishes her. No white boy is packing like him! Didi opens wider, inviting him to take her further. Her lust flares, hotter than ever, when his wiry fur grazed her cheek.


He finds his rhythm, using her mouth to bring him ever closer to the edge, just as she’s craved!

You think those titties can handle my big black cock?
Luther asks once again, a smirk playing on his lips as he eyes Didi's impressive chest. Didi springs his cock from his mouth with a loud POP! Though she’d love to keep sucking….a challenge has been issued!

They ain’t just for show, Mandella. They ain’t like Pipi’s. These tits were made to handle cocks like yours.

Yeah, they ain’t like your flat chested cousin, are they?

 Didi teases, reaching down to fondle her own breasts, nipples harrdening even further in anticipation. And I didn’t think these things could get harder!

Nothing like Pipi’s. And If they're as good as you claim, maybe I'll fill your cleavage with my royal negro nut

Didi's pussy clenches at the idea, juices starting to flow. How horny can one white girl get?!

Mmm, I'd like to see you try, big boy. But fair warning, no one's ever lasted long between these tits.

Didi wastes no time, her tits leading the way. She positions her cleavage at the tip of Luther's cock, the sensitive head nestling between her soft mounds.

Fuck, that's warm...

 Luther grunts in approval, his hips jerking slightly as Didi begins to squeeze her tatas together, her hands cupping her breasts to create the perfect channel for his shaft.

You like that, huh, big boy? Just relax and let my tits do the work,

 Didi purrs, her tongue poking out as she concentrates on giving Luther the tit-fuck of his life.
Slowly, she begins to slide her tits up and down his length, the head of his monkey meat  disappearing between her pillowy mounds with each stroke. Her nipples graze his chocolate eclair, sending jolts of pleasure through his muscular Nubian body.

Fuck, this feels good... but I thought you said you could handle it?

Luther taunts her with a sneer, after a hint of challenge in his voice as he watches Didi work his cock with her impressive boobies. Didi lets out a little giggle, the vibrations tickling Luther's cock. 

Oh, I can handle it, big boy. But I want to draw this baby out and enjoy it. This cock deserves a slow, juicy tit-fuck.

Luther grunts in response, his hips beginning to move in time with Didi's deliberate pace, his balls tightening as she squeezes her tits tighter around his pole.

You like that, huh? Want me to speed up, you cocky nigga?

You know  what to do, cave bitch!

Luther growls, his hands reaching out to grasp Didi's shoulders, pulling her closer, needing more friction. And of course Didi complies, her mounds moving faster, the slurping sounds of her cleavage working his cock filling the room. Her nipples, now hard as pebbles, drag along his shaft, providing extra stimulation.

Nothing like Pipi…nothing like Pipi…this black cock's gonna paint those tits

His dark sinister eyes are rolling back in his head as Didi's tits work their magic, milking him with each stroke.

Mmm, you like that, huh, baby? Bet you've never had tits this good, ‘N this tight. Have ya, big boy?

 Didi keep up with her teases, her breath coming in short gasps as her arms begin to tire, but she pushes through, determined to drain Luther's balls. Luther smiles like he just stole a hubcap, his hands reaching down to squeeze Didi's tits around his cock, intensifying the pleasure.

Didi moans, her body responding to Luther's dominant grip on her breasts. "Oh yes, squeeze them, feel my tits milk that big cock..." She pants, her pace quickening as she nears her own orgasm, her hard nipples sending sensations straight to her clit.

I'm close, you slut... Bet you want my royal negro nut all over those pretty tits, don't you?" 

Luther growls, his eyes fixed on Didi's heaving chest, the head of his cock throbbing with unreleased pleasure.

Hell yes, baby!!! Go on..go on and.. cover them... mark my tits with your cum, big boy

Didi begs, her body on fire, needing Luther's release. Then Luther grunts, his body tensing as his cock twitches between her milked-filled tits. 

Here it comes, you BBC-craving slut! Take it!

Like a molten vocano, Luther's cock erupts, shooting rope after rope of hot cum, coating Didi's tits with his warm seed. God is good as even the deaf can enjoy Didi crying out, her body convulsing as she experiences a powerful orgasm, her nipples sending electric shocks straight to her pussy.

All that royal negro nut covers Didi's tits, dripping down her abdomen, a testament to his black virility and her sexual prowess.

Fuck, white girl, that was... 

Better than Pipi?


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Despite not having the best of day as we saw in the opening we find a very cheerful and obliviousl…

Jordyn Jones : r/JordynJonesBooty
PIPI BIGGUNS overlooking the Ice Cream table in catering. And no Jade isn’t making another run in!

Vanilla, for my boo thang, he don’t like chocolate, he don’t like strawberry, he don’t like neopliton, he likes it vanilla, sister. Are you listening to me?!

The attendant can only roll her eyes

A little less eye rolling a lot more scooping for my boo thang!

Grabbing Pipi’s arm from behind is none other than…

annie idol img-Fdo2ZBnHo2i1xRFUgfaB0.jpeg

Pipi, come quick! There’s something you need to see! Pronto!

Cram ir with walnuts, Idol, I’m prepping for my boo thang’s visit to the Whore Zone.

Your boo thang? Luther, right? Okay well that’s what I’m talking about! You need to come quick!

I think you better cram it with walnuts before I cram it for ya, Idol. Don’t play with me, Idol. Whenever my boo thang comes around ya’ll start playing with me. Now scram!

Annie gives up, hey it ain’t her man!

Come on, camera guy, you don’t wanna get FOMO over this!

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TO THE BACK~! for a far less awkward cutaway to COLOMBIAN HEAT.

Yooo! Make some noise for last minute hype jobs!


The OAOAST returns to the Toy Box for a night of sex and violence!

3 Way Grudge Match

Didi Bigguns vs. Atuna Payne vs. Jade Rodez-Duncan

Who can stop the Nasty Way?

The Nasty Boyds vs. Midnight Foxes 

The Truth Hurts?

Whoros Vs Our Truth W/Pete-O

LeBrenda James calls out Miss Kunt... to apologize!?!

Sister Slut Showdown!

Hot Tub Match: Cinnamon Spoons Vs Annagret Wickedborn


Jenna Malibu (c) Vs Cady of Grimm

Plus much, much more!

A night so sinful, it will unleash a plague of...



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Ladies and Deviants it is time for your mainevent of the evening!


The Deviants are up, ALL THE WAY UP, for the return of The Lioness!

And it is for the WHORE ZONE TAG TEAM TITLES!!!!!!!!!!!


Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, I need another lover, be mine
Cause I, I, I got stamina
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no



Can you feel that, folks? Can you feel DA ELECTRICITY? Brea Brea has paid that light bill, baby!

And she’s entering the biggest match of her life since her last Hard On Hoes title defense. And she’s entering it on very uncertain terms.

And introducing her partner…..

This is it, like this is literally it.

From New York City by way of Beaumaris Castle, Wales…….

If Sammi doesn’t show up I’ll show Renee’s nudes on live TV!


 She is the “THE LIONESS………”

If Sammi doesn’t show up I’ll throw Renee to the Deviants!

Why is it escalating?!



The cheers reach a crescendo, bringing  a tear to Brea Brea’s face. But perhaps those tears might turn to one of sorrow as we see no Sammi.

Feeding time! Renee is on the table!

Let go of me, Alix. Sammi still has a second to show-

Don't you know she walks all over you?
You're powerless, there's nothing you can do
And everybody sees she's using you

She knows a boy in deep is a boy to keep

But, that’s Doll’s music!

Uh-oh, time to be a good girl.

The Doll struts past the XXX-Tron, attired in athletic wear far different from her flashy business outfits. She sports a triumphant smirk that simply reads “I TOLD YOU SO”

I heard Renee say Sammi still has a second to show and I had to interrupt. And I know I shouldn’t interrupt our great announce team, but this needs to be heard by, EVERYONE. As of 37 minutes ago we received an email from the Cayley Family lawyers asking us, politely, not to promote Samantha for appearances she has not agreed to make. Now, you tell me, does that sound like someone who has any intention on honoring the promise she made to the fans, to the OAOAST, to you, BREA BREA? Does it?

There has to be some mistake! Maybe it’s a prank. A rib!

Brea, I am sorry this is happening to you after what Bedrock and the Big Tymers put you through. I don’t like having to say this, but, frankly, you need to hear this more than anyone. Sammi doesn’t need this business, she doesn’t care about this business or anyone in it. Her family never needs to make another penny again. She has inherited the greed, and the callousness and the cruelty that her father used to keep Britney and Nikki, her cousins, in trailer parks all their life!

Sammi may be a aloof but she is not cruel.

When Sammi says she is The Lioness, the Queen of the Jungle, the fact is she has feasted on all of you! I on the other hand, fly on a Leer Jet, I ride in a Limo and I do it because THIS BUSINESS understands the intelligence, the class, and the sex appeal I bring. Value. My name rings value in the boardroom, in the bedroom, and in the dressing room. So without further adieu let me introduce you, Brea Brea, to your tag team partner, your new MEGA HOTTIE, THE DOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I like turning heads, breaking necks High heels in the morning Catch your breath, break a sweat Leave the suckers snoring These saints are watching me My sex life like TMZ You're welcome, bitch, the show is free I don't do the walk of shame,

I strut !!!!!!!!!!


Here come the tag team champs and I dunno what to say. 

I do! This is some bullshit! Only white bitches would try and pulls this hootenanny off. Us colored girls would neva eva.

Aren’t you collecting SSI checks despite being a millionaire?

Das different.



Well, in the middle of all of this we’ve been joined by Morgan Nerdly. Morgan, great to have a future Hall of Famer out here. Not only that but you are the record holder for most Women’s Title.

Honestly, that just means I lost them the most too.

Hheheeeh, I gotta use that on Krista when she talks about her six OAOAST World Titles. That just means ya lost em seven times, hoe! Heheheheheh!

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I’m sort of speechless. Morgan, you’ve dealt with bizarre and shocking situations in the OAOAST. What is going through Brea Brea’s mind?

I’m sure she’s thinking of pulling a Hogan at Bash at the Beach on Doll. I would.

Utterly confused, Brea looks for an explanation from Doll. But that takes her eyes off Dreamy, who wallops her from behind with the CLOTHESLINE FROM HECK!!!

Ring a ding ding dong, Brea!

With a fistful of Brea’s curly locks, Dreamy drags Brea into an empty corner.

Brea Brea, meet mister turnbuckle!

BAM!!!, but it’s Dreamy who eats padding courtesy of a resurgence from the South African! With Dreamy reeling, Brea hits the ropes and returns to smack Dreamy in the chest with a dropsault!



An easy kickout by Dreamy!

Brea begins pulling Dreamy up by her black hair only for Dreamy to connect with a snap jawbreaker! Somehow, Brea remains on her feet despite the pain.

Night, night, Brea Brea!

Dreamy attempts to slap on the dreaded SLEEPER HOLD! But with her quick reflexes, Brea Brea delivers a jawbreaker! The move sendt Dreamy backwards, all the way into the Dream Gurls' corner! That leads the charmingly smiling Tabitha to tag herself in.

I don’t like that smile. At all. Then again, I hate every smile.

Even Cute Ally Cat’s loveable grin?!

Tabitha circled a nervous Brea Brea, her dark green eyes not match the cute smile of her pouty lips. Finally, Tabitha lashed out, kneeing Brea in the gut. Shockingly, Brea Brea recovered and began peppering the busty Tabitha with knife edge chops! Brea’s chops landed with such impact that they send Tabby’s whole upper body on a crowd pleasing bounce…


Tabitha’s cups runneth over!

Brea Brea hit the ropes and returned with a lariat that didn’t move Tabitha an inch. Instead, The Babe lashed out and cut the South African down with her own lariat! After that, Tabitha had to show of the guns for our muscle fetishists!



Morgan, are you any closer to learning the orgin of Tabitha’s birth?

The search is satisfying my need to be abused because every door gets closed in my face, every option is shut down and everyday I get farther and farther from figuring it out.

Tabitha hoist Brea Brea into a gorilla press position and swiftly dumped her face against the ring posts in the Dream Gurl corner. With Brea Brea weakened, Tabitha tagged in Dreamy.

The Doll is certainly a lot of help.

Renee’s sarcasm tracked as The Doll merely instructs the camera man on HER best angle, no one elses. Meanwhile, Tabitha and Dreamy work in unison, rushing Brea and taking turns driving her into the turnbuckles with powerful shoulder blocks. They took turns holding her in place as the other delivered stiff knife-edge chops, the smacks resonating through the ring. Brea's chest turned a bright pink, and she squeals in pain with each blow, trying desperately to cover herself.

Get your hands off my breasts!

Awww, you did you say that to Bedrocky?? HAHAHAAHA!

What a heartless thing to say!

Sandman made the Heartland Title famous but there is no heart in Dreamy’s land.

Brea Brea visibily took offense, reddning in the face. Her rage saw her pop Dreamy in the mouth, staggering The Dreamster. Then, Brea rocked Tabitha with a spinning back fist. Dream came back with a pair of jabs, but they were easily shrugged off by the former Hard on Hoes Champ. Not so easily shrugged off?  The South African Arm Drag Brea used to transfer Dreamy into an armbar!

Ah! It hurts!

Luckily, Tabitha was right there to break up the hold.

Tabitha works well in a tag team environment. Does that give you any clues on her parentage, Morgan?

MARV and MEL work well in a tag environment and our dad does everything solo. Krista works well in a tag environment, does Papa Duncan play well with others?

He’s gonna be playing well with the wormies, soon!

Tabitha hammered Brea with overhand rights and soon Dreamy joined in to squeeze her from behind, it was like Brea was trapped in a curvaceous straight jacket! 

“WE THINK SHE CAN! WE THINK SHE CAN! WE THINK SHE CAN!” The fans chant, led on by Doll.

At least Doll offers moral support.

Doll and morals. Pft.

With a swift maneuver, Brea ducked under Tabitha's arm and slid between Dreamy's legs, breaking free from their embrace. She scrambled to the opposite side of the ring, panting, her heart racing. "Not... so... fast... you,..two!" she manages between gasps._

Ooh, feisty! Did you put up that fight with Bedrock?

Playing a  little hard to get never hurt any girl. Then again, if she were as good-looking as I she’d be impossible to get. It truly is difficult to be wanted by so many. I hope you all will have pity on me

To make sure everyone gets the point that she is one hot tamale, Tabitha strikes a pose for the ringside photogs.


Cameras back on me!

Now Doll strikes  a pose!

booty maria.gif

I’m so disgusted I’m crying, look how my tears glisten on my cheeks like the morning dew.

Brea regrouped admist all this, rallying her inner strength. The South African Hottie lunged at Tabitha, catching her off guard with a swift kick to the midriff. Tabitha grunted, stumbling backward, giving Brea an opening. Brea seized the moment, delivering a series of rapid-fire chops to Tabitha's bodacious betties

Have we thought of who Tabitha looks like?

There’s not exactly a shortage of hot blonds to pick, Renee.

Then maybe we can rule some people out.

Forget it. Even then you can’t because she could be adopted.

(to The Doll)
How about a little less posing a little more action?

The Doll applauds the sentiment, apparently not realizing it was directed at her!

Tabitha, momentarily stunned, shakes off the chops attack and shot  a menacing glare at Brea. The brawny bimbo charged, her powerful frame colliding with Brea's in a bone-rattling body splash. Brea crumpled beneath Tabitha's weight, the air whooshing from her lungs in a rush!

This is for all the women who want to be me and all the men who came to see me! Are you ready for the grind???


Who she getting it from? Her mama or her daddy?

Or both!


Dreamy, ever the cowardly heel, takes advantage of the situation. She grabs a steel chair, brandishing it like a weapon.  Well, it is a weapon so that makes sense!

Playtime's over, brat! Say hello to my little friend!

Before Dreamy can strike, Brea rolled away, narrowly avoiding the chair shot. Dreamy's momentum carries her forward, and she crashes into the turnbuckle, the steel chair clattering to the mat. Brea springs to her feet, seizing the opportunity to strike back.


Looks like your little friend isn’t so friendly, Dreamster!

Infuriated, Dreamy scrambles to her feet, her eyes burning with rage. The Oregon native charged at Brea, but Brea sidestepped, using Dreamy's own momentum against her. Dreamy careens into Tabitha, who stumbles backward, tripping over the ropes and falling out of the ring! And you better believe that the fans get a good look down Tabby’s top!

Get some good pics!

Capitalizing on the moment, Brea turned her attention to Dreamy. She deliverd a well-timed spinning heel kick, catching Dreamy squarely on the jaw. Dreamy stumblesd, dazed, and Brea  took the opportunity to execute a picture-perfect DDT, slamming Dreamy's head against the mat.
Brea straddled Dreamy, pinning her shoulders to the mat. Refere Titania Nerdly  slides into position….




Suddenly, a commotion erupted in the crowd. A fan, a burly man with a mischievous grin, climbed over the barricade and approaches the ring, brandishing a water pistol. He calls out to Brea, "Hey, Brea! Give 'em a taste of this!"
Brea's eyes widen as she recognizes the man's mischievous intent. She nods, a devious smile spreading across her face!
You bet I will!!

The fan tossed the water pistol into the ring, and Brea catches it, her eyes sparkling with mischievous delight. She poped up, climbing to her feet, and aimed the water pistol at the Dream Girls, who were now both outside the ring, having recovered from their earlier tumbles.
HEY, girls, I’ve got a tasty treat for you!

Dreamy and Tabitha, confused and slightly alarmed, inch closer to the ring, unsure of Brea's intentions. And that’s when it happens! Brea pulled the trigger, and a stream of sticky, white liquid shot out, coating the Dream Girls in a mess of gooey humiliation. To say the fucking least!

kayla kayden cum455.gif


Wha…wha…what did we just see?

I’m glad none of us have any innocence left to lose.

Ewwwwwwwww! What the hell is this, you disgusting nerd?!

Tabitha, her face and hair drenched in the mysterious liquid, sniffs the air.

My beauty is so great that much uglier women are now drenching me in acid.

This crud isn’t acid! This…this…this…is….cum!!!!!!!!!!

The raucous Deviants go nuts some bursting into laughter, others cheering Brea's creative counterattack, and some spanking that monkey! Brea, unable to contain her glee, strikes a pose in the center of the ring, the water pistol aimed heavenward like an phallic trophy.


How do you like MY little friend?

Why are the ugly allowed to speak?

The Dream Girls, humiliated and furious, climb back into the ring, their ring attire plastered to their hot nubile bodies. Brea dances around the cum whores, taunting and teasing, her resilience having carried her through to this unexpected turn of events.

“CUM GURLS! CUM GURLS! CUM GURLS!” the fans chant with The Doll holding back her snickering.

Guess what, you overinflated airheads, Brea Brea doesn't back down!"_

Infuriated, Tabitha charged at Brea, her eyes burning with malice. She delivered a thunderous clothesline, catching Brea off guard and sending her crashing to the mat!! Dreamy, ever the opportunistic heel, quickly locks in the dreaded SLEEPER HOLD, squeezing the life out of Brea's petite frame.

I think we’ll send a gift to our Neolithic buddy! HAHAHAHHA!

Brea struggled, her arms flailing wildly. She attemptsed to pry Dreamy's arms loose, but it's like trying to break free from a pair of tan and toned shackles. Poor Brea’s lovely little body begins to weaken, her vision tunneling as the oxygen deprivation takes its toll.

“WE THINK SHE CAN! WE THINK SHE CAN! WE THINK SHE CAN!” the Deviants sing, seeking to rally their heroine.

Just give up! We promise to ask Bedrock to take it easy on ya this time!


Never is such a long time, and by my count you have about ten seconds of oxygen left. That’s when things get ugly.

How I hate ugly things!

Just as Brea's world threatened to slip into darkness, the crowd erupted in another chaotic frenzy. A goth looking woman from the audience had tossed in another water pistol, this one filled with a different kind of liquid. Tabitha's eyes light up like a child on Christmas morning. Or like when she sees her reflection! 

One of my billions of loyal admirers has thrown an offering to my beauty. I hope this doesn’t make you feel bad, Dreamy.

Just use the damn thing, Tabby!

Before Brea could protest, Tabitha pulls the trigger….and accidentally sprays Dreamy in the face!


I hope you don’t take offense to that, Dreamy, even perfection misses it’s mark every once in a while.


Dreamy is losing it!

Without warning, Brea launches forward, tackling Dreamy to the ground. She pummels her with a series of furious punches, fueled by indignation and the smell of urine….I guess?

“BREA! BREA! BREA!” the fans chant, spurred on by an excited Doll

Tab, get this piss monger off me!

Tabitha hurried to aid Dreamy, yanking Brea off her pee soaked partner. Then, The Babe stashed the South African into a standing head scissors, her grip seemingly unbreakable!

Tabitha looking for Grand Theft Auto!

But, Brea summoned never before seen strength and back body dropped Tabitha all the way to the outside. Tabitha landed hard and the fans once again got a good look at her tatas!

Good boys! 

Dreamy pounced on Brea, hooking her arms and twisting her around to start the Unprettier! But, much to Dreamy’s shock, Brea worked her way free and swiftly delivered a hangman’s facebuster!

Brea’s Breeze! Brea’s Breeze!

The cover…


New champs?!





By gawd, the woman is out her rabbit ass mind! 

The Doll struts into the ring for her moment of glory. She ignores Brea’s glare, the derision of the audience, and swiftly dives atop her foe.

Count, Titania, count, count, count, count!

Okay! Okay!



Kick out!


The Doll looks to Brea for help, but receives none as Brea merely shakes her head and exits the ring. But “help”  coincidental as it may be arrives when CADY OF GRIMM wipes out Dreamy with a CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL!



Winner: The Dream Gurls, via DQ!!!!!!!

The Dream Gurls don’t look like winners, covered in jizzum, piss and left laid out. But the aWo will have their dignity! ANGLESLUT sneaks behind Cady and delivers an ANGLESLAM!!!!!



No. Whoooooooooooo! Whooooo?


To heck with you! AWO rocks!

A bizarre title defense ends in controversy and chaos. What exactly is The Doll going to do with the fact that Brea abandoned her?

The show doesn’t end on that line. Nor does it end on the AWO girls celebrating amongst selves. Instead it ends on Cady rising Undertaker style, and throat slashing towards a stunned, open mouthed AWO!

The Semen Demon has risen! By gawd someone save the AWO’s souls! 


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