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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOMEF Breakout! 10/31/02

Chanel #99

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OAOMEF BREAKOUT! for Thursday November 31st 2002

The show opens in static.

After a minute, there is a click and we are moving through the corridors backstage at the OAOMEF arena. They are deserted. Fires burn in trash cans and there are splashes of blood on the walls. After a few minutes of wandering...

Voice: *cough* Er...anyone? Hello? You know, we're LIVE right now? What the hell's going on? Oh, shit, you can hear me at home, can't you? I'm Pete...cameraman...I showed up a little late today...the crowd's still waiting outside...I got in through the side entrance...but there's no one here...there's no show...I don't know what to do...

We turn and go through a door marked "Eskimo's Office", and see Mystery Eskimo, slumped and bloody in the corner. We hear half a gasp and a heavy thud as the camera falls to the ground. We return to static.

After another minute, the picture returns. This time it show Angle-plex, sitting calmly at Eskimo's desk, with his OAOAST NA, OAOMEF world and OAOMEF tag titles laid out in front of him. He grins to the camera.

AP: Welcome, to Breakout! Today is a very special edition. Not only is it the first time I appear on OAOMEF televison with the OAOAST NA title, it is also the last. Because this is the end of the OAOMEF.

Eskimo, when you brought me in, you never realised what was really happening, did you? You never had a clue. All your help, all your interference that led me to the North American title, you did it willingly because you thought *I* was helping *you*! You thought I gave a damn about your crappy little promotion! All I was doing was waiting. Waiting for the aWo. Because WE are here to destroy the OAOAST, not you. WE will defeat it.

And as a start, as a message, as a warning, we have defeated YOU, Eskimo. The arena is locked. No fans can get it. All your staff have been, shall be say, removed from business. They'll never work for you again, Eskimo. No one will. You're finished. It's over. And your "stars"? Let's look at some footage from earlier...

AP nods at the camera. We cut to Thunderkid arriving at the arena, walking towards the locker rooms. The camera is situated behind TK, and he dosn't notice it. Suddenly, four masked men jump out in front of TK. He immediately assumes a fighting stance but can only get a few kicks in before he is overwhelmed, and takes a triple team spike piledriver onto the hard floor.

We cut to Reject, getting out of his car in the parking lot. He hears something, turns and walks towards the camera. But he never gets there, as the same men attack from behind and leave him in a bloody heap.

Next up, JINGUS is battered with baseball bats, chains and chairs and locked up in the trunk of a car. We cut back to Angle-plex.

AP: This is what happens. This is a message to the OAOAST. We destroyed the OAOMEF in one night. One night, Popick, Tony, Zack. Sure, the OAOAST is bigger. Sure, it has more stars. But it doesn't matter. Isn't that right, Eskimo? Hey, turn the camera you dumb fuck!

The camera turns to reveal Eskimo, tied up and gagged in the corner of the room. Eskimo struggles helplessly.

AP laughs.

AP: Thanks, Pete. Don't you prefer working for the aWo?

Pete: Ah...

AP laughs again.

AP: Shall we hear what Eskimo has to say?

Angle-plex walks over, and removes the gag from Eskimo.

AP: Well, Eskimo?

ME: Angle-plex...I have only one thing to say to you...

AP: *chuckling* yeah?

ME: Look out behind you

AP: Ha! Who do you think I am?

AP is flattened to the ground. The massive frame of JINGUS is standing behind him. JINGUS helps Eskimo up. Eskimo nods at the camera, and Pete flees the room.

JINGUS: Shall we start the show?

Eskimo, after a pause: No. There's not enough of us here to stop them.

JINGUS: Then what?

Eskimo: All this time, I thought the OAOAST was what we were supposed to hate, what we were supposed to defeat.

But its not. It's what spawned us, it made us what we are and who we have to be. And now it's time we showed our thanks. Turn out the lights, Jingus.

We're going home.

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OAOMEF Obituary

Well, we only lasted 7 weeks. (Longer than MECW tho...)

With Superstar out, Angle-plex in the aWo and Jingus and I winning the OAOAST tag titles, I/we thought it was time to concentrate on the OAOAST, and let the OAOMEF die, and what better way than at the hands of the aWo, as their reformation pretty much kills the OAOMEF in both storylines and "real life". I'm kinda sad that we're not going to continue, but I'd rather leave it while the standard is still good rather than struggle on with an even more limited roster.

I think we did some pretty good shows and some damn good matches. Check out Superstar's Empty Arena match with Jericho if you havn't already. I'm quite proud of my Hell in a Cell. I was thinking about doing a "best of" thread, but maybe another time.

In case anyone was wondering, the above dosn't mean Jingus and I are turning face. We'll still be heels in the OAOAST, just anti-aWo ones having to exist somehow alongside the OAOAST faces. Well that's my plan, anyway. Apologies to Jingus, as I havnt had time to run this by him!

Finally,huge thanks and massive props to Superstar for all his hard work and great matches, and also to Angle-plex, Jingus, Thunderkid and Reject for contributing and for being a part of it all.

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