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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 3/17/2021

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The action is going to be intense tonight in The Toy Box! Welcome to TMW! I am Renee Young with two time OAOAST World Champion, Reject!

TMW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: BLK © -VS- 2XS and ???????????

Tanner is in the ring right now with a new look, dyed hair, it’s a little longer. But lemme tell you what he’s as dumb as ever. Why would you put your Anglemania payday on the line? Because Bedrock attacked you? Are you trying to prove something to Sammi?

Tanner is in the ring and yes he does have longer, blonder hair to match his surfer persona. Tanner has a thick journal resting in his hands.

What’s up, babes and dudes? Welcome to Master Work Theatre.

This is new.

Today we explore one of the greatest thinkers of our time, Bedrock.

Something about fucking Sammi makes these guys wanna poke the bear.

Bedrock’s genius, much like the rapper Lupe Fiasco has been too complicated for the common listener to understand. But don’t worry, dudes and babes! After intensive study I have unearthed the deeper meaning of the writings in Bedrock’s journal. Let’s begin, shall we?

Tanner flips to a random page.

Bedrock writes on June 7th 2018, “BLLARRRGH” by which he is saying to us in a tortured voice, “why can’t I be as handsome and good looking  as Tanner Neptune? How come he gets all the babes? And I have to stroke into my 80,000 thousand year old loin cloth thinking about being fucked by a wooly mammoth?” Let’s continue

Tanner skins to another page

This is a truly pertinent page, dudes and babes. Bedrock screams BLARGHHHH on December 2 2018, telling us “I ashamed I can’t hold my weed like Tanner Neptune can. I wish I could smoke like Tanner smoked! Instead, I, Bedrock can only take solace in the head pats people give me when I impersonate the Geico caveman and give them 2008 nostalgia vibes. That is my high.”

Tanner goes to another page.

Now this, dudes and babes, this hits harder than loud weed. The shaking penmanship writes “BLAAAAAARRRGHHHH!” and my god, dudes and babes, “I Bedrock know that I will never be as cool and down as Tanner Neptune. I wish Tony Tourette’s abs Vinnyy Valentine had left me in that icicle so that I might not suffer in this orgy of jealousy and hatred.  If only I were like Tanner I could be King of The Ring , and I could get the babes and I wouldn’t have to club them over the head and fuck them into post concussion syndrome.”  Wow, dudes and babes, just wow. I knew I was cool. But I didn’t know I was THIS cool.

Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why
You never been the word to cry
Said you right to other side
You think you need to save me
Just tell me something not to wonder why
Staring at other place trying not to wonder why

So I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my (never be my)
So I'm just gonna say so
You will never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
ou can never be my (can never be my) hero

It’s the champion!

The Galaxy Champion, Fabian Nystrom, twirls into The Toy Box dressed in glittery gold pants. Along with a ball gown wearing Queen Esther, he enters the ring.

I don’t know if that ring is big enough to contain both those egos.

Very “cool dude.” You’re really “down.” But do you think these people risked the worst disease of their lifetime to see you? Queenie, who do you think they came to see?

No doubt they have arrived to behold Detroit Crackhead!

Exactly! No..,wait! They came to see me! Because I am a Golden God! My brother is in the building tonight and you know Neptune The Nystroms are more athletic than you, faster than you, stronger than you, and we are damn sexier than you, BABE!

You are a cute-patootie though!

Behold one of your twin idols! You can defeat Bedrock tonight and retain your number one contendership..,and what an awesome performance it will be. Just like all your performances. Awesome and sad. The man standing before me isn’t a number one contender. He’s an orbiter. He orbits around Sammi, hoping to break the walls down and he now orbits around me, hoping to take the god down.

All facts.

It’s embarrassing for me that I have to fight you at Anglemania 20. I am a hero to BILLIONS! You are a sidekick to one. They can give you new entrance music, dye your hair, grow it out, but you’ll never be Oscar Friberg, you’ll never be Blaine. You’ll always be a sidekick! I could kick your ass right now if I wanted to! But you know what, I’ll leave it to Bedrock.

And on that note THE NEIOLITHIC AVENGER pounces on Tanner!

Bedrock emerges through the crowd!

Bedrock slams Tanner against the ring post, bloodying the number one contender ms nose.

Fabian, do something!

Instead Fabian watched as Bedrock hits Tanner with a splash from the apron to the floor!


Did Fabian set that up with Bedrock?

No way. Bedrock is too stupid to plan anything with.


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We’re taken to the state of the art interview set. There scenes flash if Sgt.Holt’s run of victories. The Always Pimpin Champion is beside Private Warthog and Anglemania  hockey jersey wearing Josh Mathews.

Sarge, last week you invited any woman with, as you said, honor, dignity and class to contact you. We want to know if anyone has DM’ed you?

Suddenly Warthog grabs Matthews by the throat!

This isn’t a game, Josh!

Ack! I know!

Good. Because, I don’t think it’s a game. I’m trying to save a life. I’m trying to save one woman from the swamp that has consumed the country I once fought to protect. Once again if you're the one I will know. But, I guess I didn’t fight hard enough. Because while Pavel and Ching Lee dominate the world and mock us I’m getting cancelled because I was mean to Honey Dove  Poor Honey Dove, no one can be mean to her. We all have to be kind and pleasant to the whore! We can't "slut shame." Oh no! And now 2XS has a tag title opportunities because I told the truth! He has a tag title shot. That FREAK has a tag title shot!

But no partner.

That’s the least of his worries. Because next week in that very ring I’ll be more than a little mean to him when I defend my Always Pimpin Tutke against him. The country I love is burning and I’ll throw him into the fires.


Always faithful.


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***The Bounty Hunter W/TurboWolf Vs Marty Fox W/Doc White***

The Bounty Hunter Entered to “The Final Countdown” The Bounty Hunter Remix

We're leavin' together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To Earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again?



We still do not know why TurboWolf has agreed to be The Bounty Hunter’s bodyguard? After four years of absence from TMW why would the werewolf return to guard The Bounty Hunter?

Because, Renee, TurboWolf doesn’t spend his time worrying about what the marks think, or how the boys in the back are going to feel. TurboWolf knows an opportunity to make some cash when he sniffs one.

Marty entered to “Five My Hours” by Deorro and Chris Brown

What you wanna do baby? Where you wanna go?
I'll take you to the moon baby, I'll take you to the floor
I'll treat you like a real lady, no matter where you go

Just give me some time baby, cause you know
Even when we're apart I know my heart is still there with you
5 more hours till the night is ours and I'm in bed with you

Marty and The Bounty Hunter have danced several times before over the last couple months. Just one win for The Bounty Hunter.

And you can blame The Young Cucks for that.

Well, isn’t this nice? All you weaker tag team partners all you have to do is make sure your partner suddenly grows huge pair of tits and loses their dick, and you can be the star by the default!

You’ve got it wrong!

Hmmmm? I do? I don’t remember too many people saying tune into that Marty Fox match until you grew those tits!

Then we’re lucky so many people have seen you go 1 and 5 against this “lesser star” in 2020.

But, it’s a new year and I ditched my Heyenas for a wolf!

That put Marty on the defensive, and TBH was able to beat him around the ring for the first thirty seconds of the affair.

Focus on who’s in front of you!


TBH popped Marty in the jaw with a dropsault, then chilled against the ring ropes a la Billy Gunn.

He’s awfully confident for fighting someone he loses to all the time.

Tell the truth. Those losses came because The Young Cucks kept screwing up.

TBH decided it was time to get to work! But as he approached Marty,  the Universal City native struck him with a dropkick to the knee! Pained, TBH hobbled until he walked into  into Marty’s lung blower! The move hit the Pasadena native so hard he flopped onto his stomach!

His back is exposed!

Marty nodded and followed up the lung blower with a standing corkscrew moonsault to Hunter’s exposed back! Pained, TBH crawled into the corner where Marty hit a double knee strike to the back!

Marty has turned the tables, and no Young Cucks needed.

The Time Killer sprung to the top rope, with the fans eager for high flying action. Instead, TBH shoved Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V into the ropes to crotch Marty!

Muh hip!

Pipe down before I erase Mama’s Family from your DVR!

Not muh Mama’s Family!

TBH ascended up top and swiftly tossed Marty across the ring with an avalanche tiger suplex! Marty skid across the battlefield, landing in front of TurboWolf. Eager to draw literal blood, TBH motioned for him to bring the werewolf claws out!

Wait, he wants TurboWolf to turn and attack Marty?

The things I could have done with a werewolf in my corner….

That’s all you have to say?!

But, TW’s normally sleepy eyes went wide with shock as Doc dove into the ring to cover Marty!

Even better! Maul her!

You serious?

I’m always serious! Neheheheheh!

I don’t attack females.

TBH, being psychotic, couldn’t understand such logic. Who isn’t attack females?!

You’re in luck, Doctor White. This is only gonna hurt a little instead of a lot!

Doc may be female but she still has her old masculine fighting spirit and got right in TBH’s space!

You’re getting in my cute widdle face? Annoying!

TBH shoved Doc to the ground as though he were a bully on the playground!

This guy has zero morals.

Free of Doc, TBH giggled with delight as he could be as violent as he wanted. The tiny grappler  bounded off the ropes and delivered a crushing stomp to the back of Marty’s head!


How could he?!!

Marty laid motionless on the mat, jaw slack. TBH stood above him, smiling as if he waited his whole life for this moment.

I don’t know what to say.

That guy is worse than a jerk. He’s a piece of….ugh, it makes me so mad! Let’s just take a look at Anglemania 20.



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As we returned from break the doctors overlooked Marty for the concussion protocol.

We apologize for this, but we have to see if Marty is ok.

Is the light hurting you, Marty? How about the sound?

Let us do our job please.

I’m sorry. But…

I feel dizzy.

He feels dizzy! Take him to the hospital!

Please, let us do our job.

Backstage we found The Bounty Hunter watching with TurboWolf.

Nehheheehe, excellente! I’m pretty good at the violence part of Sex and Violence. How about you go out there and finish the job?

Finish the job?

End his career!

You wanna take away a man’s livelihood?

Of  course I do! That’s what I do best!

Then at least do it honorably. In the ring. Like a man.

Great idea, Wolfie D! You can fight him next week! Nehehhe, it’ll be a slaughter!


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Backstage in front of a TMW backdrop, Terry Taylor, attired in an Anglemania 20 baseball jersey stands with Luther Mandela. The leader of BLK, sports a three breasted cream suit. Behind him stand the tag team champions, Booker X and Marcus Garvey, attired in more casual wear of black velour track suits.

Luther Mandela.

Terry Taylor.

Last week, Lawson Belle name dropped you in a promo. But he called you an actor. Any idea why he would say that?

Luther seems to draw a blank, staring dully ahead.


I’m having an ADHD moment.

You have ADHD? I didn't know that.

I am not Super Negro, you devil, you. My ADHD stands for ancestral diversion from my higher development. But when I think of Lawson Belle, I am reminded how many devils tried to denigrate the black man’s accomplishments. Make him seem less than.


This black man can read. Are you shocked?  Lawson Belle, you saw me in catering before you cut that promo. You put your cup up to me. Unlike you I don’t have to pretend though. I’m not a scary motherfucker.  All of your yip yacking and jaw jacking is about to meet 26 years of bringing the ruckus. I been in this business 26 years, Lawson Belle. You're only 24 years old. Think about that. I've seen 26 years worth of Lawson Belles. You are not new to me, Lawson Belle. What’s the forecast, Terry Taylor?

It’s a lot of smog out there.

Exactly. Ain’t no sunshine as long as my African people suffer. Just a rain of cum on your lilly white daughter’s face. Next time you mention Lawson’s name, knock on wood. I do not play. There is no sunshine when The Darkman comes out.

Marcus Garvey, Booker X, in a few moments, those tag team titles are on the line against 2XS and a partner of his choice. You've held those belts for 14 months. That is an OAOAST record. Can you be stopped?

Hell no! We are the best team to step foot in that ring! And you know what? Fuck who feel some type of way. No one has been more influential or more successful than mans., Trust and believe that. We literally have hundreds of scrawny ass white geeks trying to wrestle like us, trying to talk like us, trying to slang penis like us! But name one team who can wrestle like us. Name one team who can pound the puss like us. I'll wait.

He can't! It's Ruthless Fuckery! They write eulogies to the pussies we smash! 2XS, Epitome of Masculinity, it's over for you, chump! Pick anyone you want to be your partner! Your ass is getting powerbombed and your white hoes is getting snatched! 2XS, we're coming for you, nigga!

Trust and believe that.


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***TMW World Tag Team Titles: 2XS and ????? Vs BLK © (Marcus Garvey and Booker X***

BLK entered to "Right Here" by OMB Peezy

I'ma get that pussy right here!!!!

If you didn’t know what to make of BLK when they debuted you should know now.

14 months with the gold, and they keep on rolling. You got Garvey, as wild as a Sandman, willing to do whatever it takes to win. And you’ve got a big nasty former bouncer like Booker X. He’ll powerbomb you if you look at him wrong.

And we saw BLK attack 2XS last week after their tag title match against Holt and Warthog. Lisa Ann booked this title match under the idea that 2XS would get a tag team partner.

But the match is about to begin and there’s no word who he’s tagging with.

2XS entered to “Good Vibrations” by Marky Mark.....

It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation

2xs entranvce77.gif

Enigmatic and temperamental. Those two words best describe 2XS. I think 2XS is a guy with few friends in that locker room.

He’s got a nasty disposition behind the eccentricity. That’s great when you’re a singles wrestler but he’s trying to win the tag belts.

You fighting by yourself, chump?

The Epitome of Masclinity partners with no man. Unlike the both of you.

You calling me gay?

I don’t think that’s what he’s saying it all!

They’re about to give your people a hard late night call, “Twosies!”

2XS made a charge at Booker….and get leveled by a lariat!

That was half strength, “Twosies!”

2XS ran at Booker and again got decked by a brutal lariat!

Come on!

Once again, 2XS made a charge. This time he was pressed hiiiiiiiiigh into the air!

He’s holding him like a flyweight!

Booker launched his foe across the ring, landing him worse than an airplane crash. As 2XS writhed in pain, Booker brought in Marcus Garvey. Together BLK sent their for into the ropes. On his return, Booker hip tossed hm, and then Marcus dropped a knee onto his throat!

Oh no!

Shut up! He’s still in this.

Not exactly, as Marcus dropped him throat first onto the top rope! 2XS fell back in pain and then suffered a choke from Marcus! Referee Rkishi got his clean break. Yet only so Marcus could trample 2XS’ throat!

I’m no expert-

No shit.

But, I’ve never seen someone in TMW target someone’s throat.

The Melatonin Magician is unique, Renee. He’s wild like Sandman, quick like J-MAX,  but he’s got that technical skill he can show off.

Booker took the tag, while his smaller partner held their foe in place. Perfect for Booker who delivered a drop kick to the throat!

The heavy hitter got ups!







2XS found himself pushed into BLK’s corner and swiftly choked by Booker!

My poor Twosies!

Hurry up and beat the shit outta ‘em, 2!

Tag made, and “Twosies” sent into the ropes. Bunch much to everyone’s surprise, he decked the champs with a high flipping lariat! Marcus staggered to his feet first abs endured a flipping neck breaker!

Yeah! Fuck him up!

2XS turned the beat around! But can he turn this match around?

Look, we call 2XS enigmatic. But, I think he can go in this ring. He can obviously take punishment and the dude can move.

The Epitome of Masculinity sailed off the top with a crossbody….into Booker X’s muscular arms!

You done!

But Amelia brought her tatted up babenificencr onto the apron!

Hey, fuckface, you like groping sweaty black men? Or do you want weary white bitches?

bonnie rotten.gif

We knew the answer to that! But before Booker could act. 2XS nailed him with an inverted ddt! With his foe in pain, The Epitome of Masculinity tried to lift him for his cartwheel ddt finisher.

That’s a lot of man to lift!

Alix says 75 percent of his weight is in his  cock.

Alas, Marcus nailed his foe with a choke STO! As the enigma struggled to breathe, The Melatonin Magican began untangling a ring pad.

Not this again!

Yes, this again! Marcus damn near choked the homoeroticsim out of 2XS!

No fair!

2XS has inky himself to blame. No one in their right mind tags a handicap match against 14 month tag title holders. That’s just crazy.

2XS valiantly struggled to his feet, only to to get laid out by Marcus’ jump kick to the throat!

You wack! You wack and your hoes are ours !

No way!

Booker got the tag and announced the end was soon to come. The big man ascended the top rope and wowed the world with a moonsault! Unfortunately for him, his challenger rolled out the way!

BLK likes to show off, they like to wow the marks. Abs it can cost them.

It might have this time…..hey look who it is!

BI-CURIOUS GEORGE, dressed in multicolored stewpot singlet, arrived to 2XS’ once vacant corner. Without soliciting 2XS’ input, George tagged himself into the contest!

What? Fuck you! You a sucker! You king sucker!

Marcus leapt at BCG with a sidekick! But George not only ducked, he tickled Marcus big ol black balls!

Yay Georgie!

Don’t fuck this up!

Angered Marcus threw a wild haymaker that George black flipped to avoid!

You trying to make a fool of me?

Marcus again came after George but BCG countered with a side belly to belly SEXplex!

Are we seriously going to allow this shit!

Booker snatched Georgie and swept him into the air for a powerbomb! But the bigg man endured a kiss on his bald head from Georgie!

I think I need Jesus.

Bi-Curious George loaded up Booker for his sling blade finisher!

George looking to Swing Booker Both Ways!

Jesus, please come to me!

But George suffered a BELTSHOT courtesy of Always Pimpin Champion, SGT.LYLE HOLT!

It’s Sarge! Behind the officials back!

Woozy George carried himself into an axe bomber from Booker!

X Bomber!

The cover….






Winner: BLK, via pinfall

Post-match, 2XS put more of the blame on George than Holt! The Epitome of Masculinity wanted a vra but George just wanted to kiss and make up.

Don’t fight!

Kick his ass, Two!

But PRIVATE WARTHOG came through to bash them both with a double lariat!


Then the private crushed both their insides with a big splash!


That left Sarge and Private Warrghog to have a tense stare down with the 14 month reigning champs.


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A jazzy tune plays to welcome us to “FREAKSHOW” where the host Bobbi Cheesecake sits with sidekick, December Belle on a set that really looks a lot like Dr. Oz’s set.

Is it voodoo that attracted you to us? Nope it’s Horny Spirit surging to your wood and  gluing you to the Freakshow! She’s so hot she’ll put Sam Smith’s homosexuality on ice, The Winter Freakazoid December Belle is with me…The Summer Freakazoid, Bobbi Cheezecske. It’s kinda odd we work so well together.

I know, right! In school they told me “December, there’s things you do well, but there’s lots you’re not good at. Like reading, and math, and writing, and critical thinking, and staying awake in class, and not giving handjobs in the locker room during gym, abs not making sex tapes with the vice principal.-“

Heheheh, I think we get it! But our guest today knows exactly what his Freaks do well! But instead of hopping on the D, we’re prying open his mind. Give it up for our Big Bad Vampire Daddy….BIG PAPA THRUST!

December and Bobbi, leap and clap and bounce their boobies as their Daddy arrives onto the set. Big Papa Thrust flexes the guns for all to see!

Oh Big Poppa! How are you feeling?

I feel as good as I look!

Then you must feel like Superman banging Lois 800 feet in the air!

They said I was bad at measuring too.

But you can measure these.
(Big Papa Thrust flexes)
Look at that the largest arms in the Galaxy. And because I’m immortal I’ll be showing these gun to my Cyberkinetic Freakazoids!

Futuristic Pimping! Big Poppa, not only are you well hung. But you’re well skilled. And we’re heading into Anglemania, where the big boys play.

That’s the problem right there. Where the big boys play. I’m not a big boy. I’m the Big Bad Vampire Daddy!

Yes, you are!

I’m all man! I’m all vampire!

Yes, you are!

Boys to a vampire! Somebody better look out, because you’re comparing winners to losers and boys to men. And I ain’t above child abuse! You got guys talking about being show stoppers. They can stop all the shows they want. But when the genetically gifted, supernaturally enhanced Big Bad Vampire Daddy steps into The Toy Box, the world stops, and panties drop!

Oh, Big Poppa!

Panties sure do drop! Those of Bobbi and December who swarm their guest!


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As we returned to the arena THE HIGHER MINDS of Detroit Crackhead and Bhodi Dharma stood in the ring.

How the hell?! Who lets these goofs on TV?

Lawson Belle, this is an awful, bad, terrible, awful time for you! I told you Karma would come for you when you attacked us last week….and Karama has arrived! Now you face devastation and ruin!

What is that moron talking about?

Lawson….kick yo ass for a dollar!

Is this a joke?

Lawson, kick yo ass for a dollar?!!!




(Go, go, go!!!!!)


Bring up the dead

It's time to get WICKED~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anglemania season has done something to Lawson. It has made him even meaner, even deadlier.


Dressed in black and blue Nike workout gear Lawson entered the ring with a snarl aimed at Higher Minds.

Lemme get this straight. I beat the shit outta you two last week and now you want me to PAY YOU to beat my ass?

Kick yo ass for a dollar!

I’ll tell you what, dickheads, if you two beat me I’ll give you a hundred dollars.

shock (2).gif

The match was on!

***Lawson Belle Vs The Higher Minds***

Capitalism might really be evil.

Don’t blame capitalism. Blame crack!

Detroit jumped on Lawson with something that resembled a Lou Thez press. The druggie then wailed away at Lawson with wild punishment!

That’s the energy only crack can give you.

But, Lawson shoved the druggie off him with a shout of annoyance. The L-Train then steamrolled Crackhead with a lariat. As Crackhead writhed in pain, Lawson spun around and booted Bhodi in the gut. The former Galaxy Champion then came off the ropes and left Bhodi laying with a shoulder tackle!

I hate to say it but The Higher Minds might have to literally throw the kitchen sink at The L-Train.

Crackhead wailed away at Lawson with everything he had, backing him into the corner. But, the drug addict got a huge surprise when Lawson threw him to the mat with a side BELLEy to BELLEy suplex!

The cover…





Lawson lifted Crackhead off the mat. Luckily for the Michigan native, Bhodi pounced on Lawson. The young man with the heavy pot addiction moved with great speed as he nailed Lawson with a snapmare driver!

Bomb That Bass!

Bhodi quickly moved to the top rope, but found Lawson recovered and ready to rock! The Tenesse native ran up the turnbuckles and tossed Bhodi across the ring with a BELLEy to BELLEy suplex!

Lawson  shrugged off Bomb That Bass like it was nothing.

Again, Crackhead swarmed Lawson with punches! Somehow the druggie managed to double The L-Train up. That led him to look for a DDT. Alas, Lawson wheeled out the hold and brought Crackhead down with a heel hook! In a matter of moments the Michigan native tapped out!

Winner: Lawson Belle, via submission

Post-match, Lawson refused to let go of the hold on Crackhead until the junkie begged for mercy.

That’s disgusting. What pleasure do you get out of abusing a drug addict?

Luther! You ain’t seen 26 years worth of Lawson Belles! Because there’s only one Lawson Belle! And there only ever will be one Lawson Belle! You talk a good game, but we know you aren’t gonna do what you’re supposed to. Why don’t you grab an orange beanie, a beat up pair of khakis and have a seat on the stoop next to these assholes and smoke your worthless life away?! Because just because you’ve had a long career, doesn’t mean it can’t come to a quick end!


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The Beverly Hills Jail is our scene. Not the most intimidating place, but it’s all the Beverly Hills PD has to house PAINBOW and BLAINE CAYLEY, who face each other in opposite holding cells.

You the police! You called 1-2!

You’re the fool who broadcast his very plan to attack me on every social media you’ve yet to be banned from.  Of course they knew to arrest us!

Painbow slams his entire body  against his cell wall in frustration.

Naw, you the police, boy! When we get outta here I’ma kill you!

That’s very wise. Threaten murder in a situation where you are surrounded by police! Is it any wonder you failed at basketball?

Fuck you mean?

You couldn’t manage the simple task of putting a ball in a hole, so I see I’m not dealing with a criminal mastermind. Clearly, you have got us caught up with the police because you are a fool.

You the police!

You are a fool. Fool, fool, fool!

A harsh HMPH silences both Painbow and Blaine. The warring grapplers turn their attention to see, Lisa Ann, dressed more conservatively than usual, shaking her head.

Or you both were arrested because you brawled in full view of a scared public.

That is one theory.

That’s the only theory. If it were up to me you’d be suspended through Anglemania season. But Toni Patrica likes what she saw. And she likes the idea of you two in a cage.

Cage match. I’m with it.

You are such a small mind, Painbow! If you’re going to cage the Lion, give him plenty of meat to feast on. Give him War Games!

Ha! You need a team to compete in War Games. And neither of you have any friends.

Oh, Rainbow Brite, do you think you could cobble together a group of hired thugs to feed my hunger?

I’d put the toughest team out, white boy. You ain’t gotta worry about that.

(to Lisa Ann)
Very well. I’ll leave the worrying to you.


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***Alexander The Magnificent Vs K-Rawk***

We’ve got Scotty 2 Hotty reffing this one. Alexander and Logan blame Alexander’s last two losses on  Scotty’s officiating.

Scotty distracted Alexander when he and Logan were just stretching the rules. Not even breaking them. Just stretching them.

Well, Lisa Ann and Scotty had a talk before the match…

We’re taken to a package labeled EARLIER TODAY where Scotty 2 Hotty is sitting despondent bellow a concerned Lisa Ann.

Are you okay to referee?

I can ref. But should I ref Alexander’s matches? He and Logan have been…it’s been difficult. They’ve let threatening messages on my phone. Even my wife had to make her Facebook private because of Logan.

You have my complete backing. And Toni Patrica’s. We will not let you be bullied.

Back to live action, Reject scoffed.

What we need is a two referee system. Or a referee who won’t call this like a middle school basketball game. How by the book can Scotty get?

How about some heat for Logan bullying Scotty outside The Toy Box. And trying to intimidate Scotty’s poor wife? Logan is a grade A…douche!

At the start, Alexander trapped K-Rawk in the corner. With Logan jeering the masked grappler, Alexander beat the stuffing out of him! Well, until Scotty 2 Hotty called K-Rawk’s rope break.

You gotta let the man work his match!

Alexander just rolled his eyes and went after K-Rawk again, tearing into him with shoulders to the gut. But after five, Scotty again called for the break.


Those eyes should have been on K-Rawk who suddenly lashed out and struck Alexander with a high flipping lariat! Alexander scrambled upright, unable to believe K-Rawk could floor him. He didn’t believe it a second time when the Orlando native took him down with a speedy leg sweep!

This kid moves almost too fast to call the damn match.

He was too fast for Alexander, who endured a barrage of chops, kicks and forearms from the masked babyface. But when K-Rawk hit the ropes, Alexander met him with a violent shoulder tackle! Snarling with rage, the Greek grappler sent K-Rawk out of the ring….landing him in front of Logan!

Watch it, Mann!


Alexander got even more to complain about; K-Rawk used Scotty as a springboard to crash into Alexander’s muscle bound frame with a flipping senton splash!

Into a cover!


How the hell is that gonna count?

Alexander powered out the pin! The Greek grappler leaped to his feet and unleashed a torrent of profanity upon Scotty!

I’ve never seen Alexander so mad in my life!

Because you’ve never seen him so victimized in his life?

What about that time in 2015 you dropped a cinderblock on his head?

That was different!

K-Rawk tried to twist Alexader around for an unprettier, but didn’t have the strength to overpower The Magnifcent. Instead, Alexander proceeded to bulldoze Rawk into the corner where he blasted him with shoulders to the midsection.

Look at that goof Scotty. Counting to five. The NHL just fired a corrupt official, Lisa Ann needs to do the same.

K-Rawk suddenly reversed Alexander’s attack and rolled him up!


Again, the Greek powered out! He watched his speedy foe hit the ropes, then sent him tumbling through the air with a big back body drop on his return!  Apparently that move was good enough for Alexander to show off the gunz!

You’re cumming hard, Renee! I can smell it!

Smell it?!

Alexander sent Rawk into the corner, and again savaged his midsection with shoulder blocks. But this time he wouldn’t break on the five! This forced Scotty to get between Alexander and his masked victim tentatively. That set Logan off, and LEEZUS PRICE jumped into the ring!

I hate you, Scotty! I hate you! I hate you!

Suddenly Logan ate a springboard enziguri from K-Rawk that sent him tumbling head over heels! If Logan wasn’t so disliked we might feel sorry for him as a glazed look settled over his eyes.

He kicked Leezus Price back to the MACHO Macho Mann days!

Alexander let out a mighty roar, and took down his foe with a big lariat! Within moments, The Magnifcent forced K-Rawk into the Torture Rack and earned a submission!

Winner: Alexander The Mangifcent, via submission

That was one of the better efforts we’ve seen out of K-Rawk.


Scotty’s grudge-holding officiating made the match go on longer than it should have. And he got Logan knocked loopy!

Scotty realized he might be in deep shit and hauled ass to the back!

He didn’t raise my hand! I’m the star! I’m the REAL star! Your raise my damn hand!



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Backstage, we found GALAXY CHAMPION, Fabian Nystrom, pacing the parking garage of The Toy Box. In classic wrestling convenience, a Urus should pull up within a few seconds. From the driver’s side steps his black cald brother, TRISTAN NYSTROM.

You waited for me.

I waited to slap some damn sense into you, jerk off! What do you think you’re doing?

Fabian, it’s time.

Time? We’re a thousand years old! What is time to us?

Something that comes for everyone, little brother. Now let me go.

Tristan pats Fabian on his big gold belt and strides off.


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***Pike Pantera W/Jose Cantu-Si Vs Abdullah Abir Nerdly***

Abdullah entered to “Arab Money” by Busta Rhymes

We gettin' Arab Money
We gettin' Arab Money
We gettin' Arab Money
We gettin' Arab Money

A Nerdly versus Pantera match….are you crying?

My spiritual leader fighting my near god son. This is a dream match.

Get it together, bro.

Pike entered to “Gasoline” by The Material….

You are gasoline, you are fire and smoke!



Last week we saw a path of destruction from Jose Cantu-Si and Pike Pantera when they took out Ignatius Maddix’s leg. But the week before that they were all in The Shell Gang shouting “Gang Gang!”

Jose joined R&R for guest commentary on the match.

Jose, did you do it? Did you attack Wesley Singleton last week?

Did I or didn’t I? The answer is I did! And I’d do it again and again if that coward had the testicular fortitude to show his face around here! It’s called getting them before they get you. I’m always on Pike’s side and Wesley is always on Ignatius’ side. So what choice did I have? Get them before they get you. And I got him!

Pike took down Abdullah with a lariat then announced himself as ruler of the Multiverse. We then saw him rule the ring as he tossed The Speaker For The Prophets to the outside.

Ignatius talked about putting Shell Gang shirts on people’s back. But who’s the one who supericked Fabian out of The Shell Gang? Yours truly! I put the battery in Ignatius’ back. And now Pike and I have taken it out.

But he was your friend?

He was a user, Renee. And Jose Cantu-Si, The Showstoppa is not to be used! Neither is The Ruler of the Multiverse Pike Pantera.

On the outside the two men engaged in a brawl. Well, more Abdullah withstanding the powerful blows of the Georgia native. The Nerdlt son did get in some offense when he ducked  lariat and hit Pike with a side Russian leg sweep into the steel steps!

Nice innovation by my man Abdulllah.

Back in the ring, Abdullah dropped Pike with a missile dropkick. The Syrian born grappler continued to wow the fans as he hit a standing moonsault.



Pike powered out!

Abdullah hit the ropes, coming back at Pike with full speed. But, The Wayward Son turned him over with a lethal powerslam!

Into the cover…




Abdullah kicked out!

Pike tried for a bearhug, only for Abdullah to squirm out of the hold. Abdullah then threw a series of leg kicks to hobble the big man. But Pike wasn’t hobbled enough as he powered Abdullah to the mat with a full nelson slam!

Rebel Yell!

Pike pressed Abdullah into the air, showcasing his incredible strength. But somehow Abdullah made an escape! The Syrian hit Pike with another side Russian leg sweep that left Pike dazed on the mat. With Pike out of sorts, Abdullah went up top. He signaled to the gods then dropped a Sky Hook Elbow on Pike!


A cover…





Pike with the kickout!

The fans sat in shock. How did Pike kickout the Sky Hook elbow? But, Abdullah had no time for surprise. Instead he tried to tangle Pike into a Camel Clutch. Instead Pike flipped him over his massive body. Undeterred, Abdullah came charging at Pike….and got smoked by the gore known as The Smoking Gun!

Holy shit!

The cover…







Winner: Pike Pantera, via pinfall

No time for celebration as WESLEY SINGLETON arrived on the scene to attack Pike!

Wicked Wes! The Bad Boy of TMW doing bad things!

Unfortunately for Wesley, his assault quickly ended thanks to Jose hitting him in the back with  a steel chair! This hobbled the second generation star and led the other second gen star, Pike to blast him with The Smoking Gun!


Wesley, Ignatius, let’s finish this off! Jose and Pike are gonna strut into Anglemania! We’re gonna enter to Gasoline with so much swagger jaws will drop, we’re gonna lay you out, put you down, and stop your show!


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***Bedrock Vs Tanner Neptune***

Tanner Neptune found himself jumped during his entrance by BEDROCK and the young upstart tag team known as the POLITICAL PRISONERS!

Yes! This is how you break the glass ceiling! You come out and you make a name for yourself!

Bedrock threw Tanner into the ring with the speaker of the Poitcal Prisoners,  Win Hriffey Jr doing a promo with Mister Steal Yo Push posing for the camera!

Kill that man! Kill all these men! Because I read smarks on Twitter saying if the Politcal Prisonera come back then they’re ditching TMW. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

No more dark matches for us!

Bedrock dominated Tanner inside the ring!

Go and pout and watch the vanilla midgets on the other shows! Because the Big Tymers have arrived! We are lying, diabolical,  evil pieces of shit and we ain’t apologizing for it!


Suddenly FABIAN arrived with the title belt to attack Becrock! That was when the numbers advantage worked for the heels who warred against the faces until security broke things up!

Big Tymers? All I see are Bug Time jerk-offs who just booked themselves a beating they’ll never ever forget!

Nah, dude. I’ll handle them in my own.

We went to a break as Tanner and Fabian engaged in a bit of an argument.


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Our scene is Fearing’, a luxury restaurant in the Ritz Carlton in Dallas, Texas. The dining room is intimate setting with white walls and cream colored furniture. Toni Patrica obviously pays very well!

JESSE FERGUSON is dressed to the proverbial nines in a white suit with grey pin stripes as he sits at a table with Amber. His bodyguard wears a simple blue tank top and khaki shorts.

Are there enough ice cubes?


His water! He needs more ice cubes! He can’t drink room temperature water! Damn it!

But before Jesse can call the waitress a 1000 dollar sunglasses wearing BOHEMOTH lazily approaches the table. Yes, Bohemoth is the type to wear sunglasses in doors.

Get his chair for him! Never mind! I’ll get his chair!

Jesse clumsily holds open The Man’s chair as if they were on a date.

Wow. The Man. Amber, The Man.

I see him.

You’re so much bigger in person.

One million dollars to kick ReX’s ass? That’s the offer you texted me?

Jesse gives a thumbs up

Thanks. But no thanks.

I can’t wait…huh?

He’s beneath me. I’m The Man  He’s a…what does he call himself? He’s a Monster. Not THE Monster. Just A Monster. Beneath me.

He stole my sister from me!

That sounds like a Jesse problem.

Two million dollars!

Bohemoth shakes his head with a little laugh.

Three million dollars!

Heh. What a joke.

You’re scared.

Excuse me?

Amber takes a sip of her water.

Did you say I’m scared?

You heard me.

I’m The Man!

You’re an old man.


Amber enjoys another sip of her water.

You’re scared of losing to your replacement. I can’t blame you. Time comes for everyone, old man. Go home and think about the next convention you’ll be signing autographs at. Do you sign them The Man or Bohemoth?

BOHEMOTH rises from his seat to his full monstrous height.

Keep your money, Jesse! I’m The Man! You don’t replace The Man with a Monster! I kill Monsters!

Oi oi oi excellent!!!!!!



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Death don't have no mercy in this land
Death don't have no mercy in this land
He'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death don't have no mercy in this land

Well Death will go in any family in this land
Well Death will go in every family in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and one of your family will be gone
Death will go in any family in this land

As “Death Don’t Have Any Mercy” played the fans erupted with the loudest cheer of the night!

It’s a small crowd but that ovation could bring down the Box!

Tristan Nystrom arrived to the ring, attired (as always) in all black-this time wearing black slacks, and a black polo shirt.

We know the conscience of TMW, Tristan Nystrom has an announcement to make. But according to his brother, Fabian it’s nothing we should look forward to hearing..

Backstage we see Fabian watching, arms folded, with Queen Esther and Lisa Ann inside the boss’ office.

When Fabian was little, I used to scare him about death. I used to tell him the worse type of death is to be trussed and bound, beheaded like a simple criminal. If he was going to die, then he should die with a sword in his hand. Of course, he didn’t handle either option well as a tiny 5 year old and hid under his bed for years. But then we entered our teens, and we felt invincible. And we felt the world owed us something beyond our father’s Dutch farm. A Viking named Ivar The Cunning, a grand explorer, stumbled upon our meager hamlet. His adventurerous talesof  and women and plunder led me to put down my pick ax and pick up a war ax. My little brother wouldn’t let himself be left to herd goats and tracked us all across Europe. Ivar was impressed by his gumption-and his tracking skills- and let him in on his newest expedition. That was the exploration for the fabled fountain of youth.

Backstage, Fabian’s mouth is set in a grim line.

We sat out single minded from Central Europe to Scandinavia to Western Europe, never finding the famed waters. Aye, but we found gold, women and battle. That was enough for some but Fabian and Ivar bought into the legend of the fountain youth. And we took our thinning party south to Africa. There we found a land of mystery and wonder. And yes the fountain of youth…in the form of a terrible tasting brew created by an immortal priestess in what is now Nigeria. We earned immortality in a simple business transaction.  She gave us the potion for a chest full of gold.  But Ivar wanted more. He had us hold her village hostage until she could enhance our strength, our speed and our minds.

Tristan pauses to close his eyes in a moment of self disgust for his actions.

But there came a price. I don’t just speak of the blood lust. I speak of us each of us becoming kings in our own mind.  The more you give a king, the more he wants. And throughout history, I have wanted more than I should. I do not deserve to be a TMW conscience when mine weighs so heavily on my soul. You all do not know the things I have done over these 1000 years. By saddling you with myself,  I have pushed you onto a bridge of ice. And there is  an abyss on either side

Yeah, breakfast at Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles
Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble
Lashes and diamonds, ATM machines
Buy myself all of my favorite things (yeah)

7 Rings hit, much to the surprise of everyone. Arriving onto stage, in Christian Dior is…

cassidy jenny boyd.jpg


Witches do not like vampires.

I don’t think Cassidy is fond of anyone but herself. But that sure as shit doesn't explain why she's interrupting the two time Galaxy Champion.

Typical vampire. Decades and centuries of misery heaped on everyone and we’re just supposed to excuse it? Because you feel sorry for yourself? Meanwhile, we witches have to be on our perfect behavior or we get the S’mores treatment. And I bet everyone is sitting at home, stuffing their face with Hot Cheetos and mumbling “MmffThatMmfTristammfIsMMFaRealGudGuy!” But I say one tiny slur to the ethnic group of the month and I’m cancelled. Need I remind you sluts who saved you from a zombie invasion?

You did.

And need I remind you sluts who saved you from Regan?

You did. Cassidy-

And  need I remind you sluts who saved you from my father?

You did. And if you wish to be the conscience of TMW then the role is yours. I’m retired as of this very moment.

No! He can’t!


I don’t think so! You’re not getting off that easy, vampire. You’re gonna get sent the way of Blade, Edward Cullen, and the Addams Family but first you’ll make us some money!


A wooden stake pierced Tristan’s heart, courtesy of….



The Intruder stands atop Tristan’s body even as at writhes in agony on the mat. As Tristan struggles beneath The Intruder’s Kevin Durant’s, Cassidy enters the ring and hands her microphone to The Intruder.

Intruder alert! Intruder alert! There is no conscience of TMW anymore, mate! If you just retire off into the sunset you will still linger in everyone’s mind.” What would Tristan do?”  They’ll always ask. “He’s good but he’s no Tristan!” They’ll say about all of us. But it will be The Intruder and Cassidy Maguire who set TMW free! You see, we will control the hearts and minds of the TMW Galaxy, mate. How we will love that control. And everything you worked to uphold? We will destroy. And you will lie in a coffin, failing as the conscience over and over again. And you will know that TMW and the world belong to US!

Intruder Alert!

This is terrible! This-

An alliance of the two most enormous egos the sport has ever seen!


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