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New Years Spectacular 2021

Chanel #99

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Tonight in The Toy Box, kings will be crowned, titles could change hands and gang warfare reaches never before seen highs! I am Renee Young with my R&R and pal, Reject for New Years Spectacular 2021!

Pal? Unless we’re fucking we’re not pals.


***King of the Ring semi final: Marty Fox W/Doc White Vs Painbow***[/b][

This is our first match of New Years Specatacular and our firs King of The Ring Match.

Marty Fox beat Jesse Ferguson to get here and Painbow defeated Bi-Curious George,

Reject, what can Marty Fox do to beat Painbow?

Not a thing. Painbow is an elite athlete, the top 1 percent in athletics. He has size, strength, and speed and a winning New York Knicks pedigree.

You and Alix have terrible taste in basketball teams.

Marty threw himself at Painbow, hammering him with chops and forearms. Unfortunately, Marty needed a lot more than that as it looked something like this....

Image result for boogie cousins karl anthony towns

Start flying, Marty!

Marty went off the ropes with a springboard lariat that budged the former Knick. Somehow encouraged just by  a budge, Marty went for that same move. This time Painbow turned him into a biiiiiig back body drop!

You can’t telegraph your moves against someone as deadly as Painbow.

Marty got up swinging like a wild man. Unfortunately, he was backed into the corner and blasted with punches to the ribs .

Quick rollup!

Despite the pain, Marty rolled through the punches to pull Painbow onto a pin. But the Georgia native kicked out before the one. Then Painbow sent Marty into the ropes and leveled him with a lariat!

There’s only so many lariats Marty Fox can take from Painbow.

But don’t count Marty out. He has a huge heart.

That heart is gonna get squashed by Painbow.

Painbow choked Marty on the ropes until Referee Rikishi forced a break. Pained, Marty failed to stop Painbow from drilling him with another lariat.

Marty is in over his head, Renee. Painbow is a terror.

An Irish whip sent Marty into the ropes with Painbow sucking his head. The Shell Gang member was in for a surprise as Marty hit him with a desperation boot to the face!


Marty took advantage of Painbow’s situation to pull him into a small package!





Kick out!

Painbow got up swinging and took down Marty with a third lariat!

Moves like that make me glad I’m retired.

Painbow sent Marty out of the ring into the waiting arms of Doc.

You can do it!

Don’t listen to your ho. Give up!
Spurred on by Doc’s encouragement, Marty returned to the ring. He ducked a lariat from Painbow and hit a desperation side Russian leg sweep. Stunned by that attack, Painbow then got hit by Marty’s standing shooting star press!

The cover....





A kick out!

Painbow sprung upright only to be thrown down by Marty’s head scissors. The resourceful baby face then cracked Painbow with a shining wizard!

You got this!

Marty FELT THE POWER and bounded off the ropes! But he was given a shock and a hurting as Painbow tore through him with a big boot!

That Bitch Kicks!

The cover....







Winner: Painbow, via pinfall

There he is the soon to be 2021 King of The Ring! This man dominates every time out and no one can stop him.


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Backstage in the state of the art interview set with its array of TV sets, Terry Taylor of all people was on hand to interview BLK’s leader Luther Mandela.

Luther Mandela, the time is now. It is time for your King of the Ring semi final match against Tanner Neptune. What’s your mindset?

I see your having a white supremacy attack thinking of me being King of the ring. But 26 years in this business, from bare knuckle brawling to underground kick boxing, it’s happening. Do get yourself some cold water, Terry Taylor. Better yet get your ass out my sight. The truth hurts. The truth hurts. There’s no scared negros here. We ain’t taking that shit no more. And we’re fucking the brains out your women. Black power. Black African Power all up in your Karen’s pussy. I’ll be wearing the crown hitting Lisa Ann from behind. Go get you a bud light, a Miller light, whatever the hell ya’ll drink. We’re taking over.


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***King of the ring semifinal: Luther Mandela Vs Tanner Neptune***


Tanner offered a handshake to Luther, which was staunchly refused by the 26 year veteran.

Tanner doesn’t understand that Luther has been in the business so long and has been denied so many opportunities that he sees Tanner as a hostile obstacle.

The two men had a feeling out process to begin, which resulted in an exchange of headlocks. However, neither could gain the upper hand. They went back to a lockup but the high flying Tanner showed off his aerial tricks with a few head scissors that left Luther dizzy.

Reject, is Luther Mandela able to handle a high-risk taker like Tanner?

Good question. Luther has a lot of matches on his fight card but they’re mostly against brawlers.

Luther bailed for a moment, which led Tanner to lazily relax on the ropes. That goaded Luther back into the ring where a spinning head scissors tossed him into a corner. Dazed, Luther was struck by a hand spring elbow and thrown down with a snap mare.

Such fluidity from Tanner Neptune.

This kid has come miles from being the fourth wheel in Teen Scream.

Tanner came off the ropes with spining heel luck that pushed Luther through the ropes Shockingly, the British black man was able to recover and hit Tanner with a springboard shoulder tackle!

Where did that come from?!

Luther went to the second rope and dropped da fist on Tanner’s nose! It was a simple move but we heard a sick crunch and blood began leaking from his nostrils.

Oh no!

Backstage Sammi watched with a concern look on her face.

Her side piece is gonna need surgery.

They’re just friends.


Luther did a face scrape that left Tanner hollering in pain. Next, the British fighter went to the top rope. But when he came off Tanner blasted him with a drop kick!

Get on him, Tanner. Show some intensity.

Tanner did a standing moon daily that didn’t do much damage to Luther but looked cool.

See, Tanner is too relaxed. Luthet’s fighting for the back end of his career. What is Tanner fighting for?

The Florida native went up top and posed for the cameras.

See? Too cool for school. That man busted you open and you want to pose.

Luther made a recovery and tossed Tanner clear off turnbicp! Poor Tanner landed on his bloody nose, giving Sammi a fit.

Friends? I don’t buy it.

Now Luther went up top, but when he tried a senton Tanner moved out the way!

It looks like Luther is trying to play Tanner’s game.

And that’s a bad idea. Dance with whh J at brought you, Luther. That’s your technical skills.

Luther rose first but was suddenly hit by Tanner’s sleeper slam!

Sun Burn!

Tanner struck a surfboard pose to play to the crowd at home. Sadly that led him to get taken down into a cross arm breaker by Luther!

That just got caught up in the moment.

Of course he played it too cool and learned his lesson.

As his arm hadn’t suffered much damage, Tanner made the ropes. Unfortunately there, Luther raked his bloody nose across the bottom cable. Such an attack caused Tanner to scream in pain!

Great veteran tactic by Luther.

Tanner recoiled in agony, leading Luther to hammer him with a single arm DDT. But when Luther tried to hold for an armbar, Tanner managed to roll through. Together, the warriors got to their feet with Tanner scoring a Jeff Hardy style jaw breaker!

It looks like that took something out of Tanner.

Indeed it did as Tanner clutched his injured arm. Luther went right on the attack and brought Tanner down with a cross arm breaker. Pained, Tanner screamed out. Yet somehow he was able to make the ropes. Backstage we saw Sammi rooting him on.

Does she even root for Blaine that hard?

Of course she does! Why are you trying to start trouble?

Because I it’s fun.

Luther went to top rope once again. And again it was ill advised as Tanner went up with him and sent him flying with a hurricanrana!

When is Luther going to learn he can't fly like Tanner? His stubbornness is going to cost him the match.

Bloody nose and all Tanner came off the ropes with a spring board leg drop!

The cover...






A kickout!

Dazed, Luther found his footing only to be seized by a front facelock from Tanner. Yet, Tanner's injured arm gave out on him. That led Luither to take him down with a fujiwara armbar! Tanner hollered in agony and the end looked near. Yet somehow he was able to reach the ropes!

I gotta give it up to Tanner. I would have tapped, and I know a lot of other guys would have tapped too.

Luther snapped Tanner's arm off the top rope, sending Tanner recoiling in agony. Then The BLK leader bounced off the ropes and took Tanner down with a shoulder tackle. He followed that up with pointed elbow drops to the afflicted arm.

Those are such simple attacks. But they're highly effective.

Tanner got shot into the corner with enough force to spit him back at Luther. The BLK leader hammered Tanner with a rolling kick to the hurt arm. Then he struck him with an arm stunner! Agonzied, Tanner fell back into the corner where his bloody nose was bashed against the ring posts.

Luther Mandela is just punishing Tanner Neptune.

You're not gonna find many wrestlers as adept at hurting their opponents as the leader of BLK. He's been doing this for two decades/

Luther decided to try and play the high risk game by going Old School! But Tanner used his good arm to fling him off! The Englishman landed with such a hard crunch that he had a devil of a time getting up. This allowed Tanner to take a moment to catch his breath and regain his strength.

Luther Mandela has a lot of pride and that pride is getting in the way.

Luther got to his feet and charged Tanner only to eat a pele kick! Grimacing in pain, Tanner found his footing and flung Luther into the corner with a spinning headscissors. Dazed, the two decade vet walked right into a small package...





A kickout!


He almost had him, Reject.

It'd be a sad end for Luther Mandela to lose to a small package.

Luther got up and clobbered Tanner with a lariat! Wasting no time, the Brit then hoisted Tanner over his shoulders in hopes of hitting a back to belly driver!

Looking for 36 Chambers!

But Tanner managed to counter with a lung blower!

You have to think Tanner had that well scouted.

As blood dripped down his face, Tanner pulled Luther up in hopes of hitting a reverse STO. But the Floridian’s arm wouldn’t cooperate and he sagged down in pain. This allowed his foe to hit a short DDT!

Brilliant! Luther took advantage in perfect fashion.

The Brit pointed to top rope, which had Reject screaming NO NO NO! And when Luther came flying off with a moonsault he inevitably missed his foe! That allowed Tanner to take advantage with a Five Star Tan Splash and get the win!

Winner: Tanner Neptune, via pinfall

Luther wanted to prove he could fly like Tanner, he wanted to prove he was as agile as Tanner. But that pride and stubbornness cost him the King of The Ring.

And now we have our King of the Ring final! Painbow Versus Tanner Neptune! Two men who have been pitted against each other lately thanks in large part by Sammi Cayley.


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***Always Pimpin Title: Sgt.Holt © W/Private Warthog Vs Abdullah Abir Nerdly***

Now Sarge is the champ but the experience edge goes to Abdullah. Sarge has been wrestling for six years while Abdullah has 13 years under his belt.

The match started off with Abdullah hammering away at Holt. In fact the Syrian Canadian hit the champ so hard, Private Warthog had to drag his commanding officer to safety.


I wonder if Warthog is smart enough to understand what that means.

Holt felt rejuvenated by his ally! Back in the ring he started cutting off Abdullah’s offense. Despite Abdullah’s veteran experience, Holt was able to dominate for the early part of the match.

Where’s your god now?

Abdullah seems to really rub Holt the wrong way.

Many people can’t handle a man with such a positive relationship with god.

Is that it?

Holt went for his reverse suplex finisher at a mere three minutes into the match and promptly got dumped out the ring by The Holy Man!

God gave him the gift of that reversal!

Is that so?

Holt hurried back into the ring and promptly found himself out wrestled by the Syrian Canadian vet. Pissed, Holt went low as Referee Rikishi was distracted by Private Warthog. But then Abdullah came back with a low blow of his own!

An Eye for an Eye and a nut of a nut. That’s in the Muslim book somewhere.

The Muslim book?!

Abdullah launched Holt across the ring with a belly to belly that would make Big Papa Thrust proud. When the champ stood he swiftly got struck with a German (Syrian?) suplex into a bridge!





Private Warthog dove into the ring like a man diving on a grenade! Sadly that led to him getting hit by Abdullah’s Arabian Press!

Renee, we should all have a subordinate like Private Warthog.

You mean one who constantly runs interference every chance they get.

Holt came charging at Abdullah only to be back dropped over the ropes! Things went from bad to worse for Sarge as The Holy Man hit him with a no hands plancha! Then to add injury to insult he gave Sargent and Private a noggin knocker.

Somehow Abdullah Abir Nerdly is handling two men.

Not somehow. With the power of god.


Abdullah sent Holt back into the ring where he dropped a SKY HOOK ELBOW from the heavens!

The cover...






Abdullah sent Holt into the ropes, but made the mistake of telegraphing a back body. Thus Holt rocked him with a trademark kitchen sink!


The champ then threw his foe down with his reverse suplex finisher!

Dishonorable Discharge!










Maybe it is the power of god!

Holt then snatched in a single leg crab only for Abdullah to push him off. The champ crashed into a rising Warthog which allowed Abdullah to pull him down with a small package!





A kickout!


Holt hurried to his feet only to get caught in a full Nelson! The challenger tried a full Nelson bomb....yet Holt wheeled out the attack. Yet, Abdullah still cracked him with a single leg face crusher a la Triple H!

Abdullah Abir Nerdly is the closest he’s ever been to a singles title.

He just has to take that brass ring.

The challenger tried to do so by latching onto Holt with a Camel Clutch. But in an incredible show of might, Holt rose and backed Abdullah into the corner! Stunned, the challenger didn’t defend against Holt’s reverse suplex finisher!

Dishonorable Discharge!

The cover...








Winner: Sgt.Holt, and still champion!

I told you, con man, there wasn’t a prayer in your book of lies you could utter that’d get you to beat me! I’m all that remains of when you could be proud of America!



Backstage we found Josh Matthews on hand with HONEY DOVE

Honey Dove, what’s going on with you and Bi-Curious George?

But before Honey Dove could answer the victorious Sgt.Holt and Private Warthog arrived.

What is this garbage? I defend my title successfully again and you’re interving a tramp, a floozy about a freak. Matthews, you’re everything that’s wrong with America. You’re an enabler. You enable these freaks and weirdos and allow them live this bizarre lifestyle has destroyed our moral fabric. I didn’t put my life on the line for Honey Dove! Hmph!

Disgusted, Holt walks off with Warthog behind him. But Honey Dove is left in tears.


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Elsewhere Terry Taylor stands with The Shell Gang leader, Ignatius Maddix.

Ignatius, I’ve known your family for a long time. Now you go into the highest stakes a Maddix has ever faced. Title against stable.

See four years ago we had a plan. A plan to take over this company. And that plan started with the Galaxy title. Fabian stepped up and said he wanted to be the champ. Fine, no problem. But when it came time to take the gold Fabian dropped the ball. Sammi Cayley grounded her tight bod against a pole and that was all she wrote for Fabian. Blaine beat him off the Cruel Intentions 2, one, two, three. Next night, what happened, Taylor?

Jose super kicked Fabian.

We treated Fabian like you’d be treated at a Black Lives Matter rally. Fabian, pal, you may have thought you had the last laugh on me by winning the belt from me at Anglemania but here we are again. You've overplayed your hand in this stable versus title match, pal? Now all the glory and all the gold is coming back to The Gang! Fabian, you clearly have feminine tendencies. You depend on a ginger air head to guide your career.  The same ginger that ended up sinking my brother’s career. Well, Queenie, unfortunately for you this real man is going to beat you to the punch. Because I’m torpedoing Fabian’s career like Muslim senatorial candidate in the Bible Belt.


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Well, The Young Cucks are out to steal the show against an opponent hand picked by their Three Hyena leader The Bounty Hunter.

Something is fishy. The Young Cucks have been fucking up and costing Bounty Hunter match after match. And that kid is not trustworthy. He's going to do something very bad to these two kids.

The Bounty Hunter arrived on the entrance stage dressed in a bright white suit and a plaid scarf.

Boys! It’s time! Time for me to be rid of you! You’ve outlived your usefulness to me so you gotta go. I’d say I feel bad but I don’t. So TurboWolf...come eat!

Cue:: Rabbit's Foot by TurboWolf

I had bad luck, from the day of birth
Oh my, my, what a curse, I tried to shake it out my shoes
But I just seem to lose
Everything I ever touch
Well it just turns to dust

I need a little, a little good luck
I need some kinda voodoo
I need some kinda luck
I need some kinda voodoo
I need some kinda



It;'s TurboWolf! The werewolf from The Bayou who we haven't seen in four years!

I heard he was on the run from the law. There are years of this man's life unaccounted for.


***The Young Cucks Vs TurboWolf***

Montel and Jordan threw themselves at TurboWolf at the same exact time. Sadly that only led to TurboWolf hammering them with a double lariat.

You have to ask yourself how did The Bounty Hunter get TurboWolf to show up tonight?

Chance to pick the bones a of a couple of Hyenas?

Werewolves loved a good fight but this was a slaughter as Turbo decked Jordan with discus elbow strike.

Look at that! His tooth flew out!

Try not to sound so giddy.

Reject wasn’t the only one giddy. The Bounty Hunt went and collected Jordan’s tooth!


Montell hammered and hammered and hammered away at TurboWolf, doing little if any damage.

Like the buzz of a gnat.

Or sparring with Matthews.

Montell got slung into the corner then at a big splash that had him out like the Detroit Piston’s playoff chances. As The Bounty Hunter cheered the werewolf on, TW went to the top rope and proceeded to hit a superman punch on a dazed Jordan!

10,000 Fists!

The cover!








Winnner: TurboWolf, via pinfall

TurboWolf is back. But what is his alliance with the former Three Hyena leader?


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In front of a black TMW backdrop we find a flashy dressed Jose Cantu-Si (even with long spangly earings) and his huge partner, Pike Pantera.

The Young Cucks thought they would steal the show? But there’s only one man stealing the show in TMW and his name is Jose Cantu-Si. But there won’t be any thievery on The Shell Gang’s part tonight. First myself and my esteemed partner, Pike Pantera clainm the tag team titles, then Painbow becomes King Of The Ring and finally Ignatius takes back Galaxy Gold. All solid wins for The Gang.

BLK don’t crack? BLK is gonna get their heads cracked tonight! The Shell Gang rules the world!


***TMW Tag Team Championships of the World BLK  (C) Vs The Shell Gang (Jose Cantu-Si and Pike Pantera)***

Booker X and Martin Garvery are a more silent pair than Luther Mandela. They also have much less experience than their leader. But they are a dangerous and successful tag team. What makes them so good, Reject?

Booker X is a classic powerhouse wrestler. He doesn’t have a lot of experience. He’s a bodybuilder turned wrestler, but he is hard to hurt. Martin Garvey is a wild man, sort of like a new age Sandman 9000. You never know what he’s going to do.

But their opponents, Pike Pantera and Jose Cantu-Si have held the gold before too.

Pike has Pantera blood Me and Ken Panbtera go way back. I trained with Ken, I trained with Pike. The man is always locked in, always focused. Jose, you see a arrogant guy, who thinks he’s the top guy. But don’t forget this guy came out mud. He honed his craft over years to get to this point. Should be a great match.

Test of strength to start between Pike and Booker X. It was quite the old school show! In the end Booker X won out and shoved Pike into an empty corner. That totally shocked Pike and took him 100 percent out of the match. Pike was ineffective to the point where the much smaller Garvey was lighting him up him with chops.

Well, it isn’t often we see anyone outmuscle Pike Pantera. I had thought Pike Pantera was the strongest person in TMW who isn’t a vampire.

And Pike thought that to. And now he can’t cope with it.

Jose got into the ring and started slugging it out with BLK. Aas you can imagine that didn’t go well given Jose’s size. Soon we saw an odd situation of a heel in peirl! BLK had Jose well isolated from Pike with Martin Garvey talking trash.

Your shoes are wack, your haircut is wack, your style is wack, The Shell Gang is wack!

Try as Jose might he couldn’t best the combined power of BLK. And what power from Booker who easily threw the sub hundred pounder around!

Jeez, Jose is getting dominated.

Jose isn’t built for long periods in the ring, Renee. He’s built for hitting and running and he can’t run if his partner is moping on the ring apron.

In the end the match concluded without Pike ever getting back into the ring. A double powerbomb to Jose sealed the successful title defense for BLK.

Winner: BLK, via pinfall

I’ll say it right now: that was a pathetic show from Pike Pantera. The Ruler of The World? As a long time friend of the Panteras  I’m disgusted. His father is probably out there disgusted.


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Backstage in the trainer’s room we find, TANNER NEPTUNE getting both his arm wrapped up and his busted nose attended too. If that weren’t enough, SAMMI CAYLEY paces back and forth in front of him.

Sammi, chill.

Sammi keeps pacing. In fact she paces even faster.

For real, chill.

I may have done something very terrible. In my efforts to protect you…I have almost certainly angered Painbow beyond his normal level of rage. He’ll surely be looking to hurt you.

Chill, chill, chill. He was always gonna be looking to hurt me. And that’s cool.

That’s cool?

Because after what he tried to do you at Anglemania, throwing you off the stage, I’m out to hurt him.

Tanner makes sure his arm is well tapped and he’s ready to rock!

Sammi, however, keeps pacing.


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Elsewhere, at the state of the art interview set, Josh Matthews is with Tanner’s KOTR opponent, Painbow.

Painbow, we’re moments away from the finals of the 2021 King of the Ring. We saw Tanner getting some medical work done. But he seems nonplused.

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch as whiteboy taking about chill? You sound like a fucking coked out, drugged out zombie you One Direction looking faggot.

You can’t use that word!

I’ll use whatever word I want. Tanner, I’ll beat your little skinny ass down, faggot. Fuck is you talking abut you gonna hurt me? Faggot, whichever bitch as nigga passed you that joint is gonna leave with three shoes! Two on his feet and one on his ass, because I ain’t playing with no fuck boys tonight! Disrespectful ass faggot don’t ever forget there’’s a price you pay fucking with me!

Suddenly Lisa Ann arrives, sharply dressed in a lavender gown that reveals A LOT of tits.

Painbow, Josh, I’m about to go tell this to Tanner Neptune, but whoever is crowned 2021 King of The Ring will be guaranteed a Galaxy Title shot at Anglemania 2021.

That’s incredible news! Painbow, are you a future two time Galaxy champion?

You know exactly what I be!

Even more elsewhere backstage we saw footage but got no audio of IGNATIUS MADDIX and WESLEY SINGLETON and PIKE PANTERA and JOSE CANTU-SI in a heated argument.

Wow, that didn’t look good between  Shell Gang members


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***King of The Ring Finals: Tanner Neptune Vs Painbow***

Ject, Lisa Ann made a huge announcement! The winner of this tournament goes onto compete for the Galaxy title at Anglemania.

If you’re not in this business to compete for the big belt at Anglemania then you’re in the wrong business. Painbow has been Galaxy champ, but he’s never competed for the gold at Mania. Tanner has never been the top guy. He’s supported the top guy, he’s fucking the top guy’s girl-


Tanner Neptune entered to Bring Back The Summer by Rainman and Oly…

And I never, I never want another
Come back, come back to me, my lover
I never, I never want another
Bring back, bring back, bring back the summer

Bring back, back the summer
Bring back, back the summer


Tanner Neptune took home vicotries against 2XS and Luther Mandela to get to this point. But in the process has injured his arm and nose.

I got a lot of respect for Tanner Neptune now. It takes big guts to get in the ring with Painbow with a torn up arm and a busted nose. And it takes bigger guts to fuck your best friend’s girl, especially when that girl is his sister! Hahahahhhaahah!

That’s not what’s happening.

Painbow entered to The Shell Gang’s theme of “Ready Or Not”

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me


My guy! My man! The elite athlete! The top one percent of athlete in the world! He hit the genetic lottery and now he’s gonna hit Tanner with everything he’s got.

Few men are as a dangerous as Painbow. And I think that can work against him against a cool cucumber like Tanner.

Cool cucumber? You’re so lame.

Painbow took Tanner down right away. On the mat, the Georgia native proceeded to blast the Florida native with punches! But, he DID NOT manage to reopen his wounded nose.

If Painbow succeeds in bloodying up that nose again that’s another problem for Tanner. How can Tanner beat an elite athlete when he can’t breathe? Answer is he can’t.

The former Teen Scream member scrambled to his feet and hit the ropes, only to be decked with a lariat! Now, Tanner came up bleeding and we saw Sammi backstage looking worried.

Her own brother/fuck buddy has four documented concussions and she doesn’t give as much of a shit.

She does so. How can you lie like that?

Tanner got taken down again, where he endured brutal elbows to the face! Indeed, backstage Sammi was worried sick and began frantically pacing yet again.

Like I said Painbow is an elite athlete, the top one percent of the top one percent. You’re seeing it right now, Renee!

Tanner got sent into the ropes but managed to duck That Bitch Kicks! He then hit a rolling chop, followed by a pair of karate kicks that hobbled his much taller foe. From there, the Floridan tried to lift his Georgia born and raised foe, but Painbow was just too big and too strong. That meant Tanner’s back gave out, which led the former Galaxy champion to drill him with a German suplex!

He threw him across the ring!

He can throw him anywhere he wants. Anywhere,

Referee D’Lo counted the cover…




Shoulder up!

“LET’S GO TANNER! LET’S GO TANNER! LET’S GO TANNER!” the socially distanced crowd chanted.

Painbow pitched Tanner over the ropes, which might have been a DQ in an older version of the OAOAST. Anyway, a desperate and bloody Tanner slugged at Painbow as the fans rooted him on. Somehow, Tanner managed to drape Painbow over the guardrail. From there, Tanner tried to drop an apron based leg drop…but Painbow moved out the way!

Hell naw trash ass faggot!

Painbow’s language does not reflect the views and opinion of the OAOAST.

Kick his, Painbow! Do it for The Knicks!

Painbow grabbed Tanner’s arm, the same one that Luther hurt, and rammed it into the announce desk!

Watch it!

Shut yo middle aged ass up, bitch!


Tanner tried to use his good arm to counter, but again Painbow slammed the bad arm against the announce desk. As Tanner groaned in agony, Painbow retrieved a steel chain from beneath the ring!

This is not a no-DQ match!

But, Painbow didn’t care! He used the steel chain to tangle Tanner up in the turnbuckle posts and proceeded to bash him with punches to the face! Soon, Tanner’s handsome face was a bloody mess!

This is just hard to watch. The match needs to be stopped. Something needs to be done!

Something was done! And that something was done by SAMMI CAYLEY who arrived with a field hockey stick and took it to Painbow’s back!


Oh no!

Painbow turned around and grabbed the billion dollar heir by her brown locks!  Sammi was in big trouble! BIIIIIIIIIG TROUBLE, FOLKS! But suddenly the chain got wrapped around Painbow’s neck courtesy of Tanner!

DQ that man!

Sorry, ‘Ject, the precedence has been set.

Tanner pitched Painbow back into the ring, and with a bloody face climbed to the top rope. From there, the Florida native hit the FIVE STAR TAN SPLASH!









What do these people know?!

Tanner hurried upright and tried for his Sleeper Slam, but Painbow shrugged him off. Unfortunately, Tanner fell into D’Lo, taking him out the affair. Painbow didn’t give a shit. He just casually dropped Tanner with THAT BITCH KICKS to send blood flying everywhere!


But, there was a delay in getting Referee Rikishi to the ring! And when he arrived…





Shoulder up!



Pissed, Painbow leveled Big Kish with a right haymaker!

You should have done the right thing, Fatu, and hustled your fat ass out faster!

Security, Lisa Ann and other referees came down to ringside to try and keep things ordered. Instead what happened is that Painbow started attacking security and the officials!

Knicks Tape in the building!

The Knicks draft pick started throwing a deluge of chairs into the ring, despite Lisa Ann and Sammi ordering him not to, But as fortune would have it, a chair came crashing into Painbow’s broad back courtesy of BLAINE CAYLEY! The hardened face of Painbow twisted in agony…

Oh, that look!

Blaine tossed Painbow back into the ring where he was hit with another FIVE STAR TAN SPLASH!

Only Lisa Ann was left to count…








These morons need to stop trying to influence pin count.

Painbow rolled to his feet and went charging at Tanner with THAT BITCH KICKS! Yet, once again Tanner rolled out the way! This time he came up with a steel chair and hurled it at Painbow. The Knicks draft pick caught it like a pass from John Starks…only to get hit with a TAN-DAM-I-NATOR!


This time Tanner took a steel chair with him to the top rope and came crashing down with a chair assisted FIVE STAR TAN SPLASH!

The cover…






Winner: Tanner Neptune, via pinfall….2021 King of The Ring!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have-

A robbery! A damn robbery like how The Nets stole KD from us, how the Pelicans stole Zion from us, the King of the Ring trophy was stolen from us!


Knicks Tape! Painbow is an elite athlete! That was his trophy to win! His crown to wear!

It looked like that on paper. But the matches are fought in the ring, Reject.

I know that! You don’t lecture me on wrestling. I lecture you!


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We are in the state of the art interview set with Josh Matthews, Queen Esther and Galaxy Champion, Fabian Nystrom.

Your highness, your Galaxyness, we are moments away from a stable versus title match, the first of it’s kind in OAOAST history.

Huzzah! Much the same Uncle Squirell was the first talking squirrel of his kind! Or the mute with the peg leg was the first fool with a disability in father’s court! History is made!

Jack Matthews, I need this match, I yearn for this match, because I made The Shell Gang what it is today. When you see a guy in a Shell Gang t-shirt, Painbow didn’t put that shirt on him, Alexander didn’t put that shirt on him, Ignatius Maddix didn’t put that shirt on him. The Golden God Fabian Nystrom put that shirt on him! And tonight I will take that shirt off him, off the entire world and throw it in the garbage where it belongs, right next to your brother’s career, Iggy, and the entire Maddix name…jerk off!


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***STABLE VS TITLE: Galaxy Championship: Fabian Nystrom © W/Queen Esther Vs Ignatisu Maddix***


Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me


It has not been a banner night for The Shell Gang. A tag title loss, a King of The Ring loss. And now their very existence is on the line.

We’re gonna see why Ignatius is the leader. No one is better suited for this match than the big man. Look at the size of this man, Renee. Look at those muscles.

Would it kill you to say a bad word about The Shell Gang?

Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why
You never been the word to cry
Said you right to other side
You think you need to save me
Just tell me something not to wonder why
Staring at other place trying not to wonder why



The charismatic showman! 1000 years on this earth and it has brought him face to face with a man he once called his best friend.


Trash talk to start. A LOT of trash talk. So much trash talk you’d think we saw dinner with Pelosi and Trump. They only talk so much before a slugfest ensued! Fabian didn’t back down from the big man, nor did Iggy back down from the vampire.

I love this hatred. It reminds me of how much I despise that midwestern corn on the cob eating asshole Alfdogg.

Iggy shut down Fabian with DA KNEE to the gut. Such a grand knee in fact that Iggy stopped to gloat over it. But that just got him popped in the jaw! Dazed, Ignatius endured a dropkick to the jaw that left him teetering on his black boots!

Wow! He got hit with a dropkick from a vampire and still didn’t go down!

Another dropkick further left Ignatius unbalanced. Then a third sent him tumbling over the ropes!

That’s six feet seven inches Fabian just sent outta the squared circle.

The Divine then descended upon Iggy with a moonsault from the top! His lean body crashed into The Shell Gang leader as Queen Esther let out a loud cheer!



Iggy got thrown back into the ring and pinned…






Spanish Sexy pressed his much lighter foe off him! Still, The Divine hounded Ignatius with forearms and chops. But suddenly, Ignatius lashed out and caught him with a lariat! A thundering blow! The challenger then sent Fabian hurling over the ropes. This allowed Iggy a moment to compose himself.

I don’t think it would be a bad idea for Ignatius to get mad and stay mad.

With Jose and Pike losing the tag title match, and Painvbow losing the King of The Ring match how happy can he be?

Fabian crawled back into the ring, and endured a series of stomps from his gigantic foe. Then the champ found himself flung into the corner and forced to endure an avalanche!

I don’t care if you are a thousand-year-old vampire, if all that weight, if all that muscle slams into you it’s going to hurt.







Fabian with the shoulder up!

Ignatius had a look of pure malice on his face as he delivered SNAKE EYES! The champ laid on the mat writhing in pain. Yet, thanks to Eshter’s support and cheers, he found his footing. Unfortunately, Ignatius promptly hit him with a VERY SPANISH UPPERCUT!

The cover….





Again a shoulder up!


Ignatius then swept Fabian off his feet and hit with the best sidewalk slam you’ll ever see! But that wasn’t enough, the swarthy challenger pried off the turnbuckle covers. That led Referee Rikishi to hurry and put them back on. All part of Iggy’s masterplan, as he used a pair of BRASS KNUCKS to rock Fabian!

Hey! That’s not fair!

Instead of going down, Fabain fell into the corner where he got hit with another avalanche!

My god! How much more can even a vampire take?

Ignatius exited the ring and found himself a STEEL CHAIR! Referee Rikishi got in front of Fabian and Iggy, which just led Ignatius to hammer him with the steel chair!


The Shell Gang is out of control tonight!

Fabian slowly got to his feet, but had to make a quick avoidance of Ignatius’ chair swing! Instead Ignatius hit the ropes, causing the chair to rebound and hit him in his handsome face! Desperate now, Ignatius suddenly hammered Fabian in the balls with a mighty punt!

A low blow!

This whole match has been a low blow.

Ignatius threw Fabian into the ropes and sent him flying with a biiiiiig back body drop! Head vice followed, and it looked like The Shell Gang might live on.

“LET’S GO FABIAN! LET’S GO FABIAN! LET’S GO FABIAN!” The Toy Box chanted, led on by Queeen Esther.

Fabian fought to his feet, popping the crowd. But he got decked by a right hand from Iggy! Then another! And another! And another! And another! And the last one sent Fabian flying outside! Again the look of pure malice appeared on Iggy’s face.

Look at that! Look at that monster!

Iggy stuffed Fabian between his legs, causing everyone in attendance no shortage of worry! With good reason as the challenger delivered a JACKKNIFE threw the announce desk!


Fabian was in a bad way! Queen Esther implored him to stay down! His eyes were glazed over! Yet he still made the tough trek back into the ring. This with pieces of the announce desk hanging from his blond hair.

Can you hear me? Are we on?

Ignatius grabbed hold of Fabian and threw him onto his shoulders in hopes of hitting a Go2Sleep! Yet when Spanish Sexy tossed The Challenger out Fabian smashed him in the face with a dropkick! Much to everyone’s surprise, The Divine proceeded to Kip Up!

I think Reject is gone! And I’m barely here! But Fabian fights on!

The Divine strutted about the ring until he was suddenly grabbed by the hair by PIKE PANTERA! The muscle bound Pike battered the champ with punches until he fed him to Iggy. Then Pike streamed forward for a gore….only to hit Iggy off Fabian’s leapfrogging!

Smoking Gun! But it nailed Ignatius instead!

Pike hadn’t a moment to react before Fabian took him down with a full nelson leg sweep!

I don’t know how he did it. Fabian avoided that Smoking Gun!

Fabian came off the ropes and slammed his svelte figure into Ignatius with a LIONSAULT….no Ignatius got his knees up!

I’m back! And The Shell Gang isn’t going away. Ignatius will not let it.

Spanish Sexy rose to his feet first and pitched the champion out of the ring! Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V was on hand to watch Iggy drop Fabian face first onto the steel steps!

I love it. This is what a leader does. He does anything to protect his stable.

Ignatius brought the steel steps into the ring as Fabian crawled in himself.  Buzzlefoxxer V started yelling at the challenger, but to no avail. Yet Fabian managed to hammer him with a step up enziguri! This left Ignatius dazed on his feet. Within a matter of moments, the challenger suffered a full nelson leg sweep onto the steel steps!


And then a LIONSAULT!

The cover….






Winner: Fabian Nystrom, via pinfall, still champion

They’re finished! They’re done! The Shell Gang is dead! After four years TMW is free of The Shell Gang!

No, no, no! I won’t believe it!

Believe it! And check out The Shell Gang t-shirts on OAOASTShop.com already on sale for $12.99.


We weren’t done yet! After Fabian left the ring Pike and Ignatius began ARGUING! That led to a fight between the two big men that took us until we…



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