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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 12/20/07

Chanel #99

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Ultimate Victory introduces us to another edition of OAOAST HeldDOWN. Showing that they're not above the holiday spirit our production department frames the introductory video in a Holiday themed border, complete with the star of david, little Christmas trees, Kwanza symbols, and writings from the Koran. Once our super PC video is finished we see the logo,


Immediately our view dissolves into the arena where Cole and Coach, outfitted in festive red and green polo shirts, and ridiculously ugly candy cane patterned name tags welcome us to HeldDOWN from behind and announce table that's decorated by a wealth of Christmas lights, and highlighted by a menorah and a statue of Buddah!

Happy holidays everybody! And welcome to the highest rated program on cable television, OAOAST HeldDOWN~!

Highest rated program? Keep telling yourself that one day and maybe it will be true.

Well, folks, the action in the OAOAST doesn't even stop for the Holiday season because what a wonderful program we have for you tonight! The South Central Militia will be in action against Gunslingers, Krista Isadora Duncan will be battling Lucius Soul, Faqu will be competing, and Felix Sturtter will be defending his newly won international world title.

And who knows what other segments people will turn in three days late!


The crowd stands up and begins booing almost immediately as the opening to "No Chance In Hell" begins playing. As the new Lightning Crew entrance video plays on the AngleTron, featuring images of Stephen Joseph Popick replacing those of Tha Puerto Rican, smoke fills the entrance stage. The crescendo hits, and a HUGE burst of pyro hits the entrance, replacing the lightning bolt that hit the entrance for four years. Then, "No Chance In Hell" by Bradley Royds begins playing.

*No chance (No chance)
That's what ya got! (Ha! Ha! Yeah.)

We're up against
no machine too strong (Too strong)

Pussy politicians buying souls for us
are...PUPPETS! (Puppets!)*

The entrance doors slide open, and through the smoke walks out the entire Lightning Crew. Led by Stephen Joseph Popick, wearing a suit and tie and holding the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt over his right shoulder. He puts his left arm over the shoulders of the OAOAST Women's Champion Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick, who is wearing hoop earrings, a Santa hat, a short red dress with white trim, long black gloves, gold bracelets, a gold necklace, and black heel boots. Lindsay has the OAOAST Women's Championship belt over her left shoulder. The crowd hoots and hollers at Lindsay. Lindsay just sneers at the crowd.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Ho is right!

Quiet you!

Following Popick and Lindsay are Vitamin X and Princess Stacey, both dressed to the nines, with Princess Stacey also wearing a Santa hat, along with diamond earrings, a necklace with her name on it, a red tanktop, bracelets, tight blue jeans with a studded belt, and black heels. Behind them are Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua, neither one into the spirit of Christmas, The Bone Thug, Thomas Rodriguez, who is wearing a Santa hat himself, and bringing up the rear is Spanish Fly, who is wearing a white Lightning Crew T-shirt over his ring gear, but no Santa hat. The nine members of The Lightning Crew walk down the entrance ramp as "No Chance In Hell" continues playing.

*But will find their place
in line (In line)

But tie a string around your finger now boy cuz
cuz, it's just a matter of time
Cuz you've got...NO CHANCE! (You've got no chance!)

You've got...NO CHANCE! (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)

You've got...NO CHANCE! (Got no chance)

You've got...NO CHANCE! (Chance!)


I see Popick, Lindsay, Wall, Boricua, Princess Stacey, Vitamin X, Bone Thug, Thomas, and Spanish Fly. But I don't see The Mad Cappa!

Popick's gonna straighten things out right now I believe.

Well, in case you missed last week's HeldDOWN~!, shame on you, because you missed another classic encounter between Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa which ended, believe it or not, with The Mad Cappa HELPING Tha Puerto Rican!

He wasn't so much helping him as he was being selfish and going against Popick's orders.

Well, you may be right about that, but one thing you can't deny: instead of crushing Tha Puerto Rican's larynx, The Mad Cappa used that ring bell to hit Popick over the head. Then he ran away from a charging Lightning Crew.

Is this the same Mad Cappa who beat up The Lightning Crew on a regular basis for years? What happened last week?

Well, The Mad Cappa knew he was outnumbered, so rather than take the risk, he decided to save himself so that he could live to fight another day!

The Lightning Crew didn't get him last week, but he'll get his sooner rather than later!

Vitamin X and Cuban Wall taunt the fans, and then climb up the ring steps along with the rest of The Lightning Crew. Lindsay holds the ring ropes, and Stephen Popick enters the ring. Popick then watches as Lindsay enters the ring seductively, allowing the camera to get an upskirt shot in the process.

Give that cameraman a raise just for that shot! Bless you kind sir!

The rest of The Lightning Crew enters the ring. They all stand in the center of the ring while spotlights shine on them. The LC members all look at each other...and then do The Lightning Crew Salute to loud boos. The lights then go back on in the arena as The LC taunt the fans and mug for the camera. Popick calls for a microphone.

After last week's events, it looks like we have someone else gunning for The Lightning Crew and Stephen Joseph Popick in The Mad Cappa. Colombian Heat, Tha Puerto Rican, and The Mad Cappa have issues with The Lightning Crew, which can't sit well with Popick.

Heat's a loser, Tha Puerto Rican's a loser, and The Mad Cappa could have been something, but he turned his back on Popick, so now he's a loser too!

He's got some dignity, and quite possibly the fans' respect again, though.


Popick grabs a microphone from a ringside attendant, telling the ringside attendant, "Thank you." after receiving the mic. Popick paces back and forth as "No Chance In Hell" by Bradley Royds dies down.


Popick's got the microphone!

The Champ is about to speak!

Stephen Joseph Popick looks at the crowd and puts the microphone to his lips. He adjusts the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt over his right shoulder.

I guess after last week, I need to make a few things clear. Number one: Don't you ever... Don't you EVER defy my orders, or you will pay the consequences! Mad Cappa--


You dare defy my orders, and you WILL pay for it! Mad Cappa, as of last Thursday, you are OUT of The Lightning Crew!


Glad to see we got that cleared up. The Mad Cappa now holds the record for the shortest time in The Lightning Crew.

He was never Lightning Crew material anyway.

Now, while you suffer the indignity of being kicked out of the greatest group of wrestlers the world has ever seen, I want you to remember that everything that happens to you from now on is your own damn fault. You brought all of this onto yourself with your actions last week! Instead of finishing the job I started. Instead of doing the deed that was four years in the making. Instead of getting rid of Tha Puerto Rican once and for all--


Popick sneers at the crowd.

Instead of doing what I KNOW you've always wanted to do...you grew a heart. You developed a conscience. You decided at the last second 'No, I will not be a man! No, I will not finish what Popick started. No, I will be a wuss, I will be a pussy and NOT crush PRL's larynx! I will NOT give PRL exactly what he deserves! No, I will defy the orders of my boss, and I will instead SAVE the man who ALMOST ENDED MY CAREER!' What happened Mad Cappa? I always thought you were full of SO much potential. But after last week, I guess I was wrong. I guess I was wrong just like I was wrong about Tha Puerto Rican. I have not been so good lately when it comes to spotting people's potential. Lightning Crew, do you all have the potential I think you have?

The Lightning Crew members all shake their heads "Yes." Cuban Wall says, "Yes, boss!" Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick smiles at her husband.

They're all a bunch of freeloaders.

Be glad they can't hear you, Cole. Be very glad.

I sure hope so. I sure hope so. Now, people have alot of questions: 'Are Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa friends now?' 'Are they allies?' Look, I don't care what the relationship between Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa is. I really don't. In fact, if I had my way, I would never have to worry about either one of those jackasses ever again! But you see, life is not fair, and as a result, I HAVE to worry about the two of them, because apparently, they BOTH want a shot at MY World's Heavyweight Title! They BOTH want a piece of Popick! Now, normally, I would just deny the two of them a Title shot and move on. But seeing as this is the holiday season, I am in a giving mood. And besides, Stephen Joseph Popick doesn't get mad.

Popick has a twisted, psychotic look on his face as he says the next sentence.

POPICK (growling)
Stephen Joseph Popick gets EVEN.

Uh-oh. I don't like the sound of that.

Just listen, Michael!

Tha Puerto Rican, you've been bugging me for a Title shot ever since I won this belt. You've been hounding me all over the country for almost a month now, wanting to fight me, wanting to take my belt away from me. Well, you won't have to hound me any longer. I'm not going to hold off on it anymore. It was inevitable. It was going to happen sooner or later. PR, you want a shot at my belt? YOU GOT IT!


The Lightning Crew is stunned by this announcement.

How about that? PRL's got another shot at the Title!

Oh great. PRL's gonna have another opportunity to BLOW his big chance! Wonderful. NOT!

Popick continues.

And Mad Cappa, you've always complained about the fact that you've never gotten a shot at the World Heavyweight Title. You've been in the OAOAST for close to five years now with no World Title matches to your credit! Absolutely none. And that legitimately surprises me. Someone of your caliber should have had PLENTY of World Title matches by now! Well, the wait is over, because guess what? YOU got a shot too!


The Mad Cappa's got a shot at the belt too!

Wait, where's Popick going with this?

I wonder this myself.

The Lightning Crew members are surprised again by this announcement. Vitamin X asks Popick what is he thinking. But Stephen Joseph tells The X-Man to relax and that he knows what he's doing.

I got everything under control. Now, I'm sure you are all wondering, 'Wait, how can PRL and Cappa BOTH have a shot at the Title?' 'What does this mean? What does this all mean?' It means, my friends, that on January 3rd on the OAOAST New Year's Spectacular, I, Stephen Joseph Popick, will defend the One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Championship against Tha Puerto Rican AND against The Mad Cappa in a TRIPLE THREAT MATCH!

Oh my! What an announcement! A Triple Threat Match for the OAOAST World Title on the New Year's Spectacular January 3rd!

Popick, what are you doing!? PR and Cappa AT THE SAME TIME!?

The Lightning Crew also voice their concern over this announcement.

Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I'm ready. I'm willing. I'll GLADLY defend the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title against two men at the same time! Last month at November Reign, I defended my belt against FIVE MEN at the same time inside a Triple Decker Cage. I went through HELL in that one match, but guess what? I SURVIVED! So, defending the belt against two men who hate my guts seems like a cakewalk compared to that!

Popick's got a point.

Yeah. He's not doing another Triple Decker Cage Match for a long time, I think.

So, Cappa, PRL, I hope you enjoy the holidays, because once we hit 2008, your happiness will end. The year 2008 will start off ROTTEN for the both of you, I GUARANTEE it!

A guarantee? Oh, Popick's DEFINITLEY going to win the match! He's gotta if he guarantees victory!

That guarantee might come back to bite him in the ass if he's not careful come January 3rd!

And P.R., even though I'm sure you're upset knowing that you're going to be spending Christmas AND New Year's Eve by yourself for the first time in your life. Even though I'm sure you're throwing furniture around knowing that The Lightning Crew, Lindsay, and myself will all be in my billion dollar home in Atlanta opening up presents, drinking egg nog, singing Christmas carols, and generally enjoying each other's company, then a week later, we will all drink champagne and say goodbye to 2007 and hello to 2008 together, as a family. Even though you're probably suicidal knowing that while Lindsay and I give each other's gifts, kiss each other on midnight on New Year's Eve, and continue making love.

Popick puts his left arm around Lindsay's shoulders again. Lindsay sighs lovingly at Popick.

I love you, boo. Even though you're probably trying to kill yourself as I speak since you know that I've taken your friends, I've taken your girl and made her my wife, I've got what you most treasure in the entire world and all you've got left is a pot smoking, brain dead, slacker for a companion. I want you to take comfort in the fact that once 2008 comes, things could be different. There's hope. There's a chance to turn things around. Because on the New Year's Spectacular, you have a chance to finally become the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion for the first time in your life. The first time ever. That moment might happen in only two weeks. So don't lose hope, buddy! Don't give up just yet! There IS a light at the end of the tunnel afterall! AH, WHO AM I KIDDING!? You're just going to choke again! Still, false hope never hurt anybody TOO much! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

The crowd boos loudly.


Popick smiles evilly.

Oh, oh, oh! And one more thing. You people are going to see PRL in action tonight.

The crowd cheers loudly.

Yeah. You see, I want to prepare PRL for the Triple Threat Match at New Year's Spectacular. So, the so-called 'People's Champ' will be competing in a tag team match. His opponents will be the combination of the 6'7" 285 pound Muscle of The Lightning Crew, CUBAN WALL!


Cuban Wall smirks and cracks his knuckles.

AND...my bodyguard, the 6'9" 300 pound MONSTER, MISTER BORICUA!


Mr. Boricua screams at the camera.

Great idea, Popick!

And Tha Puerto Rican's partner will be someone he knows really well. An old 'friend' of his. Or should that be...an old rival. PRL's partner tonight will be my OTHER opponent on the New Year's Spectacular January 3rd...THE MAD CAPPA!

Whoa! The Mad Cappa and Tha Puerto Rican AS A TEAM!? TONIGHT!?

Brilliant! They're not going to be able to coexist! This will be an easy victory for Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall! Not that it wasn't already, but it's even more so now!

How will those two be able to stand in the same ring without wanting to hit each other I don't know!

The crowd is shocked by this announcement.

So, that's all I got to say. For now, at least. Think of tonight's main event as my way of saying Merry Christmas to PRL AND The Mad Cappa! Because I'm damn sure not going to be sending them anything for Christmas this year! And as for the rest of you...MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

"Stronger" by Kanye West begins playing. Popick blows kisses to the fans, who respond by flipping him several thousand middle fingers. The Lightning Crew leave the ring with Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick holding the ropes for Popick again.

What a series of shocking announcements we've just heard! Stephen Joseph will defend the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title against Tha Puerto Rican AND The Mad Cappa in a Triple Threat Match on the New Year's Spectacular on January 3rd, but before that, Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa must TEAM UP tonight to take on Mr. Boricua AND Cuban Wall!

While I'm still confused as to why Popick would WILLINGLY give PRL and Cappa Title shots, I do have to commend him for setting up this tag team match tonight. No way will PRL and Cappa team up! They're going to be bickering the entire match! They HATE each other! They absolutely HATE each other!

No argument here, which should make the main event very interesting! How well will PR and Cappa get along tonight?

Not well at all, I think!

Popick and The LC walk up the entrance ramp, with Popick once again having his left arm over Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick's shoulders and the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt over his right shoulder. Popick and Lindsay look lovingly into each other's eyes as "Stronger" continues playing.

A blockbuster main event coming up later on tonight! Tha Puerto Rican AND The Mad Cappa, one week removed from their memorable encounter in San Francisco, team up to take on charter Lightning Crew members Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua! That's tonight on HeldDOWN~! live from Fresno, California! More HeldDOWN~! right after these messages! Stay tuned!

The Lightning Crew continue walking up the entrance ramp as "Stronger" by Kanye West continues playing. The crowd boos loudly. Popick laughs manically. This is the last image we see before we fade to black.



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The camera cuts to The Lightning Crew dressing room where the members of The Lightning Crew are all sitting around. Stephen Joseph Popick goes to pour himself a drink, the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt lying on the big leather sofa in the room.

Boss, far be it from me to question your wisdom but...are you CRAZY!? Taking on Tha Puerto Rican AND The Mad Cappa at the same time in the same match!? Surely, you must be joking!

Oh, X, so smart, and yet so naive. Clearly, you haven't clue in yet to the reason I have decided to defend my Title against Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa in the same match.

...Which is?

Popick pours vodka into a glass.

It is called 'Divide and Conquer'. A well known military stragety, I have taken to using this stragety in the battleground that is the professional wrestling ring. You see, it is a well known fact that PR and The Mad Cappa absolutely DESPISE each other. Their hatred knows no bounds, and has led to many a memorable encounter, like last week for example. You see, I figure that their hatred for each other is even more passionate, more intense, then their hunger for the World Heavyweight Title. The way I see it, I am killing two birds with one stone by pitting them in a match with me at the same time. Their anger, their rage, their HATRED for each other will cause them to beat on each other, allowing me to swoop in for the kill and pin one of them 1-2-3 to successfully retain MY Title! That, Lightning Crew, is why it is called 'Divide and Conquer'.

So by pitting them together, you can do only half the work. They'll destroy each other and you'll take advantage of it!

Correctamundo, Wall! You catch on pretty quick!

Boss...that is GENIUS! That is absolutely BRILLIANT! Only you could have come up with it! Killing two birds with one stone. Get them fighting so that you can walk away unharmed! That is great! You are going to retain your belt on the New Year's Spectacular! I just know it! BOO-YAH~!

Popick takes a sip of the vodka.

Yes. That is of course the plan. The 'Master Plan' if you will. To retain the Title and move on to more DESERVING challengers to my belt. But before we get to that show, we have the main event of TONIGHT to look forward to. PRL and The Mad Cappa have to team up. Can they even team up?


No sir!







Yeah, I don't think so either. Which is why I am going to enjoy watching Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua DESTROY those two jabronies later on tonight.

Boss, don't worry. Boricua and I have got everything under control. Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa will be mince meat by the time the night is through.


Excellent. That is what I like to hear. But hey, save some for me! I don't want my match on the New Year's Spectacular to be TOO easy! I'd like a little bit of a challenge! Not too much, but a little!

Don't worry, boss. I'll make sure we save some of PRL and Cappa just for you. Consider tonight's match an early Christmas present to you from us here in The Lightning Crew!  

I'll drink to that!

Popick takes another swig of his vodka. He smiles evilly, as does the rest of The Lightning Crew. The crowd boos loudly.

Wow that was a great segment/match/interview/commercial. Right now, let's turn things over to the cutest interviewer on television Maggie Nerdly! Margret?

Maggie Nerdly is backstage with Felix Strutter.

Thanks, Michael!  I'm here with the International World champion, "After Hours" Felix Strutter!  Felix, tonight, Denzel Spencer, the man you pinned two weeks ago, will get a shot right here tonight at your title.  Your thoughts?

Forget about that right now.  Let me tell you what I want a shot at...

Strutter whispers something in Maggie's ear, and Maggie responds with a gasp, then SLAPS Felix right across the face!  Felix backs off holding the side of his face, then looks at his hand and walks away with a smile, as Maggie stares at him with a look of anger and disgust.


Hey, that's my line!  And what right does she have as a journalist to be putting her hands on the wrestlers?

Leon doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

:rolleyes: You know what I meant.

But he may have a problem with whatever Felix said, and who knows what that could have been. Folks, we'll see Felix putting his belt on the line against Denzel Spencer later tonight, but for now its time for one of the hottest tag team acts in the OAOAST to face off against one of the meanest.

Dark blue lights flash across the entry way, as the stage fills with smoke. Through the haze steps the SCM, Vincent letting out a primal roar, while One Eye flashes gang signs as Tupac's "Dopefiend's Diner" plays. They make their way to the ring, talking trash to the jeering crowd.

The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 460 pounds, from South Central Los Angeles and former tag team champions of the world... THE SOUTH. CENTRAL. MILLLIIITTIIIIIAAAAAA!!!


The South Central Militia, one of sixteen teams participating in the 2008 Anderson Cup that will begin on January 3rd at the New Year's Spectacular. OAOAST officials currently finalizing the brackets, which will be released next week on HeldDOWN~! Before they can start thinking about the Anderson Cup, they'll first need to get by their opponents tonight, as we toss it back to Michael Buffer.

"Thriller" by Fall Out Boy hits and the fans come out of their seats in excitement.

Their opponents, accompanied by everybody's favorite gal pal MELODY NERDLY...from San Antonio, Texas, total combine weight 497 pounds, Baron Windels and the "Texas Twister" Jock Mulligan... THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGEERRRRRSSSS!!


Lots of hand slapping follows, as the Gunslingers play to the audience.

Melody Nerdly leading perhaps the next tag team champions to the ring, Coach.

Yeah, perhaps. But standing by right now, the One & Only World tag team champions, the Heavenly Rockers.


Wide shot, small box at left hand corner. Heavenly Rockers in front of their CG backdrop with Holly and Colonel Abdullah.

As fall becomes winter, the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all-time plan on turning up the heat. Ain't that right, baby?

Congratulations are in order sayeth Logan Usher Mann. At the New Year's Spectacular the Heavenly Rockers will defend their One & Only World tag team championship against Little Red Riding Hood's big, bad wolves, the Lone Star Gunslingers. But it'll be second verse, same as the first, Gunslingers. Victory will be ours!

Now put that in yo pipe and smoke it!

The brief piece of video ends with Synth :headbang: while the Colonel gives praise.


Very confident are the Heavenly Rockers.

As they should be. If they don't own, they're leasing the Lone Star Gunslingers.

Referee Nick Patrick orders a member of each team on the apron, and those men are Moe and Jock.  Whereas the SCM trade gang signs, the Gunslingers stick with the traditional double high-five.


Backed against the ropes after placing Moe in a side headlock Baron is shot across the ring, but One-Eye makes the all too common heel mistake of setting too soon, enabling the Gunslinger to pop him straight up with a hard kick to the shoulder. Windels plants his feet and drills Wallace with a standing dropkick. Irish whip, and a big-time FLYING LARIAT to follow!



Wallace kicks out and retreats to the safety of his corner, and makes the tag to Vincent Santana who calls out Jock Mulligan.

You know the Texas Twister won't back down from a challenge.

The crowd pops as Jock accepts the tag. After circling the ring to measure their opponent up, the two lock horns and Jock comes out on top with an arm-wringer. Mulligan uses a series of closed fists and bonic elbows to punish the right arm of Santana. Vinnny maneuvers the second year man into the corner and stuns him with a back elbow to the side of the head. Santana sells the damage to the arm before working Jock over in the corner with a combination of jabs and uppercuts. Mulligan fires back with kicks to the midsection and bionic elbows, only to have Vinny RAKE THE EYES. Irish whip, but Jock ducks a clothesline and shoots back on the rebound with a CROSSBODY BLOCK...but Vincent crotches down as Jock soars through the air, causing the Texas Twister to feel like he's just been in one as he lands hard on the canvas and rolls out of the ring from the impact!

Jock's in a bad place, Cole. The SCM not afraid to bend the rules every so often.

More like any chance they get.

Like right now. As the referee focusing his attention on keeping Vincent inside, outside Moe slams Jock on the arena floor. Baron rushes to his partner's aid, chasing Wallace away…but that grabs the eye of Nick Patrick and leaves the SCM with another opportunity to take advantage of the youngster, whipping him into the ring steps!

How many times do I need to say it? We need more than one referee for matches such as this!

Before the SCM can inflict anymore damage, the referee turns around and orders Vinny inside. The SCM coolly toss Jock back into the ring, but not before sneaking in a pair of knees to the ribs!

Ha! Beautiful. Quick tag by the S-C-M. They're putting the 5-second rule to good use as they Irish whip Jock. Oh, baby!


What force!




Moe rams Jock face-first into the turnbuckle, then tags out. Vinny SLAPS Baron to sucker him inside, allowing him and Moe to pummel Jock in the corner.


Santana continues to antagonize Baron as One-Eye CHOKES Jock with the TAG ROPE!

Moe's strangling the life out of Jock Mulligan. Somebody needs to put a stop to this!

Baron steps in and is confronted by Nick Patrick, who he desperately pleads to turn around. Going nowhere with his efforts Baron finally has enough and brushes the ref aside. The crowd roars as Windels beats the hell out of the SCM, then HIP TOSSES HIS PARTNER TOWARDS THEIR CORNER FOR THE TAG!


(firing imaginary pistols)

One can't deny the toughness of the SCM as they both charge Baron, who quickly shows them why he's called a Gunslinger, coming strong at Moe and Vinny with Texas size right hands and scoop slams. Moe rolls out to the arena floor while Vinny takes a seat on Baron's knee from an inverted atomic drop. Windels whips Santana, the legal man, to the ropes for a BAAAAAACK bodydrop. Now up top Baron connects with a TOP ROPE LARIAT!



THR-- NO!!

Moe pulls Baron halfway out of the ring before being spun around and decked by a Jock Mulligan DISCUS PUNCH! Meanwhile, inside, Baron sits Vinny on the top turnbuckle and delivers his patent SUPERPLEX!!!



Here are your winners... THE LONE GUNSLINGEERRRRRSSSS!!


The guys celebrate with Melody as Coach narrates the replay.

...for the 1-2-3. Now let's go to Michael Cole ringside with Melody Nerdly and the Lone Star Gunslingers.

Melody wipes the sweat off Jock and Baron's bodies and flicks it at Michael Cole just for the fun of it. Obviously thrilled with the W is she.

Thanks very much, Coach. And gentlemen, mighty impressive win just now. I'd say a good test heading into your big title match with the Heavenly Rockers at the New Year's Spectacular.

We're as battle tested as they come, Michael Cole. The Heavenly Rockers thought they could bully us around, but we showed them and everyone watching that when you knock the Lone Star Gunslingers off their saddles we dust ourselves and get back on. Tell 'em B.

14 days, Heavenly Rockers. 14 days until the Lone Star Gunslingers achieve their goal of becoming World tag team champions. We've waited months for this opportunity and for it to come against the Heavenly Rockers makes it all that much sweeter. Synth, Logan, you're in for one helluva an ass kickin' at the New Year's Spectacular.

Yeah! :P

With that, the Gunslingers and Melody exit.

New Year's Spectacular
The Lone Star Gunslingers challenge the Heavenly Rockers


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We're transported to the backstage interview area, where Terry Taylor clad in a Santa hat, leather bomber jacket, and tight blue jeans stands with Krista Isadora Duncan. Miss California, has outfitted herself in heavily flared jeans, and a blue and white stripped dress shirt with the top five buttons left undone.

Terry Taylor, backstage with Krista Isadora Duncan!

Terry Taylor, blessed with the golden opportunity to stand beside a goodness who radiates the unmatched qualities of kindness, beauty, love, benevolence, and most of all virtuous Christian sobriety.

Its going to be a long night. Well, Krista, my old friend, you've got a singles match coming up against Lucius Soul of The Mardi Gras Home Wrecking Crew. Now just to inform you because I know you try your hardest to watch as little OAOAST television as possible, The Wrecking Crew have found themselves in the middle of a dry spell lately, piling up loss after loss. And, they blame it on you! What do you think about that?  

Hey,take a ride on the fantastic voyage Sodom and Gonorrhea, who the hell cares about The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew, I've got bigger things to do, hopefully one of which is Ashley Tisdale of High School Musical fame. She is over eighteen, right?

Lord I hope so!

Lord, I'm gonna pretend he said yes! Look, Terry, screw the Mardi Gras Homewrecking with the 1985 LA Kings. Cameras don't lie, unless these cameras show me digging up my dead grandmother's corpse, to get that pink sapphire necklace she should've left me in the will in the first place. I don't know why the old sea hag had to be buried with it, Satan's just gonna make her take off to mass produce Toby Keith albums anyway. Point is, cameras and stats don't lie. And the cameras tell us The Wrecking Crew haven't been seen on HeldDOWN but once in the past two months, and the stats tell us they haven't won a match since looooong before Jamie Lynn Spears became a dirty, dirty, whore. Care to drop the knowledge as to why that is, special edition of Outside The Lines?

My guess is it has something do with her sister's struggles to maintain a sane and respectable lifestyle. I mean, it can be so hard as an impressionable youth...

Keep your wignorance, to a minimum, wignoramus, I'm not talking about Jamie Lynn, I'm talking about why The Wrecking Crew have been getting treated like life treats you, horribly.  The A to that Q is that the Mardi Gras Homewrecking are the very definition of garbage, translate esponal, basura. They could snort lines with their dick, and they still couldn't come dope. I swear, they got down syndrome so bad, they probably got up, left, and right syndrome to. Worse yet, those dudes are so ugly the zoo put a picture of them in the monkey cage to keep the monkeys, aka the Moneymaker family, from jerking off. The Mardi Gras Homewrecking crew are full on flaming bags of dog crap left on the old man's porch from Billy Madison. I oughta make you take off that bug trap you call a jacket, put on an apron, shake hands with Mister Clean, head over to that locker room and mop up that filth for me, because unlike my ex-girlfriend I don't deal with gutter trash.

A shot at Mackenzie no doubt! Speaking of Alix, The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew said they were quite delighted to see you two breakup. They see it at as a big plus for the entire tag division. What do you think about this perception?

If I thought about that, Terry I'd be the craziest gal in Los Angeles! No my mother lives there, she's yet to return to her original post which is guarding the gates of hell. What about the craziest person in the cult of Scientology? No there's Katie Holmes, who's married to our fearless leader, a 3'11 yeast infection. How about the craziest woman on my neighborhood? No, Denise Richards lives on my street. Which is cool on topless sunbathing Tuesday, less cool on let's show up at Krista's house and rant for three hours about stealing Charlie Sheen's sperm Saturday. But you get my point, now prepare to get a new one. Perception is from somebody else’s eyes. I can’t get in your head and see what you see, but I wish I could, because, god damn, I bet my breasts look like twin mounds of naturally tanned heaven! So other then then my fabulous boobs why would I even care about what The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew see? Fuck what they see. They only reason I'd ever want to see out their eyes, is to get a first hand view of what it's like to have Krista Isadora Duncan stick Theodore Moneymaker's used tampon up their ass and kick them so hard it comes out their nostrils.

Having experienced such treatment from you, I can say its no fun! None at all!  

But you know what, Terry? Its the holiday season, I shouldn't speak so ill of those less fortunate then I. You know what the holiday season is for? Its for your mother reminding you of how your coming out of the closet ruined your father's aspirations for presidency, and forced her to spend the better part of the last decade kissing the ass of that butter faced whore Maria Shriver. But the holidays are also for fond remembrance, like the time you bought home that black girl and your mother realized that not only are you gay, but you're not gonna marry Jewish either. So in that spirit, Dear Terry I have a little tale for you. I'd invite kiddies to gather around, but I know you aren't allowed within thirty feet of children. So, Terry, just for you, I'm gonna lay down the low on the quickness, and offer you a tale of a battle that took place five centuries ago on this very day. This epic story is about three ancient royal figures. Because I haven't ingested enough Tequila and prescription cough syrup to think up clever names, we'll call these ancient royal figures, Queen Krystyna Isolde Duncan, fairest of all queens, without who's ceaseless beauty the sun would never dare shine on an otherwise undeserving earth, and uh.. King Rico De Janiero, and uh...what's the Arab's guys name...

He's black! Lucius Soul is black.

Bad mother shut yo mouth! Are you sure? Stereotypically black people are supposed to be somewhat athletic, and when Soul throws a kick it has all the extension of Rush Limbaugh lifting his leg to rip a fart. But I digress. Queen Krystyna was beautiful lesbian goddess, who's existence was like a golden tapestry strewn about the universe's once dull canvas. She preached equality, and fought tirelessly to preserve peace, unity and to keep reruns of Step by Step on the air, because oh wow, Suzzane Summers is hot! King Lucius Soul was a glorified deboo who sprung on the wrong cat and got shingles from a rancid poon on one hundered twenty fifth street. He was a buster who turned a trick on a skeezer named Geroniho, who blasted diarrhea all over his throne room. King Rico De Janeiro was a bad cat,  who used his subjects tax payments to trip on Crisco, while hitting up a bad bitch in the back of a Chevy Caviler, do you know what that means?

No I don't.

That's kind of unfortunate, because to be honest, neither do I, I stole that line from Dolemite teaches phonics! Shhhh. Anyway, the three royal figures lived in harmonious peace for years, until one fateful day when Krystyna Isolde Duncan, reformed Muslim princess, praise be to Colonel Abdullah, asalaam alaykum  aslama-Lucius soul's asalaama is even smaller then terry taylor's asalaama , had to step off her throne, partially because there was a sale on Kate Spade sandals at Nordstrom! See? Pretty! But mostly because, Queen Krystyna needed to raise up against the other two, who dared to draw weapons against her rule as empress of the land! The two vile kings wished to protest Krista's complete decimation of whatever ounce of self respect being best known for having the OAOAST's first two cases of pubic lice, had left them. But Queen Krista, was as defiant as she was drop dead beautiful! Though she knew violence wasn't the answer, unless of course was against Republicans, the lead singer from Coldplay, the Christians, or Linus from the Peanuts, get rid of that stupid blue blanket you Himalayan ho monkey, you're almost fifty years old, she had choice. So when ye old Rico and Lucius wanted to protest, Queen Krista, broke away from her harem of ye old Victorian Secret's supermodels, and was right there to protest their ass with thyne flask of King cobra and a fifth of Jack. Now, flash forward through the annals, I said annals, not anals, calm yourself los diablos, of time, five centuries to this very day, March 16th 1996...

Its December 20th, 2007 Krista, don't you have a calendar?

Oh, honey, why? Whenever I run out of pills I just go see one of the little Mexican boys. Back to the story! December 20th, what you the good people of the OAOAST kingdom will see before you are the descendants of Queen Krystyna, and the other two dudes, I forgot their names already, so we'll just call them exactly what they are, little bitch and dirty ho, come together to resume the battle their royal ancestors began! And although only one can be called royalty today, with her fitness empire, four tag team championships, People magazine's sexiest woman of the year award, and the other two are only known for being on the wrong end of the infamous Florabama gangbang in the locker room last week, the war rages on! And once again its the little bitch and the dirty ho who are gonna look like they got victimized by the LAPD. For the descendants of Queen Krystyna will stick her foot so far up their Jennifer Lopez, that thunder and lighting are gonna rain down and conflagarate them three shades darker and fifty degrees stupider.

Wow! Well, Wrecking Crew you have your work cut out for you tonight! Krista, thanks as always! Fans, for the OAOAST, this is Terry Taylor wishing you a happy holidays. We'll be back.

OAOAST QuizDOWN is brought to you by...Blade Runner: 5 Disc Ultimate Edition now available on DVD

Who was the third general manager in HeldDOWN history?
B.Abe Vigoda
C.Josie Baker
D.Calvin Szechstein

The answer coming up later in the show!

EMT Tim Cash Vs FAQU

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As we return to HeldDOWN~!, we immediately greeted by Cold War Kids' fitting song, "Hospital Beds", fitting because they have during the break played out a man used to hospital beds (for all the right reasons), EMT Tim. He stands in the ring going through his paces, while Officer Bosley stands on the apron running him the drill.

The following contest is set for one fall. In the ring, accompanied by Officer Bosley of Rescue 911. From The OAOAST First Responders Unit... weighing two hundred, twenty pounds... EMT TIIIIIIIMMMMMM CCAAAAAASSSSHHHHHH!!

The happy go lucky emergency medical technician salutes the crowd.

EMT Tim and his colleague Officer Bosley I'm sure looking forward to the Anderson Cup which is set to kick off in a couple of weeks time. But, he's not the only one...

The mood suddenly darkens as "King Kong" by LA Symphony hits. Through the entrance first struts James Blonde in his obscenely expensive, extremely unneccessary faux fur coat, paving the way for his very own Samoan Wrecking Ball, Faqu! The big Samoan pounds his chest and lets out a primal roar before he marches to the ring, applauding by his long time partner.

And, being led to the ring by James Blonde... from the Isle of Samoa! He weighs in at three hundred and one pounds... representing Internationally Known... "THE SAMOAN WRECKING BALL"... FFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - QQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!


In slides the big Samoan and already he's panting like a madman, chomping at the bit to get the match started. Bosley pats his partner on the back and drops to the floor, at which point Tim realises the predicament he's in.

Nevermind the Anderson Cup, EMT Tim might wanna look forward to seeing some more of his colleagues down at Fresno General.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. EMT Tim is a competitor.

No hating, Rescue 911 are goofy as hell but they've strung some wins together in tag matches recently. But, this isn't a tag match. It's one on one against Faqu. This guy has won singles titles, he's not a tag wrestler in an unfamiliar environment, like EMT Tim.


As soon as the bell sounds, it's feeding time at the zoo as Faqu suddenly charges headlong at EMT Tim. The quick thinking EMT manages to duck out of the corner just in time though and Faqu runs right into the turnbuckles sternum first! Tim quickly takes him down with a schoolboy too, for a quick pin...


...NO. Faqu powers out.

As Faqu scrambles back up, Tim quickly grabs a headlock to try and tame the Samoan beast. That works for precisely a second before Faqu pushes him off into the ropes. EMT Tim shoots back, but stupidly tries to hit a shoulder tackle and gets knocked to the ground by the shoulder of Faqu.


Like running into a brick wall.

Except the brick wall isn't going to start running after you again before you know what hit you.

Dropping down, Faqu wraps his hands around Cash's throat and chokes away!


Knowing enough to break the choke on five, Faqu stands back up and stomps Tim in the chest. And again, the lack of footwear no relief for the EMT. Backing off the ropes, Faqu then takes off into the air, coming down with everything behind a headbutt that connects to the shoulder! Blonde applauds smugly from the outside, before noticing that Faqu is looking at him and telling him to "do it again". Nodding his head, Faqu hits the ropes again and drops a second headbutt on the prone EMT. Cover...




Scoop and a slam puts EMT Tim where Faqu wants him, figuring that he must need a little more behind his headbutt and climbing to the middle rope. Again the braying Blonde applauds away as Faqu stands on the middle rope and lets out another loud yell.

Bombs away!

Up he goes and down he comes...

...this time headbutting nothing but cold, hard canvas!


Nobody home! Not the smartest of moves for Faqu to go to the middle rope perhaps.

You wouldn't be saying that if he connected.

...yeah, but... he didn't.

Faqu climbs back up and looks a little dazed as EMT Tim takes the fight to him. A series of right hands rock the Samoan back into the ropes, Tim setting him up with an irish whip and managing to get him on the run, surprisingly. Just as surprisingly, he then hits a standing dropkick and knocks Faqu down on the rebound! That's enough to get the crowd going, Bosley whipping them up from the floor as EMT Tim heads up to the top.

"9 - 1 - 1!"
"9 - 1 - 1!"
"9 - 1 - 1!"
"9 - 1 - 1!"

Reaching the top, Cash waits for Faqu to come a little closer and soars...

...CAUGHT! Faqu blocks the crossbody attempt by simply catching the EMT in his arms. Faqu then throws EMT Tim up onto his shoulders with similar ease, crushing him with a Samoan Drop!!


These people better start that 911 chant up again, hope the local hospital have good hearing.




Tim kicks out, albeit with little convinction.

What EMT Tim would give to tag out right about now, huh?

Unfortunately for him though, this is not a tag team match. Which also means Faqu isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Dragging the lifeless EMT by the arm, Faqu deposits him in the corner leaving Tim's head resting up against the bottom turnbuckle. Sneakily, James Blonde walks over out of the referee's eyeline to prop him up a little better, while the ref is trying to reason with Faqu to keep the match in the middle of the ring. A glare from Faqu sends him scattering though, the bigman backing up into the opposite corner...





Oh man! Did you see Tim's head snap back there? That is whiplash city right there!

Some uneasy booing starts up as Faqu again drags EMT Tim around by the wrist. This time though he drags him to his feet, before knocking him right back down with another headbutt! It's at this point that, for some reason, Blonde jumps to the ring apron to try and give Faqu some more 'advise'. Realising that's against the rules of the match, Officer Bosley springs into action, running around ringside and dragging Blonde to the floor by the tail of his (faux) fur coat! Blonde is obviously annoyed at that and turn around to reminstrate... leaving him open for a Roundhouse Kick to the back of the head!



James Blonde getting involved where he shouldn't have and he just paid the price!

As Blonde crawls for safety, Faqu sees his partner going down and reaches out of the ring to pull Bosley up onto the apron. Bosley manages to break free of Faqu and shove him away, but gets distracted as he tries to tell the referee he's trying to keep the peace...

...and gets knocked off the apron with a thrust to the throat!

Well, this WAS supposed to be one on one.

It is now.

With Bosley down, Faqu turns back to EMT Tim, just in time as he's gotten back to his feet. That's about all Cash is physically able to do though and he walks right into a thrust to the throat as well. Unfortunately, he doesn't go down, allowing Faqu to do more damage. Underhooking the arms, Faqu lifts EMT Tim off his feet and leaves him hanging upside down for a couple of seconds, letting the blood rush to the head... before sitting out and SPIKING EMT Tim with the DEATH BY SAMOAN!!


Time of death... crap, where's my watch gone!?

Faqu presses his hands across Tim's chest...





Your winner of the match... FFFAAAAAAAQQUUUUUUUUUUU!!

Keeping the hands on the chest, Faqu looks down the barrel of the camera, shouting something in Samoan which obviously I can't translate because I don't speak Samoan. But he does. Rolling back into the ring, James Blonde kneels next to Faqu and pats him on the back, with the hand he's not nursing his head with.

Hey, remember when Faqu was just a normal guy? That was cool.

A dominating victory for Faqu tonight. Will he and James Blonde be able to dominate the field in the 2008 Anderson Cup? We'll find out in the New Year!

As Faqu and Blonde continue to gloat over their win, we cut away into the office of AngleSault, who has been joined in watching this match by a certain Nathaniel Black.

See that? Do ya? That's what we can do, when we get the opportunity. That's a former HI-YAH Champ in action. (turns to AS) Don't get any more dominatin' than that now, does it?

What did you want, Nathaniel?

You know darn well wot I want. I wanna get in the ring and kick somebody's arse. I wanna go out there an' take somebody's title. I wanna go out and show all of those Yanks a little bit of real wresslin, like only the English can do. I want opportunity 'round here.

Opportunity you say?

Me, Blonde an' Faqu, we're Internationally Known. We've won titles world 'round. An' yet, when the big opportunities come callin', we keep gettin' overlooked. We're just another couple'a blokes takin' up roster space. We want opportunity, on the big stages.

Well, that can be arranged. We've got a little thing called the Anderson Cup coming back and it's obvious your buddies are going to be involved.

Black sighs under his breath and leans on AS's desk, looking him dead in the eyes.

Listen... when I say 'we', I mean me an' all. I'm chuffed for 'em, I really am. But where does that leave me?

So, you don't want to be left out?


Right. Well, in that case, you're in the Anderson Cup as well. You used to be in a tag team around here, right?

Again Black sighs under his breath.

Yeh an' you bloody well know it an' all!

In that case, you need a partner. And what you also need is a lesson. A lesson in 'international relations', shall we say. See, this issue with Jamie O'Hara, it's all about differences. He talks different to you, acts differently, dresses differently... wrestles differently. You saw Faqu and Blonde out there. Opposites attract sometimes. You need to learn to realise that you can't just attack people because they don't wrestle how you like to wrestle, or act how you want them to act. So, what better way to get this issue done and dusted than to team... oh, yes, the doctors are happy to clear him for competition as soon as the New Year is rung in... so, you'll be teaming in the Anderson Cup, with Jamie O'Hara!


Oh, and while you're still ironing out your differences, you might need some 'encouragement'. So, if you don't get along in the Anderson Cup, you'll be suspended. Again!

This is... this is bollocks, this is!

And it's final.

Still fuming, Black turns around and storms out of the office as we fade away.


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We see The Mardi Gras Homewrecking sitting backstage playing a game of dice with Los Conquistadors, who not surprisingly are losing. Badly, but at leasT it beats getting beat up by Bohemoth. Suddenly their dice game is shattered by giant duffel bag being dropped in the middle of the field. The foursome isn't terribly disappointed by this, as the dropper of said bag is the lovely Mackenzie DeCenzo, outfitted in a splendid low cut, sequined, strapless evening gown.

Cock-a-doodle do, bitch. What brings yo beautiful eye-talian ass round us niggas and spiggas?

Mackenzie plainly rips open the duffel bag to reveal a large stack of cash. All four men's eyes widen with delirious lust over the money.

Cash. Ten thousand dollars of beautiful, wonderful, no strings attached American currency. That's what brings me around. And that's why you're very glad to see me.

What's dis for? Why you bring Rico and Lucius all this cash, eh? This ain't no salvation army, Rico ain't out in front the grocery store ringing no bells, holding that red bucket. You gotta explain yaself to Rico, because he's a little confused at the generosity.

Rico, that ain't no way to treat no customer. Learn from a mac, so that you can be a mac. And this Mac has brought us the gift of cash on that fine Christmas season, so we gonna be givin her just what she wants, ho-ho-ho's.  We know you down with that dyke shit, and we got bitches that can open they legs wider then Wilt Chamberlin's wing span. Type of freaky-deeky tricks let you all up in they bama jama dooka-rama. Black bitches, white bitches, Mexican bitches, we got all the girls you need to get dat that propah girl on girl swerve.

I have a girlfriend, one I love very much. But, the problem is she has an ex-girlfriend. One I hate very much. One I need to be rid of. Soon. And its come to my understanding that one of you gentlemen will be competing against her tonight. If you could make it so that she'll never be competing against anyone again, then this ten thousand dollars, plus five thousand more, would be all yours. Understand?

Lucius seems delighted at this prospect, but Rico interrupts.

Hey, keep yer money, chica, dis mission, dis mission would be a pleasure for The Wrecking Crew. A pleasure.

Mackenzie smiles and nods, before picking up her bag and walking away. Soul looks at the man who turned down such easy money, and shakes his head in confusion.

Miss California Krista Isadora Duncan Vs Lucius Soul


"Easy lover
She'll get a hold on you believe it
Like no other
Before you know it you'll be on your knees"

The soothing tunes of Eazy Lover fill the air with anything but a soothing mood. Rather its a steady stream of annoyed groans and outright enraged boos that play right along with Phil Collins' track. Despite the chilly reception afforded them, The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew, play it as cool as always as they glide through the entrance doors. Rico, outfitted in orange bell bottom pants and a blue and gold Hawaiian shirt, emerges first, stroking his legendary pornstache, and gazing out to the audience to eye down the more attractive Fresno lovelies. Lucius, attired in black slacks and snake skin boots, is singularly devoted to picking his AWESOME fro.

"She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see"

As the pair struts down the ramp, De Janiero tries offers Soul some important nuggets of advice, but can't seem to distract his partner from his hair care routine.

Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a televised time limit of twenty minutes. Introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, he is one half the Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew, Lucius Soul!

Climbing onto the ring apron, Soul spots one delightfully phat bottomed honey in the audience, and attempts to win her affection by tossing her his fro pic. Unfortunately, she's less then flattered by this charm and throws it right back at him! Disgusted by this treatment, Soul begins spewing profanties at the entire audience.

Its been a bit of a downtime for The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew..

Bit of a downtime? That's like saying a tsunami is a light drizzle! Its been a real cold winter for these cats. Real cold.

Well, The Crew have set all of their misfortunes on the laps of the now defunct Chicks Over Dicks. And with Lucius Soul's singles battle against Krista, they think have an opportunity to right the many wrongs.

I like them black girls
I like them white girls
I like them asian girls
I like them mixed raced girls
I like them spanish girls
I like them italian girls
I like the french girls
And I like Scandanavian girls

From the parting entrance doors a calvary of unbelievably gorgeous black, white, Asian, and mixed race, girls, march onto the stage, attired in scintillating camouflage triangle bikini tops, matching hot pants, and each holding toy rifle in their hands. The quickly roving blue, purple and pink spotlights dance along hips that gyrate in spicy seduction, and bodies that flex and bend in the most alluring ways possible. Standing in the center of this well choreographed routine, stands the always mesmerizing Krista Isadora Duncan. Several blue and white playfully decorate the hair that falls just short of a studded halter that pushes up her ample chest. Her lean muscular legs stream from a super short micro skirt into pair of ultra expensive high heels. Suddenly Krista becomes the center of theuniverse, fought by company of army clad dancers. However, she puts on a mask of arrogance, grinning with indifference as she shoves her suitors to the side, and heads down the ramp.

And the opponent, from Los Angeles, California, she is a best selling author, a fitness queen, and star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos, she is Miss California Krista Isaodra Duncan!

I Get All The Girls
I Get All The Girls
I Get All The Girls
I Get All The Girls

The boring steel of the entrance ramp, finds itself shrouded beneath  pink and red glitter that glimmers beneath the roving spotlights. Similar to a fashion show runway, a throng of photographers and journalists, all bedecked in all black outfits, devote themselves to capturing the beauty of Krista strutting along this majestic décor with the grace and style of a supermodel. As wind machines playfully toss her vibrant blond hair in front her entrancing face, the photographers trail her path, their cameras working with the pink and purple splotlights to create a fantastic display. Once she reaches the end of the ramp, her hands fall to her slender hips, and her face tilts backwards, bathing in the wind machine's touch while she beams and arresting smirk into the camera.

Krista Isadora Duncan, here in her home state of California, and the ovation she's received is huge! And I bet the ovation she'll get at Anglemania in her homwtown of Los Angeles will be even louder! But in the more immediate future, the OAOAST and VH1 are happy to announce that the Look Of Love reality show will debut next week! Eight of the hottest women in the world will compete for their chance to be Krista's new girl, right here on HeldDOWN on TSM!

We got sixty eight people on the roster. Sixty eight! GPX ain't been seen since August, James Riggs only gets put on TV to lose, who knows where Chris Stevens is, and they're gonna give that chick her own reality show?  That ain't right! Help those who need help, America!

Upon entering the ring, Krista stands on the first rope and leans over the top cables, shooting a sly smirk towards her adoring homestate audience.


The sound of the bell ringing immedaitley motivates Lucius Soul to begin his quest for redemption against old tormentor. However, Krista is more impressed by the size of his afro, then moved by a will to fight.

“Wow, Lucius, that's a big fro!”

Stunned by the compliment, Lucius replies “Well, you know what they say? The bigger the fro...”

“The bigger the welfare check?” Krista innocently responds.

And so it begins.

Greatly annoyed by Krista's insulting commentary, Lucius strides towards her for an all out assault, but is quickly tangled into a lockup. That pedestrian hold doesn't last for very long before the queen of fitness snares him into a side headlock. Instantly Soul wraps his arm around her completely bare stomach, simply attempting to overpower her into a back drop.  But his efforts earn him little success as the buxom blond merely tightens her grip around his neck.


Finally, the mac daddy is able to rid himself of her clutches, by placing his hand on her tight tush, and shoving her into the ropes. But, he's unprepared for her return, and her tanned legs bowl him over with a graceful spinning wheel kick. As the audience continues to sing her name, Krista smiles and lovingly fluffs her sun streaked hair.

Does she honestly think they're chanting for her because she has nice hair?

Don't be jealous over what you ain't got!

Krista's heels skirt to the cables, which bounce her back in perfect position to lacerate Soul with a knee drop. But the ice cold pimp has the move well scouted, and rolls forward with an effort to trip KID up. But Krista didn't get two master's degrees to be outsmarted by a guy without a GED, and easily leaps over his lanky frame. The California hottie bounces off the ropes once more, but gets no chance to exert an offensive attack, as Soul knocks her down with a leaping side kick!


Apparently Soul's been watching some Josephine Baker, because he honestly celebrates his minuscule show of might by doing the Charleston. That's right, this man doin the Charleston.

Krista is as every bit as bemused as the audience, and asks “Hey, count chocula, what the fudge? What kind of glass dick have you been smoking from?”

“The same one..”

“From your ass, bitch!” Krista interrupts



Oh! She just smacked the pyrite off that boy's teeth!

With embarrassment flaring flames of anger in his mind, Soul launches himself off the ropes, and volleys another leaping side kick at Krista. But she shoots bellow his incoming attack, and when he lands on his snake skin boots he's thrown dangerously off balance.  This misstep proves costly, as the easy, breezy, beauitful covergirl is able to snare him into a half nelson without problem. Seconds later, the heavenly babe is drilling him into the canvas with a half nelson face crusher!

“If you got girl problems, I feel bad for you, son, I got 99 Problems but a bitch ain't one. Hit me!”

With pleasure determines Rico De Janiero, who leaps onto the ring apron, eager to mangle the queen of fitness and beauty. As she charges his position, he angles his fist to explode upon her stunning face. But the only thing that truly explodes, are chilling screams from his mouth as Krista cripples him with a savage titty twister! Though the audience is delighted with her act of cruelty, elderly referee Clem Buzzlefoxer strongly warns against it. Krista's isn't dissuaded by the old man's admonishments, and informs him, “Come on, Clem, look how big these things are, we could vulcanize em, and sell 'em for ten dollars a piece as hockey pucks!”


Less thrilled about her plans to expand her business to include sporting goods,  is Lucius Soul, who pounds the entrepreneur away from his comrade with stinging forearm smashes.  As Rico sinks to the outside mats to weep in peace, the smooth soul bro traps his stunned rival into front facelock. Moving with incredible speed, he kicks her expensive footwear out from under her, completely dismantling her balance as he drives her backwards with a leg sweep DDT! Krista head snaps off the canvas like a tennis ball, and her body sags against the floor, momentarily drained of all energy. Soul is wise to pounce on her wounded state, and covers her for a pin

“Count dis piece, old head monkey nuts!” He yells to the eternally slow moving referee..



But Krista shoots her shoulder off the canvas, drawing an enormous cheer from her fanbase. Soul is not quite as overjoyed as the audience and rattles off a laundry list of faults, pitfalls, and general annoyances with Clem's character in response to the slow count.

Yo, Lucius Soul is a macktackular mac daddy. He and Rico told me they got some east end prime bitches for me to practice the art of dickupuncture over the Holiday season.

Grabbing Krista by the elaborately designed ribbons in her hair, the native of “Nawlins” drags her upright. He quickly snakes his arm around her thin waist, readying her for her a German Suplex. But, Krissy attempts to counter the attack, by reaching behind her and locking him into an inverted 3/4th facelock. Struck by a furious bout of panic, a hastily moving Soul manages to take advantage of her tiny bodyweight by lifting her into the sky, and twisting her into position for a tombstone piledriver. His calm restored by his reacquisition of control, Soul enlists his advantageous position to take a naughty gaze down her super short skirt. That moment of lust costs him dearly; Krista's fitness model strength allows her to break his grip, push herself into the air, and tighten her lovely legs around his neck. Gravity performs the rest of the duties, as the covergirl is able to effortlessly throw him over with a head scissors.

"K-I-D! K-I-D! K-I-D!"

Krista imitates a phone, “Brrrring, brrrring, brrrring. What's that? I'm bored? Really? Are you sure? One hundred percent?! Wow. Okay, thanks for calling, uh-huh, bye.” Krista hangs up her imaginary phone, “Okay, gotta skedaddle Clem, if the heart attack gets ya before I do, tell my pal Satan I'll try to catch him after New Years. X-O-X-O!”

Much to Clem's amazement, Krista actually attempts to depart the ring in the middle of the bout! Fully aware of the fact that he doesn't get paid unless he works a full match, Buzzlefoxer tries his hardest to woo Krista into finishing the contest, “Krista, before ya go, I gotta tell ya, you ain't like these other dumb dorah's round here. You're one tomato who's on the trolley. I tell ya what, ya even give that dame Ava Gardner a run for her kickers?”

“Are we talking Ava, pre or post Frank Sinatra?”

“Pre, like a real classy dame!”

“Clem, you old charmer, do tell me more before the Alzheimer's kicks in and you start thinking I'm Eleanor Roosevelt.”

Obviously Soul isn't as enamored with the conversation as those of us with a working knowledge of mid 20th century celebrities might be. Thus while Clem regales Krista with tales of his time as a general in the war between the states, Soul succeeds in weaving his arm between her's. His leg coils itself  around her knee, granting him the ability to drive her backwards with a side Russian leg sweep! Not wishing to waste a moment of time, the fast talking pimp scurries atop her for a pinfall...



To the fans' immense joy, Krissy aggressively pops out of the pin, prompting Soul to scream at Clem, “Yo, you dookie lookin bustah fucka, that was three duckets on dem ten crackajacks! Seppatown now!”

As Buzzlefoxer tries determine what Soul just said, the former HI-YAH tag champion scrapes Krista off the canvas by her teeny tiny halter top. He throws her into the ropes facing the entrance stage, then speedily rushes to the ropes that face that the cameras in the stands. Operating with pinpoint accuracy and flawless timing, Soul lowers his shoulders into a pounce as their speeding paths near a collision point. Unfortunately for him, Miss California moves just a shade faster then him, and violently clamps her arms around his neck. Momentum throws her million dollar body forward, and drives his eight dollar body downwards and crashing into the canvas courtesy of the Blonds Never Pay A Cover (side effect!)


Shocked that the audience just now realizes this, Krista whips out her imaginary cellphone. “Hi, day old news? Yes? I'm fine, thanks for asking. Yeah, I'd like to cancel Fresno's subscription, they're going to be giving their business to behind the times. Uh-huh. Love you to, buh-bye!”

I'm just gonna float this out there...and if you guys dig it, you can take it; if not, you just send it right on back. But what does everyone think of disbanding the Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew and selling their roster space to advertisers?

Still gainfully employed by the OAOAST, Soul scrapes his rail thin carcass off the canvas. In an effort to turn the fleeting tides of momentum back towards him, he whirls like a dervish with a twisting kick aimed at Krista's midsection. But the golden haired honey catches the boot in her hands and promptly curses him with a 360 nauseating twirl. On the verge of vomiting, and faced with a foe who's flashing him a beauty pageant worthy smile, Soul can do nothing but gasp in fright as she locks her arm beneath his. Mere moments later he's besieged by another dizzying spin, one that violently throws him into the mats at the hands of the You Say Tomato I Say Fuck You! (Spinning STO)

“K-I-D IS G-O-D! K-I-D IS G-O-D! K-I-D IS G-O-D!" her home state fans ring out.

"Oh don't chant that, its so embarrassing, I'm not god...of course I'm god, chant that all you want. Free day passes to purgatory for all of you!"

Amazingly, the smooth soul bro finds the strength within him to drag his weary body off the canvas. But there's no moment to strike for Soul, as Krissy grabs onto his scrawny wrist and flings him into the corner. The jarring impact of the collision with the turnbuckles rips the breath straight from his lungs, and forces him to stagger aimlessly towards the center of the ring. His dazed stumbling is brought to a sudden and violent halt thanks to the high heels of Krista Isadora Duncan, pulverizing his skull with a fantastic enziguri! Soul timbers over like a fallen oak tree, the color all but drained from his dark skin as his cheek bounces off the rock solid canvas. Krista follows that impressive strike with a pinfall,



But, Soul kicks out at the last possible nanosecond!

“BOOOOOOOOO!” scream the fans, as Soul remains on the canvas attending to his sore facial features.

Krissy's unsympathetic to his misery, and hovers above him, barking out, “Hurry and get up, before I slice off your coco puffs and decorate them with nouveau Renaissance era pastels!”

Not endeared to the idea of being stripped in French mauve, a dizzied Soul follows her demands. Instantly, she seizes upon him with a half nelson. But before she can begin the early stages of her face crusher, the pimp wheels free of her clutches. Now placed on the offensive, Soul strides forward to tag her with a left cross. But the California sex kitten counters this attack by caving in his insides with an inverted lungblower! While the crowd pours forth huge cheers, Soul flops onto the canvas, feeling as though he's just been blasted in the stomach by a cannonball.

Rico De Janiero turned down the cash Mackenzie was offering because he said this would be a pleasure for he and Soul, but so far there's nothing pleasurable going on for the Wrecking Crew.

Gripping onto a firm chunk of his unkempt afro, Krista guides Soul off the canvas. But her rival recovers enough of his strength to slam his knee into her six packed abdomen. Weakened and dazed by the unexpected strike Krista releases Soul to grab a moment to catch her breath. Unfortunately that moment doesn't come her way, as the mackalicious hustlah compresses her arms into a double underhook. With incredible force and speed he throws her backwards with a powerful underhook suplex! The second her body slams into the canvas, she cringes in anguish, bringing worried gasps from her army of female admirers.     

“Lucius Soul, baby, purely mackin, and mackin purely!”


Drawing on the strength from the numerous lesbians that chant her name, Krissy lifts herself off the canvas. Problematically, she raises herself directly into the waiting clutches of her enemy's front face lock. Soul clamps down onto her skimpy micro skirt then foists her into her air, holding her into position to showcase what he believes to be impressive strength. Her flowing blond hair spills freely across his arm, while he giggles treacherously over the pain he's soon to inflict upon her.  

You know that trick is only cool when the person you're holding in the air doesn't have the bodyweight of a large Yorkshire terrier.

As the audience jeers his mammoth arrogance, the smooth soul bro dives backwards and spikes Krista's head  into the mat with a punishing brainbuster! The fans react with horrified shrieks, as a replay of the devastating hold flashes on the video screens.  Gold teeth shining through a satisfied smirk, Soul hooks her legs for pivotal pinfall...



Krista kicks out!

“YEAAAAA!” scream her home state fans.

Bemused by his failure to secure victory Soul moans, “Straight up, nigga, Chauncey, dis bitch a ten outta ten on the ho scale, and a three outta three on the knocked up scale.”

“Come on,mang, keep the focus!” Rico screams on the outside.

Following Rico's gruffly stated orders, Soul pounces upon his beautiful foe, while her blasting headache continues to keep her grounded. His bony fingers tangle beneath her chin, and his sharp knee impales itself in her bare back to fully apply the dreaded chinlock. Krista's screams are constant and piercing as it appears her adversary has every intention of ripping her head clear off her neck.


“If you dont stop chantin this scallywap's name, I'ma bugga hook you all back to Frisco!” Soul warns the audience.

Krista's body helplessly sags to the side, and for the moment it seems as though Lucius Soul is actually on the verge of a major upset.  But, Miss California, aided by the unwavering support of her fellow golden staters, calls upon a mighty surge of strength and  begins waging a frantic war to fight to her feet. Such a possibility does not sit well with Soul, and he works to tighten his death grip on the vicious vixen. But that does nothing to stop her ascent, and she stands fully upright, gaining a large ovation from the audience. Fulled by adrenaline (and need for an alcohol buzz!), Krista begins pumping elbow after elbow into LS' midsection. The first several shots can't convince Soul to break his grip, but once he begins to feel as if he has shrapnel lodged into his midsection he concedes his surrender. But he doesn't quite put himself on the defense, though, and begins hammering Krista with well placed forearms to her upper back. When he feels that she's been sufficiently weakened, he throws her into the ring cables. The ropes quickly spit her back into a waiting spin kick from the new age pimp. But much to her fans joy, she rolls beneath his twirling assault! Soul isn't deterred or thrown off balance by the avoidance, however, and comes right back wielding a dangerous elbow smash! Unfortunately for him, the dripping hot babe catches both his arms, and strikes him with a HHH-esque facecrusher!


Oh man! If Lucius Soul wasn't ugly before he sure is now!

“I'm here! I'm queer! Give me a light beer! I'm here! I'm queer! Give me a light beer!”” She sings.

Right on cue, one of the more attractive members of Fresno's GLAAD chapter tosses Krista a can of Bud Light. Once she hears the holy pop of the top being opened, she's guided to the highest peak of the heavens, and forgets all about Lucius Soul. Even when the former HI-YAH tag team champion attempts to tighten her into a back suplex setup, she's realitivly unmoved,

“Honey, could you give me a minute or two, I'm kinda in the middle of an important project for work.” Paying no attention to Soul's protest, Krista downs the beer in one massive chug. “Ah, cross that off the to do list! I don't like to take my work home with me! Although knowing me I will. You know I'm a workaholic! Hehehehe! Okay, honey, where were we? You were doing a back suplex? Okay I put my arm like this, then you slide your head through it. Got it? Now, grab on my skirt like this. Don't be shy, I'll just pretend your Lauryn Hill after a meth binge or something. Put your right hand in,your right hand out, your right hand in, And shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey, And you turn yourself around, that's what its all about! Joking of course. Now, go ahead and lift me!”

Beyond annoyed with Krista's condescendingly helpful directions, Lucius raises her into the sky, with the intent on using the powerful hold to drive her into the depths of hell. Sadly for him, his grip on the Hollywood hottie is much to weak, and she manages to flip out of his hold with effortless ease. Before he can properly realize she's not even in his grasp, she's mangling his facial features with a one handed face crusher!


Well aware of the fact that his associate is heading down an irreversible path of defeat, Rico raises himself onto the apron to strike down the bothersome lass. Though the fans ready themselves for a brutal conflict between the two hot-heads, Krista realizes she hasn't a chance in a fist fight with Rico, and instead appeals to his love for a good 80's disco tune.

Dropping to her knees and channellings the spirit of Laura Brannigan, Krista sings with the fiery passion that only consuming sixteen beers prior to the match can bring, “Gloria, you're always on the run now. Running after somebody, you gotta get him somehow. I think you've got to slow down, before you start to blow it. I think you're headed for a breakdown, so be careful not to show it

As the power in her voice expands with each lyric, Krista extends a trembling hand towards Rico, who only looks on with frigid anger.

“No! Rico ain't getting fooled this time, woman! You fool Rico once shame on you, you fool Rico twice, you fuckin' dead. You hear me, you fuckin' dead! Its curtains for you! You better stop!”

“Rico, this isn't about me, or you, or any of us. This about giving the OAOAST, what it wants, what it needs, what it's been dying for. Gloria. ”


“A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, Gloria, how's it gonna go down? Will you meet him on the main line, or will you catch him on the rebound?”

“I won't!”  Rico turns away from Krista, the inner battle between his duty to the Wrecking Crew and his long hidden love of Gloria scarring his tortured face with an infinite sadness.

“Will you marry for the money, take a lover in the afternoon? Feel your innocence slipping away, don't believe it's comin' back soon!” Krista continues to sing

Rico lowers his head engulfed by bleak cloud misery that constrains him like a coffin. He knows only one piercing beam of light that can obliterate the darkness hanging upon his world,

You really don't remember, was it something that he said? Are the voices in your head calling, Gloooooooria? Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'? If everybody wants you, why isn't anybody caaaaaalllllllin'? You don't have to answer! Leave them hangin' on the l-i-i-iiiiine, ohhhh-oh-ohhhhh, calling Glor-iaaaaaaa! Gloria!

Krista and Rico begin snapping their fingers, and rhythmically gliding along the ring and ring apron in unison.


I think they got your number!


I think they got the alias....


That you've been living under!


But you really don't remember, was it something that they said? Are the voices in your head calling,


A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, Gloria, how's it gonna....wait a minute...what the shit, mang? You did it again! Rico hates Gloria!

Before Krista can calm him with some Papa, Can you hear me from Yentl, Rico, enraged over her latest batch of treachery, reaches over the ropes and tightens her into a front facelock. Teeth snarling bloody venom, he prepares to cripple her with a brainbuster to the outside mats, heedless to threats of a disqualification Buzzlefoxer hangs above his comrade!

Come on Rico, Gloria is a damn good song!

While Buzzlefoxer's threats may do nothing to separate Rico from Krista, perhaps the charging boys from D*LUX will! As cheers erupt from the throats of teenage girls across the arena, Shayne and Tyler zip down the ramp at light speed. Once they reach Rico, its takes nothing more then a mighty heave to yank him away from their celeb crush.

The hell is these peckerwoods doing round here?!

Though Rico lands on his feet, he isn't able to stay there for long, as the duo from Detroit blast him into next week with a powerful double spinning wheel kick!


Paying no mind to the wealth of cheers that surround them, the boys immediately attend to task of checking on Krista's health. As most of their medical practicing seems to involve debating over who will give her mouth to mouth, Krista thanks the kids for their help, and assures them that she's okay. She returns her focus to the long forgotten Lucius Soul and begins hammering him with knife edge chops that rip through his dark chocolate flesh. After the sixth searing blow lands, Krista grabs onto his wrist and flings him into the ropes. He returns with a lariat as his weapon of choice, but telegraphs the strike so poorly, that our buxom heroine meets with little trouble in mowing him down with a crowd popping spear! Krista follows with a pinfall...



Soul pops out of the pin, causing distressed groans to seep from every corner of the arena. Less of a defeatist then the audience, Krista peels Soul off the canvas, and attempts to throw him into the corner. But the Louisianan reverses the hold and its Krissy's who's forced to endure the terrible collision with the ringposts. Watching her heave for breath and moan in anguish, stokes Soul's desires to inflict scorching pain upon her, and he zeros in on her with a corner yakuza kick! Unfortunately, his inability to not telegraphs his every move, once again becomes the maker of his downfall, as Krista simply glides out the way, and lets the poor soul (pun!), crotch himself atop the ringposts!


Singing a tune of most miserable agony, Soul pull his wounded leg and groin away from the accident scene, and simply seeks a place to lie down and rest. There will be no rest for his weary bones, however, as Miss California scurries atop the turnbuckles. Her blue eyes become distracted by the Fresno society of Jewish lesbian veterinarian assistants in the front row, trying to get a peak up her skirt. Never needing an excuse to show off, Krista happily lifts up the already tiny piece of fabric to let them feast on the view of her cute wiggling butt. After sending her fans (and D*LUX) to seventh heaven, Krissy sends Lucius Soul toppling to the mat with a picture perfect shooting star press!

“KRISTA! KRISTA! KRISTA!”the fans and D*LUX chant, while Buzzlefoxer counts the resulting pin..




The crowd spoke too soon, as Lucius Soul pulls his shoulder off the canvas.

Soul barely avoiding defeat! And Mackenzie probably had a heart attack back stage!

Quick to try and put himself on the attack, Lucius soon scrambles to his feet. But the moment he rises he's caught within an inverted facelock. Krista hasn't a chance to execute her intended inverted DDT, though, as her adversary powers his way out of the hold by rifling knees into her face. Putting his new freedom to good use, Soul shoots Krista into the ropes. Once Miss California makes her return, his boot plants itself into her ripped midsection. The affects of the attack are crippling, doubling Krista over and leaving her paralyzed. The pimp takes quick advantage of his weakened state, grabbing onto wonderful hair and simply slamming her backwards to the canvas!

That's just pure smash mouth, rough neck, brutal wrestling by Soul. He wants this win under any circumstances.

Leaving Krista to bemoan the possibility that he may have pulled out one of ten thousand strands of her hair, Soul quickly scampers to the top rope, bringing froth a river of jeers from the audience.

“Yo, we frying this ho in a mac daddy skillet!” Soul informs them, pointing an angry finger at his fallen foe.

Lucius' plan to fry Krista is thrown wholly astray due to the meddling of her ever present stalkers, D*LUX! The bothersome pair latch onto Soul's gaudy footwear, trapping him into place, and forcing a plethora of vulgarities from his foul mouth.

“Ya'll drunk like a nine to five nigga! You bugga bitches best to be up off da kid!”

“No way! We won't let you hurt Miss Krista!” they shout in concert.

“These skeezers is off the meat rack, Chauncey! Get 'em off me!” Soul pleads, now fearful they're of the mind to send him plummeting to the thin mats bellow.

Only when Buzzlefoxer hangs the consequence of a DQ above their precious Krista, do D*LUX finally release their vice hold on Soul. Free of the former American Idol contestants, the agile superpimp wastes no time in dismounting his nest with an amazing 450 splash! Unfortunately, midway through his descent, Soul's onyx eyes bear witness to the troubling sight of his foe sliding out of the way! Gripped by panic, the smooth soul bro adjusts course and barely succeeds in landing on his snake skin boots. The unexpected landing throws him absolutely off balance, and the only reason he's able to stay upright is because of Krista's hands coming together beneath his chin. The fans rise to their feet and let loose with monstrous cheers, knowing full will a Krista Isaodra Duncan victory is at hand.


I'm coming to join ya, honey! It's the big one!! Lucius Soul may not be dead, but it certainly looks as though he's about to join Red Foxx in the after life as he hits the canvas with thundering impact from the reverse X-factor. Smiling broadly, Krista reaches forward and hooks his leg...




The still standing crowd explodes with cheers and exchanges high fives for their fellow Californian's  impressive victory over one half of the Wrecking Crew. On the outside D*LUX embrace each other as if they've just won the OAOAST tag team championships. Once they realize they could be performing the more pleasurable task of hugging Krista, they dive into the ring.

Your winner as a result of a pinfall....Miss California, KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN!

That's not music to Mackenzie's ears, I know that! But, regardless Krista picks up a solid win over The Wrecking Crew, but will she pick up a new lady love on The Look Of Love, debuting next week.

Giggling with delight D*LUX lift a somewhat stunned Krista onto their shoulders. Though she assures them that isn't really necessary, its hard to convince them to listen to reason when her bare legs are caressing their faces.


Well, the Mardi Gras Homewrecking promised us there would begin a new chapter in the tag division with Chicks Over Dicks gone. But the playground bully showed she can still stop by and torment the A/V club every once in a while. You have to wonder how this loss will effect The Wrecking Crew heading into The Anderson Cup? They were so excited to participate, claimed it would be where they turned things around, but will they even have the momentum needed to advance out the first round? Will their tag team matches see them fare better then their singles matches? We'll see! Coach?

COACH (singing)
Gloria, you're always on the run now.R unning after somebody, you gotta get him somehow. I think you've got to slow down, before you start to blow it. I think you're headed for a breakdown, so be careful not to show it!

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We cut to the halls backstage where all is calm, for now, with the Christmas spirit running high amongst at least some of the OAOAST workers. Decked out in his finest, crispest suit, Bohemoth is in a typically relaxed mood as he stands chatting away with Jade Rodez.

Hey, big man.

Bo turns around and lowers his orange tinted shades a tad as Zack walks over. Quickly taking the hint, Jade waves a quick 'hi' and 'bye' to Zack and scuttles off and Bo re-positions the shades before folding his arms.

Good kid. So, got the night off tonight huh?

Looks like it.

Well, gives you a little extra time to recover from your gruelling match last week I guess.

Oh man, don't remind me.

The two chuckle a little but it's clear that there's a little tension between them.

You know, I know I said it last week before you went out into that ring but after what you did, I figure it's worth repeating. They're not all going to be like that. Going through both Conquistadors was pretty impressive, I'll admit. You got my attention. But, at the same time, those two Conquistadors are just the tip of the iceberg. You going through them one on one, two on one, ten on one, whatever, it isn't going to earn you any World Title shots alone.

Zack, no offence but, I wasn't trying to get your attention last week.

Oh no?

No, I wasn't. They tried to jump me and they got what was coming, simple as. I'm glad you enjoyed it though. As far as what you're saying to me right now goes, again, I appreciate your concern but you're preaching old news. And it doesn't matter who's across the ring from me out there. It could be Conquistadors, it could be Biff Atlas, James Blonde, Rodez, Alfdogg, Reject, PRL... you.

Zack smirks a little, but also straightens up a bit.

Doesn't matter.

Well, it might matter when you try and take two or three of them on at a time big man. So I wouldn't get too far ahead of yourself, if I was you.

I'll bear it in mind. Thanks.

Off strolls Bo, leaving Zack watching on, his expression a hard one to read as we fade away.


The Look Of Love is in Krista's eyes
But will ten of the wildest women on television erase it?
December 27th 2007
The Look of Love Debuts

***World International Championship***
Felix Strutter Vs Denzel Spencer

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OAOAST HeldDOWN is brought to you by
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*DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic)

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen, this is one half of our double main event here on HeldDOWN~!  Where tonight, two of the year's breakout OAOAST superstars, for the International championship of the WORLD!  ARE YOU READY?

*crowd cheers*


*crowd cheers louder*

Then for the thousands in attendance here in Fresno, and the millions and millions watching all over the world...there's only one thing left to say.  Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Master Blaster (Jammin') plays, and Denzel Spencer gets a huge reaction as he makes his way to the ring.

Coming to the ring at this time, weighing in at 226 1/2 pounds...this man has come within a hair of becoming a World champion, and he has another shot right here tonight.  The challenger...from Montego Bay, Jamaica...DENNNNNZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Two weeks ago, Denzel Spencer was pinned by Felix Strutter in a fatal 4-way match which saw the International World title change hands, but not before a man dressed in all black made his way through the crowd and attacked Spencer, costing him the match!

Spencer slides into the ring and poses on the buckles, as the crowd continues to cheer.

Je t'adore, je t'adore...

Girls, Girls, Girls plays, and Felix Strutter makes his way through the entrance of smoke and pink strobes, greeted by boos.

His opponent...weighing in at 217 1/2 pounds...tonight, this man makes his first defense of his first World title which he won two weeks ago!  Ladies and gentlemen...from San Jose, California...the OAOAST International champion of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD..."AFTER HOURS" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Strutter climbs into the ring, then poses with the belt on the side of the ropes, then hands it to the referee, who calls for the bell.


What a ride Felix Strutter has had here in the OAOAST!  It was about 16 months ago that he came into the company, he's won a six-man title, a two-time Heartland champion, and just two weeks ago, became a World champion for the first time in his career!

Strutter and Spencer circle the ring and tie up.  Strutter goes behind, but Spencer is able to get momentum and take him through the middle ropes!

Nice escape by Denzel Spencer, in this World championship match!

Strutter slaps the mat in frustration, then slides back inside and ties up again.  Strutter gets a knee to the gut, then whips Spencer into the ropes, and attempts a hiptoss, but Spencer spins through and delivers one of his own!  Spencer follows that up with a armdrag!  Strutter gets to his feet again, and is hit with a big dropkick!  Strutter rolls outside again, as the crowd gets behind Spencer.

And Denzel Spencer on a roll here to start the match!

Spencer follows, and Strutter runs away, causing Spencer to give chase.  Strutter slides in, and when Spencer slides in after him, he's met with an elbow to the back of the head!

Smart move by Felix!

Very smart indeed, Denzel falling for one of the oldest tricks in the book!

Strutter stomps away on Spencer, then picks him up and executes a snap suplex!  Cover...




Strutter backs Spencer into a corner, and starts firing off European uppercuts.  He then whips Spencer across, and charges, but Spencer moves out of the way!

Spencer able to avoid that charge from Strutter!

Spencer delivers a foot to the gut, then backs up, and catches Strutter with a spinning neckbreaker!  Cover...




Spencer whips Strutter into a corner, and charges, but Strutter moves out of the way!  Spencer staggers out, and is caught with a spinning heel kick!

There we go!  Nice kick!

Strutter catches his wind briefly, then tosses Spencer out to the outside.

And Strutter would love to get a count-out victory here...

Strutter allows Spencer to climb back onto the apron, then grabs him in a front facelock, before spinning around and dropping his throat across the ropes, sending him back to the floor!  The referee reprimands him, as Spencer tries to get on the apron once again.  Strutter drags him in, and drops a fist to the face!  A second one, and a cover...




Strutter picks up Spencer and attempts to ram him into the buckle, but Spencer blocks and rams Strutter instead!  Spencer then kicks at Strutter, allowing him to catch the foot, then spins backwards and catches Strutter with his free foot, causing Strutter to stagger back and get tied up in the ropes!

And Strutter is tied up!

The crowd buzzes as Spencer points at Strutter, then starts to hammer away!

Come on, ref, break this up!

Hebner backs Spencer up, then tries to free Strutter.  Spencer charges, but Strutter gets a foot up!

And it looks like Strutter's going to break it up himself!

Strutter whips Spencer into the ropes, but Spencer ducks a clothesline and catches him with a bodypress!




Strutter hits a thrust to the throat, drawing more verbal abuse from the referee.  Strutter then tosses Spencer out, but Spencer skins the cat!

And Spencer hangs on, just like two weeks ago!

Strutter spots this, and sends him right back over with a clothesline!

He didn't hang on that time!

Strutter catches his breath, then follows Spencer outside, and sends him into the steel steps!

And Denzel Spencer goes right into the steel steps!

Strutter then climbs onto the apron, and comes down onto Spencer with a double axhandle as he gets to his feet!  Strutter then tosses Spencer back inside, going up to the top, and leveling him with a missile dropkick!  Cover...




Big-time dropkick, but not enough yet!

But Strutter's on a roll now, Cole!

Strutter picks up Spencer, and executes a DDT!  Cover...




Strutter sets up Spencer, and executes a fisherman's buster!  Cover...



Shoulder up!

Strutter picks up Spencer and attempts a back suplex, but Spencer flips over the back, and starts to fire off right hands!

And Spencer fighting back!

Spencer whips Strutter into the ropes, but puts his head down, and takes a kick from Strutter!  Strutter then charges, but Spencer backdrops him to the floor!

And Strutter all the way down to the floor!

Spencer follows him out, and tosses him back inside.  Spencer climbs to the top, and hits him with a MISSILE DROPKICK~!  Cover...



NO!  Strutter gets his foot on the rope!

Spencer stomps on Strutter as Strutter rolls to the ropes.  Spencer charges, but Strutter dumps him over the top.  Spencer lands on the apron, however, and delivers a shoulder to the gut, followed by a sunset flip!




Spencer climbs onto the shoulders of Strutter, and comes down with a victory roll!




Spencer then sets up Strutter, and drills him with a SITOUT POWERBOMB~!



NO!  Strutter gets the shoulder up!

Strutter begs off, as Spencer follows him into a corner.  Spencer delivers right hands, then picks Strutter up and whips him across.  He charges, but Strutter moves, and Spencer rams into the post shoulder-first!

Strutter moving, and Spencer running with his shoulder right into the steel ringpost!

Strutter gets his wits about him, then grabs Spencer, and attempts an Irish whip.  Spencer tries to reverse, but Strutter reverses his reversal, and the end result is Spencer colliding with the referee!

And the referee goes down!

Strutter catches Spencer with a back suplex, then goes to the top rope.

And here comes that Shooting Star legdrop, Cole!

Strutter gets his balance on the top, and comes off for the SHOOTING STAR LEGDROP~!!!!!11111


...but Spencer rolls out of the way!

Nobody home!

Spencer gets to his feet slowly, and sets Strutter up for his own Thunder Bay Throttle!

Look at this!

What is this?

Suddenly, the mystery man comes in through the crowd again!

Hey, there's that guy again!

The man grabs Spencer from behind, but Spencer kicks his leg back, catching him with a low blow!  The man falls to the mat, and loses his hood, revealing...REGGIE LAMONT???

Hey...is that Reggie Lamont?

It is!

The former tag team partner of Denzel Spencer!  But why?

Spencer has a stunned look on his face, as Strutter attacks from behind.  Lamont joins in, causing the revived referee to call for the bell.


I can't believe this!

Strutter and Lamont stomp away at Spencer, then Lamont picks up Spencer, and executes a sitout front suplex!

This is great, Cole!

Strutter and Lamont celebrate, then Lamont raises Strutter's hand as the crowd boos.

Reggie Lamont is back in the OAOAST, and he has turned his back on his former tag team partner!  These two have got a lot of explaining to do in the coming shows! But there's still more to come on this very show!

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Colombian Heat and The Mad Cappa are shown. The Mad Cappa is pacing back and forth while Colombian Heat sits on a table, the OAOAST United States Championship belt over his left shoulder. The crowd cheers loudly. Cappa is muttering to himself.

Where is he? What's taking him so long? Look, he better be here soon! Do you know where your friend is?

Naw, dude. PR likes to show up whenever he wants to. I's can't control him.

Well, he better be here soon. Let's just get this match over with. I don't like it anymore than I'm sure he does!

Suddenly, into the shot walks Tha Puerto Rican. The crowd cheers loudly. PR has an annoyed look on his face. The Mad Cappa stares at his longtime nemesis, keeping his guard up just incase. Colombian Heat watches, hoping that nothing breaks down between them.

Well, look who finally decided to show up!

Okay Cappa. If the two of us have to team up tonight, let's go over a few ground rules. First off, I am the captain of this team. Not you. Me. That means YOU must follow MY lead at all times. What I say goes. You got that?


Second. Do not look at me in the eye unless I say so. When we are in the ring, I want you to address me ONLY as 'Captain'. Not 'dude.' Not 'buddy.' Not 'compadre.' CAPTAIN. All right?

Cappa just stares at PRL.

Third. This match DOES NOT, I REPEAT, DOES NOT change anything! We are not friends. We are not buddies. We are not compadres. We are not homies. We are not amigos. We are not chums. We are not heterosexual life partners. We are NOTHING! Don't ask me to do something with you after the show. Don't take me out to drink beer with you. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't IM me. Don't send me a message or a comment on MySpace OR Facebook OR Friendster. Don't even ask to sit next to me on a bus! I will not answer. I don't want you in my life at all. I am only teaming up with you because I HAVE to. Not because I WANT to. Do we have an understanding, Mad Cappa?

Loud and clear, P.R. Now, let me tell YOU something. You ain't gonna tell me what to do EVER. Not in the ring, not here, not ANYWHERE! And I'll call you whatever I want to call you. If I want to call you a slimeball, I will! If I want to call you a Puerto Rican jackass, I will! Third, this is not about your hand, or me tagging it. I don't like your hand. I don't like any part of you. But tonight, for one night only, it's not about who's better, you or me. It's about you and I getting in the ring together and kicking some Lightning Crew ass! Understand?

You know, just because you DIDN'T crush my larynx last week doesn't mean I owe you anything.

You don't have to. I don't care. I didn't do it because I like you. I did it because I didn't want to do Stephen Joseph's bidding. But the issue between us? That ain't over.

*Sigh* You will never get over it, will you?

Oh, will you cut it out with that bullsh--

I'm not the one still clinging to the past, aren't I? The past few months have been WAY more interesting for me than whatever happened in 2003! Unlike you, my career didn't peak three years ago! No, my career hasn't even PEAKED yet! I'm not even in my prime, baby! I STILL got a ways to go!

Not if you keep running your mouth like that you won't!

Are you threatening me? You wanna break it down right here, right now?

Maybe I am, Puerto! Maybe I am!

Oh, I'll break it down! I'll break it down BUCK WILD STYLE! YA HEARD ME!?

Why don't we break it down right now, BITCH! LET'S GO!



PR and The Mad Cappa continue arguing, getting in each other's faces. The crowd cheers.


Colombian Heat gets in between Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa. He holds them back, even though both PRL and Cappa are ready to fight at any moment.

Yo! Calm down, y'all! Calm the hell down! Now look, I's know youse guys hate each other to death. But you gotta remember, both of y'all have a common enemy. His name is Stephen Joseph Popick! And this is exactly what he wants. Do youse want to do what Stephen Joseph Popick WANTS you to do!? Naw, I don't think youse two do. So don't. Work together tonight. Try and forget about tha past for at least a couple of minutes. Go out there, and kick some Lightning Crew ass THEN youse two can go back to hatin' each other. And besides, youse guys are gonna fight in two weeks on tha New Year's Spectacular, so why fight now? Fight in tha ring, with tha World Title on tha line, when it counts! Not here. Not backstage. Ya feel me? Do ya feel me?

Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa stare at each other. Both men are fuming.

You know something? Heat's right.

Damn right I is.

The Mad Cappa and Tha Puerto Rican, we can talk all night long. But nothing's ever going to change between you and I. So do yourself a favour, you just meet Tha Puerto Rican in the middle of the ring tonight. PROVE to me that you're as good as you say you are!

You don't worry about me. You JUST BRING IT!

Oh I will. I will.

The Mad Cappa turns to walk away. PRL continues staring at him.

There. Don't we all feel like one big happy family now?

PRL looks at Colombian Heat.

Just trying to lighten the mood, is all.

Yeah, well don't.

Fine. You're Mr. Brightside aren't you?

Tha Puerto Rican glares at Colombian Heat. Colombian Heat smiles at his best friend. The Mad Cappa has left the backstage area. The crowd cheers loudly.

(Cut to Sofa Central with Double C~!)

How can Tha Puerto Rican and The Mad Cappa be on the same page after all that they've been through over the years?

They can't, which is why they will lose tonight!

It should be quite the interesting match-up later on tonight. The Mad Cappa and Tha Puerto Rican TEAM UP to take on Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua in our main event right here tonight on HeldDOWN~!

OAOAST QuizDOWN is brought to you by...Blade Runner: 5 Disc Ultimate Edition now available on DVD

Who was the third general manager in HeldDOWN history?
B.Abe Vigoda
C.Josie Baker
D.Calvin Szechstein

The Answer.....

B.Abe Vigoda


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Attempting to forget about her haphazard and failed plot to rid the OAOAST of Krista Isadora Duncan, Mackenzie sits in her dressing room, pouring over the financial records of Miss Spezia Sweeties. And speak of the devil, who else should come bursting through the door but Alix Maria Spezia! Attired in a LA Kings tank top with the last name of defensemen Rob Blake etched across the back, and a pair of black capri shorts, Alix carries a gift box in her hand.

Hi-ya, Mackie! Guess what I have? Presents, presents, presents, part two! Presents, presents, presents, part two! Wanna know what this one is for?


Christmas? Uh, don't you mean X-Mas? Malcolm X-Mas? Christmas was invented by cracker tricknology, as a way for the Neo-Nazi corporate fascists to round us up with the rest of proletariat and undesirables to clean the carriage stables of the ultra class!

What's the ultra class?

I don't need to know. I just have to shovel the filth! Your kind gorges themselves at the troth while we the working class, are left sucking the crumbs off your two thousand dollar tie. I don't even own a tie!

I see. uh.....Presents, presents, presents, part two! Presents, presents, presents, part two!

Oh, wow! You got me presents? That's awesome! And my mother called you a homewrecking whore? You can wreck all the homes you want if you got Alicia Keys CD for me.

No, you said you have presents for me. You know, the one in your hand?

Shocked, Alix looks down to see that their actually is a present in her hand.

Huh? Oh! Wow! I do! Bitchin! Yeah, so right on, here ya go, Mackie!

Alix tosses Mackenzie the present, which she amazingly fails to catch, letting it ungracefully clunk against the floor.

Uh, I guess we've figured out who's butch in this relationship.

Ignoring, Alix's snide remark, Mackenzie digs through the poorly applied SpongeBob wrapping paper to uncover a magnificent set of diamond earrings.  

Are these for me? Baby, they're beautiful! (reading the card that came with it) Thank you for twenty days of magic and wonderment? Baby, you even learned to spell magic!

And that damn Disney-ez spell said I could never do it. In your face Donald Duck, you marble mouth pill popping canard!

I can't believe I forgot our twenty day anniversary. What's wrong with me? You know what, when we get back to Los Angeles, I want you take my credit card go down to the little girl's department at Macy's and by yourself a nice pair of shorts.

I can't fit little girls shorts!

Uh-huh, I know, that's the point.

Ooooooh, kink-ay!

I have another present for you to. In fact, I have multiple presents for you.

If you're gonna ask me to get rid of Christian's herpes scabs with a power sander. Then I'd rather I dye my hair green and ride a purple elephant to Rite-Aid!

Well, I looked, but they don't make power sanders that big, so keep the saddle in the closet for now. Instead I'm in the process of lining up several big matches for you. Yep, you heard that right.

For me! For me! For me! Is one against a dinosaur? Oh, please say its against a dinosaur! Ever since Baby Bop refused my friend request on Myspace I've harbored deep rooted lustings for swift and brutal revenge against her and her kind.

No. A dinosaur would put a terrible strain on our insurance department's budget.

Oh that's sucky.........is one against dinosaur?

MACKENZIE (defeated)
Yes. Yes one is against a dinosaur. One, I think you know pretty well. A certain Baby Bop? I heard that she denied your friend request on Myspace.

Who told you? Have you been spying on me! Ugh, Mackie, get a life of your own! Jeez!

Eager to not enter a hopeless argument with Alix, Mackenzie shifts the subject back to presents.

Presents, presents, presents, part two! Presents, presents, presents, part two!

Cool, gimmie!

Sorry, the other matches are a surprise.

A surprise! A surprise! A surprise! Is a surprise one of those big fat Japanese dudes from HI-YAH? Because then I'd rather just have a futon, because its kinda like sitting in the lap of a big fat Japanese dude. Only he's made out of leather! And hopefully he has four different vibrate settings.

Certainly a marketing concept we can submit to the fine folks at La-z-boy. Alix, I have some work I need to get finished. Why don't you go to the local grocery store, maybe get yourself a coloring book, or something, and you can come back and we can do our work together?

Groovy! But I need a little money from the ATM.

You got it, baby.

Mackenzie stands up, and walks to her purse. Quickly she pulls her card out of her wallet and dangles it in front of Alix's face. Mackenzie catches Alix entirely off guard by slowly tracing the little strip of plastic down her chest. As the the soft touch of Mackenzie's hand against her chest sends shock waves against her body, Alix's heart is melted by the seductive gaze Mackenzie washes over her.

Sorry. Denied.

MACKENZIE (swiping it through Alix's chest)
Denied again. Turn around.

Licking her wet lips, Mackenzie slowly glides the card down Alix's back, and tenderly leads it across the firm butt her eyes admires so lustily.


Satisfied with Alix's moneymaker, Mackenzie digs into her purse and pulls out  a wad of cash which she stuffs into Alix's hand.

Okay, I meant the real ATM, but um, this works to.

Alix gives Mackenzie a quick peck on the cheek, then scurries out the room.

Our view switches to the religions of the world themed decor of the announce table

Well, folks, so far its been a fantastic holiday HeldDOWN, and right now I'd like to tell you a bit about...


COLE: What -


FAMILIAR GUITAR CHORDS begin echoing throughout the arena - "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC!

ON THE TRON: SPIDER-POET, Clinging on for dear life to the swinging cell-top cage door! JINGUS trying to pull him down, BUT HE MAKES IT!

Cole: Does anybody know what the hell this is?! SpiderPoet's been missing for years -


The MOON slowly fades up and BURSTS INTO BLUE FLAME, leaving a PHOENIX SYMBOL

FAMILIAR MALE VOICE: Ashes and ashes, time passes in refining fire, and time's up for every liar.



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Attempting to forget about her haphazard and failed plot to rid the OAOAST of Krista Isadora Duncan, Mackenzie sits in her dressing room, pouring over the financial records of Miss Spezia Sweeties. And speak of the devil, who else should come bursting through the door but Alix Maria Spezia! Attired in a LA Kings tank top with the last name of defensemen Rob Blake etched across the back, and a pair of black capri shorts, Alix carries a gift box in her hand.

Hi-ya, Mackie! Guess what I have? Presents, presents, presents, part two! Presents, presents, presents, part two! Wanna know what this one is for?


Christmas? Uh, don't you mean X-Mas? Malcolm X-Mas? Christmas was invented by cracker tricknology, as a way for the Neo-Nazi corporate fascists to round us up with the rest of proletariat and undesirables to clean the carriage stables of the ultra class!

What's the ultra class?

I don't need to know. I just have to shovel the filth! Your kind gorges themselves at the troth while we the working class, are left sucking the crumbs off your two thousand dollar tie. I don't even own a tie!

I see. uh.....Presents, presents, presents, part two! Presents, presents, presents, part two!

Oh, wow! You got me presents? That's awesome! And my mother called you a homewrecking whore? You can wreck all the homes you want if you got Alicia Keys CD for me.

No, you said you have presents for me. You know, the one in your hand?

Shocked, Alix looks down to see that their actually is a present in her hand.

Huh? Oh! Wow! I do! Bitchin! Yeah, so right on, here ya go, Mackie!

Alix tosses Mackenzie the present, which she amazingly fails to catch, letting it ungracefully clunk against the floor.

Uh, I guess we've figured out who's butch in this relationship.

Ignoring, Alix's snide remark, Mackenzie digs through the poorly applied SpongeBob wrapping paper to uncover a magnificent set of diamond earrings.  

Are these for me? Baby, they're beautiful! (reading the card that came with it) Thank you for twenty days of magic and wonderment? Baby, you even learned to spell magic!

And that damn Disney-ez spell said I could never do it. In your face Donald Duck, you marble mouth pill popping canard!

I can't believe I forgot our twenty day anniversary. What's wrong with me? You know what, when we get back to Los Angeles, I want you take my credit card go down to the little girl's department at Macy's and by yourself a nice pair of shorts.

I can't fit little girls shorts!

Uh-huh, I know, that's the point.

Ooooooh, kink-ay!

I have another present for you to. In fact, I have multiple presents for you.

If you're gonna ask me to get rid of Christian's herpes scabs with a power sander. Then I'd rather I dye my hair green and ride a purple elephant to Rite-Aid!

Well, I looked, but they don't make power sanders that big, so keep the saddle in the closet for now. Instead I'm in the process of lining up several big matches for you. Yep, you heard that right.

For me! For me! For me! Is one against a dinosaur? Oh, please say its against a dinosaur! Ever since Baby Bop refused my friend request on Myspace I've harbored deep rooted lustings for swift and brutal revenge against her and her kind.

No. A dinosaur would put a terrible strain on our insurance department's budget.

Oh that's sucky.........is one against dinosaur?

MACKENZIE (defeated)
Yes. Yes one is against a dinosaur. One, I think you know pretty well. A certain Baby Bop? I heard that she denied your friend request on Myspace.

Who told you? Have you been spying on me! Ugh, Mackie, get a life of your own! Jeez!

Eager to not enter a hopeless argument with Alix, Mackenzie shifts the subject back to presents.

Presents, presents, presents, part two! Presents, presents, presents, part two!

Cool, gimmie!

Sorry, the other matches are a surprise.

A surprise! A surprise! A surprise! Is a surprise one of those big fat Japanese dudes from HI-YAH? Because then I'd rather just have a futon, because its kinda like sitting in the lap of a big fat Japanese dude. Only he's made out of leather! And hopefully he has four different vibrate settings.

Certainly a marketing concept we can submit to the fine folks at La-z-boy. Alix, I have some work I need to get finished. Why don't you go to the local grocery store, maybe get yourself a coloring book, or something, and you can come back and we can do our work together?

Groovy! But I need a little money from the ATM.

You got it, baby.

Mackenzie stands up, and walks to her purse. Quickly she pulls her card out of her wallet and dangles it in front of Alix's face. Mackenzie catches Alix entirely off guard by slowly tracing the little strip of plastic down her chest. As the the soft touch of Mackenzie's hand against her chest sends shock waves against her body, Alix's heart is melted by the seductive gaze Mackenzie washes over her.

Sorry. Denied.

MACKENZIE (swiping it through Alix's chest)
Denied again. Turn around.

Licking her wet lips, Mackenzie slowly glides the card down Alix's back, and tenderly leads it across the firm butt her eyes admires so lustily.


Satisfied with Alix's moneymaker, Mackenzie digs into her purse and pulls out  a wad of cash which she stuffs into Alix's hand.

Okay, I meant the real ATM, but um, this works to.

Alix gives Mackenzie a quick peck on the cheek, then scurries out the room.

Our view switches to the religions of the world themed decor of the announce table

Well, folks, so far its been a fantastic holiday HeldDOWN, and right now I'd like to tell you a bit about...


COLE: What -


FAMILIAR GUITAR CHORDS begin echoing throughout the arena - "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC!

ON THE TRON: SPIDER-POET, Clinging on for dear life to the swinging cell-top cage door! JINGUS trying to pull him down, BUT HE MAKES IT!

Cole: Does anybody know what the hell this is?! SpiderPoet's been missing for years -


The MOON slowly fades up and BURSTS INTO BLUE FLAME, leaving a PHOENIX SYMBOL

FAMILIAR MALE VOICE: Ashes and ashes, time passes in refining fire, and time's up for every liar.



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