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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 10/1/2020

Chanel #99

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This latest episode of TMW opened with former Galaxy Champ and Shell Gang leader, Ignatius Maddix out for a promo with Pike Pantera.

We saw Ignatius suffered a tough defeat in a great match against Fabian Nystrom at Anglemania Nineteen.

And after that match we can call Fabian Nystrom, Galaxy Champion. Fabain stepped out the shadow of his big brother but Ignatius isn’t going to let him have a night of celebration.

I’m not a big numbers guy beside the numbers in my bank account. What about you, Pike, you a big numbers guy?

Pike shakes his head.

But I’m smart enough to understand em. And I got three numbers that mean something. 20, 17 and 1. And what they mean is that since 2017, I’ve lost one match per year. Fabian, I don’t know how you did it, pal, I don’t know if Queen Esther’s ginger snatch has the magic elixir squirting out of it or what but you got my one for this year. I know you, and her ran off to Disneyland and enjoyed a good orgy with Princess Ariel and Cinderella and all of them, but it’s back to reality, pal. Fairytale is over. Rematch. Now.

Ignatius calling for a rematch!

“Hero” hit to bring out our new Galaxy Champion…

Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why
You never been the word to cry
Said you right to other side
You think you need to save me
Just tell me something not to wonder why
Staring at other place trying not to wonder why

Iggy, Iggy, my man, thank you on your well wishes about the orgy. It was fantastic. I’ll pass Flounder’s number onto Jose.

Pike frowns sharply.

And I want to thank you, my dear lad.  Since you kicked me out The Shell Gang I had a moment of clarity! On this show last year when Jose nailed me with the superkick I had a moment of clarity. I realized what the problem with The Divine was. I realized what my biggest weakness was.

You dress like a Gold’s Club male reveue dancer?

No. My weakness was you! I actually valued you as a friend. I cared about your opinion of me. I wasn’t concerned with how I was going to win my match I was concerned with Iggy and I were going to do. And now thanks to you I have turned the biggest turning point in my career and have become Galaxy Champion! And now as a result of that in a matter of days I have become a bigger star than I ever could have imagined, I have become a bigger star than you, I have become LARGER THAN LIFE! I am a Golden God thanks to you!

I live to give. But, in our world there’s always a receipt coming.

Yes there is.  Because at TMW Aftermath I will give you your rematch on one condition. We do title versus stable.

What’s that?

If you win, congratulations, you’re back on top. But if I win, then it’s adios Shell Gang you're buried under-

Hold on! You talk too much, Fabian. You always have. If you want that stip you have to earn it.

He’s the champ.

Earn it by going through me!

Ignatius takes a step back from Pike, distancing himself from this idea.

I don’t even remember your name, junior. But if you want to be blessed by The Divine, than so be it because I am a GOLDEN GOD!


Ignatius didn’t look like he liked what Pike Pantera just did. But Pike is a bit of a wild man. Pike’s going to do unpredictable things.


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***Jesse Ferguson W/Jessica Ferguson and Amber O’Shea Vs K-Rawk***

Jesse had Amber lead poor Jessica to the ring on a leash! Jessica looked like the most miserable woman alive. Jesse had Jessica dressed like a street walking whore in fishnet stockings and fishnet top. Not that I was complaining!

Two guys we haven’t seen in a while. K-Rawk, The Speed Demon from Orlando, has been getting his reps in Arriba down in Mexico. I’ve heard excellent things about his work. And Jesse, I don’t know, has been fitting  leashes for his sister?

It sickens me to see such a brilliant woman like Jessica reduced to a sex toy for her jerk of a brother.

Jesse wanted to get technical and got what he wanted in tangling K-Rawk into a few unique holds. But when K-Rawk broke out an Octopus Stretch, he showed his technical know-how with a Sharpshooter Abdominal Stretch. Those on Zoom were very impressed with the hold.

Look at Jessica’s collar. It says, “JESSE’S BITCH.”

Jessica graduated with her doctorate at 19, and this is what he’s done to her.

She wanted to study filthy whores, but she got more than she bargained for.

Jesse escaped to the outside, which led K-Rawk to try and hit him with a no-hands plancha! He overshot the attack on Jesse, however. This allowed the New Yorker to take advantage. Back in the ring, Jesse tried to wear down K-Rawk’s legs to keep him from flying. But Jessica pointed out numerous instances where Jesse was trying to skirt the rules. This let Referee D’Lo Brown keep a sharp eye on Jesse.

Oi! Oi! Pipe down, filthy sister!

K-Rawk made Jesse pipe down with a running high knee. Then he blasted Jesse with an enziguri! From there, the Orlando native hit a diving slingblade!

Race Against Time!

I’m reminded a bit of J-MAX when I watch K-Rawk. He just needs time to put it altogether.

K-Rawk tried to get fired up, but it was hard to do with no crowd. That allowed Jesse to get back into things, which he did with a basement dropkick. But when Jesse tried to put his feet on the ropes Jessica knocked them off!


Good for Jessica!

Amber got in Jessica’s face and shoved the smaller woman to the ground. This distracted Jesse and allowed K-Rawk to spin him around to hit him with a Michinoku Driver! Cover….and a kickout! K-Rawk tried the move again, but this time Jesse drove him to the mat with a leg DDT! Jesse held on with a heel hook and submitted K-Rawk!

Winner: Jesse Ferguson, via submission

Oi! Oi! I am furious! Furious! Lisa Ann! Toni Patricia! Oi! You run a terrible ship if Filthy Whores can influence the outcome of matches. What if the peons in the TMW Galaxy could influence the outcome of the upcoming election. What if we had morons voting?

We do.

Why do I have my Filthy Whore sister influencing a referee? Jessica, I am furious with you! More furious than dad was with us when we brought home an A instead of an A+. You’re not smart enough to think of how to make this up to me. So I will be your guiding light and show you how to make it up to me. Amber, get her on her knees!

Amber thrust Jessica into a kneeling position! Sure Jessica is likable but we all stroked along to her make up gift to Jesse…

Riley Reid blowjob 2.gif
Perverted old men who have given up on getting any from their saggy titted wife, gleefully stroked to Jessica sucking her own brother’s schlong…

Riley Reid blowjob.gif
Teenagers taking a break from Fortnite found you don’t need microtransactions to have a good time. You just need a brother willing to make his Filthy Whore sister suck him off….

Tumblr Riley Reid Blowjob gallery-0 | My Hotz Pic
Don’t worry, Jessica! Help arrived with K-Rawk hammering Jesse with a missile dropkick! His dick is ripped out of his sister’s mouth! Yes, I actually wrote that sentence. Jesse went rolling away, groaning in pain.

K-Rawk with the save of the century!


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Backstage we found Josh Matthews on hand with Lawson Belle, wearing the brand new L-Train tracksuit.

Lawson, big win at Anglemania 19 over Storm Bellmare. The question-

Not all wins are created equal. A” win is a win” is the motto for punks. And Bedrock you gave me a cheap victory by attacking Storm before my match with him. Some people would thank you for that. But those people are punks! So it isn’t the weather report you need to worry about from now on; it’s the train schedule. Because I’m gonna run right through you, bitch.

***2XS W/Amelia Von Krueger Vs Undie Brown***

For once, AVK wasn’t interested in seducing 2XS’ opponent. Maybe because Undie was sniffing a pair of pissy draws. But those draws turned into a weapon as Undie tried to use them as an assist on an Iron Claw!


Lisa Ann should be fired for letting this man back into The Toy Box. This fuck is still sniffing underwear during a pandemic.

2XS hit a jawbreaker on Undie followed by the stiffest punch he could manage. That didn’t teach Undie his lesson as he still went for the draws. Instead he got his hand stepped on by 2XS. Undie hollered in more pain than was probably possible, which made him seem like a pussy. In fact he hardly got any offense in before 2XS finished him off with a carthwheeling death driver known as Doses and Mimosas.

Winner: 2XS, via pinfall

Post-match, 2XS hopped on the microphone to address Bi-Curious George

We live in a world dominated by the masculine, Georgie. Make no mistake, by you kidnapping Honey Dove you have provoked the ultimate in masculinity. You have provoked The Neon Babylon, you have provoked me, 2-X-S!

Well, that’s bad news for George because-

He’s trying to fuck X.

I wish you had let me put that in more classy terms.

Suddenly we cut to a darkened room where Shell Gang member, Painbow stood in his wrestling attire and a ski mask. Wesley Singleton, in his trademark vest, stands next to his stable member.

Tanner Neptune, what’s the business, fuck nigga?! You walk around here thinking you Superman or Batman saving these hoes like Sammi Cayley. Now nigga lemme let you know it ain’t a comic book out here, my nigga. If I'ma throw Sammi off the stage then I'ma throw her off the stage, bitch ass fuck boy. You flying a cape for some hoes, I’m flying a flag for my set, my g. I’m toting that heat. I’ll see you when I see you, my nigga.

Aiyo, Tristan Nystrom.  I figure if Iggy’s getting a rematch from your brother then you gotta give Iggy’s bro a rematch. You and me, one more time, let’s do it, let’s get it. See, The Shell Gang is for the people. And the people really want to see if you’re a fluke or if you’re the real deal. See I hear that you’re the toughest SOB in the TMW. But what I saw was a man who took two Blood Plauges, two kicks to the head to beat me. I’m gonna be at TMW Aftermatch, chilling, laid back, sipping my Cognac and enjoying life, and I’m begging you to make my day, fanger.


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***Logan Mann” Vs ReX***

Renee, we need to get Blanchefleur back ASAP. Lisa Ann is making matches than make no sense. She brings Undie Brown back, who no one likes, and now Logan Mann, who hasn’t wrestled a match in four years is forced to take on ReX.

Logan Mann, a former United States Champion by the way, made his own bed by interfering in ReX’s match against Alexander over and over again at At Anglemania 19. What was Lisa Ann supposed to do?

What Krista will do win Alysanne keeps interfering in C02’s match with Lady XFL at Anglemania 19: Ass2Mouth. Nothing and like it.

Logan took the fight to ReX early on, slugging away and backing the big man into the corner. But an attempt at a Percussion DDT got Logan hurled across the ring. ReX flexed his muscles as our female fans on Zoom went gaga but Logan threw a fit.

Logan Mann is a legend in the OAOAST, but he is one of the least sympathetic characters we have. He has been on the fans’ bad side since 2007. He hasn’t been a fan favorite since early 2007.

The marks will still buy your shirts and merch no matter how much evil crap you do.

Logan took it to ReX again with wild punches. But it was clear brawling wasn’t going to work. So Logan just ran away!

Get your ass back here!

But ReX, being a former doctor was smart enough not to chase him. And with good reason as we saw backstage Alexander was waiting with a lead pipe.

Come and face me, Alexander! Bring every member of The Shell Gang you got! You don’t have the brains, you don’t have the muscles and you don’t have the heart to stop me from demolishing you!

Alexander was ready for a fight, but instead, Logan held him back. That left Alexander to send a message to ReX through the camera.

I’m the one REAL STAR this company has, I already beat you, I’m more ripped than you, I can bench more than you, you are a cheap imitation of me, and we fight when I want to fight!

ReX had enough and his temper got the better of him! That saw him run backstage where THE ENTIRE SHELL GANG beat him down! They did a number on ReX until they left him a bloody mess.

Degree from Hopkins, huh? Lot of good that did you, pal.

Shoulda went to Harvard, eh boys?


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Elsewhere we found Tanner Neptune in conversation with Sammi Cayley.

I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about having a younger brother. And I’m sorry I never told you  the Boyds and I were related. It is a very ugly situation. What they say has some merit. My father did horrible things to their mother. But-

Hey, I get it. Family is complicated. But what’s not complicated is you needing to stay away from TMW tapings. Painbow’s around and I don’t know if he’s finished with you.

And what of your safety? You put your life on the line for mine. He could end your career.

He could. But if it ends because I saved someone I…lov…care about…then it was all worth it.

You…are…thank you. Thank you. I will repay you. Someday, I promise.


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Not a one of our viewing audience was happy to see that Seargent Lyle Holt was out next. He brought with him fatigue wearing WARthog. Why, the former Slaughterhouse member even had on helmet and war paint!

Warthog came out of nowhere at Anglemania 19 to attack Tanner Neptine and allow Sarge to finally beat Tanner.

With that win the Always Pimpin Title is back on an American hero.

Some of my fellow superstars are upset about the fatc we have to perform in an arena full of computer screens. But, I’m not. Because now I, a war hero, can talk without interruption from ungrateful morons that come to these shows. Instead, I get to see the faces of traitors, cowards, and anti-Americans twist in disgust because I’m the new Always Pimpin Champion. This is the second time I held this belt and all I can say is WHOOOOOO!

What do you think, Renee? He’s a lesson in never giving up on your dreams.

I got a letter a few weeks back from a fan. I won’t read it because you people don’t deserve to hear such masterful writing. But in short, this man told me he never believed in the American ideals until he saw me wrestle. He had come to the Toy Box to say hi to some friends and he happened to see me in the ring with the Studs, honing my craft. He was shocked by my dedication to my art, and when he heard me speak, he was shocked by my commitment to my country.

Warthog gets a tear in his eye.

He wrote to me and he asked me if he could serve under me and learn all he could about honoring this great country. I didn’t have to think about it. I called the number on that letter and I anointed him Private Warthog. So, I want those in the back, those who don’t uphold American values, those who lie, who cheat, who steal, who-


That’s my boy, Abdullah’s music!

And it was Abdullah, attired in a very sparkly suit that shimmied to the ring.

My son, Lyle! It is time for us to talk!

You and I talk? I have nothing to say to a charlatan like you. Get out of the ring!

We are speaking the same language, my son! You honor country, I honor god. And god honor’s country! So I suggest you honor me with a large donation. In US currency is fine. I take Paypal.

You’re trying to get money out of me? Out of a war hero?!

Or if you would be so kind then you would engage me in a match for the Alwa-

WARTHOG BLASTS ABDULLAH WITH A LARIAT! Abdullah can’t defend himself as Warthog press slams him out of the ring! Then The Holy Man is given a belly to belly suplex on the Led Ramp.

Afterwards, Holt holds the title over Abdullah’s prone body…

You will never see this title in your life except when you watch my matches, fraud!

Abdullah is down, but God is gonna lift him up.


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***Luther Mandella Vs Jose Cantu-Si***

Before the match Luther Mandella had a promo…

Peace and black power, peace and black power. This message is only to our supporters. If you have not been on our team before our tag team title win this message is not for you. Bandwagoners need not apply. People ask what do you do now that you’re tag team champions? You saw us gangbang Tori Malibu. We gave an innocent white girl to the streets and readied her to be fucked by more of our strong brothers. So I do not understand these questions. We will always smut out the white man’s daughters. What do we do now that we’re tag team champions? We fuck Karens and turn them into hoes for black dick. If there is white pussy then there will be BLK dicks. Now as for our detractors, we don’t have a one that isn’t a jealous hater. Jose Cantu-Si, you wish you were as talented as us, you wish you were as desired as us, you wished you were the most searched term on Twitter, you wish you were BLK.

But Jose Cantu-Si had a counter…

Look, jack, I don’t wish I was anyone else because if I was anyone else I wouldn’t be as gorgeous, I wouldn’t be as talented, and I wouldn’t be the man! I’m here every night putting on the best matches on the card because I’m the man and I can. But you’re playing the third wheel to the actual champs and not getting booked on Mania. You’re older than me with less career accomplishments, so now who wishes who was who, old man?

That was stiff.

The actual match was on with Luther controlling Jose early on with leg holds and various versions a cravate. It was enough to have Jose bail out of the ring in annoyance.

Jose all on his own. No Pike Pantera. Does that make things more difficult?

Not for a legend like Jose.

Legend in his own mind maybe.

Jose got back into the ring and got terrorized with quick jabs. He fought back with a spinning heel kick then proceeded to act like everything was a-okay.

He doesn’t need Pike. He has it all under control.

Actually, he didn’t as Luther hit him with his trademark tiger leg lift suplex! That was as painful as it sounded. Luther went for a leg submission but Jose reached the ropes.

Break! Break! Make him break!

I don’t think many of us like his attitude, but Jose is a real success story going from enhancement talent to Shell Gang member and former TMW tag team champion.

Jose limped to his feet and walked right into a dragon screw leg whip from Luther! Now he was getting treated like enhancement talent. But Jose used a tornado DDT to halt Luther’s momentum! After that he kipped up~! But then got taken down with a leg lock! The El Paso native was able to escape Luther’s hold and drilled him with a spinning forearm!

That one connected perfectly!

You have to be careful around Jose. He can throw ‘em when he wants to.

Jose used his good leg to give Luther a taste of his own medicine with a pair of hard kicks to the knee. After that he performed a shin breaker and proceeded to gloat about another MOTY candidate. Luther threw a punch that got ducked and found himself hit with the  Smoldering Passion of a snap DDT!

Tell Meltzer this is a 6 star classic coming up!

Luther was stunned so Jose used a jawbreaker to push him into the corner. There Jose choked Luther with his bad leg.

Don’t feed him that bad leg, Jose!

Reject was right as that was a big mistake as Luther dragged him down with a leg lock again! This time Jose had no choice but to tap out!

Winner: Luther Mandella, via submission

The Shell Gang contingent of Wesley Singleton and Painbow were on Luther immediately! Wesley threw Luther into Painbow’s path and the big man hit a big boot on Luther!

That Bitch Kicks!

The Shell Gang then took a page out of BLK’s playbook and executed a triple powerbomb through the announce desk!

Oh my!

What the hell are you guys doing?

Relax, would ya?  Gotta get subs to the Network somehow.

The other two members of BLK came running but were intercepted by COCO CHANEL AND MONEY MARC! That led to a fight that The Shell Gang looked on and laughed at. Jose got involved by superkicking Booker X!

It is mayhem as multiple teams are chasing BLK’s tag team titles!

The gold is the highest achievement you can get in this business. You get it and you get the money, the women, the fame, and the glory. If you’re the champ you are in the history books.

If things keep up like this then BLK will be history.


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Backstage in the state of the art interview set Josh Matthews had The Bounty Hunter watching all the monitors to show weeks worth of mix ups between The Three Hyenas.

Bounty Hunter, you see time after time that The Three Hyenas are no longer on the same page. How long is this going to continue?

It makes me sad to see all those mixups! Get down on your knees and apologize for upsetting me! Better yet, slit your wrists and profess your undying love to me!


Oh it’s awful being me! My adorable face superkicked on three different occasions by my own friends! Woe is me! I could barely leave the house due to all the bruising. People expect a level of adorable when it comes to me. And I expect a level of competence when it comes my two lackeys.

Lackeys? I thought you all were friends.

We are! Oh we are! That’s why I went to Lisa Ann and did The Young Cucks the favor of booking them a match against a mystery team at TMW Aftermath! Aren’t I the sweetest?

We’ll see!


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Backstage we found THE SAME OLD SHITS walking along with a big bag of money!

Damn! That Chanel money even smells like perfume.

We could be the new VICE round here. Beating up people for other people!

That sounds like a dang good idea. But, smell this here money. It smells like perfume!

And this smells like a comeup!

The Same Old Shits turned to see THE BIG HAIRY NUTT SAKS loitering and cracking their knuckle.

Ya’ll made that bank on our name.

So we just thought we’d get our cut.

And as this is TMW they paralyed over tea and biscuts. Just kidding! A fight broke out! The teams brawled until Studs and security broke them up. But no one really noticed that THE POLITICAL PRISONERS stole the money!

Elsewhere we found THE SCUMBAG REFORMATION PARTY was watching this with Rizzo shaking his head…

Another bag lost. Why weren’t we on that?

Don’t worry about it, man.

How can you say that? I just lost 5 grand I don’t have on The Clipshits.

Because I’m gonna get us into a federation where the competition is a little easier. Where we can dominate like we’re Black T and get rich beyond our wildest dreams!

Tell me more, main man.


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***Pike Pantera Vs Fabian Nystrom W/Queen Esther***

Pike entered to The Shell Gang’s music of “Ready Or Not”…

I’ve know Pike Pantera since he was wrestling in high school. This boy is strong as an ox and wild as a bull.

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me

pike entrance.gif

Fabian Nystrom entered to Hero by Extreme Music…

Staring at the night sky
Trying not to wonder why
You never been the word to cry
Said you right to other side
You think you need to save me
Just tell me something not to wonder why
Staring at other place trying not to wonder why


And so it just might be stable against title at TMW Aftermath. But that’s only if Fabian can make it past this monster, Pike Pantera out of Georgia.

Pike shoved Fabian to start and dared him to BRING IT! So Fabian brought it with a lethal chop that reddened Pike’s pale chest. But Pike let out a loud “FUCK YOU” and levelled Fabian with a chop!


Fabian wouldn’t be intimidated. He got up and took the fight to the Georgia native. But Pike shut him down with a lariat and followed that up an amateur style takedown.

Pike Pantera competed in the heavyweight division at the University of Georgia and he dominated.

Fabian rolled through another amateur style takedown leading him to pop up and crack Pike with a spinning wheel kick! The Wayward Son got up and threw an anger charged lariat that him taken down into a crucifix pin…





A kickout!

Fabian went back to the strikes with some NASTY AS FUCK chops that left Pike’s chest bleeding. That brought out the fangs in the vampire but Pike countered with a powerslam! Into the cover…



Only a one count!

Pike threw another lariat that again got dodged by Fabian. The champ hit an End of Days and Pike was struggling. He tried to grab the ropes but Fabian dragged him off into something resembling a blue thunder powerbomb.

Come on you big son of a bitch!

Fabian, language!


No one but a vampire would have the strength to blue thunder powerbomb Pike Pantera,

Pike tried to hook him up but Fabian kicked him off. Pike’s response was a stiff clothesline.

These guys are just kicking the fuck out of each other.

Pike growled like a savage as he battered Fabian in the corner with thrusts. But much to Pike’s surprise, Fabian leaped and rolled him into a pin!






The existence of The Shell Gang is almost on the line here.

Pike went above his paygrade in getting this match made.

Pike throws a stiff forearm that has Fabian staggered. But not staggered enough that The Divine can’t hit a flying heel kick! After that we watch in awe as the champ bounces off the ropes to hit Pike with a Lionsault!

I am a Golden God!

Fabian whipped Pike into the ropes and popped him up in hopes of hitting his pop up German suplex finisher. But in a rare show of agility, Pike came down with a crushing lariat!

Damn. Pike nailed the nail out of him. Pike’s even stronger, even tougher than his dad.

Pike angrily delivered kicks to Fabian in the back a few times and dropped a Hoganesque leg in a showing of a new move.

It’s rare we see Pike leave his feet like that.

When you fight The Divine you have to pull out all kinds of new tricks.

The champ got dragged onto the apron and had his beautiful face bounced off the ring posts!

Oh good heavens!

Pike started to grow furious all of a sudden, face turning red. This rage made him go for the ring bell!

I shall not allow this to stand!

Queen Esther stood in front of the timekeeper and Pike like the bravest woman in the world! But, Pike was ready to knock her out her ball gown! Luckily, Fabian arrived and pitched Pike back into the ring. Face fully red, Pike came charging at Fabian with his Gore finisher only to get kicked in the head!


But, Pike shrugged off that attack and ran back at Fabian! This time Fabian leapfrogged him, causing Pike to crash into the ringposts! The Wayward Son staggered back into a rollup from Fabian that forced him endure a three count!

Winner: Fabian Nystrom, via pinfall

Fabian had no chance to celebrate his victory as THE SHELL GANG immediately pounced upon him!

They were lying in wait!

Ignatius blasted Faiban with a Go2Sleep as his stable mates rooted like hellions!

Fabian is the winner. Although he may not look like it At TMW Aftermatch it will be stable versus title. We’ll see who has the last laugh?


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