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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Anglemania 19 Men's Edition

Chanel #99

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The following song plays:

Killers in my hood, they know me by my first name
You know 'em by their work name, I know 'em by their birth name
Type of weight make a man stand on principle
Kill yourself but get your whole fam slammed on principle

Lawson Belle tosses Storm Bellmare across the ring like he weighed 120 lbs!

I had to make a couple bands by my lonely (lonely)
I had to make a couple bands by my lonely (by my lonely)
I had to make a couple bands by my lonely (by my lonely)
Fuck nigga, I don't wanna be your homie (for real)

Fabian drills Ignatius Maddix with the Galaxy Title with concussive force!

Yeah, Speaker Knockerz, I just ordered up, I got a hundred in
Keep the mop, watch how you talk to me, bitch, I'm not one of them
General for real, g-give a decree, the streets salute me
Sweaty sheets, jumpin' up outta my sleep, this how we gotta go eat
Safety pin apiece, cocaine resin stuck on the side of the scale
Watchin' the cameras

Big Papa Thrust and Bedrock brawl in the streets with traffic forced to swerve around them!

Sick and tired of my phone ringin', workin' that bitch, I'm takin' a call (hello)
Workin' with bricks, I'm drivin' a car, (killer) got my body hard
Big ol' stepper with a rod, shop in the mall, no bodyguard
Heavy metal in my section, I'm controllin', I'm in charge

Painbow wildly runs through Blaine Cayley with That Bitch Kicks as Sammi watches in horror!

Bitch, I got steppers in my section, bodies on their firearms
Blow the clothes off your back, boom, boom, set off car alarms
C-C-Carbon with a drum, tiger, you no try to run
Give a fuck 'bout your Chanel (I don't)

Tanner Neptune soars over the top rope and wipes out Holt with an amazing splash!

C-C-Carbon with a drum, tiger, you no try to run
Give a fuck 'bout your Chanel (I don't)
I'm tied in with the mayor (achoo)
Go sit down, went to jail

Wesley wears a cocky smirk along with a “Wesley The Vampire Slayer” t-shirt.

I'm tied in with the mayor (achoo)
Go sit down, went to jail
I'm part of the cartel
I'm a Breadwinner don and we came up from nothin'
And we prayed off crumbs, I was raised in the slums

Alexander and ReX have an intense staredown with Logan Mann pumping up Alexander.

I had to make a couple bands by my lonely (lonely)
I had to make a couple bands by my lonely (by my lonely)
I had to make a couple bands by my lonely (by my lonely)
Fuck nigga, I don't wanna be your homie (for real)

Finally, we see Ignatius Maddix roaring into the air as she foists his Galaxy Championship into the air!

From there we go to Sofa Central where Renee is sporting a lovely gown and Reject is clad in a tux.

This is it! This is Anglemania 19!

We have vampires, we have cavemen, we have rockstars, we have pill heads, we have roid poppers, we have sexual deviants, we have gang bangers, we have the rawest dudes in society!

And we start with two men with larger than life personalities and larger than life bodies!


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Alexander “The Magnificent W/Logan Mann Vs ReX

Logan arrived looking a damn fool in high waisted black and white striped shorts and black and white striped cut off at the chest top. He looked like a gay negro Bettlejuice. Anyway here’s what he said…

You waited for a real star to arrive and here he is…ALEXANDER “THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!!”

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me


Some feuds are over women, titles, money, prejudice or just plain professional conflict. ReX and Alexander started their feud over who has the more beautiful body. And-

It’s clearly Alexander. Look at that man! Look at him, Reene!

I’m looking!

That’s a model man! A real star!

ReX entered to “Machinehead” by Bush


ReX has been to the top of the mountain in med school and in wrestling as Galaxy champion. He’s a perfectionist and he’s proud of what he’s achieved in the gym.

Hey, the guy looks like a million bucks. I don’t dispute that. But Alexander looks like a billion bucks.

As we could probably guess, this match started with posing. Alexander hit a superman pose to show off his hard muscles with Logan nearly orgasming in the background. But ReX wasn’t for this and decked Alexander with a lariat!

Fuck you!

Logan came charging at ReX and ate a big punch to the mouth! Leezus Price went reeling with Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer yelling at him to leave. Meanwhile, Alexander snuck up on ReX and brought him down with a side Russian leg sweep. A series of stomps followed and that was enough for Alexander to strike a Luger like pose to the camera.

He’s handsome, but that personality is-

Second best feature.


ReX came up throwing hands like Alexander stole his money!

You’re not going to see any 450’s or hurricanranas in this match.

Renee was wrong because ReX did hit Alexander with a hurricanrana!

I’m wrestlegasming!

You’re a complete dork.

Dizzy Alexander got up and endured a gut-wrench powerbomb from the master of the powerbomb! He couldn’t even pin Alexander as Logan was on the ring apron yelling utter nonsense. Like all of us, ReX couldn’t stand it and punted Logan off the apron!


Not good! That man is an artistic genius!

ReX turned around and because this is wrestling his opponent had the jump on him’ Alexander brought him to the mat with a side belly to belly.

That is not a small man Alexander just lifted.

He’s built for show and go, Renee.

Alexander returned to stomping away ReX until he got bored of it. Then he hit another Superman pose to show off his muscles to the world.

He makes The Rock look like Rikishi.


Alexander hit a biiiiiig theatrical bodyslam that had Logan jumping around like a madman, flailing his hands and screaming more nonsense.

Is that the biggest bodyslam since Andre/Hogan?


Alexander dropped the elbow into the pin and got a two count. And had the nerve to think he’d get a pin off a bodyslam. He continued to bark at the official as he hooked ReX into a reverse chinlock.

There’s no crowd to root these men on. Does that have an effect when you’re a fan favorite like ReX?

It does. Fan favorites feed off that energy and support.

But still ReX found the strength to power to his feet! He snatched hold of Alexander and hit him with a blue thunder powerbomb! Alexander hit the mat hard and instantly began groaning in pain!

That knocked the wind and more out of Alexander.

Alexander staggered to his feet. But he would have been better served staying down as the Baltimore native ReX hit him with a Doctor Bomb!


You are!

Logan dove into the ring and had to be restrained by the referee. That did no one any good because ReX came wildly barrelling in and knocked out both the official and Logan!


You mean Leezus.

No, I don’t.

If you were paying attention to Alexander you would know he had put on brass knucks. And he took a wild swing at the former doctor. But ReX ducked the dangerous attack! He then sent Alexander into the ropes and swiftly hit him with a pop up powerbomb!

Syringer! This one is over!

But Buzzlefoxxer was still down and couldn’t count ReX’s pin.

Damn it!

ReX tried to rouse Buzzlefoxxer yet couldn’t get the elderly official awake. In his annoyance, he took his eyes off of Alexander who spun him around and blasted him with the brass knucks!


ReX was out like California power grids! Thus Alexander put him in the Torture Rack with no trouble. As this is pro wrestling Buzzlefoxxer magically recovered and declared that ReX was unable to compete.

[b]Winner:[/b] Alexander “The Magnificent”, via ref decision

That’s wrong! Just plain old fashioned wrong.


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Renne, I’ve got a treat for you. Returning to OAOAST tv to interview Storm Bellmare…Joey “The Rat!”


It is indeed Joey “The Rat” who doesn’t practice social distancing all buddied up to a repulsed Storm at the state of the art interview set with its numerous video screens. Joey isn’t even wearing a mask!

Thanks, Reject, my fellow brother from the Bronx! Hey, Storm you gots a big match coming up against Lawson Belle. But before you go get your ass kicked how about you let me hold 10 bucks?

Storm Bellmare can’t even respond because he’s bashed in the back of the head by a wooden club from BEDROCK!

Oh shit what the fuck?!

Bedrock bashes Storm in the head with the club two more times before grabbing the camera and screaming…


I told you Bedrock wouldn’t forget being superkicked by Storm on TMW.

But that was an accident!

But Bedrock’s an idiot.

We hurriedly cut to Terry Taylor who has caught up with Lawson Belle as he marches to the ring.

Lawson Belle, your opponent tonight just clobbered by Bedrock and his wooden club? Shouldn’t you call this match off?

No! Storm you brought back the old Lawson Belle and I need to thank you personally. Face to face. Man to trans-man. So if those balls of yours are real you’ll be out there.


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***Lawson Belle Vs Storm Bellmare***

Lawson Belle entered to “Wicked” By Bear Grillz




(Go, go, go!!!!!)


Bring up the dead

It's time to get WICKED~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This feud came about when Lawson Belle grew irate at Bi-Curious George’s antics. Lawson totally went overboard in attacking George, leading Storm to make the save. But according to Lawson that brought back “the old Lawson Belle.”

That’s the Lawson Belle that broke my ankle because I told the truth about his sister.

You called her a retard!

Yo, keep it down. I don’t want him to come over here!

Storm Bellmare entered to “One In A Million” By Midnight to Monaco

I can't afford the price I pay, and I can't even pay the rent

They're coming at me every way and there's no letting up
I'm frightened by the threats they make
Take me down, and they'll bury me and if I run they'll
Chase me back again, drag me before I make the break


I can't keep holding on
In a hideaway I needed to keep me from breaking down
And I'm under..


That’s a brave man.

That’s a woman who got a penis attached to her body.

No. That’s a man who fights bigotry, fights bullies, and fights every day for a better tomorrow.

Damn, you’re corny.

Lawson offered his hand as means of thanks for bringing back the old Lawson Belle. Storm wasn’t with that and slapped the tatse out of his mouth!


Lawson responded with a right cross, followed by hooking him an armbar. Storm was able to fight out and made Lawson endure a crushing back elbow. Staggered Lawson got charged but turned things around with a dropkick to the dome!

When you get hit in the head with a wooden club the last thing you want is to be kicked in the head ten minutes later.

Lawson brought Storm head first into the turnbuckles to do further damage to his dome. Then he wreaked havoc on his ankle with a super-fast drop toe hold. The L-Train went for his ankle lock finisher but was shocked to have Storm roll him up for two!

Storm is quick and he adapts well. He can go against any style.

Storm popped up and…slapped Lawson yet again! This forced out a little laugh from the former Galaxy champion. He then went on the offensive, popping Storm in the head with a punch, then leg sweeping him. An ankle lock attempt followed? But once again, the speedy Storm made a hurried escape!


Lawson Belle seems to be enjoying this.

He’s a man who enjoys a good fight. As long as that fights end with snapping his opponent’s ankle.

Storm took a swing at Lawson that got smoothly ducked by The L-Train. The Knoxville native then hoisted Storm up for an angle slam and threw him back first for a devastating landing against the ring posts. That wasn’t even as painful as the piledriver Lawson then spiked Storm with!

Storm’s gotta be concussed by now.

Storm gets up fighting though, swinging desperation chops into Lawson’s toned chest. The L-Train came back with a knee to the gut followed by a Side BELLEy to BELLEy suplex. The Knoxville native was pumped up and shouts in triumph as he dropped the knee on Storm’s ankle.

A simple yet effective attack with Lawson dropping that weight onto Storm’s fragile ankle.

Storm hobbled upright and soon found himself foisted onto the top rope. The L-Train joined him up top within a matter of moments; yet a pair of headbutts put the L-Train off the tracks and knocked him to the mat. Lawson landed on his feet, which was quite impressive. But it only served for Storm to rock him with a missile dropkick! But that hurt Storm’s ankle as we saw from him groaning in pain.

Big mistake by Storm Bellmare to use that missile dropkick. He should have used a crossbody and forced Lawson down into a pin.

Lawson rolled to his feet but quickly suffered a Booker T style sidekick from Storm’s good leg. But when Storm landed he hurt his ankle, collapsing onto the ground. That let Lawson pounce on him as he dragged him upright into a rear waistlock. German suplex? Not if Storm could help it. And he did by rolling up Lawson!





A kickout!

Storm brought Lawson up to hit a signature single underhook hip toss!

Wind Shear!

That move got a close two and Storm Bellmare was fired up!

Lawson hurried upright and hammered Storm with a knee to the gut. But Storm weathered that (pun) and hit a single underhook hip toss! Storm called for his leg trap sunset flip piledriver. Yet, Lawson was able to ram him into the ring posts. But the joke was on Lawson as Storm leapt up and brought him into a pin!





Lawson rolled through the pin and got a heel hook!

Oh no!

Storm rolled through the heel hook and cradled Lawson!




But Lawson turned it back into a heel hook!

Another counter!

Storm screamed in pain, but with all his might he transfered the hold into a cradle!





Lawson reversed into a heel hook! And this time Storm had no choice to tap out!

Winner: Lawson Belle, via pinfall

Such a strong, tough effort by Storm Bellmare but The L-Train rolls on.


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Backstage in the Back Lounge we find porn icon Nina Hartley and Tanner Neptune with something long and thick between them. A microphone that is.

Tanner Neptune, your handsome boy, aren’t you?

I try to be.

You have an Always Pimping Title match against Sgt.Lyle Holt. The Sarge tells us that he is the only one in TMW with any dignity and any morals. To me morals are overrated. But what do you have to say?

Hey, if Sarge wants to be the guy shouting about he’s better than everyone else because he’s got dignity and morals, he can be that guy. He can also be the guy who’s already lost to me three times for the  Always Pimpin title. Meanwhile, I’ll just keep being me, Tanner Neptune, Always Pimpin Champion.

Thanks, cutie.


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***Tag Team Titles Elimination Match: The Union Jets Vs Das Wrestling Machine Vs Pike Pantera and Jose Cantu-Si Vs BLK (Booker X and Martin Garvey ©***

If you go by our fans on zoom than BLK was the favorite of the OAOAST Galaxy.

According to White Lothar Das Wrestling Machine are the real number one contenders and everyone else sort of cut in line on what should be a 2 on 2 match.

Everyone wants gold and everyone wants to be on Anglemania. Lisa Ann is no Blanchefleur but I think making a four way elimination match was the way to go.

Pike and Jose started with some double teaming on Tom Smith, which the smallish grappler was ill-equipped to handle.

Tom Smith is a strong man. Tougher than his size. But no one can withstand all those Shell Gang attacks.

After some back and forth between The Shell Gang and The Jets, Reignhardt tagged himself into the match. The big man was ready to roll and went it with The Union Jets. Jose tried to help Reignhardt in an enemy of my enemy is my friend but took a double vertical suplex  from The Jets all the way to the outside!

Oh my gosh!

The Union Jets have that British dignity but they’ve been wrestling as a tag team for 11 years and by now they know exactly how to hurt you. Could they beat me and ThunderKid though? I’d say no.

Nice of you to put yourself over at the expense of talent.

A pissed off Pike took offense to that and went at with The Union Jets. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t hold his own and fell victim to a running powerslam from C-4! C-4 flexed after the show of strength but then found himself hit with a double crucifix powerbomb by DWM known as Wanderlust to suffer elimination.

Eliminated: The Union Jets


BLK came into the match and went at with Pike, while Reinhardt  set up a table on the floor.

What does he think he’s doing?

Reignhardt is all about destruction and White Lothar is going to root him on.

BLK traded offense with Pike with the muscular Booker X and Pike going toe to toe in a slug fest. Pike was able to bring Booker down with a full nelson slam known as Rebel Yell. But after high fiving Jose, Pike got hit by Martin Garvey’s reverse STO.

Power to the brothers!

Suddenly White Lothar came in and started clocking people with chairs!

If it’s not worth cheating at, it’s not worth doing.

My life motto. I like this White Lothar.

Against Referee Val Venis’ wishes, White Lothar bashed Jose Cantu-Si in his handsome face.

Only one pretty boy allowed. Moi.

White Lothar then swung for Booker X, but the muscule bound black man ducked the attack and WL hit his apron based partner! Reignhardt went flying and put himself through the table!

Damn, that’s a colossal fuck up.

Pike then tore through WL with the Smoking Gun (spear) that ended Das Wrestling Machine’s night.

Eliminated: Das Wrestling Machine.

There go the alleged number one contenders.

Pike and a recovered Jose immediately pounced upon Booker. They threw him to the outside and followed him out to deal more damage. With Jose calling the shots, Pike tombstoned Booker onto the steel steps!

That’s a neck breaking attack.

Isn’t that going too far?

It’s Anglemania. There’s no such thing as going to far at Anglemania.

Now, the smaller Martin Garvey was put in a 2 on 1 situation against Pike and Jose. The well oiled Shell Gang machine dominated him but couldn’t finish him off. This brought out Jose’s Latin temper and led him to grabbing a baseball bat from beneath the ring.

Put that back, Jose!

Shut up!

Mike Trout Jose was not as he missed a wild swing at Garvey’s head. That wasn’t a problem as Pike then ran down Garvey with a Smoking Gun! That could have pinned Garvey for good, but The Shell Gang wanted to deal more damage. Thus Jose choked away at Garvey with the bat.

Knock it off, Jose!

Shut up!

Finally Jose decided it was time to end BLK’s tag title run and began warming up the band. But the band was sent home as Booker X grabbed Jose by his curly hair and yanked him over the ropes. The Cleveland native then decked Pike with a leaping side kick! Pike was back to his feet in a hurry, but that did him no good as Booker hit another side kick!

The Book is cooking up heat at Anglemania!

Jose was back in the ring with the baseball bat, but got a taste of his own medicine when Garvey recovered long enough to superkick him! That sent Jose crashing into the corner where Booker used his muscle-bound body to punish him with an avalanche!

Booker X crushing Jose beneath those 270 pounds of hot sexy black beef! Yum, yum, yum!

Pike hammered away at Booker X, driving him to the ground. He then loaded up The Smoking Gun and charged forward. But Garvey through a chair in his path to knock him over! Pike was dazed and couldn’t stop BLK from hitting him with a double powerbomb and successfully defending their belts!

Eliminated: The Shell Gang

Winner: BLK, via pinfall

It’s never easy to defend a title. It’s especially not easy when it’s your first Anglemania match but BLK did it. So props to them. But stay away from my baby mamas.

How many do you have?

Four. But I’m disputing two of the kids because they’re too dark skinned to be mine.

Father of the year, ladies and gentlemen.

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[B]***Always Pimping Championship: Tanner Neptune © Vs Sgt.Lyle Holt***[/b]

Tanner Neptune entered to Bring Back The Summer by Rainman and Oly....

And I never, I never want another
Come back, come back to me, my lover
I never, I never want another
Bring back, bring back, bring back the summer

Bring back, back the summer
Bring back, back the summer



This feud started over a year ago when an irate Sarge attacked his fellow serviceman, Jo-Jo Woah, over the Always Pimpin Title at Anglemania. We saw Tanner return to help his former Teen Scream buddy and win an impromptu title match.

One thing TMW has a problem with is guys sticking their noses in other people’s business.

Holt entered to Beatdown by Downstait...


You’re not having Déjà vu. This really is the fourth time in a year we’re seeing this match. We saw Tanner beat Sarge for the belt then Sagre lose two title matches.

What are you complaining about? Alfdogg and I fought a bunch of times.

Neither one of you were ever winless against the others.

Alf would be winless against me if I didn’t take it easy on him.

Holt got the jump on Tanner before the bell and beat him to the ground. On Zoom, our fans were irate. But they grew a lot happier when Tanner fought back and sent his archrival flying to the outside.

Five losses coming up.

Not this time, Renee. Sarge has finally learned his lesson. He finally has a real strategy.

Holt dragged Tanner outside where he worried all our female fans by bashing Tanner’s handsome face against the steel steps.

And backstage Sammi screams in horror.


Holt had control outside and rammed Tanner face first into the ring posts. That led Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V to order Sarge inside, which Sarge was happy to do. Happy so he could hit him with the ol Kitchen Sink! Tanner was left groaning on the mat in pain.

Tanner has come a long way. He started in the OAOAST as skinny enhancement talent, but got noticed by Josie and has climbed to the top over the last seven years.

Holt took over Tanner into a sleeper hold that the Floridian was barely able to fight out of. Due to his weary state he easily got hit with another Kitchen Sink. From there Holt situated him on the top turnbuckle as our Zoom fans watched in fear.

You have a reason to be afraid, Galaxy, Tanner is done!

But suddenly Tanner sprung to life and dropkicked Holt off the top! Holt came crashing to the mat and instantly hollered in pain!

That fall took too much out of Holt. He was not expecting it to happen. And he couldn’t brace himself for it.

Nor could Holt brace himself for the rolling thunder Tanner hit him with!

Young, Wild, and Tan!

Holt rolled to his feet and got wiped out by a leaping side kick! The Alabama native was quite dizzed and couldn’t stop Tanner from hitting a double arm DDT on him and hooking him into a pin…



A kickout!

Desperate, Holt threw the kitchen sink only to get him with a shin breaker. If that sucked think about how much the spinning leg drop Tanner used on Holt sucked! Then Holt got nailed across the back of the head by a running enziguri from Tanner!

Tanner is heading to 4 straight wins over Sarge,

Holt fought back with some military bravery and tried for a neckbreaker but couldn’t connect as Tanner spun out of it. Now Tanner tried for a neckbreaker only for Holt to spin out of it. Holt showed immediate signs of frustration, kicking the ropes in rage. All that did was get him hit with a belly to belly facebuster!

Too Tan To Fail! There’s Tanner’s finisher!

The cover…




A giant blackman pulled Referee Buzzlefoxxer V out of the ring!

That’s Jack Wendy! That’s Warthog!

Warthog was suddenly pounced upon by a furious Tanner, who battered him with blows. But Tanner knew he couldn’t take his eye off the prize and hurried back into the ring. But there Holt nailed him with his reverse suplex finisher known as Dishonorable Discharge! That got Holt the win and the belt!

[b]Winner:[/b] Sgt.Holt, via pinfall. NEW CHAMPION!

Yes! Yes! Do you believe in miracles, TMW Galaxy?! Because they exist! Because they happened just now! Sergeant Lyle Holt has won the Always Pimpin Title from Tanner Neptune!

It’s no miracle. It’s a travesty.


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We found Storm Bellmare backstage in front of a TMW backdrop. His curly black hair was matted Winston sweat.
Storm, a tough end to your night-
Don’t worry about me, Renee. My night isn’t anywhere near over.
Storm pounds his fist and nods to himself.
***Parking Lot Brawl Match: Big Papa Thrust Vs Bedrock***
So this is one of hottest, most heated feuds. In this match cars will be in a circle and Big Papa and Bedrock will fight until someone can’t continue.
Bedrock entered last and came charging at BPT! The two men collided and tumbled to the ground.
Bedrock has some nerve to be the one who is angry.
Bedrock brought BPT up and riddled him with headbutts. The blows were right on. The money and staggered the Hawaii native.
The Neolithic Avenger came charging in and got himself powerslammed onto a 2010 Corolla! 
I have been slammed on a car before. It is a horrible feeling.
BPT had a wire and was choking the life out of Bedrock!
Go down, you queer butt sucking bastard!
Bedrock angrily fought out with a mule kick. Then, roaring, he head butted his foe yet again!
Bedrock doesn’t care about concussions. He’s been alive millions of years. What’s brain injury?
BPT used his vamp power to body slam Bedrock onto a Chevy Cruise. Bedrock grunted in pain and had to deal with a vampire choking him.
Vampires are relentless.
Especially ones who’ve had their Freaks violated.
BPT set up Bedrock against the Cruise. For what? To smash his head against the door!
Wait! Don’t do this!
Bedrock was very lucky BPT hesitated. That allowed Bedrock to tackle him to the ground.
We almost lost the world’s oldest man.
Bedrock went for the eyes until BPT used vamp strength to shove him off. But Bedrock came back and bashed Big Papa into a Dodge Charger!
As they couldn’t hear Reject the men brawled atop the Charger. Bedrock was all set to pile drive his foe until the vampire flung him over with a back body drop that landed him on the hood!
Oof!! That one hurt!
Bedrock brought himself upright and got blasted in the back of the head by STORM BELLMARE and a lead pipe!
Storm said he wasn’t done tonight!
BPT locked in the Lay-Z-Boy and it ended a knocked out Bedrock’s night.
Winner: Big Papa Thrust, via pinfall
Revenge for Big Papa!
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***The Big Hairy Nutt Saks Vs Conan “Coco” Chanel and Money Marc Benett W/The Doll***

Money Marc was talking that big boy shit before the match. Then he watched idly by while Coco took the brunt of the fatties’ offense.

There’s few things worse then all that flesh and all that sweat coming down on you.

Conan blocked a slam and hit a drop toe hold on Nutt that Money Marc capitalized on with a pointed elbow drop. Unfortunately for the heels, they were soon tossed across the ring by a double hip toss from Nutt! Pleased with himself, Nutt started gyrating his hips towards The Doll.

Ew, disgusting!

The Doll liked em ripped and the ripped Money Marc brought down Nutt with a side Russian leg sweep. He held Nutt in place for Coco to come off the second turnbuckle for a fist drop. Classic offense, but it only got a two count as Nutt powered Coco off him.

There’s muscles bellow that fat and chicken grease and French fry residue.

Sakks got the tag and went through both the heels with lariats. The heels got back up and endured another pair of lariats. So they got up a third time and this time they were smoked with a diving lariat! The Doll cringed, her team in deep trouble. But Coco would again avoid a slam and hit a jumping snapmare on Sakks!

Hypnotic Poison!

The cover…





Sakks distracted Referee D’Lo Brown by trying to get into the ring. That allowed Money Marc and Conan to double team their foe with clubbing forearms. But when they tried a double DDT, the fat man flipped them over with a double vertical suplex!

That’s what Reject was saying, guys, lots of muscle bellow the fat.

Nutt took the tag and traded blows with Conan. Despearate, Conan threw a lariat and got overtaken by a backdrop driver!

Coco Felt Nutt’s Pain!

The cover…




Money Marc broke up the pin! The Texan tried to lift Nutt for his DVD finisher but couldn’t get him up. That was no problem as Conan tagged Nutt with a leg lariat. After that the heels proceeded to work over the arm of Balrog Nutt. Nutt made the mistake of throwing a big lariat which got turned into an arm stunner by Conan! It was so painful that Nutt couldn't help but scream in pain. But when Coco tried for a Cross Arm Breaker, Nutt broke it and hit a big splash! All the wind seemingly went out of Conan's body! He squirmed underneath the weight of his foe. Even Referee D'Lo Brown had to feel some sympathy for poor Conan.


The cover was interrupted by THE SAME OLD SHITS arriving into the ring! Sakks moved to attack them which left Nutt to fight against two men. Nutt cleaned the heels clocks as Sakks handled The Same Old Shits. The good guys were quite amazing against the much disliked heels. The fans on Zoom went wild as they watched Wakefield and Coco get their heads bashed together! But everyone got distracted by The Doll....

That’s the body that started this feud!

Money Marc had seen this bod before and was able to school boy Nutt to get the win!

Winner: Money Marc and Coco Chanel, via pinfall


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Backstage in The Shell Gang dressing room we found Juventued with a microphone jammed in the faces of Jose Cantu-Si and Pike Pantera.

Jose, Pike, man, unbelievable you aren’t juicy like Da Juice.

It’s believable! It’s the story of my life. You saw what happened? We were about to be two time tag team champions! They were finished like your career and the whole world saw it. But they threw at Pike’s head. What was he supposed to do when he’s got a chair coming at his head? But we proved it to you tonight. We are the best.

There can only be one team on top, BLK! RAAAAAAAAR! That team is not you. RRAAAAR! We are The Leaders of The Free World! Throw a chair in my face? You know you will pay a severe price! We are not finished with you!

You know something? I’m through talking. BLK, if you’re the men you saw you are you’ll face us one more time.


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***Last Man Standing Match: Blaine Cayley Vs Painbow***

Blaine Cayley entered to Blodd Brother by Zed’s Dead….

Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me


There has been just unbelievable violence inflicted by Painbow on Blaine Cayley the last several months.

Painbow flat out hates that man Blaine Cayley. He hated the response Blaine got coming back from an eye injury and he’s gone crazy exploiting Blaine’s concussion issues.

Painbow entered to “Ready Or Not” the official Shell Gang theme…

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me



This man is an animal, Renee. He came from an impoverished town in Georgia, got drafted by my Knicks, was too violent for the NBA, got scooped up by Terry Taylor after a tryout match and has no chill. He wakes up pissed off, he steps out his house looking to hurt someone.

Painbow walloped Blaine with a lariat to start; then he had no chill in bashing his head against all four corners. Backstage Sammi watched as Blaine was hit with a pile driver in only thirty seconds into the match. Blaine had the grimace of someone who had been in a match 30 minutes after the lethal pile driver.

Fuck you, European faggot!

This may be the fastest last man standing match in history.

But, Blaine was able to get up and roll to the outside. Painbow hounded him like a wild animal, attacking him with crazed punches. The former Knicks draft pick got a little wild with the Welshman and Blaine was able to use his momentum to drop toe hold him into the steel steps. Painbow groaned in well pain that had those on Zoom quite pleased.

Painbow doesn’t have many fans in the TMW Galaxy.

He’s not in it for popularity. He’s in it to hurt people.

The former Galaxy Champion, Blaine, took a moment to catch his health; next he came off the apron with a Welsh Press! That got a four count from Referee Scotty 2 Hotty.

There won’t be any worm in this match.

The match spilled into the empty stands where Painbow tried to brainbuster Blaine onto the seats! But Blaine reversed it into a back body drop that sent Painbow tumbling down the stairs!

I didn’t know Blaine had that kind of strength in him.

The Lion let out a mighty roar as he dove upon Painbow, wiping the 6’8 Georgia native out. That got a five count from Scotty 2 Hotty. Backstage we saw Tanner join Sammi in watching the match.

What a surprise. Look who joins Sammi.

Please stop trying to stir up trouble.

Painbow blocked Blaine’s efforts to hit Cruel Intetions II on the LED ramp. Instead the Georgia native hit the Welshmen with a big boot right to the face!

That Bitch Kicks!

Blaine was tossed back into the ring where he was forced to endure not one, not two, but three pile drivers! The agony was spelled across Blaine’s face and it looked like his night would be over!

Who can survive five piledrivers?!

Blaine could! The Welshman used the ropes to pull himself upright at the count of eight. But all that did was get him clotheslined over the ropes by the giant with the multicolored hair. Again Blaine had to fight to beat the count.

There’s only so much that lean body of Blaine can take. What we’re seeing is basically a cruiserweight versus a near super heavyweight.

The men battled to the entrance where Blaine blocked a powerbomb by furiously grabbing onto the set. Such innovation confused Painbow, who ate a dropkick to the face that had him skidding backwards and bleeding from the mouth.

Blaine had to go there. He had to hit a big time move no matter the cost.

Painbow was stymied and angry, two things that caused him to break off a piece of the set and use it like a weapon! Sadly for him Blaine turned things around with a Van Daminator! On Zoom the fans went wild!

Better covid than that!

Blaine was breathing heavily as he took Painbow into the setup for Cruel Intentions II. But instead Painbow rammed Blaine backfirst into the LED set. Then he bashed Blaine’s head into the set with a sickening thud!

Oof! I did not like the sound of that.

I didn’t either. We may have heard a man’s career end.

Painbow wore Blaine down with that loose piece of the set. But when he tried for That Bitch Kicks, Blaine ducked the attack. Suddenly on the offense, Blaine tried to turn Painbow into the Liontamer! But The Lion’s body gave out and Painbow used a surge of leg strength to kick Blaine off and throw him to the equipment bellow!

Oh my gosh!

Blaine was a mangled mess on the broken equipment and could not answer the ten count.

[b]Winner:[/b] Painbow

Post-match Sammi ran out to check on Blaine, but before she could reach him she was seized by the hair by Painbow!

Leave her alone!

Sammi’s body was saved by Tanner Neptune who cracked a steel chair into Painbow’s back! Agonized Painbow turned around to see who hit him and took a chair right between the eyes! That sent him flying off the stage and landed him on Blaine!

Tanner Neptune came up big! Save of the year!

Simp of the year.


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***Tristian Nystrom W/Queen Esther Vs Wesley Singleton W/Logan Mannn***

Welsey entered to “Ready Or Not” by The Fugees

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me


It’s been a mixed bag of wins and losses tonight at Anglemania for The Shell Gang. But can Welsey Singleton defeat one of their biggest rivals?


Tristan Nystrom entered to “Death Don’t Have Any Mercy” by Esterly

Death don't have no mercy in this land
Death don't have no mercy in this land
He'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death don't have no mercy in this land

Well Death will go in any family in this land
Well Death will go in every family in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and one of your family will be gone
Death will go in any family in this land


The conscience of TMW! The man who walks on the right side.

Being a good guy doesn’t make you top dog. Otherwise Tim Cash would be 16 time world champ.

Tristan and Wesley started throwing hands the second the bell rung! Welsey was bigger but Tris was a vampire and had Wesley backpeadling. Simon’s son threw a crescent kicked that seemed to knock the Living Daylights out of his foe. But Tristan got up to pitch Wes out the ring! That had Wesley steaming mad as he stomped about the ring.

You wanna be a big man, huh?

The men went back to brawling in the ring with Wesley having to cope with being just a mere human. Cope he did as when Tristan missed a leaping sidekick Wes again kicked the Living Daylights Out of Him!

I’ll treat you like a little man!

Wes tried for a vertical suplex only for Tristian to fling himself out the hold and rock him with a discus lariat. The crowd on Zoom went wild as The Dutch vampire hammered Wesley with mounted punches. Referee Rikishi broke up what were closed fists, allowing Wesley to get a breather.

Wesley often underestimates his opponents and I think by think he’s Wesley The Vampire Slayer he may be doing it again.

Coming through the crowd was Logan Mann, which forced Tristan to go and greet him. Leezus Price tried for a Percussion DDT, but his signature attack got blocked by Tristan. Logan didn’t have time to react before Tristan hit him with a jumping snapmare!

Bleed It Out!

Tristan went back to fighting with Wesley, who was eagerly awaiting him. The two men go back to brawling, trading punches and forearm around the ring. That battle ended when Wesley dumped a charging Tristan over the ropes. Angered at his earlier assault, Logan kept punting Tristan in the ribs!

Turn around Rikishi!

But slowly.

Tristan shoved Logan away and found his way back into the ring. When he returned to the ring, Tristan got hit with a leg drop by Wesley! Into the cover…





Tristan found his footing and snatched Wes into a rear waistlock. But Wicked Wes elbowed his way out of the attack. That let the South Carolina native hit a half nelson suplex that threw Tristan across the ring!

What a throw!

As Wesley stomped away at Tristan, Logan undid one of the turnbuckle posts. In a matter of moments Wesley was trying to feed Tristan to expose turnbuckle. But Tristan blocked the attack and sent Wesley reeling. But when Tristan came charging in Wesley took him down with a leaping lariat!

Wes threw everything he had into that shot. And he had to. Or he wouldn’t keep Tristan down.

Wes set up for another crescent kick, but this time Tristan ducked the attack! Now it was Tristan’s turn to do damage as he nailed Wicked Wes with a buzzsaw kick finisher!

Blood Plauge!

The cover…





Logan pulled Tristan out of the ring!

Leezus Prince hammered Tristan with a punch then levelled him with a Percussion DDT!

Oh my!

Referee Rikishi tried to restore order as Wesley got a hold of a steel chair!

This is vintage Shell Gang!

Logan had Tristan in the ring and set up for another Percussion DDT. But this time, Tristan shoved him away, crashing him into a chair wielding Wes! Logan staggered back and got rocked with a Blood Plauge!

Nailed him!

From there Wesley got slugged by a big punch from Tristan! But the vampire had more to worry about as ALEXANDER arrived to capture him into a Torture Rack!

A vampire can survive a lot of torture but can they survive a torture rack?

Somehow Tristan was able to escape! More than that, he avoided a charge from Wes that instead caused Wes to hammer Alexander and knock him out the ring. Tristan then struck with not one but two Blood Plauges!

Winner: Tristan Nystrom, via pinfall

One Nystrom brother is victorious tonight. Will a second one be victorious?


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We saw number one contender to the world title, Fabian Nystrom walking down the hallway with Queen Esther at his side. Within moments they were met by a mic toting Terry Taylor.

Fabian Nystrom, this is it. Your chance to get revenge on Ignatius Maddix and win the Galaxy Championship.

I’d love to chat about, but now is the time to put up or shut the hell up! Iggy, you gambled you could be a star without me. You won that bet. But the big money is on the 1,000 year old vamp from the Netherlands because he is one legit dude!

The Toy Box may sit empty but our hearts are filled with vigor and valor! Let us sally forth!

Queen Esther and Fabian walk off, while the rest wonder what it means to sally forth.


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Our cameras cut to Josh Matthews who was with DA CHAMP~!

Ignatius Maddix, we saw Wesley Singleton fall in defeat to Fabian Nystrom’s brother Tristan. What is your mindset heading into your title defense in tonight’s mainevent.

My mindset is great, pal. I know exactly how Fabian thinks. I know his gameplan, I know his every move. Fabian you’ve beaten death twice. Once when you rose from the grave to become a vampire, the second time after we tossed your ass out of TMW, but the third time ain’t the charm, pal. Tonight, I’m gonna leave you dead and buried. For good.


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***Galaxy Title: Ignatius Maddix © Vs Fabian Nystrom W/Queen Esther***

We heard “Ready or Not” by the Fugees for perhaps the final time tonight…

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me


It was three years ago The Shell Gang was founded by Ignatius Maddix and Wesley Singleton as a way of subverting Lisa Ann’s rules.. Then they added Fabian to the mix and strapped a rocket to their back. But a Galaxy title loss to Blaine Cayley by Fabian created a crisis of faith and Ignatius seized leadership.

Fabian entered to “Hero” by extreme music...

So I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
You can never be my (never be my)
So I'm just gonna say so
You will never be my hero
Baby I'm just gonna say so
ou can never be my (can never be my) hero

jericho entrance2.gif

Who can stand Fabian’s ego? His own brother spent 1000 years hating him until they had to get along to fight The Shell Gang. Only Queen Esther likes him and we all know what her mental state is.

What’s that supposed to mean?

The woman believes she can speak to forest animals. What do you think it means?

Well, I know you’re a big fan of Igantius Maddix, Landon Maddix’s younger brother.

I have not seen a big man in the OAOAST as good as Ignatius Maddix and I’ve been here since the formation. Renee, this man has lost three matches since 2017. He loses one match per year.

And I think he’s due for 2020.

Trash talk to start. A LOT of trash talk. So much trash talk that you wonder how these two could have ever been friends.

Just ‘cause you lived a long life doesn’t mean you can’t meet a quick end, pal.

Quick end? Is that what you gave to Wesley pre-match?

That set Iggy off and he took a swing and a big miss. Fabian then proceeded to light Ignatius up like Times Square with chops and forearms. As Ignatius was staggered, The Divine rolled him up for Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V to count the pin…



An easy kickout by Iggy!

Ignatius casually tossed his former friend into the corner, then sent him out of the ring with a lariat! Fabian took out an innocent cameraman, leaving Queen Esther to clean up his mess.

There’s not too many men in OAOAST history with the combination of size and strength that Ignatius Maddix works with. He’s got his brother’s skills plus a foot of size on him.

Back in, Fabian deftly dodged an elbow and slugged away in the corner, but walked into the original elbow. Ignatius casually followed with a suplex and big boot, and Fabian went flying out again.

Basically we’re getting a cruiserweight versus a super heavyweight. What saves Fabian is that he is a vampire.

Back in, they both get crotched on the top rope and Fabian used his vampire agility to clothesline him out.


The Divine followed with a moonsault press to the floor that wowed our zoom fans. Fabian then followed that with a baseball slide that drew a trickle of blood from Ignatius’ nose.

I think that might wake the big man up.

Back in, Fabian started sluggingIggy down, not really working on anything in particular. That proved to be a problem as Ignatius punishes him with a Very Spanish Uppercut! The cover…





Fabian got whipped into the corner but stunned Ignatius with a top rope bulldog!

Huzzah! I love dogs!

Fabian slugged Iggy down again and springboarded off the ropes with a Lionsault! But The Spanish grappler got his knees up! Fabian groaned in pain and was promptly hit by SNAKE EYES~!

The last thing you want is that big man tossing you into the ring posts without a care in the world.

Ignatius gota little lazy and stalls with some posing. This allowed The Divine to get back into the affair. The Dutch vampire kept pounding away and went up with a flying elbow to the back, which got two!

All the credit to Fabian. He’s getting hit with some big moves but he is relentless.

Yeah, and Spanish Sexy is turning into Spanish Lazy.

Ignatius easily fought off a front facelock attempt then weathered the storm against Fabian’s barrage of chops. The Divine then tried to hit an End of Days but found himself cursed with a brutal tilt a whirl slam! Into the cover…





A kickout!

Gimme a break.

Iggy threw the old elbows to a corner based foe. He hit with deadly accuracy. If Fabian hadn’t been a vampire he would have been toast. But The Divine used his vampire agility to hustle behind Ignatius and lock on a sleeper hold!


It was more like a choke, which got Fabian warned by the official. Ignatius had no choice but to dump both he and Fabian out the ring to break the hold!

How humiliating would it have been for Ignatius if Fabian put him to sleep?

It would have cemented Fabian being the better man.

The two men brawled on the outside with Fabian getting the upper hand with a guardrail running Jeff Hardy like attack on Iggy! All 6’7 of the champion was bowled over. Fabian made him suffer even more as he leapt off the guardrail with a lionsault!

That’s a great series of moves. Except they occurred outside the ring. It’s like if Zion hit a buzzer beater from the concession stand.

Back in the ring, Ignatitus was recovered and his face was red with anger. He ate a superkick and returned fire to deck Fabian with a big boot! Another cover…




Again Fabian kicked out!

People on zoom were rooting for The Divine and he didn’t disappoint. He avoided a powerslam to hit Ignatius with a float over DDT that planted the champ’s head into the mat!


Fabian came roaring off the top with a big elbow attack! But he was caught within Ignatius’ powerful arms and crushed with a sidewalk slam!


Another cover by Ignatitus…






No! A last minute kickout!

A human wouldn’t get up from that attack.

But the vampire did, albeit dizzy. That carried him into Big Spanish Cool’s arms and the giant hit a jackknife powerbomb!

Not even a vampire can withstand that!

But The Divine was up, spitting blood but up. He was swept onto Iggy’s shoulders as the champ called for the Go2Sleep. But when Iggy threw Fabian up The Divine landed behind him!

That was a textbook escape!

Fabian cracked Iggy with Tristan’s Buzzsaw kick and knocked the big man into the ropes. The champion came stumbling back into a crucifix from his former ally...





Winner: Fabian Nystrom, via pinfall and new champion

Oh my gosh! He did it! He did it!

Fabian fell into Queen Esther’s arms who was there for a BIIIIIIIIG HUG! The hug of all hugs dare I say! It was well deserved for the brand new Galaxy Champion.

Sidewalk Slam, Jackknife, but Ignatitus couldn’t hit the Go 2 Sleep.

Ignatius was arguing with the referee as confetti rained down all around him. All that confetti just made him all the angrier. But what really pissed him off was Fabian throwing him clear out the ring!


That’s not funny!

Fabian paraded about the ring with the Galaxy tile. Sure there were no fans in the arena, but the joy was still there. The giant had been conquered. Vengance had been achieved. Fabian was finally Galaxy champion.


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