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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 8/18/2020

Chanel #99

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to TMW! We’re headed into the men’s Anglemania with a mainevent of The Shell Gang’s Painbow against the number one contender to the Galaxy Championship Fabian Nystrom!

The show began with Wesley Singleton cutting a promo…

Aiyo! It’s Wesley The Vampire Slayer Singleton. Tristan we know you’re 100 percent vampire, but we also know you’re zero percent man. You’ve had that fine piece of ass Queen Esther around you for a year and you’ve fucked her once. You’ve been [i]this[/i] close to the Galaxy Title and you’ve never gone for it once. Tristan, I am a man. No one humiliates Wesley Singleton and no one beats Wesley Singleton. Tristan Nystrom, you owe me. And I’m getting my payback in days at the biggest show on earth. I want you to feel humiliated. I want you to be embarrassed. I want you to feel like a bitch. I want you finished! Wesley Singleton, Tristan Nystrom, one on one at Anglemania. You’re finished, fanger!

Suddenly Wesley was interrupted by the sounds of the Amusement Park theme from Nier Automatica. This brought Burlington Pembrokshire to the ring.

As you know Tristan is my good friend. And I expect you’re up to a few shady tricks for Anglemania. Unfortunately fot you that means I have to beat some common decency into you!

Bring it!

Referee Rikishi ran into the ring and we got our opener…

[b]***Wesley Singleton Vs Burlington Pembrokshire***[/b]
Burlington decked Wesley with a left hand then had him eating a series of body blows.

Burlington knows where to hit for maximum damage. He’s been fighting professionally since he was 13 years old.

Burlington then showed off his strength by press tossing Wesley across the ring!

Welsey has a habit of underestimating his opponent. It could cost him tonight.

Frankly he shouldn’t even be fighting. Who does Burlington Pembrokshire think he is? Tristan’s father?

Burlington had Wesley  locked in an abdominal stretch, but couldn’t submit him as Wesley reached the ropes. Wicked Wes then shoved Referee Rikishi into Burlington, which created a bout of confusion. Confusion, Wesley used to hit a crescent kick on Burlington!

The Living Daylights just got kicked out of Burlington. For someone who hates his father Wesley sure uses a lot of his moves.

The Englishman got choked in the corner, but had enough strength to break the attack. What he couldn’t do is stop Wicked Wes from hitting a trademark half nelson choke suplex.

Wicked Wes bringing out all the big moves, showing Tristan what he’s in store for.

Burlington fought out of a Razor’s Edge and used his momentum to flatten Wesley with a pair of lariats. But when the Brit went for gut wrench suplex, Wesley found his way out of the attack. He then grabbed Burlington into a rolling neck choke known as Wreckage! An illegal move that father Simon perfected. Rikishi ordered Wesley to break it. But Wicked Wes wouldn’t forcing, Rikishi to call for the bell.

[b]Winner:b[/b] Burlington Pembrokshire, via DQ

Post-match Wesley pounced on Rikishi and seized him in the rolling neck choke known as Wreckage!

That man is sick, Reject.

He’s got an ego, he’s got an attitude, and he’s got the skills. Tristan needs to watch out when we get to Anglemania.

Josh Matthews was on hand with The Three Hyenas and The Bounty Hunter in the casting room.

Three Hyenas in just a matter of moments you team up with Bedrock to face Big Papa Thrust, Chad Mustard and Gory Dragan better know as Brotica and Marty Fox. Can you trust someone like Bedrock who has a parking lot brawl match at Anglemania against Big Papa Thrust? Who has raped two women brutally?

The question is can he trust us?

The answer is no! Hhahaahaha! We’re The Three Hyenas! We’re the wild ones! Are you married Josh? Watch your wife around us! Hahhaahahaha!

Joshie-poo, get on the ground and beg for your life!


And slit your stomach open for the dishonor you’ve brought to me!

I’d die!

Nhehehhe, that’s not my problem! Just like Bedrock isn’t our problem. He’s Big Papa Thrust’s problem. No sympy for Big Papa!

No sympy!


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[b]***The Young Cucks (Montell and Jordan), The Bounty Hunter and Bedrock Vs Big Papa Thrust, Brotica (Chad Mustard and Gorgy Dragan), and Marty Fox W/Doc White***[/b]

The Young Cucks really, really, really were into Doc White which pissed Marty off. That was to those who like spotfest’s benefit as we saw some high flying dueling action between Marty and the Cucks. But Big Papa shut that down with a double lariat to both Cucks.

The Young Cucks are quick but they ain’t vampire quick.

The Three Hyenas got themselves thrown around by BPT, which had TBH yelling at The Young Cucks.

When you’re the leader and you’re out openly yelling at your guys it’s a bad look.

Bedrock attacked BPT, which had the two men wildly brawling. So wild that they disappeared backstage while fighting.

We’re gonna see Bedrock and Big Papa Thrust face off in a parking lot brawl match at Anglemania!

Chad got isolated by The Three Hyenas who were back on the same page.

I hope they break that idiot Chad’s neck. What a doofus.

But a double superkick got ducked and nailed The Bounty Hunter!

That adorable face!

The Young Cucks weren’t tough enough to fend off a 3 on 2 and advantage and Montell fell victim to Marty Fox’s Hoverboard aka diving double foot stomp to the back of the head!

[b]Winner:[/b] Marty Fox, Brotica, via pinfall

Post-match Chad and Gory made sure to fist pound Marty and Doc as the Bro Code dictates.


A limo rolled into the parking lot. From it’s open doors stepped the Cayley twins. Sammi was in an awful mood, looking around scowling.

Can you believe that weasel faced ass Nerdregard defecated in my bag? How dare you? Why didn’t Nikki and Britney stop him? What are you going to do about this, Blaine?

Me? You want me to do something? Why not ask Tanner? He seems to be rather precious to you.

I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean.

Before Blaine can answer he was rocked by a super kick from JOSE CANTU SI! Then PAINBOW hit him with the big boot known as That Bitch Kicks! Blaine was down bleeding from the mouth!

Shell Gang runs your Welsh ass, faggot! Anglemania, Last Man Standing, I’m finna get hardcore on you, homo!

Shell Gang for life!


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[b]***Sgt.Holt Vs Abdullah Abir Nerdly***[/b]
Before the match began Sgt.Holt had something to say…

Every single viewer at home needs to realize something. The only reason you can enjoy this show is because I stood up courageously and fought for your freedoms. It is a known FACT that I am the only one in this company with dignity, decency, and morals. I am an American hero and I deserve to be Always Pimpin Champion for a second time. I’m not Tanner Neptune who hangs out with Welsh people who have sex with their siblings, and I’m definitely not this snake oil selling phony holy man Abdullah Abir Nerdly!

Abdullah didn’t take kindly to being called a phony and tangled Holt in all sorts of hold.

My man Abdullah worked his way up from jobber to respect veteran. No shortcuts. No days off. Except days to worship Allah and get this money.

Holt took a shortcut and thumbed the eyes of his foe. Then it was Abdullah’s turn to be tangled in all sorts of holds. But when Holt tried for cravate Abdullah broke free and hit a jumping neckbreaker!

Drop The Mic!

I taught him that and he perfected it.

A series of side kicks from the Canadian had Holt bailing to the outside. He was ready to quit the match entirely but got thrown back inside by TANNER NEPTUNE!

I’m disgusted. If Holt doesn’t want to wrestle then he doesn’t want to wrestle. Tanner Neptune should go back to simping Sammi.

Holt got blasted with more kicks that had him weakened in the corner. A big shot gun dropkick had things looking bad for the former Always Pimping Champion.

The holy Abdullah Abir Nerdly has been on the aggression all match.

As willed by Allah.

Holt ducked a spinning wheel kick, whiched allowed him to take down Abdullah with a high knee ala Triple H. After taking a moment to catch his breath, Holt began slamming Abdullah’s face into the turnbuckles. The Candian fought back and brought Holt down into a STF, but Holt was able to wiggle out.

Just not tight enough on that hold.

Abudllah came charging at Holt only to get hot shotted! Pained, Abdullah bounced back into a reverse suplex from Holt!

There’s his finisher, Dishonorable Discharge!

And that finished off Abdullah!!!

[b]Winner:[/b] Sgt.Holt, via pinfall

Post-match Tanner and Holt talked trash to one another as security and Studs kept them apart.

We went backstage to Lisa Ann’s office which was filled with people who hate each other: Das Wrestling Machine, The Union Jets, Jose Cantu-Si and Pike Pantera and the tag team champs BLK. Lisa Ann announced that these four teams will meet in a tag team turmoil match at Anglemania!


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[b]***2xs W/Amelia Von Kruger and Honey Dove Vs Storm Bellmare***[/b]
Lawson Belle was on guest  commentary for this match ahead of his Anglemania match with Storm.

Once again I’d like to thank Storm Bellmare for bringing back the old Lawson Belle. You know the old Lawson Belle real well, Reject.


AVK felt up Storm’s lean and hard body, but he was wise to refuse her advances.

That might cost him later. Amelia doesn’t handle rejection very well.

The men trade go behinds until Storm took 2Xs down and they traded hammerlocks. 2xs missed a leaping kick and Storm leg swept  him down. The two men hada STAND OFF~ which was interrupted by Amelia grabbing Storm in the junk! Needless to say Storm wasn’t expecting that!

This is looking more like Raw Is Whore!

2XS launched a lariat that Stom ducked as he escaped AVK. The Berkley native then hit a single underhook tip toss!

Wind Shear ripped right through 2XS!

But Storm hesitated, and 2XS rocked him with a leg sweep

Storm doesn’t stay on the man. He has no killer instinct. Not like me. I was born a killer, and I’ll die a killer.

2XS held Storm in a Boston Crab that the Berkley native was able to roll free of. What Storm couldn’t avoid was the front flip neckbreaker by The Neon Babylon!

2XS Turned The Beat Around on Storm!

But the move only got a one count. Annoyed, 2XS went for a choke which got him warned by Referee Val Venis. Storm could fight his own battles and traded hands with 2XS. But the Reno native, 2XS ended Storm’s flurry of punches with a knee to the gut.

That looked a little low.

Looked low and is low are two different things, Renee. You should be fined for questioning our officials.

2XS raked Storm’s eyes across the ring ropes, which had Storm hollering in pain. The popular babyface was then stretched spread leg across the ring posts. It’s less erotic then it sounds!

May your dreams be shattered.

But 2XS was suddenly distracted by BI-CURIOUS GEORGE arriving on the scene!

Yooo-hooo! Twosies! I’m here to play!

MmmHmmmm I’m here to play too! Roleplay a dirty teacher who whips bad Georgie’s ass until it’s filled with welts.

Twosies, save me!

You’re rude! Rude and mean and I don’t like rude an mean people Because they’re rude and mean.

That part was pretty obvious.

If you want him well…well…you’ll have to deal with me!


BCG slung little Honey over his shoulders and ran off like a Ninja Turtles villain. Things got worse for 2XS as Storm stunned him with a leg trap sunset flip piledriver known as Storm’s End. Needless to say 2XS didn’t kick out of that one.

[b]Winner:[/b] Storm Bellmare, via pinfall

Post-match Lawson Belle dove into the ring and attacked Storm! But Storm was ready for him and shocking;y held his own in a brawl!

Storm Bellmare is all heart!

As the brawl continued another brawl came into view as BIG PAPA THRUST and BEDROCK came brawling from the back!

These nuts are still fighting?!

Eventually Bedrock and BPT found their way into the ring! There Lawson ducked a superkick from Storm that knocked Bedrock over the ropes! BPT decided to return the favor and hit his old rival, Lawson with a Volcanic Eruption! Storm found that to be quite hilarious and gave BPT a thumbs up

Bedrock may be a dumb as rocks but he’s gonna remember that Storm superkicked him out of the ring. Trust me.

Uh-huh, yeah, sure. But what about Honey Dove! She got kidnapped by Bi-Curious George!

We cut to a video package playing …


In the video were highlights of Alexander The Magnificent’s 10 year career in the OAOAST. And speaking over it was Logan Mann…

We saw Alexander hit Odin with the sword of Damocles.

Ten years ago the business was changed! Alexander The Brutal came onto the scene!

Alexander clotheslined Bohemoth out of a battle royal.

Like Malcom X showed you what a black person was, Alexander showed you peons what a superstar was!

Alexander as The Magnificent modeled for a photoshoot as Blondie fawned in the background.

You beg every week for a real superstar to arrive and he comes every week and his name is Alexander The Mangicent! Praise that man! Praise him! ReX expect him! Expect him like you expect Jesus! He’s coming!


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***The Big Hairy Nutt Saks Vs The Same Old Shits***
We saw a video earlier today of Conan Chanel talking with Wakefield and Horse of The Nutt Saks.

You don’t want us to win you just want us to cripple them so you got an easy match at Anglemania?

You’re smarter than you look.

What’s in it for us? We don’t wanna lose a match.

Riches. Riches.

Damn, I could be a new tractor.

I could pay off my parking tickets ! We’ll do it.

Except The Saks were a lot harder to injure than Wakefield and Horse thought. Much harder. Thus the match ended up as a brawl all around The Toy Box that called back to ECW days. Horse found a trashcan and tried to concuss Nutt but got one of LeBrenda’s basketball’s slammed in his nut sack!


Wakefield took a dive off an electrical box and took down Saks! But The big man was up quick and blasted Wakefield with a tire iron right in the nose! Wakefield screamed bloody murder and bled profusely! It looked like The Nutt Saks would stand tall, until chain wielding Money Marc and Conan attacked them from behind! The pair fell The Nutt Saks and they were the ones standing tall.

Who better than Money Marc?!


We returnsto Sofa Central where our girl Renee and legend Reject have a run down of the men’s Anglemania card

We just saw an awful attack by Coco Chanel and Money Marc Benett against The Big Hairy Nutt Saks. But Money Marc and Coco are going to have to face them in a fair, honest tag team match at Anglemania. All because The Big Hairy Nutt Saks find The Doll attractive.

They’re doing more than admiring her. Money Marc is being damn near a saint in handling this.

Storm Bellmare stopped Lawson Belle from beating down Bi-Curious George. Now Storm contends with the old Lawson Belle.”

Old, new, Lawson Belle is a dangerous, heartless man.

Three times. Three times Tanner Neptune has beat Sgt.Lyle Holt in Always Pimpin Title matches. But Sgt.Holt weasled his way into a fourth title match.

Wonder if Sammi will give Tanner a good luck kiss before the match?

Please don’t start trouble. But speaking of the Cayleys, Painbow took it upon himself to welcome Blaine back from the IR with a beating. Now it’s Blaine’s turn in a Last Man Standing match.

We all know Blaine can absorb an injury. But he has a history of concussions and this match is against a man deemed to violent to play for my Knicks. A man with a history of brutality.

Will it be Welsey “The Vampire Slayer?” Welsey Singleton takes on the conscience ofTristan Nystrom!

Wesley is one of my favorite guys. Big attitude, big personality, can go in the ring. He gets a little cocky and underestimates his opponents, but after all this time feuding with The Nystroms The Shell Gang has a plan.

It’s Tag Team Turmoil for BLK as they join Jose Cantu-Si and Pike Pantera, Das Wrestling Machine and The Union Jets for a tag team blow up!

Tough break for the champs to get that kind of match. It’s any team’s ballgame in that one.

He’s the superstar we’ve all been waiting for according to Logan Man…Alexander The Magnificent finally goes one on one with ReX!

Two big strong bastards hooking up. I love it.

In Parking Lot Brawl match Bedrock collides with Big Papa Thrust.

Bedrock crossed the line when he raped both of Big Papa’s Freakazoids. That’s motivation enough for Big Papa Thrust to kick some ass. But The Neolithic Avenger has been on a roll lately.

And in our mainevent, Ignatius Maddix defends his Galaxy Title against “The Divine” Fabian Nystrom!

These men were tight. Fabian was the leader of The Shell Gang. Now the animosity between them is hotter than Krista Vs Moneymaker, Malibu Vs Anglesault, Friberg Vs Maguire Jr. However this match goes it’s going to be an all out war.


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***Painbow Vs Fabian Nystrom***

On hand for special guest commentary was none other than the Galaxy Champion, Ignatius Maddix.

Painbow and Fabian started brawling early on, which favored the 1000 year old vampire. Or favored him until the athletic Painbow hit a leaping side kick on Fabian! But Fabian rolled upright and made Painbow eat a series of chops. The Georgia native shrugged those blows off and flung Fabian across the ring with a giant hip toss!

Little man meets big man. Same story at Anglemania, pal.

Painbow ground Fabain in a reverse chinlock but Fabian was able to escape the hold. Unfortunately that didn’t matter as Fabian was suddenly attacked by Welsey Singleton, Jose Cantu-Si, Pike Pantera, Logan Mann, and Alexander aka the entire Shell Gang!

And there’s the epilogue to our little story. Excuse me, R&R I have to provide the afterward.

Ignatius certainly did as he hit Fabian with a Go2Sleep that would rival his brother Landon’s!

These pack of wild dogs are all over Fabian!

Painbow had a wrench and laid it into Fabian’s face! Even though Fabian was a vampire he was sorely hurt by the attack!

Our officials can’t do anything!

No they can’t as Logan and Alexander keep them at bay. This allows Painbow to take the wrench to Fabian’s ribs!

This is sick!

Fabian fought to his feet only to get clocked between the eyes by Painbow’s wrench yet again!

When The Shell Gang has this huge advantage they decimate people!

The Shell Gang stands tall after leaving a messafe Fabian will never forget!

What a sick way to head into Anglemania!



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