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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Raw Is Whore 8/8/2020

Chanel #99

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A Tesla rolls into the parking garage, turning heads as this person obviously has money. A pudgy driver hurried out to open the door to allow...

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DREAMY, who already has merch in a DREAM ON tank top, to step out.

Dreamy, Dreamy! At last you have arrived!

Don’t forget about me, doll.

Dreamy extends her hand to help...

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???? the mystery woman who attacked Doc White out of the car. The beauty does a little twirl and gives off a coy giggle.

Annie! Annie Idol to the parking lot!

Like calling for Papa Johns, Annie is present, delivering a mic to Dreamy’s face.

Annie, I bet you’re sick of being bullied by the Skylites.

Well, yeah.

I’m not going to bully you. Our group are actually your biggest fans. Sure you can’t dress, your singing voice is weak and you’re a ginger, but you are our now our official interviewer. When the tea spills you’re gonna be the one lapping it up.

Oh man! Awesome! Then spill the tea on this smoke show!

You may call me Tabitha.

Tabitha. And you’re an OAOAST superstar’s daughter?

Oh am I! My parent is on the OAOAST’s Mount Rushmore. That basically makes me royalty.

But who’s daughter are you?

Let a girl be a little mysterious, Annie.

But why attack Doc White? What did Doc White do to you?

Call us petty but when she congratulated Adelphe on slapping me that set The Slut off.

The Slut?

She’s kind of like our big sister.

She wanted Doc dropped so Tabby dropped em. And, Adelphe, here’s some tea for you. The Slut says you aren’t the wave and you’re gonna get dropped! You’re getting a big uppercase L!


The girls walk off with Annie nearly orgasming over getting a scoop!

And now we hear the theme music...

Wear a mask? Don’t wear a mask? Get a vaccine? Don’t get a vaccine? There’s a lot of debate in this country but one thing isn’t up for debate, we’ve got he hottest babes on the planet on Raw Is Whore! What our babes lack in brains they make up for every where else and they’re ready to rock n roll tonight!

OVARY TITLE: Charli XCX defends against Kathy Karen Kelly!

Andt the TMW tag team champs BLK are in the building, and they ain’t here to see any 5 star classics. But right now our awesome camera guys were on hand for some craziness! Let's take a lookie see!



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Hard on Hoes Champion Lady XFL and her manager Alysanne arrive at our undisclosed broadcast location where they’re put thru THE PROTOCOL~!

Earlier today, as OAOAST cameras recorded footage for an upcoming documentary on operating during the pandemic—

Shit got wild and c-c-crazy, kids! And I was there for it!

Suddenly Lady XFL races to the dressing room of the Duncan family to get her hands on CO2 after what occurred at Skank Stampede! Officials (properly protected cuz the OAOAST gives a damn) are quick to intercept her as CO2 barge out ready to fight! Right behind them is Isabella Spezia who throws a shoe at the champ while sister Alix enjoys a smoothie!

* yelling, screaming, expletives *

Krista Isadora Duncan shows up with more security and Lady XFL/Alysanne are finally led off.

Back LIVE! we find IamHina already in the ring for singles competition joined by fellow Whoros members Glass Juliet, Effie Reese and Mitama (the trio scheduled to face CO2 and Isabella Spezia-Villaraigosa later in the program).

Clips air from Skank Stampede where IamHina aided Whoros in their 6-woman tag victory over CO2 and Eponine Black when she nailed Ebb with CPA’s pimp cane. So Ebb’s out for revenge.

*** IamHina vs. Eponine Black ***

No music or elaborate entrance for Ebb on this occasion. Her demeanor is so serious it frightens Glass and Effie who quietly sneak out. Unaware their backup has bailed, the Geishas signal Ebb inside. They get the jump on her early but Ebb answers quick and painful. Ebb rids the ring of Mitama and punishes Hina while Izzy cheers on from the Duncan family dressing room.

All is good with the sisterhood! Just like Isabella said! The Hotties Tag Team Champions back on the same page!

Speaking of hoods, how about Izzy and me going under each other’s at Skank Stampede?!

Before Alix can dive deeper into the subject TWO SECURITY GUARDS CRASH THRU THE DRESSING ROOM DOOR courtesy of Lady XFL!

Oh my gosh!

Lady XFL pokes her head in the room, Alysanne underneath her arm. Huge grin on Aly’s face.

It’s time for... Lady XFL’s butt kicking of the night! Presented by Alysanne!

Like earlier, Izzy shows up to toss her other SHOE at Lady XFL! Meanwhile, CO2 are prepared to throw down when reinforcements arrive to restrain Lady XFL!

* screaming, yelling, expletives *

CO2 won’t be intimidated!

We stay on top of the action in and out of the ring via split-screen. Officials doing their best to put out the fire backstage while Hina taps to the Heart of Ice crossface! But Ebb keeps the hold applied past the bell to really teach Hina a lesson!

Winner: Eponine Black, via submission.

With Ebb in vulnerable position Whoros pounce on her. 3 on 1 until Hina joins in, arm clutched tightly due to the damage done moments ago. CO2 and Izzy make the save but Ebb is pissed after being kicked, clawed and scratched. She’s also oblivious to the reason the girls were delayed, which Izzy tries to clue her in about but Ebb simply isn’t in the mood!

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The vet cameraman who filmed Alix and Izzy going at it has found something else to film. Something hot of a different nature. A heated RFEREE NERDREGARD stomping through the dressing room area.

Nasty tranny…beat me…one…two…three…NO WAY!

RFN kicks through the door of the nearest dressing room giving a green haired Fluffer a fright.

This is a woman’s dressing room!

You let that nasty tranny change with you but you won’t let ol Wally Nerdregard in to see the goods? I’m the star of the show! I’m the biggest star on the roster and I’m gonna take a huge shit all over Doc White’s existence. Where’s his bag?!

RFN starts grabbing random bags until he settles on a Gucci one.

Gucci! Gucci!?! How about a Gucci shit?!

Yes we have censors and they finally get to work, blurring out RFN taking a dump in Doc’s bag!


RFN is pleased with himself in a rather deranged way and takes a cocky strut out the dressing room.

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Our ever present cameras caught a much detested pair walking into the arena…

Rashida Jones Finds the Silver Lining in “the War on Women ...

LADYBIRD JONES in her warmup outfit from her days playing for Harvard.

And of course the purple and gold wearing…



In a matter of moments, LeBrenda walked up to Sara Jean who was conversing with a sound guy.

Sara Jean, I got something to say. Go on and ask me about the OVARY title. Go on!

What about it? You lost to Charli.

Me lose? My matches are like phones; they keep getting better and better. I never lose. I get robbed. And the robbery was committed by one woman and one woman only.

LeBrenda rounds on Ladybird with fire in her eyes.

That woman is you, ho.

Me? But-

Ain’t no buts in this building. I brought you into this world and I can take you out of this world. Suit up, bitch.

LeBrenda walks off, fists clenched. That leaves Ladybird to tremble with worry and a few tears.

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Running down the hallway and nearly knocking several people over is…

Natalie Dormer's Shocking Hair Provides Clues to Next 'Hunger ...


She barrels through the door to a lavish bathroom that was used for the Bathing Beauties series Toni Patrica filmed.

Cinnamon Spoons, agent of the Justice Cabal, reporting, ma’am! BLK have been sighted on the premises! Were first seen consuming studio provided ration’s, ma’am, current whereabouts-

Ugh, will you shut...uh, I mean thank you for the ummm intel.

The camera pans around to see Annagret Wickedborn lounging in the tub…



I know BLK is here because they’re here to see yours truly. See and fuck yours truly. Fuck all her sinful slutty holes.

Great! We need to plan a dramatic entrance for when you go meet them! Something heroic because you’re a true hero!

I don’t need to show up with anything fancy. All I need to bring is dripping wet white pussy and those hot studs BLK will be all over me and then some.

You’re so sexy and cool!

I know.

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*** Didi & Pippi Bigguns vs. Annie Idol & Carrie Oakley ***

Still enraged over what happened at Skank Stampede, the Bigguns were out to vent their frustration. Didi in particular took enormous delight turning Annie’s screen time into scream time with a series of stiff titty slaps. The Big Shot allowed a tag and snapped Carrie over by the hair, then repeatedly slammed her head into the mat, followed by a stomp to the chest!

Awww. Does it hurt? *mock sad face*

With the eagerness of a child on Christmas morning who can’t wait to open their present, Pipi signaled for the tag but was ignored. So she just asked louder, waved faster and stomped her feet to grab cousin Didi’s attention. It was then Pipi learned how true the old adage “be careful what you wish for because you just might get it” is, as she got tagged when Carrie’s face was smashed into her chest!


Not a whole lotta padding to cushion that blow!

Well that was certainly a twist on a old Anderson family staple.

Are those Andersons related to Max?

We’re really going hard after that 50+ demo this week!

Once the pain wore off it was time for Pipi to deliver some of her own. The titty based offense continued with forearm shots to the chest. Carrie’s cries of pain great amusement to Pipi.

Haha! Sing for me, pretty birdie. Sing for m—

A well place boot to the face silenced Pipi. All of a sudden Annie and the “crowd” came alive at the possibility of an upset. Didi quickly put a stop to that, catching Carrie with a cheapshot that allowed Pipi to hit her D Cup bulldog. Following a tag Pipi sucker punched Annie on the apron while Carrie fell victim to Didi’s sitout Alabama slam. As the 1-2-3 was made Pipi scaled to the top rope only to climb down onto the second and plant Annie with a flipping seated senton!

Winners: The Bigguns, via pinfall.

Post-match Pippi cut a promo on The Soccer Mom and dubbed herself “The Big Hot” to go along with Didi who calls herself “The Big Shot.” Didi gave her cuz a round of applause... then slapped her upside the head!

You don’t call the shots in this family. I do. Big shots. And I aim this one at Susan Leslie, aka The Soccer Mom, that wrinkly, cellulite ridden MILBU... Mother I’d love to BUST UP! You wanna teach me respect? You want me to obey rules? Well how ‘bout I beat the respect outta you and break every rule in the process? You like the sound of that? Because I sure as hell do.

Me too!

Didi slaps Pipi upside the head again, then exits. Pipi follows out after doing her best to control her rage.

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We return to a rather foul smelling dressing room that…

Hungarian model Barbara Palvin HD wallpaper download

Enters with….

Cory Chase

Sorry about getting our bags mixed up, Sammi.

I’m surprised you’re carrying Gucci. Are you starting to embrace being reborn as a female?

It was a gift. I’ve had guys giving me things just because I’m pretty. And…what’s that smell?!

It’s coming from…my bag!

Sammi opens her bag to find…


What is the meaning of this?!

The green haired Fluffer can’t wait to drop the dime…

Miss Cayley, Wally Nerdregard thought that bag was Doc’s and he…he…

I see. Fitting because he’s now about to be worse off than shit on my shoe.😡

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***Ladybird Jones Vs LeBrenda James***

Ladybird entered to Champions by Ron Artest…


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The Hypebeasts explode!

Because of LeBrenda’s ego and stupid schemes. She framed Charli for a felony, got found out, lost her belt and now blames Ladybird. Who, by the way, is her biggest supporter.

LeBrenda also entered to Champions by Ron Artest…


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But if Ladybird didn’t snitch during Morgan’s interrogation LeBrenda might still be champ.

Ladybird did not want to fight and put her hands up in pleas not to brawl.

Ain’t no friends here!

LeBrenda shoved Ladybird hard, forcing her one time friend to land on her ass!

Wait! It wasn’t my fault!

Who’s fault was it? Casper the Friendly Ghost?

No! It’s Morgan’s fault! She…she….WAAAAAAAAH!

Ladybird buried her crying face in her hands. Again she trembled, wracked with emotion.

Stop crying!

I can’t! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! She threatened to hurt you if I didn’t confess!

LeBrenda stopped berating Ladybird to consider what she said. As Ladybird cried her eyes out, LeBrenda got hold of a microphone.

Aww naw. Naw! Morgan Nerdly, back in the day, my old heads remember, they had a Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club. We starting the LeBrenda James Kick Your Ass Club. And all you gotta do to join is cross the boss. You crossed me, ho, now welcome to the club.

LeBrenda slams down the microphone in tough girl fashion. But she’s not done. She helps her sweet, loyal friend Ladybird to her feet.

And then hits a Tomhawk Chop on her!

Slam Dunk! Slam by gawd Dunk on her own partner!

What has gotten into this egomaniac, LeBrenda James?

There’s levels to this shit and LeBrenda’s ego has gone to the next level.

It has to have gone to challenge the four time OAOAST Hottie’s Champion, Morgan Nerdly.


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***OVARY Title: Charli 9ine © Vs Kathy Karen Kelly W/Lauri and Skylar***
KK entered to Let Me Tell You Something by Jay Hardaway…




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Lookie, Skylar’s joining us! Skylar, Renee has been talking mad shit on you but I’ve been holding you down, girlfriend.

Why are you always lying?

Charli entered to “End Game” By Taylor Swift…

I wanna be your endgame
I wanna be your first string
I wanna be your A-Team (whoa, whoa, whoa)
I wanna be your endgame, endgame

Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah
And you heard about me, ooh
I got some big enemies (yah)
Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation, ah (git git)
And I heard about you, ooh (yah)
You like the bad ones too

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Charli 9ine unseated the woman who framed her for assault, LeBrenda James to capture the OVARY championship. Though, Skylar, your kiss nearly threw a wrench in things!

If you were one of my 6.5 million Twitter followers you would no I couldn’t control myself any longer. I had to kiss Charli. But I would never, ever, want her to lose a match.

What about this one to Kathy Karen Kelly?

I want all my Skylitles to flourish. And Charli is one of my Skylites. She just doesn’t know it yet.

KKK got things off on the wrong foot by spitting in Charli’s face!

Grrrr! Are you trying to get your ass kicked?

KKK realized that spitting in Charli’s face might not have been a good idea and tried to make peace. Instead Charli pressed Kathy holding her for a good twenty seconds before throwing her down. That show of strength got Charli to gloat a bit…


I love a strong woman.

Me too! You know what other type of women I love? Naked women! So feel free to take off your clothes.

KKK got hurled across the ring, and had plenty to whine about to Referee Ttitania Nerdly. Of course none of it was valid, so Titania just watched as KKK got slung to the side with an amateur style takedown.

Skylar, why don’t you leave Charli alone?

Because that’s not what she wants.

She’s plainly said to you to leave her alone.

I think her sex says something entirely different. Don’t you, Alix?

Yes, ma’am! Will you follow me on Snap?

I don’t follow my fans.

KKK reversed a throw to the corner and landed Charli against the turnbuckle posts. KKK came in with a splash, then decided to mock the Iowa native…


Grrrr! Quit pissing me off!

Charli came in with a lariat and wiped out KKK, which I can’t imagine is shocking to anyone who has been following their time together.

Skylar, that might happen to you if Charli gets what she really wants. And that’s a match. She wants to defend her title not against Kathy, but against you at Anglemania.

Why do people like you always to tear down feminine unity?

Excuse me? People like me?

Feminine unity is a beautiful thing. The love between two women is the most magnificent bond in the world. Billie, if you’re listening backstage tweet that on my account. No need for a hashtag. The message speaks for itself.

Sweet Jesus.

Charli started feeling it and tore down her top…



Except Charli weren’t wearing nothing underneath!

Well, there’s one reason Skylar wants Charli.

Two reasons!

Lauri jumped onto the apron, holding a sign that read “KKK>COVID-9INETEEN”

Grrrr! What is with you people!

KKK school girled her foe from behind but only got a one count. Charli jumped upright and threw a lariat only for KKK to duck. That led the lariat to taking out Lauri!

Skylar, you can’t even pretend to care that your Skylites are getting their asses kicked.

That’s because I never pretend. As a social media influencer, everything I do is authentic.

That’s why I follow you across all my accounts and hacked into Renee’s Insta and followed you there too!


Charli had Kathy backed into the corner, when Kathy kicked her low. Which obvi didn’t hurt as much as if she were it dude, but it still had Charli hobbling. That led KKK to hit a double arm DDT known as Double Trouble. But Kathy could only get a one count!

Wow! Just a one count off Double Trouble. And that was not a graceful way Charli landed on her head.

You know what? I’m gonna make you tap!

With that KKK locked on The Kathy (Koji) Klutch! But she was (of course) over confident in her abilities to get Charli to tap. The champ did anything but and instead powered out the hold!


NOW you realize you’re in trouble?!

KKK tried to back away from Charli but couldn’t stop The Wifey from tearing through her with a spear! The Iowa native then hoisted KKK onto her shoulder and flung her off with a cutter!

Cuffing Season!

That was the end of KKK’s chapter!

Winner: Charli 9ine, via pinfall

Post-match Chari took a microphone and marched over to Skylar.

Now, I don’t know how this has escaped your view, sweetie, but I’m only into men. I want to attract a rich, handsome prince. And you’re really getting in my god damn way! So back off!

Skylar gotp. Leaned in close to Charli. And whispered…


Charli loset her shit at that point and goess across Skylar’s face!


With the backhand!

Charli, embarrassed at her outburst, ran away. But in her wake stood a smiling Skylar.

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As Americans across the country have sat under social distancing rules it’s the whores of TMW who have thrown caution to the wind and kept up their whoring.

If God didn’t want us to whore then he wouldn’t have made penises. That’s what Moses said before he parted the red sea and led the Jews to the land of the whores.

Uh yeah. So BLK’s been lingering backstage and word is they’ve found their red hot target. And it’s not who you think it is.

The TMW tag team champions, BLK stand in front of a very impressed Tori in a well-decorated very modern bedroom. Euphoria sits on the Ikea bought dresser, swigging champagne.

This is your big surprise, Euphoria?

Do ya like it?

Do I? I get to pick any member of BLK I want! Wowie, wow, wow!

Pick? Sexy Luth’, explain the rules to my good bud.

It’s all at once or not at all.


The man ain’t stutter.

Wait. I have to take you all? That’s dangerous in a pandemic.

All at once or not all.


She’s for it. Move it, move it, my studly brothers! Get to the gangbanging!

I’ve never been in a gangbang before, though…

That’s crazy!

Are you sure because I think that’s pretty normal.

Pshaw!  I’ve been in twelve. We need to start catching you up. Let’s get to it, my beautiful black kings!

Tori may be the sister of a prestigious icon in wrestling, but in the end, she s a Raw Is Whore girl, which means she’s a vile gutter skank. Despite her pristine upbringing, young Tori takes it in all three holes as if she were a crack-addicted prostitute. Martin Garvey, is lodged in her asshole, Booker fills her mouth, and Luther has claimed her pussy.


Work those dicks, boys! Make her take them big black cocks!

Frankly with the way she parades around her taut posterior with those dewy innocent eyes, it is amazing she hadn’t been filmed getting her sphincter, mouth and pussy stretched soone. You better believe that if Tori was at my side I’d have my  mighty black dong to slide up her shitter.


Aww yeah! Suck that cock!

Black men around the globe praise their brothers for smutting out another white bitch. Truly the white whores of Raw Is Whore are shameless slaves to nigga dick. They would crawl across broken glass to get even a five inch black dong. Lucky for Tori the nigga dicks penetrating her measure in the double digits.

Whooo! Give it to her!

It certainly comes as no surprise to see these black cocks penetrating Tori’s sex holes like this. Pandemic? What pandemic in this case? For no matter how much crack and basketball sneakers you offer to pay a black man, nature will not keep him from going in balls deep into a white woman when presented with the opportunity.

Oh Euphoria, thank you!

I thought you’d like it.

Luther Mandella high fives his brothers. For what better joy is there for a black man to smut out the innocence of one of the oppressor’s daughters? Even Euphoria gets a high five for her woke contribution against the man.



Like a good white slut, Tori gets taken in the shitter and pussy while sucking a cock...servicing with a smile all the while. What a good girl! That ass gets plenty of attention.. She wants it stretched and it gets stretched by a big black dong. All white women should be so lucky than to have a massive black member in their poop chute. Her brother may be a legend but to us brothers she’s just a white slut that needs her holes stuffed tight. The only thing better for this white skank will be when these niggas creampie her.


Of course Tori’s cute natural body has long been coveted by the horny heathen hordes of niggas. But it wasn’t until BLK that we have been able to crack her cracker ass open! Yes, we are fairly confident that while Tori is getting all her holes stuffed with nigga dick these her dad is crying at what his little girl became!

Urrrrrh, that’s so it! All the way!

When Tori Malibu first started popping her perky boobies out in TMW we all knew that eventually her pasty holes would be fucked wide, and inevitably that gangbang would be with black guys. For the allure of pasty white sluts like Tori is irresistible to the black king due to colonialism. And the fact that the undulating of their taut backsides appeals to savage nature.


Tori attacks that negro dick in her mouth like a  starving black cock slut. The cute whore jams  it down her throat until she nearly vomited this morning's breakfast. Meanwhile the leader of BLK, Luther treats her white slut pussy the way it was meant to be treated. The brother man didn’t fail his people by the way her skank hole  turned beet red by the non-stop pounding he dished.


Awww yeah, beat that shit up!

As leader, Luther takes high honor and unloads a hefty stream jizz into her birth canal. The bitch squeals in delight over all the jizz filling her and the black baby she might carry. Her smiling face is then deluged with cream from Martin Garvey and Book X, leaving the pale slut even more white than usual.

Hehehhe, social distancing  sucks!

We cut to one person everyone around her is social distancing from, and that’s Annagret Wickedborn! The usually arrogant white girl is throwing a fit in the casting room and actually begins tearing the stuffing out the casting couch.

Oh boy.

It’s like when Jade found out Maya eat the last bag of Hot Cheetos!

Annagret has to be restrained by actual security but the damage to the casting room is done. In fact more damage is done as Annagret breaks away and smashes a lamp!


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***C02 and Chicks Over Black Dicks Vs Whoros W/Christopher Patrick Allen***

C02 entered to “Disco Tits” by Tove-Lo

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A huge multi bimbo affair in our mainevent after our heated opening! The big tit, low IQ duo of C02 are now in a big feud with Lady XFL and the very smart Alysanne.

The Hotties Tag Team Champions, Chicks Over Black Dicks enterted to “Boys” by Charli XCX

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They’ve still got a coordinated entrance! There’s hope yet!

You have to stress that because Eponine and Isabella haven’t been seeing boob to boob lately. But, like C02 Isabella isn’t here for her brains or ability so I’m not sure she understands why Eponine is made.

Whoros entered to “Happy Song” by Bring Me The Horizon, and though they aren’t well liked by anybody but CPA they still kept their cheerleading pep…



Whoros have been more than a thorn in Chicks Over Black Dicks side. They’ve been their kryptonite. Yes they fit the cheerleader slut stereotype but they are very dangerous 

There was an argument between Maya and Eponine over who would start, which Whoros took advantage of; IamHina dumped Maya out the ring and Glass brought down Eponine with a back suplex.

Those are two alpha females in Maya and Eponine, and they aren’t exactly getting along right now.

Glass bashed Eponine’s head into a neutral corner, then tried to send her flying with a German suplex. But Eponine smoothly flipped out of it and cracked Glass in the back of the head with an enziguri! But, to her credit, Glass stayed upright…staggering into the good girl corner where Isabella yanked down her cheerleading top!

Ahhhhh daddy!

Glass ran out the ring, running to the arms of CPA. The pimp was all too happy to receive her…

Come and bless the pimpin, because when you bless the pimpin the pimpin is gonna bless you…

CPA whipped out his monster black cock for Glass to worship. And like the black dick slut that she is the cheerleader went to town immediately…


That yummy BBC empowered the whorish vampire, and renewed her energy! But what white slut wouldn’t be pumped up by chugging down her black daddy’s meat?

The naked white girl ran to the scary black guy. We’re so progressive.

Glass was back on the attack, springing at Eponine with a forearm off the ropes. But EB caught her arm and dragged her down into a Heart of Ice! Luckily, Glass was able to roll through. But Eponine was so smooth that she rolled Glass into a sharpshooter!

Awesome technique by one half of the Hotties Tag Team Champions!

Glass was able to reach out and make a much-needed tag to Mitama. The Japanese babe then clobbered an unware Eponine from behind with forearms.

What The Geisha Girls lack in wrestling know how they make up for by swarming you with attacks.

 That led to a brawl that saw Eponine get whipped into the ropes. There a blind tag was made by Jade, who came in a pair of double knees on Mitama! Effie thought she’d help out, only to be overtaken by a hip toss and slung to the ground! That led IamHina to drag Jade out of the ring, which simply led to Hina getting popped in the face by Sowee!

No mercy! Like how I racked up a bunch of OnlyFans charges on Renee’s credit card.

That’s not no mercy that’s just credit card fraud.

Jade turned to CPA, who still had his big black cock hanging out large and charge. Sowee get a broad smile on her beautiful face because as a Duncan girl she looooooooves black guys!

Let’s see what this ”pimping” is all about.

Jade opened wide and get herself a taste of the pimpin…


Have mercy!

IamHina, seething with jealousy, pried Jade off her pimp and sent her into the ring. There Mitama dropped a pair of elbows, following up with several mounted punches.

See? There’s that swarm offense of the Geisha Girls.

It’s like a good World Star fight.

But Mitama tried to get a little fancy with a hip toss, which is fancy for her, and got overturned by Jade’s strength advantage. As Mitama groaned in pain, Isabella got the tag!


Mitama got the jump on Isabella and hurled her into the ring by her black locks! That was followed by a boot to the ribs, and now it was Isabella who was groaning in pain. With Isabella sore, Mitama slapped hands with Effie Reese.

I’m Effie Reese, a magical cheerleader vampire who’s sweet like milk!

Uh, we know who you are. You’ve been employed her for 5 years!

Effie came in with a lariat that Isabella matrixed her way through. Latina Extrema then kipped up and clocked Effie right in the nose with a chop!


Strange but effective, Isabella gave Effie a noogie! Effie sold it like Rock sold a Stunner, which let Isabella cool her bad self off…

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But IamHina came in with a forearm aimed at Isabella’s head! But Izzy ducked and let Hina blast Effie in the face. Effie was dazed and was swiftly drilled by Isabella’s DDT!

Hey, she used a wrestling move! Go on girl!

It’s kind of shocking you’re excited she used an actual move.

Isabella sauntered over to Maya, which, if we had a full crowd would get huge anticipatory pop. But Isabella wasn’t quite ready to tag in the brunette beauty yet.

God gave my little niece Maya this tight white ass that’s just perfect for grabbing and groping!


My ass is loving it, Aunt Isabellea!

What Maya didn’t love is being dragged in the hardway by Effie!  


Seems like the combined stupidity of Isabella and Maya made them forget they were in a match.


The brunette vampire than tore through Maya with a running forearm, which had her Cheerleading partners clapping.

That’s the nice part of having cheerleaders as teammates. They encourage you.

Krista was a cheerleader and all anyone ever heard from her is “How long are you gonna keep using a fist drop, Buckworth? This isn’t 1984” and “For fucks sakes Colin why even have a finisher if you’re never gonna hit it?”

Effie came darting off the ropes, looking to drill Maya with a shoulder block. But for once a human was faster than a vampire and Maya rocked Effie with a pele kick!

Maya was a star soccer player growing up! But she left the pitch for the ring!

Effie was out on her feet and was promptly blasted by Maya’s scissors kick!

Inheritiance Kick!

They’re all watching! All eyes are on me now!

And dicks around the world go hard!

Shout outs to Maya’s plastic surgeon!

Buzzlefoxxer sure got hard! In all his years of strippers and hookers he had never seen a girl with such great tits! And it’s a good thing she has great tits because she’s a fucking idiot. One wonders why she wears a top to the ring, though. Why doesn’t she show us her tits? None of us are here so to see mat classics from her.

Effie retreated to tag in Mitama, who didn’t fare much better than the vampire. The Japanese babe was thrown around the ring with unerring ease by Krista’s youngest. Somehow she was able to avoid Maya’s leapfrog face crusher finisher. That led to Mitama tossing Maya across the ring with a hair whip!

Those ain’t extensions folks that’s her real hair.

A blind tag off an Irish whip got Jade into the ring. The Duncan whores combined with double dropkick that sent Mitama flying! IamHina then came running into the ring and got herself flung aside by a double hip toss! The white trash duo then struck a pose reminsencent of the Steiners with Jade on top…


Jade and Maya didn’t grow up together until Maya was 15 but they’re as tight as Renee’s coochie.

Glass took over for the Geisha girls. This presented a stiffer challenge for Jade. Little Miss Cali traded punches with Glass until she realized a slug fest with a vampire is a bad idea. So she leaped onto Glass’ shoulders in hopes of hitting a victory roll. But Mitama shoved Jade off to force her to land throat first onto the ring ropes!


Glass distracted Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V, by pouting her lips which allowed Hina to choke Jade on the cables! 

That’s why I buy American cars folks, because the Japs are damn dirty cheaters!


Glass flung Jade into the ropes, seeking out a tilt a whirl gut buster as the thick booty babe came bouncing back. But Jade stunned her by turning things around into an arm drag! As Glass got up, dizzied, Isabella was given the tag from her niece.

Fun fact, Isabella sent nudes to my dad’s parole officer in 2015 to get his sentence reduced.

I don’t think that’s so much a fun fact as it is an admission of bribery.

Isabella walloped Glass with clubbing forearms that got a rousing cheer from Maya. But Mitama was on hand to take down Izzy with a chop block! That led Glass to level Latina Extrema with her rolling lariat known as Punishment Time!

Come on, Buzzlefoxxer! How do you keep missing all they’re sneak attacks! What are you? Blind in one eye?

Yea. I have been since age 11.

That’s sad. But, I’m too pretty and rich to feel guilty for that comment.

Upupupu, the south of the border calls! It’s time to chow down on some Mexican…



Urrrrgggh! It’s making me super horny! You should try it, Eponine!

Be more concerned about this!

Izzy realized the wisdom of Eponine’s words and kipped up out of the ear nibbling. But she couldn’t stop Mitama from reaching out and slamming her to the mat by her hair!

These Geisha Girls will not stop.

I told you about the Japs, Renee.

Effie got the tag and came off the top to hammer Izzy with an axe handle as Glass Juliet held her in place. The worse came when the University of Michigan cheerleader hit her foe with the move known as the Effiesteiner! Yet somehow Isabella was able to kickout the resulting pin!

Let’s go, Aunt Isabella! There’s a whip creamed bikini with your name on it waiting for me to put on!

That got Izzy motivated! After all who wouldn’t be motivated by Maya’s fake tits in whip cream? But when she tried to left Effie for a bodyslam the vampire reversed it into a biiiiiiig back body drop! As Isabella groaned in pain, Mitama took the tag from Effie.

Whoros are making some very efficient tags. It kinda reminds me of when the Deadly Alliance would team together.

And by team you mean when they gangbanged me.

No that’s not what I meant at all!

Mitama leveled Izzy with an arm wrench hook kick. Yet off the pin she only got a two count. Annoyed, Mitama slapped Isabella in a reverse chinlock and ground on her neck. Thanks to her partners’ support, Isabella was able to fight out.

That’s what having supportive teammates does. It gives you the will to fight through adversity.

Mitama stayed on the offenseive and tossed Isabella into an empty corner where Izzy hit hard. But not hard enough that she couldn’t avoid Mitama’s splash! The Japanese babe bounced back to the mat, hollering in pain!

Make the tag, Izzy!

Isabella made the tough trek to her corner and tagged in Eponine right as Mitama tagged in Glass Juliet!

Business is damn sure about to pick up!

Eponine ran through Glass Juliet with a lariat. Then caught a charging Effie with a powerslam!

Huge power move by Eponine! What can’t she do?

Eponine got clobbered from behind by IamHina. Shockingly the Brit had no answer for Hina’s sloppy yet effective bulldog! But Jade sure did, as she pitched Hina out of the ring like it was a Royal Rumble!

This is our house!


But Jade had more to worry about than being cringey, as CPA yanked her out the ring!

You may be an heir millions but you just a white bitch. And white a bitch to me, Jade Rodez Duncan, is just a bitch, and a white bitch gotta get fucked!

Like any good black man worth his welfare check, CPA can not resist this glorious phat white bitch. Despite her net worth, the white whore was penetrated like a common hooker at a truck stop. But most likely if Jade wasn’t Krista’s daughter, she’d be a common hooker at a truck stop instead of a glamorized hooker on a wrestling show.


Oink! Oink! Oink!

Black men around the globe stroke in triumph as another white bitch has been savagely conquered. BLM wins again! It’s as if an ape dragged a whore out her trailer and fucked her in front of the whole park. The fat piece of white trash gets no sympathy from our viewers who eagerly stroke their cocks to this fucking.

This should be interesting since I replaced Jade’s birth control with M&M’s.

You are a terrible step mother.

Maya would help her sister, except she’s forced to trade blows with Mitama. Maya would have the upper hand, but she got distracted by Buzzlefoxxer looking up her skirt…



I thought you were blind!

I said only in one eye!

That’s the problem when you’ve got that hot bod Maya has. Guys just can’t keep MeTooing you. Well maybe not. I think you have to be smart enough to know you’re being sexually harassed. Maya is quite stupid.

Buzzlefoxxer’s horniness got Maya decked with a lariat by Mitama!  But Buzzlefoxxer didn’t care as he took the opportunity to push Maya’s panties aside and get a look at her cunny! Never mind she’s young enough to be his granddaughter this is prime 20 yr old snatch! If i were there I’d cram this black schlong in her slick cracker cunt.

After that Mitama talked big shit in Japanese.

You don’t need a translator to know she’s gloating.

But Mitama was quickly shut up by Eponine hitting her with not one, not two, but three German suplexes!

Her dad has taught her every trick in the trade and Eponine has improved on every single one.

Effie came charging at EB only to get sucked into the Heart of Ice! Immediatley Effie tapped, but as she wasn’t the legal woman her torment didn’t end.

Bad luck for Effie with now being the time one of our referee’s actually enforces the rules.

But Buzzlefoxxer’s good officiating would be thrown out the window as he started beating off watching CPA do his best to get Jade’s belly full with a black baby!


With what Alix did to Jade’s birth control, will we see another addition in a long line of black babies to white trash mothers??

While she waits to get pregnant the shameless piece of garbage  oinked like a pig. Backstage her idiot mother showed no self control with three fingers crammed in her slut whole to pleasure herself to her chubby whore of a daughter fucking a low life negro. Yes the savage animalistic black man has won again by smutting out two brain dead white sluts. 

A baby with black ass genes and Jade’s ass genes could wind up having the phatest ass in the known universe!

Chaos abounds as Glass Juliet had the tag title belt! As Effie fought out the hold, her BFF readied to blast Eponine with the belt! But the day was saved by Isabella, who snatched the belt from Glass!

I’d hate to do this to such a cutie, but you asked for it, Juli!

Isasbella took a swing at Glass Juliet with the belt! But the vampire used her quick speed to duck it! That led the belt to smash Eponine in the back of the head! The British babe went down like a sack of bricks and was immediately dove upon by Juliet!

There’s the pin!

As Effie held off Isabella, Glass Juliet earned the one-two-three!

Winners: Whoros, via pinfall

Whoros has done it again! They’ve topped the tag team champions!

Effie and Glass Juliet weren’t done yet! The vampires licked their lips as they had Isabella cornered in the ring. But rather than bite her or molest her they started stomping her to the mat!

Damn it!

Isabella tried to fight back, throwing wild punches from the ground. But the vampires were too much and they easily beat her down!

Winning the match wasn’t enough for Whoros. They just want to torment Isabella.

Isabella was rescued by C02, Maya tackling Effie and a cum drenched Jade tackling Glass! It was a wild brawl of semen, silicone, baby oil, and thongs as the babes brawled about the ring. C02 started to get the upper hand on their vampire rivals, but all that was shut down as LADY XFL suddenly appeared to hammer the white trash sisters with double lariats!

Where the hell did she come from?

The Amazon made the bimbos suffer big time. Maya’s big tits were slapped and punch, and Jade’s phat ass was heavily beaten. The Hard On Hoes champion seemed to be getting a thrill out of it so much you could even see her nipples harden as she stripped Maya naked. Dicks everywhere got hard all over again at the sight of the hot 20 year old white bitch’s naked body!

It’s stroking time, folks!

I think the whole show was stroking time.

But the bimbo sisters combined forces and sent Lady XFL out of the ring with a double dropkick!

Low IQ but high damage!

C02 was on a roll! They were on such a roll they easily handled Alysanne’s sneak attack and sent her flying out of the ring and into Lady XFL’s arms!

We run this town!

I’d honestly trade you for Cinnamon.

Backstage officials swarmed ringside to keep Lady XFL from getting back in the ring. No easy task as Xena was PISSED!

That’s all for this week pervs! But it’s heating up in The Toy Box!

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