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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Chanel #99

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We cut into the Toy Box which has a Skank Stampede set instead of the usual XXX videotron

As the country opens up our girls are open wide on Skank Stampede!

And things are gonna get explosive right away with Charli 9ine finally getting her rematch against LeBrenda James, LeBron’s favorite wrestler!

I doubt that a lot.

****OVARY Title: LeBrenda James © vs Charli 9ine***

Charli entered to End Game by Taylor Swift...

I wanna be your endgame
I wanna be your first string
I wanna be your A-Team (whoa, whoa, whoa)
I wanna be your endgame, endgame

Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah
And you heard about me, ooh
I got some big enemies (yah)
Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation, ah (git git)
And I heard about you, ooh (yah)
You like the bad ones too




Charli has to be very emotional heading into this match. She lost the OVARY tournament because LeBrenda beat her in the head with a basketball then LeBrenda had Ladybird beat her up so she could frame Charli for it and get sympathy.

This Charli 9ine grew up poor in Iowa, she’s always wanted to marry rich. But if she wins tonight there’s a fat bonus in it for her…a year long sub to Brazzer’s!

Gee, lucky her.

I know, right!


LeBrenda entered  to Champions by Ron Artest...




The OVARY title on the line on the road to AngleMania. Alix, how heartbreaking would it be for LeBrenda to lose the belt before Anglemania?

Almost as heartbreaking as it was gonna be for her when The Clippers knocked The Lakers out the playoffs! Go Clippers!

You’re a Clippers fan?

My dad was Donald Sterlings’ coke dealer?

That actually doesn’t surprise me. As for LeBrenda she’s a lot like Tim Donaghy, she’s a cheater and in wrestling that gets you far.

And it’s gotten LeBrenda to be one of the most infamous stars on the roster.

Charli tore through LeBrenda right off the bell with a big spear!


LeBrenda then had to endure being tossed about the ring by amateur wrestling holds. The only reason she didn’t get totally demolished was because she clung onto the ropes for dear life.

Charli, though, became  concerned about her image and started cute posing and commenting on her kindness…

I’m far too dainty and pretty for this sport tee-heh

Did she call herself dainty? Dainty?

LeBrenda got the jump on Charli with clubbing forearms and beat her back into the corner. But when the Akron native came in for a splash, Charli hammered her with a devastating lariat!


Yes, she said dainty. Got a problem?

I’d never want a problem with Charli!

Poor LeBrenda was then tossed around the ring like yesterday’s garbage. LeBrenda stood up to meet a spear…but wait LeBrenda countered by kicking Charli in the face!


The champ then hit a dropsault known as the Fadeaway. LeBrenda acted like she had things under control the whole time as she taunted Charli.

Don’t touch Jade’s box of donuts and don’t piss Charli off. Two lessons everyone needs to keep in mind.

Which do you think gets you hurt the most?

Well, Terry’s still in a body cast from eating one of the glazed ones…

LeBrenda went to the second rope and dropped a fist on Charli which earned her a two count from Referee D’Lo Brown. The Great Black Hope bitched about a slow count even as she peppered Charli with jabs.

I’ma murder you!

Charli suddenly sprung to life and captured LeBrenda in a standing fireman’s carry!

She’s going for her finisher! She’s going for Cuffing Season!

But SKYLAR arrived to pull LeBrenda free!

It’s Skylar, the leader of the Skylites, who has this unhealthy obsession with Charli!

Grrrrrr! You have some nerve, Skylar. If I wasn’t such a proper lady, I’d lay into you.

But I want you to. Lay into me, baby. Lay into me good and hard.

Suddenly Skylar seized hold of a tense Charli and…


Ally Cat likey!

Charli didn’t like that one bit and hurriedly pulled away from Skylar. But that carried her into the path of a rope bounding LeBrenda who blasted her with a tomahawk chop!

Slam Dunk!

The cover…







NO!! Charli with the kickout!


Skylar was ordered out the ring by D’Lo as LeBrenda put the stomps to her blond foe. She then bashed Charli’s head against the turnbuckles, leaving Charli moaning in woe.

Charli is finished out in these streets!

Yeah! Tell em! I put my Corona check on LeBrenda.

Its concerning how unprofessional you are and that you make so little money you qualify for one of those checks.

Money? Toni Patrica pays me in porn site subs.

LeBrenda hooked Charli into a reverse chin lock that immediately had the crowd on Charli’s side. The Iowa native fought to her feet and cursed LeBrenda with a big back suplex that left both Hotties laid out.

The champion has the advantage. LeBrenda can’t lose the title if their both counted out.

OMG? How long has that been a rule?



How are you a four time world champion and don’t know that.

I didn’t even know I was a four time world champion. I thought it was three times.

LeBrenda got to her feet first and then ran at Charli with a lariat. Charli ducked the attack and proceeded to blast The Great Black Hope with punches. When LeBrenda was out on her feet, Charli cursed her with a side sleeper hold slam!

Side Bitch Slam!

The Cover…




LeBrenda kicked out!

LeBrenda avoided another Side Bitch Slam and tried to muscle Charli over her shoulder. But instead, Charli showed her who was boss and blasted her with a Dominator! Charli then backed into the corner and started bouncing on her heels.

There’s a spear in LeBrenda’s future!

But LeBrenda pulled D’Lo in the way and even though D’Lo is fat he still got taken out!


LeBrenda called a play that had Ladybird throwing the basketball in for a perfect pass. The Akron native aimed for Charli’s stomach. But much to LeBrenda’s surprise, Charli leapfrogged and came down on the basketball in a compromising position…


I’m going to be totally honest I really never thought I’d see a girl hump a basketball in a match.

Me neither.

LeBrenda was aggravated but still had the wherewithal to toss a kick Charli’s way. But that spelled doom for the champ as Charli sprung first and speared her out her LeBron’s! Literally!

I said got damn!

LeBrenda was left seeing stars and couldn’t kick out before the three!

Winner and new champion: Charli 9ine, via pinfall

Charli 9ine has overcome LeBrenda’s schemes and finally got her hands on the OVARY Championship!

But it's only a matter of time before Skylar puts her hands on Charli’s vag. That’s her vagina.

I know.

Are you sure you know?


Are you sure you’re sure you know?



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Before our next match Annie Idol interviewed Didi Bigguns who finally identified the Little Fluffer by her side in recent weeks as cousin Pipi. Despite being flat as a board Pipi carried herself big.

You know the chests! Now watch the best!

Terry Taylor then spoke to Miss Kunt... or tried to. Already a woman of few words Miss K had nothing to say this time. She just walked off, which caused Terry to call her a cunt under his breath. But The Soccer Mom had something to say. She scolded the Bigguns in true motherly fashion, although confessed Pipi would be adorable if her attitude wasn’t deplorable. She then told Terry to put soap in his mouth for his earlier derogatory remark! (Thankfully she didn’t ask him if black lives matter!)

*** Didi Bigguns w/ Pipi Bigguns vs. Miss Kunt w/ The Soccer Mom ***

With the time for talk over Miss K went right at Didi. To her credit Didi didn’t back down. She expected a fight and that’s exactly what we got as the two Hotties stiffed the hell outta each other!

Listen to those shots!

Yeah! Ain’t the only flesh being beaten at the moment either!

Late in the match Didi got caught in the Roughrider (STF), which prompted Pipi to spring into action with her cousin on the verge of submission. The pint sized Biggun leaped onto the apron only to drop back down to avoid a blow from Miss K! Didi then charged Miss K who backdropped her over the top rope! Luckily for Didi she landed feet-first on the apron, but Miss K had the perfect response: a Jackhammer into a Rock Bottom from the outside in!

Banana Cream Pie!

Any other time the move would lead to an automatic W, but on this occasion Miss K was too close to the ropes which allowed Pipi to pull her off!

Little runt!

The Soccer Mom rushed over to let Pipi have it.

You’re not my mom, hag!


Pipi drew back to slap TSM, who ducked and SPANKED Pipi in return!


Back in the ring, Didi used her buxom assets to level Miss K with a Thesz press and used the ropes for additional leverage! TSM wasn’t about to let that stand and shoved Didi back! Miss K then used Didi’s moment to roll her up with a sunset flip for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Miss Kunt, via pinfall.

The Bigguns were irate. They wanted a go at TSM but Miss K stood in their path. And thus the fight was over... for now.


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BACKSTAGE, getting prepped for her match against How2Girl is…

Pin by paulheymangirl654 on Stacy Keibler | Stacy keibler, Fashion ...
ANNAGRET WICKEDBORN who by getting prepped I mean is getting her makeup done while her sister…

Could Natalie Dormer Be The Next Doctor? | CTV Sci-Fi Channel

CINNAMON SPOONS is hovering around drinking a smoothie.

Can you believe how many black men follow How2Girl on IG? UGH! They must follow her out of pity. They know where the real white hotness is at. On my account My legs go from here all the way up to Asgard.

And you’re the real hero! No matter how fearsome the foe, you never shrink from the challenge!

ANYWAY, and no one looks hotter in a bikini than me. The only way I’d look better is if I was wearing nothing at all. But maybe after I win I can give a private viewing to BLK. You know they want me.

Who wouldn’t! You fight to save the world—any world! My hope is to become a true hero like you, even if nobody notices me doing it!

Ugh, you’re such a dor…uh…kind sister. Let’s go kick some ass.


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*** Referee Nerdregard w/ The Nasty Boyds vs. Doc White w/ Marty Fox ***

For one night only referee Wally Nerdregard traded in his zebra stripes for tights, or so everyone figured. Instead the snaggletoothed bro of OAOAST Hottie Adelphe dressed in his usual ref duds oozing arrogance that reeked of cheap cologne. RFN then took the assigned lowly official aside and, backed by the intimidating presence of the Nasty Boyds (both eager to use their nightsticks in unintended fashion), got him to turn over his duties!

Hold up! Nerdregard is going to officiate AND compete in his own match?!?

Like masturbating while driving!

Equally stunned by the turn of events were Doc White and tag partner Marty Fox. They conversed with the lowly official now a helpless observer in hopes of a workaround until RFN began a 10 count!


A very fast count which Doc beat, but at the cost of being stomped and choked on the way in while RFN laid a verbal smack down.

Choke on this, freak!

Nerdregard with a blatant job and no one to hold him accountable!

RFN surprisingly does his job administrating a 5 count to break, although unsurprisingly takes his sweet ass time doing so.

“ONE... TWO... THREE... “, etc.

Marty protests and gets EJECTED for arguing!






Drunk on power RFN admonishes Doc for throwing a closed fist, so Doc answers with a series of forearm strikes! Soon RFN finds himself staring up at the lights following a slam, but “owie-owie-owie” doesn’t qualify for a 3 count. Now Doc is left to wonder just how in the hell can she win. In the meanwhile she stays on the offensive... until one of the Boyds trips her up!

Did you see that?!

Everyone but the person who matters did.

Doc is then yanked outside where the Boyds assault her with their nightsticks! Of course this goes unnoticed by RFN who writhes in the ring while keeping an eye on the AngleTron for when Doc is dumped back inside!

This is absurd!

RFN hangs Doc in the tree of woe then climbs onto the middle rope to grind his foot in her crotch!


RFN leaps down to deliver a headbutt once again directed at the crotch! Next RFN instructs the Boyds to hold a STEEL CHAIR up near — you guessed it — Doc’s crotch!

I want you dumb broads in the booth to get this right. The next move you’re about to see is called the Transquilizer!

The Transquilizer?!

RFN’s version of the Van Terminator isn’t pretty but connects. Thinking the W is locked up RFN makes a dramatic count... only for Doc to KICKOUT!



And again!


Even with faster counts RFN fails to put Doc away, which eats him alive. Desperation sets in as RFN calls on the Boyds for further assistance, but miscommunication leads to one Boyd eating a nightstick and the other being decked by Doc! RFN quickly pounces on Doc who’s stripped to her bra and panties! RFN is a little too forceful though, accidentally snapping Doc’s bra in the process! Fist cocked RFN readies to deliver a blow when he looks down to see...


Like a plant based burger the red blooded American male can’t differentiate between a nice set of titties on a natural born woman or custom made. While that may not be scientifically proven, for the purpose of this scene it is!

“Tranny! Tranny! Tranny!” RFN reminds himself. But titties! Doc senses an opening keeping her chest in full view of RFN. She moves in close and then...


... a well placed knee to the balls drops RFN!


The lowly ref dives into the ring as Doc jackknifes RFN and rhythmically slams into him to the count of 1-2-3!

Winner: Doc White, via pinfall.

Doc’s hand is raised in triumph when DREAMY arrives on the scene. As he has no quarrel with her Doc doesn’t know what to make of the interloper. Suddenly Dreamy places both hands to her ear to signal nighty-night. It’s at that point a new face appears in the crowd, or more specifically inside the ring.


Doc is then blindsided by a neckbreaker, followed by a picture perfect spinebuster!

Who the heck is that?!

With her best too bad, so sad expression this unknown stands over a fallen Doc and does a gratuitous hip swivel that would make the Big Valbowski proud. Dreamy and her friend calmly exit thru the crowd as Marty Fox rushes to Doc’s aid, but the damage has been done.


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Backstage, Alix arrives at the dressing room of her sister Isabella Spezia-Villaraigosa and enters.


No knock or anything. Just barges right in, which treats us to a little side boob action as Izzy is laid out on a table (ass draped by a towel) being massaged by Eponine Black!

Eee! All’s good with the sisterhood! Ready for the I-N-T on the P-P-V, babe?

A startled Izzy quickly covers up.

You almost got the N-I-P on the T-V! I was about set to take my pre-match shower!

Don’t mind us. Our equipment is squirt proof!

You know what? Let’s just do it here.

Thank you! Who wants to see hot chicks bash their brains in when you can watch ‘em fuck their brains out?

Alix plants a big wet one on Izzy! But don’t reach for the lube yet, ladies and gentlemen. Izzy pushes Alix away!

Guuurl, I meant the interview.

Aww. My Vijay Singh is blue. Anyway, while I have you two here, chat me up about the recent events on Raw is Whore. Let’s start with the attack by Hard on Hoes Champion Lady XFL, and then the issue that has social media abuzz—

Black Lives Matter.

No, silly. Why you hesitated to assist Izzy?

Eponine groans and exits.


Is there trouble in paradise for our Hotties Tag Team Champions?

What?! No! I mean everything’s happened so fast! First we win the tag titles — which I know means a ton to Ebb given her fam’s history — and then I earn a shot at the HOH title! Me!

And you didn’t have to blow anyone!

I know, right? But it was a real low blow when Lady XFL sneak attacked me. The biggest baddest bitch on the field only showed herself bitch made! I may never be the best there is, was or ever will be — and yeah, I’m still a bit sore — but soy Latina and tonight I unleash my fury on you, Xena!

Ohh, yousa feelin’ spicy going first name on Lady XFL.

Oh, I’m hot, I’m spicy and I’m gonna look great with the HOH title!

Wish it, want it, do it!

I want it... and I’m gonna do it!

Especially for your #1 fan...


... Eponine Black!

You’re not my—

My sis is ready, Renee! And unlike Jade, when Izzy comes home 10 pounds heavier it won’t be because she just got back from the buffet! The HOH title is gonna be around her waist! Back to you!

Actually Alix—

Alix removes her earpiece unaware this segment still has TV time left.

I really wish you hadn’t upset Ebb. Now who’s gonna help me get loose?

I’ve got a couple minutes before I need to get back to the booth. I can stretch you real quick.


Actually the ringtone of our cameraman.

CAMERAMAN (off-screen)
Baby, I’ll call you back. Oh yeah. It ‘bout to get good.

Oh my gosh. We’re gonna stick with this, aren’t we?

(You’re goddamn right. Our owner Toni Patricia has already made the call.)

Alix lays Izzy onto the massage table and lathers her in oil. Izzy purrs like a kitten as Alix works the shoulders...

Mmm, that feels amazing!

... and then dances her fingers down Izzy’s back. Off comes the towel draped over Izzy’s tight ass, which Alix uses to make those honey buns jiggle and Izzy giggle.

Gotta work all the muscles.

Us viewers turned voyeurs are about to work a certain part of the body too! As our member grows so too does interest in pottery, as Alix shapes Izzy’s glutes into a bowl to drink from!



I’m sorry. Heheheh. I just really needed something to cool me down. It gets so hot fast with all the camera lights. Are you hot too? Why don’t I fix you a drink? *yanks Izzy’s hair*

As previously established, a yank of Izzy’s hair makes Alix wet. Then it’s Izzy’s turn to spring a leak when Alix hits below the Mendoza Line. Izzy gasps as Alix turns amateur gynecologist and gives her sister a thorough examination. If three fingers deep isn’t already the name of a band it will be shortly — and the OAOAST’s favorite one at that. In the meantime, the Spezia whores demonstrate the importance of hydration.


Not even smack in the middle of summer and temps are on the rise like cases of COVID-19! With more than just thermometers ready to burst the Spezia whores play an adult version of Rock Paper Scissors!


One thought crosses our minds as Alix rows her boat gently down the stream:


There may be no baseball but we’ve got an ace on the mound who likes to work fast!


Alix giddy’s up for the ultimate coin-operated ride. No quarter needed, only a cooter. This bitch’s in heat and Izzy is her personal chew toy!


Kitty can scratch, though, and sweet submissive Izzy turns lioness!


If only our strong sexual content hadn’t scared away Kellogg’s because this segment’s grrreat! Just read Alix’s body language as Izzy enjoys her pre-match meal!


Finger-licking good! And what better way to wash a meal down than with a little cream soda!


Still think Latinos are your enemies, white boys? Fuck no! They only wanna get their fuck on!


Izzy begins to twitch and moan as she nears sexual nirvana, while Alix’s tongue hangs out like His Airness in front of a blackjack table.

🎶 Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam! 🎶

Our cameraman’s phone rings again, and this time his contact’s ringtone is...the theme from Space Jam!?

🎶 Hey you, whatcha gonna do? 🎶

I’m gonna cuuummm!

The Spezia sisters let their juices flow like the blood through their veins, then fall into each other’s arms and share a peck.

Oh my God, Alix! Why’s the cameraman still here?

Boss’s orders.

Oh crap! I gotta get back to the booth! Has it been 2 minutes already?

Try 20. All good though. Boss loved the show.


Well, at least you’ve been properly stretched, sis! Good luck tonight! We’ll celebrate again later! 😘

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***Annagret Wickedborn W/Cinnamon Spoons Vs How2Girl***

Annagret entered to “Sex” by Collette Carr..

Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, I know we just met but listen
Sex, the way you move it make me wanna
Sex, question is are we gonna
Sex, we ain't kids...
Sex, no disrespect but I need your sex

Face down, ass up, that's the way I shake my butt



Annagret is maybe the biggest bully on the roster.

Bullying is only cool when it’s Krista doing it to heels or significantly less over faces who’s career no one really cares about being buried. Shout out to Shayne Brave! And shout out to me for power fucking my sister!

Annagret got right up in H2G’s face and let her have it…

Your hair’s a mess, your outfit is lame, your whole entire deal sucks.  I see why Tori doesn’t want to be friends with you anymore. What do you offer anyone?

how2girl hope.gif

That’s us! We offer hope! We’re the real heroes!

How2Girl got distracted by Cinnamon which led to her getting smacked in the face by a big boot from Annagret. The Asgardian goddess then locked How2Girl into an abdominal stretch, thinking she could submit the super slut right away. But How2Girl upended her with a hip toss!  Annagret was dizzied and promptly endured a springboard bulldog!

Golden Age!

Annagret rolled out of the ring more out of annoyance than pain. She was swiftly attended to by her dear sweet sister.

Remember, we’re the real heroes! We’re the ones fighting for justice!

Cinnamon’s do gooder nature just made Annagret all the more annoyed.  But ever oblivious Cinnamon didn't seem to pick that up and kept ranting about heroism.

True heroes like us eat villains like her for breakfast!


Annagret is just outright taking advantage of her sister.

That’s what sisters do! We steal each other’s clothes, we get in catfights, we bicker, we take advantage of each other sexually.

Back in the ring, Annagret got upended by a series of hip tosses, which as you can guess furthered her annoyance.

Annagret is a former OAOAST women’s champion but when things don’t go her way she tends to lose focus.

The key to not losing focus is to never have focus to begin with. Buddha said that.

Now you’re lying on deities?

I’ll lie on just about anyone, especially in a court of law! That’s the Spezia way!

How2Girl went to the second rope and flew forward with an axe handle smash. But this one met with a punch to the gut from The Snowbunny. How2Girl staggered in pain and then was hit with a crisp snap suplex. That was followed by Annagret laying out onto the splits atop her battered foe and tearing off her top to reveal her lovely tits…


That counted as a cover but the popular babyface was quick to kickout of Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V’s count. The Venice Beach native fought to her feet against the Asgardian but was quickly hit with a neckbreaker over the knee. That left H2G reeling, but she was somehow able to reverse a whip into the corner.

How2Girl’s idol is Biffman aka Biff Atlas, and one thing Biff taught is that you never give up!

And that you never cycle off HGH!

Yeah, that too.

How2Girl came in for a charge but Annagret pulled Buzzlefoxxer in her path. This lead to H2G tangling herself with the official and her super whore nature couldn’t help but grind on his cock!


Annagret was quick to seize on H2G’s horny dalliance and threw her down with an electric chair drop!

The Great Tower!

The Snowbunny went up top, taunting the white male viewing audience as she did so. But How2Girl, lover of men of all races, called upon her super strength to hurl Annagret off the top with a mighty press slam!

My god, look at the strength! I'm pretty strong too. I should stand and carry fuck Izzy one day! There's the sequel, people!

Both Hotties were down up until five. Once they reached their feet they began trading forearms. Annagret again tried to tangle H2G into an abdominal stretch. Just like earlier, H2G hiptossed her foe over and then ran through her with a pair of lariats!

How2Girl is rolling here at Skank Stamepede!

Speaking of rolling…

Do not roll a blunt in the middle of the show when there’s a respiratory illness going on.

Cinnamon hopped on the ring aparon to try and aid her sister, only to get smoked by a triangle dropkick from How2Girl! But Cinnamon’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain as Annagret was able to hit How2Girl with a reverse attitude adjustment!

Anarchic Attitude!

The cover….










My god, a kickout! A kickout! A kickout of the Anarchic Attitude! I don’t believe it!

The Snowbunny was fuming, and shoved three fingers in Buzzlefoxer’s face!

Gawd! Can’t you count?! You thin-

Suddenly Annagret was rolled up by How2Girl!







Annagret sprung up and threw a lariat that was ducked by the Venice Beach native. The super slut then grabbed hold of Annagret and spun her into a backslide. But before the ref could make the count, Annagret forced her way out the hold. Again, Annagret threw a lariat and again it was ducked. This time How2Girl dragged her foe down with a crucifix pin and managed to hold her down for three!

Winner: How2Girl, via pinfall

How2Girl has beat both members of Fire & Ice, twice in a row!

And beating a former women’s champion. You gotta think that’s an upset, I’ll tell ya that!

But How2Girl’s victory was short lived as Cinnamon immediately tackled her to the ground! The Spice of Death rained down punches upon How2Girl as Buzzlefoxxer called for the bell.

I don’t think the bell is going to do anything!

No sir-e-bob!

Cinnamon held How2Girl in place for Annagret to pummel with slaps! Once little sister had done enough, Big Sister Cinnamon hit How2Girl with a styles clash!

Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

The supernatural sisters have no heart, damn it! They have no morals!

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n the guerilla position, stretching out before her match is…

Eliza Taylor And Her Birthday Project - Grounders Source

When she’s confronted by…



Actress Hayden Panettiere, boxer Vladimir Klitschko to marry ...

Hey there.

I hope you understand how pissed off I am at you.


Lady XFL tried to take out Aunt Isabella once and for all on Raw Is Whore. And you did nothing when we’re all supposed to be family.

Family, eh? Is that why I’m the one feuding with Whoros about me tag team titles while me partner Izzy is feuding with Lady XFL over the Hard on Hoes belt? You know that should be me in the mainevent with all the cute boys watching me become champion. Cute boys everywhere would adore me!

But it isn’t. It’s Aunt Isabella. You’re in the ring with us against Whoros. Can we trust you?

…You’re me family. Of Course you can trust me.

Great! Let’s head out there!

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***Eponine Black and C02 Vs Whros (Mitama, Glass Juliet and Effie Reese) W/Christopher Patrick Allen***

Eponine Black entered to "Boys" bv Charli XCX...

I was busy thinking about boys....

eponine entrance.gif

Eponine Black got Effie Reese to tap out at New Years Spectacular. But with the official distracted it never counted. We’ve seen a meaner EB lately, and some say one with a heart of ice.

I don’t know what she was thinking on Raw Is Whore, and I don’t know what she’s thinking now. But damn it, a cold Eponine Black is a dangerous Eponine Black.

C02 entered to Disco Tits by Tove-Lo:

I say hi, you say hi, we stay high
You look so pretty, yeah
I'm sweatin' from head to toe
I'm wet through all my clothes
I'm fully charged, nipples are hard
Ready to go
I'm sweatin' from head to toe
I'm wet through all my clothes
I'm fully charged, nipples are hard
Ready to go

C02 has Glo’ed Up right before our long time fans’ eyes, and right before my kitty kat! But they have never and I do mean never faced a team with not one but two vampires on their side.

Spirit, let's hear it
Spirit, let's hear it
Let's go!

Whoros bounded out to "Happy Song" by Bring Me The Horizon full of pep and cheer. Eventually they all came together to swoon over Christopher Patrick Allen who puffed on a cigar
Whoros is on the hunt for those tag team titles that belong to Chicks Over Black Dicks. Glass Juliet was the longest reigning TMW Hard On Hoes champion, holding the belt for a year and three months.


Mitama sized up Maya’s ample tits to start the match, and decided…

Original always better.


I say original always better. Krista breasts better than Maya’s breasts.


Uh-oh. You might not wanna have said that, Mitama.

Maya was so mad that she decked Mitama with a right hand! Mitama fell like a sack of bricks and stayed down for a lot longer than she should have.

Maya meanwhile was just getting warmed up. Literally…


Those don’t look like junior titties to me!

Mitama got up and walked directly into another right hand that put her down.

Ummmers, this is bad! Are you sure you can handle her, Mitama?



Mitama showed she was tuff enuff by snapmaring Maya and punting her in the back. But, a growling Maya just popped up and decked Mitama with another right hand. That led Effie to hurry up and make the tag. Still Mitama was groaning in agony on the apron.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Effie tried to kiss and it make it better, but her good deed was punished by Maya, who hit a wasteland on Effie!

Child Star Syndrome! Did you teach her that, Alix?

Nah, I taught her important stuff. Like how to fit a whole sprite can in her mouth.

Jade got the tag and the sexy sister duo said there ain’t nothing wrong with a little bump and grind as they ground their hot California pussies on Effie. But Effie said…

I’m CPA’s girl and CPA’s girl only…


With that, the sisters decked Effie with a pair of back elbows.

Is hitting someone when they won’t have sex you with one of your lessons, Alix?

That’s a Krista special!

Jade bashed Effie with knees in the corner a similar move to her Uncle Leon Rodez. But Mitama proved her worth as she ran along the apron and clotheslined Jade. Though Jade got up quick, she was caught by Effie’s side Russian leg sweep that put her back down!

The pimpin is smiling on us, baby!

As Effie leveled Jade with a spinning head scissors, Mitama was full of cheer…

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Mmm, take me higher with dem tits, bitch!

But CPA’s good cheer was halted as Jade blocked Effie’s Effie (Iron) Claw and turned it into a not so graceful single arm DDT!

Not pretty but effective.

Eponine Black was passed the tag to an eye roll from Maya.

A little bit of heat with Maya being mad that Eponine left Isabelle to be attacked by Lady XFL on Raw Is Whore.

That wasn’t cool. EB helped in the end, though…

Eponine lockedup with Effie, who pushed the Brit into the Whoros corner. There the blind tag was made with Glass Juliet. The blond Glass came in with a boot to the other blond’s ribs. This led the heels to hook Effie in a front facelock. But Effie powered them both to the mat with a double DDT!  She then kipped up, and cracked a rising Glass with an enziguri!

Boom, two head shots!

To add to Glass’ headache, Eponine threw her to the mat with a headlock takedown! When Glass powered to her feet, Eponine surprised her with a sudden pile driver!

The goal is obvious for Eponine. Knock out, Glass Juliet!

Mitama thought she could handle Eponine and took the tag for herself. But when she hopped into the ring, Eponine immediately brought her down with a Heart of Ice!

“YYYYEEAAAAAAAAA!” the smattering of people cheered.

But Effie broke up the submission hold! That led Maya to charge into the ring and knock down Effie with her now feared right hand.

Maya is becoming Tyson in his prime!

Referee Val Venis kicked Maya out, which got a scornful look from the former OAOAST Women’s Champion…



Glass Juliet used that situation to her advantage; she soared off the top and smashed Eponine with a diving lariat! Mitama hurried for a cover, but only got an easy kickout from Eponine.

Kicking out so easily after a clothesline from a vampire is really impressive.

The Japanese babe locked her foe into chinlock, grinding on her neck. But Eponine, with the will of the crowd, fought out the hold and swiftly nailed Mitama with a stunner!


Eponine crawled to her corner and slapped hands with Jade. Little Miss California ran through Mitama with a series of clotheslines. Mitama was still defiant in the face of a superior foe…

I kick your ass!

Come and get it!

But suddenly Glass walloped Jade from behind. Val hurried Glass out the ring just as soon as he could. But the damage was done. Juliet then got the tag; she leaped off the top rope and smoked Jade with a missile dropkick! She’d do more damage but she saw something she liked very much…

That neck! What a neck! What a neck! Uppupupu I can’t help myself!


Jade avoided a serious biting by hitting Glass with a jawbreaker! But that didn’t do her any good in getting more offense as Mitama came in with a chop block! Together, the cheerleaders bashed Jade with a pair of kicks to the back!

“OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!” The small crowd whispered.

I hate to say it, but Whoros has much better teamwork than my girls.

Glass and Effie made the tag with the cheerleaders combining to drive Jade down with a double lariat!

You ain’t in the lord’s hands, you in the pimpin hands!

Effie locked Jade down into the Effie Claw, a deadly move that she was sure would earn a submission!

“SOO-WEE! SOO-WEE! SOO-WEE!” the fans chanted to Jade.

The crowd is small but the passion is huge!

And it helped Jade who booted her way out of Effie’s hold! Soo Wee then connected with an E!ziguri to Effie’s face to knock her silly!

That’s one of Jade’s OG moves!

Little Miss Cali crawled to her corner where Eponine intercepted the tag before Maya!


And then Effie slapped hands with Glass Juliet!

It’s on and cracking!

Eponine brought down Glass for the Heart of Ice only to have Glass roll through the hold. But Eponine rolled as well. She wound up behind Glass and proceeded to rock her with a trio of German Suplexes!

So smooth! So deadly!

Eponine went up top and proceeded to drop a heabutt on Juliet!


I think that might have hurt Eponine just as bad as Glass Juliet.

Eponine made the cover, with an arm drapped over Glass’ chest. She might have got the fall if it weren’t for Mitama breaking up the pin! Maya was right there to spear Mitama through the ropes! The girls landed outside and proceeded a hectic brawl!

We’re losing control here at Skank Stampede!

Effie came to Mitama’s aid, which led Jade to come to Maya’s aid. Together these four women brawled all the way backstage!

We’re left with Glass Juliet and Eponine Black, maybe the leaders of their respective teams.

Glass Juliet hit EB with a double arm DDT to left her seeing stars. The vampire then went up top, thinking she’d be able to punish EB. But Eponine hurried to her feet and joined Glass up top. Thanks to her vampire strength, Juliet was able to shove EB back to her feet. But when she leaped off for another diving lariat, she was caught by a Heart of Ice!


Heart of Ice! Heart of Ice right there in the center of the ring!

Glass Juliet tapped out like it was going out of style!

But CPA had Val Venis distracted!

That led IAMHINA of Whorosto bash Eponine in the back of the head with CPA’s pimp cane! She turned Eponine onto her back and laid a dizzied and groaning Glass on top of her…




Not this way!


Winner: Whoros, via pinfall

By hook or by crook Whoros has won this match! And the girls fought so hard too.

Where does that place Whoros in the tag title rankings? Does that make them number one contenders heading into AngleMania?


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sabella Spezia entered to “Mia Khalifa” by SKAN!


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Izzy and I went through our prematch warmup, and I’ll tell you what she’s no system whore.

System whore?

A whore made by her lovers technique! Izzy is a top whore in any era!

Lady XFL entered to “Who You Taking To Man”


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It was all fun and games for you and Isabella, but there is nothing fun about facing Lady XFL. She has held the Hard On Hoes title for a year since beating Brea Brea. Isabella enters as a huge underdog. But we've seen underdogs win in the OAOAST. No one ever expected Badass Jack to beat Krista but he did. No one thought Alexander The Black could beat Odin, but he did.

The world loves an underdog and they love Isabella too!

Lady XFL offered a test of strength with a stern, hard eyed expression. Isabella taped her chin. She’s got to think about it.

Don’t do it!

Isabella was pretty confident and raised her hand for the ill advised test. But then her other hand came by and bashed Lady XFL in the face with a forearm!



Lady XFL threw a haymaker that missed thanks to Isabella sliding beneath the hold. The Extrtema Latina then fireman carried Lady XFL over, leaving the champ deeply annoyed. The Flordian native threw another haymaker that also got slid away from by Izzy.

Hold still!


You can’t powerbomb what you can’t catch!

Isabella came charging at Lady XFL only to get back body dropped over the ropes! But luckily for The Latina Extrema she landed atop an unprepared Alysanne! Worse yet for Alysanne, she landed with her crotch on her face!


All that grunting and shouting against Izzy’s kitty was a pleasure that the LA native couldn’t help but revel in…


She likes it!

Lady XFL was there to aid Alysanne, prying Isabella off her by her black locks. But suddenly Isabella leaped and smacked Lady XFL with a pele kick!

Kimmy Olesiak said that Isabella only made varsity soccer because she ate out the coach. How about she ate out the coach and she kicks like it’s the golden goal!

Lady XFL went reeling and slid back to the ring in a dizzied state. The challenger followed her in where she peppered her with forearm shots. The champ threw out a lariat that was swifly ducked by the challenger. Then Isabella wound up like she was taking a slap shot and buried her fist into Lady XFL’s stomach!

Izzy on Bo Jackson levels. Name a player that played basketball, wrestling, hockey,soccer, baseball and vollyball at a high level!

The champ was stunned at how much offense Izzy had brought to her and went staggering away in curses.

Get it together!

Lady XFL grunted and swung a back fist at an approaching Izzy. Yet, the LA native slid bellow the attack then popped up to bop Lady XFL on the nose!

Maybe Isabella is too fast for Lady XFL. It’s not like Lady XFL has ever fast someone so fast before.

Izzy went to the second rope and came off with a crossbody that bowled Lady XFL over! Cursing under her breath, the champ rose only to be suddenly hit with a sunset flip pile driver!

Burning Sensation When You Urinate! She did it! She did it! She did it!

The cover…





Lady XFL pressed Isabella off her! Izzy was shocked over the kickout holding up three fingers. Meanwhile Lady XFL was cursing up a storm!

We’ve never seen Lady XFL in this state before. She just can’t any power moves off because Isabella is too fast.

Alysanne had quickly lost her patience and tried to get into the ring. That led Isabella to warn her off…

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But when Izzy turned around she got kicked through the uprights for three by a big kick!


Damn, that felt good!

Lady XFL wasted no time in asserting her dominance. She swept Isabella off the mat and promptly launched her about the ring with the Long Bomb!


That could have ended the match, perhaps. But Alysanne had different ideas in mind. Jumping on the apron, the former good girl shouted…

Make her suffer!

And that was what Lady XFL did, hoisting Isabella into the air and throwing her forward with a second Long Bomb!

Alix, I think that has to be all.

It would have been if we weren’t dealing with two sadistic human beings. Alysanne screamed for more violence, despite the protestations of the official. The former good girl gets her wish as Lady XFL decked Isabella with a trio of short arm lariats!

This is awful! I can not believe this!

You look upset, Isabella. What’s the matter aren’t we cute enough for you? You hear that, Lady X, Isabella doesn’t think we’re cute enough for her. What do you say to that?

I’m gonna fuck her until she loves me!

As Isabella was already in a prone position, she was very easily slapped on the ass by Lady XFL. Isabelle cute purple outfit offered no protection to Lady X’s hand as it chopped down again spanking her Latina ass. The poor brunette was close to tears as a spanking from Lady X was deeply humiliating for the female wrestler. I use tht term wrestler loosely. This bitch is here for her face, tits and her ass.


Alsyanne had a big smile on her face with Lady X spanking Isabella big ass, Her hand slapped down hard making Izzy’s entire body jiggle from the force of the blow. Isabella was moaning in pain long after the spank hit her. Each time the stinging ran throughout her body!

Do you love her yet, Isabella?

Lady XFL spanked both cheeks hard in quick succession making Isabella scream fiercely as tears rolled down her cheeks ruining her mascara. Lady X’s punishing spanks were the worst sexual pain the Latina slut had ever felt. Like the slutty little sister she is, she had taken so many spankings from Alix but LadyX’s chops had her ass on fire.

Please, Lady X, stop it.

That’s enough damn it!

Ladyt X roared smacking her hand down onto the Mexican skank’s burning sore ass giving it another hard shot. Men across the globe stroker their pathic dicks as Izzy howled as Lady X almost dented her big ass cheek with her last massively hard spank. Her hand slapped down three more times. Each spank made Isabella scream like it's the end of the world. Only the bottom of her cheeks were visible in her tight shorts but the red marks were clear already and men were blowing their loads over it.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Lady X  delivered one final swat onto her well spanked behind leaving the border jumping slut sobbing her eyes out. The bulge in my pants has only grown bigger after witnessing this Latina bitch get her ass slapped. Fuck black and brown unity, let this black queen rape this Mexican bitch!

But Isabella can defend herself and does defend herself as Isabella began rattling off forearms that stunned and already confused champion. With momentum on her side, the challenger hit a sudden sunset flip powerbomb on her foe!

Burning Sensation When You Urinate!

Yes! Yes! By gawd, yes!

The cover…





Lady XFL powered out the pinfall!

Champion and challenger rose, with challenger throwing out more forearms. They seemed to leave the champ out on her feet. So with a mix of desperation and confidence, Izzy hit the ropes. But Lady XFL decked her with a lariat!

Damn it!

Isabella looked up at the scowling Hard on Hoes Champion and felt very weak and very small. On the plus side, Johnson and Johnson stock might go up from all the baby oil about to be used.

Alysanne took the high honor of fastening a twelve-inch strap on around Lady XFL’s waist. In front of her toned thigh rested a massive black dong. Black power reigned over the helpless Latina girl.

Please, Lady XFL pretty please don't do this to me please the spanking was enough please don't

Isabella slowly tried to slide away but scooping down with one hand, Lady X grabbed her long brown hair once more lifting her up with ease. Isabella screamed while the crowd, Fluffers and security just stood by stunned at what they are watching. Lady X lifted the well spanked Hottie  up by just her long locks holding her like a doll. Lady X pulled Izzy’s face towards her.  In what would be a dream for any man, Lady XFL forced her tongue through poor Izzy’s throat!

Izzy fought the kiss trying to twist her body to get out of Lady X’s grip but she can't do anything but hang there. Which was perfect for millions of masturbating fans. Some cum as Lady X broke  the kiss then pushed her other large hand forward grabbing one of Izzy’s tits.

Nice tits.

Isabella’s sexy one piece was not coping well with Lady XFL hand mauling away at her big tits and the Amazon clearly craved more. Lady XFL grabbed the front of Isabella’s outfit and as she dropped her the gravitational pull was too great making her costume tear in two. Physics! Something Isabella’s dumb ass can’t grasp. Well, neither could I. But I’m not the one getting sexually abused.

You gotta fight back, Izzy!

The few fans go wild as Isabella just had her top and bra ripped clean off, the garments were still hanging in Lady XFL’s hand. Sure Isabella was a popular face, beloved by all. But our fans are savages and sickos, and the more they like a Hottie the more they like to see her gat raped. I know I’m stroking my dick at Isabella screaming as her big boobs were fully exposed and she had to desperately wrap her arms around her tanned double D's. Camera flashes erupt all over the Toy Box as every fan in the arena wanted picture of Isabella Spezia sat topless in the ring. Yes, you can go to any corner in LA and find a Latina bitch to fuck. But you’ll never find one as hot as Isabella. And that’s what made her rape so the better!

Alysanne and Lady XFL laughed as Lady X threw the ripped and useless outfit away. All while Isabella whimpered trying to keep her breasts covered up. The large bulge in my hand stiffened fully at the sight a topless Isabella in a weak position.

NO, Lady X  stay away from me I'm topless and everyone can see me please no stop this!
People can see me this is on the network oh god everyone is watching! Please, Lady XFL stop it I'll do anything just leave me alone please,

Fans could now see just how red and well spanked her ass cheeks were  as the small thong didn’t cover her large ass cheeks. Isabella now felt ultra-exposed lying in the middle of the ring in just a small black G string. She whimpered hoping this was some kind of bad dream as she felt the presence of the amazon standing powerfully over her. But what can she do? The black queen was dominant over the pathic Latina bimbo. The Mexican girl laid helpless bellow her negro tormentor and the white mastermind.

Izzy started at the strap on and knew if she kept fighting Lady X could overpower her and use that big dick to cause her real damage. The dumbstruck dumfuck just kept staring at the 12 incher. Izzy didn’t know the black queen’s exact size  but she knew she was also going to find out what it's like to be fucked by a cock which was bigger than any of her sex toys. Accepting her fate Isabella rolled over letting Lady X  stare at her big implants.

I’m gonna fuck you up, bitch.

Lady XFL’s massive hand moved down taking Izzy by the hair once again pulling her up to her knees. Izzy eyes sat  planted on that massive penis, erect in front of her and she gave a nervous gulp as Lady XFL’s grip on her hair tightens. Again don’t fell bad, the only thing that sepeerates Isabella from a Skid Row hookers is that Izzy doesn’t have a drug habit. So as you can see this is what Izzy offers as a human, to be a fuck toy for useful people.

Our idiot vicitim groaned as Lady XFL’s thick shaft penetrated between her soft lips already stretching out the sides of her mouth. If we were dealing with an intelligent woman of some worth to society we might feel bad. But Isabella was an idiot fuck doll and all we could do is shrug our shoulders that she ends up getting face fucked like an idiot fuck doll. Lady XFl was working hard, trying to force more cock into her mouth and Isaeballa gasped trying to hold back the tears.

That’s my sister, damn it!

And just like you your sister is a stupid slut. Spezia women are made to be fucked hard and bred often so we always have a new generation of stupid Mexican skanks at our disposal. And what did Isabella think she was signing up for when she joined TMW? We sure didn’t want this moron for her wrestling talent! We wanted her because she’s a stupid bimbo with big fake tits

The loud cheers were coming from the crowd watching their favourite Hottie having a big cock stuffed into her mouth. The dumb fuck could feel her salvia dripping down onto Lady XFL’s shaft and her ears hear Lady X’s growing grunts of pleasure.

Make her choke on it!

Lady XFL tried to go  in further almost likes she was trying to block up Isabella’s throat with her cock. The black queen moaned feeling hershaft rub up against the insides of Isabella’s mouth making her drool and gag. Isabella’s groans were all muffed as several inches of Lady XFL cock were now perfectly lodged down her throat. Again, I ask are we supposed to feel sorry for this moron? At least she’s not getting raped on Skid Row by some serial killer. Izzy has the honor of being raped by the most dominant female alive.

The only thing that would make this more enjoyable for me if we had a split screen of Maya being triple penetrated by BLK.

The brunette looked up into Lady X’s face hoping her teary eyes are enough to bring mercy from the massive woman. She pulled back slightly giving Isabella and her sore jaw some relief before pushing back forward filling her pretty face up. The race war has been won by the blacks as the defeated Mexican groans, feeling her jaw stretched open by Lady XFL’s massive dick making her drool uncontrollably.

Well, Isabella, is she cute enough for you yet?

Her thick cock was dangerously close towards the back of Isabella’s throat and the five foot six inch Hottie recoiled. She was trying not to be sick as she felt all of Lady XFL’s hard cock invade her mouth. The black queen had her fake cock firmly stuffed inside Isabella’s mouth making her jaw ache. Drool still flowed from the corners of her mouth with Lady X thrusting her big thick cock deep into her throat. Isabella was nearly choking on this massive cock trying not to think how it must look to the fans with her sexy face being totally overwhelmed by this massive cock. This female monster was now starting to fuck Isabella’s face, her massive cock somehow able to disappear between the brunette's soft pink lips. Oh we are jerking off tonight as Isabella’s  entire head rocked back with Lady X’s thrusts and she held on for dear life.

And that’s how I’m holding onto my dick for dear life as I watch this vapid whore get owned by the alpha female.

Isabella was face fucked by a giant and all she can do was hold on and hope this hard fucking doesn't break her. Lady X placed her palms on Izzy’s head almost like he is going for the vice grip but really she was just using her massive hands to keep her head steady. Isabella’s face was bright red as the moans with lust again pumped  forward, her huge cock filling up all of her mouth . Lady XFL’s grunts grew in volume with her strong bulging cock rubbing against the back of Izzy’sthroat. Pulling back she brings her cock almost all the way out of Isasbella’s  mouth then shoves it back in again. She was pounding away owning Isabella’s entire face using her huge thick cock down the back of Izzy’s throat.

Alysanne sensed even more blood in the water. She wanted even more chaos and destruction, and began taking the monitors out the announce desk!

What do you think you’re doing?!

Just giving you a better view of things..

Lady XFL followed orders and forced Isabella out of the ring. Much to Alix’s mounting anger, Lady X laid the helpless Mexican skank on the announce desk.

Don’t do this! Make her stop, Alysanne!

I couldn’t if I wanted to.

But someone can. And that someone is Alix who leaped over the announce desk and bashed Lady XFL with a clothesline!

“YYYYYYEEEAAAAAAAAA!” The crowd may be small, but the pop was huge!

Alix began raining down blows on the champion, red rage filling her face!

Alix has saved her sister from going through the table to the concrete!

Alysanne grabbed Alix by her pretty brown locks and pulled her off her charge. That turned Alix’s rage onto her and the four time OAOAST world champion began smacking up Alysanne!

Look at Alix go!

But suddenly Alix was thrown into the steel steps by Lady XFL! The champ then bashed Alix’s face into the steel object not once, not twice, but three times. Woozy, Alix fell into the ring. There her blurry eyes saw the champion push the steel steps then herself into the ring.

“ALIX! ALIX! ALIX!” the small crowd chanted

The champion stashed Alix between her legs, as she hovered near the steel steps.

Lady XFL did this to Isabella on Raw Is Whore and now she’s going to do it to Alix!

But help arrived for Alix in the form of her wife and RIW general manager, KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN!


Krista started out pleading with Lady XFL for Alix’s safety. But Lady XFL was wholly unmoved and lifted Alix into the air. That left Krista with no choice and she tackled her own champion!

Oh my!

Krista was startled at what she just did. And that moment of confusion allowed Alysanne to bash her in the side of the head with the title belt!

“OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!” the fans recoiled with the sound of belt on skull reverberating throughout the near empty Toy Box.

Krista was dazed, and couldn’t defend herself from getting whipped in the back by the leather strap of the Hard on Hoes title belt by Alysanne!

This is too much!

Lady XFL grabbed Krista by the hair, and paraded her about the ring before settling near the steel steps.

Wait! Wait! Don’t do this, Lady X!

Right as hope was about to disappear for Krista, right as her life was about to be painfully altered, her daughters, MAYA DUNCAN BLANCHARD and JADE RODEZ DUNCAN arrived and hit Lady XFL with a double lariat!


Alysanne wisely cleared out the ring, but Lady XFL was determined to fight! She threw a lariat at Jade, only to have it ducked and for her to get hit by Jade’s reverse x-factor finisher!

Jade Got It From Her Mama!

Maya finished things up and sent Lady XFL hurtling out the ring as though this were a royal rumble!

Lady XFL just tossed out the ring like yesterday’s garbage!

Naturally the champ didn’t appreciate that as she laid groggy on the outside mats. Despite her battered and dizzied state she still had the wits about her to curse out the Duncans!

Lady XFL has declared war on the Duncan family!


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