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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 5/28/2020

Chanel #99

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Tanner Neptune was out first to demand that Sgt.Holt return the Always Pimpin Championship he stole on the last show.

A loss of a title can make a man do strange things.

Like when you made Abdullah your spiritual advisor.

Insalla Allah!

Holt, you’ve sunk to a new low. You can’t beat me so you steal from me. You ran down to ringside and swiped my title. I hope you’ve said your prayers and took your vitamins, because you’re gonna need god’s intervention to stop me from kicking your ass for good and you’re gonna need all the vitamins in the world to recover from the beating you’re forcing me to give you.

Suddenly “Beat You Down” by Downstait hit to bring out Sgt.Lyle Holt.

I don’t like the way you talk to me. Kic my ass? You would do that to me? Me? I’m a war hero! I served my country so people like you could have freedom and liberty. You owe me actually.

I owe you? For what?

For saving America.

Are you nuts?

I’m Sergeant Lyle Holt, War Hero! You beat me once, by luck, but I’m due another shot. And if you don’t give me one at the men’s Anglemania, you’ll never see this title again.

Fine. You got it. But, Holt, I’m gonna make bootcamp look like a scenic tour through Bikini Bottom.


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***The Young Cucks W/The Bounty Hunter, and Conan “Coco” Chanel and Money Marc Benett W/The Doll Vs Brotica (Gory Dragan, Chad Mustard) and The Big Hairy Nutt Saks***
Everyone in this match had eyes for The Doll, which had Conan and Money Marc yelling at their own partners. Thanks to that the faces were able to clear the ring early on.

Its very hard to get on the same page with The Young Cucks.

This is your fault for having such a hot girl, Marc.

Just keep your eyes off her, filth.

Coco seems more concerned about defending The Doll’s honor than Money Marc.

Everyone needs a friend like Conan Chanel.

A friend who obviously lusts after your girlfriend.

Jordan got back into the ring and traded high flying moves with Gory. But when Balrogg Nutt came in, Jordan beat a retreat to tag in Conan. The billion dollar heir brawled with Balrog to a stalemate. But Money Marc was there to aid his partner and they both gave Balrog a side Russian leg sweep.

Who better than Money Marc?!

Nobody. Conan and Money Marc might be the best team to not have won the tag team titles.

Balrog was able to withstand Conan and Money Marc and got the tag to Chad. Chad was forced to match speed with The Young Cucks, which wasn’t an easy task. When the Cucks went for their Alvarez Driver, Chad did escape and hit Montell with a reverse DDT!

School Daze!

If they were in AEW they would have hit that move and Alvarez would nut himself.

Julius Saks got the tag and flattened the much smaller Young Cucks to the horror of The Bounty Hunter. The Pasadena born TBH hurried into the ring to help his partners and got hit with a belly bump that sent him sprawling. But that allowed Money Marc to drill Julius with a double arm DDT! From there Saks was isolated by the heels. They each took turns working over his leg to keep him grounded.

Everyone is the same size when they’re lying on the mat in pain,

But it would be Jordan lying on the mat in pain as Julius swatted his dive out the air with a lariat! That led him to tagging in Balrog Nutt. Nutt was fired up and decked his foes with lariats! Jordan made an escape and tagged in Money Marc, but Conan came in and both men attacked Nutt! Still Nutt powered them both to the mat with a double lariat!


Nutt and Saks started making kissy faces at The Doll, which infuriated Money Marc and Conan. Together they clobbered Nutt and Saks with chairs to take a DQ loss!

Winner: Brotica, The Big Hairy Nutt Saks, via DQ

The Young Cucks didn’t appreciate getting disqualified and got in the faces of Conan and Money Marc. Money Marc and Conan replied by bashing them with the steel chairs too!

I don’t like The Young Cucks but Money Marc and Coco are entitled jerks.

You can be entitled when you’re the best.


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Backstage there was a commission as BLAINE CAYLEY was beating on The Shell Gang’s door with a steel chair!

Come on out, Painbow! Come on out!

But Painbow didn’t come. Instead, Blanchefleur approached Blaine behind an army of security guards.

Painbow isn’t here, you lunatic! But every other member of The Shell Gang is. And when you make one mad you make them all mad. And Jose Cantu-Si is ready to superkick you into next week.

Great. I’ll be in the ring when you’re ready to send your lamb to slaughter.

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***Hardcore Match: Jose Cantu-Si W/Pike Pantera Vs Blaine Cayley W/Sammi Cayley***

Blanchefleur making a big move to make this a hardcore match. If it was one on one straight up Blaine would be favorite. But these new rules favor The Shell Gang.

The two men brawled to start with Jose getting the upper hand. But when the Latin stud went for a superkick, Blaine tripped him up into a Liontamer!

That is one of the hardest holds to escape, Blaine’s Liontamer!

Pike arrived on the apron, which forced Blaine to knock him off with a triangle dropkick. But Pike did his job, not only saving his partner but allowing him to clock him with a high flipping clothesline! The former tag team champion, Jose, then got a steel chair and used it as an assist with a leg drop!

Very innovative offense by Jose Cantu-Si. It reminds me of something I might do.

Jose went up top with the chair and came off with a splash that landed on Blaine’s stomach. Having inflicted damage to Blaine’s abs, Jose locked in an abdominal stretch. Though it hurt mightly, Blaine was able to overtake him with a hip toss. The Lion then threw out a head scissors that whipped Jose to the outside!

What’s wrong, Jose? You don’t wish to play anymore? Well, I still do!

From there, the former Galaxy champion soared over the top and took down Jose with a plancha! But Pike was right there to derail his momentum with a lariat!

Oh my!

Jose continued to target Blaine’s stomach, first by dropping him stomach first on the guardrail, and then by dropping him stomach first on the steel steps.

This is a hardcore match. Anything goes. And I do mean anything!

Back in the ring, Jose locked in another abdominal stretch. Blaine came close to submitting but called upon his strength and tossed Jose down with a hip toss! Jose jumped up, but was rocked with a Cruel Intentions I! Luckily, Pike arrived into the ring and began clobbering Blaine.

This is basically a handicap match!

Pike held Blaine in place as Jose warmed up the band! But he warmed up the band too long and when he played Sweet Chin Music, he played it on Pike’s face thanks to a ducking Blaine!

(looking at a knocked out Pike)
Oh, that look!

There’s the turning point of this match!

Blaine drilled Jose with Cruel Intentions II, spiking him directly on his head! After that he locked in the Liontamer and secured the victory!

Winner: Blaine Cayley, via submission

Blaine didn’t have much time to enjoy his victory as he was attacked by PAINBOW!

Blanchefleur said Painbow wasn’t here!

Painbow threw Blaine out the ring, and quickly followed him out. Blaine wasn’t out of this yet, and started throwing punches at Painbow’s face. But Painbow flourished with a big boot and decked his Welsh foe!

That Bitch Kicks!

Painbow stood tall above Blaine, flashing The Shell Gang hand signal to the camera.


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Terry Taylor was at the state of the art interview set to talk with ReX ahead of his Galaxy Championship match.

ReX, you were the first Galaxy champion, and now you have a chance to beat Ignatius and become a two time champion. Your thoughts?

Ignatius, the only thing you have on me is height,. You don’t have the muscles on me. You don’t have the brains on me. You don’t have the powerbomb on me. And after tonight you won’t have gold on me either. And if you’re bitch Alexander interferes I’ll break him apart with five different powerbombs right before I powerbomb you straight to hell!

***Lawson Belle W/Referee Nerdregard and 2XS W/Honey Dove and Ameila Von Kruger Vs Bi-Curious George and Storm Bellmare***

I had a chance to talk with Storm earlier today about how he saved Bi-Curious George last episode from Lawson. Storm told me he felt “hate crime vibes” from Lawson Belle and basically saw red backstage. He said security tried to hold him back but he came running out anyway.

And that was a mistake. Lawson Belle is a very dangerous, very aggressive, very vengeful man.

2XS and Bi Curious George, who have been seemingly joined at the hip started things off. But, Amelia Von Kruger stepped between them. The Austrian babe showed she wanted all of BCG…


But BCG really wanted 2XS! BCG waved him on and licked his lips! What he got was 2XS’ boot to the gut followed by an inverted atomic drop. But far from being hurt, BCG ground his testicles into his foe’s knees! That set 2XS off and he shoved the bisexual superstar away. This led Lawson to kicking BCG in the back of the head. The Neon Babylon then hit BCG with a flipping neckbreaker!

2XS Turned The Beat Around on George!

We have murders legitimate murders on our staff and George is still the one who scares me the most.

Lawson got the tag and started working over the leg of BCG. But when he tried to hook in the Ankle Lock, BCG turned it over into a rollup! Lawson was able to kickout but popped up into a French kiss!


Lawson was pissed beyond belief and tried to BELLEy to BELLEy suplex his foe but BCG turned things around with a drop toe hold! Storm then got the tag which led to both men throwing Lawson down with a double suplex! Referee Nerdregard was irate at the double team and dove into the ring to lecture Referee Rikishi. You don’t talk to Rkishi that way though. The big man threw a superkick that RFN ducked which led to Lawson being struck!


Storm came off the top with a moonsault that Lawson was barely able to kick out of! The Berekley native gave more trouble to Lawson as he dizzied him with a pair of spinning head scisssors!

Few people on this roster move as fast and as suddenly as Storm Bellmare. He reminds me of a prime Alix Maria Spezia.

Just on less drugs.

A lot less drugs.

BCG got the tag and peppered Lawson with punches and chops. But when he went off the rope, Lawson surprised him with a leaping heel kick! An angry Lawson stomped away at BCG’s leg before making the tag to 2XS. The Neon Babylon held BCG in place while AVK slapped him across the face!

I take it Amelia isn’t used to rejection.

2XS battered BCG with knees to the stomach. That was a perfect setup for the abdominal stretch he used. But the scattered fans rooted on BCG and he was able to hip toss 2XS over! 2XS jumped to his feet, only to get caught in a testicular claw!

Oh no!

Daddy likey! Daddy likey very much!

Lawson hurried into the ring and clobbered  BCG from behind! That led Storm to wipe out Lawson with a crossbody! But Lawson rolled through the hold and started to tangle Storm into an ankle lock! BCG was helpful and pitched Lawson out of the ring. Storm followed things up by using a suicide dive to wipe out Lawson!

Sudden as a heart attack!

Back in the ring, 2XS had BCG ready for his cartwheeling death valley driver finisher. But BCG escaped the hold! Unfortunately, AVK was on the apron and gouged his eyes behind Rikishi’s back! Because of that 2XS was able to take hold of BCG in setup for the death valley driver yet again. But Storm saved the day by blasting 2XS with a bicycle kick! BCG then hit his finisher, which I have no idea actually is because Tony never did his stats and the faces were able to pick up the win!

Winners: Storm Bellmare and Bi-Curious George, via pinfall


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Josh Matthews was in front of Blanchefleur’s office, talking with the interim GM.

We’re minutes away from Ignatius Maddix defending his Galaxy Title against ReX. Can we expect a fair match?

Of course, you can! Business in TMW since I took over is always on the up and up. And I know morale is low across the country during these times so I’ll be bringing Lisa Ann to ringside to perk everyone up.

You will?

Its good for her health to get out and about. I’m her caretaker after all, and I only want what’s best for her.

Elsewhere in the arena we saw Booker X and Martin Garvey, our new tag team champions walking down the hallway when they were suddenly attacked by DAS WRESTLING MACHINE! The Germans came equipped with steel chairs and were able to beat down the tag team champions. Once their assault was complete, White Lothar had a message for BLK…

It’s wonderful to be Das Wrestling Machine!

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*** TMW Galaxy Title: ReX Vs Ignatius Maddix W/Blanchefleur and Lisa Ann.***

ReX entered to Machinehead by Bush…

Blanchefleur said this is going to be a fair match conducted under fair rules. But I don’t think Blanchefleur knows the meaning of the word fair!

Ignatius entered to “Ready or Not” by the Fugees.

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and make you want me


But he didn’t have Lisa Ann and Blanchefleur with him.

No Blanchefleur, no Lisa Ann. The Shell Gang are up to something.

If The Shell Gang had Blanchelfeur out here and you would complain. Blanchefleur isn’t here and you complain. What do you want out of Blanchefleur?

The big men started off throwing heavy blows. ReX, being the stronger of the two got Ignatius backed into the corner. But when ReX came barrelling in Igatius made him eat a big boot!

The best big boot since Ice Quiz!

ReX was up fast with punches on the ready for Ignatius. The Spanish champion responded in the kind and the two were duking it out in the center of the ring.

No gloves on those hands. Just bare hands hitting flesh and bone.

ReX threw the champ into the ropes and was able to pop him into the air. But Ignatius came down with a superman punch ReX wasn’t expecting!

ReX was looking for his finisher the Syringer, a pop up powerbomb, but Ignatius blocked it.

It’s a testament to ReX’s strength that he was able to lift up Ignatius.

Spanish Sexy hit a trademark sidewalk slam on ReX then cursed him with a snake eyes. He went for snake eyes again, only for ReX to escape. The Baltimore native then hit Ignatius with a gut wrench powerbomb that left Iggy groaning in pain!

Oh my!

Ignaitus rolled out the ring, forcing ReX to give chase. The former doctor traded punches with  Spanish Sexy before the champion slammed his head into the steel steps. Then Ignatius leveled ReX with a big lariat! Now it was ReX’s turn to groan in pain.

Just a devastating clothesline by the 6’7 Ignatius Maddix, brother of King Land Maddix.

Can we talk about how King Landon is 5’9 but his younger brother is almost a foot taller than him. Like, Papa Maddix needs to take a DNA test on Ignatius.

The challenger got tossed into the ring, where he tasted his blood from a right cross by the champion.

Still no Blanchelfeur or Lisa Ann.

The champion forced the challenger into the corner and battered him with repeated knees to the gut. ReX looked in a bad way as blood seeped from his mouth. But he started throwing hooks at Ignatius’ face. But the Spanish superstar hammered ReX with a knee to the gut followed by a Very Spanish European Uppercut.

Ignatius is everything a champion should be, he’s huge, he’s intimidating, he can go and he can talk.

Everything you said applies to ReX.

But ReX was the challenger, who got hoisted onto Ignatius shoulders.

Looking for the Go2Sleep!

But ReX powered out the hold! The king of the powerbombs then drilled Spanish Sexy with an underhook powerbomb! Things wouldn’t go well yet for ReX as Blanchefleur arrived finally, wheeling out Lisa Ann.

There they are! That lowlife Blanchefleur!

Lowlife? That’s your boss.

Lisa Ann is my boss!

ReX yelled at Blanchefleur, who just told him to turn around. When he did he got hammered in the face by Alexander The Magnificent!


But Blanchefleur had something to say…

I’m sorry but this match is no disqualification!

That led Alexander to hoist ReX onto his shoulder for the Torture Rack! But ReX powered out the hold and nailed Alexander with a blue thunder powerbomb! Suddenly Ignatius came charging at ReX with the title belt! But the champion was stunned by a pop up powerbomb!

The Syringer!

The cover…






Winner and new champion:[/b[ ReX, via pinfall

ReX wins! ReX wins the Galaxy Title for a second time! Blanchefleur should have let the DQ stand. She cost Ignatius the title!

Wait! Wait! Ignatius foot was under the ropes!

The replay showed that it truthfully was, Blanchefleur no liar, which forced the match to restart. ReX hadn’t time to even argue before LOGAN MANN gave him a Percussion DDT onto the title belt!

This is nuts! First the DQ was waved off, then we thought ReX won, and now Logan hits the Percussion DDT!

The Shell Gang will always win in the end.

Ignatius recovered well enough to hit ReX for the Go2Sleep. That resounding attack spelled doom for ReX and allowed Iggy a successful title defense.

Winner: Ignatius Maddix, via pinfall

The Shell Gang started beating down ReX, and were soon joined by the rest of the Gang.

Enough is enough!

It was for TRISTIAN NYSTROM, who ran down to the ring with a baseball bat! He started hammering The Shell Gang until they had no choice but to escape!

You’re not the tag team champion anymore, Tristian. I no longer need you around! On the next show you’ll fight for your employment against…..


What a bombshell! Tristian Nystrom against Pike Pantera with Tristian’s employment on the line on our next episode!


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