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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 5/7/2020

Chanel #99

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The show cold opened to BIG PAPA THRUST storming about the backstage area, looking for Captain Bedrock. When he couldn’t find him he burst into Blanchefleur’s office.

Where’s Bedrock? Where is that piece of trash?

I sent him…wherever he lives, under whatever rock that is. I had to do that to protect this company. I know you can’t control your anger.

You sent that sum-a-bitch home because I can’t control my anger? Damn straight I can’t control my anger! I’m gonna take his legs and I’m gonna snap ‘em!

BPT was so mad that he overturned Blanchelleur’s desk in a rage before storming out

***The Three Hyenas (The Bounty Hunter, and The Young Cucks) Vs Tanner Neptune and Brotica (Chad Mustard, and Gory Dragan)***
Chad and Gory claimed they were the real young cucks, because they never got rejected by Mrs.Reject

I hate these bozos!

Reject was pleased to see the smaller and real Young Cucks jump Brotica. The Bounty Hunter Paired off with Tanner Neptune in a rematch from last show. Things turned against the heels as they were cleared out the ring by triple dropkicks. As the faces stood tall we fade to commercial.


Returning from break, we found The Young Cucks double teaming Chad. The bigger grappler tossed Montell out the ring which should have bought him some breathing room. But Jordan hit a springboard lariat to put pay to that. Chad was quick to his feet and hit a Chad Press aka Lou Thez Press. He tried to go off the ropes but got kicked by TBH. This led to The Young Cucks hitting a double DDT, and TBH coming off the top with a knee. But his knee missed and Chad rolled to tag in Gory. The witch turned grappler traded blows with TBH until The Bounty Hunter shut him down with a spin kick to the back of the neck!

White Lies!

The Three Hyeans isolated Gory, but failed to keep him down. He blocked Jordan’s WICKED right hook and hit a jaw breaker that allowed him to tag in the Always Pimpin Champion! The champ took on both Young Cucks until he was hit with a lungblower by TBH! The Pasadena native then used a rolling dropkick on Tanner before calling in the Young Cucks. TBH shook Referee Rikishi’s hand with his own hand behind his back as The Young Cucks hit stero moonsaults on Tanner!


The Bounty Hunter thought he had the match won, but when he set up for his headscissors DDT finisher, Tanner lifted him and drilled him with a Samoan drop!

Huge counter by the Always Pimpin Champion!

Both men crawled to their corner with Tanner tagging in Chad, who cut off TBH’s escape. This drew The Young Cucks into the ring and a wild brawl ensued. In the chaos, SERGEANT HOLT arrived dressed in his army fatigues and snatched Tanner’s championship away from the timekeeper!

He took the belt, Sergant Holt took the Always Pimpin title!

The man is desperate!

Tanner gave chase, leaving his partners in at a disadvantage. It would be their downfall as The Young Cucks hit the Alvarez Driver on Gory and TBH hit the City of Roses headscissors DDT on Chad to secure the win.

Winners: The Three Hyeans, via pinfall


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Backstage BLK were congregating in a discussion when they were approached by Pete-O!

Look at you three…CHUMPS!

BLK couldn’t believe what they’d heard. Pete-O called them chumps.

I haven’t forgotten how you put me through a table. I had to go to the hospital and I don’t have insurance, and my ma, my ma kept calling to check on me. But that was the old Pete-O, understand. This is the new Pete-O. Tag Team Champion Pete-O. Like Velveteen Dream I got all the teens going crazy. And I’m laying out the challenge to you CHUMPS! Tag titles, on the line. Me and my best bud Tristan Nystrom against any of you CHUMPS!

BLK still couldn’t believe what they’d heard. A tag title shot in a virtual handicap match. Their leader, Luther Mandella spoke…

Challenge accepted. Chump.

***Painbow Vs Job Burr***
Job Burr offered Painbow an invite to Bible Study at Olive Garden and for this he got a big boot in the face! Burr rolled out the ring in pain, but was hounded by Painbow. The bible thumper got his face slammed into the steel steps by the former Knicks native which busted him wide open.

Painbow tore through Blaine Cayley with a big boot last week and he’s tearing through Job Burr, who was an idiot to accept this match. This guy, Painbow, was good enough to get drafted by my Knicks but then was so hood they had to cut him before he played a game.

Burr got some offense, mainly chops and punches on the outside before Painbow rammed him into the guardrail. Back in the ring, a bloody Burr clutched his bible for safety. But Jesus couldn’t save him from a singlearm dead lift powerbomb known was Slime Shit that spelled his doom.

Winner: Painbow, via pinfall

Post match The Shell Gang member got on the microphone…

Blaine Cayley, you came back with a lil smirk on your face it looked you been suckin mad dick during yo time off.


Blaine Cayley, bitch ass white boy, this The Shell Gang, we got nines around here. You sitting here fucking your sister, you need to wipe that smirk off your face before I put a pistol to it. Close that fucking mouth before I put a dick in it. I will smack the fuck out you and your sister, fake ass Welsh bitch. You thought it was gonna be Gucci when you came back, bitch this The Shell Gang, we shoot first. Suck my dick, Welsh faggot. I’m out.


Renee, you never invite another straight man to your dick. This is only gonna be a blood bath between these two.


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Backstage, Pete-O was lording over the seamtress, dictating instructions to her.

I want the tightest shorts you can outfit me with to show off my manly figure and what I’m packing for the ladies.  And I want a slit like they’re underwear. And I want the slit to be pretty big because you never what can happen when it spills into the crowd and those Tanner Neptune fans are in attendance. Hehehheh.

Suddenly Pete came face to face with Queen Esther and Tristan Nystrom.

When in the nine hells do you think you’re doing?

Now, Tristan-

You and I are not partners. We’re not in a tag team. You are not co-champion with me. You do not get to make decisions about the belts my brother and I bled for. I’m going to honor your offer to BLK but if you get in my way I will tear your throat out. Are we clear?

Uh, yes, sir.

Make sure we stay that way.

Tristian took Queen Esther away from Pete-O, who turned to the seamstress and said..

We joke around like that all time.



***Lawson Belle W/Referee Nerdregard Vs Bi Curious George***
Lawson was none too happy about having to face BCG, and let the world know about it…

I beat Blaine Cayley AGAIN! I’m the baddest man in that locker room and here I am in the midcard fighting a freak of nature in a meaningless match. If you’re smart, George, you’ll get the hell out of my sight.

Instead BCG planted a kiss on Lawson’s cheek! That enraged The L-Train and he began throwing bombs on BCG. The former SMUSH star was backed into the corner, where he was assailed by repeated knee strikes in the clinch.

Like I say time and time again, Lawson has no capacity for kindness or compassion.

BCG fought back, using a round of overhand chops to back Lawson to the center of the ring. He then flung Lawson out of the battleground with a hurricanrana! The fans gave BCG a huge pop as he sailed over the top and took down Lawson with a no hands plancha! BCG was so fired up that he kissed Referee Titania Nerdly on the lips!

He swings every way there is to swing!

That was a mistake as Lawson immediately tripped him up with an ankle lock! BCG tapped, but they were outside the ring so it didn’t count. However, Lawson kept the hold locked on until Titania had no choice but to call for the bell.


BCG was screaming in pain as The L-Train ripped at his ankle. But help arrived in the form of STORM BELLMARE who tackled Lawson off BCG! Security came and intervened before Lawson could fully lose his shit, but he promised to kick Storm’s ass in the future.

Well, I don’t think anyone was expecting Storm Bellmare to come to Bi Curious George’s aid.

Why not? LGBT stick together. Makes perfect sense.


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It was time for the posedown between Alexander The Magnificent and ReX. Judging the contest were Euphoria. Titania Nerdly, and The Soccer Mom. Both men went through a bodybuilding routine and then it was left for the judges to determine the best.

I hate to do this…but I like that lean look of Alexander so he’s my winner.

Both your bods were banging! I’d pay 25 bucks a month for some dick slinging action on OnlyFans. But if ones gotta be the winner than that winner gotta be ReX!

Oh um, I believe it's not a matter of winning, it’s a matter of effort and sportsmanship. So I pick you both as winners!

That set off one Shell Gang member big time. Logan Mann arrived and got up in ReX’s face.

ReX, fuck you! I’m on my Trump shit tonight! I’ma take his lead! ReX, fuck you! Alexander been in the gym! He was raised in the OAOAST, he was raised by Odin, he was raised by Badass Jack, he was raised by Oscar Friberg! Alexander is the last real nigga alive!

ReX had heard enough and blasted Logan with a punch!

I’m surprised he held out that long.

Alexander, of course, jumped in to help his partner, which lead to a brawl between the two muscle heads. ReX was getting the better of Alexander until IGNATIUS MADDIX, jumped in and hit ReX with his Galaxy Title. ReX was knocked out and had to suffer through the humiliation of a torture rack by Alexander. After that Ignatius got on the mic…

The fact of the matter is, pal, that we’re the true giants of professional wrestling. You may be bigger than one of us, but we’re by far the best this sport has ever seen. I hit you with my belt, a belt you’ll never win again, and I bet after you wake up you’re not gonna want any of this. Let’s make a match, though, ReX, next TMW for the Galaxy Title, me and you. You’re one dimensional, ReX,  all you got is a powerbomb. And we can take care of that. You’re going to be the biggest lamb ever going to slaughter.

ReX challenges for the Galaxy Title next week on TMW! Wow!


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***TMW World Tag Team Titles: Tristian Nystrom © and Pete-O W/Queen Esther Vs BLK (Booker X, Martin Garvey) W/Luther Mandella***
Tristian and Queen Esther were adored by what little fans there were in The Toy Box. Pete-O not so much!

Pete couldn’t even find any plants to put in the stands when we’d let just about anyone in at this point.

Pete wanted to start but got sharply rebuked by Tristian. But, that took the vampire’s eyes off the ball and he was hammered by the powerhouse Booker X. X threw Tristan about the ring for a good twenty seconds, forcing Tristian to regroup in a neutral corner. Booker X waved him on and Tristian came charging to duck a lariat. The Dutch vampire then swung around to bash Booker with a discus knee strike! Tristian went for a quick cover, but Luther Mandella put Booker’s foot on the ropes.

Tristian is basically going to have to fight a one on three handicap match because of The Shell Gang and Pete O’s big mouth.

And when he loses he’ll have even more things to brood about.

Martin Garvey got a blind tag and rocked Tristian with a springboard elbow strike. Booker stayed in the ring to drill Tristian with a picture-perfect side kick!

“OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!” the small audience bellowed.

Tristian tried to fight back but Garvey worked the arm and started biting Tristian’s fingers!

That’s a turnabout on the vampire!

Tristian finally knocked Garvey down with an elbow smash and sent him rolling out the ring. The Dutch vampire then had to pull up on a diving attempt as Garvey slid back in the ring. Garvey caught his foe with a DDT then gauged the mouth (very dangerous to do against a vampire). As Garvey tormented Tristian,  Booker took the tag. Tristian no-sold a few slaps but ends up suffering a high angle bodyslam from Booker!

BLK is dominating Tristian Nystrom.

They’ve been waiting for this moment. The moment where they can become tag team champions. With Fabian gone these belts are open to being won.

Booker and Tristian fought up top with Tristian seeming to gain the upper hand. But, Garvey crotched the vampire to cancel his momentum, Booker X then threw down Tristian with a superplex. But when he made the pin, Pete O came to break it up with a splash. Except Booker X moved and Pete O landed on Tristian!


Garvey and Booker dumped Pete-O to the outside, which seemed to end his chapter. But when they turned around they took a double diving lariat from Tristian! The vampire then kipped up and took out Luther Mandella with a suicide dive!

That vampire healing coming in handy for Tristian!

Tristian went up top and took out Booker with a crossbody block. The big man rolled back upright though and snorted his nostrils. Booker tossed a lariat at Tristian only for his arm to get caught which lead to an arm trap neckbreaker!

Dangerous Liaisons!

It’s deadly the way Tristian snaps that neck and brings down the man with vampiric speed.

The cover!





Garvey broke up the pinfall! As Luther Mandella tried to get in the ring and got blocked by referee D’Lo Brown, Garvey stashed Tristian in the setup for a powerbomb! But Pete-O blasted him in the back with a chair! That was about the extent of Pete O’s positive contribution because he missed a ducking Booker X and hit Tristian in the face with the chair!

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Mandella dragged Pete out the ring as Booker smashed Tristian with an X (axe) Bomber! He then combined with Garvey to hit a double powerbomb! That deadly move earned BLK the title belts!

Winners and new champions: BLK, via pinfall

Post-match Luther Mandella got on the microphone…

Can we do something, my brothers? They know how many white women we bent over, they know how many white men’s ass we kicked, can we do something, my brothers?

Yes, we can!


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