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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Raw Is Whore 5/1/2020

Chanel #99

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Our focus is on Sofa Central where Renee and Alix sit to open the show-

A huge show on the road to AngleMani!  And-

Suddenly there’s a commotion in the stands. Walking through the audience is…

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It’s Sandman9000’s daughter, Dreamy! We saw this daughter of a bitch last week and she made some nasty threats against us, partner.

Dreamy bounced into the ring and even had her own microphone ready to rock.

Remember when getting a Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich was your biggest problem? Well, now you have Corona and now you have us! For realskies, for realskies!

Who is us? Who is she talking about?

Now why would we go after Raw Is Whore? I’ll tell you why. Just like it’s a trend now to become a babymamakins instead of a wife it’s a trend to make an impact in sports entertainment. And no one makes an impact like the true heirs of the OAOAST!

I don’t like where this is going, Renee.

With so much drama in the C-D-C it’s kind of hard being B-O-R-E-D! So we’re making an impact and taking what’s ours and killing it and that’s ON PERIOD! So, attention locker room, girl, bye, you are all  done ON PERIOD!

I will fight for my life
In the battlefield
I will fight to survive
Cause I love the thrill
Better know that I need it
And I wanna have control
I want it all
I want it all
There will be more pain (more pain)
There will be more blood
It is worth your pain
You'll turn to bone and ash

It’s Adelphe Nerdregard's music! Business is about to pick up, by gawd!

Adelphe strolls into the ring, looking cute in white and red stripped jeggings and underboob revealing red top.

The chosen heroine arrives! And what is she called, this maiden of darkness? Adelphe Saint Nerdregard is her name! Celestial blessings are with me, and not with you. You wish to insult Raw Is Whore and make an impact upon her solemnity? Then prepare for a fated encounter between us!

You wanna throw down? You wanna give me the instrumentals? Go ahead!



Security floods the ring to get between the two Hotties! Adelphe tries to claw her way at Dreamy. However, Dreamy leaves the ring with this surprise…

You’re all gonna get it at Skank Stampede! Even the fans in the stands!


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***Annagret Wickedborn W/Cinnamon Spoons VsVs Miss Dick W/Thr Soccer Mom***

Annagret flaunted her white girl pussy to all her black men on lockdown. But at the same time, she hoped all other races dicks would fall off. Stacy believed in unity and showed her cunt for the good of everyone. But her good deed cost her as Annagret kicked her low!

Damn her!

Anngret surveyed her foe and decided something very important.

I hate your outfit! Kiss it goodbye!


Annagret shreds apart Stacy’s chaps, leaving her bethonged juicy bottom bare.

Her dad gave her those chaps.


Stacy takes offensed to that and got up swinging and backed Annagret into the ropes. Miss Kunt then ran to the opposite end, hoping to levy her weight against Annagret. But the leggy blond got her left leg up in time for a big boot!


Annagret then distracted referee D’Lo Brown with a generous shot of her camel toe…

Like any black man D’Lo could resist and took his eye off Cinnamon. The Spice of Death dove into the ring and began choking Miss K!


She may sound like the same Cinnamon we knew but she is changed!

Annagret stomped away Miss K before strutting about the ring to gloat over her beauty…


But much to everyone’s glee she turned around into a discuss punch from Miss K!


Annagret was reeling and fell into the corner, There she had to endure biting Miss K’s Shiny Metal Kunt!

Laying it deep into the Snowbunny!

Not the way she likes,

You think she likes it when her black bulls choke her?

Keep it professional.

Stacy went for her Jackhamemr finisher only for Cinnamon to hook onto her leg. That  left her confused and she ended up suffering through a wild spin kick from Annagret!

Now taste it, baby.


I bet black dudes tell her that all the time.

I said professional.

The cover was made but Stacy somehow kicked out. From there, an annoyed Annagrety hooked her in a chinlock and tried to wear her out. But, Miss K fought to her feet and upended her supernatural foe with a backsuplex! The crowd was on their feet as Stacy then kipped up and ran her foe through with a Stiff Kick!

Just like good ol dad!

Annagret rolled upright in a daze and was forced to suffer a full nelson slam!

Pure Penetration!

Annagret managed to kickout, but could do not much more than that. Stacy stuffed the Snowbunny into a front facelock and promptly called for her jackhammer! But suddenly she was mobbed by DIDI BIGGUNS and the little Fluffer who’s been by her side!

There’s Didi and that short little harpie!

The Bigguns beat Miss K to the ground with Annagret soon joining in.

Stop it! I said stop it!

You ain’t our mom!

But help was on the way! Help in the form of a heroic HOW2GIRL! The super slut arrived onto the top rope then took all the heels with a cross bodyblock! A recovered Miss Kunt got to her feet and lariated Didi and her friend out of the ring. Meanwhile, How2Girl landed the Atlasault on a humiliated Annagret! The victorious faces stood stall as the heels fumed behind security.

Folks, I’ll tell you what, it’ll be hot at Skank Stamepde when Annagret takes on How2Girl and Miss Kunt faces Didi Bigguns

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Backstage we find…

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Skulking in the shadow, watching two attractive sound tech guys in conversation.

Hhehe, come on and kiss you two.

Suddenly Eponine is tapped on the shoulder…


Eponine turns around to find a smiling…

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ANNIE IDOL had done this.

OH, uh, hey.

Were you watching those two sound guys?

Yes…uh….no! I mean they stole Krista’s purse so I was gonna get it back for her. Yeah…that’s it….

You’re a regular hero, Eponine. And inquiring minds just want to thank you for saving me!

Annie shoves a microphone in Eponine’s face.


And inquiring minds loved the way the Skylites got theirs. But at Skank Stampede you team with C02 to face Whoros, and Isabellea will challenge for the Hard on Hoes Championship. These are huge matches. Can we get your thoughts on?


Liv Morgan Continues To Tease WWE Return
BILLIE CHILD arrives onto the scene, sipping a cup of lean (and rocking the new sky blue Skylites hoodie available now on OAOASTShop).

And I do mean booooorrrrrrrrring! No one cares about Eponine’s thoughts on anything. How many followers do you have on Insta compared to Skylar?

Life isn’t all about followers.

Yes it is! No matter how many people Eponine makes tap she’ll never be popular like Skylar.

We can test that theory, and I can make you tap one more time. I bet for each time your hand hits the mat, I’ll gain a follower.

Billie doesn’t back down. But perhaps that’s because all the SKYLITES including their leader (and matching hoodies) come up behind her. Skylar starts typing something on her phone then shows it to KKK.

Skylar tweets “Tough talk by Eponine. Put $ where mouth is, little girl. Make Billie tap in a match and if you don’t give the Skylites a tag title match tonight. Hashtag girls rock, hashtag never submit.”

Eponine doesn’t take any time to think about it.

What do I get WHEN I make Billie tap?

Skylar chuckles which unnerves Eponine. She then runs her hand along Eponine’s cheek before saying…

Whatever you want.

Skylar shoots Annie a look and takes her Skylites away


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Backstage we found Doc White chatting with a trembling Adelphe.

I am overwhelmed with feelings of great anger! My heart beats with eternal fire!

That was awesome how you stood up to Dreamy. That slap? Wow, I hope I never get on your bad side.

I doubt you could ever get on my bad side, Doc. We are friends.

Doc sighs heavily.

Friends, eh. Yeah…I suppose that’s what we are…

Doc has more important things to worry about than the Friendzone though as REFEREE WALLY NERDREGARD and THE NASTY BOYDS approach him.

I thought I wanred you, nasty transsexual what would happen to you if you talked to my sister!

Wally, I can talk to who I please.

You can talk to who you want as long as I want you to talk to them and I don’t want you talking to this nasty transsexual!

You made our master mad, inmate!

You were warned once.

At Skank Stampede it’s me and you, tranny, man versus freak!

Wally, no!

Wally, yes! You’re going down, tranny, straight down to hell!

Be ready, inmate!

Pray that the end will be quick.

The Nasties and RFN walk off with RFN crowing about his impending victory.

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*** Billie Child w/ Penny Mars vs. Eponine Black ***

As fellow Skylite member Penny Mars paraded around carrying a Photoshopped sign of OAOAST correspondent Annie Idol as the legendary Mean Gene Okerlund titled “Meme Gene,” Eponine greeted Billie with a series of punishing European uppercuts.

“Aah! Aah! AAHHHHHH!”

Wait a minute!

Eponine only waited seconds to remove her opponent’s hoodie and find DASHA THE RAPPA in Billie’s gear!


From a knee Dasha pleaded for mercy and got the hoodie thrown back at her in return. Then seemingly outta nowhere the real Billie leveled Eponine with a missile dropkick!

Eponine went bye (to the outside) while Billie said hi.


And it was outside where Penny managed to extract a measure of revenge for the chipped tooth she received at the hands of Eponine a couple shows back, dropping the second generation star throat-first on the security barricade!






The crowd (largely made up of crew members safely practicing social distancing) chanted for Eopnine’s fellow tag title co-holder Isabella Spezia-Villaraigosa to even the odds. Instead their hope rested on Dasha The Rappa who approached Eponine, but an icy stare from Penny prompted the former fan fav to throw the hoodie in Eponine’s face! An act that greatly pleased Penny.

Ugh! The Skylites are such—


I was going to say “mean girls.”

You ain’t seen mean yet, sister.

And we get a whole lotta mean when Eponine fights back with a fury! Eventually she hooked Billie’s arm and was about to take her to the ground to apply the Heart of Ice crossface when Penny leaped on the apron! A confrontation occurred with Eponine dodging a dropsault by Billie which nailed Penny! As Billie landed on her belly Eponine quickly locked on THE HEART OF ICE!

Will Billie tap?!

Too far away from the ropes and Penny down outside, Billie’s hopes relied on Dasha, who rather than aid her decided to check on Penny! Trapped like a rat Billie reached into her outfit and popped a Xanax! Very shortly she was so out of it the ref had no choice but to stop the match!

Billie didn’t tap!

Meaning the Skylites will receive a Hotties tag title shot later tonight! But which two members will represent the group?

Enraged, Eponine refused to break the hold even when the other Skylites members appeared (besides Skyler) demanding the ref overturn the official decision. Unfortunately the ref was left with no choice but to do just that!

Winner: Billie Child, via DQ.

Once the Skylites got what they wanted they immediately stormed the ring! Despite being outnumbered and fueled by rage Eponine was prepared to take them all on...until partner Izzy arrived along with C02 (Eponine’s partners at Skank Stampede) for backup!

Come get some now, bitches!

They don’t. But Eponine remains hot.

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Backstage we find December nervously lingering around, keep her head always on a swivel. No one could blame her Bobbi still recovering from being raped by Bedrock.

But instead of  a stone age rapist who approaches her, its none other than Ray Cris, an infamous serial rapist.

December, baby, you look parched. Have a drink on Ray.

Ray passes her red cup of purple juice that December is dumb enough to accept. But before she can take even a sip, she’s hit in the back of the head with Bedrock’s club by the Neolithic Avenger himself! Ray jumps back in shock that soon twists into rage.

Hey, mon amgio, that bitch was mine?


Bedrock offers Ray no chance to respond to that as he bashes Ray in the face with his club! Ray goes down in a heap with blood sipping down his nose.


With this pathetic rival out the way Bedrock can get down to business. He shows Ray how it’s done: He turns December over onto her stomach while she’s just trying to stay conscious. She groans, knowing that something is wrong. Something sure is wrong as Bedrock begins fucking the shit out of her!

Gentlemen, start stroking your cocks! Millions of men’s cooped up sexual frustration is released as they watch a dumb whore like December get what a dumb whore deserves; fucked stupid! December went full retard before the meme and Tropic Thunder so what we’re witnessing is a truly stupid skank being raped.


This retarded bitch December thought because she called herself a Freakazoid it meant her pussy belongs to one man only?  Ignorant whore, your pussy belongs to whoever is man enough to take it and Bedrock is man enough to take it!



But I couldn’t fault someone for thinking this dumbass wanted to get raped. She knew what she was doing talking to Ray Crist. She set her own idiot self up for this rape so don’t feel sorry for her. And it’s doubtful many do as they watch the low IQ cunt’s cunt get torn apart.


As we all know December used to be a hooker in Sunrise so how dare a hooker have the nerve to tell a mighty predator liked Bedrock how her pussy is going to be used! If you’re lucky, moron, maybe he’ll toss you some pebbles afterward!



Bedrock is taken with a surge of anger and begins choking December! His strong mammoth ancient fingers crash into her skin, turning her skin red.



December is wracked by misery and woe, and worse yet can barely breathe. Her eyelids begin fluttering, her body begins going limp as she fades in and out of consciousness.


Drool begins dribbling out of December’s mouth as her goes slack.


A normal rapist might want December to fully be aware of the powerlessness of her situation. Bed Bedrock is an apex rapist who cares only about his pleasure. That December is close to blacking out isn’t of his concern. Just this fucking this filthy whore is what drives him.


He rolls her back onto her stomach then continues to piston into her. His conquest squeals! But at least she doesn’t squeal like a pig like Jade, pathetic little bitch.

Big Papa, please save me!

That feeble cry for help is enough to push some men over the edge and they splay their seed all over the place. But the hornier, more depraved among us keep stroking as her simple minded ass is raped. December is so retarded that rape of her might as well be a hate crime!


Even more men splooge at the sound of that cry. Truly, we have many sick fucks in our fanbase. Our Muslim friends, many envisioning such a situation, and imagining himself vigorously flogging  December with a whip made from stiff Nile reeds for her numerous crimes against morality. Of course after that was done it would be time for some oral… As in the reading of the holy Qur’an to teach December the error of her ways and convert her into a pious Muslimina.

Save me, Big Papa!

This is quite a common fate for a whore here in Los Angeles. All that separates December from a whore on Skid Row is that December has a six-figure downside guarantee,

Yes now that December has paid her dues by building a name for herself with brazen displays of degeneracy like this, she will claim that she is a woman deserving of respect. Unfortunately for December elephants and righteous Muslims never forget, and they’d both fuck her senseless the first chance they got!

Finally Bedrock decides to mount his claim being impregnating her. A rush of jizz shoots through his canal and coats her womb in its white hot gooeyness. Already her stomach expands from the wealth of cream that fills it.



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Backstage in one of the dressing rooms we find…

Wallpaper look, pose, actress, hair, Eliza Taylor-Cotter, Eliza ...

EPONINE BLACK[/b’ shadow boxing ahead of her and Isabella’s tag title match against The Skylites…

How appropriate it is for…

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Isabelle looks at Eponine for a long while with a hard glare. Until Eponine finally says..

What’s wrong with you?

Uh, isn’t obvious? You put us in a tag title match against The Skylites.

Yeah, we’re gonna team up and show em what kind of damage we can do!

Normally I’d be totally about rolling around half naked with some cute babes like the Skylites but in case you missed it I have a Hard on Hoes title shot at Skank Stampede against the Lady XFL I need to focus all my attention on.

Eponine can’t help but laugh.

What’s funny?

Focus your attention? You can’t focus your attention on anything! That’s why you got a title shot because you’re a bimbo who won a bimbo battle royal.

I am not! I’ll have you know I had sex with Ellen!

That doesn’t even mean anything. You’re one half of the tag team champions, you’re not a singles wrestler, and you’re nowhere close to what Lady XFL is. You should be focusing what little attention span you have on defending on our titles.

You’re just jealous!

I’m not jealous I wasn’t stupid enough to get into a battle royal! And if I wanted the Hard On Hoes Title I’d just go and take it.

Oh yeah?



Isabella has nothing left to say and storms out the room. The convo leaves Eponine so mad she bangs her fist against the wall.


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*** Hotties Tag Team Title: The Skylites vs. Chicks Over Black Dicks © ***

Despite clearly being in no condition to perform, Billie Child was eager to team with close — and I do mean close — personal friend Penny Mars, but Skyler had none of it. Opportunity was knocking at the door and the leader of the Skylites wasn’t gonna pass on the chance to obtain her first title even as Billie threw a fit, only at the flip of a switch to turn right around and apologize while she very giddily stroked Skyler’s hair.

What do you suppose is going through the mind of Billie Child?

Some fucked up shit!

Billie fell out onto the apron and caught some Z’s. Referee Val Venis was about to remove her from harm’s way when the sight of Penny and Eponine trading blows like wild bitches over toilet paper in a Walmart parking lot diverted his attention. Like every red-blooded male the world over, he licked his chops in trademark Big Valbowski style the hotter and heavier the action got. But an assist from Skyler which gave the Skylites control prompted him to lay down the law, not the pipe.

Don’t talk to me like that! How DARE you talk to me like that! I feel assaulted!

Skyler turned her back to Val, arms folded, leaving him perplexed. It was all a rude however to allow Penny to sneak in and put the boots to Eponine.


Unsuccessful in getting Val to look back Izzy pulled up her shirt. That grabbed his eye and caused many others to grab something else! Val finally turned to catch Penny in the act. His warning didn’t matter much as the Skylites were firmly in control. Izzy rallied the crowd behind Eponine who unloaded on her opponents. Izzy reached for the tag only for Eponine to miss it shaking off the cobwebs between strikes.

Rats! EB didn’t see Izzy asking for the tag!

One couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow once Eponine had recovered yet continued to fight, just to get overwhelmed by the numbers again. If a message was being sent Izzy didn’t receive it. She voiced her support for Eponine and when the chance arose tagged herself in!


Izzy took it to the Skylites until they doused her fire, but she ducked a double clothesline and wiped out Billie on the apron with a baseball slide!


Face meeting floor snapped Billie awake and onto the apron angry. Miscommunication led to her and Skyler colliding, with Skyler going out through the ropes and Billie in over the top!

After a spinning leg lariat removes Penny from the picture, Izzy hits a front flip DDT on Billie, a/k/a LEZ-B-FRIENDS!!!

Izzy...covers Billie!?

Val ponders for a minute, no doubt remembering how the Skylites took advantages of him earlier in the bout, shrugs his shoulders and counts 1-2-3!

Winners: Chicks Over Black Dicks, via pinfall.

Before she can even celebrate a success title defense Izzy is yanked outta the ring by LADY XFL!

Where did Lady XFL come from?!

The Hard on Hoes Champion pummels her Skank Stampede challenger which leaves manager Alysanne damn near orgasmic. Amazingly Eponine fails to lend aid! Instead she looks to the crowd as they chant...






Fueled by the crowd Izzy returns fire! Her comeback is short-lived, as Lady XFL scores with a big boot and then delivers a POWERBOMB ONTO THE STEEL STEPS!


Lady XFL maintains her grip and delivers a second!


And a...

Don’t just stand there E-B... do something!

... third!


Eponine finally intervenes, snatching a battered Izzy out of the arms of Lady XFL who shoots her a death stare.

What’s it going to be like at Skank Stampede?!

Show goes off the air with Alix, having left the announce position, tending to her sis along with Eponine.


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