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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 4/17/2020

Chanel #99

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The show opened with the entire Shell Gang, the Galaxy Champion  Ignatius Maddix, Blanchefleur, Wesley Singleton, Jose Cantu-Si, Logan Mann, Pike Pantera, Alexander The Magnificent and Painbow out with party hats as streamers fell from the ceiling.

Aiyo, looks like we’re free one gay flamingo. Talking about Fabian Nystrom of course.

Fabian, if you’re listening, you may have started us, pal, but you could never end us. Because The Shell Gang is for life!

Fabian is gone, but one monkey doesn’t stop the show. The tag titles still need to be defended. So, Tristian, we have found you a suitable partner to defend the titles tonight against the number one contenders….Jose Cantu-Si and Pike Pantera!

Since when are they the number one contenders?

There was a video hyping up the mainevent which was Blaine Cayley’s first match off his eye injury and it would be against his old rival, Lawson Belle

***The Big Hairy Nutt Saks and Storm Bellmare  Vs BLK***

Conan “Coco” Chanel and “Money” Mark Bennett were on guest commentary for this match.

These guys steal my girl? Not happening. Put money on that.

Martin Garvey got up in Storm’s face in an effort to intimidate him. But that only earned Garvey a two-piece and a biscut combo.

Homie got fucked up!

Garvey came back with a lariat, only to eat a back suplex instead. The two then dueled with some high flying moves until Saks made the blind tag. He was able to use his girth to dominate Garvey for a good thirty seconds. But Garvey hit a reverse STO and hurried to tag in the powerhouse Booker X.

My girl would never be with dudes like the Nutt Saks!

Just listen to the name. Big Hairy Nutt Saks. Low class garbage.

Saks and X brawled about the ring with X showing off his power by hitting his brainbuster into a chokeslam known as Death Before Dishonesty. He got cocky and tried it again which ended up with him taking a huge body slam. That led to Nutt getting the tag and using his weight to try and bump X around. X wasn’t having it and blasted him with a lariat before tagging in Luther Mandella.

There’s BLK’s leader, Luther Mandella.

Mandella sized up his foe and then hit a precision elbow drop.

My girl may be hot but she is not a hot wife.

These idiots are going to learn to respect The Doll.

Mandella hit the Garvin stomp on Nutt, leaving him howling in pain. But when he tried for a leg lift tiger suplex he couldn’t pick Nutt up. That allowed the Jersey native to get the tag to Storm. The Berkley born grappler flew off the top and slammed Mandella with a dropkick. But Mandella played possum and blocked his springboard leg drop. This allowed the heels to isolate Storm. But Storm stayed strong and was able to turn Garvey’s abdominal stretch into a single underhook hip toss!

Wind Shear!

The hot tag was then made to Saks! Things quickly broke down into a brawl that referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V couldn’t control. This allowed Conan Chanel to sneak into the ring and try and blast Nutt with a steel chair! But Nutt caught the chair and bashed Conan instead!


But then Booker X jumped Nutt and hit him with an X Bomber (axe bomber) to secure the win for BLK!

Winner: BLK, via pinfall

Tery Taylor had Always Pimpin Title holder Tanner Neptune on hand in the back lounge to discuss Sgt.Holt, who Tanner defeated to win the title and beat in the rematch.

I have great respect for our troops. But what I don’t respect is a coward and a backstabber and Holt is both. Yeah, you served our country and you should be proud of that, Holt. But I served you an ass whipping twice and I’m not in the mood to do it a third time. No title shot for you. But, I do have a title match with The Bounty Hunter in a few. And Bounty Hunter, I know you have a reputation as a killer for hire but you’d have to hire a killer to take this title off of me.

Always Pimpin Title: The Bounty Hunter W/The Young Cucks Vs Tanner Neptune ©***


TBH entered to “The Final Countdown (Bounty Hunter remix)”



The dangerous leader of The Three Hyenas, The Bounty Hunter has committed many justifiable homicides.

Tanner entered to “Bring Back The Summer” by Rainman and Oly

And I never, I never want another
Come back, come back to me, my lover
I never, I never want another
Bring back, bring back, bring back the summer

Bring back, back the summer
Bring back, back the summer


Now here is a champion we can be proud of! Not like Sergant Holt, who has competley lost his it since Tanner took the Always Pimpin Title from his waist.

You’re saying we can’t be proud of Holt? He’s a serviceman!

He’s a whiner.

TBH opened things up by slapping Tanner across the face!


TBH wasn’t laughing when Tanner drilled him with a punch. He hit the smaller grappler so hard that TBH fell through the ropes. But, TBH came back in with a springboard head scissors then hit Tanner with a spin kick to the neck!

White Lies!

That move was lethal but only got a two count. Tanner was then flung into the corner, bouncing out to eat a superkick from the Pasedena native.

You could be looking a future AngleMania mainevent in this match, both these men are amazing talents.

TBH went off the top and hit Tanner with a spinning wheel kick. He then tried for a Final Cut, but Tanner broke free and hit a Sleeper Slam!

Sun Burn!

The Palm Beach went to the top and tried to drop a leg on TBH, but the Young Cucks pulled their friend out the way. That pissed Tanner off so much he took them out with a suicide dive!


When Tanner slid back into the ring he was pounced upon by TBH. TBH dropped Tanner to his knees, readying him for his headscissors DDT finisher. But Tanner showed great strength in pushing TBH off. This disoriented TBH, who promptly got rocked with the Too Tan To Fail (belly to belly facebuster) to lose the title match!

Winner: Tanner Neptune, via pinfall

Backstage we found Queen Esther in discussion with Tristian Nystrom about the tag title defense tonight.

It is truly unfair what is conspiring tonight, Tristian! What deplorable luck we have. We sought to uncover the truth behind Lisa Ann’s kidnapping and now we have lost Fabian and you are forced to defend the tag team championshiops with a mystery partner. What shall we do? Where shall we get justice.

First lesson, your highness, we make our own justice.

***ReX Vs Job Burr***
Job Burr was on a religious kick and brought his bible to the ring and even wore sandals like Jesus. But even his faith couldn’t save him as ReX utterly destroyed him, finishing him off with the Syringer, his pop up powerbomb finisher.

Winner: ReX, via pinfall

Post-match ReX flexed for the crowd. That shockingly brought out Logan Mann.

Stop, stop, stop! Hey, ReX, fuck you!


Lotta people here tonight should feel like they lost. You know why? Because ya’ll been lied to! TMW lied to you! Google lied to you! Facebook lied to you! Facebook fuck you! ReX don’t have the best body in wrestling, Alexander The Magnificent does!

That drew ReX’s ire and he ran towards Logan. Leezus Price made an escaoe backstage and ReX gave chase. But ReX fell into a trap and was beat down by Alexander, Painbow, Logan Wesley and Ignatius!

***TMW Tag Team Titles: The Shell Gang (Jose Cantu-Si, and Pike Pantera) Vs Tristian Nystrom © and ???? W/Queen Esther***
Tristian’s mystery partner for tonight was none other than…..Pete-O!


The Toy Box is right on the money.

Pete-O tried to high five, but the champ just rolled his eyes and pointed the rotund pedo to the ring. Pike thought things would be pretty easy given there was no Fabian and paid for it with a pair of right hands and a lariat over the ropes!

Jose and Pike still need to be aware they’re fighting a vampire.

Back in the ring, Pike tried a lariat and ate a superkick followed by a double arm DDT. Being a tough guy he popped up quickly. Unfortunately that led to him enduring a fall away slam!

Tristan dissects wrestlers piece by piece.

Pike reversed a sharpshooter effort and got the tag to Juicy Cantu-Si. The high flyer brought down Tristian with a missile dropkick. Then Pike held the vampire in place while Jose battered him with chops. But Tristian powered out and tossed Pike out the ring. Next he gave Juicy an inverted atomic drop followed by a 180 elbow strike!

Friday Night Bites!


Tristian went up top, but Pike shoved him off. That let a recovered Jose hit him with a standing sliced bread!

Gem Stoned! And Tristian is basically fighting a handicap match.

Jose took off the rop and hit Tristan with a springboard elbow which got him a two count. Once the tag was made, Pike hit a rib breaker which Jose followed up with a neckbreaker. But again that only got a two count.


Pike loaded up the Smoking Gun and chame charging at Tristian. But Tristian avoided the attack and Pike collided with the corner posts! For some dumbass reason that got Pete-O to slap Tristian’s back for a tag!

Now’s my chance for glory!

Pete rushed to pin Pike and got a 2.9 before he was pressed off!


Pete ran away from Pike and walked right into a Sweet Chin Music from Jose!


The cover was broken up by a desperate Tristan! Pike pounced on Tristian and threw him into the corner. But Tristian avoided the charge and promptly sent Pike hurtling over the ropes. Jose tried to catch Tristian by surprise with a Sweet Chin Music, but Tristian caught the leg, spun Jose around and blasted him with a buzzsaw kick!

Blood Plauge!

Tristian dragged Pete onto Jose for the 1-2-3!


Winner Tristian Nystrom and Pete-O, via pinfall


***Lawson Belle W/Referee Nerdregard Vs Blaine Cayley W/Sammi Cayley***

Lawson Belle entered to “Wicked” by Bear Grillz….




(Go, go, go!!!!!)


Bring up the dead

It's time to get WICKED~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!


An old rivalry is renenwed tonight in our mainevent! Lawson Belle defeated Blaine Cayley to win his first TMW Galaxy Championship.

Blaine Cayley entered to “Blood Brother” by Zed’s Dead….

Years go, limit some once fast
Swallowing the past
Making something last

I've seen you at your lowest of low
Watching your demons grow
Struggle you won't show

Maybe I got plans for you
And you take care of me
My blood brother, fight for me


It was a devastating eye injury at the hands of Lady XFL that took Blaine out of action. We thought he might not compete again, but here he is on TMW!

The old rivals started first by brawling around the ring until Lawson lariated Blaine over the ropes. But, on the outside Blaine took control and slammed Lawson’s face into the steel steps. Lawson responded by staggering away but got caught by Blaine. The Lion used a vertical suplex to fling Lawson onto the steel stage!


Back in the ring, Lawson blocked Cruel Intentions II and decked Lawson with a spinning calf kick!

Slay Belle!

Blaine rolled out the ring and was hounded by Lawson. The L Train press slammed Blaine onto the guardrail to show off his impressive strength then snorted at the camera.

Lawson Belle has no heart and no capacity for mercy or kindness. Trust me, I know.

The L-Train threw Blaine across the ring with an overhead BELLEy to BELLEy suplex, but only got two on the attack. Blaine blocked Lawson’s rolling kick then cursed him with Cruel Inetentions I!


Blaine tried a Cruel Intentions II but Lawson reversed it into a northern lights into a bridge! The hold got a two. Sammi rooted on her brother as the two men traded blows. Lawson threw Blaine into the ropes, but had to duck a Cruel Inentions I! This made the move hit referee Val Venis and knock him out!


Blaine stood up from his attack and was promptly booted in the face by PAINBOW!

Hey! What is Painbow doing!

That knocked Blaine out cold and Lawson powerwd him down with a BELLEY to BELLEY side suplex to take the win!

Winner: Lawson Belle, via pinfall

The Shell Gang strikes again, Reject! Who won’t they attack? Who can stop them?



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