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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 4/9/2020

Chanel #99

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The show opened in the parking lot where Big Papa Thrust was brawling with Captain Bedrock. BPT managed to disarm Bedrock of his club and started pounding on Bedrock with it. He hit him enough times that Bedrock was busted wide open. But he didn’t get to finish the job as cops and Blanchefleur got between he and Bedrock.


Cops would eventually arrest Big Papa Thrust and cart him off. But Bedrock hadn’t escaped Blanchefleur’s wrath.

You think you can go around raping women and causing me to run outside in the middle of a virus? You’ll pay. Tonight you fight ReX!

We got an advertising for the Painbow Performance Gloves. Performance for sports, you pervs.

After the add we found Sgt.Holt pacing in front of Blanchefleur’s office.

Where is she? Where is Blanchefleur? Why isn’t she here?  I’m a war hero. I’m a busy man. I have things to do!

But suddenly he was approached by Tanner Neptine, the man who took his Always Pimpin Title

What’s up, Holt?

You!  You’re the reason I’m here. You stole my belt.

Stole it? I pinned you 1-2-3.

Well…uh…I demand my rematch.

I gave it to you already. You dropped the ball in three little seconds.

I had Coronavirus like symptoms. I feared for my life.

Funny. I don’t fear for mine.

Tanner swaggered off with Holt drilling a hole through him.

It was hyped up that the next show would feature Blaine Cayley returning from his eye injury at Lady XFL’s hands to face  Lawson Belle

***Conan “Coco” Chanel Vs Balrog Nutt***
This situation came to be thanks to the Big Hairy Nutt Saks sexually harassing The Doll. Coco had sworn to defend her honor.

Why isn’t her man defending her honor?

Coco jumped Balrogg as he entered the ring, which put Balrog on the defensive early. Coco got mighty mean as he rammed his foe’s arm into the steel steps.

Apologize to Rena!

Since Balrog didn’t, Coco beat him some more. Once Balrog was thrown into the ring steps. The New Jersey native was stomped away by Conan. Simple but effective.

He getting his ass kicked by a dude named Coco.

Conan went for a superlex that got blocked. That started to turn the tide for Balrog who began hammering Coco with punches. Conan tried for his Nirvana Black regal plex but couldn’t lift the fat grappler. Instead he started to eat right hands to the mush.

Conan Chanel does not want to brawl with Balrog.

I think he prefers to be called Coco.

I’m not calling a man Coco.

Balrog hit a presss slam on his foe, then tried to flatten him with a senton. Instead he got the knees, but that hurt Conan just as much. Both men crawled to their feet with Balrog scoring a one-two combo. He then twirled into a discus punch only to be hit by a jumping snapmare known as Hypnotic Poison. His neck landed in awkward way leaving him unable to kickout

Winner: Conan “Coco” Chanel, via pinfall

Post-match MONEY MARC BENETT arrived and laid in the boots to Balrog.

What is this garbage?

Didn’t you want him to defend his woman’s honor?

Not after the dishonorable nearly got his neck broke!


The Nystrom brothers, Tristan dressed in black cloak and Fabian looking something like an 80’s loving flamingo were out in the ring with a ball gowned Queen Esther.

Friends, we are very concerned about Lisa Ann! My friends The Nystroms have used one of the more fancy telecommunications devices, the telephone, to contact the hospital Lisa Ann is being treated at. But much to our shock we found the hospital had no record of Lisa Ann being a patient! Nefarious deeds are at work, my loyal subjects. Lisa Ann has simply been kidnapped by The Shell Gang.

That brought out Blanchefleur and Ignatius who had his arms around her waist.

I take offense to this. I provided documents when Lisa Ann fist got sick that I was to be in charge of patient advocacy. That’s what I am. A patient advocate.

What you are is a filthy rotten hoe! And Ignatius you’re a filthy rotten bastard for fucking her!


Watch your mouth. I am a patient advocate.

I’m a thousand years old so I’ve heard a lot of lies, but that was the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard!

I find that hard to believe.

What do you want in exchange for Lisa Ann?

What do we want, freak? We want you gone.

That’s not going to happen.

You’re wrong, pal. It’s happening tonight. Because in tonight’s mainvent we will have a loser leaves town match….Tristan Nystrom versus Fabian Nystrom! Loser gets the hell outta The Shell Gang’s sight.

You can’t do that. We’re the tag team champions.

We will assign the remaining brother a suitable partner to defend the belts with.

***ReX Vs Captain Bedrock***
Bedrock jumped ReX as ReX was entering on the ramp  and bashed him with his club! The Neolithic Avenger pounded ReX over and over again with the club until security came out and pried the stone age criminal away from ReX. Somehow, ReX got to his feet and demanded the match go on.

That’s one of the stupidest decisions I’ve ever seen in my life. I thought ReX was a doctor. A doctor should know not to compete after getting bashed with a club.

The two men brawled across the audience, with ReX having trouble pushing aside his injuries. When the match got back into the ring, ReX was too injured to lift Bedrock for his powerbombs.

Do you see what I mean? Now what offense can ReX offer if he can’t powerbomb Bedrock?

ReX showed Reject what was what as he used a lariat to deck a top rope flying Bedrock. The Johns Hopkins native then tore through Bedrock with a series of lariats. The crowd got behind ReX who then leveled Bedrock with a discus lariat.


Bedrock gathered up his club and brought it into the ring which meant referee Val Venis had to fight for control of it. ReX took advantage of this and pounced on Bedrock! He then tried to lift the stone age superstar for a powerbomb but his injuries got the best of him. That allowed Bedrock to clock him with the club which led to the DQ!

Winner: ReX, via pinfall

Josh Matthews stood at the state of the art interview set with Fabian Nystrom and Tristian Nystrom and Queen Esther ahead of their loser leaves town match against each other.

I just want to tell you, little brother, man to man, vampire to vampire that if I win tonight I will be gunning for Ignatius’ Galaxy Title and I will win it in your honor.

I’m glad to see you’ve got the confiendence, Fabian. After all the hell we’ve been through for one thousand years of life on this earth I want you to know that you will always be my brother.

No matter what happens tonight?

No matter what happens.

[b***]BLK Vs Detroit Crackhead, Bhodi Dharma and Pete O***[/b]
I’m sure you can guess how this went. But would you have guessed Pete O came out in blackface to try and endear himself to BLK.

We’ve got some real idiots in TMW.

BLK told Detroit Crackhead and Bhodi Dharma to hit the showers and decided to focus on Pete who clearly misjudged his costume. The referee was even sent away and Pete got beat from pillar to post. Finally, the trio combined to put Pete O through a table!

Post “match” Luther Mandella took the microphone,

It seems to me the tag titles might be in danger of leave the waist of our pale skinned vampire friends. BLK are vultures! And we’re going  east on what’s left of the Nystrom brothers.

***Loser Leaves Town: Fabian Nystrom Vs Tristian Nystrom***

We have seen these two fight once before. Ironicially that match was won by Fabian when Ignatius Maddix and Wesley Singleton interfered on Fabian’s behalf leading to the formation of The Shell Gang.

The brothers shook hands but then immediately started firing off punches. Neither gained the upperhand over the other which meant is was a good minute of two vampires punching each other. The craftier Fabian surprised his bro with a rollup that got a 2.9. The kickout pushed Fabian into the corner, which led to Tristan battering him with chops. But Fabian was again able to surprise him this time with a springboard dropkick!

Fabian’s the flashier of the two but they may not work out well against the methodical Tristian.

Tristian lured his brother into trying a Lionsault and brought up his knees to block it. Then Fabian was hurled sternum first into the turnbuckle post by his shrewd brother.

Tristian Nystrom is a thinking man’s wrestler.

As Queen Esther watched sadly backstage, Tristian drove a splash onto Fabian’s midsection. Big brother hollered in pain then ate a swinging back kick to the midsection. Tristian then bounced off the ropes only to be hit by a pop up double kick!

Bleed For Me!

That only got a two count, which had Fabian arguing with referee Rikishi. Tristian grabbed his brother and hammered him with a gut wrench that did more damage to Fabian’s midsection. But Fabian reversed an irish whip effort and flung Tristian across the ring with a hurricanrana! The Divine then went off the ropes and hit a big Lionsault!

The cover….






WESLEY SINGLETON yanked referee Rikishi out of the ring!


ALEXANDER THE MAGNIFICENT jumped into the ring and started blasting Fabian with stomps!

We know which brother The Shell Gang wants to see gone.

Yeah, their former leader.

Tristian tackled Alexander to the ground and began blasting him with punches! That led to PIKE PANTERA tearing through Tristian with a gore!

Smoking Gun!

Right after that happened IGNATIUS MADDIX, the Galaxy Champion hit Fabian with a Go2Sleep! He then dragged Tristian onto Fabian for the crucial one-two-three!

No! No!

Winner: Tristian Nystrom, via pinfall

The Shell Gang have got what they wanted. There will be no more Fabian Nystrom in TMW.

Backstage Queen Esther was in tears and had to be consoled by Bhodi Dharma.

The fans were disgusted and littered the ring with debris as we…



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