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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

New Years Spectacular 2020

Chanel #99

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We cut into the Toy Box which is decorated as such:

Image result for kobe bryant tribute"


Kobe Bryant and his family are in our hearts as we kick off the new decade with a bang!

A multi woman tag team match to start the show and a big busty battle royal to end it!

***December Belle, Bobbi Cheesecake, Euphoria, Tori Malibu and Miss Kunt W/The Soccer Mom Vs Fire & Ice, Kiki Kix, Sunshine Yukino and The Big Boss Lady***

This match is your one stop shop for craziness and adding to the crazy we’ve got Big Papa Thrust on commentary.

Just like the legend of Kobe Bryant lives on the legend of the largest dick in the galaxy lives on everytime The Big Bad Vampire Daddy steps on screen. And because vampires don’t die your grandchild will be getting piped down by me, Renee!


December started against Kiki Kix who took on the stance characteristic of MMA fighters.

Kiki Kix had spent most of 2019 fighting in SMUSH and working MMA events in Asia.

December, she’s a mean one so cover up!

Sure thing



Kiki threw a punch right through that "guard."

Jeez, December! Can’t you cover up better than that?

I think so. Maybe?

Then do it!

December was pounded on by Kiki until the MMA expert made the tag to Sunshine Yukino. Yuki looked over December’s busty figure and liked what she saw…

Baby, you get pimped by Yuki again!

This brought BPT into the ring where he was blocked by Clem Buzzlefoxxer V. That let The Big Boss Lasy sneak in and diamond cut December! Or try to as Sleeping Beauty shoved her into Yukino! Both women toppled to the mat, a rare miscue by a tough team. That let December tag in Tori Malibu!


Popular with cats and fans, Tori took down Yuki with a cross body for a two count!

MEOW? More like Meouch! Get it?

I got it.

Are you sure? Because I can explain.

Please no.

Tori, I love you so much I’d suck ya brother’s dick!


Tori turned from that odd fan and got blasted with a leaping knee from Cinnamon!

Yeah, good job encouraging her, ya schmuk!

Tori was worn down by Cinnamon leading The Spice of Life to grind her into an abdominal stretch. But thanks to the power of the fans, Tori was able to overturn her foe with a hip toss! That led to a diving tag to Euphoria!

I’ve been waiting for this shit all night!

Cinnamon! Cinnamon! What is she, Cinnamon?

A toughie!

And what do we do with toughies?

Mash em!

Annagret is taking advantage of Cinnamon, who needs magical help.

Cinnamon took a swing at Euphoria but the colorful babe easily ducked it. She then ripped through Annagret with a spear that took her own body through the ropes! That didn’t bother Euphoria who then went up top and hammered Cinnamon with an axe handle smash!

Euphoria fired up like a blunt!

Accurate comparison.

Euphoria went back up top for another go round but got crotched by Cinnamon. The Spice of Life then tormented Euphoria with a fireman’s carry into a flap jack!

The Cinnamon Challenge!

The only challenge for me with Cinnamon is what hole I’m gonna fill with my baby batter.

I think that’s one hound you wanna leave on the leash, Big Papa.

TBL got the tag from Cinnamon, and snarled at Euphoria.

Lots of bad blood between Euphoria, Tori and The Big Boss Lady and Sunshine Yukino.

That just makes a hate fuck even better.

TBL slapped up Euphoria, daring her to hit back.

You stink, Euphoria!

I ain’t washed this outfit in a few weeks.



There are some men who like to lather themselves in a woman’s scent. The Big Bad Vampire Daddy prefers to lather his freaks in his jizz.

Euphoria got clobbered by TBL until The White Diamond had enough. Then she tagged in Annagret Wickedborn, who got a major amount of heel hea
Annagret was once a fan favorite but her big ego has just gotten too big for the fans these days.

Ah, now it’s time for our main event of the evening…me…The Snow Bunny!

Annagret threw a big side kick that Euphoria ducked. This lead the kick to wipe out Clem Buzzlefoxxer V!

Oh well.

Titania had to replace Buzzlefoxxer V, and got welcomed into the match with a butt slap by Euphoria.

Welcome aboard, toots!

Next Bobbi got the tag and was pumped out for a fight!

Let’s go! I’m gonna show you the power of horny spirit! Come on!

Annagret, though, was unimpressed…


Bobbi didn’t even get a chance to fight before she was clobbered from behind by Cinnamon! Annagret found that the height of comedy…


But when Annagret tried to tangle Bobbi for her Styles Clash finisher, The Human Deep Throat Machine powered her way free. The Seattle native then humiliated Annagret by making her endure the Top Whore (gator) roll to the delight of the fans.

This is stupid! I’m quitting!

Annnagret slapped hands with Kiki Kix and left in a huff.

I want, Miss Kunt! Get her ass in the ring!

Bobbi was still itching for a fight but demurred to Stacy, who entered with encouragement from The Soccer Mom.

You can do it, Stacy! You’ve got this! Remember the power of positive thinking.


Your dad must be rolling in his grave to see you managed by her.

Don’t talk about my dad!

Miss Kunt and And Kiki began exchanging blows! It was a fight that carried them all over the ring and even brought them outside. Back on the inside, Miss K made Kiki Kix eat a Pump Kick that earned a two count. That had Kiki spitting mad and spitting blood and she tried to snare Stacy into a front choke. Stacy fought off the submission and got the tag to Tori Malibu, who was warmly welcomed into the match.

Now we all know The Big Bad Vampire Daddy loves cats too, and he’s always down to stroke the kitty!

Tori was pretty confident in the ring to start, dancing around Kiki with some Shane O Mac style punches. But when she tried to shuffle like Shane she tripped over her untied shoe laces and fell into a DDT from Kiki!

Oh no!

Naturally this spelled disaster for Tori, who was promptly isolated in the bad girl corner. Annagret and Cinnamon made her pay most of all by focusing on her ribs. Actually they made her pay too much, skirting the rules of tag team wrestling.

If you two don’t stop getting in the ring at the same time-

What’s gonna happen? Are you gonna tell on us because you have the referee shirt? Well then, why don’t we take that referee shirt from you?

Cinnamon shot behind Titania, pinning her thin arms behind her back and leaving her open to Annagret. Open to Annagret to do just this…



I ain’t gonna complain, but ya can’t treat a referee like that. You’re supposed to sexually harass them when they’re off the clock.

Fire & Ice high fived to celebrate their dastardly deed. But their jubilation was short lived as Tori wiped them out with a double lariat!


With the hated heels down, Tori began an arduous trek to her corner. Sunshine Yukino ran in to grab Tori’s leg right as she was near salvation. But Tori wouldn’t be denied! She walloped Yuki with an enziguri that sent the Japanese starlet flying backwards. From there Tori was able to get the tag to Miss Kunt!


An errant clothesline by The Big Boss Lady caused her to steam roll her own partner and then led to TBL being pitched out the ring by Stacy. The Texas babe had to then duck a leaping lariat from Kiki Kix, which she countered with a slingblade bulldog!

Jack Off!

Be my guest, Toy Box!

Stacy ate a big boot by Annagret which planted her against the ring posts. This was a perfect position for Cinnamon who forced her to endure the CinnaBuns butt splash!


Bobbi and December weren’t about to let their team go down so easily and came off the top with stereo cross body blocks!

Oh cool. We won.

You’re skipping a whole bunch of steps there, December!

The Big Boss Lady roared into the match as Annagret rolled out, to take Bobbi out at the knees with a chair behind Titania’s back!

What the fuck?!

We’re about to see a seriously pissed off Big Papa Thrust.

But suddenly something very odd happened! Annagret approached a white guy!

What’s up, white chocolate? We aren’t in in Maui but I could go for a…volcanic eruption. What do you think?




Anngaret has BPT right where she needed him and away from his ailing Freakazoids. That leads to her offering them a bit of a taunt..



But things came to an abrupt end when CAPTAIN BEDROCK dove over the guardrail to attack Big Papa Thrust!

Oh my gosh!

Bedrock grunt and growled like the savage he was as he laid into a helpless BPT. The Freakazoids where shocked and worried and sprung into action. They joined with Toy Box officials in trying to pry Bedrock away from his victim.

I can’t believe what we’ve seen! The Toy Box has become a war zone instead of a whore zone!

Inside the ring Cinnamon had loaded up a fire ball in preparation to aim at Tori’s face! But instead she ate a Pump Kick from Miss Kunt!


Cinnamon fell into Titania, which prevented the official from seeing Euphoria do this to The Big Boss Lady…




Kiki Kix snatched the bat out of Euphoria’s hand, but then Tori snatched the bat out her hand! Kiki  then fell victim to the Banana Cream Pie to seal the victory for the beloved faces!

Winners: Euphoria, Tori Malibu, Miss Kunt, and The Freakazoids

Huge win for the babyfaces! And what a way to overcome some serious badass behavior by the bad girls!

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In the road agent area we find…

EPONINE BLACK warming up when she’s approached by…



Annie Idol on the scene with Eponine Black ahead of a throw down with Effie Reese of Whoros. Everyone saw Glass Juliet and Effie jump you and Isabella  from behind. How do you respond tonight?

I do something my dad never could. I make a vampire tap out.

No one has ever done that before!

Like a cute guy’s virginity there’s a first for everything!

Eponine smirks to the camera and heads off.

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***Effie Reese W/CPA Vs Eponine Black***
Effie entered to  Prom Queen by Molly Kate Kerstner

God save the prom queen
Teenage daydream
Just another dressed up heartbreak
God save the prom queen
Only eighteen
Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown


Folks, what happened on the second to last Raw Is Whore saw The Geisha Girls get their title match against Chicks Over Black Dicks only to come up short. But after the match Effie Reese and Glass Juliet jumped the champs and left them laid out.

That was shockingly accurate.

Then CPA got fucked by a dog!

Never mind.

Eponine entered to Boys by Charli XCX

I was busy thinking about boys....


Folks, Eponine is a master of submissions but we ain't never seen a vampire submit before. Will Eponine make this our first time? Will CPA get fucked by a dog? Those are the burning questions.

Only one of those is a burning question.

Effie circled Eponine cheerfully until she pounced in on her for a lockup. Much to Effie's surprise, Eponine hurried into a side headlock. No problem for a vampire, right? Effie started to lift Eponine for a backsuplex when Eponine hauled her down into a cross armbreaker!


Effie used vamp strength to escape, and looked a lot less cheery getting up. The former U of Michigan cheerleader used vamp speed to blast Eponine with a lariat. And that was all well and good until Eponine drop toe held her then rolled to Effie's front to dropkick her in the face!


For sure not in a good mood, Effie jumped upright and got taken down by a headlock. Vampire strength would break the hold, but then Eponine surprised her by hurriedly shifting her into another crossarm bar!


This went on for about a minute and a half, Eponine tangling Effie into a variety of holds and Effie having to escape. Eventually Effie could take no more and rolled out the ring to be comforted by CPA.

Baby, come get this black dick loving.

Sure thing!

So Effie dropped to her knees and admired one of the largest dicks in the game, CPA's giant black meat!


The ol Bobby The Brain special.

That’s a lawsuit right there.

Effie came into the ring and got charged by Eponine. The Brit took herself out Effie’s tilt a whirl but couldn’t avoid the Effiesteiner aka Frankensteiner!


Eponine rose and was immediately trapped in the Effie (iron) claw! Effie wore Eponine down to her knees, but Eponine refused to submit.

What resilience by Eponine Black.

Daddy Dan should be proud.

Effie broke the hold and paid for it with a gritted teeth head but to the stomach. That hurt Eponine more than Effie and Eponine got punished with press drop throat first onto the ropes. Eponine staggered backwards right into the throat clutching hands of Effie! As Effie lifted Eponine for the choke slam, Eponine reverses it to drag Effie down to ground by the arm!

She’s trying to lock in the Heart of Ice!

Effie powered her way out the hold using her vamp strength. But when she got up she got cracked across the head with a stunner!

Black and out, put it together and what do you get a Blackout on Effie!

Eponine sprung off the ropes three times for elbow strikes to Effie's head. But on the third try Effie caught her with a lacksadiscal sidewalk slam.

Give me a B, give me a B, give me a C! Give me Big Black Cock!

Like Keynes, Platt, Thoreau, and Gretzky, Effie is an inspiring writer.

That last one wasn't a writer.
Effie went up top and came off with a cross body. But that was met with a dropkick to the stomach by a Windsor Side Kick by Eponine.


Thanks to her vampire nature Effie was able to drag herself off the ground pretty quickly. But then she started getting thrown about the ring with German suplexes!

Check your Instagram, boys, because Effie is Down in your DMs!

Cute guys only!

Before the fifth throw, Effie whirled behind Eponine. But before she could give Eponine a taste of her own medicine, Eponine dragged her to the mat with the Heart of Ice! This time Effie couldn't break the hold!

Good gawd, Eponine will not break the hold! She's trying her damndest to submit a vampire!

CPA jumped on the ring apron to distract Referee Clem Buzzlefoxxer V, which prevented him from seeing Effie tap out!

With everything she's got Eponine is tearing Effie apart and the damn official is hung up with CPA.

And the distraction allows, IAMHINA to come in and deliver a sommersault leg drop onto Eponine's head!

Starry Eyes has Eponine seeing stars!

Hina bails and CPA dismounts the ring apron. That leads Buzzlefoxxer to turn around and count Effie's cover for the 1-2-3!


Winner: Effie Reese, via pinfall

Hahhahaha! The pimpin will never be denied!

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We’re in an interrogation room with a metal table and two folding chairs. One sat in by…


And the other occupied by the one and only…



Did you do it?

Do what?

Did you fake getting beat down by Charli?

Hell naw I ain’t faking this shit. I should have stayed home that night. That bitch Charli was on her worst behavior.

Why were you at the show? You had no match, no promo, no interview.

It’s flex season!

Flex season?

I was pulling up on bitches like I was Billy Bob Thornton. They thought I was making biscuits but I’m mixing up the batter.

How about you answer in English.

I’m the champ, baby! I cruise in that foreign to get these hoes pourin.

I said in English. You know what? No one says they saw you at the Toy Box before you were found beat up.

Well uh, it takes time to prepare a proper flex. I have make sure my drip is on point.

You’re faking this whole thing for sympathy aren’t you?

Brah, that ain’t in my character.

Charli only goes savage when she’s provoked. She never ambushes anyone.

You ain’t gonna close this case cause a psychotic bitch got a routine.

Krista hired me to find out who attacked you on HallowReign Specactular. And you’re putting me in a bad spot, Miss James. You know why? Because I have to tell Krista her OVARY champion is a fraud. I’ll be in touch.

Morgan hand waves LeBrenda away. LeBrenda hobbles off, selling her injuries.

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On duty to introduce our main event is Lillian Garcia, dressed as though she’s ready to participate herself.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the BIMBO BATTLE ROYALE!


That itty bitty “E” at the end really makes it erotic!

The rules are simple. 16 Hotties — chosen by bust and intelligence...

Or rather lack thereof.

Yeah! Big tits, stupid chicks!

... compete in a every woman for herself over the top rope battle royal for a shot at the Hard on Hoes Title at Skank Stampede! To achieve victory the final 2 participants must completely strip their opponent of her clothing!

Paraded out one by one like cattle at auction, the Hotties fill the ring and the loins of men/women alike ablaze. To our audience there are no heels or faces in this one, just slabs of meat to be feasted on.

The participants:

Isabella Spezia-Villagarossa (big pop)

Amelia Von Krueger

Honey Dove

Charli 9ine

December Belle

The Geisha Girls

Maya Duncan Blanchard (mega pop)

Jade Rodez-Duncan (mega pop)

Didi Biggins

Annie Idol

The Soccer Mom (looking rather befuddled)

Dasha The Rappa (who keeps on the move to avoid Annie)

Bobbi Cheesecake


Yes, the former Hotties tag champions arrive on the scene along with Jim Cornette who’s in a surprisingly jovial mood considering his team no longer hold the gold, losing them recently to Chicks Over Black Dicks.

Bimbos, best it. Except for you Ms. Izzy. We’ve got unfinished business.

The other Hotties stand around bewildered rather than follow Cali’s orders.

Ruby motions Isabella to step forward and circles her. They come face to face, their body heat enough to warm an entire neighborhood on a cold winter night.

On your way to grandmother’s house you go, Little Brown Riding Hood? Awful dangerous to be traveling alone in the forest, especially carrying such a valuable possession — the type which attracts nasty predators. And I do mean nassssty.

Isabella gasps as Ruby grabs a HANDFUL OF SNATCH!

Yessss. Valuable indeed.

Ruby puts the squeeze, lifting Izzy off her feet! Caeldori then removes the tag title from Izzy’s waist.

(holding title to Izzy’s face)
This belongs to us. And we’re taking both back tonight! So call your partner down here because we’re exercising our rematch clause. Comprende?

Corny meets the Foxes with nervous laughter.

About that, ladies. You see, I was so confident you’d beat COBD that I — and wait till you hear this, I know you’ll get a big kick outta it... heheheh — I didn’t negotiate a rematch clause! 

Cali’s mouth twitches, then breaks out in a full cute puppy dog sad face. Ruby, however, isn’t sad... she’s PISSED.

(in Corny’s face)
You did WHAT?!

The result was a foregone conclusion in my mind! How was I suppose to know we’d lose on a technicality? Anyway, I knew I had to make good on my mistake so I burned the midnight oil getting you guys booked in this match despite failing to meet the requirements. Unlike these other bimbos you two actually have brains and talent. All you gotta do is work together and a shot at the Hard on Hoes Title is yours, which gets you one step closer to all the money, fame and power you can handle.

But I don’t wanna wait! Ruby. Use one of your spells to get our belts back!

And forgo the exhilaration of personally turning COBD’s brains into mush? MWWHAHAHAHA!

But you could do that with a spell, too!

Millennials. 🙄 

Just as Ruby’s set to pounce on Izzy the music of our 16th and final entrant hits. Very familiar music.

Oh my gosh! 

stay out too late

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


I go on to many dates [chuckle]

But I can't make 'em stay

At least that's what people say, mmm-mmm

That's what people say, mmm-mmm


But I keep cruising

Can't stop, won't stop moving

It's like I got this music

In my mind

Singing, "It's gonna be alright."


'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

I shake it off, I shake it off

Krista is Sweet 16!


Bimbo’d outta her mind in a cute off top that exposes mega underboob and ruby red DSLs, Krista is met with dropped jaws. The other Hotties know they’re fucked so they act fast and bum rush the Queen of All Media!

Look at this!

Krista isn’t a stranger to a mob scene, but usually it’s autograph seekers, paparazzi or BBCs. Here she’s swarmed the way a giant often is in a men’s battle royal, and despite the efforts of C02 and Izzy to aid her the numbers are too much for even Krista who’s eliminated after a final push from the Midnight Foxes!


Eliminated: Krista Isadora Duncan

Eliminated by: The Midnight Foxes


Nuclear heat for the Foxes who gloat, as does Corny outside.

You’ll always be my bimbo, Krissy!

The Foxes took aim next on Izzy, but C02 came to their aunt’s recuse. A rivalry rekindled as C02 still haven’t forgotten how the Foxes defeated them for the tag titles all those months ago. They get a little payback (for themselves and mommy dearest) with a double clothesline that eliminates scarlet bitch Ruby!



Eliminated: Ruby

Eliminated by: C02


Now C02 have Cali on the ropes, but she’s bailed out of a bad situation by the Geishas who expect Cali to reciprocate when C02 turn the tables on them.


Luckily for them Didi Biggins is quite the opportunist. She swoops in and tosses Jade overboard, giving her one helluva wedgie in the process!


Eliminated: Jade Rodez-Duncan

Eliminated by: Didi Biggins


Didi receives a death stare from Maya, who’s decked by Amelia Von Krueger! Didi and AVK proceed to lay the boots to Maya then high five.

It is every woman for herself.

As displayed when Didi turns right around and dumps AVK!


Eliminated: Amelia Von Krueger

Eliminated by: Didi Biggins


Honey Dove seeks to avenge her partner but is cut off by Maya and tossed!


Eliminated: Honey Dove

Eliminated by: Maya Duncan-Blanchard


Maya unleashes her inner Stone Cold opening up a can on anything that moves!

Do mama proud!

Didi is next on the hit list, but she sacrifices Dasha to save herself!



Eliminated: Dasha The Rappa

Eliminated by: Maya Duncan-Blanchard


I wanted to talk to Dasha. 😟

Maya snaps her fingers. She’s got an idea... to toss Annie!

Now you can talk!


Eliminated: Annie Idol

Eliminated by: Maya Duncan-Blanchard


Cali and Didi take Maya down, but Izzy and Charli have her back. It leads to Izzy and Charli vs. Didi and Maya in one half of the ring, the Geishas and Freakazoids in the other. Maya then nails Charli to get at Cali, who she backs in the corner and unloads on from the middle rope!









“FI— “

But so lost in her rage Maya loses her surroundings and gets dumped over the rope by the Geishas!



Eliminated: Maya Duncan-Blanchard

Eliminated by: The Geisha Girls


The Geishas bow mockingly. Meanwhile, The Soccer Mom asks fellow competitors the whereabouts of Miss Kunt to puzzled looks and shoulder shrugs. Didi points her in the right direction... over the top rope!


Eliminated: The Soccer Mom

Eliminated by: Didi Biggins


Didi waves a stunned Soccer Mom bye bye and then receives a shock of her own when MISS KUNT storms ringside... covered in tons of makeup, glitter, unicorn decorated sweatshirt and side pony hairdo!?


The Soccer Mom is taken aback by MK’s appearance like the rest of us, but she’s happy to see her. Not so much Didi, at first. It’s only when keep MK from going into the ring that she gets tough. An attitude that quickly changes once she’s eliminated by Charli!



Eliminated: Didi Biggins

Eliminated by: Charli 9ine


Didi flees ringside to avoid MK’s wrath. Back in the ring, the Geishas have ganged up on Izzy who finds herself halfway over the top rope!




Freakazoids to the recuse. They put the Geishas in a bad position just for Cali to dump them ALL over the top, including Izzy!


Eliminated: The Geisha Girls, Freakazoids & Isabella Spezia-Villagarossa

Eliminated by: Caeldori


Aw, sonuvabitch!

Corny is overjoyed, then recomposes himself and instructs Cali to strip Charli per stipulation at the final two. Cali tugs and tugs until getting Charli down to her bra and panties!


Cali twirls the ripped outfit overhead as Charli covers up. Suddenly Izzy returns inside and dropkicks Cali from behind! Cali’s momentum knocks her into Charli who falls to the floor! Izzy then strips Cali naked!!!




Eliminated: Caeldori

Winner: Isabella Spezia-Villagarossa


Corny is irate. Ruby returns to cover Cali and argue with the ref. As it turns out, Izzy was never eliminated. Thanks to replay we see that she landed on the pile of bodies that hit the ground before her. Never did her feet ever touch the ground!

Alix leaves the booth to celebrate with her sister.

Izzy is the new #1 contender! Yes, you heard correctly! We now know it will be Isabella Spezia-Villagarossa vs. Lady XFL for the Hard on Hoes Championship at Skank Stampede!


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