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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

TMW 1/31/2020

Chanel #99

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The Shell Gang were out en masse to discuss the currently injured TMW General Manager, Lisa Ann.

A lot of you jerk offs think we’re keeping Lisa Ann from you. Like we’ve got that kind of pull around here. Ya know, you type away on Twitter, run your mouth in The Toy Box and give your view on things. But, ladies and gentlemen, Spanish Sexy has a different view. I know for a fact that Lisa Ann is in attendance tonight. I gotta be careful what I say because me and the boys and Blanchefleur are in big trouble. Lisa Ann even has me defending the title tonight.

She does?!

But this belt ain’t leaving my sexy waist. Now there’s two vampires who need to hear a very important message. You guys may have the tag team championships now, and you may be The Shell Gang rivals but if you keep doing what you’re doing there’s a good chance we grab the stake and finish you off once and for all!

First he says Lisa Ann is here tonight then he promises to stake Fabian and Tristian. What kind of game is Ignatius Maddix playing?

A game where The Shell Gang makes all the rules.

***The Big Hairy Nutt Saks Vs Conan Chanel & Money Marc Bennett W/The Doll***
Both these teams are coming in on three match win streaks with eyes on the tag team titles.

Conan offered The Nutt Saks a wad of cash to lie down. Which they did! Then they kip upped and lariated the heels! Tempers flared as Conan and Money Marc regrouped on the outside. On the inside they were hard pressed to get the fat grapplers off their feet despite their impressive physiques. They tried to out brawl The Nutt Saks, which provided less than optimal results. So The Doll had to clamor onto the ring apron and work her magic…

But Julius didn’t notice her and ended up butt bumping her into the arms of Balrog. Mister Nutt didn’t feed The Doll his nuts, fortunately but he did give her a kiss. That sent Money Marc into a rage! But before he could do anything he was caught by Julius short arm roundhouse kick!


Winner: The Big Hairy Nutt Saks, via pinfall

The Always Pimpin Champion, Sgt Holt arrived into the general manager’s office in an angry mood. But all he found present was Blanchefleur with Alexander The Maginificent

I have to defend my belt in a hardcore match against Tanner Neptune? This is crazy. I saved my country. I don’t deserve to be hit with inanimate objects. And not be some pretty boy who could never make it through boot camp!

You’re right. It was Lisa Ann’s idea. But Lisa Ann hasn’t arrived yet so I’m going make your match a regular straight up wrestling match.

Finally some common sense! Glad to see management with some freaking sense.

***Always Pimping Title: Sgt.Holt © Vs Tanner Neptune***
Tanner in not so many words insinuated that Holt was a pussy for failing to meet him in a hardcore match. The fans picked up on that and the former solider was blasted with chants that he was a female private part. That ruined his entire ability to concentrate and he never could stage a proper offense. Thus it was no surprise he fell in defeat to Too Tan To Fail, a belly to belly facebuster

Winner: Tanner Neptune, via pinfall and new champion

The big return of Lisa Ann was on hand! That AC/DC theme hit and The Toy Box were on their feet. Unfortunately what they got was a comatose Lisa Ann wheeled out by Blanchefleur and Logan Mann.

What kind of tricks are they trying to pull?

Lisa Ann wants everyone to know she thanks you for your support. It’s been such a trying experience for her since Logan gave her the Liberation DDT. But Lisa Ann wants you to enjoy the upcoming Galaxy Title match between Ignatius Maddix and…Pete O!

Galaxy Title: Ignatius Maddix © W/Wesley Singleton Vs Pete O***
I’ve never considered quitting but I am now.

The fans were ready to riot, which forced the remaining members of The Shell Gang to come and enforce order. Pete apparently wasn’t in on the joke and took this shit seriously. He threw punches, chops, kicks even a low knee, but nothing bothered Ignatius. Iggy invited him to try a lariat and that didn’t do much to mess with Ignatius’ cool. So Pete bounced off the ropes yet again…and ate a big boot! That probably would have been enough to pin him, but Ignatius had to finish things off with a Go2Sleep.

Winner:Ignatius Maddix, via pinfall

Postmatch, Ignatius acted as if he went through a taxing ironman match while Blanchefleur “attended” to Lisa Ann


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