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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Raw Is Whore 12/14/2019

Chanel #99

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We’re taken to a wine cellar where

ALYSANNE sits with an 1805 vintage at her side and the Hard On Hoes championship on her lap

I used to hate when I could say I told you so. So much terrible feelings about the other people being wrong. But that was the old me. A me who was a loser, who wanted so bad to be liked. But the new me is here and she is a star. And she doesn’t care because she is heartless. Sammi, you lost this time and you and anyone else who goes against me is going to be what I used to be. A loser. None of you can be as heartless as me and none of you can be as nasty as Lady XFL. Out of all Xavier’s cousins she was handpicked to carry on his legacy. Now close your eyes and picture someone beating Lady XFL fort the Hard On Hoes championship.You can’t because it will never happen.

From there we fade into the opening video with our intro song...



Now we come to Sofa Central where Alix where's sexy Mrs.Claus number that reveals most of her cleavage and toned stomach.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's the Holiday Season and we have a holiday treat for you as Tori Malibu takes on Annagret Wickedborn in our mainevent.

But first up my girls, the new tag team champs, COBD defends the title against the winner of a battle royal, The Geisha Girls!

***Raw Is Whore Tag Team Titles: Chicks Over Black Dicks (c) Vs The Geisha Girls W/Christopher Patrick Allen***

Eponine started against Hina, but had to deal with CPA on the apron.

Are you ready to come get some of this PhD pimpin?

Eww, I only like cute boys.

Bitch, I’m offering you a MAN!

An ugly one!

Hina didn’t like that at all and bombarded Eponine with clubbing forearms. The blows took Dan Black’s daughter down to the mat. There Hina punished her by face sitting her, smothering her in pungent sex!


Mitama got the tag and tried to face sit poor Eponine too. But this time Eponine pressed her foe off her. The talented Brit then shifted Mitama onto her shoulders and promptly dropped her face first on the ropes!

That’s for Pearl Harbor, bitches!

Please don’t say anything else.

Isabella came into the match for her squad. and came ready to rumble! Actually she came ready to hug and wound up embracing new RIW referee D'Lo Brown...

But that left her open to being clubbed by Hina! The Japanese cheerleader tossed Izzy about with a hip toss then followed it up with a scoop slam!
And quite pleased with herself IamHina does a scintillating dance...

Izzzy, Dance With The Stars!

Stars? All I see are the Geisha Girls, big sis!


Hina lunged at Isabella with a lariat that got Matrix avoided by Isabella. The Latina Extremea then sprung up and cracked Hina across the chin with a spinning wheel kick! Then it was time to dance with the stars!

But that just led to Mitama coming from behind to nail her in the back of the head with a pointed elbow strike! Izzy staggered right into a drop toe hold by Mitama. Then she was made to suffer a leg drop from Hina.

It's not looking good all of a sudden for Chicks Over Black Dicks.

The Geisha's made quick tags, in and out, to keep Isabella on the defensive. But when Mitama tried to use the Poetry In Motion, Isabella drove a superkick into the back of her head!


After a painful crawl, Isabella reached Eponine for the tag!

"E-B! E-B! E-B!"

Eponine came in to trade right hands with Hina eventually beating her into the ropes. The Brit flung off her foe into the opposite ropes then caught her with a float over DDT. Mitama then came charging and ate a Samoan Drop for her troubles!

Eponine's in the zone!

And she ain't talking AutoZone, folks!

The blond beauty went to the top rope, but got crotched by Hina! The Japanese starlet then flung Eponine off the rope, splattering her onto the mat! But she didn't do much than that as she was all about gloating.


But then Isabella pounced on Hina, beating her to the ground against the ring posts. And you know what that meant! A stink face made to order for Hina...

stink face111333.gif


Mitama tried to save the day for her partner, blasting Isabella with a clothesline. The second Mitama turned around, however, she was dragged to the mat and submitted by Eponine's Heart of Ice!

Winner: Chicks Over Black Dicks, via submission

The champs gave each other BIG HUGS to celebrate their first successful title defense. Unfortunately their joy was short lived as GLASS JULIET & EFFIE REESE mobbed them from behind!

What the hell?! Leave them alone!

Glass hammered Isabella with a full nelson bulldog onto her own title belt!

When You Hear The Glass Its Your Ass!

Then Effie hit Eponine with a delayed scorpion death drop!

Reese's Pieces!

The American members of Whoros then fell into the arms of a very satisfied Christopher Patrick Allen.

By god, why?! Why damn it?!

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In her office..


KRISTA ISADORA DUNCAN is hunched over her 2,000$ laptop.

Hot Czech Teen Inserts Cucumber in Vagina? You hade me at teen, Xvideos!

But as soon as she opens the door...


“HOW2GIRL” Hayley Stienberg arrives into her office.

How2Girl? But I didn’t light the whore signal.

Sorry, Commissioner Krista, but I desperately need your help. Does Alix ever get mad at you?

Krista looks up from her computer and looks off in the distance in thought.

I’m too vain and arrogant to normally notice how I make other people feel. But, yes she gets mad. What’s this about?

It’s about Tori and I. I let her down bad. What do you say to Alix?

I grab her by her hair and say listen you Mexican slut, I pay all the bills around her so shut the fuck up and eat my asshole! So you need to remind Tori who pays her bills and who eats ass.

But I don’t pay any of her bills.

Maybe that’s the problem.

How2girl nods with deep thoughts in her brain


Krista goes back to looking at vegetable insertion when The Hypebeasts enter the room! LeBrenda looks worse for the wear, with bruises under her eyes and a bandage over her forehead.

LeBrenda? You should be at home resting.

I'm the champ, baby! I'm an inspiration for all the little wannabe LeBrenda's out there. I gotta be present and accounted, baby.

They could never be as great as you, champ.

No doubt. But, Krista, as OVARY champ and assault victim lay it on me, how many years are you giving Charli?

Years? This is wrestling. You can drop someone from a great height with a forklift and get 2,000 dollar apperance check. And, frankly, honey, we don't know if Charli really did attack you.

How we don't? Charli said she didn't? Well, that's a damn lie!

You see how she snaps all the time and attacks people.

Look at these tweets about me: "I Stand With LeBrenda," "hastag team LBJ," "LeBrenda da real mvp." The people support me now I need my general manager to support me.

Suddenly entering the room is SKYLAR with BILLIE CHILD.

A party! Who's got the xans?

I don't think Charli did it.

Da fuck? Who asked you, you second rate Kylie Jenner?

Charli is innocent. You staged this whole thing for sympathy.

Watch your mouth, Skylar.

Can't we all get high and get along?

Ugh, I was trying to watch porn. LeBrenda, honey, I don't think you staged anything. Not at all, darling. But I can't punish Charli until we make sure she did it. So I'm going to bring in an investigator next week.

Backstage REMY BAZIL is enjoying a chocolate chip latte in the hallway. He walks along, humming a tune until he runs into REFREEE WALLY NERDREGARD. He slams into the weaslely ref with such force he spills his drink all over his black and white stripped shirt.

WHat do you think you're doing, Remy Bazil? This shirt is a symbol of greatness and you ruined it!

Mon ami, you not knowing where you're going ruined the shirt.

I know exactly where I'm going and that's to the top because I'm the top star in this company, there would be no Raw Is Whore with me.


I should sick The Nasty Boyds on you!

And, mon ami, I should aim Doc White directly at your heart.

From that kind of tough talk there's only one way to settle this The Nasty Boyds Versus Doc White in a handicap match.

Tres bien. Just stay out the way. You might get hurt.

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The mood is festive inside Krista Isadora Duncan’s private office, its decoration including a Christmas tree and menorah for the holiday season. Our Jewish goddess sits behind her desk, hair down, tits upfront.

Good tidings, my fellow deviants!


Ahem. It gives me great joy to announce... I’m CUMMING! *pounds fist on desk* I mean, coming this new year will be a spectacular first in OAOAST history. A blood pulsing Bimbo Battle Royale! Over 10 Hotties will compete in a over the top rope battle royal where the final 2 participants must strip the other of their clothing to be crowned the winner. The grand prize: a Hard on Hoes Title match at the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre! Good luck, Hotties!

“And cut!”

Krista slumps back against her chair as ALIX MARIA SPEZIA emerges from under the desk, face full of freshly secreted Krista pussy juice!

Um, Miss Duncan, would you like us to shoot that again?

Oh no! No, no, no, no! How embarrassing! There was something stuck to my teeth, right? Ugh! *runs finger across teeth*

No. But there’s something stuck to mine. *plucks hair from mouth* And you’re clean shaven. Ha!

Then air as shot, hun.

(And it was!)

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Backstage we see REMY BAZIL walking along with....


DOC WHITE ahead of Doc's handicap match.

You said you could change me back to a man!

Magic moves very slowly, chere. Give it time.

But, I can't fight The Nasty Boyds. They're women.

My sweet, you for now are a woman.


***The Nasty Boyds WQ/Referee Nerdregard Vs Doc White W/Remy Bazil***
Doc didn't want to fight The Nasty Boyds, which made The Boyds feel insulted. So they proceeded to kick the crap out of him uhhh I mean her for a solid minute. Even with that going on Doc didn't want to hit a woman even though she was a woman RFN entered the ring to talk trash which Doc wasn't about to take and decked him a right hand!

But then Doc was pummelled with the Doomsday Device by the Boyds and pinned for three.

Winner: The Nasty Boyds, via pinfall

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Sleeping on a plush rich purple velvet comforter is...

JESSICA FERGUSON in a bed room highlighted by oak fixtures and a broad mirror on the far wall.

Entering the room without knocking is...


Jessica, wake up.

Jessica still sleeps.

Wake up, Jessica.

Still she sleeps.

Damn it, get up, Jessica!

Jessica stirs on the comforter.

It is not an optimal time to wake.

Make it optimal. Your brother wants you again.

Wants me for what?

You know what that sick freak wants you for.

Jessica strides into the bathroom to being washing her face and brushing her teeth. After a moment she calls back to Amber.

If you think he's sick why do you serve him?

My kid has to eat.

Colin does not send money?

Colin has disappeared. No one knows where he went after the main roster folded.

A disappearing vampire? Worthy of study and investigation.

Just hurry up.

Jessica throws on the polka dot dress Jesse left for her then goes off with Amber.

If you free me I can pay you.

You can't pay me Jesse money.

A reasonable deduction sadly. I will have to impale him with a test tube or burn him with a bunson burner. An unfortunate waste of human capital.

Amber leads Jessica into one of the lab rooms in the compound. This one is outfitted with several lab tables, two of which have heads of decommissioned Cassidy Bots present. Also on the wall are a set of heavy duty tools.

When the girls enter, a naked Jesse turns around from his chair.

oi-oi-oi! Well rested, I suppose.

Jesse, what would mom think?

She says hello. I told her we're in bora bora! Besides she'd be happy to know big brother and little sister are teaming up for research.

Research involves investigation, study and trial.

Then I am teaching! Hhaha yes! I am a teacher! I wish mom had let me sleep in the same bed as you. I would have loved to have witnessed your flowering! But today I take the rosebud!

The rosebud?

You want to be a filthy whore? Then you should know all filthy whores engage in anal sex.

A presumptuous claim. How many filthy whores have you put to that test?

The test is for you, my lovely sister. Oi-oi-oi we will see how much of an ass fucking you can take! Yes! Yes!

Jessica practices some deep breathing techniques. Even as Amber rips away her dress she keeps deep breathing. She needs to stay calm. Stay focused and not beg her brother for mercy. Or for anything at all. Just be a robot in this compound full of robots.

Amber, situate her on the table.

Amber, not too roughly, positions Jessica with her hips and butt on Jesse's desk with her legs splayed out.

Now this will be a test me also. I have never had a woman in the anus! This is an exciting day in the Ferguson clan, Amber!

Good for you.

Good for us all! Lube her up.

Do you want me to fuck her too?!

Oi-oi-oi! Such a smart mouth. But she is all mine.

Amber sets her mouth into a grim line as she slides a coat of lube in Jessica's anus. Its joyless work and Amber finishes as quick as possible.

Now we are ready!

Jesse lesuirly guides his dick to his sister's anus, giving a little jiggle for good luck. Which is insane. But Jesse is insane! Nodding to an unmoved Amber, Jesse puts his dick at the puckered opening and slowly eases the head in. Taking little short strokes, Jesse smiles worked his cock in until he feels her outer sphincter muscle clamp his dick, just behind the head.


Is it everything you thought it would be? Do you feel like a filthy whore?

Do? If i extrapolate the variable in this equation, that being my partner is my brother and allow it to be replaced by a non related partner I would feel more like the filthy whore I want to be and less like the filthy whore you have made.

As he pushes against her, he could feel her opening up and taking his shaft. Sweet sister ass! That's what he claims!  He's on top of the world! Her body is trembling, and he could hear her breathing through clenched teeth as his dick eased in. He'd make her enjoy this. He'd make her submit to him as his anal slut. He couldn't tell if it was discomfort in her grunts or need but based upon her comments, he continued to slide inside her backdoor.

If the positive X in this equation is moved towards the negative Y I feel that I may throw up! Jesse, enough!

He'd have to make her enjoy it. He will force her to enjoy it, damn it! Pulling his cock almost all the way out, he stops for a second and then rammed it in firmly, which causes Jessica to give a convulsive jerk and then her body turned to rubber.



It is observed, without elementary science however, that my behind can not take much of your penis!

Oh but she shall, Jesse decides! His sister must become his filthy whore! He can have his own personal army of sexbots, but it will mean nothing if he can't have his sister. Since he saw her blossom into a woman he's wanted to make her submit to his sexual urges. And now that he's on top of the world in the inventor space he will claim his filthy whore of a sister!



There must be a mathematical equation to determine the chances of escaping a rape!

If Jesse has his way his sister will be a devoted backdoor beauty who will love nothing more than getting her anus ripped open and rectal cavity wrecked. But its not just the anus Jesse has plans for. He has plans to pummel all her holes! He has plans to fuck the pubic hair clean off the brainy whore.




Jesse builds up a steady stroking of his tool into her ass and quickly pulling his dick almost all the way out before pounding it deep into her shitter. The little grunting sounds she made every time he went all the way home encouraged him to take her anal cavity harder and harder. But then he slows to a crawl before coming to a complete stop.

I'm very curious what our baby would look like.


Jesse, don't do that. Don't do something that fucking dumb.

Who are any of you to tell me what to do? I'm a genius! One of you is my filthy whore and the other is the help! I won't be told what to do by the likes of you! The Ferguson siblings are going to have a baby.

Jesse, you fucking moron-

Shut up! Think about your kid and how much I pay you supports him. Now, oi-oi-oi, I want to make a baby! Another Ferguson to carry on our genius!

Jesse rolls his helpless sister her onto her back on the hard desk and settles himself between her less than welcoming thighs. In one quick motion he sheathed his cock in her not so drenched pussy.


On reflex alone, Jessica's fuck hole tightened around his shaft in a hot, embrace that makes him swell further. He thrusts in deep and hard, stretching her to the limit. Perhaps beyond the limit of what a filthy whore should have to endure!


Jesse doesn't care for her whining or her bitching. Doesn't care and doesn't care about it. He's giving her the gift of his seed! Keeping the bloodline pure! Implanting her with a baby who will one due grow to rule world! And if that baby grows up to be as sexy as her mother he'll fuck both daughter and mother too!!!

Wha..what...would our parents say?

Jesse swats at his little sister's slender hips, and makes a curt nod to force her to fuck him back. Though this is her own brother, the filthy whore, the once respected researcher arches up to meet him on each stroke, taking every inch of his meat. Again not good enough for Jesse who swats her again! She clasps her thighs around his waist and grinds her clit against his bulk, bringing him to the edge. But he strains to hold back his spunk. There's a right moment to empty his baby batter into his sister's fuck hole and that moment isn't here.

The deeper the penetration, the harder the thrusts, the worse it all feels for Jessica. She wants nothing more than to escape, needed to be completely empty, free from a cock in her cunt as well as her ass. Well, Jessica I want to be the next JK Rowling! So keep dreaming, you filthy whore!

Jesse continues to live the dream of all Raw Is Whore viewers: raping one of the Hotties. Though this one has more brains than say Krista or Annie, her pussy still feels fantastic and well worthy of this lewd rape. Viewers across the globe pocket away their sympathy for Jessica as they stroke or finger themselves to her incestuous rape.

Our parents...our parents...

All of Jessica's smarts and studying, her degrees and her accolades mean nothing at this moment. She might as well be a retard because she can't think herself out this rape! Nor can she think herself out of being impregnated. All those smarts and she's about to get knocked up like a stupid highschool dropout. But at least those dropouts wouldn't be carrying their brother's baby!

Jesse finally lets himself go. He is plunging into her one last time and filling her pulsing tunnel with a flood of cum. She rises off her back, screaming in horror, spinning in dismay. She doesn't even notice when he pulls a cum drenched dick out her cum drenched cunt. Instead all she can do is cry.

Do not worry if you don't get pregnant now. There's always tomorrow and the next tomorrow and we have all the tomorrows in the world.

All Jessica can think to do, all she has the power to do...is cry.



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*** Annagret Wickedborn vs. Tori Malibu ***

Out to avenge what happened to her partner Euphoria at the HallowReign Spectacular, Tori gave Fire & Ice... a scolding!?

Yes, a tongue lashing rather than knuckle sandwiches. Cinnamon found the act amusing, disturbingly stroking Tori’s hair until her arm was swiped away. Tori received an icy stare as she wagged a finger in Annagret’s face.


Yip, yip, yip!

Tori performs a pain dance that brings sweet satisfaction to Cinnamon, who practically reaches orgasm when the klutz drops to both knees, her finger still caught in Annagret’s mouth.

Lost in all the theatrics — the match is yet to begin!

Tori looks up in the sky not for a bird or a plan, but the person whose name the crowd chants, former partner How2Girl.




Cinnamon pops a squat behind Tori and slowly rises, hands running up Tori’s body until... MWAH! A steamy KISS with lots of TONGUE~!


Cinnamon then forcefully locks Tori’s arms behind her back in a double chicken-wing as Annagret attempts to repeat her dastardly act from the HallowReign Spectacular!

I’m all for getting blazed, just not like this!

The ref tries to be a hero and gets tossed aside. Meanwhile, Tori’s life flashes before her eyes...

Lights out.

I mean total darkness and not due to the company forgetting to pay the electric bill, although the pop that follows when the lights return could power the Toy Box for months. Because now mid-ring stands EUPHORIA, multicolored pigtails poking out from her BANDAGED HEAD and accompanied by a friend!


The bitch is back! And she brought with her a baseball bat!

Euphoria takes aim at Fire & Ice, but they duck away, smartly living to fight another day. Totally batshit cray-cray Euphoria uses her bat to pantomime opening fire on her tormentors. Smiling from ear to ear is Tori, thankful to be spared the roasted marshmallow treatment. She jacked and so is the crowd.

Winner: No contest.



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