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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

HallowReign Spectacular!!!!

Chanel #99

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We scan about The Toy Box where the mutants of TMW and RIW are going wild for the biggest event of the fall! Biggest event in all of entertainment.

Happy thanksgiving/halloween/fall/whatever the fuck.

Uh, great intro.


I was being sarcastic.

Lemmme try again. On a night where the superstars of TMW and Raw Is Whore collide we have a big collision first up with Larui facing Charli 9ine!

**Charli 9ine Vs Lauri W/Kathy Karen Kelly***
So The Skylites made things very difficult in Charli's OVARY title tournament final match against LeBrenda. And Lauri made things very hard with her sign waving and distractions. A lot of pundits blame Lauri for LeBrenda being able to repeatedly attack Charli with her basketball.

Lauri entered with Kathy Karen Kelly, both holding a HUGE sign that read TRASHLI with a picture of Charli sticking out a trash can.

Oh, I get it! Because Charli is a huge Oscar The Grouch fan.

Yeah, I don't think that's the meaning of the sign.


Even though Referee Val Venis called for the bell, Lauri and Kathy kept parading the sign to the crowd.


They better put that sign down before Charli gets mad.

Let's start a Trashli chant!


Grrrrrrr! That’s it!

The second Lauri and Kathy turned around they were Gore’ed  by Charli!


KKK had the good fortune to be gored almost out of the ring. That left a dazed Lauri to be thrown into the air by Chari and blasted with a cutter!

It's Cuffing Season but Lauri you aren't the one.

Chari stood on Lauri's ample chest while The Big Valbowski counted the one-two-three!

Winner: Charli, via pinfall

Charli just tore through these two Skylites!

Turned the Lites out! Heheheh, that was clever, Renee. You should praise me for my wit and mean dildo collection.

How do those two even relate?

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Backstage dressed in a Donald Trump costume is Terry Taylor. He is with Queen Esther in poofy white gown and Fabian Nystrom in black tights with Golden abstract design, and his brother Tristan dressed as always in black.

Your highness, you lead these two men into a tag title match against Pike Pantera and Jose Cantu Si. Do you feel any butterflies?

Why, my stomach is flutter free! I have received divination from the village oracle and she assured me of victory! Uncle squirrel is preparing a great celebratory feast with all our woodland friends!

We have watched, we have seen, and we have learned all about The Shell Gang. Now, Jose, Pike, you should have learned that vampires are scariest during Halloween. Carry the fear of the Nystrom brothers with you to the ring. Carry it with you always.

It's halloween!!! Pike, Juicy, the whole damn forest is ready for a victory party! Uncle squirrel, mother goose, father time, Alvin and the Chimpmunks, they're already to celebrate after we lift the tag team titles of you, Cousin Jackass, and Auntie Bitch!

The Nystroms are ready, ladies and gentlemen.

Suddenly the challengers were jumped from behind by the tag team champions!

Stop this at once!


The champs walloped the challengers with belts, a trash can lid, and a vacuum cleaner. They continued to beat them all the way out into the arena.

Are we having an impromptu tag title match?

You have to be prepared for anything with The Shell Gang.

The vampires gathered themselves up and started fighting back with gusto and fury. The champs were tossed into the ring where Referee Rikishi called for the match to start. Jose made the mistake of SPITTING on Fabian, his former leader. Which was met with disgust from The Divine.

That's the worst thing you can do to a man spit on him! Almost as bad as slapping him.

And then Jose slapped Tristan!


The vampire brothers ganged up on Jose, but were lariated by Pike. The big man then stepped back to come forward with a gore on Fabian.

Smoking Gun!

Tristan was shoved out the ring by Jose and left to watch his brother get pinned. But The Divine kicked out at two, angering Jose. Fabian had his beautiful face bloodied by repeated punches from Pike. When his wound healed due to his vampiric ability, Jose became even angrier. He got a steel chair and aimed it at Fabian's face only for the Dutch vampire to duck and Rikishi to get hit! With the ref down that brought out Shell Gang member ALEXANDER THE MAGNIFICENT! But he was intercepted by Tristan and the two began brawling!

I would not want to get into a fight with a thousand year old vampire!

Jose swung and clocked Fabian, drawing more blood. But Rikishi was out of it and couldn't count the pin. So Jose started warming up the band...and was directing it for Rikishi.

Is he nuts?!

When he threw the kick at a rising Rikshi, Fabian caught his boot and hit him with a pop up German Suplex!

Carpe That Fucking Diem!


Pike tried to tear through Fabian with another Smoking Gun but Fabian leapfrogged him causing Pike to bash into the ring post. Pike staggered backwards and was school boyed into a loss!

Winner: The Nystrom Brothers, via pinfall

Post-match the new champs celebrated with Queen Esther on the entrance stage with Fabian puffing a huge cigar.




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erry Taylor was on hand with Blanchefleur, who was dressed up as Megan Thee Stallion, the rapper.

Blanchefleur, I understand you and Lisa Ann have an announcement about the Galaxy Title match where Ignatius Maddix defends his title against BIg Papa Thrust and Lawson Belle.

That's right. Terry, there's a lot of outside parties in this match, The Freakazoids, The Shell Gang and Referee Nerdregard. That's too many and too much for our officials to handle. So we're banning all managers and valets. If they show up then they will be fined fifty thousand dollars. Enjoy the show

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*** Fatal WHORE Way, #1 Contenders Tag Match: Geisha Girls vs. Fire & Ice vs. The Big Boss Lady & Sunshine Yukino vs. Tori Malibu & Euphoria ***

4 teams. 1 opportunity. Elimination rules.

Still to come: Chicks Over Black Dicks vs. the Midnight Foxes for the Hotties Tag Team Championship! The winner of that contest to meet the winner of this one for the title on Raw is Whore!

COBD vs. Fire & Ice is gonna be lit!

Fire & Ice?! Wow, okay. I expected you to say Tori and Euphoria.

Euphoria’s batty! If only How2Girl hadn’t been seduced by the D!

Match began with Cinnamon beating the shit outta Yukino who quickly tagged out. Now Tori was the legal participant and seemed resigned to the fate that awaited her, saying a silent prayer before closing her eyes as Cinnamon charged forward.


No, not Dustin Diamond of Saved By The Bell fame. This screech was that of Cinnamon putting on the brakes as the Geishas intervened on Tori’s behalf.

Hallelujah! God is real! And actually two sexy Asian girls!

Not wanting to see the cute kitty skinned alive, the Geishas took Tori into their arms and stroked/kissed her like she was a pet.



But as they say — love hurts. Which Tori learned the hard way when the Geishas ganged up on her. A sinister smirk crossed Cinnamon’s face as Tori was pummeled on all fours. But now they were in her crosshairs and their shit was about to be smashed in when Yukino struck, leading to a mini Sunshine Brothel reunion as the three beatdown Cinnamon and Tori. Yukino then knocks Annagret off the apron while the Big Boss Lady (TBL for short) sips on champagne and Euphoria looks on bewildered.

Um, you may wanna help your partner there, Euphoria.

See. I told you she’s batty.

Yukino and the Geishas high-five. Only they hold onto Yukino.

You stiff us with pay!

Now we stiff you!


The Geishas release pent-up frustration on Yukino, and then feel the wrath of Fire & Ice. Meanwhile, Tori reaches out to Euphoria for the tag.

Wait. Do I manage you? 🤔 Owe you money? 🤔 Angry wife/girlfriend/sidechick? 🤔




Oh! Silly me! *smacks forehead*

Tori dives to the corner and gets tagged... by a roundhouse right!


Referee Scotty2Hotty shrugs his shoulders and accepts the “tag.” It’s then Euphoria — short numerous brain cells due to years of assorted drug abuse — realizes the situation and unloads on her fellow competitors.

Tag! You’re it!

Down go the Geishas.

Tag! You’re it!

Then Yukino.

Tag! You’re it!

Unfortunately Euphoria’s excitement gets the better of her and she tags a loopy Tori!

Tag! You’re it!

Tori gives a sarcastic fist pump and staggers back inside... right into a double backdrop from the Geishas!


Desperate to avoid a rough landing Tori reaches for anything she can, which just happens to be the Geishas themselves who are brought down with a pair of accidental neck breakers!


Tori uses the ropes to pull herself up, only for Yukino to roll her back to the ground for a pin attempt... but Tori rolls thru!



Realizing the danger Yukino’s in TBL does a spit-take. She moves quick to break the pin...


Tori’s momentum sends her into TBL who falls to the apron, spilling the glass of champagne onto her melons. Incensed she shatters THE CHAMPAGNE GLASS over Tori’s head in full view of the referee!


Eliminated: The Big Boss Lady & Sunshine Yukino

Eliminated by: DQ


Knocked out like a Spezia at a party, Tori is continuously stomped by TBL who shouts obscenities until Euphoria runs them off. With her attention elsewhere she’s easily caught off-guard by Fire & Ice. A 2 on 1 situation develops but the street tough Euphoria holds her own to a thunderous ovation.

Listen to this crowd rally behind Euphoria!

Even I gotta tickle my clit in respect!

Fire & Ice manage to flip the script and dump Euphoria over the top rope. They work over the Geishas who seem certain for elimination until Euphoria makes a blind tag and executes a FLYING CROSSBODY onto Annagret and Cinnamon!





Eliminated: Fire & Ice

Eliminated by: Tori Malibu & Euphoria


Cinnamon complains to referee S2H while Euphoria taunts her.


Distracted by Cinnamon (and who could blame him) S2H doesn’t see Annagret...


... scorch Euphoria with a FIREBALL!!!

Oh my gosh!


As Euphoria rolls around in agony she LAUGHS hysterically. The Geishas capitalize on the fiery turn of events, covering Euphoria for the easy 1-2-3.


Eliminated: Tori Malibu & Euphoria

Winners: Geisha Girls


Officials storm ringside to escort Fire & Ice away. The two pleased by their actions. Cinnamon practically orgasmic over Euphoria’s cries of pain and laughter. Medical personnel tend to the Jersey girl while others check on Tori who’s just now coming to.

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A red Tesla pulls up to the Toy Box entry way. Stepping out of it is...


There is lots of smog in the air. That's worth a study.

As Jessica walks forward she stops short when...


AMBER O'SHEA blocks her way.

Jessica, I need you to come with me.

And why is that?

Your brother needs you.

He does?

He's in trouble. Please come with me. He's nearby.

Amber leads a confused Jessica to a black Escalade, holding the door open for her to get into the back seat. Amber, stone faced, hops in the driver's sat to whisk Jessica away.



***Kiki Kix Vs Miss Kunt W/The Soccer Mom***

On her way to the ring Kiki got stopped by Annie, who wanted an interview.

Annie Idol on the scene! Inquiring minds want to know, Kiki, where have you been?

I’ve been in Thailand, learning from the masters of Muay Thai.

Can Muay Thai match up with Kunt Fu?

Kunt Fu?

Stacy’s special fighting style.

When I fuck her up that’ll answer her question.

As for Stacy she came out with TSM trying to give her a pep talk. But Stacy just kept rolling her eyes.

That remind me of when I coached Maya’s sixth grade travel soccer team. The girls didn’t think “kick them in vag” was good strategy.

Who would’ve thought.

Miss K fought the good fight early on, showing Kiki that Kunt-Fu is a match for any martial art. But Kiki upped her aggression and started wailing wildly at Stacy with elbows and high knees. This wore Stacy down to the point where Kiki grounded and pounded her. But Stacy wouldn't give up! And that quite annoyed Kiki, who started choking Stacy on the ropes.

Yo, get her off!

But Kiki wouldn't listen to Rikishi so TSM jumped on the ring apron.

You stop that right now!

Or what?

Or I will write a letter to Krista criticizing you.

How about I break your hand first?

TSM's hand was seized by Kiki and the MILF screamed in pain! But then Kiki was rolled up by Miss K, who held Kiki down for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Miss Kunt, via pinfall

Post-match Kiki assaulted Miss K! But being Jock's daughter, Miss Kunt had a fiery temper and started throwing hands right back!

Oh no!

Bitches be wiliding out here!

Finally some Studs got the women apart but two of them had to eat right crosses by Kiki.

That might be a fine.

That depends on if Krista is being a happy drunk or a mean drunk.

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***Hard On Hoes Championship: Lady XFL (c) W/Alysanne Vs Sammi Cayley***

This match has a ton of heat behind it.

Krista's been fretting all week that someone is going to do something very bad to someone else in this match. She actually regrets making the match.

It's that serious, gang.
Sammi ran right up to Lady XFL as she entered and waylaid her with right hands!

This shit is on tonight!

Lady XFL got tossed into the guardrail and for once looked to be in fear! But Alysanne jumped in and raked Sammi across the eyes.

You bitch!

Sammi had to deal with a recovered Lady X, who was looking for some paypack. She stashed Sammi between her legs and readied herself for the...


But when she pulled Sammi upright, the Wales born babe punched her way free. The two began brawling all the way to ringside.

Alix, the bell hasn't even rung yet.

Krista had to keep security in front of their dressing rooms to keep them from fighting each other before the match started.

The duo's brawl takes them by the announce desk where Sammi slammed Lady XFL's face into the Spanish announce desk three times. With Lady XFL stunned Sammi used that time to come off the ring apron with a crossbody...but the landed in the arms of Lady XFL!

Make her pay!

Lady XFL shoved poor Sammi against the ring posts then hurled her back to make her land her on the thin ring mats.

I'll tell ya what folks those mats don't protect you for much. And I think they got Hep C culture on them.


Lady XFL was ready to dump the metal steps on Sammi, when the New Yorker sprung up and dropkicked them in her face!


Lady XFL was pushed into the ring and followed by Sammi. This allowed Referee Titania to call for the bell.


So now none of that stuff with the ring steps will be legal.

Or maybe it will. The rules kind fluctuate in Raw Is Whore. Imagine baseball where in one team's game you can't steal pitching signs and then in another team's game you can.

Yeah, that's actually happening.

I didn't know that. Baseball is for Latino's anyway.

YOU'RE Latino!

Back in the ring Sammi came off the top with another crossbody and again  got caught by Lady XFL. This time the Orlando native shifted Sammi over her shoulder and was ready to run her into the ring posts. But Sammi slipped out the hold then came off the ropes for a Welsh Press!


The Lioness battered Lady XFL with elbows and punches as she pulled her up and then sent her to the ropes. Sammi sucked a lariat from the champ, but couldn't duck a big boot!

Through The Uprights For Three!

Lady XFL stomped about the ring, psyching herself up. Then, when Sammi rose she came in for another big boot. But this one was ducked and Lady XFL got hung up in the ropes. She quickly pulled herself out of it, only to get nailed with Cruel Intentions!


She hit it!

The cover...





Alysanne pulled Titania out of the ring!


Alysanne! Get out of here!

Alysanne didn't get out of there. Instead she shoved Titania to the ground!

You don't order me around little girl!
Sammi started to reach for Alysanne but got taken by the waist by a suddenly recovered Lady XFL! The champ sent Sammi flying across the ring with a german suplex!

No one tells me what to do! I'm the boss! I rule everything!


Lady XFL went up top in a rare move for her. But Sammi made a desperate move and clawed her leg out from under her. The Lioness then climbed to the top, but was hurriedly shoved back by the champ. Snorting like a warthog, Lady XFL leapt forward...and took a dropkick to the chin from Sammi!

Both women are down here at Hallowreign Spectacular!

Lady XFL was up first and tried for another big boot only to have Sammi catch her foot and leg sweep her! Lady XFL was quick to rise but that just led to her eating a springboard dropkick from her challenger!

I don't know if Lady XFL can match Sammi's speed.

And we don't even think of Sammi as fast, but she's showing something tonight, folks!

Lady XFL got up only to get leg tripped again and turned into a LIONTAMER!


Is there any quit in Lady XFL?

I know Xavier Franklin Long never tapped out but will his cousin?

Alysanne yanked Lady XFL forward to bring her charge to the ropes.

I told you to leave!

I don't care what you tell me, whore!

Alysanne has zero chill.

She used to be such a sweet girl too.

Sammi fired off Cruel Intentions yet again, but this time Lady XFL ducked! That was no problem as Sammi baseball slid forward and decked Alysanne!




Sammi hurried back into the ring and spear'ed Lady XFL to the ground. The Lioness then rolled backwards and tried to turn her foe into another Liontamer but got shoved off. A shoulder charge by Lady X missed and the champ tumbled into the corner. She staggered out, face slack in pain and promptly got hit by a springboard Cruel Intentions!


She got it this time!

Sammi made the pin, but a groggy Alysanne dove into the ring to distract Titania!

Alysannne, no more warnings. If you don't leave...

Titania was interrupted by Sammi tripping Alysanne and turning her into a Liontamer! Alysanne immediately tapped out!


Free of Alys, Sammi turns towards Lady XFL...who flourishes forward with another big boot. Only this one gets ducked and smacks a just risen Alysanne flush in the face!

Man, Alysane is having a rough night.

That's going make her even more of a joy to deal with going forward.
The Lioness then tripped up Lady XFL for another Liontamer. Yet this one couldn't be applied as Lady XFL used her powerful legs to flip her over! Sammi was stunned and couldn't defend against Lady XFL snatching her up and tossing her across the ring with a helicopter powerbomb!

Long Bomb! Long Bomb! Good gawd she through halfway to Mexico!

Lady XFL hooked the legs and earned a one, two, three.

Winner: Lady XFL, via pinfall

Post-match Lady XFL snatched the microphone from Lillian Garcia to say...

You know you can't bring that WEAK ASS SHIT to Lady XFL! Whoever's next you better come prepared because you're in for a long night! A long night!

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***Galaxy Championship: Ignatius Maddix (c) Vs Lawson Belle Vs Big Papa Thrust***
Just because all the valets/managers/friends were banned didn't mean fuckery was banned. Ignatius and Lawson teamed up and seemed to eliminate BPT by putting him through the French announce desk.

Smart move, eliminate the vampire.

But their alliance broke down and they brawled out to the crowd! In fact, they brawled out to the concession area where Ignatius tried to put Lawson through a popcorn machine. Lawson was saved by BPT of all dudes coming and clotheslining Ignatius. Then Lawson and BPT brawled into the WOMEN'S RESTROOM where BPT clocked Lawson with the tampon dispenser!

We've now seen it all in TMW!

Lawson and BPT brawled back inside the arena, and were soon joined by Ignatius. Spanish Sexy started swinging heavy lumber with a two by four and busted Lawson open. BPT was busted open too, but healed right away. Lawson got back into things, courageously and the three men engaged in a spirited brawl. Unfortnatley for The L train he got derailed by a G2S from the champ. But then the champ got flung about by BPT's belly to belly suplexes!

Nobody throws those suplexes better than BPT.

Lawson might argue that.

Iggy wasn't as beat as BPT thought and nearly took the vampire's head off with a big boot. But when he tried it again, he hit referee Clem Buzzlefoxer V. BPT took out Iggy with another belly to belly then slapped him in the Lay-Z-Boy! Right away Ignatius tapped!

That's a moral victory, but moral victories don't when you titles.

Suddenly Blanchefleur came running to the ring with a referee shirt on. But she wasn't there to call for the bell, instead she SLAPPED BIG PAPA THRUST!


What's going on?!

Big Papa Thrust was jumped from behind by WESLEY SINGLETON and LOGAN MANN. The later of whom hit the dreaded Percussion DDT on BPT. The vampire was then taken by a recovered Ignatius and drilled with a G2S. Blanchefleur made a quick count and the dirty deed was down!

Winner: Ignatius Maddix, via pinfall

LISA ANN stormed down to the ring and GOT IN BLANCHEFLEUR'S FACE! Only to be SLAPPED by her assistant. Worse yet, Logan Mann hammered Lisa Ann with a Percussion DDT!

Oh my god! That bastard!

The Shell Gang can not be stopped, Renee! These men are out of control!

And now it's Blanchefleur who's out of control!

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The Esclade we saw Amber driving pulls up to a Warehouse about 25 minutes away from the Toy Box. It's a suspicious looking building that has no other cars in the parking lot and is unmarked without any signage.

Amber holds open the door for Jessica who still has confusion on her face with a bit lip.

May I ask what's wrong with Jesse?

You'll see.

Amber, stone faced as always, leads Jessica forward. There's a security entrance to the door that Amber presses in a code to get through.

When the girls enter, Jessica stares open mouthed at what she sees. There's a factory for Cassidy Bots in full swing, putting together the androids on conveyer belts and assembly lines.


But front and center is her brother, JESSE FERGUSON clad in Bermuda shorts and Hawian print polo shirt.

My dear sister! What a pleasure it is to see you!

What is this, Jesse? Amber said you were in trouble. But clearly that's not the case. I'm actually getting pissed you dragged me all the way out here.

I heard you're doing research.

I do a lot of research, Jesse, you should know that.

But I heard you're researching how to be a filthy whore. Wouldn't it be great, Jessica, sweet sister, if I were to assist you?

Jesse, I am pissed. And I should kick your butt. What do you want?

Jesse looks past Jessica to Amber. He gives a slight nod and that's all Amber needs to push Jessica to her knees.

Ouch! What's going on?

Jesse just smiles as she steps forward to come within inches of his sister's face.

I've been doing research of my own, and a good filthy whore will suck any dick! Even her own brother's.

Jesse, you can't mean...

Jesse drops his Bermuda shorts, and to Jessica they drop with the weight of a boulder. Her brother stands with a seven inch erection hard as a boulder and bulging with might.

It's beautiful isn't it?

No, Jesse, it isn't.

Just give it a little taste.

Jessica has no will to do this. But Amber pushes her head forward; she pushes it with enough strength that Jessica's lipstick smears Jesse's penis. The brainy brunette gets a whif of Jesse's scent and nearly gags.


That's not what I like to hear. I want to hear how great my penis is!

What would mom and dad think?

Who cares? I am a creator of life! Don't you see what's around you? A new life form! I am god! And god wants his dick sucked!

Jesse's prick is, quite simply, magnificent, hugely swollen and pointing toward Jessica's face.

With Amber behind her, arms folded and impassive, Jessica has no choice but to inch forward and take a bit of her brother in her mouth. Again she almost feels like gagging. Just the taste of her own sibling, who used to babysit her uncomfortable. It's horrific and she shudders as his rock hard meat meets her tongue. The veins scrape across her taste buds. And this is only two inches of cock lodged in her mouth!

Are you happy now?

Not yet! A god demands a better blow job!

You're not a god, Jesse!

I make life! I am a god! Now suck me!

Jessica's face grows hot, hot with anger. But she has no choice but to lean forward and engulf even more of her brother in her mouth. Her tounge traces the lines of his penis. She feels the ridges of the veins, the heat of his seven inch dick, and smells the musk of his groin.

Jessica is a talented cocksucker, having learned much in her filthy whore researched. The brainy babe is just reduced to a penis recipticale  as she scrapes her teeth across her own brother's penis. Graduating from college early? Getting a master's degree early? In a PhD program? It's all meaningless as right now she's nothing but a brother sucking whore!

The world is mine!

Jessica has a face built for fucking! Her angelic nubile face is perfect for taking loads of thick creamy brother ball juice. The unfortunate whore is in a bad spot and just wants to get this incesteous nightmare over. So she is like a machine, her mouth pumping as fast as the conveyer belts around Jesse's dick. A race car sweeping around the track, his climax approaches. Acceleration. Frenzy. But he holds back. Not yet. No Jessica does not deserve his cum yet. But Jessica feel the salty taste of precum invading her lips and immediately pulls back.


Ew? Keep sucking. It's for science after all.

Jesse takes advantage of his sister's gaping mouth. As she gasps for breath, struggling to comprehend and control this terrible situation, his rigid penis slips between her lips. Silk over granite. Hot blood pulsing. A tremor takes her thrusts simultaneously, deep in her throat. The filthy whore is skewered by her own brother's schlong.

Science is wonderful!

Jessica tastes salt, catch the slightly musty scent of his balls. She is astonished by his hunger for his own sister. She shudders again. What would their parents think? Yet she has no choice in the matter. She is a filthy whore, a filthy brother fucking whore who isn't worth shit anymore. She's just a place for a man to dump his cum. All those degrees mean nothing because she is subservient to dick.

Jesse is close to climax, Jessica feels fluid rising through him. This is awful for Jessica. Worse than tasting Undie Brown's underwear. Horrible! Horrific! How can she ever swallow the jizz of her own brother? What kind of person could she be? She'd be a worthless cum swallowing whore. And that's exactly what she is with cum flowing down her throat! Her own brother's cum falls into her belly. She feels like it will be there forever, embedded into her.

Ahhhhh fantastic! I think I'll keep you around, Jessica. BWHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAA!

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The Esclade we saw Amber driving pulls up to a Warehouse about 25 minutes away from the Toy Box. It's a suspicious looking building that has no other cars in the parking lot and is unmarked without any signage.

Amber holds open the door for Jessica who still has confusion on her face with a bit lip.

May I ask what's wrong with Jesse?

You'll see.

Amber, stone faced as always, leads Jessica forward. There's a security entrance to the door that Amber presses in a code to get through.

When the girls enter, Jessica stares open mouthed at what she sees. There's a factory for Cassidy Bots in full swing, putting together the androids on conveyer belts and assembly lines.


But front and center is her brother, JESSE FERGUSON clad in Bermuda shorts and Hawian print polo shirt.

My dear sister! What a pleasure it is to see you!

What is this, Jesse? Amber said you were in trouble. But clearly that's not the case. I'm actually getting pissed you dragged me all the way out here.

I heard you're doing research.

I do a lot of research, Jesse, you should know that.

But I heard you're researching how to be a filthy whore. Wouldn't it be great, Jessica, sweet sister, if I were to assist you?

Jesse, I am pissed. And I should kick your butt. What do you want?

Jesse looks past Jessica to Amber. He gives a slight nod and that's all Amber needs to push Jessica to her knees.

Ouch! What's going on?

Jesse just smiles as she steps forward to come within inches of his sister's face.

I've been doing research of my own, and a good filthy whore will suck any dick! Even her own brother's.

Jesse, you can't mean...

Jesse drops his Bermuda shorts, and to Jessica they drop with the weight of a boulder. Her brother stands with a seven inch erection hard as a boulder and bulging with might.

It's beautiful isn't it?

No, Jesse, it isn't.

Just give it a little taste.

Jessica has no will to do this. But Amber pushes her head forward; she pushes it with enough strength that Jessica's lipstick smears Jesse's penis. The brainy brunette gets a whif of Jesse's scent and nearly gags.


That's not what I like to hear. I want to hear how great my penis is!

What would mom and dad think?

Who cares? I am a creator of life! Don't you see what's around you? A new life form! I am god! And god wants his dick sucked!

Jesse's prick is, quite simply, magnificent, hugely swollen and pointing toward Jessica's face.

With Amber behind her, arms folded and impassive, Jessica has no choice but to inch forward and take a bit of her brother in her mouth. Again she almost feels like gagging. Just the taste of her own sibling, who used to babysit her uncomfortable. It's horrific and she shudders as his rock hard meat meets her tongue. The veins scrape across her taste buds. And this is only two inches of cock lodged in her mouth!

Are you happy now?

Not yet! A god demands a better blow job!

You're not a god, Jesse!

I make life! I am a god! Now suck me!

Jessica's face grows hot, hot with anger. But she has no choice but to lean forward and engulf even more of her brother in her mouth. Her tounge traces the lines of his penis. She feels the ridges of the veins, the heat of his seven inch dick, and smells the musk of his groin.

Jessica is a talented cocksucker, having learned much in her filthy whore researched. The brainy babe is just reduced to a penis recipticale  as she scrapes her teeth across her own brother's penis. Graduating from college early? Getting a master's degree early? In a PhD program? It's all meaningless as right now she's nothing but a brother sucking whore!

The world is mine!

Jessica has a face built for fucking! Her angelic nubile face is perfect for taking loads of thick creamy brother ball juice. The unfortunate whore is in a bad spot and just wants to get this incesteous nightmare over. So she is like a machine, her mouth pumping as fast as the conveyer belts around Jesse's dick. A race car sweeping around the track, his climax approaches. Acceleration. Frenzy. But he holds back. Not yet. No Jessica does not deserve his cum yet. But Jessica feel the salty taste of precum invading her lips and immediately pulls back.


Ew? Keep sucking. It's for science after all.

Jesse takes advantage of his sister's gaping mouth. As she gasps for breath, struggling to comprehend and control this terrible situation, his rigid penis slips between her lips. Silk over granite. Hot blood pulsing. A tremor takes her thrusts simultaneously, deep in her throat. The filthy whore is skewered by her own brother's schlong.

Science is wonderful!

Jessica tastes salt, catch the slightly musty scent of his balls. She is astonished by his hunger for his own sister. She shudders again. What would their parents think? Yet she has no choice in the matter. She is a filthy whore, a filthy brother fucking whore who isn't worth shit anymore. She's just a place for a man to dump his cum. All those degrees mean nothing because she is subservient to dick.

Jesse is close to climax, Jessica feels fluid rising through him. This is awful for Jessica. Worse than tasting Undie Brown's underwear. Horrible! Horrific! How can she ever swallow the jizz of her own brother? What kind of person could she be? She'd be a worthless cum swallowing whore. And that's exactly what she is with cum flowing down her throat! Her own brother's cum falls into her belly. She feels like it will be there forever, embedded into her.

Ahhhhh fantastic! I think I'll keep you around, Jessica. BWHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAA!

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***Three Stages of Heaven for the Raw Is Whore Tag Team Titles: The Midnight Foxes (c) Vs Chicks Over Black Dicks***

This is a first for Raw Is Whore and a first for the OAOAST as a whole in a long while. The Midnight Foxes have no one to blame but themselves for this match. They couldn't fight fairly and were up to crazy tricks that would make even LeBrenda scowl to defend the title against Chicks Over Black Dicks. Now the winner of this match will defend their belts against The Geisha Girls who won our fatal WHOREway match earlier tonight

***First Fall: Regular Rules Match***

Cornette dared Isabella to start, thinking the poorer wrestler would be an easy target. But Izzy proved tough as she sprung off the second rope and hammered the champs with a double lariat!

Welcome to the gun show!

Ruby would have to deal with Isabella, who proved too flexible to properly hold down. When Ruby had Izzy in a sleeper hold, Isabella did a sexy little shimmy out of it, then avoided Ruby's charge with a cartwheel!

Jazz hands, Izzy!


But Isabella was taken from behind and hit with a Zig Zag by Ruby!

Draconic Hex!

(to Alix)
:phil:Great strategy, genius!

Isabella was singled out by the champs and endured a set of double rolling vertical suplexes. Pained, Isabella crawled towards her corner, but Caeldori ran across the ring to shove Eponine off the apron!

That cad!

Isabella had no one to tag and thus got lit up by some machine gun chops by Caledori!

Caeldori is Rockin It, Alix!

Against my baby sister! I'm about to go ISIS on this bitch!

Eponine tried to get back in the ring, but was held off by referee Scotty 2 Hotty. That lead Ruby to enter the ring for mischief and mayhem. She and Caeldori combined to hammer Isabella with a pair of high knees!

We make this look good!

Don't they, though?

Ruby slowed the pace of the match down by working over Isabella's neck. But when she had her in a cravate, Isabella used the support of the crowd, her partner, and her sister to fight out. Angered, Ruby took a wild swing that missed, also wild! Now on the backfoot, Ruby got clobbered by Isabella's spinning leg lariat!


With the fans going nuts, Isabella dove and made the tag to Eponine!


Dan Black's little girl cleared house, leaving The Foxes running. But Eponine caught up with Ruby and threw her about the ring with rolling German Suplexes! When Caeldori charged in to save her friend, Eponine threw her over with a release Northern lights suplex!

Eponine is so smooth!

Cornette got onto the ring apron, but was hurriedly chased off by a recovered Isabella. With Cornette gone, Isabelle and Eponine combined to knock Caeldori loopy with a double enziguri!

Teamwork makes the dream twerk!

Lemme guess, you taught her that phrase.

Actually it was our grandmother.


The twerking Isabella got tossed out the ring by Ruby. The redhead then showed she wasn't playing around as she started to lift Eponine for a back suplex. But the beautiful blond flipped out the hold, then brought down Ruby with the Heart of Ice!


But suddenly Cornette led a cute Stud onto the apron...

A boy! A cute boy! What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

Eponine started marching about the ring panicking, until she carried herself into a small package from Ruby! A small package that sealed the first fall victory for The Midnight Foxes!

Winners: The Midnight Foxes, via pinfall
Midnight Foxes-1
Chicks Over Black Dicks-0

Oh no! Eponine's weakness for cute guys is worse than Queen Esther's weakness for cute horses!

Just so everyone is clear their weaknesses ARE not the same. But anyway there's no rest period and we're hopping right into the submission fall.

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***Second Fall: Submission Match***

The first fall sets the stage for the second fall, but my girls excel in submission! Eponine has the Heart of Ice and I beat Izzy with the riding crop all the time and she never begs me to stop!


Eponine popped right up and muscled Ruby into the corner. There the two English babes tangled and tossed until they got Rikishi mixed up in things. He finally got Ruby to let go of Eponine, but after looking at Eponine's ass...


Cripes! Why the bloody hell did you do that?

RIKISHI I did it for the people.
Eponine's too young to get that reference, and anyway she had more problems as Ruby dragged her down with an armbar. The Scarlet Witch then tried to force Eponine into a Heart of Ice to add humiliation to injury. But the Windsor born babe rolled through her fellow English woman's hold and stunned her with a swinging neckbreaker!

Eponine is so smooth in the ring. And so hopeless when it comes to boys.

Dazed, Ruby stood up and endured a snap DDT by Eponine. The second generation star then sped off the ropes and powered Ruby to the mat with a sling blade.

It seems like Eponine is targeting the neck of Ruby.

Cornette was back on the apron yet again, which Eponine deicded wasn't worth her trouble. But Rikishi had to do something, forcing him into an argument with Cornette.

Rikishi Fatu I've known you since the early 90's! How can you ever think I'm on the ring apron to do anything but support my girls?

How can he not?!

Of course Caeldori entered the ring and blindsided Eponine. Together she and Ruby put Eponine onto the ground by each single arm ddt'ing an arm!

I'm fixing to get real angry, Renee.

Caeldori went to the second rope, which was rare for her, and tried to drop a knee on Eponine's left arm. But the talented young lass rolled out the way. But when Eponine got up, Caledori cursed her with an arm stunner. MIss Perfect then bounced off the ropes, only to get wiped out by a lariat by Eponine's good arm!

Caeldori wasn't expecting that.

The tag was made to Isabella, who ventured up top. She then showed her athleticism by coming off the top and taking down Caeldori with a crossbody...into a pinfall????

Yo, this is a submission match!

Oh, awesome! I'd like to submit my poem I wrote when I was spying on The Doll in the shower.

Caeldori pushed Isabella off her, then threw a hurried elbow at the Latina. An elbow that was blocked then met with a boot to the gut. But the boot did nothing but make Caeldori smile.


Do you see this stomach?

You can't hurt these perfect abs! So don't even try!

Thanks for the hot tip!

So Isabella didn't kick Caeldori, she instead pulled her jacket over her head and began punching her like in a hockey fight!

I think you took her too to many LA Kings games, Alix.

I think it was Disney Stars on Ice that did it. Princess Jasmine really lights a fire in her!

Caeldori eventually escaped from the refaced Isabella. Miss Perfect looked anything but as she hurried to tab in Ruby. Scarlet Witch came in in no way playing fair...

Mwhahaha who wants to play?

I’ve watched Witches of Waverly Place! I’m not afraid of you.

Mwhahahaah Vaella Glan!

A huge gust of wind sent Isabella crashing into Eponine! The poor Brit went flying off the ring apron as her dizzy partner staggered about.

Vaella Glan!

Isabella was hit with another gust of wind that propelled her back first into the turnbuckle posts! After hitting she slumped down and cringed in agony.

Rikishi, stop this!

Fatu, make a difference!

Ruby stretched out Izzy's back, but couldn't get a submission. Angered, she tagged in Caeldori to deal some punishment with her. The two combined for a double backbreaker that Caeldori turned into a basic version of the surfboard.

It's basic but it's deadly!


Isabellea found the might to power out of the hold thanks to the sold out crowd. She started trading blows with Caeldori! And she was getting the upperhand until Cornette hooked onto her leg. That allowed Miss Perfect to hit a Perfect Plex and crunch her back into the mat!


The tag was made to Ruby, much to the fans' disgust. Miss Perfect held Isabellla in place, and Ruby came off the second rope with a fist drop onto Izzy's back.

We're gonna break your back if you don't tap!

You should break the back of the person who did your hair, bitch!

The Foxes made another quick tag now making Caeldori legal again. Miss Perfect played to the jeering crowd by shaking her fanny (which got less jeers) then came off the ropes with a lariat. But Izzy sidesteped the hold and Miss Perfect ended up lashing Ruby across the face! As soon as Caeldori turned around, Isabella hit her with a bump from her glorious Latina rump!

After much straining, Isabella was able to make the tag to a recovered Eponine!

"E-B! E-B! E-B!"

Eponine got to Ruby who was trying to cast a spell and took her for a ride with a float over DDT! Though dazed, Ruby got back up only to get dropkicked over the ropes! She landed on her feet, which was impressive to say the least. But Eponine stayed on her and blasted her with a suicide dive!

Eponine might be the most talented wrestler in the promotion!

Dan Black's daughter slid back into the ring to avoid a lariat from Caeldori then smoked her with a German Suplex! Then another! And another!

Jesus lord, my blood pressure!

Ruby tried to crawl back into the ring, but got a baseball slide by Isabella. Then to make sure Ruby kept to herself Isabella hairwhipped her into the steel steps!

My kid sister is hardcore to the core!

Eponine had Caeldori in a waistlock for another German but the Miami native broke the hold with frantic elbows. Hurriedly, she forced Eponine into a standing head scissors to seek out a pile driver. But Isabella surprised her with a reverse x-factor!


Eponine rolled through Caeldori's body, twisted her around and locked her into a Heart of Ice! There was nothing Caeldori could do but tap out!

Winners: Chicks Over Black Dicks, via submission
Midnight Foxes-1
Chicks Over Black Dicks-1

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***Third Fall, Bra and Panties Match***

The crowd went nuts at the sight of the Bra and Panties logo on the tron.

Bra and Panties! We're about to get more excited than Krista at happy hour! And my girls are taking home the gold! Yahoooooo!

Cornette was giving some pre-third fall strategy to his ladies.

Ok, what advice can Jim Cornette possibly give on a Bra and Panties match? I mean seriously.

Ruby strutted into the ring, looking smug with a slight smirk.

She must have a spell to remove clothes.

Valla Glan!

Another gust of wind bowled over both Eponine and Isabella! The Foxes were upon the beloved faces, diving on top of them with Ruby on top of Eponine! Eponine and Isabella both grabbed the Foxes wrists and tried to stop them from prying their outfits off.


What's wrong?

Eponine and Isabella both wear those singlets.

But so do The Foxes, Alix! Ans Caeldori already detached her outfit for a sports bra so she's halfway undone.

I'm still nervous.

Ruby pinched Eponine's nipples making Dan Black's daughter screamed out in agony. Cornette liked what he saw and encouraged Ruby to pinch harder. So that's what Ruby did, twisting the nipples with sadistic glee.



Isabella bucked Caeldori off her with Caledori hitting the mat hard. Still Caeldori got up and tried to grab Izzy's nipples!

No way! Those belong to Alix!


Damn right!

Isabella hooked Caeldori in a front facelock and tried to use that to reach out and take down her pants. But Caeldori powered out the hold, and hammered Izzy with an elbow. Isabella was staggered but at least had the wherewithal to knee Caeldori as she tried to get to the goods.

"C-O-B-D! C-O-B-D! C-O-B-D!"

Meanwhile Eponine twisted herself out of Ruby's grips and tangled Ruby into STF!

Well I never thought I'd see an STF in a bra and panties match.

Caeldori was trying to put the top of her jacket back on to cover her bra on Cornette's orders.

I see why Cornette and LeBrenda don't like each other, they're both mirror images of one another.

Isabella stopped such an attack with a dropkick that knocked Caeldori all the way into the corner! Caeldori sagged to the mat, face slack in pain.



This one's for you.

Isabella slapped that fine Latina ass which worked the crowd into a frenzy. Cornette, of course was on the apron, ranting and raving, but could do nothing but watch with eyes wide in horror as that fine Latina ass was ground into Caeldori's face...


Izzy skipped about the ring until she got tackled by Ruby! Ruby went for the straps but is yanked off by Eponine. Eponine laid in a few shots and then sent Ruby into the ropes. The blond Brit lowered her head which was a bad idea as Ruby came on to start tearing at her outfit!

Oh no!

Isabella made an effort to help her harrassed partner, but got dropped by a lariat from a pissed off Caeldori! Seething with rage, Caeldori joined in with Ruby on her quest to disrobe Eponine. The poor blond Brit struggled with all her might, kicking and screaming and clawing and punching. When Ruby went for the nipples again, Eponine's fight slowed as she shouted in misery!

I'm getting pissed!

Stay here Alix!

Finally the girls tore apart Eponine's pink singlet, leaving her a weeping wreck! But more pain was to come as Caeldori  stashed Eponine into the setup for a powerbomb!

Mwhahahah make it extra painful!

So Caeldori gave her a wedgie!

attack power bomb wedgie.gif



The last laugh, or the next laugh, went to Isabella who sneaked up behind Ruby and tore off her singlet in just three swipes!

Gah! Someone get that idiot!

Ruby turned to take a swing, but got ducked, and found that Isabella casually ripped her bra off!


Ruby did appreciate the cheers...

ruby9bra torn33.jpg

Caeldori didn't appreciate anything and tackled Isabella to the ground! She started banging her head against the mat in violent fashion! But Isabella was tough and bucked Caeldori off!

Caeldori doesn't weigh much so she has a hard time keeping people down.

Eponine came in and started ringing off chops to Caeldori's chest. Caledori tried to fight back with chops of her own, but Eponine backed her into the corner.

Let's give the crowd a better taste!

Yum, yum!

Caledori kicked at the tag challengers, which made getting her bottoms off quite difficult. So resourceful Eponine slid through the ropes to the outside. There she yanked out Caeldori's legs and dropped her to the mat! This should have given her an easy chance to pants Miss Perfect but Ruby leaned over the ropes, and...

Valla Glan!

And used a gust of wind to shove Eponine against the guardrail!


God, I hate gaga, but I love it when Ruby does it!

What a shameless hypocrite.

Now Ruby muscled Isabella to the center of the ring and peppered her with forearm shots. Isabella fought back with a boot to the gut, and hit the ropes. But when she came back...


And Ruby shit a BOLT OF FIRE that Isabella has to baseball slide under!

Oh my! We already saw one fire attack tonight and we almost saw another!

My god! As god as my witness they could have killed my baby sister! Damn the Midnight Foxes and damn Jim Cornette!

Isabella popped up, sweating bullets already from nearly having her face burnt off. As she stood she suddenly felt a tug on her outfit, then another, and another until finally CAELDORI had her outfit off to reveal...


Oh no! No! Oh man!

I'm sorry, Alix,

Cornette was jumping around way to spryly for a man his age.

I told you! I told all you idiots in the stupid TMW "galaxy" what would happen! I told you!

Match ain't over.


You supposed to strip them down to their bra and panties. Isabella's naked.


Eponine, ever resourceful, sneaked back into the ring and with great strength, muscled Caeldori's outfit in one go....



Now big Kish called for the bell!

Winners: Chicks Over Black Dicks....NEW CHAMPIONS!

Alix was certainly happy...

bobby smurda23.gif

And the girls hugged each other and spun about in circles! Their dream was finally realized!

COBD! For god sakes COBD!

What a whirlwind! That might have been the match of the year!

But it wasn't over, Cornette was right in Rikishi's face!

Fatu, you are a piece of shit! And I always knew that! And I should pull your eyes out for the embarrassing horseshit you've done to my business! First the Stinkface now this. And I hate your fucking children, you piece of shit!

And that went as well as expected because Rikishi sent Cornette flying all the way to the corner with a superkick!


I think you know what to do, big man!

Yes, Rikishi certainly knew what to do to a knocked out Cornette...


"YYYYYEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" the fans popped, many snapping videos and photos of Cornette's embarassment.

Hhehehhahahaa! That's gonna be on the internet forever!

Why did he go on that rant? That wasn't Titania he was yelling at.

Rikishi was about to leave and let COBD have their moment when Eponine presented DA GLASSES! The champs entrance music, Mia Khalifa, came on and the three started dancing 2 Cool style!

Aww yeah!

But it wouldn't be 2 Cool without Referee Scotty 2 Hotty who ran down to join in!

RIP Grandmaster!

Scotty and Isabella challenged each other to a "worm off" with the result being Isabella winning!

The student has surpassed the teacher.

The crowd was having a fantastic time, even dancing themselves. Not dancing were The Midnight Foxes who were having to help Cornette backstage. And that's a lot of man to have to haul for these thin ladies!



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